#i enjoyed the black widow movie yes
hauntsthenarrative · 15 hours
Ballerina (2024) is everything the black widow movie should have been
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astromechs · 2 years
my very controversial mcu phase 4 movie ranking:
1. wakanda forever
2. multiverse of madness
3. eternals
4. black widow
5. spider-man: no way home
6. shang-chi
7. thor love and thunder
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rendy-a · 6 months
amh if possible could hoy make hdcns for the dorm leaders ( separately ) reacting to their mc fem explaining the marvel universe and then puts them to watch the movies hehe ( ..also mc's fav hero is dead-pool ;) bc it gives me laugh imagine their reactions about this xd) , thanks in advance and take care<33
This certainly ended up being a little bit of a crack fic but it ended up amusing. Hope you enjoy it.
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At first, he scoffs as such a time-wasting thing as wanting to watch dozens of movies.  Where is the educational value in this?
He is just too polite to refuse to listen, so he’ll end up letting you describe all your favorite scenes to him.
You are better off if he doesn’t take an interest because, if he does, he is going to turn into the worst sort of comic book geek.  Be ready to have him quote lore from issues of source material at you during any discussion on this from now on.
What do you mean who would win?  In Volume 3 #3, Thor clearly defeated Iron Man.  Don’t get upset Prefect, I don’t write the lore, I just recite it.
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Doesn’t appear to be interested but, if you pause long enough, he’ll prompt you to go on.  It’s important to you, so he’ll try to care at least a little.
You’d never tell him this, but you love to banter with him because it reminds you of your favorite character.  Sometimes you wonder if he’d be pleased or offended to know who you remind him of.
Movie marathons?  Not only is he willing to do them with you, but he is also often the one who suggests them.  Don’t be deceived though, it’s not for the movie but for the quality nap time on the couch with you. 
Don’t turn that off, Herbivore, I’m watching it.  What do you mean I don’t know what’s going on?  This is the part where we learn her mom isn’t dead after all.  So quiet down and keep the lights off.
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Please, he is in Board Game Club with Idia. You think this is the first time he has hmmm’d himself through a conversation about fictional characters?
Wait, you say that this makes a ton of money?  Tell him more about this merchandising and licensing.  Especially that, what do you call it…ah, Happy Meal.
You can eventually talk him into watching the movies with you for ‘research purposes.’  When you do, you can’t help but notice how teary-eyed he gets at the sad scenes.  He’s just so sensitive!
Deadpool is also his favorite character.  He feels a sort of connection to certain parts of his story.
So, she chooses to stay with him even though he looks like that?  No, I’m not blubbering.  No, I don’t need you to cuddle with me.  Ok, fine.  Just for a little while. 
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He doesn’t get it, but he still loves it.  Sure, you have to explain everything to him three times, but he gets excited over your excitement.  Call him any time to talk about your theories on how things would have gone if Thanos had made a different wish on the infinity gauntlet.  He doesn’t mind if it’s 3 AM (just don’t let Jamil find out).
Movie marathons turn into parties.  Why just watch the movies when you can have themed snacks and dress up too?  Hulk smash cakes and Black Widow berry cobbler?  Yes, please.
His favorite part of any film is the soundtrack.  If he hears a song he likes, he gets up to dance along.  It’s pretty disruptive when you are watching the movie but when you see how much fun he is having, you find you don’t really mind after all.
Sorry Prefect, Jamil says we can’t have dance battles in Scarabia anymore.  Ooh!  But come by the Pop Music Club later.  I’m going to play all my favorite songs for Cater and Lilia. Ahaha!
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You were worried Vil would dismiss your favorite Marvel films as inferior art, but he is actually rather generous about it.  He believes the film should suit the audience and, as so, there is nothing wrong with films like this that serve to entertain the masses.
Still, he can’t help but be critical of everything while you watch.  He doesn’t criticize the things you’d talk about with your friends but topics you’d hardly even notice while you watched like the set design and lighting.
You notice Vil seems secretly fond of Loki.  You think the idea of the Villain that survives the main movies to get his own spotlight series appeals to him.
No, Potato, I’m just saying the angle isn’t right for this sort of tone.  A shot from below would be more effective.  Plus…wait, are you having more popcorn?  I don’t think so, it’s past the time you can snack before bed.
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You had expected Idia to be all in on the Marvel Universe but, at first, he is oddly resistant to it.  He’d rather recommend you one of his own favorite hero movies.  If you disagree on which is better, he is more than willing to fight with you over why his is best!
After a heated argument, he puts on some of the movies to watch so he can come up with targeted points about why his own shows are better.  This does not work out for him as he gets sucked in himself.  Next time you meet up, he wants to go over tiny bits of lore and speculate on future plot lines from hints in the past movies.
You might think his favorite would be Iron Man because they both are innovative engineers, but he is a fan of Ant Man.  Shrinking down to a size where you can hide from everyone; it’s an introvert’s dream!
Prefect, this is serious business!  I’ve drawn up plans.  So long as we sleep only 2 hours a day and avoid taking any breaks for food, studying, and showers, we can finish at least three seasons this weekend.  True fans like us need to be ready to sacrifice for the shows we love!
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There are many things Tusnotarou doesn’t understand, and this is one of them.  For starters, he barely knows how to use his smartphone, let alone how to stream movies and shows.  So, before you can even start explaining the plot, you must explain the whole concept of series and interconnecting shows to him.
He doesn’t get it, but he is happy to watch with you.  Your reactions to the show are far more amusing to him than the actual show.  Plus, he feels like he learns so much about the human world from your conversations.  A subway, how intriguing an idea.  Humans are so fascinating.
Even though he watches politely, he isn’t very impressed.  They can fly?  Well so can he.  Magic, lightning, superstrength?  All just part of being a dragon.  Perhaps instead of being interested in these superheroes, you’d rather learn more about him?
 Lilia, do you think I am a superhero?  The Prefect has been explaining this concept to me in great detail lately.  I can’t help but notice the many things I have in common with these so-called heroes.  Why yes, Lilia, now that you mention it, I am wearing a cape.  Another point in my favor. Fu fu fu.    
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Today on Hobbit-Headcanons:
What would the company of Thorin Oakenshield enjoy about the Modern World?
One of my WIP transports the company to our world shortly before they're supposed to reach Rivendell, and into the apartment of my OFC.
So here is a list of things I think each character would enjoy about the Modern World:
Thorin: Google Maps, Siri (will totally argue with her like she's real), Shows like The Crown, Game of Thrones, but also Bridgerton, Democracy (yes you read that correctly), Rock music
Fili: Birth Control (can finally fuck around without risking the royal lineage), Superhero Movies (has an huuuhe crush on Black Widow), Tinder, Martial Arts, Feminism, Henley shirts to show of his muscles, bars & clubs
Kili : TikTok (LOVES cat videos, Top Content Creator about Archery, 'deep thoughts'/rambling, 'prank my uncle/brother with me', does EVERY challenge, accidental thirsttraps & flustered by the comments), Parkour, Man Buns & (Hipster-) Fashion, LGBTQ+ - Community , karaoke bars, team sports, the zoo
Bofur: modern music (especially pop songs with dirty lyrics), Tumblr (is no. 1 shit-poster), music festivals, arts&crafts blogs, Christopher's Streets Day
Bifur: Google Translate, Modern Medicine, Pain Medication, ASL, RomComs (trust me), helps out in an animal shelter, country music
Bombur: Cooking Shows (has his own Online Show), Kindergarten (he had so many children, the reprieve would be SO appreciated), international foodstuff to try
Dwalin: Guns, MMF, store-bought cookies, sport shows (AGRESSIVE fan for whatever team he randomly picks), Barbecues
Balin: Twitter (the political possibilities!!!), mental healthcare (he's sending the whole line of Durin he had no time for their shit), Spa Days, public schools, classical music
Oin: Modern Medicine (Duh), hearing aids, physiotherapy
Gloin: bitcoins, the stock market, Facebook (posts daily about Gimli)
Dori: hair tutorials, fashion shows, tracking devices (has totally microchipped a drunk Nori at some point)
Nori: hacking, movies with the lovable rogue as the MC (Pirates of the Carribbean, Deadpool etc.), spy movies (duh), the mafia (yes, he becomes a boss within weeks)
Ori: Wikipedia, public libraries, tutorials for EVERYTHING (knitting, cutting your own hair, how to talk to royalty, fancy war cries, you name it), fantasy novels, public schools
Bilbo: Food blogs, the "ignore call"-button, Instagram, university (will mayor in at least three subjects), museums
Gandalf: the Internet as a whole, email/ instant messaging, yard sales, modern weed, museums (has a knack for finding cursed items), adventure movies (after watching Indiana Jones he seriously debated obtaining a whip)
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adoremexxs · 1 year
Rui and Zohakuten Friendship Headcanons!
