#i mean not as cute as rewrite erik but pretty cute! ;)
britishchick09 · 2 years
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‘ghost’ erik looking at his girl in awe! :’)
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jackjackal · 4 months
Unpopular Opinion...
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I don't hate it...but I'm not a huge fan of H2O season 3 (I might even write my own rewrite like I'm doing for HoA)...but here's why:
Bella is GREAT...but she's absolutely no Emma (and she's not supposed to be...I know!) All I'm saying is that her character is a little on the Alex from Totally Spies level (which again is not a bad thing!!) BUT Alex 100% got overshadowed by Clover and Sam...and I think that Bella's the same way in H2O. Rikki and Cleo are just a little bit more interesting character-wise (just in my opinion). Which means Bella is a lot like Sirena in the Mako Mermaids Netflix spinoff...she can sing BEAUTIFULLY, but other than the singing...she really just follows Will around the whole season like a lost little puppy (as does Sirena to David) and she doesn't do much of standing up for herself (at least in episodes 1 - 15). Even her power is kinda a reflection of her character...it's like slime...something that's cool and fun to play with, but eventually you get bored with it. What I mean by this is that she 100% was brought on board for looks (even Bella stans have to admit she has WAY more scenes in fancy dresses and bikini tops than Emma, Cleo, or Rikki) and because of this it muddied the whole theme of the show a bit by going against EVERYTHING H2O stood for (female independence and power...power not from the ability to turn heads or from their mermaid abilities, but from their own strength of character and intelligence, emotional or otherwise). In the end, Bella just does not meet the standards to replace Emma (and I don't think she was meant to...but still). Her character is just not as dynamic...and I think that's one of the things that makes me not rewatch or like S3 as much as S1-2.
They changed ALOT. I said it to one of my friends earlier...S3 is like that episode in S2 when Ash takes over and changes the cafe. It's just too much too soon. The JuiceNet becomes Rikki's, Bella replaces Emma, Will's there (we'll get to him later), Sophie's there (Neo-Charlotte who's less of a good villain), Sam's there, all of them are older by a noticable amount and Zane has a haircut like a 70-year-old, Mako's going insane with creepy tentacle creature thing, and the whole freaking theme song changes to be more fast-paced and "hip" with a lot of what sounds like to me to be autotune. Now I realize change is good and everything...but it really just makes me sad to watch the whole thing. ESPECIALLY when Lewis leaves (I think my heart was crushed and spat on). He was being all cute and romantic in this season with Cleo too :'( BUT, overall I liked a lot of the changes (Bella, as I mentioned was fine just maybe not as good as Emma was, Drummer!Lewis my heart, and I enjoyed the family antics with Sam...so I really didn't mind her being in it, it was cute that Don fell in love <3 ) Summary of this point: I don't like change and Emma was not my fav character but she was MY character (the most like me). When she left...it kinda made me think of things...like am I replaceable?? Anyways...moving on...
Will. Pretty much enough said with that. He's arrogant, too obessed with power and mermaids, and way too mean to Bella. He treats her like dirt most of the season and makes me wonder like...is Will the real villain of S3??? Also they make his character out to be like he's a merman just without the powers (with the whole free diving arc)...and it's honestly kinda like he's a Byron wannabe but also a weird Frankenhybrid of Dr. Denman, Zane, Zac (from Mako Mermaids), Erik (from Mako Mermaids), and idk now I'm just listing people. His character is just kinda strange to me because first of all where the other guys have their faults, they're also sensitive and romantic at times. Will is not. He's just kinda annoying. I even like Nate more than him lol (cause at least his character isn't two-faced like Will's...he's always been NateTM). Anyways...Will and Sophie are like the evil but not evil? dynamic disaster duo of S3. They're both just kinda not fun to watch...which brings me to Sophie.
Sophie. Again, enough said. She's a Charlotte wannabe with all her red hair, snooping problems, and obession with Will (which is kinda a little weird...but not unlike Charlotte's obession with Lewis...except they weren't brother and sister...yikes). She also presses my buttons, which, good job show writers. But it just makes it a little like this has happened before. What's new? Also makes the season a little less rewatchable.
