#i love eliza so much
sayorseee · 2 years
Every fic is instantly made better once Eliza makes her appearance
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coolusernamebaby · 2 years
when we take on new bodies,
i will scour the earth to find you again
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ylissebian · 9 months
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thecrowinacrown · 1 month
My love for Eliza from Hamilton walked, so my love for Penelope from Epic could RUN
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comradesummers · 1 year
i don't think the spike girlies talk enough about how he was an upper-class posh dude who reverse my fair ladied himself so that he would sound cooler. like do you think he sat around practicing "the rain in spain" to make himself more cockney?
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elizaisdunn · 7 months
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angelsleeps · 1 month
Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me?
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attention ELAMS ONESHOT john survived au!
I can't believe I haven't posted this. it's one of my favorite one shots ever. its john and eliza, he gets to the hamilton household alive and well after everyone thinks he was dead bc he wouldn't send letters to alexander for a while. its giving he wasn't dead he was just depressed
anyway enjoy!! I love them so much! 🥹
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“He looks happy.”
John looked over at the woman standing near the counter. He struggled a little to keep his eyes plainly open but did his best nonetheless.
“Yes. You two are a good fit.”
A little smile made its way to Eliza’s lips and she gently dipped some cotton into an alcohol-based solution.
“Well, I appreciate that.”
Laurens winced when Elizabeth placed the cotton on one of his open wounds, though maybe that was just because he had relaxed and completely forgot to prepare for the pain.
“It’s about the third time I hear you curse in the past hour, Mr. Laurens, you sound like a sailor.”
His blue eyes darted to her. Eliza was focused on his wound, however, she managed to sneak a touch of a fun tone to her voice. She was not very serious about what she’d said. He snickered after a few seconds staring at her, and shook his head.
“Sorry, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“Please call me Eliza. As appealing as the title is to me, I feel like we should be going past formalities by now.”
“Eliza. Sorry, Eliza.”
Both of them chuckled a little bit, looking and sounding a tad shyer than they usually did.
“I am merely messing with. How did you manage this wound, by the way? My husband has spoken several times of your endearing ease to get yourself in trouble. The war is already over, what could you be up to?”
“Well…” Laurens sighed. “I was simply serving my duty to the country. Fighting for the land. The british are yet to leave us alone fully.”
“Are those battles not more dangerous than the previous ones?”
Eliza stared up at John from the wound for a few seconds. He shrugged.
“Well… Alexander has also spoken of his desire to see you again, written letters quite a few times, yet you never seem to acknowledge it.”
John frowned, eyes on her once again focused face. She was bold, that mistress of his companion. Perhaps why they fit so well.
“A man on duty can’t give everything up to pay a friend a visit any time he wishes, no matter how much he might wish otherwise.”
“No, but you have had plenty of free time despite your efforts to keep yourself busy, so I’ve heard.”
“I do get busy with things other than battles. I have personal matters, do I not?”
“Exactly what we are talking about, Mr. Laurens. I was just quite curious about the reason my husband’s best friend would rather not show up to his wedding day.”
John couldn’t help his cheeks from warming up at Mrs. Hamilton’s comment. Did she know he had also been invited by her husband to the aftermath of it? Was it something that they had thought of together or was she oblivious to the entire situation? John couldn’t even begin to wonder how a woman like her would react to such indecent ideas. There was, however, a curious spark about it, hidden away…
Eliza wiped the soaked cotton over his wound one last time, ripping a wince out of him.
“I’m not angry at you, John. Alexander might be a little, but I’m not. I am quite curious, though, but I don’t want you to speak on subjects you may not be comfortable with or find displeasing.” Eliza collected the dirty cottons and stood up, scaring Laurens slightly. “Stay. Are you alright?”
He just looks at her, blue guilty eyes and a hard swallow followed by an apology and yes. A few seconds later, Eliza returned with bandages and a glass of water.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing. If you feel better, sit up a tad.”
And then he did as said, holding in a grunt of pain.
Eliza worked in silence for a few seconds. Sometimes, she’d glance up at him, but John was unaware, having closed his eyes. Just tight enough, Schuyler wrapped bandages around his arm, making sure to soothe any rough patches beforehand.
“You know, your hair resembles wheat.”
“Hm?” Laurens blinks his eyes open, slightly unaware of his surroundings. Eliza worked like an angel, so much better than any nurse ever did and, god, he was tired.
“The blonde in your hair. I knew it reminded me of something. It’s wheat in the morning sun.”
A breath got stuck in his throat. How was he supposed to hold on much longer?
John swallowed.
“Specifically morning sun?”
“Mr. Laurens!” Eliza abruptly looked up at him.
“John. Call me John.”
“Fine. John, how come you do not know the difference? You’re an artist as far as I know…” She sighed. “The morning sun is… well, definitely less yellow, leaning more into a whiter shade of sunlight. It hits the wheat and reflects a light beige, a beautiful one at that. It’s different.”
He stays in silence for a brief second, only to realize there’s a smile on his face.