This is probably going to be so long because I love Rui and Zohakuten
Warnings: mention of kidnapping (it’s not angst i promise), mention of drugs (it’s not angst i swear)
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To say that Zohakuten gets jealous of Rui’s other friends is an understatement
He HATES when Rui isn’t paying attention to him and him only
So best believe when Rui goes and talks to Senjuro, dragging Zoha along, he is glaring the entire time at Senjuro
Senjuro is intimidated by Zohakuten
He hates him because he’s a “rebel” and a “bad influence” on Rui
Rui does not give a shit
Rui comes from a wealthy family (Muzan being his adoptive father)
He’s really sick so he constantly goes to the doctors
Zohakuten hates these days where Rui is gone because he’s by himself
Not that he minds being alone, he just misses Rui’s company and watching him play cats cradle
Muzan didn’t care for Zohakuten when he first met him
But then he saw how careful and nice he was to Rui
Like carrying Rui’s medicine for him or pestering him over being careful
He started to be nicer to him
Zohakuten feels like he needs to protect Rui
He’s ill and sick people, in his mind, need protecting at all costs and he makes sure that Rui isn’t out of his sight
Zoha HATES when Rui comes over to his place
Zoha and his brothers aren’t as wealthy as Rui’s family so they live in the rundown part of town
A lot of gang violence happens in their neighborhood
Zohakuten basically runs it
No one messes with him, he has quite the reputation
And then…his brothers are embarrassing
They tell Zohakuten to leave the door open all the time and ask if Rui is his boyfriend like no
That’s his bestie and only friend, leave him alone!
Zohakuten shuts the door anyways
All they do is play video games, talk shit and nap
They nap, yes
Usually Rui falls asleep on Zoha’s bed and Zoha just sleeps on the floor so Rui can have the bed
Karaku has definitely snapped a few photos as blackmail
Rui wanted to see Spider verse with Zohakuten so obviously he went
Just to find out that his brothers went as well to spy on him
They are so embarrassing
Zohakuten couldn’t enjoy the movie with Sekido’s eyes glaring into the back of his head
Rui enjoyed it though and wouldn’t stop talking about it
Then they saw Sekido and them
Zoha pushed Rui out of there so fast so he didn’t have to deal with them
Zohakuten has joined Rui on vacation a couple of times
It was nice
They went to Florida and Rui’s sisters wouldn’t leave Zohakuten alone
Until Rui threatened them
Zohakuten has no idea what Rui said to them to this day but he is forever grateful
They snuck off and went to the carnival near by, they almost got kidnapped too but that’s not as important
“Zoha, I want that giant spider plushie.” Rui pointed at this giant black widow spider plushie and it was huge
Zohakuten won that stupid spider for Rui
It costed him like half of his bank account but in the end, it made him happy to see Rui happy
Rui has seen Zoha smile
Rui likes that Zohakuten is so comfortable around him to see him smile and cry once too
And Zohakuten smiled whenever Rui was hugging that stupid overpriced spider plushie
Rui said that one day he wanted to do drugs (just weed) and Zohakuten reprimanded him so hard (Before Rui even knew about Karaku’s incident)
“Drugs will LEGIT kill you, Rui! If you do drugs, I am NEVER talking to you again! No matter how much I care for your pathetic ass!”
Zoha’s words didn’t hurt Rui at all, he knows that Zoha just struggles with showing how he feels and he does it with aggression
Zohakuten has beat up several people for Rui
No one messes with his best friend
He has earned the respect of Muzan for caring and protecting Rui
Him and Muzan will often talk about Rui’s wellbeing
Muzan asking if Rui is happy and Zohakuten confirming that he is
It’s a bit of a bonding moment between the two
Rui’s sisters obsess over Zohakuten
Rui gets mad (jealous) about it
Doesn’t want his sisters to try to date his best friend because in all the rom coms he has read/seen, it never works out and he also doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with Zohakuten
Their school dance came up and Rui had no idea how to dance so Zohakuten taught him
Rui was flustered because he was tripping over his own feet
Zohakuten actually had a lot of patience with Rui
They practiced for an hour until Zohakuten just realized that he taught Rui how to dance the girl’s part so they had to start over
Rui just thought that Zoha wanted to dance more
Zohakuten recently started up kickboxing because he needed a destressor that wasn’t beating the shit out of his drum set and making the neighbors and his brothers mad
Zohakuten is extremely good at it and Rui even comes to his tournaments
Zohakuten also has a really really good singing voice, he rarely sings but “Hard 2 Face Reality” has got him singing his heart out
Rui heard him and caught him singing, he’s memorized by Zoha’s singing
Zohakuten was embarrassed and never wanted to open his mouth again
They act like it never happened
Rui plays cat’s cradle a lot and Zohakuten has tried to make Rui make a cat
Or even better, a dragon
Rui declines any of Zoha’s stupid requests
He’s just afraid of disappointing him somehow
“Rui, PLEASE, look, I used a nice word. PLEASE make a dragon.”
“Rui, make a damn dragon already!”
They rarely argue
But when they do, Zohakuten is just explosive and gets a bit violent
And Rui leaves him by himself or he just lets Zohakuten yell it all out at him, it doesn’t hurt his feelings
Then Zohakuten goes to him and all he does is sit by him
That’s basically his apology
Rui has noticed that Zohakuten has an obsession with hands
He likes examining Rui’s hands and watching the strings (Cat’s cradle) on them slip free
Zohakuten doesn’t understand why he does this either
He’s noticed that Rui has weak and bony hands unlike him
Zohakuten has come to the conclusion that if Rui were to punch something, he would break every bone in his hand
Zohakuten has also concluded that Rui is a vampire because he is so pale and gets sunburnt easily
Zohakuten teaches Rui some words in Spanish
Him and his brothers are Latino and Japanese
They grew up with a mix of both cultures but mainly Japanese
But they knew a lot of Spanish
Rui sometimes makes lunches for Zohakuten because he knows he doesn’t eat sometimes
Zohakuten always gets flustered and red in the face when Rui gives him a lunch
It’s not Rui’s job to make him lunch but yet he does and he feels embarrassed
If anything, he should be making Rui lunches
He clearly doesn’t eat enough! (He does)
Zohakuten doesn’t know how to accept anything from Rui
From friendship charms, to bracelets to necklaces
They have a whole matching friendship outfit
They have worn it out before
Rui made Zohakuten listen to country one time, Zoha didn’t like it (he swears but he secretly does)
The Christmas Incident.
Karaku and Urogi promised Zohakuten he would get a new dragon figure if he dressed up as an elf
Obviously he wasn’t going to do it alone, he got Rui to join him in exchange to watching every single spider man movie ever
So they got dressed up in the stupid elf costumes
And they were Karaku’s helpers because Karaku insisted on dressing up as Santa, Urogi and Sekido were reindeer
There were two rudolph the red nosed reindeer
They accidentally stood under a mistletoe together and a kid saw them
The kid said that they had to kiss now
Zohakuten told the kid it wasn’t a mistletoe and was just a leaf
Rui and Zohakuten were embarrassed about that for weeks
Zohakuten didn’t even get his dragon figure but he did watch all of the spider-man movies with Rui
At least one of them got something good out of it
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lives-in-midgard · 2 years
Request about Chris Evans falling for camera girl in the movie of avengers 2
Falling for you
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: Hi! I hope everyone is having a good day/night! Thank you anon for sending in that request, I really liked writing it. I hope you enjoy it!
“And action!” You heard the director shout beside you while pointing the camera at Chris Evans who tried to lift Thor’s hammer. It is such an honor for you to work with Marvel and be able to film with such talented actors. You love to watch the movies and you’re a big fan of the actors. It was your dream to someday be a camera girl in such a popular franchise.
“And cut!” The director shouted and then you could have a break. You decided to go to the coffee shop near the set. When you were waiting for your coffee to get ready you looked at your phone to see where and with who the next scene will be. Ah, cool it’s a scene with Elizabeth Olsen. You have seen her on your first day on set and she was so kind and sweet. When the barista said that your coffee is ready you wanted to grab it when suddenly someone else’s hand reached for it.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” A guy beside you said. When you looked over to him you could see that it was Chris Evans.
“You are Y/N the camera girl, right?” Chris said with a smile. You never talked to him in person you only saw him from a distance and filmed him.
“Yes, and you’re Chris Evans.” You nervously said.
