#i felt that trying to exclude child abusers (at least in the most obvious sense) would help avoid discourse. that's all.
weeb-polls-with-pip · 1 month
if this is the evil milf tournament surely child abusers should be allowed - just with CW
It's not evil milfs. Just 'morally questionable.'
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homenum-revelio-hq · 4 years
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Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix, Bailey!
You have been accepted for the role of ROSLALIA CLEARWATER with the facelaim change of Im Jinah! We were so excited to see someone interested in Rosalia. We think she’s such a multi-faceted character and you really brought her in life in your application. We cannot wait to see how her appearance back to the Order will change the dynamics here! Welcome to the roleplay!
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME & PRONOUNS: Bailey - she/her
AGE: 26
ACTIVITY LEVEL: I work full time so usually I’ll be on in the evenings and weekends. If I had to wager a guess, I’d say I should be able to get on around 3 times a week.
ANYTHING ELSE: triggers - animal abuse/cruelty/torture.
NAME: Rosalia Clearwater
AGE: 30 - December 12, 1951
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Female | She/Her | Bisexual
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
ANY CHANGES: Requesting a FC change from Jamie Chung to Im Jinah
 (tw: minor self harm)
You know those girls you hear about - the ones that grew up with scrapes on their knees and branches in their hair, with wild smiles and honey sweet laughter? No concept of fear, the kind of girl who embraced everything the world threw at her with her feet planted firmly on the ground. Rosalia was once that girl - always ready to speak up and defend those that need defending, quick to fight and just as quickly settle down into a discussion.
She liked to have an understanding of those around her, how they thought and what drove them. It was maybe a more Ravenclaw trait but she found most confrontations didn’t escalate to the same extent if she heard someone out.
Not that she didn’t have opinions - she knew what she believed in and would do research to help support her ideas. Sometimes she’d get fixated on one idea and hold fast to it, that Gryffindor stubbornness settling into her veins. It would take examples and sources to change her mind at that point, not just an opinion. Of course, when it’s the minority (half-breeds and muggle born) there aren’t always the official resources to back up their experiences - biases run rampant throughout history.
She is a natural born leader and teacher - being the eldest of 4 definitely helped her develop those skills. It showed in her classes too - the ease with which she answered questions and how she would help others around her who were struggling, usually regardless of house. The Slytherin’s usually didn’t ask for help from her but if it happened, her answers were usually a little more clipped and there was a distrust in her eyes that wasn’t present with other houses.
Rosalia could definitely be rash in her decisions, jumping into a fight or conversation without knowing all the details. Most of the trouble she landed in was because she didn’t look before leaping.
She has learned over time to not only listen to what people are saying, but what they are not saying. Gaps in information and missing links usually mean something is fishy and she will never hesitate to prod a little if she feels there’s more to be said.
What do they struggle with?
As a child, she would ask question after question, regardless of how appropriate they were and without any regard for tact. The teachers in her muggle schools tried to train her out of it but it wasn’t until she went to Hogwarts that she truly began to see people from all walks of life and how her questions might affect someone. It was also the first place where her punishments stuck - detention in the muggle world would never compare to scrubbing out cauldrons for hours on end or polishing trophies until her hands were red and raw.
Over time, those relentless questions turned into a love of debate and she would eagerly
argue wixen politics or the rights of certain people or why the colour purple was clearly superior over all other colours. It was fun and it always felt like a contest and she did have a love of winning.
Her biggest struggle came around after she was hit by the curse. It wasn’t like breaking a bone, where the pain was immediate and overwhelming and recovery was slow going but the healing was obvious. No, this curse was more insidious - a dark mark forming on her bicep and over time spreading down to her fingers until her veins were dark and her fingertips black.
Slowly losing the mobility of her wand arm was debilitating - the magic thrummed in her veins but she wasn’t able to cast it, to release it to the world. And then one day, she woke up and couldn’t feel anything where the darkness was - no fizzy thrum of magic, no pinpricks of her sewing needles, not even the sensation as she dragged her sharpest knife along her forearm.
After fleeing Britain and the war, it took a very long time for Rosalia to be able to sleep through the night without dreaming of the night that sent her life into a tailspin. Even now, after all the work she put into her rehabilitation, a big part of her still doesn’t believe she will be able to be of use to the Order. What good is a wix with one good arm and unresolved trauma to an organization that is trying to save the wixen world?
Growing up, she never knew her father. Her mother, Vanessa Clearwater, rarely talked about him other than to say that he was a muggle and they were better off without him. It was the same with the rest of her sisters - all of them had a different father, always muggle, and never present. Any time they would ask after any of their absent fathers, Vanessa would snap and send them off to do chores until they were exhausted.
It was a strict upbringing but not unpleasant by any stretch of the imagination. Vanessa instilled in each of them a sense of worth and confidence that would be hard to shake. Magic was intermittent among the girls: Rosalia was magical from the age of three, Violette didn’t manifest anything until her 8th birthday, Alysum was the late bloomer of all of them - her letter came as a surprise and her first year was a struggle, but she did manage to manifest magic. Her magic was always the weakest. And Poppy never showed any aptitude for magic. This meant that her entire family doted upon her and did their best to include her whenever they could, but there were some times that Poppy was excluded despite their best efforts.
Vanessa Clearwater: Mother
Rosalia Clearwater: Eldest
Violette Clearwater: 2nd born
Alysum Clearwater: 3rd born
Poppy Clearwater: 4th born
Rosalia doesn’t currently have an occupation. Before she fled Britain, she was a full time member of the Order and devoted all her time to the cause. Once she was set up in Brazil, she picked up a waitressing job in a muggle restaurant to pay for her rent and food. Now though, as she steps out into the familiar gloomy atmosphere of London, she has nothing. No occupation, no home - she’s not even sure if she’s still a member of the Order.
