#i don't want to give too much of Sumi away
buggy-d-hoe · 1 year
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Sanji + Sumi
Chef || Botanist
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yaoiconnoisseur · 1 year
♠ Knight of Spades - Mari ♠
〈 Protector of Innocence 〉
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Ahhh I finally get to post this :D It was an honor to be able to contribute to the amazing project that is Yuri!!! On Cards from the Yuri!!! On The Web Discord server!
You can see the entire project via this masterpost! If you'd like more context for this gigantic YOI AU, head over to this blog post for an explanation of everything.
I'd like to give a massive shoutout to @arom-antix and @lines-on-ice for basically putting this all together and making this amazing idea a reality. I know Arrow credits me as one of the admins of this project, but I really only made a Google Drive and did a little research for the artists on how to format their cards haha
I had a ton of fun coming up with Mari's design as the Knight of Spades. I knew right away that I wanted Mari's design to reflect her Japanese heritage since the suit of Spades is a fully Japanese cast.
I've cut me talking about the art itself and my thought process while working on it so I don't nuke your dash, but if you'd like to read my ramblings feel free to
Making Mari a samurai was an easy choice since, one, that's basically what a knight was in Japan (albeit there was no legal binding between a daimyo and his samurai), and, two, I've always HC'd Mari as a protective older sister in the sense she'd be fairly hands off until someone made the mistake of bullying her little Yuuri.
I wanted her armor to be blue since that was the overarching color scheme for Spades, but choosing what blues to use was.. Difficult. There needed to be enough contrast between the different pieces of her armor to show that the armor is made of multiple parts while keeping the hues and brightness values close enough to still look cohesive. I also wanted to keep the blues relatively low saturated to bring our Mari's blonde highlights.
(As I was coloring her armor I realized half way through that I basically drew a Samurott ginjinka oops ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ)
I had originally intended for the sarashi (the belt) to be pure white, however when I put all the base colors down I realized the white was too much and pulled your eyes away from Mari's overall form. I knew having the belt be pure blue would make the belt blend in too much with the rest of the armor, so I ended up making the belt mostly blue with white accents as a compromise. I still wish the belt could have been white, but oh well.
As for the katana.. That was originally going to be pure blue, but like the belt problem, I had issues keeping the katana from looking muddied. I ended up trying five different variations of black/dark gray until I settled on what you see above lol. It was really difficult making the hilt of the katana look nice because if I went too dark with the blacks I would lose detail on the hilt, but if I went too light I would lose the contrast with the hilt's blues. As for the saya (scabbard/sheathe) I wanted it to be black, but I ended up matching it to Mari's armor instead because a black saya with a mostly black hilt somehow made the entire katana look flat.
The color palates I used for everything else was just me eyeballing her fleshtone and hair color through various screenshots I ripped directly from the show.
The background gave the the most trouble out of everything though because I'm not particularly great at making interesting, minimalistic backgrounds for my art. The card looked to plain without some sort of variation of color behind Mari, but since her armor was already so complex I needed a background that didn't take away from those complexities and didn't muddy the entire piece. I had originally planned to do a sumi-e type background, however I found that no matter what I did the sumi-e designs took away focus from Mari. Eventually I settled on a default abstract Procreate brush and drew lines until something stuck.
Overall I had a blast making this and also the borders for the rest of the cards! I learned a lot about how to format and prep digital canvases for making a card deck, too lol
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vashtijoy · 2 years
Loved your analysis posts on Akechi and the PT. Imo I feel like people greatly overblow Akechi's third semester personality. I constantly see him written as being really aggressive to the PT and he IS but also not really? He's cold and pragmatic in order to get the job done, he's not interested in starting catfights with them.
His interactions with Sumire in particular showcase this really well. Akechi's not offering her a shoulder to cry on but he does give her a hand when he feels she's about to compromise the mission.
He insults Maruki to hell and back but it's not like his "true self" has no filter when it comes to interacting with allies.
Thank you! And yeah, I agree. Third semester Akechi is pretty much collected, focused on business, matter-of-fact. Cold and distant as fuck. Cynical, of course. He interjects snide comments and personal attacks into what he says, but he doesn't do it constantly; he'll say exactly what he thinks, unless he has a reason not to. Irritate him even a little, and you'll know all about it. And despite "I'm always calm" being such a meme, he does seem very calm—but I think it is explicitly an outward calm. It's the sort of calm that makes someone seem deadly.
I wonder how well he compartmentalises in that month. He's always shoved everything he doesn't want to face into a box. Is he still doing that? Or is it breaking down? The "dead man walking" thing must colour everything he thinks, for instance—he's prepared to face his death rather than live under Maruki, but that doesn't mean he actually wants to die. There are a couple of moments where he's like... I have a philosophical objection to this, or hey, check out this cool thing. And then he just... stops. What's the point? Who cares? Why bother? He almost seems kind of depressed.
Plus, as far as his ~redemption~ and ~second chances~ go—he's not going to mend any bridges in a month. He doesn't have to come to terms with a damn thing. He can just shove anything that's going on with him down into its box where it belongs. All he has to do is focus on getting his mission over the line. For one month. And you can speculate about how successful he ultimately is.
He still introspects, like in the Jazz Jin conversations. He shows concern for Joker and Sumi. And why does he care about Sumi? Don't forget that at first, in his navi phase, he thinks she's the Palace ruler; he's watching her. But later, I think Sumi makes him think about his own situation, maybe, with the way she overcomes her false self and commits to her true self. And he does like people who make him think.
And what's even left, when all the false, simpering shit is removed? Some of it's the void: the emotional emptiness and the pure determination that got him into such a fucking mess to begin with. That's really him. The impatience with idiots and the sharp tongue is him for sure—he wants to fucking talk, finally, to say at least some of what he really thinks. He's doing the same thing in the confidant: he puts something out there, and sees if he gets pushed back. What will it take, to make them cast him out? How much of him will be "too much"?
So there's also that impulse to keep everyone away, which contradicts the definitely-real Akechi we saw at the end of the engine room, with all his masks gone: "none of that happened, that's not me, if you think it was, I'll make you wish you didn't". It will take much longer to face that than he has. And it would be dangerous to the mission to do it. So why bother?
Some of it's Cognitive Akechi, I think, who showed up unstoppable and deadly at Akechi's lowest point. Don't forget how closely the Akechi fight parallels the Okumura fight, with the beatdown by the Phantom Thieves leading to an execution by an Akechi. I don't know if third semester Akechi consciously mimics Cogkechi, but it seems likely that he is influenced by him; that that image of Shido's reinforces what Akechi would view as his strongest points.
As for losing his shit in combat? Yeah, that's a deliberate choice too, and something he has full control over, other than in the showdown where he uses Call of Chaos. Just like Joker, he puts a mask on to unmask a difficult aspect of himself, one that has no place in society.
I think there's at least a bit of the gutter-rat kid he was showing, when he fights. Every time his voice breaks down (and I work from the Japanese audio because I'm a nerd and a weeb) I wonder... okay, this is a textbook anime breakdown into the villain voice, but is there a class differential here? Maybe it's a British thing but I'm weak for Akechi losing his polished accent under stress, fight me.
So yeah—you want him to be ashamed and cower in the corner? Like he has to earn the right to be there? No, he's not going to do that. He fights the way he wants, the way he enjoys and needs to fight—while still remaining within the confines of the team. And it is only in combat that he's like that; he even keeps his usual surface calm when they're walking around in the Palace and in the cutscenes. I don't think it's surprising Maruki makes him lose his shit; Maruki is trying to manipulate him. And that's a trigger for Akechi, make no mistake.
That moment he unchains himself in the engine room stays with him forever, I think:
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HELLO, CREEPY BOY but watch his face: he smiles. He sees something. He understands something. And he doesn't forget it.
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promisinininining · 11 months
post project rambling
blood spills over is finished!
The whole thing has been planned from the beginning, but the exact scope of it kept creeping and creeping until it went form something I thought I could finish in around 5k words, to 10k, to 20k, at which point I gave up trying to estimate the length it would end up at. The last part (five of pentacles, reversed) ended up being longer than the previous parts added together, sitting at 26 out of 47k. Oops! That's longer than the previous longest fic I'd written on its own! It was only supposed to be a little thing to tide us over until the final part but ,,. uh, well, I got carried away a little. I had only written parts 1 and 2 before I started posting, and at that point I thought I was mostly done, so I thought it was safe to do so. (As an addendum, I did start posting because of my cute little stalker digging up my old accounts and sending abuse to those inboxes, where I hadn't closed anon off yet, so it was a bit of a spite fuelled adventure at the beginning.) I don't normally like to post things before they're finished because quite frankly I didn't trust myself to actually finish it, but I guess because I had a clear ending in mind, I was able to get there eventually.
I am not used to being in such a big fandom, so the support has been a completely new experience, and it's honestly been a little overwhelming (in the best way possible). I have been on the struggle bus these past few monoths with moving to a new house and a ton of unexpected bills on top of it, and I don't think I would have been able to get to this point without my friends and reviewers. I've met so many wonderful people, and it's been fun being in a fandom that isn't just me and my best buds.
About the story itself, there were a few deleted scenes that I wished I could put in, but ultimately decided against. Goro was initially going to physically meet Rumi, for one, but it didn't quite fit, and it felt like it was distracting from the main story too much, which was ultimately Goro finding something to live for. There was definitely not enough time for him to learn to love himself in just the short space of time where the third semester took place, but he has the rest of his life to learn how to, surrounded by people who are willing to show him by loving him back.
Sumire's relationship with Goro is also one that I really wanted to play with, especially as two extremely cynical people who don't really interact in canon. I feel like it's easy to just see Sumi as someone who's peppy and a little airheaded, but she's also extremely depressed, and put her entire existence on fulfilling her sister's wish, much like Goro's existence is based on killing Shido. I think they would understand each other intrinsically on a level that is very fun to explore, beyond "well we both love pego". Also, Atlus what the heck did you do with her. Give her to me. Let me sort it. I didn't think it helped her character any by being kidnapped for a week then beaten up and suddenly being like "wow you're right I can live as myself now". She needed to find that inner strength herself, with a little nudge from Goro who recognises the same pain. Of course, Goro's solution was "kill the person responsible" and Sumire can't reaaally do that with a hit and run, but she has a better support system than Goro and can learn to channel that more productively. If it's gymnastics, or something else entirely, I don't know.
I don't want to go too deep into the details with futaba and haru because this is already getting QUITE LONG, and I'm certain that there are only going to be a few people who have read this far, and those people already know how I feel about their relationship. I mean I was pretty clear in the fic itself, it's one of the less subtle things, I think; Futaba is the youngest, and she's extremely traumatised, and people have been enabling her bad behaviour by indulging it. It's 'helpful' rather than invasive, and okay, it saved Akira's life... but I do think there was definitely a better way to do it than bugging his phone. (Actually, another thing I didn't get to touch on is how the Thieves blatantly used Goro for their own plan regarding the interrogation room rather than attempting to understand him or his motives, perfectly fine with manipulating him back to thinking he's manipulating them, and how much that would fuck up someone who already has a complex about being used... but that's for another day and another fic, I think).
Finally, Maruki: this man is fucked up. I know it's easy to see him as sympathetic when he has the best intentions, and wants to 'help' people, but intentions don't matter when it comes to hurt and abuse. You can intend to be a perfectly kind person and still abuse your power over them. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly, he's such a fucked up little skrungley boy, but he's definitely not the wet cat that he looks like at first glance. He's a researcher, forward in his field of cognitive pscience to the point where he awakened his own powers by himself, and has been shamelessly abusing his position as a therapist to get more information for his own gain (which, I emphasise, is to control the lives of everyone ever so that nobody suffers again) from the main cast.
