#i just never put two and two together bc i’ve never seen them together
me1-atonin · 2 years
guys i can’t believe this. i remember i was just a tiny bit worried about outright telling one of my younger teammates that i’m a lesbian last year and today i just found out that she has two dads 😭😭😭 and one of our other teammates who’s really close friends with her was like “you didn’t pick that up? you’ve literally seen both of them before”
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luvpedropascal · 9 months
the light
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summary: javi rethinks his position at the DEA after you are put in danger because of his job.
pairing: older!javier peña x gn!reader
contents: talks of minor injury, reader is put in danger, javi has an anxiety disorder, intrusive thoughts are depicted
wc: 853
an: okay so i know i disappeared off the face of the earth for like over a year but i’ve been lurking and waiting for inspiration to hit me and! it finally did! i’m hoping i won’t go right back into writers block after this, bc i have soooo many fic ideas for you guys. this is just a little one to start, so i hope you guys enjoy!
“Javi, baby, look at me. I’m okay.” You said, taking his hands into yours tentatively. They were trembling slightly, almost like an extension of his quivering lips.
You got caught between him and a cartel member. Stupid, yes, but you had just gotten nicked, the injury so minor that you didn’t even need stitches. He got to you just a fraction of a second later. Soon enough to you, too late to him. His team took down the guy immediately, while Javi froze for a second, looking between you and the body laying across from you. Running over to you, he cursed when he saw the blood, his eyes wide with fear. A mixed string of anxious questions, apologies, and curses was spilling from his lips, so incoherent that you were worried he would pass out from the stress.
“Javi.” You repeat firmer this time, giving his hands a gentle squeeze. His eyes finally landed on yours for more than a second, filled with a look of pure guilt you had never seen in them before.
His fear of losing all of this, you, was consuming him. Already, he was picturing himself losing your future together, the possibility of kids, building a home together. It was swallowing him up so quickly that you wondered if you would even get a chance to show him that it was just a little scratch on your shoulder, thankfully. The only reasoning he could find for this whole situation was that he was at fault. He was too slow. Too old. Too distracted.
Before you could calm him down, he was rushing you over to the paramedics, demanding, rather harshly, that they treat you immediately. They cleaned the tiny wound, applying a bandage no more sophisticated than a normal bandaid. You were free of any other injuries and within a few minutes, you were turning to Javi again. He had that look in his eyes still, and without another thought you wrapped your arms around him. He let out a deep breath, pressing his nose into your shoulder.
“Let’s go home, yeah?” You murmured.
Javi carried that guilty look home with him. You had both taken deep breaths together, grateful that your injury was so minor. Both of you had calmed down for the other, making yourself available for comfort. But even now as you laid on the couch with him, your legs curled underneath you and your head resting on his chest, you could feel how tense he was against you. The arm he had wrapped around you had a certain weight to it, like he was scared to let you go but just as scared to touch you.
You could tell he was thinking about something, his expression looking so distant and unfocused. There was a space between the two of you as you let him sit with his thoughts, not wanting to disturb him just yet. He took his time, holding you close, purposefully entangled.
“I’m taking the job,” he said, after a long silence.
Looking up at him, you furrowed your brows a little in confusion.
“The lead agent job. The 9-5. M’done chasing around these guys for leads, putting you in danger.. I’m too old, too tired, too slow.”
You looked at up him with worry, parting your lips to speak before he interrupts you, “Baby-“.
Javi shakes his head, “I’ll be home for dinner, making more money. We could save up, get a new place.”
“Baby” you reach up to cup his cheek, “If this is because of what happened, please don’t quit. I’m okay, you’re okay. Everything’s okay, these things happen.”
This look flickers through his eyes, something you’ve never seen in him before. He looks younger for a moment, just a boy. A scared- No, terrified, boy. His eyes gloss over the slightest bit, and he shakes his head again, weaker this time.
“Once was enough. I just- I c-can’t, okay? I can’t do this anymore, not after today.”
His voice shakes a little this time, your heart breaking as that fear becomes more obvious. For a second, you consider countering him, but there’s no point. Javi’s about as avoidant as they come when it comes to his anxiety, but this was different. This was visceral and rooted in logic, and you quickly realize that there was no way he’d change his mind.
Nodding softly, you sit up and hug him around his neck, “Okay. You’ll take the job.”
He nods quickly, desperately into your shoulder, those words reassuring him, “M’taking the job.”
You repeat it back to him a few times, processing this change with him every time he repeats it. Running your hand up into his hair, you stroke his short curls, soothing him. Javi’s mind shifts from obsessive images of you, injured or worse, that his brain creates just to haunt him, to a future he can now guarantee. A safe, predictable future. One where he can be home every night for you, and hopefully your kids one day. The new thoughts calm him and he lets out a deep breath, sighing against you.
“Thank you.”
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greatyme · 9 months
I did something silly….. I made QL guess who!
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About a year and a half ago I had the idea for a custom ql guess who game but I had no one to play it with so I just put it to the side until I (hopefully) would. Fortunately that day came this weekend when @pondphuwin and I got to play a few rounds (they beat me 4:5 actually lmao)!
Some of the questions we asked were stuff like “is it from gmmtv,” “does your show have a branded pair,” “is there a love triangle,” “is there a debate over whether your show is a bl or not,” and more personal ones like “am I crazy over one of the main actors,” “do we have beef with the way this bl went,” “did we watch this live together,” and so on. Rlly fun stuff!
Since this is a custom guess who I had to make all the pieces manually. At first it seems fine and easy bc there’s already official posters right? But the difficulty is that almost every poster is a different size. So I figured out how to get the proper guess who face piece measurements and manually resized each poster to fit, with a slight gradient in the background where the remaining space isn’t covered by the poster. You can see those gradient bars on the top and bottom in the closeup of the last twilight piece, for example. Also it’s just really funny to hold mini posters of qls lmao (using my hand as a reference)
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There’s 190 ql poster pieces in total (based on approx. how many I’d seen as of the time of printing) (yes I will add more as time goes on) and they were all put on one big google doc that covered about 10 pages and looked like this!
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After I had them all set I printed them out on cardstock so they were thicker & more sturdy and then I did a lot of cutting. And since both players need the same posters I had to cut it all twice
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Are there easier ways to do this? Maybe. I’m not sure. Honestly I just did whatever like this is my own gay little art project lol
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Once I had them all cut and held them in my hand I felt quite proud of my work and now that I’ve actually played it I really do
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Here’s just like a pic I took when we were playing a round. Since there were so many, after every round we took out the two qls we just selected and replaced them with new ones and we never ran out lmao. It took quite a bit of effort but it was totally worth it hehe
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agaypanic · 10 months
Headcannons on being the Davenports bestfriend 💗
Being Best Friends With the Davenports Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: this is probably asking for being best friends with all of them at the same time, but i’m gonna do individual headcanons. also even tho it says davenport, im also adding leo (i know he’s technically a davenport but idk i dont see him as a davenport i see him as a dooley)
You always enable and encourage his silly ideas
Which his family doesn’t like much
But you and Adam have fun, so you don’t care much
You help him with his homework a bunch
He doesn’t like asking Chase for help bc he makes him feel really dumb
Your favorite activity is probably going to the zoo bc he loves all the animals
You peeked through the front door of the Davenport’s house. When the coast was clear, you opened the door wider and waved for Adam to come in. How he was gonna hide this when his family saw, you didn’t know.
“What is that?” Leo’s sudden voice made the two of you jump. He had come from down the hall, and was staring at you with an incredulous look and pointed finger. 
“Lunch,” Adam answered, pointing at the bag of food in your hand. Leo rolled his eyes, furiously trying to make where he was pointing more obvious.
“No, that!” 
You and Adam looked at the alpaca that Leo was pointing to, knowing you were unable to avoid it any longer.
“Oh my gosh, how did that get there?” You asked dumbly, as if you didn’t help Adam break it out of the zoo and bring it home.
“This is definitely the first time I’ve seen this,” Adam said in a faux shocked tone, petting the alpaca’s head. “But since it’s here, we can keep it, right?”
You guys become extremely close extremely fast
Being surrounded by guys all her life, you’re very refreshing to be around
The two of you love to gossip
About who’s with whom, her siblings’ antics, everything and nothing
You guys like going to the mall to shop, eat, and catch up
Even though you hang out literally every day
“Oh my gosh, did I tell you what happened with my brothers this week?” Bree asked as she looked through a rack of shirts.
“You probably have, but tell me anyway.” You laugh, looking at the clothes with her.
“So Leo likes this girl, right? And Chase comes up with some plan to get her to fall for him- oh, this is cute. Well, anyways, it completely backfires, and she ends up going after Adam.”
“No.” You gasped.
“Yes! And that’s not even the craziest part.” Bree took something off the rack and held it up to you, wanting your opinion. You nodded furiously at the sight, and she grinned, adding it to the try-on pile of clothes she was carrying. “So Chase tells Leo that he’ll talk to the girl for him, and guess what.”