ROLE WITHIN THE ORDER/THOUGHTS ABOUT THE ORDER: What is their purpose in the Order? How do they feel about the organization within a failing war? Remember, the Order is also an illegal vigilante organization and that can be difficult for characters to navigate.
It was her home. She was a defender, a light against the evils of the world and now she was nothing. A burden to the people she once called family and a liability if she were ever caught. The guilt haunts her - knowing the risk her actions and memory could have.
And still…some part of her wants to be welcomed back, to rejoin the people she loves. Time is short and survival isn’t guaranteed - the gut wrenching article she read in the Prophet confirmed that. The darkness was spreading and she had to get back out there on the front lines…even if it meant her death.
Penance by sacrifice - could she ever make it up to the Order for leaving? If not..she would give her life for those that hadn’t fallen. She would do all she could to pass on what she’d learned to other members of the Order but, as far as she was concerned, her life was tainted and although she was ready to fight, she knew that her life wasn’t worth the same as someone like James Potter.  
She fled to Brazil and for a while, could not practice her magic at all. Each spell was a fight and every time she reached for it, it felt tired and lethargic. She got set up in a muggle beach side town and started working in a restaurant to make enough to live. She’s going back to Britain now and to be honest, doesn’t intend to survive. Her survival is no longer on the table - the survival of the Light is all that matters now.
Fragile, non-existent, shattered - coming back, she doesn’t expect any sort of warm welcome. She misses them all though, her heart aching every time she thought of back home, thought of sending another owl, of just picking up and going back to the friends and family she once knew. But her dreams are haunted by their scorn, by their betrayal and she finds herself cowering away in her small bachelor room.
Moody - he was her friend, suspicious and rough and always on edge but someone she could trust with her life. And now….well, if he didn’t hex her on sight, she would think it was a miracle. If she could just talk with him, explain why she left how she did…maybe he’d at least give her the time of day.
Note that there are no planned endgame ships set in this roleplay. There are a few characters who are in romantic relationships at the start of the game, but it will be up to players to decide if those relationships can survive the war. This question does not guarantee that any ship will happen, it is merely for fellow players to see where your interest might lie.
Really, anything organic. Will have to work through trauma - doesn’t intend to survive war - why make long term commitments? Open to old flames/exes as well, if we want to establish something from Hogwarts time or from before she fled the country. Could be almost anyone in Hogwarts time and after that time, anyone who was part of the Order. Would never have a relationship with a known death eater - I am down for twists and subterfuge and betrayal though along those lines.
Rosalia definitely has some biases that she got while attending Hogwarts. Competitive by nature, it only made sense to her that of course Gryffindors were better than Slytherins. You only had to look at how the Quidditch games went or where the Slytherin common room was located - the dungeons were creepy and gross and those thoughts just translated over to the students who lived there.
As time went on and she slowly had smaller courses with more classmates from different houses, her immediate disgust and distrust began to go away. She was more likely to treat her fellow Slytherin classmates with respect and even joked around with them, but if she ran into unfamiliar Slytherins in the halls, her gaze would harden and that suspicion would filter back in.
She’s grown a fair bit since her school days and having travelled, does understand that you can’t judge someone based on how they were sorted or who they were at a young age. Still, there are some microaggressions she can’t shake and it takes a purposeful thought process to correct herself when she notices them.
Muggles - Rosalia has two different trains of thoughts when it comes to non-magical folk. The first one is based on Poppy - the baby of the family and someone who needs to be protected. She doesn’t have the luxury of magic to rely on and she struggled a little more compared to the rest of her family. If Rosalia had to compare, she would say it was most similar to seeing a puppy on the side of the road in a box that needed a home.
The other train of thought stems from what Vanessa has told her about her father. How he didn’t want to be a part of her life, how unreliable he was, how much better off they are without him. It’s normal for muggle parents to be absent from their child’s life and Vanessa didn’t want that for any of her kids.
Living among muggles hasn’t warmed Rosalia’s heart to them. If anything, the resentful side of her has grown - working in a customer service role has shown her the worst side muggles have to offer.
Honestly, I was looking around different roleplays on tumblr and I really loved the premise of this group. I also liked how the plot drops really incorporated all characters involved and seems to include everyone.
I’ve also kept thinking about this group after I messaged the main a month ago about the potential FC change. I literally couldn’t get Rosalia out of my head.
I really like the idea of exploring the trauma and PTSD that Rosalia has and how this will affect her return to the Order. I also like the idea of her not succeeding when she initially returns and forcing her to deal with some of the trauma she’s been avoiding.
I also love the idea of getting her to a place where she can produce a full bodied patronus again as she hasn’t been able to since she was hit by the curse.
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HORIZON WALKER RANGER  - Wildhunt SHIFTER - Sage (Researcher)
Never built a Shifter before, but I play a weretiger in my main campaign, so I enjoyed this quite a lot. I think it shows. I ended up with a lot more details than I usually cram into these posts. I mainly try to leave enough space for DMs and players alike to build up on the general idea I came up with. This time... Inspiration hit me hard and I couldn’t help myself. Hope you enjoy.
Name: Ichor (likes the nickname Corey better) (18yo)
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Mind: Justice (upright) Truth and integrity as the core of an horizon walker’s mind are perfectly okay with me, honestly. It really tells me that Corey is a person that strives to reach a balance into things, that he knows every action has its consequences. I can see them as someone that is perfectly aware of how they can change the world just by existing and making decisions, so they try to weigh their actions because of it. But they also enjoy watching the ripples that every drop in the water causes. So they dislike inaction too. Why stay still when you can do something and be part of the reason for the world to move and change, just to settle and come back to a new balance?
