#i haven't made anything in over a month oof
crowleyanthonys · 1 year
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Show Me Your Firetrucks (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You, Bob, the Daggers and the kids get to experience an event in Bob's hometown that's been happening for the last 22 years
Notes: This fic is dedicated to the civilians and first responders of NYC, those who are still with us and those who were called home on that fateful day. To the firefighters, police and first responders, we are forever grateful for your service. (The music that inspired this fic can also be found here, I highly suggest listening to it while you read along).
Cheyenne Falls, Oklahoma
September, 2023
You and Bob were a little less than pleased at the prospects of having to get up so early, your children still at the age when they needed sleep and with them just having started school, which hadn't made anything easier.
Auggie and Patrick excitedly ran into the firehouse where Bob's brother, Sean and his teammates all worked. Both of them ran to their uncle who eagerly scooped them right up off the ground in a big hug.
"Uncle Seanie I ate a bug at school!!" Auggie exclaimed proudly.
"Oh did it taste like chicken?" he teased.
You laughed but Bob rolled his eyes. Typical of his older brother who had always told Bob that bugs tasted like chicken when he was little.
"Well hello, little brother of mine," Sean greeted rather cheerfully. "I see Auggie inherited the male line's shit eyesight."
"Yeah and that was only after he ran into the screen door and broke it two years ago," Bob chuckled.
You, Bob and Sean watched as Auggie and Patrick ran around the firehouse garage, wanting to try on the helmets, boots and jackets that were far too big for either of them. Sean's wife, Zoe, had come down the stairs from the loft just a few minutes later in a pair of ripped jeans and a navy blue t-shirt bearing an NYFD logo.
"Did we miss anything?" Natasha yawned as she walked in with her and Cole's son, Gabe.
"Nope, you haven't missed anything yet," Bob chirped.
"Good because I haven't had coffee yet and the ghoul is driving me crazy."
"Hey I'm going to the donut shop across the street for coffee, does anybody want anything?" Zoe announced.
Everyone put in their orders, including yourself and by the time Rooster, Rusty and the boys had all shown up with Baby Carrie in tow, Zoe was back with your orders.
"Looks like we've got some future firefighters in the family," Rooster remarked, adjusting four month old Carrie in his arms.
"Oof, I shudder at the thought," Bob answered.
Sean snorted and stifled a laugh but went stiff when Bob gave him the dreaded look as a warning not to say anything else.
"Alright, alright, alright!" Hangman announced loudly as he strode in with one twin girl on each of his hips. "I come bearing my trophies!!!!"
He set a giggling Missy and Molly both down on the concrete floors, their little sandaled feet flapping as they chased after their cousins. Mickey showed up with Isabella, Sebastian and Rodrigo some moments later, Coyote following with Paloma, Carla and Baby Tiago while Payback and Maverick were the last to arrive with their own kids and Amelia. Missy and Molly ran straight for Geneva and Neveah while TJ remained happily perched on his father's shoulders. Maverick's two little adopted ghouls were excited beyond words when they saw all the firetrucks and equipment on full display.
"I have never seen a bunch of kids so excited like this before," Sean chuckled as more people began to gather in the fire station.
"Doesn't even begin to describe it," Penny told him. "That's all they play with at home is toy firetrucks."
Everyone shared a few good laughs and caught up with each other over the coffee and donuts that Zoe had brought back. Soon, the whole station was almost full of people, some who were close to Bob and others who were just ordinary members of the community.
"Looks like it's gonna be a good ride this year, little brother," Sean remarked.
"I know," Bob chuckled as he sipped on the cinnamon flavored coffee. "We've got almost everybody in town here and more."
Sean nodded with a bit of a wistful look in his eyes, remembering Joe's two brothers, Stephen and Christopher who had been in New York, one a firefighter and the other a police sergeant. Though both had survived, Sean knew too well that there were others who had not been as lucky.
"Hey," Joe greeted happily as he strode up to his sons. "You two numbskulls ready? Michael's got ants in his pants from waiting in the police cruiser with the K-9."
"We'll get the kids ready Dad," Bob told him.
Joe and his sons both hugged each other tight. "This one's for your uncles," he croaked.
Bob met up with you and the kids to help get ready for the ride. "Am I gonna do good Daddy?" Auggie chirped.
"You will Auggie," Bob laughed, putting the much too large fire helmet on his son's head. "Just remember what Uncle Sean and Chief McKenzie tell you ok?"
Auggie nodded, pushing his glasses onto his nose as his little hands helped button the tiny little jacket that Chief Dan McKenzie had found for him and some of the other children who had come to join the ride.
Father Daly, the firehouse chaplain, led everyone present in a short prayer, giving the blessing for the ride, praying for the souls of the departed and those who were still in the line of work. When he had finished, the brass bell in the yard began to ring loudly, signaling for everyone to jump in the trucks.
"Bye Daddy, we'll see you later," Auggie chirped as Bob lifted him into the cab of the truck with Sean and Chief McKenzie.
"Bye buddy, I'll see you when we get to the city," Bob said, giving his son a kiss before the doors were shut.
You, Bob and the others each jumped into a truck, the kids all riding in the cabs or in the backs with the other firefighters. You gave each other a look, his hand gripping yours tightly as the trucks began to roll out of the station, the sirens going as soon as they were part of the way down the road.
You and Bob hung onto the back rails as the truck rolled down the road with the long line of firetrucks and police cars not far behind. The wind rushed through your hair as the procession rode through Cheyenne Falls, heading towards Oklahoma City. So many others from in and around town had come to stand on the streets, cheering everyone on and to show their support.
You and Bob had never experienced anything like this before, the exhilarating feeling filling you both from head to toe. Bob held your hand even tighter as you hung on, ready for the 110 miles into Oklahoma City, side by side with the man you loved.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 10 months
Make Use Of Me (chapter 1, preview)
Dec. 7 EDIT: ONCE MORE, WITH BRAVERY THIS TIME. No more chickening out. You can read this thing FOR REAL now. Sorry for being weird, and now....sorry if this wasn't worth it. XD
O-OK...here goes....
First thing's first: I am not expecting a lotta people to read this. I'm not asking people to read this. At this point, I'm making this mostly as a passion project, and if anyone enjoys it, it'll be a really cool bonus. My writing style isn't gonna be for everyone, and the characters I write aren't the most....popular characters in the CRK X Reader community, and I imagine this isn't really something a lotta fans'll be demanding more of.
This is LONG. This one chapter is 56 pages long. I am a VERY wordy writer,
So......why'm I posting this preview? Well....partially as an interest gauge for people who WOULD wanna read it, but...mostly as a motivator. As something to remind myself of whenever I get lazy. After all....I can't quit after I made the first chapter public, right? By doing that, I put myself out there...And, hey, I even tagged it, so, if by the off chance, someone did read it, I'm basically promising them more eventually.....
But, again, I'm not forcing anyone to read this.
Not only is it long, but.....This first chapter is probably my least-favorite thing I've ever written. By posting this chapter by itself, I'm testing to see if it does its job of making people wanna read the rest, cuz....right now, I'm not so sure how well it succeeds at that.....
This is the boring part of the story. It's a bunch of setup, and me jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop to just get everything started. I know setup is important and all, but....I'm already a very wordy writer, so....oof....There is some interesting stuff that happens, but it takes a while to get there.
I-I....kinda hate it, actually. The only reason I didn't scrap it is that I didn't realize I hated it until I was about halfway through it and the "good part" hadn't started yet. And I still spent a month writing the thing, so....I finished it.
I'm tagging this...as an experiment. If you wanna read this, go ahead. W-well, read my tags first, THEN go ahead. XD
All I can really say in this chapter's defense is that....I do try my best to salvage it. It's just setup, but I TRIED to make it interesting. And everything that seems like it didn't go anywhere, will later. This isn't the whole story, it's just the beginning of what's gonna be a BIG story. Anything that seems weird in this chapter, gets explored in the other chapters. This does set up a bunch of stuff that becomes important later (The friend character shows up later, the Colosseum becomes relevant later). This chapter is boring, but I tried not to make any of it pointless.
For the future: I'm aiming for five chapters. Chapters 2 and 3 will be a series of smaller vignettes that take place over the course of a few years, chapter 4 will be the climax, and chapter 5 will be something of an epilogue. After that, there will be two endings to choose from (which will make sense when we get there).
This probably won't be my favorite thing I've ever written, but it will be the most ambitious thing I've ever, and probably will ever, write. I haven't written something like this before, and it's all to flesh out this story and make it believable.
Right now, I.....I want to finish this. I'll probably still be writing this in February at the rate I'm going, but...at this point, I've put too much into it to give up on it. However, I'm STILL not completely ruling out the idea of my motivation dying before then. It COULD happen. So, what I'm planning to do is...setting a short-term goal of finishing chapter 3. After I do that, I'll post the first three chapters on AO3 together, and work on the rest. That way, even if I don't finish it, I'll at least have it over half done, and chapter 3 will end on a somewhat high note.
