#i know the goblins you mean. the cool bat ones
koscheyyy · 2 years
>I see a goblin post
>"Oh, I should send that to Tilly!"
>I scroll up and realize that Tilly was the one who reblogged it
My name is Tilly-mandias, clown of clowns,
Look upon these goblins, ye mighty, and despair!
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pretty-prince-lulu · 5 months
The Fortress of Tathtatèrith (Plungedlaboured)
Is it finished? Nope, but I've done enough with it that you'll be able to get where I'm trying to go with it, so... here.
I'll put a readmore right here because this'll have more pictures than I have still-thriving brain cells.
Do bear in mind I've not actually been playing very long, and this is maybe the.... eighth? fortress? that I've kept from going up in flames long enough to have Something Going On.
Out of the gate was picking an embark. I've been trying to build a fortress primarily out of glass for a while and kept cocking it up or embarking somewhere that made it a nightmare, so I scoured the map of the realm of Romxah for the exact right place to do it.
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Sand? Check. Nearby abandoned monasteries so we can acquire books? Check. Elves we can have that old sacred eternal Unsteady Peace with who come and count our leaves every spring like the wood narcs they are? Check. VOLCANO so I don't have to be at definite war with said elves while making the glass? Check-check-checkaroo. We're too far from the coast to actually have any of the ocean in our tile, which worked out to be vastly more unfortunate than I expected.
Starting out, I had it in mind that I wanted to make use of the transparency of the glass in the design itself, because that is Very Cool. I considered but ultimately omitted the inclusion of crystal glass into the main design because working with crystal glass makes me cry in real life. I planned to go with green glass as the majority material, with clear glass as the accent. I like the look of the result but clear glass is also, as it turns out, a wailing nightmare to keep in sustained production.
Approaching the main entryway is... this. (With current morale stats. And supplies. I cannot keep these people in meat I stg).
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Now, obviously, this is sort of cool, but not in any way finished. You'll be seeing that theme coming up a lot. I had planned to involve statues of the Founding Seven Dwarves in some way, but I'm still kind of batting around the actual execution because most ideas would provide goblins a means by which not to get jet-propelled into the Fanta. I like goblins landing in the Fanta.
The slits contain serrated green glass discs, ten apiece. This generally has the effect of turning enemies into a fine pink mist (see: the pieces of said mist still awaiting cleanup). The Draltha are on their way out with the Routed Roads squadron, a soldier team that I primarily send out to abandoned monasteries to cart off the books. I'm not sure I recommend them as war animals. They're long-lived but I also have to remember to graze them when they come back, and then unpasture them so they don't sadly sit there with the chicken leg icon above their heads making me feel all guilty.
Zooming out a little as we enter the doorway:
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These rooms are for The Great Citadels, my 'primary' soldier squadron. Each statue is of that dwarf (and their spouse if they have one at the time of stone-casting). The other sets are of each soldier's war animal, and the blank engraved spot will be for the second war animal I have not yet finished harvesting the alunite to immortalize in said stone. I know it's not important in the scheme of things, but I really like to track who owned what animal. It makes my heart happy. A couple of the giant war dingos have died of old age, which I didn't realize could start happening from age six or so and I'm very sad about it. I thought I read they got 15-20 years but I must have been mistaken.
They got dedicated and specific rooms because I hate, absolutely hate hate vomit hate, how they all get unassigned from their fucking bedrooms after being sent out. No joke, it makes me think twice about dispatching them, so this at least makes it clear to me who ought to be returning to which fucking space.
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Down this road, with its perpetually unfinished walls and floor, lies the barracks proper and the road to the foundry. What are those statues and slabs, you ask? Every time a forgotten beast or dangerous creature that involves a popup warning dies in our territory, I like to immortalize it. I just like that you can do that. I think of it as a running history of our land.
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To the right there is an access shaft to the mist generator, which is not working, and I am salty about it to the point of tears. This map has no wind. ZERO wind. I did not realize it was a possibility until I had already built all the fucking infrastructure so I'm working on... alternative means of power. But it stands now it's sort of just a Circle of Embarrassment.
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The foundry's main focal export is glass- obviously- with its quantum stockpile for random bits of metal coming out of melted down goblin shields. The draltha there are not war animals, but instead have a different very important job- to eat all the mushrooms that grow on the sand. It appears that we can't gather sand where the mushrooms grow, and this is the only situation in which the eternal Snack Hunger of my army of draltha is coming in actual handy. God knows these are a bugger to feed otherwise sometimes.
Given the sheer amount of stuff needing constant melting down I am seriously considering expanding this foundry. There's little space remaining to the south before I hit the edge of the map so I may add more workshops between here and the barracks. I am hesitating mostly on pain of them being on different elevations and me being terrified of fucking up the magma circuit expansion. I know me. I fuck things up. And this is a very hot thing to fuck up.
Heading down the hatch and to the north, we have the trading depot. This is one of the most unfinished parts of the whole place so far unfortunately.
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It will EVENTUALLY have detailed rings of glass flooring and perhaps dedicated tables and chairs and stockpiles, but right now it is the emergency draltha feeding tunnel featuring the Barrel Hoard and the accidentally wild-caught elk birds I'm trying to get some offspring out of so I can sheepishly return them to the wild and they can stop pecking our shoelaces in vengeance. I also have tentative plans for a statue-lined road instead of the paved path we currently have outside, which would be both 1) pretty and 2) an early detection system for the werebeasts knocking stuff over.
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To the south we have another mist generator. It doesn't work and has redundant gears and materials. We have not finished prettying it up for its eventual functionality. We call this the fail hole. We go in here to cry.
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Here we have the rooms of the Duchess, the mayor, the manager and the bookkeeper. Here, and in the hall, you see the first instances of what I was trying to do with the transparency. The glass floors show what's happening downstairs, and if I layer the patterns, starts doing really interesting things indeed- as well as creating an effect that is uniform, but at the same time varied and dynamic.
Further to the right:
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The prisons and the quarters of the captain of the guard, with our stockpile of cages and assorted animals being trained. The idea is that any visitors are almost guaranteed to pass through the guard's corridor, which makes it easier for me to forbid doors and lock them up until dear lady Sibrek Amudalåth Ebalfer (Sibrek Thunderbolts the Revered Beast) finishes... dealing with them. She's our captain of the guard, dungeon master and hammerer. Judge, jury, executioner. A sweetheart, really, despite that. You might spot her around- she's wearing a breastplate but no other armour. That's not an accident- this way I can actually see exactly where she is and identify her fast in the crowd. I really hate it when I forget to arrest people. This happens a lot. ADHD and all... so I have to give myself the best odds of managing to lock up the fuckers.
Onto the tavern!
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The Mechanical Cake was my first real major attempt at designing the multi-level glass details. The idea was that the 'cream' would get a slight spiralling effect with the furniture on the floor beneath, with the middle layer of clear-glass cream also having some shading because the construction finishes partway through it (this is RIGHT at the end of the map! I'm corner to corner here!). The spoke at top right connects... to things. Things that don't fucking work.
Every statue is also specifically OF something that is either important to the city or took place and is something we want to remember. Mostly this is in the form of animals- a few wild creatures that earned names through good deeds (or misdeeds, in the case of Omalurush the giant wren). The manera is the one who wrestled that forgotten beast. The draltha is simply a celebratory piece of the animal once we tamed a few, as is the dingo. The cat statue is a custom design entirely, made to celebrate Stâkud Wethandle, the only male cat we had on embark. He was not interested in helping us have kittens, so we had to buy another male a few years later when I actually realised.
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Down south is our kitchen which is SUPPOSED to be shaped like a gear and spoke and NOT like a penis. I feel the need to point out the meals on the fucking floor and the HUGE NUMBER OF BARRELS WE VERY MUCH HAVE. I don't know why they won't use the barrels. It's doing my head in. It doesn't matter how many I make, they just sit around being tube of empty failure. I'm convinced this is a rudeness directed at me specifically.
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The hospital over its water reservoir, the stone and gemstone workshop, and more dogs! Yay! The floors and walls are, as always, not yet finished. Other stuff IS finished. I swear. It's not all like this.
To the north of this stairwell:
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The woodworking, craftworking and tailoring suites. Tailoring in particular could do with more space (and I DID use up all that leather... why do they need new underpants so often?). I'll have to think about doing that in a way that doesn't throw off this whole... thing.
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The underground processing facility with our very important Farm Draltha. Another one of the most unpolished sections but it sure is one I spend a lot of time staring at trying to figure out why I'm out of booze again. Featuring the wildly akimbo disconnected wooden failures of machinery that doesn't work, and the little corner notification about how many forgotten beasts I'm ignoring with ALL my might.
Scrolling up is the paddock proper.
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This is also, at this point, pretty wildly off-brief because I keep having to expand it and don't have time to do that in a design-preserving way. I will eventually figure out a good form to contort this into so that it looks like it was intentional and not just sort of... built around trees and things.
Note the single giant elephant that I had zero plans for but absolutely HAD to buy because who WOULDN'T buy the one elephant.
We scroll up to reveal... a plain glass ceiling... and UNEXPECTED RUBE GOLDBERG IDIOTIC EVIL TOM AND JERRY BULLSHIT!
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I rebuilt the bridge from the retracting version to make it the kind that launches things upward instead. Usually, those things go straight into the lava, but occasionally they survive and make it onto my rooftop. Whereupon they activate my trap card, and the serrated spinning glass discs make their debut as belles of the ball and then it rains feet and happiness.
Here you see the guildhalls, zoomed out.
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All technically unfinished. I plan at least a few token workshops with desks and tables to emulate the demonstrations they so frequently hold in there. The displays in the back contain artifacts- specifically, exactly enough artifacts to make the room value sufficient to qualify as grand guildhalls. Zooming in, however, we'll find evidence of one of my more useless passion projects!
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Varying numbers! The water ripples and flows! It does, admittedly, lose something from a still image. The idea is to provide an interesting design-in-motion effect beneath these halls, mostly because I never know what to actually DO with guildhalls that isn't just... you know, production.
Some of the detail in those channels DOES get lost in the water flow. This is what it looks like dry.
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To the right of the halls is my secret shame.
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The top section of what was SUPPOSED to be a perpetual motion machine, and instead has poop everywhere and generates no power. There is an anterior section below that is much the same. I THINK I know what the problem is but it's going to take a lot of work to correct and I kind of want to explode in flames before doing that.
Going down again, we have the cistern to the water system, the first section of residential accommodation, and the first chapter of the pet cemetery.
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For some reason, I didn't realise until THIS fortress that you could bury pets, and that you were SUPPOSED to do that. Not kidding, I abandoned the last fortress once I realized I hadn't been doing it. Shit like this matters to me, so every residential floor going down will have a section cut out for the pets. I also include a slab and a statue of that pet, which so far is mostly of that pet being adopted, but in the case of the turkey it's 'that time the turkey fell over'. It made me laugh so I let it stay even though it throws off the design pattern.
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There's about 10 residental floors beneath all the other stuff and they all are designed off this same pattern. Eventually, they'll get flooring. I swear to god. I'm at year SIXTEEN and we still don't have all the floors. Fuck me.
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The barracks of the Routed Roads. Unfinished and looking decidedly spoonish. This is the last barracks I've built- which, yes, means I only have two military squadrons. It's been enough so far because I've been Bridge Discing All who Cross Me. I know damn well it won't suffice long term, but for now I'm enjoying spoon life with occasional desperate use of Dfhack.
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The All-Faiths Chapel (The Mauve Fold) with some pet graves and a dwarf funerary annex! I may have murdered someone in the unused cairn!
I vacillated between designing this temple as a butterfly, a clover or a filigree emblem so I sort of did all three at the same time. The stripes layered beneath the swirls are not just ornamental water this time, but that's for the next floor!
The two dead dwarves were vampires and kept drinking my fucking children. I DFhacked them back to life and I'm not ashamed. DON'T DRINK MY FUCKIN KIDS.
on the south side of this corridor:
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The outpost liason's quarters. Admittedly built in a bit of a hurry. I wasn't expecting the Royal Entourage yet. There's still some ore in there.
The Bronze Vault.
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Designed to resemble a heart, with tables running down the ventricle in an effort to create a sort of shadowed effect. I expected to need to build more bookshelves. Have you ever looked up how many books they hold? Holy shit. You could probably make do with one if you weren't a crazy person. As is most shelves do in fact contain just one book. Everyone leaves them on the fucking chairs. I guess our asses like to read.
Orbitting the lava and to the right:
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The king's quarters!
I was going for a sort of semi-transparency chessboard effect here (I just noticed that door I missed fUUUCK). The queen consort has her own tomb because she is also a baroness and required her own separate one, so I added it onto the design as best I could. Why do they need so many weapon and armor stands anyway? I never see anyone who asks for one using any of them....
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MORE pet graves, and this. A stem and leaves, with artifacts in the tips.
