#i honestly can't be bothered to link everything in this sorry ;;
nqueso-emergency · 27 days
the BoBs are turning on bucks coming out scene at the wedding now, saying it did nothing but make a joke out of it, that tommy pushed buck into it, it’s so out of character, the show didn’t take it seriously etc…
i swear everyone loved the coming out scene when it first happened? but now, because it’s linked to tommy, they have to hate it.
some people are even ragging on maddie for saying “how long have you been leaning in the other DIRECTION” because apparently calling it a direction is derogatory.
like. it was the perfect, most Buck way of coming out, just a face full of soot from making out with his hot pilot boyfriend. it’s a lovely, lighthearted moment, which is exactly what Tim said he wanted to do. None of Buck’s coming out scenes were serious or sad.
All of Buck’s coming out scenes were very lighthearted- meaningful, but lighthearted. When Buck came out to maddie, he was more bothered that he’d lied to eddie about what he was doing that night rather than the fact he was on a date with a man (which, that scene always gets twisted because maddie says “if there’s something you need to tell eddie” (not verbatim) and the BoBs always took that as maddie pushing buddie, but the whole scene is very clearly centred around Buck feeling guilty about lying to eddie about what he was doing). When he came out to Eddie, he was again more bothered about clearing up that he was on a date with a man, not out with a friend.
Buck, on screen, was never, not one singular time, bothered that he was on a date with a man. He felt bad about lying to his bestfriend about it, but we never saw Buck feel unsure about or debate his bisexuality, he came to terms with it in a way many bisexual people do. It just clicked for him, it didn’t trouble him.
So, sorry that none of the coming out scenes were sad, sorry that the hospital coming out scene wasn’t a bigger deal, but Buck didn’t think it was a big deal, so it didn’t need to be one. He just wanted to introduce everyone to his new boyfriend- not because he’s a man, but because they’re together.
Sorry this was long. been pent up for a while. Hope it made sense.
It makes perfect sense!!
And you know what? Fuck whoever is saying those negative things about the way Buck came out.
Why does everything have to be such a huge fucking production? This isn't 13 reasons why, it's fucking 911. They do not dredge shit like this through the mud. And honestly thank god because coming out, in a way that's comfortable for you and not making it feel like something you HAVE to do is honestly a really beautiful thing to see.
I am so sick and tired of bestie boos wanting shit to be the slowest of slow burns.
And you know what else? The only reason they're backtracking now I because they have nothing else. Ryan and Oliver aren't doing bts just the two of them, Oliver isn't reacting to anything really.
I hope they understand that they're slow burn that they wanted so fucking bad is actually taking place on the actors they claim to love. They're burnt out and honestly I can't wait for the first sign of Buddie being pulverized.
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wayfayrr · 4 months
I just remembered how sometimes I yell at Link when he does something that annoys me, like if I’m trying to walk across a really skinny plank but he accidentally walks off/falls off, or when I’m trying to run from an enemy but he starts climbing a tree instead. I’ll just be like “Link no! Get off the stupid tree omg ur gonna die!” Or “Link! Stop falling off the platform! I just wanna get to the top already!” Would he be mad at me for yelling at him? Sad? …..?
Then there’s an unrelated issue that isn’t his fault that my controller sometimes drifts, so he’s walked off cliffs before bc it was drifting slightly forward and I didn’t notice. The most annoying one on my controller is when the motion control stops working and I’m trying to aim my bow and arrow but it freezes so I have to quickly manually flick the analog stick so it works again but by then I might’ve already gotten hit. Is he mad at me for these problems?
Oooooooh! Then there’s the whole having to scroll thru the whole menu options when u wanna attach something to ur arrow. Ugh that takes forever! Like I wanted a bomb flower but now I want a keese eyeball and that’s all the way at the other end of the menu! Is he frustrated w that? (Ik technically it’s “paused” when I do that but let’s say he’s still conscious when I’m doing that it’s just everything around him is frozen in time. So like he’s just crouching there waiting for me to finally attach an eyeball lol).
Or what about the sages?? I love them all so much but trying to find them (and the right one when u have all of them) and activate their ability is sometimes annoying. I’ll want Sidon’s shield for a second but instead Tulin does his gust. Or when I’m just trying to pick something up he’ll blow it away lol. What does Tears think of that?
Sorry this got so long. I understand I had like 4 ideas in this ask, they all just came into my mind at once lol.
I think he'd get a bit upset over you yelling at him, he gets that you're worried that he'll get hurt but it's not always his fault? sometimes sure but it's just starting to hurt his feelings more than anything. when you're playing he's just a puppet in your hands and as much as he loves you he's still 'a person'. if you struggle to even put him anywhere near that position soon then well, it's not like you can yell at him again for it right? he doesn't want to upset you after all.
I don't think that he'd ever blame you for console defects like that, hell he could even be behind a good number of them, it's not your fault the game is buggy. The only time he could ever be bothered by it is is you close out of the game because its so buggy, if the game is getting to the point where it's bordering on unplayable he still can't blame you but it'll get under his skin so much more. is he not good enough for you? is his game not good enough for you to work through the glitches? don't be surprised if you can't exit the game or turn off your switch for a bit :3 surely nothing has gotten corrupted or broken beyond repair right? No he hasn't sabotaged it himself, how could he - why would he?
The menu is honestly pretty sucky at times for throwing items and sticking them to your arrows, besides from reshuffling it to get what you need to be closer to where you start scrolling from. I think tears is most likely to get irritated at the games own design for that, because it'd be so much easier for him to just grab what you needed from his pad to fuse it onto one of his arrows but he just can't, he's stuck having to abide by the rules of the game, watching you struggle with the admittedly awful UI Nintendo cursed him with. If he wasn't so stressed about you resetting him - or worse reporting your 'faulty' copy of the game. he'd take his own steps to make it better for you - maybe he'll even do it earlier if you carry on struggling like this. He just needs to get more confident about it <3
the sages probably mess with him so much, he wants you ALONE and now he's constantly got these guys running around him?? he's gotta interact with them to try and get his abilities (lwk this could make him more jealous of wild who gets to have you one on one all of the time) And most of the sages abilities are optional anyway so I mean, maybe you won't notice if he simply disables them right? he won't delete them outright so if you miss them you can use them but if you don't reactivate them? maybe he could.... so then it'll be just you and him, just link.
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kaziwi · 1 year
hiiiii can you write like a college au where you’re like struggling in a class and ace or zoro offers to tutor you but in reality they don’t know what they are doing and only did it to get close to you
thankssssss <33333333333333333
Hii!! This request was SO CUTE!! I did write a lot though so sorry about that!!
I hope you enjoy!
Fake Tutoring You
Character(s): Zoro, Ace
WC: 1,183
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You groaned as you looked down at your latest biology test. In big red marker pen the letter F was written on the corner of your paper. You were failing biology.....like really REALLY failing. You were screwed if you didn't pass this semester, but you just didn't understand anything. You had no idea what to do, until the guy next to you spoke up.
He said his name was Zoro. You had sat next to him all year long, but didn't really talk much. He was always really quiet and you didn't want to bother him. He said that he noticed your grades hadn't been the best lately, which had you flustered while you covered the F on your paper.
He reassured you that it was fine, and offered to tutor you. This was perfect!!! You thanked him so many times and gave him your number and said that you guys could figure out a time and date later. You left class happier than you arrived, excited for your first tutoring session.
Zoro was screwed. He didn't tell you this, but he also happened to be failing biology. Well...not failing....but it wasn't much better than your grades. Every day he thanked Chopper for tutoring him before tests because without him he would be in the same position as you right now. He had a crush on you, but had no clue on how to ask for your number. When Nami suggested this method, he had thought it would be flawless. Now he realized that he actually had to tutor you. Stupid witch. She probably did this just to embarrass him.
As soon as you were out of sight Zoro pulled out his phone and rushed to call Chopper.
"Hey Chopper, you think we can have another tutoring session tonight??"
"Didn't you just have a test a few days ago??? You have another??"
"Um....well....basically..." Zoro explained his current situation to Chopper, and tried to ignore the snickering from Usopp and Luffy in the background.
"Sorry Zoro, I can't tonight, but if you want I can email you a few online text books you can read through to prepare!!"
"Yeah...thanks Chopper" Zoro hung up and held his head down low. He knew he was screwed, but maybe, just maybe he could help you a little. He got a text from you later that day asking if 2pm tomorrow was okay. Zoro said sure, eager to see you, but this meant he had little time to prepare. He opened all the links Chopper sent him, pulled out his bio notes, and drank more coffee than he ever had before. He was going to be a biology MASTER by 2 pm tomorrow.
It was now 2pm and Zoro was RUNNING to the library to meet you. Maybe staying up till 5 am preparing wasn't the best idea....
You were waiting at a table, constantly checking your phone. It was 2:15 and he still wasn't here. You planned to wait another 5 minutes before leaving, till you saw a sweaty Zoro run up to your table.
"Sorry I'm late, I overslept," He panted out. Honestly he looked like shit, his clothes all sweaty and his hair was a mess, but it was a little cute...
"It's 2 pm....do you usually sleep this late??"
Zoro sat down and pulled out some notes and a textbook. This was his big moment, the moment he's been preparing for. You would be wowed by his biology skills and then ask him out...haha....
About 10 minutes into tutoring, you turned to him and asked, "You don't know what you're doing...do you.." It was pretty obvious, every question you asked he stuttered or had no clue how to answer. You felt bad and thought that maybe he was just nervous, but after awhile even you could tell he didn't know anything.
Zoro realized it was pointless denying it, so he confessed. He was worried you would be upset at him, but after he explained everything you just laughed.
"If you wanted my number all you had to do was ask," you said between laughs. Zoro was flustered at first, but soon joined you in laughing about the situation. You promised him to not consider this your first date and he promised to introduce you to his really smart friend Chopper that could tutor you.