“What? Does she start liking Chase?” You ask jokingly. Bree raised her eyebrows at you and pursed her lips, signaling you were correct. “No!”
Yall are that duo at school
Smart, sassy, and pretty
You guys sign up for extracurriculars like science fair and debate club together
Even though he’s literally the smartest man in the world, he likes having you go over his work
Very occasionally, he’ll miss a detail, and you’ll point it out
But he mainly just likes the validation
But you also never hesitate to put him in his place when needed
“Hey, can you read this over for me?” Chase asked as he handed you his laptop. You decided to come over to watch a movie when he suddenly remembered he needed to revise one of his papers for a class. 
Pausing the TV, you set the computer on your lap and read the essay. You didn’t comment until you were finished, handing the laptop back to Chase.
“Pretty good.” You said, playing the movie again.
“I knew it.” Chase gloated, reclining on the couch next to you. “Perks of being the smartest guy ever.”
“Yeah, well, you also misspelled ‘and,’ genius.” You laughed as you watched him scramble for his computer, looking through every word to find the mistake. “Perks of not knowing how to type, I guess.”
“Shut up.” He grumbled, fixing the error and crossing his arms with a pout.
The blind leading the blind
You encourage all of his delusions, mainly because you think it’s funny
You two are a comedic duo tbh
You guys bounce off each other really well
Before the bionic trio, you always defended Leo from bullies
You still do sometimes
Leo was currently talking your ear off about his current crush, some girl named Danielle. This was part of your guys’ routine. He’d tell you about someone he liked, you’d tell him that the two of them were meant to be, something would go wrong, you’d laugh about it, and then Leo would find someone new the next week.
“We’re so close to being boyfriend and girlfriend; I can feel it!” He said excitedly.
“Oh yeah.” You nodded, trying to suppress a laugh. “I know that if I had a boyfriend, I’d want him to be my human footstool because it’s what I deserve.”
“Exactly! You’re like the only one who gets it.”
“Ooh, there she is now.” You said, looking over his shoulder to see his girl of the week at her locker. “She came into the same hallway you’re in, so she clearly wants to see you. You should go talk to her.”
“Really?” Leo asked, slowly standing up. You nodded and pushed him in Danielle’s direction, waiting for everything to unfold. 
Leo somehow found the courage to talk to Danielle, but it was a pretty short conversation. When she walked away, she looked at him from over her shoulder and said goodbye.
“See you later, Lenny!”
The name made you bust out laughing, almost weak in the knees to stand up and go over to the now somewhat sad boy.
“Better luck next time, Lenny.” You said, patting his shoulder and laughing some more.
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storiesforallfandoms · 11 months
a star in the making ~ harry styles
word count: 2382
request?: yes!
“Heyyy how are u? So I wanted to request an X factor Harry X reader where Y/n and Harry are dating and she goes to the X factor with him for support? I just want smth cute with this bc I've never seen one like this🥺 thank you♥️”
description: in which she goes to support her boyfriend when he auditions for a reality singing competition, both of them unaware that he’s about to become one of the biggest musicians in the world
pairing: harry styles x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mainly fluffy as hell, rpf tho so if you don’t like that don’t read
masterlist (one, two, three)
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His hands were shaking as they approached the venue for the auditions. There had to be hundreds of people waiting outside. People just like him, hoping and wishing that they would be good enough to advance forward in one of the biggest singing competitions in the world - The X Factor.
His mum had suggested he should audition for the show. Harry loved to sing, and he was a fantastic singer. His mum was always pushing him to enter talent shows or any other opportunity to show off his voice. Harry knew he could sing, but he never thought he’d actually be good enough for The X Factor.
Until his girlfriend joined his mum’s side.
He had met (Y/N) in school and fell for her almost immediately. It was one of those teen relationships where they were all over one another and never wanted to be apart. Everyone said it would never last, that it was just young love that would fizzle out by the time they both graduated. Neither of them ever took that to heart because, even if it was true, they were okay with enjoying their time together now.
The first time (Y/N) heard Harry sing was in the shower. She had slept over to his place (in the spare bedroom, as per Anne’s rules) and woke to the sound of water running and Harry’s voice singing a Stevie Wonder song. She nearly jumped on him the second he stepped out of the bathroom to tell him how good his voice was. After that, (Y/N) pushed Harry just as much as his mom did to convince him to try out for The X Factor. With two of the most important people in his life convinced he would do well, Harry finally gave in and signed up for auditions.
(Y/N) took hold of Harry’s shaking hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re gonna do great!”
“There’s so many people here,” he said. “They’ll never choose me.”
“You don’t know that for sure,” she said. “Besides, it doesn’t matter if you make it through. The fact that you even came for auditions is a huge achievement. You should be proud of yourself.”
Harry smiled as she squeezed his hand again.
When they called him in for his audition, he was beyond nervous. His shaking had escalated to a point where he was sure he wouldn’t even be able to sing. (Y/N) and Anne stood backstage to support him. (Y/N) gave him a peck on the cheek for good luck before he took stage.
Harry was painfully aware of how bad his audition was going. He sounded nervous, and he could not stay on key to save his life. He could feel his face and neck burning with embarrassment. He wanted to disappear on the spot and never be found again.
But then Simon Cowell did the unthinkable and let him start his audition over. “Choose a different song,” he had said. And when Harry looked over at (Y/N), smiling supportively back at him, he knew exactly what song to choose.
“Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t she wonderful?”
It went much better this time, but he was still shocked when he was given the pass on to bootcamp. He was so excited that he didn’t even stay on stage to hear the end of Simon’s sentence. He ran to (Y/N), taking her into his arms and spinning her around as she and Anne cheered for him.
“I told you you could do it!” (Y/N) said. “You were so good, baby!”
“I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
Anne cleared her throat and was raising a playful eyebrow at her son. Harry put (Y/N) down to hug her as well. “You know I couldn’t do it without you too, mum.”
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie,” Anne said.
Harry turned back to (Y/N). “Can you come to the bootcamp, too? Do you think school will let you be away for another few days?”
“I can’t see there being an issue if I’m away supporting my boyfriend on a reality TV show. I’ll catch up if I have to.” She cupped his face and planted a big kiss on his lips. “I’ll be here to support you as long as you want me to.”
And she kept that promise. After a lot of convincing, (Y/N)’s parents agreed to talk to the school to let her take time off so she could go to the bootcamp. It was very needed, because Harry’s nerves only grew as the bootcamp arrived. He wasn’t sure how it was going to go. He couldn’t dance at all, and he had a feeling his nerves weren’t going to help him learn. (Y/N) tried to reassure him, but he couldn’t shake the pessimistic feeling that he had going into it.
And he was right. He tried not to look too disappointed when he was eliminated from the show, but the second it was just him and (Y/N), he let his emotions out. (Y/N) hugged him tightly as he cried into her shoulder.
“You did so good, babe,” she said. “You made it further than you expected!”
“I know,” Harry said through his tears. “I just got my hopes up a bit that I’d go a bit further. Getting to bootcamp and then getting eliminated, it feels more humiliating than if I had been eliminated from the auditions.”
(Y/N) cupped his face and forced him to look at her. “Listen to me, you should not be humiliated. You did so well! The fact that you got past the auditions is a huge achievement. Actually, the fact that you auditioned at all is an achievement. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am, and I know your mum will be, too.”
Harry nodded, but he wasn’t completely feeling it. He just wanted to go home and lay in bed for hours until the disappointment wore off. They were about to leave when a producer called out to stop them.
“We have an idea,” he told the two.
The idea, it would seem, was to match Harry up with four other contestants that had been eliminated from the solo rounds. Four other guys that were close enough to Harry in age, named Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. They all had the same look on their faces as Harry did - a little dejected, but also a little hopeful about this pairing.
“We’re thinking you could be the big boy band for this generation if things go right,” Simon was telling them. “I’m talking Backstreet Boys for the 2010s. If you are all interested, that is.”
“We’d be stupid to say no,” Louis pointed out.
“Great! We’ll have you all enter as a band. You can talk amongst yourselves and come up with a name. No rush, though. You can let us know whenever you come up with something.”
He left the five to talk amongst themselves then. It was a bit awkward to say the least. They were five young men from different parts of the UK, having come to The X Factor to audition as solo artists, only to be put together in a band with four other strangers. Harry fidgeted with his hands a bit before (Y/N) took one of them in hers, hoping to relieve some of the awkwardness for them.
“Well then, lads,” Niall said. “Seems we’re a team now.”
“Seems so,” Zayn agreed. “How are we feeling about this?”
“I’ll take it over being eliminated again,” Liam said. “Worth a shot, right?”
“Maybe it’ll work out better than you all expect,” (Y/N) suggested. “For all you guys know, you’ll be the next big thing. Stars in the making.”
Harry chuckled. “Yeah, maybe. Or maybe we’ll get booted after two rounds together.”
