#i have sleep hallucinations right
acianoh · 1 year
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Be careful what you ask your God for.
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heartshattering · 5 months
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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canibalistic-brownie · 2 months
#I think I’m genuinely going crazy#not sure if it’s like a menstrual thing#or the sleeping 4 hours a night for several weeks in a row#but regardless I feel so Ass it’s gross#I went to sleep in my RV and woke up in my car#I don’t think I drove it but like???? idk#between that and the hallucinations I feel so absolutely fucking dead#I’m so tired and I’m doing my best to be what I need to be but it literally took me hearing g*nsh*ts and screaming that wasn’t happening#and then sobbing for my girlfriend to see I wasn’t doing well#and like now THREE different people have told me to smoke#which is crazy because last semester everyone was mad at me for being a stoner#and now one of the people that was mad about that is telling me to fucking do it anyways.#but I’ve been sober for two months and I’m so mad because how dare you shame me into quitting and then turn around and tell me to turn to#it when shit hits the fan???#like I was in this position when I was a stoner and you blamed me calling me an addict which#I WASNT#And now you’re like “you should turn to drugs!’’#like tell me how the fuck that makes any sense#I’m so tired#I’m so fucking tires#for the past like six mornings I’ve woken up and prayed#I’m not religious#but I keep praying for fucking anything to go right#I just need one happy moment#I’m genuinely so fucking sad and mad and tired#idk how to even properly express my emotions#I’m crying in a truck stop bathroom#that’s how I’ll sum it up#idk if you made it to the end sowwy my metaw heawth is the the shittew uwu#I don’t have anywhere else to put this so 🤷🏻‍♂️ it’s just me talking to the void
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kiki-strike · 9 months
PTSD is so stupid saw a jar of biscoff cookie butter at the store and went ha that’s the brand they had in res. (Completely unaffected). Then went home and had a panic attack about it (????)
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ropes3amthoughts · 26 days
I feel like I’m going crazy. I swear I can hear Hot To Go in the distance, but every time I try to get closer to the music it disappears entirely. Then whenever I lay back down I can hear it in the distance again. I am fairly confident I’m experiencing some sort of auditory hallucination?
Ok when I was typing this my siblings barged into my room and their loud noises completely overpowered the imaginary Hot To Go in the distance and I’m pretty sure it’s gone for good now. That was so weird though. Do I just have to combat imaginary sounds with real sounds in order for them to go away? What are you even supposed to do about imaginary music? Like it wasn’t stuck in my head I swear I could hear it in the distance but it just wasn’t real. Man this is weird.
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dammarchy211 · 1 year
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In this post is mainly about sleep and i thought it implied that dexter gets nightmares.
So does dexter have nightmares? If so how does he deal with them?
Yeah! Fun fact about Dex, he has narcolepsy, which involves too much REM sleep (the part of sleep where you are dreaming), as well as frequent hypnogogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis. This doesn’t necessarily mean nightmares or scary stuff, but for Dexter is usually does. That’s also part of how Raz would enter his mind the first time, Dex has such an overactive mind while he’s sleeping, that Raz would accidentally drift into his mind while their both asleep. This also manifests as a lot of Literal nightmare entities in his mind.
As for dealing with them, for a long time he doesn’t. He’ll wake up from a particularly bad dream and not go back to sleep out of fear or protest or whatever. Or not want to lie down again if it’s sleep paralysis or hypnogogic hallucinations. Not super frequently, but sometimes if it’s really bad or he gets overly paranoid he’ll wake Batty up, or sometimes even less he’ll get Wanda (or Ant). Most times Dex kinda just survives off of the principle if he wakes himself up enough and THEN go back to bed, he’ll dream about something different, which usually works.
I like the idea that there are some sleep hypnosis psychics or something that could combat the overactive REM sleep, THEN Dex could get a nice night’s sleep with less nightmares, but he doesn’t know anyone who can do that jfhjrgj. Cheri definitely could, but they’re never rlly close enough for that to happen, HOWEVER Raz IS her student so……
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voiceshearingyouloud · 6 months
I can’t sleep because I’m hallucinating which has to be the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals because then I start getting more psychotic because of lack of sleep. It’s also fucking stupid because I’m always like oh am I hallucinating? And then I record it so I can check but now I’ve started hallucinating the recording which like ahhhhh fuck me. And turns out I actually was hallucinating which I should’ve known and just ignored but no, now I’m all annoyed and freaked out about it. I wish I could have a brain that can just tell what’s real and what’s not. I feel like that’s kind of the bare minimum for a brain, let’s be real.
