#i literally went to my friend begging him to borrow a tie
joshuamj · 2 days
yall i am sooooooo upset, im going to a stuffy professional conference thing all day tomorrow (and the next day!) so i wont get to play Echoes of Wisdom 😭😭😭
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bad268 · 3 years
Suit Simps (CC! Dream X Reader)
Fandom: RPF
Requested: Yes, by @alinovasposts
Warnings: simp season never ends, lots of language, caps lock, flirty jokes, loads of sex comments at the end. (Might make a short pt.2 with fan/friend reactions)
W.C. 1418
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^@/Dream’s twitter)
“Hey, Sappy, can I borrow your green screen please?” I asked while walking into Sap’s room after he finished streaming with Quackity.
“Why?” He whined, spinning around in his chair to face me.
“I gotta make an edit,” I explained, walking further into his room to set a small plate of cookies on his desk. “Please?”
“Bribery, huh?” He laughed as he reached for one of the cookies. However, I pulled the plate away before he could grab one. “Hey!”
“Green screen for cookies. That’s the deal,” I offered. “Plus, I need it when you’re visiting Karl. You won’t even be using it, Sap.”
“Fine, I guess,” he caves, holding his hands out for the cookies. Upon the plate falling into his possession, he added, “Dream can’t use it though.”
“That’s fine,” I chuckled. “It’s literally for an edit.”
That was a lie, but Sap didn’t need to know that. Technically, it was an edit, but he did not need to know who was going to be in the edit. Dream and I had been planning this reveal forever. As a musician and streamer, my fans have been begging for a Dream SMP collab. Mainly because Dream openly stans me on Twitter, so his fans have also been loading my mentions with a song collab with said gamer.
What neither fan group knew, Dream and I had already been working on a collab as we have been in a relationship for two years. Heck, I had helped him write his other three songs! Ever since he said he wanted to release music, I had been writing a collab for us to release when we wanted to make our relationship public. Of course, Sap and George knew, but all of his other friends thought he was just a huge fan of mine.
The plan was simple; we were both known for being faceless, so we made masks that were a combination of our two masks. He had the brilliant idea of wearing suits since his fans made a huge deal about it during the release of Change My Clothes, so we went out and got a white suit for me while he will wear the black suit he already has.
“I feel like we are copying Unus Annus at this point,” I said while trying on the white suit. I was looking at Clay through the mirror while he was sitting behind me.
“Could be seen that way or show how different we are,” he laughed, coming up behind me to hug me. He looked into my eyes through the mirror as his arms wrapped around my waist and shoulders. “If you want, we could both wear black suits. I still think the black and white suits would be funny.”
“Fine, you convinced me,” I laughed, leaning back into his embrace.
@(Twitter Username)
new song maybe?
“Clay,” I shouted from my filming room, “I’m having a breakdown!”
“What the hell did you do?” He wheezed as he entered the room in his suit. I turned around with my suit on, minus my tie. “Hey, you look good, babe.”
“Thanks for making me feel better,” I replied sarcastically. “I can’t tie this stupid tie. Help me?” I handed him the waded fabric with big, puppy eyes.
“You know I can never resist your pretty eyes,” he laughed lightly, grabbing the tie and wrapping it around your neck. “Do you want me to show you how to tie it or just do it?”
“You just do it. I’m not going to remember it,” I responded before lowering my voice to say, “Plus, I get to have your hand on my neck more often.”
“Oh my god!” He wheezed again. “I thought I was the flirty one in this relationship?”
“I saw an opportunity, don’t get used to it,” I chuckled.
new song maybe?
“What if we did a couple where you were kneeling?” I suggested. “That way, we are closer in height.”
“Ah, you’re right,” he laughed, kneeling to one knee. “It’s a height difference thing. Definitely not that you want to be the taller one for once.”
“Hey, that was uncalled for,” I lectured. “I just think it would be better to have loads of pictures in different positions, so we’d have a variety.”
“Different positions you say?” Clay replied with a sly smirk before pulling me down to sit on his knee. The camera went off a few times since Clay was controlling the pictures, and I knew these photos would be fun to look back at. “Then let’s do some stupid things and forget the camera’s there.”
“I don’t know if I like the sound of that,” I chuckled before leaning closer to his face, “but I’m in.”
what if dream and (Y/N) are doing a collab? they’re both teasing a new song and they said the exact same thing
you’ll just have to wait and see👀
@(Twitter Username)
^^what he said XD
“I did not think this would be my favorite one,” I pulled Clay over to my computer where the picture of when he pulled me to sit on his knee was pulled up. It was the one where I had leaned in, and it was, by far, my absolute favorite picture of us despite not being able to see our faces. It was still really cute, and I wanted his opinion on which one we should make as the song cover.
“That is cute. I think it fits, and it gets our point across.” He pulled his chair up to my desk as he looked over the picture. He took over and did some light editing on it while I did some final touches on the song on my other desktop.
“Final cut is ready,” I announced. “Whenever you’re satisfied with the cover, I’ll upload it, and we can announce it.”
“Oh, I’m finished,” he laughed lightly as he turned away from me. “I may have been watching you work for the last hour at least.”
“Jesus, Clay!” I blushed. “I’m not that entertaining.”
“To me you are,” he flirted as he leaned over his armrest to put his head on my shoulder. “It’s not like it bothered you or anything.”
“You have a point,” I whispered, turning towards him and holding his head up. “We should release this tonight, then log out of everything and enjoy our night.”
“Now, that's a plan I can get behind,” he replied quietly as he moved to peck my lips before turning to go back to his desk and release the song.
This Is Us featuring @(Twitter Username) out now!
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@(Twitter Username)
This Is Us featuring @dreamwastaken out now!
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It’s been at least an hour since we released our song and announced our relationship. We also logged out of our social media accounts to have the night to ourselves. We decided that we were going to chill out, watch movies, and order take out because it has been a while since we last had a day for the two of us. We had just ordered Chinese food and turned on (Favorite movie) while we cuddled and waited for the food to arrive.
“Y’know,” Clay broke the silence, “we did a damn good job on that song.”
“Of course I know!” I laughed. “I fucking wrote it!” He joined me in laughing before we were rudely interrupted by my phone ringing. I stopped, looking over to who ruined our moment to find that it was Sap calling me. I chuckled again as I answered the call and put it on speaker. “Hey, Sappy!”
“I had ONE condition to use the greenscreen,” he started. “I said do not let Dream use it, and what do you guys do? You go and have sex on my fucking greenscreen!”
“We do not have sex on your greenscreen,” I responded before muttering, “that would’ve been uncomfortable.”
“You are disgusting!” He shouts as he makes gagging noises with Karl. “Anything you want to admit to chat? Maybe, I don’t know, GOING AGAINST MY RULES OF THE GREENSCREEN?!”
“Ah, while we didn’t fuck on your greenscreen,” Clay started with a serious face but was losing his composure with every second passing, “we did do SOMETHING on your bed since (Y/N) spilled shit on my bed.”
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
Riley + Sunglasses + Undercover (5)
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Read it on AO3. 
Of course the one time Matty let the CIA borrow her best agents, they ended up walking into a trap. The Company was messy like that. Matty swore that as soon as she got her team back safe and sound, heads were going to roll. Starting with the director of the CIA himself. 
In the meantime, she tapped her foot on the war room floor while she waited for Riley to finish scrubbing the security footage. No one spoke. 
“There,” Riley said. She mirrored her screen so Matty could watch. 
Desi stood in the lower left corner of the video. While all of the other guests were enraptured by something just outside the frame, a pair of gloved hands smothered her agent’s face with a rag and dragged her out of view. 
Mac and Riley weren’t in the picture at all. 
“Mac, Riley,” Matty said, “where were you when this happened? And what is everyone staring at?” On the other end of the line, someone choked. It sounded like Riley. Bozer’s soft chuckle came through the speaker. 
“Guys, what are you not telling me?” she prompted. With the way Bozer was laughing, she knew something was up. Bozer’s “I have a secret” vibe was literally visible from the moon. 
Mac finally answered her. “Riley and I were...uhh...busy.” No one elaborated further. 
Matty had a feeling she knew exactly what “busy” entailed. Apparently, it was a very public “busy.” Even though they couldn’t see her, she smiled. “I look forward to reading all about it in your reports.” Just to make them squirm, Matty let her statement hang in the air for a few moments before getting back to the situation at hand. “Riley, can you see where Desi was taken?” 
Riley’s nails clicked on her keyboard. “Desi was standing in front of a side exit. The footage of the hallway outside doesn’t show anyone entering or leaving, so whoever took her must’ve looped the cameras.” 
Perfect. This op was the gift that just kept giving. “Mac, what do you think she was drugged with?” 
“Chloroform, most likely. Everything you need to make it can be found in any janitor’s closet.” 
“Okay, and where are we on locating Pierre?” 
“I’ve got him,” Riley answered, mercifully. “He’s in a car driving southeast.” 
“What’s southeast?” Bozer asked. 
