#i have so many things to say abt this ep but none of them sound like what a sane person would say so
chanrizard · 9 months
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[2 Kids Show] Ep. 08 ⁝⁝ Lee Know x HAN
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trislosherfan25 · 3 years
Radiohead Fun Facts <3
Fun fact about Radiohead: I know none of the names of the guys and i only know what the one singer guy’s face looks like bc i saw it once somewhere
Fun fact 2: I should probably learn about the individual guys but I don’t because I dont really care that much
Fun fact 3: i should learn abt the bassist tho bc im a bassist and he’s a pretty good bassist so maybe i could learn a thing or two (like this guy is a REALLY good bassist)
Pablo Honey (1993) - this one is Radiohead's first album and tbh it’s not very good. even if you don’t listen to this band or care about them you probably know the song Creep which is on there. tbh that’s probably the best song on the album and the Radiohead guys themselves don’t even like it that much. They were like “Creep? more like Crap!” (tbh the song isn’t *that* bad, just nowhere near as good as their later music) I’ve tried to get through this album a couple times but i could never do it bc it’s just not that good!!! It seems like it was riding off the grunge wave that was really popular at the time. This means not only did the album not have that much of an original sound but also there were tons of other bands doing this sort of thing and doing it better. Creep is probably the song that has the most unique sound compared to the rest of that album. Also grunge (while more of an era than a genre) is mostly known for who it was sparked by, Nirvana, and Nirvana is punk rock through and through. The Radiohead guys are way to big of nerds to do punk rock. The Bends (1995) - this is Radiohead’s second album and I like this one a lot. It bares some similarities to Pablo Honey in terms of keeping with a little bit more of a rock sound but it doesn’t feel like it’s trying to copy anybody. The lyrics on this album are WAYYYYY better. Like a vast vast improvement. The guitar solos are much better too. The most popular songs on this album I’d say are High and Dry as well as Fake Plastic Trees, these also are probably my least favorite songs on the album because they’re slower and I don’t like the vocals in them as much as other songs. My favorite songs from this album are Just, My Iron Lung, and (Nice Dream), these ones all have more of a rock element than the ones I mentioned previously and the instrumental parts are So Good! Even though I think this album is a vast improvement from the first it still doesn’t completely have it’s own unique sound just yet. I don’t see that as much as a hinderance on this album, just something that puts it below some of the later albums.  OK Computer (1997) - THIS ALBUM! This is the album where Radiohead really comes into their own sound, it still has that rock element but it feels different. All the little details and textures in their sound come together in this great album and puts Radiohead on a clear track for where the rest of their sound ends up in later albums. This album seems to be *The* Radiohead album that most people would know them for beyond knowing them for the song Creep. This album also is pretty special/nostalgic to me because it was the first Radiohead album I listened to. Deadass I spent most of my middle school years listening to that album on and old hand-me-down mp3 player my dad gave me that just had his old music saved to it. I don’t know if i have a least favorite song on the album, all the songs on this album are really good if I’m being honest. If I had to pick a few favorites I’d say they would be Exit Music (For A Film) and Paranoid Android, I like these songs because they feel like they’ve got a lot of story to them just shown through the instrumentals and everything. Also fun fact! I know the bass part to Paranoid Android, it’s still difficult at some parts for me to play but I still love it.  Kid A (2000) - Okay ngl I still haven’t given this one a good listen just yet. I’ve listened to the thing in full maybe once or twice but I don’t remember it well. I have listened to the songs Everything In Its Right Place and How to Disappear Completely quite a few times tho and these songs are amazing. From what I’ve heard from this album/remember from it it seems like a pretty logical next step sound wise from the last album going into the next one. It’s not completely different from OK Computer but it’s definitely it’s own unique thing. The songs on this album are a bit more depressing and more of them seem to be slower and more experimental. You also see a stronger ambient element enter Radiohead’s music here. Amnesiac (2001) - DREAD!! DEVESTATION!!!! This album is really good, I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite album but by god it is a good fuckin album. I’ve listened to this one in full quite a few times in full but it’s been a while since I’ve done that (I’ve just been listening to a song or two from it every so often) because when I first gave this album a full listen I was at a pretty low place. This album has the strongest ambient element Radiohead’s music has had so far, the sound is slower, darker, and heavier. It feels like you’re sitting in the cold rain just soaking wet and not moving at all. The songs are even more depressing too tbh. Once again I don’t have a least favorite song on this album, at least not one that I can remember. My favorite songs would probably be Knives Out, I Might Be Wrong, and You And Whose Army? Top 10 bangers to listen to while absolutely falling apart imo 10/10
Hail To the Thief (2003) - This album is also really good, I actually own this one on vinyl. This album sees that distorted rock element come back a little but this album does have some of the ambient vibe to it as well. It feels a bit more experimental and emotions wise it feels angrier than other albums, not in a punk rock kind of way but just in feeling. I think this album starts to have some crazier rhythms, I’m not sure how to describe it. It feels more advanced than some of their previous music. Some of the songs on this album I’m not the biggest fan of but they’re still good songs it’s just some of the other songs on this album really outshine some others. My favorites from this album are 2 + 2 = 5, Backdrifts, There, There, and Myxomatosis. If I’m being honest while I do like this album a lot I don’t have too many strong feelings about it.
