#i havent desided
fun fact, theres 2 people who work at my local spencers that both have technoblade memorial tattoos, which is really funny to me, because i. also want a techno memorial tattoos, and they both have similar designs to what i was thinking. same braincell
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koszmarnybudyn · 1 year
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Well me staying up really late to finish this has to count for something, so I'm nit waiting and posting it at 2 am how delightful, well this did start as a kinda vent so i suppose it has to end in a sleep deprived ramble.
Anyway i think Hermie deserves to be mean and to snap, Link deserves to complain but this is turning out to not be about him and they should kiss about it.
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thelien-art · 1 year
I would be,, Very Interested if you have any more to share 👀,, in hearing more headcanons on Noldorin hair like the ones you put under your Edrahil drawing
I might actually have some more...
There would be three to four braids; age braid, status braid, craft braid, and a holder. There can also be fifth+ braids, ornaments braids, but that´s more of a fashion thing. And then of course the soldier braid that´s only worn on duty or in battle, and a few times in free time, like Edrahil does.
Age braid:
The braid in the front, the age braid, usually put down over the temple, can be used by everyone if they´re of age or noble blood.
The age braid is usually just used to show that someone is of age, but that doesn't mean that they´re an adult. It takes Noldor longer than Sindarin and Avarins to come of age but when either of these groups come of age, they´re still not adults. It is also used by noble families, no matter the age, to show status, so if a child is running around with an age braid that means that they´re of noble blood.
If it is someone working for a noble house, like a servant, they can´t wear both the age and status braid as they could be mistaken for being part of the household by others as the status braid would have to show which house they serve. They can however wear both when they don´t wear the mark of the house they serve.
Status braid:
Maglor´s, for example as I´m working on a drawing with him where the braids are included, status braid got a pendant at the end with the star of Feanor to tell which house he´s from while the age braid, in the front, explains that he´s a noble, not just a servant, so either the leader or a family member of the leader.
Close up on Maglor from the wip showing which braid is which and how it could look.
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The status braid is kept behind the ears and usually falls down the back.
Craft braid:
The craft braid is kept at the back of the head, meaning there's only one of them whereas the age and status braid has two, one on each side of the head, which explains not the job, but which path it is.
There are different types of braid for most statuses and categories of jobs, like there´s one braid that tells if the person has political influence, or is a loremaster, which can mean both teacher and librarian or if they´re an artist, not what kind of artist so it could be a bard, painter, etc so usually, there are clips or jewels that say precisely what it is.
The smith has their own braids because they´re so important in Noldor culture.
The holder is a braid crown that can both be a simple braid, or a lot of braids woven into each other.
It starts right behind the ear, beside the age braid, and ends at the back of the head where some of it is sometimes let loose and other times put into ornaments braids, but no matter what, it always turns into a part of the craft braid, which means both the status and craft braids are braided from both the hair in the holder and sometimes some loose hair two.
Usually, hair jewels also help to tell about the person, like ribbons, hairpins, combs etc. but they can also be used as just ornaments. When they´re used as only ornaments smaller extra braids are usually added too and mostly in noble households but not always.
Soldier braid:
Soldier braids are a way to braid hair out of the way; if there’s a fight all soldiers have their hair braided back and pulled into a braided bun, some choose to still have their symbols braids (the ones I´m trying to figure out a system for) out and others only braid some of it into a bun letting some lose, but it is a must to have a braided bun so that others don´t take you for a healer. If in wear of a helmet the bun is just moved down or there´s a small hole on top of the helmet for the bun.
extra note;
Children usually wear plain hairstyles like a normal braid or bubble ponytail which I drew child Caranthir with.
It is optinel to wear braids.
They were usually worn in daily life in Valinor though not always, and when they came to Beleriand it became more of a formal thing they did if something important happened, a party was held, a meeting, a person is of important status (like king or prince) etc. that only a few chose to wear daily.
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darewolfcreates · 1 year
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some character design fused with clothing design.
