#i know he lives for a good pumpkin spice latte
inkskinned · 1 year
it just sucks because nothing is ever fucking made for you, and if it is made for you like 75% of the time it gets chopped into little pieces by every person alive because this is the one thing you have, so it has to prove itself to you.
like, a thing can't just be for women. men need to assign it to women. women have to experience "must" or "should" before their hobbies and passions - women are allowed to do silly, passive things like tuck our ankles and titter behind a fan, or something. women are allowed to, they are welcomed to. like the world is a house and we are supposed to be in the kitchen and now we are being given the divine right to enter the living room if we bring chips
because when it becomes for you, or about you, that is when the thing is vile. you should/must wear makeup so you can appear beautiful to men. once you wear makeup for yourself, or because you yourself enjoy putting it on, then you are no longer doing the right thing. there is a reason men hate certain fashion trends. there is a reason men hate things like the pumpkin spice latte - because it's not about them. you are buying it because it is good for you. they degrade your passions and interests. there is a reason women-led fields are largely seen as being "not a real" profession. when you are a good cook, that is because you can provide for him. close your eyes. you're not going to be a chef, be honest. that is a man making food for himself.
bras are made so breasts will be appealing to men. they are rarely about comfort or support. you have given up entirely on the idea of pockets. young girls have to worry about a shorter inseam on their shorts. a girl on instagram gets her septum pierced, and men in the comments are rabid about it - i just want to rip it out of her face. she'd be beautiful without it.
and fucking everything is for them. even the media that is "for you" is for them, eventually. remember "my little pony"? remember how hard it is to convince any executive to believe that little girls are worth selling to? in the media that is for you, you see little ways that you still need to make it accessible for them - the man is always powerful, smart, masculine. he is a man's man. the media usually forgives him. it usually says okay, some men are awful, but hey! gotta love 'em. because if you don't hold their hands and say "this is literally just a story about my lived reality", they shit their pants about it. they demand you put them into the media that's for you.
these are people who are so used to glutting themselves on the world. they are used to having every corner and every dollar and every place of leadership. so you say can i please have one slice of cake, just for myself, please, holy shit. and they fucking weep about it. they say you're being unfair, because some of their one-thousand-slices aren't beautiful, and your singular cake slice doesn't have their name on it. and aren't you being rude by not offering to share?
and honestly. fucking - yeah, man. you were kind of surprised, because the cake is a little basic (you bake at home, you're way past this stuff). but holy shit, it was nice just to be offered cake in the first place. you're used to having to starve. you're used to getting nothing, but going to the party anyway, because you're expected (professionally) to show up. you liked that it is a simple cake, and that it is warm, and mostly: you like that there is, for once, a cake-for-you.
in the real world, outside of metaphor, it feels like fucking being slapped. barbie didn't even say anything particularly unusual; it literally just made factually evident points. there are less women in leadership than men. we can look at that fact objectively. that is a real thing that is happening. and the movie is aware that it has to defend itself! that it has to spend like half an hour just turning to the camera and saying: i know this is hard for you to understand, but this is a real thing that women experience.
it's just - this is that one kid on the playground who thinks its allowed to hog all the toys. he builds this hoard that nobody else is allowed to even look at, or he'll get aggressive. everyone's a little scared of him, so they let it slide, because his daddy gave him the golden touch. he hates when people cry and thinks bullying is cool. he writes boys only! on a big sign and makes all his friends take "alpha male" classes.
and then girls pick up barbies, because there was nothing left for them. and in the void they've been given, with their scraps: they make long, spiraling narratives about how barbie is actually descended from snakes and has given her righteous followers magical (if concerning) powers and can speak 32 languages (2 of which are animal related) and has big plans for infrastructure (beginning with the local interstate). and the boy comes over, and he has a huge fit about how the girls aren't "including" him. he wants to know why the girls aren't making the story about ken.
"we didn't like your story." the girls blink at him. they point to his war stories and the gi joes and the millions of male-led narratives and how still in the modern day men get two-thirds of the speaking roles in movies and they point to men making mediocre shows that don't get lambasted and they point to men encouraging toxic masculinity and they point to men everywhere, men and men and men. and they say: "how is this our fault? you had ken."
"no!" he is already back to screaming and stomping his feet and tearing at his hair and intentionally reminding them that men are holding back thinly concealed violence and he says: "if it's not for me, it's actually sexism."
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catapparently · 6 months
Kaz Brekker Headcanons
Cat entering her hc era thanks to my maid of honor @x-liv25 . Please go read her TIG headcanons!
Kaz once said "you shouldn't make friends with crows," "why not?" "they don't have any manners." I headcanon that he tried to feed a crow and actually be nice to it but it bit him so now he forever holds the grudge
He has a stack of makeup in his desk drawer in case he needs to change his face up a bit for a job and he's excellent at it
At some point, when he was still struggling with finding a job after Jordie's death, he stole someone's purse and found bronzer/contour that he used to draw himself abs to look strong and "hirable".
He doesn't mind touching animals without his gloves
He realized that when he tried to save an abandoned kitten in the rain when he was younger
He felt bad for it because it reminded him of him and Jordie
He saw it as a debt-ish to Jordie to save the kitten
It once brought Kaz a mouse as a gift and Kaz genuinely appreciated the gesture
Kaz POV: "What a distinguished gentleman who knows I'm worthy of great gifts and appreciation"
Kaz knew he couldn't really keep a cat in his line of work, it'd be a weakness, so when it was old enough, he snuck it into Pekka's office and watched the vicious little feline tear Pekka's stuff to shreds
"A cat after my own heart"
When Kaz got the Dregs tattoo, he didn't want the artist to touch him, so he tattooed the logo himself. It was a bit shaky but then he hired a Tailor to fix the edges without touching him
Alternative solution to the bad edges: He fixes them up with stolen foundation whenever he isn't wearing long sleeves or something that would cover it up.
They day he first saw Inej and she snuck up on him, he had a panic attack but hid it well
At this point in his life, he was used to being in control, to knowing everything. Having Inej sneak up on him (and knowing that she could have potentially killed him without him having time to retaliate had she been trained) freaked him out. He felt weak, Kaz Rietveld again.
Kaz spends half an hour every other day locked in his office without his gloves, lathering his hands in hand cream.
Whenever he'd grab someone by the collar or any form of violence with contact, the last thing the victim could think about is why his hands smell nice. Nobody ever lived to tell the tale.
He's a sucker for a good chocolate cake.
He absolutely HATES ice cream. It makes too much of a sticky gooey mess for him.
He also probably has a sensitive throat so he doesn't really eat cold/frozen stuff or drinks
Once he made a deal with Nina which resulted in him going to a café to buy her a pumpkin spice latte. Once he sniffed Nina's, he quickly bought another one for himself and chugged it before he could get back. Obviously he did that in a dark alleyway so that nobody could see him and use it as blackmail.
Once he used (obviously stolen) paint to decorate his very own set of cards.
He then made another elaborate plan of his and managed to auction them off for a grotesque amount of kruge.
Probably forged DeKappel's signature on the back of each with perfect precision
For those that forgot, DeKappel is some famous painter in the series. Kaz stole a DeKappel oil painting from Van Eck.
Help I didn't realize how fun HCs were, I could make a thousand of these
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
pumpkin spice
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake's a strict black coffee kind of guy until he wasn't.
wc: 720
a/n: i had this idea at 2am and couldn't put it down...so here we are...
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"What the fuck is that?" Jake questioned, a grimace on his face as his eyes followed the cold orange colored drink he was passing to you. 
Shifting in the passenger seat, you rolled your eyes and happily took it from him. "A pumpkin spice latte. It's the taste of fall," you laughed, taking a small whiff of the spices sprinkled on top of the whipped cream. 
"Taste of fall," he repeated mockingly as he took his black coffee from the girl at the window. "Sounds gross." Jake was a strict black coffee kind of man, just like his father and the other Seresin men. Javy sometimes managed to sneak a creamer in when the aviator wasn't looking. He got an iced black coffee in the summer months when he felt adventurous. 
