#i haven't written in literally a year plz forgive me ok this might be super boring
apprenentice · 5 years
“ please, try to remember as much as you can. ” o wyrm
interrogation starters —— @asrage     /     accepting !
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a gentle inhale, a small nod, the gentleness of their voice and the familiar brush of a small friend creeping up her arm to encourage her– each in it’s own a comfort, a comfort that helped ease the raging storm in her mind. the small yet noticeable waves of unease that slowly began to build the more she stalled, each wave threatening to rock her, tip her over, but still she clung on; clung onto the quiet calm she had and steeled herself.
it wasn’t often she’d attempt to remember her past, or at the very least ask asra to help her with it. They’d warned her countless times to be careful, to let it come naturally, though she never used to listen thinking him overly cautious– at least not until it grew to be too much. eventually she had to block it out, keep her curiosity at bay, lest it resulted in a migraine that threatened to split her head in two.
brushing the bitter thoughts aside, each one ready to leave a sour tang in her mouth, she breathed out and closed her eyes; dark eyebrows furrowing as she began to focus with each quiet second, honing in on the swift flashes of familiarity that circled her mind, a dull pain stretching it’s way through the back of her head & reaching toward the forefront of her mind, something she could’ve ignored had it not reached a piercing crescendo which threatened to wind her–
sunlight, bright orange warmth, & the sound of delicate laughter echoed through her. vibrant yellows & gold hues alike colliding together in a symphony, what seemed to be, a field filled with flowing corn that billowed in the cosy breeze, dancing in time with their laughter. daring fingers laced with another, teasing remarks and playful jabs she could almost feel on the tip of her tongue; it felt like HOME.
a sharp intake of air almost as though she’d been submerged under water & a sudden lunge forward. eyes wide and saucer-like flashed open whilst curled fingers reach out to grasp onto a friend she knew all too well. the memory faded out quick as it had surfaced, the only thing left behind was the sudden pounding in her head, harsh enough to make her flinch & clench her teeth but thankfully not enough to knock her down.
( she was okay, she was alright– )( asra was here, faust was here. )( she was in control. )
with each second that stretched on, slowly but surely she began to regain some semblance of composure. lips parting to utter a shaky sigh and the murmur of a soft apology, fingers unlatching themselves from where she’d clung to them with a sheepish smile etching itself upon her face. 
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❛ — i’m okay, i didn’t mean to scare ( if anything she scared herself twice as much ) but…. if it helps, maybe… you’d like to see the fields again ? –– it reminded me of home. ❜
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