I know you don't need a temple to every individual member of your pantheon of gods, but honestly, it doesn't feel correct not to build it, does it? They're not used very often, and mostly just have Megadogs playing in them, but I still felt like they were important to build.
Starting at top left and going down:
The Earthen Chapel, where we worship the Diamond Rocks, a deity who appears as a female dwarf and holds domain over minerals. The Secretive Chapel, dedicated to Betan, appearing as a female dwarf and governing silence and dreams. I'd probably worship this one if I was a dwarf. The SANCTUARY OF OBLIVION. The edgelord chapel for Vesh the Fated, who takes the form of a skeletal male dwarf. His statue features Atir Releasechannel, an undead dwarf who worshipped him ardently about 1000 years ago (presumably for feeling a kinship?). I ought to comb the legends file and found out what happened to him. As an aside, this feels like a common name for a god of this sphere. My last fortress had Vesh the Fated Death. The Cathedral of Aquamarines, dedicated to Onget Canyonambers. The weird cube sculpture is apparently actually of Melbil Flankboulders being cursed to vampirism. Wonder if this one had anything to do with the pair I have in the graveyard. Onget presides over jewels and takes form of a male dwarf. The Helmed Abbey, worshipping Arban Healergates, a god shaped as a male dwarf and who is the god of fortresses. He's depicted engraving in his statue.
To the right side of the stem! The Silvery Sanctum, the as-yet-artifactless temple dedicated to Zim the Turquoise Spines, a female dwarf. The goddess of mountains. The Temple of Taxing (???) for Limar the Ivory Diamond. A male dwarf god, who governs… wealth. Ah. I see. A divine Ted Dibiase, only with presumably less 'going to jail for massive fraud on the needy', but presumably the same number of dollar signs on his championship belt. The Submerged Cathedral, appropriately dedicated to the goddess of water, Kogan (Not to be confused with Betan, even though I absolutely do). The Sanctuary of Playing, for Lun Dashedtop the Courageous Justice. The goddess of the sky and the wind, who takes the form of a female dw…
she's a giant bat. WHY ARE THEY ALL DWARVES BUT SHE'S A BAT and, uh, last one: The Cathedral of Avalanches for Uzol irongravel the Amethyst. Male dwarf god of metals.
and I will stop this here. enjoy the mental image of our eight perfectly normal dwarf gods, one skeletal god, and one who is a BAT for NO REASON
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Dan don't be so casual!!! Your brother is worried about you!!!!
Goddamn Jessie please don't actually go sacrifice for your brother out of guilt.
Dan stop being so fucking casual!!!
Okay side note that has nothing to do with anything. But you can leave bullets inside people, it really depends on where they are. Usually the worst thing is the damage they caused moving. Though I assume the fact that they are silver does mean you should remove them from a werewolf.
Far be it from me to call Jessie a liar, but I do not believe for a second that if Lola tells him it's an unfair deal he is not still gonna take it.
"you wanna eat my ass, fine." tell me there were now kiss motions made on that please!
Why do we need fucking cop to convince everyone they need to get healed. 😂😂
John just being rational is once again the thing that works on Lola and her freak out and refusing medical attention.
😂😂 Aviva getting medical help out of pettiness.
Aviva, John would do anything for you, making a bit of ectoplasm is probably the least.
Oh John, my precious emotionally repressed baby, just casually using up dead bodies like you do.
The goblins taking good care of turkey tail. 😭
All this magic is crazy but really cool!!!
This fucking mouse though. His little hat is cute, but he is a LIAR!!!
John once again knowing exactly what to say to get to Lola.
😭😭😭 The mouse wants to save her! I take it back lil moussy.
Me and Aviva are on the same page! The cop wanting a drink with Lola!!! It's the grenadine, it has to be.
Grenadine with energy drink shots. This sounds like the idea you have once you're already way too drunk to function normal the next day and then you think this will stave off a hangover.
They're both going upstairs. 👀 They are gonna sleep in the same bed!
Fuck me, John. Why are you so good at talking to everyone for their benefit??? Like no offense but you're so bad in dealing with yourself.
Ohhh Jessie Jessie Jessie. Seems like a bad idea to insult an owl.
I love it when they role exceptional successes!!! Especially when it is when they're doing smth for someone else.
It's so interesting to finally see some stronger emotions with John. The excitement you hear when he talks about smashing his mom's signs is rare.
Sword in the stone-ing that bat into the windshield with everything that's going on, so petty. 😂
"Carl, this man is a werewolf, do you think he's gonna fuck off?" 😂😂 made me laugh out loud, and people looked at me like I was crazy.
He just ended Carl in one shot!
Sure, not feeling pain and going numb is definitely the healthy thing to do after cold blooded murder...
They're extra giggly today, are they nervous?
Also Tim is the irl Miles of that group, telling everyone to focus. 😂
Oh my God!!! They are not fucking around, Aviva just chopping a dead man's legs and hands off. (btw why just stop at the hands at this point and not go full arms?)
You know if you hear about a matter wizard and a wizard of space and time the matter wizard kind of sounds like a dweeb, but actually it's fucking badass.
I am screaming! Fucking Ramona, really thinking giving him a dad will stop him from this. Like she's smart, but she's fucking stupid.
Oh no Lola's worst moment is so awful, and so sad.
The sound of rolling dice is so good.
I hate Ramona so fucking much. She is delusional at this point thinking she's doing the right thing and all creepy calm. Why are parents the fucking worst?!?!
To be fair I like to hate Ramona though, I love hating awful parents.
This fucking magic dagger tho! And Dan himself too obviously but omg.
"I only remember things that are important." yikes!
We love a villain that believes they working for the greater good.
"Consequences are for lesser beings." woooooooooh I hate this bitch.
Oh no of course she's not.
The fact that John really doesn't feel pain rn is really so much like his mom. He's on the edge.
Noooo Aviva can't die. 😭
Not the look of confusion, that is kind of sad.
Nope nope, I am in a store rn I cannot listen to this. Will continue listening when I get home
Jesus fuck! I was right to not listen to the last 15 minutes in the store. Good lord. 😭😭
I'm laughing and crying at the same time at Jessie just being gone.
Rob shut your fucking face 😭 (said lovingly obviously)
John casting a spell to finish all this, while having Aviva in his arms. STOP 😭
What??? *insert jlaw gif of what does it mean?!?*
What what what??? Ernie???? NOOOOOOOO Rob stop!! This is illegal!!!! What are you doing???
Okay... But this means there is gonna be a sequel right????
I will post some more thoughts later maybe, but I need to center myself because fuck me.
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
Hey hun! So I was looking through your Halloween Prompt list I saw some that I though would go great together. So the first one is with Dick, the prompts are 11, 16, 17, 23, and 32, and the reader is his best friend. The second is for Jason, the prompts are 6, 8, 9, 10, and 18, and the reader(or OC) is like an actual witch they can either just be like best friends or dating either works🤷🏾‍♀️. 💙💙
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Type: Drabbles
Pairings: Best Friend! Reader x Dick Greyson/Nightwing & Witch! Reader x Jason Todd/Red Hood
Prompts: 🎃 11: "It’s a bat on a leash.” “It’s my pet vampire, excuse you.” 🎃 16: “Spooky scary skeletons-" “Dancing on rainbows!” “That’s not- it doesn’t- never mind.” 🎃 17: "For the skeleton war!” 🎃 23: “Horror movie? Do you mean my life?” 🎃 32: “Bats are supposed to hang upside down, that’s how I knew he was a vampire.” “I’m literally a human!” 🎃6: “Hexs or Ex’s you choose.” 🎃8: “Devils day, devils day! The day demons and goblins love to play.” 🎃9: “This my incompetent dipshit, is a summoning circle.” 🎃10: “For the last fucking time a Ouija board is not a placemat.” 🎃18: “If i see one more stain on my grimoire I’m going to kill someone.”
Dick 💙-
"So, what are you doing tonight?" You asked an eyebrow raised a half smile on your face.
Dick sighed before shrugging, " I volunteered to take Dames trick or treating tonight."
"Cool! I was planning on warching horror movies with my roomate, but they bailed on me."
Dick looked at you blinked a few times before there was a clattering of footsteps racing up the stairs.
You blinked before turning towards the door and seeing it slam open. Damian stood in the doorway his face flushed with someone following just behind him laughing.
It was Steph a broad smile on her face as she continued in a conversation she must had been having with Damian.
“Bats are supposed to hang upside down, that’s how I knew he was a vampire.” she remarked and behind her Tim sighed,
“I’m literally a human!”
Damian gestured to Steph dramatically his body trembling. Steph turned to you laughing as she winked.
"Teasing him is so fun. Watch this."
Walking towards Damian, she began leaning on his should batting her eyes before shouting,
Damian then out a groan pressing his face into his hands whimpering. A giggle escaped you and you noted Cass slipped into the room.
"She cannot be joining us for the night, Richard- Richard please!"
You bit back a smile and shared a knowing look with Steph. Dick laughed, leaning towards him you smiled saying,
"Spooky scary skeletons-"
"Dancing on rainbows!" Steph exclaimed.
A laugh of sorts escaped you as Dick shook his head.
“That’s not- it doesn’t- never mind.”
Leaning over you ran a hand through Dick's hair before winking at him and remarking,
"You should have known my dickie boy."
He sighed and nodded. Pushing yourself up you smiled and looked around the room before moving away from the couch.
"Well, I should be going. I don't what to delay you guys."
Dick sat up and Damian lunged forwards. He grabbed onto your arms and shook you slightly.
"No, Y/N. Please come with us! I do not think I can survive Brown and Drake's antics if you are not there."
You blinked and you looked over to see Steph pulling a stuffed animal bat with a collar around it out of nowhere. She showed it to Dick who raised an eyebrow.
"It's a bat on a leash." He muttered.
Steph blinked before gasping, "It’s my pet vampire, excuse you.”
A snort escaped you and you looked down at Damian before sighing.
"Fine, Fine little gremlin, I'll come with you."
Dick suddenly looked over to the two of you and smiled brightly, "Awesome! Do you want to do a group costume?"
"Oooo we could be the justice league!" Steph automatical shouts, "I'll be black canary! Dickie you should be supes and Damian you should be-"
"Of course, I should be Batman, like father."
"I was thinking Green Lantern." Steph continued causing Damian to glare at her, you giggled, and she looked to you.
"Y/N will be Batman."
You should your head, raising your hands, "How about something simpler?"
Steph turned to you, eyebrow raised high on her forehead.
"What should we be then?"
"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe Charlie Brown and the gang?"
Steph blinked before smiling brightly and nodded, "OH YES. I love that idea!!!"
Dick nodded as well, and Damian furrowed his brow.
"Charlie Brown? What is this? Is he a relative of Browns?"
You blinked a few times before pointing at him and saying, "He should be Charlie. I call snoopy!"
Dick jumped up but before he could say anything Steph lept towards you, "I'm Woodstock!"
Dick's jaw dropped and you laughed patting her head, "Alright. Let's do Charlie Brown. And after we get candy, we are watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. No protests!"
There was a moment of silence before Damian sighed and nodded, "Fine."
"Yay! Let's get dressed."
Jason 🔫-
“Devils' day, devils' day! The day demons and goblins love to play.”
Children squealed as a woman dressed in a huge hideous hat and pointy shoes wiggled her fingers at them. You rolled your eyes scowling.
"That is a destructive stereotype." You muttered.
An arm was suddenly around your shoulder, and you blinked to find Jason leaning on you.
"Aw come on Sweetheart, it's Halloween, get in the spirit."
Grinding your teeth, you leaned against Jason half hissing.
"Halloween was originally a holiday for witches not it's mocking witches. It's offensive."
Jason shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist before you sighed.
Staring at the kids in costumes running around and adults in elaborate costumes chatting in corners you wrinkled your nose.
"I have to go; I have some things I need to do before the nights over."
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, Jason pressed his face into your neck.
"Nooo, I can't be here without you. The old man and dick will not leave me alone."
You paused looking up at him and then you smiled.
"Fine, you can come with me. But my roommate might have customers so keep that in mind."
Jason bounced slightly before pausing and pressing his face against yours.
"Which roommate is this?"
"The 'This my incompetent dipshit, is a summoning circle.' one”
"Ah," Jason remarked shrugging, "Sure, let's go!"
Turning towards the door, the two of you began walking out of the room when you noticed a bowl setting on a familiar looking wooden rectangle.
Recognation raced over you and you hissed out a snarl shaking your head.
"Sweetheart, whats wrong?"
Your hands shook and you spotted Bruce nearby and yanked yourself from Jason's grasps. Storming towards Bruce, you raised a hand. Grabbing onto Bruce's collar you pulled him towards the bowl and gestured towards the rectangle.
"Y/N what is going on- oh... is the placemat upsetting you?" Bruce muttered.
“For the last fucking time," You nearly shouted, "a Ouija board is not a placemat.”
Bruce blinked in surprise and with that, you released his collar and walked back towards Jason.
