#i could go on but no1curr
mayra-quijotescx · 2 years
tumblr needs to introduce a function that blocks you from seeing the annoying-ass anons other people get since so few people on this godforsaken website can figure out how to either disable anons or ignore anon trolls
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
“Cupid’s Kiss” (NSFW) (Caitlin x Eobard, The Flash) - FINISHED 🥳🎉
“15 Minutes” ch6 (John-117 x Reader, Halo) - POSTED 🥳🎉
Ya girl here’s on fiiiiYAH! 🔥🔥🔥😂😉
Next up, in some *waves hands* order:
WIPs in progress
“Recreation” ch 3 (Kai x maleReader, Halo)
“Guardian Angel” ch 3 (Time Wraith!Caitlin x Eobard, The Flash)
“The Price” (NSFW) ch 2 (Caitlin x Hunter|Zoom, The Flash)
WIPs not yet posted
“Choices” (aka A Choose Your Own Spartan Adventure 😉) (Noble Team x Reader, Halo: Reach) Before I post the intro chapter, I want all of the chapters with each possible Noble Team member you could choose to be ready to post at the same time, so that’s going to take me longer. 🤷‍♀️
“Try” (Caitlin Snow x TomCav!Eobard Thawne, Caitlin Snow x MattLetscher!Eobard Thawne, The Flash) Aka The Big Beast of ReverseSnowThawne. 3 chapters are already done and I really hope to finish this one eventually. It’s a total NO1CURRS but, well, I CURRS so I guess that’s enough, right? 🤷‍♀️😉
To Be Written
“Split” (title will probably change) Caitlin x Eobard, Frost x Nash, The Flash) The final fic in the Ghost of Eobard Thawne trilogy that I, um, forgot I never did. Thanks again, Anon, for not only reminding me but for caring that it was unfinished. 🤗)
Writing lists is fun (and helpful to me). 💖
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PS - If you want to be tagged or be removed from being tagged for any of that, just let me know! 🤗
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Oh, what a world, don't wanna leave All kinds of magic all around us, it's hard to believe Thank God it's not too good to be true Oh, what a world, and then there is you
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
look the fact y’all think fred and/or nick is gonna die this season just proves they won’t.
they’ll be around til the bitter end...
...7 more seasons from now
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justanotherfacet · 3 years
Post-election pre-results local shit
If Prop B in San Antonio fails, it’s gonna be at least partly because the #bluelivesmatter folks’ signs were “DEFUND THE POLICE” and it’s more complicated than that imo.
BASICALLY, it’s not exactly defunding. What it IS is “no to collective bargaining from PD unions”, which are disproportionately white and cis dude-headed even in places that do have vaguely diverse forces and unsurprisingly this tends to lead to “even cops that are bad enough that SOME upper management person(s) WANT gone may end up as ‘ha ha i beat the case you can’t fire me’”. 
Pretty sure this is also linked to how some bad cops hopscotch, but I can’t quote sources on that. IIRC, because I live in Texas there was one time when I think Travis County basically spelled OUT “TOTALLY UNFIT TO BE A COP WHATSOEVER” and somebody else still hired him. Unsurprisingly this ended up in a civilian dead by his hands.
One of the city council dudes (Manny something district 8 he’s thankfully NOT FUCKING MINE) was all “this could make it harder to recruit etc etc”.
FUCK THAT SHIT.  If you don’t want to apply to a PD where if you demonstrate that you are the kind of asshole who’s unfit to serve you’re more likely to face real consequences, then I don’t want you anywhere NEAR me or mine. (I don’t want you anywhere else with LEO power either, but this vote was something I could control and that I can’t)
For the record: I look like a Karen. I am also obviously neurodivergent and I was drugged up on clonazepam due to ongoing tremor issues WHEN i voted and wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it. While I am at much less police risk than my 70-85% Latinx neighborhood from the neurodivergency,  mine’s still not zero it’s just “MY shady stop experience while my symptoms were cranked to 12 just gave me a really nasty scare as opposed to making me a hashtag”. 
Also, unsurprisingly for a working poor mostly Latinx neighborhood, we get the “overpoliced and underprotected” and ICE is a thing. Far as I’m concerned, chinga la migra siempre, because imo about 97% of folks trying that crossing are legit asylees and/or just trying to get paid and a lot of times send money home and I’m disgusted by kids in cages and lately they’ve been locking up a shitload of black pregnant people too. I’m at most fourth-gen from my dad’s dad, but no1curr cuz he was Norwegian as opposed to being “a scary brown dude” by meme Karen standards.
Prop B failed narrowly.
I get to keep my “probably mostly okay” mayor and my city council rep who as far as I can tell is going pretty hard for my district. (I live in Texas. This is better than I can say about either my Austin representation because I hate Abbott/Patrick, Ken Paxton and probably my state *senator* or my DC because I sure as hell didn’t vote for Cornyn or Cruz and while I actually voted for my House Rep my district is sufficiently gerrymandered that we’ve NEVER been Rep-repped. My politician expectations are LOW.)
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bullet-farmer · 4 years
Okay, to get this out of the way: this post is not intended as a guilt trip. It’s not intended to get sympathy or “force” people to do what they don’t want to do. I’m saying here that I have a need and I am trying to fill that need, because not having that need filled is hurting me. If you, reader, can’t fulfill that need, then that’s fine, and you shouldn’t feel obligated. There is no pressure to throw yourself in front of me. Your own airbag first, and all that. Again, this post is my attempt to do self-care. Because what I’m doing now isn’t caring for myself. All right, here we go. How do you find friends with whom you can talk about your problems? I mean, I have some, but they’re dealing with too much shit right now and I won’t put my problems on them--or at least not any more than I already do, despite efforts not to. But the truth is that I’m not doing well.  I’m stressed out and unhappy a lot, even though I’m taking medication and in therapy. It’s part pandemic stress, sure, but it’s a lot more than that.  I’m stressed out so much that I’ve developed stomach problems that I need treatment for. I am positive that these are related to how much pain and upset I keep in. And that pain and upset is starting to spill over despite trying my best not to let it. I try to self-soothe, but that doesn’t always work. I was just learning how to do that in group therapy...before the pandemic hit.  We didn’t even get through half the DBT module. It was the first time I’d ever worked with it in more than a random, piecemeal way, so putting what I’d learned into practice wasn’t really something I could do during a time like this. Whether or not I “should” have is irrelevant: I wasn’t able to. And all the “shoulds” in the world don’t change that. I try not to talk about my problems, but at this point, I can’t do this any longer. I have a need that is going unmet, and it’s not a need that I can just work around, like using a microwave until the oven gets fixed. Whether or not having this need is wrong, or right, or healthy, or unhealthy, it is a need. And even if it can’t be met, I at least have to *try* to meet it. Not having people with whom I can talk about the pain I’m in is hurting me. Badly. It’s hurting my mental and physical health, and lately I am thinking more and more about self-harm and suicide, and starting to develop a plan and a time in which to put that plan into action.  The last time that happened, I only avoided a suicide attempt because...well, I don’t really understand WHY a part of me kicked in to make me go to the ER, but it did. I can’t do that again right now. Not during a pandemic. And I’m afraid if it happens again that this time I won’t be able to catch myself in time. And that my therapist will leave me again. (The one I have now said she wouldn’t if that happened, but...I don’t believe her. Therapists always say that to me, and then they drop me like a hot brick as soon as I have a crisis. I’ve been left alone to cope during the worst periods of my life, and I’m not holding out hope that something like that won’t happen again.) I know the answer to this question is probably “Just deal with your problems yourself, Jo.” Yes, thank you, I’m aware of that.  But I at least had to put out there that I have a need, that it is unmet, and that I have to do *something* to try to meet it, because sitting here feeling bad and thinking about all the methods at my fingertips with which I can hurt myself...well, it’s dangerous. And a lot of people would be really upset if I didn’t live to see New Year’s Eve. I would be really upset if I diverted medical resources during a pandemic.  So this post is my attempt to do something to avoid taking those resources.  Again, if the answer is “No1curr,” then fine. I will know that this isn’t an avenue I can’t pursue.  Also, I’m not talking about someone I can just sling my problems and upset and despair without reciprocation. I think I’m a decent listener, I care about people, and I do my best to help anyone who comes to me with a problem, even if I don’t know them very well or never see them again. I don’t see that my need is an unreasonable one, but again, it may be. So. There it is. But I need to help myself now too. 
