#i love jalcolm just... being jalcolm XD
fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter twenty-two: 6} jane & malcolm
Jane: ...now you're just teasing me. *but she's smirking wide, taking a sip of water as she surveys, needle poised in her hand and Neville's shirt on her lap* You know, I have it on good authority that it is possible to chop firewood with a shirt on, love.
Malcolm: *the smirk was his sole response at first before he brought the axe down on the piece of wood, splitting it clean in half. Wiping his brow, he smirked and shook his head* Clothing hinders me. I would be shirtless all the time if I had my way *he wiggles his eyebrows and drops the two pieces of now firewood in the pile before grabbing another log*
Jane: *She groaned, sticking the needle in the shirt with perhaps a bit extra force than necessary, eyes still trailing down his back as he moved.* Ah. And just when are you planning on having your way with me? *Her lips quirk up, ignoring the fact they weren't entirely in private in Neville's backyard.*
Malcolm: *Laughing out loud once, his lips twist into an amused and pleased smirk again, looking over his shoulder at her* Hmm, soon. I just enjoy trying your patience *he winks before turning back and swinging down. He wondered how cold it could get in the night in the middle of the night here, given how hot it was right now. Surely only to get hotter if he remained thinking of the subject she just brought up.*
Jane: I've never been known for patience. *She scowls a bit as she sews swiftly, leaning back om the barrell she sat on.* Nor, I must admit, did I think you so capable of self-restraint. Ever surprising you are, my love.
Malcolm: *No she definitely wasn't, he thought to himself as he dropped the other pieces of firewood into the pile. Laughing under his breath he turned around fully* That's because I'm waiting on a delivery.
Jane: *Her hand paused, tilting the fabric over her knee before looking back up.* A delivery? *The delight was evident in her expression, curiosity alight in her eyes and smirk* How you continue to tantalize me, love, with such details. My ardor is only outmatched by my impatience.
Malcolm: *He knew Jane love being spoiled, and had no problem with him using his enormous amount of inheritance to her benefit.* It's one of my favorite past times, of course. *he teased with a grin*
Jane: Hm. As long as you are careful to ensure anticipation will be exceeded, not only met, I admit I have no qualm with this hobby of yours.*She smirked, looking back down and continuing to sew. Well, re-sew. She had pulled too hard.*
Malcolm: You're a hard woman to please, Jane. *he teased, even knowing it was true, for lesser men of course. For him, not a problem. He put another log on the trunk and swung down to cleave it in half* How's the shirt coming along?
Jane: As it should be. And you love that about me. *She grinned without looking up, still staring at the half-mended shirt in determination. It was true, she thought bemused.* For you love pleasing me. *And now she looked up with a perfectly straight face, answer polite and even.* It's coming. A masterpiece it won't be, but...I suppose if you ever needed a shirt mended I could, apparently. Not that you'll need it, of course. *She gestured at his bare torso.*
Malcolm: *he grins and looks over his shoulder to wink at her over wiggling eyebrows* Another of my favorite past times. *Jane mending a shirt, pah! It was almost laughable. But he was glad for her help anyways so he wouldn't make fun...too much.* Just make sure to take out the needle. Wouldn't want the poor man to stick himself with it.
Jane: *She chuckles, saying easily,* Well when we finish here, feel free to indulge in this favorite pastime of yours. *Then her nose wrinkled. Oh for goodness sakes.* I'll remember. I may swear to Charles it was an accident but I stuck him on purpose. And it was once anyways!
Malcolm: Gladly. *he swung down again, wiping at his forehead with his arm and then turning around for a well deserved break, sitting on the stump* You would think you torture him endlessly given how many times he complains about it. *he teased* You have such a gentle heart, I have no idea where he gets these ideas about you from.
Jane: My brother is wicked. *She shrugs unconcerned. The moment she sees he has sat though she grins, getting up while mid stitch, promptly sitting back on his lap and continuing to stitch.* To be honest, I'm a bit concerned about him, getting all these ideas...*Yet she shrugs again, looking back up at him.* Did you know he was in town too though? *proudly* Had a drink with Lucy and Rick.