Anyway, before I sign off, I will put out there that I have been thinking about Strikers, But With Baby Rei On Board. It's been spinning in my head since I finished. it's not going to happen (I refuse to do an entire game rewrite--just the third semester was an entire Thing, and I hate rehashing canon scenes), but hopefully you can glean some fun and entertaining thoughts about it. If you do, let me know! or don't.
A'ight, that's it from me. Thank you for reading. It's been... well, not long, but I feel like my writing is a little dense and requires some re-reads to fully experience it, so it FEELS longer than it is. Either way, I am kissing gently every single one of you who have made it this far down my massive ramble. Thank you, truly.
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sumi137 · 1 year
~the ripper in the water~
Pt 2
namor x water bending oc
Link to pt1
Warnings: cursing
( the languages being speaker in this series is german, yucatec Maya. Just wanted to clarify for anyone who was wondering)
After I think for a bit on what I should get T'Challa for him s birthday. I decided to just get him something while I'm with Shuri later. Once I'm home I see that it already 12:40. I set my stuff down in my room while I grad some comfy clothes to wear. I grab some shorts and a tang top, I change into it an throw my swimsuit in to my dirty cloth basket. I walk back out to living room and sit on the couch for a bit to watch a movie. After looking for awhile I end up watching the lion King.
When the moice ended I check my phone to see that Shuri texted me, ' about 10 mins away from your apartment'. I text back saying ' okay I'll get my stuff ready', with that I get up and make my way to my room. Once I'm at my room I put some of my favorite clothes in a backpack and put my charger and air pods. I wall over to my vanity and put on my mother's rings an earrings. I make sure to put some extra jewelry into a little bag an put it in the bag. When I finish packing I walk back out to the living room to see Shuri sitting on my couch. I also see two guards standing by the front door. Shuri looks over at me " you ready to go", I walk over to her " yes, and I have to tell you something on our way back" , I said while I walk over to where th guards are. With saying that Shuri quickly walked over to where I was and thw jet brought us up to it.
Once we are in the jet one if the guards head tomorrows to th controls and we set off. Shuri and I sit down on some seats near by. " soo what do you need to tell me", she said with a curious look on her face. I give her a smile " when I was training with my bending this weird dude came out of the water and spoke in yucatec Maya, he also had pointed ears and wings on his feet." . I lean back in my seat and when I l look over at Shuri to see what she will say " well you and a fun night but to be serious I heard about someone similar to who you described. If I remember it was the serpent God, if so then you met a whole ass God". She looks over at me, " okay to be honest he was like really fucking hot like I would have his kids if he asked me too" , I say this laughing a little but when I look over at Shuri she gave me a disappointed but disgusted look. " really you just had to say that, you literally just met him and you already saying you would have his kids", she says this while smacking her forehead with her hand. I hear her laughing under her breath," hey don't laugh at me if you saw him you would agree with me, well maybe not but still", I cross my arms and let out a scoff. After awhile the guards tell us that we are here. I grab my bag and follow Shuri out the jet. When we got out I see queen Ramonda waiting for us with a few guards around her. When we get a closer to her she walks up an gives me a hug, " oh how good it is to see you again Katara, T'Challa will be happy to see you again", I hug her back " oh I missed you too". She lets me go and looks over a Shuri " Shuri take Katara to where she will be staying okay". With that Queen Ramonda walks back into the building behind her with two of the guards following her. I look over a Shuri and she grabs my hand and starts to kinda drag me behind her. After walking for a bit we stop in front of a door, the guards that were following us opened the door. I look around to see that everything is how I left it the last time I was here. "You guys kept it the same", I look over at Shuri and she nods her head....
Sorry this one is short but I didn't have much time to write it but the next part will be longer. : 3
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acacia-may · 1 year
Penny for your thoughts on, say, Shinobu? Please? 💖🦋
Ooh! Thank you so much for asking about my favorite butterfly girl, friend! 🦋 I think this is the first time I've been asked for my opinions about anything Demon Slayer related. I've gotten a few asks for headcanons, but none for my opinions (so far) I don't think, so thank you for that! 🥰
I'm putting everything under the cut so I can talk about some spoilers since I know you've read the manga & you mentioned the light novels before too. I'll try to be vague though. 😅
Thanks again for the ask and for playing my Penny for Your Thoughts ask game! 💖
(Warnings: Demon Slayer Spoilers)
Shinobu is one of my favorite characters in Demon Slayer without a doubt, and I know I won't be able to go into everything I loved about her here but I'll try my best to touch on a few things. I really liked her from the beginning. I was just really entertained by that bantering, teasing friendship she had with Tomioka. It was just so delightful, and honestly one of my favorite things in the series overall! I think I always got the impression that something deeper was going on with her as a character so I didn't find that hollow niceness of hers off-putting like my sister and friends did. That scene where Tanjiro asks her if she's angry, and she finally lets that mask slip a little bit so Tanjiro (and the reader/watcher) can catch a glimpse into what's really going on with her was really such a great moment.
Shinobu has suffered a lot and while I don't agree with a lot her choices in how she chose to handle her pain, I think the idea of her burying it in her quest to keep her family together after Kanae died then throwing it into this revenge plot was really compelling and understandable (even if it wasn't the most healthy). There's this juxtaposition in her where she is an incredibly strong and strong-willed person, but, on some level, she is just barely keeping it together while pretending like everything is fine. The story did not shy away from that, and it was heartbreaking to see her desperately trying not to crack under the weight of these incredibly heavy burdens.
Yet what I think is so compelling about her and a lot of the characters in Demon Slayer actually is that they end up using that pain as motivation for bringing about something good. Not that that makes the suffering they endured okay or worth it, but there is this dedication that Shinobu and a lot of the other demon slayers have that basically says, "This horrible thing happened to me, and now I am going to do everything that I can to make sure no one else has to suffer the way I did." And there is a lot to be said about that. I think a lot about the light novel "One Winged Butterfly" and how Kanae and Shinobu both really went out of their way to become demon slayers after losing their parents. and how resourceful and determined they had to be to make that happen. This is especially true for Shinobu given that she's too petite to behead a demon, but she instead of giving up, she develops her own breathing style that plays to her strengths in pharmacology. Who does that? It's pretty amazing!
And yes, for Shinobu a part of becoming a demon slayer was that she wanted revenge, but I think also you see in her work at the Butterfly Mansion as a healer and also in how she and Kanae adopted Aoi, Kiyo, Naho, and Sumi as their sisters after they lost their parents to demons, that Shinobu also finds a lot of purpose in helping other people. Rather than despairing in the face of these serious hardships, she chooses to take care of others. (Now if we could only get her to take care of herself...but that's its own problem).
The last thing I want to mention is that I think at Shinobu's core is really her relationships with her sisters, the other butterfly girls. It's so clear that her family is really the most important thing in the world to her, and she really tries the best that she can to be strong for them even when she herself is deeply hurting. Also, I love her familial-like bond with Inosuke. It was so unexpected (and so heartbreaking in the end), but it was such a wonderful addition to the series. (Inosuke is an honorary butterfly girl in my opinion lol)💖
For a Shinobu song, there are several that come to mind (I actually have a whole playlist on Spotify just for her), so I've gone back and forth a bit trying to decide which to pick before ultimately deciding on "Moonlight" by Grace VanDerWaal. The girl described in this song is just so much like Shinobu, and I imagine that the people closest to her definitely felt the same kind of sadness that unpins this song as they watched her fake smiles while her pain and quest for revenge slowly destroyed her.
She always has a smile From morning to the night The perfect poster child That was once in my life
A doll made out of glass All her friends think that she's great But I can see through it all And she's about to break
Grace VanderWaal - Moonlight (Audio) - YouTube
I'm also including "Any Other Way" by We The Kings because I find it particularly fitting for Shinobu's arc in the final battle. A bit eerily fitting actually...
Feel the poison now Slipping through my skin I'm not giving up But I'm giving in
To my darker side To my every sin So I can fight again
You could give me hell You could give me death Right before I bend I will have revenge
We The Kings - Any Other Way (Audio) - YouTube
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
*sees one of the last asks* wait P5's original ending? I woulda thought you'd prefer Royal's ending ngl (if only for the "Finally the pt all fuck off and can stop pretending to be friends" kinda angle)
I mean original ending ends the game faster so- 8U
JK jk. I have a real reason (tho it ending faster is another benefit for me kfdjsakfj)
I have to refresh myself with P5R tbh (the world is healing, I'm finally blocking P5 outta my mind uwu aksjflja). BUT from what I remember.... I'm.......not a fan of the changes tbh? I don't really care if it's "better" I just.... I remember there being changes that contradict or are just changed from the original ending. And like.....I dunno it didn't vibe with me. (also having to deal with the game gurgling Goro's balls so that wasn't fun)
I don't mind them adding stuff. But them taking away/changing something feels.....disrespectful to the original intent.
Take P4G. It's true ending is still the same even if you get the 3rd semester. But the change is that it ADDS ONTO it after the original part is over. It keeps the original intact still, both if you do or don't do the 3rd semester.
P3P, same for both sides. It's not until NG+ they give you an option (as a treat) to spend your last moments with a diff character. But the devs made it NG+ because they wanted to keep that original vision intact.
I dunno, it just didn't sit right with me to change it so drastically. And for what? (I know for what, fucking Goro >_> They could've figured out how to squeeze Sumi/Maruki in a diff way but Goro is where they have issues and have to write around him) It's just.....it gives "we aren't confident/didn't like Hashino's ending so we made our own TOTALLY better one~! ;D" And I'm just:
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I think.......it shows that it also screwed Atlus over in the longer run too. Looking at the state of their spinoffs (and only one being after the events of P5, with the other's somehow taking place in the middle/before the ending of P5). While P4(/3) were able to move on with 3(/2 for P3) games after the events of both P3/4. And it's probs because they don't want to address the Goro problem.
now they have an opportunity to explore the two endings by exploring multiple timeli-*Atlus bonks me over the head and drags me away*
*wakes up later in the Atlus jail cell* *rattles my bars* BUT THEY HAVE NOT BE COWARDS AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING FUN FOR THAT TO HAPPEN! TT0TT
(Oh I don't really have much like......love for their friendship in either ending. jfkldjsfa I don't really view it as "oh they can finally stop pretending to be friends." I know they are friends from what Atlus has told me. I just don't believe the execution that was given to me. "You said 'told' but what about shown?" What Atlus has shown me is they should all get better friends that like them, esp Anne/Yusuke/Ryuji. But neither ending invoke anything for me about the friendships. So it's a moot point)
Tldr; From what I remember they changed the ending and it feels disrespectful to the original ending (rather it just being the original ending with some additions). It feels rude to the original creator/intent. It also makes me feel like they aren't/weren't confident in their original work. I think it's screwed Atlus over judging by how they are handling spinoffs.
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miss-choi-park · 8 months
Sin never tasted so...
Chapter 3 - Grand me a wish~
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A TXT Yeonjun Fanfiction from Mrs. Choi-Park
CEO/non-idol/dom/bully!Yeonjun! / Confident/sub/named/fem!Reader!
Previous Chapter
[...] I didn't have the heart to look at my mother for long after what I did yesterday. I knew it was wrong...why didn't I end things right away?! I took a deep breath before rolling onto my back. Should I blame it on the alcohol that had knocked out my senses yesterday, or...what else?
I ignored the fact that I wasn't even fully drunk yesterday.
