#i forgot what tag i used for my lame text posts
calhaspam · 5 months
ok i guess ill start chatting up in here again
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Out of the Bag (Jamil, Ace, and Idia x Yuu)
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"Oh can I help you? You seem to be lost." You attempt to cheerfully ask the vaguely familiar looking person in front of you. As if he is deliberately trying to rub salt in your wounds, Crowley ignored your request to leave campus for NRC parents day and is instead making you and Grim run errands. The person in front of you, blissfully ignorant to your inner turmoil perks up at your attention.
"Forgive me for asking, but are you the magicless prefect?" You and Grim exchange a confused glance. "You've got to be right?" They're practically glowing with how happy they are to see you. " Oh I'm sorry, I've just heard so much about you!" Wait, what?
notes: (so uhhhh Jamil and Ace were supposed to be a part of the original post but I cut them out because I had to go to bed but forgot to remove the tags, sorry </3) they/them pronouns used for Yuu, sibling snark (Jamil and Ace) vs light angst (the Shroud parents), light reference to certain events in Ch. 6, but nothing specific. If you liked this please check out the first version on my masterlist.
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"Oh yeah, you're Najma, right?" The younger girl looks pleasantly surprised you have remembered her from your visit to the Scalding Sands.
"Well that makes this a lot easier, do you know where Jamil is?" You internally cheer at how polite she is, some of the other families you have been dealing with today have really been testing your patience. "I've been looking everywhere for him, but couldn't seem to find a good opportunity to sneak up on him." Or maybe not, that doesn't sound like she hasn't seen him at all, why is she asking you?
"According to my schedule he's probably in the gym for the club activities program." You confirm with your clipboard and Najma sighs.
"Lame, he's gonna be all sweaty and gross." She checks her phone as you sneak a glance at Grim trying to figure out how much longer you have before you need to find something shiny to distract him. "Actually maybe I can just ask you." You turn your attention back to Najma who seems to be tapping her cheek with her phone and sizing you up. "Is there anywhere to get snacks on campus?"
"Now you're talkin!" Cheers Grim, bringing a really bright smile to Najma's face and a tentative one to yours. "Mr. S's Mystery Shop's got all the tuna you can ask for!"
"And other things to." You helpfully add and Najma happily begins to follow.
"So what do you like to do?" she asks almost ten seconds into your walk. "Like what fun stuff is there to do around campus?"
"Shouldn't you be asking your brother?" You ask, thankful Grim is too caught up in his tuna thoughts to make any snarky comments.
"About you?" Najma laughs and you feel a bit silly. "Nah he hates being honest about things like that."
"Well I don't have much free time..." but you manage to list off some things that you like as Najma nods, still tapping her phone on her chin for some reason.
"What about food?" she stops fiddling with her phone and just goes straight to texting on it as the Mystery Shop comes into view. "I know Jamil's food looks boring but it tastes super good."
"It sure does." Grim says, well more like whines. "He only ever gives it to Yuu and gets mad when I eat it though."
"That's because he asked for my opinion, not yours." It's a petty thing to say, but hey Jamil's a good cook. Najma seems to agree, giggling before you both jump ten feet backwards as a strangely shaped blur nearly knocks you over.
"NAJMA!" Jamil is indeed, sweaty and gross looking, his basketball jersey is practically drenched through, almost like he ran the entire way to here from the gymnasium. He's doubled over, hands on his knees as you fumble around looking for the water bottle Crewel made you bring with you earlier which he gratefully takes.
"Oh hey what are you doing here Jamil?" You don't know Najma super well, but she almost sounds disappointed to see her brother. "Prefect said you were at the gym."
"Don't start." Jamil passes you back the empty water bottle, hesitating just a bit before he lets you take it. "She didn't do anything weird, right? Hasn't said anything strange?" You blink in confusion.
"No? She's just been asking a bunch of questions about stuff. Jamil relaxes, letting you take the bottle with a genuine smile-
And gets cut off by a shutter sound effect making you both turn towards Najma, who doesn't bother looking up from her phone camera.
"Whoops thought I turned that off."
"Well, well, well, just what should I do with you?"  The ginger stranger is stroking his chin with an all too familiar look that puts you on edge, not because you think he is going to try anything illegal (yet) but because you can practically see the collar on this guy already.  There really is no beating around the bush about who this guy is, even if you really wished you had some plausible deniability.   "I could tell you about that time I told him if he kissed a frog it would turn into royalty and he actually did it-"  Too much information he technically just did.  "Or what about that time he only wanted to eat carrots so I freaked him out by saying he was turning into one because his hair was orange-"  So is yours big brother Trappola!  And where the hell is Grim he is supposed to be suffering through this with you.  "Nah those are too boring- oh I got it!"  Before you can break out in a dash for the mirror chamber, big brother Trappola claps an unintentionally (you hope) firm hand on your shoulder.  "Listen to this- wait I didn't introduce myself I-"
"Ace's brother."  He seems genuinely taken aback.  "He talks about you all the time." 
"Oh does he?"  Maybe you shouldn't have mentioned that, little Trappola's ego was insufferable already, older Trappola's has got to be worse right.  It's so obvious you can't even bring yourself to put the question mark on it.
"Funny you mention that, from my end it seems like all he ever talks about is Yuu."  He makes a big show of looking you over.  "Always talking about what a pain it is to look after you, but he never does stop."  He maneuvers himself to look directly into your eyes.  “You must be pretty special then, right?”
“Didn’t you used to go here?”  You ask, crossing your arms and fixing your best “not today Trappola” look onto your face.
“Sure did!  Also got put into Heartslabyul, must run in the family, we’re all a bit mad.”  Older Trappola breaks eye contact for just a second, something dancing on the tip of his tongue you have no desire to entertain at all.  You just want to ditch this overgrown root veg on his brother and then take a nap.
“So then, just to be clear, you don’t need me to show you around.”  You fumble around your clipboard looking for a map anyway.
“Oh no I absolutely need you to do that.”  You like it when Ace plays dumb better, at least it’s cute.  “Would be a really bad thing if you just left me all alone and I went somewhere I wasn’t supposed to.”  He stands up straight, looking off into the distance behind you with a dramatic sigh.  “Somewhere like Ramshackle Dorm maybe?  I hear that’s one of Ace’s-”
 A surprisingly strong pair of arms wraps you into an embrace from behind.
“Back off.” snaps Ace, a lot harsher than either of you have heard before “This one’s mine.”
"Dear! Dear! Come look it's the prefect!" A very excited very pink woman in a sundress and comically oversized sunglasses beckons to a very tall, very out place looking man who is... also wearing comically oversized sunglasses.
"The who?" he sheepishly walks over to his wife and gives you a little wave, clearly out of place but trying his best.
"The prefect! Ortho and Idia's friend." The realization seems to hit both you and Mr. Shroud at the same time, causing you both to retreat just a bit. You because you feel desperately dumb for not noticing the flaming hair and him because-
Well you hope it's because of the whole house thing but who knows.
"Oh sorry. Um we're Mr. and Mrs. Shroud but you probably already guessed that it's really nice to meet you." You awkwardly shake hands while Grim hides behind your legs.
"Do you have any plans for today?" Asks Mrs. Shroud. "I'd hate to interrupt things too much."
"Oh no that's not really an issue for me." You look down at Grim for half a second before adding. "For us."
"I'm sorry to hear that." whispers Mr. Shroud, gently taking his wife's hand and you stand around in silence for a little bit, trying to figure out how to walk the conversation from the ledge it's found itself on.
"Um if there isn't anything you need help with-"
"Idia speaks really highly of you." Mrs. Shroud says gently, and you have to keep yourself from fainting from shock. Idia speaking highly of- no forget that. Idia talks to his parents? And you were the conversation topic? If she had said it was Ortho that would make sense but Idia? "I know he can be a bit blunt, but he treasures your friendship. And as his mother, I am very grateful he has someone as kind as you in his life."
"We both are." whispers Mr. Shroud. "If you need help while you are here please don't hesitate to ask us." And with that they leave you and Grim
[Fullmetal] hey ortho said u ran into our parents irl
[Fullmetal] srry that had to be awkward
[yuu] it's cool
[yuu] I mean they spooked Grim but they were nice lol
[Fullmetal] ...so do you think that he'd be cool to come over so I can like
[Fullmetal] apologize
[Fullmetal] u know for the stress
[yuu] and not for talking about me behind my back ( ̄ε ̄)
[read at 6:57 pm]
[Fullmetal is typing... ... ...] [... ... ...] [... ... ...]
"I don't need to apologize if I said nice things... right?"
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rainmustfallts4 · 2 days
Rain Must Fall (Reaper’s Rewards Special) ◇ #001
⊶⊰Information & Index⊱⊷⊶⊰Ep. 1⊱⊷⊶⊰Chronological Tag⊱⊷
Reaper's Rewards Special: ⊶⊰Latest⊱⊷ ⊶⊰From the Beginning⊱⊷ ⊶⊰All Reaper's Rewards Posts⊱⊷
Nobody panic, it’s finally here!!
Okay so I stayed up until nearly 9am waiting for the event to start – if my calculation was correct, which it should be since I used a website and not my own brain, it should have started at 7. I wanted to stay up longer but I was soooo tired.
BUT! It was here when I woke up c:
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This is what popped up as soon as I loaded into my save. Of course I had to use my Super Sim! If his memory is really getting that bad… can I just say we’re married even though we’re not? >.>
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The tasks for week 1! There’s two different ones, which I didn’t realize at first haha
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Here are the first three tasks we need to complete. She already has a bit of gardening under her belt so this should be easy peasy.
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I planted three of each c:
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And by doing so, I unlocked my first two rewards! The first one is a book which, lame~ I don’t think I can use it because my level is too high in gardening. But I want to collect all the books anyway so I don’t have to buy it later.
The freezer boney, though? SO COOL! I adore it ❤
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Look at how cute it is ;_;)
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Next, we had to research a plant – which my dumbass forgot to screenshot the task of c: I already had a snapdragon growing so I went ahead and researched that.
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Oooo this looks fancy 😮
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I really like the black variant, it’s so cool!
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Next, we had to read the newsletter from the Ambrosia Society. I’ve seen a few people have an issue with this but, thankfully, I was bug free for this event (subtle flex who.)
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She’s far too happy to have earned a cookbook lmao
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There’s a new option to research Ambrosia so we headed over to the computer. She had this thought bubble a few times during this and it was SOOO cute so I had to add it c:
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Now, I spent too much time on this but I regret nothing.
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Here’s a closer version if you have trouble reading small text like me c:
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And here is the actual popup. They don’t mention the price and that’s how they get ya shaking my head.
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averys-happy-space · 2 years
club penguin rambles
there are a LOT of images bc the post is abt cp outfits. but also a ton of text bc i talk way too much. also I POSTED THIS ON THE WRONG ACC. I POSTED IT ON MY THEME TESTING BLOG BY ACCIDENT SO I HAD TO REPOST THIS. its the 11pm brain fog getting to me
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okay so club penguin released a new clothing catalogue for november and here's my hippie fall outfit i came up with. it's designed around the sweater bc i thought the sweater was super cute but there wasn't any other hand item except guitar that really matched with the outfit. and like yes i could have it without the guitar (which i did do to take the 2nd pic) but i wanna equip a hand item!!! which sounds really stupid bc it is stupid but i'm picky and idc. the sweater IS adorable tho like look at it, its got little puffles on it and shit!!!! fucking adorable!!! and the colour is so pretty and nice too :3c i would buy that sweater if it existed irl. also look at the cool ass ghost puffle!!! their name is goober LMAO i dont rmb why i named them that. i think i was thinking like goofy goober but i already have an orange puffle named goofy ah so i guess thats why i just named this ghost puffle goober? genuinely i have no fucking clue. but i'm gonna keep them around cuz they look dope as fuck and also they match my penguins purple skin colour which i think is neat.
other outfits
since i am making a post abt cp outfits i also decided to add my previous outfits (that i have screenshots of) to this post too just to archive them so i can come back in 10 yrs and be like wow 16 yr old me had horrible fashion taste. (i hope tumblr is still around in 10 yrs. i mean, its lasted 15 yrs, so like whats another 10 right?)
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for context:
the first one is one of my earliest outfits which i made with help & advice from moose bc i suck at fashion (thank u moose). i think it looks cool, tho there wasnt like a theme or anything that i was going for. i just liked the hair + jacket and wanted to make an outfit with it lol
the pizza one is from the pizza party event. do not ask me why they had a pizza party event. i have no idea. anyway it was really stupid but fun and i suck at the pizzatron 3000 minigame. i wanted to use a mouse for it but my mom took my mouse when she took my gaming pc so i had to use mac trackpad to play and boy it was Not good. also i gave my puffle jellybean a sombrero which i know is mexican and pizzas are from italy but i didnt know what else to give him!!! plus he looks really stupid cuz the sombrero is massive which i think is cute. oh yea, also i met rookie during the pizza party and i wanted to equip his background but my penguin covers half of rookies body and it didnt look good so i ended up going for this bg instead. its kinda lame but whatever, i still got to meet rookie and thats all that matters <3 (btw, for context, theres lots of npc mascots in the game and every so often they "come online" (its just a bot walking around really) and if u join the same area as them, u get a stamp + bg gift. i met rookie & jetpack guy during the pizza party and got their stamps and gifts but i love rookie more lol, hence why i wanted to use his bg. its too sad it didnt fit nicely bc i think its a p cool bg but oh well)
the bottom two are just variations of each other. basically for the sept or oct catalogue (i forgot which), the cp team added a bunch of punk stuff and i bought all of it bc it actually looked dope as hell. the one on the left came first but i didnt rlly vibe w the hair which is why i ended up changing it. also, the wings are a neck item which is why the first outfit doesn't have the dog tags even tho i wanted them. couldn't have both ): anyway, the second one came about after i got to meet cadence during the music party and i LOVE cadence (i had a massive crush on her when i was younger. like literally shes so pretty?!!) so i got rid of the raven wings so u can see her face in the bg. i can't lie i do think the bg is a bit lame bc its completely empty on the right which makes it feel kinda unbalanced, also u can see i have the cadence signature pin equipped. u can't change the positioning of the pin which sucks bc i would've put it on the right if i could but oh well. and yea i added the dog tags since no more wings. i accidentally clicked jellybean before taking this pic so it sent him home LMAOOO and i couldnt be bothered to get him back at the time so thats why hes missing from the pic. overall i think this outfit is def my favourite, the vibes are just so good. i love punk. oh and also the vampire teeth are bc the catalogue was mainly a halloween theme and well, they looked cool lol
for the record, jellybean is my favourite puffle hence why hes in all these pics. idk why but i just love white puffles, theyre so adorable and smiley despite being shy. also white puffles are slightly smaller than all other puffles which makes them 10x cuter. but i'm gonna keep goober around for a while just cuz they look cool as fuck. but i'll prob switch over back to jellybean when its closer to xmas. anyway its now 1120pm (i spent like half an hour writing this) so im going to sleep. goodnight
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heeracha · 2 years
## buy one, take me. — l. heeseung
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synposis: with his best friend asking him for help because said best friend was scared he wasn't "boyfriend material" enough, heeseung looks for flower shops for his best friend's girlfriend. thankfully, jake knows someone from the university who has an aunt that owns a flower shop, you. now, heeseung messages you and shyly, but shamelessly asks if he can get any promos or discounts to which you shamelessly answered him, "buy one, take me". heeseung doesn't pass on this, of course. after all, you are pretty damn cute.
