#i might have some thing where he like straight up dies but his mind hides in the holodeck before gettimg found out by Klaus but idk maybe hm
psychedelic-ink · 8 months
ㅤㅤjoel miller x f!reader
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genre: enemies to lovers, romance, fake dating, minors dni
word count: 5.2k
chapter summary: unlike what you thought, the rumor hasn't been dying out and with a new game plan in mind, you go to seek out Joel.
warnings: age gap, fake dating, mostly fluff, drinking, small town gossip, people talking about the age difference, another heated kiss
**dividers by @saradika
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You’re a fucking idiot. 
A moron. 
A fool. 
Fucking small towns. Of course, rumors would spread. Of course, everyone would start talking about seasoned survivor Joel Miller and his new young lover. You shudder at the thought, unable to identify if it’s a bad shudder or the kind that makes your stomach flutter. You hate the idea of Joel being right. He’d said people would talk. And newsflash, unlike what you had thought, the gossip hasn’t died out. 
There are two fundamental reasons why neither you nor Joel can just shrug it off, saying it’s not true. The first reason is that both Steven and Marc saw you being shoved up against a wall, passionately locking lips with Joel. The second reason is the fact that no one would think the twins were lying.
Again, this wouldn’t be an issue if you didn’t have a past to hide. People would start digging if you told them the rumors were only that. Rumors. They would start asking questions like where the two knew each other from. And you knew for a fact that Joel doesn’t want people digging either. People knew what kind of man he was, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they will turn a blind eye to him killing the last hope of human survival. 
Snow crunches under your boots, your body sweating despite the cold. Tommy’s place finally comes into view. You pray he hadn’t heard any of the rumors, as impossible as that might be. 
Some part of you believes that if a time ever comes when everyone finds out what Joel had done, you'll stick up for him. You’re the only person who knows the way of the firefly. How easy it was for them to kill when they thought they were the heroes. In the end, he spared you, it was hard to hate a person who allowed you to live. No matter how much he regrets it now. 
On the porch, you stare at the door. It’s weathered for the most part, some parts fixed and polished but not the whole thing. 
You knock loudly two times, it doesn’t take long for Tommy to open the door, his lips curling instantly when he lays his eyes on you. 
“Well well well, look who it is,” he says too cheerfully, you’re already rolling your eyes. “The good old sister-in-law! Can you tell me why I had to hear about you and my brother tying the knot from Wellington?” 
Jesus fucking Christ, Wellington knows? No wonder this bullshit isn’t dying out. 
“We’re not married Tommy.” 
“Just tell me where he is, matchmaker.” 
He raises an eyebrow, his smile melting, “You don’t know?” 
It takes you everything for you not to take deep heavy breaths. He’s making this exceptionally hard. You had a plan. And that plan meant you and Joel wouldn’t be an item in the near future. For said plan to work, however, no one needs to know it was fake to begin with. 
“I don’t have his schedule, Tommy, and I wanted to surprise him with,” You press your molars together and lift your bag, forcing a smile. “Baked goods.”  
Tommy is full of glee again, “Awwww how fuckin’ sweet. Didn’t know you had it in ya Pecan.” Before you can answer, he points to the bag. “I’ll give you the information for one cinnamon roll.” 
You give him a deadpan look, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You’d only gotten two and you were looking forward to it. Instinctively you pull the bag back, hiding it behind you. “No.”  
“Come on, pay up, or else I ain’t tellin’ you.” 
“Fuck, fine. You’re a mean one.” 
“If you say Mr Grinch I’m taking two.” 
He grins widely, perfect straight teeth coming into view. As he leans forward to snatch the bag away, you get a whiff of his scent and witness how perfectly his dark locks fall forward. Fuck, what kind of super genes did the Millers possess? How are they both so effortlessly attractive? It’s sometimes easy to forget that Tommy can be classified as good-looking since the two of you tend to give each other hell most of the time. But during those short moments where you get a good look at him? It’s devastating. 
Tommy holds out the bag and stuffs the cinnamon roll into his mouth, his jaw moving. 
“You really not gonna share it with Maria? It’s a miracle your spine isn’t broken from sleeping on the couch.”
He takes the roll out of his mouth and takes a proper bite, “I’m a fuckin’ delight to be around and she’s not home.” You take the bag and as you do, stick out your tongue. “Brat. Your loverboy is at the tree farm cuttin’ up trees. Tell him I say hi and he should find me later.” 
“I’m not his secretary.” 
“It’s almost like you want me to take all your treats.” 
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The smell of pine fills your lungs and you’re grateful. You adore the smell. The freshness and sweetness of it mixing with the crispness of snow. You’re honestly amazed at how organized the tree farm is. Tall, lush pine trees in perfect order as you walk between them. Lights have been strung up temporarily, the wires that tie them together so thin that it almost looks like they’re hanging from the sky. They must look beautiful during the night. 
It takes you a while to find Joel. He’s in the back and you approach him silently. That wasn’t your initial intention, being snuck up on is never fun. But the way he’s chopping wood makes your insides feel all runny and warm. You didn’t know he additionally chopped firewood as well. He lifts the axe and throws it down, sweat beading on his forehead. The sleeves of his flannel are rolled up, exposing the sinewy muscle of his forearms to your gaze. He cuts down another log, it becomes two in one swift motion. Your mouth dries and tongue rushes out to wet your lips. Your mind cruelly reminds you of the night you kissed him, how good it had felt to have him pressed against you, claiming you—
“Why don’t you bring a damn camera next time, it’ll add to the whole stalker pervert thing you have goin’ on right now.” 
Okay. He’s joking. Joking is good, right? Joking means that he doesn’t think about covering your face with a pillow while you sleep. Your body tenses, the soft hairs scattered across your body rising with attention. 
“Sorry,” you blurt out, the two of you standing only inches apart. “I didn’t mean to sneak up on you but we need to talk.” 
“I was wonderin’ when you’d come by. Sucks to be wrong doesn’t it?” 
“How was I supposed to know people had nothing else better to do than talk about our non-existent relationship.” 
Joel suddenly throws the axe down, impaling the sharp end into the wood, you jump, adrenaline humming in your ears. He ignores your very fair reaction and peels off his gloves, turning towards the bench, “Gee, only if someone had told you that people would talk.” 
“Yeah, okay I deserve that.” 
He sighs, “What do you want?” 
“Like I’ve been saying since the day I realized who you are: to talk.” 
“Fine. I was about to take a damn break anyway. Come on, now.” 
You both sit on the ice-cold bench, he leans over and picks up a thermos. You’re surprised when he also pulls out two mugs, placing them on top of a clearly handmade bite-sized picnic table. Without a word, you quickly place your offerings as well, at least the ones Tommy had let you get away with, two cheese-stuffed bagels and one cinnamon roll. You frown when you look at it. You really wanted that roll. 
“What’s this?” Joel asks, filling the mugs. 
“I thought you’d be in better spirits with a full stomach.” 
You almost earn a hint of laughter but the sound is quickly swallowed down. The traces of his smile still linger on the corner of his lips, “Well, at least you’re not dumb enough to come empty-handed.” 
Ignoring him, you place your cold palms around the mug and take a sip. The fresh taste of lavender and honey coats your tongue. Your favorite. “Huh, weird,” you mutter. 
“What? Does it taste funny?” 
“No no. It’s just. . . Lavender tea is my favorite.” 
“Go figure,” he takes a sip and scowls. “I’d rather have coffee.” 
“Yeah, I didn’t think you were a tea-loving man.” He grunts and picks up one of the bagels, taking a bite. “About the whole dating situation, I have a plan.” 
He doesn’t acknowledge what you’ve said so you continue, “The plan is we fake it for a while, act like a couple, make everyone gush over us, then we break up, saying we wanted different things. That way no one digs into our pasts.” 
“This is the weirdest way anyone has ever asked me out.” 
You snort, “I’m not asking you out. The key word here is fake. Because if we just say we weren’t dating at all, people are going to wonder why you had me up against a wall. And unless you want to tell people you were threatening me. . .” you give him a look but he’s staring at the horizon, chewing thoughtfully on his bagel. You think he’s scowling but you’re not sure. “I think this is the best way.” 
He swallows the last bite and glares at his mug before taking another sip of his tea, he wrinkles his nose. “How would we have to be around each other? I haven’t exactly been datin’ around that much.” 
“I was six when the outbreak happened. I’m pretty sure your guess is better than mine.” 
That finally catches his attention, his eyes widen, the furrow between his brows deep, “Six?” he repeats. 
You’re used to people being surprised. Most like you haven’t survived. And your references to the past always made you seem older than you were, you preferred it that way. The less people could guess about you the better. Your mom and dad always paid extra attention to tell you about the world before the cordyceps, reminding you that a life like that could still be your reality once again. 
“Was. . .” Joel swallows, pulling you away from your parents. You reach for the other bagel and start eating, giving him time so he can just spit it out. “Was that your first kiss?” 
There is something in his voice, an emotion very similar to guilt. You swallow your bite. 
“No. It wasn’t.” And that’s all you have to say about that. It seems to be enough because he visibly relaxes, his shoulders dropping. You change the subject. Quickly. “I’m thinking we hold hands a bit, kiss each other on the cheek, and stuff like that. We can come up with rules if you want but I think it’s pretty straightforward.” 
He nods. An oddly comfortable silence stretches out. You finish your bagel and drain the rest of your tea. 
“We should probably split this,” he says and pulls out a knife from his belt. 
“Oh. . . you can have it.” 
Joel chuckles, it isn’t quite a laugh but you still take it as a win. “I saw how you were oglin’ it. I ain’t gonna risk you biting my head off,” he cuts it into two and offers you the bigger half. A smile brushes against your lips. “Why didn’t you just get two?” 
“I did!” you gasp, forgetting that the two of you aren’t lovers, not even friends. “Tommy took one as compensation for telling me where you were. By the way, he wanted me to tell you hi and that the two of you should meet up later.” 
“Why ain’t he lettin’ me know his damn self. I know he ain’t doin’ shit today. You’re not my secretary.” 
“That’s what I said!” 
Another chuckle. You’re acing this. 
“I’ll get him to pay you back, don’t worry.” 
“You don’t have to,” you laugh. “It’s just a roll.” 
“Well, you’re my girl now, aren’t you? It would be unboyfriend-like of me not to avenge my girl. If we’re gonna fake it, might as well do it right.” 
My girl. Your cheeks grow warm. You know it’s not real, and that deep down he most likely despises your existence that threatens his peace but still, it’s good to belong. Even if it’s not real. Even if it’s a lie. Your brain tricks your body into feeling whole for a brief moment, that internal coldness you’ve been feeling since the day your parents died melting ever so lightly, the warm water that drips over the icy exterior, warming your stomach. 
“Tell him he owes me two then,” you say, barely above a whisper. “The bakery rarely makes them you know, cinnamon is hard to make.” 
He nods but doesn’t add anything else. The crinkles soften at the corner of his eyes, lips looking soft and pliant. You might’ve even dared enough to say that he looks at peace. 
You stand and leave, taking a mental note to bring him more treats from now on. 
You successfully fool yourself into believing it’s for his sake and not yours. 
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Joel enjoys the cold. He always knew he would but was never allowed to say it since he never lived in the cold. He hated that argument. Sure he lived in Austin his entire life but that didn’t mean he didn’t ache for a bit of chill. Even at the end of the world, when he barely had enough to cover his back, he found himself enjoying the little things. The fresh, crisp air, the snow crunching under his boots. 
The silence. 
Sometimes he wonders if he likes it so much because it reminds him of death and considering all the seasons, winter is the one where he is closest to it. Closest to Sarah. He does hope she’s someplace warmer now. He’s not a man of faith, but for her, he’ll believe there’s an afterlife where nothing but good and butterflies exist. 
Joel also feels closest to her when he’s with Tommy. His brother is the only one who knew her, the good in her. He was the one who was there when the world was stripped away from such a kind being, and he was there when she was buried under the world she could always see the best of. 
As Joel walks up to the porch the brothers' eyes meet, it’s true that uncles resemble the kids. Sometimes if the light hits him just right, Joel could see a bit of her in him. 
“You owe her two rolls,” Joel huffs, sitting on the empty chair beside Tommy. 
“I don’t know what she told you but we had a very fair exchange, I don’t owe your little girlfriend shit,” he grins, not noticing the way Joel frowns at the label. “Nice to see the guard dog in you hasn’t died out.” 
“I ain’t a guard dog.” 
“Could’ve fooled me.” 
“Just bring her two tomorrow and I’ll owe you one favor.” 
Tommy’s grin only widens, “You must really want to impress her.” 
Joel fights the urge to roll his eyes. This whole arrangement is going to be a pain in the ass, he can sense it. 
“Fine, tell pecan I’ll have her goods Friday. I doubt I’ll be able to wake up early enough to get it tomorrow but you owe me one Joel.” 
“Why the hell do you call her Pecan anyway? That ain’t her name, you dumbass.” 
“It’s because she has a hard shell but nice and soft on the inside.” Joel’s shoulders raise and he swallows thickly around the knot forming in his throat. He remembers the way you tasted on his tongue. How soft you were against him, no hard shell in sight. Tommy has no idea just how soft you are and can be. His cock twitches under the denim. He hates himself for it. “You should bring her to the party tonight.” 
“That party, Joel,” Tommy playfully smacks his shoulder. “Don’t tell me you forgot already. You promised to come.” 
Oh yeah. Fuck. He really doesn’t want to go and deal with all the eyes he already knows will be on him. And you. 
“Yeah, ‘course I remember. I’ll be there.” 
“Just you?” 
Joel sighs, “And her. We’ll be there.” 
“You know, I’m truly happy for you brother. You deserve to be happy with someone who appreciates you.” 
The words sting but he can’t do anything about it. He looks away, eyes staring at the snow-covered trees. “I don’t like being at the center of attention.” 
“It’ll die out. The lonely bachelors are just jealous. Don’t mind them.” 
Joel doesn’t need to ask to know what he’s talking about. You’re nearly half his age, six when the damn world came to an end. He knows people are wondering how the hell an old man like him got a girl like you, as if your age is the only reason to be with you. Not that he would know. None of this is real after all. You don’t appreciate him like Tommy suggested, maybe grateful for not putting a bullet between your eyes but that’s pretty much it. The same goes for him. He doesn’t know you—other than that you enjoy lavender tea with heaping amounts of honey and cinnamon rolls. 
“I won’t, Tommy. No need to worry.” 
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When you hear a loud knock at the door, you’re staring at your reflection in the mirror. Ever since the kissing mishap with Joel, you’ve been a bit more conscious of what you look like. You’ve never had a reason to care much about it before and you’re not sure you like being this aware of every little flaw now. 
Walking to the door, you’re not sure who to expect. You don’t have many friends other than Tommy and Maria, you’re already on alert, grabbing a small knife from the kitchen. Old habits die hard. 
What you weren’t expecting is to see a distressed Joel Miller. 
“Didn’t figure you knew where I lived.” 
“I’m the brother-in-law of the woman in charge, of course I know where you live. I know where everyone lives.” 
You lift an eyebrow and lean against the door frame, his eyes drop to the knife but fear is the furthest thing in his features, “Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.” 
“There’s a party at Tommy’s and he wanted me to invite you.” 
An involuntary groan escapes your lips, Tommy knew you didn’t want to go. The fucker. 
“And let me guess, I have to go because we’re a couple.” 
“Don’t give me attitude it was your idea, not mine.” 
He’s right, “Fine. Come in and I’ll change so we can leave.” 
“What’s wrong with what you’re wearin’ right now?” 
You try not to hide yourself behind the door as his eyes sweep you from top to bottom. Inherently, there isn’t anything wrong with what you’re wearing. It's just your typical jeans, sweater, and a dark green flannel thrown on top. You’re warm and cozy. 
“Isn’t this a party?” 
“What do you think they’ll be wearin’? Suits and fancy dresses?” 
“I guess you’re right, I’ll get my jacket.” 
Feeling warmer than normal, you lock the door and the two of you head to Tommy’s. “So, should we. . . talk about what we’re gonna do or say?” 
Joel shrugs, “You know, if they ask us how we met or somethin’.” 
“I think half the town knows how we met, Joel.” 