You snorted and took a long drink. "Have you even tried it?" 
"No," he answered confidently, "And I don't need to try it to know it's gross." 
You reached over the console and took his coffee from his free hand and replaced it with yours. "Try it," you insisted. 
The blond formed a pouty face, his green eyes narrowed like a stubborn child. "No."
Time to bring out the big guns. "I'll call you the best pilot in the Navy over comms." The way to get Jake Seresin to do anything you want: stroke his ego. 
Jake gave you an unimpressed look that could only make you giggle, his strong hand gripping the cup a little tighter. "The things I do for you," he joked. Cautiously, he brought the green straw to his lips and slowly drank. 
The coffee hit his tongue and he surprisingly didn't flinch like you were expecting. He looked stone faced at the red light in front of him, eyebrows furrowed in thought. 
If Jake learned anything in his thirty plus years of life, he learned to conceal how he felt. He didn't want to admit that the fall drink tasted really fucking good, he didn't want to give you that satisfaction. He doubted it would give him the caffeine he needed for a day of flying, but damn it was enjoyable. He snuck in another sip before pulling away. 
"Sorry, baby," he chuckled dryly, handing back the drink as the light turned green. "Black coffee's the only drink for me." 
You reluctantly smiled and looked up at one of the jets taking off from base. "Thanks for trying it, honey,” you sighed in defeat.  
A couple mornings later, Jake walked into one of the classrooms at Top Gun with two identical cups in his hands. Their warmth soothed his hands on the cold October morning. 
You were deep in conversation with Halo and Phoenix when he approached you, handing you your cup. You smiled at the way he wrote your name in black pen, accompanied by a little doodle of your callsign. "Tea? I'm shocked you didn't ask for that pumpkin shit." 
 "Thanks, Bagman," you smirked, ignoring his comment. 
Maverick's lecture seemed to go on for hours, a corner of your notebook covered in doodles and your eyes began to fall heavy. Absentmindedly, you reached for one of the cups that sat in front of you and Jake. 
Blowing the steam to cool it down, you brought the lid to your lips. You expected the taste of lemony tasting tea not—pumpkin. Your eyebrows raised at the foreign taste, doing everything in your power not to react and cause a scene. 
You pulled back and pressed your lips together as you turned the cup. 'Jake' was written in thick black sharpie along the side. That sly son of a bitch, you thought before a wide shit eating grin broke out on your face. 
Setting the cup back down, you nudged the man beside you. "What happened to your coffee, Jakey? It actually tastes like something this morning," you teased in a hushed tone. 
Jake tensed up, the grip on his pencil almost enough to break it in half. "Tell no one," he grits. 
"I bet your lips taste sweeter now." You weren't going to let him live this down. Not when his cheeks were a beautiful crimson and he looked like he could shut you up with one bruising kiss.
"Sweetheart," he warned. 
You looked over at him and winked, "Told you, taste of fall."
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i-am-church-the-cat · 11 months
Logan Sargeant is a silly little guy
@vii-tto idk why but it wouldn't let me tag you. Hopefully you see this. also @spell-of-the-rain i added things if you want to check out 75-87
But here's the list of things i know/want to know about logan sargeant
Favorite Actor is Brad Pitt
Favorite Movie is Wolf of Wall Street
Favorite food is a hamburger
Has a boat and often goes deep sea fishing
Lived in London since he was 15
Lose Yourself by Eminem is his favorite hype up song
Is a Dolphins and Heat fan
Enjoyed “No Man, No Cry” by Jimmy Sax
Drinks iced lattes with oat milk
Pumpkin spice lattes?? Edit 12/16/23: No
Has been to Wimbledon
Knows what cricket is
Has a rescue dog named Coco
Also enjoys hockey Edit 11/1/23: Supports the Florida Panthers NHL team and has gone to at least 1 of their games with his friend Kyle Kirkwood
Does he follow college football?
What does he think of the new Miami head coach? 
If not for motorsport, does he think he would have gone pro in a different sport, and if so which one?
Enjoys listening to 50 Cent (is also a big rap fan in general)
Can he speak any other languages with any degree of familiarity?
Cannot draw
Can make a sandwich (other foods?)
Rates all food from one bite and with weird decimals
Gritty-ed in his f1 car
Makes the Williams photographers look like they take good photos
Does he have an English or a Florida driver’s license? And does he still have US citizenship even though he lives in the UK? What kind of visa is he on?
Top three female athletes? (Serena Williams, Simone Biles, and Megan Rapinoe are all acceptable answers) 
Collects Aussies and Kiwis for friends
Does he like the snow? Prefers the heat but does he like snow?
Does he like Missy Elliot? (Requirement) 
“Basic Halloween Bitch”
Calls people “mate” but in an American accent which will never stop being funny
Eye Crinkles™️
Does not have a set eye color he’s just too mystical for that
Has never been to a concert (presumably too busy with racing)
He can swim, he can drive, but can he ride a bike? Edit 11/15/23: He can indeed ride a bike
American commercial cars or  European ones?
Has an older brother but is like an older brother to Benny’s kid
Likes marshmallows
Does not like black beans
Did not think apple could be chips
Knows how to sail??
Knows how to golf
Can paddle (required for any F1 driver)
Lost the F3 championship in 2020 bc of a DNF in the last race
Can he sing??
Does he drink energy drinks? Red Bull or Monster? 
He and Duracell are passionately making out
Blush is very pretty 
Wears a lot of baseball hats
Somehow beat jet lag (expat king)
Mostly spends his nights in but he has some nights out (presumably very interesting ones)
Has an iPhone with a blue case
He looks very pretty in blue
His eyes are sometimes blue
Blue=fav color?? Edit 11/6/23: favorite color is Ocean blue (credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
Pretty insecure (armchair diagnosed anxiety)
Close with his brother and parents but maybe not his extended family?
Is Florida State his college team?? (Worst thing a man can be is a Florida St fan) Edit 12/16/23: believing that FSU got screwed over this year is acceptable
Did he graduate high school??
Did he ever consider going into NASCAR or did moving to Europe at a young age kind of set in stone his path towards open-wheel racing?
Hair is blond/dirty blond
Does he vote in American elections?? (If he supports RonD I cannot stan)
Burger Sauce™️
Logan Hunter Sargeant, certified Frat Bro, most American man ever
Has seen peaky blinder and presumably stranger things
Knows how to carve a pumpkin but has not celebrated Halloween at home in a bit
Possibly dating some instagram model
Caused $4 million in damages, gets payed $1 million a year, and supposedly brings in $30 million in sponsors
Key phrases: “Locked in”, “Bam/Boom”, “Done and dusted” Additions 11/1/23: "Oh hell yeah", "I think you're a little lost here, Chief". Additions 11/6/23: “Yeh” (gets quieter throughout the word (how it’s one syllable??)), “on the bounce” (credit to @spell-of-the-rain i believe)
Joined the Williams Driver Academy in 2021 
Got stuck in F3 bc he didn’t have the money to move up
Driver for Carlin in 2022
Former teammates include Liam Lawson, Oscar Piastri, Frederick Vesti (Edit 11/6/23: Max Fewtrell possibly?)
