#i love them so much a;lsdkfj
videcoeur · 2 years
“ i want you to stay, here, with me. “ for the babybird
I read that as babygirl, but you know what, it works too. Hawks is babygirl now.
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There were plenty of good excuses he could give her, to slip away from her tender embrace and do what he's best at, yet... he didn't. Hawks couldn't find a single reason that made him want to do that. For once in his life, he was being selfish. For once, he was doing something for himself and himself alone, even if that somehow benefitted her.
The world be damned, he was staying right there with her. He could afford to be late for that one appointment.
"I'm staying," He said, one hand brushing gently against her forehead. He held his breath as he looked down at her, eyes lidding as he took in her form. She was beautiful, so, so beautiful. So much it made his heart beat faster. Hawks leaned down, unable to help himself.
His lips met hers like waves crashing on the shore, slow but demanding, tender yet firm. Only once he pulled away, he started to breathe again, and the tightness in his heart revealed just how much he cared about her.
"I'll stay as long as you want me to." He breathed warmly against her lips. His eyes locked firmly into hers, and he could still feel her breath against his lips. Hawks pressed his forehead to hers, one hand gently cupping her jawline as he dove for another passionate kiss.
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quinnmorgendorffer · 2 years
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misanthropiczombie · 1 year
Word of Honor Liveblogging pt 3
Episodes 1-16 ⪻⨀⪼ Episodes 17-26
I realized I need to stub out everything if I actually want to make these directional and a new reblog for each episode. ITS FINE.
Anyways, onto Episode 27 and through the last episodes of the series. I'm so goddamned obsessed already.
dramatic xiao playing again. He doesnt eat his emotions, he plays the xiao.
Ye bai ye? oh its both of them lmao
and there's the drop but he really dont look that surprised
The fight WKX has been ITCHING for
YE BAIYE so stronk
Man i know im like a fucked up little gremlin, but Wen Kexing looks real nice with some bruises lmao
wkx's devastated look is making a lot of appearances and A) its so good like acting wise B) it's SO GOOD emotional wise
~sword glare~
Anyways I just want to say one of my least favorite things in cdramas thusfar is the plot armor/plot nerf. wkx and zzs both down from one singular blow? for a guy they've fought a few times? ((the wens eradicating all of lotus pier with ZERO casualties on their side?? im still salty)) anyways they definitely could have lasted longer.
ZZS going for the 'i'm not mad, i'm disappointed" route. Fatherhood has agreed with him
EHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHHDF me, hyperventallating into a bag: HE HELD HiS FACEa;lsdkfj no notes your honor
helpless child act lmao i love them i love them brat4brat i love this zhou zishu
she is trying so hard to keep it together just TELL HIM
good for him for sticking up for her.
Nut Bar
br u h is he in the bath. surely they have restored the manor enough for some more individualized rooms. there used to be 81 of his generation
DAMN ZZS "im not good at lying like you"
listen STAB HIM Zhao Jing fucking sucks and you deserve so much better.
KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM KILL HIM i believe in you so hard kill HIM
ope we have vocalized lyrics, something Important is going to happen. MAYBE HER SECRET WILL BE OUT THERE CHRIST
lmao wkx getting chengling (presumably) drunk what a fucking gremlin. ZZS just letting him
gremlin wkx and zzs is doing that dramatic sigh like he hates it except he absolutely does not
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blackkat15 · 19 days
James May on stupid sheep
He talks about Fusker 😭
"This month, I have acquired a cat. He’s a black and white tom, eight weeks old, and I have named him Fusker in memory of the late Bob Cook, father of my childhood friend Robert Cook. He was a man who hated cats.
In fact he would refer to any cat as ‘a little fusker’ and it’s only now I realise that he was probably just sparing Mrs Cook’s blushes. But it’s too late. He answers to Fusker, I love him, and he loves me.