pairing: heeseung x fem!reader
content/genre: college au, slowburn, fluff, angst and crack, smau.
warning(s): swearing, of course. and as always, i'll put it in every chap if there's something you need to look out for.
note: yes, blod-talicized for slowburn because this is already planned out three years ago (but for another idol) anyway !! i'm excited to share this, my ass had been wanting to post this,,,,,, i already have the ending i just really need to do from part eleven up to,,,, that. so here you go. T_T okay, if i suddenly ghost again FLOOD ME MESSAGES/ASKS/IDC WHAT TO FINISH IT. TAGLIST CLOSE.
tags: r.asks: botm, botm updates, botm thoughts
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sample texts. / playlist.
profiles. / profiles two. / profiles three.
ep 1. — the pilot.
ep 2. — the bf problem.
ep 3. — the help from jake.
ep 4. — the promo.
ep 5. — the benefit of jeongin.
ep 6. — the availing of the promo.
ep 7. — the two introverts.
ep 8. — the era of reporter sunoo.
ep 8.2. — the dog cafe.
ep 9. — the look. what look?
ep 10. — the panicking of heeseung.
ep. 11 — the time heeseung decides to trust y/n.
ep 12. — the real heey/n friendship era.
ep 13. — the star stamp.
ep 14. — the late night in the flower shop.
ep 15. — the biggest cliché.
ep 16. — the text-snapping of y/n.
ep 17. — the weekend of heeseung without y/n.
ep 18. — the two am ride.
ep 19. — the stupidity.
ep 20. — the time y/n blocked heeseung.
ep 21. — the whipped y/n.
ep 22. — the painful sight (according to riki).
ep 23. — the library.
ep 24. — the dog café pt 2.
ep 25. — the frustration of jungwon and sunoo.
ep 26. — the flowers and bambi sticker.
ep 27. — the pretty dense boy texting y/n.
ep 28. — the message from jay.
ep 29. — the look heey/n give.
ep 30. — the pet name.
ep 31. — the switch up.
ep 32. — the no more denial.
ep 33. — the time seungmin called y/n 'sweetie'.
ep 34. — the way y/n sensed it again.
ep 35. — the talk.
ep 36. — the halfway there.
ep 37. — the another lame line.
ep 38. — the time heeseung accidentally kissed y/n.
ep 39. — the drive-in.
ep 40. — the flour and eggs.
ep 41. — the favorite view.
ep 42. — the one time they used their main accs.
ep 43. — the origami flower bouquet.
ep 44. — the stressed gf.
ep 45. — the plane plan.
ep 46. — the time y/n isn't teasing with heeseung.
ep 47. — the time when everything is "fine".
ep 48. — the time heeseung forgot.
ep 49. — the fight.
ep 50. — the graduation.
ep 51. — the flower arrangement on the cashier.
ep 52. — the favorite flower of heeseung.
ep 53. — the fact that heeseung is still jealous.
ep 54. — the supposed three year anniversary of heey/n.
ep 55. — the bubble chat turned blue.
ep 56. — the dumb flowers.
ep 57. — the time y/n finally replied.
ep 58. — the rehearsal dinner.
ep 59. — the flowers weren't dumb after all.
ep 60. — the lifetime promo.
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bonus. — the matching icons.
bonus 2. — the pettiness of flower and seungie.
bonus 3. — the one where heeseung thought y/n's leaving.
bonus 4. — the one with heeseung's doe eyes.
alternative ending. — the one when y/n almost stayed.
marriage discount; p. sunghoon [ fem!reader ]. — after endless of weddings that sunghoon attends to, he's been spending non-stop. so, upon hearing about a discount for married people even if it's just in the dry cleaners, sunghoon tells the employee that the girl, who happens to be you, walked in in the shop is his wife. even if he doesn't know you.
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heeracha, 2022.
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femaleboysblog · 5 years
♥ super(hero) love ♥
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| hwang hyunjin x superhero!reader | sorry for any mistakes! english is not my first language!
part i | part ii (final)
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word count: 3.4k
warnings: tumblr!au, fanfic writer!reader x fan!hyunjin, enemies to lovers, fluff!!!, minor violence cause u know superhero stuff yadda yadda, some cursing here and there, (1) alcohol mention, 
A/N: just rewriting some old stuff :) | gender neutral reader (if you consider dude a gender neutral term lol)
“ Hi y/n! I’m sorry if i’m bothering you, but i just came by to say that i’ve read your last chapter last night and i can’t help but fall in love with your writing, you never disappoint! You’re always so creative when it comes to making stories and putting them into words, it’s almost like you’ve lived them! haha. So i just wanted to ask, where do you get your ideas? What are your inspirations? With love, Genie ;)”
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 Damn it. I stared at the ask i just received for a few long and tortuous minutes, definitely more than it was actually necessary. But hey, don't blame me for that, i mean, how in the hell i'm supposed to answer that? I can’t just go and say "Hi again Genie! Thank you for all the love, i really appreciate it! I get all my inspiration on my day-to-day life as a superhero. You probably have heard about me, i'm that one person with white clothes that shows all the time - if not every single day, in the morning news for saving and helping the city and their beloved citizens. Most people just call me 'the light hero' even though they know the right name for the supervillains, in special, Scarlet Devil - my arch enemy. In case you don't know my superhero name either, i go by Starlight. Kinda lame, i know. But it fits with the backstory of how i got my powers. Since it's a situation i went through, of course i'm going to know all the details in full experience and in first person, even that one where the protagonist rips his pants in the middle of a fight in the street and in front of everyone, only to reveal his red underwear constrasting the rest of the outfit, that is something i will never be able to forget, sadly. Hope i didn't disappoint you!" Let's be real, i could. Kinda.  But i won't be doing that for obvious reasons, i don't want even more people after my back because of this, the police is more than enough.
I sighed, pushing my chair closer to the desk and cracking my fingers so i could write something in return that didn't sound suspicious at all. "Hi Genie," i started, already struggling a little,"I really appreciate asks like this and i'm also happy to know that at least one person likes the lame things i write! :) I get all my inspiration from.." No, stop, stop. I can just go all in like that, i have to be subtle. Normal writers usually get their inspirations in a lot of differents things and ideas, if i say something like that there is a chance that it would come out weird. I think. "I get most of my inspiration in, well, superheros, of course. I read a lot of comics, books and i really like watching movies and animations with any types of heros. :)" Sent. That actually went a little better than expected. "Genie" whoever it was, sent another ask only a seconds after, i clicked on it already starting to feel anxious again. "That's so cool! I suppose you are into superheros in real life too. If so, are you fan of any of them?" Why did they had to send questions that are so hard and complicated to answer like that? The only superhero i know well enough to pretend that i am a fan of is Jeongin, you probably know him by Spark. But he also reads my blog and wouldn't let me live if i ever said i'm his fan, another thing i'm not really found of. Another superhero i'm really close with would be, well me, of course.
"Actually, i do. I'm a big fan of Starlight for some time, what about you?" I answered, my choice of words trying to be as lowkey and casual as possible, putting the right amount of weight in them. This person, whoever they were, seemed to be nosy sometimes like a shy high-schooler wanting to keep the conversation going with someone with that they liked and in a way, that was most likely the situation. They’re the only person who follows my blog for some time that i remember constantly sending me messages and checking up on me but the one thing that was different this time was that the person, my fellow readers, forgot to put the ‘anon’ option on this time, their blog url shined brightly and effortlessly on my computer screen.
This time, Genie took a while to answer, so i took that as a chance to take a look at their blog. Clicking on their url, i started scrolling down their posts. I couldn't help but cringe really hard when i started noticing that most of their posts was reblogs from fyeahscarletdevil and others fansites with cheesy compliments in the tags, they seemed to be a really big fan of the supervillain, my supervillain. The one who puts kittens in really high places where they can't come down anymore, the one who sets fire in close neighbourhoods backyards and gardens to ruin their grass and flowers they worked so hard on, the one who sets dogs out of their leashes suddenly creating an army of dogs or anything that would cause disturbance in the peace of those around him in the world. I want to say i am starting to see red out of anger but in all honesty, that would make me even more pissed. Red is his color, just like white is mine. Unclenching and relaxing my jaw, - bad habit, i know - i hadn’t even noticed Genie had answered. “Oh really? I’m a major fan of Scarlet Devil!” No shit, Sherlock. Duh. “I think he’s a great dude who fits perfectly in the whole ‘model’ supervillain concept! Especially when it comes to Starlight too! They both are made for each other and have a perfect chemistry, they would be nothing without one another like soulmates. I probably sound like a total nerd now, but thats what i think lol wbu? - Genie” They signed in the end, even though it was obvious it was them. Not only did this person ship me with my arch enemy, they were also a big giant nerd and a huge fanboy of the red devil. Rubbing my forehead, i prepared myself to write back a long and sharp reply arguing against everything they said, ready to win and probably lose one of my readers in the process. Or more than one, you never know how many creeps who are his fans are lurking on this website.
Turns out Genie, was a very cute boy called Hwang Hyunjin who lived close by the neighbourhood i lived at, he was tall and acted very shy when he wasn’t talking about things that he liked very much, such as supervillains, dancing and comics. After our argument that day about which one was better - Starlight and the one who shall not be named, we got extremely close to the point i couldn’t go one day without texting him and in some nights we’re one of us couldn’t sleep, we would call the other and talk for hours. Since today, we both had the day free, he suggested that we met in person for the first time and the weather being intensely hot and stuffy right now, we settled in the shopping, going for a walk and eating ice scream while getting to know each other more and maybe even watching a movie together. But if that’s not obvious enough already, i have a major, gigantic, mega, blast, huge, enormous crush on him. From the way he softly laughed when he talked about this new move he learned with his group of friends who danced too, from the way he asked me how my day went and actually listened to me talking about it carefully showing he actually did care, the way he blushed at every compliment i gave him. I could feel my heart beat faster with the thought of seeing his cute moles in person and of even having an opportunity to hold his hands. But, was this a date? Does he even like me back? Would he stop talking to me if he found out i am Starlight? Would he start liking me only because he found out i am Starlight? No, i should worry about all of this later. I took a deep breath in hope to calm myself down, looking at my phone. I’m not going to bring it with me this time, what if Jeongin calls me for an emergency or him being a trickster and ruining the moment? I shook my head. Y/N, you can’t think like that. As much as Nini can be a little shit sometimes, he’s still your baby brother and you need to be there for him when he gets into trouble with your uniform, fists and powers ready to help him. Grabbing my phone, i ran by the door hoping i would be able to get there in time.
