#i kind of hate the idea that just because a bunch of kids play something that means adults cant enjoy it too
roosterforme · 2 days
I just saw the post about Darlin joking about him using a walker if they had a third baby.
I feel like Jake would have a real big doubt and guilt in himself one night about being too old for her. Maybe one day they're playing with their boys when the two are maybe like 6 and 3 and Darlin says she misses them being really small and now they kick and squeall when they get kisses because it's like icky.
That night maybe Jake is sitting on the side of the bed as Darlin gets in and she senses something is wrong and he asks her if she was with a younger guy would she have more kids as he feels he's holding her back. He definitely has a bit of self doubt as the daggers always tease him about being the old man of the house.
Btw love I adore your little blurbs for this fam. Today is probably the day I might catch up on a bunch but they are amazing 😍
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Oh, ouch. Yes. It would hit him sometimes that maybe certain things would be easier or better for you if you had a partner closer to your own age. (angsty below)
Your husband was one week away from turning forty-seven, and he just absolutely rocked your world in bed. "I like it when you do that thing with your tongue," you whispered, staring up at the ceiling as he sat on the edge of the bed, naked.
His back was to you now, but you heard him chuckle. "And I like it when you do that thing with your tongue."
You rolled toward him and groaned. You were going to be sore tomorrow. "I'll go check on the boys before we go to sleep," you said, kissing him when you stood.
After your robe was securely tied, you walked quietly in to check on both Liam and Asher who were sound asleep. Then you went back to your bedroom where Jake had barely moved an inch.
"They looked extra cute when they're asleep and not fighting over Legos or eating all of the food in the kitchen," you mused, dropping your robe again. "I kind of miss when they were tiny and didn't know how to argue."
Jake cleared his throat. "Would you want to have another baby? If you could?"
You stared at him, unable to read the expression on his handsome face. It was closed off. And you were confused.
"I don't understand," you told him, placing your hands nervously on your hips, suddenly very aware of how naked you were.
"Just answer me. Would you have wanted more than two? Would you have wanted to try for a girl?"
You swallowed hard and shook your head slowly. "You got a vasectomy. I wouldn't even be able to get pregnant again."
Jake ducked his head and looked at the floor. "I wanted the vasectomy, because I'm already the oldest parent in Asher's school pick up line."
You took a step closer. "Who cares about that? You're also the hottest dad in Asher's school pick up line."
He looked up at you and whispered, "Will you just answer the question?"
"I already did!" you snapped. "We decided about the vasectomy together. Last year. You didn't make the decision alone, Jake." His eyes were fixed on your face as you said, "I have never once looked at you and thought you were too old to do anything. I didn't want more kids. Some days I can barely handle the two we have."
You burst into tears, crossing your arms over your chest as you turned to get your robe from the floor again. Jake's arms were around you, pulling you toward the bed, and you let him take you there. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Darlin'," he whispered. "I just hate the idea that I could be holding you back."
"You're not," you sobbed, face buried against his neck as he pulled the covers over both of you. "All you do is make everything better. The boys and I woudn't want it any other way."
Jake held you until you felt calmer, his fingers trailing up and down your arm. "I won't doubt my wife again," he whispered, turning off the lamp.
"Don't you dare."
You fell asleep to the sound of the ocean and the feel of Jake's big hand on your back.
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10yrratiolover · 2 months
Some of my, oh so many, Ratio Headcannons
he knows a bunch of languages, all of which he can speak fluently
^ this includes Latin
cleans his rubber ducks VERY thoroughly to make sure they don't mold
he HATES getting sweaty, it's the only thing he doesn't like about hot baths and working out
has very strict morning and nightly routines, gets genuinely upset if they're disrupted
I think he and Argenti would have great philosophical debates about beauty (please hoyoverse please see my vision)
just straight up hates bright lights
^ prefers warm lighting over cold
I think his skin is naturally clear but he's definitely got some kind of skincare routine anyway
missed out on a lot of social opportunities during his teenage years due to his studies and such, don't think he would have had many friends (at least not his age)
big fan of parallel play, mostly because he gets caught up in his head so often, he's completely content doing different things in the same vicinity
he also uses Aventurine (or others) as a canvas of sorts to throw ideas and thoughts on, he'll start explaining something, and mid explanation he'll run into the answer, thank whoever he's talking to even though they didn't do anything, and hurry off to write it down
frequent bruises around his collar/bottom of his neck from his alabaster
migraine sufferer, me too stay strong king (actually I think this is canon?)
he VERY rarely cancels his classes, it could be flooded up to his doorknob and he'd send out an email to his students like "Today's lecture is still on."
^ this includes when he's sick or otherwise unwell, he could be barely standing upright and he'd still give his lecture
he can't listen to music with lyrics when doing anything because it distracts him (he'll start zoning in on the words and stop doing whatever else he was doing (did I word this right? idk it happens to me all the time))
he sometimes wears the alabaster at home if sensory issues are really bad that day
^ he verbally shuts down sometimes, which sucks bc he's got a lot to say but he typically just writes things down instead
does actually throw chalk at his students, not as hard as his in-battle attack obviously but his aim is always on point
^ his perfect aim also applies to literally anything he throws, his keys, his phone, if he wants to throw something somewhere it's getting there
sometimes completely submerges himself in the bath and just holds his breath for a bit to fully clear his head
^ he can hold his breath pretty long so he sits under there for a bit (freaked Aventurine out the first time he walked in on him doing it tho)
call me crazy but I think he'd be good with kids
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lowkeyrobin · 16 days
hi! I got a kitten yesterday and i was thinking about a sparrow!ben hargreeves x reader where the reader brings home a kitten and at first he hates it but then she catches him like cuddling or playing with it. Just a thought! Have a perfect day! 💕
oooo okay I can try! ; and omg I bet ur kitten is so cute okgnghehjajd ; fun fact I started feeding one stray cat and this mofo brought along his wife and then his 3 or 4 kids 💀 ; anyway thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
SPARROW! BEN ; feline friend
summary ; you come home with a cat to surprise ben
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader had some similar familial neglect growing up
word count ; 791
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Ben, growing up in the Sparrow Academy, never got a little kitten or puppy for Christmas. Christmas didn't even exist. The best Christmas they ever got as kids was when Grace brought home special treats for the Sparrow kids on the special day. That day was special for every other kid in the world except them. They didn't get presents, or new toys, new books, new clothes, they didn't get to spend solid family time together.
Reginald wasn't as bad as he was to the Umbrella Academy in this timeline, but he was like one of those parents who refused to do anything fun. Any childish belief or dream would be shot down instantly. You shoot down the idea of Santa Clause to a bunch of little kids with superpowers and act like it's outrageous they ever believed it in the first place.
All Ben ever wanted growing up for Christmas was a cat. He had a soft spot for them.
He always felt bad for the stray cats on the street that he'd sneak out to feed with Fei. They were always too scared to want to be pet, but they were confident enough to sit with the still little kids. Ben didn't have that many great childish memories either. Instead of trying to hold it all together like the glue of the family, like he was in another timeline, he was miserable. He grew cold.
He essentially had nothing to really live for until you came along.
