#i love how in love 'ghost' erik looks! :)
smooth-boob · 9 months
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britishchick09 · 2 years
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‘ghost’ erik looking at his girl in awe! :’)
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megalony · 2 months
Use Your Voice
Okay, this is my first time posting a Charles Xavier (X-Men) imagine, requested by the lovely @missdreamofendless I hope you will all like it, please let me know what you think.
(I've set this in the middle of X-Men First Class)
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @stefansalvatoresgf @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra8484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @shelbygeek @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana
@shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @ml572 @jessie-lynn28 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700
@ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @itshamleth @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii
Summary: (Y/n) wants to use her mutation for good and show people that mutants aren't to be feared. But it isn't so easy when she remembers all the times her mutation was used for bad when she was taken advantage of.
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A soft, lulling smile fluttered across (Y/n)'s lips when she felt a familiar pair of hands on her shoulders.
She tilted her head back on the sofa and grinned up at Charles as he stood behind the sofa, his thumbs rubbing circles into the back of her shoulders. She loved the curve of his lips and how his smile made his nose scrunch up as he looked down at her. And those baby blue eyes looked unusually bright tonight. Normally those eyes would be pastel and cloudy, only when Charles was deeply moved or shedding tears would his eyes go dark sienna.
She reached her hand up to hold his wrist and gave a light squeeze while Charles leaned down to peck her temple.
(Y/n) was sure she heard him mumble "Hi," but she wasn't sure if the word passed his lips or simply travelled from his mind through to hers. Either way, her smile conveyed that she had heard him.
Her eyes followed him when he eventually let go and walked past the sofa towards the small table set up in the window bay at the back of the room. The curtains were drawn, the fire was lit and lamps were dotted around the room to give an ambient glow and a cosy atmosphere.
There was a chess board laid out on the table where Erik was patiently waiting for his opponent to sit down and start the game.
(Y/n) liked how classy yet laid back the pair of them looked over there. Erik had one leg crossed over the other and one hand slowly rubbing back and forth over his chin like he was already in the middle of a game he was trying hard not to lose. And his other hand was quietly tapping out a repetitive rhythm against the rim of the table.
Whereas when Charles sat down opposite him, he took a different stance. He sat forward, knees parted to the sides, his left arm folded across the table while his right hand swirled over the top of the chess board, debating what piece to move first.
They looked like they should have been in a reneisance painting. And when Charles looked in her direction and flashed that cocky smile, (Y/n) guessed he'd heard that thought. Her thought process must have been loud for him to hear because Charles always made a point not to go snooping in anyone's mind without permission. He thought it rude and impertinent.
(Y/n) turned her attention back to the book on her lap she had been trying in vain to concentrate on.
She managed to read a page or two before eventually giving up when Raven turned the tv on low and sat down next to her on the sofa.
The others weren't far behind.
They had all been at the mansion for a while now and they were all doing separate training to improve their mutations and build up resistance. They didn't want to fight, but at the same time they had to be prepared for anything. And their mutations needed to be controlled and perfected, none of them had mastered their powers yet, not even Charles or Erik.
Erik didn't know how to harness his strength and churn it into his mutation. Charles was finding out day by day just how much control he could gather and how far his powers spread. Raven needed to stop focusing so much on blending in and perfect the ability to split her concentration without losing whatever image she had transformed into.
The rest of them were younger, they had little grip on their powers and needed to harness them. Alex was one of the worst for his powers, he was very out of touch with his mutation and with him having a dangerous one, the effects could be disastrous.
Closing her book, (Y/n) laid it down on the coffee table and curled her legs up beneath her. She wound her arms around her middle and burrowed into the side of the sofa while she watched the others move round.
Alex flopped down in the armchair nearest to the fire while Hank sat somewhat formally in the other chair. He sat with his back straight and his hands clasped tightly on his lap like he was sitting for an interview. And Sean plonked himself down on the carpet in between both armchairs so he could still be within their little friendship circle near the fireplace.
Tilting her head back, (Y/n) peeked over the back of the sofa towards the two men at the back playing chess. She loved the look of concentration on Charles's face and it was amusing how Erik's brows furrowed down when he was trying to calculate and think ahead of the next moves.
She zoned out for a little while, drifting between watching the game and listening to the news playing quietly in the background on the tv.
"…At least looking at the rest of you, no one knows you're different."
(Y/n) didn't catch the first part of the conversation, but she caught the last part of Hank's words. That statement sliced through her. The way Hank looked down at his hands as he spoke, the way he kept his voice quiet and passive as not to cause an argument between any of them. But he couldn't keep out the hint of envy from his tone.
It wasn't their fault.
(Y/n) hated meeting other mutants whose powers were clearly on display. Those who had different coloured eyes or had an entirely different skin colour, like Raven. Those with missing fingers or enlarged feet like Hank or who had wild hair or pointed teeth.
It wasn't (Y/n) or Charles or Erik's fault that their powers didn't show. They didn't even look any different when they used their powers whereas Alex could pass for 'normal' until he used his powers.
They couldn't control nature or what their mutations were or what they did to them. It was okay for Hank or Raven to sit there and and say that the world looked at them differently because they were visibly outcasts, but no one chose their mutations.
"Your mutation is harmless though, if Alex loses concentration we're all fried." Raven's words hung in the air along with the playful tone and the smirk on her face.
She nudged (Y/n)'s shoulder with a wide grin before she tangled her hand in her long blonde locks and leaned back into the sofa like she was posing for a portrait painting. (Y/n) always found it a little unnerving that Raven worried about her mutation. She could look like anyone she wanted to be, she had a gift people only dreamed about. She could have whatever body she wanted and even when she was in her true form, she was still stunning.
Nobody else got that pleasure, there was only so much people could do to change their appearance.
(Y/n) shuffled forward to reach for her drink that had been long forgotten on the coffee table, but her eyes locked with Hank when he leaned forward towards her. His hands stayed interlocked on his lap but he finally broke the straight composure and slouched forward with his elbows on his thighs.
"So um, your, your mutation is similar to Charles, right?" Hank's words were slow and calculated and clearly directed towards (Y/n).
They had all given brief introductions when they met a few weeks ago and they each said what their mutations were, but (Y/n) hadn't given a visual representation like the others. She didn't want to show off or let them see what she could do. The only two people who had seen her mutation at work were Charles and Erik.
"Oh, not really." (Y/n) glanced her eyes over her shoulder to the boys at the back. She could see Erik sneaking glances in their direction, clearly trying to keep track of his game but also pay interest into their conversation.
Charles didn't spare them a glance. He had mastered listening to voices and concentrating on tasks a long time ago. And he could keep check of (Y/n)'s thoughts since they were becoming louder and louder. His expression was calm and composed but his mind was intently focused, ready to chip into the conversation if necessary.
"I'm not that powerful, I can only give commands, and everyone is aware of what I'm doing, even if they can't stop me."
Sometimes (Y/n)'s mutation felt pointless.
She was a Siren. Her voice was her weapon, she could give people commands, tell them whatever she wanted them to do and they were compelled to do it. But everyone knew they were being controlled, they knew she was forcing their hand even if they couldn't help but obey her command.
Charles was different, he had the more varied, skilled mutation. He could control people, bend them to his will and they didn't know they were being controlled. He could make them forget they had been under his influence. He could make hundreds of people pause in the middle of a restaurant or a city. He could get people to look away or move or follow him. Charles could read their thoughts and get in their heads and see things through their eyes.
(Y/n) couldn't do any of that. She couldn't slip into people's minds, all she could do was hold their control and willpower for a while and make them do whatever she asked of them.
She couldn't give people thoughts or see their thoughts, she couldn't look into their minds or do any snooping or any damage.
"But you could kill someone, couldn't you?"
"I- I've never-"
(Y/n) began to shake her head as the cold fingers of dread clutched around her lungs and started to squeeze.
She had never killed anyone. She had never forced anyone to kill themselves or to commit murder on someone. (Y/n) didn't know if that was possible. She didn't know if she had that much influence. Part of her always hoped that if she ever had to give that command, that the person would have enough willpower to stop her. (Y/n) didn't want to be a murderer or be the reason someone was labelled a murderer.
How fair would that be if she got someone else to commit such an act on her behalf? She would be in control, but they would be physically committing the crime.
"Alex, we're not here to kill, and using our mutations to kill doesn't help our cause." Charles's voice cut through the air like a knife. His tone was cold, his words were firm and his expression was dark.
