#i just realized this is the first time im eating beans since i moved out of mexico
keefwho · 1 year
October 11 - 2023 Wednesday
Oopsie, remembered some minor trauma and realized it's wider implication. My dad and brother used to do this thing where individually they would man handle me and pin me down, sitting on top of me restricting my legs so they could tickle me. It was supposed to be some good old fashioned simple parent-child playful bonding but I deeply hated it. I didn't like being tickled and having my legs unable to move really freaked me out. I'd always end up crying and running to my room when they did it but they would still do it every now and then. If I didn't cry then it would ruin my mood and I'd verbally shut down before going to my room. Even thinking about it now hurts because it doesn't seem like a big deal but I'm remembering just how awful it was to experience. It was definitely a huge violation of my boundaries, maybe not the first time but all the times after when it was clear I didn't like it.
Naturally I'm also thinking about when Rousso visited and how terribly it went. I think about this a lot, usually when I remember unrelated bad past experience because this event is the most recent. I think I keep wanting a resolution to the entire situation or I wish I could somehow undo all the pain we both experienced from it but the fact is I can't. It happened for well understood reasons. I can't beat myself up about it either because I was never acting out of malice. I was completely unequipped not just for the meetup but everything that happened. I think because I was more or less socially undeveloped. Yeah I'm 27 but there are so many experiences I missed out on, especially at a young age. It's why I've always been the weird kid. And it's for reasons I couldn't control. All I can do now is make an effort to learn as I go like I've been doing. I don't think all is lost, its just frustrated having to try extra hard just to keep up with people my age and get through situation everyone expects me to be ready for.
Also I'm choosing not to ruminate on these memories because I have a nasty habit of ruining my own day when things are going well. Im still well aware of my personal kind of toxic behavior. There is no reason for me to be wallowing about the bad things in my past. It isn't helpful to anything I'm doing today. Its important to note I'm not suppressing, I'm just not acting based on these memories and their associated emotions.
This morning mom was outside when I took Sporticus out. I told her I wanted to try vaping THC instead of edibles since it hits quicker and goes away quicker. She agreed to take me tomorrow morning if I feel like it. Breakfast was a bologna sandwich and some beans, but I threw out the beans because they smelled and tasted like that old chalky disk candy for some reason. I ate a granola bar with my sandwich instead. It also tasted weird so maybe it was just my taste buds today.
I decided not to stream today because it feels very monotonous and I guess I kinda wanted to be alone. Problem is I couldn't focus on work like I wanted and I really wanna get better about that. I ended up only doing half the commission which is okay because it's paid double.
My workout today was splitting wood and I went pretty hard. It also rained while I was doing it which felt refreshing. When I came back in I shaved my body, clipped my nails, and touched up my hair a little. I took a nice hot shower and moisturized.
I couldn't do today's request because the guy I picked was at work and couldn't give me his details so I have to do it tomorrow. I worked on the world instead, intent on doing as much as I can even if it eats into my evening free time. I tried hanging out in David's server while I did it but there was a guy that I've never met there vaping very loudly and otherwise being noisy in other ways. I couldn't take it so I went to work on it alone. I felt pretty dreadful for a little bit only because there were no streams to watch and no one I wanted to talk to. I felt isolated for maybe an hour, trying to make my environment more comfortable and enjoy the alone time. Also my tummy started becoming active which I didn't appreciate. Daisy called at around the usual time. She was smoothing out her fursuit head which she did really well on and she sketched a unicorn for the world. We also watched Zelda some more before bed time. We had a good chat while she was in bed, I'm glad I can just enjoy our time together and not be in my own head. Before bed I put a little bit more time into the world.
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fandomlit · 3 years
neutral, chap. 2 (dream smp x reader)
series summary (in game!au) when an exiled tommy finally rebels against a manipulative dream, he finds safety in neutral territory, a place owned and guarded by you. staying in your safe haven opens up the younger one’s eyes to your way of life, while also revealing your deeper past before neutral; a past that involved a war for your love.
chapter summary tommy learns a little bit more about your relationship with dream before spending his day with ghostbur, exploring neutral territory and learning of the war that sparked its creation.
warning mentions of war, violence, and injuries
previous | series masterlist | next
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gif cred belongs to @chillcrafting
“you have a package, y/n!” ghostbur called out just as you placed tommy’s breakfast in front of him. the ghoul’s words went completely ignored by tommy, whose gaze was solely focused on the beautiful stack of pancakes placed in front of him.
y/n smiled to herself. “you can bring it in, bur. i know who it’s from.” she shuffled syrup and butter over to tommy just as ghostbur came in with the fateful package.
tommy was already half way through scarfing down the stack of pancakes when y/n managed to open the package, ghostbur gazing over her shoulder. she took out a note set atop of the contents.
she read aloud, “y/n, i’m sorry i haven’t properly stopped by in a while. my work requires much of my undivided attention right now, which i’m sure you understand. please work your magic for me with the clothes included, and i will be sure to drop by for them and a meal soon. there are a few extra gifts included for you. i hope tommy isn’t burdening you. signed dream.”
“i’m not a burden!” tommy spoke offendedly through a mouthful of pancakes.
“you’re right, tommy,” y/n hummed, handing him a napkin to wipe some syrup off of his chin. “you’re perfect company.” tommy smiled to himself as he finished off his stack of pancakes. y/n sighed to herself, “clay really knows how to ruin a good piece of clothing..”
“so you and dream are close, y/n?” tommy grumbled, picking up his glass of milk.
she shrugged. “as close as you can be with someone you barely see.” she placed his battered clothes to the side, sighing again when she saw the rest of the contents of the box. tommy didn’t realize this, continuing with his questions.
“i remember that he respected your territory when he stepped into it,” he recalled. “he was going to kill me, but then he realized he was in neutral.”
y/n nodded. “when i made claimed this territory as neutral, i made a deal with everyone: i would mend and tailor anything you needed as long as you respected my territory as neutral.” she held up a box of diamonds and a smaller box of netherite to tommy’s view, making his mouth drop open with surprise. y/n held out another napkin to him for the milk that had sputtered out of his open mouth while ghostbur laughed into his hand. “clay is the only one who still tries to pay me.”
“with netherite?!” tommy exclaimed, letting out a surprised laugh.
y/n shrugged, seemingly not phased by the generous gift. “the nether..” she shook her head, placing the valuable materials onto the table, “is not a place i like to go. and most of this will probably be going toward dream’s armor, anyway.” she sighed, placing the gifts back into the box and laying the tattered shirts on top of them. “trust me, he’s still too kind for his own good with these sorts of materials.”
“how much netherite does that man have?” ghostbur scoffed, looking at how much was contained in the box.
“probably quadruple that amount,” y/n chuckled. “he has far too much free time.”
“and he doesn’t even spend it with you,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head with a goofy smile.
“i know!” y/n spoke sarcastically before laughing out. she closed the box and set it under the table. “i’ll deal with that later. do you want any more pancakes, tommy?”
“no, i’m stuffed,” the teen yawned. “but thank you.”
she nodded. “well, then how about ghostbur shows you around the territory today?”
the boys perked up immediately. “really?”
“yeah,” she laughed, taking tommy’s empty plate. “you two can take the day to explore and have fun. go be a kid, kid.”
tommy excitedly looked up to his ghost friend. “fancy a game of ultimate tag?”
“you’re gonna get crushed,” ghostbur laughed before they both ran out of the house, laughing. y/n smiled.
“oh! i should make them lunch..”
“how big is this place?” tommy laughed after a few rounds of tag. they had found their way to a pond in a forested area, tommy deciding his knee needed a break after all of their running. 
“it’s bigger than you think,” ghostbur assured, making sure to keep an appropriate distance from the water as they sat along the small shore. “y/n claimed the territory before l’manberg, so there really wasn’t any need for a turf war of any sorts for what she settled.”
“how long has she lived here?” tommy questioned.
ghostbur shrugged. “almost two years, i think. she’s made quite the life for herself since.” more to himself, he muttered, “god, has it really been that long since it happened?”
“since what happened?” tommy asked, leaning closer to his friend with sparkling, curious eyes.
ghostbur sighed, “i’ll admit, i don’t remember too much.. but i know there was a fight. one of the first wars of our time, and it was all over y/n.”
“they were fighting for her?” tommy spoke with confusion. “she’s not an object.”
“very good, tommy,” ghostbur prided, patting his friend on the shoulder. “you’re right, she’s not. that’s why y/n left her original home and sought to create neutral territory; to end the fighting and create a place where peace could reign. in exchange, she’d offer her goods and services.”
“so they were fighting over her for her skills,” tommy understood. ghostbur made a face. “..or not?”
“both sides obviously wanted her skills, but i think y/n tends to neglect the fact that they were all madly in love with her,” ghostbur sighed, shaking his head.
tommy raised his eyebrows. “a crime of passion, eh?” he joked, making them both laugh out before he asked, “who was it?”
“let me think,” ghostbur sighed, tapping his chin. “i know one was dream, but the other.. i think it was-”
“boys! lunch is ready when you are!”
tommy turned back to ghostbur. “well? who?”
ghostbur shook his head. “sorry, tommy, i don’t remember that far. that’s as much as i can tell you.”
tommy couldn’t help but fel disappointed, but he knew he couldn’t blame his friend. “that’s alright, ghostbur. let’s go get lunch before y/n comes looking for us.”
after lunch and an insistent rematch of tag, ghostbur and tommy made their way to the organized garden area.
“y/n grows anything you can imagine,” ghostbur bragged as tommy marveled as the fluorescent, beautifully natural area. “she’s been to nearly every biome to complete her garden.”
“you can grow cocoa?!” tommy exclaimed when he finally spotted y/n, who was swinging an axe at a low jungle tree.
“y/n found a way,” ghostbur shrugged, guiding tommy over to her. “hey, y/n!”
“hi, boys,” she smiled, plucking off the plant she had loosened from the tree. “was lunch good? im sorry i didn’t stay and chat.”
“it was delicious,” ghostbur complimented, tommy nodding in agreement as his mind drifted back to the mouth watering coleslaw and toasted sandwiches she had prepared.
“that’s good!” she smiled, placing the cocoa plant on the ground. “you boys may want to step back.” they did as told as y/n swung her axe over her head, splitting the cocoa clean in half and revealing the delicious beans inside of it. “voila!”
ghostbur clapped politely. “thank you,” y/n laughed, dropping her axe and picking up the split plant. “would you boys like a sample?”
“sure,” tommy shrugged, stepping forward with ghostbur. he picked out a few beans before popping them into his mouth. breaking through the semi-tough shell, the delicious, dark taste flooded his taste buds and made him nearly moan, as y/n’s food often did. he and ghostbur shared a look of satisfaction before he voiced, “oh, y/n.. they’re perfect.”
“that’s good,” she laughed before nudging her bucket closer to her and scooping the seeds out into it. “how has your day around the territory been?”
“entertaining,” tommy spoke before asking, “how did you get into gardening, y/n?”
y/n gave ghostbur a knowing smile before she answered the younger boy’s question, “i was tired of eating only meat and bread. gardening was a way to expand my diet to more than just carbs and proteins. also, it’s very calming.” they followed when she hiked up her bucket and moved to the next jungle tree.
“is it?” tommy questioned.
she affirmed with a nod. “it’s nice to be able to spend a day tending to things you made. the fruits of your own harvest are the sweetest, they say.” they watched as she knocked down another cocoa plant.
“they are,” tommy nodded solemnly, his mind drifting to a sadder, more familiar place. “that’s why i miss l’manberg.”
y/n was barely surprised by the boy’s open confession. she tossed her axe down again, going to place a hand on tommy’s shoulder. “i know you do, tommy, and i know it’s rough right now. but what we’re playing here is a waiting game; we’re waiting for a safe opportunity to get you home, and in the meantime, i’ll take care of you, kid.”
tommy offered you another nod and a smile. “we?”
y/n gave him a kind grin. “im going to help you as best as i can from where i am. and i know that’s not much from me, but i know that everyone deserves a home that they love. and you can’t get there alone, kid.”
“you’re right about that,” tommy sighed before looking into her kind eyes. “thank you, y/n. your help means a lot.”
she squeezed his shoulder. “of course, tommy. you and ghostbur go explore some more; try to keep your mind on the things you can control.” she picked her axe back up.
tommy looked to the pitying ghoul beside him before looking back to y/n, a new thought fresh in his mind. “can you teach me how to cook?”
y/n grinned as she lifted her axe over her head again. “of course i can, tommy.”
tommy smiled as she cracked open the plant. he looked back to ghostbur. “wanna go for a swim?” the ghost shot him a fearful look. “im kidding! im kidding, let’s go use some pigs for target practice.” they both began to walk off, chatting and giggling before tommy turned and called, “y/n!” she looked up attentively. “what’s for dinner?”
she smiled. “i was thinking ribs!”
tommy’s mouth watered at the thought. “oh my god, i can’t wait to learn how to cook..”
tag list!! @vanhakirja @victory-is-here @inkyynki @airiour @sylum @kiritokunuwu @221bee-slytherin @bllatrixcarpnter @soullesstaco @stxrryb1tch​ comment below or message me if you would like to be added <3
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For the dead| Gregor
also....part 2?
Warnings: none,
Reader: male
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"I got new hands for you!"
"yeah! Yeah send em back!" Y/n shouted not bothering to turn his head from his task of washing dishes.
Gregor was nudged forward by Cid, he making his way back, still dressed cladly in his trooper armor.
"Uh. Y/n?" He questioned.
Y/n turned his head, "That's me."
There was an awkward silence, "so..."
"Oh right!" Y/n spoke, "just grab a sponge and a bucket and start scrubbing something."
"That's it?" Gregor asked, his voice staying higher as he talked.
Y/n nodded, "this kitchen's filthy, I offered to help Cid start selling meals here, so it needs to be cleaned before I even start."
Gregor nodded, great. He went from slave of the republic to slave of Cid. Y/n returned to scrubbing dishes as Gregor grabbed a bucket and walked away, Y/n, had already scrubbed seemingly everything in his vicinity.
"Anything in the back?" Gregor questioned voice cracking slightly.
"Yep. Haven't touched it yet." Y/n smiled, "just through the doorway."
Gregor walked through the kitchen, turning into the doorway he almost wanted to barf, he found a whole new respect for Y/n and barely knew the guy, the place stunk of rotten food and garbage.
Had it always been this bad?
Pulling up his sleeves and taking off his gloves, not willing to get his own pair of black gloves dirty he started on the cracked walls, he spent the next hour cleaning one wall.
Getting down to the trim in the corner there was a crack in the wall, small his fingernail it held one flower, bright and eye-catching in color, an orange color, and odd color not seen much around the galaxy.
"Wonder how long you've survived here." He commented, to no one in particular cleaning around the flower carefully. Starting the next wall his sponge split in half, splatting him in the chest plate.
"Damn it." He cursed, tossing the broken sponge in the murky water, "probably should change this all out anyways."
Walking back to Y/n was to ask for a replacement sponge he was greeted with a dark room, a soft glow of orange and yellow at the end of the hall.
"Y/n?" Gregor called, bucket in hand he walked towards the light he ended up at an alter, shelves built like a small pyramid that hung a bit higher than waist height on the wall.
Seeing some of the pictures he picked up one, "This...is this Fives?" He questioned remembering the trooper from way back when.
The shelves were decorated with pictures and flowers, small fruits and drinks, everything brought together with lit candles. That's when he realized, the flowers adorning the altar were the same ones that grew out the walls trim.
Others he didn't realize, some other troopers, sure. A drawn photo of 99 the old defective clone who had been put on cleaning duty on Kamino.
The sudden noise started him, causing him to jolt forward as he turned to face the voice. Bumping into the shelves as it came tumbling down. Gregor trying to catch it but to no avail, the crashing of glass echoing as it hit the floor in the once spotless kitchen. The two winced at the sound.
"Sorry..." he apologized, bucket still one hand looking back prepared to be yelled at.
"Hey. It's okay." Y/n spoke, "I have more frames and candle glasses."
Y/n quickly sorting through the mess for the photos in the hope they weren't ruined by the spill of food or drink.
"The candles-"
"Battery operated." Y/n spoke, "Im not that stupid."
Gregor set the bucket down, quickly helping, "I'm sorry- I really am-" his voice cracking with nervousness as Y/n started putting things on the counter in a hurry.
"It's okay, really." Y/n told him, "I should have moved it anyways"
Gregor rubbed the back of his neck putting wrecked flowers on the counter. Y/n grabbing a broom and cleaning all the food and glass up, Gregor holding the dustpan as they then cleaned up the spills. It was when they threw anything deemed ineligible for reuse did Gregor take a look back at the structure, it obviously had importance, and he felt bad he had ruined it.
"I shouldn't be asking questions. Not after what I did-" Gregor started, "but what's it for?"
"Hm?" Y/n questioned looking to the side, "oh. A cultural thing,"
Y/n had answered so casually, "Oh, " Gregor replied.
Y/n nodded, "To honor ones that passed on, I, unfortunately, didn't know my parents or family but made a family with those clones I saw drop you off, and some others, passed on friends of my own and the boys put some up there, I helped Omega draw 99 I believe was his name since she didn't have a photo."
"So, anyone can do it?" Gregor questioned.
"Mhm, I don't see why not, as long as you are respectful about it I don't see a problem." Y/n answered, "Thinking about doing it?"
"Me? Oh! Oh no!" He spoke, "Im sure I upset the ones passed on after, well that."
Y/n chuckled, "Im sure they're laughing at it wherever they are, I was laughing at it a bit, how jumpy you were."
"That bad?" Gregor chuckled.
"As high as a loth cat," He spoke now picking through the flowers, some disheveled by impact, Gregor helping in picking out the ruined ones.
"You have a place to sleep?" Y/n questioned.
"Huh?" Gregor questioned, "Uh no, no I don't."
"Wanna stay at my place? I have Menudo in my crockpot at home." Y/n told.
"Men- what?" Gregor asked, he had never heard of such a dish, yet he was more shocked that he had just ruined Y/n's important display and now was being asked if he wanted to sleep and eat at Y/n's home.
"Food, soup to be exact" Y/n spoke with a smile.
"I uh," Gregor tried to start, having trouble with the kindness, he was just recently shot at by some of his closest brothers, "Y-yeah I'd like that."
Y/n smiled, "Trust me, I think you'll like it, Ordo Mantell can get chilly from time to time."
Gregor nodded as Y/n tied up the flowers, bagging the broken ones.
"You're taking them?" Gregor asked, Y/n nodding.
"Yeah I never let my flowers go to waste, usually I make potpourri when the petals have been sundried." Y/n told, "It goes right back to them though, I always have a few vases full behind or between pictures for good luck, if I have too much- usually all the time- the neighboring old woman loves to have them and talk about them with her lady friends."
"You're full of surprises." Gregor commented.
Y/n smiled smally, "Well, I suppose I have a few more up my sleeve, now, shall we? We have about a twenty minute walk."
Gregor nodded Y/n had checked once more that everything was set out to dry, especially the pictures and then they were on there way. Gregor following Y/n like a puppy with his mother. The walk to his apartment was quiet, Y/n stopping a few times at small stands, Gregor didn't pay much attention to it, Y/n picking up some fruit- but what he did was pay attention too was the sigh in Y/n's voice when Vendors said they were out of what both the vendor and Y/n called Marigolds.