Warnings under the cut
Warnings: rough language, they kinda hate each other
Please remember that I fully respect the privacy of all K-Pop Idols and that this is just a fantasy. It's not my intention to harm anyone! (I've been a MOA since March 2023)
As my mother had told me, I got up around one o'clock to get something for lunch. As if I were a felon on the run, I made my way through the hotel. If I’ll spot even the slightest trace of Yeonjun, I would do a 180° turn and barricade myself in my hotel room again.
Luckily only a few hotel guests were there for lunch. I poured some beef soup into a bowl and sat at the farthest table in the dining area. As if rushed, I slurped down my soup at the speed of light and made my way back to my room.
Man, now Yeonjun is really ruining my whole vacation.
I decided to take a short walk to clear my mind. At least the sun was shining. So why not enjoy it?
But I noticed something in my room that I didn't like at all.
Where was my ski jacket?
"Shit!" I swore out loud when I searched everywhere. Really everywhere...under the bed, inside my closet…even in the bathroom.
I was still wearing it last night...so it could only be in one place.
I collapsed onto my bed.
"Damn Sumi, you really are the stupidest person in the world!" I growled as I crossed my arms over my eyes. I imagined 500 different ways I would get my jacket out of Yeonjun's hotel room.
Burglary and theft were certainly among the possibilities I considered.
Defeated, I took a breath and hung my head.
Unfortunately, the smartest option was also the one I hated the most. But in order not to attract too much attention, this was the best thing to do.
Oh please, dear God, let him be nice today! I prayed when I finally arrived at Yeonjun's door.
Hopefully he was there, too.
I hesitantly raised my hand and slowly formed it into a fist to knock on the door, but before that I stopped and bit my bottom lip.
This option was really some shit…
Come on Sumi! The longer you stand here, the more noticeable it is to other hotel visitors who may come this way.
So I slowly knocked on the door decorated with the golden number 54.
Then I waited. Probably not for long, but it felt like hours before I heard noises behind the door.
The last spark of hope that Yeonjun wasn't there vanished into thin air when the door opened and Yeonjun appeared behind it, my heart stopped.
He seemed surprised for a moment before his face relaxed and he leaned against the doorframe with his arms folded.
"Well who do we have here?" He asked and a chill ran down my spine.
His hair, which he usually wore in a middle part, was combed into a thick pony. The black and white college jacket with the white T-shirt and big, dark gray jeans gave the impression that he was about to go somewhere.
"Ski jacket…" I murmured, barely audible, and his eyebrows disappeared into his thick bangs.
"What?" He asked, leaning forward slightly.
"I forgot my ski jacket, okay?!" I growled clearly at him now.
The corners of Yeonjuns mouth turned up.
"Why should I have your jacket?"
Oh...my prayers were not answered…
"I really don't want to argue now! Just give me my jacket and we can finally go our separate ways again." I said annoyed and also crossed my arms.
"What if I don't give it to you?" He asked and set off a fire in me, unfortunately not a good fire like yesterday.
Without thinking about it any further, I walked past Yeonjun and into the room from which I had so hastily fled yesterday.
"Hey potato! I didn't allow you to do that!" Yeonjun protested behind me as I frantically searched the room for my beige ski jacket. I wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. I discovered the jacket on the foot of the large bed.
Suddenly there was a loud bang that shook the pictures on the wall.
I jumped and spun around.
Yeonjun came towards me with a quick step. The look in his eyes scared me. I stumbled backwards, felt the mattress in the back of my knees and fell over, straight onto the bed and my ski jacket.
Yeonjun stopped in front of me, putting his hands in his pockets as he looked down at me.
"I wasn’t done with you yesterday. Why did you leave and come back now with no allowance at all!?" He asked without two seconds passing. His tone sounded more than angry. I had to swallow.
"Answer!" He ordered and that was my signal to disappear. I grabbed my ski jacket, stood up, passed Yeonjun and ran towards the exit.
Unfortunately I didn't get far because Yeonjun grabbed the back of my sweater and pulled me back so hard that my back slammed into his chest.
"Oh no! Now I'm definitely not letting you go so easily!" He growled in my ear and my body began to release adrenaline.
"Yeonjun, stop it! Let me go!" I said and tried to free myself from his grip. But Yeonjuns arms found their way around my stomach.
"I'll let you go if you promise to stay here for three minutes." He whispered in my ear. His voice was softer now, which actually calmed me down a bit.
"I won't do anything to you. I just want to talk for a moment!" he explained.
"Your 'talking' is always pretty annoying for me." I replied and I could practically hear his eye roll.
"Are you staying now?" He asked and I swallowed again.
Why should I stay? I actually wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible, to feel myself between his arms now…was the opposite of what I came here for.
"Just three minutes." Yeonjun said again.
"One minute!"
"OK fine!"
Yeonjun immediately pulled away from me and I actually struggled with the idea of running away, now that he freed me.
"You regret it, don't you?" I heard him say, breaking my thoughts of running away.
Instead I turned to him.
I couldn't really look him in the eyes, which drew my attention to the 'Y' printed on his jacket.
"I actually play with the thought of leaving now!" I admitted and finally looked him in the eyes. Yeonjun looked a bit confused, before my gaze found its way back to the 'Y' on his jacket: "Not now. I was talking about yesterday.”
Oh…he meant that…
"Well…yes of course…" I said honestly. Then silence.
Longer than expected and just when I wanted to look up at him to see his expression, a hand cupped my chin and pulled my head up.
"Why?" Yeonjun then asked. His grip was a little too tight on my jaw.
"You know why!"
Yeonjun studied my face.
"Explain it to me!"
My eyes widened.
"We...we hate each other."
Yeonjuns eyes darkened slightly as his hand fell from me.
"Hm." Was the only thing he gave as a response.
Then silence again. I couldn't read the expression on his face.
"Didn't seem to be the case yesterday...well, before you stormed out of my room." He pointed out.
Okay, I had to give him that point. He was actually right. I did liked it yesterday…but that doesn't matter now - that'll never ever be the matter anymore.
"It seemed pretty consensual." He continued talking and I bit my lower lip.
"Or do you want to accuse me of rape now too?"
Yeonjuns eyes widened a bit and I had to exhale in defeat.
“Man damn it! That was once in a lifetime! ONCE! I don't want to talk about it anymore and yes, I would prefer it if it hadn't happened...but now we both have to live with it and I would be very grateful if we pretended it never happened!" I explained, turned around and went towards the exit. I was no longer willing to continue this conversation.
"I'm sorry!" Yeonjun called after me and I froze.
Had I misheard? The fact that he even knew those words was completely alien to me. I turned back on the spot. Yeonjun was still standing where I had left him.
His eyebrows were drawn together and to be honest he looked distressed.
"I'm sorry...I didn't…I didn't mean to hurt you. How was I supposed to know that you were a virgin?" He sat onto the bed and sank his head into his hands. "I...to be honest, I feel at least as shitty as you do."
I was surprised to hear not a hint of sarcasm or spott in his words.
"I feel responsible." He murmured, lifting his head again to make sure I was still there.
"Responsible?" I asked and he shrugged.
"I don't want to pretend it never happened.", He said and I couldn't breathe, "You can continue to turn away from me and if you want I will do the same, but I can't forget it." He said and I was stunned. Since when did Yeonjun talk to me like that?
"Okay, who are you and what did you do with Yeonjun?" I asked which got a small smile from his side.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, looking directly at me as if I were the only thing in this room or in this world.
"I..." yes, what did I actually want? I want to get out of this room?-yes
But what would happen after that?
"I don't know..." I admitted and Yeonjun smiled at me again.
"Me neither." He admitted.
That was the end of our conversation. What would happen was unclear as I closed the door behind me. But one thing was certain...I…honestly couldn't forget it either.
The days rushed past me, luckily without giving Yeonjun a second thought. I breathed in the clear air on the slopes. Firmly attached to my skis with the two ski poles I had planted deep in the snow next to me, I watched the crowd of children who seemed to be learning how to ski.
Today it was cloudy but a little warmer than the previous days. It was my last day here and I enjoyed the slopes one last time. My parents had decided to only ski with me for two hours until they retreated to the hotel sauna half an hour ago.
So I was alone, but happy with the time to myself.
I've been thinking so much over the last few days that I've barely been able to switch off. The resulting headaches weren't exactly nice either.
I waited until the children were about halfway down the slope to have a clear path and then somehow cheated my way past them.
"Frozen?" I heard someone behind me. I couldn't place the voice through the helmet I was wearing, so I turned around.
A person, also on skis, wearing a helmet, ski goggles and an additional cloth over his nose and mouth made it difficult for me to decipher who was slithering towards me. But the silver ski jacket looked familiar...very familiar.
The person put the ski goggles on the helmet and I immediately recognized the eyes looking at me.
I turned around again.
"Are you still ignoring me?" He asked as he came to a stop next to me.
Ignoring was an understatement. I had been hiding from him for the last tow days.
"It ignored you before, too." I replied without taking my eyes off the children who had completed the quarter piste.
"That's not wrong…" he said. His voice had that teasing tone again.
His statement caught my eye.
"Fancy a race, potato?" he asked, looking down the slope again.
"Are you crazy? There are kids on the slope."
"Then we'll wait until they get down."
His gaze came back to me.
"It's still dangerous." I murmured and I could see his smile even behind the cloth covering his mouth.
"Oh come on, it's a green slope...even the kids can do it!" He objected and I looked back down the slope.
He was right ...I skied down this slope for perhaps the tenth time today because you didn't have to put in much effort and you could just enjoy the wind in your face.
I bet I could beat him.
"What if I win?" I asked and Yeonjun's eyes flashed, before sticking his ski poles deep into the snow and adjusting his gloves.
"You will not!"
"What if I do? I bet you'll lose."
"What do you want?" Yeonjun asked, his eyes moving back to me.
Hmm...there is something...but why should I tell him now?
"I'll tell you if you lose!"
"Oh! Where does this self-confidence come from?"
I stopped paying attention to him as I looked at the children who had almost made it to the end.
"What if I win? Then will you do everything I say?"
"That won't happen because I'll win..." Without waiting for his answer, I pushed myself away with the ski poles, immediately when the children cleared the slopes.
"Hey! This is cheating!!!" Yeonjun called after me, as I repeatedly rammed my ski poles into the snow and pushed off to gain the speed I needed to make myself small and air dynamic.
The slope was almost vertical...so why curve? I would never win like that.
Once I had the speed I wanted, I tucked the poles under my armpits, bent my knees low and my upper body forward to be as streamlined as I could.
Unfortunately, I saw pretty quickly that someone was following me.
"Potato! You're playing pretty unfair!" I heard Yeonjun shout and I couldn't help but laugh, before I picked up my ski poles again to push off.
"Eat my snow!!" I called back, cutting his path so he had to brake.
Pretty risky, but I didn't mind at that moment!
Unfortunately, Yeonjun didn't slow down and appeared right next to me. I quickly streamlined myself again, but Yeonjun picked up speed faster than me.
"HAHA!!!", he triumphed when he was a whole ski's length in front of me, "Why so slow, potato?"
Damned! We were almost at the end of the slope!
I used my sticks again, but it didn't help. Yeonjun won by a ski length.
We both stopped so hard that the snow sprayed three meters away. As we stood, Yeonjun threw his arms in the air.
"Won! Won!" He exclaimed and I wanted to pour snow under his thick ski jacket.
Yeonjun tore his cloth from his mouth and his googles backup: “Now you have to grant me one wish!”
"I'm not a fairy godmother...I don't grant wishes...at least not before a rematch!"