DOB: December 31, 2000
Had a giveaway for gloves he used to win an F4 race on Twitter in 2017 and both Lando Norris and Max Fewtrell replied
Originally his number was 3 but he switched to 2 for F1 (to much fan consternation who thought he had so many better options)
Childhood best friends with Kyle Kirkwood, a current Indycar driver
Logan's older brother Dalton raced in NASCAR until 2018
Did a commercial for Sport23
Does not have cowboy boots as of COTA 2023
Born in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, USA
lived in Switzerland from 14-15(?)
knows the conversion rate for a kilometer
is taller than a tuna fish
Podiumed at the Macau Grand Prix in 2019
Won the CIK-FIA championship when he was 14 Additions as of 11/1/23
Loves waffles but they are not his favorite dessert
Very patriotic (oh hell yeah)
is the first American F1 point scorer in 30 years and the first one to score on home soil since 1989
Went to see the Nets in NYC (but would have preferred to see the Knicks)
has a custom Miami Dolphins jersey with his last name on the back
Claims to know all the lyrics to "Ice Ice Baby" (credit to @formulaaone) (Edited 11/6/23)
Additions as of 11/6/23:
Under the same talent agency as Alex Albon
Has the same manager as George Russell
George Russell was his mentor coming up
Went to a catholic private school (credit to @wenevrknew)
Does not like fish? (Credit to @spell-of-the-rain)
He runs weird (in my opinion as he reminds me of my brother when he was 12 (he ran very strangely))
Karted in Las Vegas when he was a kid
Can he drive a stick shift? (Alex believes he cannot)
Enjoys video games
Refers to his car as “she”
Knew how to attach a visor to his helmet prior to February(? Could’ve been March but before the season) 2023
Additions as of 12/16/23
Broke his arm in a 2014 German Karting Championship when Marcus Armstrong took him out at T1 (credit to @spell-of-the-rain )
Has gotten his head eaten by the Golden Knights mascot
If he could have any superpower, he would like to teleport
Has never flown a drone
Favorite racing movie is Talladega Nights (sad Mater noises)
Does not trust other people to drive him
Would rather sleep in then get up early
Considers himself fairly organized
His mother makes a very good sweet potato casserole
Got his habit of worrying from his mom
“Santa’s Little Helper”
Driving for Williams Racing Formula 1 Team in 2024
Got out qualified by his teammate every race of 2023
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rosemaidenvixen · 1 year
Owl House Pumpkin Spice
“You know, when you promised traditional human cuisine, this wasn’t what I had in mind,”
“Yeah yeah,” Eda waved him off “It’s not apple blood, but don’t knock this coffee stuff til you try it,”
Another set of fingers entwined with hers.
“Well I’m looking forward to trying this human beverage,” Raine said with a grin, giving Eda’s hand a squeeze.
Eda grinned right back, feeling a pleasant flush color her cheeks.
Darius sighed “Do you two have to be so sappy all the time?”
Alador sided up next to him and slid an arm around his shoulders “If you’re jealous I can start acting more saccharine as well,”
Darius went stiff, face flushing while Eda and Raine laughed.
The people ahead of them stepped away, leaving the four of them at the head of the line. They stepped up to the counter, the uniformed human behind it beaming at them “Hi welcome to Robin’s Roast Cafe, what can I get for you?” 
Eda was still examining the menu when Raine stepped up beside her.
“What’s this?” they asked, pointing at a poster hanging over the edge of the counter.
“The pumpkin spice latte,” the human replied “It’s our most popular seasonal item,”
“I’ll try it,”
Alador stepped up beside them “That does look good, make it two,”
“Well you can’t get more local than that,” Eda heard Darius speak up from behind her “Make it three,”
Ah what the hell.
Eda slapped the stack of human snails– dollars, on the counter “Go ahead and make that four,”
A short while later the four of them sat around a small table outside, staring at four identical paper cups, each topped with a towering spiral of whipped cream and a dusting of spices.
“Alright,” Eda reached out and grabbed her cup “Let’s see what this ‘Pumpkin Spice Latte’ is all about,”
The others all grabbed their cups, bumping them together in a brief toast, before raising them to their lips, each of them taking a deep sip.
Grimacing, Eda forced herself to swallow what was in her mouth before setting her cup back down on the table “Welp, I ain’t doing that again,”
Across from her Darius was doing even worse than she was, a palatable wave of disgust washing over his features as he set his mug down in a way that indicated he’d much rather throw it across the street, or preferably even further away than that “I don’t know what that was but that was not food,”
“Agreed,” Eda muttered.
“Well I like it,” Raine cut in “Sure I wouldn’t have it every day, but as a special treat it’s nice,”
Darius stared at them levelly “Are you sure living in the owl house hasn’t fried your tastebuds?”
Raine narrowed their eyes, then without breaking their gaze with Darius, raised their cup and took another deep sip.
Eda could help but laugh at the half affronted, half disgusted look on Darius’ face “Say Alador what do you think of…”
She trailed off, Darius and Raine picking up on it and following her line of sight. Alador’s initial sip had never stopped. The bottom of the cup raising higher and higher as he continued to gulp down its contents.
Alador let out a quiet gasp, plunking the now empty paper cup back down on the table, blinking around at the three of them, traces of whipped cream still on his face.
“That was good,” he glanced over at Eda, raising a finger to point towards her drink “Are you going to finish that?”
“All yours,” Eda pushed her cup towards him with a chuckle “I’m just glad someone liked this,”
Raine cleared their throat.
“Two someones,”
Alador wasted no time in swigging down the remains of Eda’s drink, to Darius’ mounting horror.
“How can you drink that!? It’s pure sugar underneath an obscene amount of spics!”
Without missing a beat Alador paused in his gulping and glanced towards him “Oh don’t worry, you’re still sweeter,”
Eda hooted with delight at the expression on Darius’ face, only to freeze when she felt Raine’s lips against her cheek.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Raine sat back with a smirk, traces of whipped cream on their upper lip.
Eda could still feel some against her cheek.
Across the table Darius, looking the most bashful she’d ever seen him, gave a small smile and slid his cup over to Aldaor “Well the drinks may be hit or miss, but the company is delightful,”
Recovering, Eda slung an arm around Raine’s shoulders, grinning and pulling them close as they took another sip of their latte “I’ll drink to that,”
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masonmyluv · 11 months
Part 2
A/N: Hope you guys like this story so far. I promise it will get more interesting with the 3rd part. 😊
Warnings: allusions to smut, a bit of masturbation, but that's all.
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Fermin ⚽️
I know I said I will tell
you one day before but...
Is it okay if I come today?
In an hour?
No problem ☺️
I'm at home anyway
Okay see y'a
Sometimes, you really needed to say no to people. Your room was a mess like the whole flat. And you weren't a morning person. It just struck 11 o'clock and you woke up half an hour ago. You had to make the flat look presentable and you had to make yourself look presentable. Because Fermin was coming over. Fermin was coming over to study. Freaking Fermin López who was playing for Barça was coming over.
Panic started settling in, especially since you acknowledged your crush on the Sevilliano. You missed him when he didn't come to classes and would stalk his and Barça's Instagram account. And watching the games of course. 15 minutes had already passed while you were thinking about him, so you got to work, tidying all up.
You were nearly finished with your clothes, when your phone rang. "Hello?"
"It's me" Fermin said. "I'm about to leave training and I forgot to ask you where you live" he chuckled. Damn, how stupid you two were. "I'll share the location" you said.
15 minutes later, he was already at your door. "Hi. Sorry I hope it's okay" he said, coming in. You tensed when he looked around the place, you barely had any girl friends in here, but a boy? Not in a million years. "I brought you coffee. Figured you aren't a morning person" he smiled. You didn't even noticed the bag until he put it on the kitchen table and started getting things out. "And maybe you didn't even have breakfast, so I brought that too" he blushed. "Pumpkin spice latte? How did you know?" You asked, taking a sip from the cup. "You always buy it when it's November" he shrugged, not aware of his admission yet. "Oh... that's cute" you said, looking away so he wouldn't see your red cheeks. "Wait... is that a Barça t-shirt?" He asked, looking into the living room. "And a mini copy of the Champions League trophy? And a Messi T-shirt?" He kept asking questions like a little boy who was excited about getting a t-shirt from his idol. "Y-yeah" you shuttered. "You're a fan? I didn't know" he said, looking through all the things you had on display. "Well I don't talk much about it" you shrugged. "Why? This is amazing" he said. "I don't know... It's scaring guys off" you replied. "They're idiots. Maybe we can talk about it some time. When we're not studying" he said. "Yeah studying" you mentally face palmed yourself for forgetting why he was here in the first place.
