#i dont exactly like star trek but i really do feel bad for you having to wait for so long ;;
drchucktingle · 2 years
mr. dr. chuck, i'm a few months ago i told a doc of mine that i believe i'm on the spectrum (after yeeeears of considering all the reasons why i thought so) and she agreed with me. then i came to some conclusions about members of my family. then i started melting down and haven't really recovered.
i'm in my 30's, but my life feels like it's been the mistake-addled 24th year for over a decade. people, choices, wants, they feel like things that were silly blips and not of much substance. i'm tired and my body hurts, so it feels harder to get to things i need. doctors don't seem like they can be trusted because of all the other ways i show up in the world.
i'm worried about my life and my future, and it feels like my magic is gone (or that i can't touch it right now). do you have any words of wisdom for someone who found out this really big thing about themselves kind of late?
thank you.
hello buckaroo thank you for writing. first of all i will say MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is that it is okay and valid to FEEL the way that you feel. your reaction to this news or any news really is not wrong. that does not mean you cant wish for another reaction or WORK TOWARDS another reaction, but in grand cosmic sense this is just your way. YOUR TROT IS VALID and we all have our own unique way. sometimes that path is an easy path with sunny days and smiles and a glorious view, and sometimes it is through the darkness of shadows or crawling through the old bog. we can PREFER one path over the other, but neither is WRONG.
when giving advice old chuck tries to not PROJECT what i think YOU should do because that is not really the point. this is your trot to trot and i do not think it is my place to act like some authority of your way. what chuck can do is tell you MY story of diagnosis and how it made ME feel and maybe you can take little pieces of that for yourself.
chuck learned of way on autism spectrum when i was in early twenties by doctor who said 'yes this is your way'. when i learned of my spectrum way my reaction was: wow this is very very cool i am so lucky because all of my heroes are autistic and now i am in this RADICAL CLUB. we are special and unique and DANG what a treat wish i could have a membership card in my wallet to show all my buds.
now obviously this is not everyones reaction, but as starting off point i wonder what it would have meant to my future if the news would have HIT ME IN A BAD WAY. if i would have felt let a dang robot alien who didnt belong. maybe id be swimmin through the bog ever since.
thing is I LIKE ROBOT ALIENS they are very cool. doctor did not MAKE me different, i was different already, our talks just popped a nice little name on it for me to take or leave. i took the name proudly because DATA from stars trek (certified robot alien) is exactly how i already felt and dang what a cool character and dang what a great life. so was DAVID BYRNE. so was every cool buckaroo artist that i liked. cowboys are OUTSIDER HEROES and that is how my autism makes me feel.
so like i said, i do not know about YOUR way, but MY WAY of hearing this news was heaps of joy and excitement. i will also say that it is very DIFFICULT to find this reaction later if your first leap is feeling in a sad way about it. so maybe if you want to trot back in your mind to those first few steps it would be helpful. maybe mentally trot to where you were pushed off a dang cliff and think "well was i pushed off a cliff or was i just told 'hey bud youve been floating this whole time?"'
because if youve been floating then DANG thats a lot of power. thats not falling. you can float up, you can float down, you can float side to side.
the next thing i will say AS AND ARTIST is that years of toiling and feeling aimless are NEVER actually aimless when it comes to creation. and to LIVE in a human body is to be an artist, because you are CONSTANTLY CREATING the future. when i am writing and i dont have an idea for my next book that can be frustrating, but it is also PART of the process. if i walk to the store to rustle up my mind, or wander around the park, or spend a whole WEEK feeling weird because of writers block THAT IS ALL PART OF MAKING GREAT ART. that is not wasted time. in other words, your years of toiling are not wasted time, that is just the process we all have when we are creating a future masterpiece.
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diah-the-demon · 11 months
yeah this really feels like we're somewhere on stage talking into a microphone as people pass by and can listen, but yeah agreed, it feels weird when it's not tumblr skljdlsk
ooh I hope you can go there then!! I've had one in my area for a few years that was star wars, star trek and doctor who focused and it was so much fun,, unfortunately with covid coming around it has ended </3 missing it greatly
and oh no D: yeah unfortunately the kids toys break so easily which surprises me ngl,,, you'd expect kids toys to be a bit more sturdy given that kids will play around with it wildly and ksljdslk omg that sounds adorable ngl!! I think I know which masks you mean, I still see kids wearing them every now and then around halloween or carnival
yeah,,, I've gottten a tiny bit better by now (and by that I mean: I will get it but feel bad about it instead of not getting it and feeling sad about that klsjdlsk) I hope you'll eventually get better with it as well! it's so sad how much stuff like this can linger on your brain TT-TT
yeah I think it said 7 more days, so I hope I'll have enough time bcs her shedule changed and now she's at work so I can't ask her TT-TT hopefully it'll last til the weekend when we could order it (if she says yes skldjslk I doubt she wouldn't but still skjdlsk)
okay, yeah, your bookshelf is definitely already cool! But yeah the helmets are going to make it even better, no matter where exactly they will be placed klsdjl
yeah you coudl probably figure it out on your own once you get the basics, even if it is for another set of armor at first! With the basic understanding that should definitely be doable!!
and hmm, I've not build armor yet myself (will have to do so eventually tho,,, I wanna cosplay one of HI3 Himekos battlesuits after all ksjdsl) but it does already sound like a solid idea!! but yeah until you know if it works or not you have an idea at least so that's a good start!
yeah im still not used to it but i think its quite nice to have smth like a constant conversation like this thats lasted almost a full day now jdsljkds, i think its a nice change of pace jdsklkjds
hopefully i can get there when its being held! im not sure when it happens each year but il look that up later and see if i can find dates (hopefully im not gonna be busy when it happens dsjlkkdsj) and awww that sucks, i hope they come back eventually it would suck if it died off forever </3
yeah idk why they were so fragile, they weren't big so i think they were probably childrens sized ones that we had, it doesnt make much sense to expect kids to not hit 2 lightsabers together in a duel like come on
IT WAS! i dont think i have any pictures of it sadly </3 i wouldnt have even had a phone yet probably i think so pictures would probably be on my mums phone
the mask was so cool, it even had a voice changer in it! it was fucking awesome, when you breathed it would replace it with the darth vader breathing sound AND it would even make you sound like vader when you spoke!! idk how something from when i was a kid was able to do something like that but it was awesome. sadly the voice changer in it died a while ago, it still slightly worked but not consistently last time i put it on D:
yeah hopefully we both fully get over it eventually, i probably start to until either her or i move out, but yeah its so weird how it stick in your head so long, i need to refresh my brain so i can get it out lkdsjdjsl
dont want to make you feel like you need to do it sooner but it said 7 days yesterday and also today.. i didnt check how long it was when i bought my stuff (i bought the stuff on the 5th) but it might've been 7 days still.. altho i guess by the weekend it would still be 7 days after that.. hopefully it is still on by the time you talk to her!! (just checked and it might be going on until they completely sell out?? its a clearance sale so maybe? idk id probably do it sooner rather than later just incase tho)
Oh btw when you do place your order they will email you to verify the card (send a picture of the last 4 digits to confirm. It is a little bit sus but ive seen no one say this one is a scam so i dont think it is, plus they cant rlly do much with only the last 4 digits)
thank you!! it will def look so much cooler when i get the helmets in! still need to figure out where i can put the 2 extras apart from ontop of the bookshelf cause too many on there doesnt seem too good idk
yeah that sounds like the plan il do for this, try the basics, might try doing clone trooper armour to begin with if its not harder than mandalorian cause il have captain rex's helmet! imagine a female clone trooper tho that'd be so cool (totally not so i can check out her tits shush jdskls, i mean there was a female clone of jango but she isnt a trooper, and is a child since i dont think she had the accelerated growth the others did? idk not that caught up in that bit of lore)
i think its probably what they are going to say to do, i doubt they would stitch/pin it right to the bodysuit cause that would be a pain to take off (imagine having to go to the toilet after putting it on that would be so annoying to take off skdjdslkj) if it all goes well il share the progress so you can take some tips on building the armour for himeko jlsdkdjs!!
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gayspock · 2 years
im considering tryingto make a liveblog sideblog bc LOL im posting a lot and o_o
okie almost at the end of The Locket (paused in the ending scene where d'argo finds out his son is alive) and im kinda so-so on this one
i think its like. i have to assume MOST sci-fi shows have, like, "time dilation" episodes. well i say every . i mean i can name countless instances in each doctor who (+ torchwood), star trek, buffy, etc. alone.... arguably, one in torchwood too, yeah? but wherein time moves differently for two separate parties; whether that be some force keeping them out of sync, or someone put into a different space wherein they experience time differently. like literally. im thinking of more and more instances of that in shows the more i sit on it.
and like. when its done RIGHT? my favourite plot device. im insane for tragedy and time messiness. world enough and time is my favourite doctor who episode. the visitor is one of my favourite ds9 episodes. if we're stretching it, adrift was one of my favourite torchwood episodes. like it HITS....
BUT the problem is when its kiiiindaaa ... middling its REALLY middling. like time's orphan was the most mediocre ds9 episode there ever was. sorrryyyy.
and this kinda applies here. i honestly think half of it is just.... FIRSTLY, i think it was paced and focussed wrongly. i think crichton and aeryn should have went down there together, first time - and we should have followed their perspective, entirely. dont deviate back to the ship; dont see whats going on. i think devoting the screentime like that to them, and them alone, would have really developed their situation down there a lot more bc thats what the focus should be. really immerse us. dragging us in and out, the beginning complications with aeryn- it just doesnt make it flow as well, and i think... again . following THEIR perspective STRICTLY, devoting a longer piece to just them alone on a planet and growing old so we reallyfeel the isolation- that would work better.
bc like. the OTHER stuff- the stuff with zhaan, the mechanisms of the mist, etc..... like i feel like its convoluted in a way that doesnt benefit the story. like its tryinggg to do something clever to pull it back together. and the thing is, at least with this set up, its ALWAYS going to be a weird and contrived solution for the story that they had - so why not really devote the screentime, and invest in crichton and aeryn's story?
bc like... here we just. hit a hard reset. and i dontlike that at all. one thing i LIKE about farscape is that it doesnt do hard resets. even in the last episode- that had plenty of consequences. both times where its been a simulated reality (stories that usually end with a it was just a dream, hard reset) there have been consequences and thats what makes them work
here it just kinda.... idk. cheapens it. and thats a SHAME bc i dont think it makes it entirely ... for nothing .... because i did like this exploration of aeryn and crichton. which again- is exactly why trying to focus on that, more, would have made it better
its like. tng the inner light. thats effective because we follow picard almost exclusively. we get flashes outside of it but its mostly with regards to him trying to fight against the whole experience - hence why its necessary...
alsoooo . im not warming to chiana and d'argo BUT the hypothetical relationship beats i'd want them to explore were touched more upon here. though it does sort of feel kinda meh whatevers when i still dont think they laid proper groundwork for it
anywaysthats it everyb-
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faeriescorpio · 2 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10
what song makes you feel better?
Song that makes me feel better. I think Touch Tone Telephone by Lemon Demon is up there. I can't drive without blasting this song because I have a lot of fear about driving and blasting this song makes me happy. When I'm not listening to melodramatic and emo alternative songs I'm blasting (checks spotify wrapped with tears in my eyes) ...bubblegum pop. I mocked that genre last year but apparently that's what I listen to. Like. Um. Classic by MKTO. look its very bouncy and also it kinda sounds like Wilbur Soot's Your New Boyfriend and I will not elaborate
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
Ooh I've got a few comfort movies. I constantly talk about how I love bad movies, and it really shows. I usually watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, National Treasure, Star Trek: Into Darkness, or Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nation when I wants a comfort movie, whether im in an adventure mood, or action mood, or gentle angst mood
3. what’s your favorite candle scent?
I have this cinnamon scent that I adore, but I've been informed that it smells like soap. I think they're lying but whatever. i don't actually know what else is in there besides cinnamon, because I bought it at a witch store and the label just says "Scorpio" and it doesn't list ingredients or anything
4. what flower would you like to be given?
I said roses but I'm always ready to go into detail. I have these kind of pink-red roses in my backyard and I adore them, and I have some white roses but those are more susceptible to the mildew/mold so I never get to show them off. I give my friends yellow roses sometimes because those are supposed to mean friendship. supposedly they also mean jealousy but what my friends dont know about flower symbolism cant hurt them so if I'm giving my crush's boyfriend a yellow rose because "youre part of the friend group now" who's to say anything? who's gonna know. whos gonna know. i love to dick around with flower meanings and not explain anything to my friends
5. who do you feel most you around?
my best friend, easily. we've known each other for 11 years, and younger me had no filter so by the time the concept of Keeping Things To Yourself got into my brain my bestie already knew more about me than I did myself because I forget a lot of stuff, an excellent example of my bestie knowing more about me than me is this fic
alternatively i guess bestie's gf I feel pretty me around too. all those posts about aggressively third-wheeling are no joke. they recently did a two year anniversary thing and they posted photos of themselves and literally over half the photos were either MY house or I was in them but was cropped out for anniversary purposes. I was rolling on the floor cackling over this. like yeah, thats exactly where youre supposed to be >:3 my house
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
I have nice hair, I have nice eyes, I like how tall I am. I like my creativity, my determination, and my loyalty.