He was ending that topic before it begun.
They weren't here to kill, they didn't want to kill anyone for their cause and it would only give the humans more advantage and leverage over them. It didn't matter if their mutations could kill. All of them could at some point. Charles had enough power and control to kill many people, all at once. Erik could manipulate bullets. Raven could shape shift into someone else and commit a crime and get away with it.
Alex could definitely cause enough damage to kill someone, and if Sean screamed with a loud enough soundwave, he might just kill someone. And (Y/n) might have the capability to force someone's hand into murder. It was all possible, but it wasn't going to happen.
"How many people can you control at once?" Sean changed the subject, but the conversation was still steered onto (Y/n) and she didn't like it.
She didn't like being the centre of attention and her mutation wasn't one she was proud of. Who could be proud of having the ability to control other people?
It was manipulative.
(Y/n) looked back over her shoulder when she sensed something behind her and she bit her lip when she caught Charles wincing. He heard that last thought.
He didn't think it was manipulative. Charles thought it was a necessary gift. What if someone was going to hurt another person or hurt themselves? What if people needed to get to safety or they were too afraid to do something that was necessary? What if someone needed to make a call but didn't have the nerve?
(Y/n) could help them all, she could tell them what to do in those situations or tell them to walk to safety or to put a weapon down or let people go. There was so much good she could do, but all she could see was the bad that could happen from her mutation.
"Three." (Y/n) finally answered with a weak smile. She had been practicing, but three people seemed her maximum capacity for now. It was hard enough telling one person what to do without having to focus on splitting her attention and controlling other people to her will.
"What if I-"
"Sean, unless you want another flying lesson with Erik, do not ask that question."
Charles lifted his right hand to his temple and started to rub his fingers along the side of his head. He was getting a headache. There may not be many people here in the mansion, but all their thoughts were becoming louder and it was getting harder and harder not to listen to them.
There was something authorative in Charles's voice, something demanding and powerful enough to end the conversation then and there. Added with the fact that he didn't look away from the chess board, it made Sean shrink down in his seat on the floor and look towards his feet.
(Y/n) managed a small grin to herself when she heard Charles murmur "Checkmate."
She reached forward for her glass and got up, shaking it to tell them she was going for a refill and excusing herself from this conversation. They could all exchange stories and talk about their mutations without her, it would go smoother because the rest of them were open about their abilities.
On a second thought, she turned to the right and walked towards where the boys were playing their game in the window. She approached slowly, watching the way Erik's lips pressed into a thin line and his eyes looked colder now he had lost. He didn't like losing, but he managed to hide it somewhat well.
While Erik started to line the pieces back up in order on the board, (Y/n) reached across for the empty glass beside Charles.
Her lips curved into a smile and she felt her nerves settling down when his arm looped around her waist and he reeled her into his side so her knees were nudging against his thigh.
His hand started to glide up and down her back and his lips curved into a soft grin when (Y/n) leaned over to kiss the top of his head.
"Want another drink?"
"Please." Charles trailed his fingertips down her waist, over her hip and across the back of her thigh until (Y/n) eventually pulled out of his embrace and headed into the kitchen.
She hummed quietly as she set about making a drink, ensuring to keep her voice quiet and her tune random. Singing was a trigger for her mutation and although it didn't give people any commands or force them to do anything, it drew people closer to (Y/n). Her voice could put them under a trance and have people crowd round her, unsure what they wanted, just knowing they had to be close to her.
She poured a whiskey for Charles and made herself a drink, but she paused when heavy footsteps caught her attention.
It was only Alex.
He got himself a drink from the fridge, but instead of leaving the kitchen, he leaned his arms on the counter beside (Y/n). Arching his back out as he looked up at her with one raised brow.
"What's that look for?"
"Just that… you have such a good power."
(Y/n) let out a quiet huff with a faded, sad smile on her lips. "Do you know the myths about sirens? Creatures of the sea, they use their songs to lure sailors to their deaths. My power means I have to control people, it's not nice, you know."
The history behind her powers was dark. Sirens were depicted to be ravenous, dark creatures who sought out sailors on the sea and gave them bad luck. They would sing to the sailors and drag them overboard, they would make them crash their vessels and drown in the sea.
(Y/n) didn't like having to control people, she would much rather have an ability where the only control she had was over herself.
"People cry out for any sense of power, they would kill for the kind of power you have. Own it. You could do so much with it."
"Oh yeah, like what?" (Y/n) sank her teeth down into her lower lip and snook a glance behind Alex. She wouldn't mind if Charles or Erik came in and swiftly changed the conversation. She didn't like where this was going.
"Think about it, you could control so much. You could make them pass laws for us, make the President resign, put mutants in control. Make us superior. If you just take control. You and Charles could be unstoppable."
A subtle tremor coursed down (Y/n)'s spine and had her arms coiling into her chest.
She didn't like those words. Those few little words brought back bad memories. She could still hear that snide tone as if he were standing behind her now, whispering in her ear. He had always used her mutation to his advantage.
If you just take control, we can have everything we need.
We wouldn't be caught up in this mess if you controlled it properly.
Tell him. Tell him. You should have told him to pull the trigger. You're too weak.
"Unstoppable," (Y/n) murmured under her breath, a faraway look in her eyes as she turned and walked out of the kitchen without another word.
She didn't want to be unstoppable. She didn't want to be in control or in the limelight. (Y/n) didn't want to lead a crusade or become a marytr for the cause, and she certainly didn't want to be used as a pawn in a game. She had done that enough in the past.
It was hard for Charles to sleep when there were a lot of people around him. He grew up listening to his parent's thoughts and trying his best not to delve into Raven's whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The few servants they had slept in the rooms in the attic, so their thoughts were distant and never run rampid while they were sleeping.
Having the mansion lively with people meant Charles had to concentrate so he didn't slip into their thoughts at night. He didn't want to intrude and his concentration always wavered when he was trying to sleep.
The only saving grace he had was that (Y/n) never minded if his mind went wandering into hers during the night. She understood it was hard to keep concentration and she knew Charles meant no harm. She was the one sleeping next to him in his bed, the least she could do was understand if he happened to hear her thoughts when they were so close to his own.
Sometimes when he was sleeping and people were around, his dreams ended up morphing with theirs. Or their thoughts shaped his dreams and morphed his nightmares into something strange.
Tonight was a little different to that.
A frown set into Charles's previously slack expression and he flopped a hand over his eyes and the bridge of his nose. His fingertips rubbed into his temple and the base of his hand nudged against his eyes that were squinting even though they were closed.
His mind was aching. He didn't realise until he tried to open his eyes that his head felt like it was pounding and vibrating.
He pushed up on his elbows and looked around the room. Everything was draped in darkness, it was nowhere near morning and therefore not time to think about getting up.
Do it! I don't want to- You have to!
Those three little words caused Charles to quiver. His knees jolted up, his body propelled forward so he was sitting up in bed and his hand cradled the side of his temple again. God, those words were screaming around in his head and he found himself wanting to do something. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but there was a deep rooted sense of compulsion in the forefront of his mind.
(Y/n). His eyes darted to the left and squinted to adjust to the darkness as he tried to look down at his partner laid beside him.
She was laid on her side facing Charles, with her knees coiled up to her stomach and her arms pressing so tightly into her chest he was surprised she was able to breathe. Her arms were writhing from side to side and Charles could see her lips moving like she was trying to whisper something in her sleep.
Twisting to lean on his left elbow, Charles carefully reached his hand out and feathered his fingers over (Y/n)'s temple.
His lips pursed and his nose scrunched up as he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. He didn't want to intrude or invade, but he could tell she was having some sort of nightmare and he didn't want her to start lashing out or using her mutation in her sleep. The last thing they needed was everyone in the mansion waking up and knowing (Y/n) was experiencing nightmares.
I don't want to.
You don't have to, not anymore. It's okay, you need to wake up now.
Charles's voice was like a soft serenading song, overriding the memories acting out in her mind and the voices that were trying to get louder and louder. They ceased to exist when Charles slipped into her mind.
(Y/n) woke with a start, gasping and blinking rapidly. Her hand shot up to grip Charles's wrist, her nails scratching into his skin deep enough to create crescent moons and start to draw flecks of blood. Her eyes darted from left to right, looking for signs, for objects and people, for a hint to tell her whether this was another nightmare or if this was real.