“That’s me.” He said with a chuckle when the barista interrupted you and said that his coffee is ready.
You both grabbed your coffee when Chris said. “Do you want to sit down for a bit?”
“Sure.” Chris went ahead and sat down. You took the chair across from him and you took a sip from your coffee. You got a little bit nervous because you didn’t really know what to say to him. You didn’t want to say anything wrong or make him uncomfortable and with that thought your leg started to bounce of nervousness.
“Do you always wanted to be a camera girl?” Chris broke the silence.
“Yeah, it all started when my dad bought me a camera for Christmas when I was eight years old. At first I was just taking pictures but after a while I started to film our everyday life at home. The years passed but the camera stayed. I studied photography at college and I have already done a few photoshoots but filming is something that has always fascinated me.” You paused.
“Sorry I didn’t want to bore you.” You began to get nervous.
“Oh, no you didn’t. I like to hear more about other people instead of talking about myself.” Chris smiled and you were glad.
“And I find it really interesting” Chris added. You talked about a few other things. Chris asked you about your filming skills. Chris started to ask some random questions and you had a lot of fun.
After a while you looked at your phone to see what time it is. “I’m sorry I have to go now the next scene starts in 15 minutes.”
“It’s okay I also have to go and change clothes for my next scene.” Chris said. You both paid your coffees and left the shop.
“Bye Y/N, see you” Chris smiled at you and went into his trailer.
After the last scene you are about to go to your car to drive home when you heard someone calling your name. When you turned around you saw Chris holding your bracelet.
“This is yours, right?” He said and you were so relieved that he found it.
“Oh my god, yes. Thank you so much Chris. I was searching for it everywhere.” You could see how he began to smile.
“Of course. See you tomorrow Y/N” Chris turned around and went to his car. The entire drive home you had to think about Chris. About how sweet and kind he is. He was so interested in hearing about how you started working with the camera. He even wanted to see some of your pictures and that you bring some with you the next time. You are so exited to see him again.
It was early in the morning when you went to the set. On your way to the trailers you saw Scarlett coming out of her trailer dressed as Black Widow. When she saw you, she immediately greeted you. The day went on very well. All scenes didn’t take long to shot. There was one scene that you really loved to film. It was the one were Black Widow comforted Hulk in the woods. Later you went to the coffee shop again. You were about to leave when Chris walked in fully dressed as Captain America. When he saw you, he began to smile and you could feel butterflies in your belly.
You walked up to him “Hey Captain” Chris chuckled.
“Hi. You are about to leave?” He asked and you could see a little sadness.
“Oh, man I thought I could see you here and we could talk like yesterday, it was really fun and I liked talking to you.” Chris scratched his neck.
“You came here because you wanted to see me?” You nervously asked to make sure.
“Umm yeah.” Chris began to blush.
“I could give you my phone number and we could chat or meet up.” Chris smiled and took his phone and gave it to you. You tipped in your phone number and he puts it back into his pocket.
“So now I really have to go, bye Cap.” Chris laughed.
“Bye.” He said and you walked out of the shop.
You are finally home when you got a text message from an unknown number.
Hey Y/N it’s me Chris! I hope you had a good day.
Hey, my day was good how about yours?
Mine was also very good. I went for a walk with Dodger earlier.
After texting with Chris for an hour you went to bed and hoped to see him tomorrow. The days went by, some days were good, others were just okay and then there were some that were bad. Today is one of the bad ones. It all started at morning when your car suddenly didn’t work, and you came too late to work. Later one scene didn’t go as planned and the director didn’t like the way you filmed it. While you were waiting for your taxi to arrive, you got a call from your sister that she can’t visit you this week. You couldn’t take the day anymore, you could feel tears building in your eyes and began to sniffle. When you looked up you could see Chris and you immediately turned around. You didn’t want him to see you like that.
“Hey Y/N.” You looked at your phone and didn’t answer him.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Chris asked you. You whipped some tears away and looked up to him.
“Oh, Y/N, what happened? He said in a soft tone.
“This day was really shit.” You sniffled.
“Can I do something to make you feel better?”
“Can I have a hug”
“Of course, come here sweetheart.” Chris pulled you into a big warm hug. After a few minutes you broke the hug and thanked him.
“Do you want to come home with me? We could watch a movie and you could meet Dodger.” Chris asked you.
“Yeah, that would be nice and I’m finally going to see the cute dog from your profile picture.” He gave you a smile.
In the car he handled you his phone and let you pick out some music that you like but he also gave you some comforting looks because he wanted to make sure that you’re alright. When you were at Chris home you watched a movie, played with Dodger, ate some pizza and told Chris what was bothering you. He was so sweet and made you feel better.
“Thank you so much for making my day better.”
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liminalpebble · 1 year
Loki request: Loki and reader getting mani-pedis together.
Hello my dear @eleniblue! Thank you for the prompt. This is wayyyy outside of my usual style, but was a really great challenge so I hope you enjoy it.
CW: No smut, just one f-bomb, I think. Surprisingly wholesome considering what I usually write. But let's say Minors DNI to cover my ass.
Word count: 800 (lil shortie)
Very soft and bisexual Loki x gender neutral reader (just friendship, deeper feels if you squint), soooo fluffy
Wrapped Around Your Finger
“NO, Loki...no way,” you said between swigs from your water bottle. You'd been training in the Avengers' gym with him all morning, and now, a sweating, exhausted, hungry mess, you weren't in any mood for your fellow Avenger's antics.
It wasn't fair that what was an intensive, back-breaking regimen prescribed by the Black Widow herself was simply a walk in the park for his Asgardian body...and what a fucking body it was. But, as you had a thousand times before, you pushed the thought away.
“Darling....why not? Be a bit of a hedonist with me. Why must you insist on being so responsible and stoic?”
You gave him a warning glare and replied, “Because you only give me those sad puppy eyes and call me 'darling' when you're about to get me into trouble.”
He came closer to you, towering over you, but grinning that Cheshire cat grin that always disarmed you. He leaned down and purred into your ear with a mischeivous whisper, “Come on. Let's have a bit of fun, eh?”
That was the final straw. You knew you were wrapped around his lovely pale finger, with its shiny black nail.
“This...this is new,” you said gingerly, sinking your feet into the warm bath (which admittedly, felt amazing) and slid back into the comfortable leather chair. “I've never had a manicure or pedicure before,” you admitted.
“How could you not! It's so delightfulll,” he said drawing the last word out in a low purr. “Truly, since I've taken up residence on Midgard, this has been one of my favorite discoveries.” He sighed wistfully, eyes wondering around to take in the tastefully decorated high-end salon. “After losing my royal status it scratches a rather delicious itch to have someone waiting on me hand and foot in a luxurious setting.”
You rolled your eyes. “Have you always been such a diva?”
“Well, yes.” he said, without a hint of shame, surprised that you would even ask.
You giggled as the smiling technician began working a tickling pumice stone over the soles of your feet, and Loki chuckled along with you. He reached over and held your hand, meeting your eyes, and saying with surprising sincerity, “It really is good to hear you laugh again.”
Grinning you said, “Well, I have to admit. This is sort of fun, but it feels weird to be...well...waited on. Some of us aren't royalty.”
“Well, for now you can feel like you are. I knew you'd warm up to it,” he said just as two more technicians came over to begin on your hands. The one working on Loki's nails took up a friendly chat with him. He was clearly a regular.
After a bit, he looked thoughtfully back to you. “I wanted to do this for you as a gesture of gratitude. Of all of our colleagues, you've been the only one who listens to me and accepts me willingly, rather than out of begrudging necessity. Dare I say, you rather like being around me?” he said with peaked eyebrows and a bit of fragile hope in his voice.
“I do,” you replied, meeting his eyes. “I like our lunch dates, and how you drag me shopping, or to the movies. You even make training more tolerable. You get me out of my comfort zone.”
He scoffed. “My dear, we both know you can't be left to your own devices when it comes to fashion. You'd probably live in those...what are they called...'sweatpants'? How many novel experiences would you forgo if not for my encouragement?” he said, as he raised his long lovely hand and inspected his now perfectly shellac-ed nails. They gleamed like black patent leather with a layer of twinkling emerald glitter and gold flake; a striking contrast to his porcelain skin.
You gave him a knowing smirk. “You're fishing for compliments, Mr. Laufeyson.”
“Indeed I am, poppet,” he confirmed, again, without an ounce of embarrassment.
“Your nails look spectacular,” you said, knowing he wanted more. And he gave you a disappointed look, hungry for more approval.
“And I am very glad to have your friendship. In fact, I might even say you're my best friend. The misfits of the team need to stick together, right?”