7. what color brings you peace?
lavender and blue-greys calm me. also the sea-green color
9. what calms you down?
im not great at calming myself down but if im unhappy about something then I usually watch youtube videos to distract myself. Honestly I try to hype myself up more than calm myself, like make myself giddy with excitement. a great way to do this for me is to watch videos where people react Avengers Endgame in theatres because Thor's hammer will start lifting into the air and the whole movie theatre will scream and for some reason listening to a punch of people cheer hypes me up. i am using my dumb little sensitive empathy as a weapon against myself
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
part two of in space with markiplier! also mission impossible 7 and 8, theyre being filmed back to back. they just finished filming MI 7 and its in post-production and theyve started MI 8. MI 7 was supposed to come out like this summer but its coming out next summer because 1) quarantine and 2) Tom Cruise is delaying production over an argument over how long Mission Impossible 7 should be in theatres before it goes on a streaming service. I've heard rumors that either a character I dont like, or a character who is the fan favorite and my special scrungly may die in MI 7 which is like. are you kidding. not to be rude but i hope the fan favorite survives and its the character i dont care for who dies, and since my character is one of 4 people confirmed for MI 8 I'm in high hopes. (grips Tom Cruise by the shoulders) you wouldnt kill the comedic relief, the fan favorite, right? if you wanna read about me talking about mission impossible for half an hour the i did make a post a few days ago
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gar-trek · 3 years
no i care about ur tng s1 opinions !!
Well anon since you asked..... (imagine we are hiking together, lol :)
Alright... season one of TNG... well... it wasn’t great. In fact, if it was not a Star Trek show, I’m not sure I would have gotten through it at all. Now I'm not saying that I hated it, in fact there was plenty that i did actually like. But overall it just kinda boring and it was hard to really get into it. Sometimes mediocracy is a worse then just being flat out bad, ya know? To keep things comprehensive, since half of this was written in an RV and the other half is written whilst im on 3 hours of sleep, lets put my review into a nice list of things i did not like, and things i did about season one of TNG
The bad:
-I have talked about this before, but I think my main issue with TNG so far is the extremely awkward vibe it has. Shots linger way too long after characters are done talking. the jokes do not hit most the time. the dialogue is often stilted and awkward. The characters just do not feel real to me at all. It's just very very strange. I don't know if its a problem with the writing, the directing or the producing, or maybe just all three, but overall shit is just awkward all the time. I wish the charecters felt more real. Like yeah, maybe we didn't see much of Sulu in TOS, but they still managed to make him a guy you could imagine yourself meeting at a bar or whatever. what am i gonna go have some drinks with fuckin season 1 William Riker?? Nah, wtf is that bitches motivations and aspirations ?? that he wants to be captain and has blue eyes ?? what i am trying to say is that nothing feels real and no smart ass not because its a fictional sci-fi show, but because the characters all act super weird or literally just do nothing.
-Picard. I’m kind of turning the corner here but like... he just doesn’t do it for me as captain. I feel like since he’s the captain that makes him the “””””main character”””” and yet... what does Picard do? He’s just kinda boring. Like the man doesn’t even always bean down to the planet or whatever. And you guys already know my thoughts on his relationship with Wes... yeah :/ so no, I don’t hate Picard, I just kinda hate that he’s the captain.
-Where is the action ? Am I an old white male boomer for wishing TNG had a little more tits out violence like TOS did. I mean where is the punching? Where is the redshirt deaths and photon torpedos and shit. I need more violence, and I know that’s like, opposite of the message of Star Trek but dammit... more violence!
-Every single thing that happened to Tasha Yar in Skin of evil. I know you know :/ we all know. :/ and mini rant but in the beginning of that episode Worf and Tasha had a cute little moment and I actually thought “wow they would make a good couple actually or at least best buds” but.. well you know :/ too bad. Also I feel like they spent a lot of time trying to set up Tashas backstory and she actually had something interesting going on so like.... again too bad I guess :/
*cough cough*
anyway, here is what i did like:
-despite their awkwardness i do think some of the characters are neat. Geordi has to be my favorite, he just brings such a good vibe to the crew and I think the whole concept of his character is really interesting. I like Worf but I still feel like we don’t get enough Worf time and of course I like Data, tbh I never disliked him but he definitely grew on me more as I watched. Data does have the tendency to make me cringe... but like in the way your weird lovable friends do. And of course Wes, who deserves so much better then all the dumb ass situations they write for him.
-I think they do a good job of making it feel like the Star Trek universe without just copying everything they did in TOS. like its super different from TOS in a lot of ways, but still it feels like the same universe, and maybe even a little more true to the universe. like the prime directive thing is taken a lot more seriously, same with the federation not wanting to resort to violence right away, all that star trek jazz. its still there, its still trek.
-they don't do a bunch of annoying pandering. i feel like nowadays when they come out with remakes or spin-offs or whatever they always have to have a million callbacks like "hey remember this thing you loved?? here it is again exactly the same" because like yeah that is easy and it more fail-proof. like they could have just stuck a vulcan in the main cast, don't tell me you wouldn't have gotten Spock brain and just ate that shit up, but they were like nah and tried new stuff instead. and i respect that. because the callback episode they did do (naked now) kinda fuckin sucked. so good for them for trying to forge their own path.
okay anyway those are my general thoughts. More specifically, here are the epsidoes i think were the very worst
- Encounter at Fairpoint (literally the first episode and i kept checking my watch wondering when it would be over. it should not have been a 2 parter that was way too long. Q was annoying as hell. the main plot was not that interesting. )
- Where No One Has Gone Before (very tedious and hard to sit through. "oh we traveled too far into space.... oh we did it again! haha lol!" boring. did not like that Traveler guy sus as hell.... hated that Picard only made Wes and Ensign after the Traveler said Wes was important.)
-Skin of Evil (dumb stupid dumb)
-The Nuteral Zone ( i dont even want to get into this. i actually think this one stunk the worst and it was the last episode. so many things wrong)
annnnddd the episodes i liked!
- The Last Outpost (Ferengi Ferengi Ferengi Ferengi )
-Haven (how can you not love Lwaxana Troi this episode made me genuinely laugh so many times. lots of very good character moments here)
-Angle One (i really liked the concept of male wife girl boss society i thought it was funny and interesting)
-Conspiracy (i felt like this one actually kept me on my toes. also liked when that dude's head exploded)
annndddd that about sums it up people! was that a comprehensible review? no. was it long? yes. feel free to disagree with me or fight it out in the comments. what are your least favorite episodes from season one? do you agree with my takes here? let me know
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If you feel like it : develop on your hatred of the new Beauty and the Beast movie? I've heard a lot of salt about the way the music score was handled 👀
Every time I think about this film, rage fills me like a super saiyan powering up and i scream
How do i even start
i think i will do bullet points
these will not be in any coherent order, I take no criticisms on this or my extreme bias
also i have not watched this movie for like years so my rage may outweigh my accuracy BUT
The opening?? With Cate blanchett narrating?? Who do u think u are?? Lord of the Rings? Peter Jackson in an epic trilogy changing the world forever?? You’re Disney eating your own meal and shitting it out again don’t fucking even try it
They didn’t even change anything and the animated intro was much shorter and better
The enchantress enters like Malificent, acts like a trickster god japing bitches, but try to paint her as Good uwu Princess.
Gaston, roughly the size of an ox if the ox was a slightly buff man who would bounce off Terry Crew’s majestic chest like a ping pong ball
You don’t have to be a crusty cynical adult to narrow ur eyes at that twunk picking up a solid 170kg of two people and think CGI
Yes, a queer-coded snivelling sidekick who adores a horrible man is exactly the gay representation we all wanted may I lick ur boots Disney and also suck ur dick but only if we say no homo
Gaston’s sidekick (don’t ask me to spell french) bribing the bar people to like Gaston or something??? The whole point?? Is that Gaston DOES check off the list for Desirable Bachelor in those times!! Can hunt? Yes. Lorge? Yes. Well off? Yup! An asshole? Of course, but does that matter in these times? No! Your privilege is to wash his socks! But Belle is a Different and Special Girl who DOESN’T find Gaston attractive for all the things the village thots do! Gaston is the outer ‘perfection’ that society praises while he’s still a cunt, the Beast is seeing the goodness within no matter what society says! The whole movie is fucking inverted by that one goddamn scene!! I hate this film!!!
this also makes it fuckin weird that they then discriminate against Maurice and side with gaston in the end? The villagers just do whatever the fuck the writer wants them to do and in this it’s so painfully obvious, the CEO of disney may as well be standing there with flags directing their movements in the background, I hate this fucking film
Instead of making cool inventions belles dad just makes like, a weird dolls house if I remember correctly
The Be My Guest was so lacklustre. It was like a clown singing kareoke in an empty warehouse while frisbees fly around. You wasted Ewan McGregor on this. Disney has no imagination anymore
To add to that, the ending ballroom scene dance thing?? Lacklustre. Disappoint. Bad dress.
The best character in this film is the horse, who not only remembers the impossible way to the Beast castle, but runs at max speed between the two locations (a half-day journey), regularly with ease, carries the Beast, who IS roughly the size of an ox, and fights off fucking wolves who also seem to totally ignore his presence
Disney robbed me of the one scene I did desperately want, which was Belle deadlifting the Beast on to the main character, the horse
ok the fucking plague ok. You do not mess with the goddamn plague. And this wasn’t cowpox either, this was the full 1500’s shithole Paris Black Death burn-you-alive fucking PLAGUE. Belle’s mom had the Plague, and both her and her dad somehow did not contract this while living with her through her entire sickness, they go to a different town (ISOLATE U HEATHENS) and then?? The Beast and Belle GO BACK to a plague house and run their hands all over shit! Do you know how long the plague takes to die off?? Even TODAY when we dig up a plague pit, everyone has to get immunized, I know this from EXPERIENCE. Congratulations, you and the Beast either have plague or have introduced it to your lovely village. Do not fuck lightly with the plague.
The magic fucking teleportation book.
what the shit
They use this shit to instantly Star Trek beam themselves into a plague house
I assume the Beast wasn’t using this to heist random women to see if they would fall in love with him because, like, why would you not do this when you can just politely return them with your stupid magical teleport book
People attack the castle? Use the magical teleport book dumbass
The Beast’s unnecessary, long, boring song from the top of some fucking tower, idk, I skipped it, I got bored
The Beast design. What’s the point if he doesn’t look like feral garbage please. Also his voice pissed me off but I can’t remember why
I dont like him even personality wise
give him to Guillemo del toro you cowards
This was set in Actual History for some fucking stupid reason, and for another unfathomable reason, it was set directly before the French Revolution, so I guess it’s not a happy ending at all. Who wants to be transformed into a guillotine ?
Why is it so fucking dark half the time
The teapot is creepy
Why in the shit did we get the Prince’s fuckin weird tragic backstory? We don’t care. Man get turned beast is what we come for. And why? Why do we need a tragic backstory to excuse his actions? Can he not just be an asshole? Rich, stupid asshole? Who then maybe has to learn a lesson? Instead of oh tortured soul rich boy is so misunderstood! No. Die.
Disney’s absolute desperate need to have characters be ONLY GOOD or BAD BAD makes me want to knee the face of the collective corporation so hard that they are sent into the Hell Dimension
Where did the hot priest at the start go? Why do I think of him sometimes
They want this to be painfully French, but somehow ends up and an even more agonizing blend between painfully British and ass-kissingly american.
Why does the castle just fall apart like that. What is holding it together? Spirit gum? Why? Stone that looks like it has been soldered together with a welding iron doesn’t just give out, or The Earth would have caved in millenia ago
Ian McKellan uses his Gandalf voice and in this film it’s honestly a crime and also jarring to hell
The prince is not hot at all
The stupid dubbed growl at the end which I try so hard to repress makes me want to throw myself into a swimming pool full of mace
The only 1 good thing about this film was the dude who got dressed up by the dresser and was so fucking happy about it.
People complain about the soundtrack, but I for one refused to listen to the songs that bored me within the first 20 seconds, and the ones I listened to were like average remakes of the OGs so that wasn’t really the worst sin
This film so visibly sucked its own dick that this is probably why it was banned in china
Thinking about this film makes me want to commit Violence so I think it’s about time I stopped
I will not be taking constructive criticism or counterpoints to anything about my thoughts on this ever.
Goodbye and thank you for your curiosity
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blood-gulch-reds · 5 years
Here is my secret Valentime's day fic for @not-madder-red !! Enjoy :)
When Dexter Grif was in highschool, Valentine's day was a day to be spent alone in his room downing discount chocolate by the package and rewatching season 253 of the bachelor, criticising the stupid people on the trash TV, and secretly wishing he had someone to laugh at the bachelor with. Over all, Grif never really cared about Valentine's day. But now that he actually had someone to watch TV with, he felt as though he owed it to Simmons to do something... Nice for Valentine's day.
