#i love me by demi lovato
crimeronan · 2 months
the VAST MAJORITY of teenage girls are actually very nice and doing their best and even when they ARE mean, it's typically because of the stress of going through an incredibly transformational developmental period while having 6833487 responsibilities and no basic human rights. like now that i'm nearing 30 i have a great deal more love and understanding about this than i did as a kid, you will Never catch me dragging/demonizing teen girls for buying into harmful tiktok and instagram trends or whatever. They Are Doing Their Best .
with that said.
it WAS pretty funny going thru adolescence in the late aughts / early 10s when the most mainstream teen music was demi lovato's "who says i can't wear my converse with my dress" stuff.
because EVERY girl who was ever mean to me LOVED that "i'm a brave trendsetting individual who can Be Myself even if other people Don't Understand Me" pop music....
....while also being like "oh, that girl is CREEPY. don't you know she listens to METAL. and is UGLY. and doesn't TRY TO LOOK PRETTY. and is WEIRD. and UGLY. and SHE LISTENS TO METAL...."
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thoseyoulove · 1 month
I was reading a new Demi Lovato interview and they were talking how one of the reasons she was so obsessed with succeeding was to get their father's attention (she had a complicated relationship with him)... Like, they did love her work, but it was also an unhealthy coping mechanism for the family issues, bullying, SA trauma, undiagnosed and untreated mental illnesses etc... Now I wonder if that's also one of the reasons why Lestat loves music and theater so much? Sure, there's genuine appreciation for art there and possibly some levels of narcissism too, but it could also be the child him craving for the attention and love he didn't get from his family growing up.
P.S. I'm alternating neutral and feminine pronouns because Demi is non-binary and uses both ok
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holyfvkc · 2 years
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D: we connected then because we just saw something in each other, maybe it was because of spirituality or maybe it was just our hearts I don't know...
M: Or maybe we were just gay as fuck.
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teathattast · 4 months
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Smitten and hopelessly
Lost in this feeling, maybe I'm healing
Couldn't be scared if I tried
'Cause nothing's ever felt this right
I can't hold back, I'm falling in love
It's been right on the tip of my tongue
So here I go speaking honestly
I think this is forever for me
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crybabyddl · 18 days
The Tell Me You Love Me album is honestly one of the best pop albums in history. The disservice it was given is unforgiveable. There's not a single skip on that album. Its 7 year anniversary is on September 29th and I'm gonna be streaming the fuck out of it. I'm already streaming the fuck out of it. The vocals are straight from heaven and y'all just sat there. GET THE FUCK UP AND RECOGNIZE THAT THE BEST POP MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR LIFE IS RIGHT HERE!!! Literally listen to one damn song off that album and you're rewarded with vocals, bops, clever lyrics, and EMOTION that is lacking in most modern music.
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slutshamethesquirrels · 3 months
im just saying if im listening to a song with horns on the track headphones are not enough i need you to shove the front end of that trumpet up my ass and blow the sound directly into my colon
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kaixcastiel27 · 1 year
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top ten favorite bands/musicians tag game
I wasn’t tagged, I’m just an absolute sucker for these tag games these days (again) and I enjoy feeling like part of a community and including people in stuff!! But, my idea for my list was like “stuff I currently listen to” then “stuff I haven’t touched in years but still holds a place in my heart”  Cause as we do, music tastes can change over the years LOL but do whatever you wanna do! 
1. The Hunna (Very new to me, though I’m not sure why it took Spotify until mid 2023 to recommend them to me?? But they’re lowkey on repeat daily)
2. Bearings (Very pop-punk, I really dig them okay. Straight bangers, as they say)
3. Broadside (Again, pop-punk. Though, their newer stuff is kinda falling off for me :( )
4. With Confidence (Though they are a band no more, their first two albums were pivotal for me, thank u very much)
5. Michael Jackson (I am and forever will be a stan for this man and his music, goodbye)
6. Ed Sheeran (I have loved this man and his music a long time, and that is not about to change. Ed feels timeless to me (esp his earlier stuff))
7. Hamilton Soundtrack (I’m counting this because it was my SHIT for a while there and if got me through some hard times...and I even got a tattoo LOL)
8. Prince (I did have a Prince phase yes, I even got his lyrics tattooed, but I don’t really listen to him much anymore like a pleb) 
9. One Direction (and all of their solo stuff) - (I don’t really listen to them that frequently anymore naturally but I do listen to their solo stuff from time to time (EXCEPT LIAM LOL) but always got a place in my teenhood heart!!) 
