#i dont know why on earth this would happen w how small my reach is but if someone makes a weird comment i legally get to kill you
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hiiiii. eema
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
She may be looking for Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, or Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder. They're both into dark occult stuff. They're also in the same class as Chiaki and Ryota. I think they're pretty close friends, so if you find one you'll probably find the other not far off.
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"Princess!?" Hiro repeats, his eyes widening. "There's a princess at this school!?"
"As amazingly cool as that is-" Leon says, trying to bring them back on topic. "-this Gundham dude....Why would a...breeder know about occult bullshit?"
"The same reason a princess would?" Hiro mutters under his breath.
Chihiro furrows his brow in thought, the small boy looking very worried. "W-well, Mukuro did say it had nothing to do with his talent." He reminds them. "So perhaps it's a hobby of his?"
"Well, regardless, this is all we have to go on, and you guys havent been wrong yet!" Leon says determinedly, flashing the spirits a grin. "Since Mukuro specifically said 'he', we should check up on this Gundham weirdo first. So hurry the hell up, Hiro! Look up this Gundham guy!"
The clairvoyant nods and does as he was told, looking up a picture of Gundham Tanaka. When he finds one he stares at it in surprise. "This...this guy works with animals?" He asks, stunned.
Leon looks over his friend's shoulder and raises a brow. "Damn. Yeah, he looks more like an Ultimate Clairvoyant than you do! He obviously seems to be embracing the occult for a start!"
This earns the ghost a glare, but Hiro quickly shakes his head and returns his phone to his pocket. "Well, whatever. We know what he looks like, so let's go to his dorm."
As he begins making his way there, Chihiro frowns. "You know, the fact that Mukuro knows about this Gundham means she and Junko must have been studying him, or at the very least his class." He points out. "Which would make sense considering how much of her plan revolves around 77-B." His face saddens. "Poor guys. It's bad enough Junko put us, her classmates and friends through something like a killing game, but to basically torture a whole other class?"
"Its sick." Leon agrees, his eyes narrowed angrily. "She's sick."
Hiro simply nods in response, a frown on his face as he walks. Suddenly, he freezes in place. "Wait, what about Hajime?!" He asks. "I was supposed to meet up with him and-"
"That can wait a minute!" Leon interrupts him. "If we dont hurry and stop Mukuro, who the hell knows what could happen!"
Hiro nods in understanding, breaking out into a sprint towards the dorms, causing a brown haired boy in a Reserve Course uniform to look up and give him an annoyed look as he passed.
Hiro was thankfully able to find Gundham's room with relative ease. As he stands in front of the Ultimate Breeder's door, he hesitates.
"Dude, what's the hold up?" Leon asks impatiently.
Hiro frowns and begins picking at his skin. "Its just...the energy surrounding this room...its...really heavy and...dark..." He mutters.
Leon groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh for the love of-Hurry the hell up!" He snaps.
Hiro sighs and nods, reaching a hand up and knocking on the door.
A quiet exchange of voices could be heard along with some shuffling until the door is opened.
"Who dares disturb the Overlord of-"
The boy behind the door stops when he sees Hiro. The two lock eyes, and a wave of energy courses through the clairvoyant.
The extravagantly dressed man before Hiro stares at him for a moment more before he smirks. "Heh. I had thought the dark lady and myself were the only ones dabbling in the forbidden arts, but I can sense they run through your veins as well."
Hiro blinks in surprise at the guy's strange speech patterns. "Uh...i-if by 'forbidden arts' you mean fortune telling, then yeah!" Hiro finally responds, forcing a smile onto his face. "My names Yasuhiro Hagakure. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant!"
The other man lets out an impressed hum. "Clairvoncy, hm? Then have your visions sent you to my side for the aid of my dark powers?!" He suddenly poses in a strange way, and Hiro blinks in confusion.
"Uh...y-yeah. More or less. Youre... Gundham Tanaka, right?" He asks, scratching his head as he begins to regret coming here.
Gundham's smirk widens as he nods. "My reputation of course precedes me. Indeed, that is my name! GUNDHAM TANAKA!" The...eccentric fellow bellows out his name, cause Chihiro to flinch slightly.
Leon rolls his eyes. "Dear Lord this guy is gonna be annoying." He mutters.
Hiro gives a subtle nod in agreement before forcing the smile onto his face again. "Well, great! Do you, uh, mind if I come in, Gundham?'
Gundham shakes his head and steps to the side. "But of course not! A fellow user of the dark arts is always welcome in my abode!" He declares. "Although my Third Eye has failed me, for I did not forsee your visit." The breeder suddenly blushes, catching Hiro even more off guard as the man attempts to hide the flush by raising his scarf over his face. "I currently have...company over. The dark princess, Sonia Nevermind. But do not fear! I am training her to be my apprentice, so you need not hold your tongue with anything you must tell me!" He declares with finality as he turns with a flourish and walks into his room.
Hiro stands still for a moment longer, sharing an unsure look with Leon and Chihiro, before following the breeder into his room and closing the door behind him.
The dark atmosphere Hiro had felt from outside the door was tripled the moment he took a step inside, and he shivered. Gundham's room was dark, light blotting curtains hung at the windows that allowed the only light inside the room to be the many lit candles that were scattered around. There was a bookcase against one of the walls, and on it several heavy looking leather cased books.
"Well I guess we found the right guy." Leon mutters.
Hiro nods in agreement as he continues scanning the environment. His gaze stops at something that seemed out of place. A brightly colored hamster cage where four happy looking hamster were currently rested inside.
"Well, he is the Ultimate Breeder." Hiro thinks to himself. "I guess it would be more weird if there wasnt anything animal related here."
"Oh, Gundham! You have company!" A sweet, feminine voice speaks up, causing Yasuhiro to turn his head in its direction. He couldnt help but stare. There was a beautiful blonde girl, sat upon Gundham's bed.
"Indeed I do, dark mistress." Gundham confirms, coming to a stop in front of the hamster cage. He opens the lid and places some treats inside, the four critters skittering over to them and eating them hungrily. "He says his name is Yasuhiro." A grin spreads on his face as he turns from his four pets. "He is also a user of the arts."
The girl, who Hiro assumes to be Sonia Nevermind, gasps and clasps her hands together excitedly. "Really?!" She exclaims happily. "There is another one at the school?!"
"It indeed seems that way, Sonia." The breeder confirms, his gaze going to Hiro. "He says he is a clairvoyant, and that he received a vision that called him to me."
Sonia gasps and looks to Hiro as well. "Is that so? Then please! I insist you inform us of the details of your vision at once!"
For some reason Hiro felt extremely compelled to bow towards the upperclasswoman and the need to hurry with the explanation. He blinks and clears his throat, attempting to calm his nerves. "R-right. Well, it's a long...and, well, pretty unbelievable story if I'm being honest." He sighs before continuing. "But I swear to you, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Earth or whatever deity you believe in its true.
It started when my classmate Junko Enoshima came to me, asking me to read her future...."
"...and then Mukuro mentioned someone else with knowledge of...occult stuff." Hiro finishes explaining, holding back the urge to explain his distaste for the occult. "And the spirits mentioned it could be one of you two." He looks between Sonia and Gundham, both of which look extremely surprised. "And since Mukuro said 'he' we went to your room first." He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "So...yeah. We wanted to make sure Mukuro's ghost...future ghost...didnt come here and find something she could use."
Gundham stares at the clairvoyant for a while, seemingly at a loss for words. Finally he clears his throat. "Well...that certainly is...quite the ordeal." The breeder recovers quickly, a grin forming on his face as he poses. "However you are in luck! I am quite skilled in this department, and while I cannot see your apparitions-" He walks over to his bookshelf and shifts through the many books before letting out a soft 'ah ha!' and pulling out a rather large one. He flips through it before placing his finger on a page. He then begins muttering something, which causes Hiro to frown and shift uncomfortably.
Gundham's eyes close, and a soft wind suddenly blows through the room, despite there being no open window. When he opens his eyes, he meets Hiro's eyes. They then shift over to Leon and Chihiro, his grin turning to a smirk.
"Ah ha! Hello there, fiends!" He looks over to see the shimmering outlines of the unknown spirits. "And to you as well."
Hiro's eyes widen in surprise. "You...you can see them?!"
"Of course!" Gundham boasts, slamming the book shut with one hand. "Did you believe these tombs were for show?!"
Hiro holds his tongue.
"Now I can be of more help to you and your miss-" He stops, his gaze slowly moving over to his bookshelf. He narrows his eyes. "....I assume this is the fiendish ghoul you mentioned."
Hiro blinks before following his gaze. His eyes widen further. There, looking through the books, was Mukuro's ghost.
Gundham Tanaka can now hear you! He is open for questions!
A/N: I hope things arent getting too crazy lol. I promise everything has a purpose! Supernatural stuff is canon in Danganronpa, and its especially important in this AU, so please bare with me lmao
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thestarwrites · 4 years
A Different Time, A Different Place; Ch. 6 -- END
Taihei Chairo was born in the winter, on February 9th, and he grew up a loving, bright, and sensitive young boy. Keri cherished him more than anything on the earth. She did not give him his father's last name. Now that he was five and she was working on her masters degree, her parents helped them get a little apartment of their own- close by of course- so they could babysit when she worked or had class.
And then one fateful spring day after his fifth birthday...
“Mommy look!” Taihei gasped as he kept his eyes glued to the screen. The five year old was the image of his father. Messy blond hair, shining blue eyes, a million dollar smile, “A new hero!! They say his name is All Might!” 
“What?” The woman rushed in from the kitchen, “What was the name?” Her forehead glowed. The sudden anxiety rising in her chest was almost deafening as she came to where her son watched television.
“All Might! Look! There he is!” He pointed to the screen. The blue diamonds on his palms and on his forehead separated him from being an almost perfect of Toshinori. The boy had a quirk, but it hadn’t much manifested yet, “Look how big he is mommy!”
Her big blue eyes fixed on the screen as they filled with tears, “Toshinori...” she put a hand over her mouth.
The boy scrunched his nose, “Mom- you feel- sad- whats the matter??” 
“I- I know him Tai...”
“What! You know that man mom?!”
She pushed her hand over her eyes, trying not to cry. It felt like the air was all kicked out of her lungs at once, “I knew him in high school- I though he was dead.” 
“Well he doesn’t look dead to me,” he said matter-of-fact. 
“Come on Tai- come on get your shoes on I’m taking you to Nana’s okay?”
He looked over confused, “What?! Why?”
“I need to find out why he’s here. I need to find out where he’s been.” She moved to pull on the coat she wore. 
“But mommy I don’t understand!” He frowned. 
She took a shaky breath, “Taihei... my love- come here.” 
He walked over and took his mother’s hand as she pulled him into a hug, “Mom.”
Pulling back she looked at him, pushing her hand in his hair, “Honey... that man on the television... he’s your father.” 
“W-what...?” He looked shocked, “M-my dad? But you said..."
“I said he was gone. That he died. I thought he did die honey...” 
His blue eyes filled with tears, “Well let’s go find him!! I want to know why he didn’t stay!! Why he did that to you!” 
“That’s what I’m going to do baby, but you need to go be with Nana so I can find out first. Maybe it’s all a big misunderstanding?”
“I’ll - I’ll beat him up!” 
She let out a small laugh, “My big brave hero, come on now, mommy’s gonna make things right.” 
“Yes mama.”
Her fist pounded on the door, “OPEN UP TORINO I KNOW THIS IS WHERE YOU LIVE!” She shouted, still banging. 
The older man sighed and shook his head, he saw Toshinori on television this morning - Keri obviously had as well. Coming to the door he opened it, “Keri. Come in, please.”
She walked inside calmly, “You made him leave, didn’t you.” Her body glowed with pure rage and sorrow. 
“You don’t understand.” 
“OF COURSE I DONT UNDERSTAND!” She yelled, “But no one made any effort to help me to understand did they?!” 
“Keri, please, you need to listen to me.” 
“Oh no. I think you need to listen to me!” She shouted, tears rolling down her cheeks, “You NEVER liked us together. And then you send him away from me? Torino- I was PREGNANT.” 
“I know you were pregnant. You have a little boy named Taihei.” 
Keri was shocked into silence for a moment before she clenched her fists, “You knew?”
“Not when he left but shortly after, yes. Recovery Girl and I have been watching over you.”
She let out a mirthless laugh, “Oh my god! So what? He just didn’t care to try and contact me when he gets home? After almost six years??” 
“Keri. He doesn’t know.” 
Putting a hand over her mouth she started to pace, “Oh my god. You didn’t tell him?! What am i supposed to do! Walk up to him and say; hi Toshi you have a whole ass child?!” 
“Keri!” He grunted, “Listen to me. PLEASE.” 
She crossed her arms and scoffed, “Talk old man.”
“You were one of the very few people to know that Nana Shimura was Toshinori’s mentor. And the reason is because he is her successor. The villain that killed her, he knows who Toshi is, he would have come after him before he was ready to fight. I had to send him to America. He had to be away- somewhere this man wouldn’t find him. No one could know. Before he left he begged me to keep an eye on you, to make sure you weren’t being watched. He wanted you to go with him, but you already had college plans and a family. It was safer for you both this way.” 
She looked down, tears falling down her face as she sank to the floor, sobbing, “I - I thought I would never see him again- I- I missed him more than you could imagine!” 
He frowned, “Let me call him. Tell him to come here.”
Keri looked up, “Torino... is it worth it?”
The older man huffed, “Do you love him?”
“Of course I love him! He was everything to me!”
“Then it’s worth it,” he moved to call Toshinori in the other room. Keri just sat against the wall as he spoke softly into the phone. After about two minutes he came back, “He’s on his way. He doesn’t know you’re here. He’s... Keri, he- he’s going to feel like a failure. You have to keep remembering he had no idea. Whenever I talked to him he would mention how much he missed you. Ask if you were safe.” 
She nodded. 
 “Does your son have a quirk?” He said softly.
Looking up she nodded, “Yeah. Can’t tell what it is yet though. It’s got something to do with mine. But he can’t feel emotions and he can’t do what I can do. So whether or not he knows how to unlock it is the issue.” 
Torino nodded, “I’m sure he’ll be incredible.”
She nodded, “He’s so much like Toshinori.” 
“I’ll bet. I saw him once... when you were at the park with him. Little blond boy. He’s cute.” 
“Thank you...” she sighed.
“Keri- you know I’m being sincere when I say it was the only way to keep you and the baby safe.” 
She nodded, “I can feel your guilt.” 
“Could you forgive me?”
Taking a deep breath she tried to think about her coursework toward being a therapist. What she should do, “I’m angry Torino, I’m angry I had to go through pregnancy and labor at eighteen all alone. And get a job, go to school, care for an infant...” 
The older man nodded and frowned, “I’m sorry.” 
Keri nodded, “I forgive you. You were just looking out for him, for us. You know… I’d like it if you could meet Tai. You’d like him… he’s just like his father.” 
He smiled a little, “I would love to meet hi—" The two were interrupted by a knock at the door. Keri felt her whole body freeze and she looked at Gran Torino, who gave her a nod. Walking across the room, he opened the front door, “Hello Toshinori.”
“Hey! I’m glad to see you again so soon, Master! Whats going on?” 
“There is something we need to talk about. Something I’ve kept from you while you were away.” 
“What? What is it?” 
Suddenly, Keri stepped forward, looking up at Toshinori - he’d gotten so much bigger, “Toshi…” 
His blue eyes snapped to the woman and his eyes welled with tears, “Keri?” 
She smiled and wiped her eyes, laughing a little, “Long time no see.” 
“God- Sunflower- I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he came into the room and knelt in front of her, “I’m so sorry I did this to you.” 
Shaking her head she smiled, reaching out to cup his face, “Torino and I talked. We’re good,” she laughed softly, “You got so huge!” 
He laughed a little and leaned into her palm, “You’re just as beautiful - no, more beautiful than I remember.” He blushed and looked at her, “Are you…I mean - have you been… busy?” 
She smiled, “I was… I was busy hoping somehow you weren’t dead and…” she let her eyes flick up to Torino who nodded, “And too busy going to school, and… and raising our son.” 
His face fell slowly with the realization, “Our…” 
“Our son,” she nodded, “I was trying to figure out how to tell you before you disappeared… I had only just found out and then you were gone.” 
He closed his eyes, “I…. Keri, I am so SO sorry you have had to go through this alone- I should have been here. I should have been here for you, and for our child.” 
She moved closer to him, kneeling with him on the floor, “No- no Toshi it was safer this way. Torino and Recovery Girl were watching over us, though I didn’t know it.” 
All Might turned his head and glared daggers at his mentor before standing up, “YOU KNEW!?” 
“ToshI!” Keri stood, grabbing his arm. 
“YOU KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT? YOU DIDN’T TELL ME!?” He roared at the older man. Shed never seen him like that before. 
Gran Torino looked up at him, “I didn’t know when you left, I found out when she started showing. You were gone, and I wasn’t about to risk you coming back. It wasn’t safe. For you, or Keri.” 
Keri walked up behind him, grabbing his arm, “Toshinori! Stop!” 
She knit her brows together, “I thought you were dead for six years. And you’re here, in front of me… and… all all you can do is think to scream at your teacher for protecting us? For doing what your hero training required?” 
“You- don’t."
“No! You don’t. I was the one here raising a baby and going to school and going to work and crying and studying and cleaning up throw up and changing diapers before I was nineteen.” She looked down, “I am not blaming you. I’m not even blaming Torino. Life happened and we’re here now. And you are back in Japan, and you have a son.” She put her hands on her hips and huffed, “Now. What are you going to do about it?” 
The twenty-four year old deflated at the emotion of the woman he loved, and he stepped up to her and he lowered his head, “Well… first… I’m going to ask you if you’re seeing anyone?” 
She scoffed and shook her head, “No… I’m not seeing anyone.” 
He smiled, “Me either. There could never have been anyone but you, Sunflower… I dreamed of coming home to you… hoping you’d… have waited for me.” 
“So what is this?” 
“Well I’m asking you if you’ll be my girl. For good, now that I’m back home where I belong.” 
Keri blushed and smiled, “There's a man in my life you’ll have to ask first, Toshinori.” She reached out and touched his chest, “Come home with me… meet your boy.” 
His eyes welled with tears and he smiled, “My son… what’s his name?” 
“Taihei Chairo… though if you play your cards right it could be Taihei Yagi…” She teased. 
“Taihei — Keri, you named him Peace?” 
Blushing she nodded, “You.. you always said the world needed a symbol of peace… so when you were gone… I…” 
He leaned down, tilting her chin up and beaming, tears running down his face, “I love you. More than life.” Leaning down further he kissed her softly. 
Keri wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back before breaking out into sobs, “Oh Toshi!” 
He held her close as he cried, holding her to him he shushed her gently, “Its gonna be okay baby… you know why?” 
She sniffled and shook her head.
“Because I am here.” He whispered into her ear, “And I am never going to leave you again. Or our son. I know he’s probably going to be mad, but… God I haven’t even met him and I love him — what is he like?” 
She laughed softly, looking up and kissing him again, lovingly, “He’s just like his father. Brave, cheerful, an idealist… he wants to be the number one hero.” 
“He- does he have a quirk?” 
She nodded, “He has markings like mine, but there are more of them and they are smaller. Though we cant figure out what the quirk is yet… but he can’t seem to read emotions or project them so, I’m sure when he can harness it, it’ll come natural.” 
“There are… a lot of things I need to tell you.” He took a deep breath and looked at Torino, “She gets to know, everything.” 
The older man nodded, “Its your burden, Toshinori. If you are going to commit yourself to this woman, then its your call.” 
Keri smiled, “Yeah Toshi? You gonna commit yourself to me?” She laughed softly. 
Toshinori picked her up and she yelped, he grinned his million watt smile, “Keri, I committed to you the day I followed you to that ramen shop for your number. Will you marry me? — Uh, after a little while of course.” 
She gasped a bit, “You- you want me to marry you?” 
He laughed, “Of course I do! I love you, we have a child… I want to provide for you and care for you, and be together until we’re little old people. Keri, please… say yes.” 
Leaning in she kissed him, running her hands in his hair, “Yes… Yes Toshinori Yagi, I will marry you.” 
He spun them around, they laughed and he hugged her close before setting her down, “I’ll have to start looking for a nicer home for us. And don’t you worry about working anymore, okay? You focus on your studies from now on. Then you can spend more time with Taihei.” 
She blushed hard and started to sniffle, “Oh Tosh— you don’t have to…”
“Yes I do. If my hero money can’t go to charity and my family than what good is it? I want to be this. I want to be a husband and a father, and a hero. And I want you to be able to follow your dreams.” 
“Okay Toshi.” 
“Besides,” he smirked, “When I open up my agency, you still have to come and work for me.” 
Keri beamed, “You remembered…” 
He winked and turned to face his mentor. Walking over he sighed and held out his hand, “I’m sorry I yelled at you, sir.” 
Gran Torino smiled a little and shook his hand, “I’m sorry I had to keep something like this from you, my boy. Let me meet the lad soon, eh?” He motioned his head, “Get outta here kids.” 
Keri smiled, “I’ll use Toshi’s phone to text you my number okay? I’ll be in touch about meeting Tai.” 
“Alright, I look forward to it.” 
The couple smiled, Toshinori holding her hand as they walked along the street, “I love you.” 
“I love you too, Toshi.” She smiled and took a deep breath, “Taihei is mad you know… he’s the one who saw you on TV. He was really excited there was a new hero and when I heard the name All Might… I knew it was you - I told him that was his daddy. And that II was coming to see you.” 
“I am gonna have to make it up to him.” 
“He said he was gonna beat you up,” she smirked, “He looks just like you Toshi. Unruly blond hair, blue eyes…” 
Toshinori smiled and sighed, “I’m gonna have a lot of explaining to your parents too…” 
“Everyone will understand. You’re a hero, you were being marked by a bad villain, you had to go away. Its a simple and reasonable explanation.” 
“You are taking this so well.” 
She looked up at him, “This morning I was a single mother trying to pay my bills. Now I’m engaged to be married to Japan’s newest and most incredible Hero. And my son has a father.” 
He nodded, “Speaking of engaged, I have to get you a ring.” 
“Nothing big - please? And I’m not just saying that to sound modest.” 
He nodded again, “I know baby, you’re not a show off type of person. It’ll be good, tasteful.” 
“I know honey,” she rubbed his forearm, “Also… what’s going to happen to your popularity when they find out you have a family…” 
“Well, they’re going to want interviews with you, they’re gonna want to be given an exclusive for the wedding…” 
She sighed and smiled, “I guess it comes with the territory of being married to the next number one.” 
He beamed and leaned to kiss her hand, “You think our son will forgive me?” 
“Of course he will. He’s been missing you too. There's a picture of us from back in the day on his night stand. He’ll be mad for a minute but once you explain it, he’ll understand. He is five.” 
“I have a five year old,” he took a deep breath, “Keri, we’re gonna have to have another one.” 
She laughed and looked up, “Oh?” 
“Cause I wanna do this right! I wanna be there for you and your pregnancy and for the babies firsts!” He blushed, “I mean, I know I still have a lot of firsts for Taihei but… you know… a man wants to have more than one kid…” 
“I’ll consider your application and let you know when I make a decision, but I have to say I’m leaning toward yes… it was a compelling case.” She smirked. 
He grabbed her waist and gave it a squeeze as they walked up to Keri’s parents house. 
“I’m sweating.” 
“You’re seven feet tall and built like the Great Wall of china, don’t worry, you’re gonna be fine.” She knocked on the door. 
The sound of small excited footsteps ran to the front door, “Who is it?!” Cried the voice of the small boy. 
Toshi put a hand over his mouth, hearing his son’s voice for the first time. 
“Its your loving mother!” She called back. 
Taihei flung open the door and jumped into his mothers arms. She laughed and spun him around kissing his cheek before setting him down. Taking a deep breath she cupped his cheek, “Taihei… this is Toshinori Yagi, your dad.” 
“H-hey, Taihei…” 
The boy looked up at him and blushed, tears welling in his eyes, “Y-you look… different than your picture….” 
“I did get a little bigger while I was away…” he gave a small smile. 
Taihei started to cry, All Might knelt down instantly, “Why didn’t you want us— why— why did you leave? D-did you not want me?” 
“Oh no- no Taihei… no that’s not it at all.” 
“Then why! Why did you leave me and mom!” The boy’s forehead and palms started to glow blue before his entire body became engulfed in blue energy. 
“Honey- calm down,” Keri looked surprised - this had never happened before. 
“WHY DID YOU LEAVE US ALL ALONE!?” Punctuated on the alone was a burst of energy that shot forward, knocking All Might over and onto the ground. It looked like a… beam of some kind. Like rings of light flying from his body and hitting his father, “WHY DIDN’T YOU LOVE US ENOUGH?!” 
Sliding onto his ass he put his arm up to try and shield himself from the burst attacks coming from his son, “Taihei— ah—“ he looked down as blood started coming from his forearm. 
“Taihei! Stop it!” Keri’s hand flew to his back, her form glowing pink, “Calm down- calm down baby… please…” 
As soon as the boy was calmed enough by his mother to stop crying, he ran toward Toshinori and jumped into his arms, sobbing, “Dad I’m sorry!” 
He looked at Keri with wide eyes as he wrapped his large arms around his son, crying himself, “Don’t be sorry, son… that was incredible! You’re so strong!” After taking a deep breath, he rubbed the back of his head, “I’m the one that’s sorry Taihei… for not being here for you when you needed me.” The boy just kept crying, hugging his father’s neck. Toshi continued, “When I was younger, there was a really bad man after me. My teacher tried to fight him to stop him, and she died… and after that, your mom was the only person I cared for in the whole world. And to make sure she stayed safe… and didn’t get hurt by the bad man - I had to go away for a while. But I didn’t know she was going to have you… and your mom didn’t know where I went… I couldn’t tell her. To protect her. But I knew I was going to come back. And once I did I was gonna find her. But - I guess she found me first.” 
Taihei sniffled and looked at him, “What happened to the bad man?” 
He took a deep breath, “Someday I’m sure I’ll have to fight him. But its not today. Today I’m not a hero - I’m just your dad. And I am so lucky to be able to meet you, and tell you how much I love you.” 
“You’re not gonna leave again…?” 
Smiling he wiped the boys cheeks gingerly, “No, Tai, I’m staying right here. Your mom and I were talking about getting a house. Would you like that?” 
“A house!? You mean like - with a yard!?” He gasped. 
Toshi laughed and nodded, “Yeah, a yard just for you to play in. We can play any time you want and mom wont have to work so hard anymore. She can focus on school and her dreams.” 
“You… you really wanna do this for us?” Tai sniffed. 
Toshinori leaned forward and kissed his head, “Son, I would move the stars in the sky if you wanted me to. I will never leave you again. I promise.” 
Taihei hugged him again, “I- I love you dad!” 
Keri was fanning her eyes, “You two are absolutely killing me!” She was smiling so brightly looking at her two boys. 
“Come over here then, mama!” Toshinori smirked and opened his other arm. 
Tai laughed, “Yeah mom! Come here!” 
Keri laughed and walked over, sitting on Toshinori’s thigh and wrapping her arms around both her son and her fiancé, “I love you both, more than life.” She kissed Taihei’s cheek, and then Toshinori’s. 
All might just held onto them both, “I am the luckiest man in the whole world to have such a beautiful family…” 
“You’re gonna stay at our home until we get a new one, right dad?” 
Toshi looked at his girl and she nodded. Grinning he looked at him, “Your home is right where I want to be.” 
“OUR home, dad.” Tai hugged him again. 
Keri leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, “Yes Toshi, our home.” 
Toshi sighed contented and then blinked, “Hey! Are we gonna talk about that quirk, boy!? That was incredible!” 
Tai blushed, “Th-that’s never happened to me before! I - I was so angry that I… I don’t know I… I could feel it bursting out of me…. like… like…” 
“Like a supernova,” Keri smiled, “Like a little exploding star!” 
“Supernova!” Toshinori grinned, “That’s a great hero name!” 
The little family talked softly there on the lawn of her parents home, holding each other and sharing little stories and jokes. And for the first time in a long time, even since coming back to Japan, Toshinori felt like he was truly home. He finally had a family.
 And he promised himself he was going to be the best husband and father that there ever was...
THE END -- for now.
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shuskas-story-book · 4 years
Leave it to the Bees
Based off the song "Let it Go" by James Bay.
Eridan smiled over at the Asian male next to him, miss-matched eyes smiling back over the table back to his own odd violet ones. He couldn't help the small quirk to his lips as the waitress came over and sat down a set of drinks for the boys to enjoy, Sollux taking his drink and taking a drink with a soft little 'ah' afterwards. "Tho..... Friday night, and I'm already theeing a bunch of Thirtth jutht waltzing into the bar." he commented with a smirk as another male walked into the bar, his tie undone and a 5 o'clock shadow highlighting his jawline.
Eridan couldn't help the soft giggle that escaped him with a nod, reaching out and taking his own drink with a curious sniff at the strawberry filled liquid. "Sol...what did you order for me again?" he asked, head tilting to the side as he took the straw between his lips and tasting it with a shocked little hum. Eridan hadn't expected it to be so good, his boyfriend having been bad about ordering a strong drink and not warning him about the bitters or the high alcohol content of the drink in question.
Sollux smiled a bit and watched eridan over the edge of his sunglasses with a curious gaze. "It'th called a midthummernight dream. Got'th vodka, two Ruthian alchoholth, and a thit ton of thtrawberrieth" he explained. Eridan nodded and looked to the pink drink in his hand again. "Well for once, it tastes amazin and I'm glad I let you choose my drink" he replied with a small hum in his throat.
"And what, pray tell, did you choose for yourself?" he asked, folding his fingers together and resting his dimpled chin upon them. Sollux blinked and looked at the amber liquid in his glass. "uhh....I think it'th called a 'headleth horthman?" he asked himself, head cocking to the side slightly as he took another sip and nodded "yea. think that'th what it'th called. But anywayth, we have a lot to talk about." Sollux cooed, resting his chin in the palm of one bony hand as the other reached out to carefully rub against Eridan's arm.
The Ampora arched a brow and watched the computer calloused fingers as they trailed over his pale skin. "Oh? and what would we need to talk about Sol? Did I do something wrong to one of your builds?" he asked, unfolding the well manicured fingers and moving them to hold his lovers. "Or....is it the fact that were moving in together?" he asked with a small smile, head tilting to the side.
Sollux couldnt help but snort softly and nod. "of courthe it'th the move Danny. Jutht think, we'll be in our own plathe. Cronuth can fuck off, Tuna wont be able to barge in on our cuddle thethionth......or....anything elthe" he teased with a wink that caused Eridan to blush dark. That inuendo had happened more than once to the duo and had ended in a very embarrassing conversation with Psiimon over what was not allowed in his house.......again.
"W-well....I still say that wasn't our fault. He should know not to barge into his big brother's room....Mituna is 13 now after all!" he huffed softly as Sollux just laughed and shook his head. "Yea yea yea. But you know my dad'th thuper protective of Tuna" he hummed, moving his hand to rub a thumb over Eridan's knuckles.
The conversation slowly trailed off between the two as they finished their drinks off, Eridan still being a lightweight even after Cronus and his military drinking habits dragged the younger along for the ride. Sollux wound up taking the keys away from his lover and hooking an arm around him in order to help walk the short distance to their taxi.
Time passed very differently for them during times like this, soft kisses and gentle touches that had them both calm and comforted as they fell asleep in one another's arms. They were still tangled up with one another, light dancing across sleeping limbs when they're woken up by a hyperactive little brother. Mituna was more than excited to see Eridan again, almost pulling the Ampora from his still sleeping lovers arms in an attempt to get someone to play a video game with him.
Sollux wound up being woken up and games played as breakfast was made and plated. Eridan couldn't help but think of how cute it would be to have their own little family like this. He sat his chin on a palm and watched the two brothers bicker over the fact that Mituna did not, in fact, need half a bottle of syrup for his stack of 5 pancakes with a smile on his face. "You two are so cute together like that you know?" he mentioned softly, a loving look on his features that had Sollux blushing a bit and Mituna puffing up his cheeks with a defiant little 'nuh uh!'.
