#i mean i'll do it and i'll like it but ugh gosh ya know it's gonna be soooooooooooooo hot or whatever
alluralater · 3 months
[melodramatic sigh] in the absence of a hot older lesbian being mean to me, i've decided to be the change i want to see in the world. except the older part cause i've not hit my next stage of growth yet. i will be the hot mean lesbian you whores so desire
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
Dad!Simon who insisted you go on the vacation, because of course he can handle his baby girl and his six year old (almost six, but Ollie rounds up)
Simon who knew he had it in the bag....
for about two hours
Simon who made bagels for dinner; wassss this close 🤏to making Ollie eat dirt because WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like bagels now you were begging for them in the store!
Simon who made it about forty hours before he gave him and called Johnny
Simon who had no idea why Ollie was being so gosh darn annoying
Simon who had previously made a bet with Price that he wouldn't need help so therefore he would rather die than call Price even though Ollie idolizes his 'grandfather'
''s Johnny, missed ya but leave a message at the lil' beep."
"John MacTavish I swear to god if you don' call me back in ten minutes I will personally post thos' pictures of ya in Afgan."
two minutes later-
"ya know that's a real low blow-"
"I need you to take Oliver to th' park- Tessie isn't goin to sleep with him 'roun."
"Call the capn, he's closer to ya."
"I will not do that."
"Ugh, fine- lemme tell my girl then'll be there in twenty."
Simon who told Oliver to behave for his uncle and then happily sent them away- which finally he would be able to put the exhausted newborn to sleep
Simon was finally able to doze off on the sofa, the baby happily snoozing away on his chest and everything seemed perfect with the world
"MISTER RILEY UNCLE JOHNNY IS IS-HES-" The thundering slam of the door being swung open not only woke up Simon but the baby who aptly began to sob to the sudden change of pace, Oliver however did not care "UNCLE JOHNNY SUCKS."
Uncle Johnny told Ollie not to kick the ball into the river
Simon who is flabbergasted because even Johnny looked shook to his core, sure they had been at the park for about five hours but like-???
John MacTavish...brought down .... by Simon's six year old
Simon who, after ten minutes of the baby screaming for their mother and refusing to take their bottle with disgruntled wails of pain and Ollie so tired he can't think straight so he's also a sobbing and angry disaster and Johnny's just standing there by the door waiting for answers and everything is so loud-
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart," John's wife answered the landline and he could hear her voice call for her husband, "Hi, how are you and lil' ones?"
Simon looked at Ollie who was currently in time out for stealing his sisters binkie for the tenth time, "Not great."
"Simon." Price's voice cut in and it took about five seconds to get everything account for, "Ya already called Johnny right?"
"Did you try Kyle?"
"No sir, he's on his honeymoon."
'"Ah-that's right, that's right."
"Sir I would like your help."
"Ha! Knew it! Alrighty, missus and I'll be there in...i dunno- you boys hungry? She made that-honey whatcha make?" indistinct conversation, "Ma'am said it didn't matter, she'll bring it anyway. Forty minutes?"
Simon looked at Johnny, who was on 'keep ollie in said time out' picking up the kid whenever he would try and run off. "Can you make it twenty, sir?"
Simon and Johnny who, out of habit, stood at attention as soon at the captain let himself into the house
Simon who looked a bit worse for wear, even with his non existant sleep scheulde in the military he had never looked so fatigued
Simon who had the baby out of his arms by Price's wife within two minutes of them being there
Simon who loves his son, he loves him (internal mantra) but he is making him look bad to his captain so the little twerp better get his act together.
"How long is your block?"
"Two kilometers around."
"Two laps."
faltering silence through the house, Simon stared at the captain as he helped Ollie tie his sneakers by the door. The silence did mean Tessie had finally fallen asleep but he was- "I'm sorry?"
"Two laps, you, Johnny, and Oliver." Price looked to the kid, who looked more angry at the world than anything else, "Go. Dinner will be ready when you get back."
Simon was about to argue but Ollie beat him to it, "I don't want to run."
"You don't want to run?"
Oliver seemed a bit taken back, "No. So I'm not going to."
"Okay. You can clean the entire house- including your sisters nappy's, for a week, yeah?"
A pause.
"Fine, i'll go on the stupid run."
Simon who might as well be walking with the pace Oliver chose to keep
Johnny who took off sprinting because lord knew that man was starving and Mrs. Price's food was heaven on earth
Simon who sat down on the side of the road when the little guy was out of breath
Simon that mostly ran in silence until Ollie broke it
"Why did mom leave?"
"Mom she-she just...she left us, wh-"
"Whoa-whoa whoa, mum didn't leave-mum didn't leave us wh-whoa, Olls," he had collapsed to his knee when the boy started to speak just to look at him in the eyes and he tried to read the boys expression, "Mum would never leave you, she loves you so much."
"Then where did she go?? Why didn't she say goodbye?"
"She's with her friends, and her flight left 'fore you woke up, Olls. Laddie, she wouldn't leave you."
Simon who had called you, even though there was time difference as everyone was sitting down to eat dinner
"oh...wow the gang's back together," You grumble as you rub your eyes, having been dead asleep, only for the camera angle to change suddenly and it was just a close up angle of your son's face, "Hi baby."
"Mom guess what Uncle Johnny did."
"Hey mom?" The boy was easily distracted and then looked down at the phone again.
"Yeah baby?"
"Never go on away again, dad said so."
You stay silent for a moment, blinking, because in all three years you and Simon had been together Ollie had never referred to him as 'dad' or anything remotely close. "Your...right, yeah-I'm pretty bored here anyway."
Simon, who was fine with you going on little getaways just not anymore how dare you try and leave him alone
"You sure it's okay if I stay a few more days?"
With a short laugh he looks over the living room, where Johnny and Olls were fast asleep watching some cartoon he didn't know the name of while John and His wife had chosen to stay in the guest room for the night. It would hell if you stayed for a few more days.
"Of course, luv, I got the boys an' Tessie needs to learn who they are anyway."
"I guess. Okay, the ride is here. I love you."
"I love you more."
(annnnway that's it <333 any comments you wanna leave or anything like that makes my day!)
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vlorescent · 3 months
𝕸𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖞 // Suguru Geto
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Since the day he met you, he knew you were responsible for Satoru's spoiled reputation. Babying the heir of the Gojo clan like a god, he imagined. No wonder Satoru thought so highly of himself. He had you filling his head with such high praise since day one that he had no choice but to believe it.
He imagined it hadn't been easy for you. Of course, you raised Satoru alone at a young age and had little support other than the clan itself providing for you and your son. Your one job was to simply raise the boy and prepare him to take up the reigns as a leader. Suguru thought you had done a fine job at that. That being said, he knew the past eighteen years had been nothing but exhausting for you.
"You worry too much, momma. I go on these types of missions all the time. This one's no different, trust me." Suguru had overheard Satoru console you over the phone. The two of them were currently on their way to their assigned location, their recent conversation on hold when the familiar tune of your ringtone went off. "Yeah, yeah. He's with me now ... what do you mean 'thank goodness'?!"
Suguru held in a deep chuckle, knowing that you must've felt a great deal of weight be lifted off of your shoulders with that info.
"She's happy to know I'm here?" Suguru nudged Satoru's arm. However, his best friend seemed flustered -- his pale cheeks dotted with a heavy blush.
"Yeah, momma, I know-- ... hey, I'm just as capable as Sugu-- ... ugh, fine, I'll ask him..." For a moment, Satoru covered a portion of his phone and leaned towards Suguru as if to share a dirty secret. "She wants to know if you'd like to come by for dinner," He paused momentarily to let out an irritated sigh. "to thank you for keeping me out of trouble, she says."
This time, Suguru couldn't help but let the chuckle slip as he gave a nod in response. With a roll of his bright gaze, Satoru returned to his phone call with you.
"He said 'yeah' ... Seriously? You're gonna make -- but that's my favorite, too!" Satoru whined, dragging his feet against the pavement as they walked along the sidewalk. Suguru wished he could hear your side of the call, knowing that you must've been telling your son all that you had planned for dinner. "Gosh, just say you like Suguru better ... No, momma, I didn't actually mean that, I-- ..." Another pause, Suguru smirked, knowing that you must've been giving Satoru an earful. Judging by the look on his best friend's face, he seemed to be right. Just as it was about to go on, Satoru perked up and slowly brought the phone further away from his face. "Oh shit! Look, momma, I gotta call you back. A cursed spirit is trying to eat Suguru's face, uh, gotta go! Talk to ya soon, love yoooou!" And without waiting for a response, he hung up and jammed the phone into his pocket.
"Hey, that wasn't very nice." Suguru nudged his friend, shoving his hands into his pockets. "You didn't let me tell her I loved her too." He teased, the ends of his lips curling into a smirk as Satoru's expression crinkled in irritation.
"Figured you'd have plenty of time ogling my mother tonight anyways." His friend said, batting his eyes at Suguru as they continued down the street. "Can't believe she's making Yakitori tonight."
"Awe, she remembered what I liked?"
"Like I haven't said I liked it too?!" If Suguru didn't know any better, he'd say that Satoru was a bit jealous of him at this very moment. You were Satoru's mother, and your son was ... jealous? Of him, of all people.
"Guess I always knew this day would come," Suguru snickered, jokingly clutching at his heart. "the day she tells me that I was her favorite all along."
"Fat chance!" Satoru playfully pushed him aside, the blush on his cheeks staining further. Suguru's soft chuckle grew into a hard earned laugh, finding the idea that Satoru had genuinely been a bit jealous of him rather funny.
Though, Suguru felt his chest flutter with excitement at the thought that'd he'd be coming over tonight -- greeted by not only your homely cooking but your warm smile and gentle embrace. If he hadn't already thought to himself about it, he'd think he was beginning to grow a crush on you.
However, he already knew that was certain.
☄. *. ⋆
Since the moment you became pregnant with Satoru, your life was filled with endless worry for your baby boy. You knew the risks. You knew that there would always be a target on your son's back. You knew that one day, something bigger and badder would come along and one day ... he would not return home.
The day you were told of the incident regarding Toji and the young girl, Riko's tragic death -- you felt time stand still. You could hear the slow pump of blood in your ears, feel the paused pulse through your fingertips.
Geto Suguru had gotten hurt ...
Your son had gotten hurt ...
No one could keep you back when you arrived at the hospital, cheeks strained with tears as you asked Principle Yaga what room the boys were being held at. He had told you that Suguru had just come out of surgery and was already settled in a room. However, your son was still in surgery...
Suguru remembered waking up to you at his bedside.
You were such a mess, but God, were you a beautiful sight.
He had called out to you, pulling you from your thoughts as they ate at you. You seemed startled, like he had been a ghost reaching out towards you. He wanted nothing more in that moment than to hold you and tell you that everything was going to be okay. You had beaten him to it, however, your maternal touch on his cheek as you caressed it in your palm. You consoled him, feverishly asking if there was anything you could do for him while the two of you waited for updates on Satoru. His only response was, "stay".
And you did.
☄. *. ⋆
A couple of weeks had passed since Riko and Toji's death. Both Suguru and Satoru had been released from the hospital and were given time to fully recover from their injuries.
You were resilient on Satoru staying bed bound until his stitches were removed, much to his dismay. He had always been a fidgety child -- staying in bed must've felt like torture. During this time, Suguru, though also still in recovery, visited often to check up on Satoru and to keep him company when you couldn't. You had your hands full during this time, not only having to deal with the clan's constant pestering on how their future leader was doing but keeping up with your normal day to day routine whilst also taking care of said leader.
Suguru couldn't say he had ever seen you so stressed, juggling so many all at once. You looked like you were just about to crack.
"Thank you again, Sugu. You really didn't need to--"
"Please. It's the least I could do." He lifted his hand, stopping you from going on. You had been showing your gratitude non-stop since he dropped by with take-out, offering lunch in exchange for his own gratitude towards you. When he had told you that his own parents hadn't visited him in the hospital, it tore your heart out. You couldn't imagine not being at either of their sides when they woke up -- you couldn't help but feel furious knowing that his parents hadn't ever stepped foot in the building when their son was admitted on that horrible day.
"How are you ...? I know I ask you every time you come over, but ..." You reached over the table, your hand settling on top of his. Suguru peered up from his partially eaten take-out, his dark eyes meeting your slightly dulled gaze.
You looked so exhausted. He wished he could do more for you.
"Taking it one day at a time." He gave you a nod, overturning his hand so yours rested in his palm. "And you?"
"One day at a time." You let a chuckle slip from you, your hand squeezing his lightly. He returned the gesture with a smile. "I don't want to dwell on it more than I already have. It's not healthy... if I keep thinking about that day, I'll lose sight of what's happening now." Suguru watched as your shoulders eased their tension, a sigh escaping between your lips. He peered down for a moment, his eyelids feeling heavy with exhaustion.
"Yeah ... I know what you mean."
There was an eerie pause lingering in the air, one that Suguru felt hanging above his head like a dark cloud. All he had been doing was dwelling on that day. He had witnessed so much blood and death that seeing the faces of the deceased was all that festered in his mind. Since that day, all he had been doing was questioning everything. He questioned what was right and what was wrong. Pondered if protecting these 'people' was the right thing to do. If these 'people' deserved to --
Suguru blinked, his thoughts fading quickly as he noticed you had gotten up from your seat across from him and were kneeled down by his side. Your hand had not pulled from his, and you brushed the strand of hair from his face as you studied his expression.