So, yyyyeah....Not a lotta people will read this preview. Overly wordy writing style + boring setup part of story + 56 pages long + assumed lack of interest for X Readers of this character (At least, I haven't SEEN many simps for her, m-maybe I'm wrong, I might be, I-I haven't checked any tags cuz I've been nervous, b-but it doesn't make my writing any better. In that case, this is my first time writing her so I'm trying super hard to do her justice >//////<)
I-if you wanna read this, and see if this first chapter does a good job of making you wanna read the better chapters, then...Go ahead.....
Some notes:
-This is still not the final draft. It's finalized enough for me to share, but I'm still not considering it finished. Even tho I'm working on chapter 3 right now, I STILL go back and edit this, even very recently. So, chances are, even if the story is finalized, small details and sentences are still subject to change. I know for a fact that there are still SOME placeholder bits in here that will change after I get some stuff cleared up. Recently, I even considered chopping off an entire section to make it shorter. I decided not to, but hey, it could still happen. I don't wanna waste anyone's time. The first chapter of a story, even if it's boring, is still very important, and I wanna make sure it's the best version of itself.
(A-and yes, this means that I've finished chapter 2 as well. The reason I'm not sharing it is that, unlike chapter 1, it was finished VERY recently, so I might still need to give myself time to edit it. From what I have, tho, I do like it a LOT more than chapter 1. There are some parts of chapter 2 that I'm legit proud of.)
-Even tho this first chapter is completely clean, I-I should mention that....this fic is for adults. The full version, at least. Chapters 3 and 4 are gonna contain some light N/S/F/W moments (the "fade to black" variety, so nothing explicit) and there'll be other slightly racey comments here and there. Just a heads-up. I'm gonna be uncomfy with minors reading this.
Th-that's all? I-I think that's all.......O-OK, so......h-here goes..... E-enjoy....
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mrschwartz · 2 years
at this point Alex not being married/having kids seems like an intentional Choice to not follow the prescribed path and it's so fascinating but we can't ever really know more about it bc its a crazy invasive thing for an interviewer to ask (not that he'd answer but still)
i never went looking for it again bc it just made me cringe so much but i'm 100% sure there was an interview from 2018 (like, if someone has this interview you're more than welcome to send it to me and i will share it bc more than anything i'm committed to the truth. i just haven't snooped hard for it bc like i said, the whole thing gave me secondhand embarrassment and i know that if i find it i will read it again bc i'm me lol and i don't wanna feel it again mvfmgkbmg) where the interviewer did ask if he wanted to start a family and he answered (would you look at that) that he "wasn't ready for the responsibility".
and like i feel like in 2018 that answer said everything. he's been hopping from committed relationships to committed relationships since stepping into the limelight and i find his candidness really surprising (always do lol) but truly any other answer would just stand out so much as a lie bc it's so obvious that at the time (we'll get to that) that was the case. he'd been dating taylor for over 3 years at that point, living together for almost as long, they had fucking matching tattoos, and he still didn't feel ready to fully commit. like, he never did. that's been his stance since always. that's one of the reasons he's a serial monogamist, if i may say so. he craves the stability but never wants to commit all the way.
and like, of course. they broke up. which has always happened and looks like it always will tbh. i don't wanna comment too much on louise bc that's always a headache but just overall you know. she hasn't moved in like the other gfs did within months, he doesn't let her post him, doesn't take her to events (barely attends them himself anymore tbf), doesn't take her on tour as much as the others, etc. all the while seeing the guys getting married (and divorced but then again, married again) and having children, etc. and where is he? tucked away reading books, watching films, listening to and writing music. like. oof okay i don't have a point. but you know. you know.
i don't have anything to base this on but like please keep up with this loosely explained train of thought. there he is, tucked away while his closest friends build families (which he is watching happening) and i think something clicked in him since 2018 that yeah, he doesn't want that. of course he hasn't said anything, but don't you just feel it? in your soul? that he doesn't want it? i feel like he's accepted that he doesn't want that kind of responsibility, not that he's not ready for it yet. he doesn't have social media bc, according to him, "there isn't enough time in a day" lol. like, imagine a toddler running around the house when he just wants to crack a rhyme or something. it's completely cliché, i know, but i feel like he's one of those absurdly dedicated people who just wants to live for his art, man. that's the love he chose, he just wants to spend time with that and anything else would be a nuisance. or, you know, some other less cynical more homoerotic expanation lol
he's been with louise longer than he was with alexa, his most iconic relationship. isn't that crazy? does he look like he's getting married any time soon? lol
and yeah let's leave it at that, i think
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jess-the-vampire · 5 months
Hey I just recently finished your fanfic "Story Re-Writtwn" and I gotta say, it's the best fanfic I've read reallly! I'm just wondering if you still do gumceline stuffs? Seriously after 1 and a half month of reading it I just can't get enough of it lol.. looking forward to your reply, greetings!
Oof, i made that fic so long ago, but i am happy my old writing made someone happy even now.
i'll admit, i haven't done as much for them as i used to, not really because i don't WANT to per say, it's more that my relationship with the adventure time community is...complicated to say the least.
I joined when i was around 13-14 (A little over a decade ago, oof), so i was pretty young and was not familiar with the internet around that time, and at the time i was just...having fun, i was a fan of rare pairs and crackships and i really wanted to be in on that fun!
but y'know, lack of internet awareness, so i got really harassed by other shippers, especially people who shipped bubbline and it was a nightmare.
You know how people made ill judgements on the internet nowadays for some of the ships and characters people like? yeah, imagine 14 year old me being insulted as a horrible "homophobe" because i was having fun with a ship i knew pretty much was never gonna happen from the getgo and had really no ill will towards any of the canon ships. I was on blocklists, people made posts mocking me, it was pretty bad and while people did defend me at times, yeah i felt kinda isolated in that fanspace.
and that's not getting into other stuff that happened at the time with friends that i don't know if i wanna talk about....
the whole thing got so bad it kinda removed some of love for the show, i actually can't like bubbline as a ship anymore because it brings back some of those memories.
10 years later, i still worry about touching the community cause i expect it to happen all over again, even though realistically that's probably not true. I just try not to draw too much attention to myself whenever i do draw anything for them.
so....whether i touch the ship again like i once did is up in the air atm, if you want some content i still have the old ask blog.
I don't regret making it, i had to get my start somewhere and drawing a crackship i thought was fun wasn't all bad, i did make some friends that were genuinely sweet and some still are around....
(Guess you can say it's quite common for me in any fandom i join to be invested in more uncommon things in the fan space)
but for now i do not know what the future holds for me and future content for them and AT in general
But i am happy you enjoyed it! Maybe someday i'll feel confident enough to mess with it someday
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Hi! I hope you're doing well (despite the Shibuya Sadness 🙃). I've never put in an ask before so sorry if this comes out awkward, but I had to because Another Level is so well written and I'm IN LOVE with the story and Rinko! 😭
1) Will you write an extra about Rinko for when she realized her feelings for Gojo changed? You mentioned Gojo didn't want to say anything at first because Rinko wasn't ready, but those feelings shifted over time. It happened so gradually and naturally. Was it around the time of the mole incident?
2) What do you plan to do when you catch up to the manga? You said you've been wanting to stick as close to canon as possible.
3) Do you have any advice for aspiring writers? Your characters are so fleshed out in both themselves and their relationships and your story is so thought out!
Sorry if that's a lot or you've answered something similar before and I missed it!
💖 Thank you for such a wonderful character and story 💖
I am doing okay(mostly). Just a bit emotionally worn out. I found myself forgetting the good times for Rinko and Gojo while writing all the Shibuya angst. It made me lose sight of my end goal for a bit, and I realized I was very unhappy with where that line of thought was taking the story. So, I had to scrap some of what I'd written and spend some time reading the older installments to remind myself that these two idiots are cute and happy together 😭
The next installment has now been rewritten a total of four times, btw.
No need to worry about coming across as awkward, I am also awkward 😅
Thank you for sending this sweet message!!! 💖 It STILL blows my mind that people love Rinko as much as I do. Makes me very happy inside 🥹
I'll put my answers to your questions below the cut!!
If you haven't already, you can read Another Level on AO3 💕
1) OOF. Okay, so. Maybe? I'm planning on writing a bit of a "Story so far" author discussion that'll go into detail about that. I've been working on it for a while, so we'll see if I ever finish it 🙃 I will say that the main reason Gojo couldn't tell her that he loves her is not because she didn't love him back. It was because he knew she wouldn't believe him. We'll see a bit more of that as we go forward.