"Let's go Jay, I'm tired."
With that, the two of you walked out the door. It did not take long to get back to your apartment. You knocked three times as you usually did when you brought Jason over and walked into the room.
“If," One of your roommates snarled to another, "I see one more stain on my grimoire, I’m going to kill someone.”
You rubbed your forehead as the other roommate shrugged and pointed to yet another one who was on the phone.
"It's hexes or Ex's, you chose."
Sighing you turned back towards the door pulling Jason with you.
"You know what, I can do that stuff later, let's go to your place."
Jason nodded and allowed you to pull him out the door. "Man," He muttered pulling you against him as you walked down the hall, "I love Halloween."
You rolled your eyes before leaning on his shoulder and sighing, "I guess it's not too bad."
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bubblebeebuzz · 2 years
do you have a favorite canon jewish character?
obvious shows with jewish rep start with period movies (is that the right term idk like historical ones) im thinking like fiddler on the roof (did i just call fiddler a period drama LMAO YES I DID), ehhhh can't remember many others. and im 100% sure there are more i can't think of sprinkled in random shows and books and that's all cool.
but first answer is that i wish there were more!!! and also jews where it's significant to their character and we see them being jewish in the jewish commuity, and jews who aren't religious, and jews who don't know what they believe in, and jews who say yiddish phrases and reminisce about alllllll those family passover seders etc etc. i mean im sure there ARE some like this but. idk, i feel like ive rarely seen my own experiences, as a young jewish atheist woman, reflected in media.
and dont even get me STARTED with misrepresentation like the bank goblins in harry potter (that whole goblin thing makes me want to throw up i hate it)
but, rant over, actual answer is Lavinia Asimov from The Heroes of Olympus! She is so funky, totally reminded me of myself a good bit when I first read it - loved the bat-mitzvah story, the queerness, the bright pink hair, the tap dancing, she is an icon.
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ganymedesclock · 3 years
i don't know what this says about you exactly, but the thing that drew me to your blog is how you relentlessly see humanity in inhuman creatures, and refuse to brush off *any* living being, no matter how flat the character or unexplored the concept, as mindless or "Pure Good/Evil"
!!! I'm very glad this is something that stands out! Really, it is a very important thing to me. I think a big part of it is I'm neurodivergent and talk too much.
Like, that sounds like self-deprecation, but I don't mean it that way. I'm very chatty and I have in the past been oblivious as to what people want to talk about. I annoyed a lot of people, and I know it, and I'm sure now and then I still do, when my people-pleasing fear of rejection or another issue of mine gets out of hand.
I think a lot of people have patience for ostensibly despicable evil villains as long as said villains are cool and rewarding to think about. So it's very important, with this sort of thing, if you're taking an ideological stance about this sort of thing, to not go, "maybe the heroes should think about Cool, Mysterious Loner Villain who is very handsome and sad and angry" without "maybe the heroes should think about random encounter goblin #4421 who logically had to come from somewhere and either they have a family and a village that's never going to see them again, possibly one they seek to provide for with these raids, or they were born to be a disposable soldier for superiors who expected them to die in droves in which case we can't really hold the superiors to task on their senseless disregard of life if we are the cannon making them cannon fodder"
Like honestly, if there's a category of character I consistently make at least a college try to go to bat for, it's the Navis and Omochaos and other characters who are "just SO ANNOYING, nobody likes them!" Because usually what this is actually saying is that the character either mechanically or writing-wise got served a raw deal so they have little to offer, and rather than shrugging and moving on and going "yeah, that feature didn't really work for me" people make an entire point and production out of trashing this character and making jokes about how awful this character is, and jumping on unrelated posts about the character like "haha! I see we are talking about Zote! The only reason to talk about Zote must be to say that he sucks!" and they probably don't even mean badly by it, but it's like...
man, I'm a talkative person who's afraid of being dead weight / useless to others. Half of the "most annoying!" characters people get up in arms about are that way because they're saddled to unhelpful hint mechanics (so, nothing that really should reflect on the character because it has no watsonian/in-universe presence) or they were a product of that period of time when people decided the funniest thing in television was to force a character to be constantly failing to affect anything while taking up enormous amounts of screen and plot-time.
Like anybody can go "but is this bad guy really that bad? Surely we can explore them conceptually a LITTLE here" when the bad guy's appealing to them. And I'm not saying it's anybody's job to stan characters they don't like. I just think that it's extremely important to reflect inwardly on why it is we trash certain characters, and if that's really an objective experience, or if we might've internalized some things about them.
And from a writing perspective if you get really good at thinking about- even without like or hate attached- random extras and "service" characters, you can introduce characters in positions that are very unorthodox. A long-scrapped story concept I had a long time ago featured a twist in in that I was rather proud of, where the main characters at one point meet and talk to a major villain in a sleazy bar type setting, with a pretty, giggling woman on his arm. Throughout the entire scene, I avoided describing her face at all, but framing it in a way where this is "to be expected"- because when characters like that have arm candy, it's usually just a signal of what kind of person they are. This would only become subverted later, when they meet the woman without the man attached to him, and she doesn't actually have a face- because she's the real mastermind, and the man they talked to was being exploited as her puppet while she was making a point about being too good to talk to them personally. It's not necessarily a concept I'd reuse- which is why I'm okay just casually spoiling the twist- but I think it's good practice as a writer to keep your audience on their toes about who ultimately will "matter in the long run".
Because, if you ever want to be unsettled, try remembering the name and face of the last cashier you bought something from. We're surrounded by people we forget all the time. It's not proof of ignorance, but it is a blind spot that can be exploited.
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gavin-plz-call-me · 3 years
Can I have the WC boys reacting to MC who cracks dark jokes and generally has a dark sense of humor?
First things first I'd like to apologize for the delay in answering this ask for you. My computer is being fixed right now, and I'm actually at the library finishing up this prompt 😅 Anyways, thanks for the ask!!
TW: Mentions of Suicide and bodily harm against one's self and others, nothing too graphic though, just baseless threats.
There's also a brief mention of periods, but everything is gender neutral besides that.
Is the most likely of the boys to laugh along with you.
When he was still in the painting he heard you crack a few dark jokes, most of them at your own expense "I didn't find that fortune teller and all I got was this dumb-ass painting, that's it, I'm jumping in front of a bus."
And he's just like, lmao same also tf is a bus?
Until he realizes you need to free him, then he's yelling like a madman knowing full well that you can't hear a word he's saying, begging you to at least wait until he's free to die.
I'm getting serious Beetlejuice (the musical, I've never seen the movie 😅) vibes from the two of you.
When he's finally free from the painting and he grows a bit more attached to you he'll be a bit concerned for you, but as long as you assure him they're jokes and you don't ever sound too serious about it, then he'll mostly laugh along with you.
He also eggs you on when you're making dark jokes directed at other people.
"Hansol, I swear to god if you don't turn down your music I'll smash in your kneecaps." Yooha's already handing you a bat to do the deed and Hansol is terrified
All in all, the two of you are a chaotic duo.
Taehee finds out about your habit while you're on your period one day.
"Taehee, how much do you think I'd get if I sold my uterus on the black market?"
"Well, you'd probably get a couple t- why do you want to know?"
"Well I was thinking of cutting my uterus out and I might as well get a few bucks from it."
He sort of just awkwardly laughs it off, but he definitely talks to his therapist coworkers to see if there's anything he should be doing for you.
In all honesty, though, he feels terrible and sort of blames himself for your constant dark jokes, I mean the dark jokes are probably a coping mechanism for your awful childhood, and in his mind your bad luck is entirely his fault.
He won't say much to get you to stop saying them though, but don't you dare joke about killing yourself in front of him.
You will bring this man to tears before you can get your entire joke out, and he won't leave your side for the rest of the day in fear of you actually doing something.
On the other hand, as long as Yooha is on the receiving end of your jokes, Taehee will egg you on occasionally.
"Yooha! If you leave the toilet seat up one more time, I'm cutting your balls off!"
"So what you're gonna want to do is make a small incision at the base of the scrotum..." Will give you full, medically accurate, instructions.
Yooha is currently looking into athletic cups to protect his baby makers.
Idk why, but Hansol gives me major car-boy vibes, and I like to imagine him pointing cool cars out to you when he's bored.
"Wow! Look at that one MC! It's so cool!"
"Damn, that thing looks expensive. Imagine how much money I'd get if they ran me over. I could pay off my debts and still have enough money to buy a jacuzzi." You then stand up, and take a few steps towards the car, all in a joking matter of course, but Hansol doesn't get that.
He literally attaches himself to your torso, dragging you away from the street, tears in his eyes "You can have all my money, MC, just please don't hurt yourself like that."
You're gonna have to assure him you're joking.
After that incident, he understands your jokes a little more, but still gets anxious when you jokingly say you're gonna hurt yourself.
Doesn't like it much when you're jokes attack other people as well.
"Biho, if you don't wake up right now I'm gonna eat your goldfish alive."
"MC! Biho's a baby, he can't help that he sleeps too much, and his poor goldfish have nothing to do with this."
Maybe lay off on the dark humor in front of Hansol.
Please don't make dark jokes in front of him, he will cry.
You make your first dark joke to Biho some time after Taehee re-ties your fates.
"Biho, can you hand me that knife? My pinky hurts so bad, I'm just gonna cut it off."
Biho's first instinct is to steer you into his and Hansol's room so he can keep an eye on you, all while you're trying to explain to him that you were 100% okay maybe 99% joking, but he's not having it.
After he puts you in Hansol's care, he goes straight to Taehee to beg him to untie your fates so you don't cut your finger off.
It takes you and Taehee a considerable amount of time to convince him you were joking.
Does not like when you make jokes concerning yourself, and takes every single one seriously.
He's a little more relaxed when you make jokes at the expense of others, but he's very logical about your threats.
"Taehee, if you don't promise not to put some health-nut herbs in our dinner tomorrow, I'm shoving my spaghetti up your ass!"
"That might be a bit difficult to do. First of all, spaghetti is very flimsily and probably wouldn't go into Tahee's butt very well, secondly Taehee is much stronger than you so I don't think you'd be able to get to his butt very well, third..." and on and on and on.
Biho is a very practical goblin, so unless you want a very well meaning lecture about the insertablility of spaghetti, I suggest you don't make dark jokes in front of him.
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aros001 · 3 years
First time reading through the light novels. Vol. 1 random thoughts.
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A while back I'd seen the first episode of the anime and...didn't take it well because of that one specific scene. I was interested in where Goblin Slayer and Priestess would go from there but I was worried about my ability to handle the rest of the series. So months later I asked this Reddit if you guys would recommend I continue and you were very supportive and encouraging. I watched the rest and really enjoyed it. I just recently wrapped up another light novel series (at least the books that were available in english) and figured why not give Goblin Slayer's LNs a try?
These are just some random thoughts I had while reading the first volume. I did the same with Rising of the Shield Hero and it was fun to do, with other fans pointing out things I might have missed and starting discussions about what happened each book.
Right off the bat, I think Goblin Slayer is one of the few series I've ever read that brings up weapons getting dulled and damaged by blood and fat (or even bringing up fat from a slain foe at all). Shield Hero had a little bit that early on but most stories just have weapons that are so high quality that the quality never dips.
Also, back in the anime I'd found it interesting that goblins could make poison when everything else about them seemed so crude. But in a general view "poison" is basically a harmful substance that you don't want in your body. That the goblins can make poison out of their own shit and some herbs actually makes sense and works with the idea that they have the mental capacity of cruel children.
The first kill we see Goblin Slayer make seems to say a lot about him. Pinning a goblin to the wall with his shield before stabbing a burning torch into its face. Efficient yet feeling almost vindictive.He kills it in the most painful way he possibly can at that moment.
The Priestess blocked the one goblin with her staff on instinct and kept it from getting away long enough for Goblin Slayer to throw his sword into the back of its head. I'm curious if that's why he let her accompany him through the rest of the cave or if he would have done the same regardless? If he didn't see her potential would he have ordered her to leave instead of asking what she was going to do?
Are the gods of Truth and Illusion meant to be literal gods or just figurative? Either way, I'm looking forward to hearing more about them and the Earth Mother, Dark Gods, and Supreme God. I like mythology and that includes the party's talk about where goblins come from. I like that they, and we the audience, don't yet have a for-fact answer. All the possible origins they share are from legends, folktales, and stories you tell children (with some racial bias thrown in between the elves and dwarves). It really helps the world feel more real and lived in.
Out of curiosity, do Slimes exist in the GS universe? They mention giant rats and goblins as the monsters a lot of beginners take on and slimes are a famous kind of newbie monster in other fantasy stories, so I'm curious if they have those as well (or if it's a Konosuba kind of case where slimes are NOT a monster beginners should be fighting).
Oh jeez, the anime really wasn't exaggerating with Cow Girl flopping over the windowsill. Why is that so funny to me?