Eridan laughed softly and shook his head. "Sorry. I guess I'm just holding on to that old dream of having a family. Deffinately something we dont need right now," he cooed, looking up to Sollux who rubbed the back of his head nervously. "heh....uh...yea Danny.....That'th thomething that can wait a few yearth to make thure were actually ready" he agreed softly, both of the older boys jumping when something shattered over near the sink.
Mituna was standing there, hands over his mouth, eyes wide, and one of Sollux's favorite mugs in pieces on the floor. The poor boy looked like he was about to burst into tears when Sollux knelt down to pick up the largest piece with a sigh. "well....tho much for that one" he muttered, head shaking a bit.
"I-I'm th-th-thorry Th-Thollux!" Mituna sobbed softly, backing away against the cabinet as Sollux frowned. " Woah woah, hey.....Tuna no come on. Let it go. Thith broke, jutht let it be. It'th no ithue tho jutht keep being happy little you and I'll be normal grumpy me. It'th jutht a mug, and like everything elthe that breakth, we'll leave it to the beeth." he stated with a smile, collecting the broken shards before stacking it in a pile and sitting it in a bin dubbed 'for bee houses'.
"thee? Nothing wrong. They'll love that blue color" he continued, Mituna nodding along with the fear of broken glass long behind him."Yea! I'll be me and you be you! We can make bee houtheth later!" he rattled off, the older boys easily falling in behind his enthusiasm for the day.
Time passed quickly, the apartment being gotten and their shared world slowly coming together. But things seemed to sour at the drop of a hat once Sollux started doing computer repairs from home more and more. Things seemed to jump back and forth from throwing clothes on the floor at the end of the night, to slamming doors and the two of them sleeping in separate rooms almost nightly.
Sollux had brought home something from his dad's house, just trying to bring some home cooking back into their lives and give a bit of color to the drab grey things had gotten to. Of course, shit hit the fan pretty quickly when the wrong things were said and a fight ensued. in the end, they were sitting at different ends of the dining table so they could eat. Eridan had his head in his hands and Sollux had his nose in his phone to try and just keep his mind off the fight they just had.
Eridan spoke up first, voice shaky as he tried to keep from crying. "Sollux.....if this is it...if these fights are all we're living for......why do we insist on doing this anymore?" he asked softly, sniffling lightly as he turned his eyes up to his lover. "I used to recognize myself but now I feel like I'm just a husk of who I used to be" he continued, jumping a bit when Sollux pushed his chair back with a snarl.
"Well it'th funny how our reflectionth fucking changed now ithnt it? Thinthe we're becoming thomething elthe, I'll jutht leave you here for a while." he growled, storming off to the room. Eridan moved in after him, watching the thin bee lover packing a backpack with tear filled eyes. "S-Sollux.....No come on.....I-I didn't mean it like that, please just let it go!" he begged softly.
"No Eridan!" Sollux snapped, turning to the other with a snarl. "Jutht let it be. You can thtay here and be you. I'm going home, thpending time with tuna, and I'll be me. Everything here ith fuckin broke tho leave it to the beeth alright?! " he snapped, slamming the door to the apartment after pushing his way past his lover and out into the hallway.
By the time he made his way to the lobby the storm outside had finally come to a head, rain pouring down and making it quite hard to see even if you had headlights on. Sollux stood in the lobby for a moment, pausing himself to just think about the situation for a few moments before he heard Eridan's voice call out from the elevator. "I'm not fucking dealing with thith!" he growled to himself, glaring back at Eridan as he pushed through the doors and out into the pelting rain.
Things happened too quickly to really realize what transpired, A bike rider rushing by, a driver going too fast on a slick road, and the crunch of bone and glass before everything just froze around Eridan. Sollux was laying in the middle of the road, a terrified teen getting out of her car with a terrified scream as the rain started to soak her and the male she hit through to the bone. Eridan's blood ran ice cold as he shook his head and ran out into the storm screaming Sollux's name. trying to get some form of reaction from his lover.
"He's not going to wake up for quite a while Mr. Ampora. Please, make yourself comfortable and dont touch any of the wiring near him. " the doctor stated softly, patting Eridan's shoulder with a broad, gentle hand. The smaller male nodded, puffy red eyes locked on the sleeping form of his one and only.
He waited for the doctor to leave him alone to move over and sit next to Sollux's bed with a sniffle. His hand reached out to carefully settle into Sol's, a sob escaping him as his normally warm fingers felt ice cold against the Ampora's.
"This feels so wrong Sol....y-your way too cold" he whispered aloud, tears already welling in his eyes and falling over his cheeks. "God.....There's no force on earth that could make this feel right......" he whimpered, laying his head down on the white sheets of the bed and squeezing Sol's fingers tightly.
"C-come on.......Just....I'm letting the fight go. You're right a-and I'm not being responsible enough with what I've been spending lately...W-we've been pushing this problem uphill and not taking a chance to really.....really talk it through" he whimpered softly, mostly just rambling on to himself in the silence. "I guess it just.....got too heavy to hold tonight and look at what we let happen.....what I let happen" he whispered to himself, head lifting so he could see his lovers face as a tear fell down his cheek. "I think it's time to let our words slide......please....forgive me"
A few months after the wreck, Eridan was settled in his old room, snuggled up next to Sollux as they looked through a thick picture book. "Oh, remember when we went to Alternia beach? That was the best date I think we've ever had" he said, both boys laughing a bit. "Yea....It wath a fun date...Thtill think we thould have left Tuna at home for that one though. We could have gone through and done the turtle thnorkling" Sol purred at his little lover as he stretched out and closed the book.
Cronus came by the room and knocked on the frame of the open door, offering a small smile. "Hey Danny-boy.....Feel like going up to Star Touch Point with me tonight? We can go watch the star shower together like old times....you can even bring Sollux if you want" he offered, the look on his face growing even sadder as Eridan looked up at Sol with a smile. "Yea.....We would love to come watch the shower with you Cro....I'll grab my bag and shoes and we'll meet you out there!" he chirped, sitting up and stretching before reaching over to grab his shoes and socks.
They all piled into Cronus's old pickup, the military boy making sure things were tuned up before the drive to their secluded 'brother zone' as they had called it in their youth. They made it right around nightfall and the two younger boys were quick to abandon Cronus at the car to run up to the top of the hill with cheerful laughter. Cro just shook his head with a soft chuckle and let them go ahead
Time seemed to stand still once they made it up overlooking the town in the distance. Sollux smiled and moved over in front of Eridan before waving his hand to the bag. "Tho ED......you ready to let it go?" he asked softly, Eridan's smile faltering a bit "I-I dont know what you mean Sol....Let what go?" he questioned, Sol shaking his head. "Come on ED....Danny.....jutht....let it be"
Eridan started shaking his head a bit "N-no....Sollux I.....Please dont make me do this" he begged softly, Sollux just smiling sadly and tilting his head to the side. "Why not tonight?.....It'th our anniverthary after all. Why don't you be you for tonight. I'll be me jutht like old timeth" He offered, taking a few steps backwards. "Everything broke Danny....."
"NO! Sollux please don't make me do this! Please y-you made it out of the hospital, y-youve been weak but you made it.....please!" he whimpered, head shaking as tears started welling in his eyes. "Eridan pleathe....leave it to the beeth for a while....let them take your worrieth and tearth" Sollux whispered softly, Eridan letting his hand reach down into his courier bag to pull out a silver and gold container.
It was a pretty little thing, Bees etched into the metal and accentuated with gold leaf over the silver of the body and Sollux's name etched into the base gorgeously. "No.....please....I'm not ready to let you go" Eridan whispered, turning his eyes out over the cliffed edge of the hill that separated him from where Sollux was floating over thin air. "Eridan...Let my atheth fall here.....You've held on for tho long....."
"Sollux.....I dont want to let you go! I love you....Please just.....J-Just come back please!" Eridan begged, soft sobs wracking his chest as Sollux shook his head. "No Eridan.....You need to forget m-" He was cut off by Eridans loud sob "NO! NO NO NO.....no....."
"Come on Danny.....don't make thith harder on yourthelf. Let me go.....Jutht....Let me be" he continued, slowly stepping forward to kneel where Eridan had fallen to his knees, clutching the urn to his chest. "Why don't you go live your life.....Go be you.....and I can be me" Sol whispered, Eridan not looking at him anymore as he carefully opened the locked top to the urn and pulled a bit of ash out to cradle in his hand.
As he carefully let the ash sift through his fingers Sollux smiled again, leaning over and hugging his love tightly. "Thank you Eridan......I love you......Thank you for setting me free" he whispered, pulling back and pressing a soft kiss to Eridan's forehead for a final lingering bit of warmth on the Ampora's skin as he faded away in the soft breeze that carried his ashes down over a large field of flowers.
Cronus waited a bit longer after hearing Eridan stop screaming no before moving up to kneel beside his little brother and rest a large hand over the smaller boy's back. "hey.....He's still here.....look, he even sent a little friend to say hello" he offered, a small bee buzzing softly as it landed on Eridan's hand for just a fleeting moment before continuing off towards its hive for the night.
For the first time in four months, Eridan didn't feel that deep stab of guilt in his heart. Instead he felt the light breeze around him, the warmth of his brother's hand, and more importantly, the soft kiss of the night as the first of the stars began to shoot through the night sky.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
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oohohoho you just opened the deepest can of worms on the planet
-mod dave, who wrote a fucking ten mile essay
first off, addressing the second anon, no theyre all humans. h., half humans at least. cause yall know me i fucking love my humanstuck aus off my ASS
(that would be funny as hell though. a troll from space walking into a camp on earth going “I AM THE SON OF ONE OF YOUR EARTH GODS. BITCH” like... holy shit)
so first things first their parents. im gonna lay this out, the beta kids and trolls are all greek (EXCEPT sollux hes roman cause his parent has no greek equivalent), and all the alpha kids and trolls are those gods roman equivalents (,,EXCEPT dirk cause he kinda balances sollux being roman out). i havent figured out how thatd happen like 16+ times yet cause in the percy jackson books theres only ever been one instance of two siblings of the same godly descent being greek and roman respectively in HISTORY so like.. i guess th. i guess thats just not a problem in this au
anyway this gets really long so im gonna talk about the beta kids and trolls cause i havent elaborated on the alphas at all ((peep the tags if you wanna see their parents though))
johns the son of zeus, rose is the daughter of athena, dave is the son of apollo, and jade is the daughter of demeter. they were all raised in their respective states, all had to come to new york for various reasons. jades been there the longest, shes been there 9 years and shes been on a couple quests. her biggest accomplishment so far is how she protected the camp from this big vicious angry hellhound that got past the barrier. naturally the girls fluent in Dog Training, so she steps up and instead of trying to kill this thing, she reaches out and tames it as fast as she can. it ends up actually working, and ever since that day she, her cabin, and the camp have a whole bodyguard sleeping right outside the demeter cabin! hes her steed in battle and hes a Very Good Boy. and his name is becquerel
johns the newest kid at camp, he has no idea who he is or why the fuck his school got attacked or why in the hell those anemoi thuellai were so fixated on him or HOW in the hell he absorbed the lightning one threw at him and ended up fine,,, hes just a big mess right now. a big enough mess that when he got claimed by literally zeus, no one else was around, he shrugged it off as some basic magical happening, and he stayed in the hermes cabin far longer than he should have cause no one! fucking knew he got claimed! by zeus of all people! dumbass. he ends up figuring it out though. like an off-hand mention about how this “weird lightning thing appeared above my head a couple weeks ago, haha weird right?” once he figures it out he realizes “hey i might be able to fly” so he sneaks off into the woods to try it. he succeeds fairly quickly but god almighty everyones face the one day the dude just yote himself off a small cliff without warning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
dave and rose are really tight, theyve been there roughly the same time length, and since their cabins are across from each other they just bother each other all the time. daves the resident Doctor even though he really doesnt look it cause hes got the apollo powers. apollo is the medicine god. so if you wound your stupid ass in battle daves in the ER room patching you up with his glowy hands. rose on the other hand is a very good strategist. shes one of the only athena kids ever recorded to actually have a power - telekinesis. she has no idea how she developed it, she thinks its from birth, but it freaks her out. shes training it though.
so the beta trolls, are also all human(ish). aradias hades kid. but i pulled a pjo trope on her based on one of my favorite characters (im not saying for spoilers, but if you recognize the situation, You Probably Know Who Its Based Off) and aradia died. her mom, the handmaid, had been pulling some Shady Ass Shit and ended up getting herself killed, but aradia tried saving her and ended up going down with her.
so handmaid gets sentenced to the fields of punishment in the underworld, and aradia gets sentenced to elysium, heroes paradise. shes like “no i want my mom to be okay” so they take that away from aradia and they put them both in the fields of asphodel, the neverending grey space for Not So Good But Not So Bad people. her mom becomes a shade (shadow spirit, no human resemblance), as all people do, but aradia. doesnt? and she gets dunked in the fucking river lethe and if you dont know what that does it erases your memory. so she just. comes out of the river like “hello? wgat tae fukc goin on??” but she still remembers one thing. there was an “a” in her name.
tavros is the son of hermes, hes just kinda taken on the role of backup counselor for when the actual cabin counselor is out. hes in a wheelchair, but he also has prosthetic legs for when he needs to actually stand up and fight. hes really good at it too. also catch him in winged converse cause he Owns Those and Uses Them To His Advantage. hes trying his best to keep focused on the camp, cause aradia was his childhood friend, he misses her a whole lot, she never got to camp in the first place. and to his knowledge, shes still dead.
sollux is a janus kid. thats a problem cause janus is roman, and this is a greek camp. he grew up with dave, he showed up with dave, hes been at camp as long as dave. but hes been unclaimed since he showed up so he thinks hes unwanted by whatever parent he has. he knows hes a demigod, he got through the camp barriers, so what the fuck is wrong with him? he also feels shitty cause hes shit at the greek lessons, he cant read a lick of it which literally every demigod without exception should be able to do, he cant name any gods- well, he can, but.. he gets their names mixed up. why does he keep calling poseidon “neptune”? and he has a much, much different way of natural fighting than other kids. they slice, he jabs. he wasnt taught to jab. 
karkat is an aphrodite kid with vitiligo, and to make matters worse, hes ace and on the aro spectrum. to make matters WORSE, the aphrodite kids are kinda notorious for being really shallow, really materialistic, and really mean. karkats been dubbed the “runt” of the cabin, he gets made fun of for his spots to the point where he uses make up and magic to conceal them. worst of all? hes the kid of the goddess of love, for fucks sake. being reminded that “loveless people shouldnt be able to stay in this cabin, mom must have made a mistake claiming you” is kind of.. a blow to the self esteem. long story short he hates aphrodite for claiming him, and would have rather stayed in the hermes cabin. but he eventually goes on this big quest thats vague as fuck right now but Its The Main Plot, he ends up proving to himself that hes worth something and that his siblings are wrong, and my FAVORITE LINE IN THE WHOLE THING i came up with is HIS when he deals a final blow to some big monster: “REMEMBER MY FACE THE NEXT TIME YOU REINCARNATE. MY NAME IS KARKAT VANTAS, I’M THE SON OF APHRODITE, AND LOOKS CAN KILL.”
nepeta isnt anywhere near developed as others are unfortunately, shes a daughter of ares and shes really really good at hand to hand combat. shes small but she leads groups of people in things ranging from camp volleyball games to actual literal wars. shes a tough little shit
kanaya isnt really developed either, i have yet to figure out most of her powers too actually, shes a daughter of iris, the rainbow goddess though. (blatant reference to both kanayas vampirism and. h. her. sh. es ga. gay) ONE THING SHE CAN DO THOUGH is iris message at will without water or drachmas so really shes just everyones go to cell phone and its fucking hilarious cause people just come into the cabin like “KANAYA I NEED TO TALK TO [X]” and shes like “You Better Fucking Pay Me I Am Not Your Personal Cell Phone”
terezi is the daughter of nemesis and she has this really peculiar power she hasnt really gotten the hang of yet. she has synesthesia, so while she cant see she can smell and taste the colors of her surroundings and its really helpful. sometimes though she gets messages from her mom. they dont even come as dreams half the time, they come as almost a different plane altogether. tez has the power to literally tip the scales, pretty much. and when she gets like that, she can see. shes not on earth though, shit on earth stops when shes like that. shes just kinda In Her Own Head, i guess? and in her head she holds the two scales in her hands. she is the arms of the scale. and depending on which one she lifts up, she can literally alter the fate of the battle or happening thats going on By Herself. once she chooses she just whooshes back to real life though and nothing has changed. the only downside? it takes a LOT of energy and cant be exploited for little things. her one thing on her bucket list is to tap into said powers while getting something from a vending machine so like three things will fall out but it hasnt happened yet and shes upset
vriskas a daughter of tyche, the luck goddess, come the fuck on you knew i was gonna, i havent really elaborated on her either and im upset about that. but hey now you get a break from all those fucking paragraphs
equius is a hephaestus kid, and he kinda stays in the background. hes a range fighter, he spends a lot of time in the forge, and even though its been a project looooong since forgotten, hes been excavating the tunnels under cabin nine for years. by himself. he has no idea where they lead, but dammit hes gonna find out where. he has no idea about a certain bunker in the woods though...
gamzees just there for a fucking laugh tbh hes a son of dionysus and i love that cause hes the god of wine and parties and insanity. usually gamzees just zoning out somewhere hes Not supposed to be, and hes not affected by the maenads FUCKED UP BULLSHIT that goes down the forest sometimes. also hes so fucking scared of tavroses wing shoes he tried them on once while he was high and JESUS CHRIST
eridan is the son of kymopoleia, a SUPER obscure goddess. lets just say dont fuck with eridan cause his mom is the goddess of violent sea storms,
and naturally, feferi is the daughter of poseidon. cause who the FUCK else would she be the daughter of. WHO. NAME ONE GOD
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The leather Chapter 21: Needy Nikki
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A little smut warning
February 11, 1986
I was thinking a lot about Nikki and what happened between us yesterday. I know he said he didn't want to be my boyfriend, so I was wondering to my self what we were. I mean imagine if we did have sex yesterday, what would that make us? Two people who are just having casual sex? That's not the type of person I am.
"Earth to Iman we are waiting for you to walk!" The director yelled.
I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was on the cat walk at rehearsals. I started strutting down the aisle and smiling like I wasn't just day dreaming... how embarrassing. I turned and walked back to the back of the stage and into the back room.
"Girl are you ok? Cause it dosen't seem like your here?" Rachel ask with worry.
"I am...I just have a lot of things on my mind." I say putting my hand on my hips and pacing around the room.
"Like what?" She stopped me from pacing by putting her hands on my shoulders.
I couldn't tell Rachel, as much as I wanted to talk her she would call me disgusting for even thinking about Nikki Sixx. And I didn't need her thinking about me like that.
"Dont worry about it Rach Im good." I laugh sarcastically.
"All right ladies great rehearsals see you tomorrow at the same time 9am!" The director yelled.
We left the venue and headed into the limo. The girls were all talking about the fashion show and excited about dress rehearsals coming up. I rolled my eyes and just looked out the window. I was annoyed because once again I was thinking about Nikki rather than thinking about fashion week. When we reached the hotel I quickly ditched the girls I wanted to call Lisa and talk to her about the situation that was going on. She's the only one who really knew about me and Nikki and our drama. I stood at my door looking in my purse for my key when I heard my own door open.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I yelled.
"Surprise!" He smirked. "I actually have a day off today. I didnt realize it." He moved to the side so I could come in.
"Yeah cause you were probably coked out of your mind." I walked in and put my purse down. I looked at him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Now again what the hell are you doing in my room? I repeat.
"I flirted with the hotel clerk and she let me in your room." He shrugged.
This guy is something else.
I raised my brows and bit the side of my cheek. "How did you know I was in London and what hotel I was staying in. Cause I know it's not by coincidence that your here? You planned this!" I point out.
He grins smugly and shakes his head. He walks over to my couch and sits down, kicking his feet up and on the table and changing the channel to MTV.
"I have a better question who's Derek Richards?" He looks at me with an unamused look on his face.
"W...who?" I asked trying to play it cool.
He chuckels. "Princess don't play me for a fool." His lips then go straight and his eyes turn a dark shade of green. He stands up and walks towards me hovering over me. "Who's Derek?" He asks again but this time with a very deep voice.
I dry gulp. "He's a friend Nikki, just a friend." I softly mumble.
Is it weird that I find him attractive even though he scares the hell out of me when he's possessive and intimidating?
"He better be." He grazed my bottom lip with his thumb. "I don't like sharing what belongs to me." He leans in and kisses my forehead then my nose and then my lips. It was a very needy kiss. I moan into his lips as he deepens the kiss. He puts his arms around my waist then backs me up into the wall pressing and grinding himself onto me. I moan at the feeling of his erection causing me to become wet.
"Mmmmm you feel that princess?" He groans as he presses and moves his erection on me. "This is yours baby."
"Hey Sixx you in there!" Tommy yells banging on my door.
We both breath out. Nikki grumbles then opens the door. "Yes T-bone what do you want?" He asks agitated.
"Well for starters you might want to take care of that dude." He laughs pointing humorously at Nikki's bulge in his pants. Nikki rolls his eyes and moves away from the door letting Tommy in.
"Iman what the fuck?" Tommy eyes went wide. He looked at Nikki than looked back at me. "Dude so this why you switched up our tour schedules this year?" Tommy chuckled looking at me. Nikki sat on the couch and kicked his feet up on my table again.
Now I understand what Vince was saying.
"So what country are you guys heading to next for the Theater of Pain tour?" I asked.
"Well were going to Europe but it's really weird. Last year Nikki all of a sudden started changing up the countries and schedules. I dunno it came out of the blue like he was trying to have us be in certain countries on certain days. He even went as far as to change up the hotel we were staying at. He's a weird dude." Vince licked his spoon.
"Yeah he is. Like today he showed up at my Teen Vouge shoot. I was shocked because I didn't tell him I was there. And to make matters worse he payed off the security guard to let him in." I said scooping another spoon of ice cream.
Flashback ended
Nikki changed up his tour so he could be in the same country and hotel as me. But I was still wondering how he knew. How did he know my whole schedule? The magazine shoots I would be at? He knew the time and the places.
"How do you know my schedule Nikki?" I furrowed my brows. He looked at me then looked away.
"Who gives a fuck! Your going out with us tonight! It's an off day for Motley fucking Crue and were gonna fuck shit up!" Tommy yelled and picked me up spinning me around.
"Woah ok Tommy!" I shouted. He put me down and pushed me into my room. "Go get ready, dress sexy were going to a club. But not too sexy Nikki will rip a guys head off if he tries to touch you!" Tommy laughed humorously.
I stumbled into my room after Tommy pushed me in. I never agreed to go any where with them. Why am I always stuck with these guys? I have to be up tomorrow for 7 am so if I go out I'm not staying out late. I grabbed my suitcase and looked for a dress to wear out. I found my black strapless bodysuit to put on. It hugged my curves just right, then I grabbed my thigh high boots I thought it would look good with the outfit. I grabbed my make up and went to the washroom to fix my self up. While in there I heard another knock on the door and voices in my room. I walked out to see who came in and saw Vince and Mick.
"Vince!" I squealed and ran and hugged him.
"Hey darling." He hugged back.
"So now we know why you changed shit up." Mick murmured as he walked and sat down on my couch. Nikki glared at Mick and pulled a baggie out of his pocket.
"Hey Mick nice to see you." I waved at him.
"You too kid." He waved back holding a bottle of vodka.
I went back into my room and went into the washroom to finish my make up. I heard the door slam and poked my head out and saw Nikki walking towards me. He looked pissed off and I was not in the mood to deal with him if he was.
"Why don't you hug me like that?" He grinds his teeth together. Staring at me with his piercing green eyes.
I sigh and look at him. "Nikki please dont start ok. You want me to come out with you and I will. But if your moody and getting angry with me I'll stay in doors." I warn.
He sighs and kisses the top of my head. "Kiss me." He softly speaks in my ear.
I turn to face him and smile. I cup his cheeks with my hands, stand on my tip toes, and peck his lips then pull away. He becomes needy and wraps his arms around my body and pulls me close to him. He then backs me up against the sink and starts kissing and sucking my neck making my heart beat faster and faster. He moves one hand down and slowly starts rubbing his fingers in between the fabric of my private. I look up at him and breathlessly try to speak but my words are caught in my throat. He lifts me up on top of the sink and I wince as he pulls my hair back exposing my neck to him. He sucks my neck again leaving bruises and marks. By this point I start to feel needy too and move my hand down and start to rub the bulge in his leather pants. He groans and moves towards my lips and smashes his lips to mine slipping his tounge into my mouth. I wrap my other arm around his neck and continue to rub his erection with the other. He pulls my top down exposing my breasts to him. He slowly rubs my nipples and I let out a muffled moan on his lips
"Uh...uh.. Nikki." I breathlessly moan.
"What do you want me to do princess?" He whispers in between kisses.
The bedroom door slams open and we pull away from each other fixing our selves.
"What the fuck Vince?" Nikki barks at him.
Vince looks at the both of us and shakes his head. "Were waiting on you two so can you hurry the fuck up?" He snorts. He gives me a dirty look then walkes out of my bedroom slamming the door shut. I scratch my neck then look at Nikki.
He sighs. "I'll wait for you out there." He says leaning in kissing my forehead and walking out of the room.
Oh boy!
We finaly reached the club and it was not my scene. This was a bar for people who enjoyed rock music, drugs, and drinking to the point where you pass put. There was a bar and a booth for the boys, and there was a small dance floor. The boys ordered drinks and there were tons of woman flocking towards them. I stuck with cranberry juice, and had Nikki's arm tightly wrapped around my waist. Tommy and Nikki started drinking to the point where they were belligerent. They pulled out there baggies and lined up there coke on the table and started snorting it. They even started snorting coke off of womans breasts and thats when I got up and left the booth. I looked around to find Vince and Mick. I saw Mick sitting at a booth drinking his life away yelling at some guys across from him then looked over at Vince who was tongue deep in a womans mouth. I walked over to Vince and tapped his shoulder.
"Don't you have a wife and two kids?" I pointed out.
Vince looks at me and I could tell he was furious. Maybe that wasn't a good idea what I just did. But I wasn't meaning it to be malicious I was just trying to point out that he has a family at home.
Vince let's the girl go and pushes her. "Fuck off get lost!" He yells at the girl. He turns back to me and gives me a dirty look. "Dont even think about judging me on what I do with myself when your the side whore for Nikki!" He spat.
My lips parted and I was shocked at what he said. "I'm not Nikki's side whore Vince." I shot back.
He laughs humorously. "Really cause from what I saw in your bathroom you looked like you were." He moved closer to my face. "And it's funny because before he came to London he fucked his junkie girlfriend Nicole and they talked about moving in together."
"I can smell the alcohol on your breath Vince so I'm going to let it slide because your drunk. Tomorrow we can talk." I stated.
He flipped me off then walked away and grabbed another girl and took her into the booth. I asked the bar tender for another cranberry juice and made my way to the dance floor. Patt Benatars love is a battlefield started playing and I started dancing. I wasn't paying any mind to the people around me I just wanted to feel free and dance my worries away. I came out to have fun so at least let me try and do that. I was swaying my hips side to side when I felt someone's hand push my back and my front ended up pressing against the wall with the person pressed hard against me. I smelt sweat, musky cologne, cigarette, and whiskey on the person. They started nipping and sucking my ear. I was ready to fight back until I turned my head a little to see that it was Nikki.
He forcefully pulled my ass back to him and started rubbing his crotch aggressively against my bum. He bit and sucked my ear while whispering all the dirty things he wanted to do to me. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back so my head would be resting on his shoulder. My heart was racing with anticipation for what he was going to do next. He locked his eyes with me as he slowly moved his hand down between my legs and squeezed my privates through the fabric of my bodysuit. He then pressed himself against me to the point where my breasts were squished against the wall.
I moaned and closed my eyes. I winced when he gripped my hair tighter. "Look at me." He said with a stern voice. I opened my eyes and wouldn't dare to close them again. I stared into his darkened green orbs as he smirked down at me. "This pussy is mine tonight." He drunkenly whispers in my ear. "I'll fucking ruin you." He growls. He squeezes my privates again making me let out a loud moan that makes people stare at us. He let's my hair go and moves his hand away. He gives me a long needy kiss at the back of my head and slowly backs away from me. I turn around panting and sweating looking at him. He smirks and grabs a bottle of jack from the bartender then sits back in the booth with Tommy.
I'm actually terrified of the thought of Nikki having me. I can't have him ruin me down there.
I'm a Virgin.
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captainillogical · 5 years
Devil’s Ballroom ch.2
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A year after the events from the earth’s final attack, Little Homeworld is finally complete, and there’s a new jazz bar where gems and humans mingle and drink. - As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now.
collab with wife @firstofficertightpants
The place actually happened to be like, right on the edge of Little Homeworld. Outside had full glass windows, tall, that reached the ceiling. Inside the lighting was dim, and a bit smokey. You figured it looked alright enough to head in, and gave the bouncer your ID. He nodded and you walked in. It smelt of cigars, and of cinnamon, and it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. A pretty woman in a low-cut red dress was playing the piano on the stage, and it was some contemporary jazz piece. The low murmur of people talking filled the air in between the swells of music, and the place actually seemed busy with people and even gems enjoying themselves. You liked the vibe. It was.. comfortable. At ease. You looked over at the bar, rather than any of the tables, and saw a spot near the end. Perfect. Right by the bathroom. You headed over and plopped down on the stool. There were three empty at the end, so you took the one in the middle, which had the best view of the stage from back here.
While waiting for the bartender to come back down this side, you took the chance to look  at the people around you. A couple familiar faces.. small town you know? And some new ones. New gems too. You can see Mr. Fryman sitting at a table with Kofi and Nanefua, and they look like they’re playing poker. You try not to snicker since Kofi looks absolutely blasted, and Mr. Fryman is cursing up a storm because Nanefua is clearly winning. You see her wink at Mr. Fryman. You suspect a rigged game.
Your phone chimes a couple times. You pull it out of your bag, and check to see who’s bothering you. Ah. The group chat.
    Alex: ughhh you guys my gmas killing me
    Alex: no seriously mexico fucking blows rn 
    Alex: i cant step outside without feeling like my balls are melting off my body
    Alex: and my brother won’t stop listening to the book of mormon soundtrack
    Alex: im going insane
Your friends are so melodramatic. You type out a couple of replies.
    Y/N: You should be used to mexican summers by now, you go every year.
    Y/N: And for the record, your brother is valid. Book of Mormon slaps.
    Alex: what the fuck youre supposed to be on my side u ass
    Alex: i thought our special thing was wicked. OUR SPECIAL THING, Y/N
    Y/N: I’m allowed to like multiple things. Including musicals. 
    Alex: never. fuck you. also what are you even doing rn come play minecraft with me
    Y/N: Yeah as much as I’d like to, I can’t.
“Y/N! So you finally came to see what this place is all about! What can I get ya?” you hear a familiar voice ask. Turning around to face the voice, you see Bismuth wearing her usual overalls and a rather nice looking bow tie. 
“Hey Bis, how’s it going? I like what you’ve done with the place. It’s nice. And uh, I’ll just take a hard cider for now.” You smile at her and set your phone down for a minute.
“Thank you! After we finished Little Homeworld, I had to find something else to focus on in my down time.” She explains while grabbing your drink from the fridge under her side of the bar, and opens it. “So tell me,” She sits the drink in front of you and leans on the counter. “What brings you out here today?”
You take a rather long sip from your drink before meeting the large gems eyes. On the stage, a tall, beardy man replaces the woman that just finished her piece. He immediately starts this jaunty, irish tune. He’s singing loudly, and it’s not bad. A couple of people are clapping to the tune.
“I just really needed to get out.” You replied, taking another sip from your drink. “I was kinda hoping I’d meet someone new, maybe get another friend to hang out with, since my friends wanted to ditch me this summer.” As you’re saying this, more people join the clapping. It’s getting a bit rowdy. “Or maybe at least get drunk enough to forget how lonely I feel.” You add, shrugging. 
“Well, I can supply the drinks, and at least a bit of company.” Bismuth winks, and turns to the patron 6 seats up waving her over. 
You check your phone again, and there’s more from Alex. AND Harper? She must still have phone service wherever she’s at.     Alex: what are u fuckin doin that so important that u cant play minecraft with ur best friend
    Harper: yeah, Y/N. the heck. Also alex, get lost, she’s MY best friend bitch
    Alex: u had ur chances but u left us so we’re a duo now. u can go
    Harper: excuse me!? I WILL end you.