And you brought a cat home one random evening after learning how he'd always wanted a cat. You kind of forgot that he wasn't much different from you. He didn't have the chance to have a pet growing up unless you counted Christopher because he was a high-maintenance little asshole. Over time, he grew up into an adult, too mature and old to want to care about Christmas or wanting a cat for Christmas.
You carry the kitten in your hands, entering with a bit of struggle through the front door. A litter box, food, toys, and other essentials sit in your car as you'd wanted to surprise Ben first, then make him help you drag everything inside.
You find him sitting on the couch, his attention halfed between the television on Cartoon Network and his phone in his hand, scrolling through the hellscape that is Twitter. He looks up at you, quickly saying hello, asking how your day was.
You're silent, a wide smile on your face as the kitten looks up at you, curled up in your hand.
He then notices the little creature and he furrows his eyebrows. He sets his phone down and stands in front of you, seeing the little kitten in your hands.
"Where- why?"
"You never got to have a pet growing up, neither did I. We both deserve to have something else to live for, especially something so adorable," you smile.
You hand him the kitten, allowing the small animal to sniff out Ben and begin to trust him. He softly strokes the kitten's small head, unknowing of how to react. After becoming cold and miserable, he didn't really care for animals anymore.
"When I told you about never being able to take in strays as a kid, I didn't insinuate I wanted one now"
Safe to say Ben didn't want the cat, then.
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You didn't get rid of her, though. You couldn't do that to your soul or to her. You deserved that kitten even if Ben didn't. He didn't even have to look at her for all you cared. She was yours then. You didn't really understand why he was being such an ass about it, though.
But, you return home from work once more, expecting to see Ben on the couch glaring at your playful kitten once again. But, as you enter the living room, that's not what you'd found.
Ben was on the floor, his right hand swiftly moving over the carpet, the kitten's eyes quickly following as she sits in front of him. The cat lays down, her butt in the air, ready to pounce. Ben sits with a smile on his face, allowing the cat to tackle and scratch his hand up. He picks her up, cradling her in his arms as he pets her small head.
You raise an eyebrow, setting your things to the side. "I thought you hated the idea of having a cat?"
Ben quickly looks up at you, allowing the cat to run free. "Uh..."
You shake your head with a smile, "Glad you warmed up to her, dickwad"
"I've honestly been hiding it since, like, week two," he shrugs. "I was trying to hold my grudge."
"That's mean."
"I didn't ask."
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steifel · 3 months
More outsiders HCs except this time its mostly about the Curtis bros (it turned into mostly be about Sodapop)
Soda sucked his thumb until he was 12
Speaking of soda sucking his thumb when he was a toddler it was more like he would stick his whole hand in his mouth and let the drool drip all over his arm
He used to wake up at like 2 am crawl out of his bed and waddle over to Darrys room and just stair (hand fully in his mouth mind you) darry would wake up and be like "hay little man do you need something" Soda would just continue staring until Darry got uncomfortable then Soda just waddeld his way back to bed
When they were 4 and 6 Pony and Soda were truly a meness to society
They used to work together to get chocolate cake off of the top shelf of the fridge by Soda lifting Pony onto his shoulders
Together they could reach
They thought it was super funny until Darry got in trouble (because obviously the 4 and 6 year old cant reach the top of the fridge)
Pony started crying when Darry got in trouble and so the boys came clean
One time Sodapop got his head stuck in between the rails on the stairs (he was 15)
One time when he was 10 Pony found a bunch of Darrys playboys
He looked through all of them because he was so curious
Poor thing was confused he had no idea why people would like that kind of stuff
He took them to show Johnny who was also very confused
They told Dally and he just laughed at them
Steve and Soda met when they were both at the parks and Soda goes "i like ponys" and steve was like "i like cars" so they played ponys and cars. They have been best friends ever since
Darry is secretly terrified of when Pony starts dating because he really doesn't want to have *the talk*
Little does he know Pony has had said *talk* at least 7 times
Everyone in the gang has tried to put the fear of God in him about sex
Except Dally who is the most honest of the gang
When he was a kid all Darry ever wanted was to be a dad
Pony absolutely hates kids
Soda was the kid to eat all of his Halloween candy in one sitting and then complain that his tummy hurts
I feel like Soda had a tummy ache quite often as a child
From literal kindergarten to the time he dropped out somebody had to physically sit and watch Soda do his homework or it wouldn't get done
Mrs Curtis used to sit at the table with all 3 boys to watch them do their homework
And once their parents died Darry started to sit down with the two boys to make sure they got their work done
Now whenever he can Sodapop sits to watch Ponyboy do his homework because he truly believes that thats just how homework works
Darry is legitimately afraid of the dark
If there is a spider anywhere in the Curtis household you bet your ass Soda is on the counter screaming like a little girl
Ponyboy cries when his brothers kill bugs so Darry has to let them all outside
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Hi👋! 📻 anon here
Reading about Deuce!Yutu now I'm curious about Adeuce being uncles to any Yutu! We already have the granddaddy Crewel (😉😉), so.
I imagine Ace flexing about it and Deuce being (or trying to be) a somewhat responsible figure? "Watch uncle Ace and learn" vs. "You can always lean on your uncle Deuce *cough* while he freaks out *cough*". In nutshell they're happy, but idiots about it. While their relationship depends on and kid's personality (or who's the daddy, lol), they must have something they do regardless.
Anyways, eat well, sleep well, treat yourself kindly!
Yuu's little found family in Twisted Wonderland is always heartwarming to see.
I feel like Deuce is super serious about it. He takes Yuu's safety really seriously already so to have a baby Yuu? Oh he's so worried about him it's not even funny. It's 10x worse if Yutu is a Heartslabyul baby because Deuce feels like he should have been protecting his dad too. Riddle! Yutu gets it the worst because of how openly traumatized he is; he's very soft with Trey! Yutu and Yushi. He has no idea how to deal with what happened to them so he just awkwardly hovers around trying to be reliable.
Ace says that he hates this because he can't stand having another person to look after but honestly? He kind of likes it. Ace does like boring domestic stuff and he likes the thought of having a nephew. His flexing comes in the form of trying to make life a bit normal for Yutu. He'll play basketball with him, make him try a whole bunch of snacks, picks up a bunch of "classic" movies that he absolutely needs to see, and basically all the other things he does with Yuu and Deuce because hey. The kid is old enough to be his friend he can worry about being an authority figure and role model in the future.
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rainylana · 1 year
Random Eddie headcanons
Eddie Munson x female reader
warnings: one mention of masturbation + getting high in class with markers lol.
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• his favorite food is pizza rolls. wayne has to make him eat something else because he literally won’t.
• idk why but i see him really into dumpster diving lmfao just trying to find cool stuff to put in his room.
• makes his own jewelry. very much a diy kind of boy. definitely has an earring out of a pop tab .
• forgets to brush his teeth and has to do it in the morning + has definitely brushed his teeth with his finger.
• likes to watch wheel of fortune with wayne and yells at the screen like he’s the one playing.
• walks out in his boxers to get the mail in the morning.
• threw rocks at birds as a kid.
• is TERRIFIED at the idea of ghosts. can’t do haunted houses at all and does not like being scared.