I checked my phone. And then, checked again. No calls or texts from spark boy and most importantly, Hyunjin. I sighed in frustration, am i about to be stood up by my crush in our first time meeting in person? Is it bad that i’m getting ice scream before he shows up? Too many questions, calm down, ok? You’re the city’s biggest hero, you got this. - Hyunjin, Jin, Jinn-i said out loud to myself to distract from my anxiousness as i paid the lady for the ice scream but my line of thoughts were interrupted by well, another voice. A soothing voice. - Genie. Did you call me? You have three wishes. - he replied jokingly with a sweet smile in his lips and holding three fingers up. I just stared at him, amazed, not sure of what to do. It was like an angel had just spoke to me. - W-What? - he asked softly, his cheeks getting red out of embarassment. - Nothing, i just...I can’t believe you’re really here... - I trailed off while hugging him tightly. The way he hunched a bit to put his chin on my shoulder making my heart beat faster inside my chest. Get it together, Y/N. - Wait, - he stood back a little, to look at my face properly - You didn’t think i would leave you hanging, did you?    - Well, it wouldn’t be the first time that happened. Nothing personal. - i said, trying to laugh it off. - Then you’ve been going out to dates with the wrong guys. If i couldn’t come, i would’ve called you or still had came here to let you know we can’t spend the day togethe- - D-Date? - i gasped quietly but he was still able to hear, his face getting a tad more redder.  - Ye-yeah, i mean, if yo-you want to, i’m okay with that with thi-this being a date. Yeah.- he shrugged, looking down while visibly embarassed. - Yeah, i want that. It’s a date then! - i added confidently after he nodded, acting like it was no big deal for me. - Is it okay that i got ice scream without you? Sorry, it’s just that it’s so hot today, i couldn’t help myself. We can go back to the line if you want to! - No, it’s okay. Shall we? - he offered his arm which i accepted, his boyish eye smile making it even harder for me to control the butterflies in my stomach. I was falling for his charms, indeed. After a few minutes walking side by side and commenting on the things we saw on the windows of the stores, i decided i should finally take initiative. - So, what did you do today? Besides coming here, of course. - i asked with an interested smile before turning to my ice scream, the cold on my tongue seeming to help me deal with the hot weather better. God, why is it so hot today? What’s going on with the weather? - I slept really late before waking up and coming here, i almost lost track of the time. - he laughed lightly.  - Oh, same. - i replied in a flat tone. Right, cause i totally didn’t take two hours to get ready for Miss ‘I woke up like this’ right here. - Unless for the time part. Did you stay up praticing your moves? - Something physical like that, yeah. - he said, serious. - Did you stay up last night too? - Yeah, actually. - i agreed, regretting instantly. I stayed up all night because Jeongin had trouble sleeping, nightmares which made him cause a blackout in the whole neighbourhood by accident. Me, being the good older sibling, brought him to the energy station of the city and helped him bring all the power back before tucking him into bed and waiting for him to sleep again. If only had it been that easy., tsk tsk. On my way to dragging my sleepy little brother back home, i was met face to face with my arch-enemy straying through the city’s street during the night, his shameless bad-boy persona flirting with me while showing off his dark jacket and threatning to set my shoes on fire making my blood boil again. The reminder that i shot his hand for touching me, leaving a lightburn mark. My brand. - Are you okay? - My date’s voice cut me off. I shook my thoughts away, i already spend too much time thinking about that damned boy who liked setting my life on fire. Sometimes too literally. - Yeah, i just have too much on my mind, i guess. I stayed up most part of the night because my brother couldn’t sleep..I had to hold him until he fell back sleep so he wouldn’t have nightmares. - Oh, i didn’t knew you had a brother! - he looked surprised, rolling his sleeves up while guiding us to sit somewhere more reserved. - He’s not really my brother, he’s like a....consideration brother, if that makes sense. It’s complicated. - In fact, it really isn’t. I really do consider Jeongin my brother, i take care of him at any and all times especially at matters that his parents couldn’t understand, his powers. But i can’t just explain that to any normal person. - I see. I have a brother too, actually. Older. His name is Chan. - he replied brightly. Frostkiller. No. Not every Chan you know is the frosty meanie who happens to be partner with the Scarlet Devil, i’m sure there’s a lot of Chan’s all there, in the world. Far away from here. I smiled back, making him laugh lightly, his eye smile showing up again and making my heart skip beats. He had his chin propped on the palm of his hand, his eyes looking down shyly, his pink lips pressed together in a small smile. - Aren’t you hot? I mean, i feel like i’m melting here even though there’s AC here. I don’t know what’s going on today with the weather. - Oh really? I don’t feel anything, i even thought today was a bit chilly, actually. - What? - i gasped loudly, stretching to touch his forehead with the back of my hand - Are you okay? You aren’t sick, are you? - Don’t. - he stated coldly, closing his hands around my wrist to stop me, his warm fingers digging on my skin. But it was a bit too late, my fingertips touching his forehead already, i flinched taking my hand back, fearing it would burn my skin. - Hyunjin, oh my god! You’re on fire! Aren’t you with fever, shouldn’t we head to a hospita- - No. I’m okay, really. Don’t worry about me, okay? I guess i’m just that hot, pun intended. - he opened a sweet smile, winking - I’m going to buy us something to eat, sit still. - i stared at him, mouth open, still on shock. What does he even mean with ‘i’m okay’? I felt like i just had touched a heated oven or fire. Pure fire. I stared at his back, confused. I have enough experience to know something was definitely up, something not common. My area of expertise. I opened my lips, about to argue back but something caught my eye as i analised his back. Red. I got up from the table, charging at his direction with my fists closed and ready to feed him his own teeth. - What do you want- Oh! - he turned around, his face flushing and his eyes getting a bit bigger because of our proximity. - Give me your hand. - i demanded in a stern manner while stretching out my own hand. - W-What? - he gasped innocently, not affecting me now that i know he’s not so innocent anymore. I pulled on his wrist, turning and examining his forearm and instantly finding exactly what i was looking for. - What’s this? - i questioned, trying to hold back the poison on my tone. He looked down, biting his lips nervously. - Ok, you got me. I stayed up last night cause i was partying with my team colleagues and one of them was so drunk he started playing with fire and i tried helping him before things got worse but he ended setting my sleeve on fire and burning me. I didn’t tell you cause i was scared of what you would think about me, i don’t want you to have the wrong impression. - I bit the inside of cheek, thoughtful. - It doesn’t look like a fire burn though? - he gasped like a fish out of water, i didn’t care about our surroundings and if we looked like a couple arguing, i let his arm go ready to throw my second accusation at him. - What’s this the- Before i could finish and stick my hand behind his back snatch the evidence from his pocket, i was interrupted. Dance the night away, let’s dance the night away! Ooh! I sighed loudly, taking my phone out of my pocket. and turning my back to him. - This is not over yet. - Hey, Y/N. Could you- the voice in the other side of the line said quickly but i cut him off. - No. I’m in the middle of a date as we are speaking, ok? I told you that earlier! I really like this guy and something sketchy came up, i can’t do my light thing right now. - i whispered the last part. -Bu-But, Y/N! - Here we go, the whining - I’m about to have my ass frostbitten! You need to help me! I’m your brother! Are you really just gonna leave your little brother freezing here? - Jeongin whined loudly, hissing noises echoing in the background. I flinched, already picturing the mess on the street with tall buildings half-frozen and snow covering the sidewalks and cars. - Is the grumpy old dude there? - Yes! And very much gladly, Scarlet Devil isn’t here yet. Lucky you. - Can’t you just tell him to calm down? I’m sure he won’t hurt you if you do that, he loves you just as much as he loves his penguins on North Pole. - Very funny, ha. Just come here, you firefly. - Fine! Let me make up an excuse then. - Thank you, Y/N! - he replied in a singing voice. - You own me a pizza. - i said flatly before hanging up. Turning around, my date boy scratched his neck, his cheeks visibly red and hyperventilating. He looked like he would melt away at any moment out of embarassment. - I gotta go. - Yeah, me too. My room mate texted me and he needs help with the, hm, - he coughed before continuing - Caking a bake,i-i mea-an, Baking a cake, yeah.. - Sure. - i nodded at him briefly and in an awkward way before leaving. - Bye. - Wait! - He reached for my arm - I can still text you, right? - he questioned shyly. - Not if you’re gonna keep lying like this to me, Hyunjin. - i see. - he nodded back after giving me a hurt puppy look and letting of of my arm. I felt my heart clench at the sight, i just wanted to hug him and give him a chance to explain himself but i needed to talk with someone first. I gave him a weak smile before going my way, knowing i had broken his heart. Maybe Changbin was right, i had a bad taste on guys.
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mrsrhys23 · 5 years
Hello dad
Hello dad (prologue) 
Parings: Liam x Mc (Adele Lykel-McKenna)
Summary: Adele Lykel-McKenna comes to Cordonia but has no idea what will unfold when she arrives. 
Warnings: None 
Word count: 1426
A/N: These characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Not sure if anybody has done anything like this but it’s been sitting in my drafts for a few days and decided I’d post it now.
Permatags: @itschoicesstuff, @roisebeaumontworld21, @desiree-0816, @cordoniaqueensworld Just let me know if you’d like to be tagged.
“So who is this guy then?” Emily asked Adele, with a level of enthusiasm Adele didn’t think possible.
“What’s he like?” Megan asked, jumping down on the bed beside the two other girls.
“He’s…perfect?” Adele grinned.
“Tell us more,” Emily implored.
“Well, his name is Liam, he’s eighteen, he is from a country called Cordonia, he’s sweet and he’s just perfect. He’s not like any other guy I’ve ever met.”
“Great! What does he look like?” Meghan asked. Adele reached for her phone on the bedside table and pulled up a photograph.
The girls’ mouths dropped open as they turned to her with wide eyes.  “Tell me he has a brother,” Emily pleaded.
“He does. He’s called Leo but Emily he is older than you. Seven years older and apparently he’s kind of dating someone.” Emily huffed at the news.
“So, how did you meet him?” Meghan asked as their friend continued to sulk about the unavailable brother.
“Let’s start by saying it was kismet.”
“Kismet?” Emily asked.
“Fate,” Adele grinned, “It was fate.”
“Tell us more,” Meghan encouraged.
“He was here looking around and I bumped into him. Quite literally. I walked into him.”
“Pfft. Imagine telling your children that lame story,” Meghan added.
“It’s not lame. That is how it happened, I tripped and stumbled into him, he caught me and here we are. I can’t wait to visit him. From what he’s told me Cordonia is like something out of a fairytale.”
“A fairytale huh?” Meghan asked, “All you need now is a prince. But, Adele, he looks like one.”
“Stop drooling over my boyfriend and I don’t need a prince, I don’t need dresses and balls and all that stuff, Liam is just a normal bloke and he’s perfect.”
Meanwhile in Cordonia.
“Oh come on li. Tell us about your girlfriend,” Leo encouraged, as they walked towards the dining room. Liam had told his brother and friend that he’d met someone while Leo and Liam were in New York a few months ago, but with now the prospect of her actually coming to visit, he was talking about her nonstop.
“Yeah, Liam, you haven’t shut up about her, but you’ve barely told us anything.”
“She’s perfect,” Liam grinned, “She’s just that…just perfect.”
Leo swung his arm over Liam's shoulder. “Aww my baby brother is in love,” Leo said, then stepping back and ruffling Liam’s hair.
“More importantly. What does she look like?” Drake asked. Liam sighed and reached into his pocket and pulled up a photograph, handing the phone to Leo.
“Oh my god,” Leo mumbled, “She’s  erm…”
“Yeah, alright, don’t droll over her,” Liam reprimanded, snatching his phone back.
“Does she have a sister?” Drake asked.
Liam shook his head with a smile, “No, Drake, she does not. She’s an only child.  Adele is from new York, she likes art, she’s kind, she’s beautiful, she is everything I have ever wanted.”
Drake and Leo burst out in laughter, “Oh, you have got it bad,” Drake said.
“He does,” Leo agreed, “What did she say when you told her?”
“That kind of didn’t come up,” Liam said, honestly.
“You forgot to tell her you’re a prince?” Drake asked.
“What does it matter? You’re the future king and I’m not.”
“Don’t tell Dad about this. He’ll have a field day or a heart attack.”
“I need to tell her don’t I?”
“Yes!” Leo said, “Don’t you think that when she gets here, and you bring her to the palace, that she’s going to suss something is up? Either your insanely rich for an eighteen-year-old or you’re an heir to the throne.”
“I know.”
“Your dad knows she’s coming, right?” Drake asked.
“So why isn’t he having kittens about this?” Leo asked his brother, “I once brought a girl here a few years ago, who was a commoner and he lost it. Like seriously lost it.”
“I might have told him she was a noble,” he mumbled.
“Liam,” Leo reprimanded, “You need to fix this. You need to tell Adele the truth and Dad.”
“He won’t let her come if I tell him,” Liam explained, “That’s why I lied. Even though I’m never going to be king, I still have to follow all the rules, father still wants me to marry somebody with a title.”
“That’s just the way it is, Liam. It’s not fair but they are the rules.”
“He’s hardly one to talk,” Drake chimed in, “or are you forgetting all the countless rules you have broken? I say tell her the truth and see what happens. By the sounds of it she’s fallen for you already so why should a title change it?”
“He’s  got a point,” Leo mentioned, “But you do need to tell her.”
“He’s a PRINCE!” Meghan said, storming into Adele’s room.  
“I know,” Adele told her.
“You knew?” Emily asked, appearing in the doorway.
“He called a little while ago and he told me,” Adele explained, perching on the end of her bed, patting each side of her to invite her friends.
“So what are you gonna do?” Emily asked.
“I’m still going to Cordonia.”
“What?” Meghan asked, her mouth dropping open.
Adele shrugged, “He’s still the same, Liam.”
“He’s a prince,” Meghan reminded her.
“Yes, he is. I haven’t talked to him every day for the last few months and…fallen in love with him for any other reason than he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. He is a prince, yes and that complicates  it, but it doesn’t complicate my feelings for him. His title a far as I’m concerned is trivial, it doesn’t matter. Leo, his brother, is going to be king, in all technicality Liam can do what he likes as long as he’s following the rules.”
“Princes don’t marry normal girls,” Emily added.
“So what did Prince William and Prince Harry do? They both married ‘normal’ girls. One even married an American. The British royal family is one of the most high profiled families on the planet, if they can do it, why can’t Liam? I love him and he loves me, that’s all that matters in the end. Now, how did you know?”
“I might have googled him,” Emily admitted.
“Em,” Adele sighed, “Anyway, maybe it’s a good thing you know. I don’t think I would be able to keep it a secret.”
“He’s a prince,” Meghan breathed.
“He’s a prince,” Adele repeated with a grin.
“Did you tell her?” Leo asked, as he Drake and Liam were out on their morning run.
“I did,” Liam confirmed.
“And…?” Drake asked.
“She took it surprisingly well.”
“Is she still coming?” Leo inquired.
“I don’t know. It was late when we spoke, she said she’d sleep on it and tell me when she gets up,” Liam explained.
“But she took it well…?” Drake asked.
“Yeah. She didn’t really react to it. It was more like it didn’t matter to her.”
“Well, maybe it should. Liam you need to understand what you’re getting the pair of you into by being in a relationship with her. You two aren’t the only people in this relationship, you’ve got the press and boy are they gonna have a field day when they find out about this.”
“I already know all of this.”
“All I’m saying is, is that our family doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to romanticising with people. Dad has been married three times,” Leo reminded his brother.
“I’m not father, I’m not getting married and I’m not planning on the press finding out about this yet. I don’t know even know if she’s coming, I don’t know if this is going to go anywhere.”
“Just be careful, Liam,” Leo said.
“I will.”
Later that day Liam sat in his bedroom on his bed awaiting the deciding text to come in from Adele, whether she’d be coming to Cordonia or not. If she didn't, Liam wasn’t altogether certain what he’d do, he had really started to fall for her. He had fallen for this girl and he didn't want it to end here, it could lead to something, something brilliant. 
His heart thumped in his chest when he heard the phone ping. Liam picked it up off the bed and opened it up with shaking hands. 
Adele: Hi Liam, sorry it’s taken so long to reply, it’s been a day...I’ve decided that I still want to come. I want to see where this could go. I’ll see you tomorrow 😘😘
That was it, that’s all he needed, she was coming.
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firjii · 6 years
Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: F!Lavellan, Solas (Dragon Age), Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan, Cole (Dragon Age), Varric Tethras Additional Tags: invented codex entries, background development, Inquisitor Backstory, Mild Language, brief references to canon-typical violence, Depression, Suggestions of PTSD, Epistolary, POV Varric Tethras
Summary: A non-linear epistolary story about my Inquisitor Bae Lavellan, told via invented codices.
I’ve been posting certain portions separately as they’ve gotten finished, but here’s the full text since I officially completed it and, well, why not inflict a bit of link spam when I have a legit opportunity? :D
Plain text under the cut.
[This is angsty throughout, but the darkest themes are mostly vague and open to interpretation, therefore I decided that “General” was a better rating fit than “Chose Not To Use Warnings”]
Chapter 1
Codex: Entry from a Skyhold Cook’s Journal
I asked Cole why he keeps stealing things from the kitchen. At first, he only said that it wasn’t stealing if it still went into someone’s stomach. It took me ten minutes to explain to him what theft was.
