#i keep forgetting i can read comics now and im always like wow. comics!
alternis · 1 year
reading comics really gives you an understanding of how many panels floating around have Very Different meanings in context
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 2-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
Ooooooh mysterious...
Oh so this variant can (at least briefly) cont people with a simple touch? No need for a scepter?
Oh this variant is taking that lady away? I wonder why
Miss Minutes is gonna move me to violence
Loki is me studying
Hahahahaha get her Loki!
Loki, leave Mobius’ magazines alone
Wow he got into the work force rather fast huh? Bit of a whiplash type scenario considering the end of episode one
No, YOU’RE a cosmic mistake! 😤 my boy looks hot regardless
Sooooo Loki is the most common variant? Why does this not surprise me?
Is... is he a football cup champion??? Omg 😂
Smart boy. Illusion projecting is different than duplication casting. Neato. LISTEN TO MY SMART BOY. RESPECT HIM.
Dude loves wheeling
Yea Loki. Work on getting to the time keepers. Overthrow the government.
Dude is smart with these questions.
Propaganda is INDEED exhausting so that’s fair
Fist hostage... maybe he’s (or she?) gonna use her as a body transfer like Loki in the comics with Sif?
Oh please let this be a genuine smart Loki moment and not just setting him up as a joke and embarrassment...
“Where there are wolf’s ears, wolf’s teeth are near.” Good to know basic mammalian anatomy is still applicable to Asgardian wolves...
Cmon Loki do something cool. Please. Please Loki. Please.
Preach my man, but please, do something cool. My anxiety that you’ll be turned into a joke is spiking.
Is he actually waiting outside or is Loki really just trying to mess with them and throw them off? Or is he just being too cocky for his own good and it’s gonna mess him up? Please please please don’t disappoint me. I have merch for this show already that I can’t return
Bargain baby, bar again. Do it.
Is he actually concerned for the time keepers orrrrrr
Dangit Mobius
Does... being reset... hurt?
Bye C-20 I guess... for now? We’ll see
Of course it’s a friggin theremin that’s playing
Mobius x Judge Renslayer? Oooooooh. Tsundere Renslayer.
Use a coaster my man
Oh her first name is Ravonna
Controversy is the best thing though
You can never understand this Loki. As soon as you begin to understand, he changes. He’s unpredictable.
“I know you have a soft spot for broken things.” Ah, so this entire fandom then?
“But Loki is an evil, lying scourge.” YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU WENCH!
“That is the part he plays in the sacred timeline.” Well you clearly haven’t been paying enough attention to the files then, hm? Here, let me redirect you to one of the many character analyses I’ve written. Now if you read here........
He doesn’t need to change. He’s already not evil
I don’t trust Renslayer or the time keepers... or Renslayer WITH the time keepers... I think she plays a bigger, antagonistic role than I thought.
You just TRY and delete him Mobius... just... TRY... I will find a way to break the fourth wall and no time keepers can keep you safe from the rage of a million fan girls. Nothing... we don’t need magic...
Omg Loki just sitting there in a chair outside the office like a kid while their parent is talking with the teacher about their “recent behavior”.
Cmon Loki, you don’t need to make excuses or impress him.
My poor boy is SOOO out of his zone.
Tbf mobius, you ASKED. You asked what makes him tick.
Hey hey hey, let’s not gaslight my boy...
The Loki is... uhhh something... gotta keep my hopes up. Trust in Tom Hiddleston...
Mobius showing his true colors...
Please Loki... be badass... not just a joke... please please please... PLEASE!
Mobius, play nice.
I hope this “superior” Loki thing, if it is a female, isn’t a desperate attempt at feminism pandering, chocking up her “superiority” to being female. Please give the characters real stories. Flesh them out.
Juice box time?
More homework?
The sass is off the charts
Librarian lady gonna get killed
Oh boy
I miss Casey.
Hey don’t ignore Loki. That’s rude.
Bell is the answer?
Poor Loki. Stop trying to fit in. You are best when you are genuinely yourself.
What’s to stop Loki from grabbing the other files?
Homework... I thought I escaped this when I graduated...
Whatcha seeing there?
Bye bye Asgard...
Cmon... not more feels.
Please allow him confirmation of Thor’s survival and beating of Thanos!!! He needs that confirmation! He needs that reassurance.
Hear him out Mobius.
“He’s hiding in apocalypses.” Sooooo is that why they go to presumably Mount Vesuvius? I assume?
Mobius, let Loki have your salad.
Rip salad
Casey’s juice box
Poor Casey and mobius salad...
Loki, your logic astounds me.
Well, pushing Hulk off of the bridge WOULD have an effect...
He hasn’t really stabbed anyone in the back... except Thor... but not 50 times
Pompeii, here we come!
Ooooooh we gonna see Loki dance with a lady? 😏 get ittttt
Well, if you do cause a branch, can’t you just reset the timeline?
I can die happy now
Loki... you look insane.
Uhhh run
Okay you’re good
Sleepy Loki
Let him sleep!
Soooo, I mean, technically, Loki’s actions would still cause the timeline to change, but said change wouldn’t have an impact on the future, just the current moment... so shouldn’t it still be detected by the TVA? At least as a little fleck?
Jet skis?
Omg I just snorted at Loki begrudgingly agreeing with Mobius that jet skis are awesome
Mobius offending my History Teachers for 50 minutes straight... that’s it. That’s the episode.
Mobius really in love with jet skis for some reason
We better get to see Mobius on a jet ski
Fighting for jet skis?
Lol mobius has a point about the magical Asgardians and Jötunns
Glorious purpose
Cmon Loki, destroy this man’s beliefs.
How would you know what the time keepers are doing when you’ve never met them?
How can you meet in peace at the end of time with no chaos?
“You see, I know something children don’t. That no one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is ever truly good.”
Mobius, don’t patronize my boy. Go jet skiing.
“I know.” Oh good, that point in the trailer was edited.
No candy on Asgard? Poor Loki.
May the best man win? Well that automatically means Loki.
Getting National Treasure vibes
Love you
Alabama will still exist in 2050? That’s disappointing.
Loki is very smart. Thank you show.
Renslayer, if you claim Mobius is your friend, trust him.
“For all time.” “Always.” TVA is definitely a cult.
no weapon...
Are we gonna see what this Loki variant looks like?
I have a feeling this variant is gonna be the female, blonde (I’m so sorry, at the moment I forget her name) in those pictures we saw. Guessing because 1) she was wearing a Loki outfit. 2) her and tom Hiddleston were wet in that picture as if rained on 3) the scene when they enter Roxxcart occurs when it starts to rain due to the upcoming massive storm. So I’m placing all of my money on the table the Loki variant is Lady Loki. Blonde, for some reason. (Or maybe she just didn’t have a wig on in the picture of her we saw?)
Yea please don’t prune this Loki.
Storms a brewing
Good to know Alabama, at some point, does get destroyed. That’s comforting. (Btw this is a joke. I have nothing against Alabama lol. Idk why my brain thought this was funny lol.)
All wet and rainy.
Ooh ooh! Is Loki gonna use powers to yoink the roomba here?
Uh oh. Forgot to take into consideration that most big businesses, especially stores, have security cameras, huh?
Times ticking...
Wait was that a reset charge?
Awkward silence
Poor dude lol
Or not
HUNTER (forget her number) IS THE LOKI VARIANT!!! When was she replaced? Or was she always the variant?
That or the other Loki is projecting herself into the hunter? Maybe used the shopping dude as a conduit?
Moment of realization
Smiling contest
No no, Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is superior. I don’t care who else tries to play Loki, Tom IS Loki.
Oh no
Baby crying?
These poor people...
No need to be rough
Is Mobius genuinely caring
Oh... poor C-20
Team up please? Please?
Ah so they really can just send themself into any body they wish, huh? Just by touch?
Loki, learn that trick please.
Sooo, is the other variant Loki’s body tangible? Do they project their conscience into other bodies via touch, or do they not have a corporeal body and rely on others to exist?
Doctor Who vibes
Offended by Loki name?
Haha sympathy for Thor
Go randy.
Soooo what are you interested in if not ruling the TVA?
Who’s that planting charges? The real body of the other variant Loki?
You okay C-20? (Off topic her actress reminds me of the actress who played Ava Star aka Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp) what is real and what about it is so mind capturing for you?
Oh no
Poor girl
Cmon B-15
Reset charge
Oh? Bye bye?
That’s rude
I miss Randy too
Cmon Loki fight like the badass I know you are
Cartwheel WEEEEE
Oooh he swore
Lokis have a pattern of swearing only while taking other peoples forms
Cmon Loki. Go back to mobius. Help them. Prove your goodness. Please.
Poor trucker man
Fave reveal?
Is this actually a Loki variant or just sylvie? Or Amora?
Uh oh...
What’s happening
Is she absolutely destroying the timeline?
Poor Doctor Strange. I wonder if he knows about the TVA?
Loki is all alone? Why is he standing still?
Where is she going?
Cmon Loki... help them please...
Are they gonna be okay?
How is the variant traveling?
What is her goal?
Why is Loki going after her?
Why is Loki leaning towards the apparent evil side?
Is this actually lady Loki or sylvie or amora since her hair is blonde?
So much just happened in so little time. It’s like Marvel wants to slowly spoon feed us with the first 3/4 of the episode and then in the last 1/4, they waterboard us.
Why is this female Loki variant so much more powerful?
So Loki DID know what was going on at the Renaissance fair and was intentionally stalling for her... why?
Her horned helmet is similar to the one kid(?) Loki wears in the comics. One horn broken. How did that happen? Why does she still wear it, especially if she doesn’t want to be called Loki?
No end credit scene yet.
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maggotmouth · 3 years
          hillo sexthy legends !!   i’m nora and i’ll be writing margo colby n probs sm1 else bcos lets be real, i lack self-control. u can find her pinterest here n some info abt her sexy self below the cut. plot with me on discord ( hot girl midsommar#8664 ) or in my ims !!  x o x
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     * CAMILA MORRONE, CIS WOMAN + SHE / HER  | you know MARGO COLBY, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, ELEVEN YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to SCRAWNY BY WALLOWS  like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole BLEACH WHITE SNEAKERS POUNDING ON A GYMNASIUM FLOOR, USING THE SAME BLUNT SCISSORS TO HACK THE SLEEVES OFF AN EXES T-SHIRT THAT YOU USE TO CUT YOUR 3AM FRINGE, A WALNUT-SHAPED ACHE IN THE PIT OF YOUR STOMACH FOR THE PERSON YOU COULD HAVE BEEN thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 8TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( nora, 25, gmt, she/her )
bullet point summary of margo.
—   born margaret but NOBODY calls her that. its colby, coach or margo, and go to the privileged few. margo grew up in the creek commune n then dropped out of school cos of a teenage pregnancy so she was a bit of a cautionary tale back in’t’day (said tht in my yorkshire accent). she now works for summer camps coaching pee wee soccer and pee wee cheer, as well as helping out her beekeeper dad on his honey farm, which is jst north of abernathy creek, and working at scuba on the off seasons.
—  its just her and her dad, and has been for as long as she can recall !! everything she knows about her mum could fit on the back of the weathered passport photo she keeps in her wallet of a stranger who shares her face - her name’s melody, or at least tht was name she used when working as a dancer, she’s from argentina and dropped mag’s dad as soon as someone w more money came along.
—  margo’s father is a beekeeper with his own organic honey company. margo and her dad moved to irving in the early 00s, the summer between grade school and middle school, because her dad had heard about the communal living in abernathy creek and wanted to lend his skills there and live off the fatta the land in a very lenny from of mice and men kinda way.
—  for a few years of middle school margo was bullied for living with the ‘freaks from the creek’, but when they realised how chill her dad was with underage drinking, margo ‘keg-bringer’ colby soon gained popularity among the more renegade students. every so often, the high school parties would happen at her end of town, occasionally with members of the commune even offering the high schoolers a spiritual experience they’d never forget (often in the form of mushrooms) which meant people tried to stay on her good side. to get an invite to a margo colby party handed you a free pass to make up the most ridiculous shit about the commune you liked and nobody else could say anything, because they’d never been to the creek.
—  at school, margo had a lot of ‘behvioural issues’ bcos of undiagnosed adhd, she found it difficult to sit still for hours n write down huge chunks of information n her restlessness was seen as laziness. she was encouraged to do sports, as were most of the kids who weren’t that academically inclined, but she turned out to be pretty hot shit at sprinting, because she grew up surrounded by bee houses and he who runs slowest gets stung, baybeyy!! so yea, in school sports became her LIFE. she was gonna get a sports scholarship to college but ended up dropping out of school in senior year n becoming one of those kids who could have had it all but lost it.
—  she had sex with sutter at a house party when she wasnt really ready because it felt like the right thing to do at the time and everybody else was doing it. she’d attended health class, she’d seen the corny videos. she knew about all the statistics, but she also knew that it had never happened to anyone she knew and the pull out method was basically safer than the morning after pill and way less expensive.
—  a teenage pregnancy knocked her out of the runnings for prom queen and meant she had to leave school early. she didn’t go to college when her friends did, instead she spent the time interviewing potential foster candidates and eating her weight in lindt chocolate while marathoning love island in her room.  
—  she had a son, who she passed off to someone else a couple of towns away.  it was a closed adoption which seemed like the best idea at the time, but she now wishes she had access to his life.
—  after peaking in high school and jumping between jobs for a few years, she got a more permanent role at scuba which she loves with all of her heart and soul, but unfortunately a bar job doesn’t pay the rent.  
—  she works at summer camps coaching  junior soccer and netball on the side. she’s extremely competitive and takes it very personally if her team lose. the kids all call her, coach colby n write her longwinded letters about how they’ll never forget this summer camp before they go back to their suburban picket fence houses n she keeps all the letters in a drawer n takes them out to read when she’s feelin depressed.
—  enjoys surfing and worked for a number of years on resorts like mila kunis’ job in forgetting sarah marshall. she went on to work 18-hour days as a stewardess on luxury yachts which is a part of her backstory i added after watching season one of below deck because i guess i really am that fucking impressionable. met most of her surf friends doing tht but said she’d never in her life do it again bcos it was mostly just picking up after rich white ppl for shit pay. she came back to irving n thats when she started doing the summer camp jobs so she could move out of the creek n get her own apartment. 
—  she never actually finished senior year so she’s currently going to night school at the community college to get through her exams and is trying to save to go to college or open university. she wants to major in criminology. she’s super ambitious but also super adhd so she fluctuates between thinking she can achieve anything to just feeling like a failure n thinkin whats the point
—  used to shoplift to feel joy and as an act of resistance to her hippy commune routes, but now sees herself as a reformed, bin-diving freegan (sims 4 eco living can i get a hell yaaaa). also she thinks it’s totally wrong to steal when you have enough money and clearly don’t need to steal to survive, ppl risk imprisonment for basic necessities, so for her to do it for a brief thrill and some new shades felt a bit derogatory
—  was raised jewish. became a vegetarian as a child because it seemed, at the time, easier than having to explain which foods she was and wasn’t allowed to eat together, so she just cut out meat entirely. still a vegetarian now and dabbles in veganism, although its become less about not eating certain meats in the milk of their mother and more about her global impact / carbon footprint
—  nurses little animals to health in her garden. has a hedgehog name OJ short for orange juice not the other one filthy pig. her and her dad have always been huge animal rights activists and existed on a vegetarian diet. the only one in their house who isn’t vegetarian is their cat, auggie. (short 4 augustus gloop)
—  has a lot of stupid ass stick and poke tattoos. there was a phase during her years as a barmaid where she wanted to train as a tattoo artist n would mostly practice on herself or any friends who would let her
—  she doesn’t form many long lasting friendships cos she tends to be super excited when she makes a new friend and just see them all the time but then it wears off and she can ghost a bit. she’ll always coming pinging back but she’s not the most predictable or loyal friend, sometimes she’ll sleep in your house every night for a week and then you won’t even get a text from her for a month. her best friends are elderly neighbours and houseless people she meets when volunteering at the foodbank. she thinks they’re more authentic than most of the ‘fake posers’ she meets down the vela pier
—  calls herself a butch lesbian but still has sex with men when she wants validation. sexually attracted to some men, especially effeminate men, but only romantically attracted to women. very possessive of the gals in her life.