But don’t worry. I’m not going to turn into one of those pathetic pussy-whipped blokes who says, “Ha, ha, it was ever so funny the other day with Fusker he climbed onto my desk and jumped onto the computer keybolrddgdfgk lsdkfj l sdf k sdfsldfkjjjjjjj and I said look Fusker there’s a mouse and he chased it, ha, ha, ha, and I lost everything!”
but the other day – it was ever so funny – I opened the fridge to get another beer and found I’d shut him in it! And he was purring!
In the end, even the most ardent cat fancier has to admit that they just aren’t very bright. They have become the stuff of superstition, various cultures have attributed mystical powers to them, and the ancient Egyptians went as far as to turn a cat into a deity. My own experience, however, suggests that the cat understands only two things – the peerless pleasure of a fresh dollop of Whiskas, and the pain of being trodden on following a mistimed lunge at an approaching booted foot.
Mind you, compared with some of the sheep I have met recently, Fusker is Magnus ruddy Magnusson.
I’ve been meeting a lot of sheep, because I’ve been driving in Scotland and Wales. I thought I liked them. They’re decorative and scenic; they wander, lonely, around the hills and vales like the clouds of the earth. At the risk of being misunderstood, the pedigree sheep of Scotland and Wales are quite handsome brutes.
There are obvious downsides to being a sheep: it must be pretty boring and people keep nicking your coat. But, in many ways, life must be utterly idyllic. There’s no work to do, you fear no natural predators, and when you eat grass and live in the Brecon Beacons the whole world is your lunch. The equivalent for me would be if every street in London was carpeted with plates of egg and chips.
So I have to ask why so many of them, even now, are standing in the middle of the A4067 between Defynnog and Abercraf. I’ve tried to work out, using my knowledge of geometry, what percentage of this region of Wales, by area, is road rather than grass. But it’s so small I’ve given up. Proportionally, it’s smaller than that irritating bit of lemon grass in a Thai curry.
Standing in the middle of the road really is idiotic behaviour even by the standards of the beasts of the fields, and especially when I’m enjoying the new Vauxhall Monaro VXR. As a sheep, standing in front of one-and-a-half tons of V8 muscle car is a bit like turning up to a jousting tournament in a cardigan.
The Monaro is actually an Australian car, which is strangely relevant as the Aussies have a similar problem with kangaroos. But at least a road-kill kangaroo can be made into what the manager of a Nullabor roadhouse once described to me as a ‘pie-flavoured pie’.
Sheep are unbelievably thick, and when you examine one closely you can see why. They appear to be quite big but, as with Richard Hammond’s poodle, there isn’t actually very much animal inside that big ball of fluff. And even then, this surprisingly small creature has a disproportionately small head, and hence brain (I once ate a sheep’s brain in the Middle East, and I have to say I came away still hungry). Hammond’s poodle is merely difficult to shoot at, but a sheep is dangerously witless.
It’s not as if they skip about in the road or scamper away in terror. They just sit there looking sheepish as you bear down on them. But if you stop and get out of the car, they run like hell. What does this tell us?
Clearly, we need to deal with the sheep menace, because it’s spoiling some of the best driving roads in Britain. So I rang the RSPCA, probably the most powerful organisation in the country, to see what they were going to do about it. The phone was answered by a computer which said ‘Press one to report a stray animal’, but as I was still in Wales I could see that becoming boring.
Eventually, I got through to a preventionist, and her first recommendation was the erection of more fencing. Brilliant. We’ve never even devised a means of keeping the Scots and the Welsh in, so I can’t see us getting very far with their livestock. And here’s something else that might surprise animal lovers – according to the RSPCA, there is ‘no scientific evidence’ that those ultra-sonic animal alarm things work. All they mean is that the last thought to pass through the mind of a hedgehog is ‘what’s that irritating whining noise?’
Apparently, your typical Welsh or Scottish sheep is ‘hefted’, that is, free to roam. “They know where they’re supposed to be,” said my contact. “They know where the good grazing is and tend to stay there.”