She found a pair of deep sienna eyes burning into hers with an intensity she hadn't seen before. Those eyes captured (Y/n)'s full attention and a rush of heat blossomed all across her skin when she felt his hand glide down to cup her cheek. His thumb grazed across her cheekbone just beneath her eye and after a few seconds, (Y/n) let her eyes dart down to look at his lips.
Those ruby red lips were curved up into a soft, melting smile that did wonders for her shattered nerves.
"I'm sorry,"
"You don't need to be."
(Y/n) let herself lean into his touch while he rested his weight on his elbow, leaning over her. His thumb continued to glide across her skin and (Y/n) wasn't quite sure what he was looking at, but the calmness in his eyes was overwhelming. She couldn't help but shiver when he reached out to brush a lock of hair behind her ear.
"Did you see?" Her voice was quiet and the air of defeat woven into her tone made Charles frown.
He took a few seconds to find the right words and took a deep breath, tilting his head to the left with narrowed eyes.
"I heard." His thumb glided along her chin and up her jaw while he moved his other hand to prop his head up and wove his fingers into his hair. "I hear that voice a lot, when you're dreaming… is that him?"
Charles didn't like to ask. He never liked to intrude. The few people growing up who knew of his mutation all became wary of him. They didn't want him close by, they always feared he was peering into their thoughts, prodding around in their memories and finding out their darkest fears. The funny thing was, when they had all these worries, their thoughts became louder and amplified in Charles's mind rather than when they just acted normal around him.
He never wanted to snoop or look around in anyone's mind unless they told him it was okay, but more so with (Y/n). They were together, they knew things about each other that no one else did. But Charles wanted to know that information through conversation and trust, not by peering into her thoughts and delving into her mind.
But he couldn't help it sometimes when (Y/n)'s thoughts or her nightmares got loud. He heard that voice a lot when she got lost in memories or had bad nights and Charles never wanted to pry, but it didn't take a genius to work out who that dark, illusive figure was from (Y/n)'s past.
A quiet hum left (Y/n)'s lips and she nodded her head, shuffling forward until she could tuck her face into his chest.
She felt him take a deep breath and for a moment, she feared he was going to sit up or turn away. But instead, Charles dropped his head back onto the pillow and twisted so he was lying on his back again. His left arm slid beneath (Y/n)'s neck to drape around the back of her shoulders.
She could feel his fingers feathering across her back over the top of her night shirt. Soft patterns were drawn onto her skin while she shuffled closer to rest her cheek on his chest and drape her arm up so her hand could curl around his shoulder.
"Your powers aren't bad, love." He whispered softly against the top of her head. "No mutation is bad, not if it's used in the right way, for the right reasons."
"I didn't use mine for the right reasons." (Y/n) closed her eyes and burrowed her face deeper into his chest to fight off the threat of tears.
It had been a while ago, long enough now that (Y/n) hoped to forget. She wanted her life to be better. She wanted meeting Charles and Erik to be the turning point, the better point where she could use her mutation for the right reasons. She wanted to help people and to show them that no mutant was dangerous or deserved to be treated this way.
But (Y/n) hadn't always used her powers for good, not when her ex had been around, anyway.
"You didn't have a choice, that's different."
It didn't feel different. It felt like (Y/n) had done something increadibly wrong. She could still remember the look on her ex's face when she mistakingly trusted him to see her mutation. He had seen something valuable, something he could use. Not something to be nurtured and harnessed and used for good.
He was always pushing (Y/n) to use her powers. Telling her to make people look the other way. To make them give her things or do his bidding for him. He made her help him steal things and take what he wanted and to make people fear him.
She could still hear his voice in her head all those times she tried to say no, all those times she tried to leave or tell him her powers weren't a weapon or something to threaten people with.
Just because you don't look like a mutant doesn't mean you're safe. I know what you are, and I know what they'll do to you if they find out, so you need to use your voice and listen to me.
(Y/n) didn't realise how snide and gruelling that voice sounded in her head until she felt Charles wince beneath her.
"You know you're safe here, don't you? You're safe with me." Those words caused (Y/n) to shiver and her lips broadened into a smile that morphed when she kissed his bare chest.
"I know."
"We can't change the past, love, but the future isn't written yet."
Charles might not be able to change what had happened to (Y/n) in the past, but he could try his best to help her come to terms with those memories and nightmares. He could push them to the back of her mind if she asked him to.
And no part of their future was written yet. The past was set in stone, but the future was a clear slate, ready to be inscribed. They could do whatever they liked, they could use their gifts in whatever manner they chose, and there was no one here would be able to tell (Y/n) how to use her power. No one could force her to use it for the wrong reasons if she didn't want to.
Here, now, (Y/n) was the only one who could wield her power and choose what to do with it. No one was going to threaten or manipulate her or force her hand.
He wouldn't let them.
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blondehya · 4 months
I love how u put “ name ur desire” vsahjlhiaskuhskhuahiksjai
can I request mizu x reader, in which reader is an artist and they do very very much nsfw stuff in reader’s art studio? pretty pleaseeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵
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best mizu voice line fr 🫡🫡 KASKSJK glad u like it, anon! 💕 but let’s talk… i’m not that experienced on writing nsfw stuff so i’m already apologizing for any mistakes 😭 but your request is so creative, thank you! 🩷🩷
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nsfw warning | masterlist | mizu x fem reader
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it was another late afternoon in your studio, just you with your brush in front of the easel.
mizu’s voice suddenly could be heard, and it was getting closer. your best friend was kind enough to bring you food all week just for you.
“y/n? i’m here, brought your stuff.”
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she approached while leaving the food on the table, looking at you for a few seconds.
“what happened? don’t lie, i know that face.”
“client wants this for tomorrow afternoon, but i can’t end it. nothing comes on my mind…”
the blue eyes studied you. she knew you were a completely chaos inside, and wouldn’t show it. so she went back to studying the painting.
“may i know what is this about?”
you explain to her about ‘phantom of the opera’ and all the client's demands right after. mizu was thoughtful for a few moments, but she managed to notice your body shaking.
“i can help you, if you want.”
“what are you going to do? sing opera for me?”
if it were someone else, they would probably be confused by the way you spoke. but mizu knows you and understands well the reason for your harsh speech.
she turned towards your little music box, and suddenly the musical's theme song began to echo throughout the whole studio.
“would you do me the honor of this dance?”
you burst into laughing. but mizu approaches and you start dancing with her, arms around her neck and hers on your waist. it was a funny experience, actually. the slow dance didn't fit in at all with the beginning of the song.
but it was when you two stopped in front of the large mirror that the rhythm of the music changed. mizu tightened her grip on your waist, held your chin towards the mirror and made the knee thing.
“if i could be erik, oh… you would never escape from me.” she whispered very close to your ear.
“mizu?! what are you do–” she holds you closer to her body and starts trailing kisses from your jawline to your collarbone.
you try really hard to resist, but you give up when she carries you and sits you down at one of the tables. papers flying and brushes falling in some directions.
“…The Phantom Of The Opera Is There…”
“i thought you were going to help me with the painting…” your pants were already coming off your feet at this point.
“i’ll make you fucking sing for me.”
mizu takes off your panties with a ferocity never seen before, and she gets very close to you ear again.
“if i were erik, i would have taught you so many things besides singing...”
two of her fingers touched your wet cunt gently. they were delicate and icy just like the ones of a ghost.
“if i ever knew that some duchess dared to touch you...” she buries her fingers inside you, letting you scape a loud moan. “i would have to do something. wouldn't i, angel?”
your legs instinctively open to give mizu more freedom. the slow speed was like real torture. but this was making her very satisfied. she watched your face hiding into her neck, you trying to contain your moans were entering her. even though they were almost silent, they were like a complement to the background.
“…Since The Moment I First Heard You Sing, I Have Needed You With Me To Serve Me...”
“sing for me, angel. just like that…”
you close your eyes feeling the speed increase. but, something different happened.
mizu's hot tongue began to dance at your entrance in complete balance with her cold fingers. your moans almost overcame the music. she could feel your hand grabbing her hair, only encouraging her even more.
it was a mess of varied sounds. the table creaking with you bringing your hips closer to mizu’s mouth, the song repeating itself several times and your loud and incessant sounds.
she could feel your walls tightening. mizu got up and started kissing you, her fingers didn't stop on your entrance. when finally cumming into her fingers, your moans were muffled by the shared kiss.
“that was the most beautiful melody i’ve ever heard from you…” she gets up and taste her fingers, all soaked with your juices. “hope you got the inspiration you needed.”