"Oh come on, you started before me and still didn’t make it! What would it look like if we started a rematch at the same time?"
I crossed my arms and started to sulk.
Yeonjun laughed briefly: "So? Will the fairy godmother grant me a wish now?"
"I'm not a fairy!"
"Who else can do magic then? A witch?"
"That's even worse! God, just say what you want!"
Yeonjun smiled evilly and I got a little scared.
"You have to do everything." He reminded me and I swallowed.
Why did I get the idea that he wanted something sexual?
"Come with me!" Then he just said and drove off. I followed him hesitantly.
Such a dumb thing! He only won because he had more weight... simple physics... more mass... higher speed. Yeonjun and I left the slopes and went back to the hotel. The whole time I was begging him to tell me what he wanted...but he wouldn't say anything. As I got closer to the hotel in the middle of the day with Yeonjun, my fear that our parents would see us together grew.
Luckily, that didn't happen as Yeonjun led me to a brand new area of the hotel. It was the gym.
He led me further through sweaty men's and women's and exercise equipment, into a medium-sized mirrored room. Yeonjun turned on the light as if he had known the room his whole life.
A dance studio? God damn what didn't this hotel have?!
"Undress yourself!" Yeonjun suddenly said and I jumped.
I turned to him and saw him taking off his ski gear.
"You've been dancing for years, too right?" He asked and sat down after taking off his jacket, shoes and ski pants. The oversized gray and white sweater he wore actually looked like sports clothes.
How long had he been planning this?
"Yes why?" I asked as Yeonjun pulled out his phone and tapped on it.
"Take off your clothes and tell me what you can dance!" He asked me.
I was a bit perplexed. What exactly did he want?
However, my fingers slowly found their way to the zipper of my jacket.
"And?" He asked, slowly looking up from his display as I pulled out my jacket.
"Um...what exactly do you want from me now?" I asked and Yeonjun smiled, while I unzipped my ski pants.
"What do you think?" He asked, leaning back against one of the mirrors. The look on his face told me everything.
"You...want me to dance?" I asked.
Yeonjun closed his eyes with a self-absorbed grin.
"Mh...that's exactly what I want!" He said and I grimaced before taking off my ski pants.
"I'm sorry there's no pole here now...you pervert!" I protested.
"Why pervert...I just want to see what you can do."
"To jerk off later!"
"I beg you, that's how you see me?! I'm horrified!", The tone in his voice was amused, "So tell me! What can you do?"
Hmm, I wouldn't make it that easy for him!
"I want you to join in!"
Yeonjuns eyes widened, "Hey, that's my win! Why should I dance when I won?"
"Your wish is limited to one song! Then you dance!"
Yeonjun started laughing and shook his head at the same time: "Why, so you have something to satisfy yourself later?"
"What? You just said the exact same thing to me!"
I started to sulk.
"Okay, fine...you alone and then us together. I don't dance alone! This is my win! Deal?" He asked and I briefly considered his offer.
Better than nothing.
"Okay deal!" I replied and Yeonjun leaned forward again.
"Then finally tell me what kind of song you want!"
"Bumba ja - Black Pink."
Nothing came back, just a nod from him as he typed something on his phone. I used the time to take off my boots. I preferred dancing in socks anyway.
I never thought he would ask me to do something like that.
Suddenly loud music played, making me jump.
"Just the chorus, baby! Show me what you got!" Yeonjun shouted over the music, as I breathed heavily and turned my back to him.
"Do not call me Baby!" I called out before the chorus started.
I would even be able to dance the entire song, but he wants only the chorus? - then he gets only the chorus. I kinda was happy to just dance the chorus as it was quite irritating to dance in front of Yeonjun.
The chorus was over faster than expected and I turned to Yeonjun, who continued to play the song.
His gaze moved from the mirror where he had seen me from the front to me. He turned the volume down a little and leaned back.
"So! Satisfied?" I asked a little out of breath. Yeonjun looked at me for a while as if he was thinking.
Then he closed his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.
"No." He replied and I automatically crossed my arms over my chest.
"You know I won three dance competitions…I can't be that bad." I grumbled.
"That's not it at all." Yeonjun mumbled and finally stood up, "It was good... just not enough."
I raised an eyebrow as he walked over to me.
"Not enough?" I repeated him and Yeonjun stopped just a few centimeters in front of me. I had to crane my head quite a bit again to look into his eyes. An evil smile played on his lips: "You can choose another song. I want to see more!"
"More? We agreed that I would only dance one song!"
Yeonjuns eyes flew over my face until they stopped at the level of my lips. His bottom lip pulled between his teeth and I really hoped he wasn't thinking about anything dirty.
"I'll dance with you." He murmured and my breath caught in my throat as his eyes snapped back into mine.
"Ever danced with a man?" He asked, one of his hands resting on my hip. I winced slightly and leaned backwards a little, but otherwise remained standing.
"Do you want to do a couple dance?" I asked and Yeonjuns smile got a little bigger.
"Still hip hop.", He said and I raised an eyebrow again, "Can you do any hip-hop couple dances, or do we want to improvise?" He whispered and leaned forward a little to make up for the distance that had arisen between us.
I could do a dance...I had learned it...with my ex...that's how we got together, but who tells me that Yeonjun could do the dance too?
"I can do one." I admitted.
"What's the song's name?" He asked and leaned forward a little more.
"Do what it do." I remembered. Yeonjun seemed to think.
"Never heard of it." He mumbled and I had to giggle.
"Then you have to improvise." I muttered, finally able to free myself from my paralysis.
I ran to Yeonjun's phone on the floor next to his ski gear and knelt down.
"Let me hear it first." He asked and I took his phone. Since Spotify was still open, I entered the song into the search bar and immediately clicked on it.
"Hm! Listen to it!" I said before the song started.
Yeonjun listened to the melody while I sat down.
The song was...how could I describe it...pretty sexy?
My ex and I learned it because of a dance competition where a couple hip hop dance was required for admission. We decided on this song at the time to try out something new. A sexy couple dance.
The atmosphere that the song created was always electric and the thought occurred to me...that I wanted to try it out with Yeonjun. Was that a good idea?
Why did I choose this song? It could have simply been a couples dance that could be completed without much physical contact.
But knowing Yeonjun, there was no way out from here now anyway. I just tried to leave as much distance between him and me. He wouldn't know it was wrong.
Yeonjuns gaze returned to me. "Show me how you dance to it." He requested me and I turned the music down a little.
"No chance, mister! We said one danc-"
"I need to see how you dance to it so it looks consistent." He said and I rolled my eyes.
"You wanted to improvise."
"Yes, after I saw you, let's go!" He asked me and came to me. He sat down next to me and stretched his arm forward, to tell me to use the large space in front of us.
I cursed to myself, but strangely my body stood up on its own.
"You're an ass! Repeat the song and I'll show you!" I scolded, but Yeonjun just laughed and restarted the song.
I closed my eyes and took a breath. It had been ages since I last danced the song. But my body seemed to still remember the song as I just started dancing.
Meanwhile, I tried my best not to think about Yeonjun in my back. It was a bit complicated to dance without a partner, but I managed it somehow. Made a mistake...but covered it like a pro.
When I made the final move, I turned to Yeonjun.
He quickly noticed that I was finished and quieted down a bit.
"That...was pretty hot." he said. I grimaced at him.
"Then try to do an improv that’s just as good!" I asked him and Yeonjun immediately stood up.
"Let's go!" He said loudly and rewinded the song back to the beginning.
Then he came to me and I had to swallow.
Shit...is this really happening now?!
Then it really started.
I started dancing and saw in the mirror how Yeonjun started moving too. It wasn't long before I turned to him for the first time to put my hand on his shoulder...and 'dance' at him. In fact, this moment was neither embarrassing nor 'hot'. Yeonjun's look made me laugh. I laughed...I actually laughed, so much so that I had to stopp dancing and leaned over to let my laughter out freely.
"What is it?" Yeonjun asked shortly afterwards. His voice also audibly amused. Tears welled up in my eyes from laughter. I didn't really know why I was laughing...I just had to laugh.
"Sorry! I don't think I can do this with you." I admitted and then turned to Yeonjun, who also smiled widely at me. I wiped the tears from my eyes while Yeonjun went to the phone and turned the music down again.
"Why are you laughing?" Yeonjun then asked again when the music was quieter.
"I don't know either! I just have to laugh." I said, still giggling slightly.
Yeonjun shook his head in amusement and slammed his fists on his hips.
"Did you laugh like that with the person you learned this with, too?" He asked and my laughter stopped. For a moment there was silence between us, only the quiet sounds of R'n'B flooded the large room. Finally, Yeonjun raised an eyebrow. A silent question from him.
"No...I learned the dance...with my ex. That's how we got together back then." I explained and my eyes wandered to the floor.
Then silence again.
"Hmm." I finally heard Yeonjun hum and my eyes went back up.
I was a little shocked to see him so close to me.
"I wonder how you did it." He asked and I looked at him questioningly.
My look was probably enough to make my thoughts clear to him.
"I've danced with a few girls...I haven't gotten together with any of them."
"But ended up in bed with them."
Yeonjun laughed briefly: “What do you actually think of me?”
Both of his hands found my waist.
Everything in me tensed. His eyes were dark. I immediately put my hands on his and tried to push them away, but his grip only tightened.
"I wonder what you were doing during the song...certainly…not just dancing." He whispered, just loud enough for me to hear him over the quietly playing song.
"Yeonjun! What are you thinking again?!"
"I'm just thinking about what you guys did...without ever actually having sex."
I furrowed my brows: "Oh God! That's none of your business!"
Next Chapter:
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khaaidar · 1 year
I've been feeling asexual lately
I’ve been feeling somewhat asexual lately. Every time i go out on a date, hang out with a cute gay friend, or hang out with someone who wants to be something-in-between with me, i don't want to do anything intimate with them. No kisses, no sex, only cuddles. I can feel the attraction from their side but i just feel like i have this wall in front of me. It makes me want to reflect on my life more. I hate the word "to reflect", the fuck does that mean like go fuck yourself never say that to me ever again. Anyways...it makes me want to think about my daily life again. It must be coming from not feeling satisfied with what i'm doing on the day-to-day basis. 
First of all, my job. I don't feel like i fit in, i'm not even trying to fit in anymore. I feel guilty for being at this job, it seems like i'm wasting everyone's time. You know when you're young, it feels like time is going by so quick and you need to "make it" on time before you get old. I still feel this way, somewhat. Especially living in such a big and fast-pased city like toronto, it makes you want to run faster and faster until your engine has set yourself on fire. After all, what are we running towards? Innovation? We can't wait but get ourselves to the space? Escape our planet to find other life that will make us change our beliefs about what life is. What are we running towards? Why do we need to be stressed all the time? My job is taking away all of my time by sucking me dry and fucking me in every whole because i fucking hate it. No, i'm lying. I don't think i "fucking hate it", I think i just dislike it. I don't like the clients, the main clients i guess, i can't think the same way as my coworkers think. it's all straight dudes, i can't fucking relate to them. i want to work with women. i want life to be more sensitive. i want to feel life when i work. i feel like my eyes are burning, my back is breaking, my brain is not working when i work. Why do i have to work this way?
Anyways, that paragraph got a lil too long. fuck it. What i wanted to say is that my job is taking 80% of my time and i'm not fucking enjoying it. Will it benefit me in the future? maybe. do i know for sure? fuck no.
i haven't been honest with myself or anyone else lately. my boss, my mom, my dad, my sisters, my friend that i only go out to raves with, my boyfriends that i go on dates with just to rest my brain and get head, and myself. 