“A’right, so our story is that I helped you down, had a couple of drinks, and decided we like each other?” 
“Sounds iron proof to me.” 
“This is fuckin’ stupid.” 
“I don’t see you coming up with any plans.” 
“Wouldn’t even be in this mess if not for you.” 
The harsh bite in his tone makes you take a step back without thinking. You’ve seen this man kill with ease. He’d admitted to regret leaving you alive. Fear is an irrational thing. It’s something that lingers and stays even when the initial threat has been evaded. You’re still afraid despite knowing you don’t have to be. You’ve been enjoying your little talks, you’ve been enjoying spending time with him. Internally you’re conflicted and confused. 
Joel slows down along with you, turning and checking just how far you’ve fallen behind. He stops and turns, eyes taking in the furrow of your brows, the running of your nose. You don’t flinch when he touches your cheek, his gloved hand soft against your skin. He’s so gentle. So gentle that it almost hurts. 
“I ain’t gonna hurt you. Promise,” he lets out a steady breath, fixing you with a leveled gaze. “I might not trust you or even like you, but I won’t hurt you.” 
Your eyes widen, heart thudding loud enough that you’re positive he can hear it. Without a word you nod, tongue sticking to the roof of your mouth. Joel nods back. His hand deserts your cheek and he locks your arms together, tugging you along the snow. 
You believe him when he says he won’t hurt you. As foolish as that might be.
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Two hours into the party and still all everyone can talk about is Joel and his new girlfriend. Even goddamn Maria had asked about it. Joel is still recovering from his sister-in-law’s interest in the matter. You were a definite natural in faking it. Unlike him, who was already exhausted from it all. It’d been a long couple of hours of holding hands, standing close, and kissing cheeks. 
He’s holding a glass of the finest whiskey he’s ever had since the world ended, surrounded by familiar faces and his brother. You had scurried off somewhere. To the bathroom, he thinks. Or helping Maria with organizing. He probably should’ve asked, but he’s not used to questioning people unless it’s Ellie. But since the two of you are “dating” he suppose he should’ve. 
“Yo Miller.” Joel fights the urge to groan as Wellington approaches with a raised hand. He slaps him on the shoulder, his cheeks and nose red and warm thanks to the alcohol. “You gotta tell me your secret.” 
Joel sends Tommy a questioning gaze, his bother only shrugs. “‘Bout what Wellington?” he sighs. 
“About catchin’ such a fine piece of ass.” 
Joel’s shoulders raise, nostrils flaring as anger boils in his gut, but before he can get out a word Tommy intervenes, “Wellington.” 
“What?” he slurs, turning to the younger Miller. “We’re all thinkin’ it. How old is she huh? Like half your age?” 
Joel feels sick when the man grins. Wellington ain’t lying, you are half his age. Realistically, someone like you would never go for him. An old man who’s lost so much in his lifetime. But of course, he can’t say that, he can’t say anything that might out them as liars. 
“Shut your goddamn mouth,” Joel grunts, pushing Wellington’s hand off his shoulder. “Or I’ll shut it for you.” 
“I’d say money but that don’t exist anymore,” Wellington continues. “So what is it?” 
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up—
Your voice cuts through the tension like a knife. Everyone who’s in-ear shot of the conversation stills, an icy cold wind enveloping all of them, including Tommy. Joel recognizes the look of worry in his brother’s eyes. The older Miller swallows thickly as he rips his glare away from Wellington—he’s surprised that despite the amount of alcohol in his veins he looks ashamed.
“Yeah, darlin’?” 
You shudder in a way only he notices. You’ve been doing that a lot lately. Your body subtly going straight and then relaxing. He wonders how much you’ve heard, or rather if you heard. 
“I need some help in the kitchen, could you?” 
“Uh, yeah sure. Of course.” 
He ignores Tommy’s snicker and follows you through the crowd, away from the sight of Wellington and others. You stop at the threshold of the kitchen, not going in. You lean against the door frame and look away. “Sorry, I don’t actually need help. It just looked like you needed saving.” 
“That bad, huh?” 
“If looks could kill, Wellington would be dead thrice.” You say it so nonchalantly that he smiles, Joel mimics your stance and leans against the other side of the doorframe, leaving only little distance between you two. “What did he say?” 
So you didn’t hear. Good. 
“Nothin’ that you need to concern yourself with. He’s just buggin’ me, that’s all.” 
You raise an eyebrow, “Didn’t really look like it was just buggin’.” 
The subtle accent change at the end of your sentence makes him laugh, you shake your head but he sees the way your lips quirk into a smile. 
“You makin’ fun of me sweetheart?” 
“. . . Maybe.” 
“That’s the type of talk that’ll get you in trouble you know.” 
Your smile widens into a grin, “With whom?” 
“Keep it up and you’ll find out.” 
It’s been a long time since he felt like this. The enjoyment of the tug and pull. Heat spreads from the small of his back and reaches all the way to his groin. You must’ve had a couple of drinks before asking for him. You lean closer, your lips deliciously curled as mischief glimmers in your eyes. He wonders if you thought about the kiss. How close your bodies were that night. 
“Be careful Miller,” you say, rolling your tongue over each syllable. “Almost sounds like you want me to keep it up.” 
God, that he does. He’s starting to get hard. Without even thinking he leans a bit closer as well, tilting his head as if he’s about to kiss you. Your eyes flash with something expectant—
The delicate moment shatters with reality. You’re not flirting, you can’t, because technically you’re already dating. Joel hates the way you flinch at the sudden crowd shouting. His head whips towards them, only to see Tommy taking charge, he points to something above and both of your heads snap up like a cartoon. 
“Mistletoe,” he says. Lowering his gaze, he gives you a quick smile. “You know what that means, right sweetheart?” 
You roll your eyes, “I do, jerk.” 
He almost laughs at the way your lips quickly wound shut. The crowd is getting restless. 
“Don’t y’all have anythin’ better to do?” Joel quips. 
The echoes of kiss kiss kiss only get louder from there. Joel sighs, “I don’t think we can escape them.” 
“If I had a penny every time we had to kiss to appease a crowd. . .” you whisper. He expects you to continue but you don’t, instead you place your hands on his cheeks, holding him gently. You come closer and as does he, his hands slide to your hips, tugging you flush against him. 
You’re so soft. Softer than he deserves. 
Unlike the first time, he takes the lead. He pushes you until your back is pressed against the doorframe, he claims your lips with a need he fearfully admits he doesn’t have to fake. He squeezes your hips, the sound of the crowd awing them fading into the background. It’s just his lips that move, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to feel your tongue against his. To feel the quiver of your naked body as he fills you to the brim, kissing you and telling you just how much he enjoys being inside you. 
He swallows your tiny moans and whimpers, and as he breaks away, he pulls at your bottom lip with his teeth. You’re breathless when you meet his gaze, sharp eyes glazed over with a fog of arousal. 
Then, as the crowd claps, he presses the side of his face against your ear, “Just a taste,” he whispers and feels your tremble underneath his palms. “Of what’ll happen if you keep it up.” 
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“That was one hell of a party,” you muse. You’re staring at the dark horizon, snow gently falling from the sky. Joel pushes a warm mug of tea between your hands. 
“It’s still goin’ on,” he says. 
“You’d die if you just let me live in my blissful bubble wouldn’t you?” 
“Sure would.” 
You let out a snort as he settles near you, your shoulders brushing against one another. You have to admit, it’s been a fun night—and not only because of the kiss. That was just a bonus. A very hot and steamy bonus. 
It felt too real to be fake. Too real to be nothing. Years you had been alone and now you were sampling what it meant to have someone care for you, to tease you. He doesn’t even know you yet you two fit together like a glove and a hand. Makes you wonder how different this could all have been if he hadn’t been Ellie’s father, and you hadn’t been a part of the Fireflies. 
“Oh good you’re still here.” The two of you turn to see Tommy, his cheeks a little flushed and his breath a little uneven. “I need to ask you two somethin’.” 
“What now?” Joel groans, prompting a smile from you. 
“You heard of the new family in town? The one with two kids?” You have no idea but Joel seems to know who they are. He nods. “We don’t have a house ready for them yet so I was thinkin’. . .” his eyes flicker between yours and Joel’s, your stomach going tight with worry. “You two can live together till we’re finished with the construction.” 
The question leaves your mouth before you can properly register. You turn to Joel but much to your surprise, he seems unfazed. 
“Just for a while,” Tommy says. “I just figured since you two are already datin’. . .” 
Joel ignores his brother completely to fave you, “Your call sweetheart.” 
Seeing him so calm makes you ashamed of your initial reaction. You’re not even sure why you reacted so brashly. It was a simple request. A logical one. 
“Yeah sure, that’s okay,” forcing a smile, you turn to Tommy. Joel’s touch is soothing behind you, hand rubbing small circles at the base of your spine. A welcome comfort. “Just let me grab my things and you can set them up tomorrow.” 
“You’re the best, pecan,” Tommy glows, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “I’ll give Maria the good news.” 
Joel’s hand deserts you almost immediately when his brother is out of sight. It makes your heartstrings tug. “You sure about this?” he asks. “It would be fine if I lived alone but Ellie is a curious one and she’ll figure it out if we ain’t convincin’ enough.” 
“In all honesty, I had completely forgotten about Ellie,” you let out a deep exhale. “But I guess that’s fine. I’m sure we can pull it off. It’s not like I could say no.” 
His gaze softens, “You could’ve asked to stay somewhere else.” 
“No. . . It’s fine, Joel. Really,” you crack a smile. “I feel like I should be asking if you’re alright with it. You’re the one with the problem with me being around Ellie.” 
“I’ll have my eye on you two,” he says a bit too quickly for comfort. 
Your tongue sours, “I’m not going to tell her anything.” 
Joel doesn’t say anything. Or even acknowledges that he’s heard you. He leaves you on the porch, following his brother’s footsteps, you’re left with nothing but a lukewarm mug of tea. 
Then you notice it’s lavender. 
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gffa · 1 year
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LOSING MY MIND ABOUT THIS ENTIRE CONVERSATION, each page was punch after punch right straight to the feelings, like the entire Justice League just died, in a single issue and not a big build up event where they died at the end, and Jon’s really kind of freaking out, especially when Dick’s not freaking out. This whole conversation is just PEAK Dick Grayson because there’s this really lovely balance between yeah death still means something versus, with all of the things he’s experienced, Dick has faith that things will work out. But then the scene turns a corner and there’s a layer of darkness underneath that, that Jon says they’re having a vigil, will you say something?, we need you, we want to start a new Justice League--and Dick’s genuinely a little angry there, we don’t need to start a new one, they’re coming back. And then the scene turns the corner again, people don’t always come back, do they?  With John and Mary Grayson, with Alfred, looming over Dick’s shoulder!  And then the scene turns again, to how Dick deliberately got this disgusting dish because it was a comfort, because Clark loved it, and Jon could use it right about then! I AM EXPERIENCING EMOTIONAL WHIPLASH HERE but in the absolute best way, because Dick is one of those characters who Has Seen Some Shit, but always strives towards the light, so of course he has faith that they’ll be back and the thing is, he’s not wrong.  In and out of universe, those characters almost always do come back.  But Dick Grayson is not all sunshine and light, he’s still got so much of that anger in him that’s always been there, he strives to be kind and available and hopeful, but he’s got his own issues, especially when it comes to losing Bruce. And he’s trying to set that aside to help Jon through the unsteady footing of losing your father, but maybe he might come back, versus his own issues tied up in how many times Bruce has come back, the issues Dick has tied up in being part of the Justice League, the issues Dick has with stepping into Bruce’s shoes, he’s done it at least twice and it takes so much out of him every time when Bruce is gone and he has a legacy to fill, and it’s just-- It’s Dick “If I Pretend My Issues Aren’t There, Then They Won’t Exist” Grayson and he’s really good at that, at finding connection and meaning through helping others, especially the younger heroes who need a mentor right now, but as soon as you start really poking his issues with Bruce being truly gone, you get that. The whole scene ends with Dick thanking Jon for talking to him, he didn’t realize how much he was acting like Bruce (shoving his refusal to deal with this down into a little box, hiding his own worries) and, yeah, of course he’ll come speak at the vigil.  Which is the thing about Dick Grayson as well--the reason people believe he’s so emotionally stable is because he does listen, he does work towards getting his shit together, he does open up, he does take these lessons to heart. Both Dick and Bruce are like that--Dick might be more friendly about it, but both he and Bruce have that tendency to isolate their own issues and get doggedly stubborn about how they’re going to deal with this, until a kid they’re looking out for needs them to get their head out of their ass and actually put the effort into real emotional connection.  Dick’s more willing to do it, you have to pull fewer teeth, and he’s a lot less mean about it, but he and Bruce are two peaks in a pod in that way more often than you’d think.
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fritextramole · 6 months
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cheap wine in expensive glasses
part 3 of a Dan Humphrey playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Wildwood Flower ~ June Carter Cash
I will dance, I will sing and my laugh shall be gay I will charm every heart, in his crown I will sway When I awoke from my dreaming my idol was clay All portion of love had all flown away
Tonight I Feel Like Kafka ~ Jealous of the Birds
Wake up tomorrow and my room's the same Wanna pierce my nipples and go dancin' in the rain No more cyanide kisses, I'm methylene blue
Magnolia ~ The Essentialists
Hey Magnolia what's on your mind And I was thinking I was thinking we could make it this time But you're gone
Undo ~ The 1975
No, I didn't even see you when I liked you No, now I ain't got no time Girl, I wanna see you undo it
Saw You in a Dream ~ The Japanese House
I saw you in a dream You had stayed the same You were beckoning me Said that I had changed
Sweet Strange Days ~ Kate Lomas
Like a sweet teen straight outta school I’m under the influence And I really really like it
Devil Town ~ Cavetown
Hold my hand tight, we'll make it another night I still get a little scared of something new But I feel a little safer when I'm with you Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too We're all dead in Devil Town
Kiss Her You Fool ~ Kids That Fly
Don't be afraid, dreams aren't found they're made
Cecilia And The Satellite ~ Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness
I locked myself in a hotel room Then waited all night for the walls to move I loved some girls that I barely knew I've made some friends, and I've lost some, too
White Wedding - Pt. 1 ~ Billy Idol
Take me back home, yeah Hey little sister, what have you done?
I'm a Mess ~ Ed Sheeran
Late last night Drinking to suppress devotion With fingers intertwined I can't shake this feeling now
You Already Know ~ Bombay Bicycle Club, Kathryn Williams
One more bus home, another silent weekend You said love was painted gold Like all things growing old The paint peels and slowly falls
Grandma's Hands ~ Bill Withers
But I don't have grandma anymore If I get to heaven I'll look for Grandma's hands
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) ~ John Lennon
I can hardly wait To see you come of age But I guess we'll both just have to be patient 'Cause it's a long way to go
Keep An Eye On Dan ~ ABBA
And he loves his dad And I loved him too
Smoke Signals ~ Cavetown, Tessa Violet
I wanna live at the Holiday Inn Where somebody else makes the bed We'll watch TV while the lights on the street Put all the stars to death It's been on my mind since Bowie died Just checking out to hide from life And all of our problems, I'm gonna solve 'em With you ridin' shotgun
Tonight ~ Richard Hawley
Might take the car up to the hills, and watch the city lights below
Sweet Jane ~ Garrett Kato
Smokey days Hanging outside in the pouring rain Feelin' like the home where you once stayed Has washed away
Cursive ~ Billie Marten
I'd walk the corners Of my empty mind But I'm full of darkness With the loneliest of light And we'll be fine, there is an end It hurts to fall back again
In Time ~ Dizzy
You and I, like black and white We don't see eye to eye But two wrongs don't make it right Will never make it right I'm missing the way it was We were wrapped up in a teenage buzz
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ascheiro · 1 year
Drunken Revelation | Ben Hargreeves
SUMMARY : You went to a party to accomplish a mission as an assassin, except you bumped into your past lover, which happens to be Ben. After you finished your work, he stumbled into you drunkenly. So you offered him some comforts.
WARNINGS : unedited, messy, comfort, fluff.
The sun is setting and the sky began to turn dark. You in a suit with a little hint of gothic style arrived at at an exclusive party where only important people are invited to be there, yet now you're here for the sake of a mission, to assassinate a target to make a living.