• his favorite show is scooby doo and gilligans island.
• took dustin under his wing because he saw himself in him.
• makes fun of wayne for reading the newspaper but reads it himself when he’s alone.
• very hormonal boy and jerks it in the shower.
• likes to read books but only fantasy and sci-fi, nothing else. murder mystery bores him and he hates romance. the only romance he roots for was between arwen and aragorn.
• has a fish tank in his room with no fish. he forgot to feed them.
• has a bunch of stray cats that liter around the trailer because he feeds them scraps.
• got sent to the principals office for sniffing markers.
• had a lot of acne in middle school and had no skin care routine whatsoever.
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 months
What Happens When You Only USED To Care
I find it extremely hard to take any person in the fandom that does that schtick where they make fun of Tim based on made up or overly exaggerated stuff seriously.
I can't even find it within myself to give them the power of my hate, because it's more like a fly near your ear. You swat em away and bye bye bye.
Maybe it's because I know so much about how DC ended up being, that I can tell when they're bullshitting and saying stuff others put in their ear.
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I mean you take a kid's favorite toy, and add modifications and paint jobs that take away the whole point of the toy, the kid's aren't going to want to play with it anymore.
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Am I expected to blame the toy itself?
Especially with how the fandom has bastardized these characters that they so clearly love, but they still constantly get cancelled.
And I won't make mention of who, because someone will get sensitive, and plus then say "WELL TIM DID TOO" showing they're completely missing my point and didn't read the whole post.
I'm not sure why the fandom thinks taking complex and fascinating characters that allowed readers to escape their potentially bleak lives to jump into something more joyful (at least in an entertainment kind of way) and turning them into sitcom tropes is a great idea that OH IS SO GREAT, and EVERYONE WILL PREFER.
'Cause when the comics start copying that trend, you're actually scaring most people away.
Sure it's different from the big bad edgy we had to deal with a while, but it's still not getting these things back to were the once were.
You're replacing the bad, with a different flavor of bad. This time coated in a superficial dusting of praise that doesn't help anything get anywhere.
See, the fandom isn't as big as it may seem. It functions as an echo chamber which gives the illusion of their being way more. These comics wouldn't constantly be cancelled if they were as good or as popular as people make them out to be.
So all those posts praising the nonsense are as functional as having that one friend who praises you no matter what while the rest of the world says otherwise. Might feel good at the time, but let's face it, it gets you nowhere.
And that's just how the internet works. A bunch of little weirdos sitting around making their chamber, and thinking what they say to someone else still matters.
But it don't.
It doesn't.
They're all just so confident they mean something, when they mean as much to the greater world as a weed so far out of view, you don't bother trying to pull it.
You can make up what ever you want, and try to be as abrasive and irritating about what you made up as much of you want, go out praising when some desperate writer that settles for brownie points over critical praise and legacy puts it into a comic to find validation also as much as you want.
But the lack of genuine interest from most people still leaves it as a dud.
So many characters people think are popular, when they're tragically not, no matter if they were formerly good, is saddening. Because a lot of these characters at one point were good, and interesting, and genuinely popular beyond the small pond filled with indignity.
At best they have fan bases that once cared but now no longer do. That don't bother paying attention, because why should they after being denied the simple thing they want--good writing and characterization. The whole reason most start reading in the first place.
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I might point one finger at one of these dudes, because I can comfortably say I used to love them too.
No one bothers trying to help out, and bring them back up though.
They want the instant glorification from a bunch of nobodies, who don't care about them as a person, and are only a validation machine instead of anything with a beating heart in it that will truly be there for them when times gets rough besides thoughts and prayers alone.
And as many years as I've seen this stuff, it never stops.
If I haven't been in a better place since I've almost entirely left DC behind in the dust, I would consider that depressing.
These people are online doing this so much that it is what they dedicate their lives to.
It is their life.
They made themselves so unlikable though, that a lot can't be bothered to find pity.
If you have to rewrite reality in your brain, what's the point of living there? You're just convincing yourself you're the only one not wrong, with no hint of irony. What a weirdo thing to do.
Clinging on to things with no solid backing.
In the grand scheme of things they are that insignificant unless you're also stuck in the chamber.
Hell, the only reason I made this post as long as it is, is less out of care and passion, and more because I can't help myself from being overly wordy.
If only DC could be fucked to remember what it takes to write good stories instead of ripping fandom people off. Maybe something would click in and once again take off.
And giving the illusion they now care--
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As we can see with the frequent cancelations--
That only works when you have the talent and know how, to tell good stories, with great characters once again. A retro paint job and partially putting the character where they should be can only do so much, when limited talent has to take the rest of the wheel.
Otherwise all you're gonna get is a month or two of decent sells...and it's back into the dumpster again. Where the higher ups might eventually decide to blame the toy and not the manufacturers.
Unless you're Batman or Superman or that level of iconic/popular.
Disappointingly and quite obviously, it's not hard to know if not assume most characters don't have that level of icon to have their back in the dark times. Meaning most go back into the void unless the ones upstairs think this time their new failed from the start scheme will win them all back.
The secret of success in comics is simple, now it may not go back to the way it was, but they can still come back a bit, and here's the secret--
Learn how to fucking tell good stories, with good characterization, with artists that are beyond simply having good talent, but actual passion that shows them how everything's supposed to be.
If I order a nerf gun, and comes not looking anything like what it did on the box.
You know damn well the person who bought it is going to be displeased and not order from them again.
You're testing customer loyalty, and the economy not doing as grand, and prices going up--
The amount of time you have to get them back is depleting.
So get your head out of your ass and actually do something.
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randoimago · 1 year
Day 4 - Drunken Confessions
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Character(s): Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Type of Request: 31 Days of Oc-Trope-R
Note(s): I love Present Mic so much.
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Things at UA had been hectic, but it was finally Saturday, so Hizashi practically forced you and Aizawa to go with him drinking. He had wanted to do karaoke, but Aizawa gave a firm "no" and you weren't going to argue with Aizawa.
So now the three of you were sitting in a booth with some karaage and edamame to have with your drinks. Aizawa looked like he's been sipping on the same whiskey all night while Hizashi had some kind of highball and you were drinking on whatever wouldn't make you act like that much of an idiot.
"And then after having an argument for ten minutes about the correct use of 'their, there, and they're', Bakugo gives a perfect answer. Even I was shocked considering how much of a hothead he is," Hizashi regales an English lesson he was teaching with wild gestures.
"He's smarter than he looks," Aizawa comments. Aizawa is good at his backwards compliments.
"At least you got them to do the lesson. Things were going great for me and then Midnight comes in to deliver something and the next thing I know, everyone is talking about crushes and which teachers look cute together," you say with a sigh. It'd be endearing if you weren't scared shitless that they'd somehow get you to confess your crush to a bunch of children.
"I hate kids." Aizawa shakes his head as he says this but you and Hizashi give him amused smiles because you both know that's far from the truth.
"Did they say who'd look cute with me?" Hizashi asks, a wide grin on his face.
"I think Ashido mentioned something about you and Aizawa cause of some childhood friends trope," you answer, a tad confused with what she had been talking about. Hizashi just bursts out laughing at the idea while Aizawa grumbles and drinks his whiskey.