I shouldn’t really complain. He doesn’t take much, and it’s not even hearty food. He takes two-day-old bread, not the fresh sorts – or else he’ll take half-burned things. He takes honey, but only if I’ve spilled spices into it. I’ve offered him the better fare we can make, but he ignores me. He only wants the scraps.
I asked him if he wants it for himself. He asked me why he’d ever want food.
It took me a good hour of arguing to finally get it out of him. I asked who it was for. He said the Inquisitor. I asked him why he was taking scraps and spoiled honey to her. He said they were a feast in her eyes.
I’ll never forget his words: “When she’s seen death, she shivers like the wind that blows the ashes away after the fires. She remembers who they were. She sees embers. She sees the lives they might have been, and they make her forget the things she should remember instead. The only way she can stop shaking and eat is to bite into something old and stale and solid, something to remind her that the world is still solid.”
She’s got a weak stomach, then. That’s no surprise. I don’t think she enjoys killing.
I asked him what the honey was for. He said her throat’s usually raw for one reason or another.
I should tell our spymaster.
Chapter 2
Codex: A Letter in a Shaky Hand
I should’ve guessed that someone like you would know. You probably worked it out somehow as soon as they found me. Who knows what you spied on while I was asleep?
But never mind about that now. I don’t care. You’ve kept your silence well enough, whatever you know about me.
I don’t have to explain a damn thing to you, but I won’t deny it, either. Yes, it’s part of me. There shouldn’t be shame in it, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t. It wasn’t my fault, but it is my burden. There aren’t enough people in the world who understand the difference. You do, I think, so I owe you a debt: honesty.
I can’t escape it, but I’m almost not sure that I want to. It probably sounds horrible to say that, but it’s the truth. That’s as much of it as I can spare for you for now. It visits me every day. Every time I see it before me again, it reminds me of what I can’t let myself become. It reminds me of all the things I’m fighting. It reminds me that I’m not wrong. It reminds me that I’m not a traitor to my people for saying what I say. They speak the truth, but not always all of it. I don’t want to be like them. I don’t want to use our downfall as an excuse to ignore the crimes we commit against each other to this very day.
You asked me what I’ll do when this is over. You’ve asked me that from the day we first met. I damn well better answer you sooner or later. I don’t know. I can’t go back. I still can’t believe that I stayed as long as I did. I was unclaimed, but if you ask some among them, it’s more like I was unclaimable.
What you saw that day was a stumble, nothing more. They happen from time to time. I’m usually more careful, but it was such a scene, and there were too many people. I forgot myself. I forgot where and who I was. It was bound to happen. It’s been a long time since it came that badly. I’m glad I know that it can still be that intense. As you might say, it was instructive. I’m almost glad that it happened. My stomach will be well enough in a day or two. Don’t worry yourself about the marks. They’re old. That’s all we need to say about it.
I’ll be alright. They don’t need to hear about it. It won’t affect me. I’ll make sure it doesn’t interfere from now on. It’s like you said: it’s in the past. I thank you for being so graceful about it. I don’t know what you did, but those few moments were –
[illegible words vigorously crossed out]
I didn’t expect that from someone who loves facts as deeply as you do. I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve seen so much, but I didn’t believe you until you acted as you did that day. I’m not sure that I could have trusted the others to see me like that, and you were right: the best thing for me in those moments is quiet.
You offered to help interpret my dreams. I don’t know to what end. I know already what they mean. I only have a few of them. But if you –
You understand. That’s all I need to say for now.
 – correspondence from Inquisitor Lavellan to Solas, carefully folded and hidden in an ancient tome in Skyhold’s rotunda
Chapter 3
Codex: A Letter to Sister Nightingale Regarding Inquisitor Lavellan’s Unusual Constitution
It is most strange: she flinches so easily at small noises as if they were part of war’s deafening din. She sometimes flies into a blind panic at the sight of fire. Throngs of people can agitate her, even if they consist entirely of her closest friends in the Inquisition.
But she rarely reacts to pain in the ways that most people would.
I’m certain that she feels it. I have seen her bleeding like a stuck pig. I have seen her face turn ashen from a dislocated shoulder. I have seen her tremble so much that she fainted (in fact, this is something that all in the Inquisition must be advised to watch for, regardless of the implications that such a fact might provoke). She weeps fiercely from ache and wound alike, but silently, and often only in seclusion. All told, I suspect that she has seen far more of injuries than any one person deserves in this life.
Despite her relative youth (especially for an elf), she almost displays signs of a long-healed stroke – almost. I cannot confirm or deny it, but some of her lackings suggest a peculiar hemorrhage of that sort, albeit clearly something that she recovered from very well as she has no great encumbering loss to show for it. Nevertheless, they are distinct details which are rarely connected to other ailments or injuries. Yet she cannot remember (or cannot admit) any such incident.
As to her – well, I cannot share such details, chiefly because she herself refuses to elaborate on most of them. Suffice it to say that both the conclusion and the actions leading to it still pain her, though for different reasons. As a surgeon, I will attest that there is no immediate urgency or danger. I merely wonder how someone like her – her manner leads me to believe that she has surely always been sensitive in more than one way, perhaps even delicate – endured through it and managed not to succumb to despair. To have a grievous loss be the result of an already grievous offense would make lesser souls willingly hurtle themselves into the Void.
On that note, the scars you spoke of are quite suspicious. It’s true, they may be ordinary wounds, but that kind of coincidence would be unlikely. There is something strangely persistent and repetitive about some of them. They pose no bodily hindrance that I can see, but she acts strangely if questioned about them. I suggest leaving the topic dormant, but it would be wise to note if any new injuries of a similar sort appear at any time.
I have yet to see her howl in pain. Perhaps this is something that the Dalish teach their children – although it would not be altogether logical in her case since she has freely admitted that her umarked face is precisely because of her clan’s awareness of her intolerance to pain.
Perhaps she simply taught herself how to muffle her cries. Perhaps need forced her to learn the habit. In any case, do not assume that her silence is indifference to agony. If anything, she feels it far more acutely than the rest of us.
I sometimes wish that I could do something other than dull her senses for a few hours. I am now firmly convinced that such herbs and potions do nothing whatsoever for her mind.
– an unnamed Inquisition field surgeon 
Chapter 4
Codex: On Literacy - A Report Regarding Inquisitor Bae Lavellan, As Related by Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan
She could count the beats of a butterfly’s wings if it suited her. She could memorize the patter of a lame man’s limp and imitate it with her own stride. She could breathe so silently that the most skittish of wild beasts scarcely noticed her presence.
But she could not learn Elven.
It puzzled me from the first early days when she could speak. Certainly she knew the words we use most often in clan life, and she always hid her confusion well. Yet she simply couldn’t understand it. She is a fine scholar, though doubtless she has made some in your Inquisition believe otherwise since she has a habit of dwelling on her weaknesses. She has a strong ear for animal calls and music, and she could always remember our campfire stories better than those whose position was defined by storytelling.
But she could never grasp our own language in the way that others in the clan could. No amount of my efforts seemed to help for her written or spoken attempts. It may seem strange to you that someone who did not grow up hearing Common the majority of the time somehow became more fluent in it than her people’s native tongue, but this is a true and fair accounting of your Inquisitor, as requested. 
In time, I chose to allow her to focus on other studies. Elves may live longer than the other races, but that does not mean that we treat time as less precious than it truly is. Magic is far more important to control than mere speech, after all. Others in the clan sometimes resented her for forcing them to speak the humans’ language – but in truth, she expected very little of them. She spoke to some people as rarely as possible. In fact, she was never very talkative at all. For a time, her parents even wondered if she was deaf or mute.
Thus she grew to think of her surroundings and the people within it, ever wary of offending. If given a chance to explain herself, she will admit that she often gathered her own herbs and fruits and attempted hunting in her own way so that she could avoid being harassed by certain hard people in the clan who insisted on tormenting her despite my reprimands. However you choose to use her talents, you must not bother her with questions about something which she is ignorant of through no one’s fault, including hers.
You need not worry about her knowledge of written Common. She can read it well enough, although elaborate handwriting may prove a struggle sometimes. I suggest using your considerable resources to obtain literate messengers who can read formal letters aloud, or else simply allow your Ambassador Montilyet to summarize them for her.
-Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan
Chapter 5
Codex: A Letter to Leliana
Everyone keeps asking if I’m cold. I’m not, but I can’t stop shaking. It must confuse them. I don’t care about the climate. I enjoyed snow until now.
It’s everywhere. You can’t hike about for more than half a mile before you find more of it. It’s so warm near it. The glow is more than a glow. It seems like a heartbeat sometimes. I’m not a dwarf and I’ll never have stone sense, but this is too obvious to deny and too invasive to ignore. There are ripples in the air near it, and there are tendrils that move about like lightning, only much slower. It seems like they’re speaking, but I can’t hear anything.
The others don’t react, but I’m sure it’s not in my mind. Cole overheard my thoughts when we first arrived here and he seems as nervous as I am, but he doesn’t say much about it. Cassandra tries hard to help me, but her soldiering skills only reach so far when the fighting’s done, and she knows that. She’s careful to watch me eat. Everyone tells me I haven’t eaten as much as I should when I’m upset. That might be true, but how can I think about food when all I can see are those –  
Dorian only remarked on the dangers of lyrium. He’s hardly spoken of it beyond that. But I know what I’m feeling. It’s not the sort of thing you can wish away.
We claimed Suledin Keep easily enough – not that it was easy, but we’ve faced steeper odds. Imshael was difficult, but that’s not what worries me. He did exactly what his nature demanded. He’s not the one who started it.
We shouldn’t keep a presence there. Something’s still not right in that place. Corypheus is powerful, but I’m not afraid of him. I’m afraid of Emprise.
It can’t be mended. Everything’s wrong here. I wonder if this was what the last Blight felt like. Emprise was beautiful once, that much is clear. Maybe it still is. My thoughts wander so far sometimes. I haven’t dreamt as I should for years now, and this place seems to be shifting that balance. But everything here is sick now. It’s as sickly as the villagers who – [illegible]
I’m sorry for the scrawling. I lost control of my hand just now. My stomach will always remember what I saw here. You’ll read the agents’ reports soon enough. A few of the captives who weren’t altered have agreed to come back with us to Skyhold to confirm what happened – not that we need much proof. Red lyrium doesn’t appear like this on its own.
Please don’t make me explain it in person. I can’t do it. This time is different. I cherish your friendship, but there’s no advice you can give me. There’s only ice and ruin here.
– Inquisitor Lavellan
Chapter 6
Codex: Transcript of a Young Cook’s Helper in a Tavern
I was tired and I couldn’t think straight, but business is business and there wasn’t anyone else there to do it. It was already a warm day, but the stoves were burning hotter than usual. I could barely breathe in that place anyway. There’s not enough air in the best of times, even with the shutters open. But no one complains if it means somewhere warm in winter.
I was nervous, too. It doesn’t take much for Cook to clip me somewhere. I’m a bungler, and I know it. But Maker! All those scouts. All those Chantry folk, except they didn’t act like Chantry folk. They were too cheerful. I didn’t understand why. Soldiers don’t have a reason to be cheerful.
I didn’t even see the Inquisitor at first. She wasn’t in uniform. Maker, the scouts were in fancier dress than her! Not that she wasn’t well-dressed, but she didn’t look like – well, what does an Inquisitor look like? She didn’t have the Inquisition emblem on any of her gear – not even a brooch. I s’pose that only makes sense. Why put a target on your leader’s chest, eh?
She didn’t say a word. She barely looked at anyone. She traced dings and gashes in a table while she waited for her food. If she hadn’t been nodding when her fellows talked to her, I’d have thought her deaf or dumb, or both. She didn’t act like a leader. She didn’t even act like an equal. Swear to Andraste, she squirmed every time someone bumped her. She blushed when I caught someone calling her Inquisitor. But she wasn’t angry, either. She was patient, or at least better at keeping her annoyances to herself. I thought she was just dour. But what dour leader has happy agents, eh?
Anyway, I didn’t have much time to think on it. I was rushing around to feed all these extra folk. I don’t know where we found the food to do it, but we did it. But it was such a scurry! I barely had time to set food on tables before I had to go back again and again. I don’t know how many times I did it. It must’ve been dozens.
I had a dizzy spell. I didn’t see it coming, it came that fast. I don’t think anyone would’ve noticed, except I spilled one of the plates I was carrying on my arm. It was something with butter sauce. Butter burns are the worst kind. I screamed and fell. By the time I was on the floor, I’d spilled even more of the sauce. I screamed again.
And Maker’s breath, do you know who came over and stopped my head from banging on the floor? Not the cook, not the Chantry sisters, not the mages. The Inquisitor.
No one asked her to. No one told her to. She didn’t even hesitate. She just scrambled over like a horse. She didn’t make me stand up, either. She let me stay there until the dizziness passed. Cook heard all the noise and came out to yell at me, but the Inquisitor waved her away. No, she didn’t just wave her away, she screamed at her. Proper screaming. She picked me up and put me on a bench like I was no more trouble to carry than a baby. She knew what to do about the burn, too. She even gave me a potion before she left – she said it’d help the burn heal sooner. It did.
Now listen here. My mother was an elf, Maker rest her soul. She barely lived long enough to get me out of nursing age. There are other elf-bloodeds in this village – they just won’t admit it. They took me in as one of their own, and I know I’m lucky. But I’ve never met a kind elf. The alienages sound horrible and the Dalish sound fierce. But the only fierceness the Inquisitor had was against meanness in other people. She wouldn’t have known I was her kin. I look human – I’m just a bit short.
If she’s really the one running the Inquisition, I just wonder – what could the world be like if other folk acted like her?
Chapter 7
Codex: Correspondence Between Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast and Varric Tethras
I need a favor and I’m unsure who else to ask. For whatever reason, our Inquisitor trusts you, so maybe you will succeed where others have failed. I’ve merely been asking her about her life. Understanding where someone came from is important, no? But she gets quite upset (or simply ignores me) whenever I ask after a certain name. That name. She claims that she never chose one, but I have my doubts. Leliana has been very standoffish about it, too.
‘Succeed where others have failed’? Do you realize what that sounds like? Can you imagine what Mouse would say if she knew you’d said that? Actually, that’s not a bad idea. I should take note of that and remember it the next time you ask me to go ass-deep into danger when you could choose from half a dozen others instead.