In Rainbows (2007) - OH MY GOD!!! THIS ALBUM!! OH MY GOD!! I love it so much it’s so beautiful. It really encompasses everything I love about Radiohead it’s almost hard to describe. The rhythms are hypnotic, the lyrics are great, the vocals are stellar, the instrumentals- just oh my god I love it to death. I own this one of vinyl and it puts me in a trance whenever I listen to it. There are different emotions in each song on this album but it never falters. It reminds me of something my dad said once where we were listening to a song and he said “just ride the wave” - this is that type of music, the kind of music where you just sit back and ride the wave. I love every single song on this album but Weird Fishes/Arpeggi and Jigsaw Falling Into Place are my top picks for this album. I’ve been working on learning the bass part to Jigsaw Falling Into Place and while I’m not musically literate enough to express exactly what’s happening in this song because I’m not a fucking nerd but I can say that playing this song is like riding the wave, it’s not exact or repetitive but it moves and flows perfectly with the song. Learning music like this as a bassist has taught me to think differently about my own playing. It’s hard for me to pick a favorite Radiohead album for many reasons but if you put a gun to my head and made me choose one I’d say this one is it. 
A Moon Shaped Pool (2016) - There’s a big time skip here because I haven’t listened to The King of Limbs which came out in 2011 but the sound of this album is definitely something that seems like a more evolved version of what Radiohead did on In Rainbows. Holy shit though, this album. THIS ALBUM. This album fucking knocks it out of the park it’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever listened to. A lot of people like to say this is Radiohead’s most depressing album, they’re wrong, I can’t speak to albums I haven’t listened to but I can say that Amnesiac is much more depressing than this album. I would call this Radiohead’s saddest album, it has that feeling to it but it’s not draining to listen to in the way that depressing music can be. While the album is sad it also brings me a feeling of peace when I listen to it (though this could be in part because of the associations I have with this album from the first time I listened to it). While In Rainbows is like riding the wave I’d say this album is like floating in dark water, its got that sense of flow while being more gentle about it. The first song on the album, Burn the Witch, doesn’t seem to fit in perfectly with the rest of the music but it’s not a completely jarring difference from the rest of the songs either so I don’t see it as any sort of hindrance on the quality of the album. Once again I love every song on this album, they’re all beautiful and ethereal, but my top picks would have to be Decks Dark and Present Tense. One of my most favorite things about this album is how every song seems to flow into the next, it really is the sort of album that’s meant to be listened to in order and as an entire piece of art. I really appreciate albums that do that sort of thing.
Alright those are my Radiohead thoughts for the time being. I haven’t listened to In Rainbows (Disk 2) or The King of Limbs in full, I haven’t really listened to Kid A much either but I figured it was important to mention anyway bc people talk about that one so much. I also didn’t mention any singles or EPs just bc I haven’t listened to all of them and didn’t feel like talking abt the ones I have listened to. 
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kyareureuk · 6 years
omg my memory has faded so much already but im finally gonna get this out of my drafts and maybe. make a new post or add to this if i think of anything else. also i’m sure a lot of this is gonna be out of order sorry ;;
they started with 24/7=heaven and followed up with i like it pt 2
during i like it pt 2 when namjoon uses jimin as a telephone jimin shouted “MOSHI MOSHI” so loudly akjgflhjgf
bts was saying that a special guest had come to the fanmeeting that day and they were like “where? look around..... can u spot them....?” and everyone in the crowd was like peering around and then bts was like “the special guest is you, army!! hahahahaha”
hoseok started introducing himself and then pointed the mic at the crowd to finish with “hoooooope!” taehyung did the same he introduced himself as taetae and pointed the mic at us to say it back
jimin had like three rounds of cheers before he even got his introduction out bc he kept halting every time he was about to speak
jin began his introduction w his patented soulful stare and then gave a big flying kiss but jungkook stuck his hand in front of jin’s hand and threw the kiss out to the audience as well so jin turned to him after and was like “what was that? what do you think you’re doing??” jhfgjf
yoongi was sitting between tae and jin and when it was his turn to introduce they like helped him take out his in-ear monitor so the crowd could cheer for him
when the host was speaking during the introduction tae kept playfully hitting his arm in an “oh, stop it” way and then would switch cutely gesturing for him to continue
when they were introducing the memory clouds they started reenacting haikyuu (i heard they did naruto the first day?) mostly with taehyung, jimin, jungkook, jin and they made some references/may have said lines from it but i haven’t watched so i can;t say for sure akjfgh
ironically i’ve forgotten a lot of the memory cloud stuff akdhjfgjkfgh they teased jimin abt if he was gonna get jungkook the mansion he asked for for graduation and also they showed a vlive of namjoon’s where he was using cute filters and he looked like resigned but still a little embarrassed that it was being shown fkjghg
they talked abt whether jimin had grown taller and he claimed he had so they got jimin and yoongi to compare heights, at first jimin stood on his tip toes so on the screen he did look much taller but namjoon pushed him down and made him stand properly. they were p much the same height but honestly jimin was trying so hard whereas yoongi looked like he wasn’t really putting his all into standing 100% straight
at one point when the host asked jungkook was like “i’m more grown up than the oldest so i take care of him often” and namjoon chimed in like “jin’s a child” and jin was like “a CHiLd?????? i just act that way to be on same level as you guys!!”