Body: Two of swords (upright) I mean, a tarot about being torn between two people or in general this feeling of disconnection on his body? Of course I could just stop at the obvious issues Ichor could have with being a shifter. But why stop with something as obvious as emotional denial, when there’s an underside of something more? I had to draw a card to try and clear this up. And the Three of swords reversed confirmed there was more. Corey is actually in emotional denial about something deeper, but he’s slowly getting over it. Still, this doesn’t get rid of that “something” that hurt him in the past and Ichor tries to bury it more often than not. So, I would say that this disconnection to his body is more in tune to this denial.
Spirit: the High Priestess (upright) Most of all, I would say this expresses his thirst for knowledge, that’s for sure. But I’m not surprised by that hint of mystery and sensuality that comes from Corey himself. Despite how socially awkward he is, I can picture him being unknowingly charming. Which is probably why he doesn’t trust people that try to be very direct in showing romantic interest. Well, I suppose he can be considered charming at least to people that are into dark, mysterious, dorky nerds with enormous trust issues. I know that the broody types always attract some people's attention.
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Past: Strength (reversed) After what that “body” had already given me, this was pretty much a given. Low self-esteem in Corey’s past is a constant. He felt weak and vulnerable, that was the main reason why he stayed stuck in his research for so long (and kinda confirmed my feeling that he wasn’t one of the most thought of predators). He probably had a deep desire to actually get to work in his field, but the biggest obstacle to reach for that dream was his own sense of inadequacy (someone like him in a scholarly role might have been teased just for that after all). Deep down, he knew he could make a difference though, because every decision has a consequence, even a lack of action. And he hated when people couldn’t make a decision SO MUCH!
Present: Page of cups (reversed) And here comes back that heartbreak, that emotional vulnerability… With the horrible twist of sexual abuse earlier in his life still there to haunt him. Definitely, the emotional denial from his body as well as his issues with trust are a lot deeper and serious than what I thought at first. Oh, Ichor for sure had some terrible experiences. But he realized that he was in a bad situation, that he’d been manipulated, used by someone older than him just cause he was young and naive. And he decided to get away from it all. The emotional trauma though? That still lingers and weights him down so much that he’s very closed off. I don’t exclude him actually pretending (very badly) like he’s way more confident than he is, in certain situations. Like a copying mechanism to try and hide his insecurities so people won’t use them against him again.
Future: the Hierophant (reversed) Well, with Corey this can go in both the direction hinted at by the tarot. He could absolutely challenge the traditions of the institution he belongs to and that he’s supposed to still answer to. Or he could cling to their traditions in a hope to change how corrupt and twisted things got from the very inside despite how it could break him to go back and be face to face with his abuser. I can’t necessarily give a suggestion in this case; it really depends on how things develop and which way you feel like he would lean towards (even with the party’s support). Either way, not surprised that a decision is at the core of his future. 
Ichor was born in a cave in the Beastlands plane. His mother, Shianead, was on a mission for the institution she worked for to research more information on how were-creatures lived when organized in packs like that. She actually fell in love while she was in the middle of that mission with Ichor’s father, Purrenbor. As soon as Ichor was born, Shianead realized she could no longer stay in the Beastlands plane and decided to leave. Purrenbor tried to leave with her, but his tribe didn’t like them leaving with the child; Purrenbor gave his life so that both Shianead and Ichor could run away. Once they were back, the institution wasn’t necessarily happy that Shianead took more than a year for a mission that was supposed to be just 6 weeks long. They were disappointed in her, but once she promised that her shifter son would stay to be part of the institution as well and convinced them that in some way his nature as a shifter could be helpful in understanding better the potential benefits of the were-curse, they agreed to let her stay. Ichor didn’t necessarily have a happy and loving childhood. His mother was more often than not away for more research missions and he was left in the care of a very strict teacher, Clirji Brawen, a dragonborn that made him study for long hours instead of letting Corey run around with the other students of the institution’s preparatory schools. He still was grateful to be considered so bright to have Clirji’s attention, since he was considered one of the best teachers of the school (the one that usually worked with realy talented people). Corey was even allowed to live in Clirji's very luxurious house when his mother was away, instead of staying alone in the dingy apartment that belonged to her. When Corey was about fifteen, his mother had to go on a longer than usual mission that she was even more tight lipped than usual on the details of. Clirji had recently retired from teaching and was mainly just a consultant for the institution, and Corey could no longer stay at his house since he was no longer Corey’s teacher. It was decided from the institution’s schools’ council that he would stay in Norvhila Erishai’s estate. She was the very charismatic head of the research department of the higher level school, and she was hoping not only to find new branches of research for the main institution to focus on with her students, but to find students with a new, bolder attitude. Norvhila was immediately impressed with Ichor, not only for his knowledge reached under Clirji’s guidance, but also for his willingness to try new things before finding once again the balance at the core of the institution’s beliefs. Still young, very impressionable, awkward and mostly a pariah with students of his age, Ichor never realized that Norvhila fascination with him, and her consequent attentions of sexual nature, were very much inappropriate. Ichor felt flattered, and mostly thought he was bound to allow her to do whatever she wanted with him by duty and gratitude since he was living in her house and she was teaching him so much (or so she manipulated him to believe). It took Ichor having a revealing conversation with Clirji when he was almost 18 to realize that he’d been stuck in an abusive relationship all along. Also, Norvhila had been hiding to him that his mother had been considered missing in action for months, because nobody heard from Shianead since her last report from wherever she was for her mission. Ichor found out, when inquiring about his mother’s mission, that Norvhila wasn’t the only person in the institution that was doing morally twisted things that somehow they still considered “part of the balance of the world”. In a last ditch effort to get free of Norvhila’s manipulations, Corey asked the institution’s schools’ council to go on a mission to find what happened to his mother and to consider that his “graduation mission”, a test that every student had to pass to prove that tey were ready to become a fullfledged member. Unexpectedly (and probably with a big push from Clirji), the council allowed him to leave. Corey somehow still believed the institution could do some good, if he just got rid of the “twisted people”. He just find a way to actually make the right decision that would ripple the waters enough for that change to happen. And he had a feeling that finding his mother was just the first step in a much longer path.