2) I'm hoping to at least know wtf happens to Gojo before we catch up!! 😅 On the bright side, there's literally a month that isn't covered in the manga once he's released from the Prison Realm, so I'm going to use that to my advantage 😂😂
3) The best advice I can give is just keep writing. It's the only way to improve. Keep writing, get feedback when and where you can, and write about what you want to write about. That always makes it easier. But, don't force yourself to write. Follow that little inspiration fairy wherever it may take you!
The last thing I'll say about that is write something that you enjoy reading, too.
I genuinely enjoy reading Another Level, as conceited as that might sound. And I've tried hard not to post an installment that I don't enjoy reading. So, I think that's what's the most important when it comes to improving and growing over time!
Thank you again for this sweet message!!
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astridspeckles · 1 year
Random thoughts and ramblings about the amazing film Nimona! Warning this is a huge tangent and does talk about spoilers for the movie and a bit of spoilers about the graphic novel (that I haven't read since my copy hasn't arrived yet) also I've tried to write this post like 3 times but it keeps breaking so oof.
Kudos to the creator ND Stevenson who I swear is a massive source of creativinies that I would absorb like a sponge if I had the energy to because everything they're apart of is something I feel like I'd adore if if I took the plunge. Also he identifies as enby transmasc (which, I am too, and I didn't realize how huge of a blow it was to realize that people like me exist). I really ought to look into She-ra and their other works at some point. Anyway, anyway, anyway - this is about Nimona!
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I love that this obviously queer movie decided to be release during the later stage of June aka "Pride Month" because I feel like it gives people the chance to watch it with fresh eyes during July, which is Disabled Pride Month (I'm Australian so it isn't really a thing here as far as im aware sadly) which Ballister is such a fantastic and amazing character who is gay and disabled.
He is never portrayed as weak or lesser for his disability, I imagine for people that it'll actually be easy to forget that he is disabled as an amputee with how capable he's written. I feel like it might just go over peoples heads at some point because you never get to see stuff written so well unless if its poking you with it every few episodes or its extremely obvious at a glance. But with Ballister it 'just is who he is' and it moves on to focus on its plot like it has from the beginning.
And its never used as a plot set back or change the storybeat or anything of that sort of matter. Which is amazing. However it isn't just ignored either! He has a moment of weakness when he sees Ambroius again. He hesitates, he withdraws from reach out to him while looking at his arm (Oh, Nemesis!). It is still fresh and new and he's trying to handle it (you're doing great sweetie).
I'm not physically disabled (I do have a weak knee however) but a mentally disabled and experience fatigue constantly and I'm sure I'd have chronic pains if I didn't have a high pain tolerance. So while this sort of character isn't someone I can directly relate to it is someone I can connect with (Although I don't believe you need to be the same as something in order to connect/relate to it).
However I am at home a lot and I don't get exposed much to other people and that includes a lot of people with other cultures, beliefs, body types and disabilities. So being able to see people different than me on the screen is always awesome, and being able to connect with them is too. Which the Queen, Nimona and Ballister is fantastic for everyone and hopefully the Director will give the other sort of audience of this movie a time to think back and work through things.
But I haven't seen many disabled people in media, because I don't really have the energy to engage with much content for long. So I have a limited selection of characters who seem like fantastic representation - because while yes Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender is fantastic she has literal superpowers compared to the every day person so I love and praise how she's handled because everything she does is fantastic-
Seeing Ballister's strong and dedicated personality which still has that life to it made me instantly feel for him along side Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon (And before you ask - no, AstridSpeckles is not due to HTTYD, its inspired from Zelda actually!) And I just love how it was all written and displayed. In HTTYD it was to connect Toothless and Hiccup together in a beautiful narrative. Here they used his arm to make a beautiful narrative too - he uses it, constantly.
He fixes his arm with just one hand which is insane because its also his non dominant hand which wow thats amazing. And he doesn't shy away from using his arm for anything, he still touches people with it, still wields things with as much confidence as ever to do so. He reaches out to Nimona with it too in that scene. Also Ambroius reaches out to hold his hand in that scene too! So tenderly and without hesitation! Which if it was another case with other characters I reckon I'd be a little upset but you see how much they love eachother and how gentle and tactile and soft they are so it is just so beautiful to see here...
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Also I don't really know where else to put this but since im on a tangent about Ballister ima just say it here. He is such a fantastic knight! He knew the moment his sword was handed to him that it was off. He knew it didnt feel right, the weight was wrong? Or it just felt off? He knows his sword. He knows his morals. He knows what he has to do to make things right. He never betrayed himself ever!
Also the eye sparkles change. At the start their diamonds, but Ballister's turns into squares as he gets more exposed to different views where Ambroius turns into a triangle as his views are being pulled (the director whispering in his hear, his own heart, and his love for Ballister).
Also he too is a fantastic knight! His life falling apart? Never lashes out. Never hurts those around him (Okay, cutting off an arm isn't a love language.) So yes that is a case where he did hurt someone but that is addressed in its own ways.
But he never hurts or lashes out at the people he's protecting. He could easily just take it out on them, stop caring, fall into a pit of despair at his own problems. But you actively see him dealing with this own issues and then instantly being a knight the next scene and he doesn't falter or fall.
He is also so strong and I love that he had these moments, would of liked some more though but he isn't a main character like Nimona and Ballister so I understand why he didn't.
Also back to Ballister for a moment because the moment he heard Nimona's not really handling the things she's carrying, that she was able to tell him about her most vulnerable, scary and intrusive thoughts after knowing him for so little, that his thoughts in an instant was to get her the hell out of there and go with her.
He would try to work things out with Ambroius I believe, but he saw the hurt of Nimona who he hasn't known that long over the love of his life and said this is my priority. That would be so hard for anyone to do, for example a parent knowing their child is queer and the other parent not accepting them - there are cases where the parents stay together because its too hard for them not too, and lose the kid or kick the kid out.
The fact Ballister in a heartbeat acted accordingly to keep this new precious person in his life to abandon (like they did to him) without hesitation is absolutely insane and I love it so much. Also that it wasn't a move out of malice or defiance. It could of easily of been written differently that they need to protect her and they have to leave right now. But no. He took action (he always takes actions!) and while he lingered on Ambroius, it wasnt hesitation. It wasn't to hurt Ambroius either. He put Nimona being at risk first.
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So I've actually been aware of Nimona for a few years now. I've heard about its ups and downs and its eventually cancel to its amazing revival! But I was watching it as a passive observer, never interacting with it because I know I hyper-fixate, I didn't want too get invested and attached and because off the rollercoaster of it not coming to the big screen while being in the fandom at that time (im sorry you are all so much stronger than I am haha!)
However, it is alive and amazing! And I'm finally here in the fandom - I've finally watched it - I've finally decided to order the graphic novel like I planned to back during its first movie announcement so I can quote "Enjoy the movie and then read the book since the books are always better", so I can love both as much as I can, yknow?
From what I've discovered reading online here and there so far (and its likely that this is wrong so take this with a grain of salt since I haven't gotten my graphic novel yet) that apparently that the movie is leaps and bounds improved compared to the graphic novel (Note: Not better, improved.)
Improved origin stories, improved personalities, improved characterizations. So much of the voice actors provide life and inspiration to these characters bringing them to a level that the graphic novels didn't have the resource to do.
I also love how people also aren't going crazy (negatively) about the change of races to the characters - im so used to seeing discourse about this sort of thing but its so accepted here that it is so refreshing to see.
The graphic novel has a larger and looser timeline and I believe a darker story and not as much as a happy ending compared to the movie. I can't wait to read the graphic novel though it looks very interesting!
But the ending of the movie implies such a happier ending for everyone, since apparently I've seen that in the graphic novel Nimona visits Ballister while being shapeshifted as a nurse while he is in hospital and he caught on too late after she says goodbye and he never sees her again and is constantly reminded of her when she sees people with her hair colour and that is so bittersweet!
The fact we get her coming to him at the end with him going HOLY SHIT is because it is saying here that it doesn't end with that note. They are together still. And I really hope something more comes out after this because I need to see a bit more to know what is happening there.
I had written a lot more here but my post keeps breaking and doing ctrl+z is making me lose entire paragraphs and gifs I put in as text breakers so I'm gonna leave this here or maybe do another post when I end up reading the graphic novel, who knows. But yes. I love Nimona :D
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
I really don't know what to say that I haven't said before, but it's worth repeating once more: This story is so wonderful and deep and so lovely and I don't think any words can really cover to how much I adore it, how much it has meant to me these past few months, and how bittersweet the fact that it's done feels🥺. The epilogue really did justice to the whole story, and I couldn't have thought of a better way of saying goodbye to it.
Max said here that to write someone's story you had to be careful, responsible but most of all gentle. And I think it's something you have shown through and through, the way you respect and love this characters and their journey just makes you love them even more.