After a few clicks, Riley said, “For starters, the border with France. But it looks like there’s a helicopter-only airport before that.” 
Matty didn’t like the directions she was about to give, but she gave them anyway. “Riley, go get him. Bozer, stay in the suite to help Riley and figure out how to get the hotel out of lockdown. Mac, find Desi.” A chorus of “yes ma’am”s filled her ears. 
She hung up and took a deep breath. Her agents had been in far worse situations, but any mission that went belly-up put Matty on edge. Mac and Riley would get them home safe, she promised herself. One way or another, they always did. 
None of them like splitting up, but they all agreed it was their best option. Riley was the best high speed chase driver, and Mac would know what to do if Desi needed immediate medical attention. 
Riley was secretly relieved she’d be getting some distance from Mac, however brief. She’d figured she would spend the entire op tied to him, but chasing down Pierre gave her an excuse to process her emotions alone and figure out what the fuck was going on. 
First, she needed to get out of the building and find some wheels. 
“Hey, Mac.” He immediately met her eyes. “Could you please make me a small grenade?” 
Mac’s eyebrows skyrocketed. “Sure.” He started to head off in search of ingredients, but seemed to think better of it and turned around, leaning against a wall. “Riles, why do you need a grenade?” 
Riley grinned. “Distraction while I steal a car.” 
Mac’s mouth quirked into his ‘I’m impressed’ smirk. “That’s my girl.” 
His voice echoed in her head. That’s my girl. That’s my girl. That’s my girl. 
A few minutes later, Mac handed her his suit jacket and a plastic water bottle filled with god only knew what. For once, their fingers didn’t brush, and that stung more than any impending rejection. Even though it was wholly unnecessary, they always found excuses to brush hands. Brief reassurances they had each other’s backs. 
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he said with mock seriousness. 
“No promises.” Riley stared at the jacket, trying and failing to figure out how it was related to the grenade. Maybe she was supposed to wrap it around the bottle? Looking up, she asked, “What’s the jacket for?” 
She could’ve sworn Mac blushed. “In case it’s cold outside.” She pulled it on, ducking her head to hide her own blush. Trying not to love him was damn near impossible, even if he was confusing. He didn’t touch her, but he gave her his jacket? If this was supposed to be a rejection, he was doing a terrible job at it. The jacket was way too big, but it was warm and smelled like him. Riley immediately felt safer, like his actual arms were enveloping her. Fresh memories of being wrapped up in him lurked in the back of her mind. She told them to fuck off. 
Water bottle grenade in hand, Riley slipped out of the suite, fighting the urge to look back. 
Walking through the hotel without raising suspicion was easy enough, but getting to the hotel’s underground parking lot was another matter. Since the hotel only had valet parking, there was no guest entrance to the lot. After consulting the building’s blueprints, Riley had found the series of hidden staircases she crept down now, narrowly avoiding getting caught by a pair of roaming guards. With every step, her heels clicked on the concrete, and the sound echoed up the stairwell. She’d been planning on begging Matty to let her keep the designer shoes, but at this point, she would give anything to have her favorite boots instead. 
At the bottom of the stairs, Riley clutched the water bottle and peeked into the lot. There wasn’t a soul in sight other than the twenty-nothing year old kid on his phone in the valet booth. His right thumb moved rapidly across the screen, as if he were playing a game. Lucky her. 
She chucked the grenade as far as she could away from the booth--and the exit. It exploded with a loud bang, causing the boy to practically jump out of his skin before running to investigate. “Boom,” she said with a smirk. 
Riley walked right into the booth. Keys covered two walls from floor to ceiling, each labeled with a number. Her eyes caught on a set of Lamborghini keys just below eye level. Perfect. She hit unlock, and the car chirped from across the lot, lights flashing. 
First checking to ensure the valet employee was still distracted, Riley jogged between cars and through the aisles, ignoring the way her stilettos pinched her toes. 
“Hey!” A male voice called across the lot. Shit. The valet employee finally saw her. Riley sped up. She probably looked ridiculous, running as fast as she could while trying not to fall on her face. 
When she finally reached the sleek, black convertible, Riley flung the door open and slid inside, yanking off her right shoe. It still had that new car smell. Aside from being pissed at her for not giving the car the reverence it deserved--or something like that--Jack would’ve been so jealous if he knew. Not only was it the nicest car any of them would ever drive, but the real icing on the cake was that Mac wasn’t there to destroy it. 
The engine roared to life. Bozer practically screamed in her ear. “Damn, Riley. What kind of car did you get? Also, when you exit, turn right.” 
“You’ll see,” she responded gleefully. Riley gunned it out of the lot, following Bozer’s instructions. 
As soon as she pulled out into the street, Bozer shrieked. “A Lamborghini?!? You stole a fucking Lamborghini?” 
Riley cackled with delight, speeding off in pursuit of Pierre. 
Meanwhile, Mac set off in search of Desi. Riley’s laughter rang in his ear, a warm sound that reverberated through his bones. He tried and failed to ignore it. 
He knew Desi was still in the hotel. Bozer was monitoring all the exits using a Phoenix satellite, so if she had left, Bozer would’ve seen it. 
Mac knew this was all his fault. If he hadn’t been distracted by kissing Riley, then Desi wouldn’t have been kidnapped. Plain and simple. 
At the thought of kissing Riley, he was transported back into that damn closet, where they’d kept kissing for a few seconds, even after they ditched their audience. 
Those precious few seconds nearly undid him. 
There was no need to continue the show, yet she still kissed him like he was the very air she needed to breathe. And the way she’d pulled him closer by his tie…It was just enough to foster a small hope that maybe, just maybe, she might have feelings for him too. 
He just hoped those feelings were strong enough to forgive him for throwing himself at her without her consent. He’d kissed other girls as ruses before, but this was Riley, and it was different because she’s his best friend and there were uncommunicated feelings involved. Even if it made her uncomfortable, Riley played along with his ruse and totally sold it because that’s her job. That didn’t mean she wasn’t probably pissed. He crossed a line he could never uncross, and no matter what she inevitably said about it, a piece of her hard-earned trust was gone. 
Mac shook his head. Getting caught up in Riley was what got him in this mess in the first place. He needed to focus on finding Desi. 
He shoved thoughts of Riley into the far recesses of his brain and got to work. Starting from the ballroom--where the auction was still going--he tried to retrace Desi’s attacker’s steps. If he was the kidnapper, then he would’ve taken Desi down the hallway to the left. It was, by far, the least traveled, and it had a multitude of doors and other hallways branching off it, providing plenty of hiding places and alternate routes. 
Mac didn’t like working on mere speculation, but it was the closest thing to a lead he had. Whoever took Desi was careful to leave no trace of either person. 
“Okay, Mac.” Bozer said. “In this direction, there are four places they could’ve gone: an out of the way conference room, a janitor’s closet, upstairs to a room, or downstairs to the basement.” 
The conference room seemed too obvious, but Mac wanted to check it anyway. “Where’s the conference room?” 
“It’s-- Hang on. Riley, go straight through the next two roundabouts. Once you’ve gone through the second one, you’ll have crossed into France.” 
“Got it.” 
“Sorry, Mac. The conference room is down the hall, second to last door on the right.” 
“Thanks.” Mac marveled at how Bozer simultaneously juggled helping him search for Desi while guiding Riley through the streets of Monte Carlo--and now, apparently, France. He imagined Bozer at the computer, bouncing between maps and satellite imagery on one monitor and building blueprints on the other. 
Mac checked the conference room and the janitor’s closet. Both empty. He hated it, but he was slightly relieved Desi wasn’t stuffed in the closet. Something about the irony of finding his ex--who was kidnapped while he was in a different closet with a different woman--in a closet made him feel sick. 
Riley’s voice floated over comms. “Hey, Mac! Any leads on finding Desi?” Her calm and collected tone yanked him out of his guilt spiral. It was like she knew he was caught up in his head, even while hurtling away from him at breakneck speed. He silently thanked her. 
“Nothing yet. I’m going to check the basement next.” 
“Riley Davis, you are driving over a hundred miles per hour.” Bozer used his best chastising-mom voice. “Pay attention to the road!” Riley didn’t dignify him with a response, but Mac knew she rolled her eyes and pressed the gas pedal a little harder. 
Riley couldn’t believe her luck when she caught up to Pierre’s blue sedan without running into any cops. She’d been driving well over a hundred miles per hour, weaving around literally every other car on the road without using her blinker like a true Californian. Catching Pierre was hardly different from her daily commute to work. 
Driving that fast, she couldn’t afford to get distracted, so she banished every trace of kissing Mac from her head and focused on catching the con man. 
She tailgated Pierre long enough for him to realize she was following him. He turned off the highway, but Riley was hot on his heels. 
“Bozer! How do I cut him off?” Her plan was simple: let Pierre think he lost her in the streets and cut him off before he could get back to the highway. 
“Take your next left, then an immediate right.” 