Well, this is patently untrue. They hide behind rocks in groups and say, “Get ready lads – here comes one now”, before leaping out in front of the big Vozza just as I’ve snicked it into fourth. I can’t stand it. The sheer gormlessness of their faces is putting me off my driving.
The solution is simple. I stopped and spoke to a shepherd in Scotland and he told me that sheep farming is now a completely pointless exercise, with whole fleeces fetching prices that he expressed in pence. So why bother? Get rid of the woolly wastes of space. This is confirmation of something I have suspected for a very long time – that the countryside is not for living  in, it’s just for driving through and admiring.
We can get lamb chops from New Zealand."
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altschmerzes · 1 year
any idea when the next chapter of the torture fic will be out? I'm like. In LOVE with I it (also 🌹 ?)
not entirely sure tbh!! i'm about 18k into part 2, and it's going pretty fast now, but who ever knows lsdkfjs. probably sooner rather than later! i'm so flattered that you're invested in it :') i'm really pleased with how it turned out and i'm really enjoying writing it and it's absolutely delightful to know people are looking forward to the next part
under the cut again, but this is some of the hair washing scene i mentioned. it's another longer clip but this is a very long fic and i'm excited to share parts of it sdlkjfs
content warnings: mac hasn't been home safe for very long and the trauma of what happened to him is still incredibly fresh. he thinks about some of it, particularly his hair being pulled, much the same as in the last clip i shared.
The touch takes him by surprise and he startles a little, a small flinch that Jack notices. Of course he notices, he’s right there, but Mac feels like he would’ve noticed even if he’d been all the way across the room. Jack’s always got an eye on him, whether they’re in the field or not. It’s like watching over Mac is second nature to him, as easy and natural as breathing. Jack doesn’t comment on the reaction, just smoothes a thumb over his head just behind his ear, soothing and reassuring without a word. He helps Mac ease down and lean back, taking as much of Mac’s weight as he can to help him keep more tension from seeping into his damaged shoulders.
The towel folded up and draped over the side of the tub cushions his shoulders and neck and the sound of the water is like white noise. Anxious stiffness loosens its grip on Mac’s body as the moments pass and he reminds himself that while he is in a dangerously vulnerable situation with someone bigger and stronger than him crowded into his space, touching him while he’s hurt, he is safe. He’s safe at home with Jack, who is here to help him with a very simple task that he just can’t manage on his own right now. Nobody is going to hurt him. Mac shuts his eyes, breathes deep and slow, and tries to believe that.
All the while he goes through this process, calming down the waves of panic that keep trying to rise until he can lean back and stay there without feeling the urge to jump to his feet and run coil tighter and tighter inside him, Jack waits. He kneels beside Mac on the floor, a careful hand supporting his head, and waits. With everything that Mac is fighting through, he is sure in the knowledge that the well of Jack’s patience will never run out - at least not on this, not now. If Mac needs to sit here for an hour and work through everything that’s making his heart beat, fast and frightened high in his chest, then Jack is going to wait with him and he won’t be pushed or judged or punished for wasting time.
The question is light and easygoing and arrives only once Mac has already calmed down enough that his heart rate has slowed to a relatively normal pace. It’s not an attempt to hurry him, it’s a genuine question about whether he’s prepared to get started or if he needs more time. Mac reminds himself of this, and then repeats it a few more times before he responds with the faintest nod. He closes his eyes and tries to keep still and relaxed as Jack gets started.
Even with his eyes closed, Mac can follow what’s happening easily. It’s a good thing, too, because otherwise he may have needed to open them again, just to be sure of what was going to come next. The close quarters and the experience with having been here before, however, allow him to get some distance from the humiliation and inescapable vulnerability of his current situation. Jack’s clothing makes a shuffling sound as he shifts and reaches for something, and the plastic cup he’d brought from the kitchen makes a distinct hollow noise when it’s picked up. There’s a patter like rainfall while it’s filled, and then Jack says quietly, speaking in a hush without being asked, “Getting started.”