"You okay? Maybe we should stop for today" you asked him. "Yeah I think so" he replied, finishing the last notes. "Catching up is tiring" he sighed, packing up his stuff. "But not impossible" you tried to encourage him. "Yeah, when you have a Y/N around" he joked, making you smile. "Thank for the coffee, though. I couldn't have made it without" you said. "No worries. Thank you for taking your time with me" he said. "See you tomorrow?" You asked. "Tomorrow I have an away game, so no" he said sadly. "Oh okay. Good luck then" you said, leading him to the door. "Thanks. Night" he said.
You were on Instagram when a video of Fermin at the national football team camp popped up. It was his first selection and they posted a clip about him. He talked about his family, his friend and the pride of playing for his country, his voice turning you on. It was deep, but also had a sweet accent to it, but his Spanish accent was so strong, you found yourself letting out a sigh. The colours of the equipment matched his perfect styled hair that you would love to thread your fingers through. It was pathetic how turned on you were from just a clip. Two days ago he was literally here in your living room, looking deliciously handsome, but you weren't that distracted. Maybe they edited the clip and the pictures somehow because he looked so good. You saw another picture where he greeted someone, the muscles in his arm flexing. You imagined how it would look if he hugged you tightly, what would you feel then. You were sure his large hands could cup your breasts easily, playing with your nipples, turning you on. Having you against his chest, full access to doing whatever the wanted. You would touch his muscles, the nape of his neck and his jawline, that perfect sharp jawline. And you would kiss his lips, begging him to touch you.
"Fuck" you groaned, realising you were dreaming with your eyes open, one hand playing with your breast and the other close to your panties. "No. I have to focus on studying" you said, pushing away any Fermin related thoughts. "Fuck fuck no" you panicked when you accidentally liked his most recent post while attempting to erase any Fermin-the-sexy imagine from your brain. "Now he'll think I'm a stalker".
Hope you like it 🥰
Feedback is appreciated
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Do you think Lilith had a good reason for leaving and still loves her family?
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Hello there!
I fully believe Lilith is a loving mother and wife. I believe the fan base that is rallied against her and hate her will only turn around next season when truth comes to light next season and she will become "Best mom/wife Lilith". I would cackle wickedly, if that comes to fruition. I low key interpret her as a basic white girl, sipping on pumpkin spice lattes and putting up the "live, laugh, love" sign around the hotel if given the chance to.
Lucifer and Lilith probably have the sickenly display of pda. Nothing overly sexual. But like baby talk and nicknames, and being overly cutesy that it just becomes grating to bare witness.
I will admit, her absence for seven years and the ending of season one looks suspicious. But I think its fully intentional by the creators to not only give the audience guessing what's up and look forward to know more, but it purposely make her look like antagonist only to get a plot twist and season 2 that she isn't.
I seems like the fanbase think she abandoned her family for her own selfish desires. Which to be fair, might be. It is Hell, and not full of good people. Lilith being the first 'sinner'. But I don't think that's the storyline. For one, I think a important figure like Lilith would be a heck of a lot more dimensional and layered. Not a "Hell sucks, and family isn't enough to make me want to stay." then peace out of it. Just seem lackluster.
I think she was forced to leave her family and home for the greater good. The beginning of the series she painted as a political figure who wants Hell to thrive like she is. Which, again, to be fair, could be a plot twist that she isn't. That she isn't interested in the well being of sinners and was a ploy to rally Hell for her own personal revenge on Heaven. Which, to be honest, I don't mind that storyline.
But I strongly believe Lilith is not a antagonist and is only made to look like one. I think Heaven gave the Morningstar family an ultimatum that threaten Hell (extended past sinners and include Hellborne?) and most importantly, Charlie. So, they complied, Lilith sacrifice her time with her family and home to keep everyone safe.
Or a similar scenario but something involving Roo. To keep Roo at bay, Heaven have to harbor Lilith so Roo remain trapped? Roo, a being that threaten both Heaven and Hell, as well as the living world of Earth.
Given the scenario above, Lucifer completely aware where Lilith is and why. Lucifer choose to keep it quiet to Charlie. Which in turn, she would feel betrayed by her father for his silence when she most likely questioned her mother's whereabouts and Lucifer redirects the conversations in the past. All the time Charlie spent wondering and worrying about her mother and questioning her mothers love for her could been avoided if Lucifer revealed the truth to her. It not a surprise it will cause some tension in their relationship they were trying to rebuild and mend.
Alastor may be aware of Lilith whereabouts as well as their absence being gone and missing at the sime times is suspicious. So Alastor may somehow be involved. (I personally think he in cahoots with Roo, and Roo the cause of Lilith absence. Alastor reluctant in his part and regret that decision with his deal with Roo) Again, Charlie feels betrayed by this.
If the off chance, Lilith is an antagonist, and Lilith is working against Heaven. I think Lilith still loves her family dearly. If she is an antagonist, I think its more that she became narrow minded what she believe is the right and just cause for Hell (and keeping Charlie and her family safe), that she blinded to how misguided her actions became. Like she believed her cause is for the greater good for Hell, unaware how wrong she went about things. Basically, the end justify the means. But Lilith was un aware how wrong her means since she was so narrow minded and focus ahead until she looked at it in retrospect. Her actions were wrong even if it was doing it from her heart, out of love and concern for those she held dear. Basically right reason,done in the wrong way. So even if she was a "bad guy" she doing it for she believe is the only way. A good guy making hard choices, to get what needs to be done to achieve peace in Hell (?)
Everything is lined up, all the pieces on the board situated, only for Lilith not follow through on her last step with Charlie instistace and imploring her mother that its not the way. Lilith didn't follow through in favor for Charlie's dream. Lilith apologises (it starts with sorry!) and ask for forgiveness from everyone and they start to rebuild and mend and live as a whole family again alongside with Charlies found family.
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coralinnii · 2 years
Legend has it... Twisted Halloween series
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Behind pumpkin spice lattes and sweet candy, there comes stories of the things that go bump in the night. Legends and myths carry with them stories of those who may or may not have lived to experience it. 
For each character for each day (except weekends) starting today, there will be a short blurb for every student character inspired by a horror trope or legend in the spirit of Halloween month. I will be writing on the spot for every story so the genres (no beta we perish like big people) will be dependent on how the stories end up so even I can’t tell how it’ll be. This is purely motivated by my love for things spooky and/or ooky. I will write warnings for each blurb if needed but I’m warning you now since I love horror stuff, it will not be the happiest of stories. I’m probably not gonna go full dark but this is a forewarning. 
This is the index, but it may change depending on how the blurb will end up. 
Day 1. Silver (ghost!Reader x exorcist!Silver) 
Silver works as a police officer during a hit-and-run trial, and he’s trying to console the victim of the incident. He’s trying his best to convince you to leave before it’s too late.
Day 2. Jack Howl (werewolf!Jack x childhood friend!Reader)
You and Jack were so close as kids but he keeps refusing to have a sleepover with you when you reached high school. Then one day, you found out the reason on your way back one night.
Day 3. Epel Felmier (dream demon!Epel x schoolmate!Reader) 
Your classmate was so confusing. So sweet and demure, but sometimes he seems to turn into someone else, someone with less than good intentions. 
Day 4. Rook Hunt (slit mouthed woman!Reader x ghost hunter!Rook)
You missed the days where your immortal life was easier, when most people run at the sight of you. But, this creepy hunter keeps chasing you!
Day 5. Leona Kingscholar (demon!Leona x demon hunter!Reader)
You get a kick out of debunking ghost stories and haunted places with your disgruntled friend, Leona. Will you ever get to see anything? 
Day 6. Idia Shroud (VC ghost!Reader x Online friend!Idia)
Idia has this unprecedented confidence behind the screen, with fans and friends at his fingers. However, one casual online chat broke his confidence as he say something he can’t take back.
Day 7. Floyd Leech (merman!Floyd x bullied!Reader)
A nobody at school, your only solace was taking in the serenity of the ocean cove away from the big city. However, a dweller has more than happy to show you a part of his world.