(As a note, extra info. I think this could be more for a DM than a player but still relevant for both, especially the part about Clirji that could be considered a little bit of the conversation that cleared Corey’s mind on how things worked inside the institution. Corey is still convinced that, at the core, the institution was doing good [it’s something he always thought]. But, the what the institution truly does in my mind is gathering knowledge to use it as a merchandise for trade; they don’t really care to whom they give it, if the purpose is to maintain a balance. They think, since they gather the most knowledgeable and smart people in the world, that they have the power to pick and choose who and what will tip the scale so that the universe won’t be destroyed. But mostly, they are the reason why wars start and end by manipulating other people so that they could get richer by selling their information to both sides [too much power corrupts and all that shit, you know...]. Clirji, despite being aware of the problem, stayed in the institution as a teacher to try and help the students, to warn them if he could, help them get out of that life too if possible, or scare them away with his harsh attitude if that was the only way that worked. Because he felt like he had no other way to break that machine that made him too other than trying to take away the best minds from them. In a sense, Clirji also tried as much as possible to keep the schools and the institution proper to be very distinct and separate, but it was very difficult since he was one of the few people that was fighting against the system from the inside [and teachers were mostly members of the institution too, it was rare to have outsiders as such important staff figures that could shape the students minds]. When Clirji tried to become headmaster of the higher level school, for example, everyone looking in as an outsider would have picked Clirji since he was so accomplished as a teacher. But the council knew by that point that he was against what the institution truly had become, so they just made him retire, telling him he was too old even to be a teacher. And they obviously picked someone that would fit them better and would turn a blind eye on behaviors like Norvhila’s.)
Suggested features Ability scores: High Wisdom and Dexterity (try to keep as high as possible Intelligence too), Low Charisma Skill proficiencies: Investigation, Insight, Perception Others: I had to really think which animal would fit for him as his bestial appearance. At the end of the day, I feel any bird of prey would fit him very well: a classic eagle, a nice hawk or even a raven would be wonderful. If you want to go for something more “classic but still different”, a fox could be a nice pick as well considering his backstory.
Suggested Characteristics Trait: I’m willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgement. Ideal: The world needs to be constantly in balance. But to keep it that way sometimes you need to act, be bold instead of keeping still. Bond: I want to unveil the corruption that’s hiding inside the institution that made me love knowledge so much. Flaw: After a shift, I behave more animalistic than usual for a little time. It unnerves me to no end when people get to see that wild side. (This depends on the animal you pick but it could be mimicking for a crow, pouncing like a fox, little thing like that, easy to roleplay and remember but that can really bring funny moment in a session too. Have fun with it!).
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revenantbat · 5 years
The Superman vs Batman Movie We Deserve:
Related to my If Batman Started as a Teen post:
Wonder Woman: We should reveal our identities so we can trust each other.
Batman: *knowing full well they’re not going to treat him as an equal member of the team when they find out he’s only nineteen* I work alone.
Superman: This was your idea.
In Gotham, Superman shows up after hearing reports of a Batwoman in the city and getting pissed because that means his ‘I work alone’ is clearly bull.
Cue Superman using x-ray vision to see who Batman is and getting a lecture on boundaries in return. The all seven League members are there eventually because Superman is bitching about it.
Clark Kent was raised on Earth, he’s also a journalist. That means that he’s heard a number of things over the years about Bruce Wayne and his probablematic dealing over his philanthropic. He knows that power corrupts, he heard it in that tale of Brainiac and the Death of his home planet, he’s been taught it by his parents in Kansas, he has a bad experience with billionaires - and Lex is just salty enough about not getting a foothold in Gotham to throw some subtle shade towards the playboy. This is ironic because he’s just used his powers to effectively take Batman’s secret identity away from him and tells the others. He will realise his mistake and start to learn from it. He won’t apologise in this movie, he might not apologise at all. But he will change his behaviour and be more mindful of his actions when it comes to respecting others - unfortunately it’s not Bruce’s argument that makes him see that.
Bruce is fundamentally feeling attacked. Someone he wasn’t sure he could trust has come into his city and invaded his privacy in a way that’s also going against his expressed wishes. He feels particularly defenseless and it’s something that shapes his character going forward. He’s backed into a corner here when it comes to arguing, he can’t argue how he want’s to argue because it can be used against him. He also can’t argue the same way anyone in Gotham argues because these people are outsiders and won’t understand. Bruce is forced to defend rather then attack and that isn’t how arguments are won. Bruce also isn’t liking the fear he’s feeling and likely projecting. Fundamentally, he’s in the right here. He knows that but he doesn’t know how to prove that.
Barry Allen is the first of the other JLA members to assess the argument and form an opinion. This isn’t surprising due to his powers. But he also works for a police department, it’s likely that he’s read a lot of socio-political papers on Gotham and the crime in Gotham to know about the situation in the city on a factual basis that isn’t the media image of the city. He has a blog about weird occurrences and has likely visited the city and spoken to members of GCPD. From a crime fighting perspective he knows that there are members of GCPD that are grateful for Batman’s detective skills regarding crimes and situations they aren’t prepared for or don’t have the time for. He knows the state of corruption in the city and understands that getting a warrent for some of the things Batman does would be impossible for GCPD. He knows that crime in the city is fought on a ‘what is most damaging or harmful to the highest number of people’ or violent crime focus with vice close behind rather then other things, like corruption or muggings, theft, vandalism, etc. All things that the poor people of Gotham suffers from the most and he knows that while GCPD cannot focus on those things the vigilantes in the city do. He uses these facts in support of Batman and against Superman and more often then not arguments about whether or not Bruce Wayne is trained is replied with ‘How do you know?’