    Y/N: Oh my god, chill. I’m just out right now, so I can’t okay? 
    Y/N: And nice of you to join us, Harper.
    Harper: fuck you I miss you okay. And I miss constant wifi :(
    Alex: OUT!? What do you mean OUT. its night. u play games with ME during this time
    Alex: for real what the fuck are you doing
    Harper: yeah, you don’t go out without us. Wtf are you doing?
    Y/N: I’m at a bar!!     Alex: WHAT
    Alex: dont tell me its the one place that just opened
    Alex: Y/N do NOT betray me you TOLD ME you were gonna go with me!!
    Y/N: I was. But I was also bored and you’re both gone, soooo. 
    Alex: wow
    Alex: i cant believe youve done this to me
    Harper: hmmm. ;)
    Harper: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ;)
    Y/N: What.
    Harper: you tryin to find girls again? 
    Harper: like that one time you went to empire city just to peruse the mall?
    Alex: LMAOOOOO
    Y/N: No.
    Y/N: I’m not trying to find a girlfriend you fucks. Christ.
    Y/N: Also Alex, you’re one to talk. You can’t KEEP a girlfriend.
    Alex: ur just mad i have a passionate and intimate relationship w/ my hand
    Y/N: And it will probably stay that way. 
    Y/N: Besides, so far, no one cute here. So it’s a bust.
    Harper: a bust. Lmfao u just outed yourself :)
    Y/N: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
You put your phone down before seeing whatever Alex attempts to reply back with. It sounds like the current boisterous song is coming to a close, and really, most of the people here are clapping along with this guy. It’s fun. And despite the playful ribbing from your shit-talking friends, you’re starting to have a nice time. You finish your drink, and nod over to Bismuth who catches your eye and nods back. You look over onto the stage, the man having cleared the piano, and see Lapis wiping down the piano and seat. Guess he spilled his drink while playing. Lapis, unlike Bismuth, actually dressed up a bit for the job. Her hair was pulled in a cute, small bun, and she was wearing what looks like a tailored tux with no jacket. The vest fit her quite well. She seemed.. happy. Good for her.
No one had taken up the stage again yet, but the place was still lively with chatter. You see someone out of the corner of your eye move towards the stage, but Bismuth comes over again so you tear your gaze away. 
“Another cider? Or do you want something else this time, Y/N? She asks, cleaning a glass with a rag, and moves on to the next one. 
“Ehh, yeah, give me another cider.” You say as you pull out your phone again. Bismuth sets down the drink in front of you.
    Harper: what a goddamn disaster. she got that from me i think
    Alex: no, youre both disasters separately
    Y/N: Fuck you guys. Give me a break.
You hear the piano start to play again, and someone pulling the mic forward. You look up to see pink hair.. And someone kind of familiar. She’s wearing black slacks, a white collared shirt, and suspenders. The shirt is partially open, and you see part of a pink gem showing through on her chest. It looks like she’s got mascara running down her face. 
And then.. she starts to sing. 
It’s lovely. It’s slow and a bit sad, but she seems to be enjoying herself. She’s definitely done this before. Quite a few of the people around quiet down some, so you can hear her pretty clearly. You drink some, and text your friends.
    Y/N: Guys, I lied. There’s a cute gem here who can sing.
    Alex: holy fuk
    Alex: what
    Y/N: She looks kind of familiar though? I can’t quite place it though.
    Harper: dude theres like near 100 gems now in little homeworld lol
    Harper: you’ve probs seen most in passing? :P
    Alex: are you serious Y/N? cant flirt with human women so u turn to aliens? lmfao
    Y/N: Ohhhhh my god. Die.
The gem on stage sings the chorus with gusto - man she’s really getting into this. You’re kind of taken a bit with her performance. It just pulls you. But also.. She really seems familiar now and it’s bothering you.
    Y/N: No I’m serious she seems really familiar and not in that In Passing kind of way.
    Harper: what does she look like?
    Alex: yeah a description would be nice 
    Harper: TAKE A PIC
    Alex: holy shit YES 
    Y/N: I can’t take a pic. She’s too far away, it’ll be blurry.
    Alex: literally just zoom in lord almighty
    Y/N: Okay. Hold on a sec.
You turn on your camera app, and face the stage. Looks like the gem is actually finishing up her song. Perfect, you’ll snap a pic once she stands up. She finishes, and most of the people are clapping for her. You zoom in, and it’s grainy, but decent enough to make out most of her. You snap the pic.
The flash was on.
A couple people turn to look at you, and you try turning away quickly, horrified, and see the gem looking in your direction before walking off into the crowd of people. You cannot imagine a worse scenario. 
    Y/N: (image sent)
With shaking hands, you take another sip of your drink and wait for a reply. Why is life like this.
    Harper: uh.
    Harper: ummm.
    Alex: wait
    Alex: one fucking second
    Alex: shut up for one second
    Alex: harper isnt that
    Harper: uhh. yeah i think so.
    Alex: lmao i cant believe i have to tell u this
    Alex: bitch do u remember that shit that happened last summer
    Alex: where half the town almost died from that gem shit
    Alex: that’s her     Alex: that’s the bitch who almost killed like, the entire planet
    Harper: you know that night your dad almost died??
As you’re typing back a reply, someone pulls the stool out next to you and takes a seat. You see a sliver of pink out of the corner of your eye as you try not to actually Look. Oh god. It’s her. God can’t help us now. 
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Rules Of One’s Soul Ch 11 A Little Offer
(Mak belongs to @wasted-church )
Such a waste of time. Alnost four hours of walking and talking to that hammerheaded bafoon down the drain. If he would've known it would have ended up in failure then he wouldnt have gone in the first place!...But then again, he DID need an excuse to walk off all those candy calories he forced down into himself, he wouldnt become fat if he couldn't help it. The talk with Malius wasn't exactly splendid either. He insisted on being paid first so he wasn't 'scammed' out of a job and 'actually got paid for his hard work' and a whole other slew of nonsense. Of course he had TRIED to explain that he couldn't pay anything right now because he didn't HAVE anything to pay with right now, but of course the foolish worm paid no attention to his noble status or the fact he could just easily pay him later. Making the whole trip absolutely worthless.
The only good thing about this was that it gave him time to go get more supplies and food. Dark candy and worms. How appetizing. But one thing was for sure, Rouxls Kaard was not one to ask for help when he could easily handle by himself, he didn't need anyones help. So of course it wasn't out of question to see the duke out of formal attire, on hands and knees, digging in the pitch black ground with a small shovel and a couple of glass jars. He didn't really care though. He really didn't have anything else to do right now unless he wanted to go climbing dark candy trees and get more of those too sweet things, which he had to do anyways to restock his shoppe and get more for himself to eat after eating all the ones Seam brought to him earlier. His stomach grumbled just thinking about it, and he still had a week of just living like a hermit.
"Where art thou stupid insects!," he mumbled to himself as he shoveled clump of dirt after dirt to the side. Why couldn't the stupid worms just come out already!? It rained just two days ago, shouldn't they be near the surface by now?! "Dont telleth me thine food supply tis goneth?!" He jabbed the shovel in deeper. "I REFUSETH! NAY WORMS SHANT DEFEAT ROUXLS KAARD?!"
In any other case or if he desperately wasn't afraid of getting a good(ish) food supply before he was forced to just eat candy for a week straight, he would've been chuckling at the thought of him ever doing this, but here he was. Digging in the dirt like a starved rabbick looking for carrots. Hopefully he didn't have any wondering eyes, but at this point he wouldn't have probably cared. His natural survival instinct kicking in and taking over-
"GOD D*MMIT!!" Blue hands shoved themselves into the black earth and started tossing around dirt. The yell was loud enough to catch anyones attention in a couple yard radiace, but luckily noone heard it-......Well almost noone.
To be honest, the scene was more concerning than funny. He certainly wasn't expecting to walk in on the scene of a frantic duke digging like a rabbick tossing dirt around and cussing like a royal guard on a hangover. The duke was more upset then he thought-
"He's gone mad.....Can I have his shiny stuff if his hair falls out?"
He ignored the child and mumbled a "Stay here" before catiously stepping towards the manic worm flailing around like a dying fish. Good lightners. It wasn't a long drive to have the poor guy acting like a desperate animal-....Similar to how Jevil first reacted too being.locked up...He instantly shook those thoughts from his mind. Now wasn't really the appropriate time for a trip down memory lane, especially about something that happened so long ago. He was just one or two yards from the duke who didn't seem to have noticed him at all at the moment. Some dirt bounced near his feet to which he rose a brow at. After a moment he looked back to the worm and cleared his throat-
It was like a cobra swung it's head with how fast the duke's reflexes were. Face dark blue in frustrated annoyance.
Both froze in that moment. Both clearly not expecting the other to react they way the other did. The sudden outburst made the patched cat flinch hard and sorta just stare down at worm, button eye spinning. Rouxls however seemed to register the moment faster, old habit he developed from serving the spade king. One had to develop a fast sense of your surroundings if you didnt want to risk the king's wrath...And blinked.
"Oh.....Tis thou." His body slowly relaxed from the tense pose on his knees and eyeing the cat. ".....What doth thou want?"
Seam blinked and cleared his throat. His fur was bristled and fluffed up from the sudden outburst. "Oh...Well you seemed like you were a little stressed there-" His gaze shifted momentarily to the holes and clumps of dirt, and Rouxls's obviously dirty hands." -...and I thought you could use a cup of tea?"
"..N-No. Thank you. As y-you can clearly seeth-" He turned back around to the holes. "-I amst c-clearly busy w-with restocking mine shelves!"
"And how exactly is digging restocking? Are you selling dirt?"
"WORM! I amst gathering food to prepare mineself for living like a common criminal!" He reached back for the shovel.
" You eat dirt?"
"NAY! Likest I wouldst do anything like that?! Mine standards wouldst never sinkest so loweth!"
" Then what are you trying too-..." He trailed off when the duke groaned and pointed to a few jars next to himself. Inside one of them was a couple small pink things, they wriggled around the glass container. It didn't take too long for the old cat to figure out what exactly what he was looking at. ".....You've been eating worms?"
"Nay. I willeth eat them....sparingly. I needst enough for mineself to last for a few days.,
The thought of those wriggling things coming anywhere near his mouth made Seam gag before asking, "Are you really going to eat nothing but insects?"
"No. That tis ludacris!" The digging slowed down. "There's plenty of that disgustedly sweeteth ..c-candy growing on thine trees. I needs to restock anyways."
"What happened to the whole bag I brought?...Hehe. Don't tell me someone already bought it all."
"What doth thou thinkest I have been consuming for nutrition?"
The old plush paused for a monent, eye spinning. "Are you telling me that you plan on eating nothing but candy and....worms from now on?"
"Blame that floating bafoon for getting mineself sent away from thine castle!"
Seam held up his paws in defense. "Hey now. He was only trying to help."
Rouxls muttered something under his breath but didn't look up at Seam and just continued digging. Seam on the other hand reached up to scratch at the fluffy main of fur around his neck. This wasn't exactly what he was expecting when he first came to speak to the stressed out noble, but he guess he would've acted like this too if he was in the duke's place....Or not. Who knows?
"What art thou doing here anyways?"
The sudden question made him flinch but the worm still didnt look up from his digging."Uh...Well quite simply I came to offer my assistance on the matter. Haha." This time the worm fully turned to the taller cat in question. Making him chuckle at the confused dirt smudged face. "But maybe I came at a bad time. Perhaps I should wait until you're finished?"
"..N-Nay! Rouxls kaard-" he held a hand to his chest "-hast no needst for help! I amst perfectly capable of surviving on mine own! I nay need help from an old commoner!"
"Even if I'm offering to give you a few dark dollars and decent food?"
This caught the worms attention as he instantly snapped out of the annoyed tone and eyed the cat in front of him. Seam gave a patient smile back to the worm on the ground who still hadn't made a move and instead opted to eye the plush with a raised brow. Like how a parent would a child when they knew they were lying. Rouxls pursed his mouth to a thin line and debated the cat's words internally for a moment. Finally settling on-
"Art thou serious? Food and money?"
He shrugged. "Well better food than worms and candy. Haha. But the not without something in return of course."
Rouxls scoffed. " I shouldst' ve knowneth."
Seam gestured a paw to the Hip Shoppe. "Why don't we go inside and discuss it then? You look like you could use a break."
Rouxls contined to look up at the other darkner for a few seconds, frozen in thought, before he slowly kneeled over. For a moment Seam thought he was going to start digging again but instead slowly rose to his feet. Seam could now clearly see the rolled up pants legs and dirt covered blue skin of the worms legs, instantly he got a flash back to how he looked scrubbing the floor. He honestly looked the same way except all the dirt, and something about seeing the normally the orderly and neat freak Rouxls willingly getting dirty and acting like a 'commoner" made him chuckle again. A clicking of glass sounded as the duke gathered the jars in his arms and turning to start towards the shop,Guess he agreed to talking, with Seam silently following. It was only a matter of time before a smaller pair of footsteps came patting along behind them and the small bat hopped up to his side in a moment.
"Wipe thou's feet before comming in," he muttered. It took a few seconds of him shuffling the jars into one arm while reaching to open the door. Once inside, the two plushes went towards the count- "DON'T touch anything."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
The worm gave him but mostly the small bat a look like he didn't beleive them before rolling his eyes and disappearing into the back room. Seam chuckled as he went and turned his attention to the child who was staring into the clear glass display kit. Their face practically pressed against the clean glass as their eyes widened at the contents inside.
"Hehe. Now what might you be looking at?"
"There's shiny things in there! I want the big one!"
Curious he leaned over them to peer inside the case connected to the counter. And quickly saw what they were looking at. "Oh. Gems." A full display of gem stones adorned the inside of the case. Funny he didn't see them here the last time he visited. Rudinns would go gaga for these things. Something about impressing other female Rudinns depending on how much treasure they had. Good for selling and looking pretty but otherwise useless to the common Darkn- "Hey! You're not aloud up there."
He easily reached a paw other and grabbed the bat from off the top of the counter. "But I want the shiny! The big one!" They continued to paw at the counter as Seam set them down.
"We have to pay for those things-"
"Payest for what?"
The duke had returned. Cleaned up and wearing another suit again. How many of those did he have? He eyed the two before fixing his sights onto where Mak was staring.
"Those art for sale only. If thou wants one then thou willst have to pay for it likest everyone else."
Mak gave off a growl and reached back out for the counter- seam pulled them back again and sighed. "Can we please talk about why Im here?"
"Yes. Please do." the duke had taken his place behind the register and leaned back. "What brings the commoner to mine Shoppe? Art thou one of mine admires wo-" He stopped himself from saying that one common line which made Seam chuckle again and his face went a dark blue.
"I guess that's one way of putting it, but I think Ill save that for a later time. I actually came here to offer to pay you, in return for your services of course."
Rouxls scoffed. "And what part of mine services art thou refering to? ...This won't allow me to-" He shivered. "Be around that flying lunatic?"
"Jevil? Oh no. Just some cleaning."
Seam nodded before explaining. "Why not? You need money don't you? And it seems like a fair trade to have my sheap spruced up."
The worm just stared dumbfounded at the cat......before a snicker came out of his mouth. Before another. And another. And another. Until the worm was lightly laughing at the utterly ridiculous request offered. HIM?! Clean up after an old grown darker that was more than capable of taking care of himself?! Absolutely ludacris!
"T-Thou actually expects mineself t-to cater to thine poor home like a common maid?! Hahaha. Thou's brain tis full of silly cotten if tbou thinkest I wouldst do anything like THAT!"
The cat to his credit didnt drop the patient smile and instead retorted with. "Well you are living like us common folk aren't you?" The worm stopped his chuckling tangent to stare at him. "And digging in the dirt and plucking what candy he can get from the trees for survival. Now aren't you?"
The duke sputtered angrily before slamming a hand down on the counter while pointing the other straight at him. "Now seest here you walking...c-child"s plaything! Rouxls Kaard tis not one to bend to thou's whim just because of mine bad luck! What I do tis nay any business of yours! I shant hereth any more nonsense of soulmates o-or ridiculous offers! And as soon as that Jevil gets thinself back Ill telleth thee what exactly I thinkest of this whole situation! If anything had happened to mine boy whilst I amst away I shall seest to it he gets turned into a jack in thine box!"
Seam hadn't even batted an eye at the rant, as if he had been expecting the entire thing from the start. "Well if I remember right, you're living just like the rest of us. Doesn't matter if you're rich or not Duke. You're still just as helpless as the rest of us-"
"GET OUT!" The worm angrily point a hand behind Seam towards the door in the front. But not before slamming his hands onto the counter. His soul throbbed with anger at the moment and Seam could clearly sense it by the way his eye tilted down towards his chest. Where one's presumed soul would be. "GETTEST THINESELF OUT AND DON'T EVER STEP FOOT NEAR MINESELF AGAIN!!"
Ever smiling, Seam didn't hesitate to obey the angry worn as he headed back towards the door. The little bat stumbling to follow along. The jingling of the bell came as the door opened and the cat stepped out. But not before saying-
"Ill see you tomorrow friend. Hopefully we can arrange a better meet up."
1 note · View note
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
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Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Giulia: BTW
Kat: Don’t worry you’ll hate it more later
Giulia: GREAT
Zee: Quit flapping your gums bitches
Nat : shall I count?
Giulia: Go when u post 🖕🏻
Nat : lol
Zee: Nice
Nat : i just go with GO
Giulia: Weak
Nat : ok
Nat : listen
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : GO
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Zee: Where’s carry on ?
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Think of seasons that must end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Nat : I DON'T REMEMBER HALF OF WHAT THEY SHOW NOW.  It's erased from my memory
Giulia: look at my stupid baby
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ They will rise and fall again ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Giulia: Oh look the dumb coffin
Nat : "I do believe in us."
Zee: John
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Everything must have an end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Take it calmly and serene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bye mary.Good riddance
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Maybe I should watch on mute
Kat: Shut up chuck
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's been coming on so long You were just the last to know ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: The fuck is this song ?
It's been a long time since you've smiled
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Seems like oh so long ago Now the stage has all been set ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bb Sob ....Them hair on fleek tho
Nat : What are the odds
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Zee: BAMF Cas
Giulia: Idk seems so desperate
Kat: Always
Nat : So much grunting. So sexy
Giulia: AWE
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Now the lines have all been read And you knew them all by heart ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: SAM
Zee: He took jack
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Here it comes the hardest part Try the handle of the road ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes
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ok I now it’s a serious moment but Dean skipping with his birb bowlegs is making me cackle so much i cannot
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oh look another meme
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Giulia: Sam just casually shoving a ghost out of the way
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ As the light fades from the screen From the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Ok
Zee: I hate it
Nat : Ah great title card
ok but ....* slows down frames and saves some of them* WHAT’S THIS
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Whatever let’s just go back to more pressing matters
Lol that is so not Misha carrying Jack tho
Giulia: Misha’s fingers be that thick
Zee: Focus
Giulia: Lol dean reaching for that booze, I mean SAME.
Nat : AW CAS
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Giulia: Awe SAM
Zee: Sam panting
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D: He didn’t deserve this
Kat: Aw
S: Cass, is he here? C- C-Can you... Can you...?
Giulia: SAM 
Nat : "I don't think so"
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Nat : I cry
Giulia: I CRY
Giulia: Sam’s pain is physical
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Giulia: I cannot
I mean,...they do look like zombies. 
D: Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End”.  What... What does that mean?
Zee: Welcome to the end
D: Cass? Come on, man! Ideas!
Team free Stress
Giulia: It means final season
D: Can you smite our way out of here?
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Zee: Cas squint
C: No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean.
Well I honestly thought Dean actually asked if Cas could fly them off there....which...well don’t think it can happen if the state of his wings are the same, BUT STILL, we don’t actually know becasue PLOTHOLES. But whatever man, I still love my show.
D: Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w- what, starve to death?!
C: I wouldn’t starve
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Giulia: WeLl gOoD fOr yOu
Kat: Love the sass
D: Son of a bitch
the fandom:  * CHEERS*
Giulia: Sure he knew
D: He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the...with the... the robe and the beard and...the smile that's, like, half-nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out. "
Giulia: Oh that true
Nat : Aw Dean
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Nat : Me
Zee: Those fingers tho
Giulia: Why don t they let cas do that, come on
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Nat : So much grunting and panting in the first couple of minutes
Nat : I love it
Giulia: Gotta isolate just those
Nat: Cas doesn't want to help
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Giulia: Nice
Nat : AH well
Zee: Hello
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Giulia: …
Nat : Now he did
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a wild Jack appears
Nat : Ah
Zee: What?
Nat : what
Kat: Hahahahahaha
Giulia: the fuck
Kat: Demon!Jack
Giulia: OH COME ON
d!Jack: HELLO
S: Jack! you are alive
oh Sam...baby
Zee: Shut up
d!Jack: I- I'd do the whole eyes thing, but, uh, yeah, no eyes.
Team free confused
Zee: Blending
Kat: Weekend at Bernie’s haha
Nat : Nice glasses
C: Get out of him
Zee: What he said
d!Jack : Okay? Uh, where do I start? Like at the first day of school. Uh, hi.Uh, my name is Belphegor. And, I'm, uh, here from...
Angry Cass approaching
C: i said get out of him. I’m not gonna ask again
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D: Cass. Let him speak.
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C: He's an abomination!
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Cas is having none of it
B: You're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
Kat: You’re an abomination with that trenchcoat 🤣
Zee: I love Cas
Giulia: but also love Alex
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Zee: Listen to your husband Cas
C: He is defiling Jack's corpse!
D: But if he can help... [angrily] Jack's gone, alright?
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Giulia: sob
S: So we are...
B: The Winchesters
Nat : "I read the papers" lol
B: Anyway, I'm guessing this whole, uh, Hellmouth thing is kind of, uh, you?
C: No. It was God.
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B: Okay, okay. Look. I-I'm not some crossroad demon. I'm not even one of those black-eyed goons
Giulia: Who the fuck are u
Nat : Virgin puppies  EW
Nat : TwinSiEs
Nat : snorts
Giulia: We are NOT twinsies
Cas is ready to slap a bitch
Giulia: So strange seeing jack like that tho
Nat : But so good
Zee: He be good
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B: Ohh. Little spell. You know, nothing major. Just need some graveyard dirt... and some, uh, angel blood.
Giulia: Yeah, of course, let s use cas again
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*Snort* .... he’s so offeded
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Nat : what
Giulia: What he do
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: Really
Nat : who is that
Nat: HOW
Giulia: Oh come on
Giulia: TOO EASY
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B: Hey it worked! High five
Giulia: WHAT
Well I wouldn’t want to be the graveyard guys in the morning
Nat : Ah that music
Zee: Future deaths
Nat : Ah bloody mary
Giulia: “oH mY gOd” Who still does that anyway
Nat : Bloody Mary messes with cellphones now
Giulia: A bitch gotta get on with the future
Giulia: Those nails be nasty
Nat : Mhh...  She's more evil than before I would guess
B: I mean, come on. I look good.
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Giulia: That cas squint
Giulia: Yeah Cas does not like
Nat : Cas is suspicious
Nat : They act like they're surprised about 2-3billion souls in hell
Kat: I was surprised the number was that low
B: Imagine a salt circle a mile wide No ghosts get in, no ghosts get out.
S: Yeah. Great. Okay.
C: NO. That town... Harlan, Kansas...is less than a mile from the cemetery.
D: Then we get everybody out.
C: How?
Giulia: what else is nee
Giulia: Nee
Giulia: New
Nat : lol
Zee: New
Nat : Nee
Giulia: Great Another typo that will hunt us all
Giulia: Why this time the blood looks fake af
Nat : That my car
Zee: Woman in white
S: Dean, this could be our woman in white.
D: Dude. We sent her to Hell years ago.
S:Yeah, but she could be back.
Nat : Dean just realized
D: Well, if she's back, then they're all back. Every last one that we ever killed.
Giulia: I also just realized that we are seeing them again. My babies. I hugged those bitches S.  O. B
Nat : Aw bb
Kat: Lucky you
Zee: Giuls bb. Shut the fuck up please
I must say tho....that must have felt really depressing for them...I mean..all their work just ...puff....
Giulia: Fuck clows
Nat : Ah no
Giulia: Fuck them
Nat : Stupid clowns
Giulia: Fuck off
Giulia: Drive the fucking car into the door
Nat : Wouldn't get through.
Kat: No keys
Nat : Not enough space to fully accelerate
Zee: So much science
Giulia: Ugh true
Zee: Wtf is sam’s hair?
D: We can handle the evac, so why don't you grab Crowley Jr. here whatever he needs for his spell?
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Well he didn’t expect that 
C: Dean, I can't. I-I...I can't even look at him.
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Aw Cas
C: Um... I...
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Awe I think even Dean expected that reaction from Cas. I’m so hurt y’all....so hurt.
Giulia: that sheriff a bit out of it
Kat: Small town. Probably doesn’t have to do much
Nat : Jack probably has his own agenda. "Jack"
Giulia: Yeah
Belphy seeing the gun with that ridiculous nerd name: um....what’s that?
D: Don’t worry about it
B: ok cool
B: So, people are, like, crazy good-looking now, eh?
D: what
B: I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping308 this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and...
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Giulia: Wait what
Kat: Huge penis rock
Giulia: thank you
B: Anyway, folks back then, they were, uh, ugly. You know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot.
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B:  Look at 'em now.
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B:I mean, look at you . I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous
Giulia: HE IS
B: So, uh...who was... he, anyway? 
D: He was our kid. Kinda.
Zee: Our kid
Giulia: OMG NO SOB
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Nat: I cry
Zee: Shut up dean
Giulia: IM SO HURT
D: Alright. So, what do you need for this spell?
B: you know, nothing much. Big bag of salt.
D: Easy
B: And a... And a human heart.
Giulia: a human heart
Nat : what else ,easy
Nat : Giuls people are dying
Giulia: HEWWO
Zee: And thicc
Nat : "insert Kim K gif"
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Giulia: Nice thic, tan things
Giulia: With great hair
Giulia: Nice eyes
Giulia: I should focus
Nat : Cas saw?
Zee: Yeah
Giulia: So thic
Kat: Aw poor dead girls
Giulia: That shirt is crying for mercy
Giulia: Yeah yeah Sorry
Giulia: *keeps looking at those pecs*
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Zee: Sam should stop exhaling like that
Nat : NO
Kat: Jared is 4 times the size of that kid
Kat: Yeah
Zee: Yeah bitch
Giulia: YAS CAS
Nat : Did Sam treat his bullet wound tho
Giulia: Probably just patched up
Giulia: angel with a shotgun
I love when Cas take care of Sam...so soft.
Nat : that's not a big bag of salt, Dean
D: Rowena, we need your help, so move your ass. What? No, I'm not...Move your exquisite ass, please.
Zee: Exquisite ass
D: Here’s your salt
US: Thanks we have plenty 
B: im a fan
Giulia: NO
Zee: Oh no bitch
Zee: NO
B: Yeah, I-I didn't want to say it in front of the other guys,but when you were in Hell, with Alastair, I, uh... I got a chance to watch you work. And, I mean, the things you did to those people, I mean, it wasn't torture. 
Nat : OH NO
Giulia: FUCK
Kat: iT waS ArT
Giulia: Is it bad that I wanna watch that tho
Nat : YES
Giulia: DEAN’S “ART”
Zee: Wtf is wrong with you ?
B: And then every door in Hell just sprang open all at once.
D: Wait. Every door? Even the Cage?
Nat : Even the cage
Nat : OH NO
D: And Michael?
B: Well, last I heard, he was just sittin' there. Yeah, but if he got out, I mean... Ugh.
Giulia: Lol ADAM
B: I mean...he wouldn't hold a grudge, right?
Nat : Ah that looks nasty
Zee: Can I love Cas in this ep?
Giulia: Oh cas can mend shirt too
Nat : Ah
Giulia: i don t like what is going on
Zee: Fuck
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : AH NO
Giulia: NO
But let us take a blurred , closer, look tho: 
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those are definitely black eyes. 
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Giulia: Oh I remember that clock, leave a comment if you do too.
Nat : btw All the ghosts don't look very scary
Kat: All these ghosts look old af
Zee: Them bow legs
Giulia: Look at that strut
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Kat: Fresh would be better lol
Giulia: Zee’s that u
Casually punching a hole into someone chest to rip a heart out
Giulia: Got a heart
Nat : WHAT
Kat: Damn fake Jack
Zee: Get away kid
Giulia: Oh the lake ghost
Giulia: Oh ya RUN BB RUN
Kat: That kid is too calm
Zee: It’s not ok
Giulia: it s noooot
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Nat : No, he didn't
Nat : Sam did
Zee: You shot me
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Kat: You shot me 🤣🤣
Kat: Bad ghost bad
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Giulia: Well that was scary
Nat : Stop hurting Sam
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Nat : The ghosts all look weird af
Giulia: True
Kat: They are 15 years older okay
Giulia: Must be the daylight
Zee: I don’t trust jack
Giulia: well is not jack
Giulia: AWE
Giulia: I’m worried about Misha's hip
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Shut up
Giulia: Good gif to use
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Nat : he said it like Stepford Sam
Giulia: Right?
Giulia: Listen to that PUR
Giulia: the angel thing
Nat : So 4 people fit in the back
Nat : lol
Nat : Ah, not sexual
Zee: Or two horizontal ones
Kat: Well one is a small child
Giulia: Me and Nat are small child size
Nat : Yes
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D:  You okay?
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C: Yes, but...
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Giulia: UGH
Nat : lol
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Zee: Is that a no?
Zee: That’s a no
Kat: Ooohhh they so pissed
Giulia: SO TENSE
Nat : SO HOT
Giulia: what
D: Right now we get you fixed up.
S: what
Nat : I'M FINE
Giulia: Yeah open that shirt
Nat : Do you hear that
D: We've been going nonstop. Let me see it.
D: There's no exit wound.
Nat : Yeah, sure Jan
D: Hey, do you remember when we were little? What I would do to distract you whenever I'd rip off a Band-Aid or something like that?
S: Yeah. You'd tell some stupid joke.
Kat: Omg such a soft moment
Nat : Aw
Nat : Don't come up with old stories now. I'll cry
D: Come on. Knock, knock.
S: Who's...*HISSING*
D: Still got it
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Kat: My boys 😭
Nat : It's Jensen face
The little shit face 
Giulia: Well I don t see white foam
Nat : Are you surprised?
Zee: My god
D: Just when we thought we had a choice. You know, whenever we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Sure, we could go left. Sure, we could go right. But we were still in the damn maze. Just makes you think, if all of it... you know, everything that we've done...What did it even mean?
S: It meant a lot. We still saved people.
D: Yeah, but what for? You know?  Just so he could throw another End of the World at us and then sit back and chug popcorn?
Giulia: I wanna chug popcorn
Nat : Yeah, ya did Sam
Nat : But I get Dean
Zee: Sam still believes
S: But now he’s gone
S: He gets bored and... and... and... and pulls the ripcord.I mean, that's what he did with Apocalypse World and... and probably with all of them. He moves on, starts another story. But you know what?
Giulia: GOOD
S: For the first time. It's just us.
Zee: What’s one more apocalypse right?
“What’s one more apocalypse right?” -shit that SPN fans says
S: When we win this, God's gone There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free.
D: So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds.
D: Well, you know what that means.
S: We got work to do.
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : WHAT
Zee: Why is it over ?
Giulia: ...it flew
Kat: Hehehe
Nat : EH
Kat: That end though
Giulia: ...what
Nat : What
Giulia: What happened
Kat: The throwback
Zee: Yeah it was
Giulia: what trip was that
Zee: I just exhaled
Nat : What was that
Giulia: That was so fast
Nat : I hate them
Zee: Oh come on
Nat : i am watching trailer now
Kat: Yeah
Nat : WTF
Nat : I am not overly impressed
Nat : Dean didn’t finish his knock knock joke
Nat : I’m sangry
Next -----> 15x02  "Raising Hell"
.SO ...that was our last first episode screening, ever....GREAT.
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​
45 notes · View notes
ihaveanimagine · 5 years
For the ask thing: [4. UF/Pap] [17. SW/Sans] [20. UF/Sans] (if thats your limit you dont have to do the rest ♥, or choose wichever you want to do!). [42. LOKI] [45. UT/ Sans]
4- “Watch your step.”