Day 8. Vil Schoenheit (Huli Jing!Reader x lover!Vil)
People call you the unrivaled beauties and with rumors of engagement in the air. Vil was prepared to devote himself to his beloved but his old friend Jack warned him that you were not as you seem. 
Day 9. Trey Clover (candy witch!Trey x partner!Reader)
The man from the pastry shop near you was so sweet, also offering endless sweets on your way to work. You were melting in his touch when you two started dating. This was a man who was as sweet and pure as sugar, right?
Day 10. Jade Leech (cannibal!Jade x partner!Reader)
Your husband was always experimenting with every dish he made but he smiles when you take a bite each time so you think it’s no big deal. Afterall, what’s the worst to come of it?
Day 11. Malleus Draconia (dragon god!Malleus x sacrifice!Reader)
Traditions must be upheld, even at the expense of morality as you were lead to what many said was instant death. It didn’t matter to you, you were willing to give yourself to the being of inhuman power.
Day 12. Cater Diamond (imposter!Cater x skeptic!Reader)
Everyone knows him and was just that approachable but not to you. You couldn’t explain the shiver you feel when you lock eyes with him. You only hope he doesn’t notice you.
Day 13. Platonic!Ortho Shroud (medusa!Reader x nonhuman!Ortho)
You were cursed to exist as history’s most hated woman. Your gaze leaves all living beings petrified but all you wished to feel the loving embrace of another once more
Day 13.5. Lilia Vanrouge (grim reaper!Lilia x ex!Reader)
He disappeared after breaking your heart and honestly you were thankful because moving on would be impossible if he stayed. As you almost got rid of him in your heart, you two meet again…and he looks distraught to see you.
Day 14. Ruggie Bucchi (street kid!Ruggie x ???!Reader)
Despite hardships, you and Ruggie never worried so long as you had each other. The two of you look after each other, no matter what. 
Day 15. Kalim Al Asim (bitten!Kalim x survivor!Reader)
↳ sequel
The two of you dreamed of wedding bells, laughing children and boisterous family dinners. Now, the only thing you pray for is to keep hearing his heartbeat.
Day 16. Jamil Viper (Jinn!Jamil x civilian!Reader)
He can’t be here. How can something you can’t even see or prove be here. In your house, in your room, trying to slither into your heart.  
Day 17. Azul Ashengrotto (crossroad demon!Azul x singer!Reader)
He may be greedy but he knows that good things come to those who wait. And the moment the wait is over and you decided to make the deal, it would be worth it.
Day 18. Ace Trappola (ghost bride!Reader x survivor!Ace)
Ace was not a romantic man but he could be for the one. He kept denying it but he was looking forward to your wedding, even dreaming it…even when it was impossible. 
Day 19. Deuce Spade (hitchhiker ghost!Reader x civilian!Deuce)
Deuce couldn’t just leave you alone, shivering in the dark. After all, this road was notorious for car accidents and mysterious attacks. 
Day 20. Sebek Zigvolt (soldier!Sebek x ghost!Reader)
↳ sequel
He was a devoted man through and through. He promised he would return to you and in return, you promised to be here when he does, no matter what.
Day 21. Riddle Rosehearts (Frankenstein monster!Riddle x assistant!Reader)
He was a monstrosity. A freak of nature and you wanted nothing to do with him, even if he was someone you once loved.  
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undercover-ballerina · 2 months
Of drought and downpour - chapter one
Inspired by the song "It's raining men"
Last night's plot bunny brought me here, more to follow over the next few weeks.
Hermione and Luna were sitting at the Sugar & Spice, a muggle-style coffee shop on the corner between Knockturn and Diagon Alley. A muggle born witch, who had graduated from Hogwarts a couple of years after they had, owned it and it had been a smashing success since it had opened a little over a year ago. It had become their safe haven for Saturday morning chats. Coffee tables and mismatched armchairs were distributed in small clusters, each area was enclosed in a privacy charm that allowed patrons to enjoy their time there without being ogled or overheard. People could see that someone was sitting but they could not focus their attention on anyone who didn’t want them to. White bookcases lined the lower part of the walls, everyone was free to take or donate books. Beautiful posters of magical and muggle cities as well as natural landscapes decorated the top part of the sage-green walls.
Hermione sipped her pumpkin spice latte and nibbled on a blueberry scone as she listened attentively as Luna recounted her date with Ernie McMillan.
"Hermione, believe me, it will take me a week to get rid of all the wrackspurts I caught. I can feel them crawling all over my head!” She scratched her scalp with an annoyed scoff. “He was 15 minutes late, and that alone is never a good sign. He was wearing dragon-hide boots! Can you believe it? They seemed vintage so I tried to ignore them. Vintage is the only exception I make, you know. We went to that posh French restaurant just beside Gringotts and he ordered for me, the audacity! He insisted I should really try the erumpent fillet! Me! Eat an erumpent fillet! I stood up and left." With a scowl and a sigh, Luna took a long sip of her double caramel oat latte followed by an indulgent bite of her triple chocolate vegan brownie.
Hermione shook her head disbelievingly. "It’s as if they don't even care to know anything about us. Everyone knows you became a vegan in seventh year! Ernie was with us, sat at the same bloody table!” she protested. “I went out with Hercules Monroe last night, he graduated from Hogwarts in 1994, Ravenclaw. As we were walking, he asked me what I thought of the House Elf Liberation Act. And before I could even reply, he started berating it and saying that whoever had written it had never met a house elf. We didn't even reach the theatre, we were going to watch the Phantom of the Opera in muggle London. I left him alone in the middle of Leicester Square." She scoffed.
Luna was shocked. “He is a solicitor, he should know who had that law passed! Was he just trying to insult you or is he that much of a moron?”
Just as they both resumed their breakfast, Ginny stormed through the door and headed towards the counter. When her order had been taken, she crossed the crowded sitting area and reached their table, throwing herself down onto the plush armchair her friends had kept for her and tossing a copy of the Daily Prophet on the small table. The words ‘The boy who lived to be dumped’ flashing in bold letters above a picture of Ginny stomping out of Grimmauld Place as Harry stood on the doorstep looking puzzled.
"I. Am. Done. The Boy Who Lived can go fuck himself! Why did I even start dating him? Why did nobody tell me I was idolising him for all the wrong reasons and he was only with me because he wanted to be a Weasley?"
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gardenianoire · 3 days
shit y'all be dragging white women for that actually rules
pumpkin spice lattes this is the only warm beverage that can take me away from a matcha latte it's sweet and almost savory at the same time everyone like pumpkin and/or sweet potato pie but all of a sudden it's a problem when it's in beverage form fuck y'all they're right
dancing badly in public talent is overrated I came to this dance club to dance not to sit around and pretend I'm cool I know I'm not cool
live laugh love mass produced art yes it's ugly but sometimes you're in tj maxxx smelling candles and sometimes you're leaving with one of those wine mom wooden signs despite the fact you're childfree it's fine
shit y'all be dragging Black women for that actually rules
changing hairstyles a lot some of y'all get a haircut when you're 12 and keep it for the entirety of ya lives switch it up dye it get a wig shave your hair something smh
being from the hood. y'all (and this includes middle and upper class Black women) take all of your trends/slang/music/fashion from the hood but a girl tells you she grew up in fairfax y'all wanna get scared smh
the ability to be independent we all grew up with a gay guy that would "jokingly" and annoying claim he was an independent black woman that don't need no man but in 2024 with this tradwife content being shoved down are throats at an alarming rate I think we need to be reminded that being a financially independent adult is good. you can still pursue love and romance and even a "soft life" but don't force yourself to date a common stone and call him a gem
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6rookie-writer0110 · 2 years
Love Snow
Bucky Barnes x Male Reader
Summary - Bucky and Reader...spending time together.
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You and Bucky live in an apartment in the city. You and Bucky have been dating for a while, then you two decided to live together. You and Bucky are madly in love with each other and he is very protective of you.