“It’s…” Eliza sighed, cheeks flushing slightly but also quite a smiley expression. “It’s one of the most beautiful hours of the day. I wish Alexander would rise earlier more often, just to appreciate the daylight and the fresh air of mornings.”
“I would always try to convince him back in army days…”
“And would it work?”
“Definitely not,” He chuckled.
Eliza joined in with quiet giggles.
“I forced him out of bed sometimes for a walk. He despised it.” John added.
“He has the loveliest grumpy morning face.”
“He does…”
Both of them lean gently into their smiles, sighing in content one after the other. John, however, quickly noticed what he said and shot Eliza an indiscreet wide gaze, which the brunette met with a calm, yet aware one. A knowing, very discreet gaze.
Heavens, did she know?
Laurens rapidly cleared his throat, shaking his head. “Either way we never spent too much time out, General Washington always had plenty of work to do, much more pleasant for him.”
“Yes, the writing?” Eliza finished up the bandage, checking it around a few times.
“Hide the pen and present him with a sweet activity once he comes asking for it. Just a tip… Well,” She grinned. “You’re all done, Mr. La.. John. You’re done, John. I suppose I should leave you to rest.”
“Thank you, Eliza. Truly.”
“It’s nothing, John. Good night, just shout if you need something.”
He chuckled, meeting her gaze a last time before she opened and closed the door behind herself.
“Good night, ‘Liza.”
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youdontneedhenry · 7 days
Chapter 8 is up! I promise we won't go so many weeks without an update from here on out. In which I attempt to have plot and fluff in one chapter.
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a29m14 · 6 months
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redrawing skullgirls sprites after 4 years
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aelswiths · 3 months
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Aelswith and Alfred (eye fucking) in 2x01
For @kingslionheart, @thedarknone, @volvaaslaug, @garunsdottir
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ethanwintersplush · 3 months
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I <3 zombies so much I am allowing myself to be cringe and free and draw some of my favs as animals!!!
I watched the whole animated series btw it was so good and I am already rewatching it 😭 it was genuinely so entertaining and had a lot of funny moments + I loved seeing the characters just do silly stuff
+ I also needs zombies 4 like. right now. I’m so impatient I want to see victor’s character SO BAD.
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finished the eps so here's some zombies lore and tidbits from the re-animated series:
bonzo and willa have the same shoe size (10 3/4 in men's and 12 3/4 in women's)
bucky loves cool frogs and hates all dogs (except for barky)
willa has been wearing the same boots every day because she became the alpha of their pack while wearing them (they are now destroyed)
bree runs the lost and found department and addison is her secretary
they have a drama department, a marching band, a water polo team, and a clown club
there are zed, addison, and eliza clones living in a neighboring town
there are alien-specific classes led by a computer robot in the mothership
zed has physical cards with drawings of him and eliza that act as "best friend cards"
bonzo was born on january 28th in 2007
zed and addison regularly use whiteboards to plan stuff
zed has a habit of smooth-talking his way out of and into things (including, but not limited to, getting extra food from lunch ladies, convincing eliza and addie to do things with/for him, and convincing a possessed dae to hold off on destroying the world)
there is a sentient blob that attends seabrook high
bonzo works at bree's family diner which is called grammykin's griddle
wyatt's a february pisces and eliza is an virgo
the werewolves celebrate numerous meat-themed holidays like porksgiving, beefapalooza, and vealentine's day
werewolves also have a great meat hunt that involves one werewolf being picked to hunt an unchecked apex predator in the woods and bring it back for the pack to eat
there are now zombie dogs due to another soda incident
principal lee has a sister who is pregnant (or has a very young baby)
wynter has an uncle named uncle wolfchowski
zed's favorite color is decomp green with light saturation
coach used to be best friends with the solstice slasher that haunts the woods
zombie strength can hold back a moving car
there are many pet sitting services in seabrook (some names include waggedy ann's, be on all four seasons, and harry poopins)
eliza created their universe's version of tik tok called shrimp tok
addison can't wink
moonstone necklaces were first created by a werewolf named wilhelmina lykenlolly
werewolves and sasquatches are century long enemies
eliza and wyatt are vegetarian
zed, wyatt, bree, and eliza play dungeons and dragons together and zed runs the campaign (zoey now also plays with them by the end of the episode)
aliens hatch out of spotted eggs and have a hatch-uation
a-spen is mothership's favorite alien
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emmaspersonaldiary · 20 days
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So sorry to blow up the askbox but I thought of more silly modern things😭😭😭😭
-Charles loves a chunky blanket (Like those ones that you knit on your arm bc the yarn is so big. He pretends to be mad when Arthur naps with it in the recliner but he secretly likes that it smells like his big silly husband :’) )
-One of them keeps buying whatever metal water bottle is trending despite already having way too many. I can’t decide which one is the culprit
-Jack left a squishmallow at their house once and they now have a secret tiny collection bc they both love them
-you cannot tell me arthur doesn’t mow the lawn in the ugliest dad-shoes known to man
-Charles isn’t any better because he has a raging Chaco tan line
This is taking over my mind I love modern aus SO MUCH
DON'T APOLOGIZE. PLEASE 😍 sometimes I feel like such an outlier in the fandom bc of my obsession with modern aus, but I'm glad to see I was a little wrong (there are DOZENS of us lol)
The squishmallows 😭 they obviously returned it to Jack bc they both love him so much & the idea of their nephew losing his favorite stuffie is too much to bear 💔 but they immediately noticed how much the other loved it, so that's how they started "randomly" gifting them to each other "it just happened to be on sale, so I grabbed ya one!" and it's this:
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Neither one will admit it, either.