Leliana’s right. As hard as it is to believe, there are some things a spymaster won’t do, even for her own side. For the last time, stop being so pushy. You’re not an interrogator anymore and Mouse isn’t your prisoner. It’s none of your business anyway. If she wants to talk about it, she will, but you can’t force her to do anything before she’s good and ready for it. I know better by now, and so should you.
And what does it matter? She has enough to worry about without you nagging her about something she doesn’t want to think about. Maker knows I wouldn’t, and I’m not even a woman. Don’t run out on brittle ice on a lake and be surprised when it breaks under your feet.
Back in Kirkwall, Aveline tried to ask Fenris a similar question. He didn’t want to answer it either. With all that’s wrong in the world, what the hell difference does a name make?
It matters because no one can endure that kind of anguish alone forever. It matters because it will help her talk about it. It matters because when I’ve heard her cry out in the night, she doesn’t scream for the person who should have brought her happiness. She keens against her tormentors instead.
I’d laugh, except there’s nothing funny about it. ‘Tormentors’? Is that really what you’d call them? I won’t even waste time on all the reasons why that was a shitty way to put it. Just stare at the word for awhile and come to your own conclusions.
Has it occurred to you that she might not remember everything? The surgeon told you in no uncertain terms: he thinks she had a stroke. I agree. I’ve met people who had them. Mouse is lucky that it hasn’t affected her more than it did. You can’t hear it in her speech and her movements look damn well close to normal if she’s carrying weapons. She does have her moments, but Maker knows she tries. And usually, she succeeds. End of story. She didn’t let it get in her way any more than we let our troubles get in our way.
But we don’t know what really happened. No one does. From what I understand about it, that’s one hell of a complication. Between wanting to block out what led to it and barely staying in one piece after that, she’s allowed a little peace from conversation about it. She has enough to worry about. And something tells me that she’s always been worried about a lot. You saw the letter from her Keeper. I’ll never understand how the world chooses who it wants to trample. But she doesn’t let that bother her, either – not that I’ve seen or that she’ll admit to, anyway.
So in no uncertain terms, my dear Seeker: BACK OFF. Mouse isn’t alone. I know what you meant, but it’s not true, and she knows that. I’ve told her that and I think she believed me. She knows where to find you if she changes her mind. She knows we’re here if she needs us. ‘Friend’ and ‘force’ start with the same letter, but they can never mean the same thing.
Chapter 8
Codex: Personal Notes in a Frustrated Hand
I don’t understand it. It’s as if she doesn’t take pride in being a mage. It’s as if she doesn’t realize what a threat it can be to her own existence. Magic is as natural to her as breath is to me, but she neither boasts about it nor hides it. If anyone asks her a serious question about a spell or a ward, she answers equally seriously in turn, as if she doesn’t realize that she’s been an exotic oddity all the while.
I’ve tried asking her about Dalish life. She hasn’t once corrected me when I make an assertion, but she also refuses to elaborate. Perhaps that’s only the Dalish way, though. Our scholars don’t know everything, after all.
Even so, she hasn’t called a human a shem even once. She shares meals with them, confides in them, even has lengthy discussions with Mother Giselle when the garden is quiet. She banters with dwarves. She acts like that Qunari wall of a man is no different than one of her fellows. She treats city elves as well as some people treat their own blood relatives. And contrary to popular belief, she is not frightened of or daunted by beards – merely a little intrigued by Warden Blackwall’s.
I’ve even seen her lingering before altars. I haven’t dared to approach her in those moments, of course, but it is quite a spectacle: a Dalish elf with no vallaslin and – so it would seem – Andrastian beliefs. Where’s her resentment about being a descendant of an oppressed people? Where’s her outrage about the Chantry’s treatment of mages in the civilized parts of the world? Even I will admit to their severity, Maker rest my soul.
Where’s her vigor? Perhaps it all resides in her magic.
She’s not an elf – not really. It’s ridiculous. She goes around with her bare face as if there’s nothing she was denied. What kind of self-respecting Dalish doesn’t choose marks? What kind of traitor like that would’ve been sent to the Conclave? It’s almost as if the Dalish knew what would happen and wanted to be rid of one of the weaker strands in their weave.
– a page from the journal of an undisclosed University of Orlais student specializing in cultural studies
Chapter 9
Codex: From an Unpublished Anonymous Manuscript Written Twenty Years After the Exalted Council
The Inquisitor was said to have had more than one family.
True enough, she was raised among her own people, but her parents were exiled for some unknown reason while she was still a small child. Part of their punishment was that they leave their daughter behind, evidently for the good of the clan as her magic had already manifested and the Lavellans were in need of strong mage potential.
Curiously by Dalish standards, she and some others in her clan were apparently discouraged from fraternizing too closely with each other. One theory simply poses the notion that her shy tendencies might have been seen by her elders as tenderness exceeding common standards, or perhaps that she was not intelligent enough to understand such inevitable events. Another – the one supported by Mistress Lavellan herself – is that despite the Dalish tendency to shuffle people between clans to prevent inbreeding, perhaps she actually had other siblings or half-siblings. Still other rumors – of a more unsettling nature – can be inferred on close examination of some correspondences. 
The dynamics of her clan – or, rather, their dynamics towards her – at the time of her life were universally acknowledged as unusual, if not difficult. This was in no small part because of her neutrality with regards to other races and cultures, even by Clan Lavellan standards. While no document has ever been found to suggest that they ever disproved of her openness and diplomacy during the Inquisition, it has been strongly suggested that this somehow factored into her decision to not return to her people had they survived.
Though a retreating sort, she was said to have made fast friends with many people in the Inquisition. It would therefore not be an unreasonable stretch of the truth to go as far as saying that the Inquisition was perhaps her true family. One would be hard pressed to find an unflattering or angry description of her by one of her companions. It is even said that she eventually took to calling Varric Tethras ‘Uncle,’ likely the truth given that figure’s general conviviality towards the world at large.
It is said that when she disbanded the Inquisition, she was not dispirited about the organization’s troubles (those had become patently obvious to her by that time and the result was inevitable, however uncomfortable) as much as the prospect of watching her second, adopted family disintegrate or disperse. Indeed, while every companion and advisor thrived outside of the Inquisition and the Inquisitor was in frequent communication with all of them, she was said to have acted as if in mourning for various reasons following the disbanding.
Chapter 10
Codex: A Few Requests Put Forth to the Inquisition’s Advisors
As much as our dear leader enjoys all of your company, there are some things that just need to be said – and the Inquisitor isn’t very good at directness, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Leliana, for Maker’s sake, ease up on offering to threaten people. I’m not questioning your skills or your methods. There are times when there’s really no other way, and it’ll always be part of a spymaster’s job. Fine. Do what you need to do to keep us safe and informed. But please don’t talk about it to Mouse. If you have to do something, do it quietly. Don’t tell her. She won’t want to know. I’ve seen her stay awake all night just because she was re-thinking something that you casually mentioned to her a few weeks earlier. She’s realistic. She knows that death and war are inseparable. But she also tends to take sport in blaming herself. It helps no one and hinders everyone.
Josephine, please stop bombarding Mouse with cultural lessons as soon avs she comes back from a mission. She’s curious and a quicker study than she looks. I think she even enjoys it since it’s a change of pace from fighting. But she also overspends herself. A lot. She’s just too timid to admit it. Teaching her about the world is well and good, but at least consider breaking the lessons up into more manageable afternoons. Don’t try to intensively teach her Orlesian and make her memorize royal lineages in the same day.  
Cullen, stop moping about how we didn’t get the Templars. Fiona’s a powerful ally and there hasn’t been a single truly dangerous incident with the mages since we took them in. You haven’t seen what I’ve seen. Each and every one of them are every bit as much a refugee as Fereldan humans are right now. Half of them just want to be left alone. It’s not always about power. Mouse is stronger with magic than she’ll admit, but she keeps it quiet for a reason. She doesn’t like to feel powerful. I think you can say the same about a lot of our magically-inclined allies.
And as for all of you – look, whatever you do, don’t rush her…about anything. I don’t much understand it myself, but I don’t need to. It’s how things are. If one of my second cousins used to cut a hole in a frozen lake in winter and make his ass purple from the cold just to make him forget his arthritis for awhile, it’s not that strange if our Inquisitor likes to take things slowly. As long as it doesn’t hobble her in a fight, it shouldn’t matter.
– Varric
Chapter 11
Codex: A Letter from Leliana
I am pleased to inform you that seven farmers in Crestwood have agreed to your proposal. They hope to settle in the hallas by the end of the month. They were initially hesitant when we explained that they are independent creatures who tend to resent being penned in, but we assured them that this also means that they sometimes only need minimal herding attention and will manage themselves given the right conditions.
I was also delighted to hear that the blind halla taken along as a testimony for all to consider has chosen to bond with a young boy. The child is deaf, but his stillness apparently caught the halla’s attention, just as the halla’s graceful movements caught the boy’s liking.
I’m afraid that we could not find even more willing participants at this stage, but some families fled weeks ago, and others are still occupied with rebuilding their homes and making arrangements for the missing people recovered from the lake. I suspect that more will come forward in time.
Chapter 12
Codex: A Worn Page Filled With Random Phrases
Trees. Cottonwoods?
Cherries. Don’t know who got them or where they came from.
Laughter. They all had different laughs. Why do I remember them?
Warmth. It was a hot day. But my face was also flushed? Can’t remember.
Screams. Mine? Not a lot. I needed my breath for other things.
White. Gray pulsing stars every time I tried to focus my eyes. They throbbed so hard. I couldn’t see anything after awhile.
The laughter stopped. There was a fly. It was so loud. It felt like it was there for hours. It wouldn’t leave me alone. But I couldn’t move to wave it away. I was tired.
I wept. I was so thirsty. There was a river, but I couldn’t walk to get to it. I told myself to move, but I couldn't. I don't know why.
I crawled part of the way back to the camp. I made myself stand up and walk the rest of the way when sunset came. Got back to my tent at midnight or so. I was sunburned. I hadn’t noticed the sun.
Someone scolded me about a fray in my shirt but gave me clean breeches without question.  
 Varric you prick, this was a stupid idea.
 – from a small journal well-hidden in the Inquisitor’s quarters
Chapter 13
Codex: A Letter in an Unusually Formal Hand
We can’t know what will happen tonight, tomorrow, or next week. We don’t know what Corypheus will try to do to end the Inquisition – or the world.
I understand that a will isn’t worth much without any possessions to distribute, but I’m told that some people use them as an opportunity to give last messages to family and loved ones. Many of you know what I think of you, but in case you don’t, I’ll take this one chance I have left to say the unsaid.
Leliana – you frighten me. You really do. But we’ve trusted our lives to you so many times and you haven’t led us astray yet. I don’t see how that will ever change. Some think that your fierceness is unseemly. I think it’s marvelous. You’re the only person who might really have the will to change the Chantry. I wish you the best of luck.
Josephine – thank you for tolerating my whims about food. I know I have expensive and strange tastes (even by the wealthy’s standards), but you can’t imagine how much it’s helped for me to eat something agreeable when I’m too upset to stomach other fare. It’s a greater kindness than you’ll ever realize.
Cullen – I won’t waste time reassuring you about the future. It would sound hollow. You already know what you need to do. Remember what I said. Don’t give up on something just because it’s difficult. You’ve made it this far. I don’t doubt that you’ll make even more strides.    
Cassandra – Thank you for not hiding your battle scars. I know that won’t sound like much, but seeing them every day made me realize that admitting to my own isn’t as dreadful as I’d been told before now. I’m not sure what else I should tell someone who has been as determined as you are. You say that your faith is your strength as much as your weakness, but I don’t think it’s either. If it guides you to question as much as it pushes you to action, it’s worth protecting.
Dorian – you made me realize something that I hadn’t allowed myself to think about before now. I hadn’t thought it possible, especially given…well, you know what. We hardly have the same story, but we were both forced to be what we weren’t. You’ve shown me that my nature and my desires don’t have to contradict each other. You were the first to notice when I spent more time than was needed with Solas. Your reaction was nothing short of graceful. For that, you will always have my thanks.
Bull – I can’t believe you tricked me into killing a high dragon. Ten times, in fact. I’m sorry we couldn’t have gotten the Sandy Howler, but you saw how it was. At least Hakkon is gone. Thank you for your courage in the face of great and small struggles. Some people might have called you insane. Damned right you are, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Cole – I needn’t dedicate any space on the page since you already know my thoughts, but allow me a moment to indulge myself anyway. The others don’t understand you, but you should never let that discourage you. What you do and who you are is important. You’re doing exactly as you should. I never doubted your motives. We’re kindreds, you and I, and that’s sterner stuff than any words we might speak.
Sera – life always needs more arrows. I can’t pretend we’ve always gotten along, but your energy always reminded me to keep trying, striving, daring. Those are all things I’d forgotten how to do before the Conclave. Always question – but also always remember that there’s usually more than one way to solve a problem.
Vivienne – I’m sorry that I couldn’t do more to help your dear Bastien. You showed so much concern for me and I couldn’t even find the wyvern heart in time to save him. Friendships don’t always get the rewards they are owing, and I’m sorry that ours is one of those.
Blackwall – I hope you’ll forgive yourself someday soon. What you did doesn’t matter half as much as what you’re doing. By your deeds as much as my decree, you’re not that man anymore. Learn from your mistakes. Remember them if you must. But never use them as an excuse to hide. Only the truly wicked should hide. Only those who embrace their wrongs deserve to look over their shoulders more often than they watch their feet on the path ahead of them. 
Varric – you’re one of the only people in the Inquisition who didn’t make me grind my teeth every ten minutes. You knew when to persist and when to leave me be. You noticed things far sooner than most of the others. I don’t need to tell you what to do. Don’t let them weep for me. Whether good or bad, don’t let them say I was something I wasn’t. Just tell Maryden to play my favorite song. She’ll know which one.
Solas – banal nadas. Ar lath ma.
 -from an envelope covered with illustrations of various heraldry evidently drawn by the Inquisitor herself
14 notes · View notes
radio-charlie · 7 years
92 truths tag
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. at the end choose 25 people to be tagged.