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fitzselfships · 1 year
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okay idk if I'll post this or if it will stay in my drafts but I am super emotional and thinking about Stretchy so this might be long lol
I'm thinking so much about how Stretchy has been such a major comfort character for me for a year now. He genuinely means the entire world to me and he's really helping me to cope with everything that's wrong with me <:]
Last year was rough for me. I just like. suddenly had a bunch of health issues hit me, and then this year was all of a sudden dealing with what I thought was schizoaffective disorder, but only recently found out it's psychosis and severe ptsd. Idk why my brain latched onto Stretchy (or Little Robots in general) but I'm not complaining
Sometimes I wonder if Stretchy even realizes just how much he's done for me this year and last year. I know he's just a fictional character and it's probably silly to get this emotional over him, but he genuinely has helped me through so much. I really do wonder sometimes how he would even react if he knew how much he means to me
@ Stretchy ily so much!!!! /p
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chronic-creation · 5 months
I would take a prazosin to help me sleep better and not have nightmares and so much anxiety but it makes me so drowsy throughout the day and makes my pots really bad so i dont want to. Its also too late to take a trazadone to force myself to sleep because it makes me sleep a full 8-9 hours. I dont want to sleep till 12 in the afternoon. I have shit to do. But its 4 am and my brain is racing and im in pain
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subdee · 2 years
Subdue! How are y'all doing?
Good... except tumblr for some reason didn't show me this ask until three days later... aha.
I'm chugging along with the new parent life - the baby will be 100 days old next week - all the cliches about the difficulty of parenting are true but they don't capture the details.
Like how I was so sleep deprived for the first couple months that I would HALLUCINATE the baby in bed next to me, and even when I knew - I KNEW! - that he was in his bassinet next to the bed, while half-asleep I would still touch the pillow or a lump in the covers and it would FEEL like the baby and I would SEE him there. Even though I knew he was not there. That was trippy!
Or how some babies, like mine, have what's called a "shalow latch" which in laymen's terms mean HE CHOMP on the nipple.
(But he's learned how to breastfeed without doing that by now... and it only took two and a half months >_> so now I get to enjoy feeding time with him for another, like, two weeks, before I head back to work LOLOLOL and in the meantime I thought I would try using the breast pump to get used to it and got a painful fungal infection, one of many things new moms all know about but that they don't tell you about so as not to discourage you from ever having kids or breastfeeding them.)
Or how you'll read all this stuff online about awake windows or sleep routines and how important it is to not do ANY of the easy things to help the baby fall asleep, like putting him in the swing or car seat or feeding him to sleep. And how you're supposed to put him in the crib "drowsy, but awake" so he'll learn how to fall asleep on his own but it's actually impossible because your particular baby spits up half his food after meals if you don't hold him upright 20-30mins but during that time he just falls asleep on your shoulder.
And on and on, but actually we are already out of the newborn stage and through most of these challenges (for now knock on wood). Now we're in the infant stage which is a lot more fun.
I'm putting all this TMI stuff here because you asked, but the truth is I'm really enjoying my time with Baby, especially lately. I know all new parents probably think this but MY baby is an actual genius, he's always looking around at everything, and he's already rolling and trying to sit up. He's gotten better at keeping his food down, better at recognizing when he's hungry or tired or gassy or bored, and better at communicating what he wants with his hands. Every day he does something new that he couldn't do before! Plus now that I can like, actually leave the house with the baby my mental health has improved a lot -_-b We've been going to the library and we're doing swim classes next week!
Plus he is super cute, this is not my bias speaking, it is true objective Fact.
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I am. Not dead. BUT will be gone for a like a day or few because the stuff at work did not! want! to! work!
Which I'd another way of saying that I finally was able to get free after working 34 consecutive hours in a row. The day prior I got 1 hour of sleep and that is all after 5 days of 10 or 11 hour work days.
I am so sleepy. I am taking tomorrow off and probably going to sleep right through it. Anywho cheers everyone!! I am going to go to the shadow realm now @:P
#syncrovoid.txt#delete later#maybe??#the one coworjer that has been helping as best he can is now calling me a cyborg haha! it is funny#but strange because before i was officially hired the supervisor (lead programmer) said i was#i was like a robot and if i had been perfect there'd be no difference#<- this was his notes when i finished my (payless) practicum there that lead to me being hired before graduating#ironically the new guy (hes been around half a year lol) was one of the only other people that graduated from my course#none of us ever met but it is cool!! and he did a lot to help out over this week of nonstop work#<- okay i KNOW someone will say “hey. you know you could have stopped right?”#but consider. i have very bad body awareness so i dont notice much impact from sleep deprivation and also i would feel so guilty @:(#and also consider!! i have either earned a hefty paycheck of the redt of the week off so like. capitalism yay?????#<- i do not support capitalism#ALSO sleep deprivation is SOOO silly because i get hyper! i feel like i get more and more energy and my brain doesnt stop thinking!#i have had a grand total of 3 hours of sleep in the past uhhh 4 days??#it is so silly!! but probably not good for me#but i CAN confirm to you that when websites say it takes 3 days of no sleep to start hallucinating they are exaggerating#it takes at least 5 or a week with only 1 or 2 hours sleep#even then it is so minor.