—  stopped giving a shit about getting older or adhering to anyone elses bullshit standards, realised it was all fake p much as soon as she dropped out of school and one by one her friends just stopped texting her
—  lives in one of the lofts in port apartments. it’s open plan with rugs and lava lamps everywhere. she has a palette bed. its all very ‘sustainable chic’. like, oh wow, a pallet bed that im supposed to think you made from scratch but i KNOW you got it  off ebay because you thought it looked trendy
—  constantly says shes poor but still buys clothes from urban outfitters. sus.
—  frequently found at fannies flirting with the cute bisexual bartender with a choppy black bob.
general vibe / personality
vibrant, vulgar, self-absorbed, tenacious, veers bewteen apathetic and dogmatic, temperamental, flighty, unreliable, magnetic, charismatic, passive aggressive, likes to play devil’s advocate, takes the moral high ground. estp and a leo
likes: 70s music, john wayne movies, black mirror, philosophy, cowboy chic culture, dc comics, the smell of locker rooms,, deep red lipstick, lacrosse sticks, smoking weed from a bong, dogs, karaoke, pet rats, kate moss, late-night strolls, hawaaiian shirts worn open over a bralette, skinned knees, thai food, picking the apples at the very top of the trees, zip-lining, cigarettes, the idea of pegging but not the practical application of it, decorative lamps, LGBTQ+ pin badges, worn-out furniture, twangy electric guitars.
dislikes: girls who call other girls ‘pick me’ girls, woody allen movies, mental mathematics, wealthy children, quentin tarantino, ironing, institutionalised misogyny, the imaginary future, french literature, ‘dump him’ feminism, wes anderson films, spoken word poetry nights, college-educated bar staff who act like they’re better than you,  indie softbois, the general mentality of cheerleading squads.
orange peel, the smell of bleach, skeleton drawings in the margins of a journal, thumb holes poked through the cuffs of your sleeves, bleach white sneakers pounding on a gymnasium floor, setting dumpsters on fire for the hell of it. a hit flask of vodka decorated with hello kitty stickers, split knuckles, alien conspiracy theories and sci-fi paperbacks, doc martens with fraying laces, a child in an oversize bee keepers suit, scabbed knees, not eating your greens, smiling with a mouthful of blood, and piercing your own ears with a safety pin when your dad wouldn’t take you,  a tennis racket you punched through in a fit of temper, feet pounding the earth until your soles bleed crimson, sleeping in a cherry lip balm and scrunchies to keep the wild locks from your eyes.
hoo boy this is getting LONG AS FUCK but here are my wanted plots
wanted plots
ok margo’s been in irving since she was like 10. she’s quite a vivacious person?? she dresses completely instinctively without any sense of cohesion so she stands out. a guy once told her she was wearing the ugliest outfit he’d ever seen and he thought that was so cool and brave of her. but anyway where was i going.. she grew up in the abernathy creek so stuck out like a sore thumb,,,, maybe ppl who were super interested in the creek or maybe poked fun at her bcos of it idk.....
b4 she dropped out, margo used 2 b in with the cool kids at school bcos her dad would buy them booze and rarely ask for the money. maybe a fun plot cld b with some of the ‘it girls’ she used to hang around with b4 she got pregnant n dropped out and they all went off to college n stopped texting her.
frinds !! unlikely friends !! toxic friends !! some1 she feels like she knew before irving ???
since margo literally can’t differentiate between romantic and platonic love, she’s got off with so many of her mates, so i want awkward friendships where they nearly dated, or exes that have now just turned into weird friendships. fwbs. enemies with benefits. all the angst. all the slow burn mutual pining we hate each other narratives
locals who play sports. margo wld be all over community soccer n take it way too seriously. maybe ppl she plays hockey with. girls who she’s like, weirdly intimate with but its not a thing cos the other girls straight !!! what do u mean !! aha just fun !
she works part time at scuba. i want a mate that just goes and sits in there talking to her until her manager gets angry.
she's also a surf instructor and occasionally works as a lifeguard!! gal has like 7 jobs ik but regular swimmers hmu
ppl she coaches at the gym !! she wants to be a personal trainer
i reckon she might have recently started meditating to try and calm down her mind cos its always bustling with thoughts, n i think she’s p interested in buddhism so if anyone’s a buddhist hmu
someone she’s trying to make a zine with on female empowerment and women in film and art, etc. just a very feminist zine. 
TLDR:  angry sports gay, former high school track prodigy turned drop out, who likes feminist literature, wearing leather jackets over slip dresses, and smudged red lipstick.
this was so long !!! im sorry !! if you’ve read this far have a biscuit, love x
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thewritingstar · 4 years
Like Fallen Snow
ahhh im super excited because I was @empress-of-mischief secret Santa for the Powerpuff secret Santa! I hope that this fic fills you will joy my dear. I rarely write for the blues and wanted to give it my best. I hope you had a wonderful xmas too. 
Pairing: Boomubbles
Fandom: PPG
Christmas was an exciting time of the year. Even Boomer who would rather be alone in his room blasting rock music in his headphones could be found sitting in the living room with his brothers early in the morning. It would start with them racing out of their bedrooms at an ungodly hour and putting on a pot of coffee for their monkey of a father before summoning their demon dad for gifts.
Having super villains for dads had some perks like giant lasers, rocket ships and enough weapons to destroy entire cities as if they forgot that the boys themselves were better than any military grade weapon. So when it came time to open gifts, even Boomer could give enough to smile as he unwrapped a taser gun that he automatically shot at Butch and blue fuzzy socks that matched the red and green ones.
Making sure the superpowered boys were happy on the holiday was something that Mojo and Him had decided was the best, not to keep them entertained but also to keep the running feud of who the best father was. Even though Boomer was happy to accept anything wrapped up with a bow, he had always felt something missing. He had to give Him and Mojo credit because as they got older, the gifts actually became personal.
They were now in their junior year of high school. The boys ‘bad-boy’ vibe wasn’t really cutting it with them and giant machinery wasn’t going to be the hot ticket for the year. Instead Brick ended up with a ton of books and gourment coffee, Butch calling him a big ass nerd of course, which was to prove his point that he was smarter than all of them and may or may not have been to either aggravate or impress a certain puff. For Butch his collection of vinyl recorders, skateboard parts and sport equipment was enough to keep him satisfied and have enough to spark envy with Buttercup. Boomer appreciated the brand new wall of guitars that he had been begging for, drums and a flute that he didn’t remember knowing how to play but hey, how hard could it be?
“Boomer, my dear boy, you keep looking at your phone. Is there somewhere else you’d rather be?” Him asked as he narrowed his eyes in a way that made Boomer snap his phone off.
Embarrassment crawled through him as all eyes were on him and even Mojo who was in the kitchen making pancakes but more or less listening in.
“Oh um, it was just I had a present for a couple friends and was wondering if I could give it to them before it gets dark.” Boomer responded.
“It's eight in the morning, dumbass. It's not close to being dark yet.” Butch said as he threw a football at the blondes head and let out a scream when the rubber turned to dust from the blue laser beams.
“You can say Bubbles.” Brick snorted and Boomer shot him a glare. That was a secret!
“Oh? She is quite the cutie.” Him smirked and Butch barked out a laugh as he smacked Boomers side with a wag of the eyebrows.
“Forget it, you all are weird. I’ll see you for breakfast, I’ll be quick.” Boomer huffed and went up to his room to change before flying out the window.
“Tell your little girlfriend hi for us!” He heard Butch shout and he knew damn well the whole neighbor hood could probably hear him.
“Not my girlfriend.” He mumbled to himself as he found his way to the park.
Since the beginning of his life it had always been the ruffs vs the puffs. Destined by his fathers orders and demands, Boomer always followed in that direction no matter what. He didn’t waver from the line drawn in the sand. Even though his brothers began to tip toe around it when they got older, stupid hormones, and yet he never strayed.
He could maybe understand their reasoning. It would make sense to be drawn to the enemy in a way he rarely understood, but still his blood flowed with destruction and determination to rule the world and some girl with pigtails wasn’t going to change that. Or so he thought.
He would consider himself an introvert to his counterpart’s over the top bubbly personality, her name truly suited her. Unlike their siblings, they seemed to rival the most in the sharing of traits.
And yet they had become friends first. It was a bonding experience over milkshakes and a painstaking talk about how they don’t live up to their siblings' powers, how they felt like they were the weak ones. He thought about how Brick and Butch had more muscle power but to hear Bubbles have her own doubts made his stomach turn and for some reason, their friendship bloomed.
Boomer could say that she was his best friend. Not too many people had gained the title of being his friend compared to her, who had most of the school fawning over her charm even if she didn’t notice. But that's what he liked about her. She was like him and while he was confined to her and shared his fears, she could do the same because at the end of the day, they were counterparts. One half of the same coin that would understand the other without any words.
So maybe that's why he was extremely nervous right now. They had been besties, as she called it, for a while and even though gift giving wasn’t out of the ordinary, he wondered what it would be like to be more.
Tell your little girlfriend hi for us!
Much more.
His thoughts were interrupted when the blue puff landed at the foot of the gazebo and sat on the bench next to him.
“Hey Boomie.” She smiled brightly and at first the nickname bothered him but now it was stuck like honey. It was weird when she didn’t say it.
“Hey Bubs.” He returned the smile. “How was your morning?”
“The usual. Blossom with her books and magazines, Buttercup and her weights and well I now have a new spring wardrobe. How about you?”
“Exactly that but I got a new guitar to tune.”
“Oooo you’ll have to play for me sometime.” She gushed and he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. It was the cold's fault, not the pretty blonde, he swears! “Now it's time for the present!” She clapped and put a tin that smelled that vanilla and cinnamon on his lap.
He already knew what they were as he had been bugging her to make her signature holiday cookies for months. Worth the wait.
“So I made you all some cookies, without my sister's help of course and then this is for you.” She handed him a box. The box was black with a navy blue bow. It was so perfect that it was almost comical. Opening the box, he removed the sparkly blue tissue paper.
“Oh wow, guitar picks.” He smiled as he took one out. It was wooden and had a small B with a heart engraved on it. “It's almost like you knew.”
“I had a feeling. You had been talking non stop about wanting one and whether I’d admit it or not, Him makes sure his dear baby boy gets a good present.” She giggled as she poked his cheek.
He rubbed his thumb over it, examining it and thinking about how nice it's going to feel while strumming. “These are really nice quality.”
“I made one from each adventure we went on. That’s made from a pine tree from our first camping trip with our friends. And this one is from the beach last summer.” She held up a slightly white one and at a closer look he realized that it was probably made from sea glass.
“You made these?” He asked in disbelief. “Is this made of bamboo?” He gasped. “When we raced to China?”
“Yep! I know it’s kinda lame but those places meant a lot for us, as friends.” She stumbled over the last part.
“I don’t think it’s lame at all. Pretty cool.” And he meant it. It was probably the most thoughtful gift he had ever received because it took him back to those happy days they had spent together.
“Cooler than a rocket?” She giggled.
“Even cooler than a rocket. Thank you.” He said and fished out her present from his pocket. “Mines not homemade but, ya know.” He scratched the back of his neck and handed her the small poorly wrapped box. “Don’t even comment on the wrapping.”
She held in a laugh. “I’m not.” Liar.
Carefully she tore off the paper and opened the box. “Boomer.”
“I hope it's the right one.”
She stared at the silver chain that had a silver pendant of the moon. When they walked through the mall, it had caught her eye and she spent the next hour talking about astrology and the phases of the moon. The minute that she went into another store, he ran back to purchase it. In the middle of August mind you.
“It's beautiful.” He could hear the sincerity in her voice as she turned her back to him and he helped her with the clasp. “Thank you, I love it so much.”
They sat in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes, taking a few bites of the cookies. The peaceful morning in the park with no one around was perfect, he wasn’t a fan of crowds and maybe that's why she chose this spot because she knew they would be the only ones here.
“Oh look, it's snowing.” Bubbles gasped as she held out her hand to catch the small flakes coming in. “Isn’t it beautiful?” She asked and when he said yes, his eyes hadn’t come off of her.
She stood and walked a few feet out to twirl in the new snow and he shoved his hands in his pocket to keep them warm as he watched her with a smile. If she would have asked him to join her a couple years ago, he would have probably said no and told her to shove off, and now, he would have gone anywhere if she just asked.
Staring at her made him realize that he wanted something more with her. There had been a few occasions where the air around them shifted and for a single second, it was like she thought the same thing, but they would get interrupted and that moment would die and he would sit there and remember that he is her best friend, nothing more, nothing less. But what if he was?
He got to his fit and joined her, kicking around some snow with his shoe as his mind kept racing about every single possibility. Does he just tell her? Just ask? What if he read the signs wrong? What if he messes everything up?
“Isn’t it romantic?” His thoughts were ripped away as he turned towards her. She was looking up at the sky. “Like a Christmas movie. The first snow of the season is said to bring promise to a new love, funny huh?”
Boomers eyes widened suddenly. Was...was she wanting this to turn romantic? This entire time had he been pining from a far when she was ready to take the leap? No. they had talked about relationships before, well hers at least. She was probably just saying it because she was a hopeless romantic.
But then again, Bubbles had always been the bold type. Always telling him that she had been dropping hints for some guy and now come to think of it...had she been talking about him?
“Yeah, romantic.” He decided to finally respond.
He watched as her smile turned down slightly as she looked at him with a gaze he didn't recognize. “Well, I should probably be heading back home now.” She said somewhat sadly.
“Oh yeah, before the snow sets. Thank you by the way.” He held up the boxes and she gave him a better smile.
“Of course. And thank you for this.” She tugged on her necklace. “I’ll see you soon.” She said as she turned around and began to walk.
Something within him was yelling. An eternal battle now raging in his mind. What if he? No, he shouldn’t. But, imagine the positives.
He was hoping for a Christmas miracle.
Boomer ran up behind her, matching her speed as he grabbed her hand and turned her towards him before dropping it and rubbing his arm.
“Hey Bubbles?” Boomer asked nervously. His cheeks had decided to betray him and turn a pretty pink shade as Bubbles tilted her head.
He sent his boxes down as her eyes remained on him. His hand shook nervously at his sides while her baby blue eyes looked at him. Butterflies were doing cartwheels in his stomach now but he was already here so...
“I have one last present but-” He gulped. “Y-you have to close your eyes.” He said as he took a step forward.
“Close my eyes?” She said with a small smile as he came even closer to her. His hands took hers softly as his thumb rubbed a slight circle on her hand.
“Yeah but if you don’t like it, you can return it.”
“Is that so?” She giggled as she stared into his eyes almost knowingly. “Well, I shouldn’t keep waiting then.” She said as her eyes closed and he felt like the world had disappeared around them, leaving them in the snowy park.
Boomer calmed his breathing as he stared at her. The soft pink of her cheeks from the bitter cold and how the smallest bit of snow landed on her lashes. Never before had his heart pounded as heavily as it did now as he closed the gap and kissed her with the gentleness of the first fallen snow.
He felt the sudden push against his lips. It was a beautiful sensation that he never thought would happen as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him further. It was an answer to a question he had been asking for months, hell, maybe even years. Wondering if he could step over this line in the sand and it would be okay. That their friendship, trust and loyalty wouldn’t be corrupted but instead, stronger. It was clear that the line had been stepped over, no, completely erased without a second thought.
Their lips pulled apart and he couldn’t tell if the redness up her neck was from the cold nipping at their skin or the intense blushing from what just happened. All he knew was that she was smiling at him, just like she always had before.
“Boomer?” Her voice was just loud enough for his ears.
“Yeah?” He said almost out of breath.
“I don’t need a gift receipt.”
That fluttering in his chest began again as his face broke out into the brightest smile she had ever seen.
“That's great news.” Boomer smirked as he spun her around and dipped her by the waist like he saw in all those cheesy romance movies. “Because the return date had just expired.” He said just as he kissed her again.
His hand was warm from the take out cup of hot chocolate while his other hand was laced with hers and it felt more natural than breathing. She took her own cup to her lips, tasting the sweet chocolate as it helped to heat up the rest of her body and he wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or not because he was still in disbelief that he was here with her.
Bubbles caught him staring and instead of a playful scold, she inched closer to him and placed a quick peck on his cheek.
“Merry Christmas Bubbles.”
“Merry Christmas.”
I hope you liked it <3 
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dragonhrte · 5 years
Destiny? Chapter Seven: Back There
*Author's Note:*
Thank you so much for giving this work a read! Quick disclaimer, for all intents and purposes MHA/BNHA are not mine they do not belong to me. The manga and anime have inspired me to write this fiction and dialogue as well as events are given credit to the beautiful people who have blessed us with this series. Aside from standard story line events this work is mine. Don't forget to comment and heart!