I'm really just ranting at small details now, so I'll get to my last and ultimately largest point. Season 3 lost the magic for me. When I was rewatching for the zillionth time...I noticed this rather huge change. Seasons 1 and 2 I was MESMORIZED. The water, the ocean, the pleasing details of Emma, Cleo, and Rikki having the white, purple, and red motifs throughout, the details of small little scenes like how in the episode with Rikki's father she held a CHIPPED mug and her father held a non-chipped one like she felt her image was broken/imperfect based on their lack of money and less impressive house while the dad could care less and was honestly proud of it (wooooah, okay sorry about that, but like that scene made me sooooo happy as a writer like UGGH...writers/directors made gold with that scene). Anyways, details like this were just not there in S3 (well vitrually not there...there were some like when Sophie wore Rikki's color red to impress Zane)...almost like the whole message changed from being about struggles of being a teenager and growing up to yay mermaids!! And let's focus more on the image/humor of the show as opposed to teaching us important morals. It just...kinda lost it for me. It just was not nearly as magical as S1-2 and I'm not talking actual magic. I'm talking vibes and inner magic...and all that shiz.
Overall...I give S3 a 3.5/5 ⭐️s Decent if you want more of a H2O fanfic experience but just NOT as good as the OG mermaid trio and OG guys (Lewis, Zane, and Ash...Byron you were great too, but not as good as Ash).
Which brings me to Ash...okay, okay jk! I'm not gonna steal more of your life than I already have. But just know that if I get around to my S3 rewrite idea (which I already have the plot decided and everything) then you'll be seeing a lot more of him! Woot! Thanks for reading and putting up with me. Feel free to chat with me anytime your feelings on H2O season 3 or any topic really! I love chating with fellow obsessees!💖🧜‍♀️
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callunavulgari · 4 years
fic tag meme
I guess I was kind of inadvertently tagged by @wildehacked because they said to do it if you wanted to, and well, I was bored and needed something to do while watching Watcher Weekly+ so!
Name: Heather! Otherwise known as callunavulgari on all platforms. Except fanfiction.net. I have not gone back there to even consider changing it.
Fandoms: I am currently only actively writing fic for Buzzfeed Unsolved and The Adventure Zone (because I have no self control and finished the finale today). That said, I’m pretty actively involved in The Untamed, Buzzfeed Unsolved, The Magnus Archives, Hades, and Persona 5. But I also delve back into old fandoms constantly, so it’s really hard to say. Tropes: Enemies to lovers is my absolute favorite trope in the entire world. In fact, I think the only thing I like MORE than your garden variety enemies to lovers is FRIENDS to enemies to lovers. Because like, you’ve got the UST but you’ve also got ANGST and YEARNING. I’m just weak to it. 
I also really like fusion AUs, soulmate AUs, and canon-adjacent AUs where everything is the same except one or both parties is some kind of monster. Creature? I love myself a creature feature. Bonus points if it’s got political intrigue and killer world building. I’m sure there are others, but eh.
Fic I spent most time on: Probably either Rubatosis or when the wild grasses weave. 
Rubatosis was a Percy Jackson fic where Percy and Annabeth fall in love with Nico, aka the personification of death. Also, Annabeth is a serial killer. It is single-handedly my favorite thing I’ve ever written and I wrote it in a handful of months for the 2014 PJO Big Bang.
where the wild grasses weave, on the other hand, was a Spirited Away/Kingdom Hearts fic that I wrote for the Kingdom Hearts Big Bang like half a decade ago. It was an idea that I’d been toying with for awhile and the Big Bang gave me an excuse to finally do it. It explores the darker themes of Spirited Away and honestly, I’ve been meaning to go back and tinker with it for awhile because there are definitely parts that could be shaped up better.
Fic I spent least time on: Probably all the really short prompt fics that I’ve posted between now and 2010.