#weirdest sleep deprivation hallucinations ive had was where every second time i blinked the world was overlayed with a different one#it has happened twice and it is literally and without exageration the STRANGEST feeling in the world. in the universe even#it is like you are flickering btween two realms that occupy the same physical space but from two different theoretical spaces#if that makes sense??#the first time it happened it was at a huge school sleep over and every few moments the gym full of sleeping bags and other peeps#would transform into all the chill monsters just living their life. like monsters in terms of not looking human nor like any earthly creatur#but not mentally monsters. it was like a towns square sort of thing? so they were rushing about and coming in and out the doors#second time it happened i was like 14 and in the back of an overstuffed car with a friend and their mom and we were in the middle of nowhere#forest for hours and hours longer still. slept on the side of the road lol. but it was like very so often huge huge giants would step over#the trees. all you could see was the somewhat woody-scaly texture of these massive massive poles or legs or whatever#slowly moving over the forest and walking around. looking up into the sky they just faded away too tall to see
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alalumin · 8 months
I need to stand in the middle of the forest and scream
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caorl · 8 months
posting in ehre bc my friends are prob tired of me yapping about this on tt but i cant wait to get a neurologist appointment and got exams done bc im sure i have narcolepsy and have been for a couple years now yet im so so afraid of going bc what if i do have it. and worse. what if i dont have it and all my struggles actually have no explanation other than me being lazy and weak lmao i cant stop thinking about it im so anxious over this
#this is the year we get diagnosis DONE#but fr im so much more interedted in getting this sleep shit checked out#than i am on confirmingg my autism#bc at this point like. theres no way im not on thr spectrum lmao#like if my autism avaliation comes out negative it will be shocking to me#but i'll live ive spent 20 years thinking im just a freaky creature before i found out it could be autism so it eont weight as much ig#but the narcolepsy slash hypersomnia shit..that fucking bothers me.sm#it explains everything ive been having since i was about 13 lmao the peak was the last years of high school#and then living alone in college and getting sleep apralysis every day i got to the point i wouldnt even br frightned anymore#i still have it about like ojce every two weeks now but nowadays what bothers me most#is feeling my muscles go numb when im walking home from college bc i want to sleep#and having hallucinations when im waking up or falling asleep although im also used to these so they dont scare me bc i know im hallucinatin#yk..#but yea the sleeping all day everyday fucking sucks#even when im having fun lol there are couple of videos of me playing the guitar for fun and just sleeping in the kiddle of it#also . when i got put on wellbutrin i had multippe convulsions#that tookme to the er and i dont remember a thing from that week so idk if it made some damage#bc they didnt make any exams at the hospital#they literally said i had overdose although i took the right dose#then injected some muscle relaxant w me#that made me convulse and go unconscious again#and then got me stable and sent me home like Yeah that happened idk just sleep it off#and i have migraines since i was 12 so liek#i hope the neurologist i get sent to takes me.serious#i feel like there is something going on yk#anywayssss#personal#narcolepsy#idk if theres a commujity here on the tags but lmk i feel all alone on this
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isa-ah · 2 years
been having some creepy stuff happen lately and who knows if it's paranormal or PTSD related ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
#while i was showering a few weeks back i glanced up and saw someones head peeking over the curtain like 7ft up#no face just hair. long and tawny#that night when we laid down to sleep we said our goodnights and a moment later i heard from the head of the bed#'i love you.'#but it sounded way yoo feminine and young yo be my husband so i asked what he just said and he was like ??? literally nothing#he didnt hear it at all even though it was perfectly audible to me#a few nights ago i woke up paralyzed by the absolute self assured KNOWLEDGE that a girl was standing in our bathroom doorway#except her feet were on the ceiling instead of the floor#i was 100% too scared to look bc out of a dead sleep i was so so so sure#i pushed my face into my husbands back and staid there bc i was ckncinced if i rolled back her hair would tickle my face#which yeah ok ive gotten paranoid delusions and hallucinations before bc my ptsd is. severe lol#but not like this really#this morning my dream was interrupted much how it is when an alarm starts going off and you hear it in your dream#its dismebodied and you can consciously recognize it was real life without necessarily realizing youre dreaming#i had that except whispering? moving around our bedroom coming towards me#and the more i focused on it the more i could hear the cricket ambience i was playing irl while we slept#and i had the thought thats weird. whos walking around my room whispering?#til it happened pressed right up against my ear and i JUMPED out of my skin instantly wide awake in bed#i have no clue if its real!!!! but man. what the fuck lol
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discovering that it is, in fact, possible to feel like you’re about to fall over when you’re already laying down.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I really got home and then redecorated for like 6 hours straight. I haven't slept in 25 hours basically 😐 and the last time I slept it was like, less than 5. This is how I adjust to the timezone change LMAO
But hey at least my F1 shrine is now more complete :D I now just need to frame the poster of Nando I got at the gp, but I have no idea where to put it. I love when I have an obsession, and then I always put the "shrine" precariously balanced on the tiny shelf on my desk. So that every time I have to find something, I risk knocking everything down
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