#i honestly love this side of the fandom
melikes-reads · 1 month
To German speakers
Serious question: how do you think, before you talk?
I've been watching German tv series and reading German fics, so my reading and listening comprehension is improving.
German syntax is puzzling. Extremely so.
I know the grammar rules, I do! But my mind automatically goes subject + verb + object + conjunction + subject + verb + object when I want to speak.
When I write, I have time to reflect about the correct order of each word (and pieces of a word!), but trying to speak and remember where every part of the speech goes, and the right declensions… Impossible.
So, any advice?
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nnoodlewhale · 2 months
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he fell face first down the stairs and busted his glasses (and Fakir's gut)
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kanerallels · 6 months
I know if no one else got me, the Sabezra fandom got me
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lesbiantvfish · 2 months
hang on I’m not done descending into madness. hi aba followers hi monkey team followers. I really liked this little video game
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 months
there's someone in the suicide squad isekai tags who I guess is a Joker/Harley shipper and is like "i bet it's gonna suck tho I bet the joker's gonna betray harley and she's going to be ooc". I mean yeah, why wouldn't you expect that, that's what he does??? That's what he's done since Harley's literal inception??? He threw her out a window in the cartoon she was created in??? I thought if you shipped Joker/Harley you had to be like, into the abuse and betrayal, but apparently not?? Do they just rewrite history in their heads? Is that what happens?
And I guess ooc is "not caught in the cycle of abuse" which is a depressing way to look at things.
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You are literally one of the only reasons I'm still partially in the WH fandom /pos
🫡 just doin' my duty sir
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morgana-ren · 7 months
Man, people are once again getting really upset about the lack of content for some characters and fandoms as opposed to others. Like 'howling to the moon' angry about how there's no content on the characters they like or the things they like or ideas they like. We're talking 'conspiratorial' angry.
Baby, be the change you want to see in the world. If you want content, make it. Row the boat all the fuck by your lonesome if you have to. A lot of people have, and they're literally the reason that there is even content for less popular ships/ideas/characters! That's how things get popular! People taking the initiative and just doing it. Don't wait around for someone else to do it for you.
Most of us work for free and are just posting on a whim from our heads. If you love something, write it. Draw it. Post about it. Make the content you want to see. Be the reason someone else has content to turn to if it's important to you. Don't stamp your feet and get upset that something doesn't exist.
Make it. Produce it. Draw it. Imagine it. Do it. Lead the tag. Make the content. Fuel the fire. Do it badly. Just do it. You won't regret it.
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murky-tannin · 1 year
I miss people distinguishing between AMVs, PMVs, and animatics. especially the latter two. The amount of times I've gone looking for animatics only for PMVs to pop up is incredible
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spiri-a · 2 months
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Though also can I just say I’m so proud that we have one of the few non-binary ships on both this list and the top ships of all times list????????? Like I mentioned this before but one of my favorite things about the GO fandom is how free and absolutely whatever the fuck and purely utterly tolerant this fandom is about gender???? Like I love these guys???????
(Gushy rant about the GO fandom’s beautiful relationship with gender and expression down below oops I just started and couldn’t stop??)
Like I’m not ashamed (though maybe a little a lot embarrassed) to admit that this fandom was probably most definitely my non-binary awakening because it was just so strange and refreshing and completely new for me to learn this brand new little talked about side of how other people experience gender, and how they channel those experiences into Crowley and Aziraphale in their fanfiction and fanart and headcanons??? It was to a degree that I had NEVER EVER felt before and it shocked me?? Then I found myself weirdly SUPER relating to the descriptions of genderlessness and the pure careless neutral feeling about gender that I saw people talking and writing about???
And then, well, um, I MAY have accidentally discovered my gender identity from Aziraphale headcanons??????? Oops??????????
And Ive heard of plenty of other people who saw their own gender expressions reflected in Crowley or Beelzebub or Muriel!!!! ITS CRAZY!!! I’ve been in fandoms for years and years, but this is the first time characters have felt so freeing and moldable to however the fandom wants to love them and so so easy to love because we see parts of ourselves in them and parts we aspire to be and parts we hate but can’t help see the reasoning behind and it just makes everything feel so…..close???? Like these characters were made to be the furthest from basic stock characters they could, and they were made with a little extra room left over in them for the fandom to take and fill and make their own?????
I don’t even know where I’m going with this but I guess my point is: Dear Good Omens fandom, I FREAKING LOVE YOU??????? The pure and open freedom you allow people to express themselves and mold this story and these characters into a million different wonderful things is the most awe inspiring thing, and I never thought such a massive fandom would feel so welcoming and tolerant and flexible and fluid and expressive and diverse and AGGGHGAHAHGHH EVERYTHING I GUESS
God I really hope no one reads this cause this is probably the gayest shit I’ve ever written. I just wanted to celebrate but then it turned into a rant of the secret private super duper uber gay reason I love this fandom.