The night goes on with you three drinking and eating some more. Aizawa decided to be the smart one and start getting water for the table while Hizashi wanted to make a tower out of his glasses, which was quickly stopped and caused him to pout.
"I need to get going. Think you can take care of him?" Aizawa suddenly says as he checks the time. You do as well. It's late but not that bad.
"Thinking of doing some patrolling?" You ask, you wouldn't be surprised if Aizawa did sober up to a quick ten minute patrol this late. You were glad when he shook his head.
"Don't want a hangover so I'm going home to decompress."
"What a responsible adult," you tease and Aizawa rolls his eyes. Hizashi is already whining about Aizawa leaving and you chuckle and shake your head. "Maybe we should get him home first," you say and Aizawa nods.
You both drag the drunken Hizashi back home, listening to his rambling and nonsense. There were a few times when he started to say something, but Aizawa switched topics or made him shut up. You don't know if it was going to be something embarrassing or what, but good on Aizawa for being a good friend.
When you made it back to his apartment, Aizawa offered to stay to help take care of the drunk. You declined and said you could deal with Hizashi. There was some hesitance on Aizawa's part, which you found a tad weird, but eventually he did leave. And now it was you and Hizashi on his couch while the TV played softly in the background.
"I can't believe the kids thought me and Aizawa would date." Hizashi's words are slurred as his head is resting in your lap on the couch. You tried to make him go to bed, but he was adamant that you're not allowed in his room. So, you're both on the couch.
"Well, it was more thinking that you two would be a cute couple instead of that you are going to date," you try to explain, only to get a scoff back.
"But I don't wanna date him. I wanna date you. Shota is mean and grouchy," Hizashi pouts but you were a bit hung up with what he had said previously.
"You want to date me?" You can't help asking. He's drunk and probably talking out of his ass right now, but you can't help but be curious.
"Well yeah, you're cute and smell nice and I wanna cuddle and kiss you and do adult things!"
"Like what?" Again, you couldn't help asking. Maybe it was morbid curiosity or maybe you wanted to see what drunk things Hizashi might come up with. Whatever the excuse, you just asked that and now have to live with it.
"Like hand holding!"
"Uh huh, well how about you drink some water and get to bed then we can talk about hand holding in the morning." An amused grin is on your face as you pat Hizashi's head and he whines.
"But I want to date you now!"
"Trust me, if you remember this, you might end up regretting this happened. We'll talk in the morning, Hizashi." He mutters something that sounds a bit like 'won't regret it' but you shake your head at him and make him go to bed.
You just hope he remembers this in the morning.
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darkfictionjude · 5 months
After all the Nia-related exasperation lately I wanted to write you this:
THANK YOU for creating characters that act and think like real human beings. THANK YOU for creating a strong and complex female love interest. THANK YOU for giving her proper critical thinking skills and a not-pea-sized-brain. I will tell you this - if I were in Nia’s shoes, I would AVOID MC AT ALL COSTS.
For real. She saw her bf having violent outbursts. She knew they were bullied by their older sister. And then SUDDENLY MC’s sister ends up brutally murdered and SUDDENLY MC is being sent to a mental institution. In real life there were multiple occasions when sane suspects tried to claim they were mentally ill so as to avoid imprisonment and to be sent to some mental hospital instead. I know, it doesn’t really apply to our MCs ‘cause it is well known they are ill, but damn it, everything just kind of coincides too well in the eyes of everyone (that’s why some students at school also think MC killed Orla).
I get it some of readers here are sad she didn’t reach out to MC when they were in a hospital. But it was said (many times btw) that she had her reasons for that. I get it some of readers here are sad she thinks MC killed Orla. But it was said (quite a bunch of times already btw) that she has her reasons. We just have to wait and find them out without jumping to conclusions. We don’t know everything. What really matters is that Nia still sticks out to MC and clearly cares for them (she gets angry at Imre for trying to involve MC in the investigation, claims that MC is strong if you play around with choices etc). Or at least it matters to me.
Sorry if it comes off as too aggressive.
Hahaha this is was something read, love the passion nonnie.
Yeah Nia is a person who has a very clear idea of the world and who she is. She doesn’t change it for anyone. Her biggest thing is that she likes facts, wanting to be a doctor she feels emotions if not checked override things and make you see things distorted. She’s not a robot she just doesn’t allow herself to be carried away.
Like I’ve said, just because a character doesn’t fawn over mc doesn’t mean they are against them or hate them. They’re just human and the characters don’t know MC is mc, y’know? I like that Nia doesn’t treat mc with kid gloves, she respects them enough to treat them as an equal. She doesn’t act like you’d expect because I’m trying to make her feel real and real people don’t do what we want even when they love us
I would love more polemic female love interests to be honest. We have some many complex male interests, we need all kinds of women and I’ve always loved women like Nia in fiction. Dominated by logic but allowing moments of emotion
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supernovafics · 1 year
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✧∘ଂ ࿐ ཾ 𝑳𝑬𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑶𝑵𝑬. ✭・.・✫・゜・。.
pairing: ex-bestfriend!steve x fem!reader
word count: 683 words
warnings: explicit language, minor mentions of parental trauma 
series masterlist | last part — next part
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❝ 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆, 𝒊 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖. ❞
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Dear Steve,
Do you remember how we met?
Weirdly enough, I remember the exact moment. Mainly because I was so fucking nervous. (side note: being the new kid in town sucks absolute ass)
But, anyway, I moved in next door to you and our parents hit it off immediately since it turned out that our dads were going to be working with each other. 
As they all nonstop talked for a solid fifteen minutes in the front yard and I stood by like the most lonely twelve-year-old fifth wheel ever, you pulled up on your bicycle coming from God knows where. 
Our parents were quick to introduce us, and then they made you hang out with me. It was nice finally seeing and interacting with a kid my age, but I also thought that you would hate me since our parents were essentially forcing this “play date” to happen. However, you were actually really nice and I was kind of glad that my parents forced me to meet you. 
We went to your backyard and sat by your pool, and I remember that it was insanely hot that day and I really wanted to go swimming but had no idea where my bathing suit was packed among the boxes scattered in our new garage. I could tell that you really wanted to swim too, and although I told you that it would’ve been completely fine if you did it without me, you shrugged like it was no big deal and said that you didn’t want me to feel left out. Which, now looking back on that moment, is probably when I knew that I really wanted us to be friends. 
It surprised me how much we had in common and how so much of that commonality came from how insane our parents were. In the moment it felt funny, but now I can’t help but see how sad it was because of how nonchalantly we were talking about our parents being so neglectful to us. 
You told me the story about when you were in first grade and your mom forgot to pick you up from school because she booked a spa appointment that went until 5pm, and that’s how you learned how to walk home. And I followed up by talking about the time both my parents missed my dance recital when I was eight because my dad worked late (even though he said he wouldn’t), and my mom somehow showed up so late that she missed the number I danced in. 
Now I’m realizing that those fucked up storytimes were probably what cemented our friendship. Because somehow we both found someone that actually fully understood what all of that parental shittiness was like. 