Longest fic: Also when the wild grasses weave, which is almost 43k. And if you know me, that’s a full 30k longer than the usual things I go for.
Shortest fic: nowhere to run is an Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier fanfiction that I wrote about a year after First Class came out in 2012. It is FORTY words and was written for a tumblr three-sentence meme. It was definitely only three sentences, but somehow managed to get 25 kudos and 5 comments anyway.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: Top kudos/bookmarks/hits: i don't believe in fairy tales (but i believe in you and me), which was written on September 5th 2014 and is just over 3k of Derek accidentally getting a glimpse of Stiles’ penis. On his phone. It is the dick pic fic and it has 5239 kudos, 712 bookmarks, and 81,838 hits. I feel like the fact that this is my most popular fic should be upsetting since it took me like an hour to write. Top comments: Que Sera, Sera, which was written on June 14th 2014 and is almost 4k. It’s the second part of my Teen Wolf/Addams Family fusion and has 146 comments (most of which are people and not me, because I don’t typically respond to comments, which is a horrible failing on my part).  Favorite fic you’ve written: I actually have an Author's Favorites list on ao3, which needs pared down horribly because it’s got a bunch of really old fic that has not aged particularly well. Rubatosis is probably my favorite? Again, it’s definitely the one I’m proudest of.  wake up in a city that never sleeps was another PJO ot3 fic that I wrote where Percy is Nico’s TA and is also pretty up there. I do genuinely love the Teen Wolf/Addams fusion.  take me to church is one of my favorite Teen Wolf fics, mostly because it’s the soft epilogue that I wanted out of the show.
and i'm always tired, but never of you is a Bright Sessions ot3 fic where Sam and Mark cross paths with Damien years later and I’m really attached to that one. I don’t know. I go back and read these things sometimes and I remember that my writing isn’t like pulling nails all the time. That sometimes it’s really very good.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: A couple of the older Big Bang fics I would love to go back and rewrite just because when rereading I can tell where I was running out of time or where something should have been cut but wasn’t so I could pad the wordcount. I do eventually want to write at least one more part of the Teen Wolf/Addams series. And I kind of want to write a coda for that Bright Sessions ot3 that I mentioned.
Share a bit of a WIP:
Part of the Buzzfeed Unsolved tattoo AU that I’ve been working on since uh, Christmas. Whoops.
He’s getting ready to text the guy back to let him know that he’ll have to book another appointment when the bell sounds from the front of the door and someone spills through the doorway.
And look, Ryan had gone into this appointment with expectations. Four weeks ago, when the guy had first emailed inquiring about booking an appointment, Ryan had asked him what exactly he was looking for. He’d asked the usual questions, all pretty standard. Style, colors, if he had a preference when it came to the artist, if he had a hard limit on price. 
An hour later, Ryan found himself typing the sentence, ‘so when you say puppet…’ 
Ryan doesn’t really know what he’d expected. He’d done a couple marionettes. Faceless pinnochios. Skeletons dangling from razor wire. A character from Coraline. It was very ain’t no strings on me, complete with shadowy hands puppeting the faceless silhouettes. Creepy, but you know. Kind of cool. 
Precisely ten minutes after he hit send, the guy had ruined all of his expectations by typing back, ‘No, man. Like a muppet.’
He’d even included an attachment. So naturally, Ryan clicked on it.
The creature that looked back at him was monstrous, like a cross between Elmo and the Cookie Monster, its empty eyes dead and staring. It was wearing an outfit that made Ryan think of Indiana Jones, complete with a tiny hat and a miniature fanny pack. On anything else, the little outfit might be cute. 
As Ryan was pondering how to politely pass the job off to Mari, another email came through. This one, thankfully, did not include another attachment. The body of the email was blank. The subject line read simply: ‘He’s called The Professor.’