“You’re such a Debbie Downer,” (Y/N) said. “Don’t get down on yourselves yet. You don’t know what’s gonna be in store for you.”
Harry’s body ached and his eyes were burning in a way that made him want to crawl into bed and sleep for a week straight. As much as he had been dreading the end of his almost two year long tour, and as much as he didn’t want that fun and excitement to end, he knew he needed the rest. Especially after giving it his all during the last few shows of the tour. His legs were so sore that he felt like he could barely make it to his hotel room without collapsing onto the hallway floor and falling asleep right then and there.
(Y/N) walked by his side, one arm around his waist, basically assisting him to get to his room. She giggled up at his sleepy face. “You look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I feel like it,” he mumbled. “It was a really good show, though.”
“It was fantastic, baby. You gave them all a show they’ll never forget.”
Harry smiled to himself. A show he’d never forget, either. A tour he’d never forget, in fact.
And, just like when he auditioned for The X Factor, (Y/N) had been with him every step of the way. It was safe to say they had beaten the claims that their relationship was just a high school fling, by a very long shot.
When they got to their room, Harry swiped the key card and nearly fell into the room. (Y/N) laughed as she closed the door behind him and started shedding herself of her heels and dress. “You should really just go to bed, love. You look so tired.”
“I need a shower first. I can’t get into bed after being all sweaty.”
But that was only half of the reason Harry was adamant on showering before going to bed. Despite being so exhausted, Harry had one last big plan for the night.
He quickly showered, opting for cold water in hopes it would wake him up a bit more. He had no idea what he was going to say when he went back out there. He had prepared about ten different speeches in his head leading up to this moment, but none of them were coming to him in that moment. He felt more nervous than he had been all those years ago when he walked into The X Factor auditions, with (Y/N) at his side giving him all the reassurance he needed.
He got out of the shower and quickly towel dried as much of his hair as he could. He pulled on a pair of pajama pants and took the little box he had taken into the bathroom with him from the counter. When he stepped back out into the hotel room, (Y/N) was laying on the bed waiting for him. She was wearing one of his t-shirts, her favorite pajama alternative. Her eyes were closed, but the second he entered the room she opened them and smiled at him.
“Feel better?” she asked.
“Still tired, but much more refreshed.”
Harry crossed the room and knelt down next to the bed. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at him. “What are you doing, you weirdo?”
“Remember when we first got together, and we had that type of teen relationship that was so intense that we never wanted to be away from one another?” he asked. “Where people told us we shouldn’t be so stuck to each other because it likely wouldn’t last?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes. “How could I forget? I swear, it’s like everyone was rooting against us back then.”
“You wanna know how I knew they were all wrong? Even when we were still teenagers?” (Y/N) hummed in response. “Because you gave up weeks of school just to come support me when I started the show. You gave up so much time that the school threatened to hold you back because they said you’d never be able to catch up, and even then you tried to convince your parents to let you stay for the rest of the show.”
(Y/N) smiled at the memory. “Because I wanted to be there. I wanted to watch you every step of the way, right up until the finale. I would’ve, too, if my parents hadn’t gotten so upset over me almost flunking out because of it.”
“That’s how I knew you were my endgame. Because you could’ve watched the show at home. Or you could’ve not supported me at all and just thought I was being stupid for wanting to audition for the show. But you didn’t. You insisted on being there for me, even after I told you that you didn’t have to be. People don’t do that unless they really love someone.”
(Y/N) propped herself up on her elbow. “Where are you going with this, Harold?”
Harry put the open ring box on the bed next to (Y/N). Her eyes widened as she slowly sat up. Harry watched her every movement as he asked, “(Y/N), will you marry me?”
Tears welled up in her eyes immediately. She nodded, unable to form any words.
“Yeah?” Harry asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Yes, you idiot,” she finally managed. “Of course I’ll marry you. Oh my god, yes!”
The force of Harry’s lunge to hug (Y/N) knocked them both back onto the bed. He kissed her so passionately it made both of their heads spin. She wrapped her arms around him and held him to her, never wanting to let him go.
Until she realized - “Oh, the ring.”
Harry sat up, allowing (Y/N) to do the same, and took the ring from the box. He gently placed it on her ring finger. (Y/N) took a moment to admire it before she was the one to jump on Harry and push him down onto the bed. He laughed as she kissed all over his face, leaving his lips for last so she could take her time there.
“I love you so much,” she said.
“I love you more,” he responded. “I’ve loved you since we were 16.”
“That’s so close to being that one song you and the boys did.”
Harry chuckled and pulled her into his arms.
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daleyeahson · 2 years
Girl on Film | Perv!Eddie Munson x Best Friend Reader: Part 3
Summary: After days of not seeing or hearing anything from Eddie, you finally snap. When you confront him about your feelings, it’s not exactly what he had hoped to hear.
Warnings: angst, cursing, I’m just gonna go ahead and say 18+ minors dni mainly bc of what has happened before and that stuff gets briefly mentioned in here so… yeah lol
Word count: 2.9k
previous part | next part
A/n: I’m sorry this took a little longer than expected to get released! I’ve been a little busy and tbh at first I didn’t know where I wanted this story to go so that also slowed the whole process lol thank you guys for your continued love and support! You have no idea how much it truly means to me.. Enjoy! x
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It’s Monday morning and Eddie slowly stirs awake. Stretching as much as he could, he turns his head over to look at the alarm clock. 6:45am. He then turns his head to the opposite side only to be met with the sight of your naked body. Your back facing him and the sheets covering just the lower half of you. Panic sets in before he has a chance to really take in the view. He starts to freak out as his questions from last night enter his mind once again.
He tries to convince himself that he’s just overreacting and that you must’ve genuinely felt the same way he did, right? If you didn’t, why would you do all of that with him? Why would you play along with the whole camcorder situation? He began to think that maybe it was just a spur of the moment thing for you. That maybe you just wanted to have fun with this and not get romantically involved. He also thought of how maybe you’d wake up and regret this whole weekend and then things would be forever changed between the two of you.
With every question of “what if?” or “why?” that crossed his mind, he knew one thing for sure. He did not want to stick around and find out. He couldn’t handle the possibility of rejection or the idea of losing you as his best friend. He needed to think things over before diving into that conversation with you. So, without a moments notice, Eddie does what he does best. He runs.
Or at least he tries too. He gently gets out of the bed, trying his best not to wake you and rushes to go take a quick shower. While he’s in the bathroom, you wake up to the sound of the water running. Still a little bit groggy, you slip on another oversized t-shirt since the one you had on yesterday was now torn in two thanks to a certain someone. You decided against wearing pants, not having the energy this morning to deal with putting them on. Plus, at this point, Eddie has seen you in a lot less, so you figured he wouldn’t have a problem with it.
You make your way to the kitchen in desperate need of something to drink. You pour yourself a glass of water and casually sip on it while having your back leaned against the counter. You hear the shower turn off and soon afterwards, the bathroom door opens. In such a hurry to leave, Eddie doesn’t even notice that you’re standing in the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Eddie, sleep well?”
“Jesus Christ!” He jumps at the sound of your voice. “I didn’t know you were awake,” he gives a nervous chuckle, “You scared the shit out of me.”
“I haven’t been up for long.. What’s got you up and ready to go out the door so early?”
“Uh…” Eddie pauses for a second, trying to find what to say. He doesn’t want to bring up the real reason he’s leaving, so he says the next thing that comes to mind. “School! Gotta head off the school, ya know, don’t wanna be late.”
You look at him and say with a raised eyebrow, “Since when did you, Eddie Munson, care about going to school, let alone getting there on time?”
He smiles softly at your comment, knowing that you had a good point.
“I figured dealing with the third go around of this shit, I might actually want to try for once before I end up graduating with Henderson’s class.”
You laugh. You know you’d never let that happen, but it was funny to picture him and Dustin posing for a photo together with their cap and gowns on holding their diplomas.
“Well before you go, do you want some breakfast? I can fix you something real quick. I know the stuff they serve in the cafeteria isn’t the best.”
Growing more anxious the longer he stands there, Eddie shakes his head, “N-no thanks. As much as I would love to, I don’t have the time. Still have to run home and change out of this,” he gestures to his sweats, “and you know how long it takes to get my whole get up on. At this rate, I’ll be lucky if I get there before the first bell rings.”
You try not to show a look of disappointment on your face. You wished he would stay a little longer, but you understood his reasons. If you were in his shoes, you’d want to do everything possible to make sure you didn’t have to repeat your senior year again too.
“Oh, well, I’ve got to start getting ready for work in a few anyway, so no biggie. Give me a call though afterwards, yeah? I’ll be back home this evening, probably around six.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything, just gives you a slight nod and walks out the door. Driving off in his van, he makes his way back home. Once there, he heads to his room and spots the camcorder still sitting in the same spot he left it. He really did plan on going to school, but after seeing that and being reminded once again how all of this got started, he decided to stay home. There was no way he could focus on any of his classes after that.