It is this line of questioning that gives Hal Jordan pause in joining the argument. Because Barry and Bruce are right Hal doesn’t know if Bruce is trained or what his motivations are. He was suppotive of Superman’s argument ement before that, because he doesn’t believe that teenagers should be fighting crime. He believe’s that there are people with that responsibility, he’s trained in his responsibility with the Guardians but... Superman doesn’t have much mire of a responsibility to Metropolis and the world then Bruce Wayne has to Gotham and the world. In fact he probably has less of a responsibility to Metropolis then Bruce has to Gotham and Bruce has made it clear that he’s not taking responsibility for the world but will help when needed. He knows that as Bruce Wayne he does a lot of charity work to help the poor, he found that out when he looked for answers about those Zombie apocalypses that he’d been told about. Hal’s mostly just developing a headache and takes Aquaman’s offer to help him look for snacks because he knows Barry well enough to know Barry is grouchy when he’s hungry and it’s honestly better then being here. They end up investigating something stranger then a Zombie apocalypse and all question about if Batman could handle some of the space stuff he’s heard about leaves his mind because this is weirder and also not considered a big deal to anyone in the city?
Arthur Curry was listening to the argument and honestly felt a bit lost. He wouldn’t want someone to come into his Kingdom and tell him how to run it or that they thought he couldn’t for whatever reason. The argument was entertaining enough to justify leaving the water however he was also quoted facts and has a responsibility to investigate those. So he leaves and he takes Green Lantern with him because what a better time to bond with your teammate when sneaking through someone elses house and going through their stuff except not really? They run into Question almost immediately and get politely asked not to use their powers to stop any crime they come across because the infrastructure really couldn’t handle a superhero battle. Fair. Question also asks Arthur about help investigating Vampire Mermaids just off the coast. He gets worried about the description of a Vampire because it sounds a lot like cannibalistic water demons and those aren’t supposed to exist anymore. Imagine his surprise when he finds out they do and people in Gotham keep surfing in the waters after being bitten. They think it’s a result of bacteria and infection due to a high rate of bodies being dumped in the waters, it probably is. Question asks for a risk assessment but is otherwise tells him the Vampire Mermaids can stay because they aren’t killing anyone. A new found respect for the city has honestly been found and he cannot wait to tell his wife.
Diana Prince was split for her thoughts. She understood where Superman was coming from regarding Batman’s age, while she was trained as a child Man’s world didn’t practice that as far as she was aware. Superman had no right to come to Gotham and take something that didn’t belong to him, even if that was knowledge, he had no right to share that with the rest of them. It was unfair on Batman who had excluded himself from the team narrative early on. She also understood the need to persue a calling, if that was something that was happening she wanted to be supportive of him in it. Someone young should have support especially if the crime rates in the city are what they are. Diana wants to hold the group together and it’s obvious that Batman had seen this argument coming when he walked away those months ago. It’s when she looks up to the sky that she realises that Gotham plays on different rules though. Usually when she does that she can feel the support of Olympus and while it’s still there, it’s distant. It’s a clear warning to Diana really, there are other gods here and to them you’re an outsider. She knows what she has to do then because she hasn’t just been taught to fight her battles physically, but politically as well. It’s her and the Martian Manhunter who stop the argument from escalating.
J’onn J’onzz is trying to understand Earth culture and how Humans act. From the best he can tell is that Superman is in the wrong here. He can sense the age of the city around him and there are remarkably few children here it’s upsetting to him. He can feel the anger and self-righteousness that Superman is projecting. He can feel the fear that Batman is and he could hear his thought of his age being an issue of trust. So it isn’t just that Superman is on the wrong side, but that Batman’s judgement was correct about his age and identity meaning he couldn’t actually trust them. He points it out rather bluntly, and there’s a brush of something agaisnt his mind psychically in response. Something in this city wasn’t happy with the argument. Superman, he thinks, isn’t going to undertand their point of view until he learns to listen and do research on his own and he’ll have to build up trust with Batman on his own. But at least now, J’onn thinks, he knows he’s not going to win.
Hal and Arthur return with snacks and a friend without a face. It is apparently someone Batman knows well because there’s relief there too even if it’s when he hears that GCPD are asking if they have to evacuate the District or if ‘superpowers’ are going to leave. Something about infrastructure and fights that typically destroy 3.2 skyscrapers. Most of them leave apologetic of the fact that they weren’t able to wait for Batman to trust them with who he is himself.
There isn’t a physical fight, but if there was one Superman would lose. Not because Batman had preptime or allies. But because in my Gotham, this Gotham, the stories of a giant man sleeping beneath the city, a wizard leaving a powerful magical artefact buried there somewhere, and two curses from Native tribes before they were slaughtered mean Gotham had it’s own particular brand of magic and it’s own God are true. Batman would win because it’s magical land they were fighting on, and magic is one of Superman’s weaknesses.
It’s not an action movie, and I think it shows Superman’s abuse of power on a much more subtle level then other movies. But it would also show that there are human flaws in Superman’s character that the Snyder movie did not show really. Also it fits with my teenage batman headcanon. It’s also going to cause massive changes in Bruce and Batman going forward, not just Superman’s growth.
There’s a lot that Bruce was never effectively taught how to do and political arguments are one of those things, he can’t have travelled the world to train if he started so young he would have had to train at home and there’s an element of outside media politicking that he could learn. Honestly? I imagine him learning that from Diana. But there’s also a pause too. Because a massive amount of Batman’s character is his need to know everything about everyone and his privacy issues, and this is where that starts. It’s an ugly part of his character but he needs it to feel safe.