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quicksilverslover · 7 years
Say Freeze! - Peter Maximoff x Reader
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I can’t believe I had to rewrite this. Goddamit. Anyway, I tried. I swear I tried. @galacyan​, I did. But... No ;-; Err, enjoy the fluffiness, or not :’^)
Words: 1086
Y/N couldn’t understand why everybody thought she was a cold hearted bitch. Well, it could be because of her mutation; she could freeze pretty much anything, both connotatively and literally, including time. It could also be because, not so long ago, she was the “villain” and attempted to kill the X-Men simply because they tried to convince her that the world wasn’t the hellhole she was used to. But she had been just scared. It didn’t take long for her to accept their (more like Quicksilver’s) offer to live in the mansion and start a new life. It was way easier than to spend years running away from the authorities, but Y/N knew she wasn’t 100% welcome in the mansion either. Except for one specific speedster, whom, even though knew the atrocities she did in the past, accepted her fully.
Charles Xavier had the opinion that Y/N was equal to Erik in many aspects. She didn’t have a noble past, and that, added to such a powerful mutation, contributed to her difficulty to social acceptance. He had been wary about her himself, at first, under the premise that she was a killer, but after a few missions and reports from the X-Men about the girl’s deeds and Jean’s mind-reading, his wisdom allowed him to conclude she Y/N needed help. Therefore, he provided it to her. Yet, he would never guessed Peter Maximoff was the one who would melt her heart. In many ways.
Jean could see Peter was head over heels for the rimy woman, since the very beginning. Actually, his entire circle of friends could tell that, and teased him about it. He denied it to the ends of the Earth, but could never hide the smile at simply thought of her. The redheaded telekinetic was the most observant one. There was no need to read Peter’s mind to know he was probably having a not innocent thought about Y/N, or just recalling memories he had with her about the months she’d been there. And it was all reciprocal.
Peter, indeed, doted on Y/N. She made him feel special, and made sure to thank him every day for what he had done for her. They had developed a special friendship and the most surprising to Peter about the ice controller was to find out she wasn’t bad tempered, egocentric or even a sadist, like he originally had thought. Y/N was actually a sweet and warm person to be around, even though not physically. He found himself seeking to be around her, and wanting to do everything with her. Hanging out, pranking, watching movies…
Y/N found in Peter someone who saved her from the world and from herself, by caring about her. She didn’t have to pretend anything. She could be herself, and only the cute speedster knew this side. People assumed that, because of her mutation, she was cruel and cold no matter what. She didn’t blame them, of course, but they could at least get to know her, like Peter did.
Whatever. He was everything she needed.
“I’m gonna ask her out.” The gust of wind hadn’t even weakened the blow on Jean’s hair when she heard Peter say that. She slowly looked up from her book with a sweet smile. “About time.” She raised an eyebrow as he tapped his foot on the ground, it made her uncomfortable due to his speed. “What?” Jean asked, even though she already knew the answer.
“I’m nervous, alright? What if she sees me just as a friend? Or worse, what if she sees me just as the guy who helped through her shit?!” The silver haired man swallowed hard and ran a hand over his hair. His brain began to make up many scenarios of Y/N rejecting him, from gentle to rough. Jean’s head began to ache as she tried to keep up with his thoughts.
“That’s stupid, Peter. Besides, being the guy who ‘helped her through her shit’ means everything to her. You mean everything to her, trust me. She’s in the library.” She crossed her arms against her chest Peter decided not to bother his friend anymore, and left in a blur. He took his time to gain courage before meeting Y/N.
The low temperature didn’t bother him. It was the sign he needed to know she was there. And no mistake, there was Y/N, diverting her gaze from the ice statue she was working on and sending him a smile, which he returned. It became a grin once he noticed it was a small version of him.
“Y/N… Hey. Pretty cool. ‘Cause it’s me and such. Yeah~” He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. ‘Dammit, you loser, it’s not that difficult!’ he kept telling himself, but her mere voice was enough to put an end to his senses. “I’m… So glad you like it, Pete. It’s for you.” The look of glee for his acceptance and the blush on her cheeks made any coherence left on Peter’s head fly out the window. Suddenly, his lips pressed her cold ones. Just as fast, he pulled away and started mumbling thousands of words per second, not giving Y/N any chances to react.