Riley let a couple cars merge between her and Pierre. Predictably, he kept going straight, which was the quickest way back to the highway from what Riley could tell. Following Bozer’s directions, she turned onto a parallel street. 
The cars on this road drove infuriatingly slowly--slowly enough that moments from the auction and the goddamn closet clawed their way in from the edges of her mind. As much as Riley tried to ignore and deny it, she had put all her cards on the table with that kiss. 
In doing so, she’d screwed everything up. Before Bozer interrupted them, Mac had been about to say something. A rejection, most likely. Short of verbally confessing, Riley had made her feelings crystal clear, and Mac didn’t feel the same way. He’d played a role to cover their tracks, but he meant none of it. She wasn’t even upset that he’d launched himself at her without asking first. If anyone else tried that, Riley would’ve kicked their ass the moment they had some privacy. But, this was Mac. She trusted Mac. And, if she had said stop, he would’ve immediately stopped, even if it got them in a heap of trouble. 
But, even though she trusted him with her body, with her whole life, she didn’t trust him not to shatter her heart into a thousand tiny pieces that even duct tape and paperclips couldn’t put back together. 
She cursed at a car that nearly swerved into her lane. Riley had no idea what to do next. There was no way Mac didn’t know how she felt, but she felt none of the relief that came with actually confessing feelings. Should she confess, even though she already knew he couldn’t reciprocate? Or was it better to just keep it to herself and learn to let him go? Both options sucked. 
Some part of her knew it was best to just cut her losses and break her own heart, but she wasn’t ready to go down that road just yet. 
In addition to her situation with Mac, Riley had no idea what to do next in a literal sense. Bozer had been eerily silent for the last couple minutes. 
In the distance, the street came to a dead end. “Bozer…”
Riley nearly jumped out of her skin, but she skidded around the corner and mentally flipped Bozer off. He really needed to work on giving better directions. 
Riley brought the car to a screeching stop in the next intersection, blocking Pierre. She put the car in park, flung her door open, and stood, pointing a gun right at Pierre’s face. 
“Pierre! Get out of the car and put your hands up, or I’ll shoot.” 
“Shoot?” Bozer asked. 
“Since when do you have a gun?” Mac followed. 
“It’s Desi’s spare,” Riley explained, “now shut up!” 
She wiggled her gun at Pierre, something she’d seen Jack do a thousand times. Pierre, smartly, did exactly as she commanded. Slowly, he stepped out of his car and raised his hands up by his head. Keeping her gun trained on his chest, Riley walked toward Pierre, stopping only a few feet away. 
“Miss Jackson,” Pierre babbled, “I’m sure we can work something out.” 
“Cut the crap. Who do you work for?” 
“I work alone.” Pierre didn’t seem to be lying. If he worked alone, then who the hell took Desi? 
“Tell me something.” Riley stepped closer. She still wasn’t all that comfortable with guns, but mercifully, her arms held perfectly still. “Do you consider yourself good at your job?” 
“Of course, Mademoiselle.” 
“Then tell me why a skilled con man would try to pull such a pathetic, obvious scam.” 
He gave her the same sick smile he’d given her at the pool. Riley really didn’t like this guy. Schooling her expression into cool boredom, she raised the gun and pressed it to his forehead. “I’ll only ask once more. Who hired you?” Pierre’s eyes widened, realizing who was the predator in this situation and who was the prey. Good. Be scared, Riley thought. Maybe then you’ll give me better answers. He didn’t need to know that she wouldn’t actually shoot him. 
“Okay, okay! Let’s not get hasty. I was hired by a man named Viktor Petrov to run this specific job. He supplied the locket and the chip.” 
She didn’t dare lower the gun. “I need more information than that. Who is he?” 
“I don’t know. He hired me to run it, and gave me ridiculously specific directions, like he didn’t trust me--a professional con man--to successfully run a con. Oh, and he let me keep all of the profit from the sale of the locket. That’s all I know, I swear.” Riley was pretty sure he was telling the truth. 
“Riley,” Bozer said in her ear, “I’ve got Interpol agents closing in to pick up Pierre. Did he tell you anything useful?” 
“I’ve got a name, but it’s a common one.” She eyed Pierre. Even with a gun between his eyes, he shamelessly dragged his gaze up and down her body, taking in her fitted, navy gown and Mac’s gray suit jacket. Her stomach churned. 
Behind her, a pair of Interpol agents announced their presence. Riley breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn’t have to endure Pierre’s creepy staring anymore. 
Slapping handcuffs on the con man, one of the agents said, “We’ll take it from here.” Riley waited until Pierre was securely in the agents’ car before returning to her own. 
She prayed their only lead wasn’t a dead end. 
Mac had nearly cleared the whole laundry room before finding Desi unconscious and slumped against a washing machine, wrists and ankles zip-tied together. A rag was tied over her nose and mouth. Shit. Shit. Shit. He yanked the rag off and checked her pulse. She’d been drugged--a quick sniff confirmed his chloroform theory--but she was alive. 
He cut the zip ties before shaking her shoulder to wake her up. After a few minutes, Desi groaned and cracked her eyes open. “Hey,” he said in a low voice. “I’ve got you.” 
She mumbled something, and it took Mac a moment to realize she’d said ��I know him.” 
“Know who?” 
“The man who did this.” Desi coughed. “I...we hooked up once.” Her voice was high-pitched and loopy; she was high as a kite. “Okay, maybe a lot more than once, but before you judge, you need to know that he’s really hot.” Desi tried to sound stern but failed miserably. “Viktor Petrov. He’s a mob boss who poses as an art collector.” Mac checked her for injuries while she explained. “I didn’t find out about the mob boss part until later...about five minutes before he discovered I was a spy. It was all downhill from there.” No shit, Mac thought. “He must’ve been at the auction and recognized me.” 
“Then let’s get you out of here before he comes back,” Mac said, hauling her to her feet. 
“Goo--I think I’m going to puke.” Mac dutifully held her hair back as she hunched over and vomited on the floor. He couldn’t help but think this was his fault. If only he’d been paying attention…
Not even looking at him, Desi snapped, “Give yourself a break. This isn’t your fault.” 
“It feels like it is.” 
Desi straightened up. “I know a hundred different ways to take someone out with just my bare hands, yet I still got drugged and dumped in a hotel laundry room. It happens to the best of us. The important part is that you found me, I’m fine, and now it’s time to move on.” 
Move on. She didn’t know him at all if she thought he could just move on. First he’d fucked up his relationship with Riley, then he fucked up keeping his partner safe, all in the span of a few minutes. He was on a high speed train of fuckery that only crashed at the end of the line. 
“Let’s go,” Desi commanded. 
They stumbled back to the suite without any trouble.
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T.J. Goodman and Cyrus Kippen
AO3 Link
“I have no idea if this is the cutest or the dorkiest couple outfit you two could have come up with,” Buffy said, adjusting her red and gold tie.
“Says Hermione Granger,” Cyrus retorted, gelling up his hair, frowning as he tried to get it to look *just* right. “You got the flashcards, right?”
“I did,” Buffy said cautiously. “And I think T.J. is going to flip when he sees all of this effort you put in.”
“Of course he put in all this effort,” Andi said, straightening out her bow tie. “Besides, I think I win at the nerdiest outfit.”
Both of her friends groaned. “It doesn’t count if you’re going as an actual nerd!” Cyrus said. “And I still can’t believe I lent you my old glasses for this.”
“You don’t even use them anymore because the prescription is out of date,” she argued back. “Besides, look who’s talking about borrowing clothing items.”
“This is different,” he said as a matter of fact.
“Why is it different?”
“Because...this is the only way to sell it...Besides, my outfit belongs to Buffy.”
“And you can keep it. That is from two basketball teams ago,” she said. Finally Cyrus smiled when he got the hair right and pulled on a zip-up hoodie, leaving it open so that the Jefferson Middle School Basketball jersey underneath was visible.
“Well? Ladies?”
“Whoa…you’re selling it,” Andi said.
“Yup. You look like him.”
Cyrus looked in the mirror and smirked. “I’m no longer Cyrus Goodman. Until Midnight tonight, call me T.J. Kippen.”
Soon there were knocks at the Goodman’s front door. It was the GHC’s dates for the night, and Jonah, all in costume ready to see their other halves. Jonah wore a Shazam costume since everyone said that the actor who played Billy Batson looked like him. He wasn’t really into costumes all that much but they all begged him to the point he felt like a total jerk if he didn’t wear it.
Marty was dressed up like Ron Weasley, so even though he also wore a Gryffindor robe and tie, he swapped out the usual sweater for a burgundy one with a big gold “R” on the font and even found a twig, snapped it, then wrapped an ungodly amount of tape around it. He knew Buffy would commit and stole some of her dad’s old law books to carry around.
Amber wore her cheerleading uniform, but kept her hair down and curled, only putting up a small section into her giant hair bow. Her sneakers were shining white. Her couple outfit with Andi would be the nerd and the cheerleader, but with a gay twist. Instead of fighting for some boy like Taylor Swift’s “You belong with me” video, they were dating each other.