Please note that
*abc* is a sound effect
'abc' is internal thoughts of whomever
"abc" is dialogue
(abc) is a side note from yours truly ;)
*~Love, DragonHearte*
I go down the steps quickly, often taking two at a time, hoping I don't have too much ground to cover to catch up to the two of my classmates. I'm pleasantly surprised when I see both Kirishima and Bakugo waiting at the exit of the building for me. Bakugo is clearly perturbed that he had to wait.
"Thanks-", I'm cut off by Bakugo abruptly pushing off the wall and running off towards the entrance. I pick up the pace to a run to keep up with Bakugo's eagerness to get to the action.
While running, I turn my head towards Kirishima and pant, "Thanks... for... waiting..." I manage to get out between breaths.
He turns to me and replies, "You're… welcome."
I smile and turn back to see Bakugo ahead of us,  as we continue the fast-paced journey to our destination. The fountain is almost within view, just a couple more turns and we should be able to reach it, but I'm starting to lag behind. Kirishima notices I’m not beside him and starts to slow his pace.
I wave him off and say, "No... you go... I'll... catch... up."
A concerned look on Kirishima's face and I grab a bit of my chub from my stomach to emphasize my point and say, "I'm ...out of ...shape, go ...ahead..make sure...Bakugo ...doesn't ...get himself ...killed."
Kirishima nods in determination and speeds up, having to make up for the distance he lost talking to me, to catch up with the hot-head.
Even though I hadn't stopped, I am fifty yards away when I see Bakugo and Kirishima up ahead reach the fray. I see Bakugo use his quirk to propel himself forward towards the warp-gate guy. A second later while in the air letting out a violent explosion when he reaches a spot within the mass. I catch a glimpse of shiny metal and realize that I wasn't the only one to notice that object. 'Wow, blasty-boy was really paying attention. He wasn't just trying to blow the smoke guy up with a random explosion.' I feel an unexpected twinge of heat at my hip, as I stop watching in wonder the scene unfolding before me.
Bakugo has slammed to the ground holding the only solid object appearing to be tied to the warp-guy, and saying, "You're not all that you misty mook."
 I notice All Might, wrestling with some strange behemoth type creature, in an odd position, half of him on one side of a portal and halfway through the other when a layer of ice started to appear on the creature's body.
I hear, "So you people came here because you think you can kill All Might," and then see Todoroki walk into the central area of battle, "however, scum like you could never kill the Symbol of Peace."
 I watch as Kirishima lunges towards a different villain with pastel blue hair, whose upper body is covered in hands.  Kirishima's hand in it's hardened state as he throws a punch. The villain just barely manages to dodge the attack.
"Damn, I almost had 'im." exclaims Kirishima.
"Guys!" Midoriya cries out right before All Might manages to wriggle out of the grip of the mutant creature.
The pastel blue haired villain says, "Well, you've essentially neutralized our only way out. That's going to be a problem."
Bakugo shouts at the villain he has pinned beneath him, "You fucked up and in a big way too! You can only turn certain parts of yourself into that warp gate, and you’re also probably using the mist as a screen to hide your physical form. I'm right aren't I?! Come to think of it, if your whole body was mist then physical attacks wouldn't work at all. But you said when we first rushed you,'That was close!' "
I think back to that instance and I don't recall the exchange, 'Bakugo was closer than the villain anticipated and he was able to hear him due to his close proximity.'
The villain beneath him starts to squirm a bit under Bakugo's hold.
Bakugo yells, "Don't move! If I think you're doing anything questionable, I swear I will not hesitate to blow you to smithereens!"
Kirishima sends a worried glance over his shoulder and says, "That's not very hero-like dude."
The villain with the hands on his torso says, "Our League of Villains should be ashamed of our inability to at least kill some of you measly students. However, you kids of the new hero generation are something else entirely. You've beaten us and managed to stay mainly unharmed. Nomu take out the explosive brat, we need our escape route back."
The giant creature that was wrestling with All Might, contorts its frostbitten body to escape and stands up. Half of its body breaking away from the chunks of ice that Todoroki had caused to form. Scrambling forward despite the carnage, the creature doesn't appear to register the missing limbs.
"How is he still moving even with missing body parts?" I mutter to myself.
All Might exclaims, "Everyone get back! This creature is very dangerous! What on earth?! I thought his quirk was shock absorption!"
The villain with the hands on his torso replies, "I don't remember saying that was all he could do. This here is Hyper-regeneration." As he says that the Nomu sprouts muscles and skin right before our eyes, rapidly regrowing the right side of his body.
"Nomu is  a superpowered living sandbag designed to withstand everything you've got." The villain continues. The Nomu lurches forwards towards Bakugo in the blink of an eye, I watch in horror as the giant beast is about to make contact. Then, there is a burst of motion, too fast for the eye to track and then an explosion through the wall behind where Bakugo was.
'No!' I scream internally, as a small whimper escaping my lips and a tear sneaks out of the corner of my eye. I felt a strange tightness in my chest, almost suffocating. Then, I spot him, out of harm’s way flat on his ass, by Kirishima, Todoroki, and Midoriya. It looked as though he had been there the whole time. The tension in my heart instantly released.
"Did you just dodge that Kacchan?! That was amazing!"
"Shut up Deku!"
The dust from the explosion settles, revealing All Might with his hands in a blocking position.
"That explains why he was able to dodge." says Kirishima.
"Do you not know how to hold back?! They're just kids!" All Might exclaims.
The unknown villain replies, "Just kids you say? I was just trying to protect my companion who the blonde one had threatened. That's disregarded though because he was trying to save someone else though right? It really pisses me off! Villains and heroes both use violence in order to accomplish their goals, but they're labelled as either good or evil. You're labelled as the Symbol of Peace, but you're just a tool that the government is using to control everyone. In the end we're all violent, even you. Killing you will show the world the truth!"
All Might scoffs and says, "That's a load of crap, you're pretending to be an idealistic criminal when you're not. You're doing this for fun."
"You got me." the villain with the hands covering his torso replied.
"It's three on six." Todoroki points out.
"Yeah, and Kacchan showed us the misty guy's weakness." Midoriya adds.
"Even though they're really strong, if we support All Might we can do this together!" Kirishima shouts, getting super pumped.
"No! Get out of here." All Might interjects.
"I don't know if you noticed, but things would've had a different outcome if I hadn't assisted you just now." Todoroki says.
"All Might, you're also wounded, and you might not have much time left..." Midoriya starts off super insistent and confident, but trickles off in his statement.
"I appreciate your efforts Todoroki, but I need you to stay out of harm's way for now and let me get serious." says All Might and he rears his hand back.
"Nomu, Kurogiri, you take care of the Symbol of Peace while I take care of the kids," the head villain orders, and then lunges forward, "let's get rid of these brats and get home!"
"He's coming get ready guys!" Kirishima shouts.
All Might charges towards Nomu, and punches him with enough force to create a shockwave. Myself and the other students are knocked back from the force behind the blow. It also caused the villain who was coming at us to jump back and avoid becoming collateral from the all out fist fight occurring a few feet in front of us.
They're bounding all over the central area dodging each other's attacks and exchanging blows, but you can tell little by little, All Might is the faster and stronger one.
All Might shouts out, "His quirk is shock absorption! Which means that he has a threshold! You said that he's akin to me in every way to handle my quirk at 100%?! I'll just have to go beyond that!" All Might continues, "A true pro-hero is always prepared to come through in difficult situations! Tell me villain, do you know the meaning of... PLUS ULTRA!"
And with that he punched the Nomu with so much force he rocketed up into the air and through the ceiling of the U.S.J. building.
"That was like it was straight out of a comic book!" Kirishima remarks.
"He basically smashed his way past the absorption. It couldn't keep up with the damage." I say.
"In my prime taking down that thing would've taken me five hits tops, that was just over 300. Now villain," All Might said addressing the villain with his torso covered in hands, "why don't we get this show on the road?"
"You cheated!" The villain exclaimed, "You say you're weakened but given that display, clearly you're not! How dare you do that to my Nomu?! They lied to me."
"Are we going to finish this or what? You said you wanted to clear the game, right? If you think you can truly take me on, then bring it!" All Might says, determination in his piercing blue eyes.
"Guys we're clearly not at this level yet, we need to hang back for this one." Todoroki says.
"Come on Midoriya we should head back, if we stay much longer they might take us as hostages." I say, trying to talk to him isn't doing much. He's standing there still as a statue, fixated on the scene unfolding in front of him.
"Maybe there's some other villains left, we should probably go check and see if anyone needs our help. All Might will be able to handle these guys. Let's go." Kirishima says, and we all start to walk in the direction of the stairs. All of us except Midoriya.
"Midoriya!" I exclaim as I watch him jump into the middle of the fray by himself.
"Get away from All Might!" Midoriya shouts, arm extended to punch Kurogiri. The hand of the lead villain reaches through the mist towards Midoriya. Suddenly, a bullet shoots through the villain's outstretched hand. I look behind us and realize, 'They must've managed to send someone for help.' 
There they were a small group of pro-hero teachers assembled at the top of the platform of stairs. One of them starts using his quirk to shoot at the villainous pair. As the villains try to escape through a warp that Kurogiri creates, it seems that they are starting to get pulled away in a different direction, and I see Thirteen hoisted up on the shoulders of my classmates, heavily wounded activating hia quirk to try and suck them into his black hole. It's not enough, and the duo escape. The warp vanishes, leaving the other villains behind.
"Based on the fact that all these pro-hero teachers are here, I don't think they attacked the school itself." Todoroki says.
Midoriya laying on the ground his legs clearly in disrepair, and crying. Kirishima and I both start to run over to him, we've almost reached him before a wall of cement erupts from the ground in front of us. Then, Cementoss says, "We need to ensure all of the students are safe. Please head over to the entrance. I will deal with the severely wounded."
"Okay.” I say, wondering what someone without healing powers will be able to accomplish, while Kirishima responds with, "Roger that!"
We make it to the top of the stairs to join the rest of our classmates, and they start counting all the students they have gathered. There's a guy in a trench coat that says, "Aside from the kid who messed up his legs, it looks like everyone is pretty unscathed." 
The rest of my classmates started conversing, I wasn't really paying all that much attention to what was being said until Tsuyu asked, "What about Mr. Aizawa?"
'Yeah, what about Mr. Aizawa I saw him dive down and start kicking ass, not bothering to take names. After that though, I didn't see him at all...'
The class goes quiet as the guy in the trench coat says, "Both of his arms were smashed to splinters. His face is fractured, thankfully he got away with minor brain damage. His eye sockets were pulverized... and there's a high chance he may suffer from long-term vision loss. Or so I hear... Thirteen has terrible lacerations across his back and upper arms, but his life isn't in danger. All Might's injuries aren't life threatening either. Recovery Girl's healing will probably be enough to get him back in action, that's why he's been sent to the nurse's office." There was a collective sigh of relief, but there was one more question.
Ochako asks, "What about Deku?"
Ida quickly asks as well, "What of Midoriya?"
The guy in the trench coat answered, saying, "Oh him? He made it to the nurse as well, and should be fine after Recovery Girl fixes him up. Go back to your classes though okay?"
"Okay!" the class responded in unison.
We loaded up the bus and went back to our classes, even though most of us were too distracted to really learn anything after the ordeal.
Chapter Eight: Neither Here Nor There
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golgoterror · 5 years
Alright, this is ungodly long, but I just wanted to talk about something regarding Jake. 
A lot of this fandom -- at least, from what I’ve seen -- label Jake as stupid. Some may even say Jake and smart are antonyms. This could not be further from the truth. It almost irritates me how much the fandom places this mischaracterization on him. Also, I get to talk about The Lad™ for about ten pages worth of words on Google docs, which is always very, very fun for me.
Well, first things first, let’s talk about the child genius and multi-billionaire polymath that is Jake English.
Puzzle Modus.
Let’s begin with something small. Jake’s modus is of puzzlekind! This is described as:
It's quite a handy modus, allowing you to captchalogue objects of any size, as long as you can fit them all in a finite space by maneuvering the cards around like a big game of Tetris. You like it because it keeps you sharp for solving any puzzles you might find when you go out raiding hallowed tombs, which is never. (x)
He likes puzzles! This is a huge headcanon I absolutely adore that has a basis in the comic: He’s a puzzles guy! This is just sort of a neat little fact about him that I adore to the moon and back. Just the idea of Jake fiddling about with a Rubik’s Cube is kind of adorable.
This is how he goes about doing everything every day of his life. I think that’s just amazing! And incredibly smart of him, I might add.
Jake is shown in the credits to take over Skaianet after the game ended. For those unfamiliar, Skaianet made many things for the game, including but not limited to: the interstellar travel we see, transportalizers, the lab by Rose’s house, all Jake’s fancy-schmancy computers, and Sburb itself. In the beta timeline, Grandpa Harley founded Skaianet. In the alpha timeline, Grandma English did. I know Jake didn’t start it up and trying to pass off his alt-timeline self as him is a bit far-fetched at best, but he had the spoons to take it over. I think that speaks volumes for Jake’s intelligence -- this implies, at the very least, he can understand mathematics and physics at a high level. Remind you of someone we already know?
It is also important to note that Jake does, in fact, build the company back from the ground up, because it went to shit before his grandmother died:
GT: Pretty sure her company made a tidy fortune til it went belly up. At least i still have a few of her knickknacks for keepsakes. (x)
So he built an interstellar company back up -- using what his intelligent grandmother had once used -- to being very useful and practical once again. 
As someone with a degree in mathematics and about to finish a degree in physics, I can say this sort of work would for sure require at the very least a decent understanding of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, electrodynamics, calculus (vector and differential forms), ordinary and partial differential equations, and perhaps other things like topology. I don’t know about you -- and I’m probably tooting my own horn a bit by saying this -- but I think that’s pretty nifty, if I do say so myself. 
Once again, I’m reaching into the credits to show that Jake has become a movie star after the game ends. Memorizing all those lines, slipping into characters... Being an actor is no easy feat. 
( Side note: This leads into my headcanon that Jake can imitate accents and voices on a whim. No more arguing about whether he has a British, American, or Australian accent -- you’re all right! )
And I would like to add he has two jobs! Skaianet and being a movie star! This guy’s a fucking polymath for Christ’s sake.
Reading People.
Let’s start of simple: Brain Ghost Dirk. I can hear the outcries now of Dirk’s powers being the cause for this. And, yes, I can’t ignore Dirk’s influence in this, but Jake’s hope powers were also needed for the projection to come alive. And the fact he was able to make such a startlingly accurate projecting of Dirk in his own mind is astounding -- even BGD himself thinks so!
TT: You could view me as a projection of the real Dirk within your mind, as expressed through all of your thought patterns about him. TT: So I'm kind of a splinter of his corporeal self who happens to live in your awareness. TT: I'm a startlingly close approximation to the real thing, for all intents and purposes. GT: Just how startlingly close are we talking? TT: I'm not going to give you a bogus percentage like the glasses cause that's not my shtick. TT: But pretty damn close. (x)
A very deep understanding of the other is needed for Jake to do this. That is pretty fucking incredible. He can clearly read people really well -- he had a few times where he was cluing in on Jane and Dirk have feelings for him:
TG: its one of those things jane likes about u so much GT: It is? TG: which TG: errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im not supposed to talk about 2 u evr so nm GT: Talk about what? TG: nope GT: You mean how um... GT: Well a way in which i suppose... TG: no nope GT: Jane is prone to looking upon me with what i fathom to be more than just friendly affection? (x)
TT: I guess call it an extra birthday present. But instead of a present that's awesome, consider it more like a weird confession that may change the way you feel about me. GT: Whoa uh... GT: Dirk are you... uh... GT: Saying what i think? (x)
He’s not completely clueless on people! In fact, he seems to have a really good understanding of his friends. That’s something a lot of people seem to forget because of the incident that I will be getting to later on.
Fending For Himself.
I’ve already written quite a bit on this, but I’ll sum it up here: Jake is exceptionally good at living in the wild and taking care of himself. Sort of like a wild garden; he doesn’t need to be taken care of. Survival skills, especially around fighting and fending off things, aren’t something everyone has. This, once again, counts in his favour, even if it doesn’t line-up with “book smarts”.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
That’s five things! It’s clear Jake is, in fact, a polymath and incredibly intelligent. So, what’s with the fandom painting him as being dumb? What’s with people actually thinking he’s stupid? I think we can all take several wild guesses as to why that’s the case.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Takes things literally.