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markoftheasphodel · 5 years
Sounds like you want support conversations to be either abandoned like in FE11, or SEVERELY limited to the FE15 quantity, because the quantity of partners that FE13 provides leads to self-contradictory/incomprehensible characters that are either unusable or unfun to write in fic.
I think the GBA era did a pretty good job of parceling out the support conversations in terms of quantity and quality; the mechanics for building them in-game and the caps on what could be achieved per playthrough are shit. FE15 didn’t do quite enough with some characters-- I mention the Rise of the Deliverance DLC favorably because the extra coupla conversations did REMARKABLE things for the Deliverance as characters. But in between some manner of base convos (necessary at this point IMO), 4-7 support chains per character, boss battle dialogue, and the various forms of “reaction” chatter that have become standard since FE got voice acting, and cut scenes... that’s plenty.
Let’s look at Diarmuid for a potential FE4 reboot since he’s got so little to go on in FE4 itself.
Reboot!Diarmiud Support Chains in order of necessity:
#1: Nanna
#2: Oifey, as his mentor and using their original event conversation as a base
#3: Ares, since they’re cousins, liege-and-knight, and riding home together unless Diarmuid inherits some shit.
#4: Lester and/or Ulster, as his Tirnanog bros
#5: Seliph, as his present liege and his Tirnanog bro
#6: Leif, as his potential brother-in-law and as foreshadowing for a Thracia 776 remake.
#7: Finn or Lewyn in the event he’s the kid of either one of them
#8: Lachesis in the inevitable “a bunch of Gen 1 characters survived actually!!!” DLC
#9: Predestined love interests, which he didn’t actually have in FE4 so IDEK
You can stop at 4 core support chains, or five if Diarmuid is chatty with both Lester and Ulster, and round him out pretty nicely as a brother, a student, a future knight, and a friend. You can touch on his aspirations, his fears, the legacy he carries, and what makes him the “charming” prince as opposed to the not-very-charming Lester and Ulster. With the addition of all the other now-standard game chatter as described above, Diarmuid exists in multiple dimensions without needing a single forced heterosexual romantic support chain. And anything else is just gravy, including the option for finally hashing things out with a parental unit.
Then let’s take Hannibal, as the precise kind of character who tends to get shafted on supports because he comes in late and no1curr.
Reboot!Hannibal Support Chains in order of necessity:
#1: Coirpre/Charlot, no arguments
#2: Altena, no arguments
#3: Leif, as both Altena’s brother and Hannibal’s future king, not to mention the tie-in to a key scene in Thracia 776
#4: Wildcard. Could be Seliph, but he’s not really as key to Hannibal’s future as the Leonster kiddos. Could be Lene/Laylea. I’d frankly like him to confront Finn over the whole “Well, you finally invaded my country and deposed my lord, so are you satisfied now?” angle. He could also mentor one of the other kiddos in an unexpected way-- Febail, Patty, Tine, Ced? Someone with a Thracian-peninsula angle might work.
#5: ???
Again, four support chains would be GREAT. An FE15 model would likely get us ONE support chain, which would be a shame. FE16, though, was pretty generous in the platonic mentoring that older characters got to do with younger characters, to the point where you could imagine Hannibal getting several conversations that terminate at the B-level. FE16 did some things very right and the platonic support chains are one of them IMO.
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asortafairytale · 5 years
End of the year survey, of course
Song of the year? According to last.fm, it's Endless War by Within Temptation which seems pretty accurate.  I regret that I skipped out on WT's concert.  It was supposed to snow and I felt terrible mental health-wise, but I should have just went because I've been trying to do things even if feel terrible, because staying at home is not going to help and I refuse to be beaten down.  But I don't always succeed. I'M FIGHTING AN ENDLESS WAR.
Album of the year? Lover by Taylor Swift. Ever since 1989 was released I go through this thing where I can't listen anything but her new album.  It got super bad this year, though, and I haven't really listened to anything but TS since it was released.  I thought it was my new favorite album of hers but after sitting in this spiral for long enough, I think Reputation is my favorite followed by Lover.  But Lover gave me Death by a Thousand Cuts which NO OTHER ALBUMS DID so. Thanks, Lover.
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? I don't think I started listening to anyone new this year.  The closest I can get is a band called Thy Art is Murder, which is apparently deathcore, which is a genre I've never listened to before, so that's nice, but I haven't listened to them much at all.
Movie of the year? Eh, I looked at the list of movies I watched this year and nothing stood out.  The closest I can get to answering this question is recommending the movie Crush the Skull as a much better alternative to Don't Breathe, if you're into horror/home invasion kind of movies
TV show of the year? I haven't really watched much television this year. I just haven't been in the mood.  I did rewatch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and a lot of that was when I was on vacation in London. I'd get back to my room and have my dinner and watch Sunny. Exciting times across the sea.  But I guess overall, I'd say Good Girls.  It was one of the few drama shows I watched this year and it was amazing.  This was also the year I discovered Buzzfeed Unsolved, but that's not really a TV show. But it deserves a mention.
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Can't say there is one.
Favorite actor of the year? Tom Hiddleston. Does anyone doubt the answer to this one. I saw him on stage four times, because I'm an excessive bitch.  I met him at Comic Con and he winked at me and no, I won't stop talking about that ever.  And if I ever dare forget him, I have his autograph on my phone case so I'm reminded of his existence at all times whether I like it or not (I like it).
Game of the year? None. I don't game. Nor do I play board games. Nor do I play games on my phone. I am very much not a game person. OH WAIT. I lied. I picked up Pokemon Go again because my friend is super into it and kept taking me to places to do gym battles and stuff.