I could go on a rant about the whole thing but I will refrain from doing so because it will probably be 10 pages long (trust me, I have ranted to 3 people and myself for hours, I have a lot of thoughts about it😭)
I can't even point out my favorite bits about this, because I loved every single thing!! The good and the bad days, the way they never gave up on each other, all the little steps and the love they radiated! Max writing emails!! If that doesn't shows us how much he loves David, idk what does... Lance and Arthur's own journey and how much they have grown up😭 I saw them being months old I am getting emotional don't @ me!! Chopin!! Rip to Lance but I love him with my whole heart💙. THE MF KISS ON THE WRIST🥺 I will forever be wondering about the white cover, but yes let that man keep some things to himself!! Also, Jackson>>>>
I maay have teared up s little bit on some parts and I think that's valid of me!
Just... Their love. Their whole life. A life with so much joy and so much pain and grief too, but a life they created together and are slowly but surely getting back. The way they never give up because the other one existing is reason enough to try with everything in them🥺. Thank you for sharing this story. It has become one of my favorites to go back to, and I pity the person that asks anything about a good book I've read recently because they are not going to hear the end of it...
I have no words to add, I just want you to know you are such an awesome and talented writer and you never stop amazing me with the beauty you create with words. Never forget you are amazing, please 💙
I'm just gonna add some of my favorites lines because damn they are going to live rent free on my mind for a few weeks at least:
I will do anything, however long it takes us, if I get to wake up to your smile again.
Half a life with you is worth more to me than forever with anyone else.
"But all the days I have left, all of it, it's yours."
Remember the bad times. Remember the tough shit. Remember you made it through. Remember you can do it again.
"You look really pretty when you smile."
"Because this life, however broken, is perfect because we built it together." (This lone will haunt me forever btw)
He wanted a love that lasted forever.
He wanted Max Lightwood-Bane.
All the time
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.💙
I have no words for all the love and support you show me. Also, not me trying to hack into your notes app so i can have a look at all the quotes because I'm always too tired to read the fics again (i wish i could read as much as i wrote, fam, oof i really do).
Anyway, I'm cleaning my IALS notes, and found this tiny lil thing that didn't make it to the fic so you can keep it.
"Nothing above the neck," David told him seriously as Max kissed his chest.
"Why not?" Max frowned as he pulled back from the other man, momentarily pausing his attempts to give his husband a hickey. "Your neck is pretty and long and there is a lot of space for me to cover."
"My students saw the last one you left on my neck and made fun of me," David mumbled.
"What are their names?" Max asked.
"Max," David chuckled.
"Seriously," Max said. "What are their names?"
"You can give me hickeys," David said with a soft smile. "Just nothing over the neck, please."
"Can't believe my sex life is being dictated by a bunch of middle schoolers," Max grumbled. "I'm gonna have a talk with the Dean."
"About hickeys?" David giggled.
"Don't underestimate me, sweetheart, I can talk about anything if I find the motivation."
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firespirited · 1 year
About yesterday's cry for connection, several things happened at once, as they do. On top of the seasonal despresh hitting it's lows and teasing brief moments of clarity.
Small on the richter scale: The gmail app once again failed to block dad's email which was a seemingly anodyne "happy birthday did you get my ecard (i did and promptly put my emails on their 'do not send' list) , did you do anything special with your friends for the big 4.0?" 1- He's acting like we're buddies, I haven't spoken to him in a decade 2- He's either forgotten or in denial about his complete failure at being a decent human being in November which led to sis finally giving up on him. 3- One of his fave digs was my lack of solid friends (he moved us every three years so that's partly on him) and inability to do milestone stuff like an 18th or 21st birthday bash. It's very on brand to be able to break me in two nice sentences. But it's not so much him per se but the friends who turned out to be anti vaxx or anti mask so I expressed sadness and haven't tried to rebuild. I'm not sure there is any thing to rebuild when folks are explicit their beliefs exclude you.
Bigger on the richter scale: I've injured my pectorals several times in march doing abdominal building exercises and having to catch myself when my hip give out from pain. It's very painful and sets me right back. I need to work on all the muscles around the hips before I can start work on my atrophied lower back. It's at least 3 more months added to the rehabilitation process. Realistically I don't think I'll be rerooting or doing any handicrafts over 40 minutes long per week until 2024. And then it won't be commissions.
It's been 3 full months of rehab work, there is real visible progress but it's very slow and disappointingly small.
I also have to whittle down the project dolls I've kept and get it all out of the house even at a loss (oof) along with a serious re-evaluation of what I buy (double oof). Project dolls are only fun if you can actually *do* the project not just know the exact steps you *would* do. That means other types of treats and finding other things to do when I've got some free time and am itching to make something. The ones that will stay need hairstyles, maybe quick decoden hair and wigs so I won't be reminded until I'm ready, plastic is patient but I am not! (That'll actually be fun to do)
In good news, the anemia has improved and my eyebrows are growing back brown (4mm of brown, 6 of white lol) , I'm on a more solid treatment for GI candida and hope to heal my sore half taste-broken tongue.
I've resolved to purchase anti-mosquito summer clothes for walks if needed as a necessary health expense. Ties into the money insecurities mentioned before with a mental 'fix'.
Tiny on the richter scale but these things add up :
The whiplash of seeing dolltwt acting like they're the nice place for nice people or "it's only funny when it's us, it's malicious if you're someone who can't sit with us". Can't believe I got sucked into that nonsense. Stupid rabbithole to go down.
A youtuber getting too parasocially needy and setting off all my alarm bells.
Way more youtubers who *were* interesting and educational on certain subjects but lately have got lost in navel gazing about whether they're making the mind changing art/activism they dreamed of. It's part film grad, part evangelical need to have convert notches on your belt instead seeing the value in rebuilding broken things, paying someone's bills, prevention not miracles.
You could be educating for education's sake (teacher isn't a lesser job) and doing art for art's sake. I can handle a certain amount of self indulgence and there is always a place for self congratulation on a hard job but the performative is winning out over the active work and I just don't have much grace left to spare right now. I'd rather hear a well made liberal journalistic podcast on a subject than watch a radical leftist who'll derail the point with the implication that it's a sacrifice to be talking about this subject instead of being a 'proper' film maker.
Doesn’t sound like much but when you've carved out your hour of listening and that's not happening because it's become messy then there's a hole and it's really hard to find the right balance of interesting but no cliffhangers or nihilism, no toxic positivity no false promises. With my current desperation for routines and extreme pickyness: You see the problem right?
So, in a nutshell I need to find new treats, new entertainment, more courage to get rid of items I'm attached to, find rerooters in the EU so I can just refer all queries without having to explain that my back is rekt and the rest of me is rekt so healing will be stupid long, set a goal of acceptable hip pain while exercising and a goal of how much hip pain to aim for that won't mess with ab and dorsal work. Wait til enough emotional balance to donate recycle clothes that look rough. Dare to open up and make new friends knowing that heartbreak is inevitable. Cool cool cool. We'll start small.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 9 months
Part 2
"Wait right here. One sec." Evan sprints around to his side of the table again and grabs his placecard. He makes his way back to me as I sit down in my original seat.
"Oh, shit I didn't grab this" Evan picks up my original date's card and chucks it across the table. It lands face down somewhere near his old seat. "Eh, close enough." A couple of people shoot looks in his direction. I can't help but giggle and that makes him smile. Those damn dimples again. They're so deep I could fill them with water and go swimming.
"Hey, thanks for coming to my rescue" I say to him.
"I mean I haven't done anything much yet. If he comes in with a good story I would be more than happy to back off. But you're welcome."
I only smile at him. If he walks in, he better have an epic story for me to totally ignore Evan. I can't say that to him quite yet.
Evan speaks again "Wow, ya know, I'm usually super shy around women. I don't know what got into me" He laughs. He starts fiddling with the seam of his pants. Maybe his anxiety is kicking in now.
"Oh? What made you come over?" I realize I'm totally putting him on the spot and instantly feel bad. "Sorry. You don't have to answer that." I say.
He lets out a quick nervous laugh. "Uhh, no that's ok. I, uh, saw you sitting there and you looked like you were in distress, but I also noticed...how beautiful you were." He clears his throat. His eyes are shifty.
I laugh nervously and then our eyes meet and they stay locked for a few seconds.
We are interrupted by our waiter asking us what we would like for our meal. I order beef street tacos and Evan orders nachos.
"Want some wine?" Evan asks
"Yes , please. Something white. Red makes me sick"
"Oof, that's not good. Can I get a bottle of Chardonnay to split between us please?"
"Thanks" I say to him and the server.
"So, what's the story? What's up with douchebags standing you up and shit?"