"Okay, tomorrow?" Y/n questioned.
"Early, but they're rare, especially out here, I know you want them for culture purposes Y/n but I have people paying double credit for them, my families in a tight spot, so If you can get here before those richins can, you can have them." The girl spoke, "I'm sorry chick."
Y/n sighed, "Okay thank you."
The woman nodded as Y/n had been turned away for the fourth time.
"Come on it's just up ahead." Y/n spoke gesturing across the street.
They walked across the street and into the store, "Afternoon,"
"Afternoon," The old woman smiled, "Ah! You brought a man home! A handsome one at that! Good for you!"
Y/n chuckled, Gregor rubbing the back of his neck flushetered.
"Gregor meet Mrs.Baker, Mrs.Baker Gregor." Y/n introduced.
"An honor mam." Gregor spoke.
"Not only is he a looker! He's a gentlemen!" She prasied, "Look at you!"
Y/n smiled, cheeks flustering shortly, it not going unnoticed by Gregor.
"And a man in uniform!"
"Goodnight Mrs.Baker!" Y/n spoke quickly, pulling Gregor through the small store to the back, "I'll have potpourri for you soon!"
"Your a dear you know that!" She called back as Y/n led Gregor to the steps, Y/n allowing gregor to go up first as they made it to the top of the stairs the door opened relieving a hallway.
"All the way up." Y/n spoke, "The attic."
"You lead the way," Gregor practically begged, Y/n nodded squeezing past him.
He smells good, was gregor's only thoughts as Y/n made it past him leading the way, up two more sets of stairs and up to a hatch, where he opened it.
"Watch yourself." Y/n told Gregor.
Gregor climbed the steep stairs following behind Y/n. It was surpignsly spacious, Y/n's little kitchenette behind where he climbed up from, a nice handmade run covered the floor in front of Gregor. Y/n walked over to his desk, that a bit more fancy as it was built into the angled ceiling a window as light source directly above, he set the bags down as a took cat come out from the seat of the chair.
"hey there." Y/n smiled rubbing it's head, "Meet Alley, Alley meet Gregor."
The tooka cat stay still, enjoying Y/n's pats on the head.
"Like an alley way?" Gregor questioned Y/n nodded.
"It's where I found him after all," Y/n commented, "Oh let me get you food you must be hungry."
Gregor finally made it up all the way after semi gazing at the place, closing the hatch below him. Y/n walking over to the kitchenette as he opened the crockpot lid. Gregor now level with the ground looked around, Y/n's "bed" was more of a large, humongous bean bag, easy to push and move as he needed and was convinet. He had a small table besides it with some candles, wax melted and dripping onto the table. Scanning around he seeing the center window, circular and big in shape, with shelves on the walls surrounding it.
"Is this...what I seen earlier?"
Gregor was infauted to say less, the bright colors of the marigolds contrasted to the cool colors of the dark night of Ordo mantel with the city lights crashing against it. Real candles that once stood tall were now wilted away and dripping wax but still lit. Images again at the center of everything accompanied by food and drink. It was beautiful, but sad, how something which could be so painful could be so beautiful.
"It's...amazing." Gregor commented, Y/n watching him from across the room look with infatuation and awe, Gregor turned back towards Y/n who smiled smally.
"I tried my hardest." Y/n smiled, "I do every year."
"What is this?" Gregor questioned, "All this? For someone who will never see it?"
Y/n's smile went to a flat line, but then he thought- looked at Gregor's armor, that was right. He was a clone, the cloest thing to a properal r memorial or burial was there helmet on a pike.
"That's what's the marigolds are for," Y/n told walking forward next to him, "They guide the souls back to us. I unfortantly can't make much of a path, so I gather as many as I can in one place, it's one way my planet use to honor the dead."
"Use to?" Gregor questioned.
"My home plant went dormaint." Y/n told him, "I try and keep as much as I can alive still."
Gregor frowned, looking away, "I- I'm sorry, you allow me into your house and-"
"No, No it's okay." Y/n spoke, "I understand wanting to know."
Y/n lightly grabbed Gregor's chin, with a light push of his finger's Gregor was looking back at Y/n, eye's catching all too long. Y/n pulled his hand away slowly, clearing his throat only the slightest.
"I'll ask you a question then," Y/n spoke, Gregor nodding.
"You're voice, it cracks and it's higher than than other clones." Y/n commented, "Any reason why?"
Gregor shook his head no, "Suppsoe it was always my little quirk." he chuckled, Y/n smiling, they catching each other's gaze again, but for longer, eyes lingering only one anothers, unlike Gregor, Y/n's were dark dark brown, almost black, with a soft highlight of pastel brown, despite there dark color they were warm and welcoming.
"I," Y/n spoke, "Lets eat?"
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pankows-girl · 4 years
What Happens When Pogues Mack Ch.2
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Pregnant!Reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: mentions of abuse, cursing i think??
A/N: i did some research while writing this chapter but i don’t know how accurate what i wrote is. theres probably some types but im too lazy to correct them. also quick shout out to my lovely friends for their support of this series @outabanks @spilledtee @redridinnghood​
[Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3]
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The following weeks of your pregnancy announcement were kind of tough on you and JJ. Word had got out that you were seen at the shop buying a pregnancy test and soon what seemed like the whole island knew you were pregnant. Everywhere you went, people gave you judgemental looks, especially the kooks. You tried your best to ignore their lingering stares but it was starting to bug you and even though you tried not to let JJ see it, he realized and it made him feel terrible.
He had done his best to make you feel better but he was struggling himself. His dad found out what happened, forcing JJ to come clean to him and then beating him senseless for his stupidity, calling him useless and a waste of space. He tried to fight back but he never even stood a chance. JJ was left bruised and limping for a week as you nursed him back to health in the safety of your home. 
 As far as you were concerned JJ should just move in with you so he can be close by when the baby comes. You even brought the idea up with your mother and she actually agreed, knowing how bad JJ’s home life was like. You were honestly surprised but didn’t want to question her in case she changed her mind. You gave her a big hug and she smiled at you. She just wanted the best for the two of you.
You planned to talk to JJ about it later on in the day when he came over. Your mother helped you schedule an appointment with an obstetrician and she was going to take you and JJ to it. You were going to take a nap until JJ arrived but a knock on your door distracted you.
“It’s open!” You called from your bed.
The pogues burst into your room a second later, scaring the shit out of you. 
“What the fuck?” You yelled, laughing a little with your hand over your heart. You were expecting your mom or your little sister but the sight of your friends made you smile. “What are you guys doing here?”
The four of them came to sit next to you, John B and Kie opting to sit on one of your bean bag chairs as your bed was too small to support the lot of you and lacked space. JJ took a seat next to you, pulling you into his lap and holding you close to his chest as Pope stole the spot you were sitting in before.
“We just wanted to see how you were doing,” John B said. “You haven't been around much and we miss you. JJ has been hogging you for far too long.” Kie nodded in agreement.
“I miss you guys, too,” You smiled, face contorting as JJ began to leave small kisses down your neck.
“Oh no, you don’t,” Pope laughed, shoving JJ back. “You guys are already having a baby, you don’t need to make another one in front of us.”
You all laughed and JJ flipped Pope off, a shit eating grin on his face. “You’re just jealous I’m actually getting some,” He told the Pope who rolled his eyes in response and your face grew hot at his words.
“Are you nervous?” Your mom asked as you, JJ, and her followed the nurse down the hall. It was long and narrow, multiple rooms on each side and the linoleum floor squeaked as your feet shuffled along.
“I’m more excited than nervous, honestly,” You answered. JJ smiled at you, taking your hand. He was excited too. He still couldn’t believe that in just a few short months you and him would be parents.
“In here,” The nurse said, leading you into one of the many rooms. “The OB/GYN will be here in just a moment. Why don’t you get comfortable.” The nurse helped you settle into the recliner chair. The paper cover wrinkled as you climbed on, laying back. JJ and your mother occupied the chairs next to the bed as you all waited patiently.
A moment later there was a knock on the door and you all sat up straight as the doctor entered the room with a kind smile on her face.
“You must be Y/N,” She said reaching her hand out to yours and shaking it. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dr. Willson.” 
After introducing herself to your mother and JJ, Dr. Willson got to work preparing you for the ultrasound. She rubbed some sort of sterilizers on your stomach to clean it and grabbed some gel.
“This might be a little cold,” She warned before squeezing the tube of gel onto your stomach. You shuddered at the feeling, reaching out for JJ’s hand and grasping it tightly.
Dr. Willson began moving the sonographer over your belly, spreading the gel out evenly. She pointed at the monitor, “This area right here is your baby. Right now it’s about the same as a raspberry.”
Your mouth gaped open in astonishment, unable to believe that your baby was so small and that you actually had a child growing inside of you. JJ’s reaction was the same as yours. He looked shocked but so proud at the same time and it made your heart swell with love for the blond boy. You heard your mother sniffle and looked over at her in surprise.
“What’s wrong?” You said as you saw her start to cry.
She waved you off, “Nothing, nothing. I just can’t believe my little girl is going to be a mother. I love you so much.”
“I love you, too, mom.” 
It had been a little over a month since your first appointment with Dr. Willson and your baby bump was starting to show. JJ was obsessed with it, always touching it every chance he got and giving it little kisses. You would stroke his hair as he did so and more often than not your mom would find the two of you asleep in that position.
You also finally asked JJ to move in with you and he said yes. You sort of expected him to fight you on it but you also knew that things were getting worse with his dad back at home so moving in with you was just the escape he needed. He didn’t even bother telling his dad because it's not like he would notice considering all he seemed to care about was his alcohol. JJ vowed to never let your baby grow up like he did and would make sure to always protect your guy’s child.
Today was no different than any other day. You and JJ were cuddling in your bed after a long day, your eyes closed in content as he gently rubbed your belly. Neither of you could wait until you were far along enough to feel the baby kick.
“How’s my little plum?” JJ whispers against your stomach.
“Your what?” You said, peaking your eyes open with a giggle. JJ flashed you a toothy grin, his eyes shining brightly.
“I looked up what size the baby is at 12 weeks. Right now she is the size of a plum.”
“She?” You questioned raising a brow. “What if it's a boy?.”
“It’s definitely a girl,” JJ said smugly. “I have a feeling. Call it a sixth sense or whatever but I’m certain. I bet my whole share of the gold on it.”
“My money is on a boy.”
“We’ll see, pretty girl,” JJ said, leaning up and pecking your lips. “Now let's get some sleep.”
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Summary: After a hard night of drinking with Lenny, Arthur finds himself in an odd but familiar spot. He also meets someone he hadn’t seen in months: you.
Warnings: It’s angsty smut hours here, folks.
A/N: So this is technically an older piece, since I started it last October and have been working on it little by little since. I did post a preview of it last year if anyone remembers!
A path of light crossed over Arthur’s closed eyes, rousing him from a deep sleep. He blinked them open, bleary and heavy, greeted with the unfamiliar ceiling of a cabin.
The sun shone through the light curtains of a window next to him, and he quickly realized he’d been laying in a bed. The leftover tiredness vanished as he jerked up in surprise, only to be cursed with a splitting headache. The room spun, an uncomfortable dizziness that caused his stomach to lurch.
Expelling a small groan, he gingerly rubbed his palm over his face, resting it on his forehead. How much did he drink last night?
Movement caught his eye, the door on the far side of the room opening. He tensed up, soon forgetting about his moment of weakness to grab for his gun – only to realize his belt had been removed.
A figure stepped in, covered in a jacket and a long skirt billowing around their legs. Beautiful hair that flowed elegantly around their face. Hands laden with a bucket. As they turned toward him, Arthur’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh good, you’re awake!” you spoke, your voice light in a chime. “’Bout time too, it’s early afternoon.”
Arthur seemed to be flabbergasted by your appearance, mouth hung open slightly as he continued to stare. It’d been months since you’d last seen each other.
His stomach twisted uncomfortably, causing him to wince and double over.
“There’s another bucket next to you.” You’d said nonchalantly, turning away to heave the bucket onto the table. Liquid sloshed loudly within it.
Without looking Arthur grabbed the other bucket, having done just in time as he proceeded to empty the contents of his stomach into it. He retched and heaved uncomfortably, the pain overcoming him until the spasms of his body calmed down. The rancid taste lingered in his mouth, a tinge of alcohol still remaining. He spat into the bucket and placed it back on the ground.
“Where are we?” he rasped, wiping his mouth.
“Cumberland Forest,” you responded without turning to face him. “Little cabin tucked away in the trees.”
“You…you live here?” he asked, pushing the blankets away in an attempt to stand.
“For the time being,” you answered, swiveling around with a tin cup in your hands. “Here.” You walked over to him, pushing on his shoulder.
Arthur towered over you, yet he fell back onto the bed to your gentle pressure. You held the cup out which he took, warily peering into it. Clear water that was cool to the touch filled it halfway. Arthur brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip, swishing it to remove some of the taste on his tongue. He spat it into the bucket once more. “Thanks,” he sighed, placing the cup down. “How’d I…did ya find me or somethin’?”
“Passed out on the side of the road, reeking with alcohol,” you confirmed with a snicker. “Nice to see some things don’t change.”
Arthur ducked his head in shame, sighing out a response. “Yeah…” he shook his head at himself, albeit lightly to not agitate the pounding that refused to leave his head. It’d fallen silent for a long moment, thoughts moving through his mind as he tried to find his next words.
He hadn’t seen you in months; you having up and left the gang without so much as a note of farewell. He woke up one day to find you and your belongings gone and no trace of you at all. It left the others bewildered, some even trying to track you, including Arthur himself. The search lasted for days, however the effort proved to be fruitless as the trail had gone cold.
“Listen, I have to run into Valentine for a bit,” you said, moving away from him to grab a satchel that hung on the wall. “Stay if you want, just don’t think about robbing me. You know damn well I can track you if you do.”
Arthur blinked at your abruptness, watching quietly as you opened the door again, stepping out into the greenery that surrounded the cabin. After a few seconds, the sound of hoofbeats faded into the distance.
Once the door closed, he was surrounded by silence again. He stood up carefully, hit by another wave of dizziness. He leaned on the wall, clutching at his head as a second bout of nausea overcame him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, willing himself not to dry heave.
As the feeling passed, he opened his eyes again. He was in just a simple one room building. He realized with a jolt this was Six Point Cabin, the area that held the O’Driscoll camp which Kieran had helped ambush just days earlier. He didn’t recognize it at first; there had been some cleaning done, a little bit of redecorating here and there. He moved toward a window, peering toward the field that the small massacre occurred. The tents and supplies were all still there, though some items have been moved around. He assumed you were probably looking through the tents and crates for anything useful or valuable.
He couldn’t fathom why you chose this place to stay in, wondering if you’d ever run into any other O’Driscoll goons. So many questions he wanted to ask, and he was tempted to follow you into Valentine. Though after the previous night, it didn’t seem like the best idea. He wondered how Lenny fared after last night, if he’d managed to get back to camp. The last thing Arthur remembered was stumbling away from the law.
In reality, he should try and head back to camp. However, unanswered questions that cycled in his mind rooted him in place. Your departure had caused him more pain than he realized, keeping him up for many nights in lost wonder on where you went and hoping you’d return. Easily one of the most productive members in the gang, you had proven to be a great thief and a formidable fighter. Additionally there was a softness to you, a kind heart that reached out for those in need. He always had to admire you from afar.
He sighed and reached for the water cup, lifting it to his parched lips and taking a swallow. Guess he’ll wait around for your return.
An hour passed, and Arthur’s patience didn’t wear. He kept himself busy, letting his strength slowly regain. Some personal items of yours were strewn about, little reminders of your presence that he missed. He’d found his satchel underneath the bed, having some stringy meat once he knew the nausea wouldn’t return. His gun belt, he’d realized, was resting against the bed post. His hat was on top of it.
Upon the fireplace, he’d noticed a framed photo. It was the entire gang, all posing in front of a large carriage. Upon taking the photo, he had been standing close to you, close enough to touch. He remembered that day fondly.
A few more memories stirred up, the feeling of nostalgia touching him in both a pleasant and unpleasant way.
A little more time had passed until the thundering of hooves caught his attention. He tensed, hand automatically hovering over his revolver. A moment later, the door opened to reveal you once again.
He relaxed in an instant, letting out the breath he was holding. As you closed the door, you met his gaze and smiled. “Haven’t left yet huh?”
“Don’t got a horse at the moment.” Arthur answered instantly, which was only partially true to his degree.
“Never stopped you before,” you said with a raised eyebrow. “I know you can easily steal one.”
“You’re right,” Arthur nodded. “But I ain’t leavin’, not til you answer some questions.”
Your smile turned rueful. “Figured as much,” you sighed, placing your satchel on the table. Pulling out a can of beans and some already cooked meat slabs, you continued. “Wanna have some dinner, then?”
Arthur looked at you for a moment, and then shrugged, sitting at the table. The stringy meat hadn’t exactly provided him with much. He waited silently as you prepared two plates, placing one in front of him and the other at your own spot. As you settled into your seat, Arthur’s eyes were on you.
“Alright, ask.”
“Why did ya leave?” he immediately spoke. “’Specially when you didn’t say goodbye to anyone.”
You sighed, casting your gaze down to your plate. You toyed with the beans briefly before spooning some into your mouth, chewing with a thoughtful expression. “Somethin’ didn’t seem right.”
Arthur tilted his head. “What do ya mean by that?”
“I dunno, I kept getting this…feeling,” you explained, your free hand resting over your heart. “A feeling that something bad was gonna happen. I didn’t want to stick around to find out what it was.”
“So you just up n’ left?” Arthur concluded. “Why didn’t ya say anything to anyone?”
“Would any of y’all have believed me?” you countered. When Arthur hesitated, you added, “Didn’t think so.”
“Coulda at least told me,” he mumbled. “At least told me goodbye. I…we tried trackin’ ya for a little while.”
“I thought you would try, so I had to make sure I covered my tracks well,” You explained. “Kept myself moving.”
Arthur solemnly nodded once, momentarily falling silent to eat some of his meal. He wasn’t sure what to say next, trying to process the information that was given. You’d left on a bad feeling. He understood gut feelings, knowing them all too well in a lifestyle such as this. “What caused it?” he finally asked.
“Can’t say for sure,” you replied with a small shake of your head. “But when Micah joined… it just felt like something was different.”
Micah, of course. That headstrong fool causing more problems than not these past few months. “So Micah caused you to leave.”
“Eh, part of it. Racist asshole.” you murmured.
A chuckle passed his lips. “He’s in jail over in Strawberry right now. I’m supposed to go get ‘im, and I’d rather wrestle a damn pack ‘o wolves.”
“Not surprised,” venom dripped from your voice. “But it was…more than just him. I started having nightmares. Bloodshed and bodies, mangled faces of those I cared about…” you swallowed hard, stopping to eat some more. A moment of silence followed as you chewed on the meat. “I came to the conclusion that I didn’t wanna be a part of that, so I left.”
Nightmares. Arthur shook his head in disbelief, leaning back against the chair, folding his arms. “Seems a little silly to run ‘cause of nightmares.”
“I thought so too, until I heard the mess you guys caused in Blackwater.” You pointed out as-a-matter-of-factly.
“You know about that?” he said incredulously.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Who hasn’t? I got into town not too long after you fled. Pinkertons everywhere, interrogating people on the streets. I had to keep myself hidden, managed to sneak out. When I learned what happened, I realized I was right. Something went wrong.”