Best month for you this year? June. May-Juneish.  That's the time I went to London, my mom was doing relatively well, and I just like that time of year.  The weather is usually perfect.
Something that made you cry this year? Taylor Swift's song "Soon You'll Get Better".  It punched me so hard it broke several ribs. I've never identified with a song before but I did that one and I'd really love to sue Taylor for emotional damage.
Something you want to do again next year? Go to the haunted farm thing I went to this year around Halloween. I love that place. I went two years ago and this year, and it's like a mile long thing set up on a farm that you walk through and it's just so well done. Both times I've enjoyed the hell out of myself and enjoyed the company I was with.
I'd also really love to see Kamelot again, if they decide they want to keep touring, though I'm sure they're going to chill.  Them or Avatar, same deal.  I've seen Kamelot three times and Avatar twice but is it enough? No.
Talk about a new friend you made this year I have not made any new friends. Do you know how hard it is to make friends.  I did, however, meet @phantomdivine​ in person, so that was a friendship escalation.
How was your birthday this year? It's in February and Februarys are usually a blur of me having mental breakdowns.  I have a distinct memory last year of driving home from my friend's house in the middle of night on the anniversary of my father's death, crying like a little bitch and being like "why am I crying" while I was smoking (I don't smoke except for when I smoke) and getting gutpunched every time the line "the good die young" came up on the Within Temptation song I was listening to.  That was right around my birthday so that's probably how it was.
Favorite book you read this year? Maybe What Was She Thinking? (Notes on a Scandal) by Zoë Heller.  I read 20 books this year and I usually read zero! Go me!  I also read Gone Girl finally, because I've read Gillian Flynn's other books, and I always enjoy her and her writing.  The quality of writing is important to me, so I will read any plot if the writing intrigues me.
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? How dare you suggest I have a bad habit
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
A feral kitty that lives in a broken down building near the antique shop I consign with
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Post a picture from the end of the year
It Hozier
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A memorable meal this year? I'm a big food person but I've been on a diet for a good part of the year.  Which has kind of left me...a disinterested in food person.
What’re you excited about for next year? Uhhh. I have nothing planned, so I don't know.  Hopefully getting on Social Security Disability, because the whole process is stressing me out and my lawyer said it can take a year and I just really do not have time for this.
What’s something you learned this year? It's not something I -learned-, but something I accomplished. I started running, something I've tried to do in starts and stops over the years.  I used to be unable to run 30 seconds without getting out of breath and getting stomach cramps and feeling like I was going to die.  Now I can run a 5k.  I usually don't run this far, though, because I still have trouble breathing and I need to work on that, so I usually run about 30 minutes when I go out.  I've been thwarted lately but it getting dark so early so I haven't been able to go out as much as I did (unless I want to get murdered, I guess).
What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? I hung up my signed Only Lovers  Left Alive poster :')
Favorite place you visited this year? London, baby.  I'm so happy I loved it so much. I was looking at pictures the other day and got a little teary eyed, which is the normal person equivalent of actually crying.  I don't know if it's London itself or what it represented to me (probably both), but I love it and want to go back and have vague, tentative plans to stay there for two or three months in the future if I can.
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? You're gonna meet Tom Hiddleston, bitch, and he's gonna WINK at you.  
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I do not. I reinvent my life whenever I feel like it.
Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one You don't want the answer to this one because I will go off for an hour and no1curr, as they used to say.
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unfortunatelycake · 5 years
Finished writing Anon. Tired and not really able to concentrate all that well right now, but despite that I’m looking at my WIPs/ideas and thinking ‘What next?’
(procrastinating and rambling to myself, ignore me)
I’d like to finish writing A Trio of Mochi but tbh the boueibu fandom is dead and I don’t think anyone cared much for the OT3 in the first place, so I guess that’d be a waste of time. Except I don’t like leaving things unfinished, and it’s part of a series. So I suppose I could just write up a brief set of snapshots to summarise what I’d planned, and post that as a single chapter, and mark the series as complete...
Loose plans for a IoRyuu-centric followup to Love is Found in a Dragon’s Heart aren’t really worth pursuing for the same reasons (also I know me, and it would still end up very AkoRima focused, though this time with more pink brotp going on). Again, fandom dead, no1curr
Offshots/sequels from some other boueibu fics... Buuuuut I refer to previous issue (yes I write mainly for myself, but feedback and comments go a lot towards actually motivating me to finish stuff)
Single GO fic is something I’ve run out of energy for already; I basically don’t feel smart or eloquent enough to do the idea justice and have kind of lost motivation for it. 
Then there are the OPM fics.
+ Companion fic to Chrysalis is yet to be written, kind of feel I need to re-read everything and take notes so I don’t miss any important things that need expansion from Mumen’s perspective (God, I don’t write from Mumen’s POV that often, it’s kind of difficult...) 
+ OPM AU/semi-AU where the Mad Cyborg’s attack had a slightly different effect on Genos’ life/family, and he and Saitama are brought together in an entirely different way. Slow burn that needs actual planning instead of me just winging it and leaving myself unhelpful comments under what I’ve written so far. 
+ Sidefic to Anon, a one-shot about Iaian and Atomic Samurai, because it got me.
+ More one-shots for the Persons and Passions series, to fill in some gaps that happened as a result of Memories and follow on from Salvation. May or may not include more smut. Need to actually plan. 
+ Maybe spruce up/expand upon some of the ficlets I posted along with art for Mumarou Month. I say maybe because my brain likes to work on new things rather than old ones, and whilst one ficlet would end up being part of P&P, another could end up a whole longassed fairytale AU, and rn I don’t have the mental energy. 
Actually I don’t have the mental energy for anything right now, and it sucks. 
+ Also I started watching Altered Carbon on Netflix and I’m sure there’s a related mumarou/genosai fic slowly cooking away in my brain that I haven’t realised yet
+ ALSO I  want to try writing some different ships? I mean genosai and mumarou forever but it’d be good exercise for my brain to mix up the ships a bit, just in drabbles and oneshots, nothing too deep or strenuous, just light fluffy stuff...
+ A L S O I could maybe write some prompt fics? Which reminds me of several abandoned fics started for prompts that I gave up on in favour of stuff I actually posted for the prompt, oops. Again short fics. I’m impatient and want validation. 
But mostly I’m tired. Have gone from having a cold to getting period to feeling really tired and run down and everything takes an immense mental effort and I just want to sleep. But when I try to sleep, my brain wants to get writing, and plots stuff, and then I fall asleep and when I wake up I only half-remember stuff. 
And I feel like anything I try to write at the moment will be totally lacklustre like Anon chapter 12 (wait and see) but I want to write so aaaaaaaaaagggggggggh what should I wriiiiiiiiite
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mswyrr · 5 years
lucifer s4 trailer
I think it looks really good! It looks like they’re digging into character and theme stuff I’ve wanted them to handle in depth.