“I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean to do that but you just looked so adorable now, I actually came here to ask you out but then you made this for me and I just realized I’m in love with you and I want to ask for a chance so please at least go out with me before saying no-“ She cut him off with a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around Peter’s neck. He reacted quickly as always, placing two bold hands on her waist and pulling her closer to his body. Their make out session became impetuous, and they only stopped to breathe. Even though it was cold inside the library, they felt hot.
“I love you.” She whispered against his lips, biting the lower one.
This kind of memory often showed up in Peter’s mind and made him smile to himself. He opened his eyes and found his significant other sitting next to him, playing with ice and creating small snowmen around them. They smiled and waved at Peter under her command. He kissed her jaw and she giggled, brushing her lips on his and meeting his gaze finally. Her icy blue eyes were full of love and adoration (not different from his).
How could not everyone see the humanity in her?
Whatever. She was everything he needed.
:’) Thanks for reading!
My other imagine: “Can I Borrow Your Shirt?”
There could or not be a part 2, idk~
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theheirofillea · 7 years
eleven questions for me and eleven questions for you tag
fyi for me its actually 33 questions because i got tagged three times lol so thats gonna be funnnnn
- Always post the rules - Answer the questions given to you - Write 11 questions of your own - Tag 11 people
i was tagged by the super cool super lit @theselectionmouse @illeaslockedbluebox and @thedandelioninperspective 
so lets start with the questions from @theselectionmouse
1) Favourite time of the year?
i like the falltime / wintertime because of the weather and sweaters and hot chocolate 
2) What makes you happy?
getting good grades, having things go my way, learning new things, meeting new people
3) Celebrity crush(es)?
tom holland is my one true love
4) Favourite songs to sing along?
currently its ‘its everyday bro’ by jake paul because that song is so ridiculous it just makes me want to sing lol xD but also R U by niki and gabi and lust for life by lana del rey ft the weeknd (aka my toronto homie)
5) What do you do when nobody is watching?
dabdabdabdabdabdabdabdabdabdab ;)
6) Any secret skills?
um not really? i can type really fast, if that counts, and photography
7) Which food do you absolutely hate?
8) Which colour would you want to be in a box of coloured pencils? 
there is this teal-y colour in the crayola 76 pencil crayons set that i really like, also the coral in that set is really pretty
9) What do you love about your best friend?
i love that she doesnt care about what other people think and that she can always be herself no matter what
10) Favourite candle scent?
vanilla, lavender, fall-y scents, vanilla bean noel and bergamot waters by bath and body works
11) Would you rather have to eat every meal covered in melted cheese or melted chocolate?
both tbh but melted cheese because i mostly eat savory foods
now onto the questions from @illeaslockedbluebox
1) Favorite music album ever
night visions by imagine dragons / melodrama by lorde / death of a bachelor by p!atd
2) Favorite iconic movie scene
either the notebook kiss, or the gym debrief at the end of mean girls
3) Worst TV show you’ve seen
um bigbrother, because i could never get into it, no matter how much i tried
4) Rate the last book you read 
last book i read was the thousandth floor, which was like a 9/10
5) Favorite Disney song
how far ill go, moana
6) If you had to change your name, you would say “Hi my name is…”
7) Most used emoji
8) What time is it rn where you are?
9) Celebrity crush 
tom holland
10) Favorite cartoon
garfield + the richie rich cartoons from like a long time ago
11) A book/movie/tv series/life quote
all that glitters is not gold; the merchant of venice, shakespeare
lastly, the questions from @thedandelioninperspective
1) What is on top of your bucket list?
to travel the world, and to learn how to play the guitar
2) what do you wish you had done when you had the chance?
um nothing so far because #noregrets, but i wish i bought this sweater i saw at f21. it was cute but i didnt neeeed it so i didnt get it, but they discontinued the product so now i can never get it so im kinda salty about that but its ok
3) What do you love most about yourself?