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You started getting ready for work not long after Eddie left. Taking a quick shower yourself and changing into your uniform. You pulled your hair back to keep it out of your face and applied a light, natural makeup look. You weren’t one to really wear makeup to begin with, but being a waitress, it seemed to help get you better tips so you didn’t mind having to wear it while you were at work.
You worked at a small diner right on the edge of town, only a 15 minute drive from your place. It wasn’t the best job, but it paid the bills. It’s not like you didn’t enjoy it, you loved your coworkers and got along well with the regulars you had, but being on your feet for hours on end for most days of the week was exhausting.
Your work day was the same as always. A group of older gentlemen would always come in early for some breakfast which usually consisted of biscuits and gravy all while talking for hours, getting refill after refill of coffee. You gained a few more customers when lunch rush hit, but things never picked up until it came closer to dinner time. You’d always get busy around then, mainly having truckers stop by for a good hot meal after being on the road all day. You didn’t mind though, you loved hearing the stories they’d tell about the places they’ve been and things they’ve seen. It always helped make the work day go by a little faster.
When your shift came to an end, you made your way back home. Feet aching from the day, all you wanted was to get out of these clothes and go to bed. You didn’t even think about the fact that Eddie said he would call. All that was on your mind now was getting some much needed rest.
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When Tuesday had came and gone and still no word from him, you started to wonder why Eddie hasn’t been back over or called. You didn’t really pay much mind to it, thinking he must’ve been exhausted like you were last night after playing his gig at the Hideout with the Corroded Coffin boys.
Wednesday was a different story though. That evening, you made your way over to Family Video to pick out movies for the sleepover this weekend. It was supposed to be at Eddie’s place this time, but after not hearing from him for days, you weren’t sure if he even wanted to have it. You walk in and was greeted by Robin who stood at the front counter.
“Hey, y/n! Picking out more movies for you and Eddie this weekend?”
“Yeah,” you say in an unsure tone, “I guess I am.”
“You guess? What’s that supposed to mean?”
You sigh and start to explain everything to her. Just the part of not hearing from Eddie in a while, she didn’t need to know the rest and you still hadn’t even talked about it with Eddie himself. It would feel wrong to discuss those things with another person before him, even if Robin was one of your closest friends.
“It’s just, I don’t know. I’m not sure if he wants to have the sleepover this weekend. After he left my place Monday morning for school, I haven’t heard from him since. I figured maybe he was tired from his gig last night, but I still haven’t heard anything from him today either. It’s just weird not seeing or hearing from him, ya know? He’s never done this before.”
“Wait, you said he left Monday morning for school?” She asks and you give her a nod. “Eddie wasn’t at school Monday. Like at all.”
“What?” You looked at her with confusion written all over your face.
Not at school? What does she mean not at school? Why would he say that’s why he had to leave your place so early and then not go? Maybe he was late getting there and she just didn’t see him.
Robin went on to explain, “Yeah. He borrowed my biology notes and was supposed to give them back to me at lunch, but he wasn’t there. I asked the guys at the Hellfire table if they’d seen him but they said he never showed up that morning.”
What the hell? Why didn’t he go? More importantly, why did he lie to you about going in the first place? Your blood started to boil at the thought of him lying to you. You had been friends forever, why would he feel the need to lie? You explained to Robin that you had to go, not getting the movies you had planned on picking up. You needed to get home to think about some things. What the fuck was Eddie’s problem?
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Thursday evening rolled around and still no word. You finally decided to give him a call instead of waiting for him. You knew he should be home from school right now, if he even went this time, and he didn’t have band practice or anything like that. You reach for the phone and dial his number. After a few rings, a mans voice spoke on the line.
“Hello?” Wayne. You didn’t think he’d be home right now. He must’ve been getting ready to leave for work when you called.
“Hey, Uncle Wayne, is Eddie around?” You ask.
Wayne looks over at Eddie standing in the living room, signaling for him to say that he wasn’t there and couldn’t talk.
Wayne sighs before answering, “No, I’m sorry, sweetheart. He’s not here at the moment. I could take a message for him if you’d like though.”
There it was, another lie. Now he’s even getting other people to do it for him? Unbelievable.
“Just tell him to give me a call when he gets a chance, okay?” You tried to not sound frustrated, but Wayne could tell you were upset.
“Will do.” He hangs up the phone and looks up at Eddie once again.
“Boy, I don’t know what the hell is going on between you two, but whatever it is, not talking to her about it isn’t going to solve the problem.”
Eddie looks down at his feet, embarrassed that Wayne is lecturing him over something that he should’ve already taken care of.
“I know, Wayne, it’s just..” he tries to think of the best way to explain this to his uncle without having to go further into detail about it all, “things are just a bit..complicated right now, okay? I promise I’ll talk to her soon. I just need some time to think about things.”
Wayne takes the hint that Eddie doesn’t want to get into the subject of what’s going on and gives him a sympathetic look. Not really knowing what it was that was making things complicated between you both, but knew whatever it may be was causing his boy to be in misery.
Grabbing his jacket and getting ready to head out the door, he turns and with a sigh he says to Eddie, “Well, whatever it is, you guys have been friends all your lives. You’ll be able to get through it, okay? Don’t sweat it, kid.”
And with that he heads out the door, leaving Eddie to stew in his own thoughts about everything.
You on the other hand, were pissed. Outraged. Angry.
How could he lie to you like that? Why would he even do such a thing? And then ignore your call when you finally reach out to him?
No, you weren’t gonna have it. Eddie was going to talk to you face to face about this whether he liked it or not. It was something that needed to be done, and you knew exactly when to do it.
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It was finally Friday, you had just finished your shift at work and was heading home to change and shower. Eddie was making his way over to the high school to start setting up for his Hellfire campaign. You knew if he wasn’t going to come to you and talk about things, you’d have to go to him. And that’s exactly what you planned on doing. You knew he wouldn’t miss a Hellfire meeting no matter what, so he would definitely be there. He wouldn’t be able to hide from you no longer.
You arrived at the high school and made your way to the room where the boys would be at. As you got closer to the door, you could hear them screaming at one another. Most likely over something that just happened during the campaign. You then heard a familiar sound. One that usually filled you with joy, but this time it just made you fill up with more rage than you already had.
Eddie’s laugh.
It pissed you off to no end hearing it. Hearing him having a good time, as if nothing was wrong. As if he hasn’t been avoiding you like the plague all week.
Without any hesitation, you burst through the door. The room falls silent as everyone looks over to see who interrupted them in the middle of their campaign. When Eddie’s eyes finally met yours, he could see how upset you were.
“Oh shit.”, He whispers to himself.
You march your way over where he was, sat on his throne, and you point your finger at his face.
“Where the hell have you been? Hm?”
Before Eddie has a chance to say anything, you continue on with your rant.
“All week! You haven’t called or stopped by to see me all fucking week! You never do that. Ever. We have been best friends forever and now suddenly, without warning you decide to just disappear? What the hell is your problem? Why have you been ignoring me?”
Eddie sat there, speechless and paralyzed from shock. He wasn’t expecting you to just show up randomly. He thought he would have more time to think over things before talking to you. He also didn’t expect to be having this conversation in front of the entire Hellfire Club, either.
“Say something!” You yell at him. Still, Eddie can’t find the words. Mouth moving as if he wants to say something but nothing comes out. You were mad before, but now standing here having him just stare at you not saying a word, it sends you over the edge.
“Fuck you, Eddie.” You spewed hatred towards him. “I can not believe after everything you did to me this weekend, you have the fucking audacity to not only ignore me and my calls, but blatantly lie to my face and have Wayne lie for you too. I already know you didn’t go to school Monday, Robin confirmed it for me. I seriously can’t believe you right now!”
You were fuming and after a few seconds of Eddie still not saying a word, you look at him and reach your hand out.
“Give me my key.”
“W-what?” Eddie finally is able to breathe out a word, and of course, it’s not what you wanted to hear.
“You heard me…Give. me. my. key.”
When he doesn’t move to give it, you yell again, still beyond frustrated with him.
With trembling hands, Eddie reaches for it. He slowly takes the spare key to your apartment off the key ring and places it in your hand. You walk back over to the door, turning to him one last time before you leave.
“Don’t bother calling or coming over anymore. Not until you actually grow the fuck up for once. Until then, I’m done. I don’t need to put up with you and all of your bullshit, especially not after what happened.”
You slam the door shut, leaving the boys there in silence. Walking back out of the school, you feel hot tears running down your face. In this moment, you could care less. You just wanted to go home and forget about everything that has happened this past week.
Eddie is left sitting there, staring at the door trying to hold back the tears in his eyes that are fighting to spill over the edge. Gareth is the first one to break the silence.
“Dude, I don’t know what you did” he says looking away from the door and back over to Eddie, “but whatever it was, you really fucked up.”