While this mind set of niceness was... Well... Nice, it presented a set of problems. First off, Grif and Simmons had only just started dating ( if you could call watching star trek holding hands instead of not holding hands a date) for 4 Earth months. So in a romantic sense, Grif was absolutely in the dark about what Simmons enjoyed romantically. Secondly, Grif never really did Valentine's day and had no idea where to begin. Did Simmons expect roses? Did he think Grif would get him chocolates in a cardboard box? Out of all the things that the happy couple had talked about before tying the knot, romance was one subject that was never brought up to often.
And lastly, Grif had completely forgotten about Valentine's day until he woke up (at noon) to find that Donut had decorated the whole base with hearts cut out pink and red construction paper and plenty of glitter.
"Rise and shine buddy! Happy Valentine's day!" Donut sang from the kitchen,where he was preparing heart shaped sandwiches. 
Realization hit Grif like a bag of bricks and his face showed it. The only thing he was capable of saying was "I forgot it was Valentine's day". He slumped down into a chair at the kitchen table and donut set a plate down in front of him with a ham and mustard sandwich (sans the crust) cut in the shape of a heart with chips on the side.
Donut smiled curiously as he began to wash dishes. "Sure is!" He chirped in a chipper tone. He turned the water off and grabbed a dish towel to dry off some plates. "Hey, I could have sworn you didn't do Valentine's day? Why the change of... Heart?" He Snickered at his own stupid joke and thought Grif didn't show it (or any emotion besides shock for that matter) his distaste for the pun was immeasurable. 
"Well..." Grif began, absent mindedly taking a bite out of the sandwich. "Ia neavur- mm-" he decided to finish chewing the food in is mouth before talking, an unusually civil thing of him to do. Donut picked up on this gesture immediately and deemed whatever Griff was about to say as extremely important. He put away the plate he was holding and gracefully sat down at the seat across the table from where Grif was seated. "Mm damn that's a good sandwich. Where was I? Oh, right" Grif wiped his mouth with a napkin and took a breath. "I never really felt like... Well I never really got the whole point of it, y'know?" Donut nodded intently, slowly leaning more and more forward. "It's a fuckin Hallmark holiday- a chance for the big corporations to make money or whaterever and a chance to pick up some discounted candy for the lowly working man. But now that..." Grif drifted off for a moment, a slight ting coming to his cheeks. His eyes wandered elsewhere and Donut dared not to disturb him. "Now that Simmons and I... are a thing... I think I get it. I wanted to make our first Valentine's day special and like, get him something? but now it's just too late" Grif finished. A look of genuine disappointment spread across his face.
Donut perked up. Finally, a moment in need of his expertise!  "Too late? That's totally not true at all!" Grif looked up hopefully. If he was trying to hide his inner dialogue, he was failing miserably. "Look Grif, you've got the whole rest of the day to figure out what you're going to get the love of your life for your guy's first ever Valentine's day together as soul mates!!" Grif shrunk down into his hoodie and let out a groan. Donut pressed on anyway. "If you don't know what to get him, why not pick some flowers for him? It's shallow, but shows that you're trying".
Grif sat up and thought for a moment. "That's... That's not a bad idea." Grif then stood up and scarfed down what was left of the sandwich before walking towards the door. "Maybe I can turn this thing around... I don't have a ton of time but," he stoped and smiled to himself. "It's worth a shot. Thanks for the food Donut!" He said as he closed the door behind him.
Donut yelled "Wait! You forgot to put your dish away-" but Grif was already out the door. Donut rolled his eyes and placed the used dish in the sink. "These love birds..."
12:30 p.m.
Grif was gitty to get Simmons the perfect gift and, although Donut's flower idea was cute, he deemed him correct in saying it was a bit cliche. Grif wanted something a little more personal, and who better to ask about relationship then his ever romantic sister.
When Grif walked over to the 'blue house', as they had dubbed it, there was the ever familiar scent of burnt toast and chaos in the air. Before Grif could even process what was going on, there was a loud crash as panini press came flying through the window, followed by even louder yelling from Kai.
"ITS NOT THAT FUCKING HARD BRO I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW YOU BURNED- oh hey Dex!" Kai stormed out of the house, fuming, but her tone quickly changed when she saw her brother. Grif was stunned, but tried to quicky get over it as he had a job to do.
"Hey, Kaikaina. I had a question if you're not busy-"
"WHY IS THE WINDOW BROKEN? tUCKER‽" Washington's voice rang shrill in Grif's ears. Kai's face went pale.
"Why don't we take a walk?" She offered with a guilty smile. Grif pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.
"Yeah- ok that sounds good." The two of them walked toward the shore. Although they'd never talk about it aloud, the beach here fondly reminded them of home. Not the chaos of thier mother, nor the periods of time without food, but the gentle laughter they shared making each other feel better. Grif decided to start off with some light conversation. "Soooo," he began "what was that all about"
"Uhg it's bullshit! It all started last night when Tucker got drunk and put his dick in a-" 
"Woah! Ok never mind! Jesus Christ...", Said Grif, who realised there was no use trying to decipher blue team's bull shit and it would probably be best to just get to the point. "Look it's Valentine's day and I wanna get something nice for Simmons. Any ideas?"
Kaikaina stood still for a moment, just looking at the ground in awe. "I thought... I thought you didn't do Valentine's day."
Grif flushed "yeah well, things are different now". He was going to stop there but quickly added on, "and I only got like, a couple hours so... If you have any suggestions I'd like to hear 'em".  
Kai lit up like a Christmas tree. " 'if I have any ideas'? Bro I've been waiting for you get laid on Valentine's day since we were in highschool!" Grif's cheeks and ears darkened in tone while the patch of Simmons skin on his right cheek turned bright red. 
"Just get on with it!" 
Kai smiled. " Ok ok... You need a gift idea? Here's one: get him something he's been talking about for a few weeks." Grif was about to thank Kai for her genuinely good advice before she continued, "that way he'll know that you're a good listener and be way more eager to let you go down on him like a tow truck!!"
"I second that! Chicks- er- bottoms are totally into good listeners!" Said Tucker, who had appeared our of seemingly nowhere.
"Where the fuck did you come from???" Kai inquired, shifting her weight onto one hip.
"Oh, you know-"
"No. We don't." Grif interjected.
Tucker shrugged. "I needed to get away from base for a while. It's was getting to chaotic for me-
"That and Wash probably threatened to skin him for burning breakfast and breaking a window" Kai teased. Grif smiled at Kai's remark and watched Tucker throw his hands up defensively.
"Hey! First of all, you broke that window. Secondly, I needed some space from caboose! He's all emotional because it's Valentine's day. He misses church." 
Grif suddenly had an idea. No one was more... Soft? Innocently romantic? Genuinely kind?? Then caboose. Kai and Tucker were bickering like lovers often do (not that they were together... Or maybe they were? Grif didn't know, nor did he want to know) so he slipped away and he was off to find Caboose.
1:20 pm.
When Grif finally made it to the blue's house, things had seemed to settle down. He let himself in and found a very defeated wash sitting at the kitchen table, clutching a cat shaped mug. Carolina was looming over him, clearly trying to be comforting. They both looked up when Grif came in, but otherwise didn't acknowledge his presence. 
"Uh... Hey. Is caboose around?" 
Wash mumbled into his mug, "how did he burn a bowl of cereal…." 
"Yes, I think he's on the roof" said Carolina, who looked sympathetic and tired.
Grif noded and showed himself upstairs. The aftermath of whatever happened this morning clearly has left it's scars on everyone and Grif and absolutely no intention of finding out the full compendium of events that had occurred. He made his way into the attic and through the small window on the south facing side of the house that led to a flat, sturdy spot on the roof. The Reds' and Blues' houses were built exactly the same, but they mirrored each other. Sarge absolutely refused to believe that the houses were identical and claimed that the Red house had three more roofing tiles, making it superior. 
Grif opened the window and crawled out onto the roof to find Caboose sitting with Church's helmet, a glass of orange juice, a copy of the old earth show Friends, and a red heart shaped paper folded down the middle. Grif felt bad disturbing him, but it had to be done. "Uh, hey man. Happy Valentine's day…"
Caboose looked up (he had been looking at the clouds) and smiled. "Hi Gruff!!! Happy Valentime's day" he look around as if something were the matter. "Where is Cinnamons? It is Valentime's day and you two aren't together?" 
Grif crawled up next to him and pulled out a bag of Hershey's kisses. He offered some to Caboose and said "yeah about that… I want to get him a gift but I don't know what to get him. I figured you might have an idea?". 'Why am I even asking?' he thought to himself. 'if Donut, Kai, and Tucker of all people couldn't give me good enough advice why am I even here‽ Desperation?'. 
Caboose was quiet for a moment before thoughtfully saying, "when church was still here, he didn't like it very much when I gave him hugs, but he really liked this one show?" He held up the copy of Friends, and Grif nodded intently. "So we would watch it together alot! On Valentime's day, I would make him a card like this one-" he pointed to the red heart shaped paper and Grif noticed that there was writing on the inside. Not Caboose's writing because the penmanship had bitchy (and legible) undertones. He concluded that it was Church's card to Caboose and suddenly Grif started to put everything together. "I liked cards and he liked Friends! So we did that together. I miss him alot sometimes", Caboose concluded. 
Grif tapped him on the shoulder. "I know man. We miss him too." There was a moment of bitter sweet silence before Grif said,"thanks Caboose. I have to get going to Sim-... Cinnamons." 
"Ok! Happy Valentime's day Gruff!" Caboose said cheerfully. Grif smiled and climbed down. He set off to town, with a pretty good idea of what to get Simmons.
2:30 pm
Grif got stuck in traffic
The store was crowded with men and women with the same last minute, albeit good, intentions.
Grif waited anxiously in line at his final stop. 
Grif was stuck in more traffic. The sun was just starting to go down.
Halfway home. Traffic finally let up
Grif finally made it home, but despite all his delays he just sat in the warthog for a moment. The silence was killing him, but he needed time to collect his thoughts. After breathing for a minute or two, Grif grabbed his bags and hopped out of the vehicle. He knew Simmons had been working on some computer repairs (his side hussle for a little extra spending money, not that they needed it as Kimbal provided for their every need) in his 'lab'. He called it his lab, but everyone else called it Simmons' room that he turned into a workspace after he kinda sorta moved into Grifs' room. Actually, everyone else called it the nerd cave. Grif made his way up to the nerd cave and lightly knocked on the door.
The music that had been playing was hushed and a few moments later Simmons opened the door. "Grif! Hey man." He said, smiling widely. He was a mess. His hair was just long enough in the front to be held back by a hair tie, which formed a tiny little hair stump on the back of his head. He was sweaty and had clearly been working non-stop for the last who knows how long (Grif did- he had been working for 14 hours straight at his own discretion) made clear by the 3 empty coffee cups on his desk. His cybernetic eye was softly glowing, meaning that he had been extensively using it to magnify whatever teensy circuit boards he had been working on. Tldr: he was truly a geeky, nerdy mess. Grif thought he look amazing.
"Hey Simms.. hey can you uh-" for a moment he hesitated. What Simmons thought this was stupid? What if he hated this whole stupid holiday? What if he thought- no. Grif shook his jitters and said, "can you take a break for a sec?" 
Simmons wiped his face with his sleeve. "Yeah dude of course what's up?" Grif reached into one of the paper bags on his arm and pulled out a medium sized bouquet of roses. They were shades of orange and maroon, to colors that held a good deal of significance to the two of them. He stuck out his arm, offering the flowers to Simmons. He looked away and shoved his free and in his pocket. "I uh.. I picked these up for you" Simmons didn't move for a moment and Grif's world came crashing down. He thought it was stupid. Donut was wrong, Kai and Tucker were wrong, caboose was wrong everything is so fucking stupid how could he be this dumb? He was about to walk away when Simmons gingerly took the flowers in his robotic hand. "Grif… these are beautiful. You went to town just to get these for me?"
"Well, no." Said Grif. Simmons looked a little disappointed at this. Grif realised what we said and how it came out before quickly adding, "no! I- I mean I like got more then just flowers for you uh… here" he said, getting a small tissue paper wrapped object out of the second bag. Simmons gently tore away at the paper and gasped with glee when he saw a Phillips Head #000 screwdriver. "Oh my god! Dude! I've been talking about how I need one of these forever!" Grif smiled, feeling much more confident in his Valentine's grifs. Simmons took the little tool (the screwdriver, not his boyfriend) back to his desk and placed it carefully on top of a book. He came rushing back to give Grif a hug. "Thank you so much dude."
Grif was taken back at how much Simmons really did appreciate his gifts. It felt nice to make him smile like this! But there was one more gift in store…Grif broke away from Simmons grip and pulled out a small velvet box. Simmons looked on in with anticipation. "When we were in blood gulch", began Grif. "We went to the Vegas and you hated every minute of it but you pushed through for me. We went back again and again and that one time… what was it? 4 years ago? You hit big on black jack. You were so happy and I was happy for you? It was like 'damn. He's finally enjoying a vacation.' anyway… I went downtown today and got this." He opened the box and revealed a poker chip- a golden one. It was ingraved with delicate lettering that spelled out "for Richard~". 