“Indeed they do,” he agreed with a regal nod. “And darling...”
“I am also very fond of you,” he said, those big pale aquamarine eyes glimmered with confusing, exciting implication as they met yours.
Then he pulled back, smiling in faux-innocence, saying lightly, “Now...all finished. To brunch. Shall we?” and offered you his arm.
@queen-paladin @littlespaceyelf @goblingirlsarah @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @sweetsigyn @peaches1958 @muddyorbs @gigglingtiggerv2 @peacefulpianist @coldnique @holdmytesseract@infinitystoner @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @glitchquakee @ladyofthestayingpower @marcotheflychair @sarahscribbles @sailorholly @tripleyeeet @acidcasualties @alexakeyloveloki @icytrickster17 @chokeanddagger @joyful-enchantress
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st4rgi4l · 7 months
I bet on losing dogs
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A/n this is a avatar x marvel crossover, this based on the movie “black widow” but without Natasha
Warnings: guns, weapons, kinda kidnapping, daddy issues
Character: y/n sully, 6 years old,
Jake and neytiri were watching neteyam, lo’ak , kiri , spider and y/n play together.
Jake made the decision to take y/n to the red room. Jake knew what would happen to her and still he didn’t care since he didn’t really love y/n.
But pretended until he would take her to the red room, sometimes he and y/n would have their moments and Jake kinda enjoyed them but knew not to get too attached to her.
Y/n was a daddy’s girl and will forever will be, well that what she thought, y/n always loved her dad even if he didn’t give her attention, she always thought that she would get her own avatar and be like the rest of her family, like her father and her mom, neytiri.
Jake:” kids time to eat!” Jake yelled.
All the kids , except spider , ran to the hut and sat on the ground by the fire waiting to be served their supper.
Neytiri put there food in a bowl and put it in front of them, right when the food was placed they dug right in since they were starved from all the running.
Jake and neytiri sat with the kids and ate their supper together. This was the last time that Jake will have a supper with his daughter.
Y/n:”yea daddy?”
Jake:” you know that adventure that I would take you one day?”
Y/n:” yea why?” She asked.
Jake:”well today is the day that I take you to that adventure.”
Jake:”yes and we’re going to go soon so eat up.”
Y/n ate her supper as fast as she can and got ready for the “adventure”.
Y/n didn’t wear Navi clothes so she wore a shirt and some shorts.
Jake:”y/n let’s go!”
Y/n:” coming daddy!”
Y/n walks out her part of the hut and takes Jake’s hand.
When she’s walking away neteyam whistles and y/n whistles back, he and y/n and a whistle when they would see each other or say goodbye to each other.
Y/n looks behind her shoulder and see neteyam, lo’ak and kiri waving, y/n smiled at them and waved back.
Y/n:” daddy my feet hurttt” y/n whined.
Jake:”we almost there star almost there.”
He and y/n made it to a opening and saw dreykov
Jake walked up to him and talked to him.
Y/n was confused but then she got grabbed by someone but kicked them.
Dreykov and Jake saw the commotion and looked at y/n.
Y/n was running towards them yelling “daddy, daddy!” But was grabbed by the wrist and she started screaming and sobbing.
Jake walked towards her and said “ y/n it’s okay okay? You’re gonna be a big girl and be good for me okay? Take care of yourself my star.”
Y/n was confused why was he telling her that,
She wanted to say something but got drugged and passed out and got carried to a plane and got placed on a bed.
While they were carrying her she dropped her teddy bear which she named star because she loved stars and her nickname was “star”
But little did she know that star was going to fall.
Jake picked up the teddy bear and looked at it.
Dreykov:” that one has fire in her.”he said
Jake:”yea she does she is a star after all.”
Jake walked back to the hut and saw his family asleep and he smiled and layed down with neytiri.
The thing is that the “star” has already fallen.
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A/n omfg😓 this sucks asf😭
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randomshyperson · 8 months
So I finally watched The Marvels.
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They missed the opportunity to actually say Wanda's name but it's totally fine 'cause this is not about her, but also, excuse me Miss Rambeau??? Monica is that powerful now and all because she visited Wanda's little Sims city a couple of times, like what? I love it. That old theory that Wanda was the one who gave Pietro's power is coming back stronger now
I strongly believe misogyny and racism are behind the flop of this movie, I had an amazing time watching it, whole thing was genuinely funny with relevant marvel lore and characters plots (the aliens are still fighting each other and blaming humans, but hey, colonialism and exploit of resources are the main reason we have to protect planets). Everyone loves when Peter Quill explores the galaxy but if three women do the same it's suddenly a problem.
A lot of people saying how tired they are of Marvel, were only tired of women doing the Marvel formula, don't believe those haters. Just like every other Marvel project, we have the hero journey and their blockbusters cliches, a lot of visual effects and jokes, LIKE EVERY OTHER MARVEL PROJECT, but sure, let's blame the girls for the failure. To me, it was really refreshing just to see women having fun and supporting each other and throwing little energy balls every now and then.
Also, the fact that Princess Carol is a fucking Star now? Pretty sure that got her killed in the What if series but good to know she's more powerful than that.
Kamala is the star of this movie, she's so funny and charming but also Monica and Carol angst got me crying and it was not enough!! I need more of their pain
I almost forgot, Miss Carol Danvers is all by herself in space just using a god damn TORTURE DEVICE to try to get her memories back, EXCUSE ME??? Someone gives this woman a hug, or idk, sent her to therapy with Bucky cause jesus Christ that's not healthy lady.
For the things I didn't like, the rhythm for sure. Such a quick movie, a lot of things happening, one minute I was crying the next I was giggling then crying again and then thinking about politics like slow down a little. I wanna digest the dialogues for a second.
Really funny movie, kamala's parents, the cats, everything was so easy going and cheerful even with the little angst moments, I had such a good time.
The best thing about this movie, as fanfic writer who gets truly frustrated with plot holes and stuff like that, it's that I will be able to watch it again. Movies from the first phases I used to love before I start writing, I can no longer enjoy the same 'cause I keep seeing how they don't make a fucking sense or have unbearable characters storylines and personality changes (yes I'm talking about Civil War and Age of Ultron or Ultimate, maybe STEVE ROGERS LEAVING BUCKY in a specific matter). This and also the fact they lack all kinds of minorities. Doctor Strange had like 2 women in the cast?? And don't even get me started on talking about what the sequel did to Wanda's character development.
The Marvels, Ragnarok, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Captain America (1&2), Infinity War and Guardians of The Galaxy (all three), Black Panther (both), Ten Rings, Eternals, are still the only Marvel movies I actually enjoy rewatching, because they are projects that respect the characters established personalities and history and for origins ones like Eternals or Ten Rings, they are simply fun, what a crime for a movie to be just fun huh
All of the shows are worth rewatching (even Fury's one that I hated it), 'cause they were given time to develop into stuff and as a writer there's a lot for us to work it.
Btw, I'm not talking about Kate Bishop'cause I'm simply unable to process my happiness over seeing her again. I do think I might have a stroke once Yelena is back.
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Can you write another big sister part where it’s one of their firsts nights reunited after the red room (could be days before or the day after her birthday party btw) where yelena has a nightmare and woke up startled so she remembers reader is there this time and goes to her bedroom like she used to do when they were kids. Natasha heard her waking up bc she used to comfort yelena so she goes to reader’s room too and they have a heart to heart moment kinda have a sleepover 🥰 thank you
I hope you enjoy this!
What if I'm not needed?
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Warning: nightmare, angst with fluff, hand to hand combat and injuries
Word Count: 2.1k
Yelena woke up with a silent scream. Her breathing was erratic and her heart was beating. A layer of sweat covered her body. She threw off the blanket and placed her bare feet on the ground. The cold floor sent a shiver up her spine. It grounded her. It told her mind that she was in her room and not back there. Nightmares were rare for the youngest Black Widow but with everything that happened in the past few months, it was triggering buried memories. Natasha told her it was a possibility that it would happen. Yelena was annoyed that she was right. With a sigh, she walked to the bathroom and splashed the cold water on her face. It felt good. She dried her face and stepped out of her bedroom. The idea of going back to sleep didn’t seem appealing, especially alone. She could go see Natasha but it was always a catch if she was going to be in her room with Maria or be in Maria’s room. As much as Yelena liked Maria, she didn’t want to deal with her. She sighed, feeling defeated until she remembered you were still in the compound. You were returning to St. Petersburg in a few days to continue freeing Widows. Yelena smiled and headed to your room. 