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shrimpyjackal · 1 month
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cant deside whats worse
that i havent posted in 6.... 6 days
or the fact that i havent notised just HOW FRICKING TALL MEWMEW IS OMYGOD -
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denial-permanente · 10 months
Thank you for your great blog about your FLR chastety journey Ma'am! 🙏 My femalelead realaitionship Wife in charge has told me now she thinking about doing the same to me. She said I because I the last two years anyway havent been alowed to have intercourse with her I dont need my seksual freedom anymore. But this scares the shitt out of me! Because even do she only have intercours with her lover she still lett me mastrubate while Im doing oral on her. I dont want to loose that. 🙏 Do you have any advice about how I can make her deside to not loock me upp permanent? She already loock me up part time and always when she is with her boyfriend. But I have so strong orgasme when she plays with me during Oral sex on her. Spesaly after she been with her lover. Senserly submissive thank you in advance Ma'am! 🙏
Okay, is this an example of "one handed typing" that my husband always jokes about? 🤔
I do not indulge male fantasies here. You are a grown man in a relationship. Apparently you gave your wife a pass to have sex with other men. Presumably you are not chained up in the basement. If you don't want to be locked permanently then don't let her. And if she is no longer going to allow you to have any more sexual contact with her, well... who's fault is that?
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littlelittlestar-o · 25 days
Ima post them bc yall asked
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Meet bebe tessa doorman (yes N desided to make tessa her middle name,tessa is also her godmother!) the daughter of of N and Uzi doorman (When they married N changed his last name to doorman) bebe is a cheerlearder with her bff maddie!! But she is still an angsty teen robot!! She is 17 years old. And she is dating SD-C (more on the new murder drones later) she made and programed a dog which she named biscuit!! Biscuit is a 3 month year old sized golden retriver with bright brown eyes (his size is that of a 3 month year old puppy) biscuit has retractable claws,biscuit is very protevtive of bebe!!
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Meet the twins maddie and hunter johnson!! Mads and hunter and and odd pair... To say the least. Maddie unlike both their parents (V and Lizzy johnson, same story as N, V took lizzys last name) she is a bubblie and kind drone!!! Her being bffs with bebe and she has retracable claws (more lore on how they have them latter) she is also dating James( j x tessa's child)!!! Hunter is more like V though being sarcastic and ready to fight... Even his own sister. Like his mom he can regenerate but has no other abilites beside being awsome at basketball!! He is also bffs with the one and only james!!!
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Meet james Elliot the son of tessa and J (tessa got revide by uzi, idk i got inspo from the worker drone tessa comics)!!! Hunter is alot like his mom, J. (He calls J mom and tessa mother or mama) james is very down to earth (or should i say copper-9?) He often softens up to his girlfriend maddie. His bff is hunter (it was very caotic when maddie and james first told hunter) he often is getting getting mistaken for a girl. He also plays basketball with hunter following him and maddie around he dosnt talk much but when he dose its quite and short.
You may not be asking yourself but why are they all workerdrones? Well due to cyn making the species its very hard to even have full disembily drone cildren also if you were to have them it would be crazy hard to keep alive sence they are not made to have children they dont have baby forms making it almost imposible!!!
Why do hunter and maddie have abilits and dose any one else have abilities? 1. Maddie and hunter are pretty much the closest thing to a murder drone! V and lizzy are very confused on how they got the abilities and how! 2. Hunter and maddie aren't the only ones with abilities bebe infact has the absolute solver but ever sence she found out she has been hiding it!!
Who are the new disembily drones? Ever sence J, V, and N "retired" 3 new murder drones came, sd-c (bebe's awsome girlfriend) and her 2 brother (the older on is 22 and the younger one is 12- sorry! Sorry! 13 🙄!!) Sd-X (X is the older one) and sd-G (younger brother) but not everything is fine with the murder drones... X is often trying to kill G due to him "being younger and useless". G is still learning how to be a murder drone he is not good at using guns and missles he is better at fighting/killing with swords and knifes. G is also good at flighing but no as good when it comes to landing he often just faceplants he also takes longer to heal for example when uzi shot J in the piliot that damage to G would take him at LEAST 3 years to fully hear in conpasine to J who only took 2 months to fully heal (my au) thats why when X tries to kill him and damages him badly its really bad. Nothing is really known about X besides his hatered twords G for unknown reasons. C is often the one in the middle needing to protect G from X. C is also 17 yrs old and the only girl in the gang i will show a pic!! (I havent drawn X or G yet)
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One fact about C is that her hands are bigger near then end for a reason that reason is because she can transform them into sheilds!!!
