#i left it vague in case rhaenys would be in hiding still
graunblida · 2 years
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the northman starters   //   accepting  @dracharenae​​ sent: ❝ my heart knows only revenge. ❞
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         emerald eyes study the woman before her. so young ( much like herself, really ) yet so set on this PATH. but can she be blamed? lexa knows not of the fine details, only that the other has been wronged. “ i understand, ” voice flows with empathy for she too wishes to vanquish her enemies. “ you must feel a great weight on your shoulders. ”  arms drape lazily over the balcony as lexa turns her attention to the sun setting on the horizon. “ should you require it, i offer my assistance in your quest for RETRIBUTION. ” 
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eddtollett · 3 years
Myrcella Lives 2: Electric Switcharoo
This is how Myrcella can still win... ish.
The main premise of my theory is this: That Myrcella's double, Rosamund, will play her role as Myrcella in King's Landing, and it will be unclear to us, the reader, which of the girls died in the struggle.
To begin, lets address the frog in the room: Maggy's prophecy. It says this on Cersei's children:
"Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds..."
Myrcella will almost definitely be fulfilling this prophecy, so let's talk about interpretation.
"Gold shall be their crowns..." Crowns, in this case, have been theorized to mean two things: the hair of the not-quite-Baratheon children, and them being crowned Kings and Queen respectively. Myrcella has already fulfilled both of these with her golden hair and Arianne's queenmaker plot.
"...and gold their shrouds..." So this is where everyone assumes "shrouds" hints at their death... in my mind, "Myrcella Baratheon" WILL have a death shroud like her brothers, but whether or not Myrcella herself is within it is left up to interpretation. Shrouded can notably also mean hidden, which would play right into a post-war Myrcella "hiding" herself, should she survive.
Moving on to Myrcella's cousin Rosamund, she honestly comes off as a MAJOR Chekov's gun to me. They set her up as essentially Myrcella's body double for if things go wrong... and then she's... kind of irrelevant. She plays a small role in the Queenmaker plot, and that's it. The theme of identity and doubles is not uncommon in asoiaf, with Jeyne playing Arya, Mance playing Rattleshirt, and one of the most notorious...
Come in here and get yalls Aegon VI parallels! Many people theorize that the Aegon we see is not Elia and Rhaegar's Aegon, but some other random child or (more likely, imo) a Blackfyre, and the og Aegon is dead. It's made quite vague and up to interpretation, which I actually prefer to a straight up answer. A Myrcella-Rosamund situation would parallel this amazingly...
Especially if, as some people theorize, Aegon's adoptive father Jon Connington ends up being the one to kill Tommen and "Myrcella". With the two children paralleling Rhaenys and Aegon already, Myrcella's fate could be taken one step further in the direction of Aegon by being purposely unclear. JonCon, in his bells-induced violent mental break, might not be checking the hair texture of the child he's killing super closely. Myrcella herself says that: "Rosamund doesn't truly favor me, but when she dresses up in my clothes people who don't know us think she's me." JonCon could definitely make this mistake.
"Myrcella" dies in King's Landing, buried and gone. The young king Tommen's body is presented before the throne, accompanied by the body of a girl with a mangled face and golden hair. A clever girl in a veil appears in Arianne Martell's Dorne, or Tyrion Lannister's Casterly Rock, or Brienne of Tarth's Tarth.
Prophecy? Fulfilled. Rhaenys and Aegon? Paralleled. Mystery? Hinted. Hotel? Trivago.
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