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anyasathenaeum · 1 year
Can I request a first time smut with Vash please???? big bonus points if you can make it reunion sex hehehehe im a huge sucker for that kinda stuff. thank you so much!!
A/N: The way I'm immediately putting this with Eriks!Vash (I wanna smash him so bad he just makes me wanna *insert horny grip meme here*) I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Anyways, feel free to think of this as a follow-up to this fic. Anon who requested that fic - guess you're getting that spice after all!
Warnings: MINORS DNI, AFAB!reader (female terms used), smut, lots of smut, hints of Vash having a size kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks, practice safe sex!)
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The only thing you could register, other than the sound of your heartbeat in your ears, was just how warm Vash's skin was against your own.
You'd been separated from Vash for two years, since the destruction of the city of July, and you'd only just found him in a quaint little town, disguised as a man named Eriks. His hair had grown longer, and he had scruff on his face and now wore glasses, but deep down, he was still your Vash.
Your reunion had been filled with tears of sadness, regret, happiness, love and disbelief, with you both clutching onto one another as you both cried and rejoiced at being reunited. And now, as the house where Vash had been living became silent as people drifted to sleep, the two of you had fallen into one another, pressed up against each other, clutching at each other with a desperate need to be comforted and assured that this was real.
Clothes had quickly but gently been shed, leaving you bare before Vash for the first time. You could feel the heat rising in your face as you stood there, your body exposed to Vash in a way you'd never done before.
You and Vash knew that you had feelings for one another, and despite being in a relationship prior to the events in July, this was the first time you and Vash had ever gotten so... intimate.
Now, Vash was looking at you with wide, blue eyes, filled with an awe and a love so tender that it would have others believing you had hung the stars in the sky.
"(Y/N)... G-God..."
Vash's voice was low and rumbly as he pressed you up against him, his body trembling slightly at the feeling of you against him.
You felt a shiver go down your spine as Vash's large hand pressed against your bare lower back, pulling you into him as his lips ghosted over the sensitive skin on your neck, his scruff scratching against you slightly.
"You're so beautiful."
Vash's warm breath fanned over your skin, sending another shiver down your spine, your fingers digging into his arms slightly as you tried to suppress a quiet moan.
You could feel Vash's muscled and scarred body moving against yours, and before you could process it, Vash had lifted you up, his hands tucked under your thighs as he carried you to the bed, gently placing you down so that he sat against the headboard with you in his lap.
"V-Vash," You got out breathlessly, looking up at him as you sat in his lap, straddling him a bit. Was this really happening?
You could feel the silky warmth of Vash's cock brushing up against your folds, a shiver coursing up you as your eyes widened - he was big. You had known that from the moment you saw his cock; long, and surprisingly thick with a beautiful reddish-pink head, veins visible along the sides.
However, now, as you felt Vash brushing up against you, you realized you didn't understand just how big.
"I-I don't know if I can... take you," You mumbled in embarrassment, your cheeks flaming pink as you felt Vash's cock twitch against your pussy - did he find that idea attractive?
"Oh, (Y/N)," Vash whispered gently in return, his large hands rubbing your thighs tenderly as he spoke, "I'll prepare you. Don't worry, love. I plan to make sure you're ready before we go any further."
Sure enough, with that, Vash pressed his lips to your neck, gently sucking and kissing your skin with just enough pressure to leave little marks - signs of his love for you. You stifled your moans, but the moment one of Vash's prosthetic fingers found your clit, you let out a choked gasp.
Vash just smirked a bit at your reaction, "Bingo."
With that, he gently pressed his lips to yours as he continued to circle your clit, drawing more muffled moans and cries of pleasure from you against his lips. You bucked your hips desperately in his lap, seeking more friction as you felt your orgasm beginning to build deep in your abdomen, your heart racing as Vash's fingers continued their nimble work.
"God, (Y/N), you look so beautiful like this," Vash all by growled out, his eyes filled with desire and love as he gazed at you coming undone by his touch, "I-I've missed you so much."
"I-ah! M-Missed you, Vash," You replied between gasps and moans, your orgasm nearing with every second Vash had his hands on you, "L-Love you... love you s'much."
"I love you, too, (Y/N). I've thought of nothing but you," Vash panted back between kisses to your skin, relishing the taste of you as he felt you tense in his arms, his lips ghosting over your chest and neck, "Nothing but you these last two years."
His passionately words of love for you, plus the feeling of Vash circling your bud perfectly, had you cumming harder than ever before, a cry of Vash's name leaving your lips as you came undone, the pleasure washing over you in wave after wave after wave.
"That's it, (Y/N), God, you're so beautiful when you cum for me," Vash mumbled gently, kissing your lips softly as he held you close.
You were panting softly in his embrace, your head resting on his shoulder as Vash hugged you to him, letting the aftershocks of your pleasure run through you.
"W-Want you, Vash," You panted out, gently grinding yourself on Vash's cock - you could feel the precum leaking out of its head, likely from just the sight of you cumming in his embrace, "Want you so bad."
You heard Vash hiss softly as you pressed your pussy down against his cock, his whole body tensing and his hands clutching onto your hips so hard he probably bruised you.
"(Y-Y/N)! G-God, Mayfly, pl-please, be careful! S-Sensitive!"
You couldn't help but let out a breathy laugh as you looked at Vash's face - those beautiful, blue eyes, wide and filled with pleasure and awe, the beads of sweat on his brow, his expressive eyebrows, his pretty nose and lips, his long, blonde hair, everything - he looked different than the last time you saw him, but God... he was still gorgeous.
"So... beautiful..." You whispered gently, your hand coming up to cup Vash's cheek as you pressed the softest and most tender of kisses to his jawline, the scruff rubbing your skin as you did so.
"Make love to me, Vash."
You surprised yourself with your own words, and you could see Vash's eyebrows rising in surprise, but the smile on his face spoke of his desire as he nodded, his hand coming up to stroke your cheek delicately. You watched the most beautiful blush spread across Vash's cheeks and the tips of ears and his nose, those baby blues focusing on you with a gaze filled with love, tenderness and desire as his hand returned to your hip.
Slowly, oh-so-slowly, Vash's hands lifted you by your hips, letting you reach down to align his cock with your soaking wet pussy, teasing him gently by swiping it through your folds a few times first. The gasps and whines Vash let out were worth it, his voice rising in pitch and volume at the sensation of his cock brushing up against your slick.
You couldn't help but smile softly, letting the head of Vash's cock push into you slightly as you sunk down onto him, causing you both to moan out in sync at the feeling of Vash stretching you out at last. The stretching feeling burned slightly, but within moments, the discomfort was giving way to pleasure.
"I-I love you, Vash," You gasped out, clutching onto him so hard you're sure your nails broke his skin, leaving marks, "I love you. Don't ever go... somewhere I can't follow you."
"N-Never, (Y/N), never!" Vash replied, whining at the feeling of you clenching just around his tip, desperately fighting the urge to slam you down onto him in one move, "I love you. N-Never wanna be apart from you again. It almost killed me..."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, each nerve feeling like a livewire as Vash touched you and pushed into you gently as he shifted you, his words making your heart pound frantically in your chest.
Looking up at you tenderly, Vash whispered, "You ready?".
All you could do was nod, not trusting your voice to work at the moment. In one consistent but slow movement, Vash sank you down into his lap, pushing into your pussy inch by inch until he was in to the hilt, gasping as he felt you clench around him.
You hissed at the sting of him stretching you out, but it was outshone by the pure pleasure and happiness you felt as being joined with Vash this way at last. Finally... the two of you could share in this intimacy.
"Big... y-you're... big, Vash," You whimpered out, bringing your mouth down to his shoulder and biting down a bit, causing Vash to shiver.
"Sorry, (Y/N)," Vash cooed back softly, his hand brushing through your hair gently, "But you took me so well, Mayfly. So well..."
You whined in response to his praise, your pussy tightening around Vash and causing his breath to hitch.
"God... I can feel every bit of you. So tight, Mayfly. Try to relax..."
You did as Vash said, taking a deep breath and trying to relax yourself, letting yourself rest in Vash's lap. You wanted nothing more than to stay this way, holding onto Vash, feeling him against you, in you, for the rest of time.
"I-I'm gonna move now, (Y/N). Is that okay?"
"Yes, Vash," You whispered breathlessly, feeling so unbelievably full, "Please. Move."
Vash's smile was so bright, hearing you say that, and as gently as possible, he lifted your hips, sliding out of you almost entirely before pulling you back down into his lap and thrusting back into you, drawing out a moan from your lips as pleasure shot through you.