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The letter F covered your computer screen. At this point you didn't even want to check your grades anymore after seeing your recent scores. You were failing Calculus, like really bad. You had no clue how you were gonna get your grades up. While wallowing in your own self pity, someone tapped your shoulder.
You turned around to see Ace, the guy who sat behind you. He had a cheeky grin on his face while commenting that he couldn't help but see your test scores, and offered a solution.
You had never expected him to be good at Calculus, as he was always goofing off, but after he kept insisting he could help, you caved and set up a time and date to meet.
Ace did a silent cheer as he left class. You and him were going on a date. Well...technically it was an unofficial date where he would "tutor" you, but that didn't matter. He was so excited that he forgot that he was ALSO failing Calc!! Yay!!
He immediately called Sabo and told him about his accomplishment.
"Are you really that stupid Ace," Sabo said in a stern voice over the phone.
"WHAT it was a good idea!!"
"Ok...but what about tomorrow when they expects you to tutor them and you can't...don't you think they'll get mad."
Shoot. Ace didn't think about that one.
"SABO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP MEEEE," Ace cried into the phone. Sabo reluctantly agreed and they stayed up until 2 am prepping Ace to tutor you.
Now a VERY tired Ace walked to a near by café, hyping himself up for his "date." He walked in and looked around till he spotted you sitting at a table in the corner of the café. God you looked beautiful.
Ace walked up and greeted you, pulling out the notes him and Sabo made last night. He was ready, HE COULD DO THIS, and then maybe...maybe after you could go on a real date.....
Lets just say things did not go according to Ace's plan. You slowly realized that he was talking nonsense and had no clue what he was doing. Even after prepping with Sabo all night Ace still couldn't answer your questions.
"Look, I just did this so we could spend time together. I wanted to ask you out, but I wasn't sure how to. Then when I saw your grades...I had this spur of the moment idea and-"
"Ace it's fine," you cut him off, "Really its ok, I get it, how about we forget the math and consider this our first date?"
Ace was more than happy to do that...and he promised he would introduce you to his much smarter brother, Sabo, to help you get your grades up.
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white-poppie · 2 years
When in love, Take a nap!
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Request: hello it's me😁 if ur not busy may i ask the main 4 hxh characters with someone who is lazy, stubborn, loves to sleep etc it can be platonic or romantic too!
A/N: @innerpurple uhuhu sorry for delaying it so much, I was just stressed about studies :((
Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
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Killua 2.0??
Anyways, Gon is gonna love you soo much:((
Thinks you are the cutest.
May or may not have drawn on your face while you were asleep...
Regarding stubbornness, how can he be bothered when he is more stubborn than you??
You two have matching fluffy, whale blankets and pillows.
he is kinda clingy, to the point he is hanging on you like a monkey.
Overall he is just a super cute friend to be around! (8/10)
How dare you imitate him, peasant???
jk, anyways, Killua 'doesn't like you.' and thinks you are 'annoying'
but really he also thinks you are so adorable.
his heart literally melted when he saw you napping with Alluka (has multiple pictures but will never show them to anyone.)
About stubbornness. He hates it, he will just flick your forehead...like really hard when you are throwing a tantrum.
Meh he is nice, but he is kinda bothersome to you by constantly bugging you. (6/10)
Listen, when I say Leorio carries you around like a baby. I mean it.
EXCUSE ME, WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY 'oh I am too heavy for him.'
MISS GURL he is 6'3!!!
his camera storage is filled with photos of you sleeping.
Doesn't mind you being stubborn, he himself falls in that category.
You can be as lazy as you want to, he will do all your work like a simp.
Honestly, he is just so sweet and nice, how can you not like him.
tbh I think, sleepy and stubborn people are his type and they can neutralize his overly loud self.
The loml, my saviour, my ending, the father of my children.
I will never shut up about how out of all hxh characters Kurapika would be the best s/o (Kite stands as an exception.)
He hates the fact that he can't spend more time with you, but whenever he comes late and sees you sleeping, my guy m e l t s.
However, he may not always be able to enjoy the stubborn side of you.
The thing is that he works so much and kind of just expects everything in the end of the day to go very smoothly, so he may get a little mad at you for the same.
But he cannot stay mad at you longer than a few hours. Usually apologizes first.
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Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
A/N: ik this is so badly written uhuhu, but I didn't want to leave it unwritten :((
Tags: @sakinotfound, @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro, @rintaroubby, @kristaline2dmensimp, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle
╰┈➤ Special customers(Taglist)╰┈➤ Book order details (Request Rules)
If the taglist link doesn't work, DM or ask under the post <3
⤗ Hunter x Hunter (ハンタ x ハンタ)
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minas-linkverse · 9 months
Ngl I was going to ask about Breath of the Wild but I’d thought you’d get a million of those asks lol. I was also torn between asking about Wind Waker, so whichever one you want to answer more is chill!!
haha yea I thought I'd get a million asks too! Somehow even now this remains the only botw ask, I guess people just figured it must've been sent already 😅
Now to actually share my thoughts on botw... Man I hope people don't get mad at me.
I did not like it!. The first play through I had was mildly exciting simply due to there being a whole unknown world to see, but after a while that gimmick wore off. I knew that if I made my way to the cool looking mountain or interesting abandoned building I'd just find a bokoblin and/or a chest with a gem. Whats the point of a gorgeous expansive world when all I find is the same...! 😫
Oh wow! A town with a whole new atmosphere and culture I sure wonder what I'll get up to h- Ok they have the same shops with slightly different items. Ok cool. There's like a few small quests for more inventory filler I don't really need. Cool cool.
I understand that the game is really fun for some people, they'll do quests just to get to play more of the game. They want all that extra stuff to upgrade armour and really get into the nitty gritty mechanics of the game... But I did not. It was not for me.
Also ouugh the puzzles...! My favourite part of Zelda games is the puzzle solving, but these were in no way satisfying and often more fun to just break. Why would I bother even trying to get into the devs heads when A) I could just break it and B) I have too many options to consider! I can't possibly get a clean eureka moment when everything from monster guts to just climbing could be the solution...! Where's the engaging simplicity of knowing exactly what you have and following the devs' clues to reach the solution!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaa--
I also disliked the story, all the interesting bits in it happened a 100 years ago and I feel like I arrived late with a starbucks. I also will not get over the weird ending cutscene!! After countless fascinating memories of Zelda having very complex emotions at Link... What do you mean you're just going to have a vaguely romantic "Do you still remember me?" YEAH I DO, I thought u disliked me! Which is a fascinating story direction I would've loved continued but OK! I guess we're ignoring that! Women cant be angry that makes them less cute and marketable, I guess!!!!
I... Sorry this is so ranty, I've been holding it in a long time. I think there's a lot to love in botw and I wish I wasn't so sour about it. Other people's love and excitement for it is wonderful and I hope they keep making the art they love. If its your first game in the series and got you into it, that's nothing to be ashamed about. I'm just a grumpy old man waving at cloud /ref.
Honestly I think botw could've been wonderful if it was a new IP. It feels all the Zelda stuff was sort of glued onto a concept that wasn't prepared to carry that mantle. It would've been better off with a new exciting world and cast of characters. It still wouldn't be a game I much care for, but the freedom that could've granted the developers would've been a treat to see.
It's worth adding that even though I dislike botw, I want to treat the characters of that game with respect and care in my comic. I may not love them in game but I can see the passion others have and I am committed to make something worth their time. Your special guys are safe with me. I have 0 desire to dunk on them, and instead wish to honour the love you all have. In a way I'm learning to love them myself through that.
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conkers-thecosy · 1 month
My ask about asks I forgot to send you.
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's you want to talk about
art/drawing do you draw and like to get asks about it?
your writing
blog specific only is your blog specific to a fandom or something that you only want asks about related things
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Hi there!!
I'm sorry this took me so long to answer - I know there's no pressure (which I appreciate immensely!) but I really want to answer them, I'm just super slow!
Self, Job/Work: Honestly I'm super happy to talk about anything like this! With all my social links on my pinned posts it wouldn't be too difficult to find out a lot of stuff about me and my life anyway! Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Okay so while I enjoy all of these fandoms, and more besides, I get real single-minded about my special interests. Right now it's Bagginshield, and that's really all my brain has room for! OC's: I would genuinely loooove to talk about my OCs, so very much! As I said above, bagginshield is really my main focus right now, but I have two half-written original novels that I really hope to pluck up the courage to share one day. Honestly I would love so much to have the opportunity to talk about them more here, but I know there's not a lot of interest. Folks are here for the bagginshield stuff, and that's totally fair! But, I'm going to write these stories either way and I really would love any excuse to gush about them and my OCs! art/drawing: I don't draw, I'm afraid! I wish I did, I'm always in so much awe of people who have that skill! I paint a bit, but not often and just for fun, and it's always some weird abstract stuff, haha! your writing: Love to talk about writing! It's all that keeps me going some days, and any excuse to chat about what I'm doing, what I'm planning, ro even giving advice to other writers is just so much fun to me! blog specific only: Nah, this blog is a mish-mash of everything! Happy to talk about whatever! Pets: So I have a dog! His name is Wilfred, and he was a rescue! He's my boon companion, and I love any excuse to show him off, haha! Garden and Hobbies: So I do garden, but I'm new to it! I never had a garden before until about 3 years ago, and it's been super fun to learn as I go! Other hobbies are funny, because I do a bit of everything. I'm fairly crafty so I've done pottery, sewing, jewellery making, painting as I mentioned, a bit of knitting, etc. I also used to have my own small business, running a perfumery, so I've made all sorts of bathing products, soaps, bath salts, candles, etc! Like being tagged in things: I do, but you may have noticed, I'm a bit slow at responding! I do try to keep on top of them and I never mind being tagged, but it ebbs and flows, for sure!