my musical abilities, my ability to move on, and my hair (sometimes)
4) How would you describe your humor?
sarcastic, memey, punny, and self depreciating
5) If you could rewrite an ending to a book or movie or whatever, which one and how?
the end of ‘the clockwork princess’ because *SPOILER* my poor bby will died and agh *SPOILER DONE*
6) Where would you want to live if you could live anywhere in the world?
australia, uk or netherlands so i can be with simone
7) What song are you listening to rn?
spectrum by zedd ft matthew koma (which just finished) and wild thoughts by dj kahled
8) Are you a leader or a follower?
both, because you need to be both a leader and follower in life, but im mostly a leader
9) Describe yourself with 3 words
done with life (funny, musical, hardworking)
10) Favourite food
11) How did you meet your best friend?
she transferred to my school in 6th grade and we became best friends and still are!
my supah cool questions for you:
1) your current jam?
2) fave dance move? 
3) fave landscape
4) ideal temperature (rooms, weather, drinks, etc)
5) pets?
6) if you were famous, which celebrity would you pick to head your pr?
7) which ya character would you like to be and why? or alternatively, which ya book would you like to be in and why?
8) fave subject? ( n o, lunch doesnt count xD)
9) fave pen colour?
10) last snapchatted? or alternatively last messaged/dm’ed/pm’ed?
11) if you could listen to one song forever, which would it be and why?
I TAG: @prince-consort-erik @prince-consort-lolz @tiberiusblacktorn @damnmalec @lightwoody
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traviszajac · 7 years
wip tag!
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
i was tagged by the amazing @sagemb​ on my main but all of my wips are hockey fics so i thought it would probably be better to post this here lmao
i’ve been having a hard time writing stuff but uh.. here are my most worked on wips!
1. there’s something bout you that makes my skies blue (tentatively titled)
this is a self indulgent kailer/cody high school au lmao. just soft boys being soft and falling in love. it may also include cody as an artist and kailer accidentally writing a lot of poems about his hugeass crush on his best friend. also has some background nolan/nico, feat. nolan trying really hard to be chill around the cute new swiss exchange student and failing.
2. take flight
ive had this idea for a while tbh and i really want to write it. its like a weird urban magic au, with mitch as the protagonist, and no particular ship. i’ve been kind of rewriting it/rethinking it recently so im not exactly sure where im going with it, but basically, magic is sort of omnipresent in this universe. it’s sort of created/gathers around emotions, good or bad, so cities are sort of magical hotspots because they have lots of people, which means lots of emotions. magic is sort of intertwined with hockey, despite the nhl’s best efforts to separate them, because sports are where you feel the most intense emotions and theres really no separating magic from it. i dont really have all of the rules of magic figured out but it’s supposed be vague and unclear. a lot of weird shit happens. im bad at explaining things, so you can have a few excerpts:
(McDavid didn’t give his heart to Toronto, but god, Toronto loved him. Oh, it loved him. And it wanted him too, make no mistake of that.
But Edmonton… well. Edmonton was desperate.) 
Gretzky was a legend. Some say he made a deal with the devil, and that's why Edmonton went to absolute shit after he was gone. Because that's the thing with magic -- you can't gain anything without giving up something of equal value. Tit for tat. An eye for an eye. Equivalent exchange. 
You can't be a legend without losing something important on the way. 
Gretzky's on TV sometimes, and he looks pretty normal, usually. But he's got hollow eyes, and they look so, so old.
Erik Karlsson smiles at Mitch across the ice during warmups and his mouth is full of razor sharp teeth. 
3. and they were roommates
this is a basic mo/jake college au. i havent really worked on it that much but it takes place in mo’s sophomore year in college. basically all of the leafs are part of a frat named tau mu lambda (or TML in english letters). mo moves into the frat house and he rooms with jake, a junior. cue college shenanigans, and lots of pining when mo figures out he’s got a crush on his roommate.
i tag @yammermoto @heybernia @stevenstamkos and whoever else wants to do this!!
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