“Yes. A group of rookies are in the southern woods. That one is a request from a village near the forest.”
“Beginners,” he murmured. “Who was in their party?”
“Let’s see...,” Guild Girl said. She licked her thumb and began paging through a sheaf of papers. “One warrior, one wizard, and one paladin. All Porcelain rank.”
The day after that, showing no hint of fatigue, he joined Priestess in venturing to the southern woods. Cow Girl heard later that the rookies never returned from the forest.
I might be misremembering or thinking of a different group but the rookies came back alive in the anime, didn't they?
A big thing that helped me get through the anime was the introduction of High Elf Archer, Dwarf Shaman, and Lizard Priest. They brought a lot of life both to the series and to Goblin Slayer himself. He's a man who really needs friends and something other than goblins in his life. What he does is important but spending too long in nothing but that darkness would eventually break anyone. In fact, nearly all the characters help bring some enjoyment to the story. I was afraid Spearman was just going to be another Motoyasu but he quickly proved himself to be, overall, a pretty good guy.
I also like that this novel gives more insight into the extra characters. Not just the humans like Guild Girl, Heavy Warrior, and the Hero (which was a very welcome surprise. I want to know more about her), but also some of the goblins as well, like that one guard of the old elf ruins. Even if they can't talk in a way humans can typically understand, it's cool (and a bit uncomfortable) having a direct show of how an individual goblin thinks.
While it's not as much as Priestess, I do really seem to have a soft spot for Guild Girl. Why she seems to like goblin Slayer is just really appealing for me. She likes him because he's different but not in the traditionally tropey way of "Oh, he's so different from the other guys". He takes the jobs that no one else wants to do, not to brag about it or hit on her, but simply because they need to be done, which means a lot less newbie adventurers have died or worse at the hands of goblins, something she's indirectly seen happen way too many times, even if it's a reality she has to live with. Completely unintentionally, he takes a lot of burden off her heart and mind. I can easily see how her respect and appreciation for him would eventually lead into feelings of affection.
Goblin Slayer = Beard-Cutter? I can understand to an extent Orcbolg and that both names come from a goblin killing sword, but do Dwarves refer to goblins as Beards? And if so, why? Or am I missing something here? This confused me in the anime too.
“I owe it all to you, sir!” Her gaze, her beautiful eyes, bored into him. He caught his breath. What should he say? There was a long pause.
“Not at all,” he finally squeaked out. “I didn’t do anything.”
“You did so much!” she responded with a grin. “You saved me when we first met.”
“But I couldn’t save your companions.”
“True, but...” Her face stiffened for a moment. She couldn’t quite finish her sentence—understandably.
Even he still remembered the awful scene all too clearly. Warrior, Wizard, Fighter, who had all lost everything. Her party had been trodden into the dust.
I really like this. It's be really easy to just make Goblin Slayer a complete hardass who's oblivious to everything and cold to the world (and to an extent he is). But he does still have emotions other than anger. He's at a loss by Priestess' gratitude and doesn't know what to say. He has regret that he couldn't save her old party. He's used to the sight of what happened but still finds it awful. He appreciates the elf, dwarf, and lizardman's help and isn't against partying with them again, even if he won't go out of his way to join them again. He feels truly helpless when he tells Cow Girl he can't defeat the Goblin Lord's army. As the story goes on I imagine it'll be explored how much he's doing what he does to keep the past from happening again vs. him just wanting revenge on all goblins. Which side rules him more?
But all things must end—often too soon.
The end to his idyll appeared in the form of repulsive black blotches on the dew-drenched morning pastures. Trailing mud and excrement across the fields, they were unmistakable: small footprints.
This is the one part I think the anime did a little better, if for no other reason than that we had a lot more times of Goblin Slayer checking for signs of goblins every morning. It was a great Chekhov's gun. It was something the audience knew had to come back into play later...but that you really, really did not want to because you knew what it'd mean. Every time he checked and didn't find anything was a relief but it left worry about the next time, building up that dread and anticipation, until finally we get that morning where he sees all the tracks.
At a table deep in the room, High Elf Archer made to stand, her face a furious red, but Dwarf Shaman and Lizard Priest stopped her. Witch sat on a bench, a slippery smile floating on her face. He glanced at the front desk to see Guild Girl vanishing into a back room in a panic. It occurred to him that he was looking for Priestess.
Awwwwwwwwwww! He does like having her around!
I think the main reason the story works, at least for me, is because it isn't just one of those "Life sucks. The world is dark. F**k you." types of "adult" literature. Yes, the world of GS does get very dark and messed up, but what gets you through it are these very likable and sunny characters who do care a lot about each other. At least with the content of this volume and what was covered by the anime, the draw isn't supposed to be how "edgy" the story can get but rather these characters trying to fight back against the darkness that exists in their world.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoblinSlayer/comments/fq3z9a/first_time_reading_through_the_light_novels_vol_1/
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
Mahonia, chia, camelia, aloe vera, papyrus!
mahonia - what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?: hmm I feel like different things inspire different creative outlets for me. media and visual art usually inspires me to make visual art myself but my poetry is almost always inspired by my own personal experiences, emotions, and relationships. for my visual art I usually just want to create something abt a character or story I enjoy or sometimes I just see a work of art so beautiful that it fills me with the need to create something beautiful as well. I think that in the case of poetry it is usually a product of feelings of overwhelming love or profound melancholy. and not to sound cringe or whatever but truly truly mr wei wuxian himself is such a source of inspiration for my visual art like my art has truly improved so much over the years and I have made some of my best work directly as a result of my love for him as a character lmao. thank you king
chia - what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?: I don't know if this counts as an inside joke per say but my sister and I have this long standing, unspoken bit where whenever we're having dinner with our mother we'll make significant looks at each other from across the dinner table just because it pisses her off so much. sometimes we're genuinely just communicating but as soon as our mom notices and gets annoyed the facial expressions lose all other meaning and are made with the sole purpose of irritating our mother
camellia - what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?: ah a lot of people have told me that one of my like. main traits as a person is my relentless ability to Stand My Ground and I think that I've always sort of been that way even as a little kid but as I've gotten older I've gotten a lot better at doing it eloquently lmao. I no longer chase people out of my backyard with baseball bats it's all about being well spoken now. I was a strange off putting grubby little goblin child (<- is nd and grew up homeschooled with a Weird Dad tm) and I like to think that I've managed to mold that into something more like Charmingly Strange. as for teenage ben I'm definitely,, Quieter now. and I'm better at picking my battles. most of the time. also I love myself now so that's pretty cool
aloe vera - what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?: A KISS.
papyrus - if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?: LMAO american remains by the highwaymen. one of the most folk songs about hating capitalism of all time.. makes you angry abt capitalism in just the way folk music should. also the bassline fucks
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the-bees-knives · 3 years
Hi yes hello. I saw that you rebloged the oc ask thingy and I'll be ordering for the whole table. Can I get a 2, 3 ,5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 32, 34, 37, 41, 45, 48, 50, 51, 55, 60, 65, 68, 69, 70, 73, 78, 83, 87, 89, 93, 96, 98, and 99? All for Biscuit. (IM REALLY REALLY SORRY I JUST WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM 😭)
This got real long... answers under the cut!
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc.)
His favourite possession... is you! ✋👁👁
Jokes aside, Biscuit isn't too materialistic. However, he does like the hairband he uses for his braid; it was a gift from his mother! The bow he wears around his neck is also a remnant of a modification of his uniform from his previous place of work. Biscuit used to work both as a mascot and a cook (it would switch depending on the situation) at his family's diner (restaurant? i don't know the term), and he added it because he thought it looked cute (also he couldn't do anything too feminine :( so this was the best he could do).
I will note that the cutlery embedded into him is not a part of his favourite possessions, despite his unwillingness to part with them. They're more like a part of his body, I guess?
3. Do They get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
If Biscuit formed an attachment to someone and then saw them with someone else, he'd be wary of the new person, if not jealous. They'd have to become acquainted with Biscuit to ease him, though that might not always work. He'd still probably try to drag his companion away. Basically, he's pretty protective (possessive?) over those he likes.
5. What's their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they're really like?
I'm not sure how others would see him. Either it's "eccentric cosplayer (who's really in character)" or "weird dude". Probably the first one, as normal people couldn't survive with knives in their body for that long. Mostly Biscuit's just a weird dude though.
7. What's their "type"? What romantically attracts them to another person?
Biscuit doesn't really have a preference on appearance, it's more based on personality. Either it's someone who can care for him or someone who's just as feral/zero-braincell'd as him. He normally takes care of his victims, but he doesn't see that as attraction; it's more like caring for cattle before you eat it. If someone cared for him though, he'd be into it. As for the other one, it's just a feral power couple; both can be absolutely insane together (Run).
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
Spine that can turn 180 degrees. Reasoning: he has to sleep on his stomach because of the knives, but then his feet are bent uncomfy while on his stomach. Rotate spine for comfy feets. Plus, it'd be a cool party trick.
10. What's a simple thing that brings them joy?
Pets/physical affection. (Unfortunately, by unintentional design, this man is Unpettable.)
12. What's their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc.)
The chill goblin: you can sit with him and have a nice hat, but if anything gets the interest of his one (1) braincell, he will go absolutely feral.
13. How forgiving are they? What do they consider unforgivable?
I think he's pretty forgiving, considering. If you attacked him, he'd probably consider it as play-fighting or something. He won't like it if you mess with his personal belongings, but he'll forgive you if it's for a good reason (for him) or if you give it back.
As for the things he'd find unforgivable, touching the two knives sticking out of his head is an absolute no-no. (The ones in his shoulders are sort of meh; he won't like it if you touch them, but he won't try to kill you for it.) The knives in his head are really sensitive, so he'll become agitated quick and snap if you try to move or remove them.
16. What food do they absolutely hate?
fish yucky >:(
17. Do they show a lot of affection, or are they pretty reserved?
If Biscuit had an s/o or a good friend (you know, people he's not interested in for food), he'd be pretty affectionate; he likes them and wants to show it! He might get a little close though, so make sure to set (and remind him of) personal boundaries.
19. What's their unusual quirk?
I don't know why, but I imagine that Biscuit can bleed infinitely. If you were to remove any of the knives embedded into him, the wound will just keep bleeding until they're inserted back in. I don't really have an explanation for this, but he is a human, so??? I just think it's neat.
20. Are they easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?
While Biscuit does get up early, he's particularly lazy and groggy. It's kind of like those moods where you want to go back to sleep, but you can't because your body's awake.
21. What's their ideal date like?
Anywhere really, so long as his s/o is giving him attention.
32. What are they like at parties? Party animal, or awkwardly sitting in the corner drinking punch and reading?
Party animal, except everyone else is sitting in the corner trying to avoid him. He doesn’t really think before speaking, so he says whatever without any filter. (Plus, the knives don’t help. No, he won’t remove them.)
34. What’s their favourite drink? (Coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc.)
Biscuit is a milkshake lad. His favourite is strawberry-banana!
37. Are they a hopeless romantic, or is that stuff just not for them?
Biscuit has a “love-at-first-interaction” mentality, like if someone shows genuine interest in him, then he wants to be with them and chases that feeling (and them).
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
Bold of you to assume that he’d even need a Halloween costume.
All jokes aside though, Biscuit has No Patience to put a costume together (or even look for one), so he’d probably just go with his normal wear. People have already mistaken the knives as cosplay/props anyway, so it’s just less work, instant results.
(He does have the old mascot suit, but he can’t wear it anymore without it hitting the knives.)
45. Are they always late, on time, or early?
None of the above, he forgot that event was today.
48. How dramatic are they?
Biscuit’s not the type to start drama, nor is he extremely emphatic (is that the word?) with his speech. He’s just kind of vibing.
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
Fun(?) to do activities with; will probably suggest random stuff to do if there’s no set itinerary (will probably suggest it anyway). If you’re looking for a spontaneous road trip, he’s your guy.
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
Will Never Sit Still; must be kept under watch constantly, otherwise he’ll run off to who knows where. (Just keep him on a leash or something)
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
This video has pretty strong vibes of brainrot, so I think it's appropriate.
60. What sappy thing will they cry at? (romance movies, cute cat videos, etc.) Would they deny crying about it later on?
Biscuit loves all types of animals, especially furry ones (so dogs, cats, bats, rats… bean toes are a plus). So he’d absolutely cry if shown cute pet videos and gush about how precious and baby each one is. No denial either, if you confront him about it, he’d just justify it by gushing about them more. (He doesn’t have any pets of his own though. I wouldn’t trust him with a pet.)
As a side note, if he found out his victim was a beastkin or could turn into an animal or something, he’d be really conflicted on whether to harm them or not, but would ultimately decide against it.
65. Do they give people a lot of nicknames?
Biscuit isn’t creative enough to make genuine nicknames. However, if he forgot your name (and he probably would), he’d just name something off of your appearance (“pink jacket”, “shark guy”, things like that).
