#i hope he’s having a blast being loud and sparkling wherever he is <3
persephoneflouwers · 2 years
I don't know why he would say something like that when he's the one who spoke about and defended fans from different backgrounds and groups back in 1D days.
I don't know where this shift happened, from louis being the flamboyant and gayest member of the band to him supposedly saying "I'm straight idk why I have LGBT fans"
I don’t know, angel. Maybe he doesn’t say it and that was made up. The official version of the facts will be here soon.
It’s frustrating to see the fear in the fandom though… it’s sad we don’t know for sure, still there’s this little voice in the back of our heads that goes “but what if he did…”. It’s awful how his current image has disrupted the fandom like this. You’re like “this guy wrote Just like you, sings OTB in his first album and performed it showered in rainbow lights and flags and has many other gay coded love songs, how did we come to this?” I wish I had better words of wisdom, but I don’t.
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