But fortunately or unfortunately, depends on you perceive it, you bump into your past lover. Who is now alive in this timeline. You look at his face with intent stare, scanning all over his face, body. You couldn't believe that the person you loved so much, the person that you'd offer your life that died 15 years ago is now right in front of you, which happens to be Ben Hargreeves.
Your face become pale, what is this? He enters the room with six other people. In the moment you realize he's a Sparrow, he notices you. He tilted his head as he approaches you.
"What are you looking at? Wait a second.." he thought for a second then looks at you.
"You're the one who stalked me that day, aren't you?" Damn, he recognized you. You took a deep breath before opening your mouth to speak.
"I.. am not quite sure what are you saying, but.. I'm not here because of you." You explained then continues "I don't wanna ruin anybody's party and i have never intended to stalk anybody."
He nods, then sigh. "You know what? I'll see you later."
"What?" He leaves you to go with his siblings. Your eyes widen, you knew it was just a phrase, but your mind travels around, wondering if he would actually going to seeing you again later. You didn't knew what were you thinking, so you snapped out of it.
"Remember why you're here, stupid" you mumbled.
You blend into the party, just like the other people. Doing nothing suspicious, except that you're keeping an eye at your target. Thankfully no one noticed. Then you engage with the target with a small talk. After the conference is over, you approach your target again.
You chuckle a bit. "Anyway, Mr. Rodriguez are you coming home soon?" You asked with a calm tone, smiling genuine.
He opened his mouth to speak, "Well, I was about to, sweetheart. Why, want to come home with me?"
He asked flirtatiously. You smirk as you lean closer to him. "Why not?" You wrap your arms in his, of course not because you're attracted, it's clear only for a mission, he'll die anyway. You will never hooked by a flirty, perverted guy in his 40s, but you're good at hiding your disgust behind your smile. Not noticing that an eye has been watching you the entire party.
You walk him to the parking lot, it was dark and quiet. Only the two of you were there because everyone else has left the party.
"And by the way, Mr. Rodriguez, why would you let a random woman to come home with you, if I may ask?"
He laughs, "well here's the thing, sweetie. I don't just straight up asking any woman around to come home with me. Only the lucky ones~" you smile, trying your best not to throw up. "But! You're different. We've been talking and I think you're a nice person.. I feel a different kind of attraction when we interact, Seperti ikan memakan umpan."
You lean closer, "so you.. trusted me? Don't you think I might do something bad to you since I'm a stranger"
"I trust you.."
"Oh I'm sorry.. but my jobs says no."
All of the sudden, you strangled him quick as you pull out your knife and slices his neck. Putting his now dead body into his car and cleans all the blood before deposing the body.
After you finished, you walk away and passes a drunken Ben. Looks like he had too much tequilas.
Out of instinct, you approach him and looks in worry.
" 'the hell are you still here?"
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Ben Hargreeves had always been known for his rebellious streak among the Umbrella Academy siblings. In this particularly wild Friday night, he found himself at a raucous party, the music pounding in his ears and the scent of alcohol hanging heavy in the air.
As Ben mingled through the crowd, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loneliness. Despite his supernatural abilities, he was still disconnected from the world around him. He decided to drown his sorrows in drink, grabbing the nearest cocktail and downing it in one gulp.
As the night wore on, Ben's tolerance for alcohol was quickly eroding, and his actions grew more erratic. He stumbled through the dimly lit mansion, accidentally bumping into furniture and partygoers alike. His brothers and sisters were nowhere in sight, lost in the chaos of the party.
It was then that Ben spotted someone who seemed out of place at such a wild gathering. Y/N, walking around after a mission, about to come home in an immediate. With an air of quiet confidence, observing the party with a subtle detachment. Ben, feeling drawn to this enigmatic presence, stumbled over to her.
"Hey there," Ben slurred, swaying on his feet. "You're not from around here, are you?"
You turned to look at Ben, his amber eyes locking onto the inebriated Hargreeves. " 'the hell are you still here?" He didn't answer, as if he still waits for you to answer his question first.
"I.. am. Not from here, But it seems like you could use a hand. You don't look like you're in the best shape."
Ben let out a bitter laugh. "You got that right. I'm just... tired of it all, you know? Being different, never fitting in."
You regarded Ben for a moment before making a decision. "Come on, let's get you out of here. You shouldn't be alone in this state."
With surprising strength, you helped Ben out of the chaotic party and into his car. Ben's head was spinning, and he struggled to stay upright. You drove in silence, taking him to the quiet darkness of the city streets.
You glance at him occasionally, and smiles slightly. He noticed that and chuckles.
"Why, do I look funny or handsome?.." He flirt, and you decided to play it along as well.
"You remind me of a magnet because you sure are attracting me over here." You said, as you smirk at him in a flirty way. You put your chin on your palm of your hand while your eyes are locked into his. A cold breeze of wind flows in the night air.
He looks at you with a slight of confusion in his eyes, "shut up.." he said in a bit of rude tone. You smile at him.
"I won't, you can never bear seeing me keeps shutting up. You love it when I talk." You chuckled. Ben rolled his eyes as he lean his back to his chair, but then he chuckles as well.
He mumbled, "You're not wrong though".
You smiled, not because of his words, but because of the thought that you were finally with him again. The Ben that you had fallen in love with when you were younger has been dead for almost fifteen years... and you have to remind yourself about it. Getting over his death is one of the hardest things you had to do in life, but then you saw him. Alive, and obviously breathing. It was hard to gain his trust again, but as time flows he starts to open up with you. Especially that he grew up in a different environment with different people, that now he's a little different than the Ben you used to know.
You lean your back, resting your back you clear your throat, but the moment you were about to open your mouth, he was quick to cut it before you even talked .
"Hey.. it seems like I knew you somewhere... You seem very familiar" He looks at you in the eye. So you lean in to hear what he says, intrigued.
"Y/N," he began cautiously, "there's something about you... something familiar. It's like we've met before."
You chuckled, not wanting to tell the truth about what happened before this timeline. But he looks at you, looking deep into your eyes.
"That's cute, Ben. But let's get you home quick. I guess you're getting more drunk." He didn't said anything.
As they arrived at the Sparrow Academy, Asch helped him inside and settled him on the bed. Ben's defenses were down, and he found himself pouring out his frustrations and insecurities to this stranger.
"I'm supposed to be a superhero, but I feel like a failure," Ben confessed, his voice breaking. "I can't even connect with my own family anymore."
You listened patiently, offering a comforting presence. You didn't judge or offer empty platitudes; you simply allowed Ben to vent.
"You're not alone in feeling that way," you finally spoke softly. "Sometimes, we all need a reminder that we're human, no matter what abilities we may have. You can always find your way back to your family."
He leaned on you for support. In that moment, he felt a connection, a sense of understanding that he hadn't felt in a long time. Your words were a lifeline, and for the first time in years, Ben believed that he could mend the rift between himself and his siblings.
Breaking the silence, you cleared your throat, your eyes locked onto Ben's. "Ben," you began, your voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and longing, "there's something I need to tell you."
Ben turned to you, his gaze curious but expectant. "What is it, y/n?"
Taking a deep breath, you began your confession, your words slow and measured. "In the original timeline, before this world was fractured, you and I... we were more than just friends. We were lovers."
Ben's eyes widened with surprise, and a wave of emotions washed over him. Confusion, disbelief, and a strange sense of déjà vu all battled for dominance in his mind. "Lovers?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your eyes never leaving his. "Yes, lovers," you affirmed. "We shared a deep connection, one that transcended the complexities of our lives as Sparrows. But then, the timeline fractured, and everything changed."
Ben struggled to process this revelation, his mind racing to reconcile the person he had become with the past you was describing. "I... I don't remember any of this," he admitted, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and longing.
You reached out and gently took his hand, her touch offering both comfort and reassurance. "The fracture erased many memories, Ben. But I wanted you to know because... because even though the timeline has been altered, my feelings for you remain."
Ben's heart swelled with a newfound understanding. He may not remember their past together, but he could feel the connection between them, as if it were an unbroken thread that had survived the chaos of time.
You continued, your voice soft but determined. "I care about you, Ben, in this timeline and the one we've lost. And I'll do whatever it takes to protect you, no matter what challenges we face."
A bittersweet smile graced Ben's lips as he squeezed Asch's hand in return. In that moment, he realized that their love, though hidden in the depths of time, had never truly faded. It was a connection that defied the fractures of the universe, and it gave him hope for a future where they could find each other once more.
As the night wore on, you stayed by Ben's side, providing the comfort and companionship he so desperately needed. It was a strange and unexpected connection, but sometimes, in the darkest moments, that's when the most meaningful connections are formed.
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restissilence · 1 year
Satoru x Suguru
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Synopsis. Suguru Geto has drifted away and Satoru Gojo pretends that everything is fine.
— word count. 1.2k (might add more chapters)
— contents. Suguru Geto x Satoru Gojo, Angst, Smut, Rough sex, Mental health
— notes. I was up late writing this. It takes place after the events of the first arc of s2 (no spoilers in this fic) maybe the year 2009 or 2010?
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No matter how many hot showers he took, Geto felt cold. He could see the mirror fogging up. He breathed in the warm air as his skin turned to a thin shade of red.
At some point, he turned off the running water and wrapped a towel around his body. As Geto walked up to the mirror, he tried to remove the fog. He felt a relief to not be greeted by dark visible eyebags anymore. 
Hearing his name broke the silence around him. Geto had opened the door to his room and saw Gojo laying comfortably on the bed as if it was his own. He wasn't paying attention to whatever movie from the DVD player was on.
As a woman was screaming from being slaughtered on the screen, Gojo took the remote and pressed pause. 
“How did you find our secret location this time?” Geto was standing to the side of the bed looking down at Gojo as he lowered his glasses.
“Hey, I put time away to visit you, be grateful.”
Geto signed at his arrogance and ask the other to scooch over. 
"Aren't you getting tired of this?" Geto asked as Gojo started to snuggle up against him. He began stroking the other's white hair. His hands effortlessly glided through Gojo's hair, encountering no snags or obstacles.
"You’re warm" Gojo mumbled in response. 
Geto didn't know either. He wasn't sure if he was asking just for assurance or if it was something deeper than that. It's been years since he attended Jujutsu High. Sometimes it didn't feel real, the intimacy. Neither the softness of Gojo's hair. Seriously, what products did he use? Unreal.
“Missed fucking me?” Gojo said and looked up. He had a wide grin on his face. 
”Tsk, how informal to ask” Geto responded, paying close attention to the other hand now reaching towards his towel.
“I get why though. Hot, sexy, and all that right?” Gojo pointed towards himself and Geto couldn't help but scrunch his nose. 
“Such arrogance Satoru”
Gojo place himself in front of Geto and he couldn't hide his excitement.
“Using your mouth huh? I’m all awake now.”
“Oh, shut up.” Gojo rolled his eyes.
Geto watched as the other placed a kiss on the tip, gently going down his length. As Gojo looked up he twitched, those eyes alone did things.
“Satoru, let me fuck your mouth.” Geto's said with a confident voice.
The other nodded and Geto took a hold of him and started to thrust upwards. He hit the back of Gojos throat and the sound followed where beyond erotic.
Geto watched as those blue beautiful eyes started to form tears in them. 
If Geto had drowned already, he wouldn't mind if it were into Satoru's blue eyes.
He came into the other's mouth, which Gojo had no worries swallowing. Either way, it probably tasted better than curses. 
“I have to go” Gojo sat straight up and put his glasses on. 
“At least clean up a bit..” Geto said and breathed out.
“Nah, Id rather have you on my tongue today,” Gojo said teasingly and opened his mouth. He did wipe his tears though before heading out.
Gojo came by the next day again, disrupting all the plans Geto had. The meeting had been canceled since someone had spotted the six-eye technique user heading toward the location. If anything, Geto was more than agitated. 
“Stop visiting me unannounced” Geto grabbed his waist as the other entered the room.
“So rough…Suguru” Gojo spoke as his body was being turned and pushed down against the table.
“Don't forget that I allow you to treat me like this…” 
Geto snapped or at least his hairband did.
“A true narcissist,” Geto answered and proceed to press two saliva-covered fingers inside the other.
“You already prepped yourself for me? Are you just a hole for me now?” Very out of character. Geto was quite disgusted by himself for saying that last sentence.
“Keep getting my dick wet and sure.” Gojos eyes were hidden by the glasses. 
Geto pressed his length inside and didn't give Gojo time to adjust. He violently grabbed the other's hips and started moving. He took out his anger in that moment. The room where filled with the sounds of muffled moans and the table creaking as it moved.
Geto pulled out and grabbed Gojos's arm. He smirked as he moved the other towards the wall.
“Oh fuck-” Gojo said as the other grabbed his legs. His glasses fell to the ground. Geto put his dick inside again and fucked Gojo against the wall. Gojos eyes were rolling back into his head.
“You make me worse,” Geto said and felt himself getting closer.
“I’ll make you the worst” Gojo moaned as Geto speed up.
Geto came Inside the other and let go of his legs. Geto fell to the ground and so did Gojo. He decided to get on top of Gojo and licked his fingers.
“Are you for real?”
“Cum for me,” Geto whispered and started fucking the other with his fingers. It didn't take long for Gojo to finish.
Suguru," Gojo panted and got up.
Geto didn't say anything and began getting dressed.
"If you keep looking that sad when we fuck, I'm gonna start to worry," Gojo said with a joking voice, concealing whatever true feelings he felt.
Geto started to feel physically out of breath and watched as the walls seemed to close in.
"Wait, are you having a-?"
Geto stormed out. He need to clear his head. His decision was made years ago. He went to sit by the porch, the night settling in as he focused fully on his breathing.
After a while, Gojo joined him by his side.
“It’s not just to get my dick wet-”
"Satoru, don't-"
The other suddenly changed the topic. "Do they still taste that bad?"
"No," Geto looked up at the star-filled sky.
"Liar," Gojo sighed.
And Geto sighed as well.
"Don't eat them anymore," Gojo said and looked at him.
Geto was quite surprised. Not supporting the idea of someone getting better or stronger was a foreign concept related to Gojo.
“That is as if I'd tell the strongest jujutsu sorcerer to stop being the strongest.”
"Just focus on eating me, and I can be the strongest for both of us," Gojo said suggestively, and Geto couldn't help but chuckle.
They were sitting in silence, listening to the sounds of nature around them. He felt the other's hand intertwine with his.
"How romantic…" The rest of his words were muffled as the distance between their lips closed. Geto's eyes widened since it was a long time ago they had kissed.
Gojo moved away, and their eyes locked with each other. 
"Beautiful," Geto accidentally let that slip out.
Gojo smirked, how arrogant…and kissed him again. This time, Geto responded by parting his lips. Their tongues clashed, fighting for dominance until they both had to pull away, gasping for air.
 "There won't be anyone else, you know," Gojo panted.
"I know," Geto said. 
He wished those words could be enough for him to change. But the deeper you sink into the ocean, the darker it becomes. Those blue eyes were so far away now. Reaching the bottom saved him, and struggling toward the light only brought misery. 
"You break my heart like this," Gojo sighed.
"...and you'll keep allowing me to" Geto whispered, with a small smile gracing his face.
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teecupangel · 2 years
From @saberamane
So, I’m gonna saunter in here with something perhaps a bit controversial.
So, the main point in AC Origins is that Bayek and Aya’s son, Khemu, is killed and they’re trying to find the people responsible. But like…technically Bayek killed him? He attacked a man with a sharp object that was standing infront of his son, and knowing that they already had made threats to kill Khemu, didn’t try to disengage, back up, move away from the kid to continue the fight?
Don’t get me wrong, I see why Bayek blames them, and wants them dead, and they are genuinely bad people, but also, has Bayek taken responsibility for his own part in it? Is that why Aya doesn’t want to continue her marriage with Bayek even though there are multiple occasions where they have sex?
(Also, perhaps some Aya bashing technically, but if she didn’t want to continue her relationship with Bayek, why did she keep leading him on? I always had this thought since the first time I played the game. They’re ‘married’, and Bayek isn’t sleeping around and trying to work things out with Aya, and she doesn’t really want to work things out but she does want sex? IMO if she doesn’t want to continue the marriage with Bayek, she should also stop having sex with him and leading the poor guy on, he still loves her and while he may not ever move on with another woman, she doesn’t need to give him false hope that they’re marriage will be repaired.)