He wondered if you knew what you did to him. If you did, was all of this on purpose, then? Could you, a grown woman, know that since the day he met you, he was so fond of you that he'd consider --
No. T h a t would be too far.
"Sweetheart," You called him, the back of your hand caressing his cheek ever so softly. "are you alright?"
God, you were so close to him ... he could bask in your scent all day, but ... he knew better than to chase after you. You were, after all, his best friend's mother.
"I need to go..." He gently took your hand and pulled it away from his face. With no other word, he stood up from his chair and began to clean up after himself. You rose to your feet, watching him as he silently gathered his things and began to make way for the door.
You could see the thoughts racing through his mind, his body twitching as he fought the urge to stay or to run. The young man before you was fighting himself. For what reason, you didn't know, and it ached your heart to see that Suguru was utterly alone during all of this.
"Suguru, honey ..." You had followed him to the door, taking a gentle hold of his arm before he could open the door. The least you wanted to do was tell him that you were there for him, to let him know that if he ever needed you --
You felt your breath get caught in your throat as you were grabbed by the shoulders and forced against the wall, a firm grip holding you in place. You peered up to find your son's best friend towering over you with a dark gaze, the cresent of his nails baring into the fabric of your clothing. If it were anyone else, you might've been frightened.
"Sugu--" Your voice cut short as Suguru leaned down and captured your lips with his. The hairs on your body stood straight, your skin freckling with goosebumps as the pieces began to fall into place. Your son's best friend was kissing you. And the jolt in the pit of your stomach told you that you liked it.
Perhaps even wanting more than you should...
Instinctively, your arms wrapped around his neck, and you brought him closer, his body beginning to press against yours. Suguru seemed to stiffen at first, his own realization dawning on him, and he thought to pull away ... but he felt weakened by the taste of your lips. Sweet and yearning for more of him. A soft groan settled in his throat, and his hands dragged down to hold you by your waist. You felt him lean into you more, hands aching to grab more of you as he deepened the kiss more. You leaned back against the wall, allowing Suguru's hands to venture. You felt his hand lift the front of your blouse slightly, testing the waters of your desire. When he didn't hear your protest, he slipped his hand under the fabric and felt the softness of your skin. You seemed to melt under his touch so easily. He wondered, just how long had it been since you had been touched? His fingers grazed the underside of your breast, and you jolted with a soft moan, the kiss finally break between the two of you. With a lean of his forehead against yours, he stayed there, waiting for you. You were both breathing heavily, a haze of arousal caught in your stares. The both of you knew what you both wanted to happen next...
The question was -- would you both give in?
A/N: This is just a little warm up, trynna get back into writing! If this is something yall wanna see more of, lemme know. I might be looking to make a part two :)
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jazziesanura · 7 months
Silent Electric
Characters: Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Fumikage Tokoyami, Katsuki Bakugo, Hitoshi Shinso, {Y/N}
Pairing: Shinkami + GN Reader
Summary: Hyper Denki has moments of silence and unexpected prowess throughout the years.
Word Count: 8,228
Warnings: Fluff, mental angst, Katsuki is a meanie tsundere, he's nice though, promise, character comfort, poly couple, insomnia much?, pop culture, Spider-man?, Jojo reference??!, Prince
A/N: I've been listening to Prince a ton lately and a big BIG part of me was like, hm, Denki likes American things, he plays guitar, hm. He'd probably admire The High Priest of Funk and his amazing guitar solos. And one thing led to another and here we are.
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There are only a few times when Denki Kaminari is silent.
After their concert in U.A, it was difficult for him to put his guitar down. It was his hyper-fixation for months and soon became his hobby before he realized it himself. Kyoka and Fumikage taught him the basics and exposed him to genres he'd never experienced. In turn, he constantly pestered them daily to show them his steady growth.
"Hey, hey Fumi-! You've got to check this out. Am I doing this right?" Denki would say, demonstrating a few notes on the strings with his tongue stuck out in scattered concentration. "These first few shifts around have got my fingers all jumbled, Kyo, but gosh it sounds so pretty. I've got it now though, see?" His cheeks would be rosy as he rambled and the moment his fingers began to fly along the strings, all of that would shut down.
His grin would turn into a lax smile as he would present to them a cover of Roundabout, by Yes. It was obvious he had practiced, but no one was ever perfect. From time to time, Denki's fingers would pluck the wrong note, but he'd continue on.
"All your hard work is really paying off”. Kyoka would say, pinching his cheek. "If you keep up like this, you'll surpass me."
"I'll say," Fumikage would chuckle, ruffling his feathers. "How long did it take you?"
Denki's mouth would open to answer, but Fumikage continued.
"Until you finished listening to it on loop," Fumikage would add with a knowing blink of his eyes.
"Most of the day actually. Oh, you think I'll have enough time to study for our exams? I completely forgot, dammiiit." Denki would throw his head back with a groan.
Katsuki would be the first to say, "You blabber too much, Dunceface. Use your only two brain cells and think for two goddamn minutes, tsk. Get your damn priorities straight."
He means well, honest. He's bad at conveying it. His finger often jabs between Denki's brows when he tends to make obvious mistakes that take only a few minutes to analyze.
“Look, meet me at my room in ten minutes.” Katsuki’s finger would emphasize the time with another poke to Denki’s forehead. “Ten minutes. So don't be fuckin' late. We’ll do a cram study session. If you’re gonna be a pro hero one of these days, you’ve got to keep your grades up.” He would turn his face away from the group. “I’m not letting any of ya fall behind.”
Denki’s mouth opened and closed, struck speechless. A grin plastered on his face as he practically tackles Katsuki to the ground.
“Ehehe, I knew I could count on you, Kacchan.”
“Ugh, would you quit callin’ me that for fuck’s sake.”
This is not to say that Denki is incapable of processing situations--he's smarter than he looks, graduating as one of the highest ranking in his class. As a pro hero, fans, villains, and his classmates especially have come to point out when Denki is in the zone.
“What?” A villain would jeer. “You’re too good to play around with me anymore, freak~?”
Denki would meet the villain’s words with silence, his eyes flick to each side of the street. No pedestrians, he could go all out now. A punch would fly to his cheek, knocking him down to the concrete. With the searing pain, Denki would wobble in an attempt to find his balance. In return, his hand would clamp down on the villain’s shoulder, tilting his head to the side with a lopsided grin.
In times like these no thunderclap sounded when Chargebolt strikes.
When the villain crashes to the ground jittering from the numbing pulse of electricity, he would pout and speak aloud to himself. “Aww, maan. I forgot to say the line like Miles Morales. This is the second time now. Had it all planned out and everything. Eheh, at least no one saw.”
That afternoon, Chargebolt’s shoulder touch take down was trending on the internet by his fanbase where they gushed proudly about their cute blonde hero and his sugary sweet, boyish grin.
“He’s so careful.”
“When I see his smile I know that I am safe.”
“Whoever marries him one day will be so freaking lucky ahfahgaahf”
“Chargebolt, the number five hero!”
“Teehee, he was trying to mimic the American hero.”
But then, that's only what the public sees.
Behind closed doors, Denki is in a poly relationship with Hitoshi Shinso and {Y/N}. He found it oh so difficult to not show them both off, but he understood that their privacy was the most important thing they had. Hitoshi would often return home from a long night’s patrol to find Denki wide awake, propped on his guitar, gazing down at his phone--the soft blue light illuminating his face as {Y/N}’s head laid on his thigh.
“What’re you both still doing up?” Hitoshi’s voice would collide with the sounds of the performance blasting through the speakers. {Y/N} turned to him with a sleepy chirp, too comfortable to move.
“Waiting for you, Tosh.” {Y/N} said as Hitoshi drew near to them both, gently cradling the top of their head, watching as he planted a kiss on Denki’s head. Hitoshi’s eyes would look Denki up and down as the young man made no response to his affection. He raises a brow and looks down at {Y/N} for an answer, at least they were communicating with him. “You don’t recognize the song?” They’d say with a soft giggle, pressing their cheek further against Hitoshi’s hand. “He’s watching Prince’s guitar solo again.”
Hitoshi’s eyes shift to look over Denki’s shoulder, slowly recognizing the video playing. He’d chuckle, shaking his head in amusement, echoing {Y/N}. “Again. That time of the month, hm.”
“You know he’s obsessed with His Royal Badness.” {Y/N} gently tickled Denki’s side with their fingertips, smiling at the sound of his giggle.
“{Y/N}, babee~” He’d whine between laughter. “I’m trying not to miss it, come, come, look!”
Both of his lovers would lean in close to Denki’s sides as he pointed down at his phone.
“See, see, there, right there! His guitar defies even gravity.” He’d sigh in pure awe as if he'd never seen it before .
“There’s got to be a string or something.” Hitoshi would squint, rewinding the video again. “That or someone caught it.”
“Oh, don’t kill the magic being so critical, Toshi.” Denki speaks with a teasing voice, nearly bridging seriousness. “He’s magic, his fingers are magic. If he didn’t want his guitar to fall back down to the ground, well--it didn’t. She's floating around somewhere maybe.” His nod would be firm, awfully sure of himself. Then he would disappear in front of them once again, lost in the strings of his own guitar. Hitoshi and {Y/N} spare each other a knowing glance before looking at their partner in silent adoration. He sat there in the middle of them both, comfortable without a word on his lips as he filled the silence trying to copy the legendary musician, Prince.
Minutes would turn into hours and Denki was still at it, groaning more and more as he could never get it exactly right. Hitoshi would gently clear his throat to remind him of their sleeping lover that was curled up at his side.
“I don’t get what I’m doin’ wrong, Beau.” His hands hold his face as his hair fans around his face, staring down at his phone. Denki sighs and props his chin on the base of his guitar, slumping over. “I wish I was talented like him…”
Hitoshi’s brows furrow tight. He sounded perfectly fine to him, each note sounded like it was wailing with the pain of someone who had been vastly hurt, and the years of practice had him on par in ways that he considered talented. Hitoshi sets aside his homemade mug that {Y/N} had made for him with a low hum.
“Have you ever made something of your own?”
Denki’s golden eyes flick upward and it was his turn to furrow his brows and his nose. When Hitoshi doesn’t further press on with his question it leaves Denki with the chance to analyze himself. He knew the reason why his fingers would fumble whenever he played music he knew by heart. He’d been battling with himself to branch off in ways that he knew would work just as well as the original piece and staying true to what was already considered perfect. Denki twirls his plectrum between his fingers, staring into the eyes of the late musician, Prince. It felt like he was staring right back at him.
“I-...” Denki bites down on his bottom lip, not having realized that he was quiet for ten minutes now, passing his fingers over the strings to keep his hands busy. Even still, Hitoshi’s eyes never drifted away from his boyfriend-gentle and patient. “I never--is it silly to say that I thought--no, no, that I think I’m not good enough to make anything of my own? It’s already wild to me that I’ve even gotten so high in the hero ranking. It’s--it’s gotta be impossible for me to be any good at anything else too.”
Hitoshi stands from the other side of the room and sits down beside Denki. His chin tilts down.
“Look at yourself.”
Denki squints his eyes, crinkling his face as he looks at his boyfriend like he was vastly crazy. Hitoshi chuckles and lays a kiss on his cheek.
“Listen to yourself.”
He drops his gaze to his instrument in his arms. His fingers moved on their own, he hadn’t even realized it. The tune floating into his ears was simple and something he didn’t recognize playing before. Just as he began to feel excitement welling in his chest, electricity sparked at his fingertips, scaring him out of his unconscious state.
“That-That was just--that was one time.” Denki sputtered, placing the guitar down quickly as if he’d been burned by it.
Hitoshi hums to himself and turns on his phone to the first app he had opened already. In it were videos of his boyfriend chatting to {Y/N} as they retold their entire day at work. At the beginning of the video {Y/N} shoulders were tense as their face was fiery with annoyed anger. By the end of the video their voice has become softer as their body relaxed like melted butter on the kitchen table. Denki blinks fast as Hitoshi slides to more and more videos of him absentmindedly playing original tunes. When Denki didn't speak, Hitoshi's baritone voice filled the silence, silencing the storm raging in the blond’s mind.
“You're more capable than you think, Kaminari.”
A/N Pt. 2: The songs mentioned, each extensively long like most good songs are in the good old days.
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vannahmontannah · 7 months
"Ugh! Milo! Shut up! Fuck is you even barking for, bruh?"
Yeah, yeah...another day. Ugh! He probably barking because he needs to go out to the relief area. Sometimes I wish he could do it himself and come back.
I get up outta bed—ya already know how that junk go. No need to explain even further than that.
Anyway, it's a big day at the dealership. We get a handful of new cars in today and me being the BEST salesman there is, you know how I handle things. I don't just wear no suit to work. I got it like that to wear I can wear a certain outfit and still look presentable, you know what I'm sayin'? But I do wear my identification.
I hop in the shower, eat a lil bit of food, feed my dog, and get ready for the day. I checked my notifications to see if my boys got some going on and then I dip out. Every time I go outside, I get stopped for some compliments here and there and I truly appreciate it. I love all the love I receive. But do I got a girl? Why you in my business?
**Bzz! Bzz!
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Good morning,"
"Do you think you can send me $300?"
"For what?!"
"Well, I need it to go shopping,"
"Naomi, why don't you get a job, girl?"
"You know I'm trying! But, really wanna go out this weekend. You know I never beg,"
"Never? I wanna see what your 'barely' looks like,"
"Please, Duke? I promise I'm looking,"
"Just request it and I'll accept it. You know I can help you find some,"
"I'm good. I believe my friend is helping me out with streaming,"
"It's gone take time and dedication,"
"I'm fully aware,"
"But I'm on my way to work. I'll send it when I get there,"
"Thank you. Have a good day!"