The next day I went over to your house again, since mine was still in complete disarray from unpacking, and I brought a bunch of my favorite movies and we watched them in your living room. 
It’s funny because I think you hated all of them, or at least most of them, and I remember thinking something along the lines of: “I can never talk to this guy again. How could he hate The Great Gatsby? He’s an idiot!”
Of course, none of that happened, because aside from your horrific judgment of movies (which I hope has changed by now), I already saw you as an important person in my life. 
I think we probably spent that entire summer before school started attached at the hip, and when school did finally start it felt okay walking in as the new kid because you were there. Helping me and protecting me from the idiots. 
Twelve-year-old me truly never thought that there would be a time when we weren't the greatest of friends with each other. And I know how naive that probably was for me to think.
But, actually, I don't believe it was entirely that naive to think because we were different. You and me, our friendship, was different than just any other one.
And I honestly think that if I didn't mess things up as badly as I did, we would still be in each other's lives right now.
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next part
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catgrassplantdad · 9 months
fic writer interview
i was tagged by the luminous @energievie & @suzy-queued to fill this bad boy out! i remember doing this last year too, how fun! 🩷
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  I've got 20 on there now!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 143,320
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? kinda raw, float, cinematic, and i'm your warm receiver, watching. the four after kinda raw are all pretty close together in terms of kudos, but kinda raw has a lot more kudos than the one after it and i don't understand why. i have written better fics lmfao! y'all are just nasty. and honestly i appreciate that.
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i try to always respond, but sometimes it gets away from me! i just really appreciate people taking the time to leave a comment, and i want to show that appreciation.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i don't think any of mine have been angsty!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? they're all happy, but it might be you outshined the best there was just because of the nature of the story. soft dads, seen from mickey's perspective as he grows into fatherhood over the course of a year, but also so, so plotless. soft!
7. Do you write crossovers? no and i doubt i ever will. one of my very favorite conversations though is when my husband and i insert characters from other media we like into star trek tng or ds9. it's so dumb and so funny. lmao what if i wrote it
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? yeah! once, on one of my favorite fics, ligature. they told me i should sterilize myself because i'm glorifying abuse by writing bdsm, it's a good read
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i almost exclusively write smut! nasty and loving. i don't know how to describe it but whenever i think i've written something disgusting i inevitably get comments about how sweet it is. which, yeah, it's not like they're mutually exclusive ways to fuck. so yeah, sweet and dirty husbands
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i don't think so! i mean i hope not
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i haven't, but i've collaborated on a couple of projects with my dear friend @heymrspatel! i wrote and she made art for cinematic and honeycomb. cinematic was more julissa making art for parts i'd already written, but honeycomb especially was a collaborative process with the way that a bunch of what i wrote was based on things that julissa was visualizing for her art, so parts of it did feel like co-writing. it was the most fun i've had working on anything!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? don't make me choose between the angel who fell in love with a faithless man, and the closeted thug who fell in love with the kid who had it bad for him and ultimately had the most satisfying ending. destiel and gallavich are both such incredibly compelling ships!! aahhh!!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? if there's something i'm not going to finish, it's generally because it became something i didn't want to work on anymore.
15. What are your writing strengths? describing physical sensation and emotional impact, dialogue
16. What are your writing weaknesses? exposition
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i like evie's idea of just indicating that they've switched to another language without actually writing the language out
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? gallavich
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? i really want to write destiel smut. i think the nonhuman element could be fun to play with. i've read a lot of grace sex and that shit is soooooo. hot. i want to try my hand at it.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? this changes so often! one i come back to a lot is chapter two of 2022's kinktober collection, the prompts were wax & "yeah, that's it baby, just like that" and i wrote some wax play and i suppose cockwarming although it's not tagged as such. i also really fucking love lush, it's inspired by one of julissa's pieces and it's drunk lovemaking and breathplay. i also need to shout out a newer one, beauty in simplicity from this year's kinktober collection. mickey getting his ass eaten on the kitchen table. there's three fics! i don't care!
tagging @howlinchickhowl @whatwouldmickeydo @whatthebodygraspsnot @gallawitchxx @ohkate @sam-loves-seb @sisitrip @crossmydna @thisdivorce @mmmichyyy @arrowflier if you guys feel like playing 🖤
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ponett · 2 years
some more SLARPG-related questions and answers taken from my retrospring:
Hi, I wanted to start by saying I loved your game and it meant a lot to me. Instead of gushing sappily though, I wanted to ask about the cross iconography in Melody's staff and Provence's armor; what cultural or religious significance does this symbol have in the world of Reverie? (If it doesn't mean anything to them but does to us that's cool too!)
the + shape (typically in green) is the symbol for healing magic, rather than a religious symbol
hi! in an answer on here just now you referred to "the beast kingdom", is that a canon thing and there is a monarchical governed body called The Beast Kingdom, or was that just something you threw out there because you didn't have a name for it, or some exciting third answer?
the country slarpg is set in is The Beast Kingdom. i can't remember if that's actually stated in the game. i think it is? maybe it was cut from the intro so as to not overwhelm the player with Fantasy Proper Nouns up front and i forgot to put it somewhere else? idk. the sapphire islands are some distance off the coast, and brightport is on the mainland
i saw some speculation about this based on the name, and yes, it's intended to be a modern constitutional monarchy
(after answering this i doubled checked, and yes, the name is mentioned in the game)
Is there any kind of animal species beast folks strictly CANNOT be? (besides RandomFurryUser726's custom closed species obviously)
off the top of my head i can't think of anything they COULDN'T be, no. mammals, birds, reptiles, sea creatures, bugs. i guess when you get to some of the more oddball invertebrates it becomes trickier, but i also wouldn't completely write off the possibility of coming up with a jellyfish character or whatever. it's just less likely that i'd go for something like that compared to, you know. furries
since holly floated the idea in her own stream: Did Jodie forge her own grill?
you know what? sure. this is canon now
How did Claire come to choosing her name? Was is just a name she liked the sound of or is there more significance for her?
undecided due to how much that part of claire's life is still unexplored
just curious, but is zinnia's hair color intended to be more 'older woman gray hair' or 'magical girl white hair'?
her hair is naturally a very light blue, like how melody and jodie just have naturally white hair
i pictured the scrap cannon skill working by magnetizing a bunch of scrap metal around one's arm to make an arm cannon and firing off a big ball of more scrap metal from that. is this a valid interpretation?
this isn't how i picture it but it's cooler than how i picture it and also adds yet another mega man allusion to the desert, so
Given that it's the day of the Big Game: How do each of the Novas (+ Faith/Beverly) feel about sports?
jodie likes sports and follows the brightport teams actively, but she's also too good of a sport to really hate their rival teams
allison's always liked the act of playing sports way more than watching them (although she was never good enough at following orders to play on a team as a kid). she'll watch the big games with jodie, though
beverly is a casual fan who will at least root for local teams but doesn't really pay that close attention
melody and faith don't follow sports but can be convinced to show up for a super bowl party type get together
claire can only get invested in a sport or team if there's a jon bois type documentary that gets deep into the nerd shit
Were there ever any other names other than SLARPG in the running? Or was it always gonna be slarpg all the way.