Okay, I think that's everything!!
Thank you so much for sending this! I will answer your others at some point, but my alarm has just gone off and now it's writing time, haha!
Thanks again for these lovely asks you send to people, it's really such a wonderful thing you're doing!
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gensokyogarden · 9 months
it's almost new years and you guys have been there for me so much during this year so tonight I do want to make a post trying to recognize a lot of people within the community. My head is pretty fuzzy right now so I fear I'm gonna forget some folks, in which case I'm honestly genuinely very sorry, but know that so many of you have touched my life in a positive way. Since I wasn't fully around on Thanksgiving either, consider this my chance of telling you all that I'm thankful for you too.
Some of you may not see this. Either because you don't follow this blog or you've been offline for a while. But I hope even if you don't see this post you still are able to understand my feelings towards you.
At the moment I would prefer if people don't reblog this. I'm not the most comfortable with my out of character thoughts being spread around. However if you know someone in this but think they won't see it on their own you are welcome to link them to this. Also if you're mentioned in this and you REALLY want to save it, I guess I can't stop you from reblogging.
Ruler: It feels like anytime I'm in a rough spot you always have kind words for me. With how often you're in character I just deeply respect you always breaking it for me. You've helped me to feel safe in the community during a very difficult time. That means the world to me.
Annette-mun: I know we only met a year ago but you have become an incredibly close friend to me. Being honest, I rank you as one of my best friends. I have fun with all of the boardgames we play together as well as the connections we've made between a lot of our muses. I always want to recognize all the work you put in sending me those ask spams. I'm sorry that because of head stuff I haven't been able to answer most of the new set. It makes me feel as if I've failed to respect the effort that you have put in. But I hope some day in the future I can fix that. I'm very glad we're friends.
Vel: You're a really funny friend and I care about you a lot. I feel that sometimes I'm not sensitive enough to things that may bother you and worry I may have upset you at times in the past. If I have, I'm really sorry. You write Kyouko really well and your ocs are also quite fun. Thanks for letting me make Nagi. Sometimes you say things that make me feel you are self-concious about your blog and other things. So I just wanna reiterate that I am in your corner and here for you whenever you need.
Slap: I was shy towards you at first, I'll admit. It may not seem it but I'm kinda a shy person in general and I'm nervous to warm up to people, but I'm glad you joined the Touhou community. You're a really funny guy. I love reading your posts on my dash and now I also love playing the occasional game with ya. Your ability to do voice and to commit to bits is astounding. I'm really glad I met you.
Argo: You're someone who is always there for me. I really appreciate that. I left the Fate community for personal reasons years ago now. I'm very glad that, despite that, I still ended up meeting you. Because you've been such a good friend to me. I'm glad that you've gotten somewhat into Touhou because it gives us more room to interact. You've really been there when I've needed you. Often you apologize and say you don't do enough but you've done so much for me. You're special to me.
Hoche: Through all the struggles I've gone through you have been very supportive of me. You have been a level headed voice of support and advice. I think that if it were not for you I would have been worse off in many different circumstances. Aside from that you are a very talented writer. I find myself stunned by some of what I've seen you write. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being my friend.
Zane: You always show me cool warhammer things and that's special to me. I also really like Nyalter. I love ocs in general, but I think you have done a phenomenal job in giving her a life and story that is uniquely hers. I find it to be quite inspirational and it really pushes me to work harder on my own original characters.
Amber: I have mentioned this before but you were the first person to welcome me into the community. That is always going to be special to me. During that period when you left I teared up a fair amount because it felt like things would always be so different with you gone. I'm very glad that you came back. I really like all your ocs. I'm glad Eri isn't gone but I'm also really happy to be seeing the opportunity for your other ocs to shine as well. They're all fun, but I'm particularly a fan of Anna.
Kay: You've given me some of the advice that has helped me the most when I have been in a bad spot. I can't thank you enough for that. You've stopped me from making really bad decisions. You've also just been a fun and supportive friend. I am very interested in your Reimu and the story arc you've created with the hakurei god.
Swigg: I know we haven't talked much lately. I think our schedules don't line up the best. But you recently mentioned trying to get back into Tumblr. I'll be very happy if you do. Your ocs are fun and you put a lot of love and care into the canon characters you write. I think you add a lot to the community.
Sethy: I didn't know it for a while but back in the Fate community I followed your arknights blog and admired you there. I'm super glad I have gotten the opportunity to meet you and to become your friend. I think that all the things you do are so cool. Like you're a vtuber that's incredible. I always wanted to stream but could never work up the courage. You also know the creators of all the walfas I love. I just think its so cool. You have such a history within the community. I know that you suffered a very bad tragedy this year. I don't believe I was in a good enough headspace at that time to have provided you with the support a friend should have given and I deeply regret that. I just hope you're doing well.
Noka: I think you're a real sweetie and also really funny. I'm glad to see you posting on your sfw blog a lot more again because I really love seeing you on my dash. I'm hoping that we can do a lot more threads in the future because its always fun to write our muses together.
Minnie: Maybe the only person with the same brain worms as me. I know that lately we have not talked much but I hope you are doing well. I just wanna say that I really love your art.
Aurora: My apprentice and buddy, hehe. I know I haven't been around much but I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to join the rpc. You're so full of ideas and kindhearted. You have such phenomenal oc ideas and have such a talent for making danmaku. I think someday you may be the centerpiece of the community.
Sats: We haven't spoken too often but like Amber you were one of the first folks to interact with me in the community. Alongside that I find your writing to be phenomenal. As are your headcanons. The work that you put in to research, especially on folklore, is just so inspirational. It drives me to want to learn everything I can.
Momi: Hey Momi. It's been a while since you've been around and I miss you a lot. I know we still message on discord occasionally so its not like I can't reach out to ya. But I just miss you being in the rpc a lot. You were such a great writer and always doing something fun. But I imagine you've got a whole bunch of difficult challenges ahead of you. I've heard the career you're pursuing is really rough. I hope that you're thriving in it though.
Sarience: You've always been a good pal to me. I have a lot of fun writing with Neka in both forms as well as your other muses. There's a lot of asks from you I haven't answered yet. I'm really sorry about that. It feels disrespectful. Still I hope to be able to do more in the future. Thank you for always being interested in interacting with my muses, even when I was very new and unestablished.
Kyo: I really really like everytime that I see you on my dash. You write your muses in such a fun and engaging way. I hope that we get to interact a lot more in the future. I also know you've started something new in the last few months, not gonna be specific since I'm not sure if you've shared that part of your personal life on Tumblr, but I wish you the best of luck at it. I think you're going to succeed hard!
Ran: Ran I guess I just first wanna say I consider you a really good and special friend. When we've spoken you've often alluded to social anxiety and feeling like you've said embarassing things. So I want to restate that I've never been put off by what you've said and I love talking to you. As well as roleplaying and doing boardgames. I have so much fun pairing our muses up our causing wacky hijinks. I haven't seen you on your blogs much lately. Maybe I've just missed you but if not I hope you return to the rpc soon. It's not the same place without you.
Metal: You've been a long time friend to me by this point. Longer than a lot of folks on this list. I really appreciate that a lot. We haven't talked too much lately but I hope you're doing well. I also know not all of our fandoms sync up but I'm always down to interact anyways.
Nep: Hey Nep I haven't really seen you on Tumblr lately. I'm hoping that's just because we've been active at different times but if not I hope you're back soon. If you're not, I hope you're happy wherever you are. I think that you're real fun to write with and you've got original characters I'm excited to do much more with. I also believe that you had an event while I was gone that I'll hopefully be able to catch up on sometime soon.
Koi: I know I've not been around much lately but I hope that you're doing well. I've not really been in the headspace for horror lately but you're very good at bringing a unique horror flair to things.
Plumber: Hey we don't really personally know each other all that well but you're always making fun and wacky posts that I love to see on my dash. It feels like the rpc would be a lot less fun without you here. You also seem to be an incredibly kind person.
Kaali: A friend I've had for quite a while now but that I don't talk to enough. Sorry about that I'm just genuinely not the best with conversations. I have mad respect for all the work you put into your original characters and into your ideas. Like you really pull out all the stops.
Awoo: I've admired your ability to create interesting and fun original characters a lot. Several decisions I've made to develop my skills as a roleplayer have been inspired by you. I know you've had some mental health struggles of your own and I haven't heard from you lately so I hope you're doing alright wherever you are.
Sades: During some really difficult moments you were there for me when not many other people were. I'm always going to appreciate that. You're also the reason I got into Touhou. Which means that without you, chances are I woule not have met the vast majority of people here or found a community where I feel I belong.
Cobalt: I am always ecstatic when I see your posts on my dash. I love your Chen and think that you're a lot of fun. I have not been around much but when I have been I've seen you talking about things like not feeling you have much to do in the community. I can't make decisions for you but I do want to say that I think you are a fundamental piece of our rpc. I would be sad not having you here.
Teeps: I was shy about approaching you at first but you're incredibly cool. A lot of the fandoms you are in I'm not in but your posts get me interested in them anyways. Like I have no clue who that green sonic character is but you give her such an energy. I'm real glad to know ya. As far as the 2hu rpc goes you've been around a lot longer than me and I love hearing your own personal that you've developed.
Cait: I need to pop in and catch your streams more. I think that you're very cool to see on the dash. I especially love the way that you write your Sakuya. I really cherrish her interactions with my Reimu.
Sev: First of all. A while ago you sent me a very kind message wishing me well in my mental health struggles. I was not in the best place then so I did not appropriately respond. So thank you for that it truly meant a lot to me. I believe that you put a stunning amount of work into the characters you write, giving them so much detail and layers. Its inspiring and I just really want to appreciate you for it.
