#i did however roleplay warrior cats on instagram
gayleafpool · 1 year
do you play warrior cats on roblox? show me ur ocs if u do
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thecatinthealley · 6 years
Welcome to my blog!
Hello folks! You can call me Wraith, and I am an aspiring writer who has taken to tumblr (regardless of its recent horrors that are “app updates”) to write my stories and eventually share them with the community. But before I dive right into posting stories, I’ll give you an idea of my writing experience so that you can better criticize my works.
I began with Warrior Cat roleplay. I know, right? But everyone starts somewhere. This was the beginning stage of my online writing “career” so to speak, and I began with short, 4-5 sentence replies, though I will say that I had started off “literate” and had never used asterisks to roleplay (as I’d later learned was deemed the “illiterate” style of roleplay). Before the age of spaced captions, fancy lettering, and single-rp accounts came to Instagram, I had forged many characters and made many friends. Unfortunately, most have left by now, as this was way back when I was in sixth grade. I am now a senior in high school.
But anywho, I roleplayed in the Warrior Cat community for a while before taking a hiatus and moving to Pokémon. Crazy, right? I went from cats to a class kid’s tv show. I will say, though, that that was where the real fun began. It was enjoyable, and I slowly improved my skills in writing. It was around 2014, I believe, when fancy “spacing” came into play. I began to grow into one of the “veterans” of roleplay who remembered when spacing didn’t exist. Although, trust me, I have not been roleplaying for nearly as long as other friends of mine who began much earlier than I did. But when my friends began to leave, and the Pokémon roleplay community began to die out, I integrated myself back into Warrior Cats. This is where I truly began to grow in skill.
I now lead a well known Clan that I never once thought I would lead, and although its popularity has diminished (due to the dropping numbers of active single-rp WC members), this has been the highest point in my online writing “career.” However, I plan to officially retire from the Warriors community by this coming late spring/early summer.
Now I am invested in human roleplay, to which I had never before seen as interesting until I tried it. I’ll admit, after roleplaying cats and Pokémon for the longest time, I had never believed that human roleplay could be so much fun. Roleplay has become my hobby, and while I will be retiring from the earlier mentioned community I have been a part of, human roleplay will still remain with me into college. Writing stories with others is just a passion I cannot fully retire from. And thus, I have joined a medieval group run by two of my good friends. It’s outstanding, and I currently have a story arc with a very close friend of mine whom I had actually met in the Clan I currently lead.
And that, folks, is an introduction to my experience in writing online. As for real life experiences, I have always been drawn to the English subject as it has always been my greatest strength. I’m extremely happy that my teachers have urged me to take AP English classes, as they have truly challenged me to improve upon my craft. Although my bane is mathematics, and ironically, I want to study a science major, my “backup plan” is to become an English teacher, so I guess writing will always follow me nonetheless.
But, I need your help; your opinions, your constructive criticism, and your ideas for improvement on my part are an absolute necessity. I am not a perfect writer, and I have my flaws, just as everyone else does. I mean, no one can become the next Ernest Hemingway or John Updike overnight. I ask of you to reveal those flaws and to help me overcome them. I will be posting works on this blog, as well as edited roleplays between myself and others (with their permission). I hope that you all offer your services if you would like to and are willing to help me improve upon my craft, for nothing brings me more joy than to write my stories and to delve into the minds of my characters and the worlds they live in.
From your Cat in the Alley, Wraith.
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