#i love youuu boomer
soft--dogs · 4 months
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the most special most beautiful boy in the whoooooole world
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tikki-wikki · 3 years
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At the risk of sounding weird, I'm just going to say it.
Strange and Tony have absolutely ELECTRIC chemistry. Two dicks (and I'm not talking about their anatomy) that just go bonkers fucking YONKERS when someone can keep up with their dry humor and wit - and both of them get absolutely 200% soft, warm play dough like, when someone shows them one (1) amount of general human empathy and understanding. That said, they still are dudes *cough*testosterone*cough*, so the pissing contests are/would be EPIC. Two fat brains and fatter asses, they're gonna fight for territory like it's the newest episode of Meerkat manor.
Like, look, I'm a slut, I like being a slut and I'm going to continue being a slut until I'm ancient, like, 45, idk. So getting in the middle of that double french hotdog? Yes, my legs are wide open. At this point in my life there's an acute lack of super-brained, sassy bisexual disaster boomers so it is my #1 to-go self ship. If one can keep up and enjoy the endless stream of bullshit coming from their mouths, it's me a girlboss who takes no shit but is willing to occasionally play mediator.
And that sounds like great foreplay to me, ngl. As people, they would annoy me until I wanted to gag on them. As characters, I want to screw their brains out until they both shut tf up. Their established dynamic (best seen in Infinity War) is what makes them just so... *WAP noises*.
/end thirsty rambling
Congratulations on your followers, bestie. Love ya 💚
Eeeeeeeeep I was literally watching Infinity War two hours ago & had a huge discussion with a friend about this exact same thing!! Definitely weird.
IronStrange is a ship destined to sink but I’ll still willingly get on board because well... There is humour, sarcasm x 3000 and hotnessnessessness. Basically all the things we live for.
You’ve planted this in my brain now babe. Here I was struggling to write Part 2 of that Strange and Loki smut and now I’ve been hit by this train. Come find me basking in the wreckage 😂
Thank youuu lovely for being the sweetest❤️
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MMM Sleepover
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6, 9, 10, 12, 25,
6. Someone you hate?
One of my coworkers. He happens to make some big decisions in the sales team which are 99% wrong. Also he's a disgusting boomer that always stares at my boobs while talking to me.
9. What’s your dream job?
Being a tattoo artist or a badass graphic designer owning a creative studio.
10. Ever been in love?
Yeah but none of those 2-3 times I've been loved back 💔
12. Favorite color?
Black, green, purple, gold, and recently also warm yellow and deep oranges!
25. Worst thing that has ever happened to you?
Hmm that's a tough one because what seems the worst for me might be very trivial for other people, so... Please don't judge me 😅
I think moving to another country traumatized me for years. Now I'm fine and happy where I live but the first years of living here were fucking killing me. Another thing? Well, the feeling of being rejected and bullied for the most part of my life. Also ending up in ER because of an acute renal colic. Also dealing with grief.
Thank youuu! 🖤
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uwua3 · 4 years
Hi bunnie! I really wanna become a new anon but i realized there was a discord server? what are the other anons like? Oooo maybe you could try to relate them to an a3! character if that’s not too much for you?? I’m really curious on how you see them~~
aaa!!! hi, anon~ ♡ please know the discord server is 100% optional n do whatever makes you comfortable 🥰💕💓 i’d love if you joined the family as an emoji anon hehe, but only if you want to!!! 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 regardless, i love youuu vvv much ^^^ 🤍 + i,,, i read this and GOT SOSOSO HAPPY !!! thank you for letting me talk about my anons TT here are the ✨ bunnie–assigned kins ✨ i have for each person in the mankai family server !!! :D U(ㅇㅅㅇ❀)U
ruri ♡ azuma: !!! my mod who makes sure the baby bots remain behaved~ (this mean she’s the it guy of our server who fixes everything TT she’s sooo smart 🥺❕❕❕)
like i’ve said before, my divorcee (of 5 times) wife is the epitome of azuma !!! she likes relenlessly teasing people to get a reaction and enjoys getting others flustered TT but overall, she’s chill, above the drama, and reliable since you can rely on her to help any time of the day :D just like azuma! i trust her a lot and i know she’s a friend for life 🥰 i love her very much even if she shows her love through #Bullying TT
shy 🧡 anon ♡ itaru: the kingdom’s angel knight~ ⚔️🛡 similar to itaru, ellie is one of the oldest in our server (*insert boomer jokes*) !!! 💕💞💓 yet, she has a very strong youthful, childish mentality who easily relates to all of us :D a #Real adult who knows how to have fun despite all her responsibilities! a true itaru who i love ^^^ 😄
trans ♂️anon ♡ yuki: trans anon is the Butler™️ !!! the reason i said yuki (besides yukki being his favorite) was his headstrong n cool attitude ✨✨✨ trans anon likes making fun of us ~~~ (*tenma voice* will yuki ever cure that smart mouth of his???) but that’s how he shows he love us! vvv tsundere of them 💚💛 regardless, he is my son n i love him 🥺🥺🥺
door 🚪 anon ♡ muku/omi: two (2) people this time !!! :O generally, door anonnie has the gentle kindness, quiet contemplativeness, and overwhelming support of mukkun !!! but the cooking skills of omimi O.O 💛🧡💛🧡 mostly muku who truly treasures all their friends n wants the best for them~ with a dash of omi’s “maternal” side~~~ that’s what makes me love them a lot!!! ♡ 🥰🥰🥰
musical 🎭 anon ♡ tsumugi: i had a tough time deciding on this one,,, musical anon is too versatile n multi–dimensional TT but i settled on tsumugi 💙 she has the same patient manner who tries her best to control the kids n keeps the order in line :) i love her for that,,, the children would be too Crazy without her (though,,, she kinned tenma recently!)