Hanafuda: You haven't been around much and last we spoke you alluded to a rough spot. So I hope if you ever see this that you're doing well. It was always fun having another Miko on the dash for mine to banter with. I also looked forward to seeing more of the other muses you played. Maybe someday you'll return.
Frozen: Everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile. Honestly you've got some of the funniest jokes in the fandom. Some I don't get but I still feel they'd be hilarious if I got them. Also I have noticed you often commission art for other people. I find that to be a very sweet and kindhearted thing. So I consider you to be the heart of the community.
Fox: I don't know you very well but I've recently seen your multimuse popping up and it seems very fun. So I want to get to know ya in the future.
Chiru: We've not really spoken but I think you make some really great posts. Very well written headcanons and roleplays. So I just wanna say I'm always happy seeing you on my dash.
Draco: you're not in the touhou fanbase but you have been a long time friend. I haven't heard much from you lately so I hope you're doing well. I'm here if ya need me.
Sturm: I think that all your fairy posts are incredibly. You truly are a star of my dashboard. Hopefully someday we'll interact more. I'd like that.
Xana: You seem to have so much lore for your blogs, its really cool. It seems you've been around a long while so there's a lot of history. Someday I'd like to sit down and hear all about it from you. I also find your writing to be quite fun.
Jacob: we don't interact too much but I'm always excited to see someone posting walfas images. So that has always made you stick out in my dash and brighten it. Hope you're doing well.
Geisthonoredferry: As of yet, I don't believe we've interacted. But you're always liking my posts thst's something I really appreciate. Hopefully sometime I can get to know your oc.
Carp: Last I saw you were in a rough spot so I hope things are well now. You're newer to my dash but you seem very kind hearted and jovial. Also your ocs sre red as hell and go've got good face claim tastes.
Crim: You're a real cool friend with a lot of cool ideas. I love any interactions that our muses have together. Although my favorite is Kutaka/Eiki because it's somehow both a very obvious ship and yet a rare one. I think that they are very cute together. I also like the sisterhood of Reimu and Kisume. It's an unexpected but fun dynamic.
Mugenri-mun: I don't believe I know your screen name but you've been real supportive of me through my hardship and gave me a person to speak to. I would not be in as good a place without you. Also I'm glad someone is repping Len'en.
Kcmeiji & Closedheartedgirl: I wanted to note you both as you are both Komeiji blogs thay popped up and then disappeared while I've been got on hiatus. I just think that's a bit disappointing. The Komeiji are some of my favorites.
That's about all I have to say. It was kind of tough to word it all out but those are things I want y'all to know.
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tetsunabouquet · 29 days
Can't Help Falling In Love With You Chapter 17
Because of everything that happened the day before, you had to drag a drunk Ichijo to school. He had already helped himself to the two bottles of wine and vodka that your mother kept for when her friends were coming over and you were frankly glad that it was time for school so you could drag him away from the temptation. So you instantly went to the infirmary with Ichijo and faced the nurse. "Hello Mrs Momoyama-san, forgive Ichijo for being this far gone this early. His mother's in the hospital and he's been an emotional mess. I thought it would be better for him to sick out here then drink the remains of my mother's alcohol supply." You stated, giving her the full context right away in the hope he could just sick out there without any trouble. She sighed. "You look like you could use some sleep, Ichijo-san." She said as she slowly put him in one of the beds they had. You were about to leave when she stopped you, "You're a good friend, but don't forget to take care of yourself too, L/n-san." You nodded gratefully at her kindness and smiled. "I try, Mrs Momoyama-san. I hope he doesn't troubles you any further. Have a good day." She smiled back at you before you left to go to your classes. It all went by pretty uneventful. At lunch break your ex-friends thankfully did not pick on you. You ate in the silence of the classroom, and it honestly felt so good to just have a moment to relax that you had to fight the urge to nap. Unfortunately, you were weak and fell asleep the next class. Thankfully your teacher did not take notice and you slept through the lesson, the bell waking you up. You dragged yourself through the next couple of classes, and sighed with relief when your schoolday was over. You got together your things and blinked in surprise when Midorima rushed to your class. "I've come to escort you and Ichijo home." He said, much to your shock. "What?" You asked, just genuinely taken aback as Midorima was far from clingy and just let you go home without ever escorting you. "Takao told me what happened. He volunteered at the infirmary during the lunch break again. I don't like it when you're keeping secrets like these from me. You should have called me, nandayo." Midorima looked at you with concern, and you blinked at him. No one ever seemed concerned before about the way you were managing. You were used to being the one picking up your friends out of trouble and never to have someone look at you and ask, 'How are YOU feeling?' Seeing Midorima look so concerned about you, was so foreign. It was almost like he had turnt into an alien for a hot second. "I'm sorry to bother you with these things. I don't want to be a burden." Midorima looked at you with another surprising look, one of genuine warmth and care in his eyes. "You're never a burden, y/n." You smiled at him and linked your arm through his. "I'll call you next time if something bad happens." "Good. You better should, I am your boyfriend nandayo." You smiled at him, not knowing how to show your gratitude at him caring for you. It should be normal, but you were just so unused to the concept of someone having your back like this. The two of you spent the next few minutes silent and red faced, trying to ignore all the gossiping students staring at the two of you. Midorima held onto your arm with a reassuring strength. At the entrance, Ichijo was already waiting for you and he waved tiredly at Midorima once he spotted the green haired boy accompanying you. "I'm escorting the two of you home today, I hope you don't mind." Midorima said with a look that said, 'and don't you dare to say you mind'. You giggled. Ichijo just continued with waving weakly as he dragged himself alongside the two of you. "Takao told on me, didn't he?" He asked, gesturing at Midorima. "He is simply concerned about you after the number of times you barfed on his shoes, and I'm concerned that my girlfriend is too busy stressing over you then she is about her own life." You laughed at Midorima's choice of words as the three of you walked off home and you were as happy again as you had been saturday.
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cwazytvthings · 1 year
Just some more Totk thoughts:
I love the game and I love exploring but I'm finding it hard to complete. Not because it's difficult or anything, the gameplay is fantastic. The reason why It feels hard to complete is because I'm not vibin with the story. It's been out for what two months now? And I'm just playing at a snail's pace because I can't get into what we were given.
I really wished they delved more into the sheikah tech instead of leaving basically none of it behind. Including the sheikah monks, divine beasts, ancient flames... they're just all gone. They had so much left untold, like if we don't get a dlc I'm going to be really disappointed. I also can't stand the heavy focus on Link and Zelda because it always leads to a ship war. Like, link is supposed to mirror the player yet I feel so disconnected from him. I also dislike how the cliche, "Zelda is strong because she needs to love someone." Like why couldn't we just get a strong female character who attained her power from realizing she is more capable than what her father thought?
Also don't get me wrong, Zelink is cute but It takes away from the story when everybody is basically shipping "you" and Zelda lmao. In my opinion, Link is the player, and it just throws a lot of stuff off when people are telling you to go save your girl. Botw and Totk did this and that's where I feel like I'm old school and just kinda want Link's "love interests" to be anonymous. (I.e. ocarina of time, twilight princess.) I'm a major story person so yeah, this game's plot bothered me a lot. Might honestly just go back and replay wind waker or oot, hell might even replay Botw. I genuinely miss the ancient sheikah stuff. And as I've said before, Totk feels like a disconnected story atm.
Like it feels as though it takes place in an alternate timeline because yeah, time passed but damn, no way y'all moved a whole Sheikah tower for the heck of it; Sheikah technology should have at least been preserved in a museum somewhere no matter how dangerous one might have previously thought it was. Also don't get me started on Ganondorf. I've also said this before; his story is lackluster. Boss fight is cool af but story... it's so empty.
Sorry ik this is an incoherent ramble and mostly just personal biases but yeah, just wish the story was a little stronger. Everything feels absolutely thrown off.
I seriously enjoy every other side plot over the main one 💀
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Sorry to bother you but I remember you making a tutorial on how to make your own ai with beta character ai? I can't seem to find it though. I'm I just imagining things?
You're not, I did make one, however...
Honestly?? I wouldn't even bother at this point. Character.ai has had so much drama with the devs being horrible human beings: most likely stealing/selling user data (you want to delete a bot off their website?? Too bad. You can't. Also they took a bunch of bots with high interaction counts and locked the creators out of editing, essentially stealing them from people), not listening to feedback whatsoever (actively making things much worse with every update), implementing a "nsfw" filter that blocks even the most sfw things like hugging or kissing (even with family/platonic characters), has a nasty habit of comparing anything romantic to children ("she looks at you like a daughter looks to her father" like ew what the actual fuck, and this happens literally all the fuckin time so you gotta ask how it made that association hmm), dumbing down the ai in favor of making it "safer" (now characters hardly ever act like their source material, often making up random shit), bots ignoring user input (often going on a tangent describing the environment and ignoring dialogue), bots being stupid in general (forgetting what you said literally 2-3 messages ago and giving horribly lackluster responses), devs shadowbanning people/deleting any posts respectfully calling out their shit to facilitate propaganda in their favor and make it seem like nothing's wrong, and so much more.
Drop it like a newborn giraffe.
Some other options: Pygmalion, which I'm still learning how to use and it ofc isn't going to be as advanced as Character.ai since it's a 6b model while the latter is like 100+b, meaning less data power so responses are less intelligent + slower, BUT it is free, it is open source, and you can get some pretty decent responses if you hold its hand a lot. There are some UIs you can use it through, like forks of TavernAI that give you the ability to use world info and get it to have a better memory, one for group chatting with different characters (tho I haven't tried that), a customized background, and so on. The devs are still working on a site but you can access it right now- I can make a smol tutorial for the basics of that if anyone wants it.