Malcolm: *Laughing as Jane sat down on his lap, he was about to comment that her dress would get dirty with the sweat but it was a modest dress to begin with. Well, modest for Jane. *Eyebrows raising in surprise, he was nonetheless pleased to hear so* I'm glad...and surprised. How is Rick doing, by the way? *He didn't think he would ever not be surprised over that couple, honestly*
Jane: *As he leaned back to accommodate her, she slid her skirt over their joined lap and lifted the shirt, comfortable and smirking. At the question, she softened genuinely, looking up.* You know...I honestly think he's doing well. I mean...it's not easy...and I have purposefully avoided coming too often...he doesn't need me reminding him of court. *she swallows* But he hasn't seemed so..if not entirely at home, relaxed at least, in as long as I can remember. *She pauses, adding fairly,* Well, Leah relayed Thomas' amusement with the first times he had to do dishes and...*she pauses* whatever...other chores there are...*shrugs a shoulder* But he and Luce...god, Malcolm, the way they look at each other and talk about each other...*Lips flicking up as he wrapped his arms around her, she only nodded, pleased and proud.* I have gotten to see them...a little. Only talked to her alone really before it happened, but God...even then it was plain as day how they felt. I don't know how I could have missed it. *a little quieter, but still genuine* She's affectionate, kind, a bit impulsive and I think she has a hard time swallowing back smart remarks. Honestly, all class and family aside they're kind of perfect. *she pauses, adding lighter* If we weren't already perfect of course, unfortunately for them we're using that up.
Malcolm: Everybody in the world missed it. *he chuckled, shaking his head. Smirk lifting, he nodded, agreeing on Lucy's traits.* Yes, sounds like. Mum used to visit her and a few others in town a lot, I tagged along for a few, mostly when I was younger. *They pinched his cheeks a lot. Especially Merida.* Hmm, sometimes it's such a burden, being so perfect.
Jane: *At the reminder, the needle paused and she looked up with a wide grin.* Yes...she recognized me actually. *Both brows wiggled.* Said I was "Malcolm's Jane?" Have you been boasting about me, honey? *She winks in latter agreement.*
Malcolm: *Laughing, completely unabashed he nodded his head* Of course. Well, I boast now. Younger I used to complain about you, say you were infuriating and things of that sort. *he squeezed her middle and grinned* But I've always talked about you. *he paused before he added with a tease* A couple of others from time to time, but mostly you love.
Jane: *Unabashed and unashamed as ever, Jane's smile didn't falter until he mentioned talking about others. He leaned in to. Nose wrinkling playfully, she nudged his shoulder saying decisively--graciously!--* I'll ignore that last. *Because she had beamed in pride being recognized as his. Teasing, * I was only infuriating because you so hate being wrong and I pointed out when you were. Often. You made me insane over that too. I told her though, in truth you're Jane's Malcolm. *Her eyebrows wiggled as she sewed another stitch.*
Malcolm: Falsely *he corrected,  an amused smile on his face nonetheless* I'm rarely wrong. *laughing suddenly, he wiggled his eyebrows and then repeated* Jane's Malcolm? *he grinned again before he attempted to appear insulted* What, am I just some object to you? To be owned and flaunted?
Jane: *She just continues to smirk, expression unchanged.* If you say so, honey. *The momentary role reversal made her giggle, and as he continued indignant she shook her head insistent, lifting a hand to cup his cheek comfortingly* No, no, sweetheart of course not. No. Not just "some" object. *With a wicked glint in her eye, her tone is still sweet.* The most precious, gorgeous, and of paramount importance I possess.
Malcolm: *licking his lips and nodding in amusement, he laughed once and cleared his throat before replying very seriously* But an object to you nonetheless, how -dare- you? *he wiggles his eyebrows* Hmm, I suppose I'll simply have to punish you. *Unfortunately reminded of their not so private setting, he tilts his head before admitting in reluctance* Later.
Jane: So you keep saying, my love. *Her thumb lifted, tracing barely over his wiggling brow, lips pursed in affectionate curiosity. She mused aloud,* Yet apparently we wait for a delivery before you can claim me as yours instead. *She sighed, dropping her hand and resuming her sewing--though not before wiggling herself against him, in his lap. Hard. She continued nonchalant.* Lovely day at least. Do you think we could visit your Mum?  I miss her.