The water that runs over Mac’s head, soaking into his hair, is warm but not too hot. The consideration that went into even that part of it, even making sure the temperature would be okay, makes Mac’s eyes sting. He swallows around the sudden lump in his throat, ignoring the way it aggravates the thick rings of bruising. This whole process has taken him apart, reduced him to a trembling mess of raw nerves and feelings that he can’t shove down or hide, and Jack can see all of it. He can see all of it, Mac knows that he can, but he also reminds himself that it isn’t the end of the world if he does see. Jack has never used his weakness against him before, and he has too much counter-evidence to allow that fear to live for long. All he has to do is call to mind the times that Jack has seen him cry or woken him from a nightmare, remember that Jack has done this for him before too, and not once has he been resentful or annoyed or disgusted by it. It would be a disservice to this person who has so lovingly cared for him for so long for Mac to fear him now, and while he has been ripping himself to shreds inside for needing this, he can’t tolerate even the distorted anxiety that Jack might want to do the same. It's an insult to Jack that he won't allow, not even from himself. Especially not from himself.
As if knowing what he’s thinking, Jack’s hands are careful and soft when they start brushing his hair back. He strokes it gently away from Mac’s face and then scoops more of the water up to saturate the edges. Jack’s fingers run through the wet strands to make sure they aren’t tangled and Mac’s breath catches in his throat. He is reminded, viscerally and unwillingly, of another man’s hand in his hair, the way it had twisted possessively in and then yanked-
“I won’t pull it,” Jack says in a quiet murmur, faintly tinged with sorrow. His voice cuts through the building panic, and his hand has stilled, woven deep into Mac’s hair but not moving any more, cradling his head the way a parent does with a newborn who can’t hold it up on their own yet. His wide, strong palm braces the back of Mac’s skull and he feels fragile and helpless and safe all at once. “Promise.”
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soumic · 5 months
4, 9, 21, 24!
So many of them wow thank you!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw Ohhh my god idk if this counts but I love HANDS I think they're so sexy and I've dedicated SO much study to them, probably more than anything else. I'm always trying to hone in on a stylization and rhythm that feels good for them but I just asdkfjs aim high I guess so it never feels quiet where I want it to be. I know hands are infamously hard to get right so I try to cut myself some slack... one day I'll get there...!!
9. What are your file name conventions So, I'm pretty anal about my file organization, I go by folder moreso than file name, but usually I try to name an image with at least the name of the character and one other descriptor. But where I'm EVIL is that in my usual process every few days I make a new file called "doodles mm-dd-yyyy" and stick it in a big "doodles" folder. And I do all my warmups and ideating in there, and half the time I just finish a piece in it's entirety inside that doodle document??? Which is bad for resolution/aspect ration purposes, but what's the WORSE is that half the time I don't even crop and export the image?? Especially if it's just a sketch or a WIP. I just. take a screen grab of it so I can send it to my main discord server??? Like so many drawings of mine are only found in these tiny crunchy images hosted on discord which is soooooo diabolical I have to get better about it asdlkfjs
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways Ahh I always admire people who can do really tight/polished cell shaded styles with very clean lines, but I don't think it's something I'd love doing for myself. The type that you typically see in comics or like, fanmerch. I have a tendency to get veryyyy lost in the details and will spend way too long on lineart, and half the time I just turn my sketch into my lines anyway because I tend to overwork it lsdkfjs
24. Do your references include stock images Mmm it depends on what I'm looking for! I actually take a lot of my own ref images for poses cause often what I need is pretty specific sdlkfsj there's so many awkward and unflattering images of me in my camera roll because of it :P For bigger pieces for clients, espc when I'm doing design work, I often make reference boards with pureref and if I'm grabbing stock images that's where they'll go. Usually they're of specific lighting scenarios or refs for costumes or props! I like to have lots of refs together in those cases so that I'm getting more of an amalgamation instead of pulling from one specifically.