i always considered changing the name. i have a list of 75 different names i considered over the years in my notes, ranging from more generic fantasy titles to sillier ones to more unique ones. early on most involved melody's name. many later ones include "Reverie." i may share the full list someday (possibly good fodder for a patreon post), but the "serious" title i've mentioned considering before was Power Couple (or Power Couples). i still like that one
i debated over the title a lot for many reasons. mainly, people are weird about the title, either treating the whole game as a joke or assuming it's porn or whatever. some also assume that you just cannot play the game if you aren't a lesbian, a thing that people don't do with other fantasy things that happen to feature sapphic relationships without putting it in the title
the problem, of course, is that changing your title is often a death sentence. half the struggle with marketing a game is even getting people to remember it in the first place in an era where a million things are constantly fighting for your attention. people need to have seen it a few times before they create that mental connection of "oh, THAT game, i've heard of that." so changing your title massively undercuts that
in that regard, Super Lesbian Animal RPG is just way more unique and memorable of a title than the alternatives i was considering. it's direct and unambiguous about the content of the game, and it grabs your attention in a way that something like "Guardians of Reverie," for instance, doesn't. (that's not a title i was considering too seriously, just an example.) also it abbreviates to a unique hashtag, which i find convenient. also i can say that rock paper shotgun once referred to it as "brilliantly named," so like, of course i can't change it now
several of the names i considered are now in the running for an overall franchise name, though, since i have zero intention of naming a game Super Lesbian Animal Platformer or Super Lesbian Animal Visual Novel or whatever
I wish you could kiss Holly this life is so unfair
fear not my friend, large women exist in our world as well
are all cars on Reverie weird fantasy vehicles like the one in the Celestial Wasteland? or was it just the fact of Greenridge being a tiny town with dirt roads that made cars irrelevant to mention or see in the story?
fantasy vehicles such as flying cars and airships are very common on reverie, but regular wheeled vehicles still exist too. (there is a conversation about motorcycles in the game.) i'd imagine regular, non-flying vehicles are just the cheaper option, but they're also not particularly necessary in greenridge, a small, old town built for foot travel that doesn't exactly have a highway connecting it to the mainland
from the sounds of it, would it be safe to assume that the exact level of involvement you had in the characters Anthony/Scarlet designed varies from character to character? Like for some characters you'd have a solid-ish idea of gender/species/age/role, other times you just have the role ("I need an NPC to fill this nice"), and other times they just sprung a design on you without any prompting from you?
yeah, it varied a lot. for example, faith was a character i conceived and had a pretty clear idea of, but i was struggling to come up with her design, so anthony offered to give it a shot. other times i might request something from him, and he'll give me a black and white concept sketch that i color and then turn into a sprite. but then you've got, like, the paladin brigade, who are characters anthony just pitched to me thinking that they'd be a good addition to the cast. he came up with their names, designs, color schemes, personalities, team dynamic, everything. i just filled in details where necessary. the boys are also anthony's babies - they would not have been included in the game at all if he hadn't pushed for it
meanwhile, scarlet's characters (which included a good number of more general NPCs that didn't make it in due to time constraints) mostly consisted of me giving her broad directions like "we need some adventurers to hang around noel's sanctuary," and she'd come up with her own ideas from there
what's the hardest part of making a cohesive and/or compelling narrative to you?
for me at least, it's the logical glue that holds a story together that's the hardest. that's just the type of writer i am, and as far as i know it's pretty common to feel that way
i'll know specific scenes i wanna hit, emotional beats, the general mood and tone, images i want to use, those sorts of things, but the logical shuffling around of pieces on the chess board to connect those disparate moments is harder to nail down for me. why is this character doing this? why are they here instead of there? why can't the protagonists just do this other thing to solve their problem? what in the narrative is going to steer them towards this next moment? what is this supporting character's motivation that informs their participation in this event? why did this character know or not know this key fact? etc. and in a video game - especially an rpg like this - there's that added layer of needing to give the player clear objectives, having reasons for them to go from point A to point B, excuses for gameplay elements to space out the story beats, and whatnot. it can be a lot to juggle
with slarpg in particular i knew most of the big emotional beats and major setpiece moments i wanted to hit early on, but the logic of the plot took a LOT of reworking. lots of late night pondering and scattered notes trying to piece together the villains' plans and things of that nature
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
Sending hugs always!
002 for your favorite character please and thank you!
You might be interested to hear that I might be getting a picture with the original pink ranger at comic con.
Hugs always appreciated thank you so much 😊
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Oh my gosh! You might meet Amy Jo Johnson? I’ve heard from everyone she’s ever met she’s a complete sweetheart. If you meet her you’ll have a great time. Regardless if you meet her or not I hope you have a great time at the con!
Ahh I have a lot of favorite characters, and they rotate but given you’re possibly gonna meet AJJ, I’ll do a power rangers one :)
Spike Skullovitch from Power Rangers Samurai
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How do I feel about this character:
There’s not enough of him! He deserved way more! So if you don’t know this is the son of Eugene “Skull” Skullovitch. In the show he was…I wanna say as old as the rangers so mid to late teens. This retroactively makes his dad from MMPR a teen father. Kind of a doofus and I loved him for it. He just seemed like a really sweet character and it’s a shame we haven’t seen him since. I wanna know how he’s doing guys. Kid’s a pure cinnamon roll in love with the pink ranger. I adore this guy I have fics for this guy and an entire LIST I’m working on of his partners (well ok-I’m working on individual lists for them and he’s on a lot of them but you know, semantics) I ship him with and hypothetical kids. I’m doing this for a bunch of power ranger characters for funsies but yea, lol. Love him, wish we had more of him-did you know he was originally meant to be the gold ranger before they changed the plot of the season? We got robbed
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Ok here we go lol
Lauren Shiba
Jayden Shiba
Mia Watanabe (ranger he’s canonically got a crush on and ngl it’s adorable)
Antonio (I have a test fic in the works about these two, given Antonio is the canon gold)
Prince Olympius
Ziggy Grover
Scott Truman
And several others but list shouldn’t get too long lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I…am gonna be honest. I multiship so everyone listed is simultaneously a platonic and non platonic ship for me for him. I gave up with the OTP stuff a long while ago. But my current favorite? It’s between Lauren and Mia
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character:
my OTP:
It’s currently between Mia, Olympius, and Ziggy
My crossover ship:
Technically…any season is it’s own universe so I could say Ziggy but. I’ll choose something not power rangers. Hilariously I used his actor in a descendants rp once, his Disney villain descendant counterpart got with Allie, Alice Liddel’s daughter.
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Her. I still have a soft spot for the pairing ngl
A headcanon fact:
This is…an odd one but my friend @augment-techs and I came up with the idea he’s a putty hybrid. Rita Repulsa decided to do human experimentation and chose Skull to kidnap and do the experiments on. Through her meddling he…gives birth to a human-putty hybrid and names it Spike and that’s how his son is born! Very VERY not canon but it’s been fun playing with.
A more mundane “for every version of this character” fact is: he hates chewing gum and sweet things in general. Is not a sweet tooth. This is not going to happen. Prefers savory things over sweet things. Sugar makes him gag. He’ll eat it if someone gives him something sweet because he doesn’t want them to feel bad but..no he’s not a fan.