Can we have more info on biscuit? Of course!! Bebe created buscuit when she was 16 years old, she made him what she thought a golden retriver was like althogh biscuit got a few more traits from following N, Uzi, and Bebe around!!! Biscuit is kind but can get aggresive if he sences danger twords Bebe, Uzi, or N when bebe sneaks out to hang out with her secret girlfriend biscuit is often following her!!!
If you have any question about these fanchildren and all of that reblog or ask in the comments below!!!
Thanks for all the people asking to see this AU!!!!
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ameliadrawsshit · 8 months
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It was supposted to be Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel. I wanted to draw someone from that show because new season just came out. I havent watch the whole yet but here it is. She looks a bit like shitting cat (yet again) but for the fact that i actually desided to render it ... its no thaaat bad.
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thatpinkweirdo · 1 year
my problem with The Teal Mask dlc
!warning spoilers ahead and spelling misstakes!
So i liked the teal mask dlc (but i think most of it was just my therorising with my mom about what was going to happen next) but i have one big problem with the story and that is how they fail the rule of show dont tell, beacouse they tell us that everyone loves The "Loyal" Three but almost everyone at the festival of masks was whereing an ogerpon mask.
But worst of all the reason im making this post. They tell us The "Loyal" Three are evil but they show the opposite, they talk to us, ask people for what they want instead of just taking it and refuse to fight us in a unfair battle.
They say The Loyal Three are greedy but they havent done anything greedy, they dont evan attack you until you attack them!
But you might say "Well what about Ogerpon? They attacked Ogerpon!" and yes they did but theres no prof that they did it out of ill intent! All we have to go off is a mask makers story from centuries ago! The mask maker might have known Ogerpon but he didn't know anything about The Loyal Three! He just assumed they where greedy and evil just like how the villigers asumed Ogerpon was evil.
Most likely senerio is that the loyal three heard about an evil ogre in the mountens and desided to do something about it and died in the prosses.
They died for a lie
Man fuck those villegers! They evan have the gull to call them "those three villans"!
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Letting yall deside as i scarf down sweets and boba
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kimtiny · 2 years
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I havent designed plushies for 6 whole months... So I looked back at the old designs and desided to compile my rework and canonization of my designs
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celestialomnipotence · 9 months
Hi, I was wonder if I can make a request for a oneshot or hc idea on security breach.
I was an idea of reader being an animatronic kind of like mangle on how they were a pull apart and put back together toy for young children, with their attraction being near the daycare.
Name ideas could be like "{reader}'s Friends and Play!", or {reader}'s dress up station". Something with a play on words with dressing up or play.
Because they are like one of those take apart and put back together toys were you could swap certain parts of the toy like hair, clothes, accessories, etc. And kids would come to the readers play area of have fun changing the design of the reader. It's being marked twords younger kid key it being by the Daycare.
But we all know kid could be a little to forceful or rough with reader, leading them to break and having to go to part and serves/maintenance almost everyday to get fixed. But since it cost money and time to fix reader, the Pizzaplex just desided it would be better to just discontinue reader and close off there area under the pretense of repairs.
But reader area never opened back up. And like the Glamrock + the Daycare Attendant just gradually forgot about reader. Than one day one of them just stumbled apon readers area and it just like closed off, with the inside being really dusty with tarp covering everything. Everything but reader who's slouched in a corner, broken looking like mangle with different part of her body making up her body in placed they shouldn't be.
It just feel like it would be hella angsty and a good oneshot for some angst and burn.