You shifted slightly, moving your own hips in time with Vash's guiding hands, allowing Vash to thrust deeper and deeper into you, both of you gasping, moaning and whining at the friction between you. Soon, that same feeling from before began to build again in the pit of your abdomen, a feeling of pleasure getting you close and closer to the edge.
"Nngh! (Y/N), G-God, you feel amazing... you're incredible, M-Mayfly..."
Vash's moans of pleasure had you clenching on him, a small gasp escaping the both of you as you continued to roll your hips, Vash holding you close in his lap as he thrusted up into you in time with your movements. You could feel his large hands splayed across your back, holding you close to him in a protective, almost desperate manner, your own hands clutching onto Vash's shoulders for leverage.
You two were close, so impossibly close.
"V-Vash, I- I'm gonna cum, I-"
"M-Me too, (Y/N), m-me too!"
With a few thrusts, you finally felt your orgasm wash over you, pleasurable wave after wave crashing into you, causing your pussy to clench down on Vash's cock in a way unlike anything he'd ever felt before. With a final thrust, Vash spent himself inside you, a warmth blooming in your abdomen as Vash pressed his lips to yours passionately, holding you close to him as he painted your walls with his seed.
"I love you, (Y/N)," Vash gasped out against your lips, holding you close to him as his chest heaved. You could see tears forming in the corners of his eyes as he spoke, his voice quiet but so, so loving, clearly moved by the intensity and the intimacy of the moment.
"I love you, too, Vash," You replied, pressing your forehead against his and just hugging him close, relishing in the feeling of his warmth against you, your own eyes burning with tears.
All the emotions coursing through you were overwhelming, but you couldn't help but feel love, happiness, and relief. Vash was here with you, and you were here with him, and there was no doubt that the two of you would never be separated again.
"So... can we do that again?"
You sighed at Vash's question, a small smile appearing on your lips. You might've just awakened a whole different beast.
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my bohemian ass woke up at noon on a friday so I'm not firing on all cylinders yet, but there is this important distinction in the novel, The Phantom of the Opera, and the musical The Phantom of the Opera. I understand why a novel length distinction is cut for time and narrative tidiness for a medium that happens on stage, but I think people draw some very unfair, unflattering and incorrect conclusions from the stage that they port into their reading of the novel.
that is: Erik, the phantom of the opera, knows about Christine and Raoul's engagement and he's actually totally cool with Christine's plan. This is not incel behavior. This is not ~toxic masculinity~ or whatever contemporary bullshit you want to spew on the intentionally sympathetic monster in gothic literature. Raoul is supposed to leave on a naval expedition to the north pole. Christine's plan is to be engaged with him until he leaves. "This is a happiness that will hurt no one," she says. I don't have the exact quote for it but later on she relates how Erik knows and approves, at least of this intended to be limited engagement engagement. Why? Because he's the happiest of men with Christine, and he wants Raoul to experience that happiness. He does also expect Raoul to, you know, fucking leave when he's supposed to, but still. Christine and Raoul are romping around the Opera, kissing and crying together, and our ghost dude here is just like: good for them.
What sets him off is not the idea of a romantic rival. He does not, imo, feel "entitled" to Christine's love or whatever batshit nonsense the Erik-as-incel narrative huffs like paint fumes. What sets Erik off is how Christine has lied to him: not about the engagement, but about the degree of visceral disgust she feels for Erik specifically as a result of his deformity. She details, in graphic detail, how she closes her eyes instead of looking upon him, how she tells him that she only averts her eyes because she is in awe of his genius. She tells Raoul how horrible even physical proximity to Erik is, how grotesque his face is, how the horror of an animated corpse proclaiming his love to her is--well, horrible, and horrifying. Erik is on the floor, on his knees, kissing the hem of her dress, and Christine has her eyes closed the whole time.
I also think contemporary audiences can't handle that. They need Christine to be a pure and wholesome Good Girl (regressive bullshit), who is the victim of an evil evil man, and only the victim (also regressive bullshit). But also because she is a female character in the contemporary mind, she is allowed no flaws. She must reject Erik because he is a bad man. It would be ableist otherwise, yes? And the contemporary audience cannot handle lack of physical beauty being the reason. There can be no nuance to Christine's reactions. She is Good. Erik is Bad. That's all there is to it. The audience member is so sure that they themselves are above moral reproach, too. That's what is at stake here, also.
Never mind that Christine herself, repeatedly, notes that Erik is right when he says that if she thought he was handsome, she would stay. Never mind that when Raoul asks her if she would still love him if Erik were handsome, Christine declines to reply.
To be clear: this is not a Christine bashing post. I think her complexity here is fascinating. I hate a flat one note ingénue and that's not what she IS, and it pains me that fic authors write her that way, as if it's superior. No! Here she's human and she's magnificent! She's conflicted! Erik is alluring but also in ways that are no fault of his own, terrifying.
We gloss over the intended body horror of the novel. I know I do. I forget that he smells like rot and death, that he's cold and clammy to the touch, that he moans like a ghoul, that is supposed to have a gaping nose hole and eyes you can only see in the dark.
I don't think Christine is wrong to lie. But it's easy to understand, if you let yourself, how betrayed the monster might feel when he finds out about all this concealed disgust.
So, two points here
The rage upon being unmasked isn't just because he's unmasked and she broke a rule or whatever. It's the death of his whole gambit and his last hope, and Erik is, canonically, very smart. He knows this. He knows his face IS the issue. He knows it is THE issue. He reads Christine correctly in that the Angel of Music bit is ultimately forgivable in her eyes, and she likes that he brought down her favorite horse, she absolutely is there for their shared spiritual musical raptures. I want people to understand this: ERIK IS RIGHT about his own situation, a LOT of the time. He comes to some bad conclusions after, but in terms of understanding what's happening around him, he's accurate.
And so the rage and despair post Apollo's Lyre isn't "oh no, she loves Raoul," or even "how dare she, that SLUT," as some people make it out to be. It's the realization that he's been a monster to her this whole time. All this time he thought that she saw him as a man, and she has not. All the presumably good memories he has of her and her two weeks she lived with him are now revealed as lies. She's been enduring this whole time, not acclimating. She feels horror. She feels, again, disgust. She's shuddered at the touch of his hand in hers and put on a brave face and he's believed her up until this point, and he's having his physical inadequacies and his uncharacteristic naiveté described in excruciating detail to his romantic rival. He probably feels real fuckin stupid, on top of all else. He's been duped. He also feels disgusting and unlovable, because Christine has just repeatedly described him as disgusting and unlovable.
It is, of course, wildly incorrect to then decide to blow up an opera house about it.
But it's not entitled incel behavior and that's such a boring and contemporary narrative to shove a beautiful example of gothic literature into. Intellectually lazy and artistically myopic. I think most of us, if we're honest with ourselves, can think of a time we thought somebody liked us--maybe romantically or sexually but also maybe not, maybe just as a friend, as a bestie--and we turned out to be very wrong, because the person was just being polite or avoiding awkwardness or whatever. That is: they lied, in a very understandable and justifiable and socially expected way. And how did that feel, dear reader? Not great, right?
The point of the phantom of the opera is that it's a bunch of normal human experiences turned up to the max, dialed into a sublime hum that goes so hard it turns inhuman and terrible. It's that what makes a monster, what makes a man line, which is only interesting to walk if it's identifiably very human in parts. So Erik isn't just romantically rejected: he is rejected in just about EVERY way possible, besides his divinity of music. And this is supposed to the story of his entire life, over and over again, just most vividly and poignantly illustrated by his failure with Christine, when he most desperately wants to be just like everybody else.
And I think it's a shame to lose that very basic narrative and thematic point, but also a shame to lose the nuance of: Erik wants to share his happiness with Raoul. He loves Christine so, so much that he seems to find Raoul's lovesick desire very relatable. Of course, who wouldn't allow his fellow man a glimpse of heaven? And I just chose my words carefully there, if not the rest of the post. In his approval of Christine and Raoul's playful engagement, Erik is briefly engaging on a man-to-man level. He feels human about it. And when he feels human and accepted as human, instead of a walking horror show, he's immediately kind of gracious.
It's when he finds out that he's been a monster and not a man this whole time, in the eyes of his beloved and his rival, that he seems to go: I'll show you what a monster is.