Thank you so much for the ask and again I hope the con is fun!!
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davyjoneslockr · 1 year
uhhh how about Abbacchio for the ask game? (sorry I won’t stop hyping them up they are so cool)
(For this ask game)
First impression: Tbh I actually really really liked him from the beginning. Grumpy Old Man who is actually 21 is such a funny character concept, and when they revealed his backstory and stand? Immediately in love. Adore characters who can’t escape the past and, in his case, are quite literally doomed to eternally repeat it.
Impression now: Still love him!! I wish he had more of a fleshed-out character arc in some respects, but I like that his final moments are framed by him doing a simple, mundane act of kindness, and leaving a final message that only Giorno can interpret, implying that he’s finally come to trust him. He’s one of the better-written characters in Vento Aureo imo, and I just find him really interesting. The little snippets we get of him in Purple Haze Feedback really add to his character, too :]
Favorite moment: Is it too basic to say “the only time I’m at ease is when I’m with you, Bucciarati” boat scene. Because Bruabba Brain aside, like. What an awesome monologue and insight into his character, especially when you think back to another favorite scene of mine during the Man in the Mirror fight, where he basically outlines his desire to serve something greater than himself. Which you would normally take as him being sort of subservient to the most powerful force at play, but by getting on the boat, he shows that he still has agency, and, even if it’s a losing battle, he’s more interested in defending what’s right rather than what’s most comfortable. Great stuff.
Idea for a story: PRE-CANON STUFF I LOVE YOU PRE-CANON STUFF. I need to write more about the fucked up weird little group dynamic between him, Bucciarati, and Fugo in the early days of the gang. Especially when he first joins, and they’re all getting slowly adjusted to one another like a bunch of skittish cats.
Unpopular opinion: Hate it when people say he’s the dad of the group. He’s not a dad just by virtue of being with Bucciarati (whose role as a “parental figure” I do buy but in a tragic fucked up way but that’s another rant). He’s the grizzled old grandfather who sits on his porch and throws peanut shells at kids who step on his lawn, but if you sit down next to him for a while he’ll tell you stories that’ll change your life, and he’ll pretend to be annoyed by you but he’ll let you have a sip of beer and call you “kid.” Do you understand me.
Favorite relationship: Him and Bucciarati obviously. Near-religious devotion and regarding him as your savior but still calling him a freak every now and again so awesome. But I also really love his relationship with Fugo that’s touched on in Purple Haze Feedback, and I like how, despite unreliable narrator Fugo thinking they weren’t close, so much of the person Fugo becomes is a reflection of Abbacchio. You became the very thing you sought to destroy etc etc.
Favorite headcanon: He knits and crochets. No reason behind this really, I just think it’d be nice and therapeutic for him. He likes to knit scarves, blankets, etc for the rest of the gang, leave them in their rooms, and pretend they weren’t from him. Everyone catches on, but they know he’ll deny it, so they don’t say anything.
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ussjellyfish · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you, @mylittleredgirl for tagging me! Have I done this...perhaps. Will do it again! It might also be new? the questions are fun.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
2,817,922 (hitting 3 million should be fun). I average 6661 words (ha) per fic. Which is interesting. I have 43 drabbles and 7 fics over 100,000 words so they must even out.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon a Time (though not for years). Star Trek the Next Generation, Star Trek Voyager, Star Trek Discovery. Stargate Atlantis and Agents of SHIELD. many other things, but not a lot of fics. (12 or less).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Stray Feathers and Scales (Emma Swan/Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time) I almost listed this one as Maleficent/Regina, which it isn't..kind of is, could have been poly if I'd thought about). This fic has HUGE stats for me and I haven't reread it in years. Parts of it are really detailed though, and it's VERY me. It's all the tropes.
Lost Leaves of Autumn (Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Game of Thrones) This one is very soft and doesn't really belong in the GoT universe, which is so brutal, but I really love Catelyn.
Thawing Deep (Sansa Stark/Margaery Tyrell, Game of Thrones). They could have worked! I haven't read this one in ages either.
Her Majesty's Mercy (Maleficent/Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time) The best Once fic I wrote, in my opinion. I remember the fun of writing this one.
A Funny Thing Happened at a Stark Tower Gala (Melinda May/Phil Coulson, Agents of SHIELD). Maybe this got recced somewhere? Maybe AoS fandom was just big that year? It's cute and fun, and for some reason has a bunch of kudos.
(this is long)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to? If it's a fic that I'm really into I'll reply. I'm kind of giddy about comments on the ones I'm writing right now. If it's an older one that I am sentimental for I try to reply. If I'm not into it at the moment (I am kind of burnt out on Once Upon a Time, and I haven't been into Chakotay lately so I've been kind of meh on my own Janeway/Chakotay stuff). I try to, but I am fickle.
I did just have this really positive experience where I posted my chapter of Quantum Variations (which is my long Disco WIP) and the chapter was kind of a mess, but I was so happy to post it, I really didn't care) and people found things for me to fix and were really kind about it. It felt good, for a chapter with a bunch of errors.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I killed Elizabeth Weir once, but she came back, so the ending was pretty hopeful. I don't write much angst without a happy ending.
I have Janeway rather self-destructively run off with the Borg Queen but... uh...it wasn't that angsty. Dark, but she kind of wanted it.
There's probably something really angsty I'm just not thinking of, but I don't reread my really old stuff often. (some of them I honestly have no idea what the fic is about).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
there's a really sappy SGA one where they have a bunch of kids.
Firefly (Star Trek Discovery, Philippa and...learning to have feelings). maybe? Considering how messy Philippa's feelings are, she ends up happy, and more human, and she goes on a very long journey about it.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not lately. I did, I have, but it's been years. Once Upon a Time fandom you were a wild ride.
I did make massive drama back in the day with Janeway/Crusher, because I really wanted to get to play with them in the fandom space I was in, but that was not the space for that.
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes! I'm on a somewhat lazy sort of fade to feelings place at the moment. I wrote a somewhat detailed one awhile back, but it was pretty tame. The fic is good though! I really like that one. Trapped in a turbolift and then later they have sex.
Migrations and other recurring phenomena (Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak). Happy Birthday, madame captain...
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not often, I do have a SGA and TNG crossover where the Enterprise turns up at Atlantis, which is odd but fun, and for some reason (there's a space battle) it got outside my usual audience. I really liked the challenge of all the characters meeting each other.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I recall.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I think a OUAT one? maybe two? It has happens but...I don't remember which fic it is.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Jackie and I wrote two really long ones together (which were a blast). I don't think she's still on tumblr but, @shinewithalltheuntold, I love you).
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I am really into whatever I am really into at the moment, because I get REALLY into things.
Right now it's Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak, underappreciated ship of my dreams. Michael gets to date the president of the Federation, as a treat. fun bonsu for me is that they have scenes together! and a relationship arc and that's really fun. (even if it's not romantic, it's something and I adore them, so I'll take it).