candy 🍬 anon ♡ taichi: taichi taichi taichi !!! candy has the same energetic puppy vibes like taichi when we called before :D really excited to talk to her friends n loves spending time with the one she loves 🥰🥰🥰 just really infectious energy that makes all of us happy to be together~~~ i love her sososo much 🥺🧡
milk 🥛 anon ♡ misumi: it’s the !!! same enthusiatic energy ^^^ like with misumi, i get vvv happy seeing her ♡ just makes my day n i love her positive vibes 💚💛💚 (ichi ni sankaku!!! ichi ni **SANKAKU** ⚠️)
shooting star 💫 anon ♡ juza: aaa!!! they just joined actually (two (2) minutes ago as we Speak) so i might be wrong,,, but i will say #Juza 🥰🧡✨ only because their icon is juza,,, will i ever find out their True Identity behind the juza,,, who knows???
luna 🌙 anon ♡ banri: 1/2 of the problem twins,,, usually known as the more #Intimidating one, she even said herself some people saw her as “arrogant” even though she’s far from it (just confident~ just like banny!) + BULLIES ME THE MOST OUT OF THE TWINS... definitely has something Against her mom <\\\3 i still love the little bastard, though TT 🧡🧡🧡
star ⭐️ anon ♡ juza: that’s right! the little star twins also known as the jobros are the banza duo 💥‼️ star is the quieter one (not by much,,, still calls me a boomer) but is definitely enabled by her twin... like how banri enables juza to Fight! Fight! Fight! 🗡🗡🗡 i love both the twins equally even if they’re constantly battling it out in the chat,,, my #Children who i love 🧡✨
chuu 💖 anon ♡ citron: #1 CITRON KINNIE!!! **bass boosted** citron kin,,, very dumb of heart and also humor 🥰🥰🥰 truly the moodmaker of the group n everything they do is so Dumb that i love it !!! but genuinely, they’re sososo wise n always there for you, a great court jester and an even greater friend !!! 💗💘💝 i love you, dude 🥺
saku 🌸 anon ♡ muku: !!!!! sweet princess mukkun,,, who is very self–deprecating unfortunately and doesn’t believe in her amazing self :((( she’s a #Baby who needs love n validation TT 💛💚💛 i hope you realize one day you’re worthy of good things n i love you 👑✨
cloud ☁️ anon ♡ homare: says things that completely give me physical Shock,,, i don’t know how i handle... e.g. “i am physically incapable of doing anything wrong” ??? is so dramatic and would probably write a diss track if i provoke her enough ??? my Rival in this server,,, 🗡 but in reality, they’re sooo pretty n i am in Love with them 💙🤍 (enemies to lovers ✨) + she’s my metaphorical soulmate n i love her 🥰🥰🥰
librarian 📚 anon ♡: they’re recent~ so i don’t know too much about her!!! however, i look forward to talking to them more :D
that’s about it! for me personally, i’d say i’m more of a ... tenma/taichi ,,, dumb enough to be clowned all the time but somewhat Nice n i respect that (i actually relate to misumi the most??? who knew???) ✨✨✨ anyways! i hope that gives you an idea of who our anons are like~~~ consider joining the family! ♡ thank you for letting me rant, i love you !!! 💖💘💝💕💞💓💗
Bunnie 💗🐰
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captainimprobable · 4 years
first impression: dang u seem cool and also kinda shy about making friends, lemme help w that; now: u absolute BOOMER, you homestuck TRASH, i love u so gd much and i love talking to u
oh god was I really shy??? Not surprising tbh I was like ??? How?? Do I sneakily infiltrate this family???? I love youuu thank you for accepting me~
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uwua3 · 4 years