Arthur sighed, running his hand through his hair. He was hesitant to compare your dream to the awful reality. He reluctantly spoke, “Weren’t just Blackwater neither. We got chased up into the Grizzlies, lost some folk on the way. We managed to get in a better spot, but it ain’t easy gettin’ back on our feet.”
“Only further proving my point,” You added. “I couldn’t bring myself to be a part of that.”
“We’re outlaws, life is always dangerous for us. You knew that when ya joined up.” Arthur argued, stabbing the meat with unnecessary force to cut it.
“Of course I knew that, Arthur,” you retorted with a slight scowl, though melting to a look of sadness. “I wouldn’t have been with Dutch for years if I hadn’t. But honestly…my gut was telling me to get out, and I did.”
He fell silent again, a flame in his chest wanting him to argue more yet nothing but empty words filled his mind. Bickering was something you and him were good at, usually about silly things that resolved on its own within a few minutes. It was only on rare occasions did you two disagree on a bigger matter, resulting in neither of you speaking for a day, and would only speak if he approached you first. You were more stubborn than he was.
Remembering those days brought a bout of woeful sentiments, reminding him all too clearly how much he’d missed you when you left. “I jus’...” he trailed off, rubbing his face before continuing. “Everyone misses you. They still wonder why ya left.”
You pursed your lips, dropping your gaze down to your plate. “I wanted to say something, I truly did. But I know it would have made things worse.”
Your last words set anger in him, bubbling up to the surface. “You leavin’ without a word was worse!” Arthur exclaimed, throwing his hand outward. “You had us all worried, wonderin’ where you were!” his fist fell heavily on the table, shaking the contents on top of it. “Search parties, days of trackin’ worthless! Losin’ sleep thinkin’ I’d never see you again.”
At first you’d seemed unphased by his outburst. However as he finished, your face began to falter. He waited for you to speak, expecting another flimsy reason or excuse to justify your actions.
With a sigh, you said, “I’m sorry, Arthur. I really am. I…” you sniffed, rubbing your eyes briefly. “I really miss you guys too. It…it took me a lot of convincing to even go through with it, and I had to constantly fight myself not to return. You guys are my family and I could never change that. It hurt me much more than you’d think.”
Arthur listened to you, his lips set in a hard line as he studied you. The raw emotion that touched your voice softened his otherwise angered heart. He took a deep breath, shaking his head as if to settle his thoughts right. There was no need to be frustrated; what was done was done. “Maybe you shoulda said somethin’. Maybe Dutch woulda listened. Wouldn’t have lost the people we did.”
“I could have and should have done many things, Arthur,” you said quietly. “But some things are meant to happen regardless. We can’t change what’s intended.”
Those words hit him with more force than he’d thought. Bowing his head, staring at the half-finished food before him. He’d lost his appetite, his heart sinking uncomfortably deep into his guts. He’d wanted answers and now he nearly regretted asking. Maybe he should have left while you were out. He wasn’t sure what answer he’d expected, though his wandering thoughts kept him awake at night those first few weeks of your absence.
There was no doubt you two had been close; both taken under Dutch’s wing at a young age. Years together of running, robbing and riding, those minor arguments and drunken nights around the campfire. Hours of speaking to one another about some nonsense, secrets whispered and kept. Some of the others would joke that you two acted like a married couple, bickering and making up right after, moving in sync and often going on missions together. Arthur would scoff and you would laugh, sometimes making the joke yourself and even going as far as to suggest to do it for real.
Arthur could never tell if you were joking or not, and would brush it off with a half-hearted chuckle. It was an absurd suggestion, wondering who could ever marry him. Yet with your departure, it were as if a piece of him had been taken with you.
He often perceived it as something he’d done wrong, though couldn’t fathom as to why it would be his own fault. You knew about Mary, about Eliza. His luck with women was something left to be desired. Yet you weren’t involved romantically, never gave an inkling of being sweet on one another. His own lack of self-confidence had automatically convinced him he wasn’t one to have any sort of close relation with the opposite sex. Perhaps it was silly to assume he was owed something from you.
He stood up immediately, aggressively pushing himself from the table as he got to his feet. As he turned to grab his things, he heard your voice.
“Gotta get goin’,” he responded without looking at you. “Got some things to take care of.”
He heard you sigh, the sound of chair legs scraping against the floor as you stood up. “At least let me walk you to the door.”
Arthur didn’t answer, grabbing his hat and satchel. As he crossed the cabin, you were right behind him, quickly walking ahead to grab the door. You opened it for him, stepping out into the late afternoon light. He could just march out and not look back, but somehow your presence there distracted him. He stopped at the threshold, looking down at you.
Rays of light beamed through the vegetation, touching your face in such a way that your skin glowed. Eyes reflected brightly, highlighting the beauty that graced your finer features. A hint of disappointment hung on your lips as a small frown, and your eyes never left his.
Silent words passed between you two like a bolt of electricity, his nerves tingling as if he were struck himself. You were the epitome of gorgeous; your features having stayed the same regardless of the hardships. More than once your face appeared in his dreams, treading through his mind in the quiet hours of the night. Those suggested ideas of marriage tugged at him on occasion, daring to venture where that would lead.
Sure, he never did believe you, partly due to his previous relationships. He was a cursed man, damned to never be truly satisfied with his life as the powers above teasingly dangled his desires in front of him. Cruel was fate for pulling you away too. Perhaps you were right about how some things were meant to happen.
“Stay with me.” You said. It wasn’t a question nor a suggestion.
Arthur felt his breath hitch.
“Don’t go back, please.” Your voice was low, swimming with raw emotion.
You never pleaded, the slightest hints of it in your tone caught Arthur off guard. He stared at you with contemplation, your words pulling at his heartstrings with more force than intended.
“I…can’t…” he forced himself to say, wringing out the words as if his throat were dry.
Your lips pursed, your steady gaze not breaking from his. “You’re not invincible, ya know. One day…things will change.”
He inhaled, opening his mouth as if to argue, yet no words formed on his lips. A strong mix of emotions raged within him still, a battle of uncertainty that could not be quelled. “Things always change.” He managed to say quietly.
“Not for the better, you know that.” You emphasized.
Of course he knew that, hell, he probably knew that better than anyone. Pain, death, and sadness took the forefront of his life more often than he’d like, yet cutting ties as you did would be much more difficult. He had a family, close bonds that would take effort to break.
Seeing you standing before him, the desperation bright and glassy in your eyes, had him consider it for a brief moment.
He spoke your name, his words trailing off as he watched you step closer, just inches away from him.
“We could be…good…together, Arthur,” you whispered, tilting your head up, your breath wafting gently across his face. “You and I…no more outlaw days, no more running, no more worrying…just…us.”
His heart pounded like a drum against his ribs. Having you this close rendered his head devoid of all thought. Your words echoed in his mind, the very brief consideration driven by something deeper within him.
His mouth opened slightly, though whatever he was going to say was quickly subdued by your lips.
Shock overcame him, stiffening in surprise. You pulled back instantaneously, staring into his eyes with an expectant look.
He stared at you in bewilderment, stirring up a myriad of feelings. Silent questions arose, none of which formed in his mouth. His hands twitched forward without thought, raising one to graze his fingers against your cheek. Cupping it gently, he leaned forward and kissed you properly.
Your lips were soft against his, warm and plump, easily melding against his mouth. His other hand hovered along your lower back, hesitant, yet you stepped forward to welcome his embrace. Bodies touching, his arm rested against you, holding you to him.
It’d been so long since he kissed anyone; he nearly forgot what it felt like. A sweet rush of bliss washed over him, soon forgetting the unease that held the both of you. His hands slinked into your hair, holding you close as his lips moved silently against yours.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, his nerves tingling pleasantly from your touch. It was as if you had fire in your skin, every part of his body responding to the heat that radiated from you. He pulled back for air, breathing heavily as if he’d run a race. Blood rushed, thumping in his ears.
You kept hold of him, a small smile painted on your face. You’d reached up and pulled his hat off. A thousand unspoken words were exchanged through your gazes alone, all of which told one message that he understood.
Your hands ran slowly across his shoulders, fingers trickling lightly across the fabric of his shirt. You outlined the muscles of his biceps, trailing along his forearms and finally to his hands. His hands gently entwined with yours, warm and soft against his rough and calloused skin.
You silently pulled him back into the cabin, his feet light as he followed you without protest. Your lips found his again, eliciting such passion behind it that it nearly caught him off guard. His arms took hold of you, pulling you in a tight embrace. Your closeness, the warmth that radiated through your clothes against him, it was all so surreal.
God, has he been holding back for this long? Was this just a dream?
Arthur pulled back an inch, resting his forehead against yours. You felt so real in his arms, against his chest. He uttered your name, barely a whisper that held his vulnerability. The way he longed for you was unlike any other. You were more than just a fellow outlaw to him, more than just family.
Now he knew why you suggested marriage.
And he’d been so afraid of another relationship, he refused to see it for what it was himself.
You sighed his name, your voice like a soft song in his ears.
It hurts to be without you.
He dipped his head down, resting it carefully on your shoulder. Your hands threaded through his hair with soothing strokes. Your scent overwhelmed him, a lovely aroma which fogged his senses. He breathed in slowly, locking you into his memory.
His lips ghosted across the soft skin of your neck, placing a baby kiss along your pulse point. A short, uneven breath rattled from your throat. Lifting his head, he peered at your face. Your eyes were half-lidded, staring at him with an expression he recognized, yet he was in disbelief.
Why me?
Your palms rested on his chest, holding his gaze as your fingers inched toward his exposed skin. You traced his collar bones, your touch light. Moving across the midline of his pectorals, you stopped over his racing heart that leapt from the lightest of grazes.
His skin felt like fire, a trail prickling after your touch. After years of only bath ladies having come in contact with his naked skin, this effect was foreign and familiar simultaneously. He watched as your fingers deftly worked the topmost closed button of his shirt.
 He stiffened automatically, unable to hide the wariness of judgment that crept to the forefront of his mind. You must have recognized his apprehension, moving one hand to cup his cheek. Your face was gentle, offering a look of safety.
You can trust me.
A shuddering breath pushed past his lips. Such intimacy was lost to him long ago, only to be visited in his dreams. He missed it so and was afraid to attempt with another woman. He did trust you, trusted you with his life even. Perhaps it was time to strengthen it even more.
He ducked his head slightly, giving a small nod to allow you to continue. A soft kiss was placed on his cheek. You continued further, easing your way down his buttons, keeping your eyes level with his.
He was nervous, his heart refusing to cease its hammering. His mind incessantly whispered unkind comments, battling actively with his better senses. With each button released, exposing more of his torso, he waited for your reaction of disgust or disinterest. With the last undone, his shirt fell open to reveal his union suit. You hadn’t hesitated to repeat the process, exposing more and more of his torso to you until he was bare from the waist up.
He watched you with held breath as you smoothed your palm against his abdomen, the tips of your fingers trailing gently along the ridges of his muscles. A look of interest appeared across your face, tracing patterns along his skin. To his surprise, you hadn’t offered him any notion of repulsion.
You reached up, taking hold of his shirt and suspenders to peel them from his shoulders. The cool air nipped his skin, though it didn't quell the warmth that slowly spread through him. He closed his eyes from your softness, aware of the way your hands explored him. Just this alone brought a brighter light in the darkness of his inner thoughts, slowly diminishing the skepticism that plagued him.
Your fingers rested on the back of his neck, applying gentle pressure to bring him to you. As your lips met you grasped his hand, placing it gently upon your own shirt.
Hesitant as he was, fingers twitching across the buttons, he longed for more.
Without a pause you guided him with ease, directing him along the line as they parted. The silky fabric of your chemise grazed against his knuckles. He opened his eyes, pulling back to view. Your shirt fell from your shoulders, pooling on the ground around your feet.
Your skirt was soon to follow, the billowing waves of fabric landing elegantly upon the worn wooden floor. Down to nothing but your unmentionables, you placed Arthur’s hands onto your waist. Heat radiated through the thin fabric like a furnace. You inched closer, pressing your body against his. You were so delicate compared to him, even though you presented yourself otherwise.
He wanted to touch you more, to feel your bare skin in his palms. His reluctance fueled by the remaining dregs of apprehension stopped him. He idly tested the fabric between his fingers, unsure whether or not to move forward. Your eyes reflected patience, silently awaiting his decision.
I trust you too.
Releasing a shuddering exhale, Arthur tugged the straps down from your shoulders. Your breasts, perfect and round, were revealed to him as he peeled it away. You aided him further, sliding the entire piece down your waist, falling past your legs to join the rest of your clothes on the floor.
You were completely nude now, standing before him with shameless confidence. He gazed at you up and down while drinking in the lovely sight with careful precision. Lord, you were gorgeous. A Goddess next to such a plain man such as himself. He almost felt shameful to even stand in your presence.
You stepped closer, pressing your body to his as you wrapped your arms around his neck once more. Your breasts rested against his chest which left him breathless. Desire began to pool within him, stirring heat in his very core. He bit his lip with an inability to hinder the ever growing arousal. He held you again, resting his hands just above the curve of your rear. Trailing his fingertips up and down your spine, reveling how good you felt to him.
He soon found the courage to venture further, falling to the lust that took hold of him. Your butt felt heavenly to him, kneading your flesh which produced a quiet moan from you. Standing on your toes, you placed your lips upon his neck, trailing quick kisses along his pulse point and his stubbled chin, leaving no part of his skin untouched.
Your fingers ghosted across his arousal, too prominent to ignore it. You’d make quick work with the buttons, releasing him of his confinements. He felt the last of his clothes fall from him, exposing him in his entirety. He didn’t have time to react nor comprehend, as you’d taken his length in your hand without hesitation. A soft groan elicited from him as you smoothed your hand up and down. He could only stand there, allowing your control to flood him completely.
You quickened your pace, his groans only becoming louder. He could absolutely melt from your touch at this point, having gone so long without the company of anyone but his own. His grip on you tightened in need for more. His knees trembled from your thumb running across the head, and he released a shuddering breath.
And then, you stopped. A protest built in his throat as you stepped back, only to beckon him towards the bed. He followed without question, allowing you to push him to sit on the edge. You straddled him to sit daintily on his lap as you pulled him into a deep, heated kiss. Your hand found his length again, languidly stroking him with a light touch. He moaned into your mouth, tongues batting against one another at a slow pace. He could feel your heat on his legs, accompanied by the slight moisture. Daringly reaching down, he found your center without hesitation.
His fingertip encircled your bud. You shuddered on top of him, eliciting a soft moan of your own that sent a rush of fire through his stomach. His strokes hastened, vainly seeking for more of your pleasure. He tantalizingly stroked you with intent to prolong it. He enjoyed listening to you, knowing that he was eliciting such delectation. You ground into his grasp, pressing your torso to his once again. Your touch had become more feverish against him, ripping your lips from his to express yourself with a high mewl. You’d responded with dragging your thumb underneath his pink head, teasing the sensitive skin. He bucked up into your grip with a deep groan.
His fingers idled at your entrance, marveling at your slick. He slid one finger in as he explored your inner walls, stroking against your heat with slow precision. He’d lost count of the years past that he’d touched someone in such a way, although his memory of them was still as clear as day.
You uttered a gasp, a product of him discovering your spot. He curled his finger teasingly within you, adding another for enhanced effect. Soon you were reduced to a writhing mess on his lap, you gripped his shoulder with your free hand until he felt the sting of your nails.
A soft hiss slid across his tongue. The pain was not bothersome, only adding to the growing flames that resided within him. Though with each passing second, his yearning for you only increased. He wanted you, needed you. Years of missed opportunity leading to this moment.
He stared at your face. Cheeks flushed with a beautiful rosy glow, your lips parted and your eyes unable to focus. Because of him. He brought your attention back, one hand resting upon your cheek as your eyes met. He could get lost in how gorgeous yours were.
You seemed to understand him. Unspoken messages passed across an unseen bridge. Clarity formed on your face as you released him, then wrapped your arms around his neck.
Take me.
He held your hips, waiting patiently as you maneuvered yourself over him. As you sunk down, his eyes kept to yours as you began to seat yourself comfortably, a breathless gasp sliding from his mouth. Your inner walls were so hot, so wet…his grip tightened slightly at the sensation, holding himself not to thrust up into you.
Engulfed to the hilt, your hips canted as you began to rhythmically move against him. The ripples that accompanied it were breathtaking, a deep groan emitting from his chest. He couldn’t help but to move along with you, keeping in sync as you danced atop his lap. Your sweet sounds of pleasure were almost musical, filling his mind abuzz.
Your sight lost focus as you threw your head back, calling out his name in such a melody it made him blush. He was doing this to you. Him and only him. He could get lost in your essence just listening to your voice. His lips attached to your heated skin, beginning to slowly leave his marks on you, along your neck and across your collarbones. Your fingers stroked through his hair. You sighed into his ear, every praise and encouragement laced in your voice that seemed foreign to him but encouraging all the same.
Your fingers had brushed across his jaw, offering slight pressure to pull his head up. He met your lidded gaze, face flushed and mouth slightly parted. He understood your notion, his hands slinking up your back to knot into your hair as he drew you in for another kiss. Mixed sounds drowned out against your tongues with your increased pace. A deep groan vibrated in his chest while he hastened to keep up with you.
His lips parted from yours to catch his breath, taking short huffs before his mouth returned to your body. One hand slid around your torso to your breast. He kneaded it gently in his palm, reveling how soft and warm it felt. His mouth occupied your puckered nipple while his teeth grazed over it. You uttered a whine in response, your entire body trembling on top of him. He gave attention to the rest of your body with his other hand, memorizing every curve and swell. Everything about you felt wonderful. He eventually found his way to your core again, running his fingers along your nub to enhance your pleasure. Your moans only grew from there, your nails leaving their own marks on his shoulders.
You gripped him hard, your voice raising an octave. He knew what it meant as he locked gazes with you and he rubbed you faster, coaxing out your climax. It only took a half a moment before every muscle trembled around him, your walls clenching his length as your release overtook you. His name graced your lips as you pressed your forehead to his, dragging your fingers down his back. He shuddered from your touch, your climax almost sending him over the edge.
You panted out the last waves of your peak as your grip loosened from him. You straightened up to stare at him, appearing absolutely drunk with ecstasy and adoration for him. His heart leapt from the sight. He grabbed your waist and lifted you from him, turning to lay on the bed in one smooth motion.
He towered over you, keeping his gaze even with yours. You smiled up at him, a warm and inviting smile as your legs spread for him. He smiled as well, running his hands down your sides to stop at your hips. He carefully lined himself with your folds and pushed forward. A soft groan emanated as he sheathed himself within you once again. A brief moment of pause to relish the feeling of joining together again, Arthur caressed your face, keeping his gaze steady. Your hand covered his, and he began to thrust.
Watching your face contort to your pleasure underneath him was the best thing he’d ever seen.
His hips rolled in an undulating rhythm against you. Your hands found their way to his hair. Unblinking stares settled deep in his soul, afraid to look away as if he’d lose sight of your beauty permanently.
Time was lost to him from how deeply buried he was. His surroundings vanished, only focused on you and you alone. His own name filling his ears soon became his favorite song, wrapped in a melody of your moans and mewls. He watched as a second orgasm took hold of you, visibly waving through your body to expel from your mouth.