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
for no reason in particular, is there fanart of any particular AUs you've made that you especially enjoy getting?
UUUUH gosh I honestly love everything I've gotten ; w ; It always catches me so off guard when I do though? But uuuh, UH man making choices like that is like trying to pick a favorite child or something. Cause I've got AUs that are still like 90% in my head that have scene/ideas to them that would be super fun for fanart but they don't exist yet on paper sdkfjslkdj OR It'll end up as a 'hey i'm obsessed with this idea this week' and backburner everything else in my brain until i run that AU out of my system... This is one of the hardest questions honestly XD That and like 'what's your favorite color' cause EVERY COLOR IS GOOD in it's own way and it depends on how it's used/paired with other colors and stuff lsdkfj *headdesk* I'm sorry I'm bad at this XD; I can sorta throw ideas out for what's been rattling around in my brain lately? Which the front-runners are the new samurai thing and my By Default/default AU that DIDN'T HAVE A STORY to it until now (the catch all - no context art stuff thrown into one universe with sun and moon and that one eclipse design), UHm also now there's a new sirens-mermaid thing swimming around in my brain NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH THE SEA CREATURES AU that makes me wanna do a design overhaul on them at the moment cause I'm in love with how @pure-plum draws them so much more than my own designs???? They look so soft and fluffy and perfect <3 and I've been tossing Hands On Experience around in my head once more to get geared up on writing again, and digging the old Vampire AU out from under the rubble of getting backburnered and- If I keep going I'll literally list off everything I have but THESE are the ones that come to mind first XD;;;
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
21, 30, 38, 40 <3
21. Share a favorite piece of comics lore.
the other night i gave my dad a whole spiel explaining how the second robin got mcmurderized because of one (1) dedicated hater in a phone poll. i think that's always a classic. but it's also entry-level comic lore and an easy answer kinda so hmmm...
maybe i'll go with one of my favorites to trot out and remind people of? kon was not originally related to lex luthor in any way shape or form that was a retcon done by geoff johns, who originally wrote into the superboy (1994) letters to the author section to be like "hey wouldnt it be cool if he was actually cloned from lex luthor?" and they were like "no." lmao
30. What's been a good change to comics status quo?
HMMM thats a toughie mostly because i've primarily only really read one era of comics (postcrisis)! i guess i could say crisis on infinite earths like,,, making one unified timeline was cool but i haven't read much precrisis so i feel like i can't actually commit to saying that. maybe... even though i have a LOT of issues with all the stuff going on w prime earth, it's cool to see more emerging stories by qpoc featuring qpoc leads!
38. What's your favorite comic book trope?
god i love identity shenanigans AND secret identity-related angst. (this is part of why clois hits so well for me.) i hate stories w characters who have secret identities that don't take it seriously or like, do that whole "lmao its just a mask someone could look at them and just know" thing. play in the space. PLAY IN THE SPACE. IT'S A FUN SPACE.
40. What's a comic that's so bad you ended up finding it funny?
lmaoooo. some parts of tt03 definitely hit this spot. not all though. but bits and pieces? yeah. hmm what else... parts of batgirl '08 also. maybe the first few issues of supergirl '05 (as in, the misogyny dripping off the page was so egregious i couldn't do anything but laugh i guess)? honestly lsdkfj most of the comics i've hated haven't sucked in the funny way more just in the "they would not fucking say that" way but. well. gestures at the cesspool of tt03. you KNOW they had the most toxic group chat of all time
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revasserium · 11 months
Hi! just read death before decaf and it's sosososososo cute im 🥺 im SO in love with the way you wrote zoro and the dynamic u wrote between him and reader, I just SO love how simple yet loud with actions he is, how,,,,, I don't know how to describe it. it's like. he's so sure about it, but so like ??? quiet ???? about it ???? like small actions that are so bIG u know. but anyways it was so good! and so beautiful and sweet. it warmed my heart I love absolutely everything about it. one of my favest modern au I have read, and I wasn't so sure about it bc I'm nOt so into modern aus when it comes to one piece but this was incredibly written I just melted !!