This is something that plagues Jake quite a lot. Case in point:
GT: Wow like the epic kevin costner film? TT: Almost exactly. Especially by the same degree of shittiness. GT: Oh man does that mean you have to drink your own pee?????? TT: You get used to the taste. Welcome it, even. TT: That takes about 15 days in a row of hard piss drinking though. GT: Ewwwwwwwwwwww no dude. No ew. :( TT: Relax, I don't drink any goddamn piss, ok? GT: Oh ok. Whew. (x)
But, well, let’s address the elephant in the room. The chat I laughed so hard at when I read it the first time due to pure, unadulterated second-hand embarrassment: Jake asking Jane if she had feelings for him.
Let’s analyze this, shall we? Jake starts off by being vague as all Hell, and I’ll spare those details, until finally...
GT: Just come out and say it. Do you fancy me? GG: No! GT: I see. GT: Very well then. GT: Jeez i mustve really misread that one! I feel like kind of a bone head now. (x / x)
Okay, she says no, and he backs off. That’s fine and dand--
GG: No!!!!!! GG: Oh my God, what am I saying here? GG: Jake, I didn't mean it! I didn't want to make you feel that way! GT: Now jane lets not backpedal here. GT: Youve spoken the truth and i greatly appreciate and respect you for that. GT: But now that i think about it you know what? GG: ... GG: No? :( GT: Please dont take this the wrong way but your answer is actually kind of a relief! (x)
... Oh, right. Yeah. It keeps going. It just keeps--
GT: Actually since youve made your feelings apparent and only see me as a friend that makes it a lot easier! GG: Haha, yes! GG: Friends!!!! GT: Maybe you could help me sort out some stuff that has been weighing on me lately? GG: Well what are friends for Jake!!!!! (x)
Sweet Jesus, Jake.
GG: Me? GG: HOO HOO HOO! GG: I'm just GG: Terrific! GG: I'm feeling so... GG: Friendly!!! GG: I clearly just want to be a good friend and bring all my AMAZING FRIENDLINESS to bear on your problems. GG: Friendlystyle! Ahahahah? GG: Shit I mean GG: Ahahahah! GT: Thats aces. Jane youre a sweetheart. (x)
Alright, alright, enough! You all remember the fucking chat. 
Regardless, it’s very apparent Jake takes things at face value. I also will cite him talking to Jane before her birthday, but not list examples, because what happened above will just happen once again. 
Okay, so he takes things at face value. What’s wrong with that? He trusts people to not lie to his face -- to not sugarcoat things or beat around any bushes. Perhaps I’m projecting a bit, but I do the same damn thing. I think a lot of people do! I don’t think reading things as fact over text is a good measure of someone’s intellect. All it does is show he has issues with communication. Okay, so he struggles with one thing. Sue me.
Doesn’t catch things right away.
Yeah okay I’m just gonna dump a few examples of this.
GT: Haha wow. Must have been a hell of a guy. TT: So... TT: You're not making any connections there? GT: Where? Huh? TT: Famous comedian, about the age of your grandma, inheriting the family name of the Baroness... TT: Not ringing a bell? GT: What are you talking about! Dirk stop speaking in riddles and keep telling the story i am on tenterhooks here! TT: Ok, well it's not like it's that important. Just a super obvious thing that'll probably occur to you later when you're looking in the fridge you don't have, at which point you'll feel like an idiot. GT: Oh my god you can be one opaque motherfucker just clue me in bro! TT: Nah, it'll be funnier this way. GT: STRIIIIIIDEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!! TT: Moving on. (x)
GT: Whats going on? TT: Took you long enough to figure it out. TT: Pages really are a slow burning class. Damn. GT: Figure what out! TT: You're asleep. (x)
This leads into the point above. His mind doesn’t work that way -- but that doesn’t mean he’s not intelligent. He needs everything laid out in front of him so he can make the connections and understand what’s happening, but there’s no real harm in this, and it certainly doesn’t dictate whether the guy is “intelligent” or not.
There are many, many more examples in canon depicting Jake as having difficulties with communication and you all can open most of his pesterlogs and probably find one. I’m not going to list anymore. But, hold your horses, I swear I’m getting to a point!
Difficulty reading.
A lot of the media Jake consumes is picture-based. Movies, comics, even the puzzles are most likely spacial and probably not riddles. It’s not far to imagine Jake might not be a terribly good reader, considering nobody was really around to make him read. Of course, his grandmother was around when he was little, so he can read -- and he can read just fine. But he probably isn’t very good at it simply from lack of practice. He also has terrible grammar, something Jane picks on him for, so it’s entirely possible that’s a contributing factor. He may just have trouble reading and writing.
Speaking from experience, I have dyslexia. As such, reading and writing are incredibly hard for me. I never read the books in my literature classes -- both in English and French -- but I did get the gist of the books (enough to get a decent mark in the class at least) by watching a movie adaptation of the novel. I don’t think it’s that far-off to think Jake may, indeed, do the same thing.
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NOTE: This next part is a bit hard for me to write, because I don’t want to vilify any of you. It might not have clued in on anyone or maybe you just saw Jake as a sort of comic relief and meant no harm by it. And I hope shining a light on this will make you all think twice about the guy. However, I can’t really avoid this next part, and I may get a bit emotional in it. Just a bit of a warning.
All of the above points are just me trying to say Jake probably has undiagnosed learning disabilities and perhaps autism. I don’t think I need to go into detail about how those don’t make someone “stupid”. If you think that’s the case, fuck you. I can’t argue with ableists, much less do I actually want to. 
NOTE: I wrote a thing on his speech impediments. That may be of interest too. I don’t really know, but here it is nonetheless.
My take-away message here is: just because someone struggles with socialization or other things doesn’t mean fucking anything in terms of their intelligence. Jake is very clearly smart and has the ability to read people incredibly well -- to the point of making copies of them! Perhaps it’s just a bit easy to underestimate the guy compared to other characters, though.
There are other things that muddy this up a bit, unfortunately.
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Jake is such a fucking troll. Jesus shitting Christ, does he get a kick out of acting stupid just to make the other person look silly. Or perhaps even to make himself laugh in the process. Case in point:
uu: I WILL JUST BE YOUR PATRON DUDE. uu: OR MAYBE. YOUR PATRON MANBRO. GT: Sounds pretty gay. uu: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? GT: Whats what? uu: GAY. WHAT'S GAY YOU IDIOT FUCK. GT: Oh right. GT: Forgive me i forget you arent familiar with all of my earth lingo. GT: Its like... GT: How do i explain. GT: You know. Its a rather old fashioned term for being jolly and festive together. GT: Like "that rollicking time we had scrumming the other eve sure was gay." uu: I SEE. uu: THEN YES. YOU ARE CORRECT. uu: THIS IS GOING TO BE GAY AS HELL. (x)
Look at his goddamn face during this exchange:
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That little bastard knows exactly what he’s doing. 
And these aren’t stand-alone events! Jake is very, very silly and will use the fact others see him as stupid to have a little fun. May as well, right? And, in the process, he makes others look pretty damn stupid. 
But sometimes it’s a bit hard to tell when he’s acting stupid against when he’s genuinely not getting something. I think he even fools himself sometimes! So you have to be a bit careful about fake-outs. I’m sure even the other alphas have trouble deducing when he’s doing this -- which only adds to the myth of him actually being “stupid” when viewed on first-glace.
He probably also does this with crushes, purposefully ignoring the signs because he doesn’t want to deal with it or may not believe anyone could like him that way. After all, if he’s wrong, he may think himself to be conceded and having a big head. So, he ignores the signs, thus convincing himself the feelings aren’t there. Then he gets absolutely fucking bamboozled beyond belief to find out they actually do like him. But that’s just a little side-note.
Thinks he’s stupid.
This one is just a bit... Sad. Very sad. Jake genuinely does think he’s stupid. Quite a lot, really. 
GT: I shoulda asked where he fit into the picture if you were raised alone. I can be dumb as a bag of penny candy sometimes. (x)
Just... Man, he’s been called and treated as stupid so many times, he’s at the point where he believes it. If you asked him, he’d say Dirk is a genius, Roxy is always smart and sassy, and Jane is brilliant. (I don’t have a source for that last one but... Come on. She lectures him about grammar. Don’t fuck with me.) But when it comes to himself? He can’t say the same. Of course he then acts that way. He sees himself as a burly adventurer who is also a gentleman and tries to live up to that. No where along those lines does he think he’s intelligent. And that’s just... a little heartbreaking, really, all things considered.
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Can’t believe this blog is just me going, “Wanna see how fast I can talk about Jake?”, and a shit-ton of people all nodding before I talk for six hours straight. Anyway, take-home message is: Jake’s smart. Jake’s very, very smart. He’s also a himbo, but he’s incredibly smart. Just because he has learning disabilities doesn’t mean fuck-all. 
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. There are drinks and refreshments in the back. Have a safe trip home. Remember to tip your waiters and waitresses. Jesus fuck can I run this gag any harder into the ground? Giving me language was a mistake. No but, really, if you read this whole damn thing, thank you! I hope this was as fun to read as it was to write.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots Reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 15 - Candy Page 34
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John finally decides to let the relevance of his story end, and enjoy that he’s made at least some of his other friends happy with his choice.  Time to read Page 34...
VRISKA: Pfft, yeah, wh8tever. I’m basically Immortal, bitch.
Preeeetty sure you’re confusing yourself with one of your parents.
Pff, actual healthy kismesis with a Tavros?  Wow, we’re getting all sorts of redemption by not-really-Vriska proxy here.
HARRY ANDERSON: he’s always getting all weepy whenever i talk to him anyway. HARRY ANDERSON: i don’t think i could have taken another round of him choking back tears while apologizing to me about “what happened with me and your mother, harry.” HARRY ANDERSON: i mean, god. he’s not even fucking DRUNK when he does this. HARRY ANDERSON: that might actually be the most embarrassing part.
Okay, having grown up with a father who suffered from serious depression and would break into tears embarrassingly easily, uh.  I can relate?  But also fuck you, that’s inconsiderate.
--Dammit, new Vriska is catching wind of old Vriska.
Vriska and (Vriska) both start shrieking at a pitch John’s only ever heard one time before. It was a sound that once accompanied the end of everything. A sound once heard the night he dreamt in anime.
Oh that’s brilliant.  If the entire Candy arc ended here it’d be great, though I know it’s not quite over yet.
...Oh shit, we actually get to see what happens immediately next.
Interesting introspective thoughts!  Or, trying her best NOT to be introspective and failing.
Oh my god, SHUT UP Gamzee.  Vriska, just kill him already??
Pfff.  Yeah, Vriska, TRY and ignore what just happened and how it was almost entirely your idea.
(Vriska) is so furious, she has no way of pinpointing the exact moment her intent stopped being intimidating him into silence and started being guaranteeing his silence, forever.
Thank FUCKING goodness, PLEASE kill him.
YAY he’s dead! :D  (Even though he’ll probably revive anyway because bullshit.)
Heheh. NOW we get a cross-Vriska heart to heart.
Alright, a bit more John moping.  Man... this Candy section is a whole lot easier to swallow AFTER Meat than I imagine it would have been before.
.....heck.  EITHER of these epilogue branches are really fucking hard to swallow the first time around without the other’s context.
Oh huh, it’s his house from the Medium then?  Relocated and stuff?
Jake, hm.  Is Jake going to try and leave his son with John like that failed kidnapping in reverse or?
Jake snaps the elastic on his pair of red underpants. It’s the only thing he’s wearing.
Oooookay then.
JAKE: She had a certain way she liked me kipped out and well, i didnt want to bring anything that belonged to her when i left. Nothing she er, might miss. TAVROS: You took me,
Jake winces.
TAVROS: And,,, you took you,
Jake’s wince deepens.
Oh, so that’s what this is!  Jake fleeing with his son from an abusive relationship.  About gosh darn time.  .....geez, how bad did it get for JAKE to finally muster the gumption to do that himself after all these years???
Jake is one whole wince now
I know THAT feeling.  Or at least feel like I do.
John you dedicate your life to keeping this child happy
JOHN: it’s just been kind of a rough forever.
JAKE: Maybe you should blame me? JAKE: Maybe i need someone to blame me. For once. JOHN: ...huh? JAKE: I think im starting to realize that ive been going through life with the mindset that nothing has ever really been within my control.
This is how Vriska broke Tavros way back in the comic, by constantly denying him agency.  Jake’s been battered down the same way too, and it’s not too late to pick up the reins.  He’s already DONE that by finally leaving his genocidal wife.
There’s a bit of Page of Hope-yness to this whole disastrous Candy timeline, come to think of it?  People fulfilling others’ desires out of obligation constantly, doing what they think others want?  Roxy, Jake, Dave and Karkat... all fucked over at the aggressive whims of more active folk, rolling over when they really shouldn’t have?  Or in Roxy’s case, her CHARACTER basically SHOULD NOT HAVE IN THE SLIGHTEST?
JAKE: Havent you ever wanted to let someone make the tough choices for you?
Or maybe he is doing exactly what Jake has always done. In a certain light, isn’t ascribing all this mess to some unconscious influence he might have had over the metaphysical shape of reality just a way to brush off his simpler failures as a man and a father?
Yes.  You can act and change this too, John.  You almost did with the kidnapping before!  Go and take down the new Batterwitch.
Hm, Hopey thing?
JAKE: John. JOHN: yeah? JAKE: Take my hand. JOHN: what? why?
Oh shit.  Are they going to be able to FIX some of this BS with some sort of hopey thing??? :D  Probably too much to hope for but still!
Being flung from Jake’s orbit of Hope and Change
Pffff.  Had to throw in an Obama didn’t you.
...Oh.  Oh wow.  Oh we get to figure out what the fuck was up with Roxy all this time.  Oh boy.
JAKE: So what if it doesnt change anything? Wont it matter to your family to see you care? JAKE: Wont it make you feel better to try?
Heheh, Hope aspecty stuff.  The ability to believe that something matters even when you “know” it doesn’t.
...Yeah, it’s pretty easy to relax on a dead Gamzee.
Oh cool.  These Vriskas are alike enough to bond!  New Vriska is still in her teenage unbalanced go-for-it stage, and old Vriska has been knocked down a peg by the clown incident, putting them on a close enough level to not want to instantly disown each other, unlike old Vriska and ghost Vriska.
VRISKA: The Mayor’s dead, dude.
HOW did the Mayor die?!??  Did I just FORGET that from the end of Homestuck or something??
(I mean, probably.)
Callback to the clouds in that first Jade dream John had.
(VRISKA): Or may8e the truth just makes me kind of nervous. VRISKA: What “Truth”? (VRISKA): Don’t tell him I said this, 8ut, I think John is just an extremely powerful 8eing. Even when he sucks. (VRISKA): And he certainly does appear to suck in this reality. (VRISKA): And yet, the uneasy feeling is there. (VRISKA): It’s a vague feeling I’ve had in the 8ack of my mind for a long time, 8ut it really hit me when I was talking to him earlier. (VRISKA): It’s distur8ing to think a8out that much power 8ottled up in one stupid nerd who’ll never understand it. VRISKA: What Power are you even talking a8out? VRISKA: Like, lame Wind Powers? (VRISKA): No, I mean... (VRISKA): The power to shape reality. Even without intending to.
FUCK did he really cause all this??? Even the Roxy shit?!???  D:  D:  D:
It’s being left vague but it IS sounding like John was actually RIGHT about all that stuff.  FUCK, if the “villain” who messed up Roxy is actually just John’s subconscious...  :C
Even if the epilogue ends right here, though, with John about to call Roxy, I can imagine it working out, though.  It’s on a right enough track there.
(VRISKA): I’ve spent so long caring so much a8out what other people thought of me. Mainly that they saw me as important, or making a “difference.”
Mhmm mhmm.  Light n stuff.
Yeah, realizing that importance isn’t ALL that’s “important” is really, um.  Important.  Ahem.
Hm, other Vriska, that smile had seven pairs of dots, not eight.  :?
(VRISKA): The POINT is, I was so mad at her. (VRISKA): That happy ghost version of myself, who was free of everything. (VRISKA): I was pro8a8ly mad 8ecause she got to 8e who she really was, without stressing a8out it, which is something I never felt like I was allowed to have.
(VRISKA): I guess I mean there’s someone specifically I fell out of touch with, who it feels like I’ll never see again.
Too bad, only ghost Vriska got her reunite with ‘Rezi.  :P
(VRISKA): On some level I knew she was right. She was happy and honest with herself. And that’s what made her... (VRISKA): A version of myself who was actually worthy of someone I cared a8out.