It was the most gorgeous form he’d ever seen you in. He felt his own pleasure heighten from just watching you writhe and arch beneath him. The way your walls squeezed him again, it wouldn’t be much longer until he would release himself. But he didn’t want to end it so soon.
Your legs wrapped around him, trapping him to you. It was as if you understood what was coming next. Arthur inhaled sharply, driving himself as far as he could. The fire was growing too quickly, too powerful for him to prolong –
I want you.
He squeezed his eyes shut as the release took hold of his entire body. Every muscle clenched while his climax washed over him, emptying what felt like his soul deep in your core. He groaned loudly, his hips snapping weakly against yours until it ebbed away, opening his eyes to see you again.
Your lips were parted and your cheeks were still flushed with a rosy tint. Your lustful eyes glinted beautifully in the light of the late afternoon. He brought himself down to crush his mouth to yours, eliciting a deep kiss despite the both of you gasping for air.
Hell, he didn’t even care. Your gentle fingers raked through his hair over and over, moaning sweetly and breathlessly against his tongue. His tired arms trembled beneath his weight, and he parted his lips from yours. Fatigue struck him like a bolt, and he dropped his head to rest within the valley of your breasts. He intended to roll off to your side, except you didn’t seem to mind. He felt your lips press against the crown of his head and caress his cheek, bringing a soft smile to his face.
After a few minutes of silence, the reality of what happened soon caught up with him. It didn’t occur to him how much he missed you until this very moment, and how stupid he was to ignore his own pining. He should have tried harder to find you, hell, he should have taken you to be his own ages ago if he weren’t such a coward. How much time he wasted ignoring the obvious.
Gone for months, only to appear once again under his nose.
His fingers lazily trailed up your side. You were real, right here with him. His hand searched for yours and you obliged, entwining your fingers with his. He never wanted to let you go ever again.
Arthur awoke with the soft song of crickets just outside the window. As he blinked his bleary eyes, he didn’t even realize he’d fallen asleep. The full moon shone through the window, brightening the little cabin with its silver glow. He was still on you, his head was still resting upon your chest, and your deep breathing and slow heartbeat indicated you too were out cold. He shifted himself slightly to look at you, observing your features. His own heart raced just seeing you like that, how beautiful you were even in such a vulnerable state.
His gaze shifted around the cabin. Right at that moment he wanted nothing more than to stay in this cabin with you, to live and sleep and wake up every day to see your lovely face. He wanted it all.
His eyes landed on his gun belt. His Cattleman revolver gleamed brightly and the weight of a harsh reality crashed upon him. As much as he wanted it, he had too much of a responsibility to his gang, his family. It wouldn’t be fair to abandon them now, especially since they were all just getting back on their feet.
He released a silent sigh. Placing a kiss upon your skin, he moved to stand. He hadn’t pulled out prior, and the slightly pleasurable sensation overtaking him nearly made him stop. You shifted as he stood, groaning quietly as his movement aroused you.
“Arthur?” you rasped, your voice heavy with sleep.
His heart sank. He turned slowly to face you and spoke, “I have to go.” Every word felt heavy.
You’d fallen silent. He could see the disappointment and sadness shadowed across your face. You sat up and swung your legs over the side to stand before him. Every curve of you accentuated in the moonlight, illuminating you with an ethereal glow. His hands flexed at his sides, forcing himself to keep from grabbing you.
However, you’d reached forward, taking his hands in your own. He didn’t stop you. “I know you do,” You said quietly, pressing your lips to his hands. “I won’t stop you, as much as I want to.”
His breath caught, thinking back to the argument from earlier. How adamant you were about wanting him to stay. “What changed?” he asked.
You released his hands and stepped back. “You’re an outlaw. No one can tell you what to do.” You answered, a ghost of a smile flitting across your lips.
He’d nearly stepped in sync with you. He however was rooted in the spot, actively arguing with his own conscience. He knew it was the right choice, but damn did it have to hurt this bad?
He turned and silently dressed, collecting his things while he felt your eyes on from the opposite side of the cabin. All the while his mind was yelling at him. Screaming. Demanding he’d stay. Desperately hoping you’d make another attempt. He fought it with gritted teeth as he slung his satchel around his neck and strode over to the door. He rested his hand on the knob and hesitated for a split second.
I love you.
It was such a tiny whisper that he thought he might’ve imagined it. He glanced over his shoulder at you, spotting your silhouette in the darkest corner of the cabin.
His heart plummeted and he opened the door, stepping out into the nocturnal wilderness. As he closed the door behind him, he let out a choked sigh.
I love you too.
I’m honestly considering on making this one a trilogy. But before I write anything new, I’m going to work on more of My Little Secret as well as And I’ll Succumb To You. I’ve put off that one especially for a little too long.
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Parting Gift
Summary: Virgil navigates an empty world he didn't see before and he can't see now. Thankfully the modified roomba his parents left him helps in the absence of people.Just a silly little fic I thought of because we recently got a robot vacuum.
Warnings: apocalypse scenario, food mention, insinuated death (not described or shown), mild swearing. If there’s more please let me know!
Ships: background Lociet (background Logan x Janus)
WC: 2405
General Taglist (ask to be added or removed) @im-an-anxious-wreck @logans-library
The tap-tap-tapping of Virgil’s cane as he moved along the road matched perfectly with the beat playing out of the one working earbud in his ear. Whatever town or residential area he had stumbled into was quiet and barren though seemingly not nearly as destroyed as the last one he had been in. Changing direction slightly as he has started to stray into wet grass he continued along what he assumed was a sidewalk, carefully feeling for the edge to make sure he was centered before continuing to sweep the cane in front of him to avoid whatever rubble or trash or non working car might have ended up on the side of the cracked road. 
Virgil didn’t know what the world had looked like before and he could only imagine what it looked like now. Everything had happened so fast he doubted he’d be able to recognize it anyway. He had never been able to see and it had never bothered him as much as it did now; with no way to know if someone was on the road other than the sound of footsteps he hadn’t heard in months and nothing to keep him company except his music and- well he supposed he couldn’t complain. Tripping slightly over a stray rock he hadn’t felt brought him back from his thoughts and into the real world once again, shivering as he realized just how cold it was getting and how truly tired he was from walking all day.
Continuing on only a couple more feet revealed a pathway leading off to what he hoped was a house or a store. As bad as he sometimes felt about it, there was no one around anymore- at least as far as he had managed to travel thus far- no one would miss a couple cans of ravioli and a few bottles of water if he could manage to scrounge them up. The walkway seemed pretty thin leading away from the main road so he assumed he was in a residential area with houses rather than near anything like a general store or pharmacy; he really hoped he came across one soon he was running low on band-aids. He could only do  so much with a cane and though he wished his palms and knees were tougher by now that he wouldn’t have to bandage them every time he fell sadly his callus just wasn’t thick enough.
Long grass brushed his ankles under his too short jeans, wispy blades rustling quietly as he passed. He took his headphone out as he walked after turning on the beat up ipod and pressing where he knew the pause button was from years of the same motion. Crickets began their evening concert as the birds finished their own, the air growing cooler as Virgil imagined the sun finally dipping below the horizon. He shifted the weight of his book bag more to one shoulder as he slipped it off the other hoping to reach an entryway of some sort soon since his feet were protesting the day of doing nothing but picking a direction and walking. Hitting a step he nudged the cane up until he could judge how high it was- sometimes they were high enough to trip him and other times they were so low they were more of an annoyance than anything else- and carefully made his way up all three of them. There were plastic feeling columns on either side of the top step so he assumed he was on the front porch of a house, some careful prodding revealing one of those rubber welcome mats he was constantly getting the soles of his shoes stuck on since when he was tired he refused to pick his feet up properly. He faintly heard his dad telling him to straighten his back and walk like he was alive but he shook it off with an eye roll. Posture didn’t matter if there was no one around to see it.
Fumbling around a minute for the door handle he stopped as his cheeks reddened, reaching up to knock first. Just because he hadn’t run into anyone yet didn’t mean it couldn’t happen and he  really didn't want to break into someone’s home if they were still there and startle them. He didn’t fancy getting shot after so long of surviving o his own and to have that compromised because he was a heathen who didn’t knock anymore would be an idiotic way to go for sure. KNocking, however, proved fruitless. Nothing answered but the crickets though as he knuckle raps turned to rather loud pounds on the door they began to quiet. A part of him still wished sometimes that someone would answer, it had been so long since he’d heard another voice. He knew realistically that if he was still here there would have to be other survivors and that if he kept walking he was bound to run into them. 
After years of doing nothing but that had yet to turn anything up though, and it seemed that this time would be no different. His hand fell to the knob once again as he took a breath and held it before twisting and pushing open the door. Hesitantly sniffing the air revealed nothing but old, unaired house smell and dust that had been kicked up from the bottom of the door brushing the carpet in the entryway. He sneezed loudly, the sound echoing sadly as if the house had missed the concept of sound, and wiped his nose on his sleeve before sighing in relief. Sometimes he entered a house or store and there would be...different smells. Ones that would make him gag and bolt from the building so the hot, cloying scent wouldn’t stick to his cloths. Those days were declared laundry days anyway, sullenly dunking his clothes in the rivers he always stuck close to trying to rid himself of the memory with the fresh smell of laundry detergent and sunlight. The day after that was spent moving as far away as he could as quickly as he could to get away from the dark scent that hung on the streets. It was safer to scrounge out granola bars from the bottom of his bag on those days than to risk looking for anything more substantial in the buildings he might be able to get into.
As it was Virgil stepped in the house and carefully closed the door behind him, swinging his bookbag around and cringing at the sound of the zipper echoing faintly in the doorway. Grabbing a smaller, padded drawstring bag out he opened it and carefully set the Roomba down, giving it a little pet before turning it on. It beeped out a pleasant little tune before the whirring sound of it starting up and moving away filled the house and he smiled, leaving his bag by the door and getting up to explore the house with Stuart.
Stuart the vacuum, as dumb as it was, was Virgil’s only source of company and had been since he was about four. The world was already crumbling at that point and rather than risking going out and about to find Virgil a seeing eye pet that wouldn’t last his whole lifetime if he lived long, his dads had modified their small vacuum for him in the hopes that it would last. And it had. Rather than having to plug into a power source it was solar charged, which the front of the bag it was kept in and his backpack was clear plastic to allow it to charge during the day, storing hours of energy to be able to work when Virgil needed it. Instead of vacuuming it simply went about bumping into things and storing a digital map of any small area, letting Virgil then walk beside it and stop when it beeped, nudging him in a different direction so he didn't bump into or trip on anything. This of course was before he was proficient with feeling his whereabouts with his cane adn at this point it was like letting a trusted pet out for its nightly walk rather than out of any necessity but Virgil loved it as if it was a dog. His most loyal companion...who he kept in his bag all day. He snorted as he felt out what was feeling to be the kitchen; he’d take anything over the oppressive silence of an empty house.
His mouth tightened as he felt around in cabinets for cans- all smooth labels of course, nothing to differentiate the corn from the beets from the manwich spread. He hated the fact that dinners were so often a surprise just because no one had thought to universalize a system to put a bit of braille on cans. Even some raised lettering underneath the label spelling out one word descriptors would be fine, instead he could only go by smell and taste and hope to god nothing he put in his mouth had expired. He missed grilled cheese and fried chicken and french fries- all things he didn’t have the means or resources to make. He never learned to hunt or slaughter anything and he doubted he’d be able to learn when he didn’t even know how to tell what parts of an animal to eat, let alone see what he was doing to cut it out and cook it. He was lucky he taught himself how to start a fire some years ago- he couldn’t imagine actually catching a fish and knowing when it was cooked enough to eat without just burning it to a crisp. Sighing as he opened a can with his old can opened he tentatively sniffed at the contents. 
Baked beans were good. He’d rather have them hot but he had no motivation to go out and start a fire right now and there was no way in hell he was going to try inside- so cold bean jelly it was. He’d had worse. He grabbed his cane from where he had leaned it against the counter and began walking back into what he assumed would be the living room as Stuart beeped to notify him he was done. Smiling as he felt a small nudge he changed direction to navigate around what felt like a dusty leather couch and settled on the floor in front of it to eat his dinner. Stuart came to rest beside him while he dug a spoon out of the smaller bag he always carried and he smirked slightly, feeling around to place a single baked bean on top of the vacuum as a reward for a job well done. 
He tucked in as he thought of what his dads would say about him doing that; both of them would more than likely find it endearing but relentlessly tease him about it for the rest of his life. He imagined his father’s face wrinkling up in an amused smile, scars tugging around crows feet and wispy hair tickling his fingertips. Dad’s smile was a lot smaller but no less sincere, mostly held in his eyes that had his lower eyelid just barely lifting. He missed feeling their faces- they’d let him do it whenever he’d ask to make sure he knew what emotion they were displaying. Both of them were awkward when it came to voicing their feelings and Virgil was always terrible at picking up social cues from simply listening, so being able to read a face as easily as a book often helped put them all at ease.Idly he brushed the top of Stuart’s “head”, feeling nothing but cool, hard plastic beneath his fingers. 
He cleaned up as best as he could, throwing the top of the can away in a trash bin after wiping it off and setting the actual can on the back porch with another full one for whatever might come by. His cane was carefully tucked just underneath the couch as he unrolled his sleeping bag and small pillow to get comfy for the night, placing his little vacuum by his head before snuggling down into bed and sighing quietly. Reaching out he felt for the button on the side of the roomba, a little rough and worn from years of the same routine of day. Biting his lip he pressed it in before snatching his hand away and tucking himself in completely, squeezing his eyes shut like he’d been sleeping all along.
“Is he asleep?” His father’s silky voice cut through the silence.
“I should hope so, it’s dark out and he needs his rest.” Dad was always very matter of fact, Virgil could imagine his arms crossing as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“...Do you want to start or should I?”
Virgil’s dad sighed. “I hope that you got to sleep at a reasonable hour this time, and that you had a good dinner that was as balanced as you could make it. That- that you’re somewhere safe-”
HIs father stepped in smoothly. “We hope that you’re taking care of yourself as best as you can, and taking care of Stuart as well. Hopefully there are people around that can help you when you need it and you aren’t afraid to ask for it- but if there aren’t I know you’re capable enough on your own.”
“We wish you only happiness, no matter how bad things are or get, always remember that it has the capability to get better as long as you are willing to work for it. I know whatever you’re working on or towards you’re doing the absolute best you can do, and we couldn’t be more proud.”
“We love you, Virgil. So, so much and don’t you ever forget that. take care of yourself and please stay safe.”
“Goodnight, Virgil.” He could still remember Dad brushing his fingers through his hair before the weight had disappeared from the bed.
“Goodnight, Virgil. Sweet dreams.” He felt a phantom kiss on the cheek from memory long since passed, the blankets pulled up and tucked around him. The door creaked shut and the recording ended, Stuart beeping softly to indicate he was shutting down. Safely tucked into his sleeping bag with a full stomach in the silence, Virgil let his eyes drift shut, a smile still on his lips as he fell into a peaceful sleep.
This work is also available on AO3!
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beanst0ck · 4 years
wait, wait 19 with tsukishima maybe 👉👈
ahh im sorry if this is bad, im not really good at writing angst!
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Silence, pure relaxing silence.
That’s all there was.
Tsukishima sat there, looking up at the clear sky, admiring the few stars that he was able to see. The grass he sat on was surprisingly comfy as he laid back. There was nothing to distract him, nothing to keep him from his sorrowful thoughts.
It’s been about three years since he last talked to you. Ever since you guys had that stupid argument- heck, he doesn’t even remember how it started.
All he could remember was the yelling, the insulting words he threw at you, then the door slamming shut. It took him a few moments to register in his head that you had just left him.
“She’ll be back,” he told himself, “she always comes back.”
Safe to say, he was wrong.
When he came back from work the next day, you weren’t there to greet him with open arms like you normally would. It happened the next day, and the next, and the next. Soon a month had passed without him seeing you. It seemed so dull without you having your smile to brighten the place up. God, how he missed your smile.
He didn’t know what he did wrong. Sure you guys had your little arguments, everyone does, but for some reason this was the one that made you snap.
Looking back on it though, he really couldn’t blame you. Before the argument had happened he barely spoke to you, only eating after he got home and immediately retreating to your shared bedroom.
Come to think of it, he could remember you trying to talk to him. Yes, every time he got home you would try and try, but he would either shrug you off or give simple and dry responses. It was always the same.
“How was your day today?”
Imagine that being the only interaction you get with your lover everyday.. Yea he could see how someone would grow tired of that, but he didn’t expect you to leave without saying a word.
“Another lonely night, huh?”
So it was a shock when he heard your voice again for the first time in three years.
Tsukishima immediately sat up. That voice, that voice he’s heard so many times before yet he never grew tired of it. He turned his head and there you were.
He couldn’t believe it. You were back, you came back!
“(Y/n), I-“
You held your hand up to stop him from talking and he couldn’t help but notice a shiny ring wrapped around your finger. “If you’re going to apologize, you don’t need to.”
You took a seat next to him. Your eyes were glassy, reflecting the tiny balls of light in the dark sky. The wind brushed against you, making you pull your jacket tighter around your body, trying to block out the cold.
“(Y/n) please listen.”
You turned your head, acknowledging him. Your eyes looked a lot more happier than they did three years ago. “I.. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head, “It’s fine-”
“It’s not fine! (Y/n) I hurt you! I ignored you, I.. I did everything wrong, and I’m so sorry for that.”
You sighed and gave him a sad smile, “Well.. I did leave you for three years. And I don’t think you’ve been doing so well during that time, so I think we’re even. We both hurt each other.”
The two of you sat in silence. Tsukishima looked away from your face, his eyes landing on the ring on your finger. You followed his gaze and realized what he was looking at. He noticed how your gaze seemed to soften when you looked at it. “So, I'm guessing you didn’t come back to get back together with me?”
You laughed, “Yea.. I came here to get closer. As you can tell..” you raised your hand to show your ring, “I’ve moved on.” you got up, dusting your pants off.
“And I think you should too.”
With that, you walked away again, leaving him. Except this time, he didn’t feel so alone.
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haikyuu mlist
bean’s sleepover event
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spideeysense · 4 years
Fallin’ (Peter Parker x Reader)
A/N: This one is a bit sad, but I won’t give away the ending! It was loosely inspired by the song Falling by Harry Styles. I apologize for any spelling mistakes I wrote this late at night and lightly edited it! Enjoy :) 
Word Count: 1714
Warnings: mentions of cheating, harassment, alcohol consumption (Not heavy), sadness
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Peter stares at the other side of his bed. The sheets are barely wrinkled, left untouched. Every so often he gets a scent of your perfume that clings onto the pillow. He’ll reach out in his sleep, and stroke his hand in the empty spot, searching for you. Yearning for your warmth. As his eyes focus on the ceiling, his mind wanders back to when he screwed things up. 