Get back to me as soon as you can, thank you for reading this^^
Pull apart-Put together Animatronic Reader pt 1
Kyo- Took me a long time to get to this but im finally doing this one! This will be multiple parts since im editing a post and cant draft it
So some details about Reader and a small synopsis
Reader is NB (I do not write for women, i apologize)! Just to make things simple and inclusive. As for readers appearance, they’re actually an advanced endoskeleton that can have part placed on to turn into many kids of animals with a few references to other animatronics! Not only that, but hair, accessories and clothes can be picked out!
Sadly the kids started cracking and destroying the parts and workers, not wishing to deal with these issues anymore, closed off the area and lied to everyone else… Until someone found reader.
Pick Apart my Heart
Late at night once again, Moon was out of the daycare again. He had the tendency to be out and explore but tonight was a bit different. There was an abandoned section near the daycare that appeared to be wiped from his database.
It seemed like an odd assumption but they once forgot to wipe him and Suns memory once before about a boarded off section. Surely it was the same this time.
Moon didnt need to destroy anything to sneak in as he crawled through some cracks in the boarded up door.
The room its self was big and… Similar to the daycare except covered in a thick layer of dust. Similar to Roxys make-up station, there were rows of dusty and tattered clothes, animatronic parts, hairs, accessories and…
Moon then noticed you, curled up in the corner. An odd sight, either you were shut off or havent moved in ages. A thick layer of dust covered your endoskeleton. Moon slowly approach but the click of his parts gave away his movements. Thats when he noticed the lights turn on in your eyes. Your… mismatched colored eyes?
Of course you hadnt been shut off but, you had personally shut of your optic circuits to fake a sleeping like state. Although since your heard noises, you turned them back on.
Looking up, you noticed… Moon. Hope bubbled up inside you before you spoke up. “Oh, its you, I never expected any of you guys to come in here.”
Moon looked… confused, as confused as he could look, before speaking himself. “How do you know us?”
It then seemed to hit you. Either their memories of you were wiped or blocked. One way or another you had to figure out if Moon and Suns are blocked. Surely theirs arent as their circuitry are more complicated than the other.
“I was an old put together animatronic here. Y/Ns Put-Together Play-Together. I dont have any of my parts on though, im too broken to do that anymore.” You caught yourself mumbling the last part as.. Your blob of parts shifted into what could only be assumed as you… In a state between sitting and standing.
Your neck was broken along with a leg where your arm should be and an arm where your leg should be. Although the leg you had in the correct spot was twisted backwards…. Along with a black cat tail similar to how Montys bends lodged where the tails attach.
Moon seemed to examine it all before finally responding to you. “Y/N… You sound and seem familiar. How are you functional?”
“My circuits and wires were built to bend and put in places kids couldnt take apart… My neck was broken by a teenager though, a dare by their peers and the reason I was put away.”
Moon seemed to think or.. Maybe even process what you said as you… Crawled towards him.
“We were friends before Moon. Surely you would be able to remember me? I was friends with… Well everyone here!- Theres no way all of you dont remember-“
You felt panic sink in now… What if everyone elses memory was wiped and everything you had was lost??
Moon then spoke again. “Look I dont remember you. Were closed tomorrow and I cleared a path so… Talk to someone else. Maybe Sun when the lights are on.”
It then hit you… Moon was always slightly harsh and straight forward… Maybe you could trick him into the daycare and force the lights on… Or maybe find someone else…
Moon seemed to back off to where he entered from. “Im going to head back to what I was doing, your exits here.”
As he left, you began debating your choices.
Trick Moon to turn into Sun and regain their memories or…
Find someone else. Either Monty or Music man are your next best chances.