"Grif…" Simmons started to tear up (loser). He looked up and smiled a genuine smile. "I love it" he said, enveloping Simmons in another, tighter hug. Grif was struggling to breathe, but it was worth it. "N-no problem. Hhhappy Valentine's day." He wheezed out. 
Simmons dropped him suddenly. "I just realized" he shifted his weight "I thought you didn't do Valentine's day…" 
Grif ran a dang through his hair. "Yeah well, I found a pretty damn good reason to start celebrating." 
Simmons lit up. "In that case…" he pulled out a plastic bag filled with limited addition mint oreos and handed it to Grif. "I can give these to you early" 
Grif started crying. "It's a Valentine's day Miracle!"
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gunnerpalace · 4 years
Hi! Same anon as the previous one. Tbh, I agree wholeheartedly with you. Y'see I do ask rhetorically,too but i could really accept and understand how and why ppl can be oblivious to IchiRuki, and somehow felt that the 'canon' should suffice, even the most excruciating of all is the fact a number found the ending even acceptable (ships aside, too). Again, I could respect that. But it's my greatest bane when ppl ask 'why' and not be clear they are asking rhetorically because I literally will
provide you an actual answer. And I get it, it’s the reason why ppl find shipping wars toxic and silly. But then again, as human, conflicts are always part of us (partly because as social psych explains so, we are gravitated to the negative for that allows us to change and survive), and the reason why “logical fallacies” are coined in the first place. Human will always debate, and argue about something; the only thing we could change is how we approach the opposing views.
Again, I dont condone any way, shape or form of abuse and harm. In some certain extent, I could perhaps understand it’s much harder for some IH to approach the actual argument being there’s either too much noise, and trapped in their own island between sea of salt. Thus becoming too acquianted w/ few IH who shared the same thought until it became their views as the only truth (see, that’s why its important to have debates! it is what keep us grounded and fair! Just like you said)
Who am I to speak though? I never ever challenged anyone anyways. And as you said, you just have to understand things in every way you could possibly think of–endless ‘whys’. Which is where I agree in your reply the most–this silly fandom wars is just the black mirror to every truth that lies beneath human psyche–the dark and the grimy. Heck, being a psych major is like staring at dark hole–at times, good, but most just plain confusing, revolting even or just heartbreaking.
Sorry it’s been long, but for the final of this ask: let me tell how glad I was with IchiRuki fandom I found in tumblr. It was the saltiest I’ve ever been (im not generally a fandom person anyways) but it’s the himalayan salt–expensive and actually nutritive it really deepened my desire to become wiser in general. And you for your wonderful essays, critiques and whatnot. I definitively would love to talk with you more not only about IchiRuki but the wonders and nightmare that us humans! Kudos!
I have sitting in my drafts a post spelling out my thoughts on “canon” (and thus, the people who cling to it) in that as a concept it privileges:
officiality over quality when it comes to validity (thus violating Sturgeon’s law)
corporations (intellectual property rights holders) over fans, and thus capitalists over proletarians
hierarchical dominance over mutualist networking within fandom
curative fandom over transformative fandom
genre over literary content
plot over characters
events over emotions
It is notable that (1) generally degrades art as a whole, (2) generally advances the capitalist agenda, and (3–7) generally advances the dominance of men over women (as the genders tend to be instructed by society to view these as A. dichotomies rather than spectrums, and B. to ascribe gender to them and make them polarities). These form the sides of a mutually reinforcing power structure (in the typical “Iron Triangle” fashion) designed to preserve and maintain the status quo.
Who really benefits from say, the policing of what is or is not “canon” in Star Wars? Disney, first and foremost. And then whomever (almost certainly male) decides to dedicate their time to memorizing the minutiae of whatever that corporation has decided is “legitimate.”
One can imagine a universe in which fan fic is recognized by companies for what it is: free advertising. (Much like fan art already is.) Instead, it is specifically targeted by demonetization efforts in a way that fan art isn’t. Why? Because it demonstrates that corporate control and “official” sanction has no bearing on quality, and it is thus viewed as undermining the official products.
In the same way, by demonstrating that most “canonical” works are frankly shit, it undermines the investiture of fans in focusing on details that are ultimately errata (the events, the plot, the genre), which is the core function of curative fandom and the reason for its hierarchical structure. The people who “know the most” are at the top, but what they “know” is basically useless garbage. And those people so-engaged are, of course, usually male.
To “destroy” the basis of their credibility, and indeed the very purpose of their community, is naturally viewed by them as an attack.
(This is not to say that efforts to tear down internal consistency within established cultural properties are good unto themselves, or even desirable. For example, efforts to redefine properties such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, and Ghostbusters, for the sake of a identity-politics agenda have largely A. failed as art, B. failed as entertainment, C. failed to attract the supposedly intended audience, and D. failed to advance the agenda in question. Trying to repurpose extant media in the name of culture wars is essentially always doomed to failure unless it is done deftly and gradually.)
(At the same time, this also shows what I was talking about last time, with regard to people seeing whatever they want to see. You will see people complain that Star Trek and Doctor Who didn’t “used to be so political,” which is obviously nonsense. These shows were always political. What changed was how their politics were presented. For example, Star Trek has, since TNG, always shown a nominally socialist or outright communist future, but was beloved by plenty of conservatives because they could [somehow] ignore that aspect of it.)
Of course, almost no one is seriously suggesting that one side of the spectrums outlined above be destroyed, rather merely that a new balance be struck upon the spectrum. But, as we have seen time and again in society, any threat to the status quo, whether that be 20% of Hugo Awards going to non-white male authors or the top income tax rate in America being increased by a measly 5.3% (from 28.7% to 34%… when the all-time high was 94% and for over 50 years it was above 50%) is a threat. This is why, for example, Republicans are out there branding AOC as a “socialist” when her policies are really no different at all from a 1960 Democrat who believed in FDR’s New Deal. (Which they, of course, have also demonized as “socialism.”)
(As an aside, all this ignores the fact that most of the “literary canon” of Western civilization, or at least English literature… is Biblical or historical fan fic.)
And this is when I finally get to my point.
Those people out there who denigrate and mock shippers and shipping, the people who hurl “it reads like fan fiction” as an insult, and so on, are the people who benefit from and enjoy the extant power structure. You will see the same thing with self-identified “gamers” complaining about “fake girl gamers.” Admitting that the hobby has a lot of women in it, and a lot of “casuals,” and is indeed increasingly dominated by “non-traditional demographics” is an affront to the constructed identity of being a “gamer.” They are “losing control.” And they don’t like it.
This exact same sort of population is what the “fanbase” of Bleach has been largely reduced down to through a slow boiling off of any actual quality. Of course they’re dismissive of people who are looking for anything of substance: their identity, their “personal relationship” with the franchise, is founded on a superficial appreciation of it: things happening, flashy attacks, eye-catching character designs, fights, etc.
(What this really boils down to, at heart, is that society at large has generally told men that emotions are bad, romance and relationships of all kinds are gross, and that thinking and reflecting on things is stupid. So of course they not only don’t care about such things, but actively sneer at them as “girly�� or “feminine,” which is again defined by society at large as strictly inferior. And this gender divide and misogyny is of course promulgated and reinforced by the powers that be, the capitalists, to facilitate class divisions just like say racism generally is.)
(The latest trick of these corporate overlords has been the weaponization of “woke” culture to continue to play the people off one another all the time. “If you don’t like this [poorly written, dimensionless Mary Sue] Strong Female Character, then you are a racist misogynist!” They are always only ever playing both sides for profit, not advancing an actual ideological position. It is worth noting that there was a push by IH some years ago to define IR as “anti-feminist” for critiquing Orihime for essentially the exact same reasons [admittedly, not for profit, but still as critical cover].)
Which makes it very curious, therefore, that the most ardent IH supporters tend to be women. (Though there are more than a few men, they seem to tend to support it because it is “canon” and to attack it is to attack “canon” and thus trigger all of the above, rather than out of any real investment.) I think there are a number of reasons for this (which I have detailed before) and at any rate it is not particularly surprising; 53% of white women voted for Trump, after all.
What we are really seeing in fandom, are again the exact same dynamics that we see at larger and larger scales, for the exact same reasons. The stakes are smaller, but the perception of the power struggle is exactly the same.
Of course, the people who are involved in these things rarely think to interrogate themselves as to the true dimensions and root causes of their motivations. People rarely do that in general.
Putting all that aside, I’m glad that you have found a place you enjoy and feel comfortable, and thank you for the kind words, although I am not of the opinion that there is anything poignant about the non-fiction I write. It is, as I keep trying to emphasize, all there to be seen. One just has to open their eyes. So, it’s hard for me to accept appreciation of it.
Anyway, don’t feel shy about coming off of anon rather than continuing to send asks. We don’t really bite.
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
thoughts on alec? since this is mainly a magnus blog i guess i'm curious.
kfjlkfgjd thanks for resending sorry tumblr’s a bitch ily
eh i feel like generally i talk mostly about magnus bc Every Other Blog (not literally obviously but like, in general) talks about Only Alec just like…..24/7
so while i like him fine, he’s like, mostly Magnus’s Love Interest on my blog lghjflgkhjfgh but honestly just generally while i do like him i honestly don’t find him that….interesting, individually, i guess? i mean he’s not quite boring, but he’s not a character i really relate to
so the reason i don’t really write alec-centric stuff is like. 1. i just don’t find him as interesting (although i’ve had a few ideas, they’ll likely never be published thanks to…) 2. Spite
aka the alec stans suck. the Alec Stans™ to be clear, the ones who suck, not everyone who likes alec. but like, yeah
anyway let’s not just talk salt and me being petty, despite alec being not my fave i can afford to answer one (1) ask without my entire blog crumbling down and revealing i’ve been an alec stan this whole time without me even knowing it
ok so alec headcanons i guess
1. alec was a chatty kid. not what you’d think, right? but then like, he was taking care of izzy, bc she’s his baby sister and Protective, and jace wasn’t really the type to listen to him. like, ever. alec would suddenly realize jace hadn’t been listening the whole time pretty much every time he tried to have a conversation with him or talk about things he was interested in, even when he listened when jace talked about his latest crush or whatever he was interested in. alec started abruptly going quiet before his sentence was finished, and jace didn’t seem to notice or was just like oh good you’re finally done talking, here’s what i was gonna say. eventually alec gives up. he still talks to izzy but she’s so little it’s a lot slower paced and he usually pays more attention to her than what he wants to say bc Baby Sister. by the time izzy’s old enough to like, properly, hold a conversation (she is also pretty chatty) alec’s already gone a lot quieter. by the time we see him, he basically doesn’t initiate conversation on things he’s interested in that aren’t work-related. he does still sometimes talk to izzy, but it’s hard to get the words out and get everything sounding right, so he gets annoyed with himself. it doesn’t come as easy anymore.
and not to show my magnus stan roots but magnus is kind of similar, albeit way less clear cut, he tends to ramble and talk a lot about his special interests only to shut himself up when he realizes he’s definitely boring whoever he’s talking to (he isn’t, necessarily, but after enough times being told to shut up when you get excited you believe everyone wants you to shut up.) and then he was trying to keep up the whole classy unaffected stylish “def not an adorkable disaster bi nerd, i am dangerous deadly unaffected lothario man who has never even heard of star trek or whatever” facade, and rambling about whatever interested him didn’t really fit that. so he retreated more into himself, too. he did have his friends to talk to, but catarina is so busy and he doesn’t want to bother her and raphael doesn’t want to hear his foolish old dad ramble on, does he, and ragnor–he’d always put up with magnus’s babble, and listened, but magnus felt like he was boring him and then ragnor was–well.
anyway so to united these, then, they met each other. and it takes a while, but they get comfortable with each other. magnus goes on a long ramble about a potion he’s been trying to get just right and then cuts himself off, embarrassed, and apologizes for probably boring alec, and alec’s like what? no, that was really interesting, i was listening, can you explain the thing with the mandrake root? and magnus is like…oh.. (also side note: magnus is incredibly cute when rambling about things he’s interested in, he waves his hands a lot and his eyes are all excited and warm and he’s so lively, and clearly passionate, that it’s engaging and pulls you in. like a really good professor. and sometimes he starts talking about something way above most people’s heads without realizing how Smart he is, but if you ask him to clarify he’s like, totally non-condescending and explains it in creative and understandable way????? sorry im in love with adhd magnus thanks to someone anyway)
and then vice versa, alec slowly feels more comfortable talking about things that interest him, like a book he’s been reading and how it’s so fucking stupid the heroine went for the “blonde bad boy” when he’s such a dick to her, or whatever, like it starts as an angry rant about something but before he can cut himself off he realizes magnus is listening. like, actually listening. and like, if it’s appropriate, magnus will ask questions, engage in what alec’s talking about, and alec finds himself getting better at putting to words what he means and magnus is never mean about it, always patient and understanding
2. as a kid alec read romance novels. cheesy shitty fun romance novels. especially the ones that are like, written by women (or better, queer people, but that’s later) and aren’t weird? you know what i mean? and he loved them. romance was something young alec dreamed of a lot, even if he tried to ignore how he preferred tall, dark, and handsome to the main character, or the kind man the heroine fell in love with to the heroine herself. he hid trashy romance novels like most teen boys his age (including jace) hid porn magazines or whatever. he eventually maybe found some queer lit, but he didn’t dare to bring those back to the institute, instead choosing to go to the library the few times he had free time to sneak out (aka when he wasn’t working, sleeping, training, or watching izzy and jaces’ backs when they snuck out to clubs and shit.
also: 3. also i stand by the fact that alec wasn’t in denial about being gay. he wasn’t repressed, he knew exactly what he wanted and who he was, he just didn’t think it was possible for him to be with a man and be happy. 