The drinks were flowing that night. You and Peter decided to join your friends at a new club that had opened down the street. Apparently, it was quite coveted. When you entered you had seen Peter disappear to get you and your group of gals some drinks. Then you moved towards shots of vodka. Shot after shot. His throat stung from the strong liquor. He had lost you in the crowd, no doubt you were gushing to your friends about all the secret details of you and Peter’s relationship, including the grittier parts. He was dancing out on the floor, mostly just moving along with the beat, keeping an eye out for you. His thoughts were swimming and felt mushy. His vision was blurred and the lights of the club created a painting in front of him. Suddenly he felt a body against him. Through his drunken haze he saw your haircolor. The body grabbed his hand and he simply followed. “Y/N” he murmured. “Where are we going?” He said cheekily. When the body tugged him into a quiet, dimly lit hallway. The body (your body?) pressed against him and pushed him onto the wall. “Whoa, whoa.” He said and braced himself by placing his hands on the body’s waist (your waist? He couldn’t tell now). “I know you want me.” The body spoke. It was not your voice. Peter realized it was your longtime friend, Madelynn. Peter shook his head. “No, no, let’s go find Y/N” He said, starting to pull away. “Come on, she doesn’t have to know.” Madelynn uttered her voice laced with lust. “No thank you.” He could feel his body go into panic mode, trying to sober up. “Maddie?” Peter could hear your voice. And then the next part broke him. “Peter?” You had said with so much emotion, he could hear the newly built distrust, and the sound of hurt. Peter realized how this situation must look. Dimly lit hallway. His hands on his girlfriend’s best friend's waist. 
“Y/N” He muttered. “What are you guys doing?” You whispered, he could tell that you were trying not to jump to conclusions. But he could tell you were on the verge of tears. 
Madelynn spun her head around, her hair whipping Peter’s face lightly in the process. “Peter just took me down this hallway..” Peter gave Madelynn an incredulous look. “What?” He said and pushed her off. “No no, you took me here.” 
Madelynn shook her head. “No Peter, don’t lie to your girlfriend like that.” She said, fake hurt in her voice. Peter turned to stare at you. Your eyes traveled between the both of him, and he suddenly felt the world around him crumble away. Who were you going to believe the most? Your best friend since diapers, or your boyfriend whom you’ve been with for three years. You bite your bottom lip in concern and turn to leave. That’s when Madelynn turns around, winks, and then runs after you. The rest of the night passes in a blur. You didn’t come home with him. Instead you left with Madelynn. He ubered home, and tried to call your cell but to no avail. The only way he knew you were safe was when you sent a text with only “Im at Maddie’s”.  After that Peter would only hear from you every other day. Avoiding his apologies, his explanation. No doubt you were confused beyond belief. 
He decided to get out of bed that day and speak with you. He spent his time getting ready, practicing what he was going to say in the shower. Letting the hot water drill into his skin, soaking away his melancholy. He got dressed slowly, pulling on a pair of trousers, a grey turtleneck, and a long black coat. Peter slipped on the watch you gave him on your first anniversary. One of your friends had spilled the beans on your whereabouts, you mom’s . He knew you would be there, it was a Sunday. Sunday was your cleaning day. You (and Peter) would spend the day cleaning the apartment you shared, every room, every corner. 
As he walked on the streets, his eyes glued to the ground. He thought about buying you a coffee and bagel at the coffee shop you first met each other at. Peter’s heart was gripped with heartache when he saw that it had been boarded up. A “For Lease” sign was taped onto the plywood. He continued on his walk until he found himself in front of your mother’s townhome. He rushed up the steps with great agility and paused in front of the door.
Memories flooded his mind. Christmas dinner. Halloween Parties. Valentines day. Your family had accepted and welcomed him with open arms. He thought about turning around, he didn’t want to cause anymore pain. Before Peter could retreat the door opened. There stood your mother, car keys in one hand, an empty grocery bag in the other.
“Peter” she muttered, a sad smile on her face. 
“Mrs L/N.” Peter said in a half whisper. “Can I come in?” 
Your mother nodded, when Peter passed her, she gave his shoulder a soft squeeze. “She’s in the kitchen.” 
The door closed behind him with a soft click. He could hear you humming an unrecognizable tune. The floorboards creaked under his shoes. “Mom?” You called out. The home smelled of cleaning products but also had a vanilla undertone. When he saw you, you were hunched over the sink. Bright orange rubber gloves on your hands, and you were gripping a sponge. 
 “Erm. No it’s me.” The kitchen fell quiet. You froze, and placed the sponge gently in the sink. 
“What do you want Peter?” You questioned him, leaning against the counter. “I just wanted to talk.” He said lamely. You rolled your eyes and returned to your cleaning, rubbing the ceramic of the sink way harder than you would've. 
“Our coffee shop closed. I passed it on the way here, and they put it up for sale.” Peter started, he nervously tapped his fingers on the counter. 
“Almost like a metaphor for us huh.” You whispered. The kitchen was quiet. Peter’s scent, his cologne, was overpowering and you almost broke down there. 
“Baby you have to believe me when I say that Madelynn came onto me. In the dark I thought she was you!” Peter had a hard time holding back. You didn’t face him. “Baby please.” He reached for your elbow, but you pulled away.  He heard you sniffle. 
“Peter I-” That’s when the waterworks opened. Salty tears started streaming down your face. 
“I believe you.” You whispered, this time, turning around to face him. You stared at his distress stricken face. His eyebags had deepened. His hair was coiffed, but a couple curls stood out. 
 Shock crossed his expression. “You what?” He muttered in disbelief.
“Look, a longtime ago, before I met you. I was dating this guy. His name was Henry.” You paused, taking off your gloves and twiddling your thumbs. “He was kind, and at the time, I thought of him as my whole world.” You met Peter’s dark brown eyes, they were filled with kindness. Always so kind and gentle to you. 
“Then I introduced him to Madelynn, and they totally hit it off.” You murmured sadly. You approached him taking both his hands in yours. “Maddie was always the hotter one, the prettier one, the one that the boys wanted to date.” You explained. “Henry cheated on me with her. She brushed it off as an accident, but I could tell it had been going on for some time.” You choked out. 
“Why did you keep her as a friend?” Peter muttered softly. 
You shrugged, you really had no concrete reason to be her friend. You had met your friend group through her, so maybe that’s why.
“And then, when I saw you together in that hallway-” Your voice wavered again, and Peter cupped your face. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “I thought the worst.” He pulled you in for a hug, which you gladly accepted. You felt yourself melt into him. 
“I know you would never, ever cheat on me. But Maddie...It just all came back.” You muttered against the soft fabric of his turtleneck. You thumbed the material. 
“Lindsey gave me screenshots of Maddie bragging about how she could break us up, because I’m so fragile.” You continued, your voice breaking at the last word. “Then she could get with you.” You whispered against his sweater. You looked up at Peter with teary eyes. He stared at you with such love that it almost broke your heart that you hurt him. He bent down and kissed your lips.
“I’m so sorry I ran away.” You muttered and started to cry softly. Peter caressed the top of your head. “Shh it’s okay darling.” Relief flooded through Peter’s system. He held you there, against his chest for a long moment before you pulled away. You reached up and  held his face in both hands before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, nose, and then his lips. 
“How about you take a small break, and we go out to get something to eat, that diner you like around the corner?” Peter suggested gently. 
 “Sounds perfect. Let me go get changed.” You said and left the kitchen. Peter eyed you, as you disappeared down the hallway. When you came back, changed in a simple set of clothes. You started pulling on your coat.
“How did I get so lucky.” He murmured to himself. 
“I don’t know, I’m quite the catch.” You giggled, and you both started to laugh as you left the townhome. 
Peter put his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. 
“I love you,” he muttered into your hair.
“I love you too.”  
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manireads · 4 years
freelancer, changkyun x reader 5
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word count: 3238
changkyun x reader 
an: here we are the long awaited fifth part of freelancer. let me know if you like and enjoy <3 im a lil late but shhhh
also, there is some cursing in this part.  
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But it didn’t stop her from thinking about him. Changkyun would cross her mind every now and then as she hoped that he was okay. He never tried contacting her after she officially broke it off with him. It troubled her because they were so close to each other, practically attached at the hip and now they were almost like strangers....
The first year was the toughest for her. It took a while after the initial break up for Y/N to finally recenter her life around her. It didn’t take long for her to realize that she didn’t want to keep working as a waiter for the rest of her life and that maybe it was time to finally finish her degree in medicine. But the idea of working a full time job and having piles of homework had taken its toll on her, especially coming out of a very painful breakup. She ended up leaving her job as a waiter and for a short while Soobin and Sojung helped her with money. But it didn’t last long, not because her friends couldn’t help her but Y/n started to feel like a bit of a mooch. 
So she did something she never thought she would do since moving away after high school and called her parents. Y/N hadn’t talked to her parents since her graduation when she dropped the bomb on them that she was going to be moving away with her boyfriend, however they couldn’t understand why. Y/N was a very smart girl and had received a myriad of full scholarships to other schools that she applied to. They’d assume she would take one and focus on herself. Instead, she was going to go to a school that hadn’t offered anything to her and was only doing this because of a boy. 
Reasonably, they were skeptical of her plan and tried to get her to change her mind. The young Y/N stuck with her guns and when the time came, Changkyun and her were on a train to Seoul. Her father was the first one to cut off contact with her as he was still upset with her. But now he was the one doing most of the talking. It wasn’t long into the conversation that her father blasted her with an entire ‘I told you so speech.’ While her mother spent most of the call trying to stop her husband’s nagging and trying to persuade Y/N to move back home. It was a long and trying phone call, having to listen to her father while not getting too angry and reject her mother's plans to return to the family home. By the end of the call, she had promised to call her mother more and that during an upcoming break, she’d visit them for a two week vacation.
When she got there, she was welcomed with home open arms, her mother immediately catching up on all the missed time. The two of them went shopping and hung out around the town. Y/N followed her around on all her errands and for a while it was really nice to be home. But her mother is a persistent woman and stuck up the conversation of Y/N coming home permanently again and again. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come home sweetheart?” her mother tried again. This had to have been the fifth or sixth time she had asked and she had only been home for a couple of days. 
“Mom, I really appreciate you and dad helping me with the whole money situation but I don’t want to come back.” She sighed. “I love my life in Seoul and I don’t want to have to start all over again here.” Y/N knew that she wanted to be back in the city. She wanted to make it on her own and pay her friends back for all they had done for her.
And while all that was very true for Y/N, she knew deep down that there was something stopping her. This small town she once called home was filled with memories of her and Changkyun. Even just going out to the store, she’d be reminded of teenage dates with him. She was too fragile to live in a place that would constantly remind her of someone she cherished so much. She couldn't explain that to her parents, especially her dad, who was still angry at Changkyun that they didn’t even want to hear his name.
“You know I never liked-”
“That boy. Yes, I know.” Y/N finished his sentence exasperatedly, trying to get across that she knows he feels. He’s expressed it over and over again.
“I know you know but,” He goes on.“You were doing so well in school and you would have had your degree by now if you hadn’t dropped out. You could have been working as a doctor and not scrapping around and having to ask us for money.”
“You know dad, if it’s really that big of a problem then you don’t have to help me at all.” She said annoyed at his ranting. Y/N had let him go on about it since she first called him but now it had become overkill. She had come here to relax for a little while and if this was going to ruin her time with family then she’d rather figure it out on her own. 
“No, I didn’t mean it like that.” In that moment, he realized how his ranting came off more as complaining. He walked over to her and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead before hugging her. “I just want the best for my daughter and I’m upset I couldn’t give you what I know you deserve. I’m sorry, okay?”
“It’s okay. I’m going to work hard and pay it all back to you, I promise.”
“You don’t have to pay us back at all.” He said, loosening the hug to look at her in her eyes. “Just promise me that you’ll do this for you and you’ll make yourself happy.” She nodded before giving him another hug. 
“Good,” The two separated from each other and he patted her on the shoulder. “Pad Thai for dinner?” She smiled.
The rest of her vacation went well and when she returned back to her shared apartment she was more determined than ever. She threw herself into school harder than ever. She even picked up extra classes during the summer and internships that counted for credits. This was the determined person she was when she was eighteen years and just a freshman, ready to prove her parents who doubted her wrong. Now, she just wanted to make them proud. She wanted to make herself proud.
Now three years have passed. She barely thinks of the past and is mainly focused on the future. All the work she put into herself led her to this moment, relaxing with her friends on a wednesday evening in hers and Sojung’s apartment and barely paying attention to a movie that was playing. 
“Do any of you have plans this weekend?” Hyunjung asked nonchalantly, paying more attention to her phone in one of her hands. She sat on a dark brown leather couch that had seen better days. Scratches from the time Sojung got her new coffee table and paint from the times when Sojung believed that her new style of painting was splatter. Hyunjung’s other hand was entangled in Soobin’s hair as the girl laid in Hyunjung’s lap.
“Nope” Y/N responded, popping a piece of popcorn into her mouth. Sojung sat up in her chair in exaggerated shock at her friend. 
“Really? That’s surprising. You always have somewhere to go. It’s almost like you don’t like living here.” She teased as Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Haha, whatever. My plans got cancelled last minute so I’ll be home.” 
“Aww, Joshua cancelled on you?” Sojung wined and pouted before a pillow came flying her way. The two other girls in the room started laughing and Sojung broke out in a full cackle.  
“Omg, shut up.” Y/N crosses her arms before she sinks back down into the large black bean bag she was sitting on. Sojung at the other end of the living room takes the pillow, and places it between her and the back of the comfy chair she’s lounged on, that was also as worn and painted on as the matching couch.  
“What? Don’t be mad that you boyfriend cancelled on you.” 
“First off, he;s not my boyfriend.” Y/N says defiantly before continuing,” And he didn’t cancel, the restaurant we were going to go to was full of reservations.” She returns to her own phone trying to pass the sentence off casually. But Sojung was too quick.
“Ooo, a dinner date.” Y/n immediately geared up to throw another pillow at her.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Soobin says as she gets up from the couch, she grabs the pillow out of Y/N hands and tosses it on the couch. “No more throwing pillows,” She wags her finger at Y/N, scolding her. 
“Yes, mom.” From the corner of her eye she can see Sojung sticking her tongue at her.
“And leave Y/N alone.” Soobin says as she turns her gaze to Sojung who quickly fixes her face under her friend's gaze. Y/N took the opportunity to return the favor, sticking her tongue out and shaking her head at Sojung. 
“Yes, mom.” Scrunching her nose, Sojung replied, still watching Y/N as she teased back. 
“Besides, Y/N is already going to have a boring weekend now that she won’t be seeing her boyfriend.” Soobin said a wide shit eating grin plastered on her face as she walked out of the living room into the kitchen. Sojung and Y/n both gasp and Hyunjung starts laughing with Sojung following behind.
“You guys are the worst!” Y/N groans out loud, her head falling back in fiend frustrating with her friends. 
“Uh huh, do you want anything from the fridge?” She calls out from the kitchen her head in the refrigerator. 
“I'll have another cooler.” Hyunjung says, still on her phone.
“Me too and those barbeque chips in the pantry”
“Can you grab the pint of ice cream in the freezer for me?” Sojung requested 
“Yeah.” Soobin says as she starts to gather all the snacks.
For what seemed like the first time that evening, Hyunjung looked away from her phone. She nodded over to Y/N to get her attention. “Anyway I asked because I have these tickets to an art gallery that’s having their grand opening up this weekend. I can’t go because I’m going to a different event with a client but maybe you two could go.”
“Wait, a gallery?” Sojung perked up. “Is it the one in Gangnam with the really fancy glass and metal sculpture in the front of the building?”
“Yeah, that’s the one. You want to go?” Hyunjung offers. 
“Nope.” She replies which shocks the two girls in the living room. Sojung kicks her legs up on the side of the armchair and lets her head hang off the other side. “I sent in my art to them for a gallery spot and they rejected me.” Y/N snickered as it was very like her friend to hold grudges like that. 
“They were so blunt about it. Didn’t even try to complement my work, just a cold hard ‘no’” She grimaced at the memory of the gallery director’s email from a couple of days ago. “ ‘Sorry, our gallery is for exceptional artists. Your work doesn't meet the standards set by our sponsor.’ Like what kind of bullshit is that?” 
“Damn that’s harsh.”  Y/N replied feeling bad for her friend. Hyunjung could only shrug, she knew the place was quite uppity but had never expected anything like that. 
“It’s fine. When I become famous, I’ll buy the whole place out and fill it with street art and tell them to shove their standards up their ass.” 
“You’re such an anarchist.” Y/N quipped.
“You better hope you sell a painting for millions then,” Hyunjung added, back on her phone. “ I heard the sponsor is some chaebol family, apparently they come from a long line of money. But it’s like they’ve popped up out of nowhere. They’ve only been in the social scene for the past 4 years maybe. It’s even rumored that they are descendants of royalty but I don’t believe it.”
Soobin returned to the living room with everyone's drinks and snacks. “I mean it’s possible. There are some famous people and Idols that have royal blood.” She says retaking her seat next to her girlfriend. 
“Yeah,” Hyunjung agreed, cautiously. “ But something is off about them. But I don’t like gossip too much so that's all I know about them. People do vouch for them so they have to be legit enough.”
After that the girls conversation died down as they actually paid attention to what was playing on t.v. The night came swiftly, Hyunjung and Soobin left for their own apartment after watching two more movies. Sojung retreated to her own bedroom, for some night painting because she ‘works better under the gaze of the moon’ as she likes to put it. Y/N could hear rock music softly permeating from her closed door. She decided to let Sojung be and decided to stay in the living room, She couldn’t find something that she wanted to watch, seeing that it was close to 11:30 at night. Nothing was on except reruns and talk shows she didn’t want to watch. So, she settled on drama she had no interest in to fill the empty space as she scrolled through her social media feed on her phone, but there was nothing in particular catching her attention. 
She had texted Joshua a little while ago letting him know about the gallery tickets that she got. He agreed with her that it would be a fun time and planned when to pick her up on saturday. This would be the fifth actual ‘date’ that the two have gone on. Since the both of them had very demanding jobs, him doing his residency in a different department, the two barely had time to meet up with each other. Most times opting for coffee breaks between long shifts and after work trips to the bar for a couple of drinks. The pair hadn’t actually officially started dating, putting the past three months into a weird relationship limbo. But it was nice and slow enough for Y/N. The people who she had dated recently wanted a relationship, with commitment and labels but Y/N was way too busy for that. She wasn’t ready to jump head first into something that she wasn’t going to put her hundred percent into.
Joshua on the other hand was seemingly perfect. He understood where she was coming from and respected that. Honestly, he felt the same. When the two of them had met it was during his commute to hospital. Joshua had woken up late and was running late for work. The last train that left the station before 7:30 am was the last one he could catch if he didn’t want to be more than ten minutes late that day. So when he saw the train approach almost filled to the brim with passengers, he pushed his way into a subway car, apologizing the whole time, and ended up right next to Y/N. The whole ride he didn’t say anything but took note of her scrubs. He waited until they both had gotten off the train before he introduced himself. After that the pair decided to get to know each other better. He understood her hesitations when it came to being with someone. He wanted to accomplish so much before he settled into something like a committed relationship, like waking up on time. But there wasn’t a reason why the both of them couldn’t enjoy each other's company in the meantime. 
The two had exchanged goodnights and now Y/N was laughing at a meme video on twitter, when there came an abrupt knocking. It was loud enough to shock her a bit and pull her out of her own little world. She sat up not sure where it had come from. It wasn’t uncommon to hear their neighbors bang on the wall especially when Sojung had her music playing so late. She was about to relax again but the knocking came again. This time she knew it came from their front door. She got up from her seat and walked over to the tan painter door. She leaned forward to peak through the peephole unsure of who was on the other side of the door at this hour of night. 