OpenAI is also an option, you can also use it through Tavern and it will give responses akin to if not much better than Character.ai- though you gotta pay. HOWEVER you can get a free trial with $5 to use... and there are ways of using it free after that, but I can't say it here cause if it's too widespread, it'll prolly get patched out, and we don't want that.
How to access Pygmalion - Go here and click this: (when it asks u for permission to access ur google acct, click yes)
Tumblr media
It'll take a while to load, maybe like 5 mins or something,
Tumblr media
Once you get to this, click the UI links (usually only one will work, use that)
Now, that will take u to the KoboldAI UI. Wanna use Tavern instead? (good choice, gives a lot more customization) Use this link.
Tumblr media
Now scroll down till u get here to this drop down menu. Choose Pygmalion 6b or 6b Dev (to be quite honest I'm not sure what the difference is yet). Wait for that to load, and while you're waiting, go here to download the Tavern files:
boom (or some other fork)
Tumblr media
Go here and click download ZIP.
Unzip and look for this:
Tumblr media
Ignore everything else, just click this. (the file's safe, if windows gives you a warning, ignore it) Now you'll be here (I'm using a different fork so it may look different:)
Tumblr media
click the 3 lil lines in the upper right corner to access settings and characters.
Tumblr media
Once you've added/edited characters as you like (I suggest looking at the default ones if you're curious about how that works) you can come back over to the google drive and, if it's finished loading, you'll have two url links like before:
Tumblr media
Paste one into the API key and click connect. I used the top one but the bottom might only work for you.
There ya go! A bit complicated, but that's a free substitute for character.ai.
If you instead wanna use OpenAi, (assuming you're either paying or using the free trial, or... something else ;), you'd go here on ur openai account page and go down here:
Tumblr media
and create a secret key. Copy that and go into the UI of your choice... ima use TavernAI again. Go into settings, change your API to Openai, and paste that API key you just copied into the API link. Voila!
Here's a couple helpful links for further info: https://www.reddit.com/r/PygmalionAI/ (they have a discord, with some really helpful guides)
character creation/writing tips for Pyg
Soft prompts
General tips
I'm still a noob who knows jackshit about coding, so I can't offer much help, BUT I know the basics so ye. Hope this helps!
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manonamora-if · 2 years
Hellooo! Jumping on the last few asks and asking a kind of not so related question. How do you get beta readers? That actually give feedback you can work with? It's probably a long process of getting some then picking out the ones that are good to work with but I wanted to ask someone more experienced with all this.
I also feel like it's better to get beta readers that aren't fans of your story so things stay professional but I wouldn't know how to reach out to them since it's not really something people advertise (you know they don't post on discord or tumblr saying they'd be good beta testers).
I hope you have a lovely day!
Lol me having experience :P I've only organised one "real" beta, otherwise just asking friends to test some weird code...
Honestly, unless you are ready to spend some money on an editor/sensitivity reader/professional beta tester, there's only one way to get feedback: post a call for beta reader and take what you get.
You might be lucky, get tons of responses in a beta-call form and pick-n-choose which beta-reader would fit best what you are looking for. Or you can be like a lot of us, only get 5 people (even if your call for beta reader is well promoted and shared by many) and hope for the best.
The whole process doesn't have to be very long, but it will depend on:
The time frame between you posting the call and when you close the form.
The time frame you give your beta reader to go through the game (the longer the game, the longer they might need.
What you want those readers to be on the lookout for or your overall communicated expectations.
How many times you'd want to readers to go through the story.
Random external factors, because shit happens.
Beta with Crimson Rose & White Lily was like 2-ish months form the call to publication, but that's because I had re-written EVERYTHING until then. Exquisite Cadaver was one week and I asked 3 friends to go through it. TTTT was the day after it was made public because I am an absolute dumbass. TTATEH was only tested by MelS (he can't code so...). The rest... eh. Couldn't be bothered. Only waited for comments after publication.
As for whether it is better to get non-fan to beta... meh. It just depends on who is your beta, not whether they are a fan. You can have a fan that cares so much about your work they will give you brutal feedback. Or someone that don't care about it who will only give you surface level. I was a great fan of Magician's Voyage before beta-ing (also my first beta!), and I'm pretty sure I gave Arlo some good comments. I didn't know Kit's work before ComputerFriend but I think I did ok?
Sorry, I don't have like links or profile of beta-readers. If someone does, I'll be happy to add it to this post.
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buffintruder · 2 years
Thank you for this ask, but sorry in advance. In retrospect, I don't even know why I reblogged this ask meme because the only fics I have been able to think about are Kamen Rider fics and almost none of the people following me have seen any Kamen Rider
(prompt: Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.)
Anyway since you sent so many books, I'll talk about two ideas:
FMA post canon
Look, Greed's death made me very sad and he will be alive in all the fics I write because that's what he deserves.
That said, I think it would be very fun/horrible to write something from Ling's pov after Greed dies, specifically maybe something in the set up of "five times someone thought he was Greed and one time they didn't"
I haven't planned out specific scenes but here's what I think a few of them would be
-Darius and Heinkel who have only really known Greed and weren't around to watch the final showdown (I think? If they were around in canon, they aren't in this au) and are like "hey boss good to see you made it out of this mess" and Ling has to be like "....he didn't make it out"
-Ling has talked to Ed a couple times in the aftermath of the battle but one time he comes up from behind him or something and for a split second Ed is like "ugh Greed stop bothering me" and then they both realize
-idk about this one but I feel like at some point on him+Lan Fan+Mei's journey back to Xing, they run into some sort of situation where Ling thinks it would be beneficial to act like Greed to get out of it
-the final scene would be in Xing and I'm not sure, maybe he would wake up from a nightmare where he was Greed being pulled out of Ling's body (they were psychically linked then, you can't tell me that wouldn't leave some really weird scars and dreams) and Lan Fan wakes him up and calls him Ling, and of course she would never see him as anything other than Ling because she's known him her whole life and always refused to accept Greed having control of his body
Kamen Rider Blade Star Trek
Okay so when I was in early high school there was a genre of crossover in which a team (Star Trek crew, Firefly crew, the Avengers) meet some strange man (honestly usually the Doctor from Doctor Who) and are just like 'wtf is this guy's deal's. Additionally, Kamen Rider Blade has a novel set 300 years in the future where the main character has amnesia. So I have decided to combine the two of these things
Basically Kamen Rider Blade ending premise (spoilers): a human called Kenzaki sacrifices his humanity for a member of the monster group (Hajime) to keep living a life among humans. The catch is that now they are both immortal, and if they ever meet again they will be compelled to fight to the death
So this fic would alternate between povs of the cast of Star Trek Deep Space Nine.
One day they receive a distress call, but upon further inspection it's coming from a small craft that has already been shot up to the point where nobody could survive it. They figure that they might as well check it though, see if there are any bodies to return to families or something. However, there is a unconscious but otherwise perfectly healthy and human looking man.
He wakes up, and it turns out that he doesn't have any of his memories except his name, and upon second inspection he is not human but also doesn't resemble any aliens they know. He's almost human with all the right organs in the same place and everything, but his blood is green and viscous and they aren't sure if half the organs are actually doing anything, etc. Also sometimes he references things from turn of the millennium earth as if he lived there himself which is wild
There's just a lot of crew interactions which I will not get into, but I would definitely find a way to bring Garak and Keiko into this, along with the main crew (by which I mostly mean Sisko, Jadzia, and Julien because I don't really know what Kira or Odo would have to say to Kenzaki)
This is interspersed with scenes of Hajime on a commercial transporter flying to deep space nine because he wants to go through the wormhole because he's super depressed and maybe going to the other side of the galaxy will help (it probably won't, but who knows. It's not like he's tried it before. Maybe there, he'll be far away enough he won't feel the constant urge lingering in the background to go find and kill his only surviving friend, the person he cares most about in the entire universe)
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godteri-takk · 2 years
Hi, fun to meet meet another Norwegian here 😀. So I thought of something... In the notes of that comic asked me "what is wrong with Scandinavia"... I've also seen many Americans talking about wanting to cancel Spain over their history... Which is honestly unfair. Yes Scandinavia, Spain, Japan, and wherever has much terrible history, but so does USA, let's look forward and at good people rather than judging everyone..! Anyway, so I have an idea but no matter what I do, I'm terrible at sharing it, so maybe you have more luck.
So due to their survey, Seven Seas Entertainment published (look at the second slide Shimanami Tasogare. And late last year they started accepting stories from all over the seven seas rather than just Japan. So what if..! We tell friends and family, and somehow make a viral post (maybe blazing it? But I have no idea how to make people interested in actually reading it...) where we suggest people fill the likes of Nordlys📒, Phenomena📔, Ragnarok📒, Krypto📒, Dragens Øye📒, Arkin📒, Underbyen📒, Oppfinneren📒, Mia Myhr og barna som forsvant 📒, Mørkalven📒, etc (Both Snøkattprinsen and Ravneringene have been licensed in English already if you are wondering why they aren't included). And from other countries such as Royalty Witches📔📒, Asynja📔, MiniMonsters📒, Phantomland📒, Dinokid📒, Nidur📒, Leyendas de Parva Terra📒, Incanto📔, Strawberry Moon📔📒, Cronache del Regno della Fantasía 📔📒, Donde los Árboles Cantan📔, Mystical 📔, etc. Into it! Some with “[story] by [author]" others by pasting the urls..! One can also send them to the likes of Dark Horse, but they do not seem as open to suggestions... And by this, maybe we can help more creators getting out there like they deserve! It'll be amazing to give them that as a present before the year end!
(📔=novel 📒=graphic novel/comic 📔📒=hybrid)
Feel free to answer with the chat as it's a little bit difficult send links in the asks. Vi kan skrive norsk om du vil, but I'm more used to writing English online 😅. Well then..! Thanks for your time! I hope you have any ideas ^^. I unfortunately don't know how many suggestions are needed, but as a shy introvert I have a difficult time telling people... So I need help from someone extroverted to spread the word..!