Tagged by @starstation but in my least favorite way, because I never like admitting that I want to do these things lol
drink: an overpriced ginger lemonade
phone call: some random number from Malaysia idk, I didn’t pick up
text message: work colleague
song you listened to: The Room, Tarzana by The Radio Dept. I’ve been listening to them for three days running because after their concert my life felt like a Radio Dept tinted dream and I didn’t want that to go away
time you cried: 30 Jan, because I was an idiot at that concert and the lead singer Johan got mad at me haha
dated someone twice: yep, dumb idea
been cheated on: defo been cheated on emotionally, you can bet I made them pay for it lol
lost someone special: no one I love has died yet. I’m making sure this doesn’t make me complacent
been depressed: yeah lots of times
been drunk and thrown up: yes also lots of times lol
made a new friend: yeah loads tbh. shoutout to my Tumblr mutuals and the afternoon gang life would’ve been a lot grimmer without y’all
fallen out of love: nope
laughed until you cried: yeah, sometimes because of ridiculous shit on Tumblr and sometimes because of fun times with friends online
met someone who changed you: yeah absolutely. Not monumental changes but still
found out who your true friends are: kind of. More that I found out who my untrue friends are lol I have really high standards though
found out someone was talking about you : yeah, thankfully it was good shit
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 5, pretty glad they never come on here anymore because I don’t want any ppl who knew me from school reading my stupid personal posts lol
do you have any pets?: nope, can’t because my safety is under threat and I don’t want to put a defenseless animal in danger
do you want to change your name?: yeah I want to officially be Charlie because my real name is some lame-ass shit sorry grandpa
what time did you wake up this morning: 10.30 am
what were you doing last night: eating very good all-you-can-eat beef shabu shabu, passing out for two hours and then forcing myself awake to do work
name something you cannot wait for: the day I move away from Malaysia, hopefully to somewhere in North America
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: yeah he worked in the same bag shop as me in 2014 and didn’t do a fucking ounce of work but got paid the same I wanted to clobber his nuts off the entire time
what’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing tbh, just chillin
blood type: uh forgot, B I think
nickname: Char, Charchar, Tan Jelly, Jials, 28349 others all thought of by @parles
relationship status: single
zodiac sign: pisces, the weenie sign
pronouns: they/them
favorite show: right now it’s The Office, I’m only at season two though dunno if it drops the ball later on
college: Carleton College, little liberal arts college in Minnesota virtually nobody seems to know about. I had a terrific time there, probably the best years of my life. It’s weird going back there these days and not knowing a single person there. I guess we all like to think our memories make a place belong to us somehow
hair color: silver. not to toot my own small and grumpy horn but I look fuckin dope in this color I think I’m gonna keep it for awhile
do you have a crush on someone: er just a silly one on Steve Rogers lol it’s very dweeby I know, but I don’t think I have it in me to have a proper crush on a real person right now
what do you like about yourself: my hair. Seriously it looks really good nowadays lol
first surgery: no surgeries so far luckily...
first piercing: a labret, but I had to take it out for a job at Starbucks
first sport you joined: wushu, it’s a Chinese form of martial arts, the warm ups took an hour lol and I remember once when my instructor was helping me stretch my thighs he got a super horny look on his face
first vacation: ‘straya
first pair of sneakers: some really shitty brand
eating: nothing... but just now I was eating those Mexican candies that have salt and chili in the middle... I could’ve eaten the whole bag in one go but gotta watch my sugar levels coz I’m old now...
drinking: water
i’m about to: finish this long-ass meme and watch more of The Office, maybe talk to friends a little 
listening to: Every Time by.......The Radio Dept lol
want kids: yeah, but I can’t because they might get hurt for the same reason I mentioned for pets
get married: yeah I think I’m getting ready to settle down with someone, but lots of things to think about tbh, and I don’t want to drag someone into a life where they might get hurt
career: editor
lips or eyes: eyes, the more steadfast true and kind the better
hugs or kisses: hugs... kisses are slobbery
shorter or taller: taller. Just makes me feel safer
older or younger: generally I much prefer older. The youngest I’m willing to go is 2 years younger than me, and that’s for girls. I don’t date men younger than me lol
romantic or spontaneous: romantic but not like, schmaltzy please, just low-key and sweet
sensitive or loud: sensitive. Loud people really irritate me lol
hookup or relationship : relationship, never really been one for hookups tbh
troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. I’m already enough of a troublemaker (not the kind that hurts ppl) when I get really comfortable with u, probably not a good idea to have more of the same in the equation
kissed a stranger: yeah I was p bad at it because it was my first time making out and I didn’t fucking know what to do so I just forcefully shoved my tongue into his mouth and then just let it sag there
drank hard liquor: yup
lost contacts/glasses: yeah once I blinked and my contacts fuckin bungee jumped out of my eyes and I couldn’t find them after that
sex on first date: nah
broken someone’s heart: yeah, I used to be a real dickhead so I used to treat it like some kind of trophy, absolutely not that kind of person anymore and never will be again
been arrested: nah, I don’t make that much trouble
turned someone down: yup
fallen for a friend: weird answer, but I’m not sure
in yourself: no lol I don’t think I’m anything particularly special or capable
miracles: like incredible, good things put in place by a divine force? Not really
love at first sight: naw
I’m too lazy to tag 25 individual people if you’re my mutual consider yourself tagged my friend
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ladynoblesong · 7 years
Tagged by my darling, dearest @leeia who still has, to this day, the best url(s). ♥
 Gender: Female
Birthday: 13.12.1993
Last movie seen: Murder on the Orient Express. (Yes, I still haven’t seen TLJ.)
What do you post/reblog: Uh - a bit of everything? Nice pictures, bits about shows/characters I like, fairy-tale thingamabobs, texts posts I find funny, Broadway & musicals content... And of course there’s also a fair bit of me screaming about the mess that is my life. 
Last thing you googled: ‘Thingamabob’, haha! I wanted to check I wasn’t talking out of my ass and it was a real word. 
Favourite blog: I ain’t picking faves, pals. ;) For real though, I love & cherish every single one of y’all. 
Dream job: Right now? Well - the official version is becoming a university professor (or the next big name in musical theatre)... But my current peak plan is to just pack up my life & become Patti LuPone’s PA, to be honest. 
Dream trip: New York/Broadway - no one saw this one coming I’m sure! - Seattle, London, anywhere & everywhere in Canada, and all of Scandinavia.  
What would be your first entry in a new diary: Actually I’m going to be starting a new one very soon since I have like, 2 pages left in my current one. Right now it would probably be one of i) me screaming about my fucked-up thesis schedule ii) me screaming about Patti LuPone and/or Megan Mullally and iii) me screaming about Christmas. So, all in all, a lot of screaming I guess?
Top 3 things you love about yourself: My niche knowledge about musical theatre, my eyes, and my friends. ♥ 
3 things you wish you knew how to do: Sing, sew, read & speak German (among many others). 
Something you wish you had discovered/invented first: How many times can I speak about musical theatre before y’all decide to stab me 52 times? Anything ever written by Stephen Sondheim is peak goals, to be honest. But also, because I actually did work on some ~similar~ ideas in the past, Steven Universe and Into The Woods. But mind you, I’d never have pulled it off. So I’d much rather leave those to their respective creators. 
(I also have to mention Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing and all subsequent adaptations, but then again - how full of myself/nerdy can I sound in one (1) answer?)
3 qualities you like in a person: Fun, kind, trustworthy. 
3 qualities you dislike in a person: Overbearing, cruel, demanding. 
Favourite planet: Saturn or Mercury. I don’t know why. 
A resolution you make every year: Find a proper life/work rhythm and stop procrastinating and under-sleeping so goddamn much! 
Something you’re better at than most people: Tongue-twisters (lame, I know) and speed-reading, I guess? Also listening to people - or so I’ve been told. 
Something you’re worse at than most people: Sports/body coordination, fighting the urge to cry (I’m stealing this one, @leeia dear), writing with my left hand.
Favourite thing about Tumblr: The amount of I N C R E D I B L E peeps I’ve met here and become friends with! ♥ #humbledandblessed
Least favourite thing about Tumblr: It’s a naaaaaasty place sometimes (often) y’all. 
Weapon of choice: I’d love to know how to use a sword and/or a gun (though I wouldn’t want to carry one around all day @America - for fuck’s sake.) I used to be decent with a bow & arrow, too. Most often though, just well-chosen words I guess?
Something not many people know about you: Super random but I’ve been wearing prosthetic teeth for um, about ten years now? Once my baby teeth fell out, some of them never grew back and well - here I am now. You get used to it after a while though. 
(Also @leeia if you read this far, you can be a cool aunt to my kids if I ever have them!! ♥) 
Favourite means of transport: I’m really fond of planes and boats actually, plus being in the car at night - but not driving, mind you. 
Favourite story: I have no idea what this question means, so I’ll go with ‘that guy who won three (3) different ice-skating competitions because everyone before him fell.’
Chicken or egg: Is that which came first, or which I prefer to eat? Neither for the first, and eggs for the second. (What a cryptic, half-arsed answer, I know!)
Something that always makes you laugh: 
- Pretty much a l l of Beatrice & Benedick’s banter in Much Ado About Nothing.  - The comic masterpiece that is A Little Priest, especially -though not surprisingly- Patti’s version(s).  (-While I’m on the subject, also her playing the tuba in God That’s Good.) - Obviously, the entire 6 seasons of The Nanny. - Any Vine compilation watched late enough at night.  - @alextriestodrawhatever
What is the strangest thing about you: Probably how much I talk to myself on a daily basis. That’s what people have most commented on, at least. 
You get to switch places with someone for a day, who is it and why: I can’t believe I forgot the last question! Uh, probably someone with a lot of money so I can buy all the tickets I want & get nice things for my friends and family. If in the meantime whoever’s living my life wants to fix my thesis I won’t mind. >:}c 
Tagging: @rawrrawrraygor, @snowgoode, @zevri, @dreamerbee, @feoplepeel, @breatheinandlive, @christmasprimcess, @amyshepherds, @penfairy, @symsyklaus. Happy Winter Holidays to you all! And of course, no need to do this if you don’t want to. ♥ 
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ka-lada · 7 years
Yooo the awesome @daniellaux429 tagged me to answer some fun stuff, thank you buddy!!
1: nicknames: The Normal™ ones: Ka, Kaka, K, Kakazinha, Ellen (my surname). My name doesn't really allow cool nicknames The weird ones: Kalada (yep funny story I will tell later), Lambe Sal (Saltlick, because Animal Crossing), Pikachu, PT, Nine, Salvadora de Pudins (Pudding Savior), Dedinhos Mágicos (Magic fingers, because according to my little cousins, I play Mario Kart very well or something), Kakaroto, Kakariko Edit: my sister said I forgot about Katita and Fofoleta All this stuff real people called me, I still can’t believe
2: gender: Female
3: Star Sign: Taurus 
4: Height: 1,60m
5: time: 21:40
6: B-day: May 12th
7: Favourite bands: Coldplay
8: Favourite solo artists: Jeferson Pillar
9: Song stuck in my head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKM15TaKLUI
10: Last Movie I watched: Anthem of the Heart, it’s nice
11: Last Show: I’m currently watching the Netflix version of Erased ;3; I really enjoyed the anime, and it’s been long since I’ve seen it, the series was a good call
12: When did you create your blog? December 2012
13: What do I post: I reblog a lot of mixed stuff, things that I found interesting in some way. Funny stuff, cute animals, Nintendo and gaming things, pretty photos, anime and series content, etc.   I also make gifs sometimes and reblog my own art from my art blog c: (and sometimes I vent in text posts but yeah)
14: Last thing you googled: What was the original name of the last film I saw:  Anthem of the Heart =  Kokoro ga Sakebitagatterun Da, almost scared me
15: Do I have other blogs: Yes, my art blog!
16: Do I get asks: Sometimes, mostly when I reblog one of the “ask meme” things :3
17: Why I chose my url: Time for the story I probably already told here: Sooo, I was in eighth grade. I had made a lot of new friends, and I was still very shy around them. And with that, I mean I barely talked to them. It was a large group and a loud one. So I wasn’t sure yet how to speak and join the conversation; I was not used to that yet. When I got the chance to be alone with one of them, I could talk normally. And some of them was surprised that I could. BUT, not all of them were really my friends. There was this person that didn’t like me or my best friend, I guess. Then he and other girl created a fake blog here on tumblr to trash all of us. At the time we didn’t know who did it, so some of us just accused each other. All my friends had a tumblr, except for me and my best friend (i think). So they just created each post tagging that person (without really revealing the name), saying bad things. When we thought they stopped, they posted about me. I didn’t expect to receive this kind of attention. In the post, since I didn’t have a tumblr, they gave this nickname to talk about me: Kalada.  It’s funny, actually. It works perfectly in Portuguese. My name starts with K, so they just replaced the C in Calada. It means “quiet” or “silent”. They basically said that they weren’t sure if I could talk or if I could be trusted because of that, and honestly, it was really lame compared to what the other posts said. They didn’t really know anything about me to trash, you see. Also, they didn’t make a post about my best friend, and that made everyone thinks it was her behind all this. It wasn't.
So, I already used Tumblr by visiting manually my friend's blogs, then I just decided to make one for me. I couldn’t think of a name, so I just picked the one they gave to me lol
18: Following: 191
19: Followers: 523 in this blog, but I hope to decrease this number, since I’m currently blocking the porn bots lol
20: Average hours of sleep: What now Uhh I think 5-6 at best
21: lucky number: 2 and 12
22: Instruments: None!! I’m lame
23: what am I wearing: I got ready to go to the mall with my mom, but she canceled, so now I’m laying in my bed with jeans, a black shirt and a coat. I should really get up and put my pajamas, but I’m lazy kdfjksdjfs
24: Dream Job: I wish I could work making books (designing them or writing lol)
25: Dream Trip: I want to go to Itally, New Zeland, Australia, and maybe Disney for once
26: Favourite food: Lasagna!!