A knock woke you up. You sat up slowly rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. You kicked the blankets off and walked to the door. You were surprised to see Yelena. “Hi.” She whispered. “I had a nightmare. Can I sleep in here with you?” You held open your door without a second thought. Yelena walked into your room and straight for your bed. It took you back to Ohio when she would come to you at night because she was scared. You smiled after all these years she still trusted you. You closed the door and joined her in bed. She was playing with the blanket. 
“I know it’s been a while,” you said. “But you can tell me what your nightmare was about.” She didn’t answer. You lay on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You started laughing. “Do you remember when we pranked Natasha by pretending that she was invisible?” It was after a night Yelena snuck into your room because she caught a glimpse of a horror movie Melina and Alexei were watching. You caught a glimpse of Yelena smiling. “She was so mad at us. I’m pretty sure mom had to get involved for us to stop.” Yelena giggled. You looked at her. Her smile was gone but she didn’t look sad, just lost in thought. 
“I was at Target Practice,” Yelena said. “They brought me into the room and there were two people with bags over their heads. A gun was put in my hand and they told me to shoot. So I did.” Yelena whipped a tear that fell. “But when they took the bag off it was you and Nat.” You frowned. You were no stranger to your mind creating false scenarios. Yelena looked at you. “Why did my mind show me something that never happened?”
“Your mind is your best and most powerful weapon,” you told her. “It can be an ally when you need it most but also your enemy.” You smiled, sitting up and placing some loose hair behind her ear. “You went through something traumatic at a very young age completely against your will. Your mind is going to take the people you care about and hurt them.” 
“Does your mind do that to you?” You nodded. 
“Yes,” you admitted. “They have you and Nat in them. But I’m going to give you a little secret, you control the outcome of the nightmare.” She looked confused. “It’s your mind, malen'koye solnyshko (little sun). They are gone and can’t hurt us anymore.” She nodded. 
“Thank you.” You smiled. 
“Anytime. Come on, we need sleep.” You both got comfortable and Yelena rested her head on your shoulder. You waited till her breathing evened out and she was asleep but you closed your own eyes. Your advice was easier said than done as you were struggling to get control of your mind. 
Natasha was surprised to find Yelena’s room empty. Her sister was not a morning person. She had to drag Yelena out of bed for morning meetings or training. “FRIDAY, where is Yelena?” She asked the AI. 
“Miss. Belova is in the kitchen.” Odd. Natasha thanked the AI and headed to the kitchen. Yelena was in the kitchen making a protein smoothie. 
“Morning, sestra,” Yelena said with a smile. “Your smoothie is in the fridge. I wasn’t sure when you’d be up.” She walked over to the fridge and took a small sip before putting it back. She liked to have something in her stomach before a workout. 
“I went to your room and I was surprised you weren’t there.” Yelena put her smoothie in the fridge. 
“I had a nightmare and went to see Y/n.” She said simply. 
“Why didn’t you come to me?” Natasha asked. 
“I wasn’t sure if you were with Maria or not,” Yelena shrugged. “Come on, let’s go for our run.” It felt off at Yelena’s confession. For the longest time, Yelena came to her when a nightmare happened. That's how it’s always been. Natasha was jealous. After all this time apart, Yelena still came to you. It took Natasha a few years to gain Yelena’s trust when they arrived in America. She pushed the feeling down and followed her sister outside. 
You’ve had enough. For the past 24 hours, you’ve been walking on eggshells around Natasha. Every time you walked into a room and she was in it she walked out. You’ve tried to make conversation but she only gave one-word answers. Even Yelena didn’t know what was going on. You were leaving soon and you were not leaving until you figured out what the hell you did wrong. 
FRIDAY told you she was in the training room. You changed into a workout outfit and found your sister throwing punches at a sandbag. The metal chain that held the sandbag to the ceiling rattled from each punch. You’ve been on the receiving end of her punches. The instructors of the Red Room loved making the two of you fight. “We need to talk.” You said, standing next to her with your arms crossed. 
“I’m busy.” She said. You rolled your eyes. 
“Let’s spar then. It’s been a while since we’ve fought.” She made no move to indicate that she heard you. “Come on Natalia. You aren’t one to back down from a challenge.” You knew what buttons to press. You walked over to the training mats. The sandbag stopped moving and you heard her footsteps joining you on the mat. Hook, line, and sinker. 
“Do we have any hard limits?” She asked. 
“I promise I won’t send you to the med bay.” You smirked. Natasha huffed and got into her fighting stance. She was off. Her mind was not in it. You were landing easy punches and taking her down. It was further proof that something was wrong. You kicked your leg out and Natasha became off-balanced. You grabbed the collar of her shirt, bringing her down to the ground. “Are you ready to talk?” She wrapped her hands around your waist and threw you over her. You landed on your back. 
“There's nothing to talk about.” She said. You got back to your feet. You dogged her first punch, and the second punch made contact with your stomach but you caught the third and twisted her arm around her back. You kneed her and she crumbled to the ground. 
“Are you sure, Natalia?” You asked. “Because your fighting says otherwise.” She swung her head back and hit your nose. You stumbled backward and felt the blood on your nose. You looked at her stunned. She seemed as shocked as you were. Your jaw clenched. “Fine.” You said, whipping the blood with the back of your hand. “If you want to fight like that. We will.” The air in the training room grew tense as you began to not pull your punches. Natasha had you pinned to the ground. 
“Wield.” She said. You flipped her over. 
“Not a chance.” You said. 
“Enough you two.” Yelena entered the training room. She ran over to you and yanked you off of Natasha. Yelena stood between you two to prevent another fight. “Go to your rooms and calm down before you kill each other.” You whipped the sweat off of your forehead. You sighed and walked to your room. 
The shower calmed your nerves. Your nose wasn’t broken and the serum was healing your wounds. You wondered if you sat in your room and if Natasha would come to see you. But your sister was prideful. You sighed and opened your door. Natasha was standing in front of you. “Yelena said if I don’t come to talk to you she is never gonna talk to me again so here I am.” You stepped out of the way. She walked into your room and sat on your bed. You closed the door and leaned on it. “How’s your nose?”
“Fine,” you said. “It’s not broken. How’s your shoulder?” You almost dislocated it. 
“So, are you going to tell me what your deal is?” You asked. She didn’t respond. “Because I’m tired of walking on eggshells around you.” 
“I got jealous because Yelena went to you instead of me when she had her nightmare.” You blinked at her slowly, letting her words sit with you. 
“Are you serious?” You questioned in disbelief. 
“It took me years for her to open up to me.” You laughed, shaking your head. “What?”
“Exactly, it took you years for her to trust you but at least you had those years with her,” You sighed. “I had to use a memory from Ohio to cheer her up but I bet if she went to you, you would have years of memories to choose from.” 
“That doesn’t matter,” Natasha said. She looked at the floor. “If she easily went to you then she won’t need me anymore.” All the anger left your body as you stared at your sister. You sat down next to her. 
“What do you mean?” You looked at your door. 
“I haven’t been in her life in 20 years,” The last time you saw her was when was ripped out of your arms as soon as the shipping containers opened. “16 for you. I’ve learned about everything you’ve done through news reports and stories from your team because I wasn’t there. I’m not part of this world,” You played with the ring on your finger. “So she will always need you. Me being here won’t change that.” Natasha gave you a smile resting her head on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” she said. “It was stupid that I let it get to me,” you shook your head. 
“Your feelings are valid. Just come talk to me instead of almost breaking my nose.” Natasha laughed. 
“You got yourself a deal.”
You were up so the knock on your door didn’t wake you up. You opened it expecting to see Yelena but you were surprised to see Natasha. She was shifting her weight from side to side. “I had a nightmare. Can I stay with you?” You smiled, letting her into your room. She immediately went to your bed and climbed underneath your covers. You laid down next to her. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked. You knew it was a long shot but you figured it would be good to ask. She shook your head. 
“Not really.” 
“Okay. Just sleep and I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
The next knock woke you up. You felt Natasha shift next to you but made no move to get up. You sighed and opened the door. Yelena was staring back at you. “Natasha wasn’t in her room.” She said. You moved out of the way and pointed to Natasha’s sleeping form. 
“It seems like that kind of night. Come on.” You closed the door as Yelena climbed into bed. She was going to be in between you and Natasha. You climbed into bed, which barely had enough room for 3 grown adults. Yelena rested her head on Natasha’s chest. You made a mental note to tell Natasha that Yelena looked for her first thing in the morning. 
“I’m gonna miss you when you leave,” Yelena said, her voice laced with sleep. 
“Me too,” Natasha admitted. Her eyes were still closed. You smiled. 