Just interested in other people’s thoughts on this.
Additions from teecup:
Okay, so here’s a video of that moment for easy reference:
Bayek isn’t exactly thinking straight at this point, especially as these unknown men have desecrated a place that has religious importance to him and his people. And he’s panicking as well at that point so when the chance showed itself where he could turn the tides, he took it.
We can make an argument that Bayek is too focused at this point, not helped by the fact that his vision is obstructed by the Order members. The camera angles also show how Khemu is being held by a member and both of them are behind another member and Bayek’s attention is on them, ignoring a smaller ‘target’ like Khemu.
In my opinion, Bayek didn’t think about trying to disengage or back up, maybe even take even just a few steps back, simply because he was too engulfed in his own rage at that point and perhaps he believed that any hesitation would mean Khemu will be in further danger (as these are men who had threatened to kill a child). We’ve seen how destructive Bayek can be when he’s enraged and this could be the reason why he didn’t even think about Khemu’s current position (or perhaps he forgot it in the heat of the moment).
And this brings up the question: “Does Bayek believe he has a hand in Khemu’s death?”
Bayek’s journey is to take vengeance for Khemu’s death. To ensure his son will walk the fields of reeds.
And we never get any scene that confirms if Bayek told Aya the entire truth, all we know is that whenever they talk about the Order, Bayek says they kill Khemu.
If he never told Aya the entire truth, it could mean either of the three:
Bayek sees Khemu’s death as the Order’s fault as his mind and grief distorted the events as he remembered them.
Bayek remembers Khemu’s death as it happens but he believes he shoulders no fault, that his death lies solely in the hands of the Order.
Bayek acknowledges his hand in Khemu’s death but willingly hides it from Aya, putting the entire blame onto the Order.
Whichever choice might be the correct one…
If Aya knows the entire truth, of how it was by (accidentally) Bayek’s hands that Khemu died, that would be grounds for why she would not want to get back with Bayek alone.
If Bayek only told Aya that the Order killed their child, Aya would know something is wrong, that something isn’t adding up or Bayek’s words and mannerisms are strange whenever the topic of Khemu’s death comes up. She’s been married to Bayek for so many years now and has known him since they were children so she knows him pretty well, knows him enough to know when something… something is definitely wrong.
Also, it should be noted, that instead of joining him in avenging their son, Aya returned to Alexandria where she made her own plans for revenge instead of… you know… telling Bayek she has an idea or something?
Their marriage was slowly dying the day Aya learned of Khemu’s death and their reunion in Alexandria and all their other meetings were them trying to delay the inevitable with Bayek being the one to cling more to their past, to the last of his family, so hard, while Aya seems to be seesawing between ignoring their past or trying to make up for lost time, like she knows she has to let go but can’t.
Depending on how much you believe Aya knows about Khemu’s death, her actions can be seen as either her trying to stop her love for Bayek but failing at times or she’s truly leading him on as a way to punish him for Khemu’s death and to do what she wants.
In my opinion? Bayek and Aya are two parents grieving the death of their son in different ways. Bayek is trying to cling unto Aya because she’s the only one left while Aya is seesawing between still being in love with Bayek but knowing their marriage was dead the moment Khemu died.
She even says so in their final scene in the base game (not counting the DLC):
“We could never have been. Everything has told us our love is impossible.”
In some ways, their ‘final scene’ showed how they grieved. Bayek tried to cling to his past with Aya while Aya moved forward, dragging Bayek with her in their quest for vengeance. When Bayek believed Khemu would be in peace now after the death of his ‘killer’, Aya is the one that says that their ‘job’ is not yet over. Aya is still moving forward and Bayek is walking alongside her.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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43 | Lafayette
Pairing: Tokyo Revengers x Fem!Reader
Wasteland Masterlist
Later that morning, after breakfast, you announce to the others that you’re leaving. And while the others gather a few things together for you, Kokonoi grabs you by the arm and pulls you to the side.
“Where are you going?” he asks quietly. “To the man with over a hundred?”
“You’re the one who gave me the idea,” you smile softly. “But it might take some time since I’ve got no idea where to even look.”
“Try the amusement park,” he answers after looking around and making sure nobody’s nearby to listen.
“Thanks,” you nod. “If I ever see you again I’ll tell you how it goes.”
Just as Koko nods in agreement, Akashi walks up to the two of you with gauze in his hands. “Now are you sure this is a smart idea to go? Can you really change your bandages yourself? I mean you almost fucking died, Y/N.”
“I’ll be fine, Akashi,” you chuckle as Kokonoi rolls his eyes.
“Don’t smother her,” he shakes his head.
“Don’t act like you care,” Akashi fires back. “Y/N, please put these in your backpack.”
“I will,” you agree as you pull the pack off your shoulders and place the gauze inside.
“Hey, wait!” Senju chimes in as she runs over. Wakasa follows behind her, but he doesn’t run. “Add these, too.”
She practically shoves all of the things she’s been carrying straight into your backpack, but you can see some food, tampons, and deodorant.
After waving goodbye to them all, Wakasa then walks you out to the top of the subway stairs.
“Guess this is it,” you smile. “At least I can walk away this time.”
“Well you could always stay and make sure I don’t lose my other hand,” he remarks as he looks somewhere behind you. “Why are you leaving so soon? This doesn’t have anything to do with what I told you, does it?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I just need to get back to my group. One of them’s a doctor so he’ll make sure I’m okay.”
“If you say so,” he shrugs. “You better go then before I change my mind about letting you walk away.”
“You know, I think I like you more now than I did before,” you tell him. Then, with a soft smile, you wrap your arms around him. “Stay safe,” you whisper before letting go.
When you walk off, you head slightly into the wrong direction just in case Wakasa, or anybody else, were to follow you. But despite that delay, you arrive at the amusement park just as the sun stretches straight up in the sky.
You start to walk around by yourself, making your way through the ticketing gates and past the gift shops. However, not too far into your walk, you hear gunshots nearby.
You quickly duck down behind one of the kiddie rides- direct behind a big fake hot air balloon- and wait until everything cools down. However, the screaming and running in your direction doesn’t make things any easier. You then see a man on the ground, trying to squirm away as another man stands over top of him.
You need to get out and find somewhere else to hide.
You take a look around the surrounding area and see an entrance towards an eatery. Perhaps that could be your escape, you think. So as you run quietly, crouched down, you start to make your way there. However, a soda can, of all things, rolls in your direction. Not noticing it, you step on the aluminum and a loud crunch echoes.
“Fuck,” you whisper to yourself as your blood runs cold. You have no gun and absolutely nothing to protect you. Besides all that, you’re already injured. Why did you even come here?
Quickly, you dive into a bush nearby and catch your breath. However, you can see through the leaves that you’ve attracted the attention of the armed man.
“Come on out here,” he hums as he starts walking slowly in your direction. While he may be calm and collected, your heart is beating out of your chest. But as he gets closer to you, he seems to look familiar. Perhaps you can get yourself out of this situation somehow.
Slowly, you stand up with your arms raised. You look between him and the blue-haired man on the ground. And then you hear it. The ringing of a small bell dangling from his ear. The man standing before you is the same one who first attacked you after you got separated from Hina and Takemichi.
“I remember you,” he smirks as he inches closer. You shift your eyes from him to the man behind him who looks as though he’s still processing the blessing he’s just been granted. “Hey, maybe second time’s the charm, yeah?”
Just as he stands right before you and your life flashes before your eyes, he quickly keels over in pain. Looking down, you see a black cat with blood dripping down its mouth.
“Peke?” you gasp. You had forgotten all about the poor cat. Had he been quietly following behind you this whole time?
As you’re coming to your senses about the wonder chance Peke J just gave you, the blue-haired man starts running at full speed in your direction with a large knife in his hand. You take a step back as you then watch him stab the beaten man about a half-dozen times.
When he stands up, he looks you dead in the eye. “I didn’t fucking come after you. Leave me alone,” you shake your head. However, the man is quick and grabs you by the arm.
“You saved my life,” he gasps as he throws his other arm around you, pulling you into a hug. “Thank you.”
Then, in a similar way to what happened with the other man, Hakkai’s legs give out. Carefully, you place him down and examine him quickly. He’d been shot twice. Once in the shoulder and the other on the outside of his leg.
“Yeah, well, you’re not completely out of the woods, idiot,” you grumble. “I guess we better get out of here. Come on, put your arm around me. If you don’t want to die, you’ll walk. Come on, Peke, you too!”
Wasteland Masterlist
Taglist: @pikagirl2001330 @romaka344
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wormbraind · 1 year
So this is definitely not where you're going with it, but after reflecting on it for a few minutes I've decided that Aisha's shard would definitely prevent anyone from grieving properly, if for no other reason than because it's cheap and easy and a nice thing to rub in her face in Shard Hell. Brian suddenly has a much darker lens on all of his past actions, as the reasons for his moral compromises now seem much flimsier, and he would likely have an even harder time getting over Taylor than he did in canon; his second trigger already conflated Taylor and Aisha, and now Aisha's been removed from the equation. Alec would be missing something, but it'd be something abstract he wouldn't really understand; his whole relationship with Aisha might as well have gotten Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Fucking Mind-ed, and the character development he got from it would be kind of left hanging, suppressed on an even deeper level than he could manage on his own. Lisa would have the best shot at retaining some understanding of what had happened, but even in the best case scenario she wouldn't really remember Aisha herself, she'd only be able to extrapolate a bit - think "any sufficiently complete description of who Aisha was quickly falls into the abyss of memory" - and she would be left in the unenviable position of having to figure out from those scraps of notes whether it would even be better for the mental health of her team to share those deductions or keep them to herself. If Aisha died fighting Behemoth, she wouldn't go on the memorial, and no one would complain; Aisha, meanwhile, would be living through a mix of her own distorted worst memories and Live Footage Of People On Earth Not Remembering You Who You Can't Interact With. All-around the timeline we got was better!
first off seeing such a long ask made me so happy. the amount of discussion my au idea is creating is what i live for. i wrote a bunch about this i got a little carried away and i feel like this might be semi-incoherent lol
secondly, i remember that aisha felt like there was some potential aspect of her power that would hide whenever she noticed it, meaning that it never really did anything. i think that could work with your idea of everyone straight up forgetting the fact that she ever existed and give a reason for why aisha would still be around to experience no one remembering her or being able to perceive her. this might happen because she was at the brink of death, actually, if she didn’t have the awareness to notice it and stop it from manifesting. there might be something in ward which explains what this might be but i haven’t read it so i don’t care
if aisha did, however, have some sort of power upgrade—whether through some mysterious aspect of her power or a second trigger—it would most definitely be hell for her. if she could reach scp-055 levels of forgettableness then there would be basically no way to stop her, as that would nullify basically all of her weaknesses except contessa and probably the endbringers, unless her shard fucks with contessa’s just for the hell of it. the only way to take her out at this point would be her getting caught in the crossfire (or her being dumb enough to get caught in an endbringer attack but would that really happen?)
aisha would definitely end up causing massive amounts of destruction in one way or another because of her frustration, which would put her on the prt’s radar. depending on the severity of her power it’d be difficult for them to even plan an attack because they’d be forgetting what the hell they were talking about every two seconds.
i can also imagine her hanging out with the undersiders during her calmer moments. she might be able to communicate to tattletale that she’s on their side and can do things for them (taking out enemies, stealing stuff, etc.). lisa would probably know that aisha has a connection to them but i doubt that she’d tell the undersiders because if they didn’t forget again, it would probably just make them feel awful and confused. however, i feel like having contact w/ the undersiders could backfire because aisha would have to watch people she was once close with not even really know she existed then go ahead and cause the aforementioned destruction
well i just wrote a lot uhh thanks for the ask
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villains4hire · 2 years
Ash Von Graven. (Final Space) (Fanon Reboot)
1. I will just open up with: yes this is an extremely overpowered character, especially for her prologue I plan on doing as her main, really only verse other than flashbacks if you'd like to be in her backstory before her main verse, which I do welcome. Her max power however is plot only, as that's quite literally something she wouldn't use even if she died if it meant using it in a populated galaxy. But think like the incredible hulk but as a Psyker to put it bluntly, she'll always have a pretty heavy power scaling but pulls her punches because of what can happen if she doesn't, but can lose herself to her rage. I am aware she possibly died in the original intended ending, but with Mooncake with her? I doubt it, thus my iteration and continuation but I would've done it anyway.
2. On that note: you can expect self-harm, suicidal tendencies, eldritch-induced insanity, hallucinations and more when she's unstable, but expect whacky humor and her being odd, cute and occasionally creepy best girl when she's stable or just usually fine, and I will stop using the tag when it's no longer an issue. I don't mind putting it where she's just herself. As I do combine both aspects of Eldritch God and Ash together for her personality (including her old self with a mature take but can still be immature like Gary for example), granted, she has more restraint now that she's whole again. There will be times where I will do the new addition to her personality of raging but being in control. I do know how to write mental break and all that, but I really do enjoy her whimsical, odd nature at times and I think it might be neat to combine, so I will stress that while some of it may resemble real-world mental illness, it isn't that entirely and there will be far too many aspects that overshadow it.
3. No offense to the creator, as I have zero idea what went behind the scenes for Final Space, but S3's ending with Fox, Ash was all really weak and flimsy as why she'd betray the crew unless being corrupted by Invictus since HE killed Fox, straight up without even hiding it, so it's why I gave her an even better reason of doing it to save them from Final Space which was canon anyway as the cracks faded from them once he was freed at the end. As I will say Invictus on that note will be replaced with Darth Bane's or voice done by Mark Hamil from 2008, 2014 or 2019 or some other booming voices like 'The Many from System Shock 2' would be really creepy as I couldn't take his voice seriously otherwise. I've watched too much Joel of Vinesauce and his 'Shock Master' if you've seen it.
4. This character is considered to be my OWN RUN of the character like someone else writing a reboot of a character in DC or Marvel comics and out the gate starts at the age of 19 to 23. Why? The series got canned and I wrote my own fanon ending, continuation and conclusion already made. Her characterization has been expanded on but kept to canon-compliant along with slight redesigns to give her fin ears and a tail since her people are canonically lizard people from her homeworld and Olan more or less even wanted her brother’s race to be a race of dog people originally like Lil Cato’s species being a cat people so eh, I’ll do it my way to make her still an alien but adult alien lizard lady. On that note? She is shippable in any verse now due to my massive visual edits, but if you flirt with her? It is presumed she is MENTALLY WELL ENOUGH in the timeline and may just say some odd things here and there and not only that, to put her in inappropriate situations such as joking a little far et cetera. This was done mostly to assure people how committed I was to this change, as I have a total of around 440ish edited icons for my reboot version of this character and more or less I believe Olan would’ve kept her either as a child or would’ve had her be an adult from the get-go rather than do the weird real-time aging up on screen as he was forced by investor meddling. By all means, I am using the story of Final Space, but only up to S3 and even my S3 is heavily rewritten and I may or may not borrow upcoming graphic novel ideas but may simply reject them in its entirety.
5. I suggest reading my ->Final Space Disclaimer<- for my characters.
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This is my faceclaim for her visually and I realize the fin ears are bigger for her icons but it looked weirder with them small since the model wasn’t designed for it compared to my S3 redesign. So this is what she looks like before her glowup after S3 and is no longer temporarily insane.
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My Ash reference! Where her eye was missing on her old form is now a void eye like when she uses her powers, though is just like that now. Granted her other eye also changes to the same color when using them, then I will say that the mohawk period exists but is such a brief time period? That I won’t be using most of the icons from there. As at the peak of her timeline with you/is brought out of her temporary insanity? She grows her hair out again, it flows more similar to how it did in S2 when she was a fluffball when she uses her powers, and both eyes become a void eye and so on. While the mohawk version of Ash exists still? It is a very brief period to the point that I will no longer be using those icons other than the ones I salvaged.