"You too,"
I arrive at the gig and there was like 27 new cars on the lot! I can spot them that easily. It was some more still coming in. We get some used cars a lot too, but it kind of takes away from the new cars we have and receive. I parked my car and hopped out. Everyone at my job is cool for the most part and I have no issues with them. At least I don't think so. If it ain't addressed, keep it on the playground. Simple.
"If it ain't the fashion God himself!" My manager greeted.
"Sup, Michael,"
"Hey! We gone have a busy day today. Be prepared for this one. 6 new SRT's, 7 Mustangs, 5 Mercedes Benz, 10 Kia's and a few others. Shop opens in an hour and I have to get all of this shit filed. Fuck!"
"You need some help?"
"Nah, I got it. Hey, I was looking through the appointment list and saw a well-known name pop up. Got any idea who Justin Barker is?"
"I think he's another streamer if I'm not mistaken. He also does music on the side, but I'm not too big on him. He coming in?"
"I guess so. I see him right here. Purchasing a brand new 2024 Kia EV9,"
"Whew! Hella money dropped on a car,"
"Yeah, but if you can keep up with the payments, you good. You go and get settled and imma finish getting things in order,"
It's another loud morning at Justin's house per usual. Sometimes he's up and working on some music, but he tends to forget there's other people in the house. He's drumming, playing the guitar, cursing because he can't get a certain tune right, and so forth. Zuri, his girlfriend, is irritated by the constant disruption and urges he takes a break!
"Goddamit! Fuck, man! I can't get this right!" Justin curses.
"Justin! Oh my gosh, babe! Calm down!"
"I'm sorry, I just...I just get so stressed, like, I know I can do better than this!"
"I believe in you, Justin, but we have to think about other people in the house when it comes to noise. I don't mind you playing the guitar, but the theatrics has to stop. Please!"
"I'll work on it,"
"And you better stick to it. What you working on anyway?"
"A new song I've been meaning to put out for some time now and I just get so stuck on the damn chorus and even some times the bridges. I feel lost..."
"Since when has my baby ever been lost?"
"This song is just...personal,"
"Well, you have to take your time and let the art come to you,"
"Tried that,"
"Maybe that's a sign for you to take a break then,"
"I can't do that!"
"Yes you can. Your audience will understand,"
"This is how I make my living! I'm at this every other if not every day,"
"Justin, if this means a lot to you then you have to feel your work. Take time off for you! And besides, don't you have a car to get today? Focus on that instead,"
"Yeah, you're right. Almost forgot about that fucking car. Let's not waste money and hurry and get it!"
"There's the happy and energetic Justin I know! Let's go get our new whip,"
"Well, yours...yours works too,"
"You have a car,"
"Okay, well damn! I can't be supportive?"
"You can. Let's just forget it and just get the car,"
"Whatever you say,"
"This is a 2020 Kia Sol—" I said.
"Ain't these the cars that be getting jacked a lot?" The customer said.
"They may be getting jacked, but they can get jacked with this heat pack, for sure!" The co-signer added.
"I don't know, son. These are high risk cars,"
"Anything is good for right now dad. I got this. Plus this is the newer model. Im good,"
"You sure you want this?"
"Okay, man, we'll take it," the dad said.
"Alright, just step back inside and we can get you started from there," I said, leading back indoors.
"Dennis! Just the guy I was trying to see," Micheal said.
"Just got off the phone with Justin and he said he's pulling up. He's changing his mind about the EV9 and wants to look around to see if there's any other options. You think you can take him for me? I got a bigger situation right now,"
"I would, but I'm doing someone right now,"
"I'll have Garrett take over for you. I'll even add this to your check,"
"Fine with me. That's the car they getting right there,"
"Gotcha. Thanks again,"
"You good,"
I've watched a few of Justin's videos before. Guy has some talent, but he can do too much at times. He can even come off as arrogant and obnoxious. Heard he had a girl, but I rarely lay any attention to that. But if he does, how on Earth does she deal with him?
I got a text from sis and she sent me pictures of her shopping with my money. I don't appreciate this. She betta get a job before I sue for all money sent. Reporting to the FBI for scamming and trafficking if she ask for one more thing. Watch!
Some time goes by and I see a black Porsche drive into the lot. Windows are tinted, so I can't really see inside. He parked right in front of the glass doors too. Who does this guy really think he is?
He comes out the car and walks straight inside. But, there's another person in the car. The door opens and a woman comes out, shaking her head. He had a whole woman in the car and didn't open the door? WHAT?! They both come in and start looking around. Boy am I gonna have a field day.
"Hello! Welcome to the dealership! My name is Dennis and you must be Justin,"
"Yes, sir. Nice to meet you,"
"Vis versa. Heard you're looking for a new car?"
"Yeah, man. I just wanna see my options. I'm looking for something...exotic, but smooth. Something that's made for cruising, but still luxurious. You know?"
"I got just what you need. Follow me this way. Good morning, ma'am,"
"Good morning!" She smiled.
I smiled back. It was a reflex guys! Anyways, let's see what this dude want and hurry up and get him out the way. I take them to the side where most of the expensive cars are, but he can get a really good price on them if his credit is right.
"Ight! So out here are the 2023 Challenger SRT's. They run from around $55,000 to $87,000. The newer model Ranges are over here and they start at $100,000. Over here are the 2023 Phantom Rolls Royce's and these start at $500,000. SRT's are pretty loud, but the ladies love 'em. Range Rovers are pretty chill and comfortable, bringing that nice cool vibe. Royce's give you that luxury experience and have you feeling and looking good,"
"What about that Aston Martin over there?" Justin pointed.
"Oh, these! These are one of our best sellers as well. Starting off at $185,000 with a down payment of $4,000 a month if you don't wanna pay in full. This one has 542 to 697 horsepower, 9-speed automatic, all-wheel drive, and a 3 year warranty. The interior has black and blue leather seats, 7 over head lights, Bluetooth speakers, and it seats 5 people in total,"
"Hmm...I think I kinda like this one. You said up to 697 horsepower?"
"Mmm...what you think, babe?"
"I love it! You seem to be interested in this one the most," she smiled.
"Yeah. I think imma go with this one,"
"Alright. Step on inside and we can get you started,"
"You need my ID and stuff?"
"Uh, Michael said I can just come and take it. Drive it off the lot,"
"Hold on. Let me check,"
I took out my phone to call Michael because what the hell is going on here. He ain't even pay yet!
"Yeah?" Michael answered.
"Hey, I got Justin here. He said that you said he can take the car and go?"
"No, he needs to get his background first, pay and then leave,"
"He said you need to pay and then leave," I said.
"Do ya not know who I am?"
Oh he one of those. I should have known.
"Regardless of that, you still have to follow the same procedures as everybody else, man,"
"Justin, just do what the man says, please?" Zuri asked, rolling her eyes.
"I'm just saying. I have a status. You know this, Zuri,"
"Justin, not today,"
After some time past, I was finally able to get this mother fucker off my hands. One of those privileged white kids I see. I can't believe she puts up with that. Another self-centered human being.
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doublegoblin · 11 months
Get To Know My OC (Andrea time)
Thank ya to the ever cool @asterhaze for the tag (wasn't popping up for a notif but I did see my little name in your bunches of people)
I've done this for Alex and Dave (I think lol) so this time I'll be filling this one out for the lovely Andrea; second in command to Alex and honestly the one who helps keep them sane. Let's go!
Are you named after anyone? 
To be perfectly honest; maybe? I don't often talk about it, but, back when I first came here, back when I had those memories still; there was just something about that name that stuck to me. I'm not sure if it was that portion of me's name, someone we liked, or like...whatever else. I still really like it, and it feels like it suits me. Though if I was looking for a change I'd probably go with something like a Rebecca or Sally. Best friends before I started working for the large and looming. Like they still are my best friends...I think? We chat every once in a while but what with work and all...I'm sorry, that wasn't part of the question!
When was the last time you cried? 
Saw a really cute bunch of Dreamers hanging out on the park benches before coming here so uh...I'll let you put those pieces together.
Do you use sarcasm? 
Depends on who I'm around. Most of the other co-workers are fine but uh, boss and big boss? Yeah, nah, it'd turn into one of those moments where you try and make a joke but then that other person makes it out into a whole big lecture. Alex I think would be more likely to tolerate if not understand it, I mean they've tried their hand at it before anyway. Dave on the otherhand...good luck explaining the nuance of that kind of thing to a god. I swear, you'd have a better chance trying to convince him to change the uniform mandate.
Do you have kids? 
Mostly the new batch of newbies that stumble in. Unless you mean the other part of me? Then I have no freakin' idea!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
How well they can take a little ribbing. Most people are pretty chill and even tag along. But some, hooo boy, they throw a giant fit! "Oh give it back!" this "How did you even get ahold of it?" that. Bunch of killjoys.
 What’s your eye color? 
So! The shade I'm going with now is like a mix of a soft lavender with an undercut of hazel! When I get bored of it I'm sure I'll change. I love lavender though! Oh my gosh it has to be one of the best colors of the visible spectrum! I haven't tried ultraviolet though...ya know what, think I got a new style to try out.
Scary Movies or Happy Endings? 
Every waking moment here is a nightmare of horrors and corporate smothering...so happy endings are nice!
Any special talents? 
I can throw a knife reeeeeally good. Like, really good. Care to see?
Where were you born? 
What are your hobbies? 
Oh man don't put me on the spot like this! Uhm...wow mind is a complete blank. I promise I'm not boring! I just...uh...well...I like to go for walks? Do crosswords? Uhm...ugh! I hate these kinds of question so skip!
Do you have any pets? 
Oh my god! *she rummages around in her pocket and pulls out a heavily creased photo* This is Piere! *unfolding the photo you are greeted with the chittering maw of some kind of furry cephalopod * He is the sweetest little Mawlite! He's about three cycle old so still just a hatchling! Now despite his sweet looks he can be such a little rascal! Why recently-*for roughly the next 2-3 hours she enthusiastically goes over every small detail of her pet, the words all blurring together at some point*
What sports do you play/have played? 
Uuuuhm, look I'll be honest with you. If I'm not out working I would much rather set my happy ass down on the couch and snuggle my wittle baby~ But, I was pretty okay at archery.
Favorite subject in school? 
If there is anyone out there who liked anything about onboarding or those stupid preliminary classes I wou-you know what no, I know at least one person. Let me level with ya, I have forgotten most of the nitty-gritty so we'll just skip this question also.
Dream job? 
Despite my bitching, I couldn't think of a better department to work in. Well...maybe the Wildlife sector but then I'd have to deal with that manager and wouldn't have as much time to be home and all that jazz. Though, I would get a sick kit. Knowing Dave though this will be going onto an official record so I'll just say I'm happy where I am.
Tags!: @stanrendipity @lola-theshowgrl @tailoroffates @tisiphonewolfe (Idk how many you have done for these!) @gummybugg @moonluringfrost @mysticstarlightduck
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burnmywholelifedown · 2 years
We can call it even, tis the damn season!!! Hello from your secret santa!! I hope your day was good today, just wanted to pop in and introduce myself 💜 I figured I'd ask you a question a day until reveal so here's today's : what is your favorite maisie song lyric and why ?
hello!! ugh YES ttds is my favorite Taylor chrismtas song I think. looks like my secret santa has great taste 😉 oh boy this question is so hard man. It's so hard to pick favorite lyrics cause there are the ones that you personally relate to and then the ones that are super well-written and sometimes those are the same thing. I don't know how to pick so you're gonna get a few. These are the ones that came to mind first:
Okay let's start with Personal Best: August was two blue bikes we don't use now you drive Mm-mm Apple juice, tipping wine Oh, what's yours is always mine
it's so concise, it sets up the song perfectly - in the midst of change and transition this relationship has constants. Gosh I love it so much (just like I love my sister, my ride or die).
Also: And the months flew like swallows to sea Now you're calling my phone instead of my street Are you dancing whilst I am asleep? Do you miss having me beside you.
the months flew like swallows to sea? I mean… it's gorgeous, stunning describing the passage of time as movement when she's also singing about her sister going to uni and them having life experiences apart.
I ADORE the pre to Tough Act:
Everybody knows that a breakup Is better when there's someone to hate but You were my favourite way to stay up And I'd say that still
You were my favourite way to stay up?? are you hearing that??!?!? the pure simplicity of the ache?? like DAMN. I've been there and it hurts like hell.
every line of The List but especially: I need to stop my excuses and put my feelings in order Need to look in the mirror and stand a little bit taller Need to stop getting drunk as a reason to call ya I need to stop letting myself down
So can you talk? You know I'm stacking up Until the night I'm not enough And you're just someone else I disappoint
I should stumble in love instead of running and hiding
Put your hand up if I've let you down again
man this song was one of those 'wow did you read my diary' type songs. I love it because it helps remind me to fight the physical and mental posture of anxiety and be brave - to fight that urge to slouch/be tense and self-deprecate. Also from a writing perspective I love her turning that fear of letting others down on it's head and reminding you that actually you need to stop letting yourself down. it's fantastic.
Worst of You is another song that I love lyrically: Give me your lips that taste of her, I'd kiss them again I'd rather you walk all over me than walk away Give me the worst of you 'Cause I want you anyway
I mean... the sheer angst of it all undoes me every time I hear this song. Cause sometimes being treated like shit is worth the illusion of being appreciated.