But T.J.’s won out of those guys, and he was excited to see Cyrus’s interpretation. He was dressed up in a patterned button down, had a messenger bag, and even slicked his hair down some. Just in case, he had the old Bar Mitzvah sweatshirt tucked in the bag just in case people didn’t realize what he was doing.
Cyrus’s mom opened the door and T.J. immediately put on his cheesiest smile and went “Hello, hello, hello!”
Mrs. Goodman couldn’t help but start laughing. “Oh my god, I’m not sure if this means you two hang out too much or you two are perfect for each other.”
“Both.” Marty and Amber said together.
“Hey, don’t hate,” he said back to them. “So...where is the wonderful, amazing, puppy-dog of a human being T.J. Kippen?” He joked.
“All three of them are upstairs,” she said. “And I want pictures of you all before you leave for the party!”
They were all headed upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door. Cyrus, dressed as T.J. was the one who opened the door and both boys almost lost composure immediately. They tried not to let it show, but they quickly took a breath and looked looked at each other. “Cyrus, My man,” Cyrus deepened his voice as much as he physically could. “You look Niceberg.”
T.J. had to bite his tongue for a second so that he didn’t laugh and he started talking, getting more and more excited and speaking faster as he did. “Wow Teej, you look absolutely amazing because you are amazing because this is going to be the best Halloween ever and you’re wearing a hoodie that matches your eyes and your jersey which you always look super hot in…”
“Oh my god, what did we sign up for,” Amber groaned and moved past them to go kiss her Nerdy Andi.
“I’m just gonna hang with my totally fly Cy guy,” Cyrus said, pulling a step stool from behind the door and standing on it so he could simulate the reverse of the height difference between the two. Jonah actually broke down laughing at that.
“And I get to be with my super cool, absolutely amazing boyfriend,” T.J. said, looking up at Cyrus. So that’s how it felt for him. T.J. was suddenly very aware of his own height.
“Good god, and I thought we were bad with out-extra-ing each other,” Marty said, putting his arm around Buffy’s shoulders. “Let's get to the party before this they somehow derail everything.”
“How would they even derail it?” Andi asked.
“Sure, act like we aren’t standing in front of you,” T.J. said.
“Do not underestimate my brother’s narcissism,” Amber said. “The sooner we’re out in public, the more guaranteed we are for having the two stay within a PG rating.”
“Hey, just because I can shoot three pointers with ease, or cross the court in seconds flat, doesn’t mean I am so self-absorbed,” Cyrus said, and everyone but Buffy and Andi looked at him in awe.
“What did you say?” Marty asked.
“What? Just tossing out some b-ball lingo. I’m just saying that it doesn’t matter that I truly rock because I can shoot nothing but net from half court, I’m just that amazing of a point guard,” he said. “But I’m an even more amazing boyfriend to my muffin of a man.”
T.J. was staring at him open-mouthed. “H..how?”
Buffy sighed and pulled a twenty dollar bill from her robe pocket. “I regret this so much...you all honestly could not begin to imagine.”
“Now I understand completely,” Marty said. “Come on, we have a party to get to.”
Everyone piled into the Kippen minivan that Mrs. Kippen allowed them to borrow, with T.J. driving and Cyrus in the passenger seat. “Are you sure you should drive, Underdog?” Cyrus said, back in T.J. mode. “I mean, you did almost fail your driver’s test.”
“I aced the written part and technically passed the driving part by like...a point,” T.J. replied. “I’m sure I’m fine for one night. Besides, your mom thinks I’m a good influence on you.”
“You totally are, you got me to start getting help for math. It was totally Niceburg.”
T.J. hissed under his breath, “I said it that word one time….”
Cyrus smirked at him from the passenger seat.
Marty opened his mouth and Buffy cut him off. “If you say blimey or bloody hell, I’m throwing you out of this car.”
Marty closed his mouth.
“I’m feeling very single right about now,” Jonah said.
“Ironic considering just about everyone attracted to men has had a crush on you,” Buffy said. “Except for me. You were too...swoopy for my type.”
“You know...like Justin Bieber back in the olden days? Swoopy.”
“And now I’m…?”
“Still a little swoopy, but much more human.” Everyone let out noises of agreement.
“Human?” He raised an eyebrow. “Ironic considering I’m dressed like...well…” he swished his Shazam cape.
“Dude, you were above the whole world back in the day,” Cyrus said. “Like some unattainable god! I couldn’t even just say Jonah when I talked to you. I had to say your full name.”
“Wow...so wait...you had a crush on me?” Jonah asked.
“Ladies and gentleman, the most oblivious man on earth,” Marty announced holding his arm out and presenting Jonah. “Raise your hand if you’ve ever been attracted to Jonah Beck.”
Everyone in the car except for Buffy and Marty (and obviously Jonah himself) raised their hands.
“Wait...Andi and Amber I know because I’ve dated both of you on and off...Cyrus...well...yeah I can see that...but...T.J.?”
“Yeah T.J.,” T.J. said. “Why else do you think I was a total dick to you in little league...or just a dick overall?”
“Never doubt the powers of heterocompuslivity and internalized homophobia,” Cyrus said.
“That intense?” Jonah asked and literally everyone except Buffy in the car shouted “YES!”
“Yeah Jo, you and I are the only non-queers in here as far as I can tell.”
“As far as you can tell?”
“Well, I know I’m straight,” she said. “You haven’t said straight or otherwise.”
He paused. “I mean...I’m into girls…”
“Be free to be,” Marty said. “That’s all that matters.”
“Sounds good to me,” he said. “So Buffy is the only confirmed straight, and I just have a question mark dangling.”
“Hey, still unique even among the majority,” she teased.
The party was being held in some warehouse downtown, and everyone was in costume, some as a couple, most as a standalone costume. Buffy and Marty were just playing around with each other, daring the other to the tabletop games and later, to who could stay in a kiss the longest. People told them to get a room, and those people got the finger.
Amber and Andi spent the whole night dancing and mingling with other people in costume, though sometimes a guy would try to hit on Amber and brought a friend with them to hit on Andi. They always seemed confused when she said that she was in a relationship, and then once or twice, got so annoyed that she pulled Andi in by the bow tie and kissed her deeply.
T.J. and Cyrus meanwhile, continued their shenanigans, pretending to be the other, complimenting both themselves and the other, being all sappy with each other. T.J. even sat down for most of the evening so that Cyrus could stand and keep the height difference.
People loved seeing how in sync the couple were, and even let them choose several songs over the course of the night so the two could dance together. They were even able to reunite almost everyone and do a reprise of “Born this Way,” except this time one of T.J.’s hands was occupied by Cyrus holding it tightly and kissing the back of it. They ended their night with the final chords of the song and kissed each other deeply on stage while everyone cheered. Buffy and Marty also kissed next to Andi and Amber who kissed as well. Jonah jokingly hugged himself tightly and jumped up and down.
They were all pretty much exhausted by the time they were leaving and thankful that the Macks agreed to host the group sleepover, with the rule being that they all had to sleep in sleeping bags in the living room to police each other.
T.J. and Cyrus were the last ones awake and they were cuddling, leaning against the couch, using their sleeping bags as blankets as they watched some Disney movies on mute with subtitles on as to not wake up the others.
“Hey,” T.J. said softly, his arms around Cyrus, who was using him as a pillow. “You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah,” he said sleepily, smiling up at T.J. “I love you too.” They leaned in and kissed each other softly. “I love you Mr. Goodman,” Cyrus teased.
“And I love you Mr. Kippen,” T.J. teased back, his fingers dancing playfully over Cyrus’s palm. “You know...I actually kinda like the sound of that. Mr. Goodman…”
“I was about to say the opposite,” Cyrus said back, his eyes close to closing. “I prefer the sound of Mr. Kippen.”
“How about a compromise then,” T.J. said, starting to get tired as well, but wanting to stay awake for as long as Cyrus was. “Mr. Goodman-Kippen.”
“Mr. Goodman-Kippen,” Cyrus yawned that last part. “I really like that...I can’t wait…”
T.J. watched him fall asleep, breathing evenly against his chest and turned off the T.V., adjusting the two of them so that they were lying down and making sure that Cyrus didn’t wake up. T.J. thought about his plans of surprising the group with a trip to Disney World for their senior year graduation trip, and then presenting Cyrus with a very special small box with a special and important gift inside. He smiled at the thought and laced his fingers with Cyrus’s. “Yeah...can’t wait either…”
Tag list: @theobligatedklutz @anarcoqueer1994 @honey-aes @luzawithoutu @tyrus-and-the-swings @losrgeekwhatevr
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sagamemes · 6 years
love and other disasters (2006) sentence starters.   below the cut, you’ll find a total of 140 lines of dialogue from love and other disasters. as per usual, feel free to alter diction, pronouns and anything else your heart desires. i’ve edited slightly to fit roleplay and randomised the order. warnings for sexual themes, aids mention, marihuana use, cheating.