i forget how they started talking abt it but the host was asking tae abt john legend and tae said that in his mind they had the kind of r/s where they could go out to eat like. burgers or smth I CANT REMEMBER but then he started singing all of me and he stood up to turn to jungkook so they could do a duet and jk harmonized so well... and the others were all like “yahhhhhh!!” afterwards
they divided up into groups based on how far they could jump..... yoongi didn’t even try he did a hop backwards. during jin’s turn jimin jokingly did an imitation of him doing a jump in place and jin seemed to be like w/e and did a small jump forward. jimin did like the longest jump and was SUPER self satisfied
their teams for who would get the costume punishment were hyung vs maknae line and maknae won with the photo of grubby jungkook in hawaii ajhfg i was cheering for hyung line a) i love them b) yoongi shouted the loudest “せーの!” to get us to cheer and i didn’t want to let him down. but their costumes were funny so
they kept joking abt namjoon’s costume because even though there’s a bigger difference w english pronunciation lemon in japanese sounds very close to rapmon in korean. also they called yoongi “suga(r ) candy”
jungkook took a bite out of namjoon’s lemon costume and made a face like he was tasting smth sour and later when he walked jin down the walkway he pretended to take a bite out of him as well
jimin walked hoseok down the walkway near my seat first while singing happy birthday to army and tried to blow out the costume’s candle, then tae and namjoon walked down it like they were models on a runway and at the end tae pretended to chop namjoon up
jimin then walked yoongi down the other side and since his candy cane costume had a green bow he was like “isn’t this like christmas” and started singing last christmas to him, then he told him to hurry up and yoongi started strutting and when they got to the end jimin went around to his other side to take a bite out of the candy cane
hobi kept doing silly dances in his cake costume and they did baepsae he did the dance break wearing it
during good day jin and hoseok started serenading each other and the others kind of gathered around, tae got up in jin’s face and jk was holding onto his shoulder while namjoon slung an arm around hobi and then jimin and yoongi kind of just watched on w amusement lol, then they all turned and gave hearts to the crowd
otsukare song was like a huge party i genuinely thought i would cry if they sung it but it was just way too fun also i dont even remember paying attention to them during it i was just singing as loud as i could. edit: also i was trying so hard to catch a star i was looking up like the whole time!!! i wanted one so badly but none came close enough ;;
there was an interactive rhythm game where the members were assigned an emotion with a gesture/yell to go with it, the teams were jin (love) tae/yoongi (scary) namjoon/hobi (surprise) jimin/jk (fun) and their team’s yell was nochu! at one point they tried to mix it up and say chimchim! instead but jimin was like haha nah .
they each went to a walkway and the 94z team stood on the one nearest to my seat, then the danger and bs&t mvs played on the screens and when the symbols for the emotions passed everyone’s army bombs changed to match the colors and we had to do the gesture/yell. i think hobi got bored and started dancing up on namjoon during bs&t at one point and namjoon was just like I’m Used To It.
there was also an interactive rock paper scissors game! the section of the audience that i was in didn’t win though i lost almost every round lol. the pre-recorded turns for the members looked like they were filmed on the same day as run eps 49-50 because the outfits were the same
mic drop dance break!!!!!!!!!! super cool. not much else to say.
during tae’s line right before the bridge in dna jin hooked an arm over his shoulder so he couldn’t sit and then for the bridge pretended to whisper into tae’s ear while singing his line and tae pretend-whispered his line back. when jimin popped up he gave a little finger heart
their individual filters for go go were so cute... i think jin and yoongi got switched up in line but regardless yoongi was very coy and cute during his time up the crowd really went wild for him
sakaguchi kentaro came!!!!!! the real special guest. the members were talking about signal and mentioned he came and they shone a spotlight on him and he waved, then jimin pulled at his throat a bit to get ready to sing and hobi “helped” by like chopping him in the windpipe ajfhg and then jimin started going down the walkway towards where his seat was basically serenading him with don’t leave me and the others followed up, jimin asked to call him hyung and hoseok like asked for his number in front of a stadium full of ppl akhfghfg get it hobi.......
omg i literally like. i know there are so many things im forgetting but i waited too long to finish writing this ...... bts fried my brain it truly was an otherworldly experience im lucky that i remember any of it at all
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