JHM: 'Cause if you don't want me Then you're not the one
cause I think this is a life lesson and Maisie putting it in a song so we can all enthusiastically chant it has helped me so much
Thought I'd be a cool girl but turns out I'm livid I'll cry you a river then I'll drown you in it Bet you hope I'm done but there's no way I'm finished
cause this is Maisie at her most feral and I love it. big Vigilante Shit energy
mkay I'm gonna stop myself now but I could go on indefinitely. hope that answered the question lol. what about you?
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nancypullen · 8 months
Snowy Sunday Morning
It's a brisk 25 degrees outside and the sky is bright, cornflower blue. Sparkling snow is still blanketing my little world and it's absolutely beautiful. I'm keeping the birdfeeders full and putting out corn for squirrels. It delights me when they visit, and hopefully it helps them. Right now there are cardinals, blue jays, sparrows, chickadees, juncos, and more - all flitting around and filling their tiny bellies. Even better, the neighborhood cats are staying indoors during this cold snap so the birds aren't risking their lives at our feeders. That's actually an issue. You know I'm a cat lover, my two girls are precious to me. But my cats are indoor cats. I'd love to have a screened porch that would allow them to be out but not out . There ae two cats that live a couple of houses down, I call them Stanley and Leslie, who spend a lot of time hanging around our bird feeders and occasionally getting lucky. I hate that. I know that the cats are just being cats, but I also know they have food bowls at home. If they were eating to survive I'd close my eyes, hum "Circle of Life" and make my peace with it. Sadly, Stanley and Leslie are just serial killers who love the thrill. I don't know how to stop it. Everything I read says that the only solution is to remove the bird feeders. I really, really don't want to do that. Having that little bit of wildlife in the backyard keeps me sane. I neeeeed it. Remember our wonderful Willie in Mt. Juliet? He was our timeshare cat and I loved him so. He never bothered birds. We had feeders in the front and back and we were even lucky enough to have nesting pairs in our trees every spring. House finches nested in the ferns hanging on the front porch. Honestly, that always seemed kind of dumb to me because they'd panic every time we came in or out the front door. There were acres of woods behind us and they thought the porch was their best option? Anyway, my point was that Willie never bothered the birds (probably because he ate at several houses each day) so I've never had to solve this problem. How do I convince the neighbor's cats to stay home? I could anonymously gift the neighbor with a bird feeder. They don't appear to have one which means they probably don't want one. Any suggestions are welcome. In other news, I should probably address my last blog post. I hope it didn't seem negative. I like my job at the library, and my coworkers truly couldn't be nicer. I have no plans to leave, I'm not a quitter (unless it's a diet, I quit one of those every week). But I'll be honest and say that the thought of not being able to travel is a big deal to me. I'm 60, my clock is ticking, I want to see and do so much before I can't see and do anymore. Given a choice between this job and traveling the world with Mickey, I think we all know what I'd choose. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, hopefully there's a solution for that too.
Today I need to make a pot of soup, wash my hair (it's a process), and ready my clothes for the coming week. Yesterday I cleaned like I was hired help and the house looks and smells wonderful. Mickey kept things tidy all week, but they don't have our internal check list, ya' know? Wipe Baseboards, wipe the cupboards down, clean the glass, swish the toilet bowls and clean the seats, wipe all the sinks, spray the bed linens, and so on. It's a never-ending list that I'd work my way through over a period of days. Wednesdays were always bathroom cleaning days, Thursdays were laundry and baseboards, etc. Now I'm cramming that all into a day. Ugh. Women do a lot of invisible work. There I go, complaining again. That's not who I want to be. Aren't I lucky I have a home to clean? Yep. On a positive note, I've just started doing wall pilates. I don't know if it's for old people or everyone, but it feels so good. I do a few simple moves, no doubt there are much harder levels than what I'm doing, but gosh, I feel so loose and stretched afterward. I do my little morning walk and then about fifteen minutes of wall pilates. I'm not setting any records, but it sure feels good. My word for 2024 is power, I feel like this is a move in that direction too. Can't embrace your power if you're tired and weak, right? Alright, I'm going to get busy. I've got soup to make and a week to prepare for...Monday is looming! I think my days off this week are Friday and Sunday, so that's not going to be fun. Better start it off right by getting ready today. I hope that this coming week is good for you. I hope that something unexpected delights you. I hope that you have at least one bout of laughter that brings you to tears. I hope that you have a delicious meal. I hope that someone makes you feel appreciated. More than anything, I hope you have peace. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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n1k1tty · 3 years
kiss me ! part 2
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“hawaii!” niki yells, throwing as fist in the air as he enters the van “riki, it’s 3am in the morning, please shut up” jay retorts, going back to sleep as he leans on the window
as if it was almost planned, you and jake sat beside each other at the furthest seat. it was complicated, you didn’t know if you were comfortable or not, you felt tense, afraid of jake’s teasing if you touch him even the slightest. yet you also didn’t want to leave your seat.
you let out a huff, trying to find a position where you could comfortably sleep in. you were spooked at the sudden hand that leans your head on their shoulders “you can sleep on my shoulders, it’s alright” jake chuckles, already drifting to sleep the second after he did that “thanks” you mumble, easing into his warmth.
you laugh a little at his aching figure “this is funny to you? after i’ve been so kind to let you sleep on my shoulder?” he pouts “i deserve a long massage during our flight” he jokes, continuing to carry your bags.
dumbfounded by the fact that you stayed with him, giving him a glance filled with guilt “y/n seriously, i’m fine. it’ll go away sooner or later” he reassures you, his heart exploding at the sight of you with glimmering eyes, feeling the guilt you expressed them with.
“what do you wanna eat for breakfast?” you mumble, taking the luggage cart from his grasp. he laughs at your attempt to make him feel better “sorry? didnt quite hear that well” he teases, making you give him a glare, almost forgetting that he was ‘injured’ you raise your hand to almost give him a punch “good thing you’re hurting or i would’ve punched your ass back to australia” you roll your eyes “you heard what i said!” eyebrows frowning as you look away “alright alright, i’m fine with coffee really—” he lets out a breathy chuckle, dragging his feet as he follows you around “—nonsense! breakfast is important. don’t give me that type of bullshit sim” you cut him off, stopping by a little restaurant as you tell the other members to go ahead “im getting you pancakes. better finish it or you’re not living to see another day”
he laughs “this is quite a unique way to care for someone don’t you think” you roll your eyes "eat the damn pancakes sim jaeyun"
"yas ma'am"
after everyone had met up, you all started finding your seats. you were bewildered, somehow, because now you found yourself wanting to switch seats with sunghoon for obvious reasons. but of course, you --again, didn't have the guts to do so.
a few hours into the flight and a few glances from jake here and there, you received a message
jake :):
hey pretty girl, do me a favour and go to the washroom behind you
and why exactly?
jake :):
no questions asked. i just miss you ;)
you swore you wanted to jump off the plane. pretty girl?! he misses me?!. you feel the heat creeping up in your face as you asked jungwon "hey, could you get up of a sec. i gotta go to the washroom" you whisper, mumbling a small 'thank you' before you walked to the washroom.
you felt a hand pull you "hey" he giggles, arms wrapped around your waist "you scared me! i thought i was getting abducted" you slap his shoulder. although you would be lying if you said you didn't want to just grab him and kiss him right at this moment.
he looked so good with his button up shirt, showing off his collar bones, neck wearing the beaded necklace you made for him during the summer and your birthstone necklace. his hair was messy, and you couldn't deny how hot he looked with his glasses on.
"you should consider buttoning up" you hesitantly say, looking anywhere but his eyes. of course he catches on to your intentions, but he felt like pissing you off "why? i'm showing off your necklace" he giggles "i even bought your birthstone" he grabs the necklace with his thumb, making you roll your eyes as you cross your arms, making sim jaeyun giggle.
he places his hand under your chin, finally letting you looking at him "switch seats with sunghoon please. i don't think i like the sight of you sleeping on jungwon's shoulders" now it was your time to piss him off.
"why?" you pout, "his shoulders are so comfortable, and we don't want your shoulders aching again now do we?" you give him a slight smile, well it wasn't like you weren't planning to switch with sunghoon way before the flight even started anyway.
jake rolls his eyes "that leaves you no choice--"
"can y'all hurry up? i'll switch with you y/n gosh! just let me pee!" sunghoon bangs on the door, making jake laugh "well that was easy"
oh how you regret changing seats.
because now you get to fully witness the flight attendants obviously flirting with him.
"good morning sir" she annoyingly giggles, biting her lip as she leans in way too close. jake leans back, letting out a small laugh out of politeness "hi, yeah i'd like..." he orders his food while you glare at the girl who's been displeasingly close to him "what can i get for you ma'am?"
"oh my girlfriend would like the same thing" jake interrupts, giving you a sly wink after placing his hand on top of yours. you let out a small scoff after seeing the disappointed look on the girl as she hands you the food. your skips a beat. girlfriend? you thought
now he was starting to piss you off. he was doing everything but ask you out. and with every ounce of pride you had in your soul, you hated to admit that you were starting to get really impatient. were you not obvious about your feelings? was the handmade necklace and the concern you have for him not obvious enough?
"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hawaii" the pilot announces, after you got your hand carry, you didn't even bother waiting for jake. immediately walking out of the plane, causing him to tilt his head out of confusion.
he didn't get a chance to talk to you, i mean, how could he when you would immediately start walking away from him whenever he tried to walk towards you.
as you sat beside jay in the tour bus, he gives you a weird look "why are you here" you give him a lost look "can i not...?" that's when he knew something happened between you and jake "y/n if this is because of jake--" you place your hand on his mouth, leaning way too close. but luck wasn't on your side today, because jake saw.
"shut up please! and yes! it is about him. so please spare me and let me sit here for the meantime" jay chuckles, "jake's going to kill me for this" he mumbles, leaning back to the chair "what?"
"nothing" he gives you a grin
after you guys arrived to jay's beach house you immediately grab your bag before jake could help you
"alright riki and sunoo are sharing a room, jungwon and heeseung are sharing, and...." jay looks at you, sunghoon and jake, not knowing what to do "you three figure it out. i'm just letting you know one gets to have their own room" jay starts to head to his own room, shrugging his shoulders as he walks past you with widened eyes.
"we already know what's about to happen. i'm getting my own room-"
"no!" you yell
"yes!" jake yells in unison,
"well......" sunghoon stood there, waiting for the both of you to talk "well, i just think i should get the room since you know-- i'm a girl and-- you and jake are best friends so you should be roommates" you explain, giving sunghoon an awkward smile "yeah sure whatever- ow!" jake hits sunghoon in the arm "you idiot! take the goddamn room!" jake grits through his teeth "you know what y/n! i change my mind. i uh, i think im going to take the room"
"why?!" you whisper with a harsh tone. poor sunghoon "IM GOING TO JERK OFF OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW" he yells, although he regrets it after the maids give him a weird look "ayo what?" heeseung peaks through the door "nothing! i didn't mean that. just --ugh! i'm heading out" he grabs his luggage, stomping through the hallways as he walks to the room. leaving you with jake.
you were about to have a mental breakdown "jay! you're seriously not helping me at all!" you give him a shove "ow! you need to control your strength sometimes! and i'm sorry okay? i just panicked, and i think you and jake being roommates wouldn't be a mistake. it's better to fix your problems instead of just sweeping it under the rug. you can't avoid him forever y/n" he was right. and you knew that. but you couldn't bring yourself to tell jake what was bothering you. even the thought of it was embarrassing, because what if he wasn't even intending to date you at all?
you walk back to the room, hesitating whether you should open it or not. but after hearing no noise, you open the door "AH OH MY GOD SORRY--" there you saw a shirtless jake, hair wet and his glasses having a few drops of water from his hair. he grabs your hand before you could walk out again "y/n, please talk to me" he places his hands on both sides of your shoulders "did i do something wrong? whatever it is, i'm really sorry" he panics, slightly pouting at the silent treatment you gave him "jake i-"
"dinners ready!" riki barges in, freezing at the sight of you two "oh- hey! riki, let's go!" you grab his arm, walking towards the dining room "please don't mention it" you whisper, sitting in between riki and jay.
jake later follows, now in his grey shirt and the checkered pajamas he wore earlier, he gives you a small smile before sitting next to heeseung.
"so, sunghoon. did you have fun?" heeseung teases
"shut up!"
"this wasn't going as planned anymore!" jake groans, he was currently in jay's room, ranting his frustrations out while jay listened. when jake had heard about the trip to hawaii, he originally planned to confess when you guys went to the party, it's not like the party had already happened, but it was already tomorrow "i already apologized, yet she still wouldn't speak"
"do you even know why she's mad?" jay asked, leaning on the bad with his arms as he watched jake pacing around his room "...no?"
"jake sim you idiot"
it was 1 am in the morning and you finally finished playing games with riki and heeseung. you were hesitating to open the door once again. afraid of letting the incident happen once more. you knock lightly, hoping that he was there and you could finally make up
but before you could open the door, jake already opened it. immediately embracing you "please talk to me" he whispers gently in your ear. you couldn't help but burst out crying, causing him to panic, he caresses your hair "let's go for a walk yeah?" he grabs your wrist, his touch so gentle as if you were fragile.
he wipes your tears as you walk along the shore "i missed you. you know?" he holds your hand as you both drag your feet along the sand. you hit him on his shoulder "ow!"
"that's what you get!" you sniffle, looking at the reflection of the moon on the sea "what did i do?" he chuckles, searching for your eyes. he tilts his head when you don't respond "hello?"