They started out well in S1&2 balancing the romance but I think that they delayed the reveal just a little too long with the stretched out S3, so here we’re getting the chance to catch up with important elements of Chloe’s side of things. Notably, her moral/identity struggle. It’s been limited by her lack of knowledge and that worked at first but leaning too heavily on Lucifer’s POV tends to lean towards pedestalizing her. She’s not actually PURE (tm) or else she wouldn’t find him so attractive as a person. As I mentioned in my meta post here, telling a “monster romance” like this, from the monster’s pov, does have that weakness of potentially not giving enough material on the fact that the heroine is attracted to the monster as a way of relating to her own darkness/suppressed desires.
And that is, I think, what she has to cope with here: she’s drawn to this person on a deep, soulful (in addition to physical lol) level. (When it was just physical, she wasn’t into him. She’s genuinely into him as a person.) He speaks to something in her deepest self... and now she has to deal with the horrifying moral/ethical/existential mindfuck of it turning out that this person she rings so true with--who is something to her no one else has ever been, who touches her heart in a way no one else has been able to reach--is, you know, SATAN lmao
Not “canon Satan” but still... And she just had a horrible clusterfuck of a relationship with Cain, so Biblical Evil is not exactly looking that shiny right now.
Linda never rang true soulfully with the guy like that - they just banged, you know? They’re good friends and they used to bang. And her self-identity isn’t structured so strongly around a fundamentally moral worldview as Chloe. Sure, Linda is a wonderful person! But her pov is more interpersonal/psychological, whereas Chloe really centers herself in her own deep thinking on what Right and Wrong are - something she’ll go against the tide of other peoples’ opinions to defend. She can be so strong! BUT the one thing that can absolutely destroy her is if her foundations are shaken...
Without that core she’s lost. She has to rebuild it from the ground up.
She’s an intensely moral atheist thrown into a world where all this supernatural crap is real and btw... this figure she was so drawn to, this trickstery sweetheart, kinda nuts but at his worst a self-destructive “homeless magician” is something far, far different than she thought.
Her foundations are how she manages to be so strong for others. That core of truth she’s worked out for herself. And that’s been ripped away. 
Lucifer is himself, with all the issues we know so well, so he’s really focused on his own self-worth stuff but IMO her conflict isn’t exclusively or primarily about whether she loves him enough, it’s about her own identity issues and this big question of “What even IS right and wrong in this new world?” and “Am I allowed to want this?” “What does it say about me that I love this person so much?”
This show is good about letting female characters be flawed and even do awful things but still be treated with narrative sympathy. I think Eve’s “You don’t have to change. You’re already perfect.” is clearly setting her up as representing the antithesis of the entire damn show, textually and meta-textually. It’s all about growth and redemption and change and she’s planting her flag against that.
IMO her classical role with Lucifer has been reversed: this time *she’s* the one offering the temptation.
And it’s not even about sex, drugs, and such. It’s just: give up and stop doing the painful work of growing. It hurts, why bother?
But I also trust that she will be handled with as much care as, say, Mum was, so I’m SO TOTALLY down for her. What she’s telling him is probably a lot about herself and her own issues - in choosing to have Eve show up they’ve got a female character who has been as misrepresented and vilified as Lucifer himself, which is going to be significant (since apparently she’s very no1curr about him killing her son??? LOL Okay, hey, if I had a son like that... /snort/).
Like, Eve was used to justify the oppression of women for centuries in the West. It was no joke. Early feminists actually had to reinterpret her in order to articulate their position. (“Eve’s Apology in Defense of Women” from 1611 by Amelia Lanyer is a personal fave of mine, in terms of women’s literary work and women’s history.)
I really hope that this show will give her due respect as a female mythological/religious/etc figure. In their wonderfully stylized totally bananas way ofc! They have a good track record on BONKERS theology and writing complex women, so I have every reason to be optimistic.
Overall Themes
For her part, I think the images of Chloe walking into the Catholic church and talking to the spooky religious guy is all about her being tempted in the opposite direction. Eve is all: go wild! Stop trying to work to be better, just be the perfect devil you are! And Chloe might very well be tempted by the comforting absolutism and clear “hard work” of the forms of false certainty people offer.
They did a really good job showing self-righteousness as a sin with Amenadiel’s fall and I think it would be really cool to represent moral certainty as a kind of “apple” that Chloe-as-New-Eve is tempted with now that her foundations have been ripped away.
Again, like with Eve--but doubly so because the writers love Chloe--I am confident this will be handled well.
IMO the core of the show is a kind of humanism/human goodness. Lucifer was broken by the cold absolutism of the celestial vision of goodness. And the fact that evil very much isn’t his thing either. Heaven and hell weren’t home, as he said to to Mum. LA is the only place he’s found belonging, and it’s explicit in the canon that it’s not just the place, it’s a person.
The warmth of the kind of fierce humanistic morality and love Chloe embraces, that feels like home. Humans let you be messy and incomplete and still worthy of love. They embrace struggle. They come up with genius things like “therapy.” They glory in all their contradictions.
They can, like Chloe, believe there is no God and yet be incredibly decent and loving.
She’s off-kilter because of the reveal and so too is he, each in their own way. They’re supposed to balance each other so when one is struggling the other will too. The goodness the show is aiming for can be compromised either by a truly selfish hedonism that doesn’t care about trying to do better by others or also by a moral absolutism which is harsh and unkind. This is because self-righteousness is ultimately also putting your own satisfaction above the well-being of others, just like a selfish hedonism is. The pleasures of the two are superficially different, but at core they’re the same. I think it’s cool paralleling if they’re tempted by these respective sins in the show’s moral vision.
The idea of them both being tempted and struggling and then coming back together could be really amazing. With the clearly increased budget for visuals, I am hoping we get a really great poetic visual moment of them coming back together. That could make for an eXCELLENt arc.
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flipper-kisses · 3 years
My mom and dad are in their 70s & I'm so grateful that we're going to be able to spend Christmas together as a family this year (after skipping last year bc of the panorama). There's still a pandemic going on & it's actually gross to me that he chose travel away from his mom this Christmas so he could help Leechy promote her no1curr show.
I am happy you get to spend Christmas with your family ❤️
And the fact that we’re still in a Panda Express and things are worsening and he’s just la di da ing across the pond…
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inkstained-wretch · 7 years
Do you think PC will go viral? Even though the short dance is awful I could see it being a hit just cause it's Ed Sheeran. For the free dance people will obviously think they skate pretty but the music is so awful in my opinion and PC's chemistry is just the complete opposite of VM's so idk. Ugh can't believe they're gonna win with that awful SD and snoozefest of a lesser FD that they've already done for the past 4 years.
heres why p/c wont go viral as much as v/m even tho they are skating to popular music as well:- not only is their sd weak as hell, people generally have shitty memory will forget about eduardo sheeran once the free dance competition starts the next day- Beethoven has been six feet under for 600 years no1currs about him
- p/c cant get away with shomance like v/m can and thats not only because their acting is wooden. people are still going to try to ship them nevertheless- people who will try to ship them will eventually stalk their SM and find out he gay and you know how homophobic ppl can be.