Second of all, i can't connect with anyone that i meet these days. yeah this one is struggling, ya that girl is working two jobs, hmm that guy is going in on his side hustle, ou yeah that man is feeling a little lost in life, oh that girl sumi or whatever keeps raving about her new cigarettes, hah that girl emma keeps asking me what skirt she should wear cause she's going out with this cute guy and can't wait to get her pussy ate after her shitty restaurant job with no prospects in sight. and where am i right now? i don't like my job and it's fucking with my self-esteem. are we all supposed to sit down, talk to our therapists or friendapists [friends who you dump everything on you at 8am in the morning while they're doing their makeup to go to their new exhausting freelance job] about how much we hate our lives and then go to our jobs that we give -5 fucks about?
yeah this paragraph barely talked about what i even wanted to talk about. who is doing what i want to do? i need to talk to those people but i can't seem to find them. 
I think it's time to start taking action. i'm going to start looking for new opportunities, new design studios, artists, and designers that i can work for, and maybe there can be even a brand that i can be involved with. I'm tired of fucking sitting around not knowing what i'm supposed to do. even if it is a mistake, let it fucking be. i'm tired of being wishy-washy about my life and decisions. let me fucking be.
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forsworned · 3 years
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𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄, 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎𝐓 ۫ ִ ׂ💭 ◟♡ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ  ۫
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♡ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄. THIS IS FOR MY BESTIE @hanakages SO IF YOURE NOT HER THIS IS NOT FOR YOU JKJKJK YALL CAN READ IT TOO BUT IT'S FOR HER SO I HOPE YOU LOVE IT AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY I LOVE YOUUU also big thank you to @itsstrawberrymochi for helping me proofread!! ଘ(੭๑˘ᵕ˘)·੭ * ੈ✩‧₊˚ also a repost bc tumblr is a whore
♡ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. none, just fluffy fluff
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For most, Valentine's day was the bane of their existence, but for you it was the day you could find an excuse to show everyone how much you loved and cared for them. You happily hummed to yourself as you put cute little customized goodie bags together that you had been working on since the end of January. Planning a party was no easy feat, as it was hard to round up all the Hashira and other demon slayers in one room. Let alone a party celebrating Valentine's Day that was suppose to be filled with love and admiration for one another.
Your rules were simple:
1. No fighting
2. Everyone gets a Valentine (and you meant everyone, you didn't want to see poor Giyuu not receive things from his fellow bitter Hashira)
3. Everyone was assigned a food item that they would bring
And lastly, but most importantly: To simply have fun.
Like you had mentioned before, a party would be no easy feat for this group as they were all wrapped up in their own shenanigans and slaying demons, but you had managed to get everyone on board, though some more begrudgingly than others. With the help of Kagaya, you had somehow made it mandatory to attend the event.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as the time got closer and closer to when you would give away your gifts. The expressions on their faces was what you craved the most and you were finally going to get to see that just as soon as you finished this last goodie bag...
"Finished!" You rolled off your stomach and began to carefully pack your things into a bigger bag.
After you had double checked that you had everyone's things, you checked your make up and hair in the mirror. You settled for a soft pink glam look and for a carmine floral yukata. You felt like cupid minus the whole shooting of unsuspecting people to make them fall in love. But the passing of copious amounts of love was what really made you feel a little like Eros. Maybe you could make a few people fall in love while you were at it.
As you counted and recounted the bags on your way to the Butterfly Estate , you managed to run into the girls who were setting up the mansion. You were amazed to see all the hard work and effort you all had accomplished over the span of two days. The girls were dressed in different attire that coordinated with the Valentine's Day theme. Patterns of hearts, flowers and cupid on their yukatas that you could tell they worked meticulously on.
"You guys look so cute!" You cooed, holding your hands up to your face.
They all became abashed by your commentary before gushing about how adorable you looked.
"Are you dressing to impress someone?" Sumi asked innocently looking down at you as you held the ladder from below while she readjusted the lights.
You blinked several times as you felt your face flush. "N-no, not necessarily."
"Is it Shinazugawa-san~" Kiyo rocked on her heels with her hands behind her back.
"No, it has to be Rengoku-san." Naho claimed as she held her chin with both fingers in a deep thinking pose and a serious face.
You felt your heart thrum against your chest the more they talked about who you were showing up for until you simply couldn't take it anymore.
"If I tell you, will you guys keep it a secret?" You finally said as you fidgeted with your yukata.
They all nodded excitedly waiting to hear your secret crush and you beaconed them to you as you covered your mouth to whisper his name.
Their little bodies jolted in shock with cute surprised expressions before they blushed and giggled.
"And don't tell anyone!" You straightened yourself up as you inhaled sharply.
"Don't worry, [name]! Your secret is safe with us!" Kiyo piped up and the other two girls beside her nodded in acknowledgement.
You scratched the back of your neck as you felt your face warm up. You had never really confided in anyone about your crushes on men. It was a bit of an unspoken rule. You always avoided topics about your love life as if it were existent. More often times than not, you spent most of your time reading romantic novels about fantasy men who appeased to women in all the ways your heart desired. It was unfair that men were not like that. That was until you met him.
Sure, he was rough around the edges, like really rough, but he always had a certain kind of sweetness about him with you. At first it wasn't too noticeable. He wouldn't give you the same gruff and brash attitude he would others, but you thought that was just because you were a woman as Mitsuri and Shinobu were. But you had noticed that over time he would lessen his usual rash attitude and sometimes he would look at you a certain way when you talked. He was quiet and listened to you, taking all your words in as you spoke so eloquently.
"...anyone in there?" You asked waving your hands in front of his face and he would blink back to reality and 'tch' softly at you.
"Yes, I was only listening to your incessant blabbering."
You laughed at him and he would 'tch' again at you as he averted his gaze and sighed before his cheeks would slightly inflame trying to keep his usual composure. It was hard though. Keeping his cool around you. It had been awhile since he had fallen for someone, and he had kept his walls up for some time now, but with you things felt easier.
So many things that were left unsaid between the both of you. Things that you were planning to say today and hopefully maybe he would too? You sighed to yourself. It felt almost hopeless with him.
One moment , you would hype yourself up thinking, 'Of course, he likes me and is going to tell me that!' but another part of you felt quite the opposite. In fact, you felt like he almost pitied you and you hated that.
"[name]...are you alright?" Sumi asked as she fidgeted with her fingers.
You noticed how tense you were from being in pensive mode for too long. You uncrossed your arms as you relaxed your posture.
"I'm sure he likes you back." Kiyo nudged at you and you felt embarrassed.
They giggled as you remained silent and urged them to get back to attending to last minute details as every second had counted. The only thing that weighed on your mind was how he was going to take your confession. You had planned to give him his goodie bag in an isolated part of the mansion and profess your love. You cringed at the thought. What if he didn't like you back?
"Uh, [name]...you're crushing the heart plush and the stuffing is spilling out." Naho spoke up and you gazed down at the pink plushie indeed oozing in your hands that you were gripping harshly.
"O-oh." You looked at Naho apologetically as she had made it and she tried her best to not let a tear fall out of her eye as she shook her head.
"I'm so sorry."
"N-no, it's okay! I can fix this." Tears began to spill out of her eyes at lightning speed and you scrambled to try and to cheer her up, but the damage was done.
"Naho, I--" You began to say but she was already rushing out of the room and at that point you wanted to cry yourself.
"What happened?" Kiyo asked.
You showed them the destroyed plush in your hand and their mouths dropped. "It was an accident."
"Do you know how to sew?" Sumi asked as she began to rummage through drawers and then handed you a needle and string.
"Kind of." You took it from her and began to put the thread through the needle and the two of them began to instruct you on how to properly sew the material back together so that it didn't look wonky.
"It's a good thing we finished an hour early." Kiyo said eying your work as Sumi told you where to sew.
"You got that right." You mumbled as you were fixated on the last few stitches you were making to close the plush. "What time is it?"
"Hmm." Kiyo gazed over at the clock on the wall. "5:15."
You sighed as you began to close up the last hole that you had created in the plush and held it in your hands. "I wonder where Naho is."
"She'll be fine. She just needs time to cool off." Sumi smiled up at you and took the plush from your hands to admire your work. "These stitches are really nice, [name]."
"Yes, Naho will be happy to see it." Kiyo agreed and you felt relieved.
"I certainly hope so." You let your shoulders drop as you leaned up against the wall and took a gander around the room.
There were hearts everywhere. Like literally everywhere. Paper heart cutouts hung all over the room in various shades of pink, purple and red. The lights twinkled around the room and the lanterns that they had hung up were pink with the kanji 'love' written on them.
The girls had hand picked bouquets of flowers per your specific instructions to give to the guests as they entered and the table that was set up was riddled with Aoi's cooking. There was enough space for the potluck that was going to ensue very soon and that excited you as you felt your stomach grumble.
"We'll eat as soon as the guests arrive." Kiyo said and you felt a little humiliated that your stomach was that loud.
You put a hand over your belly trying your best not to think about the smell of the food that was filling the room and it was becoming harder to keep yourself from taking one of the steamed buns that Aoi just set on the table.
"Wow, it looks great in here." You heard her say as she gazed around the room in awe.
"Mhmm." You began to reach at one of the steamed buns, but Aoi's head whipped in your direction.
"[name], I thought we agreed on waiting for everyone to arrive before eating." Aoi put her hands on her hips and you sighed.
The sound of your stomach grumbling was much louder this time and you clenched your hand above the fabric of your yukata and Aoi had to keep herself from giggling.
"Okay, maybe you do deserve a small treat. You too, Sumi and Kiyo." She smiled at the both of them as they happily approached the table and grabbed one each.
As you guys thanked her, she searched around the room. "Where's Naho?"
You gave her a guilty look as you chewed on your food and swallowed hard as you showed her the plush that you fixed. "I kind of destroyed the heart plush she made and she ran out of the room crying, but Sumi and Kiyo helped me stitch it together."
Aoi didn't look disappointed in you, rather she was concerned for Naho. "I'll go look for her. Don't over eat!"
And with that she left the room and you swallowed the rest of your bun and frowned, but the girls had insisted that everything would work out and the party would be a hit. As the clock winded down and got closer to six, you started to feel more apprehensive by the minute.
"Oh wow! It looks beautiful in here!" Shinobu peeked her head in and gazed around the room. You immediately perked up as the two girls greeted Shinobu with a bouquet of roses and a flower crown that they bestowed upon her. She thanked them as she held onto the accessory before speaking to you.
"You look like you're dressed to impress a certain somebody." She eyed you mischievously and you rolled your eyes.
"You are one to talk." You retorted checking out her cute purple yukata that she had gotten specifically for the event.
Her smile never left her face. "You look ravishing."
She raised her hands to pinch your cheeks and you noticed that more Hashira began to file in. Kyoujurou being the loudest as he exclaimed about how wonderful the room looked and how delicious the food smelled.
Mitsuri had rushed over to greet the both of you and compliment your outfits and began to gossip about how a certain someone was taking longer than usual.
"I wonder what he might be planning." Mitsuri whispered.
"I heard he was purchasing flowers earlier today." Shinobu added excitedly.
You really didn't want to get your hopes up, but it was hard not to when you were hearing the pair whisper tidbits here and there.
"What do you think, [name]." Shinobu nudged at you and you inhaled sharply as you averted your gaze and watched as he entered the room.
His eyes looking up at the ceiling as he slightly grimaced, but suddenly he relaxed for a moment and then his eyes met yours. It felt like everything around you had stopped and you felt your heart thrum against your chest as the heat rushed to your face and you clamped your hand over your chest.