"cause! you always flirt with me, calling me your girlfriend and hugging me! i hate it! i hate it because my heart always skips a beat every time and i always expect you to ask me out soon yet you never do!" you yell, your skin was glowing under the moonlight. jake was in awe the moment he saw your glistening eyes that had tears threatening to fall.
he had the sudden urge to kiss you and tell you how he felt.
and he did. because jake was a man who never doubted his feelings when it came to you.
he pulls you by the waist, causing you to let out a yelp. his lips touches yours, and it stayed like that for a while, to make up for the moments he wasted without you this whole vacation. you wrap your hands around his neck, playing with his hair
"can i be your boyfriend?" he cheekily says, his smile making you smile as well "suck my ass. sim jaeyun. yes, i'd love for you to be my boyfriend"
"i'd gladly suck your a--"
"sim jaeyun!"
[bonus bcs i haven't posted in a while]
it was the morning of the party, you were in jake's arms "finally you're awake! good morning!" he excitedly says, peppering you with kisses "the guys are in the pool so get changed" he informs you, smacking your ass as soon as you got up "getting too comfortable for our first day aren't we?" you tilt your head, giving him a smirk "can't help it" he send a wink your way.
as soon as you got out in your swimsuit, jake's mouth drops "do a little turn for me" he smirks, twirling you around as he hypes you up "holy shit! i'm so lucky aren't i" he checks you out, earning a smack from you "ow! alright but i'm not letting them check you out like that! wear my shirt"
(he didn't let you go from the jacuzzi after heeseung hyped you up lol)
you told jake to go ahead, wanting to surprise him with the dress you bought.
after arriving to the party jake almost dropped the drink he had in his hand after he saw you. he was smiling so hard when the little girl put a Lei (flower neck lace) on you. he felt so proud when the other men at the party look at you giving him a hug
"that's right, she's mine" he thought
after you walked to wards him he grabs you by the waist "you look so pretty in red" he says, hugging you tightly "is that so?" you ask, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, making him all giddy
part 1
taglist: @zylenes @hwalllllllelujah @theskzvibe
HI GUYS :D. i will be posting the visuals for this fic so pls wait :)
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itsmadamehydra · 4 years
My Savior || Wayne McCullough
A/N: Just some teenage girl trying to write the story inside her head, hope u like it.
Pairing: Wayne McCullough x oc
Warnings: rape, intention of rape, harassment, blood mention, bullying, language (a little strong)
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I've always like to watch him by far, he just seems different from the rest (and oh boy, he is).
The first time I saw him I was in 7th grade. I was just one more girl of the many others that her tities just had started to show and my period started to visit me. I remember that day clearly, I was sitting at the hallway with my bestfriend at the time, eating infront of our lockers when I saw him.
"Am telling ya girl, the answer of number 5 was c." I said trying to reason with her about the science test answers "I told you that if u needed help to study, I could help ya." I smile at her and move my arm upward to touch her shoulder
"Yeah, yeah, I know...are you sure it was not D?" she said frowning her eyebrows once more. We stayed in silence for a sec before bursting into laughter and tears
Little by little our laughs started to fade, allowing ears to hear the background and aswell some loud voices, it sounded like an argument but by the hears of it a fight was going to start soon. "What you think is happening over there?" Cassie murmured, I stared at the end of the hallway where apparently was were the voices were coming from.
"I don't know..." my lips formed a thin line while I was thinking about what could have been happening in there, "You wanna, you know, go and see?" I looked back at my friend
"Freak yeah" she laughed grabbing my hand and running down the hallway to see the soon to be fight.
Once we got there, there was a mass of students surrounding what appeared to be the ones who where arguing. "Ugh, I can't see, I hate been so small." I said, "Hey, that smallness is beautiful and you know you can use that in your own benefit" Cassia said and winked at me.
"I mean, yeah but I can't-" my word stopped at the moment I heard a want sounded and I believe to be a punch in the face. "You saw that!?" Cassie said, "That was freaking awesome, please tell me you saw it!" "Um, nah Cassie, I cant see a crap" i said while trying to find a whole where to see through.
It was only a matter of seconds until more punches were heard. I started pushing people more frantically, I wanted to see what was happening. When I get pass a few amount of studens I almost slipped, looked sown to see what was it and it was stains of blood, only a few but still.
"Oh gosh, disgusting." When I look up only a few students are still in the cafeteria and a guy wearing a grey hoddie was just there, staring at the bloodie face of another guy. I stared back at the hoddie guy and noticed a little hammer in his hand, and the words just came out of my mouth without even noticing, "Why the hammer? Want to be a constructed or something?" He just stared at me and pass by me without saying a word and keeping a neutral face.
"Who the hell was that crazy ass weirdo?" I hear Cassie's voice behind me. "I don't know" I responded, "But I will know...one day."
"Ok,ok, am not going to get in between your little search thingi but am sure he is not good news." Cassie said, "You saw what he did, and he has a FREAKING hammer, y/n! Covered in blood y/n!" She grabbed my shoulders from behind, "I think we all understood the message, stay the fuck away from him, honey."
And I just smiled.
Months later I learned his name. Wayne, Wayne McCullough. Fits the ring if you ask me. Everyone was speaking about how violent, crazy and wierdo he was, about how he was going to show up at your house to beat the hell put of you.
I just observed him by far, well, I like to think that I noticed him. I noticed how he usually beats up those who are some assholes jerks that have only one brain cell as much. Noticed that he is not much of a talker and a shy boy. Noticed how he makes his lips thin when he gets lost in thoughts. How he closes his fist when he is about to do something. His strangely high pain tolerance. His pale skin and dark hair appeared to me to be very llamative and aswell his strength. He was and is skinny but somehow has a great strength, maybe do to the unincredible amounts of fights he gets in. Experience makes the master is what the say...right?
Years went by, we entered to highschool and the nervousness along with the fast beating, sweating and butterflies were still there every time i either tought about him or saw him walking around.
Cassie stayed with me for a while until she decided to join the group of nasty ass bitches with no brain cells who believed no one was better than them. While I...well, I stayed small for a big part I guess, always with good grades, teachers love me and try to be nice with every one I guess.
Everything was going great until Cassie along with some guys recorded me somehow while being drunk and them trying to overpass the boundaries, and let me tell ya.. that was just the start.
The had videos of me at the school bathroom, pictures of my underwear under my skirts and dresses, them trying to touch me. I had to learn to defend myself, stopped using skirts, dresses, shorts even do I loved wearing the. Replace my shoes with tennis and always had hair ties.
"Y/n, wake up! You're going to be late for school, don't think ama wait for you!" I mom yelled.
"Yes, mom! Dont worry, am up!" I run down the stairs with my backpack, went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple and went straight to the car.
"Oh for God sake, y/n" she said went she looked at me and noticed my new hair style.
"What? You don't like it? I just cut it a little." I satered at her innocently
"Your father is not gonna like it and you know it." She said and the stress lines appeared in her forehead, "You know this is his weekend and-"
She couldn't finish her sentence because I started taking, "Am not going to that dickheads house, mother." I said strainly, "Don't want to see his and face of that bitch he cheated you with..." i lowly said but loud enough to hear.
"I know, honey but you have to and besides you get to see your brother!" She patted my thigh, "Haven't seen him in a while right?" She said with a sad tone
"You should be the one seeing him...not me." I stared outside the window, there were just some trees and houses and garbage.
Mom and dad divorced a while back, he cheated on her. The house was a mess that day, screams and broken glass everywhere. Sammy was lucky, he was at grandma's but I was home...listening to every single word. That was also the first time a sneaked out and the first time I sort-of spoke to Wayne.
"What are you doing here?" I heard someone said behind me, I looked and it was fucking Wayne
"Just trying to have some quietness i guess..." I stared at my fingers and started playing with them because of my nervousness, "...What are you doing here?" I asked softly
And he stayed silent...the whole time after that. Either way, his company was nice and the side profile, ufff, amazing.
"Ok, we are here." I stared at the building for a sec before giving my mother a kiss in her cheek and entered to the building.
"Hey y/n! Nice ass!" That was the jerk of all jerks, Jonathan.
I turned around and stared at him, "Oh yeah?" He nodded, "Want to see me shop of your dick?" Changed my tone while saying that into a lower and more serious tone. He just stared at me with sealed lips and left.
I continued walking to my locker and I come to see tgat my freaking lock is broken, I search in all the spaces but nothing is missing.
"Come on! They had just changed me of locker!" I silently yelled. Started grabbing my books for the next few classes when I felt a hand in my shoulder, by instinct I grabbed the wrist, pushed the person against the locker and added pressure in the throat with my other arm.
"Hey y/n" Orlando smiled, "New move?" I chuckled and removed my arm, now, standing face to face I respond
"You know you shouldn't do that Orlando bunny." I laugh st the nickname I gave him a few time ago. Orlando was one of the few FEW people who talked to me, well, he talked to everyone but still.
"I know... I just forgot I guess man." He looked down, "Y/n...have your tities grown bigger?" His face looked confused.
I slapped his head and punched his shoulder, "Could you please stop looking and thinking 'bout tities when am around you?"
"I mean, yeah sure...and sorry about your lock." He points the locker, "Wayne thought it was still his but since-" I cut him off before he could continue
"Wayne?" I asked confused
"Yeah, Is tha-" i cut him off again
"Why did he tho?" I murmured staring at my lock in hand.
"It used to be his locker but oh well...he missed school for 3 weeks and yeah." He grabs his backpacks laces after explaining.
"Oh...ok, is he still here tho?" I looked at Orlando
"I guess..." he was about to say pther thing when the bell ring and we started to go toour classes, "See you later gorgeous!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
I stayed there...just staring at my lock for a while, then order my things fast and left to class. What I didn't know was that someone was watching at me.
Three days later, i was walking back home and i heard s car going at full speed and nasty comments were started to be listend. I kept walking trying tk pretend they didn't exist when the car is suddenly over the sideway and infront of me.
"But...you are bot dead right, bitch?" Jonathan said getting out of the car. There were five, 2 guys and 3 girls. "Don't prefer to suck my dick and be my slut, promise I'll pay a good amount." He said infront of me,
"She is already a slut baby." Veronica said
"I bet she has sleeped with half school, wouldn't surprise me if you haven been org*e or something." You know, comments are comments, you are the one who decide what hurt you and whats does not, but being Cassie the one who said that...broke my freaking heart.
I couldn't stand it anymore, wanted to leave the place so i came up with a plan very fast. I walked closer to Jonathan trying to be the most seductive I could, touched his chest, abs and got closer to his ear and said, "You are going to regret everything" Punched him with all my strenght in this genitiles, stomp on his feet, punched his nose and ran the faster I could out of there.
"You bitch!" I heard from far but i continued running, I couldn't stop, i was scared, didn't know what could happen if the get me. I could hear the car engines behind me, but i didn't stop.
I was close a bridge, ran underneath it, passed some houses but i could still hear the voices and car. My legs hurt, i needed to catch my breath, i could hear my heart beat, my body felt on fire. When I less expected am suddenly trapped, there were some abandoned buildings and warehouses but no way to get put of there. This was it, my end.
"Couldn't escape from me you nasty little bitch!?" I heard his voice, i was never one to pray but believe when i say i begged to God to save me. "You ain't going anywhere...bitch" he was behind me, I could sense it.
My hair was pulled, he pulls me by my hair to his car and i notice that it's just him and another guy. Am not getting out of here.
"We are going to have so much fun!" He licks my cheek and i try to kick him wherever.
"HELP!" I yelled, "SOMEBODY PLEASE, HELP!" my voice sounded horrific, like if i hadn't drank a single drop of water in ages, "please" y murmure my last pledge before he finally puts me over the capo of his car.
"No one's gonna help you, you slut." He says, the other guy was just watching and standing still, doing nothing.
I gave up, didn't even notice I was crying until I tasted the salt in my lips. I felt him over me, unbucking my pants and then...i didnt felt his weight anymore, instead, i heard a cry of pain, and then another cry, and another and another.
I lifted my head and there he was, grey hoddie and little hammer in hand...my savior. I smiled.
My smile just grew bigger and bigger every second I saw that boy swing that motherfucker hammer, every second that Jonathan's blood was spilled. I lool around in search pf the pther guy scared that he might try to grab but I get calm when i see him unconscious on the floor.
A few minuts later th cries stop and i look up, Jonathan was missing 3 teeths and face covered with blood, i think he could even have a brocken rib or something.
Am sitting on top of the car's capo when a feel a slight, fragile touch.
"You ok?" Wayne askes pulling a string of my hair behind my ear.
"...now I am." I smile to him and he returns a little small tiny one with a grin. I was about to say something else when he suddenly speaks
"Want to be my girlfriend or whatever?" He says looking exhausted, I chuckle
"Try a little harder and I might be." I say soflty with a small thin smile and he avoids my eyes but I still get to notice a small blush.
Hey! So, yeah. This is my first ever published thing. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want a part two or to keep writing, am open to any suggestion! Am not very good with the warnings section so if you could help me with it, i would totally apreciate that!
Thank you for reading,
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writingtheafterglow · 3 years
Why Don't I?
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Song: "Why Don't I" by Sofia Carson and Thomas Law (from the Cinderella movie)
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing I guess...cliche as fuck-
Summary: Arvin helps you out a little with your stage fright.
a/n: I was feeling all lovey dovie today so I wrote this...anyways enjoy!