On the other side she saw the vast long hallway of her apartment building but no one was standing there. She came out of the peephole confused. She surely heard knocking coming from this door. Maybe, she just thought it was the front door or maybe it was their neighbor above them. Their young teenage kids loved to wreak havoc in the building whenever they got the chance. Sojung had a vendetta against the son named Minsoo after he pulled a particularly mean prank on her a year ago. Just to be sure, Y/N slowly turned the knob of the door, not wanting to alert any waiting teenagers outside, before swinging the door and being met with the same view of the empty hallway. 
She sucked her teeth in annoyance. At least if she had caught the kids, she could have properly complained to their parents but they were nowhere in sight. She turned to close the door but before she could close it completely she heard a pained groan echo throughout the hallway. She opened the door again, this time taking a step out and in the left hand corner she could see a slumped over body. It was a man, dressed in all black with their head down. She had made the conclusion that he was blackout drunk but why come to her door. At first she wanted to go back inside but her morals as a healthcare professional kept her in the hallway. He started to stir around and groan out incoherent words, she attempted to talk to him, seeing that he hadn’t completely lost consciousness.
“Sir, can I help you?” She tried to get close enough to him to hear him but not enough, unaware of what he could do to her. “Is there anyone I can call for you?” A worried look painted itself across her face.
The man on the other hand mustered up the strength that he could to speak as clearly as he could, pain wracking though his body. 
“Y/N, I need your help.” 
She froze, the feeling of her own consciousness floating above her. Her eyes went a little blurry as she tried to focus on the situation at hand. His voice became instantly recognizable, even after not hearing it for three years, and threw her thoughts into a flurry. She never thought she’d see him again and definitely not like this. 
“Changkyun,” She spoke breathlessly. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
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your “luke and alaric are married af” series made me transcend. they absolutely ARE. when i watched the show i really expected them to be in a canon relationship bc. it just seemed obvious. (me and magnus: you mean you’re NOT married??????) i’m surprised it’s such a small ship tbh. there is so much potential... i would love to hear more from u!!!!! what ideas do u have? first dates? how does maia react (i bet she’s like... duh? you’re my dads)? the story of luke’s epiphany omg???
for real!!! the chemistry and the love between them was so real and palpable and like hello? the way they always were on each other's corner? the Partners to Lovers dynamic?? the obvious mutual respect they had even though they were always butting heads? the way they always seemed to be growing together and not just fighting??? again the CHEMISTRY?? the fun little snippets we had like "it's never too early for teriyaki"?? literally we had so much to build an amazing romance and alaric is such a minor character his actor isn't even an actor he's a stunt double
like they had what 5 scenes and they all had such a great setup for romance or even for them to have been married the whole time??? they certainly had old married couple dynamics. fuck jocelyn i am speaking her out of existence. also i mean open relationships but why would luke even have a relationship with jocelyn when he had an actually good relationship to compare it to?
also the potential of their getting together being tied up to some personal growth from luke as an alpha and a downworlder in general like... most of their conflicts was because a part of luke still felt indebted to shadowhunters and their heritage and he kept putting the wolves last, and it would have been so good to see luke slowly realizing that he doesn't owe them shit and he gets to prioritize his own people and the people who are there for him, and him eventually choosing alaric over jocelyn being tied to choosing himself as he is now to who he used to be as a (terrible) shadowhunter...
not that it's alaric's job to fix luke obviously, but i don't think it would be "fixing" and this definitely wouldn't be a "teaching luke out of racism" story because when luke helped alaric as he became a werewolf he was already somewhat settled into werewolf life. i just think that a part of luke feels like he still owes loyalty to the people who hated him and it could have been a nice parallel to see him letting this go and getting with alaric. especially because alaric never coddled him, so, you know. and i think luke needed that little push in that sense. and alaric meanwhile would also be growing more confident into his role in the pack and in their job and getting the support he obviously still needed, and like, it could have been so good? definitely rocky before they sorted it out, but good. and of course sh had to waste the opportunity without even giving it thought because when don't they
anyway!!! as for your actual questions! first date is honestly so hard for me because i feel like their first date would feel like their billionth date. again i say, THEY ARE MARRIED whether they know it or not. so i can see their first official date going one of two ways: it's very lowkey, nothing they haven't done a thousand times before (like going to a small little family restaurant that they like, eating together, talking, maybe sharing a milkshake and they feel stupid but they're giggling and can't stop smiling and it makes them so happy that who cares) and it's absolutely PERFECT; OR they try to go all out and make it special and ~woo~ each other and it feels a little weird at first but it's still good and they get to enjoy the romantic ambience, hold hands over the table, and they're both a little shy because it feels like such a leap but it feels right
im gonna elaborate a little bit on both because i really love both??? so like they go to this little joint that is not the jade wolf or anything too close because they want to have this moment for tHEMSELVES, away from wherever anyone else from work or the shadow world might see them and from where they would think about it and associate with it. i am thinking... ohh some nice little place near where alaric's grown up? i'm headcanoning him as hondureño since we got no specifics other than his last name being rodriguez and i'm feeling like making him central american
and ALSO a great typical honduran dish is marinated meat and since luke is a beef jerky fan he would be all over that shit. i headcanon that luke knows alaric's family to some extent (i made a very quick reference to that in the second fic of the series) and i really love to think that luke has been to at least a few carneadas with alaric and his family?? which is aaaaaa another whole thing to talk about i might get back to it in a second but the DATE
also i like to think that luke would fall in love with rice and beans/casamiento because that is my rights. so like them going to the restaurant and having some meat (it's not really a carneada outside of the context of a carneada and for a date but like.. maybe pinchos or ye regular steak with urucum? i've had that in central brazil a few times and god i love it to death. or maybe chimol which sounds like something luke would like) with casamiento, tajadas, u know, the regular stuff? and it's lowey intimate because they are sharing the dish and it's something from alaric's culture you know??? god damn it i'm still talking about food. ONTO THE DATE
the point is that it's very casual and intimate but also uplifting and fun because this is a honduran restaurant we are talking about, so there's probably music, noise, alaric knows the family that runs it and possibly luke does too but they still have their space. maybe they get to dance a little bit because please god i am begging you, and luke has never had too many opportunities to dance before but it turns out he is a natural even if a little self conscious. i am picturing them dancing salsa which i kNOW is not an honduran dance but if the restaurant just leaves a Latin Music™ radio on as they usually do in latino restaurants in the US it's not that unlikely that it would play. and with alaric not being actually cuban he wouldn't humiliate luke too much. lmao
anyway most of the time they are just talking and teasing each other and every time luke takes a bite of the food he moans a little bit because he's a sucker for marinated meat and alaric wasn't even the one to cook it but goddamn if he doesn't feel proud of himself. and they share a drink (i guess the milkshake idea doesn't fit as well here but whatever they will get two straws for their iced tea or Tropical if they're feeling silly or agua de ensalada if they're feeling traditional. the point is that the lack of milkshake won't stop them from doing their dumb sappy thing) and are kind of laughing the whole time because it feels so teenage-y but to be fair luke DID just find out he was bisexual and figuring out your sexuality always brings in second puberty in terms of experiences. and alaric is not going to complain because it feels so sweet and right
and then the dancing which is fun and intimate and a little challenging for luke even if they aren't Full On Dancing Salsa, just a few moves here and there together but they get to be close and intimate and maybe alaric does some impromptu spinning and it makes them both laugh and maybe rub their noses together while they laugh and they are being so silly but they don't care
and basically they go home after hours, as you do, holding hands and a little drunk on each other, bumping shoulders on the way, alaric resting his head on luke's shoulder and luke on top of alaric's? and it makes walking a little awkward but god They Don't Care. and it just feels so perfect, like home and family and everything they are to each other :))))
really wanna add an "and then they fuck like rabbits" at the end but anyway i'll try not to ruin it
second date option! full out fanciness. they are already partners, they have seen each other in every possible situation, they know their worse, they know their married ways, but they want to have a ROMANTIC first date! lay thick their new relationship status. woo each other! show each other what amazing caring boyfriends/husbands they are. be adults!
they pick some fancy restaurant that luke may or may not have gotten suggested to him by magnus when he called him in a bit of panic because he is not very well versed in fancy restaurants and the like. maybe magnus even takes that extra step and portals them somewhere extra romantic like venice or whatever but i think they'd want to be independent in terms of going there and back so maybe not. anyway the point is, fancy restaurant! suits! they are a bit more nervous than they usually would because they haven't been in a place like this in waaayyy too long and they've never done anything remotely similar to that together before so it feels like a new territory and they kiinda want to prove something even though that's stupid because they've already chosen each other
but it goes well???? not as natural as the first date idea but that might just be me and thinking that casualness is the most romantic thing, and either way, it still feels so right and good. they get to sip wine, hold hands over the table, say something sweet to each other over entrees, share dessert, bicker over who gets to pay. again the marriedness of it all absolutely slips through but there is that new element that they are getting to explore and that feels so nice
and it's never stilted and forced, even if they are a little nervous, they are still themselves and it goes down smoothly and they are happy that it worked so well because there is always that fear in a best friends to lovers kinda situation that things will just feel weird, especially when you're both adults and have so much history. but it doesn't, it feels romantic and new and exciting and as they leave they tease each other a little bit like "after you, gentleman" and laugh together 🥺🥺🥺
and they have their first kiss as they leave and they both linger a little bit as they just stand under the stars and keep their eyes closed and their hands linked together and i need a moment oh my god
this got too long so i'm separating the answers for the different questions: maia's reaction (link), luke's epiphany (link)
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My mom has always been a little obsessed with having beautiful children. Started me in pageants two months after I was born. And while parents were sketchy at best letting convicts into the back rooms watching the children age 0-12 change clothes, they weren’t exactly abuse.
I can remember the first time I realized I was “fat”. It was when I was 7 and my mom and grandmother (on my dads side) pointed out my stretch marks. Now they were from me growing too tall too fast but I can remember being treated differently after my family noticed them. My mom would starve me, grandma force feed me and I was stuck in a loop of always feeling sick for one reason or another. Even now my mother hates that I require food to live. I’ll ask for a burger and she says it’s too much for someone like me and I should think more carefully about what to eat. But when I talk about the fact I’m moving to college the first thing she brings up is food and how I eat so much that I’m going to starve to death on a meal plan.
Food is hardly what I wanted to vent about however. I remembered today why I refuse to have any body hair waxed today. That’s because my mom from the ages of 10-14 would hold me down and groom me. These grooming sessions usually happened after a shower and she would hold me down and pick at my acne until it was all bloody and opened. I had severe body acne and was forced on medication for it to clear up my skin. I was allergic to the medication but kept on it for nearly a year before my doctor finally noticed the swelling and upper respiratory problems being caused by it. After picking my back, face, and arms bloody she would wax my eyebrows and often burn me. Then she would hold me down and blow dry my hair and burn me more. It’s also worth noting I’m autistic with sensory issues so however sensitive I would be to these was made exponentially worse. She also forced me to wear makeup from 12 on and in high school I wasn’t aloud to leave the house without a full face of makeup and eyelashes. At the same time she would complain that I took too long to get ready and would often exclude me from family activities because she didn’t want to wait for me to get ready but I also wasn’t aloud to go ugly.
I got into an abusive relationship two years ago and like most abusive relationships I didn’t notice right away. But he would also hold me down and pick my ski until it bled. After mom had stopped my skin cleared up but after he started doing it my skin got bad again. He would rub something im allergic to into my wounds afterwards and it has left acne scars all over my body. The worse part was I didn’t consider any of that abusive because it had been “a normal part of my childhood”
She also would dye my hair against my will to be whatever she wanted of me. Sometimes I would pick but I’d usually pick wrong and it’d lead to an argument so after a while I just stopped arguing and let her do what she wanted since “she knew best”. I plan to cut and color my hair before I leave for college and I only hope it isn’t an ordeal. She has significantly calmed down about my appearance in the past two years. I’ve even bean aloud outside without makeup although I wear a mask so it is much harder to tell.
She hates all form of body hair and regularly forcibly shaved my brother. She has threatened to start doing it to me again since she hasn’t had to forcible shave me since I was in middle school but recently I’ve stopped shaving under my arms and my arms and she hates both very much and actively gags when she looks at it and says she’s do it in my sleep so I have no say. I keep my body hair very guarded because it does feel crucial to the transition I’m undergoing.
But on the same note she is repulse by body hair she refused to let me shave at 12 because it’s too sexual and adult and I got bullied over my body hair and called big foot and Sasquatch. She did eventually agree to let me shave but only if she got to do it with an electric razor and that too was added to the grooming sessions and even though I wanted it to make the bullying stop it still wasn’t exactly enjoyable. Both my parents always seemed to have the need to see me naked or in my underwear and that is a good example.
I also hardly ever sleep and I remembered that the reason I initially started staying up late and sometimes overnight was because I would sit in the living room outside of my brothers room so that no one could sneak in his room and touch him like they did me.
0 notes
fahhhhq · 5 years
Similar but Worlds Apart: Part 4
Fandom: Narcos + Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Pairing: Javier Peña x Fem Reader
WaRnInGs: Cursing.
Summary: Your heart aches for someone who no one has seen for weeks, but when you get new intel about their whereabouts, you’re stunned by what you find in Colombia.
If you’re new here, start hereee: Part uno, Part kinda dos, Part tres.
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Note: Shit is going to start going down in this bitch starting next part. And I’ll post them more together since we’re all under lockdown, so timey off = more timey to writey.  Hope You enjoy, xoxo
When you and Javier got to the restaurant, the same lady that had tended to you the last time, just looked at you and Javier with a questioning look. She was confused when she sat you two down in the same table.
“So, what do you recommend this time, Mr. Peña?” you ask as you skim the menu, feeling yourself starving by the second.
You peak up from your menu and he has a small smile on his face, “I pretty much always get the sancocho or the arepas.”
You put the menu down, “I’ll get the arepas since I got the sancocho last time.”
He smiles, “Then I’ll get the same as you.”
“Or am I getting the same as you?” you question.
Javier chuckles and waves over lady. He tells her what we want and orders two beers, too.
You cross your hands and lean against the table. You just stare at him and look at the likeness he has with Jack. Wishing it was Jack there with you eating arepas, but at the same time, you're enjoying Javier’s company.
“So, where are you from?” You ask, trying to pry as much information out of him about his background, as possible.
He smiles, opens the beers that the lady laid on the table, hands one to me, takes a swig from his and then says, “Kingsville, Texas, you?”
You take a drink from your beer and love the way the bubbles and the bitterness graze your throat, “God, that’s a good beer,” you say then laugh. He laughs too and his eyes squint, which makes you feel weak in the knees. “I’m from Southern California, moved a lot, so there’s no specific place.”
“Oh, were your parents in the military?”
“Something like that,” you fake a smile.
He nods, “Ah…”
You take a bigger swig of your beer this time, “Yeah…so do you have siblings?”
“No, just a lot of cousins. And you?” Oh, interesting… you think to yourself.
You shake your head, “No, just me, too. I’d be cool if I had a sibling, though, I wouldn’t be alone.” Shit, you don’t know where that came from, you just shake your head and try to reiterate, “I mean, I wouldn’t have to deal with my parents alone.” You laugh it off.
Javier smiles, “I get it, trust me. I always wanted a brother to do crazy things with, or to fight with. I always got in trouble and I wish I had someone to blame.”
“Oh, that would have been fun! I always got in trouble when I was a kid, so I would just deny, deny, deny,” you laugh.
“And Im guessing your parents never fell for it?” he raises a brow.
“Hey, I can be a good actress…but no, they never fell for it,” you pout, but you notice the way he stares at your lips, like Jack did so many times and then would kiss you and leave you breathless. And you were positive Javier would leave you the same way.
Your food arrives and you both enjoy your arepas in comfortable silence. Every once in a while, you both agree on how good the arepas are and then other times you guys just people watch quietly.
“You OK?” you ask Javier. “We don’t know each other that well but you seem quieter than you normally would be.”
He just smiles and stares down at his food, “Work stuff got me stressed.”
You can’t help but to feel sorry and worried for him, “I mean, you work for the DEA in a country that is consumed by drugs and drug cartels, I would be fucking stressed, too.”
He laughs and his eyes shrink, “Yeah, well I mean you work for a super-secret spy agency, so you must know how it is to deal with assholes like the ones I deal with.”
“Exactly,” you exclaim. “So, is your stress the kind you want to talk about and get it all out or is the kind of stress where you just don’t want to talk about at all?”
Javier chugs the whole beer, “I’m not a huge talker. Especially about work.”
“Ok, so what do you want to talk about?” you ask.
He takes the last bite of his dinner and puts it to the side. He orders two more beers and looks at you, “What are you really doing in Colombia?”
Your heart skips a beat. His question catches you off guard, but you decide to be honest, “I’m looking for my partner. He went missing three weeks ago.”
Javier looks at you curiously, “Your partner? You mean from the super-secret spy agency?”
You chuckled lightly, “Yep.”
He narrows his eyes, “You really don’t want to tell me what you're doing in Colombia?”
You laugh some more and drink the rest of your beer then open the new one, “You don’t trust a lot of people, do you?”
“Not really. Its what I’ve trained for my whole adult life.”
“That must be tiresome, to be on guard all the time, wondering if they have bad intentions.”
His eyebrows burrow, “A lot of people have a lot to hide. Its my job to uncover whatever it is they’re hiding.”
“Did you ever think that maybe people aren’t as bad as you make them out to be. That maybe they’re not hiding any bad intentions, and are actually being honest?”
He grabs his beer and avoids your stare. It looks like he’s thinking over what you said. “In my experience, everyone I've met has had something to hide. Maybe its not as bad as the previous, but they still surprise me.”
“Not everyone has something hiding under their sleeves, bud. Maybe if you’d trust more people, you wouldn’t have to be a ho who sleeps with random girls because you can’t trust someone long enough to have a serious relationship with,” you say. And yeah, it might seem like you're being a hypocrite, but when did you lie? Until that moment, you had been honest about your job and why you were being in Colombia, except for the fact that the person who was missing had a damn twin, but you couldn’t control that fact.
Javier seems to be taken back by your statement. He lifts his eyebrows in surprise and chugs the rest of his beer with purpose.
You reach over the table and grab his hand, he’s surprised by your action, “I’m not lying, everything I told you about why I’m here is true. You can trust me.”
He rolls his eyes, still serious, “Fine, but I don’t like that you called me a ho.”
You laugh, “You are though, I know one when I see one.”
He chuckles, drinking the rest of his second beer, “Whatever.” He motions for another beer to a waitress. “So, what happened to this partner of yours?”
You think to yourself; you mean your twin brother who even has the same moustache?
You finish the rest of your beer and then you realize that if guys continue to drink the way that you are, you're going to spill the beans about Jack. But at the same time, you needed this. You hadn’t “let loose” it seemed in so long since Jack went missing, so relaxing and having a regular chit-chat with someone who looked exactly like him, how could you not want to continue to drink.
You look at him and try to tell him the whole truth, but with some white lies, “My partner went on what was supposed to be a simple mission, yes with dangerous people, but Jack, he’s not someone to get beat so fast and easy…we just don’t know what happened to him. One moment he’s talking to us over his earpiece and then, nothing.”