4. alec isn’t a sweet innocent baby boy!!!! he’s seen porn, he knows how sex works, he’s masturbated, and honestly i know the show said otherwise but i find it hard to believe he never once fooled around even a little bit. just a little bit. no actual dating? not hard to believe at all. even being a “virgin” despite how outdated and terrible the concept is, not unbelievable. plenty of “normal” people reach college-age without ever having had sex, let alone shadowhunters raised to be demon-fighting soldiers. but like. look. he has the Energy. alec….Alec Fucks. also just something about the whole like, his siblings are always sneaking off to clubs and he follows them to watch their backs (is this canon or just common fanon? i honestly don’t remember) just screams to me hey, he may or may not have made out with an adventurous seelie or a mundane with eyes. or maybe a blowjob or a handjob, who knows. i’m JUST SAYING. i know this isn’t canon but i don’t care. alec lightwood has seen a dick
5. alec is ridiculously protective of people he loves. especially family (both in the sense of literal family like izzy, and family in the sense of “making your own family” like magnus) like he’d kill for them, he’d die for them, he’d live forever for them,
6. alec can and will become immortal for magnus. and not just literally only for magnus, for himself as well–like he doesn’t have to spend the rest of his life being a tool for the clave, he can work for better relations between downworlders and shadowhunters, and like accords that aren’t shitty, and he can be more than just another soldier or even head of the institute, he can be more and have time to actually spend time on himself, like it doesn’t have to be training-work-protect his siblings-sleep-training, and then one day he gets married and has kids and dies. he can actually experience the world, do things he enjoys, spend time with his husband, and most of all, he can spend the rest of his life with magnus bane, the love of his life, his husband, someone he loves so much. he can make sure magnus’s heart doesn’t get broken again by falling in love only to lose him. they get their happy ending, you know???? we stan
7. alec would be a great dad i dont know what to tell you he just would be 
8. one of the first kinks alec realized he really had like. with magnus. was office sex. yes im a slut what about it
this is bc he was minding his own business, doing paperwork at his desk, and magnus maybe sent a flirty text and alec was like mm i want to fuck him right now. and then he was staring at his desk thinking mm i want to bend him over this desk, sweep all this paper off the desk and rip off his clothes, take off his panties last and then lick his pussy until he’s begging for me to fuck him then press his chest down against the desk and fuck him until he screams. maybe i could tie his wrists behind his back with a tie. like i’m his boss? oh my god magnus in a secretary outfit. shit. he gets no work done that day. it’s just a rabbit hole of one thought to another until he’s like. sitting there hard and unable to focus on his work bc the mental image of magnus bent over in a skirt over his desk keeps playing his mind and he doesn’t want to do this paperwork he’d much rather be doing his husband.
9. alec loves making out with magnus on the couch like they’re just chilling and watching a movie and cuddling and alec loves to pull magnus into his arms and just make out. like literally not even “this ends in sex and gets hot and heavy” literally just magnus in his arms. and they kiss a lot. it’s soft and warm and relaxing tbh
10. magnus!!! and alec!!! cuddling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they both love it!!!!!! they’re both lowkey touch-starved!!!!!!
11. alec’s a dom top and that’s that my dudes
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warrenkoles · 4 years
tag meme !!!
i was tagged by @melmey-fanfics <33 
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: wesley/wes 
2. NICKNAMES: i used to have soooooo many nicknames, turns out i was just trans & got super dysphoric being referred to as my birth name lol! 
3. ZODIAC SIGN: aquarius
4. HEIGHT: 5’6″
5. LANGUAGES: english only, i would like to learn other languages but dont really have the time or the energy to commit to it
6. NATIONALITY: american :/
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: autumn, 100%. that feeling and smell in the air......signs for halloween pop up stores that smell 100% pure polysterene plastic............and pumpkins!! 
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: i dont really know much about flowers outside of the fact that they exist and smell nice and are pretty. ive wanted to get more into gardening and help plant some things in our yards but again - time, energy, etc. i think if i had to choose i would say honeysuckles. they are my favorite flower smell and makes me think of summers as a child.
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: strong smells give me migraines, so i am very choosy about scents. i hate anything artificial smelling. i would probably say my favorite smell is Books. new books, hardcovers, paperback, old books, books that are crumbling. bibles, textbooks. printed paper smells so lovely
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: RED. all shades of red. most of the things i own are red and/or black lmfao 
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: probably dogs bc i have 2 dogs and am most comfortable with them & know the most about taking care of them. i love most other animals but dont rly know much abt them outside of me going “gasp! theyre cute so i love them!” lol
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): wesley mitchell & travis marks from common law. crowley & aziraphale from good omens. chidi anagonye from the good place. spock from star trek tos. holmes & watson primarily from the acd canon, but ive watched a loooot of adaptations and read tons of pastiches lmfao. alec hardy from broadchurch. idk i have a lot of favorites i could go on and on and on
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  it depends? i mostly drink coffee though in the mornings. but i like all these. i usually only drink hot chocolate in the winter time.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: lmaaaaaaaaoooooooo probs like. 5-7 hours on the weekdays and then 10+ on the weekends please do not judge me
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: i love them both but dogs for the above reason. i’ve never had cats bc i’m allergic and so is my dad
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: usually a comforter and i also have a weighted blanket , usually if i rly cant sleep i put use the weighted blanket which helps
17. DREAM TRIP: okinawa, japan. anywhere in the uk would be fun too, it can be very scenic and historical plus i rly like colder & rainy type climates the most idk. anywhere really ive only ever traveled within the usa. 
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: idk when exactly but it was sometime like 2016-ish or so since i originally had another blog that was from 2009 (my freshman year of high school) but when tumblr did that thing where they logged everyone out and forced us all to change our passwords via email in 2016 or so , i had to make a new one since my blog was so old that i couldnt get into the email i used back then and never thought to update. ugh it sucked so bad i was so upset about that
19. FOLLOWERS: 531
20. RANDOM FACT: i have a ba in psychology! im really proud of that. :D
i tag:  hmmmm idk whoever wants to do it i guess ? i get nervous abt tagging ppl for some reason idk lmfao
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 21
Or in other words
"N I C E"
Notes by me
- confirmed that when sam talks science the other three just tune out
- they made a big deal of showing us her cut hand so I feel like it has significance
- oh no. Is the note his resignation or something pls say no I dont want hammond to leave
- they are back in the gate room?
- dont u hate it when u look up and realize you're underneath rocket boosters
- them running around yelling and tealc just fuckin shoots it
- the note syas George. George mcfly?
- Daniel so excited about time travel
- *stoner voice* dont mess with the time travel man its bad juju
- soldier, in russian: "are you Russian spies?"
Daniel, also in russian: "no"
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- is the close up of the guy smoking a ciggerent really necessary
- this is bothering me I'm bothered! Jack told the guy his name was Kirk and the guy didnt act like he knew what star trek was but the original series came out in the 60s???? Unless he lives under a rock
- "what sort of weapon did you use?"
"Well its hard to say"
"You mean its a state secret?"
"No its just difficult to pronounce"
- does hammond know they went back in time
- "theyre on their own" OH he knows
- sam: we are doomed
Jack: or?
Sam: there is no or
Jack: there's an or
Daniel: theres an or?
- "where theres a will.....THERES AN OR"
- A young hammond!!
- he acts exactly like him
- time travel man. Best trope in the book
- Obsessed with how he just takes their word for it that they're from the future. His life is just so boring he'll believe anything to make it exciting I guess
- young hammond said they still have jacks ray gun? What ray gun
- Jack omg ask before you shoot ppl. I'm sure if u asked him hammond would gladly be unconcious so as not to arouse suspicion
- so the 'something to happen' that they are waiting for is on the 10th or 11th. That means they are gonna spend like 6 days in the 60s lol
- Sam is the one to thumb bc she is a woman and the most likely to get picked up by a passing car I suppose
- "I speak 23 different languages. pick one"
- GOOD god tealc pls the racism is much worse right now, dont just jump out in traffic. Jack panicked for good reason
- these hippies....... Are so baked
- "whats your thing mean? Peace?"
"Slavery to false gods"
" right on!"
- they really put sg1 in 60s clothes. Bless the stargate gods.
- TEALCS HAIR okay but who took him inside a wig store and made him try on a bunch of hair
- there was a split second clip of them coming out of a store and tealc was waiting outside. My monkey brain says Bodyguard!tealc but my rational brain says racism
- Jack seems the only one with normal clothes. Daniel looks like he talks with a nasally voice. Sam looks like a mom. Tealc looks like he goes to discos on the weekends. Jack is like....in a t shirt
- lay low they said. It'll be easy they said.
- hammond asked her to do the research bc he knew it was gonna happen✨ my boy is SMART
- when they are talking about how theyre aliens and tealc is like...i am an alien
- oh god theyre so nice 😭
- daniels bad german accent should be illegal
- wait katherine??? Oh my gooodddd she has the necklace!!! Its my favorite series relic!!!
- how did she not recognize Daniel in the future. Its not like hes wearing a fake mustache
- felt like i got punched in the face when she said her boyfriend got drafted :(
- I want nothing but happiness for these van hippies I'm soft
- when they pull the bolts and the walls fall off revealing the gate ✊😭 modern art
- this whole plan has like a 50/50 chance of working. What are we waiting for
- I think jacks specialty in this show is falling out of the gate
- I thought this old lady was a ghost for a hot sec
- "youre journey is just beginning" I should think so! Theres like 8 seasons left
- theyve been gone for like a week and then come back thru the gate wearing hippie outfits. Wheres the sitcom about the back round characters who just see them leave and come back
- hammond almost didnt let them go bc he didnt know if they made it back or not 😫😫💗💗💗💗💞💞
- jack: that was close we almost got stuck in the 60s
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Jack Oniell whump: smacked in the face with butt of gun
Team sg1: gunpoint , kneeling
🎶listening to Summer Of '69 by Brian Adams 🎶 for obvious reasons
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rosepetalmark · 6 years
Not in the Stars
2.5k words
Renjun x Reader
warnings: alcohol mention
in which you plan to confess your love for your best friend to him at a party, but the universe has other plans in store for the both of you. 
You like Renjun. A lot. 
That was one sentence in your five years of friendship with Huang Renjun that you never thought you’d say to yourself, let alone admit to. 
You don’t know where these feelings came from, but all you know is that they’re strong and on your mind twenty four seven. Everything he says and does captivates your mind, causing your feelings for him to grow even stronger.
It’s as if these feelings for him suddenly hit you like a brick one day. You were strictly best friends last week, and now you have these unexplainable deep feelings for him, eating you alive and begging for you to confess to him.
It’s not that you’re opposed to dating Renjun, it’s just that he’s been your best friend for several years and he means so incredibly much to you. You just don’t want to risk losing him or making things between you two weird if he doesn’t feel the same. 
So you suppress your feelings. As long as you have Renjun as your best friend, that’s all that matters, right?
Jaemin always makes you second guess yourself, explaining that the dynamic duo that you and Renjun are would be ten times more incredible if you were dating. Since you’re already best friends and know everything about each other, why not date? Only bigger and better things can come from it he always says.
Although Jaemin makes strong points, you’re still scared Renjun will turn you away, mainly because you’re ninety nine percent certain that he only views you as a friend, nothing more and nothing less. 
Yeah you have sleepovers  and spend hours late at night talking on the phone with one another, but that’s what best friends do. If Huang Renjun has any feelings for you, you’re sure someone would have said something by now. 
You get the typical stares from old people when you make your daily trek to school in the morning, him waiting outside your house for you at exactly seven forty two, smiling so bright the second you walk out your front door.  
You constantly get mistaken as his girlfriend whenever you go out together on the weekend, which always causes a deep pink blush to appear on Renjun’s cheeks. He’s always quick to brush it off though, making it clear to everyone around you that you’re strictly best friends, and that neither of you view each other in that way. 
Boy is he wrong.
Everything about Renjun makes your heart flutter, and that’s something that scares you.
For starters, he excels so well in school. For someone who spends eighty percent of his time doodling instead of taking notes, he aces every test and can recite every piece of information that’s been discussed in class with no problem.
He’s caring and funny, and so unapologetically himself. He takes you to art museums on your spare time, talks about the latest conspiracy that’s on his mind, and always insists you go for milkshakes every Sunday night.
And boy was he cute. The way he tilts his head all the way back and crinkles his eyes when he laughs makes your heart absolutely melt.
Huang Renjun makes you happy and positive and there’s nothing more in this world that you want than to hold his hand and kiss him in public, as well as call him your boyfriend so bad. 
