#i don't know how to tag this lala la la lala
suranflower · 8 years
The Sky Is Blue and the Sun Is Shining, Chapter Two
Title: The Sky Is Blue and the Sun Is Shining Chapters: 1 // 2  // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 of (?) Words: 3178 TW: alcohol, death mention, pills/medication and implied sex. Summary: a I Need U/Run/Prologue based fanfic, with Jin as the narrator. Yes, this will be dramatic and angsty. Note: this particular chapter starts right after the previous one.
Chapter 2.
As I said, the night was going as usual. When Jimin suddenly disappeared, we didn’t notice. We only figured out he wasn’t with us when we were out of breath and wanted a drink -Hoseok still had energy for more dancing, I must say. When we decided to get some drinks and Jimin didn’t enthusiastically support the idea, we knew he was gone. But Yoongi and Jungkook had just arrived, so we didn’t pay much attention. It wasn’t unusual that Jimin disappeared all of a sudden anyway. Namjoon said that he must be flirting with certain girl that was staring at him before. I kept my mouth shut and didn’t mention that Jimin actually had a date that night and that probably he was incredibly late.
I was in charge of ordering the drinks because making it to the bar being six was a very difficult task at that particular time. When I got the barman’s attention and started to order everyone’s drinks,  the person sitting to my left caught my eye. She must have arrived really early if she got that seat. She looked really bored and was taking care of someone’s bag. She was incredibly beautiful, with her long black hair and soft lips. She looked a little older than me and too cool for anyone present at that place, but I had nothing to lose anyway.
“I’m ordering the drinks tonight” I said, smiling. Her dark eyes pierced right through mine and she moved her hair. I had a glimpse of a tattoo in the back of her neck. “Can I buy one for you?”
“Not really” she said in a sharp tone. First try failed.
“Do you mind a little talk them?”
“If you have something interesting to say…” her tone was only as cold as her eyes.
“I’ll leave you alone if you want so” I told her, and I was totally serious. They put six drinks just for me, but I didn’t move to where my friends were.
“And I’m serious too. If you can give me a good conversation, stay, if not, just leave”.
“OK, give me any topic and I promise I make a good conversation starter” she raised an eyebrow, but she finally proposed a subject after thinking for a while. She said:
“What about ducks?” I started to passionately talk about ducks and how amazing they were and she laughed. It worked. We started talking and she finally introduced herself. Her name was Seulgi.
“Shouldn’t you give those drinks to their owners?” she pointed.
“They can wait a moment or come here for them” I smiled. She returned the smile. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and was about to say something, when suddenly another girl interrupted. She excused herself politely, though in a curious accent and spoke to Seulgi in another language I couldn’t understand. She looked in a hurry. Seulgi nodded and gave her the bag she had been keeping.
“I’m sorry, something happened and now I have to go” Seulgi said. She stood up as her friend rushed to get out of the place. “It was nice to meet you, Seokjin. I’m sorry for this”. She truly looked sorry. She suddenly kissed my cheek and said “take care” before following her friend. I stood there, with my mouth open but unable to say anything for the second time that night as I saw her leaving, the form of her butterfly tattoo like floating on the stance. I was confused by the sudden turn of things, and when I saw her reaching the exit door, I suddenly felt an ache in my chest. I felt dizzy, my vision was blurry and I needed to sit in Seulgi’s seat for a moment. The pains… They were getting more frequent and worse every time.
You might have been wondering, and yes, there is a reason why I’m retelling this particular night. As I saw Seulgi leaving and felt my heart would explode at any moment, in those minutes, time froze and I was certain I would die soon.
All friend groups have that one friend that knows everything but that somehow manages to keep secrets from everyone. I was that friend. I didn’t want any of them to know I was sick because it was too painful. I convinced myself that it was a decision made because telling them would be too painful for them, that it was for their good. But the truth is that it would have been too painful for me. Saying it out loud was like admitting something was wrong, like admitting it was real. And I loved living way too much to consider the possibility that it could end, even in a distant future. I somehow and in a childlish way considered myself immortal. But of course I wasn’t. That Friday night, reality hit me for some reason, like when you have a revelation, as I saw that butterfly flying away from me. And it was like falling off a cliff. As soon as I felt less dizzy and managed to compose myself again, I took the thought away from my mind like cutting a bad herb.
I finally took the drinks and gave them to the boys. They were already hot and they all gave me bad looks, except for Hoseok.
“Where were you, Jin?” he asked.
“I was… Busy” I said slowly, trying to pronounce the words correctly. They took this as a sign of me being mysterious.
“Does your delay have a name?”  Yoongi asked.
“Yes. Her name is None-of-your-business” I joked, or at least tried. Taehyung laughed out loud as Yoongi gave me a murderous look. He took a drink of his beer and made a disgusted grin.
“This is awful. Let me tell you no None-of-my-business is worth this shit” Yoongi put his drink aside.
“Aw, if you’re so disgusted just go and get yours”, Namjoon told him.
“Show a bit more respect, huh. Whatever. I just won’t drink”. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Yoongi was just like that.