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garnet-xx-rose · 1 year
You know as much as people give Raoul shit, myself included, I have to say that I never realized how integral a good Raoul is to the efficiency of the love triangle. A Raoul that doesn’t show interest in Christine or scoffs at her conflict with the Phantom just makes the whole dynamic unbalanced. 
If Raoul’s not as devoted and in-love with Christine as Erik is, than Erik’s actions and misdeeds look ridiculous because he’s trying to win Christine over from a guy that doesn’t even care about her or what’s going on. And then it kind of makes Christine look like an idiot for wanting to marry Raoul if he doesn’t really care for what she’s going through. It’s like he’s promising her all of these things in AIAOY out of obligation rather than love. (Oh this crazy hot chick wants me to save her from a ghost. I don’t know what she’s on but whatever I’m getting laid). You’d almost rather she be with Erik because at least he’s passionate about her. If anything, his actions almost seem justified in that he’s trying to take Christine away from someone who doesn’t appreciate her and her talents.
The best trio performances to me are when all three of them are unhinged: Erik is Erik, Christine is scared and horny, and Raoul wants to be a hero so bad he can’t recognize when he’s near as obsessive as Erik. Like, the fun of POTO is how in love both Raoul and Erik are with Christine and the way they go about expressing it, both the good and the bad. The Final Lair is when they both realize that they’ve hurt Christine in their “quest” to do what they thought was best for her.  They are opposites, but they also share similarities.
Anyway, John Riddle and Hadley Fraser are fantastic Raouls, though they play him differently, and I think we should talk more about his importance in this narrative. 
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Hey I think Tumblr ate my ask so I'm sending it again. If it didn't or ur not answering asks for the Bleeding hearts and Missing Parts au, just ignore this.
But how do the Brotherhood call and tell Erik about the "ghost" haunting all the mutants? Cause I'm imagining Peter calling him at like 3am while Lance and Fred are yelling in the background.
Yep! That's how it goes.
Pietro, calling a tired Magneto: Dad, DAD, pick UP THE PHONE-!!!
Magneto: Pietro, why are you calling me at... glances at clock... 3:30am in the morning?
Pietro: DAD, what do you know about ghosts and how to get rid of them?!
Magneto: ... A ghost?
Lance, Fred, and Todd: screaming in the background
Wanda: chanting Latin
Mystique: carving runes intothe doors and muttering
Pietro: Look, can you help us or not?!
Magneto: Ugh... fine, offspring. I will be there shortly...
Magneto: We are here to deal with your... specter
The Acolytes, tired and in pajamas: Why did you drag us here?
Magneto: Misery loves company. Now, time to rid us of this being-!
Proceeds to make a large summoning circle, a cage, bindings, and is now holding a large old book written in Latin, and everyone is now wearing a hooded robe
Pietro: ... How the f*ck can my dad be this weird? But for once, it's useful-
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Self-Image: How comfortable is the Timekeeper in her own skin?
This is purely speculative and more of a list of questions to consider. Food for thought!
How does she feel about the scars on her back? (And scars in general cause I'm sure she has them but they aren't mentioned canonically unless they magicked them away with arcanum antics)
Is she self-conscious about her scars on her back or is it because she doesn't want to make feel people feel uncomfortable?
Is it one of the reasons she always wears long pants and long sleeves, or is that just a fashion choice?
Causal Nudity
This one seems silly but if you've lived with or stayed with other people, things happen. Someone walks into your room without knocking. You forgot to bring your towel. Your working on something and your clothes ride up, get torn, etc.
There are some people who could confidently strut around naked as the day they were born and others who lay awake at tonight 3 years later and get embarrassed by the memory of being walked in on. The there are also people who are apathetic to the whole thing and don't see to care. They won't leave the room undressed but they don't mind if someone walks in on them either.
I'll be honest, I can't see her in the first one and Sweetheart is probably a better example. For those who don't know her, these are some of her lines:
"Hmm... hah... a silk robe? Thank you, but I don't want it. Dress me up with Chanel No.5 (perfume). Only that is my nightwear." (Vertin trying to make her stop sleeping nude. It didn’t work.)
Now, you could say this is Vertin being uncomfortable with other people's nudity but it could also be her playing the part of Suitcase Dad and making sure the little ones (or anyone for that matter) aren't exposed to things they didn't sign up for. However, my question is more about Vertin herself. This exmaple is just to paint a picture.
In the second instance, Vertin would be very self-conscious. Is it shame/fear, and if so why (side-eyeing the Foundation rn)? Or perhaps she doesn't want to talk about the scars on her back/body? Maybe it has nothing to do with her but the way people react. She doesn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.
Or maybe she's just shy about stuff like that and and for once has nothing to do with her trauma 🥹
In the final case, Vertin doesn’t really care. Maybe it's because she grew up in a dormitory where it's common to change in front of other kids. Or she could be used to the medical exams and tests from the Foundation who didn't care about her privacy.
It could be a newer development. For example, Regulus barges in without knocking all the time. The kids scamper in on their own (the Twins, Erik, etc) The ghosts phase in and out of her room. She got used to it.
That being said, the person she's interacting with also plays a part. Levels of comfort are influenced by the other person in the situation. She might not flinch if it's one of the kids coming to her crying about a broken toy or what not. On the other hand, Tennant will be escorted out immediately by Sonetto and Dikke. I'm exaggerating of course, but I think it helps me explain what I'm trying to say. Nothing is all conclusive.
The Self
Unlike the others, this leans harder on perception. Who does Vertin see when she looks in the mirror? Is it someone she's proud of or someone she can't face? These things can warp your self-image and influence many things.
Self love, Self worth, and the extent to what you believe you "deserve". For example Do you deserve to be "loved"? If you don't believe that it might be hard to believe other people could love you either. Maybe you feel like you deserve suffering because you don't value your own worth.
(For anyone needing to hear this, everyone deserves happiness).
I'm curious to know other people's thoughts on this. Feel free to mention things I missed!
On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable is Vertin in her own skin? Heck Drop some hcs on me too if you'd like. I eat them up lol
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mostlymaudlin · 9 months
important question: how do you think neil/the other foxes felt the next holiday season they had together??? what did the inside of neils head look like on new year’s eve as he remembered what he was doing that time the year before yknow
i love when people ask me questions abt my hcs like this <3
i kind of wrote a NYE flash fic last year! it's not very introspective tho. neil is just happy and getting a smooch :)
however, you got me thinking about how that juxtaposition would be for neil during the holidays. it got more christmas-y than NYE-ish though, so apologies if you're not rly into xmas... I'm usually not either lol. buuuuuut i wrote this:
🎄 merry & bright 🎄
andreil, rated t, 400 words / ao3 series: flashes of intimacy
There are no flights this year. No Exy, either. Wymack changed the codes to the court before he and Abby left to celebrate the holidays in the Bahamas. Neil does have one new wound: a paper cut he received while Nicky taught him how to wrap presents. It’s deep enough to need a bandaid, but not enough that he’ll remember it this time next year — not the way Evermore haunts the edges of Neil’s mind.
The memories come to him in hazy fractures, seconds-long intrusions that make his stomach roil. The phantom of the Ravens’ grueling schedule is messing with his sleep. Neil tries to lie still in the dark bedroom, but he keeps Andrew up too. Or maybe Andrew just has his own ghosts. Regardless, Andrew wraps himself around Neil from behind until late in the night, a silent commitment to rest even if sleep itself won’t come.
Those are just moments, though; blips in a winter break spent at the Columbia house. The present day is lazy and cheerful and warm enough to chase away the chill of the past.
“Are you having fun, Neil?” Nicky asks.
They’re in the living room, and the space is lit only by the television and the colorful lights on the tree. Earlier, when they’d driven around looking at other people’s Christmas lights, Neil had to sit half in Erik’s lap in order to cram four people in the backseat of the car. The lights were pretty. One house had taxidermy deer that disgusted Kevin but fascinated Aaron. Another had a sign with instructions to tune into a radio station where they were broadcasting music that synced up to the lights flashing on the house. Some of the streets they drove down were lined with houses lit up so brightly that it nearly gave the illusion of daylight.  
Andrew pokes Neil in the cheek, bringing him back to the present once more. Nicky stares at him expectantly. There’s a mug of cooled cocoa in his hands. The credits roll on a claymation movie that Neil had only sort of watched through drooping eyelids. Andrew’s arm is a heavy, warm weight across the back of Neil’s shoulders, and his fingers occasionally trace the seams of Neil’s shirt. He hasn’t let go of Neil since they got home.