“I’ll be around. You guys aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”      
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redvanillabee · 2 months
Deadpool & Wolverine reactions under cut (spoilers alert)
They should have led the multiverse saga with this movie.
Like, this is literally the only time since the multiverse saga began that I feel like the 'prerequisite readings' were worth it. The comic book roots and the many, many, many variations of Deadpool and Wolverine are addressed head on. We get direct and deep cut visual references: the Scarlet Witch temple, B-15 as a boss in the TVA, like I feel that yes, if I had specifically caught up with Loki TV for this movie, I would feel that effort has paid off. I was getting very tired of those very vague 'ah yes Kang has lived many lives' comments from, say, Quantumania.
And because they are actually leaning into the different branches of Marvel products and now uniting them under the Marvel Studios label, they actually properly acknowledged the legacy of these characters and how people feel about them. I loved those behind the scenes clips of old X-Men movies in the end credits. Properly acknowledge their past and exits. Admitting with their chest that yes, we probably won't see Ian Mckellen as Magneto in the MCU, but damn wasn't that a fun time.
(Instead of all this, oh will Tom Hiddleston return as Loki? We don't know! He doesn't know! He said he certainly enjoyed playing Loki for 10+ years! But we will never actually give this character and actor a proper celebratory exit because what if we want him back for a cameo five years later!)
Lady Deadpool really was Blake Lively. Twitter was right. Lol.
Sweary Chris Evans as Johnny Storm was so fun; it's so refreshing to see him as not Stoic Monologuing Cap in the MCU. It just wrong-foots you enough.
At this point is2g Krzeminski is the anchor being of the Agent Carter universe because how else do you explain the complete death and absense of anything Agent Carter in the main MCU. Did like the entire cast of AC/AOS just swear off Marvel permanently. When can we get at least a name drop. I'm desperate here Feige help.
*Logan starts downing a bottle of Jack Daniel's* Me: my boys are finally in the MCU 🥺🥺🥺
Jokes wise, I think the movie was trying a little too hard with the unserious, jokey social commentary angle. Like that whole 'oh my friend identifies as a feminist' thing. Like, look, I don't know what that achieves. To either side of the political spectrum those jokes just end up sounding very clowny. It's not as if Marvel has ever been considered the pinnacle of progressiveness (cutting out gay Russo in Endgame for certain markets? Throwing CM2 under the bus when it was released during a strike? Letting the fans beg for almost a whole ass decade for a Black Widow movie, only to release it when Natasha is canonically dead?) They really don't need those jokes.
All in all: some jokes were a miss, but handled the multiverse and comic book roots pretty well. 7.5-8/10.
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mrs-johansson · 1 year
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 16:
Date night for the Avengers?
Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson step out to dinner with the Cole sisters. Evans and the Civil Rights lawyer, Léa Cole went public with their relationship a couple of months ago and now they are hanging out with two of Hollywood’s highest-grossing actresses. Johansson seems to be spending her week in Los Angeles as Y/n Cole is shooting her new movie Bombshell. The two have been getting close this year, making multiple public appearances together. The Black Widow actress is set to star in Cole’s first directing film, Jojo Rabbit later this year. Sources say: “They enjoy each other’s company a lot. Y/n is a big fan of Scarlett’s work and they easily bond over their shared passion. Scarlett enjoys how exciting and new Y/n’s approach to the comedic history script is and both of them enjoy working together already.” The two’s relationship seems to be as private as possible. Maybe there’s more to it than we see.
I mean it’s not that bad. The last sentence is maybe the worst but other than that, there’s nothing wrong with it.
“So, you’re leaving for Europe, right?” Ellen asked from the opposite chair from me. “Yes, that’s the plan. But I’m gonna jump back home for just a couple of days before that,” I said. “Where exactly in Europe though?” “Prague in the Czech Republic. Very beautiful city.” “And are you nervous? I mean this is your first directing job. How are you feeling about that?” “I’m nervous of course, but mostly I’m expected. Taika is a very good friend of mine and it feels much easier to start all this with someone like him by my side. And of course the amazing actors on the cast, it’s really a privilege to start this journey with amazing people.” “Speaks of the actors in the movie,” Oh no, there we go. “Scarlett.” She said and I nodded. “You’ve been hanging out a lot recently, how’s that going?” She asked with a smile. She seems genuine. “Great, we’ve been going over the script a lot, preparing for shooting. She’s an awesome person, so yeah we’re friends.”
“Y/n,” Scarlett called out from the kitchen. “Yup,” I answered. “Come here for a moment.” I got up and walked to her. She was just fixing up some quick dinner while I dealt with some late stuff for the traveling stuff and our arrival, accommodation for the whole staff, and things like that.
“What’s up?” I stood next to her, watching as she moved around. “I was thinking…” she started and suddenly I got nervous. Don’t know why, I just did. “Yeah?” I cleared my throat and glanced at her face, looking for any sign of what she’d say. “And I thought maybe we could share an apartment while we’re there. I mean the staff and everyone wouldn’t think anything of it, but if they do, honestly I don’t care. And it could be fun, Rose will be there too, and I’m sure she’d be happy too.”
I smiled so widely, my face started to hurt after a while. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and the way how casually she just said that. “I would love that. I’m just saying Rose and I will gang up against you,” I smirked and she laughed. Her cheeks rounded and slowly turned a shade of pink. “Oh I’m sure you will,” she looked at me after she turned off the stove.
Her light eyes were lit by the kitchen lights, while also showing the shadow of her nose on her left cheek. She had her glasses on which I adored so much. Her hair slicked back roughly, and her white shirt hung off her shoulder loosely.
“Scarlett, I love you.”
I couldn’t hold back. I just couldn’t. I love her. With every fiber of my body. She has it all. She makes me laugh when I feel the most dull, she brings me joy after a long day. Her thoughts make me wonder, while also fascinated. Her genuine laugh after the worst joke I made is my proudest moment of the day.
“And I love you,” her words felt like fresh air after coming up from under the water. That smile on her face is something I will never ever forget. She is different from everyone who I’ve dated before and it is probably the biggest blessing.
I pulled her into the most emotional kiss we probably shared so far. My hands on her cheeks and hers around my waist, holding me close. I had goosebumps from all the love I felt in that moment and I’ve never wanted to leave that moment. It was heaven on earth.
Telling our friends I think was the best idea in this time of our relationship because it was really going strong. Everyone was so happy and supportive which was the best feeling ever. I felt very secure in my place and so did Scarlett and it was so easy to share our love. We already talked about telling our families, and I felt really happy and at ease.
This week though, I fly out to Prague with Taika first then the cast joins us next week. I packed everything last night and I was ready to go.
The city was a dream. It was a whole different world than New York and I was very excited to explore all this. I settled into our temporary apartment and sent Scarlett pictures of the place, which by the way looked fantastic.
Taika and I started preparing everything. We got the table read ready for next week, checked the filming locations one more time, got to know Prague a little and it was quickly next week when everyone arrived.
“Y/n!” Rose started running as soon as she touched the ground. Stepping out of the car Scarlett was quick to notice me waiting for them in front of the apartment building. Her adorable smile was one of the highlights of the day.
“Careful there,” I called out to the little girl, and in a second she jumped into my arms. “Heeey,” I caught her and hugged her close. “I missed you, honey,” I kissed the side of her head and pulled away to see her face. Her blonde hair was cutely curled with a flowery clip attached. “I missed you too.” Although I noticed a little scar on her nose. “What happened to your nose, Rosey? Did you bump your nose?” I asked brushing a little piece of hair out of her face.
“I fell in school. We were playing,” she said while holding onto my hand. She is the cutest person. “Yeah, did you cry?” I asked softly and she shook her head and I dramatically gasped. “You didn’t?” “Big girls don’t cry,” she said proudly and I smiled. “You are a big girl, huh?” I stood up and then picked her up, turning to her mother.
I embraced her with a tight hold and let out a relieved sigh as soon as she wrapped an arm around me. “Hi baby,” her delicate whisper made me smile, and leaned my head against hers. “Hi,” I simply said since Rose was very close to me to hear anything.
“Should we check out your room, big girl?” I asked Rose and she smiled widely and nodded. “Let’s go then.”
The next day we got to the table read and I was nervous to talk in front of everyone. Taika and I sat in the front middle, and all the actors were around the long tables. Scripts, water, and nameplates were strictly placed for everyone. Once everyone settled down Taika looked at me with a reassuring smile. “I’ll start. Don’t be nervous though,” he patted my shoulder and stood up.