❝  well, actually i was just having lunch across the street and came to tell you the good news in person.  ❞
❝  why is it that as soon as i fall in love with a man, he abandons me?  ❞
❝  we fuck and then you say you don’t want a relationship.  ❞
❝  so despite your fragile beauty, you’re actually built like an ox.  ❞
❝  what other secret are you keeping from me?  ❞
❝  what’s more important, true love or fashion?  ❞
❝  you’re straight? since when?  ❞
❝  why else would someone like you have a coffee with someone like me?  ❞
❝  you make me sound like an exchange student.  ❞
❝  i can’t believe i drove him out of the country.  ❞
❝  what’s the point of shagging someone ad nauseam if you’re never going to love them?  ❞
❝  it’s okay. i forgive you. so you can stop feeling sorry for me or guilty or whatever.  ❞
❝  i think accidental meets are better... that is not to say accidents can’t be planned.  ❞
❝  i had to give his ego cpr.  ❞
❝  it’s just sex. he fills a void. literally.  ❞
❝  news of my crush just travelled across the atlantic ocean!  ❞
❝  you’d know if you were great.  ❞
❝  i suppose i first noticed when i was around 8. i thought it was just a phase, you know, but eventually, i had to accept the truth. i like women. ❞
❝  it’s a romantic comedy! how do you think it ends?  ❞
❝  i’m like, fuck that. i know i’m talented. i don’t need some ____ degree to tell me.  ❞
❝  have you ever thought this whole ‘true love’ thing might be a conspiracy?  ❞
❝  [full name] may be a giant, but you are a giant in waiting.  ❞
❝  three years and you still treat me like a one-night stand!  ❞
❝  the stages of a relationship can be defined by farting.  ❞
❝  no, actually, i’m very out of shape and that nearly killed me.  ❞
❝  i was so caught up in my head i missed out on getting to know you. and i would like to get to know you. i mean, if you’re willing to give me another chance?  ❞
❝  i've never actually been in a relationship except in my own head.  ❞
❝  so how do i get to know you?  ❞
❝  i don’t know that [name] is the love of my life. but i’ve decided to give him the chance to be.  ❞
❝  are you asking if i’ll still love you?  ❞
❝  there’s nothing more important right now than global poverty. i mean in the warming sense.  ❞
❝  that boy---gay as a goose.  ❞
❝  i think you’re exactly the kind of person they would have wanted me to marry.  ❞
❝  we had a row about his car. i told him i don’t generally get into vehicles that cost less than my handbag, he accused me of being a spoiled bitch.  ❞
❝  if you’re going to get any more in touch with your inner child, you’re going to need an inner nanny.  ❞
❝  was i right or was i right?  ❞
❝  he went to [public/private/boarding] school. he probably enjoys being spanked.  ❞
❝  where did you learn to speak [language] like that?  ❞
❝  what’s more important, anything or fashion?  ❞
❝  you /are/ a desperate fantasist.  ❞
❝  do you want to go to bed? you know, have sex.  ❞
❝  it would’ve meant breaking your rule to only to have sex with people you don’t really love and to only love people you don’t have sex with.  ❞
❝  i had no idea that under that shy, sweet exterior was such steely confidence!  ❞
❝  i’m afraid you’re drunk.  ❞
❝  truth is way too complicated. and unsatisfying. and hard to believe.  ❞
❝  i’m going to this black tie thing for my roommate.  ❞
❝  that’s not love, [name], that’s the flu.  ❞
❝  we work in fashion. everyone is an overpampered monster.  ❞
❝  [name] is going through a nasty divorce. she needs positive affirmation.  ❞
❝  i’m sorry, but [full name] stands for everything i absolutely despise.  ❞
❝  i think people shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds them.  ❞
❝  how very ‘all about eve’.  ❞
❝  i’m just nervous. he’s meant to have a ferocious temper.  ❞
❝  i’m probably gonna get fired tomorrow, but it was worth it just to see [name] in action.  ❞
❝  he came over and we shagged. then i asked how he felt about monogamy.  ❞
❝  and this is the person you think you could be in love with? someone you’ve never even spoken to? someone you’ve never even met?  ❞
❝  the only thing that’s changed is what might happen between you two.  ❞
❝  i mean, i had a bad age five. i had a terrible age five, actually.  ❞
❝  maybe love isn't something that happens to you. maybe it's something you have to choose.  ❞
❝  you could’ve worn something nicer.  ❞
❝  you want a brownie? i made them myself.  ❞
❝  i’m not miserable, and i believe in true love.  ❞
❝  well, you know what they say, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’.  ❞
❝  [name], pick out the sexiest outfit and go home immediately!  ❞
❝  i think my parents would have really liked you.  ❞
❝  i can’t believe you’re cooking dinner for some guy you met yesterday.  ❞
❝  an affair? you’ve only been going out for two weeks!  ❞
❝  nothing like a happy set.  ❞
❝  well, i better be off. my flight’s at 9 and i’ve still got to pack.  ❞
❝  my memoirs, darling. i’ve decided to publish.  ❞
❝  i’m sure you’re far prettier than [name]’s wife.  ❞
❝  everyone’s miserable because they’re looking for this nonexistent ‘thing’, or else they’re miserable because they think they settled for less.  ❞
❝  do you always judge people so quickly?  ❞
❝  you and [name]? you and---you and [name]? oh my god! oh, look, i... i.... i won’t say a word, i promise. cross my heart.  ❞
❝  i’m a superficial assistant at a major fashion magazine. you’ll ruin my reputation.  ❞
❝  stop doing research and would you write your goddamn screenplay!  ❞
❝  when’s the last time you’ve considered falling in love?---i’m not talking about some character in a book or a movie.  ❞
❝  [name] would have loved to come tonight, but thanks to the conspiracy of silence between the catholic church and the tories in the face of aids, he can’t.  ❞
❝  love isn’t always a lightning bolt, you know? maybe sometimes, it’s just a choice.  ❞
❝  there’s quite a bit of hash in them.  ❞
❝  i’m following your advice. i’m breaking my rules.  ❞
❝  i know i should have said something before. but every time i started, it seemed like the wrong time.  ❞
❝  everyone knows you can’t be drunk and tango. so if i can tango, then i’m not drunk.  ❞
❝  would it be alright if i borrowed an outfit just for tonight? i have kind of a date.  ❞
❝  actually, i can’t believe i haven’t tried to fix you up with him years ago. he’s perfect for you!  ❞
❝  can we not talk about my non-existent film career right now?  ❞
❝  well, i suppose i’d never have lived up to your fantasy anyway.  ❞
❝  you’re almost out of shampoo so i had to use soap.  ❞
❝  you broke up with him a month ago!  ❞
❝  i just remembered. i need a pedicure.  ❞
❝  for the last six months, you’ve been saying one thing and doing another.  ❞
❝  there is no need to be nasty to me just because i don’t remember people’s names.  ❞
❝  hello? i’m waiting! [name], when i have to ask for it, it’s too late!  ❞
❝  that’s the problem with life. it’s nothing like the movies.  ❞
❝  apparently, he shags her four times a day and inspires her to write new volumes of poetry! isn’t that great?  ❞
❝  i happen to care about [name]. a lot. and i hate the fact that he feels more than me. and i hate the fact that i'm not in love with him. because i know i should be. because he's smart and sweet and decent and i don't want to hurt him. so i keep hoping that i’ll grow into it.  ❞
❝  you could’ve worn something, full stop.  ❞
❝  we can’t have you all alone in [city] on a friday night!  ❞
❝  so then i had to fuck him.  ❞
❝  he calls me five times per day, begging me to go out with him. apparently, my voice haunts him.  ❞
❝  oh, these are lovely, but [name] hates flowers.  ❞
❝  i promise i won’t make a pass.  ❞
❝  i’m going to enjoy making her feel stupid about this one.  ❞
❝  but you don’t like me in that way.  ❞
❝  oh, so you’re saying i should forget about him for purely geographical reasons?  ❞
❝  why are you reading a cookbook in the nude?  ❞
❝  since when do you say ‘lots of love, big kiss’ to your boss?  ❞
❝  i can’t explain it, but... it was amazing. because it was like i was finally seeing the person i’d been waiting for my entire life.  ❞
❝  we’re related, but only by birth. so don’t hold it against me.  ❞
❝  i mean, thanks to a chance encounter at a beach party, you hook up with one of the world's top fashion photographers. first class travel, exotic locations. you really hit quite the jackpot.  ❞
❝  i just wanted to tell the truth and somewhere along the line it got mixed up with a bunch of lies.  ❞
❝  i thought this whole dead animal thing was ten years ago.  ❞
❝  you don’t talk about monogamy /after/ you shag a guy...  ❞
❝  whoever designed those heels must really hate women.  ❞
❝  you’ve got to go. i’ve got friends coming over for brunch. ❞
❝  he never even showed, which proves my theory: he must think i’m a stalker freak.  ❞
❝  he’s in love with you, [name]. you’re not in love with him. it doesn’t get more simple than that.  ❞
❝  well, unless you want me to feel totally humiliated, say ‘yes’.  ❞
❝  i just don’t see much of a future together.  ❞
❝  you’re an artist, [name]’s an artist.  ❞
❝  he said you really sorted him out on the relationship front. and i could certainly use some help there.  ❞
❝  you’re not stupid, you just saw what you wanted to see.  ❞
❝  i just remembered [name] might have a boy at the house. can i stay at yours?  ❞
❝  we’re having a strictly phone-based relationship.  ❞
❝  i can’t help it, i’m naturally dramatic!  ❞
❝  oh, you know, i said how great he is, how he’s going to make the right [girl/boy/person] happy, how it’s really not him, it’s blah blah blah...  ❞
❝  i’m feeling small enough as it is.  ❞
❝  look, most great artists have to deal with rejection in their lifetime.  ❞
❝  see, this is exactly why i don’t want to be in a relationship with you!  ❞
❝  i’m always like this when i have to see my mother.  ❞
❝  maybe true love is a decision. you know, a decision to take a chance with somebody. to give to somebody without worrying whether they'll give anything back. or if they're gonna hurt you, or if they really are the one.  ❞
❝  the problem with straight men is that no matter how hard they try, they still need to control, to dominate.  ❞
❝  thank god you’re gay!  ❞
❝  you seem to think the only reason anyone would be with him is for this ‘jackpot’.  ❞
❝  i never felt ugly or fat.  ❞
❝  i’m not getting married without a maid of honour.  ❞
❝  he’s just the sweetest, funniest guy i know. if he wasn’t [straight/gay], i’d have married him ages ago.  ❞
❝  i’m a fantasist, not desperate.  ❞
❝  you don’t know me. and if you did, you’d know i’d never take advantage of [name].  ❞
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dreamingsushi · 5 years
Before we get married - Episode 9
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So I have almost caught up with the series.  Let’s go on with episode 9!