Oh well
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
if anyone suggests kny isekai fanfics please share them i beg. ive fallen into the rabbit hole that is kny i fear
SAME HERE i got to taste it once and literally dreamed with it (my bad for staying up until 2am so i could finish it)
anywho this is the fanfic i was referring to
it only has like 22 chapters, 3 extras and it's abandoned but thEY'RE ALL SOOOO GOOD
i dont even like ao3 that much but i should see if there is any other isekai themed fanfic
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drivebypainter · 7 days
I love looking at the tags people put when they reblog my art, cause its always so silly.
Some will be like “aww cute!” And then the next is like “I will eat him.”
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I was waiting impatiently for the poll to finish and dare I say, I have never been more excited for the next part- especially because this is set after the first installation. Now, one thing I'm sure all of you are curious about: can ghosts be stanked?
Much like what I said about Akumas, no- this simply isn't possible for, well, a few reasons but that will come later, so you'll just have to wait! (as for halfas, the answer to that question is also being left ambiguous-)
This does mean that whatever happens in the next part won’t be involving ghosts being affected by the Sorcerer’s magic- now whether ghosts exist inside Norrisville, well, we’ll just have to see won’t we? I do like to think ghosts aren't a common phenomenon everywhere because of other reasons
For now, these are my current forming ideas. Either Danny ends up in Norrisville somehow (which would be partially dependent on the timeline-), or Randy is sent to Amity Park as a result of... other reasons. This is a bare minimum draft to say the least and I have some stuff that will be included immediately and the rest will be added in as the series continues!
I will say that Danny’s going to be having a time if he’s the one to arrive in Norrisville. Poor Danny gets to go through the burner during a lot of this- he is one of the protagonists after all hahaha
Though I decided to use this time to explain some of the lore and information about this AU people are still interested in (which I’m admittedly surprised about-), so without much further ado- let's get right to the point!
Also, one last thing before I start: this takes place before the season two finale of RC9GN for what I feel is kind of obvious, but moving on-
Lore Dumping + Headcanons
Something that was canonized in the first installation: not all heroes are aware of another- due to certain restrictions and, well, some magic of the universe... a lot of the organizations basically were sanctioned off to specific locations as a way of maintaining the peace. What this means is that clashing will go down at first- perhaps not between the main heroes but say, a certain council with other groups but we'll get to that later
Norrisville does not have a high concentration of ghostly energy since there isn't a portal (natural portals are an entirely different story; i'm more referring about something like what's at fenton works-). This didn't really need to be said but just in case! I'm shoving it into the lore dump anyway
Randy faces a lot of pressure just for being the Ninja but without the added knowledge of other heroes- he's genuinely living the best life and having fun while still being the protector, though we all know this won't last. I also will say this is going to explore the whole thing with the tengu but I'm not sure how much just yet-
Could someone else be shloomped inside the Nomicon? Hahaha, you'll find out later- I thought about saying it, but decided to hold myself back for now. I will say this: the Nomicon is still a sentient being and, well, who is able to go inside it (since technically, in one of the episodes, Howard did but I'm not sure how far into the RC9GN 'canon' it's set in-) has some rules to it
Danny and Randy are obviously different in terms of personality- having them work together is going to come with its challenges, but I do think they'd have a good partnership going. They just have to get comfortable with one another
I'm trying to keep myself from saying things about future installations lol, but- I will say that so far, Vlad has zero connections to Norrisville. This one-shot is going to be a little different and that's all I'm going to say for the time being
If anyone's curious about the difference in strength between Danny and Randy- well, their methods of combat are different so, do with this what you will for now :)
As of right now, there are no confirmed ships within the series! To be honest, I don't fully see it as important but it may show- just... not right this second
So far, this is all I got! It's getting a little late and I am honestly really tired which means posting will have to wait until later, but do expect more content soon! I am very excited for the continuation of this project to say the least!
Goodnight, my lovely readers!
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angelicheaven12 · 2 months
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Honestly simba is soo cute on TLK 1/2 and he is soo baby boii coded compared to simba in TLK 2, i love his big bambi eyes is soo cute and honestly im jealous of nala frr and she literally so lucky for having the man like him
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Me: Height difference is nice, can be cute. Not my favorite thing in a ship, but it's nice.
Cuddy in 3X15, having to get on her tippy-toes to give House a hug.