Still not saying a word, Eddie thought to himself.
He really did fuck up this time.
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phantomsalamander · 5 months
Flower Husbands analysis rant bc I need to get this off my chest
DISCLAIMER: I am a die-hard FH shipper, just here to explain my reasoning. I’m not here to debate: if you disagree with me, feel free to read through, but I really don’t want hate right now, thanks :)
I’m not exactly sure where to start with this, haha. I’ve basically been seeing lots of “flower husbands is toxic” posts lately, and I kinda just wanted to put out my thoughts.
The most important thing is this: at the end of the day, there are just two people behind the screen having fun, and anything they say or do doesn’t run that deep. So (not talking about RPF here to be clear) when two lil gays meet in a Minecraft hunger games and want to get married, great! Love it! Totally not gonna brain rot over them at all (lie)! Basically, it’s really not something worth fighting over.
A point I’ve seen come up a lot is that Scott looks down on Jimmy, but I really don’t see that a lot? Rewatching third life both Scott and Jimmy seem to respect the other equally, and sure Scott teases Jimmy sometimes about slip-ups or mistakes, but Jimmy never seems to mind at all, and why can’t a married couple poke fun at the other sometimes? Scott never means it in a mean way.
And like- Scott literally made a grave for Jimmy when he died! He was so distraught he was one of the first players to perma-die, even though in all other seasons he was one of the finalists! He obviously cared about Jimmy enough for it to affect his playing.
I think that’s it lol 😅, my shipping for them doesn’t go much deeper than that they’re silly little sun-and-moon motif guys who are really cute together (and are very similar to my strange situationship thingy I have going on were we refer to each other as each other’s flower husbands but that’s beside the point-)
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MORE Random West Wing Headcanons bc I said so
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i’ve gotten back into the show recently (esp bc i understand all the politics and crap) and i feel the need to talk about my favorite dysfunctional political administration
in the first post i made, i said ainsley and sam dated for two years before breaking up. well that breakup didn’t last very long. a month later, they started dating again. from that point, on they never left each others side. they live in georgetown with a rottweiler and four kids.
after being really involved in solving a finance crisis, josh was invited to throw the first pitch at the Mets game. when the camera zoomed in on him, he was visibly emotional.
donna was over at josh’s apartment so much during his recovery period, they’ve begun to have weekly movie nights. they continue this tradition even after marriage and kids.
josh and donna’s house has a wall in the hallway of their house when you first enter that is covered with their kids’ handprints - at first, it was just their oldest being naughty but they let it grow into the Moss-Lyman art exhibit. even sam and ainsley’s kids, and toby and andy’s kids have added their prints to the wall
there’s a weekend every summer where all of senior staff and their families come up to Manchester and stay on the Bartlet Farm at Abbey’s insistence - she wears the title of “Grandma Abbey” proudly
at the inaugural ball (aka s4 josh & donna), josh and donna spend so much time together that a lot of the people there going to congratulate josh on getting bartlet’s second term mistake josh and donna for husband and wife - as a joke, donna and josh let people believe it
^^they end up getting quite the talking to from abbey - because she’s mad they didn’t tell her first (and cj, who has to field press questions the next day and they almost caused a domestic incident)
as an april fools day prank, zoey and charlie covered bartlet’s walls in the oval office with sticky notes - sam helped and wrote a “your mama” joke in latin as payback for bartlet having fun with the staff
josh has a terrible habit of biting the skin around his nails until they bleed - he doesn’t realize how bad it is until he turns some papers into the president with large drops of blood on them - donna keeps spare bandaids at her desk
toby likes to have a little fun with donna and say things to deliberately get a reaction out of her - some are truths, some are lies. one truth is that he likes beans on toast. donna called him clinically insane.
leo really likes musicals. can he sing? hardly ever. but on days he finds he needs to relax, he puts on the original cast recording of oklahoma and everything turns out okay
donna unofficially adopts a sickly kitten that lived in the trash near her apartment - she names it Brownie and nurses it back to health
^^Josh is allergic to Brownie but doesn’t say a word to Donna until after they’ve been married and had kids when they reach the age where they start asking for pets
Donna is sort of a multiple-threat kind of girl - she was an excitable kid so she grew up knowing how to do all kinds of things - these things are tap dance for seven years, karate for two years, horseback riding has been the only constant in her life, she can knit and sew, and she even speaks a little french - josh LOVES it when Donna speaks french
josh is always cold, he’s never run warm. donna knit a blanket for him as a birthday present. he’s never said anything but it’s one his favorite things in the whole world
donna actually likes hearing some of the president’s obscure historical tidbits - she even goes so far as to learning some of her own to exchange with him
toby visits the veteran’s grave that he buried every year and even talks to him a little while he’s there
it took a solid 20 minutes after donna had their first kid to let someone else hold him besides josh. the third person to hold their kid was bartlet.
^^^donna has never seen josh more in love than when he held their kid for the first time. cj took a photo of josh gazing at the little baby swaddled in blue clothing with visible tears streaking down his face. it’s one of donna’s favorite photos.
Sam is really good at hockey. He takes his kids to hockey games whenever he can.
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samd1o1 · 2 months
Hey I don’t want to comment for real bc I’m sick of arguing with people on tumblr
I just wanted to say that in that post about deadpool and wolverine’s queerness, you are like 1000% in the right. Normally I don’t feel this strongly about stuff but anyone who thinks that Disney seriously and earnestly “delivered” on deadpool (and wolverine?) being queer is delusional
I mean, I love the movie. I’ve seen it twice and giggled my way through it both times. Obviously I enjoy the queer aspect of their relationship. But what you said about being able to be critical of your favorite media is important. The fact that people are arguing that there are no issues with the gay jokes in d&w but ACTUALLY it’s all indicative of a genuinely made film about two queer men is like actually SO crazy
Thank you, yes! The movie is absolutely amazing in the fact it's funny and well written. And yes I like the gay jokes, they're cheeky and enjoyable. But I think they'd be more enjoyable if any amount of Wade's (and also Logan's) queerness was taken seriously. Even just a little seriously.
I think the part that annoyed me about the movie most was Wade breaking up with Vanessa. Yeah it works for the movie and his character development. But at the same time I can't help but assume the reasoning for it was so queer people could go "hey they're both single, maybe just maybe Deadpool and Wolverine will get together?" No they won't this is Disney. He'll probably be back together with Vanessa eventually (even if it's not immediately).
Like I said on the comments of the post you're referring to; saying this is good queer rep is just an excuse so Disney (and Marvel) doesn't have to actually try to make good representation. The MCU has had many issues like this before. The single Loki bisexual conversation only for them to chicken out on the mlm ship they were hinting at in S2 promotions. Loki also being labeled as genderfluid in promo stuff just for him to be referred to as a male Loki and such. Characters who are canonically bisexual in the comics like Starlord showing absolutely zero hints to their queerness. Eternals is the only real representation I can think of, but it felt very one note and boring. Like that whole movie.
In conclusion Deadpool is a great movie but my biggest gripe is just that the queer aspect is not taking seriously. As much as I love the Honda Odyssey scene, it would be cool if it wasn't just a weird mix of coding/bait. Queer coding is still a great writing tool. Using metaphors for queerness in fantasy can be fun. But the reason queer coding existed in the first place is because you weren't allowed to show any queer people on screen. But times have changed! You can show it, but Disney are cowards. The movie is also queerbaity as they set up things like Vanessa's break up only to start them almost back up again with Logan himself telling Wade to go for the girl. Not to mention all the promotional posters like Deadpool and Wolverine as Beauty And The Beast. Disneyland Deadpool is also being VERY heavy on the gay jokes, which makes me feel like they KNOW who their main target audience was gonna be with this movie, but they still need to cater to the movie dudebros as well. Maybe one day guys, maybe.
It's important to be critical of even your favorite media. If you weren't then it could never improve. Let your voices be heard! And to the people who think movies don't deserve such debate; why do you think that? So many people say that so they don't have to discuss representation in media but then turn around and rant about the comic accuracy. Also what do you think happens in a writers room? Criticism is important in media even to professionals. A movie is a group effort, many people had different ideas that eventually came together and made Deadpool 3. They also probably had many ideas that were shut down and not put in Deadpool 3 for various reasons. Some most likely being criticisms.
Ok I'm done ranting now. Deadpool 3, great movie, one of my favorites. But it would have benefited not only itself by being true to Wade and Logan letting them be their authentic queer selves; But it also would have benefited the queer community.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Hey storm I’ve just realised I’ve never seen you mention your pronouns would you be able to tell me.