Do I want them to die: Yes, go ahead, talk it out with me though. She’s not going to be easy to kill at all really. Will I have/get icons: I have a lot to them all edited personally. They are available ON REQUEST but you have to give me direct credit for them, so this one time I will ask to tell me if using them and you’ll be immediately approved if I see a link to my blog that stays up. Removing the link is considered you’ve stopped using them in public. Tag: void inheritor (main continuation verse) She doesn’t take Clarence’s middle name until this verse | happy again (her second reference with her hair grown out again) |  stable | unstable | always been you: this is the verse for Ash before her S3 conclusion and my ending and continuation for her as a character. This is for fun interactions as with my main verse Ash and both are intended to be used in conjunction with each other to establish how they know your character. This character is shippable in any verse, void inheritor is now presumably just fused to happy again as a verse if happy again as a tag is used and happy again will remain end game verse. Age: 19-23 verse dependent. Sex: AMAB (Granted she's an alien and literally an Eldritch Being) Gender: Trans Female by human standards but her family, even if human never made many remarks about it. It's the future and in space, I doubt they care. Goes by he/she. Race: Serepentian (Simply her default appearance) Eldritch God (Pretty much her entire being?) Sexuality: If she likes you but she's pretty open so long as you're an adult. I will only smut with her by the way when she's stable, it's kind of weird otherwise in a not okay way I feel. I am fine with her getting a little frisky with it though while stable. Personality traits: Her personality includes even parts of her eldritch half: such as sadism, possessiveness. masochism, trigger-happy, rage-filled. Prone to fits of maniacal laughter and sometimes comedic ramblings, sayings, or just as part of who she is now. As for her more known side? I'd say she's loving, sweet if not a bit odd but can be adorably sweeter now yet is more mature, but is a goofball deepdown and can be pretty cute in how she is if she's really comfortable with you as she will say stuff like ‘pew pew pew’ in one translation when shooting lasers at something with you. She's less weird when it comes to having people like when she met Little Cato as 'property' or a 'pet' and really reserves that kind of behavior more or less to put her boot on some jackass. Has some pretty big rage issues. Has no real sense of shame other than when it comes to hurting others, but is pretty shameless when it comes to herself. Pretty blunt, upfront. Cares, but often too much though it’s why she can tap into so much anger to fuel her powers. Self-sacrificing. Mental traits: Eldritch Insanity spiking can be a problem at times, especially if first coming out of the prologue. This eventually will go away completely once she's older and fully matured as an Eldritch God, but can become more stable given enough time or intervention. This was only a problem due to her refusing to let Invictus mutate her into a mature, yet servile inheritor Eldritch God Spawn of his should anything had ever befallen him after he had completed his goals. When a fully grown Eldritch God? She will no longer experience this as it’s two opposites with her beyond what should exist yet does for her void spawn side, then her original, alien life existence side conflicting and melding together is why to settle down fully it takes a bit of time. It’s like a form of hybrid puberty with her. Physical traits: Expect all caps when talking in her Eldritch Tone: Stands around 4′8 to 5′2 depending on verse and is flat-chested due to her species being a lizard race. Has fins on the side of her head to replace her previous canon ears, then a plain looking reptilian tail that isn't out in the open unless she likes you, feels like it or it's the happy again verse. It reaches to the ground, she can stand on it, hang upside down and it's rather flexible and can stretch. Then can vary from 10’0 in her rage form to 30ish ft tall. See above when she grows out her hair again, but I will note that her 'always been you’ verse I do have her slightly more 'built’ and is 4′8 to reflect the canon change I made I addressed earlier in the bios from how weirdly this character was handled. There’s no real difference other than subtle thickening of the limbs, neck, then only so slightly to the head and waist- a good reference to this bodytype would also be an altered shape of Madeline's as it'd just be the body and limbs with less thickness in the legs, lazy, I know, but eh, close enough. She carries a tablet of Clarence and Fox on it in her continuation verse, and also Fox’s dogtag with her and now his photo in it on the back, reading ‘Fox 7821, the Unbreakable.‘ Powers: Dark Energy Manipulation - Beyond God Levels. But she can only tap into this at great risk of losing control, so I'd say that she could probably blow up a small continent without risk. But to go further is to tap into her Eldritch Blood to a point of great risk. So like, think the Incredible Hulk but not at his Max Power as I'd have to plot that. So I will say at full power that even the likes of someone like One Punch Man, Bill Cipher, or Goku would die for example as it's literally dark matter used by an Eldritch God that you'd expect out of HP Lovecraft levels of incomprehensible horror. Telekinesis - It works how you would expect, she can on that note of mind powers also mind control people, but rarely does it for personal reasons. Flight - not needed to be explained. Pyrokinesis - This is her eldritch flames, it plays into the dark energy manipulation. Eldritch Immortality - she can die and be destroyed after great effort but will resurrect in the void of space and rage-based regeneration as a Void Spawn, so the angrier she is? Yeah, you get the picture and relative theme to the character in canon or otherwise. Regardless, the weapon that was used on Invictus was a one of a kind but not impossible to recreate, it would just take forming an entire galaxy until you found the material you needed in the countless fabrics of reality he ripped through and unintentionally he created for how I headcanon it. I don't plan on perma-killing her other than in bad ends where she's not fully awakened, as in Final Space? There are countless iterations of the characters that have died including Ash as Ash unawakened is simply where she dies, as it's part of Invictus's deal to awaken her. Eldritch Veil - Ash has a true form that looks like her own variant of Invictus when she goes berserk, though can tap into it if she's in control of her rage. Otherwise, her 'humanoid' form is simply her original, default form. Corruptive Nature - if you somehow managed to absorb her, let alone soul suck her? You would either have her prison break or if it's you in particular or someone else? She would act as a parasite that'd rapidly kill the being in question eventually, regardless of who they are. Teleportation - if she knows the location? It depends how far she is from it, though could teleport anywhere if she got angry enough but again, the above. Serepentian Biology - Less relevant in her canon post-verse, but I do have Ash’s species be like reptilian aliens. They’re highly durable, able to survive extremely harsh conditions, then have regeneration, have scales but it’s very smooth and have reptilian teeth, claw hands and feet and has little gecko pads on her feet to climb things like even glass windows, then has a relatively strong bite force, she could bite off a limb for example of a human. Can hiss similar to a crocodile and has a bit of sproing in her jump. She has venom glands that she can shoot out a jet of venom from her mouth about 10 feet, then a diseased bite more akin to a far more lethal version of a komodo dragon, but has to stimulate herself with fighting to produce the diseases and bacteria her body accumulates, so her just nibbling you would do nothing. As for her tongue? She uses it to taste the air to track and if people are well or not and can remember the people she likes via that ability. It is a long teal, chameleon tongue that can be used to snag probably up to medium-sized bird or small dog for its strength at a length of around 6 ft. As for her ‘hair’, it’s more of a purple-down like feather quality that can flex and fluff but grows back like hair. Her species age wise is immortal and usually die from being sacrificed rather than of natural or unnatural causes. Parasites cannot survive in her species bodies, bacteria is also only able to survive in her saliva and digestive tract but ultimately is not effected by viruses or diseases and most forms of poison, pollution, and radiation. Notably, these traits can be strengthened with well, ‘hurting her’ and it’s a part of the culture she was previously that’s a literally cult world filled with weirdoes, but of course not all of them. There’s more to this biology since I’ve been requested stuff already for her post fanon ending verse for smut, but I won’t go into that here. Motivations: Above all, her family and loved ones. To regain better control and then revive Bolo to help rebuild the realities and the damage done... and if possible? Revive her lost loved ones though it’s not something she’s willing to go obsessive over. To be loved and to love. To have fun. Maybe take up a few odd hobbies here and there. To explore. To see the universe and all the realities in the endless spans of existence. Backstory:
I am using the same backstory as canon Ash. But she had one last conversation with her adopted dad, Clarence that made her break down into tears as she had contacted him and wanted to see him- only for him to hesitantly answer in the last few minutes of his life as they said their goodbyes, caught up with what they could and his regrets, how he wished he could take it all back and Ash finally forgiving him, along with Clarence softly sniffling with a few tears somewhere in it for learning Fox was dead, but trying to keep strong but then Ash watching him die.
The similarities end however with my ending of ->sacrifice<- if you click the links, her ->let go<- prologue - her continuation as a character ->goodbye<-
Then her motivations are more or less the simple change that she was subtly going insane, being corrupted by Invictus. Then ultimately her conversation went along the lines in response to Gary, Quinn, Avocado (Quinn not being there) more or less, angry they kept it hidden from her. Though deep down she sensed something was terribly wrong and I base it on her overhearing Avocado saying they were going to die but also the fact he killed Lil Cato’s parents. I will say that Gary ‘killing’ Fox is less relevant here since Invictus made ZERO attempts to hide he did it, but it did start the first major crack in her mindstate which was apart of his plan. Thus what led to the breakdown, bringing Lil Cato more or less with her out of instinct rather than being any form of mentally well. Then her attempted murder of Gary and Avocado would’ve threaded the needle as she would’ve just snapped their necks with telekinesis but instead pushed them away the only way she knew how out of instinct when first breaking and couldn’t control herself, as they were wearing suits, etc. Then it ends with her unable to find Moon Cake at the time before she left with Lil Cato as let’s say he was ‘out’ for whatever reason. Then that led to the whole scenario where they confront her at Invictus and Gary apologizing for failing her, failing Fox and failing to save them all from dying, but begging her to not do this to which she replied, which wasn’t her real feelings, rather all the resentment, being upset, driven insane, yet an unhinged, odd snapping calms mixed in throughout it all, “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU; I HATE YOU! Though... I guess that’s just how I always end up with my family, isn’t it? HAHAHA. But I’m going to save you all. So. GET. OUT. OF MY WAY.” Then things play out as normal with the Lord Commander arriving and then getting shafted, the added note is that she teleports Moon Cake out after she’s done with him, again, out of instinct and what gives Gary, Moon Cake and then later Bolo who reaches out to them using an artifact they find while on the Arachnitect’s journey to build the weapon which has taken countless dead universes to build should Invictus ever truly return.
As for the Lord Commander? The odd man out from all of this? Eh, we can make him and his forces a reoccuring villain but he’s too afraid to face Ash directly. Otherwise fuck em’, we don’t need him as I like him as a villain and he was cool, but I don’t think he was too important and most likely served a purpose perhaps after S4 since a S5 had been planned. Though the cliche is him taking Invictus’s power something, I suspect it might’ve had to do with time travel again to correct the wrongs with Ash, Fox etc and maybe get the entire gang together, but who knows, we may never know but I think I did a relatively decent job tying things together at least on Ash’s end and totally left it open to mesh with other endings from rper’s without being too intrusive as I’m fine with different people appealing to Ash, just Lil Cato, Moon Cake made the most sense since she liked them the most.
Then for a little tidbit on Bolo though if there are ever any Bolo rpers? I will admit my main ending with my Ash does involve Bolo being her Commander as he leads the new, albeit limited number Titans to rebuild at the behest of Ash. As the two become rather good friends with the whole mind thing, reviving him to the point I’d say besties and act a bit goofy sometimes as Bolo has shown. As for why Bolo was bodied so easily by the Lord Commander? I will say that he had worn himself down an incredible amount in his Titan Massacre that took place off screen/my fanon imagined s4+ flashback. He had unintentionally broken himself into madness in the end, but was glad to have a successor such as Ash deal with the Invictus if he ever came back, and he was totally eating Astral Popcorn as he watched Invictus get blasted and then Gary and Sheryl shoving the Arachnitect weapon into his head, then later exploding probably after they escape going, “WOO! IT TOOK A THOUSAND LIFETIMES BUT WE GOT YOU IN THE END YOU SMUG BASTARD!” Or something like that, as he had honestly thought it was the end so let him have this.
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dangermousie · 2 years
S2 ep 1
1. This show continues its belief in lack of clothes and work outs. This is our first shot of Marcos this season.
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2. Hector making up with Elsa out of duty while he and Maria stare at each other is a total visual parallel with Carol making up with Ivan out of pity while she and Marcos stare at each other. In both cases, NEITHER relationship leg of that triangle works out, which is surprisingly realistic.
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3. Some of the creepiest things were constantly associated with Paula. Btw, pls tell me I am not losing my mind and she’s the clone of Irene, Marcos’ mom?
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4. The one thing that can consistently, shamelessly make me cry in this show is not any ships (not even my beloved Ivan x Julia), not even Maria’s maternal relationship with Ivan but the way Marcos is the best brother to Paula. That just hits me straight in the softest, most vulnerable part of my heart. He may have been a lousy boyfriend, but an excellent friend and a brother without equal. This scene, where he tries to explain to Paula what death is and why she should enjoy life even though death is inevitable by likening it to her loving her birthday party even though she knows the candles will be blown out, the clown will leave and the party will end - ooooof. And the way he answers all her difficult questions (can children die? why do we not live forever? etc) and somehow manages to smile and make it all a good talk and not a horror...
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5. Fermin, our amazing super agent, is so so so SO soft for Maria.
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6. The thing that I always loved about Marcos was how unbreakable and unbroken he was. (I think he’s inherited it from his mother and Hector.) You could break Ivan (show delighted in doing just that tbh) though he’d be able to glue himself together somehow - continuing despite being in pieces was his trademark. But you could never break Marcos, not in any way that mattered (unless they took Paula away I suppose - shudder.) But also, when he tells Hector he could never be like his father - the bitter irony of that in retrospect. He’s right in the worst, best ways.
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7. It’s pretty telling that Ivan on the run felt safe to call Maria and ask for help. Even if it all turned badly (Hector followed and brought him back to school and now Ivan is back to loathing her feeling betrayed), it speaks volumes about his instincts being on point.
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I am also amused to note that this is the start of them not even bothering to pretend he looks like a high school student. Hi there, leather and designer stubble!
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8. He’s only been on screen for a minute in this new season and he’s already being broken down. This show def catered to its strengths!!!!
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I do so love Maria tentatively trying to console him. I looooooove how slow they took the mother-son thing.
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9. Noiret! We did not miss you. I do love Ivan basically hiding behind Hector and asking to stay. It’s pretty telling that, as @theseasasleep​ pointed out, the school that might as well be a portal to hell is Ivan’s haven.
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10. “I hate you!” Poor Maria, having to deal with teen acting out without having even gotten the cute baby years.
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11. Marcos telling Ivan he’s glad Ivan’s OK. Awwwww, another step on your road to eventual cuddling bros!
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12. The first and last time we see parents care about what is going on at the school. Apparently it’s drugs that’s the deal breaker. Not corpses or plagues or a convicted child abuser running the place or literal Nazis!!!!
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Somehow with those parents that tracks however.
PS Have noticed that this school has provided zero support or counseling to minors whose classmate and friend supposedly overdosed and died suddenly? It’s business as usual!
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puppy-the-uncensored · 3 months
SDJ au concept. I saw camp counselor aus before where Jack becomes a slasher, but what if YOU were the slasher? Two ways it can go, either y/n is a classic slasher that happens to target the camp Jack works at OR;
You're a camp counselor and all your coworkers this year are a bunch of irresponsible young adults who aren't taking their jobs seriously. I mean, you have to look after kids in a remote forest location with easy access to a lake, they could get into anything and hurt themselves or wander off and get lost or worse if they aren't properly supervised! So- after catching the other counselors shirking their duties to hook up or sneak a beer one too many times- and to the detriment of one of the children no less- you decide you're going to teach them the lesson of a lifetime. Teamed up with one of your friends you stage a slasher murder, just like in the campfire stories. You make a cool mask and wear some clothes that obscure your figure and with some shoddy sfx thag looked just real enough in the dark you make it look like you killed your friend and fellow counselor. You'd planned to meet back up and reveal the ruse in the morning but... your friend never came to the meeting spot. You eventually get to see the "body" and... those aren't the fake slashes and corn syrup blood you'd made.
Someone had gone in behind you to make your murder real
Unbeknownst to you, you weren't the only one fed up with the state of things. Only, Jack wanted a much more... realistic slasher case to scare the others straight. Of course, now that they're freaked out they're minding the kids less and less, which just means Jack's gotta hammer in the lesson even harder until they shape up and get the point! Meanwhile, you've got to cover your tracks and hide your own involvement while also investigating this new slasher that's using you as a scapegoat to hopefully avenge your friend and keep the campers safe all while picking up the counselors' slack with the only other person who seems to actually be doing his job.