Malcolm: A very important delive- *he inhaled through his nose as Jane moved, no not moved -writhed-, against him. Apparently he would just be dealing with wood all day.* -ry. *Oh, damn her.* We have the majority of the day to ourselves and you want to visit my mother, darling? *He missed her too.*
Jane: *Hearing his sharp intake, she smirked without looking back around at him.* All right, honey? *She waited deliberately, needle pointed in the air mid stitch.* You paused a moment there.  *It had the added bonus of sinking her further in his lap. Smirking only wider, she resumed sewing.* Yes, at least for a part of it...I haven't seen her in weeks. She did have a killer exit though, I thought Adrian was going to soil himself.
Malcolm: Did I? *he narrowed his eyes at the back of her head, but alas he couldn't stay annoyed with her for long, not in this position.* I'm not entirely sure he didn't. *He smirked, obvious smugness in his tone before he laughed once* How would you define 'a part' then?
Jane: You did. *She leans back in his arm to innocently cast her eyes up at him.* When you wefe thinking about this important delivery. Must admit...we have a bed...otherwise...I wasn't aware we were missing necessary parts, love. *She patted his chest, kissed his cheek, then found herself giggling.* Oh, perfect. He deserved worse anyway. *She leaned back to finish a row on the shirt, continuing on easily.*  Oh, an hour or two for tea...crumpets...biscuits. I wouldn't want to take too much of her time
Malcolm: It certainly not necessary, of course, but when have I ever kept to the bare minimum? *Well, aside from when it came to clothing that was. Nose wrinkling in distaste, he exhaled and shook his head* Merlin, that does sound dull.
Jane: Just tell me now, *she giggles once* if it's an outfit you desire I wear, for I had one I thought you might enjoy--sheer, navy, namely--but I would not deny you. *She pauses, finishing another row at length and laughs suddenly, sharp and bright* Malcolm! *She swivels to look at him,* It's your mother! I imagine rare herbs and wine replace the tea and crumpets but still-I am telling her you think visiting her is dull.
Malcolm: As if I would be that predictable *Obviously, the special outfits would be -after- the first time, not during it.Grinning as she laughed and spoke out his name, oh how he loved the way she said his name, he laughed as well* Twisting my words as usual! *he sniffs and shrugs* Go on, tell her. She will not believe you.
Jane: *Only more curious now, she furrowed her brows considering, and shook her head finally.* All right. You have my undying interest. *A furrowed brow arches.* Unless it's...contraceptives? It's not, right? Because...*a bit uneasy*...that's condemned by the Church...*Sure, so were pre-marital relations, but love was honestly all she had wanted; why deny them further what they both wanted? Grinning wider as he did, she added sweetly,* Oh she won't? That's a bet I'm willing to take.
Malcolm: *shaking his head to ease her worry, he kissed her cheek afterwards* No, it's not. *And according to a very uncomfortable talk he had nearly three years ago, he wouldn't have to leave his own home to find contraceptives to begin with.* A bet? *he smirked* Now that does sound far more intriguing.
Jane: *heartened, she nodded and let her eyes flutter shut as he kissed her. Glad he didn't press, she resumed wondering--imagining, really--with ease and delight.* Agreed! *She giggles.* If your mother believes me, then you have to find whatever is being delivered by tonight at ten, buy it however else you possibly can or fetch it...if you win?
Malcolm: *Hmm, potentially problematic. It would certainly involve some discomfort on his end, definite discomfort for the vendor...impossible, no, but quite difficult.* Damn your impatience. *he shook his head and then smirked* If I win, you have to stay silent for 24 hours.
Jane: *Waiting contrarily patiently as he determined whether it would be possible, she brightened seeing it was.* I am impatient. *she nods* In this particularly. *she kisses his cheek again, and then her eyes go wide.* Silent!? *she squeaked it--oh damn him. Blinking once, she pursed her lips at him.* You really want me to make no sounds?
Malcolm: I'm not exactly known for my patience either love, but you give an entire new definition to the term. *laughing once at her squeak, he smirks and nods* None. For a day of my choosing, yes.
Jane: *With an unconcerned sound under her breath* I'm special, and you love it baby. *still frowning at the thought of being silent so long, she mutters over a small groan* I don't understand how depriving yourself is a reward, but all right. We have an accord.
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