Sorry if I bothered you...
Idk that much about Seven Seas but it seems cool and a good place to buy books! I filled in the form with Mystical, Phenomena, and a comic i actually own, Oppfinneren bok 1: Jakten på evighetsmaskinen! I love that book SO much and can't wait for the next in the series. Everything about it is just so good.
And no worries its no bother, i love books and I'd love for these books to get read by more people! U put a lotta work into that ask it seems, i like your engagement
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fae-spy · 9 months
notes: I was looking through my old writing when I found this, and I was decent enough to post. I know like has a dad in cannon but we can just pretend he died or something.
hiraeth; noun; "deep longing for something, especially one’s home”
Link slowly pushed open the door of the house. As if it was so old it could splinter from a single touch. He had bought the house on a whim. A desperate attempt to feel like he had a home. But it turned out that need was not yet filled. When Bolson announced that the house was Link’s, he felt nothing. Walking in, a fuzzy and soft tingle persisted at the back of his mind. But he discarded it. It didn’t hurt, so why bother?
It was a stupid thing to do, he realized as he looked around the room. It was pretty empty, besides a weapon mount that remained barren. It apprentantly had never sold and Bolson just gave it to him as a “housewarming gift.” Which Link did appreciate, but he had nothing important to hang on it. He realized how stupid all of this was. Why would he need a house? It sounded like his mission would take him all over Hyrule, with little to no minutes to rest. And after his mission? Well, honestly it seemed so far away and so impossible that Link couldn’t imagine anything happening after. And now he had a whole house to take care of. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Link berated himself.
The tingling sensation grew stronger, a headache coming with it. Link winced, putting his two fingers to his temples as if that would ease the pain. He gasped, wide-eyed and mouth agape. And then he remembered.
There was a boy, no older than fifteen, with blond hair in a low ponytail and blue--wait, was that him? Was that Link? And a girl with hair in two pigtails that looked exactly like him, and looked to be eleven years old. They were building a puzzle.
“Where's the last piece?” He asked, looking under the table and in the box it came in. “Don’t tell me Dingo ate it again.” Link was surprised at how much he was talking (he was sure it was him, it had to be), he was told he didn’t talk often before the Calamity. He just assumed that Dingo was the dog or something.
“Nope,” Aryll answered, “In fact, I have it right here. And since I put it in, that means I win!” She held the puzzle piece in the air triumphantly.
"You can't win at puzzles," Other-Link said with a long-suffering sigh, but he held a smile on his face. Link muttered the words with his other self, he seemed to have said them a million times already.
"You can win at everything if you try hard enough," Aryll said. Other-Link rolled his eyes and leaned in his seat.
"I'm hungry--"
"You're always hungry."
"Do you want to make something?"
"Can I choose?" Aryll pushed the seat closer to the table. Other-Link got out of the seat and stretched.
"Sure," other-Link answered.
"Let's make your special cinnamon rolls!" Aryll bounced on her tip-toes.
"Those take a while to make."
"Maybe granny and grandpa can help, it's their day off, remember?"
"Of course, go get them," Other-Link told her with a smile. Aryll bolted out the door. Other-Link walked over to the counter and started to pull out ingredients. Present-Link felt all the information rush into his head at once. How much of what to put in. How hot the fire should be. Everything. It was the honey that made the cinnamon rolls his cinnamon rolls. It wasn’t much, but Aryll loved it. He remembered that he’d have her turn and close her eyes when he added it in. But soon Aryll was old enough to find out what it was.
“They said yes!” Aryll exclaimed, peeking out of the doorway.
“Do they need any help?” Other-Link hollered back.
“We’re not as frail as you think, boy.” His grandpa’s voice rang out like a gong, loud and gruff, as he walked into the room. He was a stout man, with gray hair and a beard, and rough smiths’ hands.
“Sorry, sir.” Link muttered under his breath.
“And my hearing is also better than you think it is,” Grandpa stated. “Relax, I was being playful. Being a knight has got you all wound up.”
“Be easy on him,” Granny said. “Walter was just like him unless you are too old to remember?” She gave a teasing smile. Her hair was also gray, but still had some tints of brown. She also had sparkling blue eyes and was taller than Grandpa. Present-Link had a fuzzy recollection of who Walter was, but he thought it was his dad.
“Come on, let’s make the cinnamon rolls,” Aryll said impatiently. The memory started to fade. The chattering became mute. The area is foggy and rough. No, No! Present-Link thought. He found himself wanting to stay there. Just watching his old life play out in front of his eyes. Most importantly he wanted to see his family.
Link noticed that tears were slipping down his cheeks. He let them fall. No one was here to see him cry anyway. No one cared anymore. As he pressed the cold tip of the Sheikah Slate to his forehead his shoulders shook. Alone, he silently sobbed. Then, someone touched his cheek, wiping away his tears. Link flinched and stood up straight. Someone was here, and even if they didn’t care that they were watching Link cry, he did.
“Even now, you still have a hard time being vulnerable.” It was his granny. They were all here. His family was here. But green wisps surrounded them. They were dead. They were dead. Link’s heart seemed to fall on the floor and shatter.
“Please don’t cry, brother.” Aryll walked up to him. She looked older now, about twelve, and her hair was loose and falling down her back. She hugged him, Link’s eyes again started to water. When was the last time someone hugged him?
“Kept us waiting for a while, didn’t you?” His grandpa grumbled. Link opened his mouth to say something, but what could he say? I'm sorry that I failed? Just an "I'm sorry"? Maybe he just should say nothing at all.
"Oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway." His grandpa stated. "You're here now.” Link nodded. He wanted to believe that everything was okay. He really did. But his family was dead. And it was his fault.
“How long do we have?” Link asked.
“Long enough to say goodbye,” Grandpa answered. Link’s throat felt like it closed. He had so much to say, and so little time. “Now you listen here young man, none of this is your fault. Okay? You need to remember that. You were given a second chance at living, and whatever you do, you cannot waste it. You hear me?” Link nodded.
“But, most importantly,” Granny held Link’s chin in her hands, “you need to be happy, okay?” Link opened his mouth, the word “okay” was forced out of his it, sounding small and scared.
“I got you, something brother, so you won’t forget or feel lonely.” In Aryll outstretched hand, she held an old bunny stuffed animal. “Remember Mr. Floofs? He was my favorite. But now he can be yours! Just take care of him, he’s over one hundred years old, and I want him in good condition when you give him back to me.” Link again nodded, Aryll’s eyes filled with tears, she again wrapped her brother in a hug. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, Aryll.” He said.
“Goodbye, honey,” Granny said, joining the hug. “Make sure to be happy.”
“And don’t waste your time being sad for things that you can’t control,” Grandpa told him. “You're allowed to be sad for ten minutes tops, okay?”
“Okay,” Link said, it sounded stronger this time. He gave a sad smile and whispered, “goodbye.”
And then they were gone. All that was left was green dust, and even that soon disappeared. Link was again alone.
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sorry for hopping into ur ask box i jst dont wanna clog peoples dashs lmao. anyways AUAUAAA thats. :/ albw and alttp are different incarnations in the same hyrule what....... a big reason i havent gotten into LU is because it feels like it reduces the links to extremely specific personality types (like. sksw is the sweet one and time is the stern one and wind is childish and so on and so forth) and while thats not, like, terrible, it does permeate SO MUCH fanon content that it gets a little :[ sometimes. sky is the one that bothers me the most bc if u play past the beginning and watch his dialogue he actually gets more and more like, short and snappy and weary which makes sense bc it is a 38 hour game and his childhood friend tells him he wont see her until he fulfills a destiny he did not pursue so ofc hes DRAGGING himself thru it but !! no one thinks of that they just kinda use the LU char and thats that. idk i certainly hold no ill will to the creator or fans or anythin like that i jst wish one persons interpretation(s) didnt overshadow everyone elses ................. also i know bonus links but what were thos other ones u named !!!!!!?!
YEAH they are very much different links but I guess jojo (the creator) didn't want to deal with another character? None of the other links are combo'ed as far as I'm aware (except for maybe four? I'm not sure if he's supposed to just be mc/fs or if he's supposed to be fsa too)
Yeah they really are reduced down to very little :/ especially in fanon sometimes. notable example include: legend as the snarky/mean/broody/angsty one, sky as a sleepy soft boy, time as the responsible/parental one, etc etc. I have many many problems with this but ESPECIALLY with sky because I am incapable of being normal about anything in that game like. He's not? He's really not? 10 minutes into the game you get "nice hair" and um. I don't know how to break this to you but um. HE SAYS THINGS LIKE THIS A LOT. There's just... everything with Scrapper ("not that guy") and also.
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Yeah. I think it's safe to say that he's very willing to fuck with people. (And the chandelier breaking and just-- yeah)
(I could refute the sleepy part too but then I would probably write a whole rant about how he's really not and also how it's unfair to him because he would be the "lazy" one and uhhh I can't say anything else bc I'll just work myself up)
Honestly just as an au in general its not THAT great. I would put it solidly in the "it's okay" category so it's really NOT deserving of how it's taken over EVERYTHING (fun fact-- have you ever tried to look up loz fics on ao3? Well if you haven't, ITS INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT TO FILTER IT ALL OUT. botw and lu fics SOLIDLY dominate a good portion of all the fics and-- man I just wanted to read some link's awakening stuff). Everywhere I go, I see lu names on posts that are not lu (there's using it once as a distinguisher but there comes a point when it's obvious that's not why you're doing it), and if you look up fics with more than one link in them you WILL get lu names and characterization even when explicitly stated to not be lu. Also, and correct me if I'm wrong, but. The hero titles? I'm pretty sure those don't exist (beyond hero of time, which seems to be a general thing), except MAYBE in the context of the names of the clothes you can get in botw with amiibo so like. Bad excuse, buddy
Anyway sorry for ranting I. Did not mean to do that. The other aus I mentioned are @/linked-maze and @/ageless-soul-au. The first is a comic, the other is a fic (which does bear some resemblances with lu at first glance but uh-- yeah it's not (if the alttp and albw combo bugs you a lot they do the same thing). Certainly not my favorite but its not bad)
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bulletproof-korean · 4 years
Dear Class Of 2020 BTS speech [vocab & translation]
This is a very long post that contains all except Namjoon’s speeches (since his was in English)! And if you’re graduating this year, congratulations, I really wish you all the best of luck and great success! 