It certainly would be a good place to begin the psychiatric reasons behind him not killing going beyond ‘moral code’ and trauma. Namely that he doesn’t personally believe that he could stop killing after the one time. He thinks that it would be too easy for him and it’s a reason to keep him from doing it, while not being able to understand how others are able to, but having a willingness to work with those that do.
Anyway, this is the kind of storyline we need in a teenage!batman v superman movie/book/comic.
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The Clone Wars    Senate Murders
          (Season 2 Episode 15)
Ack      ....  So     are     we    going     to    address     the     guy      that    got     killed?      . .      Oh      This   is a new one       . . .         Oh       No       . . .        The        Bab        ies        -      Will       Only    Pro     Long
  Oh good
 [I was worried      I was going to have to pull out  The old   “Amidala kills children,”      Thing,]
   Any way,      That’s            Good        I like        babies not getting         hurt,         [Cute things in      general]    
      Oof           That’s           Not-
     [pretty sure       that’s the            point]
Well I have teased       Amidala pretty       unmercifully,      Regarding       That        Episode,        I do    still give her       a bit of slack          (Age    appropriate)       Because she still    has a chance to        un-feck the situation      [In the       story]
 Least we know    it      isn’t her getting   poison      ed this time,
 Oh,   never     mind,
That actually    did   apparently   help     (slightly)     (in the   unaccountable)        (Slightly           less       toxicity          in         air)
      Hold             Up           Wait,          Wasn’t              Ready           (Sus             Pect-           Ing-       Animation           That       smooth,
      I          think that was      Sa-        tine          -            Good         ref      (erence)          Picking       up        right       where       he      left        off  
-Windows        -
   Okay,        Minor        Issue?
  Oh it’s a whole bunch of them
   That’s nice-
      Senator            Stonk
“what will the public think   if I don’t want to make child soldiers,?”
   “But he wants to know    how very sorry he is,”
      That   is the correct tone
   Sorry doesn’t get you anything
   It’s an attempt to control the     narr-     ative
And    nothing else
 (If you screw up just      fix the problem     don’t keep dragging the tox,”
  That’s nice
This is a very non-toxic         healthy tea
  (I know he’s kind of assuming authority          here
    But they   seem to be pretty close friends-
   Who are covered under the friend-      ship rules
“ A.k.a. not doing it to a random stranger who doesn’t like it,”
 Good rule
Oh God      It’s        
With the line about   convincing     other people of good?
Tumblr media
Note; this isn’t an official X
 It’s just a show my venomous   hatred of this guy..
And the episode he   Spawned    from
 Which was the first one to     earn a strike from me...
For normalizing    abuse...
With that in mind I give this episode the benefit of the     doubt...
  Even with that     concerning opening line
  So I will acknowledge I am slightly doubtful
 [not quite   putting on the   SWAT gear,    maybe just     a bat]
With that-     in mind- let’s continue...
... .
Mistakes       ...     
Em-     That at least counts as   one tox
Bring up the previous   things you did wrong     does not fix it
It’s guilt tripping
And an attempt to get the other party to validate   your toxicity
Dude’s      Towing..
Just after a joke   about how sorry doesn’t do anything
I hope the writers can see the irony in that
(Utilize          It)
  Peace         -         Dick
[Repeat generations/friends can be friends with older     members,      just      Weird,]         -        Any       ,Way-
  Ni’     gh    t’
 Ah- did they skip over to it or they   going?
“exciting isn’t quite the word   I would use,”
Toxic,     authority assuming,     enabling,
Authority assume     is not ok  regardless of what generation you   are
[Dude’s going to be a Traitor,        Isn’t he?
  They focused on him
  Might be actually a good bit of tension    if he didn’t      (Former   Separatist)
Yeah surrounded by a bunch of toxic boomers   who will   feel free.    To be as doubting       distrustful.    negative     and overall unhelpful
As you allow
And they feel like pushing the   boundary...
Or-     gana
Dick move
It’s her     personal opinion       -      and it ain’t   tox?
People can have   dislikes
Not like she called you an   Overinvolved boomer       —        or held you to any   accountability       (Yet)          ...    
 Who order-
[This is getting really     tox
and I don’t trust the   writers           ✖️ Just   putting      it     over        there         in       case      I need it           .....
 ..  [Grooming        isn’t cool
 Self deprecation       isn’t either]
 Also there’s a process you need to go to to speak?
Money doesn’t   matter -
Killing    -      and     hatred      but       the   pacifistic        bitch        vilified
*Spoken   in  complement
She kicked     ASS   last episode
*sorry   for the vulgarity       I’m excited      . .       Also,    so is this     Padme’s episode.
 Cause        Neat.
 But are votes   casted by     clapping?
(I’m not sure)
That’s     either a bad guy       or damn good red   herring
I’m intrigued
Also, whatever happened to     Clovis?
Like,      he still a        senator?
He get   kicked?
 False   appreciation
Also yeah     what was with that dude       earlier?
[Uncle what’s his name apologize to him for Padme’s comment despite Uncle what’s his name being the one who made it, implying dude took a serious issue with it,]
Also,   Oo, is this working of the previous quote about the line between friends and foes being blurred.
              [I like                  consistency]
So it has to be one of those guys,
The ones in the   room with her,
I’m putting a guess on   Senator-
 The one uncle       what’s- his-name         apologized to
      That guy
[Or it could be that guy that]
No actually he’s probably   abstain        ed for that reason
Sorry      I’m getting ahead          -     But it does say     “Murder,”
   And        I      am    curious        .     Really   going   over       -         Also    why   is that guy   bowing?
Right        .        obvious     villain       .
 Also   light bullshit..