17-  “This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?”
20-  “Wait, don’t pull away. Not yet.”
42- “No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
45- “You’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Underfell Papyrus (Edge)
(Thank you to @lmao-idk-but-aight for the idea!)
“Is that what you think of me? Helpless!?” You cried, curling your hands into fists, shaking with rage. “Quite frankly, YES!!” Edge towered over you, physically blocking you from the doorway out of the house. “You’re small, weak, fleshy, and you practically have a walking sign on the back of your head, begging monsters to dust you and take your soul!!”
You glared and stepped right up to the taller skeleton monster. “I can take care of myself! I took care of myself well enough until you took me in!” Edge huffed and bent down to your level, almost taunting you with his height advantage. “Don’t make me laugh, human! The only reason you survived until I took you in was because of my superior hunting skills!!”
“You only caught me because-”
“Because you’re weak and can’t protect yourself!”
You growled louder and felt tears sting your eyes. “Well if you think I’m so weak, why don’t you just kick me out!” Edge narrowed his eyes and glared down at you “Do you think I’m stupid? That I’d just kick you out for no reason!?” You hated how fast the tears slid down your face as you shouted “Well clearly you think it’s too hard to keep watch over me so you might as well!!”
Edge growled loudly and leaned down to your height and pushed you back inside with a firm grip on your shoulder. “I’ll do nothing of the sort!! Now STAY HERE!!” He shoved you onto the couch and stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. 
Hot tears spilled down your face as you sunk slowly into the couch cushions. You hid your face in your hands and felt despair wash over you. Edge and his brother have been working very hard to keep you safe. They escorted you every time you left the house, Edge would often strut next to you, glaring or growling at every monster who came too close to you.
His brother often teleported you out of sticky situations and kept you busy with bad puns and jokes, but Edge was the one who took the brunt of the work. He always said that since you were the only person to pass his incredibly dangerous traps that you deserved the finest treatment he could offer you.
Which, over the course of the time you’ve spent there, included personally cooked meals (mostly lasagna and pasta dishes), late night discussions about the best way to protect each other, and the occasional shopping spree out in the Snowdin shopping area. 
The first time Edge took you out shopping you were a bit…surprised. You didn’t exactly expect him to be interested in fashion due to the world he lived in, but Edge turned out to be really good in picking out outfits that both looked amazing on you and kept you warm and safe. 
Since then, you’ve made little…dates(?) where the two of you went out for the night in town and did a few activities before hiding in his house again. You’ve seen so many different sides of Edge that he has trouble showing even his brother sometimes.
You’ve seen him laugh hard enough until he snorts, weep at a Mettaton Tragedy Special, and completely lose his skeletal mind when you tell him stories about your life on the surface. But the moments that were the most special to you, were the nights neither of you couldn’t sleep and converged to the couch in the living room to just…talk.
You’ve shared hopes and dreams, fears, childhood stories, and even wishes for the future.
But…that all seemed to have been for nothing…Any emotions you had been gathering for the tall, imposing skeleton man felt as if they had been cast aside when Edge practically screamed at you for being helpless…
The tears had stopped a while ago and you were left clutching an old, worn pillow while staring blankly ahead. You took a shaky breath and wiped your face with your hand, clearing the dried tears from your cheeks. You let yourself calm down after your cry and you found yourself grabbing one of your warmer jackets as you headed out of the home. 
You didn’t know what you were doing but…you knew you had to find Edge.
Your body was on autopilot as you traipsed through Snowdin town towards Edge’s old sentry station in the outskirts. You saw him before he noticed you (which was a first). You managed to get within arm reach of him before he noticed you. 
When he did see you were standing there with him his eyes widened in shock before narrowing. “Wha- what are you doing here?!” He hissed, turning his head away from you to scratch at something on his face with the back of his hands before turning back to you.
“I…came here to look for you.” You mumbled, doubt creeping into your bones. “Well, you shouldn’t have! The Great and Terrible Papyrus can take care of himself!!” Edge crossed his arms and puffed his chest out to prove his point.
“…But thank you…” Edge practically whispered and for a second you weren’t sure if you heard him. You gave him a half-hearted shrug before silence enveloped the both of you.
You both said nothing for a while, just stared at the thick forest of trees that created a border around Snowdin. The silence wasn’t awkward or uncomfortable but you knew there was something you both wanted to say.
“I’m sorry.” Both of you looked at each other blankly before laughing softly. Turns out both of you worked up the guts to apologize at the same time. “I shouldn’t have insulted you like that.” Edge said, giving the back of his neck a shy rub. “Me too.” You said, shuffling closer to Edge “You’re just protecting me, I shouldn’t have yelled at you for that.”
“We cool?” You asked, looking up at him, a smile breaking out when Edge nodded. After another moment of silence, Edge turned around and motioned you to follow him. “We should head home.” 
You nodded and moved to follow him before Edge halted you with an outstretched arm. “Watch your step.” He pointed to a patch of ice you were about to step on and gave a loud sigh.
Before you could say anything, he swept you up in his arms and carried you bridal style before trudging on. “Honestly if it weren’t for me, you’d have stepped on every piece of ice in Snowdin!”
You giggled and laid your head on his chest with a smile and thanked him for looking out for you. Edge let out a small huff but pulled you closer as he continued on his way home.
Underswap Sans (Blueberry)
Tonight was a night to binge All the Spooky Media!
A nice rainstorm was thundering outside the comforts of your home and you and your wonderful boyfriend Blue decided to have a date night.
At-home dates were usually spent bingeing movies or tv shows while snacking on everything (“everything” ranging from gourmet meals to a gas station donut). This particular night it was your turn to pick a movie genre to binge and you had chosen Thrillers and Horrors!
Part of it was mostly just to formally introduce Blueberry to the world of Zombie Fiction to see his reaction, the other half was to see if this guy was afraid of anything. You already knew he really didn’t fear any animal or insect on Earth but now it was just a competition to see what scared him. 
About two movies in, Blue didn’t seem affected by much of the zombie stuff so you switched to a classic thriller that always gave you chills. 
But while you were enamored by the movie, you failed to notice Blue creeping ever so much closer to you until he was practically burying his face in your arm. It wasn’t until there was a jump scare that made the both of you jump did you realize where he was. You both screamed at the appropriate time and Blue launched his body at you, curling over you protectively as if he was defending you from a real attacker. 
Unfortunately, any sweetness you might have found from his reaction dissipated as gravity took over and sent the both of you sprawling to the floor.
“Blue!” You shouted, trying to wiggle out from the spot on the floor where he had you pinned “Let go! I’m being squished!” Blue’s head popped up and he suddenly let go of you, backing up completely off your body before helping you up. “S-sorry! I uh, just heard you scream and uh,” He coughed nervously into his fist “Reflexes happened?”
You accepted his hand to help you up but you gave him a suspicious look “Reflexes, huh?” You questioned flatly.” Blue shyly smiled and rubbed the back of his neck “Don’t worry! I promise it won’t happen again!” He quickly sat back down on the sofa and glued his eye sockets to the TV.
You gave him a suspicious squint and saw your normally upbeat and cheerful boyfriend flinch when the Thriller’s soundtrack hit a high note at the same time a horrified scream ripped out of the protagonist’s throat.
“Blue, sweetheart…are you scared?”
“W-what, who? Me? Scared psssshhh, no-!”
Blue’s face darkened as he avoided looking at the TV. “I-I’m not scared! Are you? I mean-”
Another scream came from the television and Blue’s entire body jumped and he hid his face behind a pillow. “Okay, yes! This movie is really scary but you’re into it so I’m trying not to to cover my face the whole time but — WHAT IS THAT?!?!!!” He ditched the pillow and wrapped his arms around your waist before burying his face in your stomach right as the main villain made a dramatic, horrifying jump-scare reveal.
Sensing this had gone on long enough, you maneuvered over to the remote and paused the movie before gently running your hands up and down your boyfriend’s skull. “Easy, sweetheart” You cooed, keeping one arm firmly wrapped around his shoulders while you petted his skull. “You’re alright I promise.”
After a moment of silence you added “I’m sorry I didn’t check in with you sooner to make sure you were okay with the movie.” Blue shook his head and nuzzled your stomach before peeking up at you “N-no, it’s alright…I should’ve spoken up sooner…”
You gently brushed your thumb on his cheekbone and pulled him up for a quick smooch on his forehead. “How about we forget the thrillers and binge childhood movies, hmm?”
“Heh, I like the sound of that. Thank you.”s
Underfell Sans (Red)
You woke up slowly, trying to avoid the inevitable by snuggling into the body radiating warmth next to you. You felt a low rumble beneath your cheek as something reached around behind you to draw you closer to the warmth. 
“Heh, mornin’ Dollface.” The gravelly baritone of Red’s morning voice was barely above a whisper as he nuzzled into your hairline. Too tired to verbally respond, you simply nuzzles back and curled your entire body to press against his. You felt Red chuckle again before his hand started lazily playing with your hair.
“Yer adorable, ya know that?” He mumbled softly, wrapping his legs around yours while resting his chin on your head. You hummed in response and softly kissed his clavicle. 
The two of you drifted in and out of sleep for a little while longer before your body decided to wake up even though your comfort level was sky high. You whined as you pried your eyes open to meet the afternoon sunlight drifting in through the window. 
“Afternoon already?” You asked sleepily, still not fully awake. Red smiled and gently brushed his finger on your cheek before kissing your forehead. “Mhmm. Ya looked too cute to disturb so I’ve been here with ya since ya woke up earlier.”
You hummed and reached up to kiss him softly before plopping your head back on the pillow. “Have you eaten yet? We should probably get up to eat.” You stretched out slowly to wake up the rest of your body to prepare for the difficult task of leaving your comfy bed.
Red’s hand suddenly darted out and caught your waist before pulling you back in. “Wait, don’t pull away.” He buried his face in your neck and curled around your form “Not yet.”
You smiled softly at your big, totally threatening mate and gently scratched his skull. “Alrighty, few more minutes then.” 
Adjusting to life on earth was no easy task for your boyfriend Loki, Son of Odin, King of Jotunheim, God of Mischief. But with your healthy balance of patience and loving teasing, he got the hang of it pretty quickly.
He went from cursing at earth’s primitive technology to only swearing at it when it refused to work at him. He no longer used his title and Asgardian power as intimidation tactics, and he even came up to speed with pop culture references!
(Did this mean you accidentally unleashed the event where Loki would shout “yeet” as he threw his knives? Yes, yes it did. And you were so proud of him.)
Another point to be proud of him was Loki made some friends! All on his own! And at the Avenger’s Tower no less!
You weren’t too sure on the details but from what you understood, Peter Parker, Tony Stark’s unofficially adopted son, had straight up asked Loki if he tried to conquer New York and responded with “Cool, cool. But have you tried a street vendor hot dog yet?” Then went out on a quick run to buy himself and Loki some hot dogs when Loki admitted he hadn’t. 
Now the only major thing left was to get your man to wear something other than a fancy suit!
Not that you didn’t enjoy the view when he did wear a nice tux, a dress shirt, or a fancy trench coat, but you wanted your boyfriend to enjoy the comforts of earthling life and that mean oversized sweaters and sweatpants!!
You already had several pairs of those yourself and you kept trying to convince Mr. Tall Dark and Sassy to wear them with no luck. 
“It’s not like I can’t wear anything else.” He told you once “But suits feel more…my style. It’s not as if I can prance around in Asgardian clothes, right?”
You had to shrug and concede but internally promised yourself that you would see your normally put together boyfriend relax in Comfort Clothes one way or another. 
Several weeks passed by and you had practically forgotten about that promise until you came home from work one day to find Loki, Peter, and Ned showing Loki the Star Wars movies. You brushed past the three of them with a quick hello and flew to your room to remove the icky feeling of work clothes in favor of your favorite sweats and jacket.
But as you searched in your closet for your favorite jacket, you found that you couldn’t find it. You frantically raced around the room pulling out drawers and searching through the hamper and tossed clothing on the floor. When you finally admitted defeat, you huffed, grabbed a comfortable tank top and headed out the door to join Loki and the two boys for the movie binge watching. 
“Welcome back, Darling.” Loki said warmly without looking behind him. He lifted his arms for you to sink into as you launched over the sofa’s backrest onto the cushions before snuggling to his chest. “How was work?” He asked before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
You moaned and hid your face in his arm. “No.” You said flatly, “No?” Loki repeated with a small chuckle “Work is banned from conversations for the next century.” You snuggled into him and sighed “I just wanna curl up with you and my comfy clothes and hibernate.”
Loki chuckled and nuzzled you.
“Speaking of which, have you seen my sweater? I couldn’t find it when I got home today, do you know where it is? Is it in the wash?” You asked, twisting around to look up at him. Loki’s face flushed and he chuckled nervously, his eyes darted down to his sleeves and your exhausted brain slowly began to recognize the fabric hanging off of him.
You suddenly lurched forward and turned toward Loki before eagerly cupping his cheeks. “You’re wearing my clothes!!” You cheered, excitement bubbling inside you “Y-yes, I am” Loki’s cheeks flushed with color “Is something wrong with that?”
“No, like … it’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
You felt a squeal catch in your throat as you suddenly pulled him forward for a chaste kiss. “I’m! So! Proud of youuuu!!!” You giggled before curling up on his chest, moving his arms to curl around you. “You’re relaxing! In comfy clothes!”
Loki’s blush deepened and he hid his face in your hair to save some of his dignity. “Yes, well…Peter and his friend insisted that binge watching movies should only be done in the highest of comforts so I uh, borrowed from your wardrobe.” You felt an “aww” escape your lips as you smiled up at him.
“Awww, you guys are so cute!”
Yours and Loki’s heads snapped up to see Peter trying to gently smother Ned with a pillow before lifting a hand up in innocence. “I’m sorry!” He squeaked “It’s just that you two were being cute and we weren’t sure if you wanted privacy so we tried paying attention to the movie but then-”
Ned pushed the pillow away and gently placed his hand over Peter’s face “But then you guys started cuddling and being all cute and blushy and it was adorable and I couldn’t help but say so!!”
You and Loki shared a laugh before shaking your heads at the two teens. “It’s alright, you two. Loki knows he’s adorable-”
“Not quite as adorable as you, love.”
“Shush. Loki knows he’s adorable and we both accept your compliment.” 
Loki simply rolled his eyes amicably at you before smiling and nuzzling you again. 
Undertale Sans
Being a full-time, interactive artist was not always easy.
Sometimes you had days where you had idea upon idea upon idea for your next gallery or show but sometimes your well of inspiration was so dry, the Valley of Death got thirsty. 
Lucky for you, Sans, your muse, aka your husband, aka your hus-bone had given you all the help you needed to meet your deadline.
For this specific gallery you had worked with a private therapy office who took cases ranging from student apathy, to heavy depression, to addict recovery. You always liked promoting a good cause while you shared your art and had found the perfect way to do both.
The gallery was to be shown at a small warehouse near a popular coffee shop and you intended to take full advantage of the location.
Since Sans played a big role in creating this specific gallery for you, you invited him to come see it. Naturally he said yes and on opening day, you gave him a quick tour before anyone came in.
The warehouse was covered in pillows of all shapes, sizes, and colors. The biggest pillow Sans has ever seen was propped up on the left side of the entrance and the pillows that lined the wall gradually shrunk to the tiniest pillow he had ever seen to the right of the entrance. 
Sections were split by large sheets suspended by rope and blankets were piled on top of pillows to create “couches” and pillars. In one section, there was a black box labeled “Dark Thoughts” with a plaque that read: “We’ve all been someplace dark in our lives. Some of us are still experiencing it. But healing takes time and it can start with letting go of something that makes you low. Take the time to write something you need to let go of and put it in the box. This box is directly emptied into a shredder. No one will see it.” 
The next section had several bins filled with weighted blankets and a plaque that asked everyone to take one and give the blanket to someone who needs it. The section after had a therapist from the office sitting on a mountain of pillows with a big smile. She shook Sans’ hand and told him she was part of the exhibit to encourage people to find outside help and to give therapy a chance. The section after her had stuffed animals with different labels on them like “Love”, “Hope”, “Motivation”, “Peace”, “Security”, etc. A sign stood next to the stuffed animals that said “Sometimes we all need an extra friend to keep us going. Take a stuffed animal with you to keep you going or to spread the love to someone else who needs it!”
From there, the exhibit focused on healing from whatever pain someone was in. There was a section on Laughter Makes a Good Medicine, Comfort Foods, and Hobby Making to provide outlets and ways to slowly push someone out of their comfort zone to open up. 
As you brought Sans along the exhibit he began to tear up a bit, remembering the different times of despair and hopelessness he’d experienced while Underground and on the Surface and how they have mostly been replaced by joy and contentment.
When you reached the end of your private tour, you took Sans’ hands in your own and smiled up at him. “So? What do you think?” You asked him. Sans grinned and gently brushed a loose strand of hair out of your face “I think this is amazing. This is a big topic to tackle but you did it pretty well, babe.” 
You smiled softly “That’s good to hear.” You cupped his face softly and continued, “You know, you’re a big piece of inspiration for this.”
Sans’ eyes widened and he looked both shocked and humbled “Me? How???” You giggled and shrugged “Well, I know you’ve had a few rough days while I was putting together this gallery so I knew I wanted to do something nice for you. But at the same time it felt like you had forgotten all the progress you’ve made with your issues and I wanted to remind you that big or small, any progress you’ve made is wonderful and I am so proud of you.”
Now Sans was really crying. Big fate tears rolled off his cheeks as he took the hand cupping his cheek and kissed the palm of it before drawing you in close. He rested his forehead on yours and took a shaky breath before speaking.
“If I could marry you again, I would. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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7wanderingpaws · 6 years
11. Epilogue
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Genre: magic / soulmate AU
Pairing: Jackson x reader
Word count: 2.8K
Song: Shura - Whats It Gonna Be? (<3)
Synopsis: You are more than happy in relationship with Jackson Wang, the hard-working and successful fencer representing Hong Kong. So what happens when you visit a local witch wanting to know more about your future as a couple? Because you always knew he was the right one for you. Even in another life. But would he really be the one?
*** 1. // 2. // 3. // 4. // 5. // 6. // 7-1. // 7-2. // 8. // 9. // 10. // 11.
(( Wowzers! Its the final chapter already. Im quite speechless to be honest, because I grew fond of this story ever since the basic idea popped into my head and would bug me until I wrote the the first 2-3 chapters in one sitting. It was one of the most wonderful writing experiences. THANK YOU, endlessly THANK YOU for liking, commenting, reblogging and following. I wish I could throw my emotions to show you how much it means to me. I hope this last part will be enjoyable. Im a cheesy girl. On my blog things end well :) dont blame me. Let me know what your thoughts!! ))
Special thanks to MARAH <3 
- - - Epilogue - - -
San Jose, California, 2020
“Are you sure we are doing the right thing?” you asked anxiously as you drove up the uneven road on a very familiar street. “I mean, last time I was here when we were together, it didn’t end up well.”
“Yes, but that was when I wasn’t my absolute, upmost happiest on the entire planet,” answered Jackson, taking your hand in his to kiss your knuckles. His other hand was on the steering wheel, driving the rented car up the road.
“What if somebody will see us?” you muttered, growing smaller and smaller on the passenger seat. “We don’t need any more new rumours.”
Jackson chuckled as he let go of your hand, so he could push the car into reverse to park it in front of the house. “Babe, c’mon. We both know we couldn’t care less about those things. Besides, you work in Team Wang. You can do any possible step against those suckers if you wish so. I will always be by your side supporting you.” He was looking behind the seat to ensure he filled up the entire place. He turned around and winked at you. “I’m actually excited. Yay. Let’s go.”
You exited the car and hand in hand walked to the doors, ringing the doorbell.
“You only support me cause you would go down the drain with me as well if I wouldn’t do the necessary steps,” you commented again, not letting him go just yet.
“Sure, honey, whatever you say,” he laughed and pressed his lips to your temple.
You smiled, both of you knowing well you were just joking. 
When the doors opened, a familiar face of the old man appeared, his kind expression already inviting you inside. “Welcome! Please, do come in. Henrietta is will be finished with her customer-”
“Yes, we will wait, thank you,” you answered before he could finish, knowing the entire sentences all too well. 
Jackson gave you an amused look as you took a seat in the living room. The house was filled with wonderful, mouth-watering smell that was coming from the kitchen. The old man was just taking out a big stack of cookies out of the oven.
Gosh. No matter how many times you were here and relived everything again and again, nothing, and I repeat, nothing could come even close to this beautiful, harmonious smell that you were sniffing in that house. It was generous and maybe full of love; that’s why it was so good.
Jackson took a hold of your hand, his big eyes curiously scanning the surrounding. “What if she will say we are not meant to be and have to break up right in this very moment?” he quipped, his eyebrows just under his hairline. He looked so funny when he was trying to be fake-serious.
You. Loved. Him.
“Well, then we break up. I mean,” you shrugged, not bothered, “you have to listen to what the witch says, right?”
He was trying to maintain the serious face, but his facial features loosened up and one of the most breathtaking smiles spread across his face, his eyes wrinkly, his (cute) teeth out, his cheek-bones up. What a sight...
He leaned in to kiss you when the doors behind you opened. 
“Oh, I apologise for letting you wait, my clients are-” Henrietta stopped mid-sentence when you and Jackson stood up at her sudden entrance. You had Jackson’s hand tightly gripped in yours just above your tummy. You smiled. “Oh my goodness,” said Henrietta, lacing her fingers and bringing them to her chest. “What a beautiful couple are you! Please, do come in, do come in,” she said excitedly as she let you into her office.
Yes, the windows were still tinted, the room still harmonious and well-organised. It didn’t change one bit.
You took a seat opposite her chair, Jackson once again looking around with innocence.
Henrietta sighed as she sat down behind the long table, her cards neatly prepared. “I know you.”
“We know,” you smiled shyly, breaking Jackson’s hand in your tight grip. 
“I see you made it.” Henrietta’s face was pure bliss. Her eyes couldn’t stop looking at you and Jackson as both of you exchanged glances.
You lowered your head, having a hard time getting such affectionate glances from the witch. 
“Yes, we did make it,” Jackson said, his face also smiley and proud. “It wasn’t the easiest of the roads but here we are.”
Henrietta was nodding many times. “And why did you come all the way here? There is not much I can help you with.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, recovering from the heat in your cheeks. “We would like to hear your opinion now, in this current life, when Jackson is an artists, I’m an accountant, no fencing, no doctors, no ... nothing like before.”
“And that is exactly how it should be, my dear,” Henrietta replied, your heart jumping quickly. “Everything is as it should be now. There is no reason for you to worry whatsoever. You both evaporate happiness and satisfaction.”
You both nodded. 
“So how was Y/N like when she came here for the first time?” asked Jackson out of nowhere, a cheeky glint in his eyes.
Your eyes widened, giving his bicep a slap. “Excuse you.”
“She was just as beautiful as she was now,” Henrietta replied without any obstacles. “But do you mean in this life or the previous one?”
“This life. I want to know how she was like when she found out,” said Jackson honestly.
“She was freaking out a lot. Oh, you are missing that wonderful friend of yours, Sofia-”
“It’s Sara,” you and Jackson said at the same time.
“-Sara, yes, and she was like a lion, fighting to know what is the truth. I can understand that Y/N was frustrated with what was happening. There aren’t many situations like yours. Not everyone on this planet has their soulmate.”
“Soulmate?” you frowned. “That sounds a little bit crazy.”
“But that’s what you two are,” answered Henrietta, her voice suddenly deep and mysterious. “There are very few soulmates in this world and you seemed to find each other in both worlds. As soon as one of you would see the other, you would know there is some connection. Don’t be overexcited, not everyone has those feelings. Many people are with someone just for the sake of being in a relationship, to not feel alone. Your relationship is on a universe-level. It was always written in the stars. Either way, you were supposed to know each other and I’m truly happy I was able to experience this rare phenomenon.”
Well, that sounded like some museum-like text for a dinosaur. Processing her words was one thing. Living and actually making her words come true was a completely different thing. 
The two of you exchanged looks.
She was right.
The stars aligned.
You clicked.
Seoul, South Korea, 2026
“I swear I always get lost in this country,” you mumbled to yourself angrily. “No matter how many times, always, always, always,” you sighed desperately. So what if you were already above thirty. Thirty-year-old people get lost TOO!!! 
Except, it was 2am, the metro was closed, the buses were not in service anymore, there were barely any people and even if there were, you spoke as much Korean as you did Icelandic. Nothing. Zero. How did they say hi again? Annyogfkfosyf??? Yes, that could be.
Looking around, you tried to find a friendly face that could be of any help. Isu metro station was located on a massive crossroads surrounded by tall, modern office buildings. But there was not a single person who was kind enough to help a stranger out.
You tried English. “Excuse me!” 
Nope, they wouldn’t even look your way. Of course. This was not an English speaking country.
Before you could really start getting scared, you tried to stop a taxi. But the road being a big main road, there was almost zero chance they would pay any attention to you.
The reason why you were freaking out was simple: your phone was dead. No battery, no life, no hope, no reason to fight in this life anymore. If the phone gave up, the humanity could easily do so as well. This way, you couldn’t call Jackson.
“I’m gonna make both of us die,” you muttered to yourself unhappily, when another person completely ignored you.
“Excuse me, can you please help-”
“Hello, sorry, do you know how can-”
“Annyofabsfkjas,” you tried, exasperated, your tongue twisting and breaking. How on Earth did they say hi in Korean? Where is Jackson when you needed him? Why was your phone dead? Why were you even here?
People ignored you. And even walking a little bit couldn’t help, the city was too big and you were too small. “Shit.” Wiping a tear away, you tried your phone once again but, of course, it wasn’t working. “SHIT.”
You ran a little bit, your heels clicking on the pavement. Reaching out your hand, a taxi must stop for you. There was no way one damn taxi wouldn’t stop for you.
A little cry escaped your lips. “Please.”
Just then, there was a sports car speeding up on the road and it abruptly stopped right in front of you, its brakes and wheels screeching loudly, making you flinch. This was it. This was when they would steal you and murder you for organs.
The door for passenger seat opened. “Get in.”
The voice was strict, but there was no hesitation as you swiftly got into the car.
“Are you crazy?” Jackson was angry, his eyes sending daggers your way. His left hand was on the steering wheel as his whole body was turned towards you. The door was closing itself.
“I’m sorry, you know I always get lost and my phone was dead-”
“You are pregnant, Y/N,” he snapped, worry written all over his manly face. “It’s dangerous for you to be out at this time all by yourself.”
You sighed, already tired. “But you found me,” you said, gently reaching out for his hand. “You found me. Just like you always do.”
Jackson’s features softened, his anger dissipating slowly but surely. He gave out a deep sigh. “I was so worried about you.”
“I was worried about myself too, thanks,” you laughed, touching his cheek.
He smiled and turned to fasten his seatbelt again.
“I’m hungry.”
He gave out a breathy laugh. “Of course you are. It’s freaking 2am. Your pregnant-self loves to eat at this convenient time.”
“Well, lucky me that we are in Korea where the deliveries are non-stop working,” you winked at him and looked out the window.
He grabbed your thigh with a lustful squeeze but his eyes were trained on the road. “Damn, and how much I love that you are here with me.”
And by the time you arrived at your apartment that you owned in Seoul, the black-bean noodles have arrived, warm and fresh. You devoured it all, and still managed to swallow sour pickles.
“Your appetite,” commented Jackson tiredly. He wouldn’t go to bed without you. No, never. He was over that part of his job. He was now his own boss, working on many projects, attending many galas with you by his side as his wife of 6 years.
Oh. The wedding!
Your wedding.
The wedding of you and Jackson.
The time when Jackson married you.
The time when you married Jackson.
That day...
... was one of the most watched weddings of the century. 
So what if William took Kate? And Harry took Meghan? Nick took Priyanka?
Jackson Wang took you. And many watched. Many supported.
A superstar is taking a normal, ordinary person that is not part of the entertainment industry. You were just a normal person, breathing oxygen like others, shining in different directions that the other artists. You had a soulmate. You had Jackson.
This is how you became one of the biggest searches on Google and Naver. Who were you? What were you? They wanted to know everything.
Everybody wanted to know the woman who was smiling brightly as she was walking down the aisle, the only person she could ever imagine her future with waiting on the other side having a squirtle look and still looking so handsome, so lovable, so kind, so Jackson.
The other special thing was, that you didn’t have a massive wedding. Yes, Jackson wanted to have half of the world present to see his happiness, but he still listened to you. It made you uncomfortable to be in front of so many people. You wanted close family and great friends surrounding you.
So he did it that way.
And the wedding night was even more special than the entire day filled with flowers, good food, lots of laughing and dancing till the early morning.
Jackson was still spinning with you in your hotel room, dancing to music, both of you tipsy with love for each other. 
There was no gentle and slow love-making. There was no wild and crazy sex.
You cuddled up, shared a wonderful, passionate kiss and while you were silently giggling into each other’s mouths, whispering stories from your wedding day, how someone would trip and fall, how some people interacted, you just kept giggling and smiling, both of your eyes still shiny even in the darkness of the room, you slowly drifted into peaceful sleep, Jackson’s arms around you, your front pressed against his chest as his chin rested on the top of your head.
Both of you had comfy pyjamas on, make-up removed and teeth washed.
You decided you would not have children until you reached a certain age. During that time, you would enjoy your freedom. You followed Jackson almost everywhere, you would sneak out, be silly, you would make decisions together that would benefit for both of you. 
Of course, there were fights. What kind of relationship didn’t have fights? They could be cruel at times, but neither of you ever meant it. There was safety around both of you. 
You were guaranteed for each other...
... until this guarantee was broken years later when your water broke. Thankfully, you were in Hong Kong where you always planned to give birth to your children. Jackson made sure he didn’t have any plans that included travelling too far from Hong Kong as he wanted to be present in the hospital.
And now, it was three years since your guarantee for each other was made more flexible and had to cover also twins that were born. Plus-
“Jackson,” you said as you came out of the toilet. Jackson was lying on the floor, one twin - Sofia (after Jackson’s mother) - on top of his chest, the other twin - William (after nobody in particular) - was at his feet, trying to take his sock off.
He looked up at you questioningly trying to hold Sofia so she wouldn’t hurt herself. “What is it, baby?”
“It’s happening again,” you muttered, trying to look nonchalant around kids.
“Daddy was talking to meeee!” wailed Sofia again. “He calls ME BABY!!!”
William was always the quieter one. Definitely your genes.
“Happening what?” he asked and swiftly grabbed giggling Sofia, putting her down so he could stand up and walk over to you.
As you were standing on the doorstep to the bathroom, he supported his hand on the wall next to your head as he leaned in. 
“I’m pregnant.”
He raised his eyebrows at you, not that surprised. After all, you were making these “mistakes” in the bed very willingly and happily. Slowly, one corner of his mouth lifted, his dad face long gone and his flirty face in the game. “Are you now?”
You shot a quick glance to the kids who were oblivious to you. You nodded as your eyes dropped to his lips. He licked them.
“You are freaking awesome,” he mumbled and kissed you, pushing his tongue right in, startling you.
You tried to suppress your moan, wrapping your arms around his neck. “You are responsible for it, though,” you breathed, capturing his lips again.
He grumbled, pushing you inside the bathroom, making you walk backwards. “We will be right with you, don’t be mean to each other!” he shouted towards the twins before slamming the bathroom door shut as you giggled loudly. He quietened you right away with his passionate lips, his hands all over your body as he pressed you to the wall. “I always wanted three kids.”
“Well, what if it’s another pair of kids?” you asked.
“Then I say it’s a happy life too,” he laughed pressing his forehead to yours. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
You squeezed your eyes shut and gave him a chaste kiss before you mumbled with your lips and tip of your nose pressed to his cheek. “And I love you.”
<3 <3 <3
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babylon-bitch · 7 years
Just Friends ~ I'm Scared Of Myself (part 56)
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Harper White is best friends with Luke Hemmings, they always have been. Not only is she  friends with the rockstar, but with the rest of 5 Seconds Of Summer, as well as a really nice girl named Erika.
Harper has a few secrets, she can play all the instruments the boys play and many more. It’s a talent she has kept hidden, only very few people know.