As you got ready to step forward to hand him a bouquet of flowers, you had been cut off by Sumi handing him a handful of red peonies. You felt your heart slightly drop as his mouth went into the shape of an 'o' and took the flowers by surprise. You had purposefully given everyone a particular set of flowers to convey how you felt for them. You had various and copious amounts of snapdragon for strength, yellow roses for friendship, chrysanthemum's for joy for your friends, but him--red peonies. Honor, respect, passion--love.
Would he even notice? It was so simple, yet so obvious. To a man, maybe not.
You turned away for a moment, feeling a pang of humiliation set in. Mitsuri and Shinobu noticed your discomfort and began to engage you in eating the foods that were being set up on the table.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, but you. You didn't want to seem ungrateful for the event that Kagaya had helped you even get all the demon slayers together, but it was hard when you felt like he was avoiding you the whole time.
As you watched Aoi try to fend off Inosuke from eating anymore food, Kagaya was helped into the seat right beside you.
"A little crow told me you weren't enjoying yourself." He took a sip from his tea,
You sighed and felt your shoulders slump as you picked at your cake with your fork. "Forgive me, I'm just not feeling up to be in a party mood any longer."
He smiled and found your arm and squeezed it. "Everything will fall into place. Just be patient."
You never remembered telling Kagaya about your crush, but that man did seem to have his way of knowing everything that went on.
You smiled softly as him. "Thank you, Oyakata-sama."
You felt your spirits lift as you watched him swish his drink on the other side of the room. He shifted nervously on his feet as you locked eyes again. A smile tugged at your lips as you gazed at him and then over to your overstuffed bag of gifts.
You leaned over to whisper to Kagaya and his smile grew as he clapped his hands together and immediately their attention was on him. In fact, all the demon slayers in the room immediately sat down in front of him as they would in any other meeting minus the bowing.
"We will now commence the exchanging of Valentine's gifts." Kagaya announced and everyone began to shuffle as they reached into their bags and conversed with smiles on their faces.
You rummaged through your bag as you put Kagaya's gift in his hands before anyone else got a chance to rush to him. "It's a good luck charm."
Kagaya’s smile never left his face as he began to feel around the charm that was made into a keychain. "A crow?"
"Yes. Do you like it?"
Weird question to ask a blind man, I know.
"I do. I will cherish it. Thank you, [name]."
He reached for his bag and handed it to you and your mouth went into an 'o' as you stared down at it. "You didn't have to."
"I'm not exempt from gift giving."
You carefully pushed past the tissue paper to reveal a small vial with wisteria flowers engraved into the glass and you undid the top to sniff it and it took you a moment to realize what it was.
"For a little courage."
You screwed the top back on and felt yourself flustered for a moment as you took a peek at the man who was irritated as hell with Giyuu. Poor Giyuu was only trying to receive the gift from him without any damages, but it was all in vain. He only frowned at the slightly crushed candy star that his Hashira counterpart ruined out of unnecessary vexation.
You looked back down at the vial before putting it back in it's packaging. "Thank you, Oyakata-sama."
He pretended to not hear you as he exchanged gifts with other demon slayers and you remembered that you needed to do your own exchanging.
As you happily handed out your gifts, your fellow comrades had seemed to light up as you as they opened their presents, but as happy as they may have seemed their reaction is not what you craved for the most. You had searched the room, but you couldn't find the man you were about to profess your feelings for. You finally got up from your seat, but you had bumped into something or rather someone.
"I'm so sorry!"
You knew that little voice. You gazed down to see a tear stained Naho peering up at you and you smiled down at her and fished out the fixed heart plushie.
"Tadah!" And her face instantaneously lit up with glee as she took it in her hands and hugged it.
"Thank you so much, [name]! It's perfect."
"I'm sorry about earlier."
She shook her head and smiled as she spread open her arms inviting you into a hug which you of course accepted. "It's okay."
She moved to whisper to your ear. "Now go get him!"
You felt your face fluster as you pulled away from her and you both giggled. "Thank you, Naho."
You then gathered your valor as you took one last look at the gift you had prepared for him as you stepped out into the cool spring breeze. It was crisp and beautiful out as the wisteria petals fell onto the courtyard. And that's when you saw him.
He was leaning against a pillar as he looked over at the sunsetting just above the mountains coloring them and him apricot. You looked down at your gift from Kagaya as you quickly doused yourself in the perfume before sharply inhaling and exhaling. You heard the crunching of grass and rocks under your feet as you approached his figure and his head slowly turned to you. His cheeks are tinted carmine but they are glazed over by the tangerine glow of the sunset.
"Hey." You said.
"Hey, yourself."
"Um, you're the only one I haven't given my gift to yet." You fished out the present and handed it to him and his eyes widened.
"O-oh, yeah. Here's yours." He gulped as he gave you yours.
Your eyes lit up with joy as you opened your hands greedily. He was staring down at you waiting for you to open your gift.
"Ladies first."
"Right." You shifted your gaze downwardly as you began to unwrap your gift.
It was a small red gift box that was wrapped in a gold ribbon. As you undid it and opened the box, the contents inside had immediately caught in the light. Your jaw went slack as you looked from the beautiful golden ring with your birthstone in a baguette cut to him whose face was completely inflamed as he held a bouquet of red peonies. And they were not your peonies because threaded between the beautiful red flowers were baby's breath--everlasting love.
"I never have the right words to say, so hopefully these flowers and that ring says it all." He mumbled as he looked at you with hopeful eyes.
You felt your sight becoming blurry as tears spilled down your cheeks. "I--I don't know what to say, Sanemi."
"Just...just say yes to me courting you. The ring is an extension to your acceptance."
"The flowers..." You took them from his hand as you deeply inhaled them.
"Yeah, I know how you're big on flowers and their symbolism. So when I saw that everyone else had gotten platonic symbolic flowers and I was the only one who was handed red peonies, I knew I made the right choice." He began to scratch the back of his neck nervously.
The wind swept past you as you smiled with glee and ushered the box toward him. "I accept."
His eyes broadened as he put his arm down to his side and felt a small smile etching at his lips. "Really?"
"Are you kidding? How could I say no?" You laughed. "Please, do me the honor of putting it on."
He happily took the ring from you and gently took your soft hands in his hardened calloused ones as he carefully slipped the ring into your finger. "It looks beautiful."
"I picked it out myself." He smiled looking down as it caught in the light. "Do you like it?"
"I love it." You peered up at him and his violet hues met yours .
His chest rose and fell heavily as he gazed at you, caressing the apples of your cheeks before bringing you into a soft kiss. You let out a small sigh of content as you couldn't stop smiling.
"Now, let's go show everyone that we're now officially courted." You swung his hand around and before he could say anything you were already happily skipping back to the estate as he stammered away. The gift you had given to him swung in his other hand as you had already completely forgotten about it and your confession.
You were too full with joy to even listen to him as you slid open the door with his hand in yours and everyone turned around to look at you both in shock.
"We're getting married!" You showed off your ring.
And for a moment everyone began to gather themselves the both of you to congratulate you and your very flustered and quiet counterpart, with the exception of Tengen who looked quite disgruntled.
"Yeah, this is amazing and all, but seriously, [name]? You spelled my name wrong?" He held up the gift tag to reveal that you spelled his name as "Tenmen."
You tried to hide your laughter at your idiotic mistake as he had kept going while everyone else was also looking at their tags. "You've known me for how long? Three years now? You can't even manage to spell my name right?"
"Mine reads, 'Tyoukurou'!" Kyoujurou exclaimed with his usual boisterous laughter following it.
"According to Genya, mine appears to be, 'Meowmei" Gyomei smiled.
"Dokidoki." Muichiro snickered under his covered hand.
"Gonpachiro" Tanjiro pressed his lips together in a straight line.
"Well, me and Kanroji-san's are right." Shinobu piped up.
"Yeah, us, too." Makio agreed with Hinatsuru and Suma.
"Us too!" The three butterfly girls exclaimed as they had included Nezuko and Aoi.
Your new partner had hesitated to even look at his gift tag, but his jaw dropped. "Samemi?"
"Ahaha..." You nervously scratched at the back of your head as it had roused confusion and frustration.
"What can I say? I'm horrible at remembering names." You felt your face flush at the embarrassment of spelling every male's name wrong.
"How did you forget mine?!" Sanemi cried out as she showed you the incorrect name. He was pouting so hard it was adorable as hell seeing him like that, but the distress you had caused him and everyone else was...kind of hilarious actually.
And before you knew it Mitsuri couldn't hold back her laughter any longer as it had filled the room. Kagaya was giggling in the corner as he used his sleeve to cover his mirth and soon the entire room was brimming with glee at your awful mistake.
"Well, in any case," Tengen spoke up happy he wasn't the only one as he held a glass to the air and the rest of you all followed his lead. "To [name] and Sanemi! May you have a happy marriage!"
"To a happy marriage!" You all chorused as glasses clinged and you sipped at your fizzy drink as you peeped to look over at your new fiance.
"Are you still upset at me?"
He sighed as he put his glass down and cupped your cheeks with his roughened hands and leaned his forehead against yours.
"Just don't forget my name again, or I think I might go crazy."
You giggled as he kissed your forehead. "I won't"
"I promise."
And with that whistles were made at your lips met again, gleeful at your new courtship.
"What did you give, [name]?" Amane whispered to Kagaya as she wept with joy for Sanemi and you.
A mischievous smile crept on his face as he answered. "Just an illusion of courage."
(he gave [name] pheromones which is what your body naturally gives off to basically induce arousal to others around you LMFAO)
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atticinthecafe · 2 years
I wanna keep this blog alive so AU rambles
Spoilers for p5r ahead
Phantom Thief leader Akechi AU!!
-Still a detective, still works for Shido
-gets caught up in the whole mess bc Ann comes in to a police office to report bitchface mcgee (Kamoshida), the police don't do anything (they obviously know) but Akechi happened to be around and just "actually fuck that guy, yeah I'll help"
-he does not want to be a "good guy" he has his goal, this is just a pitstop
-he avoids the moral conflict of what he's doing at any given point in time by simply Not Thinking About It
-this event makes him think about it. oh no. we are not opening that baggage it is filled to the brim and will make a mess if we try
-through shenanigans aka. dumb fuck doesnt check for people while entering the metaverse, he gains a Ryuji on his party. also morgana ends up there
-essentially through out this whole mess he goes from "I hate team. I do not want to be on a team. Fuck off please" to "company is nice but Only This Once" to "I can get away with a team, I already live one double life, what's another?" to "I am in active moral conflict"
-He and Ryuji are good friends and I would die for them, ryuji is the emotion based counter weight to Akechi's extremely logic based nature
-Ann and Akechi are BestiesTM. wlw mlm solidarity very quickly. Ann bullies him for his fashion (he explains it's to give off the vibes of the previous detective prince and his reputation struggles eventually and she eases up kinda)
-Makoto and Him get an actually well written friendly rivalry
-He tells everyone about his "job" after Futaba's palace.