He lifts his eyebrows in surprise, “You're actually telling me the truth?”
You just smile, “I don’t like to lie, unless I’m working, but I’m being honest, Javier.”
He crosses his arms over his chest and sits back, “Why are you trying to convince me that you’re not lying?”
“So that you can trust me and not be so closed off when we hangout,” you say. “I mean, I don’t know how long I’m going to be here, but we can be friends in the meantime, and you don’t have to have your walls up so high that Mount Everest looks like the wall of connect-four.”
“Ok, I believe you,” he laughs. “So, your partner, Jack is it? How long has he been missing? Maybe I can help.”
You feel your eyes bulge, “No, don’t do that, please. You already have enough going on and I don’t want to burden you with my nonsense.”
“Doesn’t seem like nonsense if you're in Colombia and out of your element.”
You wave him off and wink, “Trust me, Agent Scotch, I got this.”
He laughingly throws his hands up in a protective manner, “Fine, Agent Vino, but I’m here if you need any help.”
“Thank you.”
After you both finish your fourth beers, you decide to head home. It’s past midnight when you both get to your building.
You speak first, “Well, thank you for taking me to dinner. I seriously didn't know it was so late, you saved me.”
“I saved you from starving to death.”
“Starving to death is a bit extreme, maybe from getting a really bad headache and getting ‘hangry,’ but dead, no,” you declare.
He leans against the doorframe of your now open door, “You always have an answer for everything, huh?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t be the agent I am if I wasn’t quick on my feet,” you feel weird saying that you're an agent because you're not completely sure he believes you.
“Right,” he says smiling, crossing his arms over his chest, his leather jacket stretching a bit because of his muscles. “I’ll leave you to continue to work or go to sleep. Dinner tomorrow?”
You feel your cheeks get a bit hot, “Yeah, we can do dinner tomorrow, and this time I’ll be ready.”
“Ok, goodnight,” He just gives a small smile and walks to his apartment. But you don’t go inside until you check him out and make sure that he doesn’t stand outside your door and listen to the call that you were going to make. Nice ass, you think before closing the door.
You walk over to your makeshift office in the kitchen and grab your cellphone. You dial and wait.
“Statesman Kentucky, the best Bourbon Whiskey in the world,” a young woman’s voice answers.
“Get me Ale,” you say.
After a pause there’s an answer, “Ginger.”
“Ginger, I need you to look someone up for me,” you say.
“Go,” Ginger responds.
“Javier Peña, he’s DEA.”
“Give a second here, ok, yes, Peña, born in Kingsville, Texas, went to college at Texas A&I University where he studied sociology and psychology, he was then hired as a Deputy Sheriff by the Webb County Sheriff’s office in Laredo, seven years later the DEA hired Peña as a Special Agent for the office in Austin.”
“Is that it?” You ask.
“Hmm, yeah that’s all there is. What am I supposed to be looking for, Y/N?”
“Just information. Does it show his picture?”
“Let me see…” then you hear a gasp. “What?! Wait, so Jack is going by another identity?”
You shake your head like if she can see you, “No, that’s his brother, Ginger.”
“What the fuck!” that was the first time you had ever heard Ginger Ale curse.
“Ginger, what the fuck am I going to do?” In that moment you just want to leave Javier behind and forget that you found him. In that moment you wish Jack was there and you could both go home and forget about all that had happened. But you couldn’t. 
You were in it, deep in it.
Taggity-Tags: @shikin83 @otherthingsinhead @batata-elegante @fleurdemiel145 @maryan028 @igotmadskills @just-add-butter @ghostofthebarricade @fatbottomedcurls @readsalot73 @stxriss 
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Troubled troubles
Ok to rb
Summary:Basically s/I and adler fluff, a bit of angst and a buttload of oc stuff
Gif by travellar on Tumblr
@romancologist @mycinnamonapples uwu
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Another Slam of hands on the table announces jerico that adler is yet having problems with something, she sighs Rolling her shoulders back, and her two cats sit ontop of them.
--Oh boy I do love hearing my boyfriend mad--she said playfully leaning on the doorsill of adler's Office.
Russel turns to look at her, he smiles a bit --Hey princess, sorry for makin too much noise,I know you dont like that
Jeri shrugged and Walked over, sitting on her boyfriends lap--Okay let me see whats up
--Ive been trying to fix this radio for Woods, nothings workin
She takes the radio and looks at it--Did you notice some of the cables are broken? Like when your headphones cable is broken and you twist the cord around for it to work?
--...wait what?
--Yeah its broken see?
Adler internally facepalms as his cheeks turn red--How could I not notice that?
Jer kisses his scarred cheek and leaves the radio on the desk standing up--Anyway ill go chance, todays prayer Day at cycle coasts main temple,you sure you dont want to go?
--No babe,im alright you go enjoy your terran stuff
She chuckled and shook her head walking over to her room to change.
The Roaring of the motorcycle engine drowned out any other sound in the garage, jerico put her helmet on,both of her cats tucked in her backpack,peeking through the semi Open compartment.
Her black cat mewls and presses their snout against the back of her head--Im alright vica,I just wish Russ came with me whenever we have celebrations, its something I dont want him to miss...but alas...--Her cat hissed and she snorted a chuckle-- dont be mad at him,our culture can be hard to digest
The cat rolled their eyes and sunk back into her backpack.
The wind hit her visor as she drove to cycle coast, she looked at the cloudy Sky, and sped up.
The drums could already be heard, jer chained her motorcycle to a post and Walked to the beach,there people in traditional terran wear danced with fans,banners and sticks, she sat amongst the crowd listening to the old woman talk.
Her hair was long,braids sprinkled about her hair, white as the moon,the traditional pristess robe, blue and black touched the sand and her long sleeves draped as she talked.
--Jerico...nice to see you could join Us.
Jerico smiled--Id never miss it
--did you bring your handsome boyfriend with you?
Jeri looked away--no,hes not really into our culture
The old womans brow furrow--such a shame...I wanted to meet him--she then perked up at the audience --You see, jerico has come here since she was a little trouble making bean about this tall--she puts her hand against her shoulder--so she heard this tale Many many times
When humans and gods lived along eachother--the elder pristess said-- and demons Ran amok at night,our goddess of death fell in love with one of those creatures.
She had Fallen for the King of the black demon hell, and had a child.
This is the child we'll talk about,in our books hes named xazo kazlaz or bell, it says that then elementus got wind of their relationshipp and they had to split.
About deaths son however.. she raised him to be the one that would guide the people to the afterlife...or hell navigating through the vast ocean of the dead with bells to guide him and Open the Doors to each realm...
Does anybody know why hes represented as an axolotl?--
Jerico raised her hand, and the pristess let her talk--because hes both a god and a demon, hes half and half like the axolotl that is an amphibian creature
The woman nodded-- very good,now lets commune back at the temple shall we?
As the people left, both the priestess and jeri were left alone,both Walked a bit distanced from the crowd.
--Thats one of my favourite stories you know zaivelaz
The woman smiled--I know thats why when I got your letter of you coming I changed it, its more interesting that the story of our patron goddess fighting over a piece of cheese
Jer started to laugh--Yeah that day was one hell of a day
Zaivelaz shook her head--Being a goddess amongst humans is hard?
--Like you have no idea,specially with my boyfriend,two of the people gods in my family had human partners and they...they died,im scared something similar Will happend to him
Her companion put a hand on jericos shoulder--It wont...I promise
The steps along the floating bridge were Many,jeri couldnt help but wonder how it would be if adler was here.
She struggled so much with showing him her culture that it made her feel sad,then again one of the moral rules in Terras was not to force anyone,and she wouldnt break it.
She sat on the floor with the priestesses and closed her eyes interlocking her fingers as she softly whispered.
--Hey ozi...Been a while...--she sighed-- I left you some offerings by your statues feet, I know you dont like this sorta stuff...but ive missed you, a lot, just...just..tell eryz and abbadon that I love em..and that same goes to you..i love you aunt ozi
After the prayers it was time for the festival, jeri Spotted a young Man wearing all black, white eyes,and black hair in a bun.
The Man seemed to notice her as he ran to her,hugging her tightly.
--Abbadon!--She said kissing her cousins cheek--Ive missed you
Abbadon put his hand in his pockets--Ive missed you too...what I could not miss is this festival! All because of our family?, wow!
Jer giggled and offered her hand--Wanna dance?
--You bet!
Their feet moved in synch,the flags spun in circles as they danced.
Abbadon threw his banners and jeri catched him, and he hers.
They were enjoying themselves when the music stopped abruptly.
They Turned to see the people around them that were equally confused.
The musicians pointed at the huge tide approaching them.
Both demigod cousins stepped infront of the tide and stopped it as its about to break, they both looked at eachother and nodded.
Jeri pushed it to one side, and abbadon followed, the water splashed them and them only and nobody got hurt.
--Your mom needs to stop sending tides that could literally drown someone when she wants to send a sign...
Abbadon crouched putting his hands on his knees,batting his hand at his cousin--i tried... no way talking her out of It
The celebration ended with no further altercations, jerico went back home and took a quick warm shower to then collapse on the bed.
--Hes still with that fucking radio isnt he?...--She sighed giving up--why do I even try anymore?
The sun filtered through the blinds jerico groaned and opened her eyes,only to find her boyfriends spot on the bed empty.
She grunts and sits up, her cats sitting on her lap-- I know I know..--she picks them up and walks to the kitchen where she gives both of them their food.
Jeri felt a pair of arms hug her from behind, she sighs nuzzling into adlers chest.
--Good morning sweetheart
--Watcha cooking there?
--Bacon and eggs for you and a healthy terran breakfast for me
Both ended up eating their breakfast in silence, Russell could tell there was something wrong with his girlfriend, he took her hand and she looked at him,those beautiful eyes he loved looking at were filled to the brim with sadness.
--babe...whats up?--He asked concerned.
--I just...wish you could come with me whenever we have festivals here--she said taking a bite from her waffle that had cream and pieces of caramelized fruit--its something I really really want you to participate in...but I know you dont like this sorta stuff and I wont force you
Adler sits back realizing what he had done, hes been neglecting a part of her that is important to her,those were her roots and he was stepping all over them.
He finished his breakfast and Walked over to her, lifting her up and hugging her--Im so sorry babe--he kissed her cheek-- I know this is important to you and i--
Jeri smiled kissing him again and cupping his cheeks--How about you come to todays festival in time temple with me huh?you dont have to wear our traditional attire,but I tell you it gets cold there
--Id love to, do I have to bring something?
--Not really, im going to make an offering though,it depends on the person
--perfect then...cant wait
Both smiled and kissed again.
The end of the day arrived quickly between work and chores to do.
Adler was waiting by the door fixing his leather jacket.
--How do I look?
Russ looks up at jerico and gasps--Very pretty
She smiled playing with the hem of her green turtle neck that had her shoulders peeking, her roman sandals clicked and clacked with every step she made.
The drive to time temple wasnt long, and luckily they arrived just in time for the story.
The elder priestess smiled when she saw jerico and nodded, proceeding to talk-- a long time ago, the second generation of dieties were born, they were meant to regulate life, amongst the three of them we find our patron goddess...chronos the incessant pass of time...
Elementus tasked a human to build a machine that could measure time, that is when the first sun clock was born,the human handed it to the Creator and with a sprinkle of magic the clock changed into a small girl, with short black hair, she had pale skin and two pale blue eyes, and from there,she was born.
Trained by elementus sister, Ray,the god of war...she then moved to her Realm where she measures time and the life of every being in existence..., from humans to animals and even objects, some say that she collects clocks of all kind and if.you want to meet her youll need to bring the rarest of clocks,of course, its all myths...or...are they?--the priestess finished her tale,and the offerings began.
Adler uncomfortably stayed behind as jeri prayed,she then Turned to him and ushered him to come closer.
--And this is my boyfriend, Russell
--Babe what are you doing?
--Introducing my aunt to you
--Yeah ive told you like a month ago im half goddess..and this is my aunt...chronos
--I...I thought you were joking when you said that --Jeri Turned at her boyfriend with a face of pure disbelief,he hunched his back--Sorry...
--Anyway..chronos...hes my boyfriend Russell, I wish you were here to meet him...hes very sweet sometimes
She chuckled and kissed his cheek-- sometimes--she then Turned at the statue--i wish you were here to meet him, I really miss you--Adler gave her some space and sat back on the chair--i miss you and dad so much...--she stood up--Ill..ill see you later auntie chronos--she smiled and Walked over to adler hugging him.
The festival inside the temple was full of music and food of all kinds, and both came back home exhausted.
Adler maybe got a solid six ours of sleep before hes awaken by her girlfriends voice--Babe...babe wake up...
He smiled kissing her--Morning princess
--There you are,change quickly my family came to visit
His eyes Open wide --What?
--Yeah they are here, come on change
She patted his chest and Walked into the kitchen, where abbadon was setting the table.
Adler Walked in a few minutes later only to find two men and three women talking with her girlfriend,who noticed him and hugged him--Okay everyone, say hi to russel,Russell this is abbadon, this is chronos--she said pointing at the woman with short black hair and glasses-- those are my aunts eryz and ozi, aka the goddeses of life and death--
Adler was baffled at the normalcy jeri used when talking about her family,he looked at ozi,her black Long hair fell down to the floor, a scar along her left eye and she was wearing a long blue. sundress,eryz had short brown hair, using the same glasses as chronos was, she had vitiligo and was wearing a white shirtdress with a green fitted blazer--and this is my Dad,Raymond.
To say adler was scared shitless was an understatement,his father in law was wearing a black leather jacket,black jeans and boots,a white t-shirt and aviator sunglasses, he was also way taller than him,with his black hair pushed back and two scars on each side of his face,one under his right eye and one right on the left side of his jaw in the middle between his mouth and the spot where both jaw and neck meet.
Chronos laughed and softly elbowed Ray-- Raymond youre scaring the poor human
--He better treat my daughter alright..
Jeri smiled and kissed russel--Dont worry dad he does
They all sat to eat breakfast, adler seemed intimidated by the dietys around him,but slowly let his guard down, they were a pleaseant bunch in their own way, more human than hed like to think.
Sadly after breakfast they all had to leave.
After saying their goodbyes russel and jerico end up cuddling on the bed.
--Your family is nice--russel said as he ran his fingers through her hair.
--nexts to meet yours
He chuckled--Maybe
They kiss, and he hugs her waist enveloping her in a tight bear hug.
--I love you jer
--I love you too russ
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acefrogmonarch · 5 years
HC pt. 3
Story Time! with the bat fam
The bat language!
It's just glares and different forms of glares. Semi-glare. Glare. Glare-glare. That's about five sentences.
Ravin has cracked the code and communicated with them. They understand why Raven could but not how Mari understands them.
They are very confused because this little flower shouldn't, like why??? She wears her heart on her sleeve and you can tell when she's angry or sad. Dick and bruce do it but Mari catches them.
Unknown to them, when Mari wants to be, she can 'cut' off her emotions.
Mari found Damian to be semi-attractive. Damian was like eh, she's another girl.
But he was about 5'11 at this point, and for years to come, he would grow. Mari, herself, is barely reaching 5ft. She considers herself lucky that she even reaches 5'5.
She was 20 when she did.
She is very angry at taller beings than her. Dick is 5'11 while Jason is 6'3, Bruce is taller than both of them.
Mari hates them all. Jason still calls her a bean, even when she has him in a choke-hold during a sparring match. Mari will not hesitate to throw hands. Instead of mellowing out, she did the opposite.
Jason Todd has had sex with Talia before and he hangs it over Damian's head for years.
As a challenge, he brought it up in front of Marinette. Any other time Damian would have left but since Mari was here, he couldn't. Damian stayed but Mari was like
“Why???" Tugging, cause they were holding hands. "Mari, lovebug, Malak, Habi Alghali. Let's go." Mari is a dissatisfied bean. Reluctantly follows Dami away.
The Outlaws consisted of Kori, Roy, and Jason!
When they hang out they always have ‘baked’ goods. They were eating edibles in the city but they somehow made their way to the manor for munchies. Alfred asked if they had any left.
Assuming to part with them, they lied and said no. (they always do)
Alfred still searched the trio moved the treat around. Some sour straps, molly ranchers, and a joint.
Alfred took some straps and popped them in.
"Wait, Alfred, that's-" "I know." They will never forget. Bruce semi-believes them.
Mari never took a stance on cannabis. "Too young." was the excuse often used when talking about it. She was 16.
She knew what they did. It wasn't until, Gotham, that she got real experience with edibles.
Roy accidentally gave her 300mg of cannabis.
"I got brownies!" Roy came in the room, granted it was one of Jason's many hideouts and they had agreed to hang out before Mari was dragged away.
"Jason, Let's get blazed!" Roy kicked the door in and Mari took a stance, Jason got out his babies and pointed them at the door. "Uhh." Roy slowly backed out, Jason put away his guns and Mari bounced in excitement.
"Brownies!" Plucking one from the bag, Mari smelled it first. "Mari, no." Mari turned, then plopped it in her mouth, stuffed her hand in the bag and took a bunch more.
Eating 3 more and stuffing some for Tikki. Jason sighed deeply. "Dammit." It sweet chaos for Mari after that.
First, an anxiety attack then bliss. She was never afraid of heights from being Ladybug, and that just added more fun for Mari.
Damian doesn't find out until he calls Mari.
Because Mari was supposed to come back and hang out, they promised. No, Damian was not upset by the fact that Jason is not better company than him.
Not at all. Damian is superior in every way! His ringing phone brought him back to reality.
"Mari, get away from there!" That's Jason. Marinette was giggling and Damian could here the wind.
"No way, Jose," Roy shouted in the background. "Who's jOsE?!?!" Marinette laughed loudly and Damian was starting to question his existence.
"Mari, Baby girl, Demon tamer. Get off the ledge." There was an eerie silence. "Oh, that reminds me. Hi, Damian."
That's it. "Ya Qamar Barid, I'm coming to get you." Marinette started to sob at that. "I MISSED OUR MEET UP, DIDN'T I???" Damian was already driving off, he traced the call.
"No, not at all Habibti. I was just thinking about where we should eat out." Marinette stopped crying.
"Really?" Damian confirms. "Mhm." "Je vais à la pizzeria que je veux, amant.* ”  The call ends and Damian is NOT panicking.
(I go to the pizzeria i want, lover.)*
Marinette hanged up and jumped down to the apartment below. "MARI!!" Jason was going to lose so many years of this. This small bean should be very afraid.
Jason jumped after her with Roy following on the other side. "Oh, shit. Mari!" Roy regrets everything leading up to this point. At first, it was funny, seeing anyone try for the first time is.
Jason caught up to Mari, who has made it down 4 apartments. They were on the 5th floor.
Almost went splat on the pavement a couple of times.
Damian pulls up in one of the many cars, he's hot-wired before. Mari doesn't notice she's trying to climb down from the first floor to the ground. She jumps to a flag and misses.
Damian catches her before she hits the ground. "Damnit Habibti."
Marinette giggles. "I would have been fine, you know that." Damian carried her back to the car, Mari's complaining the entire time.
Once she's seated in the cold car, she promptly falls asleep.
Lila causes problems for Mari, on purpose but for the wrong reasons.
To spend time with her. Lila is never going to admit that she likes or even remotely revolves her world around Mari. Max points it out to Mari and has tried to get Lila to confess.