It wasn’t until you were out late with him, hanging out on the roof at Jeno’s house, trying to escape the loudness that was coming from inside. Jeno was throwing a kickback to celebrate the beginning of summer, something he does ever year, in which there’s always too many people inside, and you and Renjun find yourself on the roof trying to seek solace in the stars. 
Renjun looked so ethereal in the moonlight. There was nothing more that you wanted to do than press your lips ever so gently against his, and hold his hand while staring up at the stars displayed so brightly above you both in the dark sky. 
“What are you thinking about bubs?” Renjun asked, referring to the nickname he gave you when he found out that’s the name you gave your favourite stuffed rabbit when you were a child. 
God the way his voice sounded in this moment made you weak. The tipsiness you both experienced earlier was wearing off, causing your lack of hydration to become present through your raspy voices. 
But you don’t care. You’re with Renjun, and you are warm and comfortable and in love. 
In love. 
You’re in love with Huang Renjun and you can’t keep it in any longer.
Maybe this would be the best time to tell him. Every time you’re completely sober, you push the idea to the side, trying your best to forget your feelings for him even exist. What if Jun doesn’t feel the same? What if he does but months down the line you figure out you’re better off as friends, and then when you try to get back into your non-romantic routine, everything feels off? You always worry that things will go wrong and Renjun will eventually stop being your friend.
Not tonight though. Renjun looks gorgeous in the moonlight and the little bit of alcohol that remains in your system is acting as your source of encouragement, convincing you to confess to him right now and hope for the best outcome possible. 
“Love,” you reply nonchalantly. 
“Love?” he questions, staring back to you, seemingly surprised with your response. 
“Yeah. Just wondering what the universe has in store for me, you know?” you ask, turning your body to face his direction, criss crossing your legs over one another. “The idea of love both intrigues me and freaks me out. It’s exciting anticipating what will come from it, but the fear of something going wrong down the line makes me not want to pursue it, you know?” you say, staring innocently into his eyes.
He cocks his head, an intrigued look falling on his face. He purses his lips, looking as if he’s going to say something, but remains silent. 
You both remain in silence for the next several minutes, which causes your thoughts to wander. What if Renjun has caught on? Maybe he’s thinking of ways to turn you down gently. Or he’s trying to express that he somehow knows you’re talking about him, and he’s trying to do so in a similar manner. 
But the silence is killing you, and you want nothing more than for Renjun to say something. Anything to get your thoughts to shut up, and your heart race to stop rapidly beating.
“I think you shouldn’t be scared of love,” he finally says. 
Taking a deep breath, he looks off into the sky, admiring the many stars laying millions of miles away from you both. “I get that you never know what may come out of it, but I think it’s worth a shot to know you tried, and to experience something you’re not fully sure is going to work,”  he speaks softly.
“Take a look at the universe for example. It’s so big and undiscovered, yet millions of people are fascinated by it. We’re obsessed with the stars and galaxies and the possibility of aliens- which I know for a fact exist by the way, yet we’re not afraid to spend our time discovering them and giving them our attention. I think of love in a similar manner. Yeah the thought seems so broad and scary, as there’s so many things to experience and discover, but I think it’s worth it. You’re only going to learn new things about yourself and life, so why not give it a shot?”
He clears his throat, and pays his attention back to you. He has a look of determination in his eyes, and that only makes you grow even more anxious.
“Aren’t you a wise expert on love, Mr. Huang,” you chuckle.
“Well what can I say? I do a lot of thinking on my spare time when I’m not bickering with you,” he laughs, positioning himself on his arms so he can get a better view of the night sky.
“Hey!” you shout, pushing onto his arm, causing him to lose his newly comfortable position and to fall on his back. “What are you thinking about Ren? You have this sour look on your face.”
“Well your idea of love got me thinking,” he says softly, staring into your eyes.
Nervousness takes over your body. You have no idea what he’s going to say, and every second of silence is eating you up.
“And?” you say abruptly, eager to know what he’s about to say. 
“I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I don’t know, I never thought much of it because I’m a wimp, but I think I’m going to ask Yeri out” he confesses, a small smile forming on his face. 
The mention of Yeri makes your heart sink. Yeri. He wants to ask out Yeri. Not you. 
Of course he likes Yeri. What isn’t there to like about her? She’s really pretty and polite, and they’re both the editors of the school newspaper, so they spend a great amount of time with each other. 
God this hurt. 
“Oh really,” you respond, with a less enthusiastic tone replacing your prior happy one.
“Yeah. We’ve been getting to know each other a lot more ever since we got asked to do this editorial on the basketball team, and I think I may have feelings for her”
“Well, um I think you should go for it Renjun, “ you reply, looking off into the stars to help keep what’s happening off your mind. If you look into his eyes, you’re certain you’ll start crying.
If it’s not you, you’re glad he has an interest in a girl with a golden heart and personality. 
“You think? What if she doesn’t like me?” he asks nervously, fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
“Like you said Ren, you never know what will come from love. Why not give it a shot if it’ll lead to potentially greater things not only within yourselves, but life in general? And if she ends up only seeing you as a friend, it’s okay. You’ll find someone one day who loves every part of you.”
And you can’t help but know deep down that that person is you. If Yeri rejects him, you’ll be right here to help him pick up the pieces, if not, you’ll still be here. As his best friend. Renjun deserves all the love and happiness the universe has to offer him, and despite being sad he shows no romantic interest in you, you’re glad he finds it in an amazing girl. 
“Alright cool, I guess I’ll ask her out on Monday when we meet up to discuss the paper then.” he says, smiling to himself. 
He looks so happy. Ecstatic even. You haven’t seen him smile this big since he won first place in your school’s art show.
“She’s here you know, at the party,” you say to him. “You should do it now.”
“You think?” he asks, eyes wide. 
Renjun was never one to act on impulse. He’s a man with a plan, and always has to do things by the book or else he’ll lose his hair. He likes structure and time, a complete flip from your bold and impulsive self. 
“Yeah, why not? You’re both here, you look really cute right now, and the stars are out in your favour, shining bright to provide you with the courage to do so.” 
This makes Renjun smile. You’ve always been a help in boosting his confidence, and you’re glad to be of assistance in such a nerve-wracking yet exciting period in his life. 
Standing up, he dusts the possible dirt off his legs. He crouches over, looking into your eyes and grabs your hand. “You’re the best y/n. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“As I with you,” you reply, a soft grin forming from your lips. “Now go downstairs and ask her out before she leaves.”
Standing back up, he begins walking to the door. “I’ll let you know how it goes!” he half shouts, pressing his hand to the door handle,  and making his way back into the house. 
You’re now left alone, on the rooftop, with just the stars and your thoughts. 
Why didn’t you bring up your feelings to him sooner, you thought. Now you’re only left sad and alone, because you were too scared to tell your best friend you’re in love with him. Confessing to him seemed so perfect in your mind a couple minutes ago, but sadly the universe has other plans in store for you. 
You decide to get comfortable and lie down, and begin to look at the constellations that are possibly present within the night sky. You can still hear the loud, most likely drunk people just a floor below you, and the vibration of the music hitting your body despite being away from the noise. But you don’t care. It’s just you and the sky, and you’re doing everything in your power to forget about the party below you, and to focus on the stars. 
As you point out the orion in the sky, you feel a buzz in your back pocket, indicating that you’ve got a text. Reaching for it, you unlock your phone, and see a notification stating that Renjun messaged you. Pressing on the messages app, you click on his name and read the following:
jun bug: she said yes!! we’re going out on tueday after we’re done editing :) (2:17 AM)
“Yes.” Yeri said yes. 
You’re happy for your best friend, but for yourself, you’re heartbroken. The possibility of dating him is now slim to none, especially since a potential girlfriend is in the mix, only making you more sad for yourself. 
You make sure to reply quick, and in a way that’ll make him happy, and hopefully provide you with the positivity that everything will be okay.
y/n: i’m so happy for you ren <3 (2:18 AM)
As you press send, you feel the tears start to slide down your cheeks. You’re happy for him, you really are, but you can’t help but wish that things went differently, and that you were in Yeri’s position. 
But as Renjun said before, love can be scary. It’s a learning experience, and if it doesn’t work out, you just need to take what you can from it, and hope for the best in the future. 
So you’ll take his words, and you’ll try your best to move on. 
It’ll be tough, but you hope to god that one day he’ll just be your best friend, and that this heartbreak won’t last with you forever. 
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whumptober day 13
prompt: adrenaline
whumpee: will riker (yet again despite the fact nobody cares about him lol)
fandom: star trek tng
I wrote the first part of this back in february but i never went anywhere with it so have this (the first bit probably sounds a bit wonky but i thought it might be fun to keep it almost exactly as it was) (bonus points if you can find the point at which it switches from an old thing i wrote to stuff i wrote tonight)
They had just arrived at Beta Gamma 3, a fairly remote and uninhabited planet. Captain Picard had decided to send a small away team down to survey a portion of the terrain, before sending scientists down to examine it and bring back samples.
It was only natural, then, that the team would be led by his first officer, and include not only the next in command but the next after him-Data. Because it’s perfectly logical to send your first and second officer down to an unknown location. And your chief of engineering. 
So the three piled on to the transporter platform and a second later stepped into a new world.
“It’s lovely,” Commander Riker remarked. And it was. There was a forest all around, the trees a brighter green than on earth, and differently shaped, somehow, too. Flowers in a rainbow of colours sprouted up in the brilliant grass, and nearby, a stream bubbled, its glistening blue waters leading into the mouth of a cave.
It was decided unanimously to go into the cave. Why not? Caves are always interesting. 
Riker entered the cave first, followed by Geordi and then Data. Its entrance was a large cavern with the stream running down the middle, then meandering to the left side and down a narrow tunnel whose appearance suggested it had been carved out by the stream long ago. Towards the back of the cavern, amid a field of stalagmites, there was a large dark opening, presumably leading to another cavern.
The team decided to split up, with Data remaining in the entrance chamber, Geordi going down the path with the stream, and Riker going through the back of the entrance.
Geordi veered off to the left, grumbling as he realised he’d been given the worst of the lot-the stream filled the entire tunnel, meaning he would have to walk in it. He looked at both sides of the tunnel, and up to the ceiling. His visor could pick out a slight instability in the roof, nothing to worry about, he’d seen this in most other caves. Besides that, there was nothing of interest. Still. It was nice and peaceful, and once you had gotten your feet thoroughly wet, you hardly even noticed.
Meanwhile, Data was examining the material which the cave was made out of. Like the rest of the things on the planet, it was similar to the rock of earth, but a bit different. He thought for a second he could hear a faint rumbling, but as soon as he acknowledged it it stopped. He figured it must have just been the stream. 
Commander Riker wasn’t having much luck finding anything interesting either. The back part of the cave was nearly identical to the first, except a bit smaller. There was nothing leading out of it save for the entrance back to the main chamber. There was a nice crackly pattern on the ceiling that looked almost like marble, which he was almost sure hadn’t been in the other room.
The instability in the roof skyrocketed. The rumbling came again, louder and more defined. The crackly pattern resolved itself into deep cracks.
“Guys, it’s caving in!”
They ran, Geordi splashing back through the water, Riker racing across the floor towards the stalactites, Data for the exit, but even he didn’t make it there.
There was a definite rumbling sound and the ceiling in the entranceway broke into pieces and rained down. Right on top of Data.
Geordi heard the noise and ran faster. Was his part of the cave next? Had Data gotten out? 
Riker heard the noise and instinctively dove for cover, sliding amongst the stalactites in the back of the main room.
Diving for cover wouldn’t do anything. What was he thinking? The only cover was the ceiling, and that was what he needed cover from! But it was too late. A chunk of rock came crashing down, smacking him on the head. It was light enough that it didn’t knock him out, but heavy enough to hurt like hell.
He groaned in pain, but was cut short by a cry for help. Geordi.
Forgetting about his pain entirely, adrenaline firing up, he ran over broken rock to Geordi, who was frantically digging at a pile of rock, under which a pair of legs were poking out.
“Data? Can you hear me? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Commander, I can hear you. I am undamaged, but my arms have been pinned by rocks and I am unable to move.”
“So not okay then,” Geordi muttered. “It’s alright Data,” he said, louder. “We’ll get you out.”
It took them a while, but they did eventually manage to get the android out from the rocks. True to what he had told them, he was undamaged, albeit a bit scratched. 
Now that the initial adrenaline had worn off, Riker realised how badly his head hurt. He almost wished he had been hit hard enough to pass out. At least then he wouldn’t have had to feel it. 
They had to get out of the collapsed cave in order to be beamed back up-there was too much interference otherwise. With every step he took, Riker’s head pounded harder and harder. He just wanted to sit down, he decided.
As soon as they beamed back aboard the Enterprise, Doctor Crusher was running up to the three of them. 
“Did any of you get hurt in the collapse?”
“I’m good,” said Geordi. 
“I am fine as well,” Data continued. “Although a bit scratched.”
Commander Riker looked desperately at the floor. It would feel so nice to sit down right now, he thought. 
“Commander? You all right?”
“Huh? Oh. Sure. Yeah.”
Doctor Crusher looked at him doubtfully. “You sure about that, Will?”