What will happen to the six teens, wondering around the world together?
Warnings: mentions of depression and language
“Bye mum, I’ll text when I land, see you soon.” I say.
“Have a safe flight, tell Angus to text me back, and tell Josh to Skype me again soon. Tell everyone I love them, bye.” She replies.
“Bye dad, hopefully I’ll see you soon enough.” I smile at him.
“Be careful, and study hard, bye we love you.” He pulls me into a hug.
“Love you guys too, bye.” I wave and turn around, making my way further into the airport.
After a while I’m all sorted, I’ve gone through security and now I’m just waiting for my flight back to England, which is going to be a long time, but I’ve got a book and my laptop so I’ll be good. There’s also a load of shops so I won’t be going hungry any time soon.
Slouching in my seat, I begin to respond to some emails, from viewers and companies.
“Harper?” Someone’s voice questions.
I look up and see Ashton and Calum.
“Oh, hey! What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Turns out we have a meeting in London before tour starts again. I didn’t know you were flying out today.” Calum explains.
“Well I thought I should get back because I’ve already missed so much school, so yeah. I also thought I should see a therapist quite soon, because if I’d get one in Australia, there’d be no point if I’d only be here for a couple days.” I tell them.
“Understandable, I can’t believe we’re getting on the same flight without know.” Ashton says.
“Yeah, what a coincidence.” I sigh. “Where’s Luke and Michael?”
“Somewhere over there, they’re talking to some fans or something.” Calum points to his left.
“Right, so what are you doing after your meeting?” I ask.
“We’re staying there for a couple more days, before we head to somewhere in Germany.” Calum replies.
“It’s gonna be so fun to get back on the road again, I’ve missed it, playing on my own in my room just doesn’t do it for me.” Ashton adds.
“Hey guys- Harper?” The voice of Michael Clifford fills my ears.
“Hello.” I nod and notice Luke walking towards us.
“What are you doing here?” He asks.
“What does it look like?” I deadpan.
“You’re gonna punch me?”
“Ugh, you annoy me so much, I’m so tired.” I groan.
“It’s like 8 in the evening you old lady.” Calum tells me.
“I was up most of the night, so cut me some slack.” I reply.
“Hey?” I hear Luke questions as he reaches us. “What’s going on?”
“Harper came to stop the plane so she could confess her love for you.” Michael teases.
“Now I will hit you.” I say and punch his side.
“Are you on your period or something?” Michael questions.
“Luke, tell him to stop.” I whine and pull his hand.
“Michael stop.” Luke sighs.
“Wow, you just saved the world Luke.” Calum sarcastically claps.
“You’re so scary, I’ll stop immediately.” Michael waves his hands in the air.
“I’m too tired for this.” Luke says and sits next to me.
“No wonder you’re Soulmates, you’re literally the same people.” Ashton shakes his head.
“Shut up.” I groan and go back to my laptop, that causes the others to drift into a conversation, I’m not sure what about but I’m not really listening so I don’t care.
“What you doing?” Calum childishly sings next to me, after a couple minutes.
“I’m responding to emails.” I’m boredly reply.
“Why.” Calum asks, keeping the same tone as before.
“Because I have to.” I sigh.
“I’m moving.” I announce and close my laptop, beginning to get up.
“No! I’m sorry.” Calum whines as I begin to take a step, and grabs my hand.
“Will you stop annoying me?” I question.
“I promise.”
“Fine.” I say.
“Yay! Thank you.” He cheers and I sit down again, going back to what I was originally doing.
I don’t know why he wanted me to stay because he just goes back to talking to Ashton and Michael.
“How are you feeling? Like are you sore anywhere?” Luke speaks up after a while.
“Because of uh, being hit?” I question.
“Yeah.” He nods.
“Not really, sometimes if I lie down funny my hip and leg hurts, or if I lift something heavy for longer than a minute.” I answer.
“Well that’s lucky.”
“Yeah, I guess.” I stare down at my outstretched legs.
“I found a song the other day that reminded me of you.” Luke tells me.
“Yeah, what is it?” I ask.
“It’s by The Maine and it’s called I Only Want To Talk To You.” He says.
“I’ll look it up later.” I smile. “I love when people say they found something that reminds them of me, like you’re thinking of me, it’s so sweet.”
“Are you kidding? You’re always on my mind.”
“You could tag me in so many memes then.” I try to steer the conversation away.
“Nah, that Michael’s department.” He jokes.
“Yeah, that true, I bet you’re only discovering the troll face-”
“I’ve just gotta say, I’m so glad you guys are talking again, I know it’s none of my business, but it makes me so happy to see that you guys still have a relationship. Also, well done on your recovery Harper.” Someone that I figure is a fan says to us.
“Thank you.” I smile.
“It’s good to still be in contact.” Luke adds.
“Yeah, we’re still friends, we always will be.” I tell her.
“You honestly don’t know happy this has actually made me.” She beams.
“So what’s your name?” Luke asks.
“Oh my God, if we ever have children, can we name it Felicia?” Luke questions me.
“Maybe.” I laugh.
“I agree, you should name it Felicia.” Felicia agrees.
“No, if we ever had a child, it would be named after Ashton or Michael.” I shake my head.
“Imagine if we had an army of children, we could name them after all of us, Erika, Maddie, Calum, Ashton, Michael, Harper, and Luke.” Luke exclaims.
“An army of children?” I question.
“Yeah.” He nods.
“You’d make some hot babies between you.” Felicia interjects.
“Thank you.” Luke and I say in unison.
“Couple of things, I’m not gonna give birth 7 times, and I’m not letting you stick anything in me 7 times.” I claim.
“Yeah right, keep telling yourself that babe. Plus, if we ever had twins, we could name them Maddie Michael.”
“What if they’re both girls or both boys?” Felicia and I say unison.
“You don’t have to be a specific gender to be called a name, look at Michael for instance.” Luke points out.
“What on earth am I witnessing?” Felicia laughs. “All I came over here for was a picture and to talk a little.”
“So you didn’t like our chat about an army of children?” Luke asks.
“It was unique?” She trails off.
“Sure. So, picture?” I ask.
“Thank you.” She smiles and pulls her phone up and all three all pose.
“It was so nice meeting you.” I beam.
“Yeah, I’m glad and kinda sorry you witnessed us talk about an army of children.” Luke chuckles.
“You better name your child after me.” She grins and begins to walk away.
“Can’t make any promises.” I call.
“Army of children?” Michael questions.
“A small army.” I add.
“I agree with her, it is nice seeing you guys talk again.” Ashton smiles.
“Uh, forget that, you guys are gonna have a baby?” Calum asks.
“I mean, if we haven’t seen each other in a while, when we do, it’s gonna be electric baby.” Luke smirks and I look at him in disgust.
“Ew.” I grimace and push his head away.
“Don’t act as if you didn’t enjoy it when we were together.” He laughs.
“Past tense Luke, and I mean, I’m not gonna deny it, but now it’s gross.” I say.
“Yuck, it was bad enough for us to hear you guys talk about sex when you were dating, but now that you aren’t, it’s even grosser.” Ashton tells us.
“Why don’t you make a deal that if you are both 35 and single or something you’ll get married.” Michael joins in.
“We already made one of those, it was if we were 40 and single, we’d get together.” Luke confesses.
“What! Harper and I made one together too. If Harper and I were 38 we’d get married.” Calum exclaims.
“Well this is awkward.” Michael and Ashton say in unison.
“We made ours when were 15, when did you make yours?” Luke questions.
“When we were 17 or 18.” Calum says.
“We were most likely dating then!” Luke’s eyes widen.
“Fuck.” I burst out laughing.
“Okay, if we are both single my tomorrow, we will get back together, then fly to Vegas, and get married.” Luke proposes.
“Nope.” I say and put my hand on the back of Calum’s neck and begin to pull him in, but burst out laughing before he even gets remotely close to my face.
“Legit thought you were gonna kiss me.” Calum giggles.
“No, you’re not my type.” I say.
“What is your type?” Ashton laughs.
“Blondes with blue eyes, and maybe a lipring.” Michael mocks me.
“Well I’m not gonna disagree.” I shrug.
I love this, we’re all acting as we used to, which is so great. It’s not the slightest bit awkward, we’re actually having fun.
I continue to chime into the conversation every now and then whilst I continue to reply to emails, I know I’m going to be so greatful for doing it later on because I’ll be so tired.
“What do you think it’s like to shove an icicle up your ass?” I hear someone say.
“What?” I exclaim.
“New it’d get your attention.” Ashton chuckles.
“What butt stuff?” I question.
“Eh, you into it?” Michael asks.
“Not even the fucking slightest, bumholes creep me out, I don’t get why people are obsessed with asses, like shit comes out of it.” I shake my head.
“They’re so nice to put your hand on, they shape your body, embrace the ass, Harper.” Luke tells me.
“Someone put that on a t-shirt.” Michael laughs.
“Your hand was literally glued to my ass, I don’t get it, I didn’t mind it, I just don’t understand.” I say to Luke.
“Oh, Harper, sweet, sweet Harper.” Calum cooes.
“So you’re saying you dont like my ass?” Luke asks offended.
“That’s different.” I deny.
“Well firstly, I didn’t have my hand on it 24/7.” I start off.
“You had the opportunity.” He smirks.
“I hate this conversation, an ass is an ass, nothing more to me.” I wave them off, and go back to my laptop.
“What seat are you?” Ashton asks.
“8C, what about you guys?”
“Well fucking lucky you, we got that row too, although, someone will be sat next a stranger.” Michael tells me.
“Fan-fucking-tastic.” I groan. “The thought of spending around 23 hours straight with you physically hurts me.”
“You love us really.” Luke teases.
“I guess, depends what kind of mood I’m in.” I shrug. “I’m not sitting next to Michael am I?”
“Not exactly, he’s 8D.” Ashton answers.
“At least he’s not right next to me.” I say.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom and cry now.” Michael wipes a fake tear away and storms off.
“Tragic.” I mutter.
“Could you imagine cleaning a plane?” Calum muses.
“Uh, yeah, I guess.” I trail off.
“Yeah but like it’s all empty, imagine hovering the floor.” He giggles.
“I want some of what ever you’re taking.” I mutter.
“Just air.” He clarifies.
“And a fuck ton of sugar.” Ashton mumbles.
“Ugh, it’s far too late for this.” I groan.
“It’s half 8, Harper.” Ashton deadpans.
“Your point?” I ask.
We all hear the sound of shoes squeaking towards then Michael appears infront of us, with a grin.
“I just saw someone’s wiener!”
“This is a conversation I’m not willing to go into.” I sigh.
The small movement under me causes me to open my eyes, and I grimace at the uncomfortable feeling in my ears.
“Oh, you’re awake.” The voice of Luke says.
“Yeah.” I sit up properly and rub my eyes, then realising where I just came from, more specifically, where and who I was leaning on, I had my head rested on Luke’s shoulder.
“Oh, sorry.” I sheepishly say.
“It’s okay, I had my head rested on yours too, not even 15 minutes ago.” He admits.
I lean back again and pull my phone out of my pocket. “How much longer left?” I ask, with a yawn.
“Uh, like half an hour or something.” Luke explains.
“Half an hour I’d like to spend asleep, so shut up.” The voice of Calum groans from next to Luke.
“Sorry.” We say in unison with a chuckle.
I lean my head on Luke’s shoulder again and go on my phone again. Luke affectionately scratches the side of my head, and goes back to his laptop.
“Here we have have a moody Calum, and a sleepy Luke and Harper.” Michael speaks up and shoves his phone in our faces.
“It’s too early for this.” I whine.
“My bad, we have moody Harper and Calum, as well as a sleepy Luke. Also, you were saying it was too late for this earlier.” Michael comments.
“Time is a thing, Michael Clifford.” I tell him.
“So tell everyone how it’s going guys.” Michael encourages us.
“Ugh, I will throw your phone out of this god damn plane.” I threat.
“Okay, uh, I’m going to go for a little bit, be back in a while, please send help.” He talks to his phone before ending it.
“Have this.” I say and throw a gummy bear at him.
“Oh, what that mouth do?” Michael smirks when I eat a gummy bear.
“A lot of things actually.” I say.
It’s a little while later now, we’re all waiting to be picked up, I’m sitting on my suitcase, Michael and Ashton are messing around, playing something like it on them, and Calum and Luke are on chairs with their phones. I’m being picked up my Angus and Josh, whilst the others are being picked by someone that I don’t know.
I’m actually terrified to face my brothers, it’s not like they will say anything negative about it, but I’m so ashamed. I have to face everyone else too, which I’m going to put off for a while.
I’m not sure if I’m going to tell my friends that it was a choice to stay and stand there, or not. They have a right to know, but they hardly know about me in that way.
I’m terrified of myself, I was actually capable of doing that, I willingly put myself in danger, with a plan that it would end everything. I’m terrifired of myself that I voluntarily stood still, because I was hurting so much.
I’m still hurting, and I still have that option.
I trust myself, I do, but there’s a piece of me that worries about how I’ll feel in the dark of the night, all alone, with things that could do some serious harm to myself.
“You look like you’re thinking hard, what’s up?” Luke interrupts my thoughts and tucks a part of my hair behind my ear.
“Uh, nothing.” I shake my head.
“Really? Because when I see you staring at the ground, and I say your name 3 times, and you don’t answer me, it seems like something important.” He points out.
I roll back on my suitcase to make some distance between us.
“Speak to me.” He softly says.
“I’m scared of myself.” I confess.
“Why?” He asks.
“Because I made a choice to not move, it wasn’t subconsciously or anything, I actually made that decision, hoping everything would end. I could do that again, at any time, and that scares me.”
“I get that, but I guess you just have to ask yourself, is this really worth it? Is it really worth ending a precious life, because you’re getting caught up in your feelings? I know it feels as if you’re suffocating, or the air is all clogged up and there’s no fresh air, but just wait or do something, until you get fresh air again. You begin to get used to clogged air, and forget what fresh air is like. I need you to promise me, that you won’t doing anything to yourself.”
“It’s not as easy as that, just saying I promise isn’t going to stop me from doing anything. Words can’t exactly stop everything, Luke. Look at how many promises I’ve made to you about this, I’ve broken every single one of them. Promises have just become lies to me.” I weakly state.
The sad sigh Luke does tells me he gets the last part.
“I know it’s a lot easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop trying.”
“Try to what? Get better again? I’m so deep in this shit, I don’t think I can properly get out again, without the person that pushed me. I’m at a new rock bottom, and it’s so fucking low I can’t even see the top anymore.” I admit.
We stare at each other, Luke in disbelief and me in sadness.
“You really n-”
“I’ve gotta go.” I shake my head and picking my stuff up before making my way out the building.
“Harper, I-”
“Don’t, Luke, please.”
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ottokeni · 7 years
perception of love
pairing: ravi and ken
rating: nc-17
words: 2792
chapter 3: altered fate.
also on ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9415829/chapters/22672709
summery: Finally they have some answers. Finally they have one another.
The sky was cobalt and beautifully clear...and so was the future that he craved.                                                                                                                                                                                        
Wonsik had made it back to earth. He felt brand new, like if...realizing his true purpose made him a demon that deserved a second chance.
Wonsik was created by hades himself, and wonsik knew he would have to live with that realization forever. The thought of it made his stomach become painfully aware of his ill feelings towards that knowledge.
Yes, i have committed horrible sins wonsik thought, but..i did it because of my misery..i did it because i..thought it was my purpose. Wonsik suddenly stopped his thoughts. He didn't want to make excuses for his horrifying actions. What bothered him was that..everyone that resented him because of his actions had seen hades in him. What he was horribly afraid of was that maybe it was true, that his redemption was an unattainable dream.
Even with those thoughts..wonsik knew that from now on, no matter what happened, he would fight for his happiness.
No matter what, his future would be a picture of the love hades desperately wanted but lost cause of his selfishness, even if that meant perishing.
Wonsik took a deep breath and the fresh air filled his lungs. He was back in jaehwan's garden. soil covered his feet. wonsik moved his toes and they were freed from the dark ground. Once again wonsik was stark naked and the wind collided with his chest and raised his nipples. Wonsik looked down and with a look of annoyance taking place on his features, used his powers to make clothes appear in his hands.
He was questioning everything now, like were his powers a gift or a curse? and why hadn't anyone told him his origin?
With his mind clouded by questions, he took slow steps towards the home of his other half. Suddenly his heart started to race, pounding against his chest. his eyes would be upon jaehwan soon. Even the thought made his heart flutter. Wonsik felt like a fool, with his heart racing at the thought of a human, but jaehwan wasn't a human, wonsik now realized. Jaehwan had been created along side him, everything he thought he knew about jaehwan was erased and everything he learned now was all extremely brand new. The feelings he had felt when they first had met weren't because jaehwan was an abnormal soul...it was because they had finally found each other without knowing so. Jaehwan had electrified his whole being, and had revived him.
He raised his fist to knock on the door, but paused, took a deep breath and tried again. He raised his fist a second time, but before he could knock, the door opened wide before him, and the one who was making his heart dance, was in front of him with a smile that could heal any broken heart.
"you're back" jaehwan said.
"i am."
jaehwan's eyes searched his face, and wonsik wondered what his thoughts were in that moment.
"come in" jaehwan said with his smile still doing things to wonsik's heart.
Once wonsik stepped into the door jaehwan turned and once again searched his face for answers. Wonsik didn't know what he was looking for, but he wanted to give him anything he could. He took slow steps towards jaehwan and reached for his hand, placing it slowly on his own cheek.
"ask me anything" wonsik whispered.
"i'm pretty sure we are both...lost" jaehwan said with a slow frown forming on his face.
"..yeah but..i will tell you anything i know, and whatever i dont know? we will figure out together".
They sat down and talked for hours. Wonsik told him about the vision hakyeon had shown him. He told him their story, and how they had been made. he told his other half what their purpose was for their creators, and how it all fell to pieces when Zeus created humans, and every ounce of love hades had for him was sucked up by his hatred for his brothers new creation. He told jaehwan about his feelings towards hades and how he wouldn't let anything happen to him, how....they were meant to be, and how he wondered if jaehwan felt the same way. With every new bit of information wonsik gave jaehwan, surprise never took a hold of his face, it was like if he knew it all.
Wonsik felt tears fall from his eyes. He had just realized how deeply hurt he really was. Hakyeon had kept all of this from him..his mentor and the one person he thought he could trust....had kept a part of him..a secret. He was infuriated at hades for creating them out of love, and trying to discard them out of detestation. Jaehwan's hand lowered itself to wonsik's chest. He held it there, feeling every resentful heartbeat, and tried to relieve it...at least a little bit from its torture. Suddenly jaehwan felt everything. The hatred and hurt wonsik was feeling seeped into every inch of his body, and his sobs echoed in his room.
"jaehwan!?" wonsik said in a voice filled with worry.
"jaehwan, please..I'm so sorry..please"
Jaehwan removed his hand from wonsik's chest, and suddenly he felt numb. Suddenly..everything was so clear. He had already known everything wonsik had told him...his dreams took care of that. His dreams were like movies. Movies about love and feelings of betrayal. He saw hades filled to the brim with love. He saw hades filled to the brim...with disdain. He saw his own creator. Zeus, was something out of a fairy tail. always kind, and forgiving. loved every creation he had ever made, and he made many. In hades eyes nothing had been as important as humans, but to Zeus, it wasn't a competition. humans weren't his last creation. He made zodes, and graviners, and many, many more. He loved them all equally, and destroyed them when he thought it was what was best for them. jaehwan saw him like a strict parent. overbearing and controlling but loving...in his own eyes anyways.
He said he loved his creations, but love was different to him then it was to humans. His love was to himself. His loved was filled with admiration...for himself. He enjoyed creating what only he could, but..suddenly his brother was in the way. He loved his brother, He was almost half of what his own greatness was and he of course wanted him around..as long as he didn't get in the way. So when his brother created jealousy, he was ready to destroy jealousy's creator and everything that shared that feeling. Hades had passed it on to humans, and they took it and created wars with it. They took it and created murder with it, and foolishly thought they could destroy his creation without any punishment. Zeus had miscalculated how jealous hades really was, and had miscalculated his own greatness. When they fought, it lasted for centuries. He hadn't been left unharmed. He willed himself to be born as a human, just to regain some of his own power. Hades had defeated him, without even knowing it. Hades was then attacked but Zeus's followers, and with his tail between his legs, hades let his hatred grow larger and greater for his brother. Jaehwan and wonsik were separated almost as soon as they were created by the spirits that took over while hades and Zeus were licking their wounds, but before they were separated, their tiny hands interlocked..only for a second, but it created the first rainbow to ever be in the sky, and humans admired their fate from below.
When jaehwan opened his eyes, wonsik was staring at him in awe. His eyes filled with images of what jaehwan saw every night in his dreams.
"ho...w can i see everything you have seen?" wonsik asked.
"I'm...not sure? i think it's our connection. lets us feel what the other feels and also see's" jaehwan answered with a question mark at the end of his sentence.
"yeah.. i think you're right".
They looked into each other's eyes for a while. Realizing how...wild their story really was. Jaehwan's feelings for wonsik were all jumbled up with the notion that they were meant to be, and what if the feelings he was feeling for wonsik was just...only cause they thought they NEEDED to be together? what if...this was all just a huge joke and the-
"whoaaaa! calm down jaehwan" wonsik said.
"you? heard all that?"
"yeah..i think we still need to figure out this whole connection thing" wonsik said with a smirk.
Wonsik slowly wrapped his arms around jaehwan, letting his mind do the work of showing jaehwan his true feelings for him. colors no human could imagine raced around their minds. images of literal happiness and love were shown to jaehwan, and when those images flowered over one another, jaehwan knew exactly how wonsik was feeling. They loved one another. Not because they were told they were soulmates. Best friends could be soulmates. They loved one another because they always have. The dreams jaehwan had weren't only about their creation, but also about their past lives. They had found each other many times, but were separated like a cruel joke when they had just realized their love was real. They weren't just lookalikes with those past lives, those lives were...them. They were alive for many years without one another, in full confusion and alone, wondering why the only happiness they would find in one another, in every life, was suddenly taken away every damn time.
When their eyes met once again, love was the only thing they saw. No more confusion about it, and no more second guessing. No one could control them anymore in the name of fate. They had decided to create their own destiny.
Wonsik touched jaehwan's forehead with his own, passing him a message of want and need to finally be one with him. Jaehwan initiated their first kiss and literal flowers bloomed in every inch of jaehwan's room, once again, made out of colors no human had ever seen. Their soft lips passed over one another like a whisper and a small moan escaped their lips from the pleasure. Wonsik's hand made its way down jaehwan's chest, unbuttoning as it went, wanting to touch every inch of the man before him. Jaehwan's mouth bent down, his lips kissing wonsik's chest, letting his teeth graze wonsik's nipple, his lower half becoming hard when he heard wonsik let out a deep moan. suddenly wonsik was on his back and jaehwan was on top of him, leaving rose colored kiss marks on wonsik's chest. Jaehwan took off wonsik's pants with quick precision and wonsik's eyebrows raised with surprise.
"I've had dreams of this moment" jaehwan breathed. "i can tell" wonsik said with a smirk.
Jaehwan looked below him. He saw the greatest art ever created, He saw his future and beginning. He lowered himself once again and let his tongue trace every outline of wonsik's body. With every moan, he moved to a sweeter and more sensitive spot, letting wonsik know the pleasure he always felt with his dreams. Wonsik was going to finally be able to understand why seeing him for the first time, sent shivers down his spine, and why his words couldn't come out and explain his reaction...It was all because he knew seeing wonsik that day, was going to change his life forever. When he reached wonsik's most sensitive spot, wonsik grabbed his hair, not enough to hurt but enough to let jaehwan know that what he was doing was amazing. jaehwan twirled his tongue slowly on the tip, and let wonsik feel every stroke. Wonsik was on the edge of his orgasm. Their eyes met and wonsik shivered, finally reaching his orgasm, letting jaehwan taste him.
Jaehwan towered over wonsik, saying with words what he wanted to do next, so that he was sure this was what wonsik wanted. Wonsik said yes with his deep raspy voice and jaehwan prepared wonsik and himself. He felt wonsik's opening with his fingers and entered one slowly. Wonsik became rigid and jaehwan suddenly was filled with fear of hurting wonsik. Wonsik reached over to him and let his pleasure consume jaehwan like it was consuming himself. The fear melted away and jaehwan started to move his finger in and out. After a while he could enter two, then three. Wonsik was suddenly impatient for jaehwan. Jaehwan towered over him once again and kissed him fiercely, drinking him in. Jaehwan slowly entered wonsik, making sure wonsik was okay with his pace. The ecstasy he felt while entering wonsik was nothing like in his dream. This was more intense and amazing. Wonsik was tight so jaehwan's movements were slow but deep. They felt pleasure like they had never felt before. Tears fell from jaehwan's eyes, landing on wonsik's cheeks, joining wonsik's own tears. They whispered sweet i love you's to one another and reached their climax in harmony, calling out each other's name.
Jaehwan laid on wonsik's chest, cuddled up with one another. They spoke of their past lives and how close they were to having happiness. They had finally reached it, but fear seemed to hover in the air. Yes they were finally together but, hades was still out there, and from what wonsik saw in jaehwan's vision, Zeus wasn't so great either. Their fight to be together was yet to be conquered and they had to fight two powerful gods in order for them not to be disposed of like a bad memory. Their worry's passed from one another, letting it grow and grow like a monster. Wonsik reached over and raised jaehwan's chin so their eyes could meet. Jaehwan felt his fear but also his will to live and his need to have jaehwan by his side. Jaehwan liked their odds. They would fight, and they would win.
A huge white light filled the room, burning the flowers their love had bloomed. Wonsik sat up and so did jaehwan, wondering if this was hades or Zeus, and if their fight really had to begin this soon. But in front him was a man..no a demon. He knew this demon. His visions of wonsik as a child were filled with him. He cared for wonsik like his own son and ended up making wonsik feel betrayed, even though he was trying to protect him. He wasn't alone, A demon was on his back with a huge smirk on his face. He knew this demon as well, and he really liked him, well his visions of him anyway. No matter how uncaring he seemed for the future that he saw, he had broken many rules for wonsik. He meddled in wonsik's bleak future and fate, and led him to jaehwan in order for wonsik, his one true friend, to reach happiness. The demons, jaehwan thought, were here to help.
"what are you guys doing here?" wonsik said with anger boiling in his blood.
"wonsik...i.." hakyeon was at a loss for words. he felt like no apology would suffice.
"get up you big idiot" hongbin laughed.
"we are here to save you. hades is o-"
"hades??" jaehwan and wonsik both bellowed.
"yeah! hades. hakyeon and i came here to save you cause honestly..we need to train for this fight." hongbin said while scratching his head.
"please..." hakyeon whispered.
Jaehwan and wonsik looked at one another. This was it. They were finally going to fight their makers, and they were so fucking ready.
"okay then...give us a minute to get...dressed" wonsik said.
alright, we will see you down there" hongbin said with a wink and he was gone.
"be quick" hakyeon said and looked back with a face that said he wanted to say more, but before he did he also vanished.
They got dressed with feet feeling like they were being weighed down with rocks. Wonsik's thoughts were racing, and so were jaehwan's. But when they turned to one another, everything fell into place. They were fighting to be together. They wanted this happiness to last, so even if they did lose, they were losing together. No matter what happened, they could at least say they fought for what they wanted.
"hades and Zeus are total asses" jaehwan said with a cute frown.
"yeah...big asses" wonsik said with a loud deep laugh.
Wonsik reached for jaehwan's hand and began to teleport them to the underworld. They were finally going to contest their fate, and he couldn't wait to win.
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authenticaussie · 8 years
✫ MarcoAceSabo 86
Commissions! || Ko-fi!
ace as a runaway god
he’s basically just a teenager who Does Not Know what he’s meant to be doin in his immortal life and w o w he’s super bored and also his dad is an asshole to humans? lol?​ ace does not agree? don’t be a dick dad
sO BASICALLY HE POOFS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AS A “HEY DAD IMA GO LIVE W/ HUMANS BC I WANT TO HAVE A BETTER WAY TO SAY FUCK YOU”. Roger is UPSET and torn bc he’s like oh! I remember this stage of my life! Wanting to find myself! Burning shit! Exploring! Stealing things! but then he’s also like [godly scream] “WHERE IS MY SON”
Also Ace is a dumbas bc he doesn’t tell his mom and so she’s actually on Roger’s side and is like no i do not support my runaway son he hasn’t sent us a single letter im very mad at this young man. He could’ve at least said goodbye before disappearing w/o a word!!!
Chasing Twisters by Delta Rey is a Good Time for this AU (especially the first lines; ‘I was born / with lightning in my heels / set a spur upon my ankle / put a horse under the steel’ )
Anyway! Ace ends up travelling a lot and bein a dork and accidentally outing himself as godly all the time omfg. He’ll fly up to pick fruit and fall out of shit and get stabbed and be fine and then get confused when people freak out???? It’s hysterical
ANYWAY he figures out how to (relatively) pass as human ///after like so many errors omfg and ends up running into Marco!! Who travels from town to town doin magic and offering his protection and trying to chase down an old god / some other myths just because he’s a curious fucker
Ace STILL fucks up being human it’s a GOOD TIME, LIKE!!! They’re campin somewhere, idk, near a mountain pass???? huge rocks everywhere???? and Ace keeps picking up rocks and throwing them everywhere like they’re nothing and Marco’s like “uhhhh isnt like. That huge stone monument heavy????”
-ace, holding it w/ one hand over his head and cursing as he tries to find where his hat has gone-  "uH YES. HAHA. WOW. YEAH. ITS EXHAUSTING. CANT HOLD THIS FOR LONG!!!!“ ///drops it awkwardly with a thundering crash
Basically what I’m saying is Marco totally knows he’s at least a demigod / blessed by the gods but is so unperturbed by this bc he’s a demigod too? (Ace being an actual god is another story entirely.)
a n y w a y they go through a town where a friend of marco’s called Sabo lives and Ace gets along w/ him super well and they have a lot of common interests and Marco moves on to the next few towns by this. like. mountain thing that encloses it??? so it’s  a dead end basically??? and ace stays and gets to know sab better
whispers Sabo’s Totally Flirting with / flustered around Marco but marco doesn’t notice s h i t
Anyway Marco comes back and is like yeah I usually stay here for the winter bc the passes freeze over so badly??? And Ace knows he should go and that he could easily find his way, the cold has never bothered him, but he-
he stays
(they’re fascinating, and they’re clever, and they’re kind, and Ace finds himself drawn to Marco’s easy grins and Sabo’s quick, clever tongue just as easily as he’s drawn to a flame). They turn from “heyyyy humans are so Interesting” into “These Humans are so interesting” into “these are my friends and they’re so interesting and Have Interests that  I love hearing them talk abt”
Marco ends up just patting sab’s shoulder and leaning down to whispers that he thinks ace’s old place didn’t take to kindly to demigods and sabo’s like ooooohhh and they NEVER BRING IT UP
Ace eventually!!!!!!! asks them on a date!!!!!!!!! and theyre like weren’t we already doing that????????? and Ace is like what. no. uu taking me ice skating and me taking u to a frozen waterfall that i unfroze for the two of your bc Marco Looked Sad are totally not dates!
Fuck ace goes a minute later. Sabo bursts out laughing bc he’s thinks it’s h i l a r i o u s and even Marco’s having to hold back a grin and Ace buries his face in his hands and is like why didn’t you TELL ME and sabo laughs even harder
Proper date!!! With ace giving them flowers !!! that he flew to idk persephone’s garden to get or smth and trying to Look his Best and marco and sabo are like. hearts melting awww gosh he’s just Trying So Hard they think it’s adorable they’re dying
also: “if i jumped off this god-summons cloud would u two get mad???”
“UM YES???” goes sabo, “dont leave us alone to face your boss!! you asshole!!!”
B o sss//// ace says, wheeze-laugh-dying, and Sabo’s like that’s Not making me Feel Better
“Lol so like……….I know this is breaking the only rule of first dates……..but like. Hey. Guys. Meet uh…My family lol”
[Marco, internally dying as he stares up at the towering figures that are Obviously trying to tower just for the kicks but haha doin a Good Job]
Sabo and Marco, slowly processing their boyfriend is n o t in fact a demigod, but rather an ACTUAL FUCKING GOD
WHAT THE FUCK ACE is Sabo’s first thought
that explains the rock thing is Marco’s first thought, followed by how the FUCK did i not see this coming
Roger who’s trying to glare at ace for running away and leaving, like NO!!!! NO!!! NOTE!!! THIS IS NOT POLITE BEHAVIOUR, SON!!!!