"Well, I don't know him well or anything. So, cutting my losses isn't a big deal. In fact, I'm wondering if he even is who he says he is. It all seems rather strange. The last text I got was sort of a confirmation for tonight, but that was at 11 this morning. I tried googling him, but couldn't find much"
"Let's see here..." Evan has his phone out and he's scrolling through some pictures. "I met him once, not too long ago. He seemed like an alright guy. But, you just don't know people, really." He stops scrolling. He clicks on the picture and zooms in on a face. "Is this him?" He gently hands me his phone so I can get a good look. Evan's dimeanor and his voice are both soft. It strikes me how kind and helpful, even comforting he is.
I'm looking at a group picture of some people at an event. The picture isn't a close up, but even the grainy zoomed in face is recognizable. "Oh, I'll be damned. Yep, that's him" I hand him his phone back.
"Hey, at least we know he's real. Hope it makes the night a little bit less unsettling for you" he says softly.
"Well, can I be honest? You actually have made this night a hell of a lot less unsettling for me already." My eyes get soft as I smile at him. "Thank you for that"
"No problem" I can't describe the look on his face. Caring. Kind. More than that. Who is this guy?
I speak "So Evan, what's your story?"
"Well, I'm Evan peters. Been acting for a little over 20 years now."
"Oh, ok! Yes.." American Horror Story" I watched a few seasons then kind of stopped. But you were recently in a series playing Jeffrey Dahmer. Been meaning to watch it. I'm kind of a true crime follower" I laugh nervously. *Not in a weird way, if that's even possible" I close my eyes and put my head in my hand.
Evan laughs. "Gotcha. I won a Golden Globe for it, but man it took a toll on me"
"I can imagine. Having to put yourself in such a dark place for months. Sounds like you did a great job though if you won a Golden Globe! Congrats on that! I will have to watch it now"
His face lights up."Thanks! It did make it all worth it"
"Are you doing better now?" I ask
"Yea. Still have my moments, but much better. Been seeing a therapist."
"Yea, we all have our moments normally anyhow. No shame in getting some help. That's a big step." I smile encouragingly. He stares into my eyes.
"So how long have you lived in LA? I'm getting Midwest vibes from you" Evan says
"Oh really? What gave it away?"
"The accent. I'm from Missouri"
"Ah, ok then fellow midwesterner. I'm from Michigan. Got a job with an automotive company and they moved me out here about 3 months ago. Paid for it. Got me in a company owned house for my trial period. After that I pay rent, but it's discounted. Pretty good set up. I can't complain. I like the job too."
"Wow that's amazing..." His voice trails off as his eyes dart to something. I noticed it a split second before I hear a man's voice and woman's shrill laughter. My immediate thought is they are both drunk. Evan's face has gone from playful to pissed off.
"What?" I ask as I turn to look in the same direction as him.
"Well, there's your douchebag. Apparently with another woman."
Sure enough, there they are. Sloppily making their way to the seat. Douchebag sees his placecard on the floor and starts laughing hysterically. He sees me sitting there staring at him. And something like recognition hits him, but then he quickly pushes it aside.
"I take it he forgot who he invited where and what time" I say out loud.
I look at Evan. He looks pissed. But then he looks at me and his eyes soften. "Do you want me to back off so you can confront him. Or..." His voice trails off. He's holding his breath.
"Absolutely not. You're more of a man than he will ever be." I reply.
"Want to get out of here? Before they bring the food out?" Evan asks.
I nod my head "Yes, please."
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tennessoui · 2 years
Tag Game to Better Know You
Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @lilredghost, thank you :D
What book are you currently reading? oof honestly, i'm not reading anything right now :( i'm very busy with silly lil fanfic writing instead which is probably the definition of brainrot, but it is time consuming
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? i've...only seen one movie in theaters since COVID-19, and that was actually last month when i went to go see the second black panther. it was good but like. really long. 2 hours and 45 minutes is too long for any movie i said what i said
What do you usually wear? hm i have one pair of jeans i love and wear a lot! and one pair of office pants i also like. and then a lot of shirts. and some cute dresses, but that's more of a summer thing
How tall are you? 5’6”? 5'7"? I haven't been to the doctor since 2016 and I have not measured myself independently.
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Aquarius :> and my birthday is Mozart's birthday! that's the only one I know! I can't even play piano :D
Do you go by your name or a nickname? Kit is my nickname! but i do go by it in real life, though most people think i say Kim and i usually do not correct them
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? i don't think im done growing up (maybe if i went to the doctor, they would tell me differently idk)
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one? That one tumblr post: "not in a relationship, not aromantic, but a secret third thing. unwanted ;) "
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? im pretty good at writing but im pretty bad at using commas correctly
Dogs or cats? dogs :>
If you draw/write or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/line/etc from something you created this year? i do write!! but actually one of my favorite things i've made this year is a painting i did for a friend as a goodbye present. a little 5x7 canvas of a sunrise over some cherry blossoms
(and also i can't think of a quote i've written this year and i'm too lazy to find one)
What’s something you would like to create content for? me, one day lol
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? ack, gotta say star wars. but also gotta say cooked octopus. it's the moment. oh and toast and trader joe's tomato and red pepper soup.
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? umm i had a really nice vacation planned with friends i haven't seen for ages, but i had to leave early cause there was a family emergency thing which sorta sucked (for my family mostly)
What’s a hidden talent of yours? oh im really good at cutting a circular object into perfect eighths. or fourths! a weird superpower
Are you religious? my dad told me once that there's got to be something out there that makes the leaves so green in the spring and he calls it Big Ernie. he's a hippie but he might be onto something
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? a new keyboard im this close to snapping at all the times i hit a key once and suddenly have 5 extra letters. >:(
ack i feel like i've seen these around but also i can't remember if i have, so feel free to ignore this tag: @ellie-you-idiot @kdm103020 @demondean-writes @sweet-cynic @kittonafoxgirl @bi-wan @obiwan @mysticmjolnir
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Positivity anon back at it again! I hope you have an excellent week! Is there anything you're particularly excited about that's happening this week? Or, is there anything you're looking forward to for Halloween? Lastly, only answer this if you feel comfy doing so! What is something that you'd like to let your mutuals know about you?
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It's nice to see you back again, Positivity anon! I feel like I should give you a nickname, maybe PA? I wanted to respond to this on Munday because...well, it fits, right? Thank you for sending these along, PA! I've seen you a bit on my dash already and I can tell you're brightening days for a lot of my mutuals. You're doing a wonderful job!
Is there anything you're particularly excited about that's happening this week?
Oof, it's less excitement and more of a rigorous work grind honestly. I'm trying to do up to 3 weeks of work, as much of it as I can, in a single week! This is because I'm preparing for an anime convention during the last weekend of October (and subsequently, I'm taking...7 costumes with me. Maybe 8? It's not a con if I'm not changing from one costume to another in a single day with no rewears) and I have to get ahead in my job, get my costumes ready and packed, and keep on top of replies here. I'll be excited when everything is ready to go, though I made the decision last night to style a completely new wig for an outfit when I looked at the one I had and said "hm. Nah, I can do better."
At least I'm only bringing two 'new' costumes, but I'm also rewearing two that I haven't worn in over a decade! Only because I now fit into them and they're both getting considerable upgrades or adjustments (upgrading your foam and clay accessories for resin casts is a beautiful thing!). Maybe I should do a teaser post for next Munday with a hint of a few of my costumes?
Or, is there anything you're looking forward to for Halloween?
Catching up on all the work I've ignored for the past 5 days due to aforementioned convention. Also: thread replies.
Putting my feet up.
I wish I could be more excited for the day itself, but I'll have been in costumes for four days straight leading up to October 31. All I'll be able to manage is a comfy/casual costume, if that, while attempting to catch up on my life. I may put on a few horror movies or something. But I need to save my energy for...
What is something that you'd like to let your mutuals know about you?
Here's two important things!
I'm getting married next month! So alongside the anime convention on Halloween weekend, I'll have about a week in November where I'll be on hiatus as well. It's not a big event but my (future) in-laws are coming to visit, as well as my fiancé's siblings, so I'll be taking time off work and the dash to spend some time with them. As usual, I'll try to keep things going in the queue but for a little over a month, I'll likely need to keep my queue going at 1 reply a day. I may bump it up for a few days/week in early November, but otherwise turnaround time will be a bit longer for the next month.
I wanted to highlight and expand on a point in my rules: Currently I'm aiming for a leaner dash, so please if you are an RP blog only follow if you intend to write with me. If you’d prefer to simply read my threads, that’s fine, but please follow me on a personal account so I do not accidentally follow you back.
I don't think I discuss this enough, but I wanted to provide some more context to this. I keep a lean dash and a small following count because when I follow you, I want to write with you. I don't follow blogs for the sake of numbers at all. I generally choose who I follow based on writing style and activity/writing frequency, and both of these have to suit me for me to follow back. If you are a currently active blog and we aren't threading yet and we're mutuals? I do want to write with you. What's likely going on is that I'm unfamiliar with your canon muses/your canon or OC muses don't have a crossover or general modern verse available, I don't see any memes or starter calls that are open or will work for my muse, or I honestly just am not on the dash when you're posting and didn't see it. Usually though, it's being unfamiliar with your muse(s) and/or not having an opportunity to interact with them.