The transporter room had decided to start spinning. Riker tried to shake his head to clear it up, but all that did was make it throb. He winced and sunk slowly to the floor.
Doctor Crusher dropped to a knee in front of him, gently turning his face towards hers and opening one of his eyes. She shined a light into it, which he did not appreciate at all.
After she had looked at both eyes, she said, “you’ve got a concussion, Commander. It’s not too bad at all, just a minor one. I can fix you up in sickbay in no time.”
He nodded at that suggestion as hard as he could, which was not very hard at all. Even the slightest movement made his head hurt more.
He shakily got to his feet, feeling exhausted. Standing only made the spinning worse, so he firmly closed his eyes, which helped only marginally. He slowly staggered out of the transporter room, trying his best to walk in a straight line but failing miserably. 
After his second time stopping to rest against the wall, Doctor Crusher silently slowed her walk and wrapped an arm around his waist, giving him something to lean on.
Eventually, the two of them made it to sickbay. Doctor Crusher led him to an empty bed and had him sit down as she hurried off to gather her supplies.
He sat down gratefully on the bed, noting with a mild interest that his ears had started ringing. He shook his head, having forgotten that doing that only worsened his headache. The ringing persisted. He groaned and covered his ears, which did exactly nothing. 
“I’ll be just a second longer, Will,” Doctor Crusher called from across the room. He tried to say something like, “that’s great,” but a sudden intense wave of nausea overtook him, and he clamped his mouth firmly shut. Please hurry up, he thought. 
As though reading his thoughts, the doctor came hurrying over, hypospray in hand. She gently took his arm and pressed the hypo into it. 
“You just lie down now, it’ll start working very quickly.”
He leaned back heavily into the pillow, and soon could feel the headache receding. He smiled slightly and closed his eyes. 
“Thanks,” he said to Doctor Crusher, or perhaps he only thought it, before he let sleep overtake him completely.
i dont really like the first part too much but i never finished this and i always wanted to so here it is!!! thanks if you read this!!
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fiire-bcrn · 5 years
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alias  - siege.
age   -  twenty-two
pronouns  -  she/her  .
timezone  -  est .
favorite  artist  -  solo - p!nk, sia; band - fall out boy, onerepublic, imagine dragons  . those are just the most frequent flyers, I listen to everything from electro-swing to german pop so.
favorite  movie  -  too many to list but basically anything superheroes or sci-fi/fantasy like the x-men, the mcu, star trek, stardust, willow, ladyhawke, knights tale, etc.
favorite  fairy  tale  -  twelve dancing princesses  was always one of my favourites but I obsessively devoured the andrew lang fairy books growing up. .
favorite  color  -  green  .
character(s)  you  play  -  sanderson mansnoozie, diaval corvus, chernabog caim, robin loxley .
got v long so the rest is under the cut !
about  the  characters  -  sandy : he’s sweet bubbly bean, communicates mostly through sign due to his own language having died out. unseelie of the autumn court but older than any of them by a longshot due to having been made a guardian. only wants to bring the best to the world. in a constant fight with his darker side, a side all of his brethren have. Pitch is his biggest regret. The way he turned on him, he really wishes he’d found a way to make him a part of the team, eternal osrizization was not part of what he’d thought would go down. robin : suave and almost childish at times, robin was raised in his youngest days amongst the poorest, without an inkling whom his father was, only with his mother as a friend and companion. however when she died at the moment he found himself alone. who should come sweeping in but his birth father a lord in need of his heir. the man thought to turn robin into the epitome of a noble by lavishing everything on him. unfortunately for him all the fancies and fripperies instead appalled robin and he left his father’s home to live with the lowest in the thieves forest where he started to help build a community of those spurned by society. currently he cares for the child of one of his fallen men while adjusting to an injury recently obtained during a failed rescue. diaval : born on bald mountain as a natural shapeshifter, diaval never knew his parents nor even if they had bothered to give him a name. in fact he might have perished an unwanted infant had some unknown man not decided for some reason to care for him, for a few years anyway. he also never cared enough to give him a name, referring to him as ‘boy’. however at the age of five the lad found himself alone once again, but this time with scared villagers fearing him for his abilities, which is how he got his name, a word that means ‘devil’. meant as an insult, he started to wear it instead as a badge. if he could not make them accept him he’d live off their fear. tales of crows bringing bad luck started but in fact it was all the work of the young shapeshifter who never was allowed to fit in. along the way he discovered one person who not only put up with him but found his skill to be useful and wonderful. maleficent. chernabog : once a daemon of comparatively benevolent nature, chernabog was spurned by his species and turned from hell for being too ‘soft’ upon the mortal inhabitants of the world. desperate to win his right back into his home, he now stops at nothing to prove himself a true bringer of evil, everything and everyone he sees as a way of furthering his own ends. the one and only acception being his two dogs, whose company he enjoys. not that he would ever let any soul know this.
wanted  connections  -  sandy : the guardians ! all of them ! we already know he adores jack ( we luff u ) and he’d get along well with toothiana’s cheerful demeanor, though he’d most likely dislike north and bunnymund a bit more. but not wholly. pitch ! he greatly regrets everything that happened with pitch black. i feel he’d have spent the past while lowkey trying to make it up, and barely holds a grudge for the whole arrow to the back thing. friends ! more unseelie, maybe some fae from the summer or spring courts for some strain. really anyone tbh, sandy loves people ! a love interest ! give mah boi a luffly boi to love ! must be able to speak in sign language or at least willing to learn ! unaffiliated or hero would work best, but a villain who has doubts about their alignment might work as well ! robin : maid marian ! totally open to this being a ship, or a broship, an exes plot, anything really ! just give him the spitfire that kept him sane through some trying times ! the merry men ! all those dedicated rascals we all love ! the big strong john little ( i have a plot with him specifically i’d love to talk about ! ), the irascable will scarlett ! the talented alan-a-dale ! maybe an oc merry man or merry woman ! enemies ! the sheriff of nottingham and/or guy of gisborne ! maybe a villain from another tale who has it out for robin ! estranged family who sees him as a threat of sorts could most certainly be fun ! diaval : the old man on the mountain ! this would be the an who took the time to care for a child who was not his, but never even gave him a name before disappearing once again, whether by his own choice or due to external forces ! could be of any allegiance, only necessities are old enough to have been thought of as a man by a five year old and have lived on bald mountain at some point ! so much potential for this connection ! friends ! lets face it, this boy could use some people who dont hate and fear him for a change, especially ones closer to his own age ! probably people who love mischief as much as he does ! enemies ! you don’t get to be maleficent’s right hand man by being nice to everyone and he is certainly on bad terms with at least a handful of people ! the biffle ! this would be none other than maleficent herself ! i see them as sort of platonic soulmates, of sorts ! always been close to each other and always have each  others backs ! chernabog : enemies ! obviously when plotting the downfall of a whole world you come across people who disagree with your views and want to see you destroyed as much as you want to see the same done to them ! the welcome annoyance ! someone who pushes all his buttons in an almost fearless way that he almost respects and secretly finds a refreshing change of pace ! just be careful not to push it too far…. a crush ( maybe ? ) ! someone who maybe is attracted to his power and dominance over the world ! or maybe they see the softer daemon he used to be even though he has long tried to quash that side ! i dunno exactly how this would go tbh, but it’d be fun to explore !
goals  for  your  character  -  for all of them i’d love to see how it affects their alliances and morality. robin, i could see how the effects war has on the lower class could push him to be slightly less heroic. or sandy may find his darker side pulling him to do unsavoury things despite his best efforts. perhaps diaval will meet someone from the hero side willing to accept him as much or seemingly more than maleficent, making him question loyalties. and chernabog may yet return to being the more benevolent version of himself he once was ( i doubt it but maybe ).
favorite  tasks  -  anything character development or worldbuilding, tbh !
favorite  events  -  got one word for you. m a s q u e r a  d e ! there was also one i did once where people were implanted with memories of others and something like that could be interesting !
any  ideas  - just keep doing what you're doing !  .
anything  else  - just v excited to be back ! .
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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Set It Up – A kinda but not really Klaroline Fusion (like all my different fusions)
Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaeslon are working as assistants to the most demanding, rival NBA bosses in New York. From Macy’s to Madison Square Garden to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas can they stop bickering long enough to come together to make their lives easier?
All I do is Win
151 W 34th Street, New York, NY 
"Before you say anything,” he offered, holding his hand up to silence her. “He actually tried to fire a mailman today.” 
He being Mason Lockwood, the Brooklyn Nets owner. He was also notorious for being an arrogant, demanding bastard and then some. 
“Mailmen work for the U.S. government!"
“Oh boo hoo, I don’t care, Mikaelson,” she replied gruffly, equally not caring but also knowing it was true and his boss was an ass. 
“Says the girl whose boss could give Cruella De Ville a run for her money.” He wasn’t wrong. New York Knicks boss Katherine Pierce was fierce, feisty and a real bitch at the best and worst of times.
“Exactly why I’m here to claim my blender that you have your grubby paws all over. I called earlier and put it on hold,” Caroline demanded, exhausted from the trek to Macy’s Department Store noticing he was already clutching it possessively.   
She took a few seconds to admire that his thieving ass was sort of attractive in that fitted, grey suit even if he didn’t know his proper place.
Five days ago she didn’t even know him but Klaus Mikaelson had made both an immediate and lasting impression on her, and it wasn’t a good one. She had always welcomed competition but his good looks were kind of messing with her resolve. 
She had no intention of letting him win.
“But your name isn’t on it,” he shot back, refusing to relinquish her property. 
“Now, that’s extremely mature,” she scowled. “If I don’t get this exact gift for the Warner wedding my boss is going to kill me.” 
Yes, to some it was just your run-of-the-mill gadget that mixed ingredients together. But this wasn’t just any blender. This was the newest, state of the art Vitamix Blender that retailed at a jaw dropping $1198.
It also happened to be the last one left in Manhattan, Caroline knew given just how many stores she’d called in vain. She just hoped the Warners were grateful, if she managed to steal it from his greedy clutches of course.
“My boss will too given it’s a gift for his only sister’s birthday,” he shot back. “If you think I’m going to give up this blender without a fight you’re sorely mistaken.” 
Okay, maybe she had forgotten in her haste to put it on hold, oops, but Klaus didn’t have to know that.
“Only because you got caught out breaking the rules because I already put this on hold,” she bluffed, refusing to let him win.
“Okay fine, what do you want?” 
“I thought I made myself pretty clear, Mikaelson,” she growled, gesturing towards the blender.  
“What else do you want besides this blender?” 
They both held each other’s gaze for a full thirty seconds before each finally responded their resolve unflinching. 
“Disney on Ice tickets. I hear that the Under the Sea Christmas Spectacular is a huge hit in your borough.”  Brooklyn was most definitely a bad word she could never utter.  
“Seriously? That’s really what you want?”
“Deathly,” she hit back, rolling her eyes as she did it. “Surely you would have some contacts, you know if you’re actually a good assistant.” 
“Because I’m sure Katherine Pierce would love to watch a singing crab and one memory-less fish,” he scoffed. 
“She may be the Ice Queen but she also has thirteen impossible and incessant nieces and nephews. And last time I checked all fish were memory-less.”
“Well, then you’ve never met my Marvin.” Caroline was trying to ignore just how adorable he looked defending his goldfish one dimple at a time.  “Even so those tickets will cost me more than this blender.”
“Okay, so how about I sweeten the deal with some boxing tickets?”
“Not sure the local boxing round robin is his speed, love, so that’s a definite no.”
“Well, I suppose it’s your loss,” she drawled. “Hand over my blender then, Mikaelson.”
“You’re going to have to make me,” he replied jokingly. 
“Real mature,” Caroline reiterated, surprising him and plucking it from his grasp. She couldn’t miss the way his hand felt brushing against hers as she did. “I hope I never have to see your smug ass again.” She stalked away, hips swaying in her wake.
“Until I have to explain the missing blender,” he called out in frustration by way of response. 
“Because I’m sure a missing blender is going to be your biggest problem given you turned down Pacquiao vs Broner ringside seats in Vegas.”  
She made a mental note in her head. Caroline Forbes 1 - Klaus Mikaelson 0. Suddenly her hellish life as an assistant wasn't so bad if he was suffering too.
4 Pennsylvania Plaza, New York, NY 
Klaus Mikaelson was the type to hold grudges. It started when he was six years-old and his younger brother Kol stole his favourite toy and it had only grown stronger and more spiteful in the years afterward. 
Caroline Forbes was going to pay. Mainly because his boss hadn’t let him forget how pathetic he was to lose the blender he wanted to ‘a girl’ as he emphasised in air quotes. Klaus was far from chauvinistic and his boss was obviously still living in the dark ages. 
Caroline wasn’t just ‘a girl’ she was a pain in his ass and Klaus planned to bring her down and it didn’t hurt that it was her home game either. 
Rivals the Knicks and Nets were squaring off at Madison Square Garden and he’d been plotting his revenge ever since their last meeting. Sure, she was kind of gorgeous with those blonde waves and crystal, blue eyes but she was also his devious competition. And she was unrelenting. He had to beat her at her own game and he’d found the perfect way to do it.
“Glutton for punishment hey?” 