68. Are they easy to fluster? What would you have to do to truly fluster them?
Biscuit can only really be flustered by people he likes or people that he thinks are close to him. He’ll melt and nuzzle you if you surprise him with something nice, physical or otherwise :)
69. What’s their dream vacation like?
Go to the countryside and run around and be feral. Then chill in the evening and take a bath, because he needs to make sure his knives are clean.
70. Are they a good liar?
Biscuit doesn’t even try to lie. He’s really impulsive, and he doesn’t see what’s wrong with what he does. If he tried to lie, it’d be stupid/simple and obvious that it’s a lie, but he’d stick to his guns and insist that it’s true. Though, his voice/expression wouldn’t fluctuate, so you’d have to believe either in common sense or him.
73. Are they more book smarts, or street smarts?
Street smarts; this man’s head is empty (except for the two knives in there but).
78. What’s something they’re really bad at?
Almost anything that involves careful planning and concentration to complete. Things like puzzles or sewing; if it doesn’t give immediate satisfaction, then what’s the point?
The only things that Biscuit does pay attention to are cooking and, by extent, caring for his victim (as they’re a part of the cooking process).
83. What are they like as an s/o?
Loyal and (possibly) clingy. Will want to accompany you for days, then vanish out of thin air due to impulsiveness (will absolutely forget to feed his victim during this time, if he has one). Forgets about physical boundaries, but means well (trying to show affection).
Biscuit’s love languages are, in no particular order: physical touch, acts of service, and quality time. Personal hug-buddy that can cook :)
87. Do they like spicy food?
Yes he does! I like to imagine that he incorporates spice from time to time into his dishes. I don’t know what his tolerance would be though due to lack of experience (I will perish).
89. What would they get into a petty argument over?
Which animal is the best? Answer: it’s all of them. (Though he does have a preference towards furry animals, he tries to be unbiased in this argument.)
93. What type of movies do they like to watch?
Both gorey horror movies and feel-good movies (especially if they have animal protagonists). They’re just fun to watch.
96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand-up comedy, etc.)
Physical humour, stand-up, and maybe surreal humour. Anything else might be too complex for him.
98. How competitive are they?
He’s not very competitive on his own, though if someone challenges him to a contest, he’s still going to try to beat them for the satisfaction of it. Don’t challenge him to a contest if you want to have chill times with him.
99. What would they wear to a formal event? Describe their outfit!
Biscuit has No Standards when it comes to social events, so he’s going as normal. If he had to dress fancy though (and if he had access to it), he’d probably just wear a simple pink dress shirt and dress pants + suspenders. Slick his hair back too. The knives stay.
(I don’t even think he can enter most shops with the knives, fake or not. I don’t know; I’ve never entered an establishment with visible knives before.)
This was a long post, so let me know if I missed anything;;
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Punkinhead (spooky mini series)
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Warnings: horror, drug usage
Summary: On a camping trip with their friends, Harry and Y/N awaken an evil unlike any other.
Friends to lovers, spooky series
Part One
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Hellen jumped, woken by the sound of her Father's drunken screams. She tip toed to the door of her bedroom. 
"Bout as smart as them cows you're supposed to bring in! An' ya couldn't even do that!" Hellen winced, hearing her father's hand come down across her brother's cheek. Hellen watched her brother stumble, only to be yanked back up by her father. 
"I'm sorry Pa." He whimpered. 
"Know wha? You're gonna keep watch over them cows tonight. Give that scarecrow a break." Hellen heard her brother take in a sharp breath, struggling against their father's hold.
"No Pa! Please-"
"An' maybe Punkinhead'll take ya off my hands! Only need one Scarecrow right?!" Hellen watched her father grab a lamp and some rope, dragging her brother behind him. 
Hellen put her boots and coat on quickly. Surely he was kidding about Punkinhead. Punkinhead wasn't a real thing. He didn't exist. Twenty minutes later she heard her Pa come back inside, slumping into his chair. She waited until she heard his soft snores before sneaking out into the night after her brother. 
It was windy, the pumpkin patch was eerie at night, like little goblins waiting around, ready to strike at any moment. She shined her flashlight up where the scarecrow should have been. In it's place her brother, shivering in the cold.
"Abel!" Hellen shouted. She held the light between her legs, reaching up to try and untie him. 
"He….he's coming." Able wheezed. His eyes were wide, staring at something in the distance. "He's coming for me." 
"What?!" Hellen shouted, but she could feel it, the chill on the back of her neck. She looked up, Abel's eyes were red rimmed and filled with fear. He looked down at her. 
"Leave." Abel gasped. "Go Hellen!" Hellen kissed her brother's cheek before turning away. 
The wind howled and as she ran a piercing scream, blood curdling and filled with agony shook the night. Hellen glanced over her shoulder. What she saw would haunt her for the rest of her days. 
Present Day
“I can’t believe you invited her to go with us.” Kennedi rolled her eyes as she hoisted her gym bag over her shoulder. She stood in the lobby with her boyfriend and their friends. Her dig was aimed at him though, Harry, her boyfriend, who had a female roommate she was not fond of. 
It wasn’t that she was afraid Harry would sleep with Y/N. No, that would never happen. It was more so the fact that they were so close and she was so weird, yet Harry fawned over everything she did. Like she was the greatest person ever….it was annoying.
“Y/N is my best friend Ken. I can’t exactly leave her behind.”
“Yes you can,” Kennedi hissed. “You’re not joined at the hip.”
“I think Y/N’s cool,” Niall interjected before Harry could say anything. “She looks like she could kick my ass.” Niall had liked Y/N from the moment Harry introduced them. She was more on the punk alternative side with ripped leggings, diy vests and a plethora of band t-shirts. Let’s not forget her Doc Martens that were entirely kick ass by themselves. Kennedi rolled her eyes. 
“Whatever Niall, you would.” Kennedi turned her attention back to Harry. “You live with her. You see her everyday. Do you have to invite her everywhere? That’s all I’m asking.” she wrapped her arms around Harry’s waist. “Don’t you want to be alone with me?” Niall rolled his eyes when she bat her lashes at Harry. God she was annoying. 
“We will be alone baby,” he kissed the tip of her nose. Niall smirked at the way Kennedi’s face fell, annoyance furrowing her brows. “She’s my best mate. I can’t leave her behind.”
“You can, you just choose not to.” Kennedi pouted. Harry sighed, dropping his arms. “I’m sorry.” she said quickly. “I just...I worry sometimes.” Niall wanted to be sick. She played Harry so easily. He knew the real reason Kennedi hated Y/N was because she knew Harry. Y/N was first, all the time, and that pissed her off. Harry could deny it all he wanted. But everyone knew.
“Look. I gotta go home, but Y/N and I will meet you guys here bright and early in the morning so...be ready to go.” Harry kissed Kennedi once more before leaving the gym. 
Harry skipped steps as he made his way up to the flat he shared with Y/N. They had met three years ago when Harry had moved to the states for school. She needed a roommate and he needed a place to stay. Though it had taken a couple months for them to get used to each other, it was true, they were practically joined at the hip at this point. 
“Y/N!” he shouted, kicking the door shut with his foot. Their dog, Scrappy, bounded up to him. They weren’t sure what he was, he had been a stray, living outside of their building when they found him. Maybe it was weird for friends that lived together to have a pet. But they did. 
“Hey boy,” Harry knelt down, scratching behind Scrappy’s ear. He could smell food cooking in the kitchen and hear what sounded like Iron Maiden, from the kitchen. 
Y/N was cooking something Thai, a red bandana around her head, keeping her bangs out of her face. “Hello love,” Harry said, sneaking around her towards the cupboard. He pressed a kiss to her cheek. Anyone watching them would think they were a couple, but they knew better. 
“Hey. I’m making chicken teriyaki. Know you’re not much for meat but-”
“No, no,” Harry interrupted. “It’s good.” He filled a cup with tap water, leaning against the counter. “You ready for tomorrow?” he asked, knowing full well that the answer was no. 
“You sure I can’t just stay here? I mean, then my mom won’t have to come take care of Scrappy and I won’t embarrass you in front of your friends.” Harry studied her. Y/N was gorgeous, her humor was dark, but she was such a good and caring person. He hated that people judged her for the way she looked, especially his friends.
“Y/N you don’t embarrass me,” he said, grabbing two plates for her and another glass for her to drink out of. “You’re always home. You never go out….I think you could have fun. Kennedi is...tricky,” he said, unable to find the right way to say it, “but Niall is great. You’ll love Elenore and Gigi. Maya and you could get along really well...Louis , Liam and Zayn, they’re fun.” He took her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. “I want them to get to know you. To like you as much as I do.”
“Harry,” Y/N said, turning to look at him. Harry was extremely close. Their noses almost brushing as she looked up at him. She’d had feelings for him for a long time, but she knew he would never date her. Guys like him didn’t date girls like her. She was lucky just to be his friend. “I don’t want you to think you always have to invite me.”
“I don’t. I’m asking you.” he poked his lip out, giving her puppy dog eyes. “Please.”
“Harry.” Y/N said, trying not to smile. “Don’t.” he wrapped his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder. “Don’t give me that look.” he fake whimpered, giggling at the end and hiding his face in her shoulder. “Okay. Okay.” she laughed, tugging at his arms. “Get off me.” she smirked. “Like I could say no to you anyway.” 
That night Y/N crawled into bed, burrowing into the blankets. 
It wasn’t like she hadn’t tried to be friends with his friends. She was a loner, granted she had a couple of friends of her own, she preferred her own company. That was until Harry entered her life. He was sweet and fun to be around, he didn’t care how much she liked horror films or if she preferred the pit at a rock concert to front row tickets to see Ariana Grande (she’d gone, much to Kennedi’s dismay.) Harry just fit. He was her one ‘normal.’ Her one piece of consistency. But she hated feeling like she was holding him back. 
“I’m going to have fun tomorrow.” she sighed, looking at the ceiling. “I’m going to have fun on this trip.”
It was a grave. Six feet deep, already laid out in front of her. The cemetery was dark, wind howling around her. The headstone was blank. She stepped forward, fear gripping her belly, she looked down into the grave-
Beep. Beep. 
Y/N’s eyes snapped open. Her body drenched with sweat. She threw her hand over her face, groaning. Why did she agree to get up at six am. Why did she agree to this. 
Harry was already awake when Y/N came out of her room. Dressed in sweats and an oversized Meat Puppets t shirt, her hair tossed into a messy bun. Harry was in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, phone in one hand, cup of coffee in the other. He was shirtless, his basketball shorts hanging low on his hips. He smiled up at Y/N, pointing at a plate of eggs and toast on the table. 
“Made you breakfast.” 
“Thanks.” Y/N smiled, sitting down. Harry watched her as she scratched her head, stretching her arms up before digging in. He smiled to himself. He thought she was always prettiest like this. No makeup, baggy, comfy clothes, hair out of her face. He could watch her all day. It was moments like this, when he was alone with her here, he would pretend they were more. He would pretend she was his wife and this was their home. He would never tell her that, he didn’t think she could ever like him as much as he liked her. That’s why he was with Kennedi. He needed to get over it. Y/N was his friend. Only his friend.
Y/N could feel Harry’s eyes on her. She cleared her throat, looking up at him. He was watching her with such intensity, she shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Harry?” he blinked, looking at her. “Might want to get dressed. We gotta leave in like an hour.” she smiled softly, watching his cheeks go red. 
“R-right.” he stuttered. Y/N watched as he downed the rest of his coffee.
“You know, you could have gotten into the back seat after we picked everyone up.” Harry said as he pulled the van up to the gym. His friends were waiting outside. Y/N rolled her eyes, tapping away on her phone. 
“And let the princess see me sitting next to you? God forbid.” Harry’s jaw twitched but he didn’t say anything. He knew she was right. If Y/N was sat up front by him, Kennedi would blow a gasket. That wasn’t something Harry was looking forward to. He had hoped maybe on this trip they’d get to know each other. Maybe get along. But he was doubting that seriously.
“Harry!” Kennedi squealed, she hopped into the front seat, pressing her lips to Harry’s. Her eyes flickered to the backseat, disappointed to find Y/N wasn’t watching. She would get it through her head this weekend though. Harry was hers. And she wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of that. 
Y/N took her head phones out as the back door opened and Harry’s friends clammerd in. The one named Niall sat beside her. “Hi,” she did her best to smile at him. 
“Hey,” he gestured to her phone. “What are you listening to?” he asked. 
“Oh,” she held out an earbud. “Black Flag.”
“No shit.” Niall sounded impressed. “Lemme listen yeah?”
Harry couldn’t stop glancing into the rearview mirror. Niall and Y/N sat closely together, talking and whispering to each other. He felt the weight of Kennedi’s hand in his but also the raging jealousy. He wanted to be back there with Y/N. 
About an hour into their trip Harry pulled up to a rundown gas station. As he pulled in an old man and his son came out of the building. 