Likes to make Marinette mad. When her cheeks go red Lila accidentally lets out a, “She’s cute.” Mari turned to her. “What?” Lila panics and shouts. “I said you’re shit!” Mari is a very confused bean.
The only reason why this is brought up is that they make Lila have Sociopathic tendencies. Like Oni-chan didn’t make sense. Why let go of Adrien? Willing? Better question, why only focus on Mari? Unless you know. . . . . . Just saying.
A lot of mini ships. Like Alix x Chloe.
Alix and Chloe are secretly dating. Sabrina covers for both of them when it’s date night. Alix’s parents know that she’s gay but not Chloe’s. She doesn’t know why she’s scared.
But she doesn’t like that way her dad dismisses gay pride parades. Marinette helps her come to terms and even helps go through her emotions and to come out.
Still doesn’t come out until very much later. Uses Adrien as an excuse. Adrien knows what she means.
Chloe's mother is alright, you know ,gay pride. She joins the parades and makes small nods in her designs.
Eventually Max x Kim!
Alix and Kim are best friends and they help each other out because they always get the wrong advice.
Max and Kim ‘got together’ because Kim didn’t want to date Odine. Max doesn’t think they are dating.
So Kim makes an effort for their relationship and friendship. Alix dared Kim to date Chloe on valentine’s day, Max was there. He didn’t even hear Chloe’s answer but that didn’t matter because, at that moment.
Max heard and Kim understood why he felt like ‘that’ around Max. Max said congratulations and that just broke Kim's heart. Max is not very good at emotions.
"Mom already has enough on her plate." "I don’t need to trouble her." Max to Kim at some point.
Very later. Marc x Nathanial! Fw/B at 17
Nath only shines when art is involved. Has done sculpting and embroidery lessons from Mari, because he doesn’t want to be limited to one form of expression. Digital music is not his thing. Instruments on the other hand. Band nerd.
Sneaks into Higher writing courses. The teachers let him. He’s so talented in creating a universe from nothing. Marc had let the director of the ‘LB and CN Movie.’
Look at some of his stuff but once some criticism on Twitter started to get deleted for some reason, Marc asked around. Bad plot and all, he dismisses the story “Astruc” approved and did another one. Just because he made one good thing doesn’t mean he made the rest just as great.
Yes I am dissing Thomas
I am changing this.
No relationship. Luka helps Kagami realize that not everything in sexuality is as black as white because im a sucker for Les Kagami and Bi Luka. They can find happiness with people.
Emotions? What’s that. Barely there. No chill. Whatsoever. Sarcasm? Come again. She can make sarcastic jokes but won’t know it if it hits her in the face.
Knows exactly what you're talking about but at the same time doesn’t. Can’t relate. It’s very frustrating because she won’t disobey without feeling guilty. Mari, Adrien, and Luka help tear down her walls and ‘need to approve’ attitude. A lot of walls around her heart.
Adrien doesn't like or feel any attraction besides strong feelings.
Demi? Or Ace. Maybe Ace.
He is very disappointed when he doesn't feel explosions or fireworks when he kisses Lila (It was for a shoot, maybe audition.)
Parents fighting? Middle of most argument. Afraid of failing his father because his mother was like that?
The acting was put on hold but she would sneak out for auditions. Natalie helped her sneak out. He can’t trust Gabrial but trust his mother's judgment and maybe Natalie.
He doesn’t know what to do because Mari is, best friend and Lila don’t like Best Friend. But Mari said it was okay when it wasn’t! Proud owner of at least one brain cell.
Eventually Rose x Juleka!
Very concerned with Juleka’s being. She wants Juleka as more than a friend but if Juleka isn’t comfortable with it.
Then she can wait until she’s ready. Her father supports but her mother doesn’t. She makes fun of her depression.
World of patience. Rose and she aren’t dating but they are saving for each other. Juleka was delirious when this happened. She’ll never admit her feelings. Worried about how people would act.
And of course Alya x Nino once Alya gets her head on straight.
These are mini-stories. I'm going to reference these and mention them when I can in the story.
Bruce has movie nights.
No one knows where it is or what movie he watches. Alfred has an idea, and the boys keep trying to find where he goes. It's been so long since he's had something nice in his life.
He... adores his... children. To some extent. Okay, a lot.
But that didn't mean he could show how much he... loved them.
Regardless, they bring trouble where ever they go. Finally getting the conviction to watch a movie, he kept the tradition every chance he got.
Marinette accidentally found him at one of the run-down movie theaters around Gotham. A new movie she was excited for was already released in America but after Sams Club™
She never allowed them anywhere near her in a public place. It was chaos last time. She memorized the way to this theatre and avoided all the cameras. She checked, multiple times. On patrol.
Both, Mari and Damian, are 16.
Bruce is 38, Jason is 24, Dick is 26, Tim is finally 21. Dami is a winter baby. December. Mari is a Fall baby. October 8th.
When Adrien and Mari hang out together, Mari loses one brain cell While Adrien gains one.
They can never get anything accomplished if it doesn't involve the miraculous in some way. Mari was talking about a recent design, Adrien was in the middle of drink soup on this cold day.
Marinette stopped talking as Adrien struggled to get a single noddle in his mouth. Mari opened her mouth to try and say something, but Adrien managed to get the noodle in and grinned. As if, he just got the best Christmas gift, ever.
Mari lost if after that. "A-Adrien!" Clutching her stomach, Mari continued to laugh, Adrien joined in laughing at the slurping noise he made Nino walked in a moment ago to them laughing. It was lunchtime and they went ahead of the Alya and Nino.
Fu is a touchy subject with Marinette.
After the left with his past lover, he shortly passed away. Marianna wrote a letter back to Marinette and that just broke the Dam she built around her emotions.
Chat Noir revealed to be Adrien to destroy the Akuma after her.
Mari, as the newly appointed Guardian, didn't take away his miraculous. No one else was able and she didn't want anyone else to break down from the weight of responsibility.
Chat Noir took his duty with more dignity and less comical after the reveal.
I just saw the Chat Blanc trailer and.. I had this idea before but omg this is weird.
Like most of this is going to be in Book 2. Book 1 is set in Paris, following Marinette. Book two is in Gotham, following Damian 
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stormcrawler75 · 5 years
“You are trespassing here, human.” with Dragon!Logan please? To any of the others is fine :)
Logan watched the Human sneak through his cave. There were two pieces of cloth attached to each side of his chest like slings and Logan could see the bundles squirm every now and then but the man would shush the little bundles and continue sneaking through Logan’s hoard. 
His hoard was mainly old books, carpets and maps. But, in a nest made of soft blankets, there were vials of potions that Logan was taken from old mages. Logan treasured those potions though he would never use them himself. And it seemed that Logan’s little intruder was heading right to those precious items.
The intruder didn’t seem to realize that Logan was awake. The Human kept glancing at him anxiously but kept creeping closer to the potions. Logan growled deep in his throat and the Human froze. Slowly, the Human turned to face him, pressing protective hands on the slings sitting on his chest.
“You are trespassing here, Human,” Logan growled. He stood up, maps and rugs falling off of him as he did so. His wings stretched before dropping down against his back. The Human backed up from ginormous Dragon and Logan watched him intently. “You have snuck into my hoard and are here to steal my precious treasures.”
The Human’s heartbeat was going crazy and Logan could hear the Human’s breathing become swallow. “I, I came here to find something.”
“Find something,” Logan repeated incredulously. Annoyance sparked in him and he snarled, the Human flinching back at his sharp teeth. “You mean steal.”
‘No,” the Human cried. “I mean yes! Please, it’s very important!”
“This is my hoard,” Logan growled. “And you are a thief who has come in the dead of the night to steal from me! My books and my potions!”
“Please,” The Human begged. “I need something and it’s very important-”
The Human stumbled back as Logan lurched forward, baring his teeth. He had no real intention to eat the Human but he loathed when people tried to lie to him. If this Human wasn’t careful, he’d be taken for a flight before Logan allowed him to leave.
But, both of them stopped dead when a cry echoed through the cave. Logan’s eyes snapped down to the slings on the man’s chest and cocked his head at the whimpers and cried coming from them. The Human quickly started swaying back and forth, cooing down at the slings.
It sounded like Human Hatchling. But, why would the thief bring children with him?
“You’ve brought Hatchlings,” Logan mused. 
The man’s eyes snapped up and he tensed. For the first time since he had arrived, he looked ready to fight. “You’re not going to hurt them,” he snapped. “They’re mine.”
“And yet you’ve brought them to my hoard,” Logan said, leaning closer to try and get a better look. But the man stepped back and glared at Logan. “Let me see them.” When there was no answer, Logan softened a touch. “Please. I will never harm a Hatchling.”
For a few moments, the man didn’t move. But then the man stepped closer, slowly and nervously. Once he was close enough, Logan leaned close to look at the Hatchlings at he felt himself balk in surprise.
In each sling was a tiny little baby, one a little larger than the other. Both were identical in looks except for the scales on their faces. One had green and yellow scales on his left cheek surrounding a yellow eye. The other had far fewer scales than his twin. Underneath his eyes were vibrant purple scales that seemed to sparkle.
“Curious,” Logan breathed. “I did not know that Human Hatchlings had scales.”
“They don’t normally,” the man said. “But, well, they were cursed, you see. Their parents upset a local Sorcerer their children were cursed as revenge. They were abandoned to die but I couldn’t just let babies die.”
Logan watched the babies as they squirmed in their slings. The one with purple scales extended a hand toward Logan, eyes shining bright with interest, but his caretaker quickly pushed the hand back down. 
“How were they cursed?” Logan asked. “Is it just the scales? They can be rather tiresome but one can learn to live with them.”
The man shook his head. “No, I wouldn’t be here if it was just the scales. I love their little scales, they’re beautiful. The real curse is that the scales will keep coming. And coming and coming until they’re covered with them. And the day that the last piece of skin is covered is the day that they die.”
The Human ran gentle fingers over the larger baby’s green and yellow scales, coaxing a giggle out of him. “I don’t want them to die. They’re innocent and they’re mine.” He looked up at Logan with teary eyes. “I love them,” he whispered. “I can’t just let them die.”
Logan felt his heart thaw at the man’s story and he nodded. “I understand. I too once had a child. A son by the name of Roman. He is grown now and has a mate of his own. But if he was threatened in any way, I would do anything to save him.”
He sighed and flicked his eyes back down to the babes. “Do you know the name of the potion that you require?”
Tears leaked out of the man’s eyes and a relieved grin grew on his face. “Yes, yes! It’s called Praepediens et de Scales. I was told that it’s a very dense red potion. It won’t make the scales go away but it will stop any more from growing.”
Logan nodded and took a few steps toward the nest of blankets where the potions were kept. He heard the Human gasp as he stepped over him but the Human didn’t move as Logan gently picked up one of the vials in his mouth. He walked back and set the vial at the man’s feet. 
“Praepediens et de Scales,” Logan said, straightening back up. “Here.”
The man bent down and took the vial, holding it reverently. “Thank you,” he sobbed. “Thank you so much. If they’re anything I can do to pay you back, I’ll do it.”
Logan shook his head. “I ask for nothing more than you and your children’s names.” 
The man grinned at him, not bothering to wipe away his tears of joy. “My name’s Patton Heart. And this one,” he pointed at the larger baby with the green and yellow scales, “is Dee. This,” his finger moved to the smaller one with the purple scales, “is Virgil.”
“Patton Heart,” he said softly. “Know that you and your children are welcome back to my cave anytime.”
Patton left that day with several more thanks given and tears shed. The day ended with Logan being happy with the fact that he had saved two young boys from terrible fates, even if he had to have lost one of his vials of potions to do so.
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vernonluver · 5 years
24 hrs - wong lucas
prompt- 24 hours with your secret boyfriend wong lucas 
word count- 1.9k
note- omg im posting hehe uhh theres no warnings in this besides so angst and theres literally no talking in this my bad homes
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It happens almost every morning, you get a text from your boyfriend telling you good morning and how much he loves you. That he knows you’re asleep but somehow someway you’ll wake up from your deep sleep to text him back before his recordings start. You’ve been with Lucas for a year and for that year the only two people who know of the relationship are you two, and you’ve made it work. The sneaking around gets old and sometimes you feel like he forgets you exist, but he doesn’t, it’s quite the opposite actually. You’re always on his mind, when he’s surrounded by camera crews and his band mates the only person he can’t seem to forget is you. When these thoughts get too much the text at five in morning always comes and you feel the love from him pour through his words.
“Good morning my love, today the guys and I are filming for a variety show that I don’t know much about, hopefully that doesn’t bite me in the as haha. I love you so much and I hope your morning is wonderful despite classes. Text me when you wake up, I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you tonight. <333333”
Your alarm never fails to leave you agitated, the shrill sound pissed you off beyond belief but you know that you have to make your eight am because if you miss another class your professor would kill you. You look at your phone to see Lucas’ text to you, a smile finding its way onto your tired face, he never failed to make you smile like a dummy. He was the love of your life and you couldn’t wait for the day you could tell the world. He made the gloomy days so much brighter with his loud laugh and contagious smile. You sent him a text back telling him about your plans for the day that you hoped his filming goes well and that you love him too. You drag yourself out of bed, your feet feeling a little lighter now that you’ve talked to your boyfriend, your eight am was waiting for you and who were you to keep intro to psych waiting? 
Your first class of the day was over and you had an hour and a half to kill before heading to your second and final class of the day. You decide that feeding yourself would be best and you head to the cafe that had the muffins you loved so much. After a long day for Lucas you brought him a muffin from the cafe that sits on the edge of campus, it was a chocolate one, that was probably  the happiest you had seen Lucas in weeks. The muffin brought him so much joy you couldn’t help but buy one for yourself along with a coffee, you ate the food with a smile on your face.
Your class had finished for the day and now it was time to go have lunch with your friends, you were very lucky to have them. When you couldn’t see Lucas they always cheered you up, and they loved to go and eat lunch. They’re loud laughs always made your cheeks hurt from smiling so big. Half way through talking about due dates and horrible teachers your back pocket buzzes meaning you got a text. When you saw Baby<3 pop up on your screen you tried your best to hide the smile that was fighting to take over your face.
“I hope your classes went well today my baby, there is only a few more hours left of shooting and then I’ll be able to head to yours and give you all the hugs and kisses I want hehe. I love you, have fun with your friends!”
He was so sweet, so sweet it almost hurt you. Sometimes you felt like you didn’t deserve him, that he was too good and too pure. These thoughts didn’t have time to take over before one of your friends called you out for smiling at your phone, an eyebrow raised as if asking who is it that is making you blush. You hope the excuse of a picture of your dog from home will trick them once again.
You smile at your coworkers and greet customers as you walk into the small coffee shop you work in, It wasn’t the best place to work and the pay kind of sucked but it payed the bills, and that is all you could ask for. The four hour shift felt like it could last for forever when you know that Lucas would be at your house in just a few hours, he just couldn’t seem to leave you alone today. He invaded very thought you had, you wondered if he would like the new drink your cafe had been promoting, or what he would think of the things you’re learning in class. He followed you around like a shadow but without actually being there. Lucas had you so sidetracked today that you accidentally called out his name instead of a customers, you were so embarrassed you couldn’t look the guy in for the rest of the time he was in the cafe.
You leave the cafe smelling like coffee beans and sugar, the smell almost too sweet. You were so excited to see Lucas you almost forgot you needed to pick up dinner for the both of you. Thai food, you loved it and he couldn’t seem to eat enough of it. The wait wasn’t long and soon you were on your way to you apartment and texting Lucas that you were off work and picked up food. He texted back a few minutes later saying that he had just gotten back to the dorms and to give him another hour to sneak off. You smiled at the text and sent him back some hearts. Before you knew it you were at your apartment.
Once you’re home and the food is in the microwave to stay warm you hop in the shower to get the smell of coffee off of you. You text Xuxi that you’re home, that the front door is open, and that your roommate isn’t home. The shower doesn’t last very long and soon you’re changing into shorts and one of Lucas’ shirts, somehow it still smells like him even after being in your house for so long. You see a text from Lucas ten minutes ago saying that he’s about twenty minutes away. You put some night cream on and try and dry your hair as much as you could.
You heard the door open and shut and then foot steps sounded into the kitchen where you stood. You turn around and a huge smile took residence on your face. Lucas was covered in black from head to toe, even a mask adorned his face. Your legs moved before your mind and soon you had your arms around his neck and you were pressing kisses everywhere his mask wasn’t. His laugh flooded the apartment and his hands pulled down the mask and he pulled you closer to him so he could finally kiss you. His lips were soft, as they always were, and his grip was tight on your waist. It had been a few weeks since you last saw each other, and the desperation in your kisses and touches expressed that wanting for the both of you. Soon you both break away, breathless but the hunger you both felt was over powering. You both sat down, the thai food in your laps and you both talked about your days. Lucas told you about all the dumb ass games the host made all the boys play and you told him about the ridiculous amount of homework your psych professor assigned you. Every so often between bites he would lean over and kiss you, once, twice, maybe three times just to hear you laugh and feel you on him. You ached to have this every day, not just once every few weeks when he could seek out of the dorms. You had to wait, and you understood that, but it didn’t make it any less painful.
You told Lucas to go shower and take his makeup off, you knew he couldn’t be comfortable in his skin tight clothing that the stylist always put him in. While he showered you cleaned up the kitchen and tried your hardest to push away the sadness that was slowly filling your chest. You didn’t want him to leave, you wanted him to always be with you and stay in your arms, no matter how selfish it was. He is you baby and you never wanted to let him go. When he got out of the shower, now in clothes that he kept at yours just in case, you laid in bed. His chest was against yours and his head was in the crook of your neck. You could feel his breathing matching up every time you ran your fingers through his dark hair.
You two decided that you wanted to watch We Bare Bears. You find comfort in the show, and he found it funny. He found ice bear super funny, you swear you had never seen him laugh as hard as he did when Ice Bears drone got smashed by the subway. His laugh sounded like music to your ears. Lucas kept kissing you, leaving small pecks all over your face, neck, and shoulders. He never wanted to leave your side.
You’re both tired, but neither of you want to sleep. You don’t want to leave his arms and he would rather never have another shooting if it meant he got to spend the rest of his time like this. How he was able to spend the night with you, you didn’t know, but you didn’t question. After the TV was turned off and you two felt sleep creeping up on you, you realized you didn’t know the next time you would see him. You decided not to focus on that but on the fact that the love of your life was in your arms. You focused on his breath hitting the side of your face and how the sleepier he got the more his hands would twitch indicating that he was getting closer to sleep. You kissed his cheek and told him you loved him, he groaned in response but you knew what he meant.
You woke up to Lucas pulling the covers over your shoulders and him kissing you on the top of your head. When he saw your eyes open he smiled down at you, telling you to go back to bed and that he would text you later and to enjoy your day. You smiled up at him and let out a raspy “I love you”, he giggled and told you he loved you too. He left the room after many more kisses and you closed your eyes, trying to get a few more hours of sleep before your classes for the day start. You’re almost asleep when you hear your phone go off. You roll over and beam at your phone seeing a text from Xuxi.
“I know I just left you but I wanted to tell you how much I love you again, thank you for staying with me when I know this situation is hard, only a few more months before we can tell the world about our love. Have an amazing day at uni and pls don’t forget to eat and do your homework. I’ll talk to you later my baby, I love you<3333”
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