“Yeah,” Neil says. Nicky grins. Andrew draws circles against Neil’s shoulder. “Thanks. I really am.”
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brujahinaskirt · 5 months
30 kcd2 trailer reveal little things / reactions:
Loving the increased Istvan / Henry parallelism
Loving the return of the red PTSD nightmares and so pleased WH isn't watering the game down, keeping up the trauma narrative realism, etc. I expected no less but still delighted by it. I love games that allow characters (esp male characters) to feel things, genuinely, and writing that treats the emotional invitation of its own storytelling with respect.
Good lord, the symbolism returns--as it must in a proper medieval game--but I shan't look too deep yet.
SKALITZ FLASHBACKS. HENRY'S PARENTS' WEDDING PREQUEL CONTENT? W H A T. I never thought we would get to go back; I am so thrilled to learn more about that time. I would have gladly gobbled up a Martin prequel. TELL ME HER FUCKING NAME, WARHORSE, YOU BASTARDS.
where is radzig
Mystery possible new love interest option? Or did Lady Stephanie visit the face sculptor?
And Theresa... where?
Mother of god, the forests and animals look incredible. I'm going insane. Let me pet things please.
How many times can Hans eat royal shit and live in one livestream? Let's find out. One, two, three...
The crime and punishment mechanics are definitely more complex at a glance. This is a good thing but I wonder how much was cutscene flavor and how much will really have an affect on the gameplay/reputation/etc.
I'm extremely afraid for Hans's survival. Not because of his constant trailer beefing (and he really took every opportunity to wipe out) but because of that shot with him doing the big dramatic eagle wing spread on horseback. You can't just do that and not expect to be punished by the narrative, bro.
is that pebbles? MUTT IS BACK please be pebbles
Henry's new hair is awful and I will be changing it two seconds in.
In general, Henry looks way more mature/stressed. Hard to say if there was a timeskip and Henry is now actually more mature or if the increased graphics allow him to look more like his voice actor, who is older than Henry. Either way I will be content. Will not catch me changing my son's precious face!!!
Istvan is pure fire, holy shit, cannot wait for this performance. Erik looks like a soggy newspaper. What happened king?
radzig? hello? anyone hear from this guy? typical for him to ghost
Theresa's gonna be in it though, right? They wouldn't do us like that right?
Really excited to see them taking a page from RDR2 and incorporating a temperament-based reply system for non-dialogue initiating NPCs. I really look forward to all the added sandbox immersion enhancements from the first game, and I hope women are incorporated in a broader work spectrum for better historical accuracy.
Is Hans going to teach Henry how to swim for real, as in a gameplay-altering swim mechanic, or is the topless on the riverbank scene just throwing a meaty bone to the hansry shippers (i am gnawing, i am growling when you try to take it away before i choke myself with it)
I love hearing devs and actors talk intelligently about the writing and character development arcs. Obviously they thought about it deeply in KCD1, but it's nice to see devs of an "action" game treating its narrative seriously, as artwork. Regardless of how the fandom idiots interact with it.
Hans singing a facetious little ballad for Henry (presuming it makes it into the game and isn't just trailer fodder) regenerated my cells. He DID promise in KCD1 (if you lose the tourney after agreeing to be his champion) that one day people would sing ballads in Henry's honor. Probably he did not intend for them to include the word "fuck" at the time.
This is going to be the grown up bromance we deserved in kcd1. Honestly it's so validating to see the second game recentering on that relationship and deliberately using it as the primary storytelling vehicle. KCD1 was pretty imbalanced in favor of Hans content, but it would have been better served by the game storyline fully leaning into the importance of that relationship, rather than trying to juggle it as a side-arc with several other arcs (and thereby creating an imbalance). KCD2 looks like it's built around the backbone of Henry and Hans's friendship and how it has profoundly changed them both/propelled their arcs in somewhat different directions.
On that point, Henry seems to have completely adopted Rattay colors now, but it's possible that's due to him operating as Hans's page (squire?) where we left them in KCD1. WHERE IS RADZIG
Calling Henry an orphan is a LITTLE generous given he was a whole ass adult man when his parents were killed, don't you think.
Calling Henry a lover is VERY VERY GENEROUS
I'm hyped.
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flagbridge · 5 months
All Vows Chapter 38-Old Habits
Phantom of the Opera: E/C, R/C, C/M, Post-Leroux/ALW Canon; Redemption Arc, 140K Words, 40 Chapters, 18+
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“I love her, and I have learned that I cannot make her choose me simply by keeping her from you, Vicomte.” “I am jealous of you,” Raoul murmured and looked at his hands. His voice shook, wistful, “Of the time you’ve had with her. Of the music I will never be able to understand.”  The vicomte, jealous of a monster? How absurd. Raoul had his youth, he had years before with Christine and many more to come.  “I am jealous of time itself,” Erik conceded. 
Art by @bonzlydoo. Not from this fic but it's so them.
All Vows Chapter 38: Old Habits, is now live.
PoTOmer Day 12: FANFIC: Get caught up with All Vows, my longfic that will be concluding at the end of May.
Between April 23 and June 11, I am posting 49 days of POTO content to mark the Omer, except on Shabbat. Previous days below the cut line.
Day 11: (no post, Shabbat)
Day 10: FANFIC: All Vows Chapter 10 (Catch Up)
Day 9: ADAPTATION: Ghost of Zariya Hollow
Day 8: HEADCANON: Christine's Swedish Accent
Day 7: COSPLAY Hannibal Slave Girl Bodice Construction
Day 6: GIFSET: Raouls who make choices appreciation post
Day 5: PHIC UPDATE: All Vows Chapter 37! (And a bonus gif of Lily and Jon)
Day 4: (No post, Shabbat)
Day 3: GIFSET: Cape Twirl Comparison, Current West End Phantoms ('23-'24)
Day 2: BRAINWORM: "Ne Me Touchez Pas"
Day 1: GIFSET Robyns/Kerhoas: The Kiss
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
Dang it’s hard to pick what to ask for each week bc I love all of your wips so much but I think I asked for angel neil last week so could I get some arsonist neil this time? (also, happy tsc release week! Hope you have a great weekend<3)
WIP Wednesday (4/10) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 141)
Andrew The movie was terrible, just so you know. I hated every second of it. My brother enjoyed it, but he’s stupid. Did you know a large soda costs like $50 now? I’m joking, obviously. But the prices are ridiculous, so I suppose I won’t be doing that again for a while.
Once he’s done updating his ghost, Andrew shoves his phone into the couch cushion so he won’t be tempted to stare at it all night. Then he puts on that show Nicky had told him about, to give it a second chance to capture his attention. And it works. He’s able to watch several episodes without even thinking about checking his phone.
Until he feels his ass vibrate.
Andrew looks down at the cushion for a moment, then back to the TV. He’s not going to answer in milliseconds. Not when 10 has taken his sweet fucking time. After finishing the episode he’s on, Andrew slides his phone out like he doesn’t care what’s on it. And that bites him in the ass because it isn’t even 10. 
Fucking hell. The anticipation almost killed him and it’s just Nicky?Andrew might just eat his phone.
Nicky Aaron told me you guys had a movie date last night! :) Are you actually friends now or was it a hostage situation?
Andrew rolls his eyes.
Andrew We aren’t friends. We’re brothers. Nicky It’s about time you acted like it. :P I sort of always thought that you two wouldn’t ever get close, until after my funeral. Can you imagine? The two of you being like 80 and my death makes you realize how important family is. And then you live together until you die minutes apart.
Andrew is a bit worried about Nicky’s mental state. But that's always been true.
Andrew That sounds like a shitty rom-com Nicky. And what makes you think I would come to your funeral? You know I hate planes. Nicky Sorry. I watched The Notebook with Erik and his sister last night. Also, rude. You better come to my funeral. 
Andrew rolls his eyes. 
Andrew I might. Nicky I’ll haunt your tiny ass if you don’t. Andrew Noted. I started watching that German drama you told me about. Nicky Oh yay! Do you love it?! Wait a sec.
Nicky is calling you.
“Oh fuck,” Andrew sighs out. But he answers.
