#i mean jkr wasn't rly hiding her issues tbh
le-amewzing · 4 years
Have your feelings about HP changed since Rowling has exposed herself as a transphobe?
Short answer: No.
Main reason? Death of the author.
(putting under a cut bc i got a little lengthy *LOL* but thx for the interesting ask, anon!) I tried putting this under a cut, but tumblr just doesn’t fucking work anymore, so apologies. :/
More detailed: Tbh, I’ve never rly liked JKR as a person. Perhaps there was a vibe I picked up on when I was younger that didn’t quite sit right with me, but I do know that two things as I got older rly bothered me--
Her canon version of Dumbledore
The eerie likeness of her series to The Books of Magic series by Neil Gaiman
1) It always bothered me that she suddenly announced Dumbledore was gay. It came out of left field, IMO. It felt like pandering to the LGBTQ+ crowd, like trying to “get hip” with the times by including a queer character without rly giving a damn about what it might mean to include a queer character (and, oh, what a portent that was). It offends me both as a writer (I feel you should know your characters well before you write them) and on a personal level (being queer). JKR was trying too hard to include diversity as a last-ditch attempt to help boost sales for a final book that ended up disappointing a lot of fans in various manners. (*lol* And that’s an essay for another day. XD)
2) I actually was informed about this by a high school friend’s mother, and doing the research myself was astonishing. I now actually own 4 of the novel adaptations by Carla Jablonski, tho I still need to find the time to read them. But it bothers the fuck out of me, all the “similarities” (and I use the word very loosely here). I just... Pls read up on this story, bc it’s one thing to reference other works in your own creation, but man, JKR, it’s a whole new load of trouble to lift whole items from someone else.
All that said, rly it cycles back around to death of the author for me. The HariPo fandom has been p damn awesome, too, at taking the universe and making it our own in a way that a) I don’t miss canon and b) I can enjoy what I want and ignore what I don’t. I honestly, sincerely think this fandom is still one of the best bc there’s so much we experienced collectively, as readers of the books/viewers of the movies, and it’s kinda nice to be united over our creative similarities without having to worry about whatever nonsense JKR is spouting. I have friends, real-life friends, I’ve made in this fandom, and that’s something that’s great about fandom as a whole, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Tl;dr: JKR may have her awful opinions, but damned if I’m gonna let her ruin my enjoyment of something that’s been a big part of my life. :3
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