#i feel like i havent drawn any naruto in ages
raveneira · 4 years
I really dont get whats so hard to understand
Nobody cares about Kawaki and Sumire bonding, nobody is complaining about that, thats all well and fine.
The problem is the TIMING, out of the thousands of opportunities later on they could have had this bonding moment they choose the time when he was supposed to create his first bond with Naruto? Sarada? Boruto? in what way is this good.
Kawaki even bonding with other people in the first place was BECAUSE of Naruto’s influence on him, BECAUSE Naruto made a huge impact on him, BECAUSE people like Sarada and Boruto showed him kindness and empathy. But out of all his relationships it was NARUTO who had the most impact on him because that was his first real bond.
Im sorry but what part of that is so hard for people to get? do yall seriously not see whats wrong with these changes? in case you havent noticed but whenever they ‘change’ something from the manga they end up having to change future events as well because of said changes, usually these were only minor things that didnt affect too much, but this is different.
Kawaki bonding with Sumire now means Kawaki will not be rude to her later on like in chapter 44, when breaking down after losing Naruto and questioning why he was so kind to him will no longer make any sense because Sumire was the first one to do that so why is Naruto a shock? that will most likely be changed, Kawaki’s first friend was Sarada which was a huge moment because she was the first person to witness his trauma and told him he could come to her and rely on her whenever, Im gonna take a wild guess and say that will be removed and maybe even have Sumire be the one who says it instead.
Their not just making minor changes anymore, these were all incredibly important character interactions that happened in this order FOR A REASON, it was to build up to Kawaki opening up and bonding with more people outside just those Naruto introduced him to. Having Kawaki bond with Naruto later rather than when he first arrives at Konoha is just plain stupid.
At this point this doesnt even feel like a manga adaption anymore, they’ve completely changed several character interactions and now even the course of events that took place in the manga, this isnt even an adaption anymore, but a completely separate story just featuring some manga content.
I have zero hopes or expectations for the adaption anymore, I genuinely believed the anime would do the manga justice and expand where it counts to improve it even more but nah...its clear they dont care about following the manga or putting actual time and effort into the things that matter, their just doing whatever tf they want and to hell with what Ikemoto and Kodachi wrote.
For the record this isnt hate directed at Sumire, its the studios fault for their shitty decision making while adapting the manga. I mean how hard is it to animate things already written and drawn out for you? WHY IS IT SO HARD TO ADAPT WHATS ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED AGES AGO? it makes no fucking sense.
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