“Everybody out! Stretch ya legs!” Harry shouted. Niall let Y/N go first, before hopping down out of the van after her. He stumbled slightly, reaching for her hand as he righted himself. 
“Careful there,” Y/N smiled. Niall reached out, gently grabbing her waist. Y/N felt herself leaning up, eyes closing softly-
“Y/N!” Y/N’s head turned sharply. Harry was glaring at her and Niall. “Can I talk to you?” Niall smirked, letting her go. 
He was gonna get through to both of them by the end of this trip. It amazed Niall how blind the two of them could be. I mean, he didn’t even know Y/N but could tell she had some major feelings for Harry. 
“What’s up?” Y/N asked as Harry pumped the gas. Harry looked down at her, trying not to let his irritation at Niall show. 
“What’re you and Niall doing?” Y/N raised her eyebrows. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Just….just be careful please. I love Ni but-”
“Harry.” Y/N cut him off. “Harry this is what you wanted. For me to get along with your friends. That’s what I’m doing right?” Harry huffed, looking away. “Harry you’re not my boyfriend….you can’t tell me you want me to be friends with your friends and then two seconds later get mad when I do.” she glanced over his shoulder. “And Kennedi’s watching….Look I don’t want any drama okay.” Y/N turned away quickly. Just as  Kennedi was walking up on him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"You alright babe?" She asked. Harry nodded.
They got in the van and continued on their way. Louis and Zayn passed around a joint. Y/N talked with Gigi and Maya. They were sweet and Liam was adorable with Maya. Harry stayed up front with Kennedi. He hated hearing Y/N's laugh and not knowing what she was laughing at. He hated that she was having fun without him. 
"Hey! Hey!" Gigi crawled over Y/N's lap, pointing out the window. A sign reading 'Grover's Pumpkin Patch' was passing them by. "Come on Harry! Let's stop!" 
"We haven't even gotten to the cabin yet." Kennedi complained. Gigi rolled her eyes. 
"So? We can take some with us to carve." Kennedi huffed, crossing her arms as Harry made the turn towards the pumpkin patch. Y/N took Niall's hand as they made their way down the dirt path. An old house sat at the top of the hill, the wood rotted and flung apart. An old woman came out to the porch as Harry parked in front of the house, everyone filing out of the van.
"Welcome to Grover's Pumpkin Patch. How can I help ya'll?" She had thin white hair and coke bottle glasses, crows feet withered around her watery blue eyes. Her gingham dress blew gently in the breeze. Harry stepped up, shaking her hand. 
"Hi! 'm Harry. We were wonderin' if we could get some pumpkins?" She smiled, her eyes meeting Y/N's, there was something about the woman that put Y/N off though. She wasn't comfortable. 
"10 dollars. You each can pick one." Harry grinned, reaching into his pocket. "Just stay away from the Scarecrow." She pointed over their shoulder. A scarecrow stood in the middle of the field, with a jack o lantern head. Kennedi snorted. 
"What's that supposed to be?" Harry pinched her side and the woman narrowed her eyes. 
"That is the alter to Punkinhead." 
"Punkinhead?" Y/N repeated. "Who's that?"
"He's a demon. He fetches souls for the Underworld. If you done someone wrong they can summon him, and he won't rest until you're dead." Y/N's blood ran cold, the dream the night before flashing once more in her mind. 
"Sounds scary." Kennedi said sarcastically, "lets go Harry. Get the stupid pumpkin so we can get to the cabin." She tugged on his arm as the group followed them. Y/N lingered by the old woman. 
"It's true you know….you seem like you have sense." Y/N nodded. 
"I should….I should go." 
"Kennedi." Y/N said, her voice shaking with unease. "I don't think you should do that." She looked to Harry, hoping he would say something to his girlfriend, but he only glanced at Y/N and pursed his lips.
Kennedi had made her way straight to the Scarecrow. The old woman had annoyed her and she was gonna show her. She wasn't afraid of anything, especially not some stupid story. 
"Kennedi." Her eyes flickered towards Y/N, she looked genuinely terrified. "Don't." 
"Ooh." Kennedi said, her tone mocking as she grabbed the scarecrow's head. "Is Punkinhead gonna get me?" She yanked the head off the scarecrow, throwing it to the ground. Y/N shivered at the noise it made on impact, squishy as it split apart. Kennedi hopped down from the post, wiping her hands.
"Kennedi." Niall scolded. She rolled her eyes.
"Come on. I don't believe in stupid horror stories. Punkinhead is about as real as the Boogeyman." She nudged Niall hard in the shoulder as she yanked Harry back towards the car.
Y/N stood rooted to the spot, staring at the smashed pumpkin. A chilly breeze swept over her and her stomach was churning.
"She shouldn't have done that." She finally said, turning to look at Niall. "I have a really bad feeling." Niall shook his head, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, turning them back to the car.
"I don't like her either Y/N but you shouldn't worry. Punkinhead is just a story....an urban legend." Y/N looked back at the house as they got into the car. The old woman stood on her porch, still watching them. As they made eye contact the feelings grew. Y/N didn't know what it was, but something bad was on the horizon.
Hellen went back into her house. She went into her bedroom, kneeling down she ripped up the floorboard and pulled out an old book. She brought it to the kitchen, slamming it on the table. 
"Stupid kids. They'll learn." She growled, flipping through the pages. "Here it is." She said, stopping suddenly. 
"Cross my heart and hope to die, please keep me blinded from the sight. When Punkinhead appears tonight. Appease the soul, save the right, bad blood will feed this patch tonight."
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Drag Me To Hell...
Monster Prompts #3 “i'm going to breed you” #11” look at you… I thought you wanted me to stop?” With Demon! King Bakugou.
Warnings. NonC. Group NonC. First Time. ImPreg. Mind Break. Blood.
You loved the supernatural . The Mercy Thompson Series, The Vampire Diaries. The TV shows, Lost Girl, Supernatural , Being Human . Even horror video games like Until Dawn. Anything horror and supernatural you loved. But you were taking that interest a little too far according to your friends. When you told them you wanted to try practising the Dark Arts and they just looked at you. ‘That's not a real thing ya know y/n’ is what they always told you. But who were they to tell you how to live your life?
You also wanted to buy a ouija board so you could see if you could talk to the dead. The website you ordered the board from seemed really into demons and hell but you paid no mind really. It would be cool to summon a demon but you were just a beginner . Before you were about to check out the site suggested a seance book. It was black and orange with an interesting star crest in the middle. You shrugged adding it on , smiling at that Free Shipping you just unlocked.
It arrived the very next day . In a pretty well put together purple box with a bloody red ribbon you couldn't see throwing away. So you made it into a bracelet and a necklace. It burned your skin once it made contact. But when you checked in the mirror nothing was there, no singes, nothing. So eh , what the hell. Right?
You sat down on the floor setting up the board and pulled the book on your lap to read it. You raised an eyebrow at the summoning items. Where the hell would you get goat's blood? A virgin sacrifice? Well.. you shrugged that off and found a chapter about the board. You set the book down and lit some candles, turning off the lights.
You grabbed the dial and held it over the board repeating the words in the book. The dial shook and you couldn't help but have a stupid grin on your face.
“ is anyone there?”
You shook all giddy. “What's .. your name?”
“S.E.E. F.O.R Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F”
You tilted your head. What did that mean? “How can i see you.?”
“Blood and chalk? Like a chalk circle?”
You hopped up running to find some chalk and the dial spazzed out hovering over “M.I.N.E” .
He was sitting on his throne when you weakly summoned him. He looked up from his claws to see a wavy cloud of you reading a book. Oh look at you.. this might be fun. And you even have the ribbons on.. perfect.
He leaned on his knuckles while he talked to you. His long lizard tail slapping all around the hot ground. He was a Demon King in Hell. He had thousands of goblin minions who waited on him claw and foot. A giant red dog slept at his side , his fur was spiked on his back and the tips were black. The King though. Was at least 6’5. Lean, muscle, scary charred feet and legs that he covered with some kind of fur cloth. His chest was bare with scratches going in every direction along with the charred skin creeping up like hands up at his pecks. He had strong charred arms equipped with curved claws. The ashy blond hair traveled down to the middle of his back and his horns were long and mighty with a blood red crown hanging off the left horn. Curling back at the edge. Piercing red eyes stared into your soul. He chuckled deep at how innocent you were. He was going to break you.
You returned with the items and sat back down to see the dial where you left it. You made the circle on your carpet, placing the candles down on each tip. He grinned watching you.
“The knife. Use the knife my pet.” He said to himself leaning forward. His dog also woke up to see his master looking excited and hungry.
You held the knife to your head making a small cut . You winced, tipping your hand over and the blood fell in the center while you repeated the words in the book.
Bakugou grinned standing up as the cloud of you turned into a portal. He laughed alerting his goblins and they all ran over cheering for a new toy to arrive.
“Tonight we dine!!!” Bakugou yelled as his bat wings spread out bringing him to the portal.
The floor shook and you got very hot all of a sudden. The candles tipped over starting a fire and you backed away screaming. The circle opened up and a long charred claw rose out scratching at the floor .
You screamed again looking for the door but it was on fire. You started to cough and get dizzy. This wasn't actually happening was it?!? You summoned a DEMON? No no, i mean you CANT. A second claw appeared clawing up the floor and you saw two long horns along with a crown.
Bakugou pulled himself up stepping into your world with a very hungry grin on his face . His tail flicked around crushing your tv . His horns dug into the ceiling scratching it all up and his claws reached out to you, offering his hand. “Come. My little Feast. come meet your new Husband” He hissed at you , almost mocking you.
You backed up more and his tail shot to you grabbing your ankle making you scream out . He dragged you to him , his wings spreading out knocking everything over. You were getting hotter, burning. You could smell burning skin. You dug your nails into the carpet as if it would do something. Bakugou snapped his claws and the ribbon glowed making the burning flesh heal . You didn't feel any heat all of a sudden, you didn't feel like you were burning alive.
Bakugou grabbed your ankle and his tail let go . He laughed and laughed flipping you over, ripping your clothes off and licking your stomach to your face with his very long tongue. “Lets go , shall we?” He dragged you down with him, right down to hell.
Bakugou grabbed your ankle yanking your clothes off and threw you right down once the portal closed. Right down to his minions and dog . The goblins caught you and immediately started touching you all over. Little slimy hands covered every inch of your body , touching your chest, pulling at your nipples and digging into your pussy. One of them tried to pry your mouth open and you shook him off , you rolled over and one of them humped your rear trying to get himself inside you.
You begged for this to stop but one of the goblins shoved his slimy cock down your throat and began to face fuck you. You screamed and he just went faster. another goblin went for your pussy and Bakugous tail grabbed him, tossing him into some lava. “No one touches my feast there. That's mine.” He said sitting back down on his throne watching the goblins stomp around forming a line at your mouth.
Bakugou laid his leg over his knee watching with satisfaction on his face. His dog rubbed on Bakugous side and Bakugou reached up to pet his nose. “Hungry?” He waved his hand and some meat appeared. The dog wagged his tail pouncing on the food and Bakugou turned his attention back to you.
Every single one used your mouth , and if one tried to sneak back in line Bakugou tossed them into the lava. You had cum falling out of your mouth forming a puddle at your chest. It was starting to form a bump in your stomach and your jaw was aching .
By the time they were all satisfied Bakugou got up and they all ran off on little short legs going elsewhere. Bakugou kneeled down grabbing your hair so he could see your face. You coughed up a bunch of cum heaving hard. He smiled at you showing off his fangs, talking deep.
“That was fun right? I'm surprised you lived through it. Most women dont. “
“Hm? Why are you here? Why you summoned me of course. “ he licked at your face cleaning it all up from tears and cum. He spit into some lava and lifted you up more. “ Those words you repeated in the book? Were vows. Your mine. Forever. And if you think you're gonna die down here then guess again.” The ribbons glowed a shiny red. “Your immortal now. And I'm gonna breed you. Every.Single.Chance i get. “
“But im-...”
“But what.?!? A lonely little human? You thought you could .. play around with a little book?!? Practice some dark arts like they do in those fantasies of yours?!? Well guess what honey it's real. And you're never leaving this place.”
He dragged you to his throne sitting down and pulled you up, you tried to fight him but as soon as he grabbed hold of you he slid you right down on his hard cock all the way down. You screamed. It echoed all throughout hell . The smell of your blood made him go nuts. Fucking you hard and fast , he didint care if he was breaking you, didint care if it hurt. He only wanted to fuck you till your mind broke . Till you were begging him for his cock like a bitch in heat.
The days went on . And the goblins demanded service at least every other day. But fewer and fewer showed up since Bakugou had to toss them in the lava. Other demons showed up too, creatures you've never seen before. Wanting the same treatment. Your jaw broke a few times and Bakugou had to snap it back into place each time with an annoyed look on his face.