Also me: jdhsaf;dsh;fkjds;lkgjaflkgjlaksdfjalsdkjflk
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
I'm reading Acotar (almost done with book 2, but I spoiled myself a little on book 3) and Im just....I didn't super care about Tamlin in book 1 (was more obsessed with Lucien, was convinced we'd get a threesome with Tamlin/Lucien/Feyre for the longest time lol I was bobo the fool) but now as it keeps going and with every 'Tamlin sucks so hard/is such a terrible abusive person' that's going on I just....feel I'm getting protective. I'm always waiting for him doing something worse but it never comes??All the fan posts that the algorithm shoves in my face always seem to misquote/misinterpret him??? Even the him locking her up feels so exaggarated in context? Like, I even liked the idea of them not working out because they both had to learn to deal with their own traumas first, but they could've just sat down like adults about it you feel me? Tamlin isnt that bad at all (by fairy standards anyway), he's just held to some weird modern moral standard while Rhysand isn't and it's pissing me off and really hindering my enjoyment of the Night Court shenanigans (which in theory I don't even hate, I think the characters are kinda enjoyable, but the book is riding the NC dick so hard while constantly dunking on Tamlin for no reason? Just leave the guy alone ahh). Sorry I'm not even in this fandom really I just needed to vent my frustration somewhere!!
ARE YOU ME? This is exactly how I felt reading through ACOTAR book 1 and then going straight into book 2! I was about 3/4 of the way through ACOMAF waiting for tamlin to do the "terrible abusive thing" that everyone claims he does before I realized that it had already happened. And yeah, him locking her up a single time isn't great, but he literally thought she was going to be kidnapped and murdered. that's not him being ABUSIVE and CONTROLLING!!!
the fan posts absolutely misconstrue his character to a comical degree. Just yesterday I saw an incorrect quotes-style post of rhysand talking to tamlin going "you begged to kiss her, she begged to fuck me. we are not the same." as if feyre wasn't slobbering after tamlin in ACOTAR while he held back and kept everything cute and chaste lmao. like yall are just making shit up now.
and YEAH I couldn't enjoy ANY of the Night Court/Inner Circle stuff because so much of those sections on the book are about comparing the NC people to tamlin (or lucien) and complaining about them. Like damn yall sure are obsessed with tamlin considering you claim to hate him. I definitely have gotten super protective of Tamlin being in this fandom bc he really is a sweet character who doesn't deserve any of this!
ANYWAY I SEE YOU and if you do decide to join ACOTAR fandom on the side of Tamlin, there are other Tamlin lovers! I'm helping to host Tamlin Week (@tamlinweek2023) in 2 weeks and I've spoken to lots of lovely people who love Tamlin and are going to participate! We are here, and we are normal lmao
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reinedeslys-central · 4 months
when it's been so long since you've read a fic that you forget about it and you find it in the search tags and start reading it again
and it's great, if a little familiar, but you've read a lot of these sorts of fics bc you like this tag a lot, so you assume it's nothing
but then the deja vu starts adding up and you start to wonder
and then moments before the great big Plot Twist Reveal happens you're suddenly like ah hell this is the bloody sundial fic again isn't it
smh this has to be the fourth time yet
#not that I don't love that fic bc I do#but also this is quite funny to me#have I made this post already? I don't remember#mdzs fic#time travel fix it#I love that tag#iceberg tags under see all#bc sm of the fandoms I'm in have such messed-up backstories that it works#it's funny. like for the media that doesn't have as dark backstories ttfi doesn't really make sense (although time loop might!!)#mdzs and st go perfectly with it as does hp (ew)#pjo not as much bc the big bad stuff (for the most part) happens much further down the line in canon than in the first few chapters#like. b99 and idk descendants of the sun or haikyuu wouldn't really work#ik it doesn't HAVE TO but I've also noticed this trend where ttfi is more common in fandoms where it's somehow plausible by the magic syste#haikyuu just does not have that magic system lol (for example)#whereas jjk? maybe. aot? probably not physically/magically but it's got such a messy timeline that at this point why not honestly#tbf the second time I read that fic I did get legitimately surprised by the plot twist#pjo#percy jackson#stranger things#atla? maybe. like it would be weird but still sorta plausible using spirit shenanigans#hp and mdzs by way of their 'hard' magic system side - wards/arrays and the like#pjo by the gods ig?? so kinda like atla with the deus ex machina and not exactly soft nor hard side of their magic systems#cinematic universes? depends but for the marvel ones it's plausible for studio ghibli idek man for kpop music videos sometimes.#not tagging hp lol#terfs dni#like literally if you've made it this far down my notes already if you're a TERF please just fuck off or block me or smth#anyway anyone know about monsta x?#they have time travel literally baked into their concept so I bet there's time travel fix it tropes over in that fandom#I don't really touch rpf these days so idk#if you have any good recs you can argue for I'd be willing to try them ig?
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