So Kefei is interested in Dawei : that would be because he’s rich.  I love her character, honestly.  But well, meeting Dawei is quite a problem since he dislikes both Weiwei and Kefei.  What if he tells something bad about them to his uncle?
When Weiwei goes out to breath fresh air, Dawei si outside.  She tries to be considerate of him and ends having to go and buy medecine for his back.  Kehuan happens to pass by and pretends he has stuff to buy too, so he can go with Weiwei.  Since they have no car anymore, they borrow Dawei motorcycle and Weiwei lets Kehuan drives.  And it’s the funniest, because usually in dramas, rich guys drives these super fast and expensive car, but then Kehuan is scared of riding the scooter so they progress on the road so slowly.  Weiwei doesn’t miss that chance to make fun of him : for once that Kehuan is not that almighty!
On the way back home, the motorcycle breaks too.  So Weiwei starts going crazy.  I think she held it in for way too long.  Finally, she’s bursting and it was more than about time.  Poor girl.  The scene is like the most beautiful yet unrealistic scene ever and the choice the music.  I am so deeply satisfied with that precise moment of the drama.  Isn’t there sometimes you just wouldn’t want to drop everything and just run.  Run to where?  Don’t know, but just run to somewhere and leave everything behind, all your worries and pain?  Sometimes I do.  I want to be Weiwei at that specific moment, dropping the weight down.  I am just going to replay this scene because it is so satisfying.  It’s like... cathartic.
When Kehuan suggests to give her a piggy back ride, she doesn’t even protest.  I am so happy.  So right there, she starts drinking beer and shares the can with Kehuan.  They look so happy, the happiest since the one time they went to have a foot massage.
When they get back to Chairman Wang’s place, Kehuan cleans Weiwei’s feet and they kind of cuddle.  It’s so cute.  I think Weiwei has given up on Haoyi.  I am happy about that.  They don’t bring each other’s best.
So blablabla, she thanks him for being with her.  He’s like, just thanking me isn’t enough and THEN.  THEN! Then my friends, he kisses her.  Gently.  Until she gives in and kisses him herself.  I must say, Jasper looks like he is a really good kisser, but Puff... well I wouldn’t want to kiss her.  Maybe it’s because she’s trying to make it look passionate?  I don’t know, but it just doesn’t look like a nice kissing technique to me.  Anyone else has a take on that?
This episode is just so plain beautiful.  Okay, don’t get me wrong.  They get into bed.  Together.  Yes.  They are probably going to make it.  BUT!  The beauty is in how Kehuan, by his every moves, shows how much he adores her.  Every look he glances at her are filled with tenderness.  I wish I was looked at in that way.  He is just so sweet with her, it almost looks like a dream.  I wouldn’t be surprise if it was just a dream, Kehuan’s fantasy.  And I would be upset.  Because they are finally there TT
OKAY.  NOW I AM VERY UPSET.  SHE WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET THERE.  But then.  Guess what.  Phone call.  From whom?  Haoyi.  And you know why did he ruin the mood? TO TELL HER THAT HE WASN’T COMING BACK AS PROMISED!!!  He broke something beautiful.  For nothing.  He should have texted her.  And then she would be pregnant with Kehuan’s baby and then she would marry him because they are meant to be.  I am so very annoyed right now.  We going back to start point.  This so unfair to Kehuan when he loves her so much, and so much better than Haoyi does.
Then she tells him they can only be friends.  This is breaking my heart.  At least she agrees to be best friends with him.
Back at work, they are so sweet to each other, it’s literally flirting.  Oh god.  This drama knows how to keep me going on.
Ever since the business trip, they couldn’t get a hold of Chairman Wang, so their best asset now is Dawei.  However, Dawei hates Weiwei and isn’t familiar with Kehuan, so Kefei offers herself to go and convince him.  I think she has something else in mind, but I don’t know if it is because she’s attracted to him or just for the money or whatever.  And there goes Yan Baiyang, who totally disappeared from the show since Kehuan sent him to work with Shu Ming.  I hope he comes back, not really because I liked him, but just because otherwise he was just a super useless character and we spent way too much of our time on his love interest for Kefei.
Kehuan takes advantage of being friends with Weiwei to go out with her.  Actually, they are dating.  Basically.  It’s just not official.  Why put words on a relationship eh?  Maybe because she should break the engagement with Haoyi?  That would seem to be a good enough reason for me.  Anyways.  He invites her to join him for a high corporates small party so she could get connections and stuff.  He even gets her a dress and shoes.  The shoes are beautiful.  The dress... well it’s supposed to suit her taste, but in my opinion, it’s super ugly.  The colour is pretty though it’s just... all those feathers coming out of everywhere.  It’s so weird.  It looks like an ostrich that lost feathers.  I am sorry.  Kehuan, you lack taste in woman’s clothing, but don’t worry, your outfits are always on point.  Up to now.
So after he helps her trying on the shoes like the Cinderella she is in his heart, he dances with her.  This so random, but at the same time it’s so beautiful.  I’m craving moments like this.  And they came so close to kissing again, she wanted it so much, I could see it in her eyes, but then she reminds him they are only friends.  Why did you break the magic girl?  You almost slept with him, I don’t think you are in a position of still thinking that you have to be faithful to Haoyi.  You are already halfway to hell.  Take the next step.  Now.  Please.
Oh wow.  I am impressed.  For the first time in 9 episodes, Ziyuan said something smart.  She acknowledges that pretending that she hasn’t break with Kehuan is stupid.  Was about time.  And that by always relying too much on Kehuan, she lost herself, thus lost him.  And you see Weiwei, that’s exactly what’s happening to you and Haoyi, but this time by losing yourself, Haoyi is losing you.  Stop going according to his plans and free yourself.  At least, you are now mature enough to see that you are not facing yourself.
A little later at the party, Ziyuan faints and Kehuan runs to her rescue.  You can’t erase a ten years relationship it seems.  Kehuan wants to go back to pick Weiwei, but even though she’s still outside, she pretends that she’s already at home so he can stay and take care of Ziyuan.
When Ziyuan wakes up, she’s back to what she was the whole past 9 episodes.  Begging Kehuan for some affection when he won’t give her any.  He is too hurt from the fact that she aborted their baby without telling him.  She tries to tell him something about the abortion, but she is interrupted by Ziting.  So... was the baby someone’s else?  What happened.  Ziting, this is the first time I don’t like you.  Why did you come so fast??
Ziting cuts Kehuan out, she doesn’t want him to take care of Ziyuan because she’s taking advantage that she’s sick to tie him down to her.  Kehuan is a way too nice guy.  I guess that’s why he couldn’t get rid of her earlier.
On the other hand, after receiving a letter for Haoyi, Weiwei decides to leave suddenly for Shanghai.  There are problems between her and Haoyi and they need to be solved.
I must say, this is my favorite episode so far.  So much development.  So many beautiful scenes.  This whole episode was just beautiful.  There were so many times I felt like watching a modern asian pride and prejudice.  I enjoyed myself very much.  Music wise, plot wise, scenarisation wise everything was perfect.  I hope the next episode will keep this aesthetic.  I am looking forward to what’s going to happen next!