Yyyep.  As I said.  :)
VRISKA: You’re just talking a8out The Girl You 8linded that one time, aren’t you? (VRISKA): Ummmmmmmm.
Heheh.  Yeah, you’re not going to hide that sort of thing from your sharp near-clone.
Oh cool!  She gets to see all those messages and feel turboguilt or something.
...oh shit.  Is a message going to actually get to her?  It-- oh shit.  Didn’t Terezi have her phone buzzing in her pocket and ignored it in the end of Meat or something?  Or at SOMEONE did and I thought it conspicuous but it didn’t get addressed in that side of the story and-- FFFFuck is she eventually going to see it or??!  D:
She’s GOT to have seen it before running all the way off with villain Dirk, right?? D:
Okay.  You seem to be thinking clearly, Roxy.  What’s going through your head? Give us some answers.  Don’t fuck this up too much, John.
but she knows by now that it’s not her job to make him happy. That was something she gave up on years ago. But wanting to? That feeling is still as fresh as it always was.
FUCK was this all just a placid feeling of obligation to make John happy for all he did to ensure victory or something??? D: D: D:
She’s still working through what she feels about distancing herself from Jane
If he’s truly about to be real with her for the first time in forever,
Gosh fucking DARNIT John, you could have fixed all this DECADES AGO if you had a real talk with her ONCE!!!!!
ROXY: the more i thought abt it the more i figured holdin on to that one thing made me lose out on some other shit ROXY: u might relate JOHN: haha, you got me there i guess.
JOHN: i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about how things got to be like they are. JOHN: i guess i’ll just come out and say it. JOHN: i completed fucked up your entire life. JOHN: i’m not going to pretend like there are two sides here. it’s my bad, totally. JOHN: like, not just what happened to our marriage, though it’s also true that that’s completely my fault. JOHN: but even before that... JOHN: i think i fucked up on just this massive, fundamental level, and it’s what i did— JOHN: or, well, what i didn’t do— JOHN: that caused every stupid bullshit thing about the way this world is.
That may not actually be true, and Roxy might be about to prove how self-absorbedly reductive that is.
ROXY: oh nah ill stop u rite there my man
Okay YES.  If this wasn’t him, then SET HIM THE FUCK STRAIGHT.  :D
She knows more than he does, and she doesn’t need to hear it.
YES TEAR INTO HIM he’s wanted that for so long stand up for yourself and tell us what the fuck happened and why
He’s been looking at her, really looking at her, and she doesn’t want to blink, just in case that shatters it.
Yes because he was looking for the real Roxy that would call out his BS
JOHN: i used to be so angry that you wouldn’t tell me what you really thought, before. JOHN: not like i wanted to FIGHT fight, but like. JOHN: i’m just not used to this flavor of roxy. ROXY: hm ROXY: sounds to me like u just disproved ur own hotshot theory then genius JOHN: huh? ROXY: you wished i was one way the whole time we were married ROXY: but i wasnt
YES!!! Yes his theory’s disproven!  He never WANTED Roxy to just act that way, he wasn’t the cause of this, I was hoping for that!  :D
ROXY: i was bad at standin up for myself then and im learnin to be good at it now
That’s....... sad, if that’s the explanation.  But it’s better than mind control I guess.  :(
JOHN: but... JOHN: you were never like that before i... ROXY: dude ROXY: where tf do u get off trying to decide what is or isnt me being “like me” enuff ROXY: do u think ppl stay the same their whole damn lives or what
Oh wow.  Now Andrew’s slamming SLAMMING of fanfics.  He’s saying “who are you to know for SURE that they wouldn’t act that way”??  That’s pretty good.
ROXY: i like the way things turned out just fuckin fine ROXY: so maybe u could stop wastin precious eternity thinkin ur so special that its ur fault everyones not perfectly happy
Mhmm, and they’re free from the heroic design arcs or what have you.  Or... were, until Dirk tore them back in again.  Tossed aside their fucking victory with his selfish... ugh.
Mhmm, Roxy’s the perfect person to explain that not being in a canon, Light-filled timeline isn’t really a bad thing.
ROXY: i just do things the best way i think to do em and then shrug n hope it works out?
Roxy thinks about time and the spirals of choice that hang just outside her periphery, and the vertigo grows.
Good advice, and hm.  Maybe there’s some Void sight kind of playing into this as well, making it easy for her to get paralyzed by indecision and she’s had to learn to work through it.
...Ooh, that was a really cool non-binary gender diatribe in the narrative text.  That’s some nice stuff.  I felt like that was missing from the Meat side, glad we got it here at least.  :D
JOHN: there’s literally nothing to do but keep moving forward. JOHN: i may as well not be a big fucking downer about it if i don’t have to be.
Thank goodness.
Man, I wish my dad had done that instead of all the other shit he did.  At least he’s dead.  :)
(Here’s a hint in case you’re wondering why I was relieved when my Dad offed himself.)
But that’s off topic.  Let’s wrap up this epilogue already!!
Page 39... only three or so pages left, right?
Pff, Karkat’s keeping them safe.
Heheh, more shitty Liberty statues.
Heheh, using them for weapons caches.
Gosh I hope they actually love each other and are mostly happy.  Jade seems happy, at least.  :(
Dammit, there go the doubts.  He wouldn’t have had those doubts with Karkat. :C
He’s standing in the Oval Office of the White House.
Oh heck yes.  Please tell me...
And over there... is something he doesn’t quite recognize. It doesn’t seem to fit in. He steps closer to investigate, wiping away at the layers of moss and dirt to reveal a surface he most certainly does recognize. It’s a transportalizer.
Dave doesn’t waste any time. You don’t find something like this in the Oval Office and start agonizing over whether or not to use it. He steps on the platform, and in a blink his surroundings are completely different. The centuries of overgrowth are gone, and he appears to be in some sort of crypt, boxed in by walls of smooth, golden stone. At the far side of the room, something is hanging on the wall, encased in a sort of display. It’s a mounted god tier costume, about the size an adult male would wear. He recognizes the symbol. It’s the same one Jake used to wear when they were teens. It is the symbol for Hope.
OBAMA: Hello, Mr. Strider. OBAMA: I’ve been waiting a long time for you to show up.
Dave’s jaw hangs open. The legends have been confirmed. As well as several key headcanons of his. Without thinking, he drops to one knee and bows his head.
DAVE: m... mr president DAVE: its an honor sir
Man, forget my past stomach clenching.  Forget my hesitations, my turbulent emotions, all the ups and downs the various facets of these Epilogue chapters have given me.  THIS is the best.  THIS makes it all worth it.  This is the best thing to have ever happened, and if I ever feel any regrets about ANYTHING that transpired in the Epilogues, I’ll feel infinitely better the moment I remember it gave us THIS.
The most beautiful scene I’ve ever witnessed.  All my liberal, economy-ranting hopes and dreams confirmed.  It’s glorious.
OBAMA: Come on now, Dave. We can’t be having that. OBAMA: I’m nobody’s king. I’m a democratically elected representative who took an oath to serve his country and his people. People like you, Dave. OBAMA: If anything, I should be the one bowing.
DAVE: mr president what i mean is im a huge fan of yours and i hope this doesnt sound fucked up but on some level i feel like ive been waiting my whole life for this moment?? OBAMA: I know, Dave.
Yes, yes you have.  Yes, we can.
OBAMA: Most people thought I was gone. But I was keeping an eye on events. OBAMA: Wouldn’t miss it for anything.
I, too, would like to have the feeling that Obama is still out there, keeping an eye on things.  Watching, smiling... providing some last background of Hope as things seem so temporarily sour.  That feeling would be amazing.
...I mean he’s still alive IRL, sure, but not Obama watermark smiling lovingly from the sky or anything like it should be.
Yes, back to reading.  Back to this glorious, definitely canon moment.  The moment we learned that Obama was with us the whole time.  :’)
DAVE: sorry if this is nosy but if you didnt die when you disappeared then how did you die OBAMA: Most of that is classified, Dave.
Pfffffff  :D
OBAMA: When I was a boy living in Hawaii, on my thirteenth birthday I was visited by a mysterious stranger. OBAMA: He was an older man with a mustache. Kind of a corny, old-fashioned, adventuring type. He tried to convince me we were related. Of course, I thought he was full of shit. OBAMA: To this day, I’m not sure about that. Maybe he was. I didn’t think much of his tall tale at the time, but what did pique my interest was his story. OBAMA: He was voyaging all over the Pacific looking for a mysterious island, which supposedly had all the answers he’d spent his whole life searching for. OBAMA: During his travels, he set up outposts all over the ocean to help with his search. Such as one near where I lived as a boy. The outpost had a laboratory, an archeological dig site, a network of underground tunnels, the works. OBAMA: One time, I snuck in there and did some exploration of my own. Somewhere in the maze of underground ruins, I found a transporter pad, just like the one that brought you here. OBAMA: It sent me to a new realm. A place they called the Medium.
Grandpa Jake of Earth A, thank you SO much for bringing us this gift.  The gift of Obama.
OBAMA: Hey, why don’t we take a walk. You’ll have a chance to collect yourself. And there’s something I’d like you to see.
:O :O :O
I am shivering with anticipation.
Ah, leave it to Obama to help Dave with the final steps of his character arc.
OBAMA: Are you sure that’s all he is, Dave?
Wait, what if Obama can turn things into an actually legitimate DaveKatJade?  That would be a miracle only a god of Hope could pull off.
OBAMA: I’ve had my share of doubts about all that, just like any other man. OBAMA: And I’ve had plenty of the same kind of struggles as you, Dave. DAVE: wait DAVE: you...
Obama nods, smiles wistfully. Dave arches his eyebrows high above his shades. They stare at each other, and in the look they exchange, they seem to say all that needs to be said between two grown men on the matter.
OBAMA: Believing is the key to understanding the truth underlying the words, the truth underlying the ideas they represent, and the truth underlying who we are as individuals. OBAMA: The power of belief, the power of Hope, that’s what endows that which is intangible, ephemeral, or uncertain with a sense of reality. OBAMA: It brings focus to the insubstantial, the mirages of the mind, the multiplicity of what is possible, of what could be, and isolates it—concentrates it—to turn it into that which is. OBAMA: And the result of that, Dave, is what we call truth.
I didn’t think we’d be learning more about the Hope aspect straight from the mouth of Barack Obama.
OBAMA: He taught me about many things. Combat, philosophy, life, love... DAVE: love??? DAVE: hold on are you saying DAVE: that...
OBAMA: She’s settled happily into the specific. That’s her path now. OBAMA: All of you have embraced that life, in this safely sequestered version of planet Earth. OBAMA: All of you until now, Dave. OBAMA: This is why you’re here. OBAMA: I believe you’re ready to wake up. DAVE: ...
...this is suddenly possibly going to be getting slightly sad isn’t it.  D:
--Oh shit, so THIS is where Davebot came from.
How is he going to break things off with Jade though???  D: D: D:
...Oh my GOSH he’s just going to suddenly vanish and abandon her isn’t he.  D:
...alright, merging with his other selves, et cetera...
It defers to its greatest knight, risen anew.
Yeah that’s nice but am I supposed to pretend you’re going to say goodbye to Jade offscreen or
--ah that’s why the bot didn’t have shades, gotta use the genuine Stiller ones
Page 40, and the start of this sounds a lot like the Postscript.  But we’re getting more this time, thank god.
ARADIA: when i watched as everything broke apart ARADIA: and got swallowed up by the black hole ARADIA: which is where i ended up too ARADIA: that black hole... ARADIA: thats basically you right JADE: yes. ARADIA: and when you speak of your brother ARADIA: thats lord english JADE: yes. ARADIA: and hes dead JADE: not just yet.
Oh shit.  John’s final blow didn’t kill Lord English did it.  Alt!Callie is going to strike the very last killing blow herself isn’t she.
JADE: lesser beings have so much trouble perceiving divinity in the uncanny.
Divinity?  Like, Lollipop-style divinity?  I mean, I guess this IS the Candy branch...?  But what made this so “perfect” to begin with?
JADE: this world, unlike the canonical horrors from which it is hermetically insulated, will always fail to meet the combined criteria for truth, relevance, and essentiality that would endow this realm with any real gravity. JADE: its own naturally occurring supply of gravity, rather than the artificial supply i have given it. JADE: as such, what transpires here is characterized by experiential frivolity. JADE: physically, it is cordoned off by the black hole’s event horizon. it is safe. untouchable. JADE: inescapable. ARADIA: that sounds ominous
Oh.  So this outside-of-canon timeline-verse whatever that Candy takes place in is like a trap?  For Lord English to be trapped in forever, inside not just his OWN story like we thought before but into a place where he’ll be forever irrelevant, while, like... the “Prince” and others following him for pursuit or camaraderie reasons manage to escape somewhere even different?  --No wait those people are OUTSIDE this place, in the “real” timeline/universe of Earth C. So Dirk’s destination is somewhere completely different; oh, and alt!Callie is the only one with the power to escape the black hole, to bring Davebot and Aradia with her back to quote-unquote “canon” or the closest thing to it to bring bastard Dirkbro down.
Or... something.
JADE: one could describe it as a phantasmal projection confined within my horizon. JADE: it was created by a choice that made it possible for that horizon to expand infinitely, to consume infinitely. JADE: and since that choice could not coexist with canon events, this place manifested to here to support its consequences. JADE: if this world were capable of anything either essential, relevant, or true in some stable combination, then it would perpetuate a corrosive paradox. JADE: as such, insulation from what is out there, and the inescapable well it rests in, is what protects all it holds inside. JADE: and since i am the embodiment of the black hole in which it rests, JADE: i am the one protecting this world.
Oh huh.  So when we saw alt!Callie creating the black hole out of the Sun, she was actually using John’s “choice” and his timeline split to engineer the paradox that drove that singularity’s expansion?  And so she’s going to be the lord and safeguard of all that is Non-Canon, and also seek to guide the heroes trying to save what IS Canon?
JADE: physical destruction is one thing. JADE: obliteration of the entire canvas for all of reality over a given cosmic span is another. JADE: and yet there are even more insidious forms of destruction and subversion of life to consider. JADE: methods that are difficult to grasp for those on your plane.
Yep, destroying Heart.  Destroying Soul.  Destroying the uniqueness that drives individual agency and choices, and suborning people completely to your will and ideals without their consent or choice.
JADE: but longer stories have the power to draw consciousness into them. they possess arresting and hypnotic qualities which can be used by their tellers to alter the awareness of the listener.
Yep, like a biased narrator with their claws on the > prompt for characters.
JADE: i brought to your attention that the story you were listening to had a speaker with a specific identity. JADE: and where there is an identity, there can also be an agenda.
Yep yep.  And by commandeering the story to his own agenda, Dirk’s been robbing everyone of a fundamental right to their own existences.
JADE: this is the sort of corruption i now must dedicate my existence in this new body to ending once and for all.
Heck Yes; returning the narrative to as objective a speakerless-ness as can be attained or simulated, and divesting the bias from agenda’d narrators that can wrest all control from the participants in a story, enslaving them and making them the author’s puppets instead of true to themselves as characters, people, etc.
--Oh my GOSH, was Dead!Jade eating the remains of Lord English at the end of that Postscript???  She was, wasn’t she?  :D :D :D
That’s pretty fucking awesome.  And a pretty fucking fair fate for him to get cannibalized by his sister.
JADE: consume his body. JADE: absorb his essence. JADE: and then using this host, i will generate enough power to move beyond the staggering pull of the event horizon encasing this world. JADE: a prison of my own making, which can be escaped only through the supreme unification with my other half. JADE: it is crucial to the cosmos that i succeed. JADE: the prince of heart has to be stopped.
:D :D :D :D :D
Pretty awesome!  A decent setup to a story that probably shouldn’t be told, the implied sequel that Meat invites up or whatever.  And... oh phew.
So.  The very last line of the epilogue, the last bit:
The hole leaves behind an absence in the sky so calm that continuing to call it a sky wouldn’t seem to do it justice. It’s a perfectly neutral expanse into which anything one can imagine might be summoned. And for a while, anything was. But not anymore. Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
Okay!  :D :D :D
So, when I read that last line, I was INCREDIBLY disheartened.  I thought that Andrew was declaring that canon would never interfere with anything again, that this was the FINAL WORD on Homestuck and everything to do with it as far as canon was concerned, and that Dirk’s crimes and such would forever go unresolved and left to the imagination.
But that’s not what the line meant.