- if they win people are going to be very mad because people generally prefer vm. vm are already established ice dancers with multiple olympic medals. who the hell are these french stranger bitches?
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years
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I made it! Living Legend (for completing every level on Legendary) took several hours to finally pop after I finished, which was rather nerve-wracking, I’ve got to say!
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‘Cause ya girl here was NOT playing Halo: CE again like that just for funsies! 😲😉 But then, whew, it showed up! I included a few other achievements in that screencap I’m really proud of getting, especially anything that had to be done on Legendary.
Was there a more productive use of my time? Yeah, probably, but it made me SO happy to get this!
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I maaay go back and try for Legendary on Halo 2. I managed to get Heroic but never could get out of that first hanger on Cairo Station on Legendary. I’ll have to see if some of the strategies I learned on CE will translate into helping me on Halo 2. I’d like to at least get out of that darn hanger, lol!
Anyway, in the meanwhile, though, I’m heading back to writing. I’m going to try to finally put the final chapter on one of my Snowells/Flash fics (NSFW) that I apparently decided to update one single chapter every year.
Because there’s nothing like reading chapter 1 in 2020, chapter 2 in 2021 and trying to sneak in chapter 3 before 2022 ends, right?
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I’m pretty sure we’re at the NO1CURRS point but, darn it, I’m going to finish it just for me, if nobody else. 🤷‍♀️
Okay, just wanted to share my happy! Love to you all, frens! 🤗🤗🤗
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thestarkalypse · 7 years
Drunkalypse S7 E2: 9 or so things
Episode 2 season 7, it happened, we’re here now, me with you, you with me, what a magical time in our lives.
Follow me on Twitter at @starkalypse that's where I drunk live tweet the show and I’m trying to get to a 1,000 followers….
I was editing this like “goddamn why the fuck am I cursing so much this week” and then I remembered that I was joined this week by an old friend, so stalwart and true, a friend that makes me deranged and so hype about life.
That’s right y’all I got all up in a bottle of Barefoot pink moscato!!!!!
Cursing like a sailor this week, prob appropriate with this pirate nonsense like idek 
I usually don’t write that much about Dany scenes but fuck it, let’s dance:
Dany starts stepping to Varys like he should never ever have switched sides in his high risk career as a gossip mongerer. Bitch, nah.
She is getting all Trumptastic with this blind allegiance shit. Damn, girl, we all pick a different horse sometimes. Like when you have a horse and then you’re like “oh shit, that horse only runs sideways, he’s not really feeling this whole competition thing, also he’s crazy and murders Northern lords in the throneroom” you can’t hate someone for picking a different horse
More importantly, does she realize that almost every single person in her posse played for at least one other team, as recently as two episodes ago in the finale when flop witch Melly Sanders was still kicking it in the North before she got exiled by Jon Snow
It was like one of those conversations where you’re like “oh, shit got real” like it was Real Housewives: Westeros, but not like the ones on YouTube, like the actual ones where they flip fucking tables and pretend they got invited to the White House but goddamn it, Michaela, you did not get invited and everyone knows it!
Missandei is slaying with that translation of PtwP ohhhhhh shit WORG are you watching this, a not-white woman telling you about your book shit
Watch Dany’s face, is she not a little pressed that Jon is killing it in the North and everyone likes him
“Tell Jon Snow that his queen invites him to come to Dragonstone” girl bye and he is not bending shit unless it is his neck before he brings his head up and shakes out his majestic mane of curls
Jon, king of the north, has been invited all the way to Dragonstone, an area in which he has no allies or armies, by way of an invitation written by Tyrion, of whom neither he or Sansa can apparently verify the handwriting of and can’t be 100% sure wasn’t written under duress. And in the letter Dany straight up tells him he’s subject to her.
But Jon, being Jon, is going to walk into it totally blind. A queen with three dragons who will crush all of her opponents. He thinks it’s a great idea to go in person instead of sending an emissary. And honestly, I expect nothing less from him. 
Part of the reason he is going is because he and Davos literally just fucking figured out that dragons are fire machines lawdT
If you think about it, if anyone is going to persuade Dany to give them dragons and dragonglass it’s the owner of the most glorious hair in Planetos
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I like how Jon is standing there in that scene with the northerners, wasting everyone’s time like he’s not going to do exactly what he wants to do…….Oh, Jon……….
Jon puts Sansa in charge, as it should have been the whole time tbh #QueenintheNorth
(Do you think Dany’s dragons will ~know he’s a Targ. Too bad they don’t have DNA and can’t do a Westerosi “Who’s the Father” because Maury in Westeros would be funny as fuck)
3. Is Jon Snow going to have to choke a bitch?
We all want Jon Snow to like us but you need to calm the fuck down, Petyr. You probably shouldn’t bring up the crush you have on his younger sister.
How exactly do you spell the way Littlefinger says Sansa
I loved your mother, Saaaaansa
Cersei’s on that propaganda shit. Stone cold messaging on Dany, she’s goes hard like Fox News.
Who is this Dick[on] Tarly character and how is he relevant
Is a dragon going to eat Cersei tho
Oh my god this Hobbit shit right here with the dragon bolts but lbr the GoT dragons will never be as sassy or fabulous as Smaug
5. Samwell Tarly, MD
And then I noticed he fucking does have it but it’s dirty as fuck does Oldtown not have a single dry-cleaner
Sam tries an experimental technique on Jorah that’s mostly just really big tweezers pulling his flesh off. It’s like nightmare versions of those Proactive commercials that come on at 3 a.m. when you wake up from dozing off during SNL
Sam ships Jorah and Dany, wants to heal him so they can reunite
“I’m going to rip off your skin then give you some really great lotion” no Cerave can save that shit, Samwise Tarlgee
This is the weirdest fucking scene to have zero music to
Hot Pie, true hero of Westeros, probably Azor Ahai, tells Arya that Jon is alive, and she has less emotional response than a Cylon, like a Number Six who doesn’t get out that much. 
She casually steals food in front of her meant for someone else like the very best of drunks
Hightails it the fuckkkkkk out of there when she hears about Jonno
Runs into Nymeria, asks her to join the adventure, Nymeria’s like “hard pass.”
Fucked Ellaria’s shit up
Barack and Michelle get the fuck together
If anyone on that show deserves some loving it’s Missandei
9. I would drunk text Euron
When I was drunk a few days ago I definitely offered to give the Euron actor a “tour xx” of DC if he ever came into town on Twitter, because I was drunk so the thirst was real. 
Fucking Euron
Captain Boomerang
I mean
Goddamn fucking Greyjoy bath salts those offbrand motherfuckers throwing the Gr8est Armada Ever together in like 2 weeks
Stop fucking tweeting me how boss Euron is those are Oberyn Martell’s kids step the fuck off
I can’t
I can;t
Jesus fucking Christ
It’s like………..you could give them a mercy kill so we can quickly block any memories of them but even the way they go out is fucking lame
They’re not going to kill Tyene or Ellaria because- calling this- they’re going to drag them back to KL and Cersei is going to kill at least Tyene, if not Ellaria, boom.