also !!! im studying physical therapy and it was so heart fluttering to read something around the likes of my career cause like. it's literally the first time I have ever seen someone including it in aNYTHING. I felt so seen lmao.
but anyways !!! this was beautiful !! I just loved it so so much 🫶🏻 your writing is amazing !!!
hi darling! <3 thank u lsdkfjs i rly like... idk the lil moments ??? like i love writing about them, and just like.... literally marinating in them u__u and i think at the the end of the day, they're the most important things in a relationship so why NOT put the focus on them right? like it's one thing to make grand gestures but its another to just know someone's coffee order without having to be asked. and omfg!!!! that's so cool!!! i will admit i know NOTHING about pt and i hope i didn't totally butcher ur major lsdikfj T^T
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mx-bluesky · 1 year
#never heard hroseycule befor but i love it aslkdfj;aslkdfja (i submitted them with the ship name btw 👍) i got one of my friends to listen to some of the hrose camp episodes with me and they were the one who came up with "horseycule" and i love it SO much alksdfja;lsdkfj
we should try to get the larks to declare horseycule the official name for the hrose camp trio
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
Polar and The C for the terror asks!! (For the C, I know you do spectacular writing but do you create any other art or fics that tumblr doesn’t know about?)
Aaaaha;lsdkfj;aldkjfadsj; thank you so much!!
Okay, first... polar - do you prefer the cold or the heat?
Sadly neither. I get such wretched aches when it's cold, and melt when it's too hot (anything over 20*C if it's humid, although I survived Egypt during the summer, when it was over 40 during the day (the official temperature never went over 45, because then everything would have to stop, but my dad's thermometer picked up 46 one day - thankfully not the day we went up El Qurn, although oh boy it feels so hot in the desert)). I guess at least with the cold you can add layers. I have fingerless gloves to wear in the house during winter and currently have a blanket pinned around me as a little cape.
the c - do you create art or writing about the terror?
I've tried to do some art, which I now realise is still all on twitter (I'll maybe dump them on here - they're definitely mostly bad, but I wanted to scribble). I've taken part in the hodgestitch and blankystitch projects too! And I've made some wonderful/terrible edits (which you can enjoy here). I've also hummed silly little songs, and I'm scheming different ways to create content for my bingo card this terror bingo season. For a little while I was also very lucky to RP too, and would be happy to do that again.
I've actually created a few cross stitch patterns, but only got halfway through stitching the bigger ones up before I guess I was distracted. I did three little things as gifts for friends as well.
Oh, and it's not fic or writing, but I put together a birthplaces map for the FLE crew (which I need to update... on my to-do list), and I made two character sorters (credit for the page code is on the pages themselves). There's another thing I'm working on, but that has gone slowly due to my health.
This fandom has encouraged a LOT of creativity from me, which is... I love it.
Thank you again!!