You were free to walk around Hell as you pleased, but if you did you had to service anyone you came across. And Bakugous dog had to go with you just in case anyone tried anything with your pussy. They could have your ass though, no matter how loud you screamed no one helped you. Just waited for their turn while the big demon dog wagged his tail watching the lava burst nearby .
Why exactly were you walking around Hell?!? A very small part of you.. the part that wasn't broken. Was fascinated with everything you saw. It was all you had left of yourself, your real self. You even found a quiet spot away from creatures and goblins. A shady spot with no lava , it looked like a little cave almost. You crawled inside hugging yourself . It had been a month? Maybe? Did anyone know you were gone? You looked down at your stomach rubbing the small bump. You had fallen pregnant at some point. All you could think about was what it would look like. And the king.
Your hand dipped between your legs and you rubbed your clit in circles , leaning back on the warm rock sighing with relief. The demon king rushed all around in your head causing you to breath hard and slip a couple fingers in. “My king..” you sighed into your shoulder. The dog howled and minutes later he was there, crouching down watching you with a smile.
“Look at you.”
“King..” you crawled to him in between his legs fishing his cock out and hugging his hips. He smirked turning you around to run a claw down your rear watching it shake . You offered your dripping pussy to him and he rubbed your stomach. “Look at you… I thought you wanted me to stop..,?”
A whine left your mouth and Bakugou got up on his knees rubbing his cock on you . You came hard just from that and Bakugou grinned, rubbing his cock on your clit . “Oh you little slut. I'm glad you saw it my way” He shoved all the way inside you and you looked up grinning like an idiot. You came again and Bakugou tipped his head back laughing into the dark.
@crushonkatsuki @knifeewifee @squeaky-ducky @maron-k-rh @lady-bakuhoe @kittifer @redflannel
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chiropteracupola · 3 years
rating variations on my name/nicknames 
(guess who’s avoiding any form of actual work as usual?  it’s me!)
full first name: wrong and bad, do not.  there are too many people who also have this name.  4/10.
em: very good!  that’s me!  11/10, call me this!  it’s my name!
first initial + last initial: feels like a mid-2000s skateboarder but in a good way!  also very good! 10/10.
all initials (I have several): how are you even pronouncing that.  kudos to you for thinking that that was anything all like a word, but also, very weird decision on your part.  5/10, I’m confused.
middle name: why are you doing this.  how do you even know that.  2/10, stop that.
full first name + middle name: this is only okay if you are my grandmother. 5/10 if you are my grandmother, -15/10 if you are not.
bats: good!  suitably strange, also cute!  9/10.
cupola: excellent!  that’s me!  full of bats!  10/10, very fancy.
[my mom’s name]: a very good name, but not mine.  would like to know more about whatever circumstances led you to believe I was her.  6/10, weird.
surname (pronounced correctly): only one person calls me this but I would be okay if other people started doing that (provided that they acquired my surname through polite means).  good.  7/10.
surname (pronounced incorrectly): this is not okay even if you are my grandmother.  stop that, grandma.  it is literally also your name, grandma.  please stop.  0/10, wrong and bad.  grandma please stop telling people that it is pronounced like that.  it is not.
full first name + last initial: do not do this.  I have had it up to here with you calling me that.  go away.  -57/10, this is what they called me in middle school.  there were poorly written rhyming chants involved.  it was not great.
full first name + surname (pronounced incorrectly): why.  -23/10, could you please Not.
hoppy: not okay even if you’re my grandmother.  gram, where did you even come up with this?  0/10, do not do this. 
evil-eye: the couple of weeks last year when the goblin boy called me this were very cool.  evil-eye and goblin.  they’re siblings.  good.  10/10, we could be in a dubious fantasy novel.
patricia: what I say my name is when I’m wearing things with my granddad’s initials on them.  highly debatable.  full of trickery.  thinking of switching this to “peter” so that when people ask what the “p” is for, I’m doing slightly less lying. ???/10, why do I do this.
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netherlady · 4 years
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I’m watching movies/TV shows I used to watch as a kid in the 90s. Specifically, non-Disney animated media. These are my thoughts as they come.
I’m on to a Filmation Associates film called Happily Ever After. It’s a continuation of what happened after the end of Snow White. I actually used to watch the Disney film and this one back-to-back because that’s how I felt things should be done.
Right off, the mirror is recounting Snow White’s story—but get this. The prince didn’t kiss Snow’s corpse to awaken her. With love in his heart, he touched her hand and it was enough to break the spell.
Can I just appreciate the fact they didn’t wanna be like kissing sleeping and/or dead people is okay if you’re supposedly in love with them. Not cool, charming.
Dom DeLuise is the mirror, and a shady bitch right off. Straight up is like lol I don’t know you.
This animation is beautiful, tho. Fluid, expressive, they’re all individual character desiiigggnnn.
Malcom McDowell is iconic in this. Also, adding the dimension that the Evil Queen has family—and not only that, but a good strong relationship to her brother? To the point that he doesn’t even know this Snow White situation other than what he’s heard from his sister over the years, day in day out, holy shit are you STILL talking about this fucking teenager give it a rest maybe? And when he learns that aforementioned teenager is RESPONSIBLE for the death of his beloved sister? No questions, not even any real monologuing; Lord Maliss really said just where is this pasty little fuck I’m gonna set fire to her entire goddamn life.
I never understood why the Bat felt sorry for the evil queen. Seriously, she spent a good week trying to murder a teenager and failed. Over vanity. Just.
Speaking of the whole teenager thing, Snow is supposed to be 14. In lore, and in the Disney film. The prince is over 18. Super not okay. However, the way Snow is animated in this film, she looks older, acts older, and is clearly not a child. She is also voiced by Irene Cara (yes, THAT Irene Cara), which lends an unmistakable maturity to her. I honestly think they mean for her to be older in this. 18 at least. And I appreciate that.
Also, damn is this child traumatized. In the span of a few months, she was nearly murdered by the huntsman, her step-mother (four times), resurrected from a hell-sleep, and when she and the love of her life finally have a moment’s peace, she gets carried off by a giant fucking dragon, chased into another dark and terrifying forrest, and her prince gets kidnapped.
Her prince looks like He-Man with red hair. By the way. That aside, my favorite moment of him is how they animated him watching Snow pick flowers for her dwarven friends. It’s not creepy or possessive. It’s so damn affectionate.
I love the dwarfelles, and every actress that voiced them. Fuck.
Low key, I always thought Sunburn and Muddy were married. Like, knew it, accepted it, moved on from it.
And again, the radical bops of 90s non-Disney animation. Gotta love this shit, sing about your feelings Thunderella.
Phyllis Diller as Mother Nature is also iconic. She is made of bitch. Good for her.
Remember when I said the Prince looked like He-Man? He got turned into Orko. I just saw it and i can’t unsee it now. Fuck.
Anyway, I always liked the Shadow Man, and while I did love that he was the prince, I also would have loved him being a separate entity. Idk.
Maliss is so fucking extra with the magic mirror, like “STFU YOU INSOLENT PIFFLE lol you right tho imma go sic demon wolves on this bitch brb”
The bat is supposed to be the moral one, right. Calling the owl, Scowl, out on his bullshit. Honestly, this bat is an asshole. Straight up a piece of shit.
Man, Snow really out here, fighting wolves, saving dwarfelle lives, being agile as hell. I think about the scene where she gets up in the morning and twirls in front of the dwarves’ mirror, happy to be safe somewhere she calls home. A lot. Like? This is the same bitch. It’s great.
There’s a lot of themes about vanity in this story. I find it so interesting that after being invited to travel with them by Snow, the prince, cursed like to be the shadow man, is so horrified at his new visage, he runs off in shame. In doing so, he leaves Snow vulnerable, and without her mystic companions—and she gets hella kidnapped by Maliss.
Who, again, is a competent villain. No speeches, no posturing, he transforms and grabs her while he has an opening. Like, Maliss legit did not fuck around.
Batso continues to be an asshole.
When Maliss/evil prince says ‘You will look out on this forever’, it always hits. I used to rewind this particular segment up here on the parapet a lot. I loved the betrayal, the final stand-off. But that? That moment? I think about that line on the daily still. Chilling.
The cloak came out of nowhere, but it’s no less terrifying.
Seriously, I want background on the cloak. We got a whole bullshit song out of the chain smoking owl, I wanna know where Maliss got this cloak, and if all the statues in his sister’s castle are because of it. That’s a fucking story.
Straight up, wtf does he do to the prince/shadow man with the eye beams. Like. Mad scary and super fucked up. Maliss is powerful AF, and he wanted the woman responsible for killing his sister to suffer so bad, he gets real angerblind real fast.
This movie went hard. Killed the prince and the dwarfelles right there. Like. They were banking hard that the Magic undo button with the death of the villain was gonna sell right.
I was always low key confused when Snow said she loved the shadow man ‘as dearly as the prince’ when she mourned him. I’m sure it was supposed to be a soulmate hand-wavey kind of thing, but still.
My brother used to make fun of the way she cried. Irene tried, okay.
Ah, yes, the 90s non-smoking PSA. Everyone had one. Now with more owl.
Happily Ever After. I wouldn’t blame Snow if she legit had a guard who’s only job was to test her food and clothing for poisons, and another to watch the sky for fucking dragons for the rest of her life.
I loved watching this again. I forgot how much I loved it. The cast is huge and stellar, with a ton of legends. And the pop ballad at the end is, of course, performed by Irene Cara.
There’s only three songs in this whole thing, and the pop song at the end. I always wished there were more.
Either way. I loved this movie as a kid. Next time I’ll probably watch the Princess and the Goblin.
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kdramaxoxo · 4 years
The King: Eternal Monarch
Dropped after 2 episodes fine, i’ll give it 2 more episodes (you guys are very convincing :P) 
I waited 3 years for Lee Min Ho’s drama comeback, but I’m sad to say I’ll be dropping his latest drama after only 2 and a half episodes.
I loved Goblin (another drama by this creator), despite it’s pacing. It was super unique, had iconic scenes I will never forget, and a soundtrack to die for. Even if the script was wonky sometimes, the actors were so good they made it work.
But I’m sad to say that The King: Eternal Monarch is not working for me at all. I feel like the writer took all of the Goblin-y stuff and a little bit of The Heirs (they also made this), mixed them up and spit them out into a new drama. It’s doesn’t just have parallel visuals, it’s got exact copy-cat scenes with a soundtrack to match. Snow moving upwards, two characters staring at one another poetically, the fall maple leaf scene...They couldn’t come up with anything new? I mean I loved those scenes in Goblin, but I was hoping they’d be a little more creative than a complete style repeat.
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The set up is so convoluted and draggy. I’m 2.5 episodes in and I still cannot figure out people’s motives. Rather, I think I know their motives but I can’t understand WHY I should care, or why THEY care about what’s happening. The King finds himself in another universe and hardly bats an eye. If he was another actor, he’d be shocked, scared maybe run around trying to figure out what’s going on? Instead he goes shopping, acts like a spoiled brat and doesn’t seem concerned about the land he left behind. The important thing the writers want us to know is that he gets his way because he is gorgeous.
Episode three doesn’t do any world building but starts with a cop hijinks scene that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the plot? I’m pretty sure they forgot to set up a strong foundation from the get go and are now trying to cobble together a cohesive plot. Even if they do finally bring it together, they should have done that at the beginning.
Do Hwan, Kim Kyung Nam are amazing (love them!), but they aren’t the king who is the leading role of this drama (just imagine the difference if Do Hwan was cast as the lead!) And unfortunately unlike Gong Yoo, Lee Min Ho (my very first bias who I’d make a lot of excuses for in any other drama) cannot carry this show, even with the talented Kim Go Eun acting along side of him. If the show was just about the security guy or eun sop, I’d be sold but alas.
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I normally give k-dramas 4 episodes but man, I do not have faith that this show is going to come together in any well written way.  I can only imagine that the idea sounded really cool at the pitch meeting, and no one wanted to turn down netflix money.