What’s INSIDE the singularity, and thus “under” the imaginary line, is everything non-canon, all the possibility and fanfiction and dead ghosts and such who are trapped in this safeguarded realm alt!Callie created to protect them, away from the influence of any future plot danger beyond the mundane issues they create for themselves.
And what’s OUTSIDE the singularity, above the line, is canon.  A canon which actually continues, and which this line doesn’t necessarily cut short.
I don’t know if Andrew will ever continue this nonsense, maybe to show me a Rose who’s actually happy as a robot or something?  But... er, that’s not the point.  The point is that even though the story “isn’t over”, it’s left so it CAN continue, so that the final state of these ISN’T a permanent cliffhanger to be left forever unfulfilled intentionally.  I’ll still be traumatized by the state some of these characters are left in, until Andrew maybe possibly chooses to resolve some of this nonsense with later content, which he probably won’t.  Heck, this actually might be easier for him to create a new work with, given how much baggage has been left behind on old Earth and in the singularity, so all you have is a much relatively smaller cast of characters on a chase to wherever Dirk is planning to go?  But, like.  When I read that Postscript, I stopped believing anyone I saw suggesting we’d get anything after this.  Any sort of work of... you know... continuing, er, Homestuckiness from Andrew, no matter what it was.  But even just... leaving it open even if he isn’t going to DO anything about it, and having that final line NOT be an aggressive cutoff?  Is just nice.  Nicer, anyway.
And this singularity is kept safe for us to enjoy ALL of the old stuff, the multitude of possibility that the in-singularity version of Roxy glimpses out of the side of her eye.  That--
Oh my Gosh.  THAT’S also what the final line means.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
Homestuck fanfiction is now COMPLETELY FREE FROM CANON.
Within this singularity, nothing has to stay true to absolutely every underpinning of the earlier comic.  Nothing has to make sense.  Nothing has to be narratively consistent with anything else, though it’s obviously more enjoyable if it is.  Truth, essentiality, and relevance may all be FLEXED as much as any individual fanfic writer needs to!  And... and earlier, before this epilogue.  When we would get Snapchat stuff of the story on Earth C.  And even before that when all we had was the ending flash.  There was still a FEAR on many parts that there was more to canon that Andrew wasn’t telling us, that whatever was in our imaginations about what may have happened was “wrong”, that any fanfic you wrote was liable to be disproven formally.  But that’s not the case anymore.  Because with that line, with alt!Callie sealing off this realm and taking just a last few soon-to-be canon-impactors out of one of its timelines, Andrew has left ALL of the earlier trappings of Homestuck, of Earth, of all these characters and ghosts and fragmented possibilities, permanently free from canon influence from the rest of time.  Meaning no Homestuck fanfic that takes place in this singularity-granted realm may EVER be busted by Andrew’s future work.  He’s done what he first aspired to do when he declared all fantrolls in existence canon.  He’s finally “killed the author”.  He’s made the very FACT of an author an enemy, to be pursued in its own canon story outside of all this.  He’s set EVERYTHING free.
Wow.  So that’s what all the point of all this was, huh?  :D
Let me read the last few pages of Candy anyway.  Where was I again?
Oh, about to click the last page.  ==>
Oh my GOD.  This Postscript is about the end of MEAT, where the Meat Postscript showed us the end of CANDY!!!  :D
Let’s hear where this shit is all going!  I’ve been wondering what realm Dirk is actually heading towards to try and start fucking up.  Reading...
...Oh, okay.  I thought I glimpsed someone mentioning something about Rose “doing Dirk’s laundry”, and I thought I just missed some narrative comment on laundry made when Dirk took Rose out of the apartment on that final trip out to Jake’s for a spaceship?  But I guess this was the scene they were talking about.  Fuck you, Dirk.
One of her more reckless shipmates chipped a tooth trying one, despite repeated warnings to stay away from the stuff.
So Terezi IS there?  And probably received that final message from Vriska to think about.
It’s a stray ruby slipper. The other is about ten feet away, down the hall. No sign of their owner anywhere.
Yep, that’s definitely Terezi.
...Oh cool, Rose’s body isn’t quite dead?  She could be returned to it or a souped-up version of it if she’s ever brought to her senses outside Dirk’s corrosive influence.
A new planet is within sensor range. She studies the millions of statistics all pouring in at once.
They’re heading for a planet?  Somewhere else in Universe C?
It’s an M-Class planet. The right size, right age, right distance from the sun. There’s no advanced life yet. It’s exactly what they’ve been looking for all these years.
Shit, a NEW planet?  For all this shit to go down on?  Maybe I don’t need to see what happens next, that sounds potentially a little boring.  The future adventure this story entails COULD just be implied and never followed up on.
Once the new race has established
What race??? Human, hybrid?? It’s not TROLL, y’all would have brought Aradia if that was the case, right?  Or is this why there are tons of trolls in Universe C that Caliborn and Calliope’s parent trolls got to incinerate ages later, seeded across planets by these assholes?
The ones who get the chance to play what will arguably be the most important session in the history of Sburb?
Ahhh.  Okay.  So this may INDEED be something interesting, something worth seeing.  A new session, one where Dirk is the villain, Rosebot is enthralled, and old heroes are on their way to help see him thwarted.  Along with the mystery participants of a session we’ve yet to see.
Enough time goes by that she begins to wonder if he’s asleep. But no. It’s just the irritated silence of a man who knows he isn’t currently dressed well enough to attend to something important.
DIRK: Are my fucking pantaloons ready yet?
Yeah, fuck you and your anime pantaloons straight in the Yaois, Dirk Smartass.
So that’s the end of the epilogue.  BOTH epilogues.  And... I like it.
I don’t know why.  I mean it was all excellent before, and my stomach’s still a BIT clenchy, but I like it now.  I misinterpreted things from the Meat ending, and now everything... everything makes a little more sense.  Some things seem resolved, others earned...
And... in a way I feel like I could actually oddly accept, even if there’s never anything that touches on this ever again...
It doesn’t seem “over”.  :)
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Richie? Part 3 final
Heeelllloooo after days of trying to juggle writing, school, and actually sleeping I have finished part 3 this is will be the final part and to tell you the truth, this is the first story I have ever finished so im kinda proud of my self.
Low-key Stan x reader vibes sorry not sorry
Warnings: intense fluffiness
Part 1 Part 2
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Mike looked up to his friends
“El.” Realisation washed over the boys faces. You look up confused.
“She’s Mike’s girlfriend we were supposed to be waiting for her at the house.” The boy with curly hair explained.
“Im Dustin by the way, that’s Lucas, Will, and Mike.” Dustin pointed to each boy. You smile hearing the name Mike.
“I have a friend named Mike back home.” You pull yourself up from the ground.
“Well when we get back home you can tell us all about your friends, Im sure you miss them” Mike says. They all get on their bikes and Dustin turns to you.
“Come on you can ride with me” You hop on and say thanks. As you’re riding and you get closer to your house you ask Dustin to stop.
“I’ll be right back!” You yell as you run into your house. You run upstairs and touch up your eyeliner having cried most of it off. After, you go downstairs and grab your own bike and head out
“Alright let’s go”
We get back to the house and run downstairs following the boys. A girl with curly hair was sitting on the couch. Her face lit up when she saw her friends
“Hey El this is (Y/N), she’s new in town.” The girl named El seemed less than impressed, but honestly you feel the same way about meeting people today, and everyday to be honest. You give a small smile and a wave. She returns the small smile and turns her attention back to Mike.
“She’ll warm up to you it just takes some time.” Will explains. You nodded.
You guys spend the next two hours or so talking about various things, school and stuff like that. They even tried to teach you a little bit about DnD. You told them about Derry and your friends and how it’s kinda nice that you now have people to talk to about all the geeky stuff you were into like Star Wars and comic books. Stan would listen while bird watching but didn’t really have anything to say, and Richie was more into the arcade which you also took joy from. Bill was into movies but not all the same ones you were into, so it was nice to have people like the same superhero’s and comic books as you do. You luckily got to avoid anything about Richie’s death. You couldn’t stand having to lie to everyone about what really happened. Richie died a brave hero trying to help save his friends, but all anybody would know was that his foot missed a branch and he tragically fell out of a tall a tree the wrong way. And the boys relieved that they didn’t yet have to explain anything about the Demogorgan or the upside down, but of course that wouldn’t last long in Hawkins.
When the time came around to take more evil the truth on both sides was revealed leaving alot of people in shock. The next summer your mom and dad surprised you with a trip back to Derry. You were ecstatic to be able to see your friends again. As soon as you told Stan that you were coming back for two whole weeks he knew that he absolutely had to finally ask you out on a date, something all the losers has tried to get him to do countless times before Richie died and before you found out you were leaving. He was so discouraged when you had decided to meet up at park, him about to ask you on a date, when you told him you were moving. He knew that this was his only chance not knowing when you would be back again. When you had gotten back to Derry you found out you would be staying at Bill’s which you were very happy about. Those two weeks were the happiest any of you had been since Richie passed. You hung out with Mike at the farm for a day which was super fun. You all had a movie night over at Bill’s which ended in you falling asleep first with your head on little Stanley’s lap. You guys did everything you would usually do back in the good ol days. You all updated each other on you lives during a trip to the quarry. They were suprised to hear what you all had gone through back in Hawkins. They all asked if I had a picture of Mike. You had told them the story of the first time you saw Mike and when they heard you were coming back for a visit they told you to bring a photo. You told them it was with your stuff over at Bill’s, so you got dressed and headed over to his house. When you got to the room you were sleeping in, that used to be Georgie’s room, you head over to you bag and pull out a picture of Mike, Jonathan let you take on his camera. Mike obviously didn’t know you had taken it. He was just talking to Will, but it was still a good photo
“Holy sh-shit” Eddie grabbed the photo,
“Wow he really does look like him.” They all pass around the photo, your attention more grasped on something else in the bag.
“You kept his glasses” Eddie said softly sitting down next to you.
“I have his Freese’s shirt sitting in my drawer.” He admits
“One time when the boys were hanging in my room Mike had found them on my desk and put them on. When I turned around I nearly had a heart attack.” You laugh a bit.
Two days before you had to leave was your date with Stan, he set up a little picnic by the quarry knowing it’s one of, if not your favorite place in Derry. It was the sweetest thing anybody had ever done for you and you couldn’t keep the smile off you face. You and Stan had a crush on each other since anyone can remember. You always say next to each other at lunch ever since Kindergarten, back then you would even hold hands every recess on the play ground. In second grade you would share kisses on the cheek, and finally in fifth grade shared your first actual kiss. So to say that this was long awaited was a bit of an understatement. It was the best afternoon and you just wish Richie could have been been here, him being you and Stan's number one supporter. Needless to say you guys were inseparable the next two days.
Before you were to leave Stan was keeping you company while you packed. Mostly so he could slip a letter inside your bag, but also to do this. You felt a hand on your shoulder and when you turned Stan placed his hand on your cheek and brought his lips to meet yours. You felt pure bliss kissing back the curly headed boy. You pulled away when you heard you mother aww. Both you and Stan turned away blushing.
“I’m gonna miss you so much” Stan sighed.
“Me too, Stanley"You rest your head on his shoulder and he wraps his arms you. A few moments pass the Stan speaks up.
"We should go downstairs” And you do just that, Stan offering to carrying to your bags and doing so anyway when you tell him you can handle it. And just like last year you hug all the losers goodbye this time giving a Stan another kiss.
When you get back to Hawkins your friends await your arrival at your door step.
“Hey! Welcome Home!” Lucas engulfs you in a hug along with rest of the boys, Max and El.
“Alright, alright give a girl a little room to breathe!” You laugh. You all go upstairs to your room where you empty your bags on your bed eager to put everything back where it belongs and throw your clothes in the laundry.
“Oooh what’s this.” Mike teases.
“Oh look it’s from Stan” Dustin clings the envelope to his chest falling dramatically on to your bed.
“What? Give me that!” You snatch it out of his hands. A white envelope with
To: (Y/n)
From: Stan
Neatly written on the front. A smile graces your face. Your first instinct is to open it right away, but you though it best to do so in private, so you put it down on your desk next to Richie’s glasses.
“Oh no you are opening that now” Max says picking it back up handing it to. You think for a second then open it. The first thing you notice is picture. You pull it out and see it a photo of you and Stan on your date at the quarry You knew the rest of the group did a little sitting and know you knew to thank Mike later for a photo you would cherish forever.
“ Oh my gosh is that you guys on a date?” Max gushes. You nod blushing.
“Little creeps were spying on us” You saying jokingly. Next item in the envelope was of course a letter.
Dear my lovely (Y/N),
From the first time I saw you the
first day of Kindergarten I thought
you were the most beautiful I had
ever seen. I still think that to this
day. You will forever have my heart
(Y/N) (Y/L/N), and I will always
hope to call you mine someday.
That afternoon at the quarry was
one I’ll never forget. Bill and Richie
have always told me that I was
head over heals in love with you,
and that’s something I don’t think I
can deny anymore.
I love you (y/n) (y/l/n)
and I always will. I hope we make
it back to each other some-
day and we can spend the rest of
our lives together, that is all I
hope for, and I hope you feel the
same way
- Stanley
P.s I really regret not kissing on our date
If I didn’t kiss you when I gave you
this note please yell at me.
“Oh my God, that’s so sappy.” Will says with slight disgust.
“Well you heard the kid he’s been in love with her since Kindergarten what do you expect.” Mike laughs. Sniffles could be heard as Dustin fakes wiping a tear away
“So beautiful” He mumbles. The room erupts in laughter. You put the letter and the photo on your bulletin board and spend the rest of the day hanging out in Mike’s basement.
The End
Thank you all for reading I really hope you enjoyed.
Tag list: @justandloyal2961 @itsau @chelseamosbey @silinceikillyou @loveroflps59 @holywinchesterness @pinkhappypanda
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mvssmallow · 8 years
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Cloudy With A Chance
Part 5: …of Seoul Fog.
Hanbin stares outside the window of his office. Pen tapping rhythmically on the messy notebook in front of him.
‘Daily Grind’ was a (ironically) weekly satirical and lifestyle magazine that he had taken a pay cut to work for. After 2 months of job interviews and being offered unpaid internships, Hanbin had gotten desperate and taken a lower paying position. That was 12 months ago. He’s grateful the chief editor took a shining to him and enjoyed his writing.
He’s also grateful that he allowed Hanbin to move into a shared office with the magazine’s star colummist. He wasn’t really looking to make any friends but Donghyuk had slowly and very surely wormed his way into his life. Their office was only on the 3rd floor but Hanbin still enjoyed staring out the window and being able to see the sky as he worked.
It was late afternoon and the sky was already a peach haze. It reminded him of the bathroom tiles at his parent’s old house but less gaudy. He picks at the wool of his soft beige jumper as he watches a group of pigeons fly from one office building to another. There weren’t many more accidental Summer-Clothes-In-Winter situations these days, partly because he made a conscious effort to check the weather report but mainly because Jiwon had gotten into the habit of sending him weather updates via badly typed texts in the morning before work.
This morning’s text: ‘cold AF! mght rain. wear smthing warm. xj’
He had no idea Jiwon was a morning person and he’s still not entirely sure if that’s down to preference or necessity. He knows that the car garage where Jiwon works opens at 7:30 but he keeps on forgetting to ask him why it’s so early.
Hanbin is definitely not a morning person. He isn’t exactly a night person either. He enjoys the time between the end of work and sleep because it was strictly his time to do as he pleased. If he’s feeling particularly motivated, he also loved twilight and the hours just before the sun rises. It makes him feel optimistic and he needs all the optimism he can get these days.
His thoughts are interrupted by the buzzing of his phone. It’s another message from Jiwon. ‘heater brke at work. its freezing. visit me when im in hospital for pneumnia. xj’
He snorts and types back: ‘can i have your snapbacks when you die?”
There’s an immediate reply: ‘only the blck ones. shit gotta get back. talk later. xj’
“You have the dopiest smile on your face right now.” He looks up as Donghyuk returns from his caffeine run and hands him a warm take-away cup.
Hanbin puts his phone down and waves a dismissive thanks. ‘I asked for tea, not redundant commentary. Save that for your lame articles.’
Donghyuk laughs as he sits at his own desk. ‘Oh you know my commentary comes free with the hot beverages.’
Hanbin takes a sip. “There’s milk in this.”
“And vanilla.”
Donghyuk gives him a cheerful smile. “It’s called a London Fog! I thought you might like it. As the young kids would say, “it suits your aesthetic”.
Donghyuk likes using air-quotes. Hanbin hates them.