Terror Asks | Send me an ask
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odetolove · 1 year
heheh ill keep complimenting you cus your response is so cute plssss im !! hehe maybe i just laugh cus i think you're cute and fun to talk to who knows hehehehe
ITS OKIE ! i did adult thing now but even more adult things :( trying to get ready for this trip is so sldkfjsf LONG pls but its okieee two more weeks till im on vacation :D
NO NO SAMEE my friend and i were so ready to just full send it but we genuinely had to think it over bc we were already going to see txt and to see yoongi we would need to take a flight and plane tickets cost so much money AND we want to see svt when they do go on tour (which i hope is later in the year cus i need to make more money) so we had to say no :( LMFAO PLS SAME i would even watch some of the live streams so i didnt feel too abd LDSKJF and YES TAEE gosh i saw him perform singularity live with the choreo and the one with the bed and ive never been the same,, THE HARNESS. omg,, don;t even we both will just lose our livesldjf that era was so amazing i want to experience it all over again. YES SCOUPS. as a couprang, we are very insane i get it LSDKFJ truly a whole ass man idk how i live my life in peace (i dont). AND YESS they're all so !!! tbh even these jeonghan has been bias wrecking me like that man just keeps getting finer every year like he WOW im so downldfj
ahh thank you !! im glad you also have been feeling better about writing yourself <3 but it is like seeing an old friend: comfortable and inviting. and i also just like to rp since i enjoy just bouncing off of other people and just making people smile :D actually writing something just scares me too much sdlkfj i can just never get it done and with rp it just continues until the other person no longer wants to ya know
-- samu mod :]
AAHHHH PLS IM ROLLING OVER IN MY BED!!! i can’t take the compliments (KEEP SENDING THEM! jk… or am i) im happy you think im fun to talk to!! I RLY TRY LOL, i feel like i’m the most awkward person in the world sometimes i just stand there like 👁️👁️ pls laugh at what i say or i’ll die, so i’m happy!!! and especially with the compliments;;; LET ME KISS U <3
!! i didn’t know you were going on a trip!! are you excited for it?? n wahh 2 weeks is basically nothing !! it’ll go by soooo fast n then you can come and talk to me all you want >:) hehehe
GOD I FEEL YOU ON HOPING TOURS COME LATER IN THE YEAR TO SAVE MONEY,,, i already splurge on jewelry and other things so by the time tours come i’m always caught off guard and broke lollll, but wahh,, a svt concert would b so fun!! i’ve been to bts and monsta x n had a blasssttt!! i’m laughing so hard at both of us vibrating in excitement over the boys !!! AND AAAHHH JEONGHAN… he’s so pretty n a little feral which i love!!
WAHHH well i’m in it for the long run cause i’m annoying and get attached to people so easy and i will let you know i already consider you a friend !!! i always get so happy when you send me asks rp or not!! and ughhh your characterization of osamu makes me wanna curl up and yell!! (in a good way lolol) you’re EXCELLENT AT WRITNG and that’s saying something bc i’m kinda snobby and picky when it comes to reading things HEHEH <3 SO YOURE AMAZING!!!
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*boops your beak*
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zhouszishu · 5 years
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heckolve · 6 years
life is strange 👀
oh hell yeah but i dont remember a Whole Lot LIS or BTS related so this might not be?? accurate??
❤ male: pompidou❤ female: chloe price……✖ least favorite: hmm jefferson✔ who resembles me: uhhh max probably❤ most attractive: nathan prescot asldkjfalsd❤ three more characters that i like: rachel, joyce, max 
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svnaslove · 3 years
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‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙ “is this seat taken?” ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
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[a/n; ] asking haikyuu boys if “is this seat taken?” while pointing to their lap lsdkfjs
iwaizumi hajime (established relationship); atsumu miya; (enemies to lovers)
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(established relationship)
you walk towards your boyfriend who’s sitting on the stands, an elbow propping the hand supporting his face as he slouched, watching the game turn out. you two were watching the remainder of the tournament that aoba johsai had been eliminated from, having had oikawa left hours ago because he got too petty to watch the rest, stating “i have better things to do, i don’t wanna watch either of them win.” earning another snarl from hajime telling him how shitty he is.
“it’s okay, it can be just us two, i’ll get us a drink from the shop in the cafeteria.” you smiled before you had left, him being in a somewhat distressed state trying to understand what the other team was doing to strategize, as you were now returning with a boba tea for you two to share.
you smiled at hajime’s figure, the way his features softened from focus caused by watching the game, “hi baby” he smiled, straightening his back back to greet you, his eyes softly resting on yours, as if he had completely forgotten the game.