⭐ - hey fun fact mom george weasley was my first fictional crush 😎🌞 ayeee i had a terrible sleep today but to everyone, i hope yall have a great day/rest !!!!! 💘💓💕💖💗💝💞:0 hey hey hey to the anons !!!!!!!!!! pspsps i shall,,, promo the server,,, !??!?! 👁 its chaotic but rlly fun !!!!! everyone is nice even though we might playfully bully you at times, heh~ if you're older than me though, hAHHAHA BOOMER !!!!! 👴🧓👵 ayee somehow i'm still the youngest !??!?! im babie. ne ways ilysm !!! 💖
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good morning to you, stargirl !! 💫⭐️🌟✨🌌 i hope everything’s been okay and that you’re doing well 😄 !! + :O was he really? i don’t remember my first fictional crush, but i’ve been getting back into harry potter and ,,, #FredWeasley 💞💓💖💝💘💕💗 in terms of boys, i’ve always loved neville longbottom, colin creevy, n the marauders ^^^ for girls, i was practically in Love with cho chang (jk rowling... really said No Asian Representation ✨) !! + i hope by now you’ve had a better sleep, you deserve to be well–rested n healthy! 🥰
thank you for promoting the server, haha! ^^ i’m glad you believe the “mankai family” is chaotic n fun :D you truly are the #Baby 👼 of the server along with luna 🌙 !! + i’m happy most of the anons can experience their favorite season that’s slowly coming in! 🍂🍁 + there are many filo anons, which is great! i’m sure the christmas season is merrier with more people to celebrate! 🎄🎁🎊🎉 + you’ve worked vvv hard, you’re not lazy at all! you’re doing a good job !! 🥺 i’m proud of you~ + @ saku 🌸 anon !!! it’s good to see you both have #GreatMinds ~~~ + anyways, have a good day at school when you see this! mama loves youuu 💕💝💘💗💓💖💞
Bunnie 💗🐰
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uwua3 · 4 years
BUNNIE OMG 🥺 ok so with that banri ending,,, he's now my fave omg omg omg~ :D ... for now, at least LMAO 🤧 i read the kazu one too and your writing... AHFKFKAKDKA BUNNIE 🥺 how dare you make me feel this way 🗡🗡🗡 i hope you'll have a great day bunnie mom~!! i wuv you lots mwah mwah ♡ (FURRY UR SO TALENTED!! 🥺) -🌙 (woah you thought i was kinda hehe >:) it's the emojis *giggles*)
LUNAAA ✨🌙💛 hi, 1/2 of my favorite twins of all time~ ♡ (^з^)-☆ i’m so happy you’ve read my #3 banri piece, thank youuu~ banri loves you ^^^ !!! 😄 + :O omg the SWORD!!! i have trained you well 🗡🗡🗡 we shall #Duel but i will validate you at the same time ✨✨�� + i hope you have a great day, too! have fun at school~ momma loves you 🥰🥰🥰 even if you call me,,, a furry boomer TT still love you~~~
Bunnie 💗🐰
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uwua3 · 4 years
hello~ i hope everyone is having a good day as usual~~ ribbon 🎀 anon, my favourite is captain sky pirates - my first proper event and i love the music :D welcome to all the new anons, i hope you all would join the server one day as it’s really fun and chaotic!! i love how you’ve established our mankai counterparts bunnie!! it’s really accurate 😂 if only mine could come home now- have a good weekend guys ~ shy boomer anon 🧡⚔️
hi, my brave angel knight !!! ⚔️🛡 i hope when you wake up, you have a great day as well n i can’t wait to talk to youuu 🥺🥰 + @ ribbon 🎀 anon!!! captain sky pirates is so cool :O i love anything related to naval history so that play really is so special to me !!! 💘 i’m glad you played and joined the a3! fandom, shy anon~~~ 🧡 + yes!!! consider joining the server~ sososo much fun! :D n i’m glad you all enjoyed your ✨ bunnie–assigned kins ✨ i hope i brought it to justice! n by the time i answer this, itaru came home!!! YAYYY!!! 🎊🎉 thank you for sending an ask, i loveee youuu 🥰🥰🥰
Bunnie 💗🐰
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