“I hate air-quotes. And why can’t you just get me what I want? What’s with the daily surprises?”
Donghyuk rolls his eyes and gives Hanbin a withering look. “Do you like it?”
Hanbin says nothing.
Donghyuk nods, satisfied. “Right. Then stop being so dramatic about some cow and a vanilla bean. It’s good to try new things.”
“Why can’t you just say ‘milk’ like a normal person?” Hanbin regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth.
“BECAUSE! I’m a writer! We need to exercise our vocabulary and literary devices! It’s like going to the gym but for your mind! I’m basically like an athlete. You’re more like….Garfield.”
“The lazy cartoon cat? You know I’m more of a dog person.” Hanbin chuckles and suddenly remembers that Jiwon is deathly afraid of cats for some reason.  
“Okay you have that creepy smile on your face again. What’s up with you?” Donghyuk eyes him suspiciously as he takes a sip of his coffee. Hanbin knows he’s running scenarios in his head. It’s when Donghyuk’s eyes light up that Hanbin braces himself for the theories. “Ohhh. Are you having a text relationship? Oh wait! Is it someone in our office?!”
Hanbin grimaces at the choice of words. “What? No.”
The problem with Donghyuk is not just his dictionary brain or Mr Congeniality title in the office but the speed and accuracy of his observations. He was, as they liked to say in capital letters, The Perceptive One. Hanbin always thought he was good at reading people but then he met Donghyuk and realised that he wasn’t anywhere near his level. He remembers when Donghyuk had bought him green tea on their first caffeine run because, “You didn’t seem like a coffee person, too much nervous energy.”
It made Hanbin even more anxious but after 6 months together, he’s learnt how to deal with the panic attacks.
Right now, Donghyuk has a small smile on his face. “I bet you do….” he says in a bright sing-song voice. “I know these things Hanbin. I’m almost never wrong so you might as well just tell me.”
Hanbin looks down at his notebook and turns a page over. “There’s nothing to tell. It’s just texts from my mum about my sister.”
Donghyuk wheels his chair over to Hanbin’s desk and stops when they face each other. “You know you’re horrible at lying right? You get all twitchy.”
“I do not.” He scratches his neck but drops his hand down immediately when he realises what he’s doing.
Donghyuk doesn’t miss it and his grin just gets wider by the minute. “So. Are they cute?” He wiggles his eyebrow suggestively as he sits back in his chair and tugs at his multiple earrings.
Hanbin scowls. “We are not having this conversation.” He picks up his pen.
“Oh please. Suddenly you want to get back to work now? Come on Hanbin, it’s getting so boring around here. There hasn’t been any news since we got this office.”
“If I tell you, will you promise to never ask me about it again? Like until we retire.”
Donghyuk leans his elbows on Hanbin’s desk and rests his head on his palms. “Of course.”
“Okay. So it’s a guy. We’re just friends. We’re not dating. I don’t date. The end.”
Donghyuk’s eyes widen comically again as he gapes at Hanbin.
Hanbin starts scribbling lines on his notebook. He’s nervous but knows there’s no reason to be. He’s sure Donghyuk has figured out his preferences by now. If he can figure out his caffeine preference then he’s probably already figured out Hanbin’s human preference too.
“Wow…” Donghyuk says finally, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. “Do you have a photo?”
Hanbin laughs. “No. I’m definitely not showing you!”
“But why? Please? My life is so empty and sad and lonely. I need to live vicariously through you.”
Hanbin shakes his head. “Okay, everything you just said is a total lie.”
“My mind needs constant stimulation. PLEASE HANBIN!”
Hanbin looks at him in alarm, eyes trying to ignore the inquisitive stares from their colleagues outside. “Oh my god! Okay! Just keep your voice down. Geez. And you call me dramatic.”
He scrolls through the photos of Jiwon on his phone until he finds one without a grimace or weird hand signs. He finally stops at a photo he took back in June’s tattoo shop. Jiwon had just turned to face the camera when Hanbin had captured it, there was no faked bravado or acting cool, it was just Jiwon with a slight look of surprise on his face.
Hanbin hesitates but eventually holds the phone screen out towards Donghyuk.
Donghyuk peers at the phone for a second then his eyes flick back and forth between Hanbin and the photo. “Are you serious?”
Hanbin frowns. “What? What’s wrong with him?”
“Oh where does one even start with Kim Jiwon?” Donghyuk murmurs under his breath.
“Wait. You know him?” Hanbin questions in shock. “How?”
“Well firstly, I know everybody.” Donghyuk states matter-of-factly. Hanbin rolls his eyes, even though he knows it’s not far from the truth. “Secondly, remember when I did a piece on imported american muscle cars coming to Seoul? I went to his garage.”
“And……?” Hanbin prompts.
“And….he’s a cool guy. Just not really someone I thought you’d be interested in.”
Hanbin knows he’s walking right into Donghyuk’s trap but curiosity gets the better of him. “Okay, what does that mean?”
Donghyuk drinks the rest of his coffee slowly. Deliberately.
“DONGHYUK!” Hanbin hisses and looks at him with all the frustration he can muster.
Donghyuk doesn’t smile though. “Promise me that you won’t get mad?”
And that’s when Hanbin knows that his day is going to end badly. “Okay. Promise.”
Donghyuk hesitates. “He seems nice Hanbin. Really. I just heard that he was dating someone here but he still has a girlfriend back in America. I’m sure it’s just a rumour that someone made up about him and you guys probably already know.”
Speechless, Hanbin just stares at him as his heart sinks and his brain short circuits from processing the information. The silence stretches to the point where Donghyuk starts looking increasingly worried.
“Oh god, I thought you knew. I’m not implying anything! Just thought you should know what people are saying since you guys are friends now. Hanbin? Are you okay? I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have told you. I’m an idiot and you should honestly just ignore me. It’s probably not even true. You know what gossip is like….” He can hear Donghyuk rambling on but it just sounds like a muffled voice through water.
He tells himself not to dwell on disappointment because part of him always knew this would happen. People like Jiwon just don’t get involved with people as boring as him. But life is nothing but a bag of twisted irony; even when you know something is inevitable, it can still hurt you twice as much when it arrives. Preparing for an oncoming trainwreck doesn’t make the collision any less painful.
He swallows audibly and shakes his head. “It’s okay. There’s nothing to be upset about. We’re just friends. You don’t have to apologise. I’m not mad, I just didn’t know.” He offers Donghyuk a small smile which he knows comes across as blatantly fake.
Donghyuk opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it. Instead, he reaches over to grab their empty cups to throw into the trash. “I’m really sorry Hanbin….I shouldn’t have said anything.” Donghyuk says quietly before wheeling his chair back to his desk.
Hanbin just nods as he opens his laptop, stares at the black screen and waits for it to wake up from sleep.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
May 13th-May 19th, 2020 Reader Favorites Archive
The archive for the Reader Favorites chat that occurred from May 13th, 2020 to May 19th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following  question:
Which comic has your all-time favorite artwork, and why do you like it?
Oh yes i can say this with certainty but the webcomic with my all-time favourite artwork by far is 榴花不及春 https://www.manmanapp.com/comic-1404769.html. it's not just that the art is beautiful but the way the artists create mood and tone is just jaw-dropping. I actually got chills a few times while reading it from the art alone and that's not something that i can recall happening when reading a lot of webcomics, or actually any fiction in general. there's such a elegance to the line weight and movement of the art that brings life to the characters. the artists' use of lighting adds such depth to the scenes, sometimes creating a warm and inviting atmosphere and other times a haunting and foreboding chill. the time i've spent with this comic is not something i'll soon forget(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
This is such a difficult question for me. Gahhh, so many pretty comics out there.... I guess, in regards to artwork alone, my favorite is the 2015 version of Countdown to Countdown by Vel. (https://tapas.io/series/Countdown) Just... such beautiful work. I'm a sucker for detailed painterly styles I will admit, but also the color and lighting is phenomenal. The way Vel sets up the mood with color and movement is amazing. The textures and brush strokes are simply gorgeous! Unfortunately, Vel rebooted the comic to a new style last year, and while it is still really gorgeous, I must admit, I don't like it nearly as much as the original. (What can I say? I have a bias for painterly styles.) Still highly recommend it! (https://tapas.io/series/CTC) I do want to point out some honorable mentions for me: * Ghostblade by WLOP (https://tapas.io/series/GhostBlade) - another painterly comic * The Sixth Dalai Lama by Ze Zhao (https://tapas.io/series/thesixthdalailama) - discontinued as far as I'm aware, but painted traditionally with watercolor! * Wind Rose by Sfera (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/wind-rose/list?title_no=54306) - Painterly again (later on as the artist improved) but also great expressions I will say, I also love deliciously detailed lineart, but I don't see it a lot (especially in webcomics), and I cannot think of one right now :/(edited)
ahh ghost blade is a great choice @Cronaj (Whispers of the Past) and while i agree that countdown to countdown's new art isn't as sumptuous as it used to be for a comic it works better and the simpler art style allows vel to release at a more consistent rate without injuring herself so i really respect the change(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Yeah, definitely understand why they changed styles, because oml can a painterly style be taxing
I can't pick just one! But to start off I love the art of Lost Honey (https://www.losthoney.com/), everything about it is so soft, the linework, the colors the character designs, the panelling, it all has such a nice feel to it. The creator's use of color is sooo easy on the eyes, it fits so well with the comic. The linework has such a nice flow and movement, there is never a feeling of stiffness, it almost reminds me of water. Also I'm a complete sucker for traditionally drawn comics. Even though it's discontinued as far as I know, Thicker Than Blood also has really nice aesthetics! (https://tapas.io/series/Thicker-Than-Blood-), it has such a unique style almost like classical art mixed with glass. The designs are detailed yet highly stylized. The quality varied from time to time, given the amount of work that goes into them, but overall I really liked the look of this comic. Carciphona is another one I like aesthetically. (https://tapas.io/series/carciphona) The art of this one has improved immensely since it started, and while I'm not a fan of the look of the earlier pages, I'm loving how their work has evolved. The style is very Japanese inspired, there is a lot going on sometimes, but has its own unique look and is very well crafted. Also I love the action scenes, how they're handled makes the scenes look intense, sometimes grandiose.(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh my god I love carciphona’s art! I always get shilin’s art whenever she sells at Anime North I’ve been meaning to read carciphona for a while so thanks for reminding me!
Hands down it is Black Out Cityhttp://blackoutcity.ca/lvl10.php Jay does these amazing illustrative panels when they introduce a new chapter and it has me hooked on each update! The way that the title is incorporated within the panel is beautifully done, and their attention to detail and effective use of contrast is breath taking. Definitely a huge inspiration of mine! I also want to shout out to O'Sarilho by @Capitania do Azar . The palettes she uses are unique and dynamic, and the layouts read like the comic is animated (there's even animated parts in it!) the way she draws action and portrays horrific parts is phenomenal!https://sarilho.net/en/
(also i love this prompt but i could def go on forever with it hehe)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wholeheartedly second O'sarilho ^^ it's a comic I regularly reccomend and I probably won't ever get over how lovely it looks! (I'll have to look for more comics who's art I love later)(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I'll throw in Heart of Gold https://heartofgoldcomic.com/. The ethereal palette, the clean and crisp architecture, the panels that work perfectly with the church imagery, and the energy of the lines and brush strokes. SO GOOD.
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
I agreEE
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Okay for me it's two webcomics One of them is Tracy JB's Lackadaisy https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/lackadaisy/list?title_no=39790&page=1 https://www.lackadaisycats.com/ Everything she does is wonderful; colour, expression, character, plot.....her art inspired me to embark on expression work. I remember being younger and being so inspired by her webcomic. Hands down can't find a flaw. The other one is Muted by anidoodles https://www.webtoons.com/en/supernatural/muted/list?title_no=1566 I was introduced to her from her Heather animatics on youtube. I love how her inking and cell shading is simple but VERY effective; the use of bold bright colours and watercolours was amazing. My art style is heavily inspired by hers and overall, I love how she captures people's attention with it.(edited)
Oh I love Muted!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
looks at your profile pic heheh
I mean, I'd have to say I love "Nothing Special" by Katie Cook. Her art style and color scheme is just easy on the eyes and I love her intricate filled backgrounds. https://www.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/nothing-special/list?title_no=1188&page=1 Phantomarine is another favorite. I absolutely love the painted look and it's been inspiring my newer pages. Every page is just a work of art and I love the color choices and just everything about it. http://www.phantomarine.com/
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m also going to say Phantomarine
Theres also one I found recently called Bybloemen that has a really cool art style
ohhh Bybloemen is gorgeous and is so up your alley Sssfrs!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Its so good
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Woah, it's like woodcuts!! I like it!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Ooh this is a hard choice since I see beautiful webcomic art alot. Recently my favorite art and coloring style I've been inspired by are: - The Glass Scientists https://www.theglassscientists.com/ Some of the pages are well executed, I like the character designs, fantasy with alchemists, werewolves and more. Ghost Teller https://www.webtoons.com/en/horror/ghost-teller/list?title_no=1307 I enjoy QTT use of gradient coloring and spooky atmosphere, it looks like alot of time were used to make each strip. I like how the characters are linked to each story, it's not as spooky as more dramatic. They are all short stories Gourmet Hound: https://www.webtoons.com/en/drama/gourmet-hound/list?title_no=1245 When I think of slice of life with a soft pleasant color palette, this story comes in mind. I like to refer to her work as well as other SoL comics for inspiration on coloring.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
@carcarchu ooh I love the different comics you recommend. It's always unique and pretty. I hope there's a tranlation strip for '榴花不及春'(edited)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
Funnily, the webcomic with my all-time favourite art is Order of the Stick. Love how much expression and narrative work this simple style does.
Definitely Rising Sand https://risingsand.glass/. The art is immensely detailed in ways that are relevant to the world and story, has beautiful color choices, beautiful compositions, amazing light effects, great backgrounds, and so on. And just overall the skill level is so high I'd need another 20 years experience with art to even be able to begin to point out a single flaw.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^Ooh yes! I don’t know how Rising Sand keeps that quality so high. From their posts, it seems like a bit of a nightmare sometimes But the end product is like its own animated film!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Omg I'm often in awe with those artists making high quality art that looks like it belongs in graphic novels or film. I can imagine those big details will take alot of time to put together. (edited)
I once happen to meet the creators for Rising Sand. Very passionate writer and artist team who have quite some experiences and strong teamwork. (Life goals!)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
so many comics to check out :0
Deo101 [Millennium]
wow rising sand is really gorgeous
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Whoa rising sand is really good
actually reminds me of Tigress Queen by Allidraws https://www.tigressqueen.com/comic/page-0001(edited)
especially the parts where she draws glass and architecture it's very vibrant and full of life
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Gosh I realized I have a trend of loving slice of life stories, so I might end up recommending that genre afew times!
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
(don't forget webcomic_recs for recommending good comics in general outside of the weekly topic!)
Unfortunately Korean-only at this time, but I am in awe of the art in this comic. It's not very polished, but you can tell the artist really knows what he's doing in terms of anatomy, perspective and composition. https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=701535&weekday=wed
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
oops I remembered that, I'll go repost there instead. Thanks Keii. Wow that comic(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I really want to read more Korean and Chinese webcomics, they have a different vibe and story atmosphere. I enjoy looking into them as inspiration on how to stage my webtoon scenes.(edited)
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Hmmmm, I wouldn't recommend the one above for how to make vertical scroll comics. That one was originally made for print and then adapted afterward, and it shows.
Still absolutely amazing action art, though!
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) Heart of Gold is SO beautiful! I agree with you 100 procent!
I will add The Ocean Soul. Holey damn this comic is SO gorgeous!!!! https://tapas.io/series/The-Ocean-Soul
Gonna add this before this prompt changes. I think Oren's Forge has the best artwork I've ever seen done in a webcomic. Every panel has a setting that's so bold and pristine in color, layout, and background that it begs to be animated. Every color used paints a different mood to show character development and the style of the characters is so stylized and interesting to look at. Even the story is interesting enough that it gets you hooked and wondering what will happen next. Also talking animals, what more can I say? :) There's more discussion in FurAffinity than there is on Tapas so I'm putting two links https://m.tapas.io/series/OrensForge https://www.furaffinity.net/full/18260576/
0 notes
lolipopncookies · 8 years
Here a story 6 years ago. I don’t know should I call love or true friends, a man or and angel. Should I begin with introduce myself first or introduce him. Hmm.. Ok let begin with me, biar u all questioning.. hahaha..