It's a bit wild that he's thinking about dating at a time like this, but hey- when there's a chance you'll die tomorrow may as well have a whirlwind romance while you're at it, right?
Jack meanwhile thinks that one of these unhelpful lot of new counselors might just be worth sparing, and maybe- if they agree- he'd like to keep them for himself.
Some fun tidbits to point out, Jack doesn't know you're the original masked "slasher". He only becomes obsessed with you after he starts killing and the two of you start bonding while working together to keep the camp running. And you're also still going out in your slasher attire to hopefully either lure out the double or make it so if you're caught, nobody sees that it's you sneaking around and gets suspicious since your face is hidden. It's better they run from the "killer" than catch you and start thinking you're up to something when you're actually trying to be the good guy here and investigate/stop the real killer on the loose.
I'm thinking he's a spirit of a counselor that died in the 80's, his self appointed role is to continue protecting and looking after the children- so when the new wave of counselors come in and treat the job like a summer get away he quickly inserts himself into their ranks and takes matters into his own hands. They're hardly paying attention and it's not like any of them checked the employee roster, who'd notice an extra set of hands helping out? You don't remember meeting him when you were first taken around the grounds and introduced to everyone, but you figured he might just have been quiet. The kids seem to know and love him, and you swear you've seen him out of the corner of your eye around the camp a couple times, so it's probably fine. The camp was a big place, it isn't surprising you hadn't gotten to meet everyone in one go, and since he seems to really be working he was probably too busy covering the others to mingle with the other counselors and introduce himself.
EDIT: I think I actually like it more if he's just a normal guy instead of a ghost in this au. He's just Like This™️
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Roommates (part1)
Anywhere you go, I will follow Status: completed Rating: T Author: littlefandom Summary: Simon and Wilhelm have been best friends since forever. They know each other inside out and there is no such thing as secrets when it comes to them… or there didn’t use to be. Because there’s one, huge thing Wille’s been hiding from Simon. Namely, he’s in love with him. But there is no way Simon could ever like him back in this way. Right? Or, Simon is stunning, Wille gets jealous and a party game uncovers some deep secrets… in a way that Wilhelm for sure doesn’t expect.
guess this could be worse (walking out the door with your bags) Status: incomplete Rating: T Author: tobuildahome Summary: In which simon gets a boyfriend, and wilhelm is an idiot)
In the Back of my Mind, You Died. Status: incomplete Rating: T Author: zelinkies Summary: The second-born son of Queen Kristina, nineteen-year-old Prince Wilhelm, has just gone viral for getting into a fight at a party. In a public statement, his immediate transfer to Hillerska College was announced. His one request (other than not transferring entirely) was to have an “ordinary” person as a roommate. Conveniently for him, the roommate of one Simon Eriksson has just gotten suspended. 
all this time Status: completed Rating: M Author: makeamends Summary: In an alternative universe where Wilhelm is still born in Stockholm but not anywhere near the palace gates, in a regular hospital room to a pretty regular set of parents and a pretty regular big brother, the Swedish monarchy is someone else’s responsibility to uphold and protect. Instead, Wilhelm’s top concern at the moment is his best friend Simon, who he has been hopelessly in love with for the better part of two years, ever since they met in their Intro to Political Science class.
The only flaw Wilhelm has ever been able to find in Simon Eriksson is his goddamn boyfriend.
Imagine his surprise when he wakes up one morning to texts from Henry implying he should maybe, just maybe, consider asking Simon why he’s dating Markus in the first place, because an apparently viral reddit post by someone sounding suspiciously like Simon published last night on r/AmItheAsshole seems to imply Simon’s been living under the assumption that Wilhelm is very, very straight for the last two years
Simon is very, very wrong. 
You Can Feel It On The Way Home Status: completed Rating: T Author: wilmonsfolklore Summary: Wille and Simon are roommates during their first semester of university and Wille slowly realises that Simon might just be the best person they've ever met) 
Eleven Status: completed Rating: G Author: Skamownsme4ever Summary: Wille has the biggest crush on his roommate and Simon overhears their conversation while he is talking to Erik on the phone. Simon can't believe what he is hearing.
the way you look at me Status: completed Rating: T Author: strummerjoe Summary: After spending his whole life in Bjärstad, Simon is excited to go to university. He wants to embrace all aspects of student life and he's ready for anything.... Anything, except finding a disgruntled crown prince in his new bedroom. 
will you hold me tight and not let go? Status: completed Rating: E Author: toffeelemon Summary: The fancy French restaurant that Simon sings part time at has offered him a free candlelit dinner for two - obviously Simon is not about to say no to free food, but he doesn't have a boyfriend, so he asks the next best person to go with him. His good friend and housemate Wille. (Ex-Crown Prince, drop dead gorgeous, might actually be the best person Simon has ever met Wille.)
The line between hate and love Status: incomplete Rating: M Author: neverlookbehind Summary: Wille goes out with his group of friends one night. The rage that was raging in his body that night, makes him bump into a boy with dark curly hair. The two fight and he still doesn’t know about a series of events that awaits him. What if the thin line that divides hate and love breaks? 
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TUA Star Trek AU
The Hargreeves kids are officers on the U.S.S Umbra, formerly Captained by Reginald Hargreeves, now Captained by no one (they may have mutinied, just a little bit, as a treat)
Chief Engineer Luther, who Reginald had some Alien DNA permanently transplanted from Pogo w/o his consent. Luther was groomed by Reginald for many years to be his First Officer someday (he was 2nd Officer before), but after the mutiny he took up the job of Chief Engineer and is much happier there
Chief of Security Diego. Enough said.
Communications Officer Allison! She speaks tons of languages and is probably the only thing keeping them from being shot down on a daily basis with her mad diplomacy skills
Navigator!Klaus. Klaus is so incredibly bad at directions, its a miracle that they've only gotten lost 17 times (and counting). No, but Reginald only put him there originally so he could keep an eye on him (and criticize him anytime they went off course)
Science Officer Five. Five got sucked into a temporal rift inside a nebula on a Science mission once, and came out three days later saying he was 58 now, but happened to look 13. Apparently he got sucked into a parallel universe and doesn't like to talk about it. (This Five is secretly canon timeline 5, he's just taking a well deserved vacation, because god knows he needs one)
Ben!!! Ben was the former Chief Engineer under Reginald, but he hated it, and after their mutiny gave it to Luther, and started looking for a new job. Partway through his job search, he got accidentally turned into a Hologram, so now he's dealing with that on top of everything else. He often fills in as Helmsman so he can be near his family on the Bridge (and also to keep Klaus in check)
Vanya as Ship's Counselor. With all her issues, Vanya is actually a pretty terrible Counselor, but she got promoted to that job under Grace, after many years of being stuck as Nurse because of the shithead Reginald not seeing her as "worthy enough". However, this way she gets to see her family more, and Grace is helping her learn the ropes, so it won't be long until she's psychoanalyzing people like someone who spent 10 minutes looking stuff up on the internet!
Grace. Grace, or the real Grace as we know her in S2, spent many years as the Chief Medical Officer before getting into a very unique accident and becoming merged with the Computer. This accident destroyed her body, and Reginald had an Android one built, and part of her lives in that and continues her work as a Doctor. The other part, is permanently in the Computer and runs the whole ship. Both have a Southern Accent, and both are the Hargreeves' Mom, because that's what everyone deserves.
Pogo. Pogo's a Klingon and was Reginald's First Officer before the mutiny, and for many years stood by and/or helped Reginald be shitty to literally everyone. After the mutiny, he was put in the brig, but is let out or consulted during emergencies, and is slowly taking steps to get demoted and put on probation, effectively giving him a second chance.
AU also has... the U.S.S. Commissioner, a starship sent after them by the Federation to arrest them all and put them under court martial. The Commissioner is Captained by The Handler, and has her daughter Lila as her Chief of Security, as well as other Commission Agents in her employ. (At one point Lila infiltrates the Umbra and working very closely with Diego, before betraying them or did she?)
Also! Sparrows are the mirror universe versions of them, in which their ship has been renamed to the I.S.S. Sparrer where Reginald is still in charge and they all listen to him 🤢
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Hi :) I was wondering if you’d be open to writing something about Tommy and baby Shelby going to see Alfie. With season 5 Alfie trying to hide his scars because he thinks she’d be scared but she just cuddles into him. I get if this is weird or too specific😅
“Remember what we talked about eh?” Tommy says to his youngest sibling as he tugs open the door on her side of the car. (y/n) Shelby takes her brothers outstretched hand to help her jump down out of the car that was a little too high up for her to manage to climb out by herself. “Yes Tommy.” She responds, skipping off in front of him to the big heavy front door of the building they were going into. The little girl leans against the door to very little avail as it barely even budges until Tommy reaches the door too and pushes it open with one strong arm.
He steps very firmly in front of (y/n) in the lobby of the building to prevent her running off again, and crouches down to her height with both hands placed firmly on her small upper arms to hold her still. “You stay right next to me okay?” He repeats, “And stay quiet yeah? I’ll try and be as quick as i can.” (y/n) smiles in response, “And then we can go to the sweet shop?”
Tommy nods and gives his little sister a soft smile before he stands up straight and takes her hand tightly in his. His littlest sister is so fearless and unaware of the dangers of the life she was dropped into that it always gives Tommy a sense of relief in some ways. It was almost like a form of escapism. Bouncing between Polly, John, Arthur, Charlie, and Tommy had made her life very different from most, even from Tommy’s young son. It would be incredibly safe to say that it was a shock when Polly Gray had entered into the betting shop in Watery Lane holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. They were all incredibly confused and very soon learned that Arthur Shelby Senior had shown up on the doorstep with another child he wasn’t interested in raising. She was an accidental one who’s mother died in childbirth and the deadbeat father had been gifted with yet another little life to let down.
Of course it became very important for Tommy that the baby girl did not experience the same kind of sheer let down that their father had given to all of them. He named sweet little (y/n) on that evening 6 and a half years ago. He felt like he was completely aimless and useless at that time. He had decided not to go after Grace and that lost love was weird for him after finally having it. Then that beautiful, quiet, warm and sweet little girl was placed into his arms and held tightly onto his finger and suddenly, his world and his love seemed to hold new meaning.
She was his muse, his greatest love and his favourite little sidekick.
“Tommy fuckin’ Shelby.” Alfie rumbles out, his back to the door as he faces out his balcony. “That’s a bad word, Tommy.” (y/n) chides in a whisper as she looks up cautiously at her elder brother. Tommy offers her small hand a gentle squeeze and nods his head, but promptly turns his head back to the man holding a gun at the window. “And you’ve brought your mini protégé, i see.”
Alfie turns half of his face, only his good half, to see the sweet little wave from the youngest Shelby sibling. “Alfie, this is my sister; (y/n).” Tommy introduces, hoping his willingness to divulge his sisters name would move Alfie away from the subject as quickly as possible so that they could talk about what he was really there to talk about and then he could take his sister and go quickly. He didn’t like her having to be involved in these things, he always feared it would bring her into the line of fire. “Mhm,” Alfie grumbles, “Last time i saw you, you was only about this big-” He gestures with his hand only a few feet off the floor, “Couldn’t speak much, either.” The Londoner adds, eyes slightly narrowed. The 6 year old tilts her head to the side.
“I can speak a lot now, Mister Solomons.” She says, somewhat proudly. The burly man laughs, not his usual sinister or mocking way. “I can see that.” He hums in response, eyes moving from the little girl to Tommy when he clears his throat heavily to draw attention back to him. “If we could, Alfie, I’d like to talk business.” Alfie nods his head in response, gesturing with his hand to the couch across the room. Tommy let’s go of his sisters hand to sit down on the couch, the little girl doing her best to climb up beside him with only a little help from her brother. Alfie sits on the chair across from them. Tommy knows there had to be significant damage to the side of the man’s face after the injury he sustained from the bullet fired out of Thomas’s gun. There was almost no way he escaped that unscathed.
“I’m going to kill a facist, Alfie. And i need some men.”
The words from Tommy prompt Alfie to rather abruptly turn his head, somewhat shocked by the words, but more shocked by the fact the 6 year old little girl was completely unbothered by the words her brother had spoken. The pre-school aged girl simply continues fiddling with the pocket watch Tommy gave to her. She looks to be dismantling it with a very distinctive focus that reminds Alfie she is a Shelby, and she might fully be aware of how to kill him already.
“A facist ey?” Alfie repeats, his eyebrows raised. “Politics got to you, Thomas?” Tommy rolls his eyes and lights a cigarette. “I need some men.” Tommy adds, making Alfie scoff. “Oh you do, do you? And you want mine?”
Tommy merely nods his head.
In his discussion with the head of the Peaky Blinders, Alfie had not forgotten the presence of the 6 year old on the couch, but it had fallen away from the forefront focus of his mind as he debated the thought of lending men to a Shelby’s cause. In doing so, he turned his head in thought and a little noise of awe left the youngest Shelby. Tommy and Alfie both direct their attention straight to her.
The little girl scoots herself off the couch and Tommy reaches for her arm, but just misses. She trods right up to the huge London gangster and tilts her head. “What happened?” She asks softly. Alfie shifts uncomfortably on the couch he sits on, running his finger absentmindedly over the scarring of his face. “Got shot.” Alfie responds, Tommy clears his throat heavily and almost awkwardly in knowing he was the one who had given Alfie Solomons his facial scarring. (y/n) tilts her little head in awe as she clambers up onto the couch next to him.
“Looks cool.” She mutters in awe.
Most look at him in some kind of shock or horror even. Some with sympathy thinking it had come from the war and some with fear knowing where it had really come from. But few with the kindness and curiosity of the 6 year old standing on his good couch.
“Does it hurt?” She asks quietly. Alfie shrugs.
That’s when her little hand reaches forward to trace over the scarring with an almost feather light child’s touch as she stands there on the couch, her hands are cold and gentle over the markings that no one has touched since his last hospital appointment.
“Her mother’s daughter.”
Alfie flicks his eyes back over to a now standing Thomas as he reaches forward to lift his sister up into his arms where she sits on his hip with little furrowed eyebrows and a purse on her lips. Alfie’s residual aching cheekbone pain has faded to nearly non-existent for the first time he can soberly remember. He knows that Tommy knows this by the look in his eyes and the way in which he notes his prior statement before he gathered his sister.
“She’s sweet.” Alfie nods, standing to his feet. As softened as both men may be by the child in the room, Alfie does not like sitting as Tommy Shelby towers over him whether the man is an ally or not. “Polly says i get it from Tommy.” (y/n) chimes. Alfie raises his eyebrows with a grin that makes Tommy roll his eyes at the retired gangster. “Oh do you now?” Alfie hums, opening his mouth to speak again when Tommy cuts him off. “You go ahead to the car (y/n), eh? I’ll meet you down there in just a minute okay?”
The six year old nods and runs off the moment her feet hit the ground. Tommy turns to Alfie immediately.
“If you ever-“
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mister Mom.” Alfie rumbles, crossing his arms over his chest with a beaming grin. “Little miss Shelby has you whipped, mate. Tell me, what’s your favourite apron you wear at home eh Thomas?” He chuckles heartily, making Tommy glower in rage at his teasing. “I’m fucking serious, Alfie.” He growls. Alfie straightens up and stops laughing immediately.
His eyes narrow for a split second and he tilts his head, his eyes searching the depth of Tommy’s cerulean blues and immediately noticing the sheer panic and worry that lies deep within them, attempting to hide under brotherly protective instinct and rage at the prospect of harm falling on his little sister. Alfie inhales deeply. He would truly never dream of harming a child. It’s not in his nature, nor does it sit well with him. And though he had been quick to give the head of the Peaky Blinders a reality check in the past regarding the safety of his son, in the end he had no idea Charlie Shelby had been taken and he never would have arranged for that to happen.
Alfie nods his head and leans forward. “She’s special to you, yeah?” Tommy doesn’t know why Alfie asks. He’s sure it’s clearer than he wants it to be, but alas the Londoner asks anyway and Tommy doesn’t know exactly how to answer, so he simply makes a motion something akin to a nod though looks more like a twitch of his chin. “Mhm, I can tell. You can have the men. I’m sure you know the price.” Alfie turns away. Tommy doesn’t know what it was in Alfie’s eyes that reassured him more than words ever could that he wouldn’t lay harm on the 6 year old little girl who treated him with more respect and kindness in the ten minutes she spoke to him that anyone had in years. There was an element of brotherly protectiveness that Alfie felt only after knowing her a short time.