I'm trying to be better about that, and make myself available to plotting when I'm able. That said, if you too are interested in writing with me: please reach out! Send an IM or message me on discord. And if you only want to read threads, I prefer it if you follow me on a personal blog instead.
Lately, I've felt like some of my mutuals are only interacting with my aesthetic or art posts instead of threading which is discouraging for me if these interactions are coming from an RP blog.
tl;dr - I want to be better about interacting with my mutuals but I'm also asking you to reach out to me too. Additionally, I go through my mutuals list every few months and unfollow those whom I'm not threading with and aren't on an announced hiatus.
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
Hi! I didn’t want to spam up your comment section, but yes, recommendations would be great/appreciated at any time!
hi love! so firstly i would recommend checking out @hellskitchenswhore as she has a very comprehensive library of fics!
secondly i use this tag for anything i read which might be helpful depending on what you're after... but let me point you in the direction of some incredible, incredible writers <333 i'm so sorry if i forget anyone but i'm tryna cram this all in my lunch break!!!!!
@pedrito-friskito -- the resident pedro pascal girly who also writes for matt murdock & frank castle. her series '12 months with the devil' is a personal fave!
@murdocksluvrr -- who writes for michael too!!! she's also written for matt and tristan thorn and her works are always *chefs kiss*
@marvelswh0re -- who has recently started writing for michael (i am wholly responsible for this and i love it), my favourite is her fic 'for luck'
@murdock-and-the-sea -- a poet and very gifted writer at heart. 'neogenesis' which she recently released is just... AH. i can go on about it for days. also, vidra writes for michael too, and 'chase your love' iS FANTASTIC
@mindidjarin -- mindi's fics are always, always incredible, and i recently reread 'feast' which is an ode to matt's ass and i just-- i have no words except read this please 😭
@phoebe-danvers -- okay you HAVE to check out her 'sealed with a kiss verse' fics (amongst everything else she's written) because the way she has crafted earth 65 (AM I RIGHT IS IT EARTH 65?!) matt murdock is fucking incredible
@e-dubbc11 -- our resident billy russo expert, but her matt fics are wonderful. she also has a series of thoughts on various charlie characters and the michael one is spot on
@briefcasejuice -- OKAY SO. gabs' character understanding of matt murdock and michael kinsella is simply put, mouth watering. everything she writes is gold. but to witness her passion for and knowledge of these characters is something i always look forward to
@mattmurdocksscars -- OOF amanda writes some GOOD shit. she has one or two mikey prompt drabbles and again, just incredible.
@rcughroad -- for anything frank castle/karen page. period.
@freshabogados -- has a myriad of matt murdock fics that always bring me to my knees. 'michelangelo's matthew' is my personal favourite
@eatommo -- another very gifted matt murdock writer, and a wonderful human!
@peterman-spideyparker -- 'embellishments' made me fucking cry reading it. GOD. i will go on about this forever kristen. FOREVER.
@mattmurdockspainkink -- 'i'll be in good company' is a fic i will be reading for the end of time. and most recently ren released 'matthew 6:9-13' which is a religion kink fic (not sure if you're into that, but i can highly recommend this)
@psychedelic-ink -- sil primarily writes for pedro pascal characters now, but she has a couple michael fics that i read upon joining the kin fandom and they've stuck with me this whole time!
@stress--relief -- if you haven't read 'baby cut the tension' what are you waiting for!!!!!
@shedaresthedevil -- 'my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it'. that's it. SEND fucking tweet.
@redahlia-writes -- a sweetheart who utilises mythology and classics knowledge to imprint her fics with an aura of melancholy so wonderful that you can reread these over and over again
@fluffyprettykitty -- resident marvel all-rounder, and anything she writes of matt is always something i'd recommend
@murdocks-devil -- another literary poet. 'quintessentia' is a monumental fic of theirs, and lives in my brain rent free always
@frankcastlescumslut -- who has a priest!matt series, as well as an ongoing frank series 'on the sea'. it is so well thought out and put together.
@father4giveme -- i could write a thesis on the series 'hallowed by thy name' but i will spare everyone right this second. it is a beautiful series, so well done
@courtforshort15 -- tooth rotting fluff. comfort fic central.
@idrinkcoffeeandobsess -- who only recently joined but is a wonderful new addition with an incredible back breaking RELIGIOUS KINK SMUT?
@itwasthereaminuteago -- 'strawberry surprise' which is a poly matt x frank x reader fic has me in a permanent chokehold. also anything aNYTHING shibari? you have found the author
@yourbucky084 -- shannon's account unfortunately got deleted a while back, so any love thrown her way for her incredible fics ('temptation' was the first of hers i'd read) would be so appreciated <33
@grippingbeskar -- who for the most part writes for frank but just released an amazing matt fic i am SO excited to read!
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invisobang · 3 years
Now that March is here, that means it's almost time for
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Run by mods @kinglazrus​​ and @anthropwashere​​, Invisobang is a collaborative event that takes place over several months, where authors write fanfics, and then artists create art based upon those fanfics. It’s a great way to connect with other content creators in the Phandom!
How does it work?
See the Invisobang info doc for more detailed information on rules, frequently asked questions, and the event schedule.
There are two versions of the event: the main Big Bang with a minimum word count of 15k and a longer run time, and a Mini Bang with a 5k-word minimum and a shorter schedule.
Authors begin writing as soon as they sign up.
Halfway through the event, authors anonymously submit a rough draft and a summary of their fic.
Using the above information, artists pick the fics that interest them the most and submit a claim.
Mods will pair up authors and artists based on these claims
During the second half of the event, authors finish their stories while artists make their art.
At the end of the event, participants can share their work during posting week to create a big bang of content for everyone to oof and aah at!
When is it?
Big Bang sign-ups open March 18th. Author sign-ups close April 1st, and artist, beta, and pinch-hitter sign-ups close June 2nd. The event runs from March to August, with posting week being the last week of August.
Mini Bang sign-ups open May 18th, closing for writers on June 1st, and closing for artists, betas, and pinch-hitters July 13th. The Mini Bang posting period is the first full week of September.
Anything else do I need to know?
The event is hosted through the Invisobang Discord. Because of this, participants must have a Discord account and be willing to join.
Co-authors can sign up in teams
Artists can make visual art or music
All content must be made new for the event, which means no continuing posted wips. Sequels and prequels to existing works are allowed, as well as ideas you've had sitting on the backburner (as long as they haven't been posted before)
If you have any additional questions that aren’t covered in the FAQ, feel free to ask here on this Tumblr, or message any of the mods!
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sadlysoulx · 3 years
Haikyuu boys going to IKEA with you
Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma, Atsumu and Tsukishima
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I know, I know the idea is so random but my head is full of ideas so please do enjoy😩💓 Go Stan the double post 😏😏😏 i need to post a lot bcoz I need to make over those 2 weeks when I haven't post
⚠️ Warning⚠️: not proofread
This guy has a weird case of touching anything and everything when the two of you pass by the shelves.💀💀💀
He always picks up those Ikea stuff- toys and bring them around while holding onto you.😩💖
But then he drops them sometimes because he's complaining about how they smelled like drools💀💀💀
Please he joins the other kids play in that one playground when you stopped by to eat😭😭😭
You have to feed him.
when stops playing, he comes over to you to open his mouth wide, letting you feed him and then return to play with the other kids.
He likes those kiddie meals where nuggets and french fries where placed in a colored plate.
Bo complained that he wants his plate yellow but instead he got purple😬😬😬
You returned back to stroll in Ikea, checking out the furnitures.
He likes that area in Ikea where there is full of lamps and light bulbs.
Bokuto keeps playing with the switches, continuously trying them and turning them on and off and on and off and on and off until he breaks one😃
He nervously walks up to you and said and I quote "Baby, let's go I need to go to the toilet,"
You suspiciously nodded and made him go to the toilet.
Once he got out, he said that he's tired and wants to go home.
He doesn't want to return to IKEA for a whole month, thinking he will get arrested if someone recognized him as the guy who broke the bulbs.🙂
I swear Bokuto and Kuroo share the same brain😭😭😭
Kuroo also touches everything he sees and picks it up and puts it in the cart😩
He is the type to borrow a pillow in Ikea, hop in the cart and sit in there while you struggle to push the cart because of his hefty weight.
he collects Ikea pencils and paper rulers😭😭😭
Like everytime he saw one of those pencil and ruler stalls he walks over and take a other batch of those.