“hellooooo” you smiled, stopping right in front of him, “what’s wrong?” he asked, a hand coming to rest on your waist at your figure in front of him, “is this seat taken?” you ask containing yourself from laughter keeping a soft smile on your face, hajime’s face contorted to momentary confusion as he was trying to understand, you looked down to his lap and repeated, “well, is it taken? because i’m tired and i wanna sit down.”
hajime laughed, “no it’s not taken, you can take it,” as he led your waist to his lap, fixing a kiss on the corner of your neck causing you to squirm, “heyyy quit it, here we can drink our boba now,” you protested
“ok ok, thank you sweetheart,” he laughed, causing your gut to disarray with butterflies again, “one more,” he announced and left another kiss on the sensitive part of your neck causing you to squirm on his lap again, “ahh hajiii.”
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(enemies to lovers)
“well maybe if ya wasn’t so annoying i could deal with you,” he spat, “oh please, can’t you shut your mouth for a second? you’d be a lot prettier then, miya.” you contorted towards the blonde, his face twisting into something indescribable at your statement.
“so yer think i’m pretty y/n? how cute, i think you’d be prettier with your mouth shut too.” he replied with a shit eating grin.
you roll your eyes at the comment and scoff, turning to osamu, “you need to get a hold of your brother.” you advised, crossing your arms around your chest and turning from atsumu, completely blocking out the guy, the comment causing osamu to sigh out loud, “he’s a maniac, and you’re the only one that keeps him sane,” he replied before being cutoff by atsumu cutting the air with a loud scoff.
“them?? keeping me sane?? as if ! they’re as useful as a bird without wings.” he threw, making your stir once again, uncrossing your arms from your position, “well at least i have decent human empathy, you asshole,” you spit, turning away from him without the awareness that atsumu unconsciously was taking in all of the curves on your body as you walked away from him, catching himself in the middle of it and throwing himself out of his daze, scrunching his eyes tightly shut together while rubbing his eyes in a hunched position to get the thought of you out of his head.
“you’re in love with her ‘tsumu, just admit it.” osamu sighed in a bored tone watching his twin try to block off his thoughts.
“i’m not in love with her, she’s in love with me, idiot.” he lied, walking past his twin in the opposite direction as yours.
aran came in from a nearby seat had had watching the whole thing, he turned his gaze to osamu, “when are they going to date already?” he hunched in a sort of annoyed expression, osamu looked his teammate, another bored look on his face, “i don’t know but it’s making me tired.” he replied watching his brother leave.
you conflicted at your thoughts from your most recent argument with atsumu, atsumu that damn asshole. and why didn’t he get out of your head? the bare though of it made you want to scream. his smug ass expressions and the way he’d turn an argument to comment in a flirty manner drove you insane and it pissed you off.
because now he won’t leave your head.
even though you were conflicted, you did realize that maybe you did have a crush on the annoying asshole.
and if anything, wouldn’t it be more fun if you just messed with him about it? after all, you weren’t scared of him.
you watched with an indescribable expression on your face as you saw atsumu enter the gym, taking a seat in one of the bleachers for free period at the college campus, him being nearly exactly across from you in the gym, though you knew he hadn’t noticed you yet or he’d be throwing smug grins to you.
you decided to stand up and head to him, a confident, almost bored tone on your face. “is this seat taken?”
atsumu looked up at you, “huh?”
“i said is this seat taken, dumbass” you replied
there it was.
a huge smirk grew on his face as the meaning of the question dawned on him, “go ahead and take it princess.” he replied leaning back as you sat on his lap
his arms snaked around your waist and held you there, “you know what?”
“you look prettier on my lap.” he smirked, his words reaching you by his lips barely being an inch away from your ear his hand wrapped around your waist taking a little pinch at your skin to see your reaction causing you to jump, “atsumu-” you started before being cutoff, “relax princess, i’m just teasing ya, besides, it’s not nice to be mean to pretty things is it?”
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