“Well, thank you Jin. Even with the delay. Cheers” Hoseok told me, raising his drink. I smiled a little and raised my drink as well. I wasn’t feeling well, but I would do anything necessary so they wouldn’t notice.
“Hey, wake up, Jin” Jungkook told me, smiling as I was lost in thought. “Do you want candy?”
“Sure” I took the chewing gum he was offering and started to talk to him. I wouldn’t think about death. Not then, not when he was smiling and just happy to be there, to be living.
Meanwhile, Jimin was in another place and in a very different situation. He had arrived late, and when I say late, I mean two hours -and a half- late. He arrived to the apartment Mirae shared with a friend and knocked the door but nobody would open. Jimin cursed internally. What can I say? Mirae had renounced to the idea that he would come and she was watching a movie because she couldn’t sleep. They arranged a date that day because she was alone at home. Yes, you know what I mean. Mirae heard him knocking. But she did like she hadn’t listened. He knocked a second time. And then a third time, saying “It’s me, Jimin” he waited and then he said, “Come on, I can hear the TV”. Mirae waited however. She didn’t know if she should open the door. She was mad at him for being late yet again. But this time he had promised he’d be on time… She finally sighted and opened the door, but gave him a hard stare. He smiled and leaned to kiss her, but Mirae stepped back.
“More than two hours, Park Jimin. I have watched a movie and a half”.
“Sorry, babe-” he tried to kiss her again and she started to move to the sofa and sat there, her arms crossed on her chest.
“I won’t wait for you always” she was serious on this. But as always, Jimin simply smiled and charmingly got out of the situation.
“I know. I won’t make you wait anymore” he promised as he took of his jacket and sat next to her. “Sorry, I was busy”.
“I know your friends are important, but it’s not that hard saying you already have a date” Jimin laughed softly, and rolled his eyes. “I’m not a dirty secret you must hide”. Now Jimin stopped laughing for a second. I must say that from my point of view, Mirae was absolutely right. When Jimin introduced Mirae to me and Hoseok in rare occasion, he said she was just a friend. And she must have been just a friend, in a time. After all, they went together to elementary school. I knew the story as Jimin had told me: they had met as children and as they grew up they started developing, let’s say, a mutual attraction. Their relationship is an on and off one. But they would always act strangely towards each other. For example, one time I asked him why he wouldn’t respond Mirae’s messages and he answered that he didn’t want her to think that they had something. “Well, you have something” I told him.
“I mean something serious. It’s complicated”.
“If you say so… But that’s not how you treat someone you care about” Jimin just laughed it off, as always. So yeah, I’d say Jimin wasn’t being fair to her.
“This is the last time, Jimin” she said, her soft voice making the rest of sounds go silent, “I’ve never been more serious” she leaned closer to him, her eyes still cold and sharp as knifes. He held his breath for a little too long, in expectation, until Mirae finally caressed his face gently and moved his hair from his forehead. Jimin’s heart rushed and jumped but he kept the same quiet yet playful expression as before. He tried to keep it cool, but inside he was melting. “The house is ours for exactly nine hours. I hope you are still as imaginative as always”.
“You bet”. Mirae laughed. And the rest of the night was fine for them, trust me.
When I woke up next morning, I honestly didn’t know how I had arrived home. Not that I had been that drunk -actually I had barely drank last night-, I just couldn’t remember. But that was definitely my house. There was something heavy on me and my back was aching from the awkward position I was in. I tried to move and realized I couldn’t do it very well because the heavy thing on me was actually Taehyung sleeping. He had passed last night. Ah, yeah, now I remembered, he drank too much and I promised I would take care of him. Looks like we only managed to make it to the sofa before falling asleep. I looked at my phone. Namjoon should be working by that time. I didn’t know how he could resist such a schedule, but he did. I had a message from him, from last night.
Joon: Did you guys make it home?
And another message from early that morning:
Joon: I assume that means you’re having a good sleep, but if you don’t answer this by tomorrow morning I’ll call the police under the assumption that you two have been kidnapped.
I had another message that was very recent. Of course, the person that sent it wouldn’t just wake up early on Saturday.
Yoongi: tell Tae he left his phone at my house. Also that lighter of his.
Yoongi: also tell him that Jungkook just discovered his password.
I laughed so loud I thought I would wake Taehyung up. I didn’t, though. He just whined in his dream and continued sleeping with his mouth wide open. I took a photo of him with my phone. Not as a prank, but because I wanted to keep that moment. I wanted to remember the way he slept. He didn’t look pretty, but he looked authentic, free of all worries. I wanted to keep those happy moments to myself. I felt they were fading away, and I didn’t want that to happen.
I managed to free myself of him and went to my room to take the pills the doctor had prescribed for me. Taking them was like a reminder that time was running out. It reminded me of last night and the pain on my chest, of the butterfly and Seulgi, of the way I tried so hard to hide what was happening from everyone. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I was just taking the medication when Taehyung appeared behind me.
“Morning” I almost choked. Fortunately he didn’t notice.
“Good morning. Gosh, you could make a sound when you walk or something”.
“Sorry. Oh, tell me you have something for headache, please” he grabbed his head with both hands. “How did you let me drink so much?”