He made everyone laugh and honestly, it was worse going after him. I felt the pressure. I nervously looked around and my eyes quickly found Scarlett who was already looking at me. She sent me a soft smile and a small nod. Okay, so it’s visible that I’m freaking the fuck out.
The next thing I know, Taika just sat down and everyone was waiting for me. Okay, just look confident.
I stood up and cleared my throat before smiling lightly. “Hello everyone. I hope everyone got to settle in nicely and got to get rid of jet lag, if you did I’m jealous,” the room chuckled or at least smiled. “I’m very excited for all of us to work together, I think we all have very great opportunities to learn from each other. Taika and I worked on this for a while and it means the world to us that it finally comes alive and we couldn’t have imagined it better, thanks to you. And honestly, I just wanted to say thank you for being a part of our project. I hope you guys will have fun and enjoy this amazing city. And thank you again,” I let out a sigh and not gonna lie I got emotional a little bit from this.
I haven’t really realized what we’ve been doing for years with Taika. It is finally coming alive and I can barely process it. It’s an indescribable feeling.
Later that day, the whole cast was set to go out to dinner to get to know each other better.
“It wasn’t that bad right? My speech. Did I look scared as hell? I think I was even crying while talking,” I rented while also doing my makeup. Scar was getting Rose ready since she was already done.
“It was great. You looked relaxed honestly. It seemed like you knew what you wanted to say and everyone saw how grateful and excited you were. It was cute,” she said. “From your perspective maybe.” “From everyone's perspective. It was great, believe me.”
Weeks passed and I was having the time of my life. Directing was something that I enjoyed so much. It was a lot of work, yes but I loved every second of it.
“Let’s go from the top. Roman, you do what you did so far, it’s amazing buddy,” I smiled at him and he did too. “Thank you.”
“Alright, ready everyone?” I looked at Scarlett and she nodded, then at the crew and when it was settled I turned back. “Action!”
Once the cameras started rolling, Scarlett was unbothered by the outside world. Seeing her work just made me more in love with her. She was so passionate about it and it was amazing to see her do this.
Opening the door as quietly as possible, I slipped into the apartment like a fucking ninja. But then I saw the kitchen lights lit.
Taking off my shoes I slipped further into the flat. “Scar?” I whispered and the next second Scarlett’s popped out in the dim lights from the kitchen. “You’re home late,” she whispered, a sad smile on her face. I guess I look tired.
Dragging myself to the kitchen, I reached for my girlfriend, holding onto her hand first and then hugging her. “Why are you still up?” I mumbled with my eyes closed, my head resting on her shoulder. “I was learning lines and I couldn’t sleep,” she said. Her speaking vibrated off of her skin. “You okay?” I lifted my head and she nodded with a smile. “Of course, just tired that’s it,” she gave a kiss on my head and let me go. “You want something to eat? We had takeout for dinner, I got you some in case you’d be hungry,” Scarlett moved to the fridge. “I just want to sleep,” I yawned, waning against the counter. “Let’s go then.” “I’m gonna shower though,” I stood straight on my feet and made my way to the bathroom, but before that, I glanced into Rose’s room and saw her fast asleep in her bed.
Taking a shower I was moving so slowly but I managed to get into my pajamas after it. Scar was already in bed, reading her script and highlighting things with a pink marker. “I feel like my brain is not working,” I scooted into the bed, pulling the covers up until my neck, turning towards Scarlett. “You’re in tomorrow?” She asked. “Not until lunch,” I sighed. “Then you sleep until then, you’re gonna exhaust yourself,” with one more soft kiss on my lips, she put the script aside and turned off the light. As soon as she settled in, I cuddled up to her side. “Sleep well baby,” her arms wrapped around me. “You too, I love you.” “And I love you.”
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Tati's Flufftober Three - Thick as Thieves
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha is soft - but only when you’re around
Word Count: 500
Warnings: use of a knife for pumpkin carving
A/N: This is my third entry for @flufftober
Black Widow – a strong, woman who could (almost) kill with a look, but definitely with her body. 
Natasha Romanoff – one of the softest women you could ever meet – at least around you. 
While she was friends with Steve and all the others, she always had a very soft spot for you. Not that she would ever admit it, but if you looked closely, you could clearly see it. It wasn’t like she would ever deny it, but this knowledge was for closed doors. 
Every time Natasha wasn’t needed as Black Widow, she loved to spend her time with you. Sometimes it was pumpkin carving, because you thought it would look cool. But in the end, you were jealous of the face that Nat had managed to create while you struggled to push the knife through the pumpkin. Cooking wasn’t Natashas strong suit but you both tried at least and sometimes it was really good while other times you rather ordered take away. The others stopped commenting about how the two of you were joined at the hip when she threw them one of her looks. 
Now a fond smile crossed Steve’s face when he saw the tension leaving Natashas body as soon as she spotted you. “Are you ready for movie night?” you asked her excitedly.  
“Yes, give me a second to change,” she said no less excited than you, kissed your cheek before she made her way towards her room. 
“You're good for her,” Steve said once his eyes meet yours when you stopped looking after her. 
“You look out for her out there,” you pointed out of the window, “and I do it here. This is also important!” You opened your arms and gave him a hug. “Don’t spend your evening alone.”  
He looked like his mind was running wild before he gave a short nod. “I will. Enjoy your night,” he said before he walked into the opposite direction of you. 
You quickly grabbed the things you had bought from the cupboard and walked over to your room. You placed the snacks on your table, opened the right menu on the TV and picked up a movie that Nat wanted to watch. 
It didn’t take long for her to arrive and after a short knock she came into the room. She looked adorable with her fuzzy socks, some leggings and a sweater way too big for her. She noticed your gaze. “I told Rogers it looked comfortable 3 times, so I had to steal it when he didn’t offer it,” she shrugged and you laughed.  
Half an hour later the both of you were tangled on your couch, a cheesy hallmark movie on the screen that Natasha complained about the whole time, but secretly loved, and you stroking her hair. 
“Thank you,” she suddenly said. 
“Always,” you replied and kissed her hair before you continued to stroke it. This was your favorite part of the day with your favorite person. 
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
ooou for the advent calendar could you do nat x reader where natasha is actually the one who loves christmas and doing all that cute stuff and is super excited to spend her first christmas together with reader and it’s cute and domestic 🫶🏼
☃️ Christmas Widow ☃️
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: The famous, tough Black Widow shows her softest side during the holidays. 
Fluff | 0.6K | No Warnings | 
Translations: moya dorogaya (sweet darling), medovyy (honey),
AC: I watched Avengers and AOU today, Nat is actually so soft! I hope you enjoy this!
Day 13 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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"Moya dorogaya, wake up" Natasha voice broke your sleep as your eyes flickered open, "mmhmm" you mumbled before turning on your side and pulling the covers more over your body. "It's December" Natasha added. December, a time of year that you thought was overrated. The music, the decorations, the eggnog, snow, the gingerbread houses, everything that had to do with Christmas made you cringe but what you weren't aware of was Natasha's love for Christmas. 
Sharing a room with her at the compound was almost like the step before finding an apartment to rent together. It's only been roughly 6 months since the two of you took this step of sharing a room, having been together for a little over a year but not yet been able to spend Christmas together until now. 
"Nat, I'm tired" you mumbled once again, grabbing the side of your pillow to cover your ears. Only coming back from a mission yesterday afternoon, your body was tired, your mind was tired, you simply just wanted rest. "I know, medovyy but we have the day off and I made plans" Nat pulled the covers off you, exposing you to the coldness of the first of December. Rolling back on to your back, you were able to look at Natasha with your tired eyes before they were drawn to the leaf she was holding above you. 
"Tis the season!" she smiled before placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
"Don't tell me that's a mistletoe" you cocked a brow, "Did I forget to tell you I love Christmas?" she replied, to your surprise, yes she did. "That you did, you can't be serious, I thought you would hate Christmas" you slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Natasha placed the mistletoe beside her and smiled once more, "nope! I love it and today we're going tree shopping so up you get! I'll wait for you downstairs with coffee" she explained before kissing you once more. 
Watching Natasha look at the different types of trees all while asking for your opinion left you confused on why she even liked the holiday, everything about her told you it would be something she would rather ignore, like you do. "Which tree are you thinking?" she turned to you, "it's for the whole compound, not just our room" she added. You shrugged, "whatever one makes you happy" you smiled. 
As December went on, your shock about Nat loving Christmas surprised you every day. She woke you every morning with mistletoe and coffee before finding something Christmas related to do throughout the day even dragging you to the mall to get your photo taken with 'Santa'. At that point you started to think that maybe it was all a joke and Nat was really just making a joke out of all of this but that thought was quickly shut down when Natasha and you were snuggled up in bed watching one of the many Christmas movies she convinced you to watch. 