-stars out using Loki but as time goes on starts using Robinhood sometimes too, eventually uses them both
-loki doesnt like the whole hero thing but also it adds more chaos into the mix soits fun
-Robinhood shows up more the more good things Akechi does. Akechi uses mostly Robinhood in Futaba's palace as almost a comfort against his guilt. Robinhood reminds him of his will to be good when he was just a kid
- uh-oh
- he doesn't end up meeting Ryuji, or Ann for that matter
- rumors about him still exist though so, no one else really talks to him
-Sumi is his only friend <//3
-He accidentally finds his way into mementos. listen if Akechi managed to find mementos and how tf palaces worked on his own, so can Akira
-he sees the shadow of some kid there who is the Local BullyTM
-ends up getting in a fight, getting his ass kicked, and Arsene appears, and fight continues, shadow gets spared but not, really talked into being good or anything
-next time akira sees the bully in the real world the guy is much more timid and jumpy, doesnt bully anyone but not out of a change of morals, just fear
-eventually he puts it together that: mementos affects reality-, how? somehow. he hasnt gotten that far yet
-he ends up accidentally killing someone in their palace at one point, a bad person, yeah, but it still shakes him up really bad once he understands what happened. this is where he gets a new persona (I designed and named it I swear but I forgot its fUckin name, I'll show it off at some point) (side note: this event makes news and akechi goes "oh shit oh fuck oh shit I dIDNT DO THAT-" Shido is on his ass about it and tells him to get rid of whoever did it.)
-Akechi almost kills Akira in the metaverse at some point but let's him off, Akira spends some time (trying to) stalk akechi in the metaverse when he can, and finds out about his identity before the thieves do, and just becomes convinced that if akechi catches him again he will kill him
-just scared, confused, and traumatized really, considers himself judge jury and executioner after a while, and thinks hes beyond redemption (being mentally ill makes you think irrationally, dont expect him to be a great person)
side notes: akira gets a new outfit, Akechi's outfit is the same as his black mask one at first but eventually it changes as his view of himself changes
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If Tae Sumi's and Young Woo's dad's roles were reversed, people would be acting a lot differently imo 👀.
You shouldn't give someone a free pass on certain things just coz they're a woman if you wouldn't stand it if a man did the same thing.
We can all maybe understand where Minwoo and Tae Sumi might be coming from and might even sympathise with them but can some of their actions which are clearly wrong be justified? I feel no. Understanding someone or where they are coming from and justifying their actions are two very different things for me personally.
Maybe we can give some excuses for how Tae Sumi acted while she was young coz I can tell her family was definitely you know strict plus Young Woo's dad made a deal with her and she was in a difficult position as a young woman but now? When she has a whole established career and is old enough as an adult? Like she knows Young Woo is ofc hurt by her abandoning her and then what does she go ahead and do? Abandon her again, refuse to acknowledge her as a daughter even now, after all these years and acting selfishly, maybe cowardly and in pressure from the society but selfishly nonetheless. Plus all the "provide Young Woo with a doctor" didn't sit very right with me coz it felt like she doesn't understand Young Woo and her autism at all.
Like I don't get people dating someone when they have no intention to commit or plan to introduce their partner to their family and couldn't stand up for their partner, (regardless of whether they planned a longterm future with them or not).
Like imagine if the roles were reversed, if Young Woo's father had left her mom saying that he can't stand up to his rich family coz she's a farmer's daughter and to never show up again? And trying to send his daughter away coz he wants to succeed in his career when he's clearly not qualified to be a minister of justice coz he can't even be just with his daughter and is too much of a coward to acknowledge her as his daughter? All while now coming and acting all arrogant to her single mom who raised her alone and insinuating that she didn't do a good enough job raising her.
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summeryfeels · 2 years
Just finished episode 8 and.....yeah. While Young-Woo doesn't seem to resent Sumi, the word abandoned gets thrown around a lot and it feels like the show wants us to resent her. I don't. Whether she had or didn't have certain expectations to live up to and whether she was or wasn't influenced by her social position to break it off with Young-Woo's father, the decision to have or not have that baby was still her own. And yet she gave up on her own wants for his needs to be met. Maybe she might have still wanted the child but knew she couldn't raise her so the decision to keep her was made even more willingly than we think -I think there's a very specific reason why the camera lingers on that blacked-out car window when Young-Woo is given to her dad-, but we don't know any of that and we shouldn't have to in order to respect this woman's choices.
Even if they would've remained together, since they were so young and inexperienced, abortion could have been a safe decision for them. I get that we're attached to Young-Woo and she's an amazing character but a woman's body is a woman's body.
I think it's realistic that Young-Woo feels abandoned since she went through experiences throughout her life that informed that way of feeling but I hope in future episodes, when she can think about this clearly, she can recognise that her parents, although they chose to have her, they could've chosen not to, and that no one should be ever blamed for that. I hope we get to see the mother's pov as well, but that they don't make it too much about "I wanted you too, I was just scared of what my family would say or do" and it'll be also about "we were not ready, we were too young, I had no confidence I would give you a worthwhile existance".
Although Young-Woo is portrayed as being heavily disadvantantaged in society because the way some people percieve and treat her, the writers don't shy away from showing that she has flaws and biases so I hope they'll show her have a heart-to-heart with her mom and hash everything out and that they'll be able to understand one another.
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iamacolor · 2 years
i am once again very annoyed they cut youngwoo's scenes. she opened up to junho after the miscommunication and then... they cut it to give us more non communication!? like you expect me to think after she told him that, he left and nothing got resolved that night? PLEASE. next day shes looking at him through her window and they obviously didnt get anywhere like what? i was like "finally he went straight to the point" when they finally got a chance to talk and NOTHING ADVANCED. im very annoyed. they're 2521 this. they're making such a mess. i know theres a second season but if you cant finish the first one on a decent note then?? all the characters have weird ass stories. suyeon trying to get with minwoo after he was doing something to impress her for 5 secs? where was your fierce stand before? u had standards like junho but go for minwoo? girl pls. i miss attorney jung. he was the highlight of this ep tbh ;-; him and youngwoo together > then adding more shit to the sumi line with her son being the hacker?? like i thought i was gonna breathe at least for the season finale (before we knew there was a second season) imagine going into tmrw thinking the series was gonna end there i would go crazy but i already am. the show went from a super high to somehow being very inconsistent in the last eps... like at this rate they'll beat 2521 for sloppy writing :/
I share that sentiment anon ! I was so annoyed when they cut that scene because it's just nonsensical to cut a conversation there??? and it means it doesn't really serve a purpose because yes junho knows why she doesn't want to keep going with him but he didn't even get to respond to it and her to him? what's the point if she keeps on thinking she's incapable of making someone happy??? and no one has this kind of conversation and then just walks away from each other djflsgdkq honestly this scene didn't make feel like we, the viewers, were really taken seriously because it's such a cheap trick to keep on dragging a plot tjat I can't take it as the characters' behaviour when they still haven't resolved their issues because it's so obviously not based on how their actually function
as for sooyeon... what are they trying to achieve with her? @kdramedies has written several good points about how sooyeon behaves with youngwoo and how the show didn't actually make her go that far in her evolution regarding her ableism so now we get her falling for minwoo and her agreeing with him over youngwoo's "privilege" and it's like oh ok so who's actually on youngwoo's side ? and at this point it seems like it's only attorney jung whose relationship with youngwoo is a delight to watch and definitely the most well developed one in the show lol
the fact that they added the brother at the last minute omg I still don't really know if they wrote this season knowing there would be a second season or not (and i guess I'll find out based on how ep16 ends lol) , if they did know about it I guess it makes sense to add him even towards the end but they're still not fully sure they'll be able to make a second season happen with everyone it seems so why not try to wrap season 1 properly without adding too much first... no matter what it's going to make this finale so rushed and full of so many plot points I'm dizzy thinking about everything lol inconsistent is a good word for this show
also personally I didn't find 2521 that sloppy in its writing? aside from how the juxtaposition of the past and the present were kind of weird and how the pacing between heedo's high-school days and her days as an athlete was unbalanced so the heedo-yi rim romance was rushed but tbh I don't remember much because I wasn't that engrossed by it so I can't really compare both shows, they just seem too different to me
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artekai · 3 years
wait i'm curious now tell me more abt kaito 👀👀👀👀👀
You JUST missed the long-form Kaito essay I wrote king adsfdghjgh but here's the post if you wanna check it out <3 ^^ I went very into detail about Kai’s personality, his motivations, and his relationship with Takuto there, haha <3
THAT SAID... I DO realize I went on for FAR too long, so here's the tl;dr:
Kaito Maruki is the P5R version of my Horizon OC, Artekai. He's Takuto's fifteen year old son, he's a first year at Shujin, and he's a childhood friend of Sumi's. He's also an athlete, he's very into archery, hiking, and general gym stuff (idk don't ask me lmao), but some of his other hobbies include photography and music, specifically playing the drums. Personality-wise, he's very cheerful, energetic, and curious, but he can also come across as pushy, loud, and annoying. He's also very oblivious and trusting to a fault, so a lot of times he can't take the hint when other people are tired of him, which only adds to other people's perception of him as "weird" and "clingy."
I sound like I'm filling out a character sheet lol
Kai is very desperate for attention and companionship, and he has a bit of a fear of abandonment that can be traced back to the Rumi incident. In fact, he only got truly serious about working out after the break-in, because he wanted to be strong to be able to protect those around him... He's also insecure because he feels like he's constantly being overshadowed by his dad (Shujin's reaction to Takuto didn't help), and other people won't stop comparing the two of them (especially since they look so similar... rip), but, most of the time, he manages to hide his frustration behind a smile very well.
His relationship with Takuto is very complicated in general, partly because Kai resents the way that Takuto handled the aftermath of the Rumi incident, and partly because their philosophy in life is fundamentally different, since Kai sees difficulties in life as challenges to be overcome, and he thinks that the constant journey of self-improvement is what gives life meaning. Kai is also jealous, not only because Takuto seems to pay more attention to his research than to him, but because he keeps hearing about how much Takuto has helped everyone at Shujin, so it feels like he cares more about everyone else than about his own son... And he feels like he has been replaced by Akiren.
Kai is very lonely :(
Ultimately, though, he and Takuto still care a lot about each other. Even if Kai finally snaps in the third semester and says some cruel things about Takuto he doesn't mean, he very much wants his dad to be alive and well by the end of the whole ordeal. So that's why he needs to keep Akechi under vigilance, hehe.
Kai also crashes at Akechi's place during the third semester because he can't bear the sight of Takuto at the moment. He feels betrayed, like this is somehow confirmation of all of his worst fears, and he needs time away from home to process it... He and Takuto have quite a lot to work through as father and son </3
But it all turns out fine, I promise! ^^ Kai and Takuto finally have the honest heart-to-heart they’ve been needing for years, the Phantom Thieves successfully steal his heart, and the two of them get a chance to start over as a family! :D
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Four: Urge
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): mentions of hickeys, Sumi’s ex is a dick, making out, heavy petting, smut lead up, smut themes
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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You hugged Kitty to your chest and made your way to the kitchen. You heard the rustling of pots and pans and Jimin's laughter. Even though you'd only known Jimin for under two days, his laughter quickly become one of your favorite sounds, something that never made you smile. However, most of the time you weren't horrendously hungover. 
"Morning," you said, trying to muster a small smile, even though your head was pounding. 
Three of the seven boys who lived in the dorm turned to look at you. Yoongi was already sat at the table, scrolling through his phone, a bowl of fruit in front of him. Hoseok was in the kitchen and Jimin sat on the opposite end of the table from Yoongi, his legs swinging freely. You smiled at how close the boys were and how comfortable they were with each other. It made you feel even worse for intruding in on the bond. 
"Good morning," the boys said, nearly in unison. 
"Jimin," you said. "Did you put Kitty in the box to come here?"
Jimin shook his head, glancing down to the stuffed cat you held in your arms. 
"No, I put him in the donation pile as you wanted." 