But that’s not why I’m writing, whenever you post you always approach things so sensibly and with a firm ot7 mindset and so I do most time. But I wanted to ask do you think itd be inappropriate to assume that in this moment tae is posting jk to get attention or some type of reaction? ive always believed that some jkkrs were always just making such a big deal about things with tae and his posts about jk. but this time i got to pondering a little bit because that trip is over a year old, its a day before the travel vlog trailer, he seems to be the only member active and not posting/supporting jms album which i totally understand we dk everything behind closed doors but couldn’t he do both? it seems like he’s tryna boast and hell so would i and i guess for u to ask smn to travel across the world bc u miss them and they do it is alot or maybe we’re making it out to be a bigger deal than it is. i would do it for my bsf and especially if i had that kind of time and money. i guess what makes it such a talked about thing is the texts he put on firstly regarding the compliment and secondly the way he phrased the gesture to seem.
My pronouns are she/her 💜
Now that the first tracking week is over and because you asked fairly nicely, I'm willing to talk about this very briefly.
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His photo book Type 1 was dropping for preorder in the next few days when he posted this. These are all photos from when he was filming/doing photoshoots FOR THAT. He was clearly doing a photo dump on insta as slight promotion and posting photos FROM that time from his phone gallery. JK was all of two photo and only even posted to his stories and it's from when they went skydiving together DURING that same time frame as the rest, which is sooo cool and absolutely worth sharing about.
I don't think this was anything other than a "I have some time on my phone, I have this thing coming out, let me scroll back through those memories and do a little photo dump from that time" and that's all. People can feel however they are going to feel about him not posting for Muse, I get it. But I will never understand the taekook hate. And I'm positive that the reason people are always so fired up about it is because of how vile and awful tkkrs are to deal with. And they want it to be Tae's problem so bad. When it's not and never will be. But that's a different problem. Not only that, but clearly he had his other friends there too. He was clearly making this a fun trip for himself before military service as well as shooting for Type 1. Good for him! I'm glad he had fun with people he cares about and it wasn't ALL work!
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laughterbynight · 3 months
Possibly unpopular opinions incoming which means post it before bed, natch.
I actually think Tim in a trio would be cute. I don’t trust DC not to make it weird of course but as far as headcanons go I could see him trying that out for a bit. One partner is of course Kon. DC can fight it all they want but I do think someday (maybe when I’m 70) Tim and Kon will end up canon.
Anyway, temporary trio wise I think Tim, Kon, and maybe a new character. I have no issue with Bernard but I always feel like DC shoved him in there to cut off timkon talk so I have a hard time seeing him as anything permanent y’know? But then again that would work as a transition into timkon when the trio ends. Amicably!! I’m so not here for drama.
I’d like to see a woman in there maybe, for some balance. No not Steph. I know some fans are still really married to the idea of them but the whole manic pixie dreamgirl thing has never been my jam personally. That’s why I’m generally attracted to the batfam. I like stoics. Yes, Dick isn’t my fave either (drawing all kinds of targets on myself tonight).
I feel like figuring out sexuality is so…basic and static in comics. Like yeah they talk about it being a journey of discovery but we don’t really *see* that, they just say it.
I think I’ve seen Bart as a popular third. Idk if that’s in line with him as a character at all since I’m less familiar with him but I’m open to it. I do kinda like the idea of an Amazon about their age. I know the supe/bat/amazon thing is common ground but hey it works really good. I can’t argue with it. I like reading superwonderbat too. Sue me.
If we wanna shake things up it would be interesting if it was a male Amazon. I mean we know men aren’t allowed to stay there so they must go somewhere. I think it would be interesting to see a male character from a culture where women are in control and that’s considered normal. No hate about it just, yeah that’s how it is here. I get bored of the sausage club that is the batfamily but I’ll take it if that means an interesting third.
sidebar: I really wish Cass was in more stories and we could have more girldad Bruce moments. I feel like DC tries to do the “girlpower” thing by putting all the girls on teams together and honest to god I do not care. I wanna see Batman and his kick ass daughter and her brothers, together.
It’s almost a shame Cass was adopted bc she would fit as a good third but of course we can’t do that for obvious reasons. Maybe in an AU, but I’d be more sad if she didn’t have batdad instead.
Anyone have any ideas about a third? I’m curious. Keeping in mind they'd need to get along with Tim and Kon on some level obvs or why would any of them bother.
Edit: How do we feel about Connor? I realized the rep for Ace characters is abysmal and I think Tim and Kon would be really sweet and understanding compared to like, idk a lot of other characters in general. Tbh I think of Tim as demi but idk if DC can handle that Bi was hard enough for them. But then I think I’d want them to stay a trio too. Idk y’all is Connor around their ages I seriously can’t keep up with how DC rearranges timelines. I DO know it would probably cause Bruce and Ollie to get catty with each other around the holidays and that’s always a bonus in my book.
So many ideassssss
edit edit: wait that’s two Connors. I shouldn’t do this at 1am. That would also be funny tho.
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saoirse-ronan · 1 year
Hey, I haven’t read Little Women or any of the books related, the only adaptation I have seen is Greta Gerwig’s and I’ve recently rewatched it. And I have some thoughts are mostly ramblings and need to express to someone so I hope you don’t mind me popping in here. I don’t really know where people got that Jo was In love with Laurie? She loved him as a friend but romantically? I never got that really. And how I took that scene with Jo and Marmee was Jo admitting she was lonely and if Laurie asked her to marry him again she would say yes. That’s kinda unfair to herself and him when you think about it, marrying someone just because you’re lonely? Not because you are truly in love with him? How would you both be happy together? I’ve seen some discussion around them and I don’t really like people putting in the tropes “oh lovers who went wrong or right person wrong time” to Jo and Laurie. Because they weren’t lovers, they were friends. And I don’t understand where people get Jo being the “right” person for Laurie. I wish we could have gotten more of Jo and Friedrich. They were cute I think. And I wish we could have gotten more with Amy and Laurie. I think this summer I’m gonna find the books and read them. Anyways, there’s my thoughts and hope you are having a good day.❤️
hi anon! never be afraid to come into my inbox and ramble about little women bc talking about it is literally my fav thing.
especially when ur thoughts are so spot on, and i'm honestly so surprised and pleased u got this from greta's version. bc a lot of people think she made laurie and jo be that "right person wrong time" couple when they're not like that at all, in any adaptation, even greta's.
ur totally right, jo never loved laurie romantically. like, ever. and it's made obvious multiple times. ("i can't love you as you want me to...it would be a lie to say i do when i don't," in the proposal scene.) and it's especially made clear in the attic scene, with jo admitting she's just so lonely. but if you can't get it from: marmee: do you love [laurie]? jo: if he asked me again, i think i would say yes. do you think he'll ask me again? marmee: but do you love him? jo: i care more to be loved. i want to be loved. marmee: that is not the same as loving. jo: i know. like ur honestly dumb i'm sorry? or don't know how to read media at all. or ur just being willingly obtuse idk.
and i would go even further. i firmly believe that laurie never loved jo that way, either. that boy was lonely before he met the march family. maybe even lonelier than jo was after beth died. he was an orphan, lived with his tutor and his grandfather (who was kind of cold to laurie before he met the marches, as well.) he had no friends. jo was the first girl he loved at all, in any way. of course he thought he was in love with jo. he didn't know any other love except the love had for her. and laurie was a romantic, as well. of course he thought the two of them were meant to be.
but they weren't, ever, and that's made so clear from their conversation in the attic. laurie: jo, i have always loved you, but the love i feel for amy, it's different. and i think you were right about this, i think we would've killed each other...i think it was meant this way. like...do jolauries think laurie is lying to jo? what reason would he have to do that? it doesn't make any sense.
and jo looks so stunned (this is admittedly clearer in the book than it is in greta's version) because it's amy. not because she's jealous, or expected laurie to still love her, but because her best friend just came home married to her little sister. that would stun anyone. and she looks sad, again, because she's so lonely, and she basically looks at the rest of her family coupled up and in love (amy and laurie, meg and john, marmee and her father) and she aches, because she doesn't have that.
i really think greta's only mistake was including that stupid letter to laurie. it didn't make sense and wasn't true to jo's character at all.
and finally, once again, laurie doesn't love jo like that. not back then, and certainly not now. i mean, the journey from "i think you will marry, jo. i think you'll find someone, and love them, and live and die from them, because that's your way. and i'll watch," to "i never thought i'd prepare a carriage to help jo march chase a man, but i like it!" he's delighted in that scene, just like everyone else. bc the jo he saw with friedrich was so different that the jo that was around him. he can tell the difference because he knows the difference now, because that boy is so desperately in love with amy it's not funny.
and that's another thing jolauries disregard: laurie's love for amy. because he does love her. and amy loves him, and understands him in a way that jo never did. and laurie wants to be better for amy. because, let's face it, that boy was a mess when amy found him in europe. (and this is one other thing the movie leaves out: laurie realizes in the book that jo was right shortly after he leaves concord - the two of them would've never worked. and by the time he meets up with amy again, he isn't still mourning his relationship with jo, he's just insurmountably lonely again, just like he was before, and he doesn't see an end to it.) he heals bc he falls in love with amy. he wants to be worthy of her, because he admires her and respects her. there's a great first draft of the script which is floating around on the internet which includes this letter from laurie to amy: Dear Amy, I have gone to make something of myself, so you might not be ashamed to call me your friend. like...he just got his heart broken by her. but he doesn't get angry at her, like he got angry at jo, because he loves amy. and he wants to be around her and is desperate to have her in his life, even if it's just as a friend.