Roger who’s trying to look sternly @ ace and also threaten sabo/marco at the same time
Rouge standing in the background like “ace im going to kill you how dare you not say goodbye to me” except like the vague aura is directed at everyone (Mainly ace but like. Everyone knows she’s Super Annoyed)
Look Ace if you’d Just Said Goodbye, everything would have been Fine. Your mom’s Cool.
You didn’t say goodbye
or send her a single letter telling her how you were
she’s not that cool
Roger basically Dismissing Marco/Sabo and Ace gets super pissy and starts y e l l i n g at roger and then bc it’s like. realm of the gods ala mt Olympus or w/e the surroundings start to echo the mood and Ace is quite literally spitting fire and is shifting more and more into his less human form???? So a lot Taller and glowing, wispy eyes, and parts of him encased in flames, flames trapped and visible beneath his skin and Sabo reaches for Marco’s hand because he’s never seen Ace this angry and look he’s only human, he’s been exposed to a lot and he’s pretty brave, but Ace is-
upset. he doesn’t want to see Ace upset, because it hurts something in his own chest, and he can tell by Marco’s tight grip on his hand that Marco feels the same way
But then they almost get hurt in the backlash of Ace / Roger’s argument, and Marco yells at them to stop and Ace gets snapped back to himself rather than just the anger he is in god form, and almost immediately shrinks, and Roger gets SUPER mad bc he thinks they’ve been manipulating ace???????/ and trying to make him smaller than he is????? trying to make him human, and Roger views humans the same way one might view a stray, mangy pet; pityable, and a bit cute and fun to play with, but not-
not worth much.
“This is what humans are! They’re cowards and liars and thieves! And these two are trying to-”
“Make me fucking happy!?” Ace yells back, but he stays small and stands in front of his friends and refuses to go to his dad’s level because he’d gotten better. He wasn’t so angry and useless and bored and entertaining himself by hurting people, he was-
(Humans are worth just as much as gods. they sacrifice themselves for nothing more than it is right and kindness, when they know they won’t come back, when they know people won’t remember them, or know their names, or think of them again. Humans don’t ask to be worshipped, or praised, humans just- are.)
(And these two? These two, the way roger had spit out who they were like that could encapsulate who they were-)
Roger puts her hand on Roger’s shoulder just as Ace turns his back on his father and whispers carefully to sabo and asks if he’s okay and runs his fingers over Marco’s hand and assures himself that theyre okay and apologises for what happened and asks them to forgive him for hiding the truth and Ace being interested in something again, not looking lifeless and hollow and bored, and how ace had been arguing to protect them rather than just arguing because he was so uselessly angry-
Ace turning around again to glare at his father and snapping his fingers and dropping them back on earth and staggering to the side bc he didnt usually do that and Marco immediately helps steady him and they just
talk softly into the early hours of the morning and ace presses careful kisses to their cheekbones and lips and hands like he’s the one worshipping them, their callouses and scars and birthmarks, the way their bodies have changed over the years in ways that his never will, because he can change how he appears
There’s peace, for a week, a peace of careful exchanges as they slowly grow comfortable with this new knowledge - ace knowing that they know, marco and sabo coming to terms with the fact that ace could be terrifying (but he’d never scared them. he’d never, ever tried to scare them)
Then Rouge shows up. Obviously a goddess in human form, obviously perfect, obviously gentle and kind and smiling, and presses a kiss to Ace’s cheek and then one to Sabo’s and then one to Marco’s, and she smells like flowers and summer and home, like warmth and love and she’s so- perfect
Ace is cautious, because his mother can be worse than his father (he loves her more, afterall, she’s his mom and she has always been the one to protect him, with a fury that he never wants to be on the receiving end of). She smiles at him and tells him that as long as he’s happy she’s fine but that a letter or two wouldn’t have gone amiss and basically invites herself in to have tea / lunch and makes ace tell her about all his adventures and he starts off carefully and faltering because he still thinks it’s some plan of his father’s, but she laughs at all the right moments and asks questions and is just
his mom. She’s his mom and she loves the fuck out of him-
and he’s happy. Any fool could see that, and no fool would take him away from that
She bids them goodbye at sunset, promising to come back later if invited, and Ace says that he’ll try, and then rouge asks him to grab her shawl from inside and shoos him off to get it and looks at Sabo and Marco and her eyes soften and that almost makes it worse when she says, “you won’t hurt him, would you?” because to answer yes would be to disappoint her
Then Marco shakes his head and glares at her and goes we won’t. But not because we’re afraid of you, but because we don’t want to hurt him. First and foremost he’s our friend.
Rouge smiles, properly this time, with teeth and laughter and it sounds a bit threatening but they can tell she’s amused. “I’m so glad he found you.”
She kisses them both on the cheek and is gone before Ace comes out with empty hands, and they’re left to explain what happened before she left (Ace sighs and apologises, and Sabo laughs and says he’d never expected to deal with gods in his daily life).
Random members of ace’s family show up sometimes. Rouge declared it a Thing. They just. give the mas fam stuff. Tree that blooms all year round. Tiny plants / terrariums that are accurate details of places they know, right down to the tiny - living - animals. glass panes that show the weather in the future and mirrors that put together what you want to wear and have it folded up on the bench when you come back.
They don’t realise they’re still younger than everyone else until they realise just how old everyone else is. They don’t realise that gifts from the gods are sometimes ones you can’t see. They don’t realise, but by the point they do there is nothing to contest; they don’t want to leave Ace, and Ace doesn’t want to leave them. It helps that, for all the years they were living in the city/town no-one had become super c l o s e to them.  
They get known as the weird magicians at the end of the road, and kids get dared to knock on their door and ask for stuff. Sometimes ace opens it with part of his eye on fire and sometimes marco answers it with dough on his face and laughter from behind him and strange things in the kitchen and sometimes Sabo answers it but keeps the door half closed and as you walk home you can swear there’s something by your side.
(“What do you get when you mix home and something free?” Rouge asks one day, before they’re really comfortable around each other, tapping her teaspoon against the side of her cup, ankles crossed and poise perfect, and Sabo makes a curious noise in the back of his throat.
Rouge smiles mischievously. “You already know him.”)
a Thing that I tried to write as the Start that would’ve been Fun: (from an alt!idea where Ace was literally on the run from angry gods for having stolen something ala prometheus and sabo/marco are gods/demigods sent to get it back but Whoops they’re In Love now).
Ace had run away from a lot of things in his life.
He’d been doing it his entire life, after all.
(He just really hadn’t expected to add “fleeing from angry gods” to his list of skills.)
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itskimtaehyung · 8 years
Your Biggest Fan 1 (M)
Part 2
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: You have loved Jungkook since before you even met him, obsessing over BTS and writing the smuttiest fics about him. But once you two start dating you try your hardest to prevent him from finding out. You’re successful for the first few years, until one night....
Word Count: 6,595
Genre: Fluff, Light Smut (who am I kidding this is definitely smut)
Content: masturbation mention, oral sex, Jungkook attempts to be a dom but isn’t very good at it, a little bit of bondage, Jungkook letting you call him Oppa, attempts at dirty talk, Jungkook being the squishy bun that he is
Sneak Peak: 
You sit down next to him, mortified, as you watch him reading in silence. “Are… are you actually into this kind of thing..?”
“I.. uh.. I—” you stutter, not knowing how to answer his question. “I mean I guess..?”
“It just seems so rough, so vulgar… Does— doesn’t that hurt?” He asks, pointing to a particularly rough portion of your fic.
“Nothing could be as painful as this right now.”
A/N: My first BTS fic omg and my first smut. This is for @qweentae who made this imagine and I just had to write a fic about it 😂😂😂. THIS IS A JOKE I DONT BELIEVE THAT OPPA KINK IS AN ACTUAL THING. Anyway, here we go~
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You sit at your desk and hurriedly scribble notes into your pink floral notebook as you glance at the clock. 5:14pm. You know that Jungkook will be home from dance practice soon, but you desperately want to get the plan for your latest smut fic down before you forget. You write down the last of your ideas, close the book, and slide it into the desk drawer as Jungkook slides his keys into the front door lock. You know you probably shouldn’t be doing this behind his back, but you don’t want him to get freaked out if he found out you were writing smut starring your idol boyfriend. You stand up from your chair as he opens the door, walking over to you and giving you a soft kiss on the forehead.
“Hey, babe.” He greets, a wide grin spreading across his face upon seeing you.
You grimace as he tries to wrap his arms around you. “Oh my god. Please go take a shower; you reek.”
“Sorry, I was in a rush leaving the practice room. I’m going now, my love. Care to join me?” He smirks.
“I already showered,” you reply, gesturing up and down your body, indicating that you were already wearing your pajamas.
“Alright. I’ll see you when I get out.” He winks at you. He’s such a nerd, you think as he disappears into the bathroom.
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Sex with Jungkook was pretty good. Not as earth-shattering as you read in fics, and sometimes lacked foreplay, but you can’t complain. He’s a gentle lover, always making sure you’re comfortable and that he isn’t hurting you. It could be a bit boring at times, just plain vanilla, but he still makes you feel good in the end. You love Jungkook, and you know that he loves you. That is precisely why you never told him your secret.  
It started out as a hobby during your latter portions of high school, just something you dabbled in. Senior year consisted of a minimal workload and lots of free time, so you needed something to keep you entertained. Around this time you also started getting interested in K-Pop, with a rookie group from the previous year, his group, catching your eye. This was months before you met Jungkook, when his group was just starting out, slowly gaining traction. You spent the rest of your high school days fantasizing about him, and posting those fantasies online. As his work gained popularity, so did yours. You had amassed quite a following in such a short time, receiving hundreds of comments from anonymous users, telling you how much they love your work, which drove you to keep writing, keep dreaming.
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As you were nearing graduation, the Bangtan Boys announced that they were playing a show near you, and you begged your parents to let you go as a graduation gift. That night you went with your best friend, Jess, who you also dragged into K-Pop Hell. You had a great time. Most of it was a blur of screaming and jumping and dancing, but you distinctly remember thinking that Jungkook looked so much more handsome in person. The way his shirt hugged his muscles, the way his sweat glistened and dripped down his face, the way his hair clung to his forehead, all by the end of the night had you filled with lust. You knew you had to write about it when you got home, maybe after touching yourself a little bit.
Your plans would have to wait, however, because Jess was complaining about how hungry she was. You drove to your favorite jjajangmyun place, thankful that it was still open at this hour, and still thinking about Jungkook. The two of you sat down and ordered, and within minutes, two bowls of steaming noodles covered in rich, dark black bean sauce were placed in front of you. You were in the middle of stuffing a huge chopstickful of noodles into your mouth as the bell above the door jingled and in stepped a group of seven hungry boys and a handful of their staff. You nearly choked, spitting out the noodles that had filled your mouth, as Jess turned around to see what had you so startled. You immediately locked eyes with Jungkook, but he looked away, thinking nothing of it, since the restaurant was pretty tiny and there weren’t many patrons at this hour. Also, a loud group of twenty-ish year olds just walked in, who wouldn’t stare? Little did he know he was the subject of all your fantasies and the person you think about when you’re alone at night.
You and Jess decided not to engage. They looked tired from the show they played less than an hour ago and the last thing they needed was to be mobbed by crazy fans. However, you two did decide to stay until they too were done with their meals, and told the owners that you wanted to buy dessert for all of them. You also told them to throw in a couple bottles of soju. The boys and their staff were a bit confused when the servers were placing bowls of bingsu and shot glasses in front of them, but one of the owners came over and explained what was happening. They looked over at your table and once again you locked eyes with Jungkook, unable to look away. He gave you a small smile and thanked you before turning back to his table and digging into his frozen treat.
You and Jess paid your bill and left the restaurant, with one last glance at the idols’ table. They were too immersed in their conversations to notice you leaving, until Namjoon stood up and thanked the two of you again. You said it was no big deal and thanked them for the amazing show earlier. You walked out into the parking lot and paused to dig around your purse for your car keys. That’s when you heard the bell on top of the door jingle behind you. You turned around to see Jungkook walking nervously towards you and Jess.
“Wait.” He said. “Thank you again for the dessert, that was very kind of you.” He gave a small smile. His cheeks were a little pink but you couldn’t tell if he was blushing or if it was just the amount of soju he drank.
“Oh totally, it was our pleasure. We wanted to thank you guys for the amazing show. We’re big fans.” you replied, and immediately regretted it. You were just becoming friendly with the guy and didn’t want it to seem like you were a crazy fan.
“I’m glad to hear that you like us. I’m guessing you already know who I am then; I don’t need to introduce myself, but,” he reached out his hand, “I’m Jungkook.” Coming from anyone else, those words could have sounded arrogant, but you saw how nervous he was and found it endearing. You were trying to keep your composure, but on the inside you were about to combust. Jeon Jungkook? Here in front of you? Talking to you? Thanking you? Acting nervous in front of you? You were having trouble processing it all. You and Jess reached out and took turns shaking his hand.
“I’m Jess,” she said first, speaking for the first time since Jungkook joined you. “And this is my friend, Y/N. She’s the one who introduced me to Bangtan and I’m so glad she did.”
“Thank you.” He smiled, unsure of what else to say.
Feeling the awkwardness grow, you interrupted it by saying, “It’s getting late and we should be getting home. The rest of your group is probably wondering where you are. It was nice meeting you, Jungkook. Thank you again for the show.” You were worried that you sounded like a broken record, constantly saying “thank you,” but you were too nervous to think of anything else to say.
The three of you said goodbye one last time as you pushed the button to unlock your car. Jess had already gotten in the passenger seat when Jungkook stopped you again, taking a hold of you arm to prevent you from stepping further. You turned around to face him, but he had trouble meeting your eyes.
“W-wait.” He stuttered. “We’re in town for a couple more days. Let me return the favor to you. Maybe take you out to dinner or something?”
You gaped at him, unsure of what to say. Part of you wanted to scream “YES JUNGKOOK I WOULD LOVE THAT MORE THAN ANYTHING” at the top of your lungs, but the sensible part was telling you that even if you do say yes, then what? You go out with him, and what if you find that he’s not at all what you imagined, that you actually don’t like him all that much, tainting your image of him forever? Or worse, what if you end up falling hard for him, harder than you already have, and he leaves and you never see him again?
Jungkook saw your hesitation and took his hand off your arm. “Or.. uhh.. Sorry. That was too forward.. You need to be getting home, don’t let me keep you—”
“I’d love to,” you blurted out before he could leave. You hoped you wouldn’t come to regret this decision. Knowing that long-distance cell phone rates are insane, the two of you opted to exchange KakaoTalk IDs instead. You and Jungkook parted ways once more and you drove home that night with a smile on your face.
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It turned out that he was swamped with schedules the next day and couldn’t take the time to see you, but he made sure to message you whenever he had a spare minute. This made it very hard to focus on writing. Rather than thinking about his strong muscles and toned thighs, you found yourself only able to think about the cute bunny smile he had when you said yes to him and the adorable KKT stickers he would send when he messaged you. This was great for you as a girl with crush, but bad for you as a smut writer.
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Jungkook had the next night off, his final night in your town before heading back to Seoul to prepare for BTS’s next comeback. He took you to the fanciest restaurant your small town had to offer. Even by big city standards this place was fancy, with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling every few feet, luxurious velvet chairs that look like they belonged to royalty, and extravagant flower bouquets at the center of each table. You felt horribly underdressed in your white lace sundress and ballet flats.
“You really didn’t have to do this, Jungkook. I would have been fine just going to the pier and grabbing some ddeokbokki or something.” You say after you two settled in your seats. He looked really good, donning a black satiny blazer with black dress pants and a black button down with white piping on the collar. It was almost enough for your smutty thoughts to return to you.
“I didn’t realize how fancy this place was when I googled it. It is a bit much isn’t it?” He said, taking in the lavish decor. “I just wanted to make a good first impression. I… So like….” His brows furrowed as he tried to get his words out. You looked at him expectantly, watching him fumble.
He took a deep breath and looked you in the eyes before speaking again. “I’ve never really been on a date before?” It came out more like a question than a statement. “Being so busy, we never really have time for dating or anything like that. And you’re really pretty and I really like you like I know I just met you and don’t know you very well but I can’t help it. Not to sound all corny and cheesy but I’ve never felt this way before and my heart beats a little faster when I see that the notification on my phone is from you and all of yesterday I just wanted to call you up and hear your voice but I was too busy and I didn’t want the guys to make fun of me and I—” He stopped himself, cringing at the mushy mess that was spewing uncontrollably from his mouth.
“Jungkook,” you said softly. Part of you wanted to hear what he had to say next, but part of you wanted him to shut up because you could see how embarrassed he was becoming, and yet another part of you wanted to hug him and squish his face and tell him it was okay to feel that way. What happened to the confident boy you saw on stage, the one you wrote cocky frat boy fics about? The boy sitting in front of you was so shy, and so sweet. “If anyone should be nervous it should be me. You’re Jeon Jungkook! K-Pop Idol! Golden Maknae! I’m trying very hard not to get starstruck right now.” You said, hoping to make him feel less anxious. You reached across the table, having to stand up a little bit to reach for his hand, which had been wringing the other ever since he started talking. Once you had a hold of it you looked him in the eyes and said, “Jungkook, it’s okay. If it makes you feel any better, this is kind of my first real date, too. I mean I’ve gone with guys to school dances and stuff but it was never anything serious. That being said, I’m not that hard to impress, so if we ever go out again you don’t have to do something quite so extravagant.”
Jungkook looked at you, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. You could tell his brain was working at a million miles a minute, thinking about what you just said. You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong when he finally responded, “Okay two things. One: You consider this a serious date?”
“I mean if—”
“And two: You would want to go out with me again?” He looked at you in disbelief, which caused you to look at him with the same expression.
“Uhh… Yes?” You couldn’t believe he was actually asking you this. Why wouldn’t you? Who wouldn’t want a second date with Jeon Jungkook? Especially if he was as sweet and as adorable as he was being in this moment.
The two of you were so absorbed in your conversation that you hadn’t realized that neither of you had opened your menus yet. You were jolted out of your little moment when the waiter came over with glasses of water, asking if you were ready to order. The both of you opened the menus and hurriedly searched for something to order, not wanting to keep the waiter standing there awkwardly for too long. You and Jungkook decided you would each get the chef’s special, which you couldn’t even remember what it was. Something seafood and something ridiculously pricey.
Once the waiter retreated back to the kitchen, you continued with your conversation.
“Yes, Jungkook. I would love to go out with you again.” You said smiling. “I mean if you’re up for it.” You added quickly, not wanting to seem too presumptuous.
“I would love that,” he replied, with his cute bunny smile.
You spent the rest of your night making small talk about family, friends, and life in general while indulging in your seafood something. He shared funny tales of wardrobe malfunctions and stage effects going wrong, and the hilarious pranks Bangtan pulled on each other while on the road. You told him that you had just graduated high school and had applied to university in Seoul and was waitlisted and waiting to hear back from them. He expressed how much he’d love for you to be accepted so you can move to the capital and be closer to him. After you finished your meals, you snuck a glance at the check and offered to split it with him, but Jungkook insisted on paying for you.
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After leaving the restaurant, you drove the two of you to the pier, where snack and souvenir shops lined the beach. He took your hand as he led you down the street, looking into each of the shops and listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. You had heard about the ice cream shops here that made ice cream cones in the shape of roses but never got the chance to try them. When you expressed your interest in them, Jungkook immediately dragged you into one and bought you the biggest cone they had. It was way too big for you to finish yourself so you shared it with him, taking turns licking away at the frozen chocolate petals as you continued down the strip of shops.
When you got too cold he wrapped his blazer around you, like a true gentleman, and you couldn’t help but giggle at how cheesy the gesture was.
“Cheesy or not I don’t want you to catch a cold.” You couldn’t help but smile at his concern.
You finished your dessert and your stroll and drove Jungkook back to his hotel. You offered to walk him up to his room and he agreed, trying not to reveal how excited he really was. When you arrived at his door you began to take his jacket off your shoulders to give it back to him, but he lightly grabbed your wrist to stop you.
“Keep it for now,” he said. “You still have to walk back to your car and it’s cold out.”
“But when—” You started.
“Also it would give me an excuse to see you again,” he interrupted. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling once again.
Before you could say anything, he moved his hand from your wrist to your cheek, stroking your cheekbone lightly with his thumb before leaning in to give you a gentle peck on the lips. You were so startled, and he pulled away before you could kiss him back. He looked at you, scanning your face trying to read it. A disappointed look started to form on his face from your lack of response when you got on your tiptoes and pressed your lips against his. The sensation was electrifying, heightened by the knowledge that you were probably giving him his first kiss. You had been kissed a couple of times before, but you never liked the any of the guys enough to kiss them back. So technically, this was your first kiss too.
You reached up to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you so you no longer had to balance on the balls of your feet. He put his hands around your waist, grabbing onto the soft lace of your dress. When he kissed you back, it was the best feeling in the world. You opened your mouth slightly and licked his bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. He parted his lips slightly in response and you slipped your tongue in, searching for his. When your tongues finally met, you were lost in the feeling, wanting to stay like this forever, mouths joined, in each other’s arms. You were dazed when he pulled back, suddenly remembering that you were still in the hotel hallway.
“Y/N,” he murmured, his voice hoarse. “If we keep going I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”
You tiptoe once again to put your lips up to his ear, planting a kiss on the scar on his cheek along the way. “What if I don’t want you to stop?” You whispered. You felt his arms stiffen around you before he removed them from your waist.
When you felt him pull back, you thought you had scared him off, that he was running away. You stepped back and saw that he was actually fumbling for his room key. You reached into the pocket of the jacket that was still around your shoulders and pulled out a small plastic card, handing it to him.
“Thanks,” he said embarrassedly, and rushed to get the door open. “Come on in.” With that he ushered you into his hotel room, taking his jacket off your shoulders.
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Fast forward to the present day. You and Jungkook have been together for three years and he has since moved out of his dorm to live with you in your cozy apartment near the university you had hoped you’d get into. Jungkook’s group is now more popular than ever, winning international awards and receiving critical acclaim. You, too, have had your fair share of accomplishments, entering your final year of university, pursuing a bachelor’s in creative writing, and having your fanfiction become some of the most reblogged on tumblr. Over the years, Jungkook has seen you writing from time to time and was, without a doubt, curious. Each time you would tell him it’s a research paper or report for school. He respected your privacy, and didn’t pry. He was so good to you, and you felt guilty for lying to him, but you just didn’t want to ruin what you had.
While Jungkook is still in the shower, you pull out your notebook and go back to writing. You’re so immersed in your fantasy that you don’t hear him turn the water off nor do you hear him when he accidentally knocks over a shampoo bottle while getting out of the shower. It isn’t until he opens the bathroom door, wearing only a towel around his waist, that you are thrown back into reality and you quickly shove your notebook back into your desk drawer. 
That was way too close, Y/N, you think. 
However, all your worries leave you when you see your boyfriend standing there, still glistening from the steam, half naked, with only a towel hanging low on his waist. Three years with him and you still can’t get over how beautiful he is.
“Hey babe?” He says, interrupting your thoughts.
“Can I borrow your laptop? Sejin is supposed to email next week’s schedule to us and my phone is dead.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course.” You hand him the laptop that had been sitting on your desk.
He opens the laptop while you get up to move to the couch. When you look back at him his eyebrows are furrowed.
“Uhhh… Y/N… What is this…?”
You have no idea what he’s talking about at first, and it shows on your face. But your expression quickly changes when you realize that you forgot to close down the draft of your latest smut fic before closing your laptop and handing it to Jungkook.
“Oh my god.” Your eyes are wide and you don’t know what else to say. Your mind fumbles, grasping for words, but none come out.
His eyes continue to scan the laptop screen and you see him place his fingers on the trackpad to scroll downwards.
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god….
That’s all you can think when you struggle to find something to say to him. You eventually blurt out, “OHMYGODIMSORRYPLEASEDON’TREADTHATIDIDN’TWANTYOUTOKNOW!” But he doesn’t take his eyes off the screen.
You get up and try to take the laptop from him but he dodges you, holding his hand out to stop you.
“Wait, I want to read this,” he says, making his way to sit on the couch where you had just been. You sit down next to him, mortified, as you watch him reading in silence. “Are… are you actually into this kind of thing..?”
“I.. uh.. I—” you stutter, not knowing how to answer his question. “I mean I guess..?”
“It just seems so rough, so vulgar… Does— doesn’t that hurt?” He asks, pointing to a particularly rough portion of your fic.
“Nothing could be as painful as this right now,” you bury your face in your hands. You’re embarrassed beyond belief, but at least he isn’t freaking out and threatening to leave you.
After what feels like an eternity, he sets the laptop down and looks you in the eyes. That’s when you notice the bulge that had begun to form beneath his towel.
He stands up, your eyes still on his crotch, and motions for you to get up as well. “Come here,” he beckons, and you stand up to meet him.
He takes a step closer and leans toward you, his lips hovering next to your ear.
“Jungkook what are you doing?”
“Is that what you really want.” His voice a soft whisper, referring to the smut fic he just put down.
“Um.. well. You never seemed like you’d be comfortable with that kind of stuff and I—”
“I’m not talking about what I want. I’m talking about what you want.” He interrupts you. “So I’m going to ask you again, is that what you really want?”
You stifle a gasp, taken aback by the how aggressive he sounds. His voice comes out like a growl, sounding almost angry. Before you can answer he starts peppering soft kisses along your jawline, and he steps even closer until you can feel his hard bulge against your stomach.
“Uh y-yes?” You stutter.
He pulls back a looks you in the eyes. “Say it like you mean it, Y/N.”
You’ve never seen this side of him. He’s always so soft and gentle, but now….
“Yes, Jungkook. That’s what I want.”
With that he takes your face in both his hands and crashes his lips against yours. “Crashing” is the only way you can think to describe it. You had written it countless times in your fics but you never really understood what it meant until now. The sheer force of this move has you stumbling back a couple of steps to maintain your balance. You have to admit it hurts a little as your upper lip smashes against your teeth, but at this point you’re so turned on that you don’t really care.
With his lips still on yours he moves his hands to your waist and pushes you toward the bedroom, and you try your best not to trip along the way. Somewhere in this frenzy of lips and tongues and hands, Jungkook loses his towel, leaving him completely naked as he pushes you against the bedroom wall closest to the door.
Fully aware of how clothed you are and how naked he is, Jungkook tells you, “Clothes. Off. Now.”
His aggressive tone gets you very excited, and you struggle to unbutton your pajama shirt with your hands shaking. Jungkook reaches out to help you, placing a kiss on your collarbone and moving lower with every button he undoes. When he finally gets to last button, he pushes the shirt off your body, letting it fall to the floor. You pull down your pants and step out of them, leaving you almost as naked as he is. He grabs one of your breasts over your bra and massages it, while he places his mouth on your neck, sucking and biting until pools of purple start to appear. He rubs the tip of his hardened member against your clothed core and you let out a moan. Jungkook detaches his lips from your neck and places them back on your lips as he grabs your waist and pulls you toward the bed. He turns you around and pushes you down onto the mattress with his mouth still on yours. He uses one hand to prop himself up and the other to unclasp your bra, all while rubbing the tip of his cock on your soaked panties, causing you to moan loudly into his mouth.
“You like dirty talk, don’t you?” He asks. You nod in response, unable to speak. His mouth doesn’t leave yours when he continues with, “God you’re so fucking wet, I can’t wait to bury myself deep inside of you— Am I doing this right?”
You want to giggle at his question. You can’t believe this is actually happening, your fics actually coming true. Well, kind of…
“Just let me know if it’s too much. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“Jungkook, it’s fine,” you respond. “I think you’re being too gentle.”
He pulls away from your lips, looking confused. “This? Even when I pushed you against the wall? And when I pushed you onto the bed? I don’t want to hurt you or anything—”
“Jungkook. Jungkook? Look at me.” You wait until he meets your eyes. That’s when you tell him, “I don’t care. I want to be fucking dominated.”
Something in his demeanor changes; the concerned look instantly wiped from his face as you say this. He slams his mouth back onto yours, causing you to gasp, and he grinds himself harder into you. The friction against your clit through your underwear is enough to bring you close to coming, and Jungkook can sense this as your breathing becomes more shallow. He moves his lips away from yours and starts kissing down your body until he’s hovering above your wet center. He pulls your panties off and drops them on the floor, returning to face your throbbing core. You can feel his breath on you as he moves in closer. He places his tongue on your clit, swirling it around gently. A soft moan escapes your throat. Then he remembers what you said about him being too gentle, and starts moving faster, pressing his tongue into you with more pressure. This makes you moan louder, exactly what he wanted.
He moves lower and licks up and down your slit, scooping up your juices with his tongue. “Mmmm.. You taste so fucking good, Y/N.”
“Jungkooooooook,” you moan. “I’m so close. I’m gonna come.”
On any other night he would have let you. He would have been more than happy to make you come right then and there, but he remembers what he read in your fic earlier.
“Beg for it.” He says, pulling away from you. You groan at the sudden lack of touch.
“W—what?” You’re somewhat shocked. He has never spoken to you that way before. You’re kind of liking it. Who are you kidding? You’re very much liking it.
He moves back up your body until his lips are by your ear. “If you want to come, you have to beg for it.” You begin to feel like he’s enjoying this a little too much, but you don’t mind. Not at all.
“Please, babe,” you plead. “Let me come. Please.”
He smirks at you. “That’s my girl.” And slides back down your body.
Jungkook uses his thumb to rub your clit as he swirls his tongue inside of you. Your climax quickly approaches, and before you know it, you’re screaming his name as you come into his mouth. “Fuck, babe. I love hearing you say my name. Fuck I fucking love you so much.” He seems like a completely different person than the Jungkook you’ve known for the past three years, but that boy returns when he says, “I’m allowed to say I love you right? That doesn’t ruin the mood or the facade or whatever? And you’re not mad that I asked you to beg, right? I mean, this is our first time doing this roleplay type of thing, and you know I would never do that if it were actually me, right?”
You try not to laugh. “Yes, Jungkook, I know. If I didn’t like it, we wouldn’t be doing it. You’re such a nerd sometimes. You’re sure you’re comfortable with all of this, right?”
“Yeah, of course. Definitely. I would do anything to make you feel good.” He moves back up to kiss you on the lips, and you can still taste yourself on his tongue. He pulls back smiling. “That being said, now that you’ve come once, we can let the real fun begin!” Jungkook springs off the bed and disappears into the closet.
“Babe, what are you doing?” You call out to him.
“In your fic you wrote about bondage, right?” He asks from the closet. “Well…” He emerges carrying a handful of his belts and neck ties. “I thought we’d try it.”
The next thing you know he’s on top of you again, looping a belt around your joined wrists and pulling it tight in one swift motion. He roughly yanks the belt so that your hands are positioned above your head. It surprises you, so you let out a little gasp.
“Am I hurting you?” His brows knit together in worry. “If I’m hurting you please let me know. If you’re not enjoying it, I’ll stop.”
“You don’t have to keep asking, Jungkookie. If you’re hurting me I would tell you,” you reassure him, placing a firm kiss on his lips
“Do you want to be blindfolded?” He asks, gesturing toward the pile of ties that he brought from the closet.
“No, not right now,” you answer. “I like being able to see you.”
He smiles and kisses you again. “Ready?” He asks. You nod.
He resumes character and runs his length along your slit, covering himself in your arousal. “God, babe, you’re still so fucking wet. And all for me.”
He places a few soft kisses on your neck, causing you to moan, and your heart to pound. He pauses to line himself up at your entrance. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard.” As he finishes his sentence he thrusts into you with such force that you slide back a little on the bed and let out a scream. He mistakes your surprise for pain and stops abruptly, breaking character once again. “Oh my god, was that too hard? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, babe. Keep going, that felt good.”
The concerned look leaves his face and he continues thrusting into you roughly, not giving you time to adjust to him inside of you. You don’t mind, however. The pleasure you feel outweighs the pain. Jungkook goes faster and harder with each thrust, and reduces you to a screaming, sweaty mess.