Kuroo likes to play hide and seek in Ikea😬
Like really, you were getting worried where he went and then suddenly he pops out infront of you scaring you to death.
When he sees those books displayed in the house models, he tries to read them and complains why are they in a different language or why r they blank😭😭😭
He likes the area where there are full of chairs.
Kuroo keeps on sitting on them and then spinning and spinning around.
(I swear why is the fandom making him like a Playboy and badboy. . . He is the hugest dork❤️)
When it's lunch, he likes to get a lot of those butter in small platic containers, saying how much he liked them☹️💓
He also gets those jams and takes a lot because he said:
"it's free so why not take many?"
Btw,like Bokuto, he likes those kiddie meals, where you are given a colored plastic plate filled with nuggets and french fries.
He doesn't want to go home and it takes a full hour to make him convince to go in the car.
He doesn't want to go out until you made him dress up and shove him into the car.
He was all grumpy grumpy
But then he actually had fun😃👍
Kenma likes to throw himself on the couches and beds until you have to drag him out of it.
Please he likes that area where there is full of kitchen tools✋😭
He would pick up a weird looking tool and try to figure out how to use it😖
Until he used it wrong and a screw hit his eye😭😭😭
When you were in the bedroom section, he likes those double decks displayed
He curses at the people who ever put up those plastic stuff on the ladder to keep people from trying to get to the top👁️👄👁️
You see those yellow banners hanging from the wall where the prices are labeled?? Yeah that
He likes to jump and hit those with the tip of his fingers
And when he successfully did, he looks at you with a smug face look on his face.
He likes to impress you so husshh🤭
When lunch rolls by, he likes holding the food cart for you, for some reason it excites him when he controls the food cart👍
He always asks you what you want and that not to worry, he'll pay for it.
Kenma also likes those free butter in little containers because they taste good👅
Anywayss he likes the soups served in Ikea 🥣 (I did too, they r just tasty)
In the end, he enjoyed the day in Ikea with you✌️
I mean duuuuh reader-senpai is just irresistible✨
He was actually the one who dragged you in Ikea
Please he would pick up weird things and try to figure what is it for but then ending up hurting himself😭😭😭
(I mean c'mon when I was in Ikea there r a lot of weird things, and when I tried them, I ended up hurting myself💀)
He likes those small wooden kitchen toys for kids placed in the house model
'Tsumu would play for a while with that kitchen by himself.
He would also talk to himself as he cook a plastic egg✨
You: 👁️👄👁️
Atsumu: ✌️😗🍳
Everyone: 😕
Hotel: Trivago
You had to drag him away from the kitchen toy stall.
Atsumu really really likes to collect Ikea magazines, even tho you have one at home, he would still insist on getting 2 or 3 more
One time, he picked up a plastic flower from outdoor/garden area, placed it between his teeth and playfully flirted with you.
He took it out and gave the flower to you🌻(it's those ridiculously huge ones)
But then he snatch it back and out it on the rightful place saying:
"oh you want it? Buy it yourself,"
You spanked him with the broom beside you.
When it's lunch, he is ✨fancy✨
So he takes mushrooms, mashed potatoes, meat with some sauce in it.
It was night time when you both went home.
What do you expect?😕
Ohmaigawshhh, I don't want to be biased here and have favorites but here we go🤩
He wants to stay in the parking lot and make you go alone💀💀💀
But then he insists to go when you said "Huh? Fine! But what if a man asks my number and still insists 'coz he doesn't see my boyfriend around?"
He is just like a lost baby but in a tall boy's body, you have it hold his hand and drag him around.💀💀💀
When you stopped by to check something, he doesn't know what to do and stands there clueless like🕴️🕴️🕴️
Tsukishima really throws a tantrum saying he's tired and want to rest.
But reader-senpai needs to shop💅
He actually shuts up when you gave him an Ikea dinosaur plushie, so he's hugging it with his one arm and the other holding onto you hand.
The boi is so bored so he randomly glares at teenagers passing by😾😾😾
When you were in the bedroom section, things went out of control 😔😔😔
He was getting lazy to walk around the rest of the Ikea passage way so he keeps on laying down the beds.
But when you finally got him up, he would lay down again on another bed💀💀💀
He finally decided to listen to you and walk again (thank God 😌)
Saltyshima was so desperate to escape, he went out the emergency door and pushed it open
But when he did, the alarms went off🚨💀 (inspired by Jungkook)
He got real scared and ran back to you, hugging the dino plushie.
You were laughing your head off😭😭😭
You decided to eat lunch and you know he is a 👑Royal👑 so eats fancy foods like Atsumu.
And yeah btw, you ended up buying the plushie for him because he won't stop getting salty about it.
But he shyly said thank you atleast¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oof that was really long to writeಠ_ಠ
But I had fun bcoz I can literally imagine them doing all of those stuff, let me know if you want to have part 2 c:
Please follow @xmochaberryx
That's my best friend^^
Follow for more!✨
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ginnyweasleywannabe · 3 years
Treasure Hunt Chapter 4
oof I am so sorry this is so late!! I promised I haven't abandoned this story, October was just a crazy busy month. I'm studying for a teachers license so I will probably be a little slower on the updates than a I had originally planned. (Hopefully never longer than a month!!) Also time is not real. Haha sorry that time just moves really fast in this story. idk how to fill the whole day so just choose to ignore it please:)
Can be read on AO3 @Inthemiddle2 Word Count: 2615
Marlene woke up naturally. She blinked around to see the floral wallpapers that made up the motel she was staying in. She turned her head and saw Sirius snoozing surprisingly peacefully next to her. She was looking at him when she realized that there was a weight on her thigh. Marlene lifted the blanket to see that Sirius’ hand was resting on her thigh. If she was honest, she would admit she didn’t mind it. Sirius wasn’t a cuddler, so when they were together they would often fall asleep together but wake up apart. Except he was always touching her in a small way. Like he need to be anchored to her.
Marlene turned her face to him again, his eyes were wide open staring back at her.
“AHH!” She jumped in her spot.
Sirius gave her thigh a squeeze before releasing it. “Morning McKitten”
Marlene rolled her eyes, “Perv.” She hopped from the bed and over to the pizza grabbing a slice, “Ohhh merlin” She was having an experience, “this is good pizza. Merlin I’m starving from last night.”
She looked over to see Sirius watching her, arms behind his head, pulling his muscles taught. Marlene now noticing that he was shirtless, how had she missed that one? She could feel her cheeks burning now embarrassed that she had moaned a minute ago.
“Go shower! We have a lot to do today and we already slept in longer than we should’ve.”
Sirius rolled his eyes but got out of bed. Pleasantly enjoying the way Marlene’s eyes were glued to his body. He walked to the bathroom, turning around at the door, “I like when you’re bossy” He gave her a wink and closed the door.
As the pair walked up to the door Marlene felt oddly nervous. She was the queen of putting too many eggs in one basket. Marlene knew she was unfairly putting high expectations on Bagshot for answers.
Sirius could see the gears turning in the blondes head. He was worried she was getting her hopes up and would ultimately be disappointed in whatever answers they found. He put a hand on her shoulder, “Let’s just hear what she has to say.”
Marlene nodded over her shoulder than rang the bell. Immediately the curtains on the window next to the door peaked open to reveal a frail old women. As soon as Marlene made contact she shut the curtains. Marlene looked over her shoulder, Sirius just shrugged and reached around her to knock again. Sirius was only halfway through his knock when the door swung open.
The old women barely reached Marlene’s shoulder. She didn’t say anything, she looked at the quizzically with an eyebrow raised.
“Hi, Mrs. Bag-“
“Hush.” She snapped at Marlene’s attempt to start the conversation. Bagshot still just stared at them.
Sirius was annoyed, “Look, you can’t talk to her that way. You don’t even know why we’re here.”
The women just broke into a smile, “Well of course I know why you’re here. You-” she gestured to Marlene, “look just like the boy. Only different hair. I imagine you’re here for the same reason he was. Come in I’ll put the kettle on.” With that she waddled away.
Sirius leaned into Marlene’s ear, “We shouldn’t drink the tea, she’s clearly batty”
Marlene couldn’t help but let out a little giggle.
They all settled in two a small living room. Floral patterned furniture that squeaked when you sat down. Everything about this town made Sirius feel like they had traveled back in time.
Marlene went on to tell Bathilda everything that had happened recently and why they were now asking her for any insights she may have.
“hmm yes I warned the handsome one that he was treading down a dangerous path.” Sirius rolled his eyes, everyone couldn’t talk about Mark without mentioning how handsome he is.
“We were hoping you could tell us about ‘the hallows’. This year was supposed to be some big anniversary and the school was going to have a celebration and open the capsule.” Marlene was ringing her hands as she spoke. Sirius reached over to stop the movement. Once they settles he gave a quick squeeze before pulling his hands back.