“And Tommy?”
“Yes, Alfie?” The Birmingham MP turns back as he leaves the doorway of Alfie’s sitting room.
“Anything ever happens to the kid, you fuckin’ let me know yeah?”
Tommy nods his head, the ghost of a smile somewhat on his face. His little sister is just about as protected as they come, and there was a distinct feeling of certainty that Alfie Solomons was there, lurking in the shadows of existence with a familial fondness of the little Shelby girl who carries the glow of an angel above her head that would ensure no men, from Birmingham or further afield would have to go through every Solomons and Shelby loyal man up and down the country before a hair on (y/n) Shelby’s head was messed. Tommy holds hope somewhere deep in his heart that his little sister will never have to see violence aimed at her, and that for as long as she lives she knows that she is instantaneously loved, dearly held in every heart and ferociously protected by some of Britain’s most dangerous men.
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dreamerstreamer · 3 years
Pocket Knife Prince
Pairing: c!Technoblade x gn!reader
Summary: [Dream SMP!AU] You’ve liked Technoblade from the moment he joined Pogtopia, but you could never quite bring yourself to confess. Who knew it would only take a pocket knife and some potatoes to change that?
Warnings: minor cursing & one slightly out of pocket joke
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: this a repost of an older story i had posted a while back. this story takes place back when technoblade was still allied with pogtopia. i hope you enjoy! <3
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You huffed as you pulled yourself up another rung on the ladder, your arms straining as you did your best to keep yourself balanced. You still couldn’t fathom why Tommy thought it was a good idea to dig straight down.
“I’ll hit a cave, eventually,” he had told you as he grabbed a pickaxe, already starting to mine away at the space beneath his feet.
“Maybe,” you had said. “But what if you hit a lava pool? Do you really want to burn alive?”
“Oh, I have a backup plan in case I fuck up.” He held up a bucket of water, grinning at you. “Bam. Fucking foolproof.”
Yeah, sure, you thought to yourself with a grimace as you continued to haul yourself upward. You might not have died while digging down, but I might die while climbing up. 
Pausing, you reached behind you to adjust the strap of your back with a cry of frustration. This is way too heavy—I should have gone back earlier.
You looked back up again, squinting for a second before your eyes lit up. At long last, light! You were at least somewhat close to the entrance, now. “Just a bit more climbing,” you muttered to yourself as you reached up once more, “and then you’ll be able to take this stupid bag off.”
A few moments later, you gasped as you finally dragged yourself out of the vertical tunnel, standing up on shaky legs. Without even an ounce of hesitation, you swung your pack off your back, dumping it onto the dusty earth ungracefully. Your muscles practically screamed with relief as you rolled back your shoulders, a wide smile stretching across your face.
“Hey, boys!” you shouted, your voice echoing in the tall ravine. “Guess who’s back?!”
You heard some rumbling, then a tuft of blond hair peeked out from one of the overhanging pillars. “Big [Y/N]!” Tommy shouted, waving at you. “You took for-fuckin’-ever to get back.”
You stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s not my fault we needed so much stuff.” You narrowed your gaze. “Also, your ladder idea sucks.” 
Tommy scowled. “My ladder idea is fucking genius, you bi—”
A new voice cut in. “Tommy, that’s enough.”
You smiled triumphantly as you watched Tommy immediately shrink back, his tone quieting as he grumbled defeatedly, “Yes, Wilbur.”
Giving him a quick ruffle of his hair, Wilbur strolled down the ravine’s cobblestone steps down to the bottom. He pulled his hands out of his coat pockets as he flashed you a grin. “Welcome back, [Y/N]. How was the trip?”
You offered him a weary but satisfied look. “Oh, you know. Dark. Dusty. The usual. But…” Bending down, you flipped open the top of your pack and pulled out a smaller sack, shaking it in front of his face. “…I got all that gold you wanted! There’s probably a little less than seven stacks in there, which will be plenty if we want to make some golden apples.”
Wilbur blinked at you, his eyebrows raised in surprise as a smile began to tug at his lips. “Not that I doubt you or anything,” he said, “but where in the world did you manage to get nearly seven stacks of gold?”
You shrugged nonchalantly, dropping the bag into his hands with a hum. “In a cave.” When he stared at you in stunned silence, you quirked a brow at him. “What? It’s not like it was hard.”
He was grinning now, shaking his head. “You’re batshit crazy, [Y/N]. That’s incredible.”
You smiled sheepishly at his words. “For the record,” you pointed out, “I didn’t do it all in a single day or anything. I was gone for, like, half a week.”
“That’s still really good work, alright?” He reached over, playfully punching your shoulder. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”
You winced, shooting him a dirty look. “Ow, that hur—”
“Oh, you’re back.”
Your head whipped around at the sound of low, rumbling voice. Your frown vanished at the sight of Technoblade standing a few feet away from you, a basket of potatoes held in his gloved hands. You felt your heart swell and a bright grin replace your scowl as you bounced over to him. “Hi, Techno!” you chirped.
He smiled back at you, his gaze kind. “Hello.”
From behind you, Wilbur let out a distressed noise. “Jeez, you seem so excited to talk to him but barely batted an eye at me. Did you miss him that much?”
You stuck your tongue out at him, trying to hide the flush of your cheeks. “More than I did you.”
Tommy cackled as he walked by, adjusting the straps of the pack in his hands. “Ouch. Maybe you should get some ice for that burn, Wilbur.”
Wilbur grimaced, opening his mouth to retort when his gaze suddenly lit up. “Actually,” he said, turning, “speaking of ice, who wants to go with me to the Nether to destroy some of the SMP’s and Manberg’s ice roads?” A devilish grin split across his face. “I figured that it would slow them down a bunch and they’d spend less time focusing on us, so it’ll be easier for us to get into contact with Tubbo.”
You blinked at him, then sent him a teasing smile. “Wilbur, this might one of the only good ideas you’ve had since starting a drug cartel.”
“Thank y—wait, is that a compliment?”
“Man,” Technoblade sighed, rolling his eyes at him, “just take it as one and let your ego coast on that for the next six months.”
“Anyways,” Wilbur said, ignoring him and moving on, “who wants to come with me?”
You shook your head, shifting your weight from foot to foot. “No thanks. I just got back from a long, long mining trip. I think I’m due for some time off.”
Wilbur nodded. “Alright, fair.” His gaze moved to the figure standing next to you. “Techno?”
Technoblade simply raised the basket of potatoes in his hands. “Nah. I’ve got my hands full here.”
Wilbur made a face, a hint of desperation seeping into his eyes. “You can farm potatoes any time,” he said, his voice raising a pitch or two. “How about you just come with m—”
“Why don’t I just go?”
Wilbur froze, and he turned with a shaky smile. “A-Are you sure about that, Tommy? You sure you don’t just want to stay in the ravine with [Y/N]?”
Tommy shrugged, flipping the stick in his hand. “Not really. It’s not like I have anything better to do, anyways.” He nudged the pack at his feet. “I’m even packed and ready to go, too.”
Wilbur swallowed, and you could have sworn a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. “You really want to come?” he added, sounding more and more uncertain with each word that passed his lips.
“I dunno, Wilbur,” Technoblade spoke up, quirking his lips at him, “but it almost sounds like you don’t want to bring Tommy with you.”
Tommy gasped, looking appalled. “What the hell, Will? Of course you want me to go with you, right?”
Wilbur turned on his heel, dragging a tired hand over his face. “Sure, Tommy. Let’s just say that.” He strode away toward the stairs, practically stomping his way up to the second floor. “Just give me a second to grab a pack,” he sighed, waving a hand behind him. “I’ll be down in like five minutes.”
Tommy threw his hands in the air, waving his stick. “Fuck yeah!”
Technoblade let out a quiet chuckle, turning on his heel. “Well, I’m gonna go back to farming.”
You glanced at him shyly, trailing after him. “Can I come with?”
His step faltered, and he turned to send you a fond look. “Always.”
Your heart lit up at the sight and you grinned, following him into the garden room. The entirety of the floor had been replaced with dirt, tiny streams of water weaving their way around the potato patches. You let out a quiet hum as Technoblade set the basket of potatoes on the ground, grabbing a hoe from its place on the wall and walking over to the makeshift field. Digging the blade of the hoe into the earth, he pulled back and repeated the motion until the soft, dark soil was exposed to the air. Leaning back against the wall, a soft smile crept onto your face as you watched.
You remembered when Technoblade first arrived in the Dream SMP, all those months ago. You had been sitting in the ravine, peeling an apple with a pocket knife as you chatted with Wilbur, when Tommy burst in with a deafening shout about “the blade”. Raising your head, you had opened your mouth to make a snarky retort, but the words died in your mouth the minute you laid eyes on him.
He looked like a prince—a handsome one, at that.
While Wilbur had jumped down to greet Technoblade with a friendly hug, you had simply stared at the newcomer, pocket knife in your hand and apple slice in the other. As Tommy brought Technoblade over to you and asked you to introduce yourself, you remembered that dizzy pink feeling rising in your chest as you blurted the first thing that came to mind.
“Want an apple slice?”
You had expected him to be confused, shaking his head and pulling away with a disgusted look. But instead, his gaze flickered to your hand.
“I’d rather have the knife.”
You had blinked at him for a moment, stunned, then burst into laughter, outstretching your hand with the pocket knife handle extended toward him. He had offered you a small, awkward smile back, gingerly taking the knife from you. When his hands brushed against yours, that hazy, rosy feeling swelled in your chest again.
Ever since that moment, you’d only fallen harder and harder.
It was difficult to put into words just what drew you to Technoblade. Of course, he was pretty, but you weren’t that shallow. He had an awkward charm to him, something that seeped into every aspect of his being. He was hardworking, determined, sarcastic, and oh-so very real. You couldn’t name one thing about him that you didn’t like, really. You loved his laughter that came in brief, giggling bursts. Every time he smiled, you couldn’t help but smile back. He never failed to keep you guessing, and you loved every second you spent with him.
You weren’t sure how far you’d fallen at this point, but you knew one thing, and it was that there was no going back.
“Hey,” a new voice said suddenly, pulling you away from your thoughts. You turned, watching Tommy stick his head into the room. “Can I have some potatoes for the trip?”
Your eyes shot to Technoblade, who paused for a moment, then nodded, gesturing to the basket at his feet. “Sure. You can have a couple.”
Tommy grinned, strolling in to lean down and pluck three potatoes from the pile. Standing back up again, he toed the basket, tossing and catching a potato in his hands. “Hey, Techno,” he said, “don’t you ever get tired of farming these things?”
Technoblade paused, patting down the dirt he had just covered another potato with. “Eh, not really.” His eyes flickered with contentment, and you felt your lips twitch. “I like it.”
Tommy frowned. “But,” he said, “it’s so fucking boring.”
You gasped, shooting him a glare. “Tommy! That’s mean.”
“What? Am I wrong?” He flung his arm out to point at the tilled dirt, clearly unimpressed. “All he’s doing is the same fucking thing over and over, again. We’re in a war, [Y/N]. Why can’t he just spar with me or something?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, deadpanning. “Tommy, the last time you sparred with Technoblade, you lasted less than ten seconds.” 
He grew quiet. “Okay, well, you didn’t have to put it like that, but—”
“What? Am I wrong?” you said, mimicking him.
A second passed. Then two.
“…touché, [Y/N].”
“Tommy!” Wilbur’s voice echoed from the top of the stairs, his head popping out from between the railings. “You ready to go?”
Without missing a beat, Tommy whipped around, rushing out of the farm room and slipping up the stairs. “I’m coming!”
A smirk tugged at Wilbur’s lips. “Heh.”
“Wha—oh, Will! That’s fucking disgusting.”
“But it was funny,” you called out after the youngest.
“Fuck off, [Y/N]!”
Beside you, Technoblade let out a laugh, his eyes curving into two crescent moons as he set down the hoe and picked up a shovel. With a fond smile gracing your lips, you took a step toward him, leaning down to take a closer look. There was something so endearing about knowing someone as powerful as Technoblade had a hobby as mundane as farming—farming potatoes, to be more specific. 
You liked it. A lot. You liked him a lot.
You wondered how much longer you could go without saying it aloud.
“Hey, Techno,” you murmured, watching his ears perk up at the sound of your voice, “could you teach me the best way to plant potatoes?”
He paused, his shovel planting itself in the earth as he turned to look at you, his lips parted in surprise. “Y-You actually want to learn?”
You bobbed your head, praying that your face wasn’t growing any warmer. “Of course. Fighting’s fun and all, but there’s more to life than just bloodshed.” You flashed him a bright grin. “Besides, an army needs food to fight!”
With a small grin, he gestured for you step closer. “You want to make sure you dig about six to eight inches down,” he explained, gesturing down the hole with his finger. “If you don’t dig deep enough, then the potato will be too close to the surface, and if you dig too deep, it’ll have a harder time reaching the top.”
You nodded, your tongue swiping over your lips in concentration. Technoblade let out a brief cough, turning away with a slight flush to his cheeks as he grabbed a potato from the basket next to him. “Then,” he continued, “grab a potato. You’ll want to cut it in half down the middle and plant it so the cut side is facing downwards.”
Sticking a hand into his pocket, he rummaged around for a second before pulling out a familiar pocket knife. Your eyes flashed with recognition as he flipped the blade open and sliced through the potato with ease.
“Is that,” you began slowly, your tone tentative and gentle, “my pocket knife? From when we first met?”
Technoblade’s hands faltered as he sliced, his gaze flickering to you with a bashful look. “It’s—um, yeah. Does… does that bother you?”
You immediately shook your head, waving your hands in front of you. “No, not at all! I-I was just wondering. I haven’t seen it in a while, that’s all.”
He lowered his chin, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “I’ve been taking good care of it,” he admitted quietly, his gaze not meeting yours. “It’s important to me.”
You blinked, your heart beating faster in your chest. “It is?” you whispered.
He nodded. “It is.”
You wanted to curl up into a ball and squeal. It only took two simple words from him to send you into a flurry of awkward smiles and blushing whines. You couldn’t believe just how far gone you were.
Technoblade stretched a hand toward you, half of the potato he cut clutched between his fingers. “Here. You try planting one.”
With a shaky hand, you gently pulled the potato from his hands, nearly flinching at the feeling of his skin brushing against yours. Carefully, you reached over and set the potato face down like he had instructed. You pointed your hand toward the pile of dirt lying just beside the hole, about to start covering the potato when his arm shot out in front of you.
“Wait,” he said suddenly, making you freeze in place. “You don’t have gloves on. I don’t want your hands to get dirty.”
You sent him a small smile, waving a hand dismissively at him. “A little dirt never hurt anyone.”
He didn’t budge. “Please. Let me.”
That fuzzy feeling was back, and you pulled back. “Okay,” you whispered, your stomach swarming with butterflies as you watched him cover your planted potato with his hands. For someone who made a lot of jokes regarding human ethics, he was far more caring than he let on.
“Y’know,” you said softly, glancing over at him, “it’s really cool watching you do this, even if Tommy thinks it’s boring.” A small smile flitted across your face. “There are all these specific conditions that you have to know to have the most efficient farm with the best percent yield of potatoes—it’s honestly kind of surreal just how much brainpower actually goes into farming.”
Technoblade stared at you, his eyes reflecting something thoughtful and warm, and another thought popped into your head. You felt your cheeks begin to grow warm at the words swirling around your head. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you opened your mouth, again.
“I-I, um,” you began shakily, suddenly finding the scuff mark on your shoe very interesting, “I really hope you know how smart we think you really are. How smart I know you are. Because you are. Smart, that is.”
You must have been trembling, you could almost feel it. Why was it so hard to put your feelings into words? At this rate, you were never going to be able to confess how you felt. Just how much longer could you drag this out fo—
“Hey,” he said gently, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts. You turned your head, your lips parting as you looked at him in surprise. The moment his soft gaze met yours, a spark of electricity ran through your veins, and you shivered for an entirely different reason.
“Thank you,” he murmured, tilting his head at you. “I appreciate it.”