“Does that feel good, babe? I’m sure it does. Fuck, Y/N. You feel so tight around me. You feel so good, babe.” You see that he’s starting to enjoy it more, which turns you on all the more. He gets on his knees and holds you up by the back of your thigh with his free hand as he continues thrusting into you with great force. This position allows him to slide in and out easily, hitting your g-spot each time.
“Ahh, yes god Jungkook that feels so good! Keep going. Right there.”
He looks at you, being the hot, panting mess that you are. “Is there anything else you want me to do? Anything else that can make this feel any better?”
You’re so engulfed by pleasure you have trouble thinking of a reply. You open your eyes to meet his. “Can I call you Oppa?”
Jungkook is so shocked that he pauses mid-thrust, but resumes before saying, “You wanna call me Oppa?” The confused look on his face has you worried that it’d be too weird for him. You two were born in the same year, with you a whole six months older. He doesn’t even let younger fans call him Oppa, so why would he let you? However, it is something that you’ve always wanted to do, and he did ask. After thinking about it for what feels like way too long, he answers with a smirk. “Have you been using banmal with me this whole time? You should be speaking to me formally. I am your Oppa, after all.”
As cheesy as he’s being, you can’t help but moan at his words. “Yes, Oppa. Anything you say,” you reply more formally.
“You’ve been very rude today. I might just have to punish you.” He leans down and moves his hand from your thigh to your neck, pressing down on your jugular, his face just inches from yours. He is getting so into it and you love it.
The reduced oxygen to your brain merely heightens everything you're feeling and you can feel your second orgasm approaching. “Jungkookie Oppa. You feel so good, Oppa. I’m going to come again.”
Jungkook moves his face closer to yours, so that his lips are just barely touching your lips. “Come for me, babygirl. I want to feel you come around me.” You didn’t think it was possible, but he starts thrusting into you even hard than before, until you’re screaming at the top of your lungs.
You clench around him, so close to your high. Jungkook moans in response and his beautiful voice is enough to push you over the edge. You scream out his name as you reach your sweet release, and he moans even louder as he feels you coming around him. His thrusts slow down but don’t stop as he helps you ride out your high, pushing him closer toward his. Just as you’re starting to calm down, you feel Jungkook come inside you, his hot seed coating your walls. He thrusts into you a few more times, then pulls out. He’s panting hard and his forehead and chest are covered in a thin layer of glistening sweat. He drops down on his back beside you, still breathing hard.
“Fuck,” is all he can say. The two of you lay there for a while, listening to each other’s breathing, trying to calm yourselves down.
“That was amazing, Y/N.” He finally manages. “We should do that again.”
“You liked it?” You ask.
“I mean it was a little weird at first because it was so new to me, but yeah. Once I got more into it, I like really got into it.”
“So you’re okay with all this? Not just the bondage and stuff but the fact that I write fanfiction?”
“Yeah, I mean I guess. It led to all this didn’t it?”
You chuckle and turn your body to rest on his chest. You’re about to put your arm around him when you remember that your wrists are still bound. “Uhh, Jungkookie.”
“Oh right, right. Sorry I forgot.” He gently removes the belt and tosses it aside. He winces at the red marks it leaves behind but you assure him that you’re okay. You snuggle against him and he places a kiss on the top of your head.
“You didn’t eat anything when you got home. Are you hungry?” You ask, breaking the silence.
“No, I think I’m good for now.”
You crane your neck to face him and you see he’s looking at you with that bunny smile you love so much. You give him a gentle peck on his lips before placing your head back on his chest.
The two of you lay there in silence once again. Jungkook twirls his fingers in your hair, and all you can think about is how you used to be so scared that Jungkook would find out your secret, but now that he knows (and actually likes it?) you can’t help but feel a tremendous weight lift off your shoulders. You feel yourself becoming drowsy and drifting off to sleep, wrapped in Jungkook’s arms.
The last thing you remember before sleep takes over is Jungkook leaning down to whisper, “Just FYI, you know Yoongi-hyung is the one with the oppa-kink, right?” And you fall asleep that night with a smile on your face.
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tccomicarchive · 5 years
This is The Rest of The Plot I Wrote
*in stars means thoughts apparently*
Zoe "Oh please. Spare me the lies. You know who i am-my face is plastered all over the universe 'Oh, the new princess just got her title, blah blah blah!'. You were only trying to get rid of me because your a pampered princess turned glorified Captain."
Kait "I'd like to see you in battle, with ACTUAL weapons, instead of cheap mind tricks. Maybe then we'd see who's better."
Zoe "Alright lets cut the small talk, shall we? I was sent here by the council on Ziirav to investigate the 'Great Evil' that may or may not have fled to Earth. You're here for that reason to."
Kait "And?"
Zoe "AND, i think it would prove useful to work together."
Kait pauses, she's let out of Zoes control, and she stands up. She thinks on it, then looks over at zoe. "Isn't the Elven Council corrupt?"
Zoe "Big time. But i'm doing this more so to get away from them, then to do their bidding."
Kait "Well....maybe we can help you with that problem once this 'Great Evil' issue's been dealt with."
Zoe looks up "We?"
Kait "yeah. I already found someone who's on the same mission."
Zoe "Was it that red-haired guy, Petro?"
Kait "Huh? Oh him.....no. And if it was i'd kill myself."
Zoe "Why? He seems nice....if not a bit of a delinquent..."
Kait "He's annoying, and cares too much about people he barely knows." She heads for the door to the hallway. "Coming?"
Floor 2.
Kait knocks on the door marked '26'. A tall lanky girl opens the door, and greats them with a smile, letting them inside.
KP "so.....i take it this is a new addition to our team?"
Kait "How'd ya know?"
KP "Well, she doesnt seem the type to be hanging around you naturally..."
Zoe "And you are?"
Kait "Oh, ya, don't probe her mind." she rolls her eyes.
Zoe "She isn't randomly attacking me. Formalities can thus be used."
Kait slumps down on KP's bed "Whatever."
KP "Katiryna of Klynora," she shakes Zoe's hand "My Earth name is Kirsten."
Zoe "Elziim of Ziirav. Zoe for me." they look at Kait.
Kp "I know NOTHING about you."
Kait "Zineb. Mandorum, Earth is Kait."
KP "So....wait....we're all royal figures in our realms.....thats kind of an odd coincidence dont cha think?"
Zoe "I doubt this was by accident."
KP "What do you mean?"
Zoe "Think about it. We're all sent on the same mission, to the exact same school at the same time, and randomly 'happen' to meet?"
Kait "Actually.....We're still missing someone-if what your saying is true."
KP "Right. Fairy princess.....what was her name again?"
Zoe "Kahna. High strung, high maintenance, high demand for like, every guy EVERWHERE. Mortal enemies with vampire over there." She points to Kait "It wont be easy to get her to believe anything we say."
Kait "Well thats understandable. Fairies have really tiny brains-its all that inbreeding."
KP laughs "That is SO mean!!"
Kait "But its true!" she smiles slightly, stifling a laugh.
Zoe "How are we going to find her?"
a loud shriek is heard just down the hallway. Zoe and Kp look out towards the racket.
Kait ".....You have GOT to be kidding me."
They go down towards the end of the hall, and turn into a giant mess of bags and cheerleaders. There are a few large guys standing there too-holding cheerleader luggage.
Melissa "EW!! These rooms are like, sooooo SMALL!!!"
Court "They aren't THAT bad....I've seen smaller."
Melissa "Ugh, My room back home is like, 3 TIMES bigger than this!"
Court *3 times? Thats it? mines like, at least 6 times larger...* "Well maybe you can have something arranged with the principle?"
KP "OK.....the screechy one is SO her."
Kait "Try the calm, shy one in the corner."
Zoe "What?"
Kait points to court "THAT'S Kahna." Kahna suddenly looks over at the three, seeing Kait pointing to her. Her expressions immediately change from calm and humble, to haughty and angry.
Court "Hold on Melissa, i have to take care of something."
Melissa "Whatever." she continues complaining to the guys nearby.
Court marches towards the three, grabbing Zineb by the arm and draggin her off to the other side of the dorm. Zoe and KP follow close behind.
Court "you.....what are you DOING here?!?!?" she sees Zoe and KP, and realization flashes across her face. "This was supposed to be MY mission!!!" she stomps her heeled boot down in frustration.
KP and Zoe giggle slightly and Kait rolls her eyes. "Well, it looks like your part of a team now."
Chapter 3: Delinquent Dilemma
The four are walking around the school looking for all their classes. Each has run into at least one person from their small Cliques except for Kait.
Court "That was SOOOO embarrassing!"
KP "How was it embarrassing? She seemed nice!"
Kait "That's what Zoe said about Petro."
Court "Who's Petro? OOOO!!! Is he your boyfriend?!"
Kait colours slightly, masking it with embarrassed anger "NO!!!!! We arent even friends! He just likes to show up unannounced and creep me out."
Petro walks up behind her and leans in between the shoulders of her and Court "Miss me?"
They both freak out and move to the sides. Kahna stares at him in horror. "Whats wrong with your HEAD?!?(shes talking about his hair colour) and your FACE-those metal tags!!!"
Petro looks at her, raising an eyebrow, completely unphased by the unintentional insults. "ew, Prep.....AND a cheerleader....."He turns to Kait "You'll hang out with the enemy, and not me?"
Kait "You have NO idea how true that statement is."
They continue walking and Petro reaches around Kait and grabs her schedule.
Court "Why are you so tall?!" she looks up at him, terror and horror worsening on her face.
Petro "Hey, we have the same History class....which is weird-why are you all in a 12 grade course?"
KP "Uh-we all took advanced lessons back home!"
Petro "Riiiiiight....."
Kait snatches her schedule back "We're trying to find the class, if you dont mind?"
Petro "We have Mr. Quan." He takes the front and turns a corner "My third year in a class with him! It's right downt he hall."
Zoe turns back to Kait "See? told you he seemed nice!"
Petro looks around quickly and wiggles the doorknob, opening the door slightly and peering in.
KP "Uhh....shouldnt we wait-"
Petro "SHHHH!!!! I gotta get somethin'" he goes inside, leaving the door open. KP makes a frustrated face and follows him. KAit looks at Zoe with a "really?" expression.
Zoe "Hey. I said delinquent too!"
Kait goes in, following KP, Zoe and Court come to, looking around the large room. Petro's over by Quan's desk, sitting down in the chair and opening drawers, shuffling through them.
KP "OK. This has gone far enough-if your some kind of thief, leave us out of it!"
Petro "Shudap!! I'm just looking for something, gawd. And if your THAT uncomfortable with this, 'Miss Priss', then LEAVE." He yanks at a drawer and it doesnt open.
Zoe blinks, Kait smiles at her evily "OK.....i take back my 'nice' statement...."
Petro digs into his pockets, finally pulling out a small keym pushing it into the lock and turning.
KP "Where did you even GET that?"
Petro smiles deviously "I picked it from Quan this morning when he was setting up the room. He probably doesn't even realize it's gone."
Court "You ARE a thief?"
Petro pulls the drawer open and smiles widely, taking out a small leather book, with odd symbols covering it, and multiple sticky notes protruding from the top and side of countless pages.
Mr. Quan "Oh he realizes." They all spin around, shock on all their faces.
Chapter 4: Mr. Quan
Petro "Heh....sup?"
Quan "Honestly, Mr. Moyaz. you could have waited untill i'd actually gotten back to my room before taking your book back"
Petro "W-well-"
Quan "I took it from you for a reason."
Petro "Ya, I know. But then you forgot to give it back last year, and-"
Quan "And you've been without it all summer, yes i know...."
Petro "What are you trying to protect me from?"
Quan looks up, eyes wide "Excuse me?"
Petro "You heard me. Sir, you keep interfering in anything i do that revolves around magic."
Quan "I-i-"
Petro "Well, just dont bother! Magic isnt real..no matter how much we want to think otherwise.....so seriously. There's nothing to worry about." He gets up and leaves, pushing through the girls and heading back out towards the dorms.
The door closes and the girls turn back to Quan, "Hello, welcome! It's so nice to have historic experts in one of my classes."
Zoe "What do you mean by that?"
Quan "Why dont you tell me?" He taps his right temple with his index and middle finger. When they give him odd expression, he smiles. "It's obvious that todays youths don't get taught in magical histories." He bows deeply "I am High Wizard Quardreer, of Cahll. It's a pleasure to meet you my ladies."
Court "Cahll?! As in the Wizard Realm!?"
The three stare at her in surprise. Kait "Wow....she ACTUALLY knows something..."
Court "Well duh-Cahll is where all the most elegant, charming and handsome boys come from!!" she stares off dreamily. Everyone rolls their eyes.
Zoe "What are you doing here anyway?"
Quan "I was sent by the Wizard Council, Demongus himself, to make sure you four were taken care of. Can't have the next rulers showing up dead now can we?"
(in the background)Court "Who's Demongus?"
Zoe "But your also here for Petro, right?"
Quan leans back against his desk. "I've been here for 12 years. Teaching history, in teh hopes that everything would go as planned and Mr. Moyaz would be brought here for his last three years of school."
KP "Why?"
Quan "I'm to look after him, keep him safe.....make sure that he doesnt loose whatever control he he's got left.....his temper has gotten wrose though....Dire sign of things to come..."
Court "what are you talking about?"
Quan looks up abruptly "Nothing you should be concerned with.....at least not yet....For the moment i need to know that you all realize whats coming, more likely if you fail."
Kait "We dont even know what we're up against here!"
Quan "Im bound to not release such information....that blasted Code...."
KP "So how are we gonna find anything out?!"
Quan "Well....you could always try Shamiroth of Mandorum, Cameela of Ziirav, or Shaal Cantsley of Klynora. A possibility could be Aurelle as well.....but of course she's busy being a Flamean goddess and all." he smiles at Kahna. "Seeing them all would be best, Oh and.....if you can, theres a man in Yarshov(The large jail realm in teh form of a Prison Complex!!), who might be of use." He looks over at Kait "As i remember, your brother may be very useful for getting inside."
Kait "Uh....yeah, we'll.....we'll do that."
Chapter 5: Mandorum
Kait walks out into the grounds, heading for the trio already waiting for her.
Zoe "How'd you get away from Petro?"
Kait "What's that supposed to mean?"
Zoe "I just mean that hes always following you around."
KP "Yeah, he's like a really big,  scruffy, creepy puppy."
Court "a LOVE-STRUCK puppy!!" Kp and Court laugh uncontrollably.
Kait "UGH! You guys, seriously. He doesnt 'love' me!! He just wants to force me to an early, annoyance-induced grave!"
Court "hehe, he wants to force SOMETHING alright!" more laughter from KP and Court, Zoe smiles, trying to keep herself from doing the same. Kait death stares both of them, and they slowly work it down to stifled giggles.
Kait walks past them and spreads her arms out to her sides, closing her eyes. "ZERACONTREL!" a large purple portal opens up, shooting out electrical currents and loud thunder.
KP "Um...are we supposed to trust that? 'Cause honestly, it looks like a spinning vortex of death."
Court "i have to agree..."
Kait "Oh grow up and stop being such Squeebs." she walks towards the portal, when Kahna breaks in.
Court "Why Mandorum first!?"
Kait "Because IM the only one in the group with Captain status-"
Zoe "Uh, technically 'princess' overpowers 'captain'."
Kait "SHH-TSSSSHHHH-SHHEH!" she waits for more giggles to subside. "Either way, im the only one with leadership skills-end of story. We're going to my realm first. Besides.....it's closest."(ya i had realms set up like planets its weird)
They enter and come out into a long grand hallway.
Kait looks around feverishly "DAMN!!! I overshot it-maybe theres still time to-"
BOOM! Kait and Court are encased in a thick glow and then a reverberating sound emmits from their bodies, They collapse to the floor.
Court "You ruined one of my favourite Earth outfits!!!" Kp helps her up.
Kait "well YOU just ended the fucking WAR!!!!"
Zoe "Isn't that a good thing?"
Kait snaps at her "NO! We have no legitimate reason to fight now! And, now we have to go through the peace celebration with all the ugly dresses, dancing and losers in suits." She stomps down the hallways towards the throne room, tearing off the Glamour as she goes.
The others follow close behind, removing their glamours as well. They enter a large room with huge tapestries hangin on the walls. There are guards lining the walls, spears at their sides, ready to be used. A tall, thin guard in a flowing purple cape stands next to the Queen. He stares at them as they enter, his helmet hiding his face in shadows, but a snarl errupts on his face. The royal insignia is embroidered on the cape and he's holding a large scythe, and looks ready to take heads off.
Queen "Daughter! Back so soon?"
The Queen looks young and spry, a pleasant, caring smile pulled tight across her face. A large crown glistens on her head, and an assortment of heavy fabrics and armour make up her dress. The man sitting next to her wears a silver ringlet across his forehead. He's clothed in Dark Gray armour, rose-detailing etched into it. He looks to be at least twice as old as the Queen, and makes no effort at emotion.
Kait kneals, head down low, knowing full well whats coming
Queen "So dearest, how has the mission been so far. I see the other princesses of the great realms are with you-always a good sign!" the Guard rolls his eyes, sighing loudly. The queen slaps his stomach with the back of her hand. "Shush dear." She looks at the others, studying them acutely, and smiles again "Welcome, i'm hopefull that the absense of a sun will not unnerve you?"
Zoe "Shouldn't be a problem your Majesty."
Kait looks over at her father, not wanting to stand up. *Say something father.* a voice enters her head. "How dare you continue to the throne room! You disgrace us by bringing a fairy here, then have the nerve to come see us?"
She blinks quickly glancing at the guard standing beside the throne. Her eyes narrow, and her eyebrows lower. His eyes widen, and his mouth falls open. he turns away for a second and touches his head.
Kait stands up, still staring at him. "Mother, if you'll excuse me,"
Queen "of course deary!"
Kait "AND Damean?"
The queen looks surprised, as do KP, Court and Zoe. Then she looks back at the guard behind her, back to the group. "Alright." She waves over a small, thin man in a fine outfit. "Would you go fetch Nathan for me? He needs to cover for Damean." the man bows and rushes off through a large set of doors to the right.
Damean slowly walks down the stairs from the throne, along the purple fabric, Scythe still in hand. Instead of coming to attention, waiting to receive orders like a well trained guard, he walks right past Kait, and continues up a set of stairs. Kait follows, a stern look on her face. The others tag along.
The get to a long hallway, and walk down it at a fast pace, turning corners and going down a bunch of stairs finally coming to a circular room. Kait moves in behind some boxes and dissapears. The others look at each other questioningly and go behind the boxes too. A metal hatch lies open and Kait is climibng down a long ladder into a huge room. They follow and stop when they reach the bottom.
It's lit with torches and they have to cross a bridge to get to an area with seats and a fireplace. The bridge crosses a large and deep looking canal filled with bright blue water. A thick, white fog comes from it. They cross and see the guard taking off his helmet, Kait's taken a set at a table with a skull and some bones placed on it.
Damean rips his hair free of the helmet, and stares over at the intruders. Kahna blushes a deep red, her mouth falling open for a second. Damean places the helmet on the table and closes his eyes, bracing for impact.
he sighs, and opens his eyes, staring at her "I didn't tell you, because i knew you'd react like that. And excuse me, but when were you going to let me know that Nathan's courting you?"
Kait's eye widen, and she goes silent.
Damean "I heard some Privates talking about it......do you REALLY want to lead him on? Or is it because mum will never approve?"
Kait "What does it matter if she approves? and who says im doing that?"
Damean "It matters because she's still going to be around when you take the throne. And last i checked, Leading people on is what you do when you make them think they have a chance. You DO realize it can never work right?"
Kait "What are you talking about?"
Damean "You know full well what the King's position is in the royal family. The one upstairs is our biological father sure, but Mother ruled with others before him. She's made the mistake your going to make.....She fell in love, and made him King. Now when he dies she'll fall into a state of despair. you'll need to take the throne early, and find a suitable man to be your king, to foster the next generation of royalty. And of course, you being you, you'll choose your precious Nathan! When he dies, you'll die-inside."
She stares angrily at him, tears welling up in her eyes. His anger fades and he gives her a sympathetic look. "Im just worried about you. Tell him your not interested next time you two speak.....just tell him that....Captains can't have affectionate relationships with a member of their squad, er something....k?"
Kait stays silent, turning away from him. He sighs and sits down noticing the other three. "So....why did you freaks even come here?"
KP "WE'RE the freaks? at least our realms all have Sun's to keep our Moon's company!"
Damean "BLAH, blah blah." he puts his feet up on the table, and holds his arms behind his head, closing his eyes.
Zoe comes over and pushes Dameans feet off the table, snapping his eyes open. "We need your help."
Damean looks at her for a second "Why should i help you? I dont even help my SISTER most of the time!"
Zoe "Right, sure you dont-we need to talk to a 'Shamiroth'? Any ideas?"
Damean looks at her and over at Kait "So Zee, more things your hiding from me huh?"
Kait "This is MY mission, not yours, i dont need to give you ANY information!"
Damean breathes out heavily, looking back at the others-they've all come over and are sitting down at the table. "The Shamiroth is a kingly figure, leader of a bunch of Shadow Spirits in the Un-Temphs."
KP "Un-Temphs?"
Damean "Undergrounds temples shrowded in complete and utter darkness. Unless you want to be found and killed, having night vision is a must."
Zoe "But Zineb's royalty, if we go in there with her in our midst wouldnt they keep their distance?"
Damean laughs "Yeah, right! They were the original inhabitants of Mandorum, we came here and made buildings and life on top of their rocks. It was supposed ot work otu well-us living above ground, them living under it, they werent using the space anyway. But of course, the pompous morons decided they didnt want us ANYWHERE NEAR them. They've been waiting for a chance to start a war for a while. Killing off the princess heir would be a nice way of starting it."
KP "So then how are we gonna get in to talk to him?"
Damean "you ARENT. Shamiroth is the worst of the bunch. You're all gonna stay away from him and his little minions. I don't care WHAT your looking for, if all of you die a huge war will break out between all of our realms. Everyone will be eradicated EVERYWHERE." He gets up and puts his helmet back on, marching up toward the ladder. "I have to get back to duty, Nathan cant stand still, so he must be dieing up there right now." He climbs the ladder, and Kahna watches every second, eyes glazed over, still blushing.
They all sit in awkward silence for awhile, KP looks over at Kait, and puts a hand on her shoulder. Kaits head snaps up at her and she jerks free "What?"
KP "Nothing-just.....nothing."
Another silence. Kait "Well.....coming here was a complete waste."
Zoe "Not necessarily....." they all look up at her. "We could always disregard what Damean's told us....go anyway. We are descendants of the original Protectors afterall; being rebellious is what we do!" she smiles, hoping to lift their spirits. It ultimately works as a large and evily devious smile slowly forms on Kaits face. KP and Court smile too.
Chapter 6: Vera's Blessing.
The four are standing outside a large Cave entrance, pillars and columns line the walkway. Kait walks forward, pushing the heavy metal gate open and walks inside. The others follow, and KP lights the passage with her staff. They all look back at her.
KP "If they come for us, they come for us. We'll worry about it if it happens."
they all smile and keep going. The trip is long and countless times they stop to look around, thinking they've heard something.
Finally they come to a set of hallways and rooms. They stop and lookc around. Kait chews her lip, staring down each hallway.
Court "where now, oh glorious leader?"
Kait "i.....I dont know, ok? I've never been down here before....."
Cronin "Zee?"
Kait looks to her right, and a small shadowy figure floats towards her, he's smiling goofily, and hugs her. "What are you doing here? Vampires aren't aloud in the caverns!"
Kait "We're looking for Shamiroth. do you know where he is?"
Cronin "Father? Why?"
Kait "Cronin, just trust me, we need to talk to him."
Cronin "I dont think that's possible....I'll go find him, go down that passage, you'll come ino his throne room. Guards can't attack you in there-too many valuables could get caught in the crossfire!" he floats off at a fast pace down the hallway he came from and they go down the hall he pointed out.
Zoe "Who was that?"
Kait "Cronin. I saved him from some of our guards when he came to the surface to explore. It was a few years ago..."
KP "And he's the kid of the 'Great and Fearsome' Shamiroth? Seriously, this guys credit is just dwindling away!"
"GET THEM!!!" a loud voice comes from behind them, and they spin around, seeing a group of shadow guards rushing down the hallway towards them.
Kait "RUN!!" they bolt down the hallway, the large doors coming closer. They get inside and come face to face with more guards. Kait pulls her sword out and puts in a ready position, but before she can do anything a booming voice shouts "STOP!"
The guards all vanish and the four look up at a large shadowy demonic figure. Cronin is floating next to him, smiling with relief.
Kait smiles gratefully and puts her sword back in its sheath.
Shamiroth "My son demanded that i let you all live. Why are you here, Princess?"
Kait walks forward, "We were told by a High wizard to talk to you about the 'Great Evil'....."
Shamiroth "Ahhh that...." he gives Kait a peculiar look and floats back towards a large curtain "Come."
They all exchange glances and follow him.
Shamiroth "Your people think i would kill you if you came anywhere near here....so i take it they dont know you've come?"
Kait "Of course not."
Shamiroth "Good, good. You not like the past queens.....too much like the first one."
He opens the curtains and they arrive in a large room full of weapon replicas, armour, suits, dresses, and countless antique items. A huge statue looms over everything in the middle of the room. The statue features a built woman roaring up at the sky, giant leathery wings spread out over her head, a giant sword in one hand and a huge shield in the other.
Their mouths drop open and Kait drops to the floor, kneeling in respect.
Shamiroth "The great Vera was one of the original forces used to lock him away. We're hoping that since you are a direct descendant of Vera, that you will take in the responsability of taking care of both sides of Mandorum. Your mother and queens before her have neglected us. Bring honour back to your people."
Kait stands up "I swear to you i will. I'll never follow in their footsteps."
Shamiroth "good." He grabs her wrist and it sizzles for second. She rips free and stares down at a blood red symbol on the bottom of her wrist.
Kait "Vera's Blessing..."
Shamiroth "You are now bound by your word, and are given free passage in the Caverns."
Kait ".....wow....."
KP "We still need information."
Shamiroth turns his gaze on her, and reaches his hand upward to a high shelf near the ceiling. An old scroll comes down to him and he hands it to them. "Go back to the castle, get some rest, and leave in the morning. Don't let anyone know you have this."
KP "what...is it?"
Shamiroth "A bit of help. You'll need a necromancer to translate it for you though. Keep it safe."
He fades and a boulder moves, moonlight streaming into the room.
Chapter 7: Ziirav
Court, KP and Zoe are outside a door, standing in a long hallway. Court's knocking furiously, "C'mon Zee!!! We don't have all day!!!!" They wait another while and Court stomps her foot down again.
Damean comes around the corner and sees them, a look of surprise on his face. He comes over to them, holding his helmet in his arms "You're still here?"
Zoe "We're waiting for Zineb."
Damean "But she's not in there...."
Court "Then where is she!?"
Damean "In the courtyard. She broke it off with Nathan, and their fighting with sharp, pointy weapons to ease the pain." He marches off down the hallway, turning the corner.
The three are about to go down and see Zee, when she walks up and sees them "'Bout time. I've been training all morning, waiting for you guys!"
Court "Well we've been waiting for YOU all morning!"
Kait stares at her. "You suck at making sense. ANYWAY." She looks over at Zoe "Well?"
Zoe "OH, right...." <input portal word here>
The portal opens, its small and circular, glowing a bright blue with a circuit board design floating through it. She walks through and teh others follow, they come out on a sidewalk in a large city.
They look around in awe, mystified by the tall buildings and advanced technology. Zoe takes the lead heading down a street towards a tree filled area in the distance.
Zoe "Hurry up-maybe we can get into the woods before they know im back!"
Kait "Before WHO knows you're back?"
Zoe turns around looking up into teh sky, the others follow her gaze and their mouths drop open.
KP "What is that thing?" a large circular opject is floating above them, its very large and gusts of air protrude from underneath it. One very tall sir, in a tall hat is standing on it, with four other men, all clad in skin tight armour. They rush off the hovercraft and grab onto the four, brining them aboard.
They all struggle but Zoe breaks into ther minds. *Don't struggle, it just makes things worse.* They go still, letting the guards take them wherever their going.
<-- All in Head
Zoe "I guess you guys wanna ask about this huh?"
Kait "When were you gonna tell us that you're a wanted criminal!?"
Zoe "Who said I was that?"
Kait "Start explaining."
Zoe "No time, not right now."
"We're here." They all look down at the large Dome of a building below them. The hovercraft is still heading forward, but it's sinking towards the earth as well.
It gets to a small platform and they're escorted off by the guards. They go inside, following the elven man in the tall hat down a long hallway. They come out in a large circular room, there are seven men sitting at a long rounded podium, elevated above everything else. The man in the middle stares down at them, there's a hint of disgust on his face.
Valfross "Princess, back so soon? You've barely been gone 2 weeks!"
A young boy-about their age-with straight, golden blonde hair and bright turqoise eyes suddenly looks up, seeing Zoe. His back straightens and a small blush enters his cheeks. Kahna smiles over at Zoe in an odd way, and Zoe rolls her eyes, stepping forward.
Valfross "Your mission is incomplete-AND compromised, it appears."
Zoe "High Chancellor Valfross, excuse my unannounced return. My mission is going well, but we were grouped together and sent back to our realms to-"
Valfross puts his hand up, a gesture of silence, and smiles like a Raptor "Princess," He drags the words out, as if trying to seduce her with them "No need for explanations." the blonde boy looks next to him, staring up at Valfross intently. He doesn't look happy. "You ARE the heir to the throne after all, excuses and words aren't really your forté."
The blonde boy says something under his breathe("Disrespectful Prick"). The council leader slaps him in the back of the head, hard.
Valfross "What was that m'boy?" The boy mumbles "I didn't here that." The boy looks up at him, his brows lower and come together.
Lucien "I said nothing. nothing at all, council head."
Valfross "Of course you didn't. Now princess, i'll let you go....do whatever it is princess types do, but keep those mongrels of yours under control." He smiles and ushers them out without even waitign for a response. They stand on the platform, all look uneasy and stare at Zoe.
Kait sits down on a nearby bench, Kahna sits next to her. "So. Do we have time for talk now?"
Kahna "Why were they so mean to you?"
KP "Not 'They'. Just that Valfross guy."
Zoe looks out over the platform, her lips are pressed tightly together, and she closes her eyes. "Not everything is sunshines and rainbows guys. And in politics, the people you want to lead the world, the people who can do so much good, rarely get in. If they do, it's always in low positions."
Kait "That doesn't explain the lack of respect for you. On Mandorum-"
Zoe "This isn't Mandorum....Or Klynora, or Flamea.....this is different. We have a council that decides everything-a government, instead of a court of Royals. The Royal Family is more for show than anything else. I'm a trophy, not a person."
They all go silent. The doors to the court house open and the blondey walks out. He looks like he's going to wrap Zoe in his arms, but she turns and leaves. His sympathetic smile dies almost immediately, and a look of worry sprints across his face. He rushes after her. "Ellie!"
KP "'Ellie'?" Kahna temps a smile and Kait shrugs.
Zoe stops, sitting down and swinging her legs out over a tall building that rests underneath the Council's Dome. She stares out over Ziirav and takes a long breathe. Lucien slows to a walk and sits down next to her. He doesn't touch her, but sits straight, eyes closed, breathing steadily.
Zoe looks up at him from her slump. The wind ruffles his hair, and the worry makes him look peacefully morbid. Zoe smiles slightly. *You're the embodiment of perfection for all my friends. But you just don't do it for me.*
Lucien *I know...*
Zoe *Then why do you keep trying?*
Lucien pauses, he opens his eyes and looks over at her. *I don't know.* He smiles and stands up. He sees the others coming and bows to them perfectly, walking back to the Domed Council Chambers.
Court "So.....Who's Cutey McModel over there?"
Zoe "That's Lucien. If the Royals were still in charge, there would have been an arranged marriage between us."
KP "That's not so bad-he seems to really care about you."
Zoe "He's just like his father. That's whats wrong with him."
KP "Who's his father?"
Zoe looks up. "High Chanceloor Valfross isnt the head of the Council. He's a runt, second in command, handles all the lesser problems." She points to a long screen situated on the side of a sky scraper. There's a tall man with turqoise eyes and a menacing stare. His white hair is combed perfectly to the side. "THAT's the council head. Luciens father, Supreme Chancellor Malthez."