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erik-christine · 1 year
some people are making posts like “I can’t believe they romanticized erik and christine” like yeah??? it’s a love story???? it’s also a horror story but it is very much a love story
the last chapter is titled “the end of the opera ghost’s love story” and whether you like it or not christine does love him. she was right to leave at the end even after she chose to be his wife. it was necessary but it still hurt BECAUSE of how she loved him. which just makes this story all the more tragic because erik was finally ready to start living as a man through christine’s love and compassion. that was all he needed, was love and kindness that which he’d been deprived of from the very first. just look at how radically he changed once he was accepted for himself. but he was at the end of his life and by then it was too late, but he died happy and full of love for christine.
most of the horror stems from erik’s own insecurity in himself and the relationships that he is unable to recognize that he already has. in his desperation to hold christine’s love, he doesn’t realize how much he means to her already and his actions only frighten her and push her away.
it’s just so sad and why this story is so timeless. because the phantom brought upon his own doom, and should he had acted differently and had just trusted christine, she could’ve remained as his living bride.
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potol0ver · 1 year
Howdy pardner 🤠🐴
You said you were begging for a request for Erik to worship someone. I don’t know if you’re doing specific requests, but here’s one if you’re up for it:
Musical!Erik x Y/N
Erik had a really rough day dealing with the manager’s bullshit or smthn like that. Y/N comes down to visit him, and sees how upset he is. They ask what they can do to help him, and after collecting himself, he half-smiles.
“You can let me admire you~” He then proceeds to thoroughly kiss and praise and tease Y/N (consensually) as a stress-reliever and a way to redirect his emotions.
- Yeehaw Anon 🐴
OH HELL YES- i love this idea. Also im leaving this one open ended at the end to keep it GN, don’t worry i have a smut prompt waiting for me to write it so if you want direct smut it’ll be out sometime this week most likely <3
Tags; Soft dom Erik x GN Reader, suggestive towards the end, fluffy, simi smut, Erik being obsessed with you, chest play (not said to have boobs though), short and sweet
The sound of Erik’s organ rang through the catacombs as you walked down to his lair. You knew the rehearsal went wrong but you didn’t expect it to go so wrong he’d be hitting his organ keys this hard. Breathing in and sighing you finally made it to Erik’s abode and well… he looked pissed. His wig and mask were off, and playing the organ while standing.
Walking closer you practically tell his name so he could hear you. Once he did hear you he whipped his head towards you with an angry expression that quickly softened seeing you there. Defeated he plopped down on his organs bench and placed his head in his hands.
“You have no idea how bad today went,” he said with a slight roughness to his voice, almost like his voice was sore from yelling, “Carlotta wouldn’t take the advice from the conductor, and by doing that sabotaging the rehearsal,” you stood beside him now placing a hand in his back as he ranted, “the ballet dancers were supposed to try out a new routine but since Madame Giry had family matters to attend to the ballet dancers looked like they had two left feet, and the prop people were too drunk to do anything on cue, it was a shit show.”
Holding back a laugh at his word choice, you just sigh and console him. “That truly does sound like a shit show, I'm sorry that happened my love. Especially Carlotta, my spine has chills just thinking about what she sounded like, and not in a good way.” Erik gives a slight chuckle as you sit on the bench next to him. “Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”
Sitting up Erik looked at you with eyes and asked “Can we snuggle please?”
“Of course my love,” quickly standing up you lead Erik by his hand to the bed. Once you got to the bed you laid down, he followed by climbing in next to you and holding you close burying his face into your neck. Slowly rubbing circles unto his back he slowly started to melt into you, finally relaxing.
You were about to fall asleep when he started to kiss your neck. “Erik, you should be relaxing.”
“Please, I need to worship you right now,” he begged into your neck as he started to put his hands under your clothes. Given you always got flustered when he paid attention to you like this, you could only muster up a nod. Soon enough his hands started to undo your clothing, all while his kisses on your neck never stopped.
Once your chest was exposed fully to him, he gently started to massage your chest. You couldn't help but let out some small whines as Erik kissed his way down to your nipple and popped it into his mouth. Gently rolling it with his tongue, his hands worked on getting your lower half naked too.
Once your whole body was exposed to him, Erik just gently ghosted his hands over your thighs to your waist and back down again. As much as you loved this you needed more, your hips slightly rolled trying to gain any friction they can. “Please Erik, stop teasing me.”
“No no, please, please let me bask in you. You feel divine.” he whined against your chest, barely letting your nipple go when he begged. You could tell tonight was going to be a long night for you.
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i haven't rly thought of a name for my OC so i'm just gonna use the placeholder name jean for now [after Jean Vic. don't @ me on this]. he might not even end up french tho we'll see…… anyway he was a sailor (don't ask me for further details, it's blurry. it's Real blurry) and he just got back from a voyage but he was discharged from the navy.
what happened during the voyage was he got into a relationship with a higher ranking officer and they were close but was pursuing their relationship knowing that when they get to land they won't be able to continue it (not if the officer wanted to stay in his social circles) buuut it was kind of an open secret on the ship. then there was an Accident, in which the higher ranking officer died (yes i'm going down the dead lover cliche pathway--shhh it's for the plot later). so when the higher ups were looking into the death, they found out about their relationship, which is why the discharge from the navy [[listen. i think at this point france has decriminalized homosexuality but i have no clue what it's like in the navy. so i'm assuming it's the don't ask don't tell thing. so don't @ me on this. or do, i would Love to know if anyone knows]]
so heartbroken and out of a job jean found a job vacancy of being a stagehand at the opera house. his job would be way down below the stage or way up above stage, and the job requirements reminds him of finding his way on a ship, so he's doing just fine with this. he does his job well enough, keeps his head down, tries to be friendly when he can.
after a while of doing bits and pieces here and there and he's established himself, the new chief stagehand gives him the main job of maintaining the area on the mezzanine floor where joseph buquet was killed (i'm smooshing leroux canon and alw canon together here btw. canon is toy blocks for me to pick and choose) since a lot of stagehands avoid that place like a plague. it's not out of malice, it's just that they all realize that jean doesn't rly believe in superstitions or ghosts so they're all like why not? he's knows about the stories but since he doesn't believe in ghosts (and thinks that anything about phantom as an actual dude is an exaggeration of events to attract patrons) he's like eh, alright.
all this happens while jean suspects that he's definitely traumatized by the events that happened during his voyage, obviously. he knows of stories of what happens to people who's traumatized enough. at this point in time he's given in to talking out loud to his dead lover when he's alone, so this is how one day erik heard him through that trapdoor into his home (/torture chamber). when erik tries to scare him off by speaking to him in a disembodied voice, jean Naturally thought that his trauma has given him auditory hallucinations. he at first breaks down about this because he thought he was doing better mentally, but this is a sure sign he isn't doing that great actually.
erik, absolutely confused about this reaction, decides to show himself physically after some time, just to prove to jean that he's not Actually having auditory hallucinations. but jean first mistook him for a lost patron, and is like sir u can't be here without supervision?? and jean's worried he'd lose his job if someone catches a patron wandering down here with only jean watching him bc he sure as hell ain't qualified to give patrons a tour below stage. but erik would mysteriously disappear any time anyone comes close to them. cue a whole bunch of meetings like this bc erik's lonely and this man new to the opera thinks he's a patron and treats him like a normal man and he's been starved of company ever since christine left and the mob hunted him done and he stopped bothering the opera
so they get closer. jean's half worried that erik's a hallucination, since he disappears a lot and is never seen by anybody else but jean, but he seems so real……
they get to a point where erik tells jean of christine and they bond over having lost someone they loved. erik speaks longingly of his dreams of being married and having a wife to go on sunday walks with
at this time jean is a little (a Lot) in love with him and gets his heart shattered into pieces bc god damn it he wants a wife Of Course he'd want a Wife...........
and then somehow erik finds out that jean is in love with Someone and he asks about it (somehow feeling something like Rage and Something Else because jean? in love? WHO WOULD CAPTURE THIS MAN'S ATTENTION? WHO DARES? WHO DESERVES IT?) and jean is like its of no matter (because he thinks erik wouldn't reciprocate. he's not the exactly right gender)
then jean spends a long time thinking it over and realizes that even if erik doesn't return his feelings, erik seems like someone who would benefit from being told that in this world Someone does loves him, even if he [erik] doesn't love jean back. so he tells him and it takes a while to convince erik of it but then erik remembers that jean said his love for erik is "no matter" and goes batshit about it bc does this mean he doesn't matter to jean????
and jean tells erik that it does matter. it matters to him a lot. erik matters to him a lot. but he can't give erik what he wants, their relationship would not exactly be an open one. it would be some secret thing, at the very least half hidden from society. he won't impose that on erik when he knows erik wants his little walks in the park with his lover........ erik's showing the 404 error code.
anyways idk how it goes from here but they'll get together. i swear
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