Theon is swimming, may bump into Gendry rowing around
FRANKLY I CANNOT BE ASKED this week. Jon better not put up with Dany’s shit next Sunday
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
Therapy/Counselling Diary #7 (plus some small but heartening accomplishments and a few other little frustrations)
Hmm... hmm... it’s hard to say how I’m feeling right now, a strange cocktail of refreshing see sawing determination with a little kick of spicy proudness mingled in with the usual bitterness of overhanging doubt and the chill of all those nerve-wracking fears. Tastes pretty terrible, probably an acquired taste, but unique non the less. I’m no expert at all, but I’ll give it a generous 2.3 stars overall.
Last week was... it was not so bad actually (or maybe that’s just cause I’ve forgotten a lot of it already lol). I pushed myself to try harder to do some of the things my counsellor wanted me to do, what I myself wanted to do and le gasp, it happened..! I guess her hard talk really did stir something good in me after all. To put it real brief right here for now, I went out a lot more than I usually would (just mundane stuff like shopping and supermarkets tho) and I did the phone orders thing!!!1! Not once but multiple times over three days! Yaaay! But this week I need to continue it and even one up it... boooo-- uh, I mean go me!! @w@
There were times I totally copped out though and it feels bad man as usual, but I at least tried and I was able to prove some of my presumptions and preconceived thoughts mostly wrong! It’s something! It’s a big step, an accomplishment for me, don’t downplay it silly me! *pats self on back and proceeds to go in hiding again- no no!* This week is already feeling a little bleak but I just have to toast it up a little, let myself get cosy in this newer environment by just being there and exposing myself to it more. C’mon, I can do it! ^^
Okay onto the actual counselling session, which was yesterday. I literally only just made it on time, phew haha. I was a little anxious going up to the room cause there were some other people around in the corridor but w/e no1currs really and that goes for every other situation everywhere else. When you’re absorbed and focused in what you’re doing like other people are and not constantly looking around and assuming people give a damn (which they don’t) then it’s all good!
Um, anyways she did the typical ‘how are you/have you been’ and I gave her my weekly self scoring sheet but also I told her I forgot to give her that self esteem sheet and presented that too. I told her of my achievements last week and she congratulated me, told me I needed to pat myself on the back more and that she’s glad last week actually helped get me off my butt (she said she felt kinda bad about it too, but not so much now that she saw it had a good effect kind of thing too ^^). I agree last week did help, though I definitely wouldn’t wanna go through that again though lol.
We went over the cycle from before real briefly just as a reminder that actually doing things is the best way to break it and to progress and I have this homework sheet consisting of a table with columns for my preconceived thoughts of a situation (which I am to score with a percentage I believe it), my emotions and feelings that arise, and my uhh re-scores and feelings after actually facing and going through the situation. I haven’t actually looked at the sheet since yesterday so I totally winged the explanation just then lol but it’s about linking thoughts and emotions and that’s pretty much the gist of it. I’m kinda nervous about filling it in and I’m leaving it to the end of the week to do it, which is bad, but I’ll at least know what to put in it better by then hopefully.
We went over some of the things I wrote on the self esteem sheet, some of my examples for the unhelpful negative behaviours and we discussed them for a while but only got through a few. She said she’d go over the other ones next time, we agreed I should continue to do what I did last week but maybe try even harder. (There’s lots of small details in the discussions which I can’t remember properly or can’t place in the right time slot rn oh welp ><”)
Then the session ended there (15 mins early) idk why though. But now that I think about it, maybe there was nothing else left to say or not much plan or other things needed to discuss in particular for the last 3 sessions so maybe just try and stretch what content we have on hand to discuss kind of thing? Or maybe she needed to go somewhere like the toilet? lol who knows xD 
I was feeling the session felt pretty short (my explanation also), but wasn’t all that bothered about it tbh, I’m not paying for it or anything and it gave me a little time to do other stuff before meeting with my sis. I plucked up the courage to go to a shop on my own again, I had a few things in mind that I actually wanted to look for which like the counsellor has said before will make it easier to motivate and immerse myself into doing things. I think I might write about this experience on the feelings-thoughts sheet. 
So, I went in, a little uneasy at first, but not as much as if it would have been a place I’ve never stepped foot into before. I perused at my leisure and tried my hardest not to be overly conscious of other people around, which I noted to myself do actually going about their own stuff and don’t pay you any mind at all which lessened the nerves a lot. I found some things I wanted, and this was another relief as I always get that niggling feeling that if I leave without buying they’ll think I stole something (but looking around the internets randomly, I came to know that this is a super common feeling which is comforting and I shouldn’t worry about it too much because so what if I didn’t buy anything, I just couldn’t find anything I wanted and that is totally fine!).
Partway in the last leg of my perusing, my sis phoned me and told me to hurry up and all that stuff and it kinda made me feel real antsy. I continued looking though at a slightly faster pace but she ended up calling outside and told me to hurry up even more and was waiting for me outside so I cut my browsing short and hurried to pay and felt pretty down about it. When paying I queued up behind a group of guys and felt self-conscious but well, they no care really and I got over it and ignored the thought. 
I went to the self serve till (the only kind open, so I wasn’t avoiding or anything) and proceeded to pay and I’m so glad I know how to use them as we use them most of the time my sis goes to the supermarket with me lol but I still was feeling pretty self-conscious and the ‘unexpected item in bagging area’ still gives me nerves and it happened twice to me but the assistant came over and fixed it straight away without me saying anything (which was a relief because I was feeling a little cowardly by then, but I would’ve been a little prouder of myself for actually asking).
I went with my sis to some other shops after that, I voiced that she was being quite mean on the phone and later she apologised, she was in a pretty bad mood in general and also the car park time wasn’t much and most of the bad feeling was dissolved. We then went to some other other shops with my mum in addition and I went off on my own to peruse which was nice though I couldn’t find anything I wanted, but it’s best not to waste monies on things I don’t need anyways. I got kind of sickly on the way home which wasn’t great but the general day was pretty alright.
There was somewhere else I wanted to go and me and my sis planned to go soon after but it was delayed and later I just kind of chickened out and took a nap instead :/ I was really tired and still sickly feeling though. I hope to get this sorted out this week still though, maybe I’ll tag along with my parents this time round, it’ll be okay! ^^
I also went to see a specialist doctor, I got a phone call for the appointment two days before the actual day (probably someone else cancelled) and I took it. I could’ve said no and waited even longer, but I didn’t, because health is important and should be dealt with asap! I wish I could bring myself to apply this to some of my other worries, but I’ll get there. Anyways it went alright, the typical general treatment route, but at least it’s something, now I’m waiting on my regular doc for the next steps. 