KP "Scary guy..."
zoe "No kidding. Lucien's had a crush on me for years, he cares and he acts real sweet and innocent, but he isn't. I've seen the murderous traits of his father in him."
KP "Murderous?"
Kait "Literally, or-"
Zoe "Literally. You can see the thoughts running through his eyes-like when Valfross acted rude to me." She gets up and looks over at the four. "We should get going. The forest is dangerous at night."
Chapter 8: The Bog-Shack
They set off into the woods, walking along a cobbled path. Many archers smile and bow as they pass.
KP "So you guys have a mix of technology and nature.....cool."
Zoe "It's not a mix. It's a war, and technology is winning."
KP "Well....uh...th-that sux..."
Zoe leads them into knee deep bogwater. It's brown and mushy. court stops and doesnt come anywhere near the bog. She stands on the edge, her arms folded across her chest and a pout across her face.
They stop and stare at her. KP "What's wrong?"
Court "I'm NOT going in there."
Zoe "Why not?"
Court "Its wet, and icky and it'll totally ruin my outfit!"
Kait "Oh thats it. your comin'!" she grabs Court around the waist and pulls her into the mush. They both topple into it, head first, it splatters all over KP and Zoe.
Kait gets up, laughing spaztically. KP and Zoe join in and Court stands up, the mud is all over her and Kait. She screams and they all cover their ears. It stops and she loocks down at her clothes.
Court "They're ruined!"
Kait "Oh lighten up."
Court "Me? You, miss Queen of Darkness, is telling ME to 'lighten up'?!"
Kait "Yeah, pretty much." She throws a fist full of mudd at courts face, then turns around and starts to walk in the direction Zoe was going. A bunch of mudd hits Kait in the back of the head. She turns around and looks at Court, who's got a huge smile on her face.
Court "If anyone knows balls, it's ME!" she stops and a huge shock of deep red comes across her face "No wait-that came out wrong!!" the others laugh at her and a mudd battle breaks out.
Zoe blocks some shots thrown her way, everyones laughing. She trips on a root and falls back into the bog water, covering herself more in mudd. She looks up and sees a shack hidden by the gunk she fell through.
Zoe "Uhh......guys?"
They all come over, peering into the small space. It's a cavern.
KP "Way to go Ellie!"
Kait "Yeah, you pulled a Kahna!"
Court "Hey! i havent tripped and found anything yet!" She marches forward into the cave, tripping over another stray root. "Ptoo! Scratch that..."
Zoe "Yeah, there are roots all over the place, try to be careful."
Court "You could've warned me beforehand!"
Zoe helps her up "sorry!"
KP slides some much over the way they came in.
Kait "What are you doing-thats just gonna block our exit!"
KP "It'd also keep the hermit who doesnt wanna be found happy, and in a mood other than KILL."
Kait "Right....good idea." They continue towards the shack.
Court "Why are we even going here?"
Zoe "Because Cameela is a swamp witch. It would make sense to stay by yourself in a bog-yknow, away from people can report you?"
Court "Ugh....this is so dumb."
KP and Zoe giggle and Kait rushes up to the house, knocking on the door.
Zoe " you're in a rush."
Kait "It's gettign dark, you said this place was dangerous when that happens."
Court "Chicken."
Kait "Idiot. Im being smart. I dont wanna get into any more fights-"
the door opens and a crack rings through the air, a flash sends Kait flying back into the mud.
court "What the heck was that?!"
KP "Magic." she rushes forward and into teh house. The door closes as Court comes in behind her. "Oh this is bad"
Kait gets up "What just happened?"
Zoe "Kahna and Kat went inside the shack."
Kait "And left us out here to fend for ourselves."
Zoe "Im more worried about them. Cameela is powerful."
inside the house, Kahna and Kat are standing in complete and horific silence. They look around.
KP "What should we do?"
Court "uuuuuhhhhhh-" She sees a hatch on the floor down the hallway "Floor Hatch! It must lead to a basement!" She runs over to it.
KP "Why should we go down there?"
Court "Have you never watched a horror movie?" KP stares at her "Well, the bad guy is always in the basement." She tugs at the hatch but it wont budge.
KP "It's blocked by a magic Barrier. I could disable it given some tim-"
Court "I got yer 'Magic Barrier' right HERE!" she blasts off a large fire ball. It hits the hatch and blows it to smithereens. KP looks at the charred remains "good job!" She goes down through the hatch, Court follows. They come across a woman leaning over a spellbook with a large cauldron on the floor. Theres steamy orange mush bubbling out of it.
She quickly looks up and shuts the book.
KP "Oh, no no. It's ok....we just ummm-"
Court "Your shack is eating our friends!"
Cameela "Oh goodness!" She slaps a wall near her "Dont eat people!" The shack gurgles and Kait and Zoe drop in on them. They get up, Kaits sword is still drawn and they both look horrified.
Cameela "Oh you poor dears! Jeffrey does that sometimes....im gonna have to get him fixed..."
Zoe "You wouldnt happen to be Cameela, would you?"
Cam "Yes-you've heard of me?"
Zoe "Well of course. Your the elven sorceress who went missing 12 years ago."
Cam "12 huh? It has been a long time, hasnt it?"
Zoe "Everyone thinks your dead."
Cam "Well good. I dont want those pompus snobs bothering me!" She laughs and sits down, four chairs materialize behind the girls. "Have a seat, girlies! I figure a wizard sent you for something.....important?" She smiles
zoe "Quardreer sent us. We need to know about the supposed 'Great Evil' thats recently broke out."
The smile fades. "He's an elf. His name is Cazath, he's the only one of his kind left."
KP "You guys are elves though..."
Cam "Cazath is a Karez,"
Zoe "An Ancient? But thats not possible. they were all wiped out by an army of Dragon Creatures."
Cam "By their own. One elf, with unimaginable power. You four are the new Protectors, yes?"
Kait "Well who else would we be?"
Cam "May Aeliive's barriers keep you safe. You won't survive....not against Him."
Chapter 9: Klynora
Kait sits up, lookign over at Zoe. court is fast asleep but KP nudges her awake. They sit on the beds, and start getting ready to leave.
Kait "I find it strange that we havent seen your parents yet."
Zoe "you probably wont, considering the fact that we're leaving for Klynora now."
Court "Why do we have to leave so EARLY?!"
KP "It's 11 o'clock, how is that early?"
Court "Mreh..."She falls back on her bed.
KP "I have to warn you guys. My grandfather is WAY into parties and celebratory feasts. So when we get there, and he sees us all together, he'll probably call for one or both."
Kait "Yum. I'm liking your grandfather already."
KP "Yeah, he's great." <insert portal word here>
The portal opens up, its an oval with a sandy brown colour. Festive music is flooding in through it and everyone smiles and cheers up. They walk through only to stand in the middle of a torn down area. Everything is dead. The smiles fall from their faces.
Kait "Not what i expected." She puts her hands over her head and her skin starts to burn "DAMNIT!!!!"
KP "Shit!" She hits the pink orb at her side and magic floods out of her hands towards Kait. She's now incassed in a purple glow. "There. That should protect you from the suns rays."
Court "how come Zee didnt burn up in Ziirav?"
Zoe "Kahna, it was overcast the entire time we were there...."
Court ".....oh....."
They continue on "What did this, Kat?" zoe looks worried.
KP "I think i know...but its not possible, he's locked up."
A thin man with long black hair rushes up to KP, they hug. "Kat, your back! Your Grandfather will be so happy!"
KP smiles and then it fades "Alec, what happened here?"
Alec's eyes dim "The Metal-Eater got free, started spewing the stuff everywhere, ate through all our gear. It took the council to shut him down."
<----in the BG
Kait "does EVERY realm but Mandorum have a council?!"
Court "Pretty Much!"
KP "Is he locked up again? will he get out again?"
Alec "Yes. he's been secured in a new location. We decided that keeping something like him here was a bad idea."
Kait "So then where IS this 'Metal-Eater' guy?"
Alec "A place where he can do no one anymore harm." They all exchange glances. "Now come! Shaal Cantsley(KP's grand dad) will be glad to see his new Protectors have arrived. Especialy, in the presence of his Granddaughter!" Alec leads the way out of the ruins and into a tropical, populated place. Numerous morphers are walking and greet them with a smile and bows.
Zoe "good to know Royalty is actually trusted here."
KP "It's a relief isn't it?"
They keep going untill they reach a large building made of the sand itself. Stone pillars line the walkway. They get inside, massive and detailed mozaics line the walls and floors. A river be runs through either side of the hallway.
Shaal "Granddaughter!" An old man is standing at the top of the staircase infront of them. He's wide set, with a long beard thats tucked into his belt. His hair poofs out from under a hood. He's with two other men of similar styles, one is tall and lanky, he looks humble and thoughtful. The other is pointy, with a strict face and straight back.
Kat runs up the stairs and embraces Shaal in a big hug. The two old guys leave and Shaal shows the girls to a large, black room. The only light comes from floating candles scattered throughout the room.
They sit down in the middle of the room, surrounding a small pit. Shaal stand at the Head of the group.
Zoe "You know why we're here"
KP "So who is he.....Cazath i mean."
Kait "What exactly did he do?"
court "And how do we fit into all this?"
Chapter 10: The Protectors
Shaal "Cazath. The name sends shivers, yes?" They nod, and smile uneasily-all except Kait. He points to her. "You. You need to loosen your emotions."
Kait "I doubt that'll happen."
Shaal "you all must work together, any small emotional contact will help improve your abilities. If you are linked, fending off Cazath will be that much easier." He looks down at the pit. "Now, you should see the face behind the evil." He places his hands at shoulder height, stretched out over the pit, the room rumbles and a huge blast of yellow energy explodes from the pit. It engulfs everything in an unavoidable light. Shaal controls it with his hands, forming images of Dragons and undead creatres, theres an elf in the middle of the room.
He's tall and thin, with muscled arms. his face is long and pointed, and his fingers have an extra joint. His eyes are similar to the dragon's.
Shaal looks at teh girls, they stare on with glazed eyes.
Zoe "He IS an Ancient."
Shaal "Not as impossible as it seems, is it?"
Court "What about us?"
Shaal "You all play a more important role than you think."
Kait "Oh great, so we're like....'Chosen Ones' er somethin'?"
KP "No. We're descendants, right grandpa?"
Shaal "Precisely. Descendants of the original Protectors."
Kait "Why didnt they succeed? Why is Cazath still alive, they should've done away with him!"
Shaal "It is not our way to kill those with such power. At least it wasnt." He looks regretful, and the mist clears. "The past protectors locked him up so as to find a cure for his madness."
Zoe "But no cure came."
Kait "You can't cure stupid, or evil, or different. What were they thinking."
Shaal "What makes you tihnk they were acting of their own minds? They were messangers of the people, they worked for what their rulers wanted."
Kait "So basically, this is all the fault of the Councils!" she smiles, and the others stare.
Shaal smiles "The councils weren't installed untill later. The 5 Protectors-"
Zoe "4." Everyone pauses. "The texts say 4, so do all the elders and ancient writings."
Shaal "My dear, The Milky Way, that entire universe of space that Earth resides in is a realm in itself. One of 5 protectors from the most powerful realms of existance. The texts lie."
As he says this he motions with his hands, and five figures appear before him. "Aeliive, Aurelle, Vera, Habibah....and Damien."(I DONT KNOW WHY THATS HIS NAME. ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING THERE IS ALREADY A DAMEAN IN THIS SERIES WTF YOUNGER ME.)
Court "Why does that guy look so familiar?
Kait(under breathe) "He looks like Petro..."
KP "So....why would the texts lie? Why have you kept this from me!"
Shaal "...We felt that telling you before he escaped would result badly."
KP "You knew he'd escape?"
Shaal "Our Se'ers did, yes."
Zoe "So why are you telling us this now?"
Shaal pauses "You will be going back to Earth soon, yes?"
Court "AFTER we go to Flamea!"
Shaal "Then you must find out everything. At least everything we can offer you. I can't discuss it at length, but you must travel to Yarshov and seek out Cazath's cell. Try to locate any clues as to how he escaped-and dont be found out."
KP "but-"
Shaal "Leave in the morning."
Chapter 11: Break In
They're in their room-sections divided for them-getting ready for their next day.
Court "Is it just me or is everyone we talk to scared of Cazath?"
Kait "No shit Kahna. He brutally killed off his own people."
Zoe "im more disturbed that no one is giving us complete answers. It's like they dont trust us."
KP "Maybe they dont."
Everyone goes silent.
KP "I mean, look at us! We're kids, we cant even get along with eachother most of the time. how are we supposed to fend off a great and powerful evil like Cazath? Can anyone?"
They stare at their feet, still silent. They look over at Kait, she has her thinking face on and chews her bottom lip.
Zoe "Whats wrong?"
Kait "That redhead...The 5th Protector...Damien....he....he reminds me of Petro."
No one says anything "I know.....it sounsd stupid, but they look so similar...."
Court "Maybe its just a coincidence?"
Kait "Its not. Quan didnt tell us about him and theres a reason why."
KP "We'll worry about that when we get back to Earth. For now we have to find a way into Yarshov."
Zoe "Quan said something about your brother, Zee?"
court "Cant we do this on Flamea?"
Kait "No. I dont even wana go there, Damean definately wont show."
Court "Well hes gonna have to. hes part of the Royal Family, and the Princess Ball is in a few months!"
Kait "bleck."
KP "So how are we gonna get ahold of ihm?"
Kait "already have. He'll be waiting for us there."
They sit down-two to a bed-and clasp hands.
Court "What are we doing?"
Zoe "Opening the portal to Yarshov. We cant get there unless we work together though.
They all close their eyes and focus, then they opent eh portal. Its dark, rusty red, and screams are heard from the other side. They stand up and file through the portal.
They come out the other side to see Rusty red grit below them. They look up to see a huge metal gate, a large black, grey and red building and a lone man in a purple, hooded cloak. The sky crackles with thunder.
Damean turns around and comes toward them, "Where have you been? I've stood here for 30 minutes, WAITING! Do you honestly think i have this time to waste?"
Kait "Oh please-You'd probably just use your breaks to hit on chicks who don't know better-Like Kahna!" Court's face turns red immediately, and she gets really shy.
Damean "UGH-it doesnt matter!" He throws them each a cloak similar to his own "Put these on and follow me." He walks up to the gates and slides something from a pant pocket swiping it through a detector. The heavy doors creak open and the five-sum walk through and up the path towards the Prison Complex.
Guards in spikey, closed off armor let them through without a glance. They go down a long hallway and down flights of stairs. They finally go to an area called "Block 11-D" underneath is a sign saying "Danger, Do Not Pass". They go into 11-D and head to the end of the hallway each cell is blocked by lazorgrids and a thick metal door.
They get to the end of the hallway and turn to the cell on the right. The lazors are off and the door is bent and scorched, placed at an odd angle. KP stops them from moving.
KP "Don't go in, not yet." She takes off a ring and holds it in her fisted palm, touching the pink orb at her hip. The ring grows into a staff and she holds it out infront of her, scanning the room. "You can go now, just try not to move anything." They go in, KP is still processing.
As soon as Zoe crosses the threshold, her hands fly to her head, and she closes her eyes. Court and Kait spin around.
Court "OMG!"
Zoe "Guh-" She backs out of the room, Damean helps her, and gets her focus back. "Magic. Definately magic-not Cazaths, this feels like.....like I dunno, but its not wizardry."
KP opens her eyes "Blac Magic. Its Shamans work, not clan either. Earthling."(oooooh boy me. yikes)
They all stare at eachother, feeling the tension wash over them. Kait stares around the room, everything is charred and melted, things are half stuck in walls and portions of the cell are gone. "A human did this?"
Chapter 12: Flamea
Court reaches her hands out and speaks the portal word(TRAHOOLAMUNGAH!), it opens up just as Damean's Mandorum portal does. Thei still inside the complex. He goes through and it shuts behind him. Then the four walk into Flamea-after putting another protection around Kait of course.
The portal is a fiery red, and gusts of warm air pour out of it. Flamea is very warm, grounds of orange grass and cobblestone roads. Carriages help fairies get to and fro. There are volcanoes in the distance and forests of orange and red trees spread throughout.
They hail a carriage and get in.
Kait "Why do you have wagons carrying you everywhere? Your a fairy, you people can fly!"
Court "Flying is like running, it gets hard and stupid after awhile!"
Kait "Uh huh.....how the HELL did you people resist our forces for so many years?!"
They get out and walk up towards a giant marble castle, it looms over everything and has vast gardens lined up infront of it. They go inside, walking up the stairs and heading to the back of the building. They descend a humongous pair of stairs into the back gardens, white fowers are everywhere.
Kait whispers to Zoe and KP "Did someone die?" they giggle and court runs out towards a man and woman. She huges them enthusiastically. They're both in white. "Mom, Dad, I'm back! It's just for a night, but im BACK!"
Kait whispers again "why are we even here? Quan said that Aurelle wouldnt help us!"
KP "The night before we left, she got a lettre from her parents."
Court "So, whats going on?"
Zoe "Everythings decorated in white and faded pinks-this must mean something good."
The kind and queen glance at eachother, smiling happily. "Your brothers getting married!"
Court stares blankly for a second. "T-to who?"
They look over towards a young, beautiful man with sandy brown hair, He's in a white suit, standing next to a shapely, gorgeous woman with a cheerful smile. They're holding hands.
Court "I-i.....think....thats......GREAT..!!! I....I have to go show them to they're rooms...." she runs up towards them and drags them up the stairs and inside. She rushes into a humongous room the size of Cameela's shack and flops down on a huge bed near some windows.
KP "Kahna, is something wrong?"
Court "EVERYTHING IS!!! I get a lettre from my parents talking about good, happy news, and then i find out my brother is going to wed the girl i hate!"
Zoe "She seems ni-"
Court "STOP! Everytime someone says that, that person ends up being NOT NICE! So shuttup. nothing is going to make this better."
KP "Well....if you arent happy here, we could always go see if we can contact Aurelle!"
court "I guess.....At least it would get me away from my brother and his stupid bride-to-be."
Chapter 13: Aurelle's Altar
They're standing outside a small temple, made of marble as well. They walk inside and head for the large altar in the center of the room. Court goes towards it and claspses her hands together, closing her eyes. The others stand back.
Kait "Do either of you know the Flamean prayers?"
Zoe "Nope."
KP "uh-uh."
Kait "I dont know them in english, and i wouldnt be able to speak the fairy language, but ive heard it in war."
They both look at her. Theres no anger on her face, almost regret. There's a huge silence and nothing happens. Court opens her eyes.
Zoe "Well?"
court ".....Nothing. aurelle isnt answering, she must be busy with something..."
Kait "Or someONE."
KP "That sux....we'll have to come back later, its getting dark and we have to get back to Earth in the morning."
(wait that was a chapter? me. thats nothing. cmon now)
Chapter 14: Ambush
Their back in the garden, with joint hands
KP "OK, dont think about anything but Earth, the portal should take us back to the place we left." They all close their eyes and open the portal. Its a misty blue with green and white shocks. They smile and walk through, only to end up in a cave.
Right before them is a metallic, two-headed snake - its blasting an acidic, green-yellow liquid at a metal door. A man in a dark cloak is standing behind it, a smile on his face.
Cazath "Just a bit more. We'll have the amulet once your through." He looks over at them "ahhh....the new protectors, so young and breakable." He lifts a hand towards them and they all go flying back.
They hit the wall hard, and Cazath points his opened hand at the portal, clenching hard. It closes abruptly, and he smiles, holding his arms behind his back. He comes towards them at a slow, gentle pace, Elegantly drifting over the rocks and rubble in his path.
Cazath "I've been expecting you."
They sit up, looking at him with fear. Kait puts on an angry face and draws out her sword, barelling towards him, yelling.
He steps aside, gripping her left arm and lifting her up into the air. At the same time, his other arm comes toward her, fast. Energy pushes her back into the wall, small cracks are heard. She falls and lies limp on the floor. The others go over to help her.
Cazath laughs "Really, I was hoping for something more impressive."
Zoe turns her head to look at him, her eyes glowing. His eyes light up and the background fades, as well as everyone else. Zoe stands up slowly "You're a telepath."
Cazath "All the Ancients are. We have immense power, you and I."
Zoe "But I'm not-"
Her eyes widen and roll back in her head, she crashes to the ground. Court is about to attack, but KP stops her.
Cazath "Smart girl. You all need more practice." He walks back over towards the metal door, which has been melted, motioning with his hand. A small pouch comes out and lands in his hand, fabrics and clothing, other trinkets(Talismens, rings, etc.) Float out and file onto his arms and into a pouch at his side. "I'll let you go this time, and possibly next time to."
KP "Next time?"
Cazath smirks "Hm. Of course. It'll be much too soon for any of you to reach my levels of power." He turns, the snake following him. Then he opens up a huge portal, to a grey, destroyed world. "But after that. Well....I won't be holding back." He gracefully walks through the portal. It closes behind him.
They sit in the dark cave, staring blankly out infront of them. The four exchange worried glances.
Chapter 15: The Amulet
Kait is sitting in History, sketching in her notebooks; swords, warriors in-fight, Cazath. Someone behind her pokes her back with a pencil, she turns slightly, seeing Petro giving her a look.
<-- Whispers
Kait "What?"
Petro "you OK? You look horrible."
Kait "Gee thanks. And again, why do you care?"
Petro "W-why does that matter? And honestly, I think i have the right to know if one of my goths been beat up." He motions to the bruises and cuts on her skin, then looks over at Zoe, KP and Court, who are similarly messed up. "What exactly were you guys doing last week?"
Kait blanks, eyes wide *Gotta lie...but what do I say?*
Someone taps abruptly on Kaits desk with a ruler. Petro whitens, quickly going back to scribbling down notes. Kait spins around, staring directly at Mr. Quan. He looks angry "If your going to talk in my class, at least do it discreetly." He marches back up to the front of the room, continuing his lecture on Queen Elizabeth.
Kait turns back to Petro "Now look what you-" she stops, staring at a large amulet strung around Petros neck. "When did you-"
the bell rings and they all file out.
Whispers -->
Petro gets up and heads out of the class, seemingly not having heard Kait. She gets up and runs after him, passing by a confused Zoe, KP and Court. They follow her and catch up in mid-conversation.
Petro "It was in a package on my bed. I woke up and it was just there!" He's still wearing it, sliding his fingers over the surface, and the odd purple crystal in the centre.
KP "You should take that off. You dont know who it belongs to-" He spins to looks at her.
Petro "It's mine. My name was on the box, no return address."
KP "Still, it's just weird that-"
Petro "It's just a trinket. Leave it be." He shuffles the papers under his arm, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. He spins on his heel and walks down the hallway.
Zoe "huh, that went well."
Court "No it didnt." Zoe gives her a look.
Kait "What was that all about?" she looks over at KP suspisciously.
KP "I've seen that thing before, its-"
Quan "Girls. I need to speak with you."
They look at eachother and walk back into the history class.
Court "Whats up?"
Quan "I'm leaving for a bit....a bit before Halloween....Some business back home. I'll be gone for a month, be on your toes."
They stare at him oddly. "Oh.....and might i suggest keeping an eye on Petro? He's been acting strange lately, and my senses are.....well somethings going to happen. Keep your eyes open."
Court salutes "Will do."
Chapter 16: Halloween
court wakes up to knocks at her door. She sleepily gets up and heads for the door, opening it to three masked figures who yell "Boo!". She screams, slamming the door. A few seconds pass, and another knock comes.
KP "Court? It's just us!"
Court "Thats what the monsters always say!"
Kait "Open up flame-butt, or i'll kick your door down."
She opens it, the three are holding the masks in there hands, smiles on their faces-except for Kait.
Court "Why are you all dressed up funny?"
Kait "A famous human tradition-popular on Mandorum and Klynora."
Zoe "It's just starting on Ziirav."
KP "HALLOWEEN!!!" She throws her arms in the air enthusiastically.
Court "Hallo-what?"
Kait "We'll explain on the way."
Court "The way where?"
KP "To the Pizza Place! So Dress up!"
They walk down the street, closing in on the small Pizza place.
Zoe "If you dress up for Halloween, you get free meals. Apparantly they do this every year."
Court "Cool. Wheres the creeper? This seems like his kind of holiday."
Kait "He's gone for the week. He'll be back on friday."
Court "Awww, poor muffin!"
Kait "Shuttap! I dont even care." she looks away from them, crossing her arms. They all go inside, sitting down at a booth in the corner.
Kait looks over at KP "You never finished talking about that amulet."
KP "Right.....that. I've seen it before in an old history book back home. There was something important about it....something dark...."
Zoe "Isnt it dangerous for mortals to be around dark magic too long?"
Court "Very. Sometimes they explode." They stare at her "...what? Its totally a fact!"
Kait "Whatever. Fact is, it needs looking into-especially with how it just randomly showed up."
Zoe "I'm more interested in what Cazath picked up in that cave-the thing in the pouch. And when our next meeting will be."
Kait "Well, one things for sure. Cazath knows much more than we do, and he's in complete control."
Chapter 17: Disaster
Their sitting in math, last period. The announcements sound "Dont forget-the halloween dance is tonight from 7 to 11:30, best costume wins the grand prize!"
The bell rings and they leave, grouping up.
KP "You guys going to the dance? Sounds like fun."
Kait "I dunno." Everyone else is going. KP stops and turns around
KP "Why not?"
Kait "There wouldnt be anything to do. Besides, i dont dance."
They walks down the hallway and hear a student talking on a cell phone. He's standing at the office and they almost walk right past him. Kait stops abruptly and stares at him. His eyes glaze over her, and then come to attention.
Petro "Kait! Hey!"
Kait blushes slightly and waves back, the others turn around "Hi...."
He picks up his backpack and suitcase, heading for the dorms.
Kait "Where were you?"
Petro "Uhh....." He spots a poster for the dance "Hey! You going? It's usually pretty corny, but no teachers guard the hallways, so you can pretty much do whatever you want!"
Court "Oooo, Secrets. Never a good sign in a relationship."
Zoe rolls her eyes "We need to talk about that amulet of yours." She puts an arm on his shoulder and automatically pulls back, holding her head. She grabs KP's arm and they both stare at him.
Kait "you should probably go unpack-"
Petro "Annnnd?"
Kait "...and....ill go. But im gonna beat you up if nothing interesting happens."
He laughs "Well, alright then!" and heads down the hallway, around the corner.
Zoe "Ok, who saw it?"
Court "Saw what?"
Kait "Ya, what just happened?"
KP "His aura is black-its already being tainted by that amulet."
They enter a side entrance, passing by the gym with its pounding music. Court and KP run off to dance, and Zoe and Kait keep walking.
Zoe "So. Whats up with you and Moyaz?"
Kait "Whattya mean?"
Zoe "He seems pretty into you."
Kait "Whats your point?"
Zoe "Why dont you at least give him a chance? Ive heard earthlings have low morals-could be fun."
Kait "Thats the thing....He's a lowly human. Do you realize what might happen if anything starts up between us?"
Zoe "Kinda what i wanted to talk to you about....I dont think hes human."
Kait "What?"
zoe "I heard multiple voices in his head-one sounds like a demon."
Kait "But that makes no-"
People scream, running down the hallway and out the front doors.
Kait "What the...?" A white barrier of magic forms over the front doors, engulfing every possible escape route. A long, big two-headed snake slides around the corner.
Kait "thats Cazaths snake!"
Zoe "Its looking for something."
Kait "Cazath mustve blocked the exits-"
Zoe "Go find Petro, make sure hes alright."
Kait "Why? He can fend for himsel-"
Zoe "Remember what Quan said? We have to keep an eye on him. I'll go get Kat and Kahna-GO!"
Kait runs off down the hallway, and focus shifts to Court and KP. The white barrier melds over the doors to the outside and people are screaming, running around in the hallways. Zoe comes in just as KP runs off.
Zoe "Where is she going?!"
Court "To go check on the goth-"
Zoe "But-oh nevermind! One of them will find him. C'mon, lets make sure no ones hurt!"
Switch to KP. Shes running down a hallway, opening doors and listening for him. She feels his presence and sneaks into a room, looking around. Hes dressed in all black, with a long cloak draped over everything, fiddling with something on the desk infront of him. She closes the door, and quietly walks over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He spins around.
KP "What are you doing?"
Petro "Oh, its you." He turns around again, and puts down a screwdriver, picking up a small black box and shaking it. "You ever wonder what the principal keeps in here?"
KP "NO! Now lets go, there are...weird things in the hallways attacking the school-we have to get outside!"
Petro "'Weird things'? You have got to be-" Something makes a noise outside the door "Oh Shit!" he grabs her and they duck under the desk. A hissing noise gets louder, and soon something slithers into the room. They hear a mans voice.
Cazath "Not in here, my pet? Well keep looking. If you find any of the girls, kill them, but leave the boy for me." Footsteps.
The slithering comes closer and a drop of acidic liquid drops from the snakes mouth, hitting the desk and melting through it. It hits the floor in between KP and Petro and they make a surprised sound, the snake fixes on them, strikign the table. They bolt from under it and run out the door, keeping pace perfectly.
KP *how is he keeping up!?*
They run around the corner and stop.
Petro "What the hell was that thing-whats going on!?"
KP "Nothing-I dunno, i....."
She looks past Petro, the snake is right behind him. It moves its head from side to side, staring down at his hooded head. KP's mouth drops open, she backs up and Petro catches on, turning around slowly. The snake lowers its head and breathes steam through its nostrils.
Petro "Uh.....hiya...hows it goin'?" It knocks into him, gently pushing him to the groun. "Hey-WATCH IT!"
The snake stabs Petro in the shoulder with the end of its tail. Then it sprays acid at KP, she bolts away down the hallway. It follows, leaving Petro, struggling with a large spike of poison on the floor. He pulls it out, slowly rolling over onto his stomach. He clutches at his shoulder, his head spins.
Petro "Gah-aaahhh.....Jesus!"
KP runs into Kait, who has Zoe and Court with her. The snake comes around the corner, its rushing towards them. Kait grips at her side, a sword hilt is hanging there, when she grabs it and pulls it free, the purple metal generates and she runs towards the snake.
She swings that sword and brings it up through the snakes head. It hisses and explodes into light. The light travels back down through the hallway.
Kait "What the hell is going on here?"
KP "Cazath is here. He's looking for someone-a guy."
Court "Wheres Moyaz? Arent you guys supposed to find him!?"
KP "Hes back down the hallway. I had to lead the snake-thing away from him. It hit him with something-c'mon!" They run back down the hallway, Kait lands on her knees next to Petro, rolling him over and placing his head on her lap. She strokes his hair, moving it from his face, then touches the circular gash in his shoulder. The skin is black in the immediate area, and fades to a sickly green. "Its poison....."
Cazath "Right you are." They all go flying back. Petros head hits the floor and he wakes up "Ahh. So this is the boy ive been hearing so much about." he stares down at Petro, he looks quite pleased. Cazath walks over to him, motioning with his hand, telekenetically pulling Petro up off the ground "Funny. You look just like him. It's quite fascinating."
Kait "Let him go!"
Cazath "Im afraid i cant do that."
Petro grips Cazaths arms, kicking him in the face. He falls to the floor and Cazath clutches his face. Petro moves his leg at Cazaths ankles, sending him falling to his side.
Kait rushes forward and grabs Petro, they head off down the hall. They get far enough away and stop. Petro slides to the floor, Kait crouches next ot him "You ok?"
Petro "Ahh.....I feel like ive been run over with a freight train.....ah-twice...."
Kait "Just give it time. It should fade from your system in a few hours."
Petro "Im gonna puke"
Court "Ew-Please dont!"
He tilts his head back, closing his eyes. "How do you all know that guy?"
Kait "Uhhh...-"She looks to the others for help.
Suddenly the girls are sent hurling down the hallway and Cazath comes up next to Petro. He opens a portal and grabs Petro by the arm, thrusting him through it. He smiles at the four and leaves.
Kait "NOOO!" She runs towards the portal but it closes. She haults to a stop and leans against the wall, punching it and sliding down onto her knees.
Chapter 18: Quan Returns
Their in kaits room. Shes lying on her back on the bed, hugging a pillow to her chest. KP is sitting on the edge, everyone is silent, not knowing exactly how to comfort her.
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