"Ugh" you groan, crumbling up a paper into a ball and chucking it across the picnic table. You were trying to write the perfect song for the town's annual fair. Millie, your best friend also the planner, asked you to sing an original song at the end of each day. It wasn't even day one yet and you already felt the anxiety start to wash over you. There were probably a thousand paper balls surrounding you at this point. All of the lyrics you've written are just way too personal.
"You trying to make a paper ball game for the fair or something?" a deep southern accent asks from behind you. You turn your head around to see an attractive young man standing behind you, wearing an old-looking baseball cap and a jean jacket.
"No...I'm trying to write...a song..." You reply quietly. The boy comes and sits down next to you, pretty close as well. He proceeds to pick up one of the crumpled up pieces of paper and open it. Your eyes widen a little but, you let him do it. The man's eyes scan over the sheet, his lips curve into a smile, which kind of shocks you.
"These are amazing...why are you crumpling em' up?" he asks, eyes meeting yours.
"Look I'm not trying to be rude but....who are you?" you ask, wondering why a stranger feels the need to look over your song(s).
"Name's Arvin Russell. What's your's darlin'?" Something about him seemed different. He seemed nice and caring, even though he's tough-looking on the outside. Something about Arvin made you want to smile, could be the nickname, could be the compliment on the song, but he made you want to smile.
"Hm, pretty." He says going to grab another paper ball. Your cheeks start to heat up at the compliment. You take your pencil and try to think of better lyrics to write down. Arvin reads over the piece of paper he just picked up. Tapping your shoulder he has a huge smile plastered on his face.
"This is the one! Why the hell would you throw it away, it's amazing!" he gushes, shoving the wrinkly paper in your hand. Re-reading over it you cringe at the lyrics.
Like a bird, I'm free to fly
Spread my wings and fly my life
What the fuck kind of lyrics were those? Some sappy, personal, shit, is what that was.
"No, these are shit." you explain handing the paper back to him and turning back to your notebook.
"They're perfect" he reassures you, lowering your hand that was holding the pencil. Your skin starts to burn up because, of the contact. Butterflies began to fill your stomach.
"I don't know, I can't even tell if it's the song anymore." you explain. Your head fell into the palms of your hands.
"What do ya mean?" he asks
"I'm just...really nervous to sing in front of...pretty much the whole town." All of the nerves come back and start to take over again.
"You got stage fright, darlin'?" He takes one of your hands in his and begins to rub your knuckle with his thumb.
"I guess.."
"What if I help you out? Like to get rid of all that." Arvin offers. Your head shoots up and your eyes meet his.
"You'd do that? YOu don't even know me." You remind him.
"Well, I'll get to know you if we do this. C'mon darlin'....let me help." He begs, gosh damn it. He was adorable, which you wouldn't have thought at first glance.
"Fine." You give in. A huge smile appears on his face and then he starts to help you clean up.
This was going to be an interesting week...
After a week of practicing with Arvin, you feel confident enough to sing in front of everyone. Throughout the week, you got to get to know him more, and you started to develop...feelings. How could you not? He was sweet, made you laugh, and kinda...protective. A few days ago, some boys at the park cat-called you as you and Arvin were walking towards his truck. Arvin turned around and shot them a death glare then proceeded to wrap a protective arm around your shoulder.
This made you fall even harder. He just seems so perfect. Moving on, today was day one of the fair. You were calm...until you saw the crowd. Apparently, there were 100 people there, you didn't even think your town had that many people. Peeking from behind the curtain, you see all of the people standing in a huge crowd, including the boys who tried to talk to you the other day. Nerves began to fill you again.
"Hey darlin', how you feeling?" Arvin asked, coming up behind you and placing his hands on your hips. You turn around, still in his arms, and he sees the worried look on your face.
"What's the matter?" He asks. You swallow the lump in your through before you began to speak.
"There's a lot of people out there."
"Listen it'll be oka-" Before Arvin could give you his words of encouragement, Millie was dragging you off and hands you a microphone. You shoot Arvin one last nerve-filled look before the curtains open. Eyes wide, the music starts to play, and then it's your cue.
"I've never been one to step out of my comfort zone Whenever I try I'm afraid to just let go"
You sing, your voice shaky from all of the nerves. All of the sudden you hear giggles coming from the three guys standing in the front. You feel warm liquid start to fill your eyes. Arvin sees all of this and makes a bold move. He grabs the microphone off of the guitarist's stand and walks into everyone's view.
"Don't know why I run Don't know why I hide Never let them know what I feel inside Don't know why I'm scared just to take a chance While I'm just standing here"
He harmonizes with you, his deep, southern, accent faded into a higher less southern-sounding accent. You turn and have a shocked face, Arvin was singing with you. In between the chorus and the verse, he mouths to keep your eyes on him, so you did, the rest of the performance.
"Like a bird, I'm free to fly Spread my wings and fly my life Like a bird, I'm up so high Out of the cage, it's my time to shine Like a bird, I'm free to fly So tell me, tell me why don't I?"
You guys end the song, face to face. He brings one of his hands up to rest on your cheek and pulls you in. As your lips collide, it feels like sparks were flying. It was almost like everything around you stopped. Pulling away you rest your heads on each others.
"You were amazing, darlin'." He says, back in his regular voice.
"We did amazing." You correct pulling him into another, sweet kiss.
(a/n: this was so shit 😭)
Taglist & Mutuals: @supraveng @getreeljas @allthisfortommy @namoreno @inthecornerchair @bubb1eana1ee @alwaaaysadream @wildxwidow @gbaabyyyy @wanniiieeee @tom-softie @thirlwallsholland @perspectiive @starksview @mn-jun
Follow @spideymix for more
{ © spideymix - 2021 }
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
jack in the box thoughts if u care. warning this got long as hell and obviously i am reading potentially sus english translations soooo take all of this with many large pinches of salt. JUST LET ME LIVE, I LOVE TO ANALYZE SHIT OKAY.
god i really love this intro a lot. it's giving audiobook in the car lmao but i do think it's the perfect introduction to the concepts of the album for those who are maybe unfamiliar
"hope gave people the will to carry on living amidst the pain and strife" no lies detected
okay but his TONE on pandora's box and the way his voice gets more and more intense it's like.... you can hear the pressure of all of it building. omg. ALSO THIS FUCKING CHORUS.
fucking hell i love this style of music for him it puts his unique and versatile voice on display so well. nothing to distract from it.
more dance break ✨✨✨ still such a banger ugh
OKAY THE BEAT OF STOP..... and wow these lyrics. "there are no bad people in the world" i'm sorry did y'all hear that???? pretty sure jung hoseok just said transformative justice???? abolish prisons and policing?????? ahem sorry i'll stop
AHHHH I WASN'T READY FOR = (equal sign)
HE SAID TRANSCEND/BEYOND GENDER..... I'M ASCENDING......... i'm ready for the post-gender future,, hoseok take me with u 🥺
oh my god his VOICE and the VIBE of this chorus...... give it to me 90s fantasy!!!! I NEED MORE HOBI FALSETTO ALL THE TIME WHY HAS HE BEEN HIDING THIS FROM US i'm driving directly to hybe to FIGHT SOMEONE
music box: reflection ...... *chuckles* i'm in danger (DO IT HOBI UNLEASH THE SLEEP PARALYSIS DEMON DO IT DO IT)
oh my artistic analysis ass is LIVING for this directly after equal sign so much to fucking UNPACK abt the concepts of equality vs. like, actual justice OOH OOH OOOOOOOH
damn i literally just had to take a breather when what if... started. no offense to those who love it but sooome of the lyrics in equal sign rang a teensy bit hollow to me (i am sooooo over the 'we are one race 😌 the human race 😌' crap ya know,, although there were definitely a lot of great parts abt respecting differences/not needing to all be absolutely the same in there too! i am not dragging the song lol!!!)
and for him to turn around and slap us in the face with THIS?????? oh i am RIGHT THERE WITH U HOBI omfg. like IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE....
"I wonder what hardships and ordeals mean to you Since you only walked up intact stairs" !!!!!!!!!!! JUNG HOSEOK
holy fuck i need someone to come hold my hand. i may not survive to the end of this album.
god this idea that it's so fucking easy to talk abt hope and optimism (and yes, equality!!!) when you live a privileged life. i'm literally about to fucking cry. i love it so much i cannot BREATHE.
thank god for the whiplash of safety zone i need these tears to go back up into my eyeballs lmao
ooooof these lyrics tho. i have so many feelings abt celebrity/idol culture and gosh i just wanna give him a hug. it's gotta be so hard to feel like there are so few people you can trust and be entirely safe around or even just points where you feel like you can actually REST (my trauma brain sure knows that firsthand 🤪 and honestly i'd imagine being an idol impacts the brain similarly to complex trauma..... i am js,, we can unpack that later if y'all want)
"I like animals better than people these days" - felt, hobi, felt.
future is such a cute lil bop aaa! i appreciate him reminding us that HE needs to be given hope too 💜 AS I CANCER I CAN RELATE TO ENDLESSLY GIVING.... you gotta help yourself before you can help others babe!!!!
this song is so lovely ~ it's giving positive nihilism ✨ and that sometimes it's okay to take the next step even if you don't know what's coming and you're scared. i hope he feels this way about the hiatus honestly 🥺 babe absolutely deserves it
ugh and arson as a closer feels so damn correct. i watched the MV already so it's not my first time hearing it but this after everything else we just went through...... it's so fucking perfect. burn down all the shit that no longer serves you.
and i also just love the metaphor of everything he's been through being like arson bc it's like, sure, "i set the fire".... but obv he (and all of bangtan) had NO IDEA it would get as big as it has (like any out of control fire).... really i'm sure they felt like they *had* no control after a certain point. seriously the perfect metaphor for it. uncontrolled burn that eventually either has to burn out or keep going and engulf the mf world. and i trust them to make the right choice. 💜
damn alright well. i have tears in my eyes still. what a fantastic fucking album. i am so proud of / in love with this man. and 'what if' is OBVIOUSLY my favorite song it's not even fucking close sdjfkljsf
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steadily, evenly
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She's all sweetness and light with Coach and Schmidt, but with Nick, for whatever reason*, Jess throws these dick-stiffening flashes of being a full-on Fourth-of-July firecracker.
They argue about whether the concept of “ladies’ night” sets back the cause of feminism.
“… in conclusion, Nick, there's ultimately no such thing as a 'free drink.'” “Wow, ok, then, Jess. Ya know, I was gonna do my usual thing the next time you and Coach and Schmidt came down to the bar and not charge any of ya, but instead I guess I'll let them drink for free and only charge you." "Wait— gosh dang it— that's different than 'ladies' night— that's 'friendship night,' so'—" "Nope, Jess, you said it — you believe there's no such thing as a free drink, and I wouldn't want to offend ya by offering you one, so—" "UGH! Nick Miller, you are TWISTING my WORDS!" "Yeah, just like I'm gonna twist the lime in that drink you'll be payin' for, Jess."
They argue about whether sinks are things that need to be cleaned.
“Sinks get washed every damn day when we use them, Jess. Unless you’re telling me ya don’t use soap to wash your hands or clean your dishes? Where were ya raised, in a barn?" “No, Nick, but apparently you were. In a weird, gross barn without proper sink hygiene." "'SINK HYGIENE' IS REDUNDANT, JESS. SINKS ARE HYGIENE." "AND YOU, NICK, ARE FREAKING INFURIATING."
They’ve even sometimes argued about arguing itself.
“Debate team does count as a team sport, Nick. It has ‘team’ in the name, and it has uniforms, and it has coaches, and I should know, because I’m one of them.” “Are ya out of your mind, Jess? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. DEBATE TEAM IS NOT A SPORT. Sports involve being athletic.” “Hmm, interesting… so you’re saying the brain isn’t a muscle?” “Oh, my GOD.”
He doesn’t know yet exactly what it means, and maybe he’s fooling himself, but he’d venture that more than half the time, she's the one who initiates their verbal sparring matches. The one who tosses the first lit match — steadily, evenly, knowing exactly what she's doing.
He takes that strange, wonderful gift and runs with it every goddamn time it’s offered. - from chapter one ("steadily, evenly") of strawberry tea, my newest Nick/Jess story. Set in S1, it's an alternate unfolding of their getting-to-know-you phase — and, eventually and inevitably, their getting-it-on-for-the-first-time phase. be forewarned: though the honest-to-goodness smut is yet to come, this is NSFW from the start. *OBVIOUSLY it is because THEY ARE IN LOOOOOOOOOVE but they don't know it yet, the delightful bozos.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Empire State Of Mind
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x stark!reader
Warning: None
Summary- (FLUFF)(CRACK)the story of how Peter Parker got over his fear of heights (I was inspired by one of Peter's lines in the Spiderman ps4 game)
A/N: Okay this is me getting back to fics because apparently the only way I can actually get inspiration to write is if I'm procrastinating sooooooo since school has started I guess there will be lots of that lol
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When Peter told Ned about his fear of heights, he completely freaked out.
"You can't be afraid of heights. You're Spiderman!," he whisper-shouted at their lunch table. "How can Spiderman be afraid of heights?!"
Peter shrugged. "I dunno, maybe I'll just have to get over it eventually."
"But if the spider gave you strength, perfect eyesight, and all those other awesome things. How could it not give you the ability to not be afraid of heights?!," Ned asked, utterly confused. "I mean, spiders aren't afraid of heights."
"Yeah Ned, I know. But-"
"And if spiders aren't afraid of heights then when the spider bit you, you should've picked up that trait too, right?"