10. Demi Lovato (I think they/she got a lot of stuff yet to work out and I didn’t really like the newest album but their/her vocals on their/her ballads? FUCK ME UP!!!)
Tagging: @aeide, @findusinaweek, @cataliinaa, @cringy-username-dream-wanderlust, @fikali, @blue-mono and whoever else wants to do it! Absolutely no pressure as always and I’m sorry if you guys did a tag like this already LOL (and I know we talk a lot about music in the server too but I digress)
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verysadlesbian · 1 year
What if the yellowjackets are in a temporal loop?! Like, what if Lottie is not actually a prophet and she's just seeing through the cracks of the loop? Not because of some kind of punishment for their sins or whatever, but because that's really all that is. The "visions of the future" are important elements in the consolidation of any kind of religion, any kind of cult, so that's why I think that, in some way, Misty is right when she said to Lottie that she started it. I do think that they blame her a lot (more than they should, actually), but that's because she's also the scapegoat of the group. It's sad because she's such an interesting character and I love her so much, but for many reasons, I think she's going to die in the finale. I know I said this before, but the fact that the season started with Lottie makes me think that it would make sense if she gets sacrificed. Another thing was her asking Misty to promise her that they wouldn't waste her body, it adds another layer to her decision of letting Shauna beat her up, not only to protect the other girls of her rage, but she could also be thinking "oh, well, if I die, at least they will have food". Maybe it wasn't in the front of her mind, but whatever she was thinking, her actions were essentially suicidal, this intention to sacrifice herself seems to be really present in Lottie, as adult when she said she'll be the last one to pick a cup (this idea is so absurd as well, she needs real therapy with a real therapist. They all do). Also, she had a vision of the card as an adult. Anyways, I forgot what I was talking about, let me check. Oh, right, the temporal loop... i just feel like that'd be cool, I guess (??? Really forgot everything I was going to say about it, but idk something like Life is Strange meets Lord of the Flies meets Donnie Darko meets The L Word meets Lost meets Dark meets Hannibal meets something with a prophet, like the greek myth of the tragical prophet Princess Cassandra aka Lottie Matthews?? idk).
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devonneicons · 1 year
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dykrophone · 11 months
i fucking love screaming along to stone cold because although im fairly sane and have gotten a better hold of my jealousy issues it's so dramatic and just. mecore. like the POWER. the HOLD this song could have had on me if id found it at a different time. i can guarantee if I'd been into this song earlier especially during one of my friendship breakups id be going "im fiiiiiiiiiiiiine im totally not jealous" and then belting IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIF HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPY IS. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER im happy for you like i am mourning my dead lover by the fucking ganga at 3am or something
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demetriasbabysquirrel · 11 months
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I love you Demetria so much my love my everything forever and always 🥰😍🙏😘🐢🐿️you make everyday brighter can’t wait to marry you all over again in this life and the next forever yours squirrel I miss you so fucking much turtle
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yvngdracvla · 1 year
one time i made a joke to my boyfriend (polyamorous, married) that i don't believe in sex before marriage and he asked if it counts if he's married and I said I don't know, I didn't think about it, and he got very quiet then very softly said "premarital sex once removed" and not a day goes by where i haven't thought about it since
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holyfvkc · 1 year
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 years
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rainparadefromhell · 2 years
What's happening with That 90s Show? I've never seen it (or That 70s Show) but my entire dash is just like 10 people engaging in Discourse rn. I want the tea and you're the person I talk to the most that's posting about it lol
tbh i don't know much abt it either. i know that that 90s show is coming out in a few days and a lot of fans of that 70s show (which is so good and genuinely still funny and quotable) are not that excited bc they think the show won't be as good. i'm still debating if i'll watch but myb i'll check it out and who knows, myb it's a fun watch. i'm personally not that excited bc they decided to bring kelso and jackie together again (they were together in the earlier seasons and while they are all great characters individually, that relationship was horrible lol) and i (as many other fans) loved hyde and jackie together. the actor who played hyde tho, has been accused of r*pe so obviously no one wants him on the show (and he won't be on it, he's literally facing trial rn) so they just put kelso (played by ashton kutcher) and jackie (mila kunis) back together bc they're married irl. you can tell this is really thought out lol. anyway it's a whole mess rn and idk why they're even making this spin off, it just seems unnecessary. the original show is so good they didn't need to do this imo.
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