And omg... the image of Charles cocooned in a chunky knit blanket is almost too much for my heart to handle 😩 maybe he does it especially when he's stressed. Arthur's caught on tho!! When Charles has had a long day, Arthur will make sure to use the blanket right beforehand (so it's extra comforting for him ♥️)
But PLEASE… mowing the lawn xD I hc that much of their property is native plant life, so there isn't much to mow, but they'd still love it. It's outdoors, it's monotonous, it allows time to be with your own thoughts - it's PERFECT. They both like it so much that they argue over whose turn it is lol. The both smoke & indulge a bit, but they're almost the embodiment of that Hank Hill meme:
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It's the same reason they love legos. Building complicated little structures is a way for them to focus and let their thoughts drift away, along with the stress of life (and their respective parents' latest attempt at prying)
Arthur is definitely the cup culprit btw (he forgets about the ones he already has & keeps accidentally adding to the collection)
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kratosnaturals · 3 months
WIP Saturday Thursday #5
Because I am positively on a roll right now. Nick lovers rise up.
“That ash is going to burn your shirt, Nicky,” Hancock mentioned casually with a hint of upturned lips, putting out his own cigarette on the bar’s ashtray. Nick snapped out of his thoughts with a questioning hum. He removed the rolled tobacco from between his lips with the intend of flicking off the burned excess, but when the orange embers landed on his chest he mumbled out an annoyed ‘shit!’ and quickly tried to brush it off of the white fabric. His friend simply gave him an amused ‘told you so.’
“You’re acting odd tonight. Even more than usual,” Hancock breached carefully, following the other man's gaze, “penny for your thoughts?”
Nick stalled. Was he really acting strange? He always thought he’s good at hiding his feelings… or perhaps Hancock was simply teasing him. The mayor did so love riling people up.
“Simply a little worn out after the past few months,” Nick brushed off, focusing his eyes on all the strung up lights around the area now. An understanding hum slipped Hancock’s lips, and the synth assumed their conversation would end there, but his companion had other plans. A toothy grin slowly spread across Hancock’s lips, and those metaphorical cogs in his head started moving. He poured himself another finger or two of whiskey, and slipped just a little closer to Nick.
“So. Are you really going to let mister ‘lasts-a-minute’ and the former tin woman upstage you?” Hancock asked innocently, bumping his hip into Nick’s. The latter looked bewildered now, as much as his synthetic flesh allowed him to grimace his displeasure. A grumble, low and a tinge threatening, “John.”
Jackpot, John thought, that hit a nerve. It was absolutely no surprise, to anyone, really, that the smooth-talking sleuth held a torch for his new co-detective. Those two could be fucking out in the open and it would be less obnoxious than whatever weird game of ‘will-they-won’t they’ those idiots were playing for ages now.
“I’m just sayin’. It’s really obvious,” John tutted, no longer feigning that poor display of innocence. Nick stirred uncomfortably besides him.
“Are you going to keep doing this ‘I’m an old synth’ spiel or are you actually going to…” Hancock paused, looking the other man up and down, “steel up and tell the ‘dame’ she gets your coolant pumps workin’ overtime?”
Nick opened his mouth, but Hancock cut him off again with a raised finger as he took a quick sip, “don’t ‘John’ me, sleuth. Now get your rusty ass and loose screws over there and ask her for a dance.”
Another song played on the radio. Rock and roll. The synth nearly crushed the glass he was still holding with his metal hand. His claws scratched the material with a squeak that made him cringe, “I- no. I think you’re misunderstanding something.”
Hancock huffed, “Do I? Because to me it seems like you’re both just dancing around each other. Are you going to keep stalling and watch her get swept up by someone else? Well, she doesn’t seem all too shy, so maybe you could wait. I’m sure she’d come around. No promises, though.”
With a sombre expression Nick went back to watching his frolicking friend among the crowd, still held by Curie. The two swung and tip-toed around to the upbeat music with glee, ignoring the world around them. She danced, and danced, and danced. Much like she did with Preston, and Nate, and Piper, and even Codsworth-
“You know, for the best detective the Commonwealth has to offer, you’re really dense. Even denser than the metal you’re made out of, brother,” said Hancock before finishing his drink in one big gulp, “well, if you’re not planning to go for it, I might as well shoot my shot. Sir ‘short, pale and handsome’ has been touchy with not just you, Nicky.”
She liked being called sir?
That train of thought quickly spiralled off of its rails at the thought of John getting handsy with Eliza; wooing her, seducing her, getting with her-
It made his mechanical insides churn. It made him sick.
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