and, just to give more evidence that amy is the first and only person he's in love with (and because i just love it a lot), here's the original draft of their kiss scene: laurie: i love you. amy, i love you. amy: you do? laurie: more than anything or anyone in this world. you are first in everything. you do not have to accept me, but i love you, amy march. [amy cries even harder. he kisses her.] amy: i love you, laurie laurie: i love you, amy march. laurie literally has gently but ardently resigned himself to loving amy even if she doesn't love him back, which is such a change from when jo rejected him.
and ur totally right, jo and friedrich are so cute together (even though louis garrel is unfortunately an asshole). and more importantly, friedrich understands jo in a way laurie never did, and lover her for who she is instead of who he wants her to be. and come on, when friedrich says, "my hands are empty," and jo takes his hands in hers and says, "they're not empty," and then he kisses her in the rain. like that is peak romance idk what anyone says.
anyways. tl;dr jo never loved laurie, laurie never loved jo, laurie is in love with amy, jo is in love with friedrich.
anon, feel free to come into my inbox anytime! and let me know how u like the book! i think if u have these opinions, u will like it a lot :)
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greengirllover · 3 months
Ok I want a mental illness lore, trauma lore if ur comfortable with and a whole chart of your exes.
ok so i was diagnosed with insomnia, OCD and anxiety pretty young, at the age of 11 i would wake up at 3 am every morning and watch the news and have a few cups of coffee while shaking about hearing about violent crimes and laws being passed on the news, almost nothing i said when i was younger made any sense, i would talk in riddles i would say things like “the grass was gray and the streetlights were bright but it was dark and the wind” so then they started testing me for a bunch of stuff and the results were always inconclusive, i was then diagnosed later with depression and anorexia, i started drinking and smoking at 12 and i’ve been at it since
now for my ex’s 🤗
i’ve only actually dated two people bc i’m not a fan of relationships, i talked to this one guy in middle school, he came over and i wouldn’t fuck him so he ran outside in the middle of winter and walked around my neighborhood until he could get picked up, i talked to this other guy in freshman year and he tried to get me drunk so i would send him nudes and he called me mommy all the time and i’d just stand there like 🧍🏻‍♀️, after this most of the people i dated were drug dealers, the one who used to wake me up when i would pass out was a dealer, he would bring me to random peoples apartments, places under bridges and his dealers, he brought me to see someone’s kittens once but the people pulled out a katana on us and then their landlord chased us all out of the house, then his friend tried to fuck me, asked me to do his drug test for him so he didn’t go to jail but they randomly tested him and he got sent away, this one i almost forgot about bc he wasn’t a boyfriend he was a stalker, he would give me comics and stick love letters in them going in detail specifically about my eyes and hair, he said he wanted to peel my flesh off and eat it and he had a hair kink and would ask girls to send him videos of them shampooing their hair, also he brought a knife to school after he said he wanted to eat my flesh, then there is my ex girlfriend i actually dated her and she used to put me down constantly and used to bite me so hard that i’d scream in pain and beg her to stop and i would have bruises all over me but i’m not gonna lie she was really hot but crazy in an abusive way so ew, then we have the only man i’ve ever come close to loving, i met him freshman year, we had mutual friends, we were so close that if someone was trying to find me they would go to him and vise versa, he had the most beautiful smile i’ve ever seen and he was probably the funniest person i’ve ever met, we used to go on walks together all the time and i would normally end up almost passing out because i wasn’t eating at the time, he used to buy me apple juice and sit with me while i waited until i was okay enough to keep walking, but i was very sick then so i didn’t treat him very well (emotionally) i also thought i was a lesbian and i was scared that if we started dating and then i found out that i was a lesbian i would really hurt him and i was also terrified of any man touching me and he knew that, i ended things with him and it really fucked him up since we had been friends for so long and i was dismissive of his feelings for me, i found out later that he would talk about me all the time and he told his friends that he was happy just being near me and that he would be okay never even touching me, so then when i started eating again and was thinking more clearly i realized that he was everything to me but he said he would only date girls that were the opposite of me so he could never be hurt like that again and now he has a girlfriend who screams at him all the time and i still miss him that’s about it i have a few more but they were relatively uneventful
now my trauma lore 🙌🏻🙌🏻
so i’ll just go over a few things, there’s a long line of sexual abuse in my family and because of that most of the people in my family are practically dead because they are so disassociated from reality, i was assaulted by this one guy in his car and got blamed for it and was made to apologize to the people who forced me into that situation for “blaming them” and after i was assaulted the people i was with wouldn’t take me home and they instead brought me to another guys house and left me alone in his basement with him at midnight, it was my first time meeting him and he put his hands on me too, i got stalked a few times, once by a guy from school the guy i mentioned before and another time by this car of guys that would follow me every time i would go on a walk because they memorized my schedule, also my dad used to cry while holding me while i slept and thought i never knew, also i was left alone a lot all my life so most of my life was spent having to eat cold food (i didn’t know how to cook) and having to take care of my sister who is the same age as me
ok that’s about it if u read this whole thing i love you
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mouthfullofmunson · 2 years
Okay but rockstar Eddie
Let’s talk
Bc I’m obsessed with this idea
He absolutely hates the paparazzi
But they seem to be so obsessed with him
Catching him while he’s shopping, while he’s at dinner, while he’s driving down the road to go back to his house
Even at his house- and that’s the time they also got photos of him in handcuffs after he had to fuck up a pap for sneaking photos of his wife through the window
Even catching photos of him and his wife fucking in his car, or on the tour bus- which sold for a good chunk of change
And dispite how rude he was to the paps he was actually the biggest sweetheart
Anytime a fan stopped him when he was out he was happy to have a conversation with them and give them a quick hug
And when the little ones come over to talk to him he’s always so happy and always poses for a photo with them
But he’s also like “oh my god why does this little thing know who I am?” Extremely worried bc kids shouldn’t know who he is
And when his fans ask him to sigh something he’s so willing “of course I’ll sign it for you sweetheart, who do I make it out to? Kelly, okay and that’s k-e-l-l-y? Gorgeous.”
And y/n is usually not jealous of fans, she’s been with Eddie for years and years and they’ve been married for a few years- he’s never really given her a reason to get jealous either
But when he’s extra nice to fans or lets them get in too many hugs or lets them get away with too many cheek kisses she’s definitely a little jealous
And she knows she’s being dramatic
Those are the times they get caught fucking by his tour manager, his band mates, or the paps
By now the paps has probably hundreds of photos of Eddie’s foggy car windows while they fuck
And his band is so traumatized from the amount of times they have walked into the tour bus only to be met with y/n sitting on Eddie’s face, or Eddie fucking Y/n while her mascara is running down her face, y/n on her knees for Eddie while his eyeliner is all rubbed off and smudged across his eyes
And before a show he always gets a little nervous because if one person fucks up the whole show is fucked
But after a show goes perfect, like always, he’s on fucking fire
And most nights he’s on one
So he runs back to the only “room” on the tour bus (the guys probably didn’t put up a fight bc I imagine Eddie is the only married one bc they are all still desperate to live out their rockstar dream)- where his wife went as soon as the show was over and he’s like “c’mon, I’ve got to fuck you. If I don’t fuck you in the next two second in going to explode”
And he’s peeling off her see through red dress she wore to the concert (I think y/n would wear stuff like that often, all see through so he could see her tits from the stage with her lace panties under it, her tits bouncing while she dances) and he’s instantly pushing her into the bed and shoving his pants down frantically before he fucks her like he hasn’t seen her in a year
Making the bed squeal loud as fuck while he pins her down, her legs dangling around his hips while hHe leans over the bed and fucks her, his pants pooled around her ankle where he stood
And he doesn’t stop until they are both almost ready to pass out
And he flops on the bed before he lights up a joint, the tiny window open wide while he sits with his wife, both of them completely naked while he wraps his arm around her shoulders and shared a quick joint with her
And then they are out for the night
I also think he does not care about pda
If he’s trying to tongue down his wife and someone is uncomfortable they can just look away, he’s busy trying to make out with his wife
He’s constantly sitting her on his lap
And he’s got to either hav ran arm around ehr shoulder if they are walking next to each other, or his hand on her ass
And if they are out to dinner together he’s going to have his hand on her thigh, or occasionally he’ll shove his hand up her shirt and grab at her tit
And parties? Yeah, he’s in the corner trying to fuck his wife because she’s probably wearing something a little slutty, see through, tiny, anything that shows off some skin
I think she dresses a lot like him though
Baggy black boyfriend jeans, cropped Guns N’ Roses shirts, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Metallica, but usually it’s a corroded coffin shirt and Eddie even convinced the merchandise team to make every shirt in white so when y/n wears them he can see her tits through them
Then its stolen things from Eddie’s closet
And skimpy little dresses
Lots of slip dresses
She basically just wears lingerie anytime she has to dress up for a show, a party, an award show, anything like that
And Eddie loves it
He loves knowing everyone can see but he’s the only one that can touch
They definitely have the most disgusting sex
Especially after y/n throws her panties up on stage or something stupid to see him smile
Spitting in each others mouths, spitting on each other, pee, Eddie doing anything he can to get her to squirt all over him, Eddie cumming all over her face and tits, cumming all over her pussy
I think Eddie would do basically anything for his wife to pee on him or in his mouth
And he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s into piss either, he’s loud and proud
Oh and period sex, Eddie is obsessed
Eating her out and getting his face all messy with her blood before he comes up and fucks her, sitting a towel down on the bed first of course, he’s not completely messy!