The kind of funny thing is though (in reference to my last post or maybe the one before it), is that I have been recommended to take anti-depressants (BUT not for depression) they happen to help with migraines and oversensitivity which affects me all the time pretty much. A lot of medicines help with other conditions they were not primarily made for, I only realised this in the recent years lol. I’m a little wary and I’m hoping that it’ll help, maybe even kill two birds with one stone, but if it doesn’t then oh welp and onto the next thing they recommend. I want to get better every way I can and there’s no harm trying (except maybe side effects ugh) it’s just the stigma thing again, it’s... complicated .__. But it’ll be okay!
In terms of my own art and online dabblings, I actually spent two of the days I did phone orders doodling and editing stuff a little. I wasn’t really going to draw anything seriously but my non serious doodle started off pretty alright and I continued it and finished it, which I kind of felt proud of as usually I start things and never finish them because I get scared to mess it up or think it’s not good enough. It has its flaws of course, I’m such a nit picky person and I know I need to improve, but looking past these things, I really like what I did and am glad I persevered and completed it.
I also tried posting something online, not on here, but I actually did it for once at least! It was nothing amazing, in fact it was really really lame, just a scrawl from another time but I still like it and that’s all that matters, right? Right! I was really struggling over what to write in the descriptions (much like how I spend ages agonising over writing comments) and still keep feeling iffy about what I wrote but it’s actually all fine, so I should stop worrying about it! Hear that silly me? Don’t fret and don’t regret, it’s fine so keep going! :D
Some people (very few) even liked my picture and one person even commented some thumbs up emojis. It’s really nice of them ;w; I don’t think they were bots and I looked at their pages too. The person that commented has a page full of beautiful art and idk I just felt like omg ahhhh they’re so much more amazing then me and super intimidated and wasn’t sure what to do about the comment and still haven’t done anything and it’s been a few days .__.
They probably like loads of peoples stuff though, and also there’s no obligation to have to like their stuff back (though I have a feeling that’s probably why they liked my awful doodle in the first place, to draw attention to their own page, but I shouldn’t assume, that’s bad, maybe they really thought my doodle was okay and kindly wanted to encourage, who knows). I think maybe I’ll like the comment at least, I don’t want to be rude >< I’m just scared that if I do go and like their stuff, I’ll feel obligated to always do it kind of thing, I’m still just so scared of interacting with people (also this person doesn’t speak english it seems and language barriers are my death, but this person didn’t mind it, so uh uh wait I’m being such a baby again ;____;)
I’m seriously overthinking things way too much again!! I get this feeling when I think of people that may have taken their time to read my posts or even the few people that have liked a post or two. I’m seriously very very grateful and would hug you if I could but I don’t know what to do from then and it just keeps swirling and nagging me inside and I’m so sorry >< Overthinking and social awkwardness will surely be the death of me. I need to stop all the uncertainty and what ifs and silly assumptions and just do what I feel! Why is it so hard..? ;^;
I actually got so scared I didn’t post the next small doodle I wanted to, but I need to get over it and just get it done and continue and post the things I’ve really really been wanting to post for months. No one actually cares about all the silly things I think they do, I can’t read minds and I can’t go one thinking that I can. The same for just people in general irl. I was actually a little proud that I was so self-conscious out in public as much recently, that I noticed people are too busy in their own world and that I’m silly for thinking they would expend the brain energy to linger on me negatively. Another mantra sort of thing I’ve been thinking is ‘IDGAF (and no one else does)’ lolol for reals, but it seems to be pretty effective so imma keep it! :>
Losing motivation and becoming disheartened is so easy. I’m going to continue small and simple and build up from there in every aspect and it’ll get easier and I’m gonna keep my grip real tight on that motivation and determination and soak in all my accomplishments no matter how small or insignificant they seem and convert them into even more positive energy! Imma do things!! Imma do lots of things and not get mad at myself even if I don’t manage to do some of them! Baby steps is the way to go! c:
Like always I get a bit apprehensive when writing these or even thinking of doing so, but they are actually very useful! I can sift through and explore my thoughts better now and I can help re-motivate and re-direction myself with them and I even think my writing and expression in general has gotten better! It’s a good thing, it’s an achievement! Be happy silly self! ^^
Worry just makes the world seem all the more scary. Break the cycle, break the cycle, snap it to pieces, crush it into dust and let it fly away in the wind and never return! >< Keep going, reach higher, climb further (without forgetting to take rest stops in between and continue onwards with renewed vigour) past the sky and the stars, you can do it! Moar fancy fancy motivation!! x3
I guess I’ll stop here, I think I’ve got most of the stuff down and there’s stuff I wanna do now that I’ve pieced my motivation back together some ^^ When I go to my drafts to write, I see the to do/dream list I wrote last time and it reminds me of all the things I could do, it definitely needs to be tidied up but it’s nice seeing it! I’m pumped! :3
I hope things go well for myself and everyone out there, go go!
Have a great evening! C:
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PLL series finale reaction post
I love how they gave Lucy/Aria’s ugly-cry a shout-out X’D
Ezria remains cringey.
Momma Emily <3
Pam and Ali in a secret meeting? Eh?
Melissa’s back again and wants the barn. Again. 
Turns out, Toby pulled a Forrest Gump...
If that little shit (i.e Addison?) has anything to do with the reveal I will throw the most epic of shit fits. 
There’s an A-wannabe on the loose harassing the new kids at school. 
Jenna’s a teacher too? Wow #creativewriting
A life-skills teacher nonetheless.
AW MONA <3 :’(
...and Hanna really does have a heart of gold <3
Tell Mary what?!
Mona’s disappeared. I bet she’s dead.
Hanna and Caleb... yikes.
At least Hanna is finally showing some legit remorse over pushing Mona into playing the game.
Emison not being subtle about wanting to get it on X’D!
Or not.
I really DGAF about Ezria’s cookie-cutter vanilla sex. 
The nod to Ezria’s first time exceeded mythe cheese-limit allocated for all remaining Ezria scenes combined.
OMG Haleb are trying for a baby?
Aria y u cry?
So what is it with Ezra no longer being Aria-marriage-material? 
Well Mona definitely isn’t AD since she’s speaking to them on the phone (presumably anyway).
Oh. Poor Aria :( Now I definitely wish it was her finally seeing Erza for the creep he really is.
Mary Drake in shackles makes me very sad.
Hanna, I get you’re nice but taking Mona to Aria’s wedding rehearsal dinner is not on.
Mr Montgomery, I would have punched Ezra’s lights out. Fuck you giving him your blessing.
I still want a PLL spin-off with the mums. Just drinking wine.
See; I told you. The PLL mums are a riot. 
Wow Ezra. Way to be an asshole about your almost-wife being infertile
Also, fuck you for judging her for not telling you immediately because she wanted a second opinion. 
Or a third. 
Did it occur to you she may have been having a really hard time accepting that?
So, he apologises for being an asshole but then goes all passive aggressive?
Ezra, die. 
Make these seven years worth my time and fucking die. 
Ali is proposing to Emily. As problematic as this shit is I fucking love it <3
Pug shirt and all.
My heart is dead.
If I weren’t so BPD I’d be able to cry right now.