Bucky went to the supermarket and he got soaked. You helped Bucky with the bags and he went to change his clothes. The rain got stronger and the thunderstorms started, Bucky is wearing his pajamas and you're in the kitchen.
“Why did you get pumpkins?” You asked.
“Because I remember you telling me, that you never carved a pumpkin... So I thought we can do it together” Bucky said.
You couldn't help to smile and he smiled back at you.
“That’s sweet. Can we do it now?” You said.
“Yeah, we can” Bucky smiled.
Bucky put the newspaper on the table. He got two huge pumpkins and he puts them on the table. Bucky starts to explain and show how to cut the top of the pumpkin and take out the insides, you did struggle a little bit but you did it.
“Having fun?” Bucky asked.
“Yeah, I like doing this” You smiled.
You and Bucky draw a face on the pumpkins then start to cut it. You take pictures of the pumpkins and Bucky kissed you on the lips. You and Bucky put the pumpkins by the windows.
You and Bucky decided to go to a pumpkin patch farm. You two decided to dress up for Halloween and usually, Bucky doesn't celebrate Halloween. Bucky is dressed up as Flynn Rider from Tangled and you are dressed up as Kristoff from Frozen. At the pumpkin patch farm, first, you and Bucky took a picture with the scarecrow by the entrance.
“Maybe we try the maze first?” You asked.
“Sure, why not. Are you going to use your powers?” Bucky said.
“It won't be like last time. It's a maze and shut up” You said.
Bucky laughed “Y/n, you got so scared that you used teleportation to leave during the mission”
“Shut up” You giggled.
You smacked his arm. He wrapped his arms around you and he starts to kiss your face.
“It was a little funny, babe” Bucky smiled.
“You are mean for making fun of me,” You said.
He gave you a peck on the lips.
“It was cute. Do you still want to go into the maze?” Bucky said.
“Yeah, let's do it” You smiled.
You and Bucky go into the maze and keep going further. After a while, somehow you and Bucky got separated from each other now Bucky can't find you. Bucky takes out his phone and he called you and you did pick up his call.
“Where are you?” Bucky asked.
“I’m still in the maze. And no I didn't get scared with the kids who dressed up a killer clown” You said.
Bucky laughed “Oh, you did get scared”
“I’m hanging up. You can find the exit by yourself” You said
He laughed again and you did hang up. Bucky tries to find the exit on his own but he couldn't do it. He called you again as you picked up.
“Where are you in the maze,” Bucky said.
“I have no idea. Where are you?” You said.
“I don't know either. So... Can you come to get me?” Bucky said.
“No,” You said.
“Babe, don't be like that. I'm sorry, I laughed at you getting scared. Please come get me” Bucky said.
“Fine. I will come to get you, just stay still” You said.
“I Love you” Bucky smiled.
“Yeah, yeah me too,” You said.
You can hear Bucky giggling. You closed your eyes and you start to focus on your boyfriend’s location, seconds later you found him. You used teleportation and you startled him
“Fuck” Bucky jumped.
“Don’t be scared” You teased.
“I knew you would come for me” Bucky smiled.
“Let's get something to eat,” You said.
You grabbed his hand and used teleportation to get out of the maze. You and Bucky went to buy fall theme drinks and ate some snacks.
“Yeah, I don't like it and I don't get why people are obsessed with Pumpkin Spice Latte,” Bucky said.
“I think it's good,” You said.
“You can have my mine. I will see what else they have” Bucky said.
“Okay,” You said.
Later, you and Bucky went to feed the animals and that was fun.
You and Bucky are home. You and Bucky start to bake Halloween cookies, Bucky ate a cookie once it came out of the oven, and he burned his mouth. You laughed at him then you and Bucky watch tv together and you cuddle with him.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
You are helping Bucky put the Christmas lights on the windows.
“Babe, you got a package,” Bucky said.
He is holding a huge box.
“Well, I know you like Christmas shirts and you like to wear them to bed. So I got us a few Christmas shirts” You smiled.
“Let’s open the box, right now Y/n,” Bucky said.
You laughed and he starts to open the box. You start to take out the shirts, he is liking the shirts you got for him. Bucky takes off his sweater and shirt, he starts to try on the shirts.
Bucky wakes up early and you're still sleeping. He kissed your forehead and he gets out of bed. Bucky likes to go to bed just wearing his briefs and he heads to the kitchen. Bucky starts to make the coffee and he grabbed the Christmas coffee mugs. Now he grabbed the food and he starts to cook. You wake up and you see that he isn't in bed, but you can smell the food. You get out of bed and you go to the kitchen.
“Hey, babe breakfast is ready. I was going to wake you up” Bucky said.
“It looks good” You smiled.
You and Bucky sit down and start to eat breakfast. After breakfast, you and Bucky got dressed and went to the store. Bucky is pushing the shopping cart, you two are going to buy a Christmas tree and decorations for the inside of the apartment. Bucky grabbed the Santa hat and put it on his head.
“That's cute,” You said.
You take a picture of him. You and Bucky start to look at the Christmas trees and it's hard to pick one.
“I think we should take this one,” Bucky said.
The tree is 8ft it has fake snow, led lights, and fake pine cones. You agreed to the tree, now you and Bucky start to pick the Christmas ornaments. Then you got Christmas sweaters and socks. Bucky grabbed the gingerbread house kit, you and Bucky got so many things that are Christmas-related.
Before going home, you and Bucky go inside a new cafe show. You and Bucky tried the Christmas theme drinks and the pastries.
Once at home, you and Bucky start to decorate the Christmas tree first. You are putting Christmas decorations on the tree, Bucky squeezed your ass.
“Watch it,” You said.
“Or what?” Bucky smirked.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you and he starts to kiss you. His hands go under your shirt and you keep kissing him, you and Bucky smile at each other.
Later that night, you and Bucky leave the apartment and go to a restaurant. It started to snow in the morning. You and Bucky started to play in the snow and throw snowballs at each other. You and Bucky are smiling and having fun throwing snow at each other. Bucky accidentally hit you in the face.
“Y/n, I am so sorry! Are you okay, babe?” Bucky said.
He put his hands on your face.
“It did hurt, but I will be fine,” You said.
Bucky wipes the snow off your shoulders. He takes you home and he apologized again.
You and Bucky changed into Christmas pajamas. Then you and Bucky start to do the gingerbread house together. Bucky starts to eat some of the gummies.
“Don’t eat the gummies, Bucky” You said.
“Well, my boyfriend didn't buy cupcakes so I will eat the gummies,” Bucky said.
He kissed your cheek and just smiled at you. You and Bucky keep decorating the gingerbread house. Once it was done, Bucky took a picture of it and he took a selfie with you. Bucky has a few pictures of you on his phone.
“Send the picture to me,” You said.
“Babe, please make hot cocoa. I love it when you make it” Bucky said.
“Why, you don't make it?” You asked.
Bucky wrapped his arms around you, he starts to kiss your face. You start to laugh and he doesn't stop.
“Y/n, please make the hot cocoa. I love my hot boyfriend and he is the best” Bucky smiled.
You can't stop smiling “Okay, I will make it”
While you are making the hot cocoa, Bucky grabbed the snacks and take them to the living room. You and Bucky are going to watch a movie together and he brings out the extra blankets. You and Bucky sit down together, he starts to drink the hot cocoa.
✫ ✯ ✬ ✫
New Year's Eve... Tony invited everyone to his condo for a party.
Everyone arrived at the party then Bucky put a New Year's hat on your head then he puts on a New Years' hat on his head also. You and Bucky take a few pictures with the others. Bucky is making you laugh because he is facing goofy. Then he put his hands on your hips and he can't stop smiling at you.
The countdown starts...
“I love you, Y/n and I'm happy with you,” Bucky said.
Everyone yelled happy new year and he starts to kiss you passionately.
“I love you so much, Bucky” You smiled.