"-Maybe you just got a really lame spider. Maybe the spider that bit you was afraid of heights and he was a spider outcast and-"
When Peter told MJ about his fear of heights, she immediately mentally prepared herself for his funeral.
"How is Spiderman afraid of heights?"
Pete groaned. "I don't know..."
"I knew it," she sighed. "You're gonna die."
"Wait, what?"
"You can't be out there saving the city while being afraid of heights. That doesn't mix," she explained matter-of-factly. "You're gonna die."
"I'll get over it, MJ. I just have to keep trying."
She shook her head. "Whatever you say, loser. But when you die, the only thing I'll be saying at your funeral is 'I told ya so'."
When Peter told Harry about his fear of heights, he teased him about it relentlessly.
Peter braced himself. "And before you say it, yeah I know: 'How is Spiderman afraid of heights?'. Ha. Ha. Funny."
Harry tossed a pretzel into his mouth. "That's pretty pitiful, Pete," he snickered.
"Yeah I know-"
"-You're supposed to be the 'Amazing' Spiderman, not the 'I-can-only-save-you-if-we're-under-fifty-feet' Spiderman."
"You know what? I'm just going to stop telling people," Peter mumbled, hiding his face into his hands.
"C'mon, I'm just messing with you, bro," Harry teased. "But seriously, how can Spiderman be afraid of heights? That's like Ironman being afraid of iron!"
Peter stared. "...it's really not though."
"Whatever." Harry reached over to ruffle Peter's hair with his hand. "Just come to the penthouse tonight and I'll throw you off the roof. Bam. Fear conquered."
When Peter told you about it, you did the natural Stark thing to do, and helped him out...after teasing him of course.
"How the fuck are you Spiderman and you're afraid of heights? How does that even work?," you laughed.
"Ugh, not you too [Y/N]," he groaned.
"Why're you scared if you've got your webs?," she interjected again. "As long as you remember those, you can't fall."
"That doesn't really help."
"Wait, so you save all those people in tall buildings while you're so scared of heights? Wow. You're even more awesome now."
Peter shrugged it off. "I guess when the moment comes to save people, I kind of have to push the fear aside, y'know?"
"Aaaand why are you even telling me this? What, you want me to fix you or something?" You laughed again, slapping the table. "I'm good with robots, Pete. I'm not a wizard."
Peter shuffled in his seat. "Well I-i was kind of hoping that... maybe you could h-help me?"
You raised an eyebrow. "And how would I do that?," you asked, giggling a bit. "Push you off avengers tower?," you teased.
"A-actually I was hoping for the Empire State Building..."
You paused. "...wait, what?"
Peter nodded in response.
"Pete..I was only kidding... Like really, are you being foreal?!"
He smiled, patting his hands on his lap nervously. "Will you?"
"You're going to fall off the Empire State Building to get over your fear of heights?," you asked.
He nodded uncertainly. "Yep."
"...And you want me to push you off said building?"
"Yeah pretty much," he confirmed.
You stared in disbelief for a moment before checking your watch. "The things I'll do for your dumbass," you sighed. "Alright. Meet me at the top of the Empire State at four. But if you die...I will not be held responsible.
Peter crawled cautiously along the side of the Empire State Building, being sure to never look down.
'You're not that high, Pete. You're not,' he told himself. 'You're only like twelve....t-twelve....hun....'
"Twelve h-h-hundred fucking feet off the fucking ground oh my goshhh!," he whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut as he continued up the building. "Oh my God, please let me live."
He crawled with his eyes closed until he couldn't feel the thick glass wall anymore. Peter jumped over the railing of the 103 floor observation deck and finally placed his feet on solid ground.
"Wow, Spiderman. You're literally shaking," he heard your voice laugh.
Peter looked at you, wide-eyed as you sat on top of the railing, legs pointed outward, facing the city. "How are you not terrified right now?!"
You shrugged. "I literally take the iron suit for a joy-ride like every week. Heights don't bother me. Now, are we doing this or not?"
"J-just.. gimme a second," he mumbled. "You can do this, Peter. You can do this," he pep-talked himself. "You got this."
You remained sitting on the railing and swinging your legs, trying to give Peter some space to get himself together.
After what felt like about ten mintues, you looked over at him. "You okay over there, Pete?"
Peter took a deep breath and gave a small nod before peeking over the side of the building, which he quickly realized was more than just a big mistake on his part. "F-fuck no!" He quickly stepped back until he was the furthest he could be from the edge. "It's too high! I-i can't do this!"
You groaned. "C'mon, Pete. Wasn't this your idea anyway?"
"Actually it was sort of Harry's!," he stammered. "...[Y/N]..I-i really don't think I can do this."
You ran towards him, cupping his face with your hands. "Hey, hey... relax. You're gonna be okay. You hear me?"
Slowly, he began to nod. "...O-okay," he sighed and took the time to prepare himself again. "I think I'm ready."
You backed away a bit. "You sure?"
"Look," you said. "Y'know, you don't have to do this if you really don't want to."
"No," Peter declared, squeezing his eyes shut, his hands turning to fists. "No, I said I'm going to do it today. So I have to do it today. I have to."
"Well then let's do it."
"But I can't!," he whined.
You groaned. 'If this dork doesn't make up his mind.'
Then it hit you.
"I guess when the moment comes to save people, I kind of have to push the fear aside, y'know?"
He'd told you the answer to his problems without even knowing.
"Got it," you whispered.
Turning around quickly, you climbed back over the railing separating the standing area from the edge of the building with a mischievous smile.
Once comfortable, you started to rock, swinging your legs back and forth. "Golly gee, Peter. I sure hope I don't fall!," you yelled dramatically in the perfect 'woe-is-me' fashion.
Confused, he looked up from where he was frozen in place. "[Y/N], what?"
You continued to speak dramatically and robotically. "Oh it would be such a shame if maybe I were to..." You gestured a person falling with your hand until it finally reached the end. "Splat!"
"[Y/N], c'mon. Stop."
"And I suppose if I were to happen to be plummeting to my death-" you looked over at him with wide eyes. "-The only person capable of saving me would be the AMAZING Spiderman!"
"[Y/N]. I'm not kidding around. Seriously, this is dumb."
"Gee wilikers! I guess my life is in your hands now Spidey!," you smirked before throwing yourself off the edge of the Empire State Building.
"[Y/N]! What the fuck!"
"Whooooooooooooo!," you yelled as you fell, confident that he would catch you.
Rolling his eyes and cursing under his breath, Peter immediately threw caution to the wind as he jumped over the fence. The only thing on his mind was catching you.
'You idiotic bitch of a girl that I love...'
Gathering his crazy surroundings, he looked around until he finally saw you. And there you were, free falling and whooping like you were on a rollercoaster and not actually almost dying.
'Okay, Pete,' he thought. 'Save her or Mr. Stark will literally kill you..Plus your girlfriend will be dead... yeah definitely that too.'
"[Y/N]!," he yelled.
"Any time now, Peter!," you shrieked once you felt you'd been falling for a bit too long. "C'mon, I know you can do it so how about you FUCKING DO IT!"
Finally catching up with you a bit, he shot a web out to pull you towards him, and then shot another on the building.
You gasped when you felt something yank you upwards. Immediately after you were scooped up by a blur of red and blue.
"I've got you, [Y/N]," he gasped out, one arm holding you while the other was busy holding the two of you up with the webbing. "I've got you."
You held onto him tightly and let out a laugh of relief. "I knew you would," you giggled. "That was awesome."
He began to laugh too. "Oh my gosh, you crazy little adrenaline junky!"
You smirked in response, looking around at where you were now "Sooo.. we're hanging off the Empire State Building..what now?"
Peter looked around too. "Uhh-" he smirked. "-wanna go for a swing?"
"That's just the adrenaline talking, Petey," you informed. "But I mean, I'm down if you are. You're not still scared?"
"Oh I'm terrified," he laughed before leaning in for a quick, messy kiss. He stared at you with nothing but love in his heart. "But I'll be fine as long as I've got you."
The next time Peter found himself swinging through the air, the last thing on his mind was how high he was going.
@spideyyeet, @soft-petey, @hey-its-grey, @allegra-writes, @chaoticpete, @underoosjae, @allegra-soleil, @sovereignparker, @lost-space-ranger, @kelieah, @spidey-reids-2003, @spidey-boy-89, @thesherlockianavenger, @crappy-unicorn
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cupboardzllo · 4 years
being a babie with mazzello | hc
a/n : HIIII welcome back to my writing! I miss all of ya so much :-] the other day i was hit with this thought of just being ababie arpund joe so here's a hc about that. Also, i wanna thank y'all for sticking with me when i was unactive several days ago...it means a lot to me!
also, i'm Chloe! Figured i will reveal my name after a while. People call me coco or cookie sometimes, so...let's be friend, i guess?
anyway, enjoy this hc!! ♡
so we all know about the virus, honestly i think i'm the latest person to write about this
but joe freaking mazzello 'course cannot stay sane that long without you, his 24/7 childhood best friend
so he asked you to move in with him when the whole quarantine thingy started
"Come on!!! You will have the world-famous, fanfastic dino-shaped pancakes by Chef La Mazzello every morning, (Y/N)."
that was his effort to persuade you
of course you said yes
"Fine, but it's only because of the pancakes."
no (Y/N) we ALL know it's because you're head over heels for him!!!
moving-in day
it's not the first time you've stayed at his house
but you were pretty nervous with the idea of living with him, everyday, him seeing you without any makeup, or anything
ESPECIALLY your habits of cleaning products...you tend to use baby shampoo and soaps
when you put your johnson baby wash in his bathroom, Joe frowned
"Whose baby is staying here?."
you stuttered, "uhh...it's weird, but, it's mine...dONT LAUGH OKAY JOE-"
too late
joe's dying on the floor
(((((bathroom floor))))
you tickled him as an escape of your embarassment, feeling shy
"OKAY STOP STOP I'M SORRY!," he laughed
then ruffled your hair
"Even if you use dog shampoo, i'd still.."
you freezed
what's he going to say?!
joe took a moment before finishing his sentence
"....m-make yOU DINO-SHAPED PANCAKES! come on, (Y/L/N)! let's unpack your clothes after this."
then he went out of the bathroom
leaving you
and possibly close to having a sheer heart attack
grocery shopping with joe
on some days, joe (and you) is waAY to lazy to make efforts to eat
but at the same time you guys are hella hungry
so you guys order the classic chinese take-outs, or pizza maybe
but also in some days, you will go out grocery shopping with him and buy ingredients for dinner (with masks of course, wear your masks everyone!!!)
joe will grab cooking ingredients and other products
like milk
dairy-free milk because we all don't want joe screaming
Joe also grabs some chips
and snacks
then there's you grabbing baby snacks
happy baby
teethers cookies
all the good stuff
"Why..are you???????"
"Stop shaming my snacking behaviour!!! It's good okay,,," you said then running into another aisle
leaving mazzello
like that joe smile we all love
"Gosh, such a cutie..." he mumbled, then pushing the cart, following you
also he paid for the groceries even though you insisted to pay
ugh i love him
dinner time with joe
joe's not actually the worst italian chef
but he does need constant guiding and sometimes can be sloppy
you guys were cooking baked spaghetti that night, and thankfully it went okay
joe almost spilled the whole sauce from the pan but luckily you were there to stop him
so while waiting for the food to cook
joe decided to play some music off of his phone
and guess what he played
not queen songs
the first verse came and you were laughing out loud
"Joe what the fuck???? What is thiiiis?."
joe is already bopping his head and throwing some dance moves
drop it like it's hoooooot-
"Aw come on baby (Y/L/N), bABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO-"
so you joined him
yeah the clapping hands thingy
you guys were dancing so hard you both were sweating
Joe picked you up with his arms
you were a laughing mess and tried to get out of his grip when you both fell into his couch
you on top of him
and him under you
for a moment you thought joe is going to kiss you
and he reached you cheek
the oven dings
joe shuffled and you quickly stood up
"I'll check it!," you said while running to the kitchen
SIS your heart was POUNDING because was he going to kiss you????
joe was also a blushing mess
"mazzello you dumb...," he whispered while rubbing his face
then chased you into the kitchen
dinner went a bit awkward
because you both are dumb dorks
but it went over and you guys washes dishes together then got ready for bed
Joe does have a guest room in his house
but he said that the room is currently unavailable
under the following reasons of
"it's messy," and "it has a lot of stuff in it!." "my room's more spacious."
he really just want to have you with him in his bed (Y/N) come on!!!!
so you agreed to sleep with him
because of course you also can't wait to cuddle with him
ehm okay moving on so
you changed into your pajama
and it has gudetama patterns
joe chuckled when he saw you after changing your clothes
"I swear (Y/N), you're a baby trapped in an adult's body."
you pull out your tongue playfully then joined him
joe was scrolling his instagram, and you were checking out your emails
joe then pulled you closer to him
"You're cold, you need more warmth from me," he said, as an excuse
you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder
you did not realize it, but you were feeling sleepy and slowly you lulled off on his chest
because this is exactly the thing he loved the most about you
the domestic side of you, your bare face and your sleepy figure
he turned off the lights as careful as possible
he don't want his baby to wake up
he cuddled you closer and realized
this is what he wanted to see before he's off to the clouds
so let's all hope the man will gain the courage to ask you out
because he can't wait to give you
his baby
more warmth every night :-)
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 10
Warning: swearing, duh, Ouija-boarding, BJ's trust issues
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- Are we seriously gonna do this like we were in a goddamn Z category horror movie? - asked Ari, while she rubbed the bridge of her nose. The coffin-table in the living room was decorated with at least 10 huge white candles, and in the middle there was a grey Ouija-board with a bright pink planchette. Sof already dimmed the lights and now was sitting on the floor, legs in criss cross applesauce. Beetlejuice was floating above the coffee table, laughing his ass off at the inscription he read on the planchette: Hey there demons, it's me, ya boy.