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twistedrunes · 7 years
Finn’s Firsts
Hello friends,
Here is the next work in the current prompt event, requests are closed but you can access the original list here. This is a hybrid headcanon/short fic. It’s the first in a series of three I’m working on for Finn for another request, which I will get back to. 
38: “I can tell you’re lying.” 49: “You’re a terrible liar.” 50: “Everything is fine.”
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Warnings: mentions sex but nothing explicit 
This fic does include a mention of late teens having sex - where I live 16 is the legal age of consent but I recognise this make not be the case everywhere. 
You’d met at school. For at least a year you were the only reason Finn even attended. You were put in the same class when he’d been held back a year. 
The other kids had been a bit cruel to him. Kids were braver during the war when his big brothers were away. Finn didn’t even make it inside the school building on the first day of the new school year before he’d got into a fight when one of the kids called him stupid. So he was in trouble with the teacher. You’d given him a little smile when he’d got his cuts. Which made Finn smile. He’d got another cut.
Polly had prepared herself on the first day of school for Finn to come home in a foul mood. She’d brought him some of his favourite sweets and had planned a special dinner. 
When Finn got in from school she’d expected him to go straight upstairs avoiding everyone. But he kind of, floated, through the door with a dreamy expression on his face. When she asked him how his day was, making sure to bring him into her office away from the crowd, he had just said, well sighed really, “Great.”
This went on for a week. Finn floating around with a funny little look on his face. One day over breakfast Polly out of pure curiosity asked him what was going on.
“I’ve met the girl I’m going to marry Aunt Pol.” He said resolutely. “Finn you’re ten don’t be ridiculous.” She had scoffed “No Aunt Pol, I’m going to marry her.” He had said clearly and with absolute conviction.
Pol had smiled indulgently and nodded, as you do when a ten-year-old tells you he’s in love and he’s found the girl he’s going to marry.
When Finn left school, not spending most of the day with you was his only regret.
Because no one really paid any attention to Finn, no one noticed that he disappeared nearly every weekday at the same time of the afternoon. He would pick you up from school whenever he could. Carrying your books for you and listening to you tell him about your day. As long as it wasn’t too cold or raining too heavily you’d take the long way home, pretty much circumnavigating Small Heath.
As you got older you’d spend time together on the weekends too. Normally with a group. The pictures, larking about, going to the Garrison, getting thrown out of the Garrison. Running amuck.
You don’t remember when he’d given you the pet name “Romni” but he had told you it was a Romani word meaning ‘one who is precious to me.’ It was only later that you found out what it really meant. He only used it when it was just the two of you. But sometimes, when he wanted to leave a social gathering to be alone with you, he’d whisper it in your ear.
You had more freedom than most girls your age, your parents splitting their time between North America and Egypt. Your father was an Egyptologist. You and your sisters stayed in your mother’s family home on the outskirts of Birmingham for school while your parents travelled. 
When your Grandparents passed your sisters were old enough to care for you. Your sisters had a great deal of freedom as teens being raised by their elderly grandparents and were happy for you to have the same. They loved Finn. They’d known him since he was ten after all.
Slowly, the two of you started spending more time on your own. Each of you turning down invitations to hang out with your friends in preference to spending time together, alone. Not that you were doing anything. There was no clear point when you went from friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. Neither of you really even having the idea in your head until a girl at the Garrison had asked Finn to dance. Isaiah had jumped up saying that Finn already had a girlfriend but he’d dance with her. You and Finn and just looked at each other and shrugged. From then on you were ‘official’ within your group of friends.
Finn didn’t even try to hold your hand until you were fifteen. You were nearly sixteen before you got sick of waiting for him to make the first move and had kissed him under a bridge on your way home one night from the pub. Standing on a convenient log to reach his lips. Neither of you was drunk, but the little bit of liquid courage had helped. 
He’d be so surprised he just stood there, not moving in any way. You’d been a bit disappointed. He had continued to just stand there for a moment, as slowly a smile formed on his face, his lips and eyes both revealing the joy in his heart.
Then he’d wrapped his arms around you and dipped you to kiss him again. This was the feeling your sisters had told you about. Your heart had soared and your knees turned to jelly as you wrapped your arms around him, your hands seemed to know where to go of their own accord. Fingers sliding up the back of his neck, over the shorn velvet at the back of his head, under his cap and into the longer hair on the top of his head. This time you’d both parted looking slightly mussed and flushed.
He’d avoided you for a few days after the prostitute incident. He was so ashamed. What he didn’t tell Tommy or anyone else was he didn’t actually have sex with her. He paid her extra to say something had happened if anyone asked and just let her sleep. 
He wanted to tell you, but didn’t think you’d believe that he hadn’t had sex with her. But he also knew what big mouths everyone in the betting shop had and he didn’t want you to hear about it from someone else. Confused he had withdrawn, avoiding you. 
In the end, you’d waited outside the betting shop for him. Determined to find out why you hadn’t seen him. You’d convinced him to take a walk to get away from prying eyes and ears.
“What’s wrong Finn?” “It’s nothing.” “I can tell you’re lying.” “Everything is fine.” “You’re a terrible liar, Finn.”
You’d found a quiet spot and Finn finally told you what happened. He was literally on his knees begging for your forgiveness and assuring you he hadn’t slept with her and that he hadn’t even wanted to. You’d been angry with everyone involved except Finn and the girl.
However it had kind of set off ideas in the heads of both of you. Before you hadn’t gone much further than some groping through your clothes. Things had definitely progressed further afterwards. Conveniently, Arthur gave Finn the flat in Artillery Square. Things progressed fairly quickly from there on. But not too quickly.
Finn was so insistent that you go slowly, not wanting to hurry you in any way. He figured he had the rest of his life to sleep with you so what did it matter. He just hadn’t told you that. He would have even waited until he married you, but you were keen to go further and well, he was seventeen and not a saint.
You worked your way up to ‘it’. Hands and mouths were used first. You’d be shy at first about Finn going down on you, embarrassed that it was ‘dirty’, but it had felt so good you were quickly converted. Finn had been concerned about you going down on him not wanting you to feel degraded or ‘like a whore’ as Tommy would have so delicately put it. But you had assured him you wanted to. You’d both enjoyed it.
The two of you set a date. You told your sisters. Finn went all out, he brought flowers, set up candles all around the flat, washed the sheets, borrowed the gramophone from Charlie’s yard. Brought prophylactics. He took you out for dinner and the pictures. Although if anyone had asked either of you afterwards what it was you ate or saw, neither of you would have been able to answer. You’d hardly spoken during dinner and at the movies, you both sat stiffly holding hands.
Back in the flat, you’d danced stiffly for one song before Finn suggested you just leave it. That had broken the ice between you and you were back to your usual selves, best friends who loved each other and wanted to make each other feel good.
You’d danced for ages, staying together and moving in unison long after the record finished, kissing and caressing each other. You had undone Finn’s tie and then his collar and then the two of you had undressed each other slowly. Respectfully exploring each other’s bodies. Once you both down to your underwear Finn had taken your hand and led you to the bedroom.
Afterwards you had rested with your head on Finn’s chest his arm wrapped around you, his fingers caressing your shoulder. He’d lifted your chin with his fingers, kissing you gently.
“I’m glad it was you. I only ever wanted it to be you.” He had said. “I’m glad it was you too.” you’d replied with a shy smile. 
You’d woken entangled, and with the nerves of the night before gone, quickly found yourselves in heated embrace again. 
Finn had brought you tea and toast in bed after. The two of you tucked up in bed together, chatting, joking, eating and enjoying your time together. Finn had decided that this was the most perfect morning he had ever had telling himself yet again that one day, soon, he would make you his wife.
Want to see what happens next for Finn and his girl?  Finn’s Family > > > 
Want to see the other fics from this prompt list? Angst and Fluff Prompts> > >
Did you like this? Hate this? Have an idea you want me to do? Send me an ask! Interested in my other work? Find them on my MASTERLIST
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Senior Year
Chapter 8
"You sure you don't want to come with us?" Max was actually wearing a dress to prom, a forest green one that contrasted her red hair. Dustin and Max were originally going to go with Mike and El, but he couldn't make it back in time for prom and El didn't feel much like going.
"Yeah, you guys go and have fun. Say hi to Will and Lucas for me." El leaned against her front door, Hopper listened in to their conversation from the living room, his heart sank.
"It won't be the same without you Ellie." Max hugged her, followed by Dustin. He was wearing a nice tuxedo but of course his signature hat rested atop his head. No matter how many times Max begged him not to wear it, he still refused to leave it behind.
"Go. Have a good time. I'll be fine. I promise."
She watched her friends get into Dustin's fancy car that he had borrowed from his uncle especially for prom.
"Hey kid." Hopper made her jump. "How's about we go for dinner or something. Take your mind off the whole prom thing?"