There’s no-   way guy could’ve made it over there
The thing is still in session
We saw him less than a    minute ago
 And she just came in directly
[He’d be         halfway down the hallway]
For likely scope
Yeah, this dude is totally a     Red     Herring       -        He’s    way    too    over     the     top       ...    I’m putting my bets      On that human Senator          Guy           .       CHILD SOLDIERS      ARE BAD!       [sorry I just   felt the need to say that,]
  Okay,    Uncle-what’s his name-
Other person
 That guy-
  Drink      -ing!
   Oh, this looks like a problem
    Child groomers          In-       corporate-
Second Red herring!
(It’s that guy   and I’m sticking with        it)
  Yeah,  like how did he even get into the room without a key card?
  I know Amidala’s a senator and      by that,               A public      servant,         But you figure if they’re bringing out the    alcohol, they’d shut the door
   -Declare      off hours
  -For the celeb     ration-
 Separatist      Con        Spiracy-
   She has a     point-
   You did a     hundred percent enable his behavior
    (No argument            there)
      Pro- separatist
Ah, uncle back stabber there would contradict you
   Not sure if you’re the same species
But,       you do know about his bullshit,
Don’t assume accountability       free snarking             Territory           (They’re all enablers so I’m not even going to bother with the math,      About who screwed up more,          All the   elders   here are held to the same standard,       About,
 Uncle Backstabber a little more
   *Since I know what he did,
From the most bastard,       of the group,
Who’s the next Red herring?
It’s that dude     I swear      Soon
Yeah child soldiering is a bitch
As is enabling
But she has no idea what’s going to happen     being the past.
Dick,    whelp,
Poor       Frita       (I think)
He’s going       he’s going to get roped into this too     isn’t he?
      “ We you must be doing something right,”
Nah,  enabling abusers  never a good idea
   But then again there’s no rules for dealing with trauma individuals because they aren’t supposed to be any
   How long that takes and what it entails
   Is down to who ever is        asserting accountability     (Excluding      the actual accountability, cutting      Them off)
That’s unnegotiable
(And it can’t involve   death)
Too.     harsh-
No you haven’t-
Well, yeah
But that’s     accessory at best     ... Ono you’ve done a wonderful job
No he hasn’t
Don’t coddle   the abuser
 He’s screwed up pretty consistently
 Pretty sure       it’s more than five
And was leading to let the future get     hecked         ...
 Very       Likely
He wasn’t hurt
The other lady   spent a lot more time defending
She should get the ‘don’t listen to them’
If anything just    ‘reflect the bitch’          (Neutral)          Aight    
     Too          Late!
      Can someone stop      playing the sad music?
      This isn’t sad
     And you can’t make me       sympathize for the abuser
   (I- don’t trust this     writer)
    That Dude sus
He’s dying you        dumb ass
(Having a      heart attack       probably
  All the stress            of denial)
 -Oh wait      bitch is dead?
 (I know that seems really harsh-            But dude- deserved it
And I never have to deal with that character        anymore!
 Al-      right       the      funeral;
 (I’m sorry I really hated that      character-)
* In reality      the loss of life is a very serious thing and      I don’t mean to make light of it
 But no one is required      to feel sad about their abusers-         Nor toxic individuals        Nor anyone else        Yes the loss of life is a     serious thing           But it should not             And could not         control a person’s life
I’ve always played accountability    over death          Or death   penalty           ...
“...was is a flawed man,”
  He tried to sell someone into   slavery...
  The fact that Amidala was an adult           and could get out of the situation           Doesn’t forgive        how terrible that situation was.
    Un-healthy           And        Wrong
   “Own    mistakes”
 And he tried to guilt trip everyone       into giving him validation
    Specifically           Amidala
      Every        occasion
    [Also      flawed          Some          one        breaking            the           code           once             or           twice,           (Under            five)            Is        flawed,
       This         dude          tox,  
       He should’ve been sentenced     to      accountability along time ago
    For trying to make the world      a generally terrible place for someone
    Multiple times-
  That’s not okay
   [and he clearly         didn’t learn his lesson]
    [Note; whether a person “learned their lesson” or not,            Is irrelevant
   [They already    knew the rules before]
But he never compromised his principles-
That’s because   dude didn’t have any principles
He broke them long before,
Also why the frick does Master Yoda care?
Dude    was          a      politic,
 The     Fuck,
He engaging this propaganda?
Why does he care about any of this.
Why does   ANY     one
[Satine, alright, hermen got murdered and she might be looking for evidence on who-done-it   That’s fair
Oh says it’s an everyone event
That makes sense
Guessing the Jedi are required   to come or else the branded as that asshole
What-      ever-
Why the guard?
Like cultural customs
Aren’t honor guards          for veterans      (And possibly extremely         high positions,      Like         Chancellor?
As technical commander of the army?
Like,      Explain?
That guy-
 Very       Sus-
   Pas-         sed
    I’d say      to find his killer
     But yeah I can’t really   blame anyone for not    caring that much     about that dude
   Specifically      Amidala
(Though     accountability law..
   Frita is honestly my favorite        character
   I don’t know       why.
     Possibly his relation to the           chancellor and how      he still a good natured guy,
     Yeah     he was a dick,
Hope those aren’t memories     [also        totally the        Kamooin               B-            Right?
                    [Like                         I’m totally still after                          Dude, ]
But she’s   the only one that     touched the bottle]
That we saw?
Dude did suggest it
      Still        heavily          sussing              him                .          No           Face               .              Also       is that his wife?
     (Don’t think it was         ever established)
   How old is this person?
I’m gonna assume     adult
He toxically asserted   authority over me.
Or wrong choice of words and they meant like     “best friend”
 Cause that’s kind of     tox,
  - -
  This is     getting       Hella          tox
    You’re       a      person
    Yeah you might miss him   and that’s totally fine
You’re still a person completely able to   self determine.