“Excuse me?” He shot back from their neighbouring, courtside seats. The pre-game arrangements were well underway. “Last time I checked the Nets and their staff have every right to be here, even if it is on enemy territory.”
“Unfortunately, yes,” she growled. “But it’s nice to know you are going down tonight.”
“Have you seen the ladder, Forbes?”
“You are one game ahead, after tonight that won’t be the case,” she scoffed. Klaus took a moment to peruse her outfit before arguing back. Even in her hideous blue and orange jersey she couldn’t help but look stunning. He decided to put it down to the fact her floral perfume was infiltrating his nostrils and messing with his composure. 
“Wanna make a bet?”
“I’m pretty good at those but if you’re game.”
“Oh I’m game,” he smirked. “The Nets win you get me those ringside seats in Vegas. And by seats, I’m going to need eight.”
“Wow, someone is wishful thinking, but yeah sure, not that you’re going to win,” she scoffed. “I cannot wait to witness the annihilation, Mikaelson.” 
Klaus didn’t even respond, just sent her a teasing glance and made his way to the changerooms to finalise everything. He had a good feeling that his team were going to take the win and Klaus would be on the way to Vegas for the big fight at the MGM Grand. His boss would forget that bloody blender ever existed. 
“In your face, Forbes,” Klaus celebrated hours later as the Nets crowd at Madison Square Garden continued to chant well after the final buzzer. She was shocked to say the least, still cute in defeat but he’d never admit it aloud.  
“This is all your fault,” she snarled. “You cheated.”
“Last time I checked I wasn’t on the court.”
“Yeah probably a good thing, you’d never actually keep up, lazy bones,” she snorted. “How about that whole surprise pre-game show where number one Nets fans Beyonce and Jay-Z just decided to belt out the Star Spangled Banner from their seats?”
“I had nothing to do with that,” he lied.
“You are the worst liar,” she huffed. “You know just how well it would be received and in turn boost team morale.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he bluffed. “The best team on the day won.”
“You are unbelievable,” she scowled. “Must really be desperate given just how much your job depends on it.”
“Is that what you say to make your situation better?” He shot back. “Didn’t think you’d stoop that low, oh hang on that whole blender situation was exactly that.”
“I guess I’m desperate,” she murmured, Klaus couldn’t miss the way her expression seemed so defeated all of a sudden. “My college loans are looming and I may have been a little dishonest under pressure because my boss wants to fire me all the time.”
“Story of my life too believe it or not,” he offered. “If only they could get on with their lives and not focus on every little thing that we do.”
“Hang on,” she murmured. “That might not be the worst idea you ever had, Mikaelson. How about we set them up together?”
“Mason and Katherine? That’s just a recipe for disaster. That much combined combustible energy cannot be safe.”
“Exactly why we have to do it,” she murmured, raising her eyebrows.
“So, I suppose I’ll see you in Vegas then?”
“If you’re lucky,” she chuckled, but given her tone Klaus knew she’d be there no matter what.  
MGM Grand, 3799 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV
“Okay, I sent the fruit basket to her room.”
“Aren’t you a romantic,” she drawled teasingly, barely looking up from her magazine on the bed as he entered. Klaus Mikaelson was the last person she expected to organise that. As much as she was attracted to him, Caroline was seeing no similar interests besides setting up their bosses. 
“Please don’t ever call me that. But, last time I checked you’d done absolutely nothing,” Klaus shot back. “And I won the last bet and everything. Time to show you care, Forbes.”
“Like sending an identical one hour massage voucher to both his and her rooms for the same time in the hotel spa?”
“I suppose that’s okay,” he mumbled.
“Why do I get the impression that you don’t like ideas coming from anyone but yourself?”
“It must be all that ego,” she groaned. 
“You really do hate me,” he asked incredulously, it was unusual for any female to think badly of him let alone abuse him incessantly. 
“For the most part.”
“Wow, aren’t you sweet,” he drawled. “So what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter,” Caroline shot back. “How about something more intellectual?”
“Wow. Finally something we have in common,” he smirked triumphantly, as she produced a chess board. 
“I happened to be chess champion five years running in High School.”
“Well, don’t want all those potential but ignorant suitors knowing that fact,” he chuckled, sending a stray dimple her way. Caroline tried to pretend that it didn’t affect her but everything inside was telling her that it did. 
And she was scared of the foreign feelings it had caused.
But in true Caroline fashion she decided to push it aside so she could beat him at chess then deal with the consequences that were threatening to derail her feelings later. She didn’t get that chance though. In fact she was in a more vulnerable position than expected. 
“Check Mate,” he murmured, sweeping his queen across the board to take her king. 
She was stunned at first mainly because she never lost. Ever. But he seemed to know her and rather than unsettling her it was weirdly okay.
“We have a boxing match to get to,” she responded mechanically. His hand grabbed hers immediately, the warmth spreading through her body. “Need to keep an eye on our bosses after all.”
“Or we could do something else?” He offered, squeezing her hand affectionately. “My siblings are in town tonight but I’m going to warn you they are...”
“Nick’s Fans?” She asked. “I’ve certainly experienced them and worse.”
“You have no idea, in fact I think they’d be perfect company for Katherine and Mason.”
“Why do I get the feeling you don’t care if you lose your job right now?”
“Well, if you knew my brother Kol and his big mouth,” he teased. “But if you’d rather...”
“No, I’m starting to really like your brother Kol.”
“Well. then you’re really going to like my sister Rebekah,” he chuckled. “How about we explore Vegas some more? See what fun we can get up to?”
“I suppose it can’t hurt, right?” Caroline replied.
Famous last words.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Let’s talk about this video because the ccfandom is loosing their freaking minds over it. They are acting like children and it has me feeling some kind of way. 
We have a video and several photos or screenshots-the video is always going to be a more accurate reflection on what is happening- the ccers know this, which is why they are focusing on the photos. It’s much easier to take a screen cap or a photo, spin it all out of context and build a backstory that works for crisscolfer. Videos are more telling of the truth- you have to lie about things that are plain to see- you have to scream “the sky is yellow” when everyone can see it is blue.  This “focus on the photo, ignore the video” is a strategy the cc fandom uses a lot. If they can't use the photo then they make a gif- drastically slow down the video. It ends up changing the context and drama of the moment. I have talked about it a lot-I made a post (x)- but this is something they did with the interview Darren did with George Stroumboulopoulos where George asked about when he came out as straight.  The video shows a much different story than the one they have fabricated to go with the photos. 
Let’s be real...Abby -and nobody else- claimed that Mia tried to grab Darren’s hand and he “ignored her” because that is one of Mean Abby’s favorite tropes. When the video came out, it was clear that they weren’t walking close enough for her to even reach out. But Abby can’t let it go so she went in on how someone Photoshopped the pic to make them appear poised to hold hands.  
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based on this pic. So that means The Daily Mail, a HUGE UK tabloid, is doing Mia’s bidding. OKKAAAYY...Mia should run the world cuz she’s good. I mean, I can see how Abby thought this might be a real photo since you know, since Darren is in it TWICE. No Photoshop here folks, nope, don’t know what you are seeing. It’s not even a well-done Photoshop-I mean besides Darren being in twice, the line between full-body Darren and Mia is wavy and obvious. Nobody was trying to “trick” the cc fandom into believing it was a real photo. The pic is just compacted to get everyone in plus the up-close of Darren for their header/thumbnail. The Daily Mail’s knows them as a married couple- they have no reason to worry whether they were about to hold hands or Darren was ignoring her or whatever other BS the ccers can read into the photos. 
Regardless of how the ccers rationalize that the video isn’t exactly what it looks like, no matter how they slow down the video or insist on ignoring the video and focusing on the photos and screen caps to prove that Mia was angry or Darren was angry or Darren wasn’t dressed up enough to house hunt, or Mia was nice to the friend but Darren wasn’t, or whatever the fuck they are trying to tell themselves, NONE of it matters. Their relationship is what it is. Period. What we know about it -or don’t know about -it has nothing to do with their truth. The ccers trying to prove to each other that it is a fraud is nothing but childish buffoonery. Even if their clues were intelligent and well vetted- newsflash they are a mess- it still wouldn’t mean anything because nobody ever knows what goes on behind closed doors -especially a stranger’s closed doors. It isn’t anyone’s business. It certainly isn’t our “right” to prove they are living a lie. We dont’ get to have an opinion on their relationship. The world is large and of the billions of people on Earth, we are each privy to the personal lives of a handful of people. We only have the right to know about our own life, those of our underage children and our partner. 
Nobody has the “right” or the responsibly to prove a stranger is living a lie and to publicly out them. Unless they are doing something illegal -in which you call the police-it just isn't anyone’s damn business. Add in the small fact that they are getting all of their receipts and “proof” by analyzing the social media posts of people they don’t know, it really is unhinged, unhealthy, and fucked up.  
Darren and Mia might be in a throuple with Ben or have a power exchange relationship or they might be asexual. They might be secretly Amish or Soviet spies...none of it is our business. Every couple protects the secrets of their relationship from the outside world and especially strangers. Abby and the gang of merry thieves are trying to to prove something that is unprovable in the best of circumstances- the “truth” underlying a romantic relationship. Even in the best of circumstances- like you actually KNOW the person involved- you won’t get the “truth”, but trying to digest all of this solely via social media is pitiful and frankly, they are either immature or insane. 
This is the conversation that brought me here today:
ajw720 answered:
I think D was just in general mocking the entire process. The situation is so contrived, they are supposed to be “acting” casual like they don’t know they are being filmed when they 100% know they are being filmed.  There is nothing casual about it. I would say D’s facial expression in the still photos tells us exactly how he feels as well as his hat asking to go to a galaxy far, far away. I would bet he would jet out of this universe immediately to get away from his PBB if he could.
It absolutely does need to stop and now. The ridiculousness factor goes up every day and d continues to be the one suffering.
Once again, Abby made up an entire backstory to the 20-second video and then set out to criticize how Darren acted based entirely on her made up story 
“they are supposed to be “acting” casual like they don’t know they are being filmed when they 100% know they are being filmed” 
Of course they know they are being filmed! It isn't rocket science Abby-they can see the man with the camera right there. They are acting “casual” because they are saying good-bye to a friend. What do you want- a tap dance? A formal farewell with a curtesy “we bid you adieu”? A song? “No it aint’ no lie, Baby bye, bye, bye”?
“I would say D’s facial expression in the still photos tells us exactly how he feels as well as his hat asking to go to a galaxy far, far away” 
Here she uses the still photo to prove her point because the video shows the context of Darren’s facial expression and he isn’t upset or sad, he is just standing and listening. This is how Abby deceives her fandom in one-easy step. 
Back to the comment I made yesterday but the idea that Darren is wearing Star Wars merch because he wants to make it known that the engagement post was not real makes my teeth hurt. According to Abby, ccDarren is MARRIED to a woman he detests but his biggest worry is that the ccers know that he didn’t actually write the engagement post and that he actually likes Star Wars, NOT Star Trek? I mean, he’s married, why would he care about the authenticity of an engagement pic? He clearly was engaged. Why would he care about a post made 18 months ago? All this proves is how obsessed Abby still is with the engagement but they are married. Let it go Abs...also BTW, a man can like Star Wars and Star Trek. 
Since none of what’s happening there is natural in any way, I’d say if you only see her back it should be easier to flirt with her. The bad things start once she turns around.
If D were actually jealous of anyone there, it’d be of the jogger simply because he can just keep going and leave her behind.
This comment cracked me up because it is another case of the ccers making shit up and then getting upset about what they made up. Who said Darren was jealous of anybody? Oh right, you guys did.  The Jogger said “hi”, they said “hi” back and Darren’s dance had nothing to do with “making fun” of the runner ...or if it did, he’s a dick. 
Just watched the video of it and just before the pretend run D did, a jogger ran past them, I think the mocking was for the jogger running past them as they both glanced at the jogger seconds before then the mocking started. Correct me if I’m wrong.
Yes, that makes perfect sense. Darren mocked a jogger for jogging and saying ‘hi’ cuz he’s an asshole, isn’t he? 
@klainecentric yes he was technically mocking the jogger, but i think his reaction was based on the situation at large knowing he was being filmed.
I always love when when Abby has to come in a fix the situation because “Darren is a dick” is never the last sentence of her fanfiction.  Sadly, she can’t think outside the box enough to get to “He wasn’t making fun of the jogger” because everything is black-and-white to her and she doesn’t “believe” in coincidences. 
What i get from this video, is once again, she is way more engaged in speaking with the “friend” than D and he is yet again mocking something and I would guess it has more to do with the process that being funny for his PBB.
Remember they are 100% aware of the photogs.
What she “gets” from this video is complete bafoonery: Mia was “way more engaged” with the  “friend”, Darren was mocking “something” but not the jogger so he must be mocking “the process”. So Darren did a goofy monkey dance to mock the “process”? Um....ok...is he 3 years old? What grown up does a stupid dance in front of a paparazzi to mock the process of anything? If he is so committed to staying deep in the closet and forsaking his one true love  that he married a women he detests and the only way he is “fighting back” is to do a 2-second long monkey dance in front of a paparazzi, then he is a putz. 
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