“I told you not to” I snuggled. “Here”. I gave him the painkillers for headaches and he took one. “Your phone is in Yoongi’s place. And Jungkook knows the password”.
“WHAT?!” he made a grin. His own shout had made his head hurt. “We must stop that”.
“You are free to go. Some of us got work to do”. Taehyung gave me a deathly stare.
“They better are not messing with my things. Or my sister. Oh. If he’s messing with Hyesu I’ll kill him, I swear!” I laughed as Taehyung prepared to get out of the house to take his phone back. “Thanks for all, Jin”.
“You’re welcome” Taehyung left and I started cleaning the house.
Let me tell you that getting the phone back was a whole odyssey. Taehyung managed to get lost on his way to Yoongi’s place, though he had gone there thousands of times, and when he finally arrived, Yoongi wouldn’t open the door. His music was so loud he couldn’t hear the bell ring. When he finally opened, he insisted Jungkook was not there. Such a liar: Jungkook was hiding in the bathtub. When Taehyung found out, Jungkook didn’t have his phone. Turns out they never had the thing because the person that found it last night was Hoseok, who filled his social networks with photos of cats and himself as a baby. Taehyung didn’t mind his hangover anymore, he started an epic pillow fight and generally made a disaster in Yoongi’s house that took him days of cleaning.
While this happened -the prank on Taehyung, me cleaning my house and Namjoon being a productive person at work, the most similar thing we had to an adult- Jimin had a lucky day when Mirae’s roommate announced she would be out for another day.
“I feel like eating cheesecake” Mirae said.
“I feel like eating other things…” as he kissed her. She laughed.
“Aww, will you ever shut up? I’m actually hungry”. She woke up and covered herself only with an oversized sweater since it was cold outside bed. “Do you want something to eat?”
“Do you really have cheesecake?” Mirae nodded. “Ah, this is paradise”. Mirae laughed and while looking for something to comb her silver hair, she noticed Jimin’s phone.
“You have a message”
“Who is it?”
“Hobi. He sends photos. Of cats. Very cute cats. And… Babies?”
“Then it’s nothing”. Mirae laughed seeing the pictures and then went to the kitchen and brought back a cake with spoons for sharing. Jimin observed her as she ate. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he had seen in his life, maybe not because she actually was physically beautiful, but because she was her and never tried to be someone else. She was unique in so many ways…
“You have cake on your nose” she informed.
“Do I?” Jimin’s eyes sparkled he couldn’t move his eyes from her. She nodded. He took a piece of cake and put it on the tip of her nose. “Now you do too”.
“Ah, stop that! It’s like when we were in school!”
“Except now I’m hotter”.
“Except now I’ll kick your ass if you do it again…” Jimin laughed and he cleaned Mirae’s nose gently.
“Yes. Now eat more, we have to finish this”.
Hoseok couldn’t stop laughing at home. He really wanted to see Taehyung’s face in that moment. Though there was probably a very rough pillow fight going on at that moment -knowing Tae and Jungkook-, Hoseok was convinced he could endure it. Anyway, he decided he should probably study sometime in that morning. Like doing something productive. He tried to contact Jimin, as if telling him look what you’re missing, Jiminnie.
While thinking about how to spend the morning, with a big smile on his face, Hoseok suddenly had an idea. The idea that proved to be the best one we would ever have, and the last good idea we would have. In that moment, when Hoseok was lying on bed, his eyes wide open and his mouth forming a wow for the good plan, Taehyung’s phone, in his hands, sounded. Hyesu was calling.
“Taehyung, where are you? I really need you at home right now I-”
“It’s Hoseok on the phone. Your brother forgot it last night”.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is he there, Hoseok?” she asked, trying a more relaxed tone and polite way. “I need him urgently. We’re having a problem in the kitchen and I haven’t been able to solve it. Maybe he could”.
“I’ll contact him right now. Anyway I think I’m close to your home, I can go if it’s that urgent”.
“No!” Hyesu cleared her throat. When she spoke again, she had regained her usual sweet and soft tone. “I mean, thank you a lot, but I need Tae”. Hoseok frowned, as he sat on his bed, ready to leave at any moment.
“Are you alright, Hyesu? What happened?”
“Nothing serious, really. Could you just call my brother, please?”
“I will”.
“Thank you”. Hoseok immediately called Yoongi to tell Taehyung the news. He didn’t know what was going on and he didn’t want to worry Taehyung in case Hyesu was right and nothing serious was going on, but he had a bad feelig. He went to Taehyung’s house to wait for him, give him back the phone and check everything was fine. He managed to get there even before Taehyung himself -who went with Yoongi’s car.
“Your phone”.
“You’ll pay me one day”, Taehyung promised. Hoseok laughed and after that, Taehyung entered the house and closed behind him, not inviting Hoseok to enter. He found this strange, but didn’t say anything. He waited outside and listened carefully until he was sure everything was alright and then went home. The behavior still seemed a little odd to him, but he decided everything must have been ok. He sent Taehyung a message.
Hoseok: did you fix the problem?
Tae: yes, we did. Thanks for the help. Not thanks for the cats and your baby pics.
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