Suddenly, he squinted his eyes at you, his carmine gaze narrowing. “Oh wait, you’ve got something on your face,” he murmured, inching closer in to take a better look.
“Oh,” you said, a hand immediately darting up to your cheek, “that’s probably just some dust or soot or something. You know, from the mines.” You wiped at your face with the back of your hand, embarrassment shooting up your spine knowing that you probably looked dumb. “Did I get it?”
He frowned, pulling off his gloves as he leaned closer. “No, here let me just—”
Suddenly, his hand was on your face, your cheek held gently in his palm. Your heart came barreling to a stop, your entire body freezing like ice. 
He was so close.
The pads of his finger were warm and calloused, yet they held a certain softness to him as his thumb slowly swiped just under her eye, careful to brush away the dirt that marred your face. Like a moth drawn to a flame, you found yourself unable to look away from him, hyperaware of the goosebumps that shot up your sides as his gaze met yours. A prince—he really did look like a prince.
For a moment, the two of you simply gazed at one another, a silent question hanging over you.
Before you could stop yourself, you opened your mouth.
“Can I say something kind of crazy?” you whispered.
“Of course,” he whispered, not moving his gaze from yours for even a heartbeat.
You sucked in a deep breath, screwing your eyes shut. “I…” You swallowed. “I really, really want to kiss you, right now.”
A moment of silence passed, and you held your breath, tension digging itself into your shoulders. Oh, I’m totally about to get rejected. This was such a bad idea. What was I even thinki—
“Can—” He started then stopped, and you could have sworn his cheeks were pink. “Can I say something even crazier?”
You heart leapt. “Yeah, totally,” you breathed.
He turned back to look at you, and you felt something deep in your chest click. “I really, really want to kiss you, too.”
Your eyes flew wide, and you couldn’t stop the giddy grin forming on your face. Almost imperceptibly, Technoblade dipped his head down close to yours, his crimson eyes darting across your face as he took in your every feature. As he leaned closer toward you, a question silently flashes in his gaze. 
Can I…?
You smiled and nodded oh-so subtly, just for him to see.
Yes, yes, yes.
Ever so slowly, he leaned down toward you, and you felt your eyelids flutter shut. Just then, his lips met yours, soft and tentative like a deer taking its first, shaky steps. Electric ran down your spine at his velvet touch, your hands reaching up to wrap around his neck and touch his cherry blossom pink hair. His crown tumbled to the ground off his head, rolling a few times before coming to a full stop, but neither of you particularly noticed, far too enraptured with one another to care.
This was everything you could have possibly asked for.
A moment later, you pulled apart, gasping for air as the two of you gazed into each other’s eyes. His hair had been mussed by your touch, his lips parted and puffy from the kiss.
You didn’t think he could look any more princely, but he still managed to prove you wrong.
Clearing your throat, you cast eyes away in shy embarrassment. “I feel like I should also clarify that this means I like you,” you added in a rush, fidgeting with your hands. “Like, way more than I thought I could ever like a person.”
Technoblade let out a sigh of relief, lips curling at the corners. “Oh, that’s good. I like you, too.” Your heart did a backflip in your chest, shouting in celebration as he added, “I was sort of thinking we were just gonna kiss and never talk about it, again.”
You shot him a quizzical look. “I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic.”
He sent you a crooked smile, but his gaze was fond. “Only kind of.”
You weren’t quite sure how many minutes passed in comfortable silence, both of you simply basking in the other’s warm presence. It was nice—this was nice. You wouldn’t mind staying like this for a while longe—
“—y it, Tommy, just say it!”
Your eyes shot wide open in panic. Across from you, Technoblade’s expression mirrored your own.
They were back.
“I’m telling you it’s okay, Tommy—you can call me ‘Wilby’ if you want to!”
Flailing your arms in a panic, you immediately began to backpedal to the other side of the room, Technoblade picking up his shovel and beginning to shovel as fast as he could.
“You’re still going off about this shit? Jesus Christ, I don’t want to call you ‘Wilby’, oh my fucking go—”
Wilbur crooned as they stepped into the garden room, “Aww, Tommy, my little gremlin.”
“Shut the fuck up, Wilbu—”
“B-Back so soon?” you prompted, pretending to have been looking at the potato field with great focus as you turned to face them.
Wilbur turned away from Tommy, the smile sliding off his face. He nodded with a sigh, adjusting the pack on his back. “We almost got to the portal, but Antfrost saw us, so we had to book it.” 
Technoblade paused his movements, deadpanning with an unimpressed tone. “Tragic.”
Tommy scowled at him. “Don’t sound so cocky, bitch. You didn’t have to outrun like, half of the SMP all the way back here without getting tracked.” Suddenly his gaze shot to the ground, narrowing his eyes suspiciously. “And why’s your fuckin’ crown on the ground?” he muttered, snatching it from the dusty floor and tossing it back over to Technoblade.
“No reason,” you said half a beat too quickly.
Wilbur’s eyes flitted back forth between you and Technoblade, taking in the sight of your flushed cheeks and Technoblade’s disheveled hair. Then, a sly, scheming smile crept onto his face. You gulped.
Oh, he totally knew.
“Tommy,” he said, the shit-eating grin still plastered to his face, “how do you feel about going on another trip with me?”
Tommy’s head whipped around, his eyes swimming with confusion. “Another trip?” he parroted.
Wilbur nodded, still smiling. “Yep. Another trip. Let’s get going, yeah? I’ve got something wonderful in mind.”
Before Tommy could even react, Wilbur had grabbed onto the handle of his pack, dragging him back and up the stairs. “Wilbur! What the fuck? Where are we even fucking going?”
“On a trip!” Wilbur sang as he trudged up the stairs with Tommy in tow. Throwing one last glance over his shoulder, he sent you a knowing wink. “You two have fun, now.”
You gaped at him as he walked off, Tommy still kicking at his heels when they vanished from sight. A moment passed in silence before you turned to look at Technoblade, again.
“He knows,” you whispered, half in awe and half in horror.
Technoblade grimaced back at you. “Oh, he absolutely does.”
A beat of silence fell over you. Your eyes locked onto his carmine ones, and something seemed to click just then, a smile crossing both of your faces.
Indeed, Wilbur had just provided you with the perfect opportunity.
Who were the two of you to not take it?
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"The Game"
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Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink.
Golf is boring. You wanna play something else...
"Swinging on the front porch, swinging on the floor.
Swinging where we want, cause there ain't nobody home..."
Cherry Pie - Warrant
He should have known it was a trap. He should have known it from the very first minute. This was punishment, plain and simple punishment. Unusually cruel punishment. He didn't even know why he was so surprised, in fact, he should have seen it coming a mile away. After all, you were about as subtle as a train wreck. And that was exactly how you had hitted him. 
You had always despised golf, said it was snobbish and boring. But he always invited you to tag along just in case, because sharing one of his favorite activities with his favorite girl? That sounded almost like paradise to him. That was probably the reason why that morning, when you had jumped at the chance to join him at the country club, he hadn't suspected a thing.
Oh, how naive he was. How trusting of him. Because now, he had to play 18 while trying to conceal a throbbing, almost painful erection, watching you prance around wearing that. It was ridiculous. It was silly. It was cliche.
It was driving him completely insane.
Your little ensemble was straight out of some soft-porn movie set, he was sure of it: Keds, knee high socks… and a criminally short pleated skirt, especially designed to torture him. You guys weren't even half way through, and he was already about to snap, with his arms enveloping you, hands over yours on the handle of the club, as you bended over just a little, ass pressing against his pelvis just enough to tease him, to remind him how good it felt being buried to the hilt inside your tight, tight heat, the slapping sounds of skin against skin combining with your moans...
One of his hands let go of the club, subconsciously wrapping itself over your hip bone, when you moved, twisting, hips getting away from his. 
"Oh my god! I can't believe it, did you see that?" You turned around to face him, eyes alight with joy at having hit the ball for the first time in your life. 
And for a second, he felt bad. He was probably reading too much into it, chances were you didn't even know what you were doing to him. You were innocent in all that, it wasn't your fault not knowing just how damn irresistible you were, how hard you made him just by standing close to him…
Until he noticed the outline of your nipples under your white t-shirt, made almost see through under the bright sunlight. His eyes squinted in suspicion.
"Are you wearing any underwear?" He blurted out, cheeks immediately turning red, looking around to make sure no one had heard him. But there was no one around, not many people playing on a wednesday morning. In fact, you had the whole course pretty much for your selves.
His cock twitched inside his pants, but he shook himself, squashing the thought before it could take full shape.
You seemed to ignore him, as your face fell.
"I… don't think I was supposed to shoot it that way, though" 
Tom's eyes followed yours, but try as he might, he couldn't find the white dot he was looking for.
"Where the hell did it go?"
"I think it landed behind those bushes" You pointed to the far away patch of hydrangeas on the other side of the field. He couldn't help the snort that left his mouth,
"Yeah, that's not even close to where it should be!"
"Hey! Don't laugh at me"
"I mean, at least we know you have a strong swing" He let out between laughs
You rolled your eyes,
"Be gentle with me, this is my first time" 
The laughter died in his throat like you knew it would, as the innuendo hit him, eyes darkening as they roved over your body once again. You had to know what you were doing... 
You turned around so he couldn't see your smirk, as you started walking in big strides in the direction of the bushes, leaving him to struggle to follow you, carrying the bag full of clubs. 
It wasn't a bad sight, he had to admit, watching you walk ahead of him, your skirt bouncing with your movements, hips swaying gently from side to side. And it was even better as you reached the tall plants, parting the branches trying to see past them, bending over once again, your short skirt riding up your thighs, higher, and higher. He gulped, what little blood was left in his brain rushing south, as he saw the cleft where the round globes of your ass met your legs. You climbed on your tiptoes, and he choked on a groan: just a little bit more and the answer to whether you had or not any underwear on would be right before his eyes, literally…
"Found it!" You called out, victorious, falling to your heels again, walking around the lilac flowers, disappearing from sight, heedless to his disappointment. 
He knew it was a bad idea, as he trailed after you, like in a trance. But there you were, waiting for him behind the tall wall of bushes hiding you both from sight from every angle, mischievous glint in your eye.
The ball was nowhere to be found, and he finally understood.
Your stomach made a flip as Tom tugged at his glove with his teeth, discarding it on the green grass, his whole demeanor changing before your eyes, jaw squaring, eyes hardening, movements slow and measured as he circled you like a tiger stalking his prey. 
"You dirty little liar" He accused, watching the corners of your mouth twitch, trying to hide your satisfied smile, but it was useless: you looked every bit like the cat that got the cream. Well, he knew of another thing that looked great dripping down your chin…
"You think you're real clever, don't you? Really sneaky, teasing me all morning with this little outfit," He let his now naked hand trace your nipples, already hard under the fabric of your tee, making goosebumps erupt on your skin. He was right, you hadn't bothered with a bra, "making me hard with your little touches and smart mouthed comments…"
"Golf is boring" You shrugged, "I wanna play something else" 
He stepped back, away from you, leaving you feeling cold without his heat, despite the bright sunshine. 
"Too bad, baby girl, I'm done with games" His eyes were steel as he commanded, "Show me"
"Show you what?" You looked at him through your eyelashes, you knew how much he liked it when you played coy. But this time, he had told you the truth, the games were over.
"You know bloody well what" His south London accent was always heavy when his patience was wearing thin, "lift that little skirt and show me what's mine" 
You obeyed, and this time, he did groan, the wet patch on the simple white cotton of your thong almost better than his fantasies of your bare skin. 
He fell to his knees on the grass. God, he was so whipped! His plan had been to have you kneeling in front of him, choking on his cock as he fucked your mouth so deep and hard that tears would stream down your face. He would release himself down your throat, leaving you begging for his softening cock, his fingers, his tongue, his freaking golf club, anything to fill your empty little cunt. But of course all of that flew out the window the second he actually saw that pretty pussy through your panties, made almost transparent with your desire for him, the fabric clinging to every curve, every little detail clear for him to admire.
"Come here, baby girl" His tone was much softer as he spoke, "let daddy have a little taste" 
You did as you were told, never stopping to hold your skirt up high for him. Tom nuzzled the cotton, breathing you in before hooking one finger on the damp fabric, tugging gently to the side to reveal your most secret spot to him. He let his tongue poke out, placing kitten licks against your clit, eyes rising to meet your face. Your own were closed already, little frown between your eyebrows, as if the tiny shocks of pleasure coursing through your body confused you. So expressive. So responsive. 
How could he ever stay mad at you when you were so fucking perfect? It only took one taste of you to melt whatever was left of his anger, as he marveled of the angel whining so prettily above him, delicate fingers digging into his shoulders to support herself as her legs shook for him. It never failed to amaze him, to blow his mind. It had always been like that, he had put you up on a pedestal long before you had started dating. 
But now, he wanted to lay you down, and spread you open under the sun. 
He tsked at your huff as his tongue left you.
"No, baby, you don't get to complain today. You've been a very bad girl, so now," He helped you down onto your back on the grass, making quick work of your panties. Taking a hold of your ankles, he hooked them over his shoulders, aligning himself with your dripping center, "you're going to take my cock like a good girl" 
With that, he let his head breach you, entering you slowly, so slowly. Savoring every second, sliding in inch by inch, making you feel every millimeter of his thick, thick length as he buried it into your sweet pussy, stretching you to the limits of pleasure. He had you fold almost in half, as his pelvis finally met yours. You sighed, you had thought he would burst through your ovaries before he was completely seated inside you.
"Can you feel me, babygirl? Feel how deep I am?" 
You nodded, unable to form words. He relented, only a couple of inches, before surging back in. 
"Feel me stretching your tight little cunt? Fuck, it feels so snug…"
He drew back again, snapping back against you harder, making you cry out,
"Only I can fill you like this" He breathed, in and out again, and again. And again, establishing a harsh rhythm, "This pussy belongs to me…" 
"Yes, daddy" You sobbed, obediently. By now you knew exactly what he wanted to hear. He tugged at your t-shirt, sneaking his hand under it, massaging your breast. 
"These pretty tits are mine…"
It was hard to concentrate with him railing you into the ground, fast, brutal. Making sure the base of his cock dragged against your clit just right with every thrust.
"Yours, daddy" You managed, somehow, earning yourself a smile. If wolves could really smile at lambs before gobbling them right up...
He leaned forwards, bracing himself on one arm, the other travelling from your chest, to your neck. To your jaw. His tumb caressed your lower lip, and you opened up to him. Two of his fingers slid inside your mouth, pressing down on your tongue, you sucked them eagerly, hollowing your cheeks just the way he liked. 
"My princess… so pretty with your mouth full" Tom praised, hips never stopping, plunging his cock into you as far as it would go, over and over again, "wanna fuck your beautiful face… but this pussy… feels too good"
You sobbed around his fingers.
"So good… won't let me go… a slave" His thrusts were becoming messy. Erratic. Tom took his fingers out of your mouth to flick your clit with them.
"No, Tommy! Too much…" You cried, pushing at his hand, overstimulated. But he wouldn't budge. 
"Don't care. You're gonna take it" He growled, but sweetly kissed away your tears. He needed you to come, fast. Because there was no way he was lasting much longer, and you knew what to say if you really wanted him to stop anyway. 
"Fuck… yeah, just like that" he could feel you tensing around him. You were almost there, and he was right behind you, "so good… gonna come, baby girl. Gonna come inside you…" 
You shook your head, too delirious to express it with words, but he knew. You didn't like feeling dirty, didn't like the smell. But he fucking loved it. 
"Oh yeah… gonna fill you up… and you're not getting those panties back" His smirk was devilish, filthy. And you were sure that, even without his cock jackhammering into you, you could have come from that look alone. "Gonna see myself dripping down your thighs as you walk…"
His movements were downright sloppy now, as his words edged himself as much as they were edging you.
"Gonna have you sit in the car just like that… ruin your fucking little skirt… OH, FUCK" 
You felt his cock swell, pumping his seed inside your loins. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from screaming, as his climax unleashed your own. Still, he kept moving,
"Gonna put your mouth around me while I drive…" There was no way the morning was ending without him having your mouth.
"Tom…" You could feel him begin to soften inside you, but he still wouldn't stop.
"Shhh, baby girl. Wanna make a mess…"
The end.
Buy me a coffee
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