Hi my name is Christie Christ Chin. I’m Living in kota kinabalu, a state that full of culture and race. I’m 17 years old now. Living with my mom. I don’t have any brother and sister. I love candy especially lollipop. Here is my first feeling stories about a guy i named him cookies.
(Hmmmm??????? Bluring.. where to start ah???… But I clearly remember all start in a morning..
Christie.. Christieee wake up.. time go to school.. Hmm.. Good Morning mommy..(In yawing) Huhhhh.. Another boring days I need go through.. Ahhh…boring.. then i hold my two hand and i pray.. “Good morning Jesus, today Christie pray again… As Jesus know, Christie feel empty.. Please granted Christie a friend a true friend k.. where Christie can share,can count on just like u Jesus. I love u Jesus..ops..oh-ya.. A friend that not like i meet at school k.. I love u Jesus and mmm Amen”.
Hmm…ok..be strong go through another day..
 I prepared my self like usually and my mom sent me to school.
(Like usually in school,, Boring.. Yaww..fast…fast..fast.. I look at my watch.. Ringgg… yes time to go home.. i quickly close my book stuff in my bag and go home.. The end of crazy Friday.. yay..
Moment i walk to the school gate.. like usually their always somebody greeting.. Bye Christie.. by liang moi.. No please.. and i also heard someone said… so egoist.. scum..
I dint reply any of them i just want to quickly go home.. after the school gate.. i saw mom car.. i ran to it and enter the car.. “just like a little girl ran to grab a lollipop”.
 Christie : Hi mommy.. can mommy let me play lappy today.. only a while.. plss…
Mom : Hmm.. yes..but after u have your lunch and bath.. don forget doing your homework first… only a while..
Yesss. Thanks. I love you mommy..
Arrived home.. i quickly finished my lunch and take a bath.. done all my homework.. really cant wait to play lappy.. I really seldom play my lappy.. mommy only let me play it sometime.. i thinks mommy in good mood today.. hmm but why? Whatever..as long as i can play lappy. Quickly i enter mommy room and grabs my pinky sony lappy.. I place it on my table.. switch it on.. and i open my Facebook.
Hmm.. only a few notifications i saw.. I click on it and open one by one.. Happy birthday god bless u Christie.. The rest also same.. till I saw a unique greeting from a person..
“From a billion star in the sky.. from a million user in the Facebook.. knowing u at here i called it friendship.. Happy birthday Christie.. Cheers Up Always”.
I got a weird feeling reading this message.. feeling like he knowing me.. cheering me up..
I click on the profile.. huh.. Name cookies monster.. profile picture is a cookies monster.. what? Who this nerd? A blue monster..
I saw cookies monster online.. i click on it and start a conversations.. i feel weird.. i wanna know him.. wanna talk with him.. more..
Me : Hi. R u like cookies so much? CM : hahaha…Yup.. Cookies are nice.. Don you? ME : Ya.. but Christie more love lollipop then cookies.. why u dint put your own picture and name? CM : It is matter.. Should we judge a friend by their picture and name.. If yes..it mean friendship got term and conditions rite..
Such a weird person.. hmm.. i feel warm from every word i read from this person..
Me : What r u doing right now? CM : Nothing.Playing mafia-war.. Doing a trade. and u? Me : Nothing.. Just chat with u.
There is in silent.. i waiting a reply from him..
Me : Cookies Monster… I’m so boring.. CM : Today your birthday.. Din u go out with friend to celebrate.. ME : No.. celebrate with mommy only. Christie don’t have any friend.. CM : Hm.. ok.. No worry.. im your friend at here now.. If u don’t mind friend with cookies monster? U know, I will steal all your cookies.. better u hide it… ME : Hahaha.. Christie don’t mind.. And u can have all the cookies in my home if u know where Christie live. CM :  I can smell cookies.. Why u always mention your name in chat instead of using i or me.. ME : It like icon.. So everyone will remember me.. It is rhythm… same like u using the cookies monster name and picture… CM : Great.. I see few pictures of you.. U really enjoying your life.
CM : But…
(CM typing….)
ME : But what?
CM : Hmmm….. All picture got a very nice warm smile..
But.. I see something not rite.. R u really happy?
ME : Huh.. If smiley said Happy.. Do u believe it?
CM : No.. I don’t..
ME : How u know im not in happy lea?
CM : Hmm.. Secret.. Maybe..
ME : Ehh.. Secret and maybe? Mean not a secret la.. Tell smiley how u know?
CM : Hmm.. One day will let u know.. haha
ME : ish.. haha but u don’t know what the thing that smiley sad lea kan?
CM : If I figure it out.. Got reward?
ME : yup.. lollipop..
CM : Ok.. Keep it for me…
ME : Y keep it.. U dint tell me the answer yet…
CM : Oneday..
ME : Hmm..When?
CM : Coming soon…
ME : ok.. smiley will wait..
Who this person.. Seem knowing me a lot.. I slowly open my room door a bit.. Sneak peak my mom.. Nope not mommy.. I thought i was my mom pretending as a cookies monster. OVER THINKING.
CM : U like smiley icon so much ya…
ME : hahaha…. rite.. I like the smiley icon too.. ME : Can SMILEY be Cookies Monster friends? CM : That no need to ask.. We are friends.. There is no term or condition in.   Me : Really…? CM : Cross My Heart.. ME : t.. ok already mark a cross. One day i will make a cookies for you.. CM : I will appreciate every single cookies u make for me..
Hmm.. This r monster.. Not like others.. How to say.. Other guy like to say something sweet2. Such like “u so pretty” u so nice” I wanna be ur BF” wanna be my GF” can have ur no’’.. HMMM>..  maybe this blue monster also same,,, maybe this blue monster waiting for a right moment.. err.. scary blue monster.. why u not a doraemon.. also blue but nice…
ME : Can i ask u something? CM : Yes.. Sure u can? ME : How old r u? Where u school? How many brother and sister u have? CM : Wow.. suddenly so many questions.. Im 25years.. I m working at Chemical Laboratory.. I dint have any brother and sister.(Bit complicated to tell u). Anywhere i’m living with my father now and my mom pass-away when im 6 years old.
So pity guy..
ME : :( Sorry.. Feeling sorry for your mommy.. What your activity in kid? Smiley also dont have any brother and sister.. We are same.. CM : Haha.. when i small ah.. I normally destroy a thing.. All electronic stuff i dissemble it and do research.. I destroy, create even play with fire.. shocked by electric.. But most of the time i read comic..Doraemon.. My favorite comics.
ME : Doraemon? I heard it before but never read it.. I thought u like sesame street.. hahaha.. but anyway.. doraemon and cookies monster also in blue.. CM : hm.. yes.. but im not in blue.. hahaha…
I open another browser and click in to youtube and search doraemon.. I saw a title.. Doraemon nobita’s a night before wedding. I click on it.. It a short story.. Around 15 to 20minute story.. I cried watching the stories.. It regarding nobita and doraemon so curious on the nobita wedding days.. Their travel back to future on the of nobita wedding.. But Doraemon and nobita make a mistake and entered a days before his wedding.. Anyhow, their go to see nobita how prepared his wedding.. On the night, shizuka wanna make a decision to cancel the wedding due she feel that her parent will lonely after she married.. But her parents told shizuka.. You already left we a very  splendid gift. Priceless. The first gift is your birth. It was early in the morning. When i first time saw you, you was weeping like and angel. I’ve never hear such a wonderful  music. When i go out the hospital, sky on the east just begins to  became whiter but above the head sky was full of stars. under this wonderful amount of universe dust. I’ve been able to inherit my life in treasure that just are born. It was such wonderful that i couldn’t keep my tears and everyday afterward it was wonderful that you have give me. Some people have ability make you happy with some others u can feel uncomfortable. It is the most important thing in people relationship. I believe nobita certainly can make you happy. Here my eye start tearing.. Suddenly my room door been knocked.. Knock…knock.. Christie…
Huh.. papa voice.. it is pappa.. I ran to the door, open it.. I saw papa in front the door.. Papa..
Papa: Why u crying.. Such silly.. And papa weep my tears by her finger.. Papa : Prepare your self, we going having a dinner together to celebrate your birthday.. Thank papa.. Ops.. Cookies monster are still online.. i click on my facebook and saw the blue dot.. Yeas he are online now.. ME :  Can smiley have ur no? i need off now. My pappa bring us to dinner.. CM : 013 8878xxx don’t hesitate to call me when u got  a trouble. Enjoy your meal.. Gr8 day to you. ME : Thank you..
What im doing.. I ask a no.. what??? After write down the no.. smiley off the lappy.. Preparing my self to go out.. Oh.. pappa coming back today that why mom so happy.. Im happy too.. Smiley only can with papa few time a years.. Tonight go out to eat.. Normally we eat at home.. Maybe because christie allergic with some of the food..
There around 7pm, Christie, papa and mommy going to the restaurant at sutera Habour. We having a western food.. Im enjoying the meal.. I saw mommy happy face and smile.. Just like smiley smile.. Today is my most happiest day.. Mommy,papa and me.. and my only monster blue friends… Christie hope one days we all four can having a dinner together.. Thanks jesus.. I love u jesus…
I heard papa said to mommy. That after i get my SPM result.. Papa will migrate us to taiwan.. I’m happy, My wish come true. I hate people at here. I hate the way their think, The way their judge, The way their act, The way their….. But…. Suddenly my heart feel weak.. feel sad… feel a piece of my heart left over here..  ( There a pianist at the stage played a song Love not easy from huang xiao hu ).
My blue monster.. if i go.. i won’t able to find him.. I not even know his name.. his person.. suddenly i wanna call him.. to tell him that i not longer at here.. 
After finish our dinner we get a desert.. But my heart still feel sad.. I mean in moody..
At the night, Laying in my bed.. Hugging my smiley doll.. My heart still feel moody.. feel weak.. My mind lingered all cookies word.. lingered cookies blue monster face with a greedy cookies in a mouth.. Till i fallen in sleep.. On that night smiley have a dream, smiley dream making a cookies for the blue monster..
Hm.. a sunrise shine over my room windows.. Haizz.. i forget to close the curtain.. The sky look so blue today.. Blue monster.. smiley wondering cookie monster already wake up or still in sleep.. Hmm… haizz.. lazy saturday.. I look at the clock and showed 9.30am.. I wake up and wear my bunny slippers.. having a bath.. i saw mommy and papa at kitchen preparing something.. So sweet.. just like lollipop…yum yum….
Smiley switched on lappy.. but smiley dint saw the blue monster online..
 Haizzz.. ni zai na ni ah wo de blue monster.. I switched off and having a breakfast with papa and mommy.. My papa play role in praying.. But my heart prayed.. ‘’Good Morning cookies monster.. Hope u enjoyed ur breakfast today and have a nice day”.
Papa.. can i join our school intellect camping on next weeken? Pls daddy.. i really wanna join them.. After a few dicussion with mommy.. My parent let me join the camping.. Yes… i can stay a night out site.. i never been alone outsite.. wanna feel what it could be… After breakfast… we go out having a trip to few places.. But my heart still wondering what the blue monster doing now.. maybe he eating cookies right now.. huh..
10 days passed.. It a day me at school interact camping.. Here is the night, a nite I saw a real monster…
A night where a heavy raining and thunder storm. I starving, cold and scare. Mommy I regard. Im so regard came to this camping. I should listen to you mommy. Should I call mommy. No mommy will nag me. Huh what kind of camping is this. All canned food. Im allergic with it. SOMEONE help me.. No I don’t any friend. Im so alone, I hatted in my class.. nope in school.. I only got mommy at here.. Then I realize that 1 weeks ago, I knew someone.. someone quit different or can called it weird maybe. He not like other person I speak with. Should I call him. I looked at my watch, yay it already eleven eleven. I looked at my contact list in my phone. Well, so poor. Mommy, daddy and Cookies monster. Only three contact list showed. Yes. My heart signal my brain “go..go..go.. call him’’.
Sitting alone in the camp and I decided to call..
 CM       :           Tuttt…Tutt… Hello… (In sleepy sound)
ME       :           Heloo.. are u cookies monster? (Sound so low and shy)
CM       :           Yea..Who are u calling me in the midnight here? (With curious tone and a
                       heavy raining background sound)
ME       :           Hi.. I’m Christie.. I know you from FB and we chat few week ago. Do u
remember me?
CM       :           Huh.. Yea.. christie.. Why are u calling me in the middle of night? Are u
ME       :           Nope.Im hungry.. can u buy me some food?
CM       :           Yea..sure.. But where r u now? R u alone? ( with yawning )        
 ME       :           I at Sabah XXX and XXXXXX side. We having school camping at here and I
Didn’t take any meal just some junk food. Im hungry and having a gastric now.
CM       :           Wait me at there. Coming right now.
 He mean it or just fallen back in to a sleep. Huh.. well, who got to believe. He may think this is a prank call. He not even know me and we just chat a few time in FB. OH.. my stomach so hurt. Please.. God please save me.. The gastric getting worst.. (With a some drop tear in my eye company with a sound of rain and thunder. My heart feel so alone.. Why God? Why God? Why? Why so many people hate me? Why I don’t have a friends? What purpose u doing me like this? The thunder sound heaver and heaver. Sound like God speak to me. Sound like God answered me in angry mode.. Suddenly… My phone ringtone kill my complaint..
CM       :           Im nearby.. Ni zhai lai ik bian?
(im stunned, it’s true or im dreaming.)
ME       :           Christie don’t know where.. Can’t remember how to here..
CM       :           Wait me… Call u back k..
Few minute after my phone ring again..
CM       :           I saw a lot of camp just not far from my car.. But I cant drive to there.. Do  saw          my car lamp?
Me       :           Wait.. Hm.. ya.. wo kan tau lek…
I hang up the phone.. Then I ran to there.. Oh gosh.. On that time, what im thinking.. I not even think about danger.. I may rape or killed that night.
The rain get heavy and heavy.. Followed with a thunder and strong wind.. I really din feel cold.. I just want to fast go away.. Near the car, The car was red and I cant clearly see inside the car… I ran to the passenger side open the door and jump inside.. I weep my hair and face.. covered with rain.. Im not even looked at CM,, then I hear a voice..
CM       :           Wo weiyi ni you yi san. (I thought u gat umbrella)
                       Wei se me nibu jiang? (Why u dint tell me?)
Im stunned a while.. I slowly get up my head and turn to him.. and I saw.. a towel. He put at my head a wipe a bit.. and I wipe my hair.. I still donno how he look like… My heart pounding.. pounding and pounding… and now I slowly have a sneak peak.. Huh.. Not in blue color.. He sure not an alien… He just an ordinary person…. I stunned look at her.. Not a blink of eye..
CM : Sory.. did I bit look like monster?
Then he hand me a tapau.. I open the tapau,hm.. smell good.. Fried rice.. But I dint saw a spoon..
ME : You mei you chi keeng? ( Do u have a spoon?)
CM : Ops.. Wang zin na.. (Forget to request/take)
Then he took the tapau, tear a side of the tapau and hand it to me…
ME : haha.. ziang tu kei yi (Like this also can a)
He just give me a little smile. He take another tapau.. it’s a drinks.. I open it a pt the straw and gave it to me.. He tapau me a milo PING.. PING in the cold night.. hmm.. But I drink it also..
ME : Hau reng oh… Ni yau chek ma.. (Im so cold, do u wanna to eat to)
CM : Ni chek la.. (U eat la)
Then he grab something behind the sit.. Take my tapau put at the dashboard.. And cover me with his sweater.. So sweet.. This monster are sweet.. So I just wear it and continue to eat.. It so silent between us two.. and a song played in his car player.. (mei na me zian dan)After I finish eating.. I request he to sent me back home.. But he denied.. and give me a motivation word.. Ohya and a motivational story I think.. I remember the story in doraemon regarding nobita and dinosaur, Nobita dint give up to pet the dinosaur..
I looked at the monster without a blink, listen all the story.. Sound he like a uncle rite.. sepanjang dia ceritiakan, he dint look at me… He look at the front.. Hmm.. I look at his left face… a face look like a angry face.. like cookies monster.. Ok keep it short.. After ll. He grab a umbrella from behind and hand it to me.. He said take care always.. Our friendship more than tonight.. Im bit blur all the word he said.. I went back to the camp, all nite I sleep covered with cookies monster sweater.. Warm nite.. 2moro morning I get fever, when to the klinik and I stopped the interact camping.. Having a rest at home.. Im dreaming the night in the car.. Such a nice person..
0 notes