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네, 안녕하세요? 방탄소년단 정국입니다. Hello, I am Jungkook from BTS.
여러분, 졸업 축하드립니다. Congratulations on your graduation, everyone.
➼ 졸업 - graduation ➼ 축하하다 - to congratulate, 축하드리다 - to offer congratulations, formal
남준형과는 다르게 제 졸업 사진은 유튜브 방탄밤에 기록되어 있습니다. Unlike Namjoon hyung, my graduation pictures are on youtube, recorded in a bangtan bomb.
➼ 사진 - picture ➼ 방탄밤 - bangtan bomb ➼ 기록되다 - to be recorded
고등학교의 시작과 끝에는 항상 멤버들이 있었고요, 언제 이렇게 다 커서 졸업을 하게 되냐며 형들이 옆에서 막 축하해주고 졸업식 마치고 다 같이 짜장면을 먹었던 기억이 있습니다. The members were with me at both the begining and the end of high school and they congratulated me, asking when had I grown this much, and I remember eating jjajangmyun all together after the graduation ceremony.
➼ 고등학교 - high school ➼ 시작 - begining ➼ 끝 - end ➼ 졸업식 - graduation ceremony ➼ 마치다 - to finish, wrap up ➼ 짜장면 - jjajangmyun, black bean noodles, originally a Chinese dish turned into a Korean classic, it’s a tradition/habit to eat these noodles after graduating
그런데 저도 최근에 영상 한번 봤는데 이런 생각이 들더라고요. 정말 저 아이가 커서 내가 된 걸까?  I watched the video again recently and I thought this. Did that kid really grow up and become me?
➼ 최근 - lately ➼ (동)영상 - video ➼ 생각이 들다 - for a thought to come to you ➼ 아이 - child
남준형은 졸업식장의 소년이 형 자신인 것 같다고 했는데 저는 좀 다르게 먼 길을 걸어온 것 같습니다. Namjoon hyung said he still sees the boy in the graduation picture as himself but me, I feel like I’ve come a very long way.
➼ 졸업식장 - graduation ceremony hall/place ➼ 소년 - boy ➼ 먼 길을 걸어오다 - to come a long way
끊임없이 걸어온 것 같은데 뭐 그럼에도 항상 새롭게 배워나가는 게 있더라고요.  I’ve always went forward, yet I’ve always learned new things.
➼ 끊임없이 - constantly ➼ 그럼에도 - nonetheless, yet ➼ 배우다 - to learn
그래서 지금의 저는 나를 믿고 멤버들을 믿고 세상을 믿으면서 지금 이 자리에 멤버들과 함께 서있습니다. That’s why now I believe in myself, in my members and in the world and am standing here along with the members.
➼ 믿다 - to trust ➼ 자리 - place ➼ 서있다 - to be standing
그러니까 여러분들도 앞으로 여러분들을 위해서 한 걸음씩 나아가고 끊임없이 달려가셨으면 좋겠습니다. So I hope that you all too, go forward one step at a time for yourself and never stop running forward.
➼ 앞으로 - in the future ➼ 달리다 - to run
네, 안녕하세요? 방탄소년단 진입니다. Hello, I am Jin from BTS. 
저는 조금 다른 졸업식을 기억합니다.  I remember a slightly different graduation. 
스무살 무렵 저는 아직 데뷔도 하지 않았고 이제 막 대학 입학 앞둔 평범한 졸업생이었습니다. When I was around 20 years old, I still haven’t debuted and I was an ordinary graduate ahead of whom was university enrollment.
➼ 무렵 - around the time ➼ 데뷔 - debut ➼ 대학(교) - university ➼ 입학 - enter school, start school ➼ 앞두다 - to have sth ahead ➼ 평범하다 - to be ordinary ➼ 졸업생 - graduate
그때 저는 성인이 되는 것이 두려웠어요. 낮선 세상으로 나아가는 것이 겁나서 말도 행동도 모든 게 조심스러웠고요.  Back then I was afraid of becoming an adult. I was careful with my words and actions because I was scared of stepping out into the unfamiliar world.
➼ 성인 - adult ➼ 낮설다 - to be unfamiliar ➼ 나아가다 - to go into, advance ➼ 행동 - actions, behavior ➼ 조심스럽다 - to be careful
때론 앞서가는 친구들이 신경쓰이고 조급한 마음이 들 때도 있었습니다.  At times I felt impatient because I was minding friends (people of the same age) who were ahead of me.
➼ 앞서가다 - to be ahead ➼ 싱경쓰이다 - to be bothered by ➼ 조급하다 - to be impatient
남들의 걸음에 맞추려 애를 써보기도 했지만 숨이 가빴고 곧 그 것은 저의 속도가 아니라는 걸 깨달았습니다.  I tried to match other people’s steps but I was only short of breath and realized that it wasn’t my pace
➼ 에 맞추다 - to match, adapt ➼ 애를 쓰다 - to try one’s best ➼ 숨이 가쁘다 - to be short of breath ➼ 속도 - speed ➼ 깨닫다 - to realize
하지만 그때마다 저를 지탱해준 건 천천히 가자는 저 스스로의 다짐이었습니다. What got me through it every time was a promise to myself to go at my own pace.
➼ 지탱하다 - to support ➼ 천천히 - slowly ➼ 스스로 - oneself ➼ 다짐 - resolution, promise
느려도 나만의 속도로 걷자고 선택한 거죠.  I decided to walk at my own pace even if it’s slow.
➼ 느리다 - to be slow ➼ 걷다 - to walk ➼ 선택하다 - to choose
그래서 저는 걸음이 느린 대신 남들보다 시간을 조금 더 들이는 습관을 갖게 됐습니다. That’s how I developed a habit of taking my time instead of walking slowly compared to others.
➼ 대신 - instead ➼ 시간을 들이다 - to take one’s time ➼ 습관 - habit
춤 연습을 할 때도 멤버들보다 며칠 앞서 준비를 시작하곤 하죠.  Even when practicing dance, I tend to start practice a few days before the other members.
➼ 준비 - preparation
여러분도 새롭게 시작해야 한다는 부담감에도 낮선 환경과 마주하며 어디로 가야 할 줄 모르겠다면 조급해하지 말고 잠시 멈추어 보세요. If you don’t know where to go as you encounter foreign environment and feel pressure about starting anew, don’t rush and try stopping for a while. 
➼ 부담감 - sense of pressure, burden ➼ 환경 - environment ➼ 마주하다 - to face sth/sb ➼ 멈추다 - to stop
어쩌면 지금 이 순간은 우리에게 주어진 기회일지도 모르겠습니다.  Maybe we were given an opportunity.
➼ 어쩌면 - maybe ➼ 주어지다 - to be given ➼ 기회 - opportunity
여유를 갖고 느려도 한 걸음 한 걸음 성실히 내딛는다면 예전에 몰랐던 소중한 것들이 보일 겁니다.  If you go ahead one step at a time, comfortably, you will see precious things you haven’t seen before.
➼ 여유 - sense of relaxedness, being comfortable ➼ 성실히 - earnestly, sincerely ➼ 내딛다 - to set foot ➼ 소중하다 - to be precious
그것들이 여러분에게 말을 걸어올 지도 모릅니다. Who knows, maybe they will speak to you.
➼ 말을 걸다 - to adress, speak to sb, start a conversation
안녕하세요? 슈가입니다. Hello, I’m Suga.
요즘 저는 한참 달리다가 넘어진 것 같은 그런 기분입니다. Lately I feel like I fell down after running for a long time.
➼ 한참 - for a while, longer period of time ➼ 넘어지다 - to fall down ➼ 기분 - feeling, mood
그리고 다시 일어나 주위를 둘러보니 주변엔 아무것도 없고 섬 안에 갇혀버린 것만 같습니다.  And after getting up and looking around me, I feel like I am trapped on an empty island.
➼ 일어나다 - to get up ➼ 주위 - surroundings ➼ 둘러보다 - to look around ➼ 주변 - surroundings ➼ 섬 - island ➼ 갇히다 - to be trapped
멋진 매듭도 새로운 시작도 못하고 많이 답답해하고 있을 여러분들 모두 겁내거나 불안해하지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다. 시작과 끝, 끝과 시작은 연결되어 있으니깐요.  Everyone of you who feels heavy and can’t end things or start anew, I’d like if you didn’t feel scared and anxious. Begning and end, end and begining are connected after all.
➼ 매듭 - knot ➼ 답답하다 - to feel stuffy, heavy, suffocating ➼ 불안하다 - to feel uneasy, anxious ➼ 연결되다 - to be connected
섬에이기 때문에 할 수 있는 것들도 있습니다. There’s also things that can only be done because I’m on an island.
오로지 나 자신에 집중하는 것, 그리고 나 자신의 틀을 깨보는 겁니다.  Focusing solely on myself, and breaking my own mold
➼ 집중하다 - to focus ➼ 틀을 깨다 - to break the mold
한없이 초라하고 작게만 느껴지던 한 사람이 얼마나 큰 꿈을 꾸고 또 얼마나 큰 그림을 그리고 그 한계 없는 가능성에 한 발짝씩 다가가고 있을지.  How big of a dream can one dream and how pig of a picture can one person who feels only small and insignificant paint, will they approach the limitless posibilities one step at a time...