"I love that we finally get to spend Christmas together" you heard her say softly as you twirled with her red locks around your finger, "I've never had a chance to spend the holiday with anybody, well not the real thing" she added, "spending it with you has been so special"
Hearing her words made your heart sink, knowing her past and what she experienced in Red Room, her childhood being ripped away suddenly made sense why she loved Christmas so much and you couldn't help but start to feel guilty for not letting yourself enjoy the holiday as much as she had been. "Me too, Natty" you smiled softly before placing a kiss on the top of her head. 
"I'm feeling like a hot chocolate, do you want one?" you asked, Nat looked up at you and smiled softly, "can we make them together?" She asked. Who would you be to deny the famous Black Widow a moment to make hot chocolates together? With a nod and soft kiss, the two of you made your way downstairs to the compounds kitchen.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | 
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bartxnhood · 1 year
dating natasha romanoff headcanons omg <33 i would love to see you write for her
thank you for requesting ! nat has always been a hard character for me to crack but i hope you enjoy this !
i also hope to write more for nat in the future. i love my wife.
•dating natasha is kinda funny, especially in the beginning.
•after meeting you for the first time, (assuming you work for stark or an assistant of some kind) she doesn’t know why she suddenly feels so attracted to you.
•you have always noticed natasha, how could you not?? she’s the black widow, one of the most famous avengers.
•maybe your gaze lingered on her for a bit longer than you wanted, she definitely noticed. she began to look at you too.
•natasha cant put a finger on what she feels inside whenever she makes contact with you. it only happened when you were around, her stomach had butterflies and she felt like she had to be the best version of herself. until of course, someone told her what that was.
•”you like them” wanda grins, natasha whips her head around staring at the other red head with wide eyes. “what? haha..no..” she denies but wanda doesn’t believe her. “you do, i see the way you look at them, and i see the way they look at you. i say go for it”
•natasha thinks about wanda’s words, she thinks about them for a couple days before actually making a move. ‘curse you wanda for being so right’ she thinks walking to you one day.
• “hi, y/n right? i’m natasha..i’m sure you know that of course…but uh..” the girl trails off as she tries talking to you. you stand there with a small grin of your face watching her stumble over her words.
•“i was just uh wondering…if it’s okay with your of course…maybe you wanna go out some time?”
•and obviously, you said yes.
•dating natasha was wonderful, after she finally got out of her phase of being so nervous around you and started to feel more herself, you couldn’t get her to leave you alone. not that you minded.
•she’s definitely a subtle clingy girlfriend, she’s always reaching out to hold your hand. or while the two of you are walking somewhere she keeps her hand on the small of your back.
•she hates when she goes on missions, leaving you all alone even though you tell her you’ll be fine and that she needs to save the world. she still feels bad leaving you.
•when she returns and you hear she’s in medbay getting a few stitches, you’re there in a heartbeat. “nat?” you enter her room, her face is cut up pretty badly, along with some bruises scattered on her arms. “hi, baby”
•when you manage to get her home, you get her situated in bed making sure she’s comfortable. as you’re about to leave, she grabs your hand. “stay, please”
•dating natasha includes you showing her all of your favorite movies, well more so forcing her since she doesn’t have the attention span to watch it. (she’s actually too busy staring at you. god this woman is so in love with you.)
•but when you manage to actually get her to watch them, she loves them just as much as you do. maybe even more.
•you also have simple baking dates on days she’s off, you’ll find recipes and want to try them (even though they don’t come out perfect, she’d never tell you that. even if you know)
•it always ends up messy because natasha just can’t keep her hands to herself so you’ll usually end up with flower on your face and in your hair.
•she loves to surprise you with the cutest gifts, even if it’s flowers or stuffed animals. she just can’t stop. she sees everything and they all just remind her of you. (this girl is literally so in love with you it’s so cute.)
•even though she just gave you flowers two days ago, and a stuffed animal last week you still accept. your growing collection makes you feel so loved.
•even though the other avengers begin to hate seeing the two of you together all of the time and all they hear from natasha is how she just loved you so much. they suck it up, because they know natasha has never felt like this before so of course they let it slide. because in the end they just want their friend to be happy.
•anniversaries are magnificent dating natasha, because even after all these years, she still goes out of her way to make them feel so special. natasha has so much love for you, she wants the world to know how much you mean to her.
•nice dinner dates are always a must for your anniversary. she makes it a weeks event. everyday she’s always surprising you with something. from flowers, expensive jewelry and clothes, to something as simple as a single rose.
•on the day of your actual anniversary she takes you to dinner at one of the most renown restaurants in new york. afterwards, she takes you shopping for a couple hours.
•as the two of you return home, you enter laughing as you two continued a conversation but when you look around seeing rose petals leading to the living room and candles lit the way. “nat?” you turn to look at her but she just grins.
•she leads you to the living room, your hand in hers before she kneels to her knee, pulling out a box from her jacket revealing the ring.
“look, i know there'll be tough times. i know that at some point, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing. but i also know that if i don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because i know; in my heart, you're the only one for me. y/n l/n will you marry me?”
•you say yes of course, and you begin your life with the one and only natasha.
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could i request something with marilyn thornhill x f!reader mabye where it’s readers birthday and it’s just cute fluff
"happiest birthday my child.." {m. thornhill}
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summary: req above !
relationship: marilyn thornhill x student!reader
extra/warning: slight mentions of angst in the beginning & not much fluff but comfort i guess??
The hours had slowly passed and the glimmer of hope that you once held was slowly slipping away. The day was long gone and now you sat in your room after dinner distracting yourself by doing anything other than thinking about the day. But all you could do was stare at the clock and watch the minutes tick by, every so often checking you notifications in hope that somebody would of sent you a happy birthday text.
Standing up from your chair and walking over to your cupboard pulling out a small brown parcel you had recently brought from Jericho yesterday morning, you sit down cross legged on your bed with a lighter and a few candles.
Unwrapping the box and bringing the small cake out of it, lighting the candles up so the fire shone in the darkened room. Looking down at the cake for a few moments before your eyes snapped up to the door at the sudden noise of knocking.
Standing up cautiously, it was too late for it to be any of your friends you concluded checking the clock to see; 9:30pm. Unlocking the door slowly, your thoughts were correct it wasn't a friend but your dorm mother, Ms Thornhill. Stepping back to let her in, turning the lights as you do so.
"Is everything alright?" You ask after an awkward moment of silence.
"Yes- Well no- I couldn't help but notice that you were down today. Is everything alright?" She asked, you could almost feel the concern lacing her voice. It almost made you melt right in front of her.
"i'm fine, thanks for your concern." You knew she didn't buy it but was grateful when she decided not to pressure you into saying things.
"well, if you are sure," she starts looking around the room and stopping on your bed. Moving your eyes to what she was looking at, you realise. The cake. "Whose birthday?"
Swallowing a lump in your throat, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your teacher. "Mine." You whisper, looking anywhere except at her. You didn't want to cry, no, but the threat of tears hung over you.
Marilyn didn't even have to ask, the moment you spoke she realised that your friends had forgotten. "Oh darling.." She whispered, pulling you into a hug, that you gladly accepted. "how about we celebrate in my room?" she offers, wanting you to at least enjoy the last few hours of your birthday.
You pause, locking eye contact with the women in disbelief. "I mean, sure, yeah, only if you're comfortable." you stutter. A small smile crosses your teachers face, "then how about you go get the cake, and we'll go?"
It wasn't a long walk from yours to hers, the comfortable silence was welcomed. Though you could feel her eyes on you every so often, the quiet noises of a door unlocking lets you know that you had arrived.
"Take a seat," she gestured to the large bed in the middle of the room, "would you like a drink?" Nodding silently, you watch as she walks off further into the room before making your way to the bed and slowly allowing yourself to sink into it.
The room was full of plants both real and fake, it fit her. The dip in the bed next to you signalled that she back. "Why don't we watch a movie? Your choice of course." The glass of freshly squeezed lemonade being slipped into your hands.
"Why not?" You offered a smile, moving next to her further up the bed. Opting for the movie after your favourite character; Black Widow.
At some point throughout the movie, Marilyns arm had slipped around your body bringing you into a comforting embrace that somehow made your body relax and bring you to the line of awake and asleep. Maybe it was the day you had or the way that her chest went up and down with each breath but sleep won, and didn't allow for you to hear the last few words she whispered.
"Happy birthday, my darling child. I'm glad i'm finally able to be here for one of your birthdays."
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