27: Nationality: Brazilian
28: Favourite Season: Summer
29: Languages: Portuguese and English
30: Eye colour: Brown
Yay now I tag: @booksloversnevergotobedalone , @re-exista , @mgjournal , @kokirisaria (lol), @bigbryan , @yureimori , @curlyhermit , @vanover-crossing , @crumpassingmaster
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chickenfetus · 7 years
HI!!! i like to request ALL of the flowery asks! btw i LOVE ur blog and maybe u????? idk 🌸🌸 (jk i love u alot)
who is this????????/ under cut bc i get rambly 
azalea: what’s one word that describes you?
lame lmao
baby’s breath: what did you want to be when you were a kid?
honestly? my answer’s like yours jen because i wanted to be an astronaut but also a vet and then a few years later i wanted to be something else of a whole different profession but now i know what reality is like and i have no clue what i wanna be whoops
begonia: are you a messy or clean person?
i hate seeing my desk/workspace be messy but i cant bring myself to clean it up either???? bc im lazy 
bleeding heart: has your heart ever been broken?
hMMMMm mmm idk i dont think so
bluebell: do you drink tea or coffee?
i drink tea more than i drink coffee but i drink water more than i drink tea i drink water like. everyday lmao obviously but i drink a lot of water its my brand now
buttercup: what are five things that make you apologetically happy?
what does this mean why is the word apologetically there i cancelled it lmao no negativity in this house
my favorite people (u know who + my friends)
when people answer my anon asks and . they respond with a long reply/seem really happy responding thats my fav fam
this is getting real anime but when i get an UR/4* from scouting 
finding an anime/manga/book that perfectly suits my taste
im very tempted to just say water bc idk what else 2 say 
calla: what’s your favorite book?
ive only read 3 whole books this year but i recommend all of them 
challenger deep - neal shusterman (i could go on about this book for days honestly its so interesting and even though its told by the same person it has two kind of perspectives because there are two settings, that didnt make sense but this book is my new favorite)
see you in the cosmos - jack cheng (i love this one too because its just so warm? made me a little emo but its really good and i love how unique it is, text type wise)
a monster calls - patrick ness (this was something i heard from my school first so i didnt know if i really wanted to get it but its actually pretty good?) 
carnation: what are your five most played songs?
i cant really check using the music app bc i added the songs at different timings so itll be inaccurate ill just do most played song from each band/group
again - astro (this is their best song dont @ me)
letting go - day6
all in/stuck - monsta x
death by a strawberry - dance gavin dance
check yes juliet - we the kings
chrysanthemum: what are you afraid of?
i may not b a child but im still afraid of the dark bc my imagination is wild im also afraid of bugs and disappointing others nice oh shit im also afraid of asking for things
daffodil: what’s your astrological sign?
dahlia: what’s your favorite band?
this question was made for me its day6
daisy: which ‘friends’ character do you relate to the most?
ive never watched friends 
dandelion: are you an extrovert or an introvert?
in between!!!!!
geranium: how has your day been?
its been good!!! i managed to ask my mum 2 take me to hair place so i can get it cut finally and im working on updating my tumblr pages and doing all my tags
hydrangea: what’s your dream job?
iris: who’s your celebrity crush?
lavender: what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received?
oH FUCK FAM my friends got me a kermit toy for my birthday i lvoe it 2 dEATH
lily: what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of?
i got first in my class once wow amazing that was 2 years ago i wish i was as good as the me from 2 years ago 
marigold: what would you like to do more of, but don’t ?
well i want 2 b more hardworking but guess thats too late
morning glory: are you an early bird or a night owl?
now that school is over and i have no reason to wake up early ive become neither which is saddening because... i like waking up at 7am on weekends and doing things early but now i wake up at like 9-10am and i still sleep at 11pm  
orchid: what’s the last movie you saw?
i really dont remember?? maybe uh guardians of the galaxy?? i dont remember who i watched it with and when but it was good actually i remember who i watched it with nvm 
pansy: do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont really believe in romantic love anymore 
peony: what does your url mean?
chicken fetus means an egg
periwinkle: what are you thankful for?
god get ready folks im gonna go on my biggest boxy rant ever...
so boxy is my friend who ive been mutuals for over a year and our first common interest is love live and haikyuu so we had that to talk about but im bad at keeping conversations with ppl on tumblr so that ended quickly but earlier this year or late last year i made a twitter and told people on here about it and she followed me and i didnt really mind/pay attention to the stuff she posted/rted uNTIL. until that fateful day... june 25th... at like 8pm? she rted a pic of mister brian kang with dumb minion glasses on and ok maybe i do believe in love at first sight? bc wow!!!!! whos this dumbass with minion glasses and the fluffiest hair ??? so i slide into boxy’s dm.. expecting an explanation and she gives me a good one saying how brians from a band (i would later find out), day6 and im not a fan of kpop, never have been.. ive only watched like some kpop mvs bc i love my friends so i expect myself to listen to them and get over them as soon as im done. boxy my friend, bless HER she sends me all of their mvs from congratulations to i smile and i watch the first one - i smile and me? i start smiling and i can feel myself getting excited because holy fuck theyre a band! they play fucking instruments??? and at this point im already whipped then i move onto how can i say and that shit blew my mind let me tell you.. so because of boxy... i get to where i am now, proudly stanning 3 groups and if it were not for her i wouldve never gotten into mx as well... boxy is just?? really important to me her impact is just that great?? so im super!! sUPER thankful for her and i dont think she’ll ever see this but boxy i love u thank u so much!! boxy gave me more than one reason to live, and not just exist?? without her i wouldve never been able to make so many (like 2 but hEY) new friends and this probably got so long idk im just really thankful for boxy thank u lord for blessing us with boxy (@/youngkwhom on twitter) (kittenma on tumblr) i hope shes happy forever and i also hope she has good days for the rest of her life?? boxy deserves it i lvoe u boxy
petunia: where were you ten years ago?
10 years ago i was like 6 probably watching pokemon or some shit and getting glasses
poinsettia: where would you like to be in ten years?
dead thanks
poppy: what’s your online persona?
i dont understad the meaning of persona but an egg?????? 
rose: who’s the last person you spent quality time with?
all my classmates in an exam hall for 2 hours, quality time indeed
snapdragon: what are your goals?
sunflower: what’s your favorite quote?
i think i had one before but i forgot so maybe it wasnt my favourite lol idk i dont have one now
tulip: if you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
for all of my favourite people to be happy forever
a good future
i want astro, mx and day6 to get an award for all of their hardwork thanks
violet: what’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
i was gonna say smth negative but lets not hm m m i? ?? ill put smth irl ppl probably dont know either uh hhh i guess?? that i eat a lot?? but also get full really quickly but then really hungry right after that idk thanks digestion
zinnia: do you believe in magic?
no ????/ idk is there any evidence that magic exists 
JEN !!! thank u so much for asking even tho u probably asked just to get back at me but this was still fun ask memes will never get boring bro,. i love u and i hope u have a good evening also i love ur blog too moon anon probably already told u
to anyone who actually bothered reading through this mess - thank you and i hope you have a good day/night too!!
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sixofdemigods · 7 years
Tag game!
I was tagged by the wonderful @kcznej! I’m tagging (most of you probably already did this or don’t want to share your entire life online but anyway):
@acciolunalovegood, @blueeyeschina, @bookgal24, @brehker, @heypottcr, @karkaroff, @nina-waffles-eater, @osarons, @protegototalumprotegomaxima, @quirkyreader (i’m well aware this isn’t 20 but isn’t ten enough?)
rules: you must answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people
1. drink? alcoholic or just in general? that would be prosecco / water, i’m lame 2. phone call? mum 3. text message? happy birthday message to a friend 4. song you listened to? stromae - tous les mêmes 5. time you cried? a week ago
Have you ever…
6. dated someone twice? no 7. kissed someone and regretted it? yeah 8. been cheated on? no 9. lost someone special? kind of? 10. been depressed? no 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nope
Favourite colours:
12. turquoise 13. lavender, pastel purple 14. all shades of blue
In the last year, have you…
15. made new friends? yeah! quite a few :) 16. fallen out of love? no how does one do that please teach me 17. laughed until you cried? dude that happens like ten times a day 18. found out someone was talking about you? i don’t think so, no 19. met someone who changed you? nope 20. found out who your friends are? uhh what does that mean? no? 21. kissed someone on your facebook list? i don’t have a facebook and i haven’t kissed anyone so double no
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? again no fb 23. do you have any pets? two guinea pigs! 24. do you want to change your name? i mean i’m not very fond of it but i wouldn’t go as far as to change it 25. what did you do for your last birthday? long story lol, i was on a school exchange program in st. petersburg and we did some fun stuff! it was cool! 26. what time did you wake up? 5:43 am don’t ask why 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? sleep 28. name something you can’t wait for: meeting a nice girl who’s not straight, settling down with her and founding a family of five cats (idk man) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? uhh five minutes ago or smth 30. what are you listening to right now? nothing 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? i’ve talked to a lot of people named tomasz or thomas but no never tom 32. something that is getting on your nerves? right now? nothing in particular; in general? sexism, racism, homophobia, donald trump... the like 33. most visited website? idk man? maybe youtube? google? gmail? goodreads? pinterest? tumblr? actually scratch that it’s probably ao3 34. hair colour? blonde 35. long or short hair? so long people call me rapunzel (it’s not actually that long but idk) 36. do you have a crush on someone? yeah 37. what do you like about yourself? my intelligence? i guess. i made this positivity post once with ten things i like about myself but i forgot 38. piercings: none but i want some 39. blood type: i have no idea 40. nickname: my friends like to call me jar-jar because mesa clumsy xD 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: libra 43. pronouns: idgaf about gender and pronouns honestly, you can use whatever you want, my assigned pronouns are she/her 44. favourite tv show: in case anyone didn’t notice... i love skam :D 45. tattoos: none but i want some 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: i had my leg stitched once?
48. sport: i like watching it, but i don’t like playing. favourite: handball
49. vacation: like where i would like to go? india definitely
50. pair of trainers: uhh i don’t really have a preference?
More General:
51. eating: not currently eating anything but the last thing i ate was honey loops for breakfast 52. drinking: still water 53. im about to: try to make my edits for next three days of skammonth because i won’t have access to a computer these next few days 54. waiting for?: uhh nothing in particular? 55. want?: to travel around the world 56. get married?: yeah! did i mention i need to meet a nice not-straight girl 57. career?: i’d love to be a translator but translating doesn’t really have a future so teacher maybe? or i could work in the foreign office or something
Which is Better
58. hugs or kisses?: hugs 59. lips or eyes?: eyes? ~the window to the soul~ 60. shorter or taller?: i like to be the tol one 61. older or younger?: well age doesn’t matter as long as it’s not a big gap 62. nice arms or nice stomach?: ?? idc about either 63. hook up or relationship?: relationship! 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: a good mix of both preferably
Have You Ever
65. kissed a stranger: no 66. drank hard liquor: like vodka? yeah 67. lost glasses/contact lenses: ALL. THE. TIME. 68. turned someone down: hahaha nope 69. had sex on the first date: lololol no 70. broken someones heart: not that i know of? 71. had your heart broken: that sounds so dramatic? but yeah kinda 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: no 74. fallen for a friend: more than once unfortunately
Do You Believe In:
75. yourself? uh i guess? kinda? 76. miracles? yes 77. love at first sight? no 78. santa claus? no 79. kiss on the first date? yeah 80. angels? yes
81. current best friend’s name? sorry i only overshare about myself online 82. eye colour: blue 83. favourite movie: mhm i don’t really have one?
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honeydrift · 5 years
about me game thing
tagged by the lovely @angelbabylu
1. nicknames: noodles
2. zodiac sign: aquarius sun, capricorn moon, libra rising
3. height: 5′6″
4. hogwarts house: i’m slytherin and hufflepuff lol (every time i’ve taken the quiz it’s given me an option between the two, i refer to it as slytherpuff because i’m lame)
5. last thing I googled: google translate (my phones in spanish and sometimes i have no idea what it’s saying)
6. favourite musicians: 5sos, harry styles, one direction, the japanese house, ariana grande, frank ocean, declan mckenna, the 1975, billie eilish, hozier, current joys, jonas brothers, conan gray
7. songs stuck in my head: sriracha - marteen, text me - dpr live
8. following now: 41
9. followers: 20
10. do I get asks: no lol
11. amount of sleep: like 4-5 hours???
12. lucky number: is this a thing ppl have? (lmao jay is right wtf)
13. what i’m wearing: a black love and rockets t shirt and some leggings
14. dream job: concept artist for films
15. dream trip: i have a big ol list of places i wanna go, off the top of my head though: ITALY, bali, iceland, amsterdam, paris, greece
16. favourite food: all pasta
17. instruments: that i can play?? i used to play violin, i’d like to play bass and piano
18. languages: english and like half spanish (lol keeping jays answer for this too)
19. favourite songs: these are my all time favourites: lovebug - jonas brothers, sleep in the heat - pup, time after time - cyndi lauper, if i could fly - one direction, clean - the japanese house, just a little bit of your heart - ariana grande, why won’t you love me - 5sos, stay - 5sos cover and the post malone original, you give me something - james morrison, dance to this - troye sivan and ariana grande, better off - ariana grande, pink + white - frank ocean, from the dining table - harry styles, outer space/carry on- 5sos, meet me in the hallway - harry styles, once in a lifetime - one direction, fireproof - one direction, get well soon - ariana grande, make up - ariana grande, ghostin - ariana grande, imagine - ariana grande, suddenly seymour - little shop of horrors, you broke my heart - current joys, my kind of woman - max demarco, o children - nick cave and the bad seeds, southern nights - glen campbell, 505 - arctic monkeys, sonora - spendtime palace, gutter girl - hot flash heat wave, moon river - frank ocean, you’re all i need to get by - marvin gaye and tammi terrell, ruby - twenty one pilots
wow that was a lot lol, i love music w my whole soul, soz for the big spiel
20. random fact: about myself?? i’m the most sentimental bitch, honest to god, if u give me something i will keep it forever even if it’s a stone and you forgot about it 5 minutes after giving me it. about anything?? snails can sleep for up to three years - that was a fact on the back of a bookmark i had when i was 7, i’ve never forgotten it.
21. aesthetic (this is basically a list of things i love lol): rain, dark green, paintings where u can tell it’s raining, silver jewellery, pale pink lighting, white duvets, fairy lights, late night meet-ups in like mcdonald’s where everyone’s kinda tired, fuzzy photographs of people where u can tell they’re laughing or smiling, monochrome clothing, sunsets, little tattoos, really comfortable armchairs, cats, grey-blue, tea, plants, massive jumpers, music being on all time time, lowercase letters (can u tell lol), small flowers
thank u jay for tagging me in these, turns out i love talking about myself lol
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ofshipsandswans · 8 years
Adventures in magic with Emma Swan (ft. Killian Jones)
Tumblr media
Summary: Emma’s partnered with Killian for one of her classes. Random stuff ensues. For @seastarved Fantasy Pretzel Week: Day Two. Bed-sharing in a Magical University AU. 
Dedicated to the Hub's very own Mama Rowling, Clare @mahstatins (who beta'd this and is an all-round stellar person!) 
 Tagging a few other homies from the hub...