"Huh," you said, holding Kitty out in front of you and smiling at her fondly. "Well, I'm glad she found her way here anyway." 
Jimin smiled at you, his eyes some mixture of happiness for you and worry. 
"Did we get internet back?"
The boys exchanged glances and nodded. 
You looked over to Yoongi, who was now looking up from his phone. His dark eyes were boring straight into you, and you suspected he already knew what you were going to ask. 
"Did you find out who got the shoes?"
The room fell silent, except for the tap which Hoseok accidentally left on as he had looked up at you. You didn't know who it could possibly be that would elicit such a response, but Yoongi's face softened as he stood. 
"Park Minki."
You blinked in disbelief, wondering if the hangover had somehow messed with your hearing. Yoongi's eyes were softer, the softest they had been in the seventy two hours you'd known him.
"My ex?" you choked out. 
Yoongi nodded.
You took a deep breath as you stood in front of the full length mirror and strategically placed the scarf around your neck. The bruises weren't as prominent as the day before, but you feared Minki would still notice them. The rest of your outfit was quite simple, a pair of jeans and a nice top. You wore your hair down, hoping it too would help hide Yoongi's marks on your neck. 
When you'd broken up with Minki, you'd thought you'd never have to see the boy again. While you still loved him, you knew seeing him again would hurt you, but you wanted to handle this yourself. For whatever reason bought the shoes, you knew it couldn't be settled with money. He wanted to see you again, wanted you to see him again. 
While you normally would just forget the shoes, Yoongi's reputation was on the line. And yours for that matter. You may not be an idol, but the fact you were connected to one, could be enough to destroy you.
"Do you really want to look that good for your ex?" Yoongi said, entering your bedroom with a soft knock on your open door. He was dressed wearing just a simple sweatshirt and jeans, a snapback covering his dyed hair and a mask pulled down under his chin. 
"What? Jealous?" you smirked, giving up on arranging the scarf and turning to face him. 
"No," he said. "I just thought you didn't care what he thought anymore." He walked closer to you, the faint smell of his cologne tickling your nose. His fingers reached up and moved the scarf so it that it covered the half of a hickey that was still partially visible. "Obviously, you do."
He stepped away from you the scent of him still lingering in his place. You were almost disappointed when he stepped away, wishing you could fall asleep in his scent.
"I'm sorry you have to come," you said. "And miss out on work."
"I can work when we get back," he said. "Besides, it would be a whole lot worse for both of us if I didn't come." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mask. "Wear this, if we run into any paparazzi it will be harder for them to identify you."
You nodded, looping the mask around your ears and pulling it up over your mouth. Yoongi pulled his up and nodded to you, asking if you were ready. 
You nodded in affirmation, but you felt the butterflies in your stomach. You didn't think you would ever be ready.
You entered the cafe first. You spotted Minki almost immediately, he was seated at a table near the middle, you could see the shoes placed on the table. You already felt a twinge of embarrassment, knowing he'd displayed them so publicly.
You pulled down the mask and sat down across from him. His mouth widened into a smirk when you sat down, something you used to love about him, but now it just felt like he was mocking you.
"You look nice," he said.
"Thanks," you said, trying not to meet his gaze.
You noticed Yoongi walk past you and sit at a table behind Minki's view, but facing you. You met his eyes momentarily but didn't want Minki to see your wandering gaze. Minki had a temper occasionally, and while he had never hurt you, you feared he wouldn't hesitate to hurt Yoongi. And even though you and Yoongi weren't exactly friends, you still didn't want him to get hurt because of you.     
"So, why'd you leave the shoes at the bar?" Minki asked. 
"Does that really matter, Minki? They're mine, I just want them back."
"You fucked him? Didn't you?" 
You clenched your fists and looked at the black pumps sitting on the table. You sighed and tried to collect your thoughts. 
"How'd you know they were mine?"
"You don't think I wouldn't recognize the shoes I bought you for your birthday last year?" The smirk was on his face again, like a mosquito that you wanted to kill, but that was just out of your reach. "I picked them out especially for you, remember?"
You did remember. How he told you that he went to multiple shoes, trying to find the perfect shoes. Settling on a pair of black pumps. "Simple, like you," he'd said when he gave them to you. 
"Now that we've broken up, they're mine now? Since I paid for them?"
You wanted to bang your fists down on the table and scream at him until he was as scared of you as you were of him. You wanted to swat the smirk from his face. You wanted to point out all the things you'd bought him. All the baseball game tickets. The T-shirt he wore. Half the down payment on his car. 
"I don't care," you said. "Do whatever you want with them. I just want to leave."
Minki softened then. He'd seen you break down multiple times before, he knew the signs. The way you hid your face. The way you tried to curl yourself into a ball, no matter where you were.
"He's here, isn't here?" your ex asked. "You're not mine to protect anymore." His hand cupped the fabric of your knee. You felt shivers run down your spine as tears pricked at your eyes.
You noticed his eyes wandering down to your neck and where the scarf had moved aside. There was no sense in trying to deny what the scarf revealed.
"Huh," he said. "You never let me do that." 
"I never was yours to protect," you said, your eyes red and tear stained, trying to ignore his last comment. You reached down and moved his hand from your knee. You felt his palm beneath your fingertips and the sensation ran through your body. You felt his hands on you again, your body grew warm, but not in the pleasant way. You needed to get out. Without any more thought, you grabbed your things and ran from the cafe.
Yoongi's body stiffened as he watched Minki's hand grab your knee. He wanted to push Minki away from you, shield you from ever having to feel the other boy's touch again. He saw the way your cheek's flushed, although not in the cute way. He saw as you tried to shift away, he could feel your discomfort. 
Your scarf had slipped slightly, revealing part of one of the bruises. Yoongi knew the other boy saw based on the way he shifted forward.
"Huh, you never let me do that," the other boy said. 
Yoongi's jaw stiffened. Part of him wanted to rip him apart for bringing attention to something that you obviously hadn't wanted Minki to see, but there was a small buzzing inside of him. One night and you allowed him to do something you'd never allowed your previous boyfriend to do for years. He repressed the pride as you tearfully ran out the door. 
Yoongi waited a moment to get up and follow you, not wanting to draw too much attention. He made eye contact with Minki as he walked past, pulling down his mask momentarily, but pulling it back up as he walked through the door of the cafe. 
You curled yourself into the car seat, pulling your legs into your stomach and hiding your face against the car door. You put on your seatbelt, knowing Yoongi would follow you out. 
Yoongi opened the car door a minute or so later, greeting the driver as he did so and telling him to take both of you back to the dorm. He pulled down his mask and put on his seatbelt. 
"Why do you let him talk to you like that?" Yoongi asked. 
You scoffed, trying to hide your tears. The last thing you wanted was Yoongi to see your tears, you felt like if you allowed yourself to cry in front of him, it would somehow strengthen the bond. Yoongi was so strong and allowing him to see your weakness terrified you.
"He's my ex for a reason, okay?" 
"Well, we still need to get the shoes back somehow. You sure money won't work with him?"
"He just wants to humiliate me," you said, choking slightly on the words. "Do we really need to get them back? I mean, they're just shoes. How much harm could really be done?"
Yoongi's eyes widened and his form stiffened. 
"You really don't realize, do you?" He looked out the window in slight disbelief before turning back to you. "I guess, this explains how you didn't recognize me."
"Even just the rumors of what happened between us could destroy both of us," he said. "My fans need someone they can trust and look up to. Most of them don't even know I'm not with Jihee anymore. They know about the soulmate thing, but we only used that to find you. We're going to deny it later, anyway." 
"You didn't have to sleep with me then," you said. "If you would've just pushed me off your lap, none of this would've happened."
"If you wouldn't have fallen in my lap, none of this would've happened." 
You sighed, silence ensuing. The road noise the only sound. Even the driver was silent from behind the partition. 
"Sumi..." Yoongi said, his hand suddenly coming to rest just above your knee. His fingertips digging into the fabric of your jeans. His touch was warm, but instead of overheating as you did with Minki's touch, your temperature matched his. 
"What?" you asked, but your question was soon answered as you felt heat rise in your stomach. Suddenly, Yoongi appeared less like the image obsessed jerk of a few minutes ago and looked more like the man you met at the bar three days ago. 
You unhooked your seatbelt and straddled Yoongi's lap, your hands coming up to cup his cheeks as his ran up to play with your hair. Your lips connected and nearly immediately his tongue slipped between yours. 
Yoongi's hat--which you hadn't paid much attention to before--suddenly was in your way. You ripped it off, exposing his messy hair. It was obvious he hadn't styled it before putting on the snapback, but you liked it better that way, it allowed your fingers to tangle in his hair. 
"The windows?" you asked, falling back onto the seat as Yoongi unhooked his seatbelt and hovered over you.
"They're tinted," he said, grabbing hold of your scarf and pulled it over your head. It landed somewhere on the floor of the car, out of sight. "Don't worry, no one will see." 
He leaned down and latched onto your lips once again. His hands wandering under the hem of your shirt, causing it to ride up slightly. You splayed your fingers against his firm chest, causing him to stop momentarily. 
"What?" he asked. 
"I think...I think this is what the doctor was talking about..." you said. "I think we need to stop." 
Despite your words, your hands slipped underneath his sweatshirt, feeling the warm skin beneath. You wanted to feel that skin against you, but before you could pull it over his head, he surprised you, by pulling up your shirt, exposing your stomach. 
"I'll do it lower this time," he said, his voice raspy and lower than normal. "So you don't have to worry about hiding them." His lips latched onto the skin of your stomach, causing you to release a small moan as you ran your fingers from his hairline and down to the nape of his neck. 
"Why'd you have to wear that perfume for him? It drives me crazy." 
He curved his two index fingers into the belt loop of your jeans and tugged slightly, not to pull them down, but rather to tease you. 
"You're for my eyes only."
"Yoongi," you said. "We need to stop." 
Yoongi pulled away, a sheepish look crossing his face. He pulled down your shirt and sat back in the seat. 
You, too, sat back up, trying to catch your breath. Your heart was racing, partially from the thoughts of the feel of his lips, but you were scared. You felt so out of control, something had taken you over entirely. It wasn't a secret that you were attracted to Yoongi, you did willingly sleep with him, but the urges pulled you together, even when you least wanted it. 
"That was...that was...weird..." 
Yoongi nodded in agreement, reaching down and retrieving your scarf. You did the same with his hat and you exchanged the items. 
You watched out the window as the car pulled into the driveway of the dorm. You glanced back over at Yoongi, noticing a bit of your lipstick managed to cling to his bottom lip. You chuckled slightly before reaching over and using your thumb to wipe it from his lip. 
He watched you, not making any movement to stop you, but your gaze shifted downward, not able to meet his eyes. 
"Lipstick," you said. 
The driver opened the door and the two of you walked back into the dorm.
Jihee (9:02 am): Good morning handsome :)
Jihee (11:15 am): I heard about the shoe business. You always use to complain about having to take off mine.
Jihee (11:17 am): You should tell her to be more careful though. :)
Jihee (1:20 pm): Babe...please just respond to me...
Jihee (1:21 pm): You're making me seem desperate.
Jihee (4:45 pm): Her picture's out there now, you know? Some guy saying she cheated with you.
Jihee (5:00 pm): She doesn't look like the type to cheat.
Jihee (6:34 pm): The more I think about it...the less she seems like your type. Especially for a rebound.
Jihee (7:00 pm): You could do much better if you wanted to Oppa. She's kind of pretty and all, but don't you think she's a little simple?
Yoongi (7:02 pm): Whatever this is, is between us. Leave her out of it. 
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