Bathilda started off on her great speech, “The Hallows is an old story that says there were three brothers and they were the only people to ever escape death but eventually it caught up to them all. Each had some magical object similar to your founders items. One, a stone that brought people back from the dead. Another that had a powerful wand. And the final one had an invisibility cloak. The boys were believed to be from here. The rumor was that it was the Peverell boys. The last boy, the one with the invisibility cloak, is buried here in the local graveyard.”
Sirius spoke first, “I still don’t really see how this is important to Hogwarts?”
“Well your boys went to Hogwarts. Most people from this town do but some notable alumni from here include your important headmaster.”
Bathilda reached over whack Sirius with his cane, “Keep up boy. Dumbledor, the headmaster who hid the treasure. I knew him you know! I even think he was a little sweet on me. Mhm, he was always coming round here. I also knew the Peverell boy. I did. When I was young, he was the old man who lived down the block. Always handed out full candy bars on Halloween.” She was nodding her head in satisfactory bounce. “Oh don’t look at me like that. I know what I know. Yes, he was hundreds of years old but it was him!”
Marlene and Sirius were still just staring her. Unsure of what to say.
“Fine you don’t believe me but I have proof. Around the corner and down the hall, I keep all my research for my books. Go and have a look. I’ll pour our tea and you’ll come back and apologize.” She stood and shooed them down the hall.
Marlene opened the door to a small walk in closet filled with papers and books. Marlene took a step into the closet but Sirius reached out to grab her arm, “Wait McKinnon, are we sure we want to go in here. She’s clearly batty. I say we take this time to make a run for it.”
“Shhh” She pulled Sirius into the closet and closed the door, “Don’t be rude…. She may a little interesting but she does have some knowledge so we might as well see what we can find.”
Marlene began pulling out papers to see what she could find. It was mostly more in-depth research into the town and Hogwarts history.
Sirius let out a whistle. Marlene turned around to Sirius holding a picture. He flipped it over to show her the scribble on the back, ‘Bathilda and Albus Dum. 6th form’
“I gotta give it to old Baggy, she was quite the looker.” Sirius was smirking as he handed the photo to Marlene, “There’s loads more here with all different chaps. Looks like she collected them.”
The pair were flipping through the photos but Marlene stopped him, “Wait look at this one” She pulled the photo out to the top of the pile. She then turned and pulled out a paper she had seen earlier. “Holy merlin…” She held the paper up to the photo. It was a sketch of Ignotus Peverell. The sketch and the man standing next to a toddler Bathilda in the photo looked exactly alike.
“Maybe it’s just a descendant…” Sirius had to admit they did look eerily similar but the Peverell brothers were alive three hundred years ago.
“Let’s go see what she has to say.” Marlene motioned for him to open the door. Sirius reached to turn the knob but it wouldn’t twist. He gave it another giggle. “Come on Black, open the door.”
“I’m trying its stuck.” He still twisted.
“That’s not funny” She shoved passed him to try herself but when she reached the knob it wouldn’t twist.
“McKinnon I know how you are about places without windows. I would not willingly trap you in here.” Marlene was mildly claustrophobic.
Marlene turned away from Sirius and began banging on the door and shouting for Bathilda. There was no response. Sirius just shrunk down to sit on the floor. Marlene turned around to him, “Why are you on the floor?”
“The old bird clearly can’t hear but eventually she’ll sit down for her tea and realize we’ve been gone too long and come looking for us so she can brag about all the boys who were sweet on her.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right” Marlene sighed but shuffled to the floor. It was a small closet. Sirius couldn’t even stretch his legs. The two sat across from each other knee to knee.
“Last weekend I was taking snuffles on a walk, he had been digging in the dirt then he bumped me from behind telling me he wanted to leave. So were walking, when this hot bird comes calling after me. I think she want my number, don’t get jealous I was going to let her down easy.” Marlene just rolled her eyes. She didn’t care on way or the other, she didn’t. “But then she wants to let me know that she ‘thinks I shit my pants’ and walks away. I look at the back of my pants and old Samson had left a dirt patch in the perfect spot.”
Marlene couldn’t help but laugh. The pair was finally able to catch their breathes, Marlene found herself smiling at Sirius. She hates small spaces but he was trying to help her.
Sirius felt vulnerable in this moment. They were stuck in this stupid closet, he should just tell her now. Explain how he got freaked out but this trip, being with her again made him want to take it all back.
The was a crash outside the door. It sounded like glass shattering. They jumped to their feet. Sirius tried the handle again but it was still stuck. He glanced at Marlene, her face full of anxiety. He rammed his shoulder into the door busting it open. The house seem normal. Marlene gasped as they crept around the corner. Bathilda was lying on the couch, head rolled back with her eyes wide open, most certainly dead. Marlene rushed over to her but it only confirmed that the old women had passed.
Marlene was in a state of shock, Sirius put a hand on her shoulder. He nodded to where Bathilda’s teach cup laid broken on the floor. The carpet was smoking under the liquid. Marlene bent down to take a look. She reached her finger out and touched the spilled contents. “Ouch” She pulled her hand back, it just burned her, not in a boiling hot kind of way.
Sirius pulled her up “I think we should leave…”
Marlene was quick to grab her jacket. As they opened the door, Sirius saw someone slip down the ally. He guided Marlene in the direction that the person ran. “I thought I saw someone run down this way.”
The was a rattle behind them. Marlene jumped and latched on to Sirius. “Sirius, I think we should just head back to the hotel…”
He nodded giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, still holding hands he lead them back to the inn.
Marlene was silent the rest of the walk home. She was processing over everything that had happened. Sirius opened the door, discreetly scanning the room. He didn’t want to freak Marlene out any more than she already was.
“Mars….” She had dropped his hand when they entered the room. Marlene moved to the bed. Sirius was getting worried, she wasn’t saying anything. Just staring out. “Why don’t you take a nice long shower. I’ll go pick us up some dinner.”
He figured he should take the outburst as a good sign at least she was speaking “…Okay.”
“We can just order take out. I’m, I’m craving some good delivery Chinese. Ill order from my phone so you don’t even need to leave the room to talk to Tom.”
Sirius moved to join her on the bed. Marlene curled into his side. She knew it might be weird but she needed to feel safe in this moment.
“Do you think she’s dead because of us?”
“Marlene thinking that isn’t going to do you any good.”
“But it’s true, Sirius! She was poisoned. And the closet- I mean I thought it was just an old house but what if someone purposely locked us in there.”
The truth was Sirius did agree with her assessment.
“I fear you’re right. But we’ll be more careful from here on out.”
Marlene ordered their Chinese delivered to their door. The rest of the night was spent eating and avoiding thinking about Bathilda. Eventually the pair drifted asleep.
The hallway was pitch black. She didn’t know how she knew which way to go but she kept running. It was close behind her, she could hear it gaining on her. It sounded like a rat scurrying. She needed to get out of here! Suddenly she hit something. It was like she had run into the wall. Marlene was banging her hands. “Please! Please!” She was crying now. She turned around. The rat was getting closer. But as it came out of the shadow, it wasn’t a rat but Bathilda. Well some form of Bathilda.
“You killed me.” She was pointing a long boney finger out. “You’re the reason I’m dead! And you’ll be the reason they die!!”
Suddenly two hallways appeared on either side of her. It was T shape. Down one was Sirius, down the other, Mark!
“Marlene please! There’s still time if you come to me, you can save me!” Mark was reaching out for her.
“No! Marlene please! Come to me, if you go after him, I’ll die. We have to stop. Let’s go home.”
No, no, no, NO this couldn’t be happening to her. She needed to move. She could save both of them. Why couldn’t she move??
“You will be the reason they die!” Bathilda was coming for her. A few more steps and she would reach her.
She shot up. Marlene took in her surroundings. She was in the motel, She was wet all over? Why was she wet?
Sirius stroked her hair from her face. She jumped back, “Marlene you were having a nightmare. You’re sweating.”
Marlene wiped her face, but she wasn’t just sweating. She could feel now that she was also crying.
“Sirius..” her voice broke. He pulled her into his arms. “If someone killed Bathilda is dead, then.. then there’s a good chance Mark is too”
“No we don’t know that. They wouldn’t have bothered with texting if he was dead. I promise we will find him.”
“No you should go home. This is too dangerous. If we continue, you could be hurt.”
“McKinnon. I’m going to pretend you didn’t just imply that I was weak and couldn’t handle myself.” She smiled at his affronted tone. “But listen, I am a big boy who can make his own choices and I choose you. Okay? I’m not leaving you, not again. We will find Mark together. I won’t give up until we have answers.”
Sirius pulled her tighter. He gave her another forehead kiss. He rubbed her back, eventually her breathes evened out. Sirius couldn’t fall asleep as easily. She was right, things were not looking bright for Mark, and quite frankly he didn’t know where to go next.
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