   ‘ take his place,’
   Oh no
   Oh no
   Just what she needs         overinvolvement 
   Not        threatening at all    
    Oh         Red           .         We        never       see      them      enter            .         Right            .            Well this turned from a private party     to a    Conference
   I thought he was just calling    to offer condolences.
Oh,    Did you not tell the loud ones what happened to their loved one?
  (Like normally I’m all for no one should      witness anyone else’s death          Or that news be public
   But this is assumed authority.         And that stuff is pretty normal
     Regardless       of how terrible.       Senator Fa
This guy seems like a drip
[Guessing that’s the reason why       Amidala is going to end up taking charge,]
Because      the Chancellor     hired a sham detector    Whelp
   Dick way to put it
  True, the protocol for murder          isn’t cutting and clear
   Dragging random people into it, isn’t
   You see it          you’re        immediately accountable,
      (Only by view of the body,          Not by word of mouth)
Because this kind of approach is super          in-effective,
  Whelp        Great
  Also there were thousands of       senators in that building that could screw up the thing
Only five
(I’ll give the        murder        mystery            It’s             Dues,           And           let it          continue,             But       (im-probabilit-           ies is not a good thing)
        Might              Want                    To                  Avoid
(Also     if that’s the     qualification;       I’m sussing         Amidala,          Dude      was                 a           dick           to          her)
    THOUGH              I’M STILL-         SUSS      -ING           DUDE       IN           Blue?     dude with the    beard
   That      one.
   Build-ing    <—-    He          Sus
Hey   that was almost emotion,      Nice
(also, dang how frequent are   murders?
  He          Sus
   He didn’t take a seat         like everyone else
   [Also, it was purple    Dude wearing purple     that’s who I’m talking about]
Also are you going to introduce him as the     detective ?
‘cause you’re kind of   screwing with these people
Not   telling them what’s going on
Answering in vague Snark
Him.    ...
For no reason
Considering he was an uncountable toxic frick who allowed it lots of people to get hurt-
  I’m       mad,
 A ight
Okay, He’s got a point
Immediate accountability     is the case murder     for good reason
Surprised they didn’t start       this right after the     murder
When it happened
Dude- [i’m not going to criticize       the spatial awareness]
 Right         there
A good point since     they really haven’t explained anything?
   Okay,         Right
Or anyone     stealthy
  Though yeah I guess    politicians
  [just don’t like the        generalization]
   Someone good        With he rbs..
Poor.   Frita
  He didn’t deserve     this,
(Well yeah he’s an enabler,)
But       He’s the least toxic..
[Also poor Frita,       Always       getting sucked into these mysteries
   He’s the shaggy        of this damn group
   [Likes food          and hanging out with people,          Gets dragged into      bullshit,
Insulting     the whole damn room             .....            This character is                 obnoxious
            But in a fun way
             The narr              -atives-            clearly having fun
Ono        yeah       he   was    an   open   dick
  [Seriously they’re treating him    like-]
 No it couldn’t possibly be because he was an       ex separatist,
Open book         Case,
 Politicians      arguing over basic human decency
   And common sense
    ‘Do we really.. Ok        that’s enough politic jokes
   The movie started it         so I had to finish it.
  Now on with.
      Dude drunk
  “ I’m        totally-”
 Um, this is     delicious corruption
How long until     Amidala figures what’s going on?
He just     left?
   He really is a       quack
    Did you find him         on       fakedetectives.com?
    That guy,
Also it’s that guy     Authority ass-     umer sus,
  No       No,
Good plan
  Good      plan
   Yes-       Good
    Let’s           Do           It           ...
    It’s that guy
He     -a dick
Also not to claim authority over   him
Not, not to be     cu-     rious-    -
Authority   figures     don’t 
 He was an ass
Also yeah just     put   all the possible suspects in the room      -         That       Guy
  That       fricker
   Onu          looked         at him         before         his death                 -             He came back last       to the party-
       He was the first             to suggest opening the drinks             -              Also the thing with the detective       and him just trying to get over as quickly as possible
        He sus,  
Right,       -       Don’t - get stabbed
 Ha, such a red         herring-
Oh, Red herring        Co-nference
  Didn’t notice the     snake lady          (Kamoin)     Empty     Chair       -        Also     they know each other?
  Good,        evil for them,
Also yeah the         boomers here didn’t do it       -         More     likely someone from the Present     Gen.. . 
That      Guy..
Guy’s like damn
Like just give her your time and your place and       your alibi.
Whelp,       Aight
So I’m pretty sure if I had paid attention to the     bottles,        That wouldn’t have   matched up       ...
Yeah he was a separatist
    Like I saw the hand on the dock            But I thought it was an assassin        or team up
                               I feel                                   verified
              Until it played music                       victory music                         Over the arrest                       of a distressed                        and less toxic                            person
*While   painting      the      toxic     person           as a        saint
                  Which I cannot                          condone
         As such;
                  it earns my most                             regretful                              strike;
Tumblr media
   For attempting to     excuse a toxic       person’s          actions
* I want to emphasize that this is not ok, a person does not get off for un- accountable actions, simply by apologizing, never mind the fact          - that it is an attempt    to guilt-trip       Invalidate          And      Gas-    light               The       Recipient,       But also should not apply to someone that has repeatedly attempt to Gaslight, guilt trip and sell a person into slavery;         (Crossing more than five accounts)
[never mind the selectivi       ty of what it is applied        “Ano” getting away         With slavery, be        -cause he        Was “So-      rry,” gun        held to      (-near)        his       Back      While      Lolo       doesn’t     just   mummer      sorry)
         That once you commit harm              against another person.. it can                not be taken back, the victim       owes you no sympathy, no    right to their emotions, and        certainly, no un      accountability-       Forgive      Ness-      From what you have done.
   You must live with what you have        commit
   Regard ��      Less
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