But after he would shove his boxers back on and walk out of the room just to see the other boys half terrified
“What?! You look like you saw a ghost.”
“You’re covered in blood”
Eddie just laughs.
And in interviews he gets a little loose lipped so y/n has to stand with Eddie manager and lawyer to make sure he didn’t say anything that crossed the line
Because a few times he’s “jokingly” talked about drinking his wife’s piss or “jokingly” said that he puts his wife in a collar or something
But they weren’t jokes
And everyone knew that
And once they pop out the first munson baby and eddie gets questioned about it he’s like
“Well, the little shit was an accident- you see it was after a show and we were super h-“
Y/n gives him the look
“But I love ‘em to death. It’s so bad ass to be a father, I’ve got a wife and a baby to look after and I’m still doing my shit and touring and whatever.”
all the thoughts i have 😢
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aydaptic · 11 months
Where did Quantic Dream confirm Nines’ personality? The only thing I’ve seen is that they said that Nines’ name would have also been Connor.
Also, yes please on making that post about why reed900 is popular. I missed out on most of the fandom so I’d love to read that.
RK900's Canon Personality
I answered this in a different ask -- hadn't posted it before I received this one, lol -- but it was confirmed in Quantic Dream's 1st Twitch livestream. The same stream they confirmed that Niner's canon name is 'Connor.' It happened only moments apart.
For those of you who haven't seen it: he's canonically, "not likable, not sweet, but intimidating and scary" as well as "a bad guy."
Reasons Why Reed900 is Popular
This will be a long list...
Niner used to be a blank slate before QD told us what his personality was, so ppl could mold him into whatever they wanted.
Some ppl started shipping Reed900 after learning about Niner's canon personality as they realized he could be perfect for Gav.
Some ppl find it more interesting to 'redeem' characters than to write about goody-two-shoes, and canonically, both Gav/Niner are questionable morality-wise.
Some ppl are into 'enemies to lovers' and/or 'the evil power couple.'
In terms of backstories, Gav/Niner are (mostly) blank slates. All we really know about Gav's backstory is that he's "garnered the hatred of his coworkers," hates Hank, hates androids, recently got his scar (confirmed by Neil Newbon + the fact that the scar isn't white,) and doesn't sleep well (eye bags.) All we know about Niner's backstory is that he's the upgraded version of Con.
Niner is Con's identical twin appearance-wise (aside from the eyes) and some ppl were intrigued by the conflict of Gav falling in love with someone sharing the face with someone he hates.
Some ppl wanted to explore the conflict where Gav had to learn how to think of androids as individuals when realizing how different Niner and Con are.
Some ppl wanted to ship Gav with Con, but Con was already widely shipped with someone else.
Some ppl wanted to ship Gav with Con, but knew it would never work... so they settled for a character who looked similar.
Technically relates to the point above, but Sixty wasn't 'unique enough' for a lot of ppl. Niner was. Both his eye color and outfit are different from Con's.
Some ppl wanted to explore Gav's character in a romantic setting and just picked Niner to do it with.
Both Neil (Gav's actor) and Bryan Dechart (Niner's actor) are very interactive with the fans whilst expressing they have nothing against the ship.
Both Neil and Bryan have essentially 'promoted' the ship by bringing attention to a popular Reed900 fan film.
Neil has interacted with the actors of said fan film on at least one Twitch stream by playing the game with them.
Some ppl started shipping them bc of said fan film.
Some ppl came across (and liked) fan works.
Some ppl think they're hot together.
Some ppl self-insert into Gav/Niner and essentially ship them with themselves (narcissistic, pathetic, and creepy AF.)
Some ppl wanted to 'punish' Gav for simply being mean to fan-favorite Con. They use Niner as an insult to injury sharing Con's face to abuse Gav -- mentally/physically/s*xually -- and put Gav in all kinds of humiliating/awful situations (sadists.)
Some ppl ship them for clout. At least one popular Reed900 3D artist has admitted they couldn't care less about canon Gav and the ship itself. They just care about exposure and how many likes/reblogs, etc. they get posting about the ship bc it's popular.
Those are the reasons I can think of rn.
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bordysbae · 1 year
what if the reader was out and playing volleyball or smth with her friends and some of the guys come up and ask if they wanna be in their BeReal (idk i feel like someone would have it) and they hit it off after?? with whoever bc there are too many of em
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“we really gotta come here more often”
luke hughes x reader
sorry this took me so long, i’ve been really busy!! but keep sending requests!! <3 and idk if you wanted a romance out of this or just a friendship type of thing, so i decided to kinda combine the both?? i hate this so much tbh but i had no idea what to write i’m so sorry omg
you and your best friend, abby, decided to convince your families to rent a house on the lake for the summer. you guys have been best friends since kindergarten, so of course your families vacation together almost every summer, so convincing them was easy. you guys live in the middle of michigan, so the drive to the rental house wasn’t much more than two hours.
when you arrive at the house, you both rush to unpack your things in your shared bedroom. you guys do a quick look around the house, before noticing how nice it is outside. you change out of comfy car clothes into shorts and tank tops, and go outside in the front yard. you begin to pass the volleyball back and forth. while talking about almost anything. suddenly as you’re setting the ball, someone with a slightly high pitched, yet still manly, voice calls out to you both.
“hey! excuse me?” the boy says. you turn your head to see two boys coming your way. you instantly notice how attractive they both are, but the one speaking especially catches your eye. you place the volleyball in between your arm and side, and smile at the boys.
“how may we be of service?” you joke, making the boy chuckle a little.
“do you guys mind taking our bereal? we have no one to take it” the other boy asks awkwardly, as he extends his phone out for you to take.
“couldn’t one of you just take it?” you laugh, grabbing his phone from him. you and abby pose for the camera before putting the camera in front of the boys. once the bereal finishes, you ask them to take yours, unaware the notification went off until they brought it up. they take yours, and you all get your bereals done and out of the way.
“i’m luke, this is ethan.” the boy who caught your eye earlier says.
“nice to meet you! i’m y/n, and this is abby” you say introducing yourself back.
“do you guys live here? i’ve never seen you guys before. my parents live two doors down, in that house there” the boy says, pointing to a brown house not too far away.
“we’re renting this house for the summer! are you guys brothers?” you ask.
“nope, we go to university of michigan together! what about you? are you guys siblings?” ethan says.
“no, we’re best friends. we just graduated highschool actually. we’re both going to michigan state” abby says.
“ooh yikes, one of our rival schools. i guess we won’t be able to hang out with you guys..” luke jokes, making you roll your eyes playfully as you’re well aware of the spartans versus wolverines rivalry. you four begin to chat, but eventually break off into separate conversations. you and luke begin to get to know each other a little better, as do abby and ethan. a few minutes later your mom calls you both in for dinner.
“before you guys go, i have a fire pit in my backyard. do you guys maybe wanna come over later and hang out? we could make s’mores or something?” luke offers.
“that sounds so fun! i’d love to! what about you abs, wanna go?” you ask your best friend. “of course! we’ll see you both later.” abby smiles, as you guys turn around.
“wait! can we get your guys’ snaps? gotta text you when to come over of course” luke says shyly.
“of course!” you say, as you all four pull out your phones to exchange socials. you and abby excuse yourselves and head inside for dinner. “we really gotta come here more often!” abby exclaims, making you laugh and nod your head in agreement.
you guys spent the entire summer with luke and ethan, wether it was on the hughes’ boat, or even going grocery shopping with them. the entire summer was spent with the boys, and it was all documented through bereals.
of course you and luke continued to get closer throughout the summer, and even going into the school year. you guys started dating despite the half an hour to forty five minute drive. of course the guys gave him a small amount of shit for dating someone from a rivalry school, but he didn’t care.
abby and ethan stayed friends, but didn’t see their summer “fling” going anywhere. overall you had to say, the best decision you’ve ever made was asking you parents to rent a house by the lake.
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