He kissed you again. A bit later, you and Bucky go home and cuddle on the couch. You can hear the fireworks, then you and Bucky fell asleep on the couch.
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lowlights · 2 years
Since my fyp is full of Pedro's starbies order, can you pls fill it with the orders of his characters? Also, why does Ezra get something piled with cream and caramel?
Thank you, get well soon angel!
Literally, nothing would make me happier. Let's dive in.
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Din - If Din could walk into a Starbies, he would get an Americano with a splash of heavy cream. More indulgent time-wise than a simple little coffee, but still quite utilitarian.
Joel- Joel would love a cold brew, I think. Just straight up, nothing added. He would roll his eyes at the people in front of him with a complicated order.
Dieter- Speaking of complicated orders. Dieter would be the one most likely to try whatever drink is the latest "hack" on tiktok. He doesn't care how stupid it sounds to order it, bc he always makes an assistant do it. If he's doing his own ordering, I think he gets Pedro's drink.
Javi G- Javi G loves a seasonal drink. In the winters he is going for a chestnut praline latte, and in the summers he likes an iced macchiato. He does not like pumpkin spice lattes.
Marcus M- Marcus wants an iced dirty chai no matter what time of year it is. In a very reasonable size, though. Never a venti.
Max Lord- Max is the cappuccino sort- fancy, to the point- but he does bring you all the white mochas you want. This is a take that was for @coastielaceispunk and it is now my canon.
Frankie- I think Frankie would get a sweet cream cold brew. It's straight forward enough to order but would feel like a little treat. The guys might give him shit for it, but he doesn't care. His daughter always gets a steamed vanilla oatmilk.
Dave York- I think Carol would turn Dave onto the Strawberry Acai Refreshers and he would never look back. He gets them made with water, though, not lemonade. Too sweet.
Ezra - Caramel frappuccinos all the way. Extra toppings. He always moans sinfully when he gets one, no shame.
Jack- Our cowboy is going to order an Irish Cream Cold Brew and then drop a little bit of whiskey into the cup while he winks at you. Truth be told, he likes any good, strong coffee.
Javi P- "Whatever is brewing behind you that's strongest." He is not fussy in the slightest.
Pero- Pero thinks the menu is stupid and too big. He likes ordering the pastries while you pick out the drinks. You have found that he likes plain lattes, matcha tea lattes, and hot chocolate. He won't admit to the last one.
Max P- Max is getting a pink drink, all the way. It's ridiculous and he doesn't care. Let the office plebs drink shitty, breakroom coffee. Max is living his best (un)life.
Marcus P- I get big-time London Fog vibes from Marcus. Very cozy, very warm. Marcus has morning vibes, I don't know any other way to put it.
Oberyn- Our sweet Prince is getting a Golden Turmeric Latte. Oat milk, perfectly light espresso, and a mix of warming spices sweetened with honey. It's sunshine in a cup.
Zach- I really love the idea of a Flat White for Zach. It's special and comforting without being fussy or sweet, which I think is what he would like. He deserves whatever he wants, though.
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glorytodroidkind · 1 year
Painting the Town
Oh this takes me back. This bad boy was the first oneshot I'd ever written for the series, and it was a request from Wattpad!
I have mixed feelings on this lol, it's cringy at times and it's just...I was just starting to understand them and. Yeah.
even tho it makes me cringe, it is special to me.
Adam x Human!Reader x Eve
(platonic with a sprinkling of pining)
"I have never seen so much white in one place," you groaned as you attempted to sketch a mural that would add more color to the copied city. Scattered around you were the rejected ideas. Everything from "you're my butter half" to the Jaws movie poster had been considered, but each of them had their problems.
   "Hey Y/N!" Eve called, practically leaping into your room. "Whatcha doing?"
You giggled at his antics and held up your current sketch-a Halloween mural, complete with floating candlesticks, jack o lanterns, and other spooky Halloween must-haves. "I've been doing a little bit of sketching, nothing much," you finally replied.
   "Wait, didn't humans eat pumpkins?" He asked. "That's what my brother told me at least, so why are those pumpkins not being eaten?"
   Inside, you cried a little because it had been forever since you had a good pumpkin spice latte or whatever. "Well, we do eat pumpkins, but we eat the insides. Has Adam not read about vegetable carving?"
"There is a seemingly endless pile of books I have yet to read. Surely you can't expect me to have read them all so quickly?"
You nearly jumped out of your skin at Adam's response. "Um, how long exactly have you been here?"
Adam chuckled lightly at your response. "Long enough time see your artwork, Y/N. Does the artwork have any purpose?"
"You mean like...does it help me live my life? No, I could live without it," you began. "But there's only so much white I can handle, and having even a splash of color, I don't know how to describe it exactly, but it makes me feel...happier? I have no idea."
   Adam was silent for a moment. "If it will help you with your morale, I suppose it would be...fun...to see this city pop with color."
  "Yeah!" Eve cheered. "We'll help you! Where do we start?"
This was how the three of you found yourselves painting a large mural in your room. The ceiling was painted to resemble the night sky, complete with an aurora borealis. Each of the walls was decorated to look like a holiday. The wall your bed was against was Christmas themed, with cute little penguins in Santa hats, a Christmas tree, and of course, reindeer. The wall opposite that was thanksgiving filled, which meant a lot of turkeys. The wall to the right of your bed was Halloween themed, and the one across from Halloween was Valentine's Day themed.
  "Thank you guys for your help today," you said when the task was finally completed. You then noticed Adam, who had red and green (and possibly white) paint stains on his usually clean white shirt. "Wait-Adam painted with us? And I didn't even have to convince him! This has got to be a dream."
Adam chuckled lightly at this. "No, I decided that it couldn't hurt to do what you humans used to call hands-on research this time."
  "Hey Y/N?" Eve questioned, red and pink paint splattered basically all over him. "What's the significance of all these hearts?"
  "Well, um, we set aside one day in the year, February 14, to really show your love and appreciation for someone else, whether it's romantically or not," you explained. "I've always thought it was kind of silly since you should always show appreciation for those you care about regardless of the day of the year."
Eve nodded, but you figured he'd ask you to explain it again sooner or later. Adam on the other hand was probably mentally noting the information immediately so he could read about it.
"How close are we to this Valentine's Day?" Adam asked at last.
"Depends. I haven't seen a calendar in who knows how long so I have no idea what day it is. I feel like it's closer to Halloween though."
"Is Halloween also a day to show your appreciation?" Eve questioned. You laughed a little at that.
"No, Halloween is about embracing the scary. You go through haunted houses, dress up in costumes, and demand candy in the dead of night," you explained.
Eve grinned. "That sounds awesome!" He exclaimed. "I want to celebrate Halloween now!"
"I am going to do some more research on the subject of Halloween," Adam stated as he calmly strode out of the room.
"Hey! You said you play a game with me later!" Eve exclaimed, chasing after him.
You chuckled as you watched them go. 'Be still my heart,' you thought, as you once again began daydreaming about what might happen if you dared to tell them exactly what you felt about them.
"Maybe next time..." you said quietly. "Next time I'll tell them."
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cyberphuck · 9 months
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"Excuse me. Please don't talk to me unless you're at least an 8." Mika (he/him), the nonbinary vampire informant from Asshole Monster Hunter.
“I love this time of year,” Mika sighed, uncoiling another strand of hair from a pink roller and letting the resulting coil bounce down his back.
“Really? I’d have thought you found it kind of, I dunno, tiresome.”
“Tiresome! The air is crisp, the leaves are changing, and the sun only shows its face for a few hours a day.” Another curl tumbled down. “The only thing I find ‘tiresome’ is pumpkin-spice-everything.” He pointed a slender finger at Ashley in the mirror. “It’s a good flavor. It’s not mind-blowing. Ginger Bread lattes, now, that’s a different story.”
“I mean Halloween. With all the spooky parties and people dressing up as movie vampires.”
“Oh, no, it’s lovely. The closer it gets to the end of the month, the more excited people are to be bitten on the neck. Those wearing a silk opera cape from Wal-Mart even more so. What better way to spend All Hallow’s Eve than with a vamp?”