Kyo- Make your choice for part two! Theres a week on the poll and I have each path planned. What do you think is best? Or do you just wanna see your favorite? (Yes! I will get to everyone else too just bear with me)
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xavitron883 · 2 years
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I havent drawn my fnaf human oc Maddie in forever and i desided to change her design up a bit
For those who dont know
Maddie was abandoned at the daycare when she was only 8 years old and was soon taken in by Sun, Moon, and Eclipse as her older brothers
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darewolfcreates · 1 year
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Petri and some assorted doodles
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thesilentlands · 1 year
Soo i desided to explain some things that i might mess up at explaining, or just explain some things that may make things clear
Now beguining a masive spoiler terytory for thos who havent read the previous chapters
1 Power Len's
Power len's is a thing that Volt gifted Michael in the first chapter, ill start from the beguining, from where they come from, whats theier use and why they dont make them anymore. Im saying all thos thing hire because i dont see my self trying to explain it by Volts perspective
They where first produced once Vault 09 was on lockdown, they couldnt be produces seperatly so special mechs where created to hold them, its said that they firstly needed a "fake soul" for them to work, then when the time came, they would force the mech to give up theier lens, which resulted in a lot of them dying because they would only give thos lenses to thos who where pure hearted. Thos mechs then proseded to ither hide theier lens for theier entire life, or just straight up break them so no one can use them. Now in the world of Silent land only inside old vaults, there is a very small chance that youll find one of tho legendary lends, even rarer if there is a operational mech inside one,
Once a human has the lens planted in them, they will notise changes right away, if we take michael as a example, half of his body is flowing with power liquid, (if that makes seanse) soo if the thing is planted on the right side of your body, that side will start to produce power liquid, if the chest is the place the lens is the whole body will be flowing with blood and power liquid. The lens acts as a new heart to the body, and when exposed to light, the power liquid production is higher, the production can be also encrised by eating food, or if your high on energy.
When someone is just injected with the lens it dosent mean that someone has the full power yet, they can only make one simple holografic "nail" that can become anything pretty much, but in small size, this hologram can interact with the real world, they can also break physics, that someone can only use that, untill the mech that gave that someone the lens, allows its owner the "admin mode", this mode can be only activated when the lens owener is asleep, allowing the mech to allow the admin mode.
But im gonna go back for a bit, the orb is pretty much the lobby for the human, and you can pretty much modify the orb to become a nail, so that you can then modyfy it to anything, ok back on track.
Once the human that has the lens becomes the admin, well basicly that human becomes a god, then the orb will allow him to do a lot of diffrent things, things like:
-Body modification to limitless extend. This allows the lens user to expand or compress theier bodies, it also alows them to create:
Wings, tails, bio mech attachments, unadaiafable attachments,
They can also add weight to theier bodies and make it lighter, this means that theier bodies can become lighter then air or just really light which allows them to glide and jump really high.
-telekinesis with anything in sight. Anything that they see and isnt attached to anything, they can pick up with just theier will power, that also break laws of physics because any object thats picked up losees its weight.
-special view. This can mean a few diffrent things, which are:
Sight thrue walls, automatic info on anything that you look at, special place locator which allows the user to see cretan points, like citys,vaults ect. And how far away you are from them (doesnt work in Abyssal trail).
Also the lens when its implantet cant be broken, ever. And the lens acts as a heart that produces power liquid
Alright its all for power lens, if you have questions feel free to ask them in the coments
2 Abyssal Trail
Abyssal trail didnt exsisted, until the time substance disapered all at once in diffrent places, that caused a tear in the fabric of reality, which allowed the Abyssal Trail to be exposed to the reality.
The traill acts as a fast travel and a randomiser to diffrent places, in this place there are a lot of bridges that leed to diffrent places, some places are accesable by asking the creatures to take you there, they will ask for something in return. some places are only accesable by walking, and thos places are more dangerous and unknown
For now its all
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loveydoveyatrocity · 1 year
*opens palm to reveal Cotton/Sherbet (relationship so sweet it rots your teeth) and Parfait/Raspberry (/me!!! I'm so gay)*
Oooh! This two sound adorable!
Cotton/sherbert is such a cute ship! I havent see much of it but i can see the apeal! I can imagin sherbert ussing some of his magic too help cotton when ever shes in trouble,like a guardian angel.5/5 for them
And parfait/raspberry! I can imagin parfy dedicating a song too raspy too declare her love.and raspy desides too express her emocións back in a song as well.it'd go as spected.and 5/5 for them as well!
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