I can’t believe both of my biases failed me on their comebacks. Ok, you twisted my arm - I’ll give them both another chance next time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
UPDATE: I obviously was in a huff when I wrote this. I mean it’s ALL TRUE, but I’m going to try and give it my full 4 episode watch now that I’ve calmed down...yeah, I’m moody :P
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Darkwing Duck Reviews Halloween Special: Fungus Amongus and Ghoul of My Dream
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Happy Halloween! Halloween Havoc races to the finish with another Darkwing Double Feature! Love is kinda crazy with a spooky girl like Morgana, and in this case “kinda crazy” means a board of ghouls stealing pizza, sentient mushrooms, grumpy spiders, student lone debt, and a gremlin who somehow sees himself as a valid romantic option. It’s a Darkwing Duck Halloween under the cut.+
We’ve made it! While I got less Halloween reviews done than I would’ve liked, I’m still happy with the ones done and there’s still two more to get in the pocket before the day’s up. So with Halloween today it seemed fitting to talk about the Justice Ducks resident sorcerer and Darkwing’s Girlfriend, Morgana Macawber. Morgana was the only one of the four to stick around as a recurring character out of the four Justice Ducks: Gizmoduck would show up once more after the four parter, and sadly Neptunia and Stegamutt just seemed to vanish but the crew clearly liked Morg a lot and her relationship with Darkwing, so she stuck around for the rest of the series, and is even the focus of the final episode “Malice’s Restaurant”, as well as a sizeable part of the comics. And it’s easy to see why as Kathie Sourcie had great chemistry with Jim Cummings and Morgana’s very presence, being a sorceress raised by the munsters and living in a creepy mansion, allowed for diffrent stories than what Darkwing usually dealt with. While magic didn’t feel like it contrasted with the world, as Darkwing’s world feels like your standard superhero fantasy kitchen sink where anything is possible, most of his foes were either super villains or the kinds of super spies you’d find in a comic book. So fighting ghoouls, goblins, and Satan himself, yes that’s an episode that actually happened, no it’s sadly not on Disney plus, and yes I will be covering it eventually, was a nice out of genre experience and a nice way to put our daring duck of mystery out of his element.
She brought something diffrent to the table, both forcing Darkwing to grapple with letting someone into his life, and with having something to focus on other than Gosalyn or crime. So I wanted to see how this plays out, so expect me to cover all her episodes and not just the Satan one or the Valentine’s Day one, though like my Tom Lucitor retrospective, expect this one to also take some time. So with that all set up, Halloween is the perfect time to begin our journey with her first two episodes.. and Morgana’s Villian Career. Yeah while she only had about 9 episodes to her name, 2 of them are as a Catwoman or Black Cat style antagonist, someone whose likeable and who are hero is attracted to, but is on the wrong side of the law.
She eventually came around, but it’s still an intresting way to start things and an intresting dilema for our hero I wish stuck around for just a smidge longer. These aren’t bad episodes with Ghoul of My Dreams being a pretty good one. If I had to guess though the reason the dynamic fizzled out.. is they simply didn’t have a lot of ideas of how to use her as a bad guy. Part of the reason i’m covering these two episodes together is that they follow basically the same plot beat, the only differences being Darkwing meets Morgana in the first one and they know each other in the second, and that the evil entity who ends up turning against her she works with is different for both. The third act is also entirely unique to each episode, so it feels less like them lazily repeating themselves on an episode and more like they genuinely realized they didn’t have a ton of ideas for Morgana as a villain and thus had her reform with the Justice Ducks two parter. And I can’t blame them: fan would get annoyed if basically every Morgana plot played out the same, and this way she could know Drake’s secret identity, and thus allow the stories to use Gosalyn, though I do wish she’d shown up in one of the villian ones just to see how that played out. But still her time as a Villian is there, and is even a plot point in the valentine’s episode, so let’s see how it played out and see what I think.
Fungus Amongus
The plot here is fairly simple: there’s been a rash of mysterious thefts in St. Canard, and Darkwing is stumped.. until Launchpad asks if they can go for pizza, because he’s hungry and Darkwing is the terrible kind of boss that doesn’t’t care about meal breaks. It makes our hungry hero realize that each of the thefts are connected to PIzza Toppings, and after thwarting the bats and spiders stealing some anchovies, figures there’s only two left: Green Peppers and Mushrooms, and so he decides it’s time to split up gang and while Launchpad guards the peppers, Darkwing goes to visit the head of the mushrom company, who naturally turns out to be Morgana. The two end up taken with one another, to the board’s annoyance as Darkwing is onto them and could stop their whole evil plan and they want to just murder his ass and be done with it. But Morgana proves seduction’s a bit more useful as she sweetalks our hero into leaving, and points out given he’s also a creature of the night in a sense, she plans to turn him.. or kill him if she has to. More on that in our next episode. The facade dosen’t last long as Darkwing goes to help launchpad at the pepper place, and ends up finding out oh no the hot lady he met five minutes ago is bad! While the board plans to feed Launchpad to mutant mushrooms, while Morgana seemingly turns Darkwing into her mindless slave.. but really just played the board and switched sides, not wanting to hurt the guy she just met because he’s cute, they defeat the mushrooms and the board who turn into mushrooms in the light because....
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The day is saved though we do get the one standout bit of the episode. Darkwing despite his attraction to her, wants to turn her in, while Morgana simply teleports her house away. And thus the dance begins. As for the episode... as you can tell by how brief I was... for one i’m not doing my usual died in wool recapping for these two to get them out on time. And i’m also not because this one.. is pretty thin. The mutant mushroom and boards’d esigns are cool and Morgana is intresting.. but having seen Ghoul of my Dreams first.. it’s just not as fun, funny or good on the Morgana Darkwing dynamic. Morgana just decides because she wants to ride that dick she’ll be good for a moment, and throw away her hard worked scheme, and the board is turned into mushrooms because.. well see the lex luger pic above. It’s not a TERRIBLE episode, just not a terribly intresting one. It has good elements, but they just don’t come together well and the pizza scheme isn’t as funny as the episode thinks it is. I can kinda see why this one was buried deeper into the series and Ghoul of My Dreams is where they put focus. I just don’t have a lot to say about this one, it’s just bland and uninteresting. It’s kind of why I just sorta plopped it next to Ghoul, I needed to review it for completion’s sake, but lord if I can think of a lot to say about it that isn’t tied into the next one. So since I can’t...
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Ghoul of my Dreams:
Now this is better. The basic plot is still simple but allows for a lot more intresting set pieces: It’s a slow night in St. Canard, to Darkwing’s natural annoyance, until a bunch of fire fighters start sleepwalking and throwing gold to some spiders and bats. Something is afoot and since the bats belong to Morgana, Darkwing goes to investigate her. Granted we just MET eek and squeak, but it’s easy enough to assume Morgana struck again off screen and some time has passed. And i’ts honestly what makes this episode more interesting: now it’s more of a cat and mouse game, with Morgana using their chemistry against him, but still being genuinely drawn to him and not wanting to hurt him. It’s better than “I met you five minutes ago might as well throw away my money for you”.  Instead Morg truly likes Drake, but wants to keep doing crimes to, in easily the best joke of the entire series “Finally pay off my student loans”.. which makes her already not really a bad guy. I may not haves em but I know people who do. Those loan people do not play around. It’s investing and Sourcie and Cumming’s chemstiry really makes it pop. Sourcie really is what makes the character, giving her energy, sedcutivness when called for and a really sympathetic quality that makes her face turn, sudden as it is, believable. It’s why I really like the character. And I get why some don’t: Her romance with darkwing is sudden,  her face turn is even more sudden, and she gets in the way of Drakepad shippers. The first two are valid criticisms, while the last one is understandable.. depending on motive. If your just bummed this relationship you don’t like is forced into the show and gets in the way of the one you actually enjoy.. trust me...
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BEEN THERE. And far far worse.. I didn’t start up an entire retrospective on the guy who DIDN’T get the girl here for nothing. But if you say “oh well it’s homophobic or you hate gays” if you don’t ship drakepad, which I have actually heard for both this ship and delpad.. kindly go fuck yourself and stay away from my posts. It’s NOT homophobic to ship a character who is CANOCIALLY into women, with a woman. Launchpad had a girl of the week or two in ducktales, Drake’s attraction to morgana is canon and he also had some ship tease with Neptunia. They both like women.. but there’s nothing saying they DON’T like men, don’t want to date men, or aren’t attracted to them.
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Been waiting to reference Schitt’s Creek at some point here now i’ve started watching it. It’s biphobic to say this sort of harmful shit, and it doesn’t’t help there are plenty of gay people who genuinely believe bi and pan aren’t sexualities and harm their own community by doing so. Saying this kind of shit just fuels their fire and bi people like me and pan people like my firend have a hard enough time with straight people being dicks about this. You should know and be better. Don’t bring that shit into this fandom. We’ve already ridden incest out on a rail we don’t need this. I already put up with enough bullshit being a loud house fan and having to deal with ACTUAL homophobic ships like Sam/Lincoln, aka setting up a character you don’t know to be anything but gay, versus her girlfriend whose canocially been shown to be bi if preferring women, whose the proment and well like love interest of a woman, and pair her with her younger brother to clearly troll people. Now that’s a homophobic ship and that you shoudl be angry about, not “oh no the person who likes women in canon.. LIKES A WOMAN IN FANON”. It’s part of what made shiping delpad hard at times because people got really dumb about it to the point someone drew some very horrible fanart just to clog up the tag. Knock. it off.
And if your curious for my actual thoughts on Drakepad: in the classic series.. i’m not a fan, but I get it, and I do think they could work... it’s just. that Drake treats Launchpad really bad, including throwing him out of the house for a year without telling him why over something that really wasn’t his fault, not feeding him, not treating him as an equal after a while. This would have to change for them to work but I could see it happening, as the comics and one of the peisodes make a point that Drake can be a pretty shitty partner to Morgana too.
And just to show i’m equal opprtunity, despite shipping Delpad in the past, i’ve moved on to Penpad and Drakepad , ironcially enough, i’m not as big a fan anymore. LIke the above, Della just dosen’t respect launchpad as a human being. She was willing to keep the Halloween thing up JUST to scare children, looks down on him, and whie is his friend, is not all that close. I could see them happening, and do still think it’d be cute, it’d just take a ton of work and there are better ships for both. And yes I do ship Drakepad in the reboot, but there the two aren’t employer and employee, but equals who genuinely love and respect one another, listen to one another, and value each other. In the Reboot they have genuine chemistry and I could see them together, while in the original Launchpad and Morgana both really deserve better.
Now that’s settled, we get a fun scene of the two primping for each other. then flirting a bit, though Morgana, in AWFUL looking black lipstick wins with the move above and has her spider web launchpad, who hates morgana.. which is one part common sense given how darkwing gets around her and one part ho yay. But yeah this is pretty much Launchpad for both these episodes.
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And darkwing dick is calling the shots so fair enough. But Morgana is once again nto wokring alone and is working with a creepy, well designed gremlin, named Nodoff... eh i’ve heard worse, whose giving her sleeping dust to knock out her targets and hits on her constnatly. Naturally he plans to betray her as soon as he can, and is likely only tolerating her because he wants to hit that.  There dynamic boils down to this.
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There’s also tons of fun dream sequences including one at the top with darkwing being confronted by his enitre Rogue’s gallery before seeing morgana, NOdoff using baseball on Morg’s next target and some great ones at the climax. It’s part of hwy I like this episode better: While someone using dreams for stuff has been done a lot, it’s given a creative spin here as instead of killing them, Morgana’s simply using them to steal. Good stuff.
Darkwing foils their first attempt, though gets blamed for it because St. Canard is about as grateful as New York when it comes to superheroes. Morgana knocks darkwing out with some dust via Eeka and Squeak and admits Nodoff is working for her, though fobids him to harm Darkwing. This.. dosen’t last and we get another great setpiece, of sarkwing on a high dive. Thankfully, Launchpad finds him, and they find Morgana, who gives off the student loans comment. But in the struggle to stop her, Darkwing accidently puts her and the city to sleep.. and Nodoff is now super powerful and imprisons morgana. Darkwing i s back at her house, wondering what to do, but the bats give him a clue.. by flying him thorugh the door to fight Nodoff. It goes about as well as you’d expect with him freeing Morgana.. then trying to murder them both. Darkwing however pulls an Elm Streett 3 and says to think happy thoughts and take control of the dream.. which ends up at Darkwing’s Wedding to Morgana to his horror..... remind me whose the hero again. The woman who, while doing crimes is trying to pay off unfair debts, or the guy who finds the idea of commitment horrifying.  
Anyways we get some more great bits, I brush over them so I don’t ahve to talk about them conantly, including darkwing getting a cake on him, before Darkwing turns the tables by finding the hourglass full of the dust.. and in a clever finale, loading it into his gun and firing it on nodoff. This puts him to sleep.. which puts him in the real world, while Launchpad uses a giant alarm clock to wake everyone. They throw NOdoff back into the dream world.. for some reason.. and the episode ends iwth morgana kissing darkwing and the episode possibly having been all a dream.
This one, while I was again breif, is a classic, with a much more interesting dynamic. Instead of a morgana who goes from willing to kill we get one whose conflicted over things, who clearly wants to be a crook but may like darkwing more than that, as evidenced when he talks her out of taking Nodoff’s offer of riches. It’s good stuff and the gags are back to the show’s usual top notch level. It’s a creative, fun episode that really helps Morgana come into her own and I look forward to more of her. Overall i’d recommend skipping fungus amongus, but DEFINTELY check out ghoul of my dreams, as it’s throughly fantastic. I’ll be back in a bit for one last Halloween review and as always you can find my backlog on my blog. i recently covered Tiff of the Titans and there’s regular ducktales coverage every monday. Until then make sure to vote, wear a mask and check your house for gary busey till we meet again! Play us out Gerard Way!
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