“I figured Vamps had their own parties.”
“They do. Tacky velvet and rhinestone affairs with too much red wine and too many living guests gawking at all the fangs. It’s the vamp equivalent of a company picnic. No, I prefer a normal sort of party with paper banners and plastic eyeballs in the punch.”
“Because you’re the only vamp working the place,” Ashley guessed.
“A vamp, no.” Mika held up a black headband with lacy triangle ears glued to it. “A sexy cat that’s had a little bit too much to drink and needs to be escorted home, perhaps with a stop in an alley on the way for a little,” he winked, “scratch behind the ears.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“Not so much as a tired old vampire inviting young desirables to an 'exclusive’ party, with the implication that they’re there as anything other than hors d'oeuvres.” The last roller came out, and he ran his fingers through the curls to loosen them a little before gathering a handful of pins in one hand. “I don’t make a habit of leading people on.” He paused. “In that way, anyway.”
“How many parties are you going to tonight?”
“Four. It’s still a week until Halloween; the parties are only just starting. There’ll be so many on the night of the 31st that if I don’t go to at least nine I’ll consider myself a failure. And you?” A flick of the eyelashes. “Staying home with Messrs. Domino and Netflix again?”
Ashley paused uncomfortably, then, “Nah. I have a thing.”
“A *thing,”* Mika echoed delicately.
“Yeah. Just a casual thing with a friend, a couple of drinks, that’s all.”
“A friend,” Mika said, then, “a boy?”
“A man, yes–”
“Oh, a *date,* I’m all a-twitter. Tell me about this man of yours, where did you meet him, how tall is he, is he educated?
"It’s just Adrian, Mika,” Ashley said tiredly. “You know him.”
Mika’s nose wrinkled. “Ugh, *him.* I don’t know how you stand to be seen with him, it’s obvious you can do so much better. People will talk.”
“We’re not dating, just going out for drinks. He’s been running the shop on his own for almost a year. There’s gonna be a little get-together at his place next week, but he wanted to do something more private for just the two of us.”
“You might not think it’s a date, my dear, but I can guarantee you he certainly does.” Mika put two of the pins in his mouth while he maneuvered the rest into his hair, coiling it into an artless half-bun. “Give someone like him a taste of the high life and he’ll keep coming sniffing after it until you kick him to the curb. Which you ought to have done years ago.”
“Mika, we’ve been friends since we were kids, I’m not just going to get rid of him. It’s just drinks.”
“Take it from me,” Mika said silkily, “coffee is never just coffee, and drinks are never just drinks. Don’t do something you’ll regret, because I won’t hear any of your miserable moaning that you’ve made a mistake after you crawl back here.”
“Thank you, you’re such a good friend,” Ashley said, rolling her eyes.
“Someone has to keep you in line,” Mika muttered, levering another pin into his hair. “Give me that hairspray, and then get yourself in front of this mirror. Disgusting ex or no, you’re not going out in public with your hair looking like *that.”*
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tc coffee challenge
original post here! (this was so fun by the way)
plain black coffee: Does your TC drink coffee? Do you know how they take it? Bonus: If they bring it to class, what does their mug/thermos look like?
he LIVES off coffee and since i worked in the canteen, i know how he takes ittttttttt he takes it black, and its always in our takeaway cups!
cold brew: How do you imagine your TC spends their Saturday nights?
spending time with his family most likely, and marking papers or doing something school related
iced caramel coconut milk macchiato: Have you cried over them?
iced mocha: Do they know how you feel about them (or do you think there’s a chance they do)? Do you want them to?
he doesnt know but im sure its obvious... a part of me wants him to know but i dont know... it would definitely complicate things :'
white chocolate mocha: Describe how you realized you liked them. Was it love at first sight? Did it hit you suddenly or come on slowly?
i think my heart always knew i liked him, my brain just took a regrettably long time to catch up, thinking it was just curiosity :'
iced vanilla latte: If you could travel with them to one place, where would it be?
hmm maybe just somewhere quiet like a park in the late afternoon and we can talk and walk together, or a scenic place like greece, or maybe a museum
cappuccino: What do you admire the most about them?
i think i admire his entire self, but if i had to choose, maybe his memory or his passion?
americano: Do they drink or smoke that you know of?
he looks like he drinks but i dont know for both
ultra caramel frappuccino: What is your favorite scenario in your head that you’ve made up of the two of you? (come on, you know you’ve done it 😉)
(i have never heard of an ultra before) oh goodness its where we're just walking and holding hands and maybe swinging our arms and just walking in the sunset and talking about anything
java chip frappuchino: What is your favorite physical feature of theirs?
HIS DIMPLES and his eyes, his eyes are so mesmerizing and the most stunning shade of brown ever, he really speaks from his eyes a lot
iced soy latte: What kind of music, movies, and TV shows do they like?
I DONT KNOWW but i'd absolutely love to know
pumpkin spice latte: What cute/funny/weird habits do they have?
he always talks with a smile in his voice and he shifts his weight a lot, he can't really stand still and he does say certain phrases in the exact same tone and way
iced cinnamon dolce latte: If they were an animal, what would they be?
a mix of a wolf and a fox, i feel
chai tea latte: Do they have social media? If so, what accounts? Do you follow them? Do they follow you?
he only has instagram and facebook if im not wrong. i dont have a facebook account but i do follow him on instagram. its one of my life's biggest flexes that he follows me back on instagram!!! he only follows 37 people on instagram. one of them is a soccer meme page, the other 35 are his family members and friends and i am the only student he follows :'
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Fall is in the air MB. Please rate the ACOTAR boys on how likely they are to be a PSL dude
I was just thinking how much I missed when people were asking me to do my rankings. If you're new here, remember that my opinion is the only objective one in the fandom and I accept 0 criticism if you disagree. Ranking Least likely to most likely.
9. Tamlin- Do you know how many calories/additives are in a PSL? He's a tea man, besides.
8. Kallias- Look, he's a chestnut praline guy. Halloween, fall weather, even PSL is just an annoying prelude to the REAL holiday- Non-denominational solstice. He's not interested in it- it's not bad, it's just...not good.
7. Tarquin- Life is natures caffeine, okay? He doesn't begrudge anyone for enjoying it, but if he wants that sweet rush of dopamine (OR WHATEVER ITS DOING TO OUR BRAINS IM NOT A SCIENTIST), he'll go outside for a hike. Do you, but no thanks.
6. Rhys- I think Rhys WANTS to be a PSL dude. He's got the scarf (give it back to Taylor Rhys!!!), he's got the fall foliage in the background. He's even got the PSL in hand. It's just...it tastes SO BAD he doesn't understand why people like it. 1/10 for trying
5. Jurian- It's FINE, okay? It's nothing special, just a drink and honestly people should get a grip.
4. Cassian- Thought it was going to be life changing. Like Rhys, loves to do a thirst trap for the 'gram when its PSL season. He prefers the frap if we're being honest (don't tell Nesta because she might want to put sugar in her oatmeal if she knew)
3. Lucien- Pumpkin everything, obviously. He's not publicizing it for likes, but everyone knows he's first in line the day PSL is back, double fisting them to make up for lost time. Blood to caffeine content is just pumpkin, he's vibrating at the speed of sound
2. Azriel- Tries to make his own at home but it's not the same. Dumps his PSL in an at-home travel cup, if you ask him what he's drinking, he'll lie and say "coffee, black." Also thinks Rhys should give Taylor back her scarf (c'mon, it's just the right thing to do, man).
Eris Vanserra, king of the pumpkin spice latte. Oh you don't like it? Sorry you have bad taste, couldn't be him. Doing an internet countdown, live vlogs himself taking that first sip, dog sitting at his feet in a matching vest. Why is he on a hike with a PSL? Don't ask questions, alright? Minor internet feud with Kallias over which seasonal drink is the best, vicious followers cause Kallias to concede.
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