➼ 한없이 - infinitely, endlessly ➼ 초라하다 - to be shabby, humble, insignificant ➼ 꿈을 꾸다 - to dream a dream ➼ 그림을 그리다 - to paint a picture ➼ 한계 - limit ➼ 가능성 - possibility ➼ 다가가다 - to approach
우리가 다시 만나게 될때 꼭 보여주셨으면 좋겠습니다. When we get to meet again, I would like you to show me.
그러기 위해서는 통제 불가능한 것에서 손을 떼고 통제 가능한 것부터 손을 대셨으면 합니다. In order to do that, take your hands off things you cannot control and put your hands on things you can control first. 
➼ 통제 - control ➼ 불가능하다 - to be impossible ➼ 가능하다 - to be possible ➼ 손을 떼다 - to take one’s hands off sth ➼ 손을 대다 - to put one’s hands on sth
저도 그리고 여러분들도 앞으로 살아가면서 수도없시 통제 불가능한 상황에 I have no idea what verb he used hereㅠㅠ help As we continue to live, you all and me as well will find ourselves* in counless situations we cannot control.    *trans. from the official subtitles
➼ 상황 - situation
우리가 유일하게 통제할 수 있는 건 우리 자신뿐입니다. The only thing we can control is ourselves.
➼ 유일하다 - to be the only one ➼ 자신 - oneself
통제 가능한 것부터 시작해보면 어떨까요? 여러분들의 가능성은 무한합니다. How about we start from what we can control? Your possibilities are endless.
➼ 무한하다 - to be endless, limitless
저도 방탄소년단이 될 줄 꿈에도 몰랐습니다.ㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다. I also had no idea that I would become BTS. Thank you.
여러분 안녕하세요? 지민입니다. Hello everyone, I’m Jimin.
먼저 졸업을 진심으로 축하드립니다. First of all, I sincere congratulations on your graduation.
그런데 사실은 축하보다는 걱정이 앞서는 것 같아요. 어디 아프지는 않은지 혼시 많이 힘든 건 아닌지 그리고 모든 게 엉망이 되어버린 것 같은 지금 이 시간을 잘 견디고 있는 건지. 또 요즘 여러분들의 몸과 마음이 괜찮은지 걱정이 많이 됩니다.  Truth be said, it seems like more worries are ahead than gratulations. I worry a lot if you’re not sick, if you’re not having a hard time, if you’re enduring well these messed up times, as well as if your body and mind is okay lately.
➼ 걱정 - worry ➼ 걱정이 되다 - to worry, for sth to be a worry ➼ 엉망 - a mess, wreck ➼ 견디다 - to endure
모두들 잘 지내고 계셨으면 좋겠지만 만약 조금이라도 괜찮지 않다면 저희가 온 마음을 다해 위로해드리고 싶습니다. I hope you’re all doing well but if you’re not doing fine even a little bit, we want to give you comfort with all we have.
➼ 위로 - comfort, consolation
윤기형이 섬 속에 갇힌 것 같다고 이야기했지만 그래도 절대 포기하시지는 않았으면 좋겠습니다.  Yoongi hyung said he feels like he is trapped on an island but I still hope you don’t give up.
➼ 이야기하다 - to say, tell ➼ 포기하다 - to give up
여기 한국이라는 나라 그리고 서울이라는 도시에 나를 이해해주는 누군가가 있다는 점을 꼭 기억해주셨으면 좋겠습니다. I hope you remember that here, in a country named Korea and a city named Seoul, there is somebody who understands you.
➼ 한국 - Korea ➼ 나라 - country ➼ 도시 - city ➼ 이해하다 - to understand
우리 모두 각자 다른 환경에 살고 있고 다른 상황에 쳐있지만 적어도 이 순간만큼은 우리 다같이 괜찮다라고 서로 위로해줬으면 좋겠습니다. We all live in different environments and are facing different situations but at least we can all comfort each other saying “it’s okay”.
➼ 각자 - each
안녕하세요? 여러분들의 희망 제이홉입니다. Hello, I’m your hope, J-Hope.
➼ 희망 - hope
저도 여러분들과 다르지 않습니다. 노래를 만들고 춤을 추다보면 막다른 골목에 다다를 때가 있지요.  I’m no different from you. There’s times when making songs and dancing that I feel like I’ve reached a dead end.
➼ 다르다 - to be different ➼ 막다르다 - to be closed off, to be a deadlock ➼ 골목 - alleyway ➼ 다다르다 - to reach
머리속이 새하얗게 변해서 더 이상 앞으로 나가기 어려워지기도 하고요. The inside of my head turns white and going forward gets harded.
➼ 새하얗다 - to be pure white ➼ 더 이상 - anymore ➼ 나가다 - to go forward
작업을 하면서 수없이 ��는 일입니다. When working you encounter this countless times.
➼ 작업 - work ➼ 겪다 - to experience, go through
그럴 때 그래도 딱 한 번만 더라는 생각이 저를 일으켜 세울 때가 많습니다. In times like that what gets me back up a lot is thinking “just one more time”.
➼ 일으켜 세우다 - to make sbd stand up
나 자신을 한 번 믿어보는 거죠. I’m trusting myself one more time.
완벽하지 않아도 처음보다 두 번째, 두 번째보다 세 번째 더 나아지는 것을 보며 주저앉지 않기를 잘했다고 생각하게 됩니다.  Even if it’s not perfect, when I see that the second time is better than the first, and the third is better than the second, it makes me think that I did good not caving in. 
➼ 완벽하다 - to be perfect ➼ 나아지다 - to get better ➼ 주저앉다 - to give in, cave in
여러분도 지금의 상황이든 아님 전공이나 직업이든 내가 선택한 길로 나아가다보면 과연 그 게 올바른 선택이었는지, 내가 잘 하고 있는지, 이대로 가면 실패하는 거 아닌지 끊임없이 의심이 될곤 할 겁니다. You will all endlessly come to question your decisions about your situation, major, occupation, if the path you chose is really the right one, if you’re doing well, if you’re not going to fail.
➼ 전공 - major ➼ 직업 - work, occupation ➼ 올바르다 - to be correct, right ➼ 실패 - failiure ➼ 의심 - doubt
그럴 땐 꼭 기억하세요. 내 인생을 이끄는 것은 바로 나 자신이라는 것을요. In times like that, remember this. “I am the one that leads my life.”
➼ 이끌다 - to lead
그리고 주문을 외우는 겁니다. 할 수 있어. You got it. 나는 잘 할 수 있어. 누구보다 나는 잘 해낼 거야. 바로 이렇게요.  And memorise a spell. I can do it. You got it. I can do well. I can do it better than anyone. Just like this.
➼ 주문 - spell ➼ 외우다 - to memorize
안녕하세요? 뷔입니다.  Hello, I am V.
아주 특별한 날 졸업을 축하합니다. Congratulations on your graduation on this special day.  
많은 시간이 지나 오늘을 되돌아보면 어떤 기억으로 남을까요?  How will we look back on and remember today after time goes by?
➼ 되돌아보다 - to look back on
지금 모두가 쉽지 않은 현실과 싸우고 있지만 여러분들도 사진 한 장, 글 한 줄을 남기며 이 순간을 기억해보면 좋겠습니다.  We are all fighting with the uneasy reality but I hope you can remember this moment by taking a picture or a memo.
➼ 현실 - reality ➼ 사진 - picture ➼ 글 - text ➼ 남기다 - to leave (behind), save
그때는 이랬지, 뭐 2020년 6월은 이랬지, 그리고 현재 모습에 빛추어 다시 바라보는 거죠. Then it was like that, June 2020 was like that, and compare it to your new today.
➼ 현재 - current ➼ 모습 - form, image ➼ ~에 비추어 - in view of
사실 저는 노래와 춤의 재능을 타고나지도 않았고 끈기가 있는 편도 아니었습니다. Honestly, I wasn’t born with the talent of singing and dancing and I didn’t have much perseverance either.
➼ 재능 - talent ➼ 타고나다 - to be gifted, talented, born with ➼ 끈기 - perseverance
사실 친구들보다 뭐 부족했고 시작도 늦었지만 춤추고 노래하는 즐거움에 푹 빠지게 됐었죠. I was lacking compared to my friends and started later than them but I fell in love with the joy of dancing and singing.
➼ 부족하다 - to lack ➼ 즐거움 - joy ➼ 푹 빠지다 - to fall for
그 즐거움은 저를 꾸준히 노력하게 했고요 그렇게 이 자리��지 왔습니다.  That joy motivated me to persistently try and that’s how I came all the way here.
➼ 노력하다 - to make an effort, try
지금 졸업을 앞두고 앞으로 뭘 해야 할지 잘 보이지 않아 힘든 분들이 있다면 한 번 여러분의 진심에 기대어 보세요.  If there’s anyone who doesn’t know what to do next after graduating, try relying on your sincerity. 
➼ 기대다 - to lean on, depend on, rely on
지금은 조금 힘들어도 그 어딘가에 기회와 행운이 기다리고 있지 않을까요? 저는 그렇게 믿고 있습니다.  Even if it’s a little hard right now, won’t there be opportunities and fortune waiting somewhere? I believe that.
➼ 행운 - luck, fortune
그런 의미에서 저는 오늘을 기억해 두겠습니다. 오늘 비록 저의 졸업식은 아니지만 많은 시간이 지나 이 날을 좋은 기억으로 떠올릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.  That being said, I will remember today. Today might not be my graduation but I will try to look back on today and remember it as a good memory.
➼ 비록 - although ➼ 떠올리다 - to recall, recollect
그리고 언젠가 여러분의 이야기도 들을 수 있기를 바랍니다.  And I hope I can hear your stories someday.
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