- And it's coming from the weird sister... - commented Rei as she folded her hands before her chest. Sof let out an annoyed sigh.
- Shut up, it gives an eerie vibe to the whole thing! I've been dreaming about using this shit for years, let me live my dream guys! - Rei and Ari both looked at each other, sighed, then sit down. Beetlejuice stopped laughing, wipped his laughter-tear filled eyes and rolled over to his belly in the air, legs dangling, hands under his chin. He had a devilish smile on his face and bright, neon green hair, mixed with a couple strikes of yellow. Even though he was excited to communicate with all residents of the house, he was kinda worried the Ouija-board won't work. He's been existing for at least a couple hundred years at that point, but nobody ever tried communicating with him through one of those suckers.
As soon as the girls got comfortable, Sofía cleared her throat.
- Okay, I know Ari knows how to handle this bad boy since we bought it together and had quite a good time while we looked into the use of spirit boards, but I'd like to state some instructions and ground rules. - Ari, Rei and Beetlejuice both nodded in agreement. - Once we start the seance, non of us should lift our fingers off the planchette. If any of us do, it might cause some trouble in the ghostworld. Concentration is essential, so please focus on contacting the dead. We have to take this thing seriously and must act respectfully towards the board and the spirit we deal with, so no frivolous questions.
- PFFFFFF kay, partykiller. - said Beetlejuice as he floated closer to the board. The girls put their pointing fingers on the planchette, breathed out, and looked at each other.
Thoughts were running around in Ari's head. Was this really a good idea? I mean if we can contact our homedemon effectively, I could tell my sisters I could hear him and they won't think I'm crazy. That's why I thought of doing this. But why am I so afraid then?
- Okay so let's start the session by asking simple yes and no questions. - said Sofía, closed her eyes for a bit, then started to talk. She sounded really confident for Beetlejuice, but her sisters noticed how her voice cracked a bit. Was she only nervous, excited, or was she genuinely afraid of what she might contact? - Is anyone here with us? - the planchette didn't move. Sofi let out a huge breath and gulped. Beetlejuice put his pointing finger on the planchette and literally screamed when he realized he could actually touch it. - Channeling the dead isn't easy so it might take some minutes to...
As soon she said that, Beetlejuice moved his finger, and literally yeeted the planchette across the room.
- FUCK I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT!!! - he screamed in a rather girly manner. Rei jumped up from the coffin-table and shook her head.
- That not normal man, a ghosty ghost couldn't do that in any horror movie! - Ari got up too and went to get the planchette. Beetlejuice floated before her.
- Sorry babes, I swear I'll be more gentle next time. Even though I know you looove wild stuff. - Ari replied with an eyeroll as she bowed down for the tiny pink thing. - Holy shit sugar I could imagine several hot scenarios with you in this position.
Ari headed back to the table and put the planchette down.
- Let's continue. - Rei sit back, fixing her glasses and putting her hair up in a messy ponytail. Ari looked at the planchette as she speak the words. - Could you please confirm that you're here? - Beetlejuice, as lightly as he could, put his finger on the pink thingie and moved it to YES.
- NAH MAN THAT'S CRAZY NA-AH I'M OUT! - shouted Rei and started to stand up.
- SIT YOUR ASS BACK DOWN PUTA! - shouted Ari back at her sister. - You said amen to this shit, we're gonna go through with it now. - Beetlejuice chuckled as Rei sit back down with the most panicked look on her face that he had ever seen. He tapped the planchette slightly.
- L-E-T-S-A-L-L-G-E-T-N-A-K-E-D. - Ari let out the the biggest laugh Beetlejuice heard yet. She snapped her head back as she squeaked like a degenerated seal while snorting. - OhmygodslashSatan your bursting laugh is so weird, I love it! - said Beetlejuice with a high voice and full on glowing hair.
- You did that. - stated Sofía, looking at Ari seriously.
- No way José! - she still giggled like crazy as she looked back at her oldest sister. - Looks like our presence is just nasty! - Sofía had a very annoyed and slightly angry expression on her face.
- ANYWAY, no, we are not going to do that.
- W-O-R-T-H-A-T-R-Y. - spelled the board. Sofía threw her hands in the air, annoyed out of words to express her feelings. Rei clicked her tongue.
- What happened to the "don't let go of the planchette" rule? - she asked.
- Shut up. - explained Sofía. She put her fingers back on the pink object before she stated the next question. - Are you a spirit guide? - the planchette moved to NO. - Then are you a ghost? - the planchette moved to NO again. Sofía shook her head in a way people do when they don't understood something.
- Did you ever live on Earth as a human? - asked Rei who calmed herself down enough to ask questions.
- B-R-I-E-F-L-Y-V-E-R-Y-B-R-I-E-F-L-Y. - Sof interrupted with her next question. Something really bugged her.
- Okay then WHAT are you?!
- S-E-X-Y - the girls all threw their hands up. They shared a look, all stating "I can't even" with their eyes. Without either of them touching the planchette, it started to move again on its own. - A-L-S-O-D-I-S-L-E-X-I-C. - Rei snorted.
- This bitch is a fuckin comic. - Sof growled in annoyement.
- No I mean what's in your pants? - she asked. Now neither of them was touching the board. And after a couple of seconds, the board answered.
- M-A-G-I-K-A-N-D-M-I-S-C-H-I-F. - Ari facepalmed, Sofía huffed.
- I can't believe that this thing is fuckin with us... - Beetlejuice could literally see the veins on her neck bulging in anger as he spelled HAHAHA out on the board. She slammed her fists on the table. - NO. TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE, SMARTASS!!!
- I-M-Y-O-R-G-U-I-D-E-T-O-T-H-E-O-T-H-E-R-S-I-D-E.
- Kay that's definitely a demon. - she stated with a huge hand gesture.
- Shit we're busted babe. - said Beetlejuice, sounding a tiny bit worried. Ari gulped.
- Why would you think that? - she asked, acting all naive. Sof pointed at the planchette, which was now moving up and down in the air since Beetlejuice was playing catch with it.
- Cause demonic spirits enjoy using deception and being a dick!
- What a keen observation, Sofía! - stated Beetlejuice, talking sarcastically. - That's built into our nature, you know!
- Let's just... - Sofía sighed midsentence. - ...stop.
- No! This is fun! - proclaimed Ari with the biggest puppy eyes. Classic smallest child trick.
- We are unprepared to deal with dark and negative forces that can wreak havoc in our lives!
- Sofía, let's be frank with each other, he already causes a lot of trouble. - Sof huffed. - At least let me ask his name. - said Ari in a sweet voice with a shy smile. - That would be the polite thing to do. - her eldest sister tried to say something but Ari stifled her speech. - Just one question. Then we can stop.
- That was a son of a bitch thing to do, and you know it. Tricking your sister into letting me tell you my name... That's low babes. - said Beetlejuice while folding his hands and shaking his head, floating next to Ari. - I'm so proud.
- UGH FINE! - said Sofía, while throwing her head back. - Little Miss Pushover. - Ari flashed a toothy grin. That was her moment. She already had a plan how'd she persuade her sisters to accept his offer of helping them out a bit and to say the demon's name 3 times. She cleared her throat and breathed out before she stated her question.
- What is your name?
Beetlejuice breathed in in excitement and grabbed the planchette.
- Welp let's hope it's gonna work this way. Here goes nothing. - the planchette started to move. - B-E-E-J-F-Q-J-E-S-U-S-I-C-A-N-T-S-P-E-L-L-S-H-I-T. - Ari sighed and Rei laughed. Come on Bug, don't be an idiot now!, thought Ari. The object started to slide on the board again. - B-E-E-T-L-E-J-U-I-C-E.
- OKAY GOOD NOW WE KNOW IT'S NAME CAN WE STOP PLEASE?!?! - shouted Rei as she reached for the planchette, but Sofía grabbed her hand.
- Wait. - with her other hand, she pointed at Ari. - Ariadné Rodríguez McLoughlin, you are suspicious, girl. Why did you want to know this demon's name so badly? - Fuck., thought Ari. She didn't think this through. She couldn't answer, she opened her mouth but no voice came out. - Demon, have you communicated with anyone from this group before tonight? - Beetlejuice fumbled through his hair.
- I'm sorry babes. But you wouldn't tell them about your superpower any other way. - he said before the planchette moved to YES. Sof looked straight into Ari's eyes. She hated that cold dead stare.
- Tell me who was it!
- A-R-I. - the oldest sister slapped the desk.
- Please I can explain... - said Ari in a shy, almost inaudible voice. Gosh things were not going the way she imagined they'd go.
- BITCH, I WILL SLAP YOU! - shouted Sofía, clapping after every word.
- Excuse me but... - cut in Rei. She mimicked a closing mouth with her hand. - ...tone! Let the girl speak for herself! - she turned to her sister. - So how long have you been talking with the dead, bitch? - Ari sighed, rolled her eyes then started to talk with very heavy hand movements.
- Let me state that I can only hear him, I've never seen him but we've been talking for weeks now and he's so awesome and funny! I mean he's actually a really nice guy to talk to!
- Ohmygod he's that special someone who's been making you feel better!!! - realized Rei who just slapped her forehead. Beetlejuice was floating beside Ari, giggling to himself. The whole situation was so comical.
- Yeah, we're buddies.
- FOR LYFE YO! - screamed Beetlejuice into Ari's ear.
- Why did I teach you how to use yo, seriously, this is getting out of hand... - she asked the thin air, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She was starting to get a headache.
- Wait you can hear him now? - asked Sofía with a jaw dropped.
- I can hear him all the time when he's near me... So yeah during every minute of the day, kinda. - she stopped for a sec. - You don't think I'm crazy, right?
- I mean we all saw what happened during the seance so nah fam, you good. Weird but good. Gee my sister is a comic book character! - proclaimed Rei excitedly. She even clapped.
- And what does he want? - asked Sofía. She calmed down a bit but her eyes were full of anger.
- Right now, and I quote him singing: "🎶I'm on the bench, but coach, just put me in the game! All you gotta do is say my name. Three times in a row it must be spoken, unbroken.🎶" - she mimicked Beetlejuice as good as she could, she even tried to do his voice. She looked at Rei, who almost had questionmarks for eyes. - Yes, he sounds like that all the time. Like he swallowed a cheesegrater, I know. - Rei nodded understandingly. Sof held her head.
- So he wants to be summoned. - she looked deep into Ari's eyes. She looked so serious. - You know we're not gonna do that, right?
- Why?! He promised he'd help us then just go away! - Sof shook her head but Ari continued. She sounded kinda desperate. - Just imagine, he could actually help us get revenge on our father for being such a prick with our moms! Just let me...
- No. - she stated. - In the Council of Sisters I vote no. - she looked at Rei. - Your vote now.
- Look I... - she sighed and looked at Ari whose eyes were now getting teary. She didn't want to tell her sisters how much she wanted to summon Beetlejuice, not because of his promise, but because how much she liked his company. She didn't have a friend like him in, why would I lie, ever, and she secretly craved his presence in her life. There was finally someone who totally accepted her as how she was, and now her sisters were robbing her of the opportunity of meeting him. - There are always a million reasons not to do something. - Ari covered her mouth with her right palm.
- No, not you, I thought you...
- Girl, we've been swimming with piranhas, we don't need a shark!
Beetlejuice was silent... until this point. He knew how arguments worked. How bloodyminded people were once they decided on something. His hair slowly turned from green to a purplish redish tone. His anger was building up and now it busted.
- And I thought you were special... Not like any other breather. - he spit between his teeth. Ari looked at his direction and shushed her sisters.
- Bug, what do you...
- YOU PROMISED YOU'D SUMMON ME! - screamed Beetlejuice. - YOU PROMISED BUT YOU WON'T! AND I TRUSTED YOU! - Ari stood up and stepped in his direction. She tried to sound calm but Beetlejuice's voice was so angry and frightening...
- Beetlejuice, I will, somehow, just...
- NO YOU WON'T! YOU'RE A LYING BITCH LIKE ANY OTHER HUMAN ON THIS GODDAMN PLANET! - he started to run while cussing at Ari. The girl ran after him, followed by her sisters. As soon as he got to the attic door, which the girls were unable to pry open, he floated through the door and laid head back to it. - I HATE YOU!
- You know that you don't and that that was uncalled for. - Ari sighed while trying to get the door to open. Rei asked if she needed an axe but she refused. - Please, this is hard enough as it is!
- Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. - answered Beetlejuice in an annoyed way. - I just tend to get a little upset WHEN PEOPLE RUIN MY LIFE! - tears started to run down his cheeks. - FUCK YOU, GET LOST! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!
Beetlejuice heard that Ari stopped trying to open up the door. She sighed and put her hand on the hard wood.
- I'll talk to them. And I'll keep my promise. - her steps faded and as they did, Beetlejuice's hair turned fully dark purple as he started crying. He really trusted her... And he did get that she'd want her sisters to know that she'll summon a demon at their home but why would she betray him like that still? He sniffled to himself as he summoned a sockpuppet.
- 🎶You could use a buddy... Don't you want a pal?🎶 Yes I do! - he put his head on his knees, sniffling hard. - ...yes I do...
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