All time ever? Kathryn Janeway/Beverly Crusher, which made drama, ruined some of my fandom relationships, but really gave me something I needed.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I have a few that I just ended, which I'm okay with. I've taken longer hiatuses than I'd like, lately. (life's just been a lot).
I have three right now. Only one is posted and I'll finish that one! (Quantum Variations on a Love Theme (Star Trek Discovery, Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak) is my favorite. It's my heart right now. It's long and it's sometimes hard to write and there's backstory and plot threads BUT I love it.
And it has it's own little following and really that's all a really long fic needs: a handful of people who read it.
The other two I need for Year of the OTP so I should get those done too. (Firefly universe crosses over into canon-adjacent universe and Michael rescues sick Laira fic).
Hopefully they all get finished. (I'm fairly certain they will. I am not answering the question well).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Soft feelings. Incremental character growth. Long, slow, introspective character journeys. Friendship and found family moments. (there are some Tilly and Philippa moments I really like in Firefly, and Tilly and Laira and Tilly and Michael and...people having loving conversations is fun).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description. (I feel like I'm really lazy with this most of the time. They're there, you know what they look like).
Urgency. (my fics do not move quickly, or really with a lot of certainty in their direction).
Plot. (frequently feels like an afterthought so people can have feelings).
Focus? I drop plot threads, all the time.
Writing by myself is hard. I ALWAYS want to show whatever I've just done to a person and sometimes people are busy and I am so unmoored by that. (post it anyway, dammit). I adore having someone tell me it's good before I post it.Sometimes I have to post it anyway...
I also write the thing I want to write, over and over in different fandoms and with different a characters and I've written my own variations on "pregnant person goes on a journey with her feelings and grows as a person" at least 10 times.
and I'll do it again.
And I love midly sick character, which I will do again.
I feel bad and don't feel bad? It's what I want to read so I have to write it so I can read it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I google translate, or skip around it, or switch POV so I don't have to deal with it. It's hard to do and I can usually avoid it. I use a lot of fantasy name/word generator for alien words.
It's mostly [alien name goes here] and hopefully I put something in.
I borrow words (or spelling conventions) from languages I know little pieces of (Finnish, German, Welsh) when I need to for alien things.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek the Next Generation. (Stranded, Beverly Crusher/Jean-Luc Picard, Will Riker/Deanna Troi, adorable future children who are lesbians). One of my oldest fics is ON Ao3! it is like 22 years old I think? it's a mess and I should fix the formatting but it's SO LONG... It's fine. It's there. It's really not bad for my first long fic.
It's fun to see how far I've come. I wrote that one so long ago that I wrote it under my real name on a usergroup. Then posted it on my own website that I made with html on geoctities.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Whatever I'm working on right now is usually my favorite. I have fics I am especially fond of.
Her Majesty's Mercy. (Once Upon a Time, Regina Mills/Maleficent) one of the darker things I've written for them, that has a very happy ending it's just...kind of all raw messy feelings)
When I the Starry Courses Know. (Star Trek Voyager: Kathryn Janeway/Borg Queen) very depressed Janeway gives herself up to the Borg Queen, which kind of a Faustian twist to it. It's one of the better things I've ever written).
Fedvision (the Federation does eurovision, with Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway and most of Voyager and TNG at their party). Fedvision is wonderful I should write it again, because it should happen every year. (Disco needs it). This fic is full of bubbly happiness and hats and love. It's full of love.
Firefly (Star Trek Discovery: Mirror Philippa Georgiou and Michael Burnham, and feelings, and learning to trust people). I used to live in a state of angst waiting for someone to comment when I posted...this fic has chapters without any comments at all. I had never written anything this long that didn't depend on a romantic pairing, this one doesn't have one in the center. I took huge break...and came back! I didn't have a beta or an alpha and I lost friends in the time it took to write it, and it still turned out. I grew as a writer and poster with this fic.
Quantum Variations on a Love Theme (Star Trek Discovery: Michael Burnham/Laira Rillak) is my favourite right now, because it's a me fic. It's a long meandering jellyfish fic and Laira's pregnant and I love it. It's the most fun I could have. It has really good parts. (not all of them but, there are some stellar bits). Also it has some detailed world building, and that's fun. This is the me fic that owns my soul at the moment so of course it's my favourite.
I'll just have five...
Tagging @aleksandrachaev @that-one-curly-haired-chick @purlturtle, @winternightjewels @regionalpancake @galactic-pirates @jackabelle73 @holdouttrout (if you fancy it)
and you, if you feel like it, person who made it all the way to the bottom!
The questions!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fic?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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letkirillfight · 9 months
15 people 15 questions
thanks for the tag @babygirlspurgeon, @masonshaws, @giveemgreef, and @babygirlboberrey
1. are you named after anyone?
I share my middle name with my mom.
2. when was the last time you cried?
A couple days ago. The last month has been a bit rough.
3. do you have kids?
No and never will.
4. what sports do you play/have you played?
I played soccer when I in like elementary school and then did a season of tennis in like high school. Low-key hated doing both of them. I'm not really one for playing sports unless it's the sort of casual pick up game with friends. I much prefer to watch.
5. do you use sarcasm?
Yes, religiously.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm going to be honest I am not self aware enough to know the answer to this one. But probably their outfit if I had to guess.
7. what's your eye color?
I always say gray.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
To my endless annoyance my brain is absolutely the worst while watching scary movies, like the most obviously built up jump scare will still spook me, so happy endings I guess.
9. any talents?
Uh, I'm really good at packing? And I'm pretty good with horses? I don't know, my mind kind of blanked on anything I have ever been good at when I read this.
10. where were you born?
11. what are your hobbies?
I am a huge nerd and also a grandmother (this is not a slight towards grandmothers). I love watching movies and binging tv shows and have an extensive dvd collection because they will tear physical media from my cold dead hands. I also love playing video games and really want to build my own desktop one of these days towards that end. I will read anything that looks half interesting and have also lost many an hour to writing whatever idea pops into my head. I crochet, can technically knit, and am learning how to spin yarn and sew beyond basic mending. I also play sudoku, solitaire (spider specifically), and do puzzles. Plus like hiking and traveling to occasionally get out of the house. Oh and hockey.
12. do you have any pets?
Nope. I grew up with a wide variety of animals but have yet to get one of my own. Someday I'm considering getting a cat or two but we'll see.
13. how tall are you?
I am 5'5".
14. favorite subject in school?
History, followed closely by English. This probably has just as much to do with my teachers as the actual subject material as those classes were really fun.
15. dream job?
None lol. I dream of financial stability not working. If I had to pick something though it would probably be something physical. I like being able to say "I made that" or something with horses. I loved working with them before. Most realistically though it wouldn't be one thing. I like the idea of being a jack of all trades type and bouncing around learning how to do a bunch of things.
tagging: @wildrangers, @eis-hockey,@kirill-kaprizovs-curls,@cecishockeyblogging, @jonassiegenthighler, @lindholmline, @carpehistoryandthepens, @stanleyoffseventh, @couthbbg, @dwisp, @devils-wild, @thecardiackids, @wehaveagathering, @flaticeball, @oetter if y'all want to do it and haven't already done so. Plus anyone else who sees this and is interested consider yourself tagged.
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