@captainwiley @starlessness @killiancygnus @winterbythesea @the-reason-to-sail-home​ @dassala @thejollypirate @katie-dub @phiralovesloki​ @abbadons-little-witch​ @swanandapirate​ @lenfaz​ @zengoalie​ @shoedonym
And to all those Potterheads, I apologise profusely in advance (I have not read or watched HP so I’m taking a lot of liberties with this). Heh.
(I’ll post the second half later in the week.) 
The words stared back at her, emblazoned proudly on the crest carved into the wood, a written warning intended as a constant reminder.
Omnes Magicae Price.
All magic has a price.
It begged the question why anyone would want to involve themselves in the magical arts, much less attend a school where it was the core curriculum, but here she was. Not only does all magic come with a price, it's quite fickle if not handled properly. One tiny slip up and-
-and Emma found herself chained to her partner, staring forlornly at the library doors, hoping that somewhere in the building there was a spell to reverse this.
"This is all your fault y'know," Emma hissed at him.
The events leading up to this went a little something like this…
Belle French: friend, book-lover, intellectual wonder, and the worst traitor known to mankind.
"I think you're being a little over-dramatic, Emma."
"Actually, I'm being just the right amount of dramatic, Miss French." Emma said over her shoulder, refusing to look her ex-best friend in the eye.
"Really, Emma. The last name?" She could hear Belle's eye roll at her theatrics. Emma sighed, turning to face Belle. She was happy for her friend, she really was. As one of the brightest at Storybrooke University, it was no wonder that Belle was given the offer to move to the advanced class. But it left Emma without a class partner.
"I'm going to miss you," she said, her shoulders sagging.    
Belle laughed. "You'll still see me."
"It won't be the same," Emma pouted.
Belle smiled. "Oh. Miss Fisher wanted me to tell you that your new partner will be coming tomorrow. See? You won't be all alone."
Emma mumbled a "Yeah, I guess," before pulling Belle into a tight hug.
"Come on. We'll be late." Emma gathered her equipment, her wand and spell book, shoving it into her bag and following Belle out of the canteen.   
Well. What a way to start the semester.
Killian Jones: newbie, charmer, too handsome for his own good, and a general thorn in Emma's side. She should've been prepared for this. Belle had told her. But as soon as she walked into class she saw the dark haired, blue eyed stranger, irritation flared in her chest as he lounged in what used to be Belle's spot. He was waving his wand around, a careless smile on his lips.
And she didn't know what came over her but she stormed over to him, plucking the wand out of his hand.
"So. You're my new partner," she said, examining the wand before looking at him. He scrambled to stand up and she should not have found the red tinge to the tips of his ears endearing, nor the way his accent wrapped around her name.
"Ah, yes! You must be Emma Swan. Killian Jones." He held out his hand and she took it, her lips tugging into a small smile.
"You aren't from around here are you?" She mused as she handed the wand back to him.
"That obvious?" He asked, reaching back to scratch behind his ear.
She shrugged, "You stick out."
"In a good way, I hope."
"We'll see."
Killian Jones is without a doubt the worst partner Emma has ever had the misfortune of being paired with.
Not twenty minutes into the class, he had spilled three potions, cast two incorrect spells (she's sure two of her classmates will be plotting his murder once the effects of his hex wear off), and almost broke his wand.
Emma groaned, resting her forehead on the desk. She turned her head to look at him, her cheek pressed against the wood as she watched Jones attempt to bend the metal rod. It was a simple spell, one she had done several times but this was his umpteenth attempt and all he had managed was a small dent.  
This week couldn't get any worse.
"Focus, Jones! It's not that hard," Emma said, frustrated.
He threw his hands in the air, almost poking her eye out with the wand. "Easy for you to say, love. I haven't actually done this before. What's the point of this anyway," he groused, slumping back in his seat, a look of defeat on his face.  
"Everyone has to learn basic spells. You're lucky you haven't been thrown out of class yet," she told him, lifting her head off the desk and flipping through her spell book.  
"Must be me charming self," he drawled, gesturing to himself as if she needed a reminder about his charming self.  
"As if," Emma scoffed.  
"You disagree," he pouted.
"Not the point." Emma rolled her eyes, slamming her book shut and moving to stand behind him. "Let me show you."
She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, ignoring his sharp intake of breath. She pointed his wand at the rod and chanted the spell. Within moments, it was a bent into a near perfect circle. Emma smiled, dropping his hand and picking up the metal piece. She turned to Killian, placing it on his head like a crown and beamed at him. "See? Easy. Now you try."
She placed another rod on the table, leaning forward on her elbows and giving him an encouraging nod.
Emma was wrong.
This week could most certainly get worse.
"I'm going to kill you," she growled at him as they walked up the library steps.  
"Now, Swan. No need to get antsy. There's got to be something in there that'll help," Killian gestured with his free hand.  
"For your sake, you better hope so. I have a test on Friday. I can't show up with you on my...arm," she finished lamely, running a hand through her hair, gesturing to the handcuffs.  
She heard Killian bark out a laugh which he quickly attempted to cover with a cough. He cleared his throat. "Come on then, love. Time to crack open some books,"  Killian said jovially, tugging on the chain and pushing open the doors.
Rows and rows of books greeted them, the ancient texts and the faint trace of magic in the air giving a calming feel to the library. Calming, when she wasn't faced with the prospect of having to comb through all these books to find one spell.
"It's quite something," Killian said, a note of awe in his voice.
"Well, we best get started."
They started their search and two hours in the closest they could find was a spell which required one of them to lose a hand. Killian turned to Emma with a horrified expression, shaking his head vigorously.
"It would be a shame to lose these digits, love," he waggled his fingers for emphasis.  
Emma scoffed, pushing his chest  with her shoulder and re-shelving the volume. She pulled him towards the next shelf before the sound of her name caught her ears.
"Emma! What're you doing here?" Emma looked up to see Belle rushing toward her, a stack of dusty books in her arms.
"Belle, hey. I'm just studying," she motioned lamely to the pile of books on the desk.
"I think I found something!" Killian called from around the other side of the stacks. He popped his head around, waving a book in front of her. Belle raised an eyebrow at Killian's sudden appearance, turning her questioning gaze on Emma.
"Oh, this is Killian Jones. My new partner," she gestured at Killian who nodded at Belle in acknowledgement.    
"Pleasure to meet you milady."  
Belle looked like she wanted to say something else but was cut off by Mrs. Potts calling for her. "Oh, I've got to get back. I'll see you tonight, Emma?"  
Emma watched as Belle walked away, giving her a small wave. She turned to Killian, rolling her eyes at the stupid grin on his face.
Killian waggled his eyebrows. "What's tonight?"
"Girls' night," she answered.  
His grin brightened, both eyebrows shooting up.
"You're not invited."
"I would never dare to intrude. But I think you’re forgetting something."
He nodded downwards and Emma groaned, snatching the book out of his hand. "Gimme that." She placed the book on the table, tracing the embossed inscription on the front. Alchemy and Transmutation. She opened it, skimming through the contents. Her eyes brightened as she found something that could work. Turning to the correct page, she traced a finger down the path of ingredients.
"Hmm. Any ideas where we can get those?" Killian asked, brow furrowing.
"It's the strong stuff. Granny should have some though," Emma told him, copying down the page into her notebook.  
"Yeah, she's in charge of potions and elixirs. Makes a mean grilled cheese too."
Killian shrugged."If you say so. Come on then. Let's away." He said, helping to pack her things. Emma cringed as she checked the time.
"What's wrong?"
She closed her eyes, answering through gritted teeth.
"Girls' night."
 Emma Swan is a genius if she does say so herself. From the tone of his voice, Killian disagreed.
"Are you sure about this?" Killian asked, eyeing her warily.
"This'll work. Trust me," she assured him.
Emma pulled out the garment from her locker, holding it out triumphantly.   
"Is there a reason you have an invisibility cloak?"
"Ruby's idea of a birthday present."
"Ah. I see."
Emma handed him the cloak, helping him to put it on. "Just don't take it off until the coast is clear."
"Aye aye captain," he saluted before she pulled the hood up. Adjusting her bag so it covered the bit of chain that was still visible, Emma started the walk across campus, making her way to the dorms. With Killian cloaked she almost forgot he was there, only being reminded when he tripped and knocked into a tree.
"Bloody hell," he cursed, "watch where you're going Swan."
"I'm pretty sure you can see underneath that. Not my fault you have two left feet."
He huffed at that and she was sure he was silently fuming beneath the cloak.
They arrived at her dorm room and Emma entered to see her friends gathered in the kitchen area, responding to the chorus of greetings with a wave of her hand.
"Studying hard?" Ruby teased, a wolfish grin on her face.
"Ruby!" Belle lightly smacked Ruby's shoulder, turning to Emma with an apologetic smile.
"Come on, Belle. I believe your words were 'eyes like the ocean at midday'," Ruby giggled. "I should feel threatened but even I can appreciate that," she finished, smiling at Belle and kissing her cheek.
Emma heard Killian chuckle underneath the cloak and stomped her foot down hard where she was sure his toe was. His answering yelp was all the confirmation she needed and she bit her lip to try and hide her smile.  
"Did you say something?" Emma looked up to see three pairs of eyes regarding her curiously and she shook her head, stuttering.
"I- uh- I think I might have to skip tonight. I have my test on Friday. Gotta study."
"You've spent all day studying, Emma. There's only so much preparation you can do," Mary Margaret said, settling a fresh batch of muffins on the counter.
"I know. I just, I'm exhausted. And I've got Principle Mills as my examiner..."
Her friends winced in unison, a stream of commiserations sent her way.
"I'll see you lot tomorrow, yeah?" She ducked down the hallway, not waiting for their response. Once she was in the safety of her own room, Killian threw off the cloak with a dramatic flourish, letting it fall to the floor.
"It's bloody hard to breathe in that thing," he grumbled, pointing at the offending garment. "So, this is the Swan's nest, is it?"  
"Yup. Welcome to my humble abode, mi casa es tu casa, yadda yadda yadda," she waved a dismissive hand at her room, the unmade bed, cluttered desk (which she tidied yesterday dammit) and the closet which looked as though it was about to vomit all her clothing out.
Killian laughed, eyes taking in the scenery before he bowed slightly. "I am honoured."
Emma threw her bag on her desk chair and took out her wand.
"Woah, Swan. I promise to behave."
"Relax Jones," she said, casting a quick spell to change into her pyjamas.
"Is that a part of your nightly routine?" he teased, grinning at the yellow duckling pjs.
"No, but I wasn't going to take a shower with you," she told him, stuffing her wand back into her bag. She cringed as she realised what she had said, ignoring Killian's bright smile.  "Shut up. Not like that."
"So you would be willing to-" he started, eyebrows waggling. She swears his eyebrows have a life of their own. Considering his inability at casting simple spells she wouldn't be all that surprised if they did.
"Nope. Not listening," Emma sang as she climbed into bed and pulled the sheet up with her left hand. She turned on her side to see that Killian had settled on the floor, his left arm resting on her mattress.
"What are you doing?" she whispered, burying her head in her pillow to hide her smile.
"Ah, I didn't want to presume-" he started but Emma laughed, eyes twinkling.
"Killian," she grinned at him.
"Aye, Swan?"
"Get on the bed."
He gaped at her before nodding and climbed in beside her. It was a bit awkward and they shifted a few times before finding a reasonably comfortable position. His arm was draped over her waist, and her hand came to rest on his chest, their legs tangling together. It was intimate and unexpected but with the circumstances, there wasn't anything to be done.
Yeah. That was it.
"Is this okay?" Killian asked, his body stiff even as he tried to even out his breathing.
Emma hummed, her eyes drooping, the events of the day catching up with her. "Sleep."
"Emma-" she shook her head, cutting him off.
"No talking. Just sleep," she mumbled, her words slurring as she was pulled under. He reached across to turn off the lamp and the last thing she heard was his whispered "As you wish."
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tokyo-joon · 8 years
I was tagged by @hobiichim, THANKS FOR TAGGING ME i would love to get to know you better!! (i’m shy i’m gonna message you some day i promise <33)
Nickname: Oh gosh. Well my full name is Virginia. I go by Ginny. Most people shorten that to Gin or G. Sometimes Ginger. My aunt calls me Gingivitis unfortunately. When my boyfriend is mad at me he calls me Dinny (”Oh my god Dinny”) One of my friends inexplicably calls me Widget. But you know what Ginny or Gin is just fine!
Gender: A ladyyy
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Hogwarts House: I used to swear up and down I was Ravenclaw, but I am firmly in Hufflepuff, oh yes.
Favourite Colour: PURPLE 💜
Time Right Now: 9:30 PM
Average Hours Of Sleep: I guess it depends on how much I wanna suffer. I prefer to get around 6-7, but I will rarely go to bed before midnight, even if I have to get up early. Probably ends up being more like 5 -_- My skin has been suffering for it.
Lucky Number: I don’t think i believe in that??
Last Thing I Googled: 홉이(💓)
Blankets I Sleep With: Just one blanket, a down comforter that i really can’t sleep without, otherwise i’m freezing. i’m usually still freezing, but all other blankets usually end up at the bottom of the bed.
Favourite Bands: besides my very obvious kpop faves, i like A Silent Film, Sir Sly, Young the Giant, The Format, Marianas Trench, and Walk the Moon. Though i haven’t really listened to anything besides kpop in months lol
Favourite Solo Artist: ??? I don’t think I have one?? Taeyeon?? Luhan??
Dream Trip: IRELANDDDD or ITALYYYY or JEJU ISLANDDD or MOROCCOOOO or INDIAAA or ANYWHERE THAT HAS YUMMY FOOD (i really just want to travel everywhere plz&thx)
Wearing: a big ol’ sweater and some sweatpants and slippers. i’m real cold
Age Of Blog: this blog must be like 6 years old now. we’ve been through many phases together.
Following: 401 that is a lot.
Posts: 34,653 i think it was more but i deleted a lot of shameful teen wolf posts. that number is going to go down again because after this i’m deleting every sherlock post i ever made.
What I Post About: my insatiable thirst for guys who can get down but who are also really cute
When Did My Blog Reach Its Peak: it has never reached a peak lets be honest lol i think i had a teen wolf text post that was mildly popular once maybe perhaps
I’m gonna tag @asingeroficeandfire (i don’t know nothin about you who r u) @literally-just-yoongi-trash (don’t even know you either i unfollowed you cause i forgot who u were 😂) @this-is-entertainment and @xingmebaektosleep
I’m a lame mutual who never talks to anybody, accept my nosiness as a sign of my affection <33
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