El shook her head. "Thank you, but I'm not really feeling up to it." She shuffled back to her room.
El looked at the navy blue prom dress that was hanging on the back of her door. She was upset she wasn't going to prom, but it just made her think of Mike and she couldn't bring herself to go.
The doorbell rang a few minutes after Max and Dustin had left but El didn't bother going to see who it was. Hopper could deal with that.
"El." She heard him shout up the stairs. "There's someone here for you."
"I don't feel like any visitors right now." She shouted back.
"Oh, I think you'll want to see this visitor."
Groaning she got up off her bed and sulked down the stairs in her slippers. She stopped short when she saw who was at the door.
A slightly disheveled looking Mike Wheeler stood holding a small bundle of flowers. His navy tie was loose and he was wearing converses and jeans with his tux jacket. His curly black hear was messy and he brushed it out of his eyes.
She ran down the stairs and flung herself into his arms. He returned the hug by picking her up and spinning her around. When he put her down, his hands were still around her waist, her hands cupping his cheeks and their foreheads touching.
Hopper awkwardly coughed, bringing the two back to their senses. Mike blushed and slowly took a small step back from El.
She was speechless. He had told her he couldn't make it back in time.
"I thought you couldn't make it?" She was smiling so brightly it still gave Mike butterflies.
"I uh...I ditched. Said I was ill and drove all night." He gestured to his outfit. "I got changed in the car hence my attire." He tied the corsage around her wrist and she held her arm up, looking at it.
"If it's not too late, I'd really like to take you to prom."
"You really drove all night for this?" She rested a hand behind his neck, stroking a stray curl.
"I'd do anything for you."
"Why are you so sweet?"
He shrugged but had no time to answer before her lips met his. It had been a while since their last kiss, and neither wanted it to end. But El pulled back first. "I need to get ready."
Mike pouted at the lost contact. "You look fine."
"Mike. I am not going to my senior prom like this." She gestured to the oversized hoodie- left over from Mike's wardrobe, and the baggy sweatpants and slippers. "Plus, that dress was not cheap."
It only took El just over 20 minutes to get ready, not focusing too much on her hair and makeup, pining it up quickly in a bun and just enough make up that she didn't look ill.
Of course Mike's jaw literally dropped when she walked down the stairs. He stood up from the sofa, his conversation with Hopper had faced away as he stared. He looked at her like she was everything; he looked at her the way every girl wants to be looked at.
"Close your mouth Wheeler, you'll catch flies." Hopper clapped a hand on Mike's shoulder, his grip was uncomfortably tight which Mike took as a warning for no funny business.
He gulped and walked towards El, holding his arm out to her.
"Wait, let me get one photo." Hopper disappeared and came back with the camera, making sure to take more than the one photo. He couldn't help stare at Eleven. It was the first time he realised how much she'd actually grown from that small child who didn't really understand much about the world, to this smart, confident young woman. His chest felt tight as Hopper allowed his thoughts to wonder to Sarah. He never got the chance to see  her grow up, go to prom. He liked to think they would have been good friends, El and Sarah. He felt slightly guilty as if he were replacing Sarah with El. But he knew deep down that his daughter wouldn't want him to think like that, she would want him to be happy. And he was. For the first time in a long time he had been happy.
Before leaving, El wrapped her arms around Hopper. He had been good to her these past years, she would never forget that.
"Go on. If you hurry you can still make most of the prom." Hopper practically shoved them out the door.
"Say cheese." The bored photographer said as Mike wrapped his arms around El from behind. The photographer was clearly fed up and just counting down the hours until he could leave. Despite this, El adored the photo and would keep it framed in her room for years to come.
They hadn't missed too much when they got to prom apart from Dustin's dance battle with Lucas but Max made sure to give them full details. Max, Dustin, Lucas and Will were all dancing together when Mike and El arrived.
"Wheeler!" They all cheered, encompassing him in a massive group hug after not seeing him for a while.
"We've missed you so much man. It's not the same without you." Dustin clapped him on the back.
Will ran up and hugged him "There's so much to tell you."
"Give the man some room." Lucas gently pulled Will off Mike. "Good to have you back Wheeler."
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time I feel aliiiive
"They're playing Queen, come on!" Dustin pulled Max on to the dance floor and began doing the most ridiculous dance moves, Max bopping her head along but was evidently embarrassed by her boyfriends less than skilled dancing.
Within minutes they were all jumping about the dancefloor belting out the lyrics.
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time I'm having a ball
They danced all night, the boys' dance moves were getting increasingly worse as the night went on. Max and El had to move away at one point out of sheer embarrassment but soon joined them again laughing at the dorks they loved so much.
As soon as Cyndi Lauper's Time after time began playing, Mike pulled El into his arms and they slowly moved in time to the music, her head resting on his chest. Dustin and Max were dancing, close to less than innocently making out and to El's joy, Lucas had hesitantly grabbed Will's hand.
"I'll explain later." El told Mike when he gave her a confused but excited look at Lucas and Will dancing together.
As soon as the DJ began playing "Time of my life" from Dirty Dancing - the boys all secretly loved that movie- they began their final, most embarrassing moves: Dustin doing the robot, Lucas doing the sprinkler, Will was vouging and Mike was trying to do the running man. Max and El were twirling around together. They didn't care anymore if people were staring, they were having fun and no one could take that away from them.
For one night it was like they were kids again, no fears of college or graduation or the future. It was just them together for one last night.
Mike drove El back home and gave her a piggy back to the door - those heels had destroyed her feet and she knew she'd have trouble walking tomorrow.
"Do you have to go?"
"I wish I didn't have to. Coming back made it so much harder to leave again. I go tomorrow evening." He lent down and rested his head on her shoulder, El's hands immediately going to stroke his hair.
"Do you want to come in for a few minutes? Hopper usually goes to the bar on Saturday nights so we won't be waking him up."
Mike gulped, removing his head from her shoulder. That's not what she meant you creep, he told himself, feeling embarrassed at what he initially thought when she'd said Hopper wasn't home.
"Yeah, like 10 minutes." He said mostly to himself, trying to play it cool like he hadn't just had a wildly inappropriate thought.
She opened the door to the dark house and switched on the hallway light. She flung her heels to the side and walked into the kitchen. "Do you want a glass of water?" She called out to him. Mike had made his way to the living room, looking around at all the photos Hopper had taken of El in the past few years. He picked up one of her and Hopper not long after he'd officially adopted her. She looked so happy, far from the frightened girl he'd met in the rain that night. Mike smiled, remembering how it wasn't long after that that he'd realised he was in love with her. Sure he'd known he'd had a crush on her, but it had taken him a while to realise the strength of his feelings.
"Ew, don't look at those old photos." El had walked in with his drink, her hair taken down from its bun.
"Why?" He laughed, taking a sip of the water. "I like remembering."
"It's embarrassing..." She sat down kicking her feet up on to the coffee table.
Mike sat down next to her and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm going to miss you so much when you leave again."
"Hey, I'll be back for graduation. And then the summer." He kissed the top of her head.
"How did I manage to find someone like you?" She had been sitting in silence for a few minutes when she felt overwhelming admiration for the boy she'd grown to love. The time she'd spent without him had caused her to think back about all their times together, how he'd been there for her unconditionally from the start.
"I think the question is how did I find someone like you? I don't deserve this. I'm just some nerdy dork who happened to find the most badass girl who avfu likes him back. It doesn't make sense."
"You do deserve it Mike. Because you're kind, and smart and you care about people." She hugged him tighter.
"El-" he tried to interject but she interrupted him by pressing her lips to his, desperately.
He kissed back, somehow she ended up on his lap, his hands on her waist.
She slowly pulled away, breathless. "We should...we should probably stop." But she kissed him again ignoring her own advice.
"We don't want to go too far." He said between kisses.
"What if I...what if I wanted to?"  She pulled back, cheeks growing red.
"Are you sure? Like, really really sure?" Mike looked hopeful, but not wanting to cross any boundaries or force her into anything she didn't want to.
"Before wasn't the right time. But now..." She cupped his cheek. "Now I've never been more sure of anything."
"You mean it?" He smiled brushing a strand of hair out her eyes. She nodded. "If you change your mind or... or anything just tell me and I'll stop. I promise."
Promise. That word meant a lot to Mike, he never promised anything unless he truly meant it. That he would never, ever break that promise.
Her heart was beating fast. Hesitantly she placed a hand across Mike's chest, feeling his own rapid heart beat. She couldn't imagine loving anyone as much as she loved him, at least not the same way she loved him. It was like something out of those fairytales she had read, her only escape from the lab. She knew not many people ever found something like this, and she couldn't take it for granted. It was so rare, so special and she couldn't imagine anyone else. It has been Mike since the start, and it'll be him until the end.
Slowly, she removed his tie and threw it behind her.
"I want this. Promise."
With that, Mike stood up taking El with him. He picked her up in his arms, she laughed and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her up the stairs, never breaking the kiss.
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