Oh well.
How much damage can Mona do in one night? Oh Caleb, you naive fuck.
“Wanna make a baby?” *Haleb invokes Ezria cringe*
I know that at this point there’s no time for Twincer but god, the Spencer-seducing Toby sounds nothing like Spencer.
More boring vanilla sex.
Troian’s an amazing actress but can’t do a convincing sex scene to save her life. 
Is this banger not what Mona was playing on the piano the first time Toby was revealed to be A?
Oh sweet lord. Them throwback vibes. 
Why did PLL suddenly turn into ‘The Cube’?
Mary Drake?! Whut?!
Yepp. Drake escaped from jail.
...and just shot up Spencer with some tranquilizer.
Oh Spence. WTF. :’( [Started glitching the fuck out at this point and had to stop the show at the 44.01 mark. So I decided to go buy my cat some meds and food while I mellow the fuck out]
What’s with Ali’s really bad wig? 
It is a wig, right?
Spencer is on a hospital trolley hooked up to a blood pressure/heart monitor  while in shackles. Okay.
Twincer speaks with a non-American accent. 
Maybe she’s related to Wren? 
Who even fucking knows anymore?
Troian can’t do much of a British accent. 
Twincer is Alex. Alex Drake.
Wren rans into Twincer (she’ll always be Twincer) randomly, in a pub in England. Okay.
So Twincer pulled this whole stunt because she ‘never felt so close to someone’ i.e. Spencer, who she learned about through Wren. 
And when Charlotte died she needed closure so she pulled this whole stunt.
Spencer who visited Hanna in the barn was Twincer.
Twincer has successfully been impersonating Spencer.
Spence said it right: like mother like daughter.
Troian’s British accent remains painful.
So this is AD? Twincer is AD?
Oh god. 
This is so shitty. 
Twincer shows up out of nowhere and wants to fuck over Spencer for being the luckier one in the luck of the draw.
After avenging Charlotte.
Twincer I know life’s been well ‘ard and all but no1curr.
Twincer wanted Wren to shoot her. So she could impersonate Spencer successfully. Okay.
Twincer didn’t want to be Alex anymore. She wanted to be Spencer. With Wren. That was the plan.
But he always thought of her as Alex.
And now he’s dead.
The girls look adorable in their bridesmaid dresses. 
Aria’s wedding dress isn’t my kind of thing but it’s PERFECT for Aria. 
Twincer tells one of Emison’s twins that she has ‘daddy eyes’. 
Twincer’s the new dollhouse master. 
And AD.
Mary and Spencer are her captives.
But earlier Mary stabbed Spencer with a syringe.
So yeah?
This is so messy.
And bad.
Mary technically sold Twincer to get her ass out of Radley (hospital).
Twincer has been out on her ass since she was ten.
Mary and Spence are hugging. IDGI.
And now Mary’s locked Spencer back in ‘The Cube’. 
‘The Cube’ is giving me shower-incident and freezer-room throwbacks.
Did Ezra just do a runner?
Or did someone else send that “I’m not coming for our wedding” text to Aria?
Oh, yeah. Twincer attacked him after that scene they had together at the Radley (hotel). 
And brought him to ‘The Cube’ next to Spencer’s.
After he almost figured out she was not Spencer.
Poor Aria. I hate that she’s so heartbroken. Even if it’s over Ezra.
Twincer’s back at Cube Central. 
Can’t be too far from the Radley (hotel) then.
At least Twincer calls it like she sees it. Toby did settle for Yvonne.
Still so bummed about Twincer being AD. 
Might as well have been Yvonne's fucking zombie.
Twincer is also doing this so she can be with Toby. Among her other motivations.
What even happened when Mary saved Spencer at the blind school?
Jenna and Sydney worked for Twincer.
Sydney was a one-off.
Jenna recruited Noel Kahn to find Twincer because she knew Charlotte had a sister.
She wanted the cash to be able to see again.
Twincer had the cash because Charlotte left her everything.
Jenna somehow knew Charlotte had a sister although she didn’t know the sister in question was Twincer. 
Is the Carissimi Group supposed to explain that?
Next: Sarah Harvey. 
This is going way too fast
Charlotte told Sarah she hid her greatest treasure in the Radley (hospital).
It was a file the PLLs found. 
That gives me - personally - zero things to work with.
Maybe this Charlotte and Rollins-Dunhill flashback will help.
They’ve just met!
Wren’s caught up in it now. 
He’s calling Cece on the phone to tell her a woman is waiting for her at the bar.
Oh! She’s meeting Alex a.k.a. Twincer. Her sister.
Rollins-Dunhill’s Ali stunt was all him; had nothing to do with Twincer’s agenda.
Before Charlotte came back to Rosewood she and Rollins-fuckface went on double dates with Twincer and Wren.
I literally give zero shits about Alex/Twincer.
This is as tragic as I anticipated.
It feels like filler.
A finale shouldn’t feel like it has filler in it.
There’s still hope that Ezra will die before the end of this show.
Twincer wants that.
Twincer’s now at the Radley (hotel), in Emison’s room.
Caressing Aria. Like a doll.
And now she’s at the ranch.
Will the horse call her out on her bullshit?
Knock her the fuck out?
Will nature save the day?
Girls are running a search for Ezra.
A blonde Dali shows up at the door.
David Davids of hot air ballon rides asking for Mrs Fitz?
Oh... that’s the reservation Ezra was making earlier the other day before Twincer cracked his head open.
Twincer set up Jenna to get legal advice from her mum’s firm after Addison’s harassment.
Jenna literally smelled Twincer out.
And told Toby.
And now Toby’s going to tell everyone.
Wow. Even the cast seems like it can’t fucking fake it.
This finale is as weak as they come.
Nice shout out to the theorists though.
Mona knows that the PLLs and their SOs know about Twincer.
She calls for Plan B, while calling a mystery caller!
Does this mean the AD that showed up on Aria and Mona’s phones wasn’t Twincer?
Momma Drake and Twincer flashback!
More about how Twincer wants Toby to be her forever-peen.
Mary Drake knocked out by Twincer!
Mona is informing the PLLs and SOs that Wren came to Welby to kill her but she convinced him not to by telling him she could get Mary out of jail. 
Mona has coordinates.
Of Mary
I think.
They lead to Toby’s house. 
The one he built for Spencer (or Yvonne?)
Which he then sold.
Spence and Ezra have managed to break free from their cubes.
Twincer’s coming after them with an axe.
Cube Central is a huge-ass underground bunker. Duh. 
And now the rest of the PLLs and SOs (and Mona!) are entering it too.
Ezra bashed his head in against a rock after a surprise attack by Twincer.
Is he dead?
Please be dead.
Spence rugby-tackles axe-wielding Twincer. Lord help us!
Toby has a gun.
Handy that.
Maybe from his cop days?
LOL how is he going to know which is Spencer and which is Twincer?
Ezra isn’t dead.
A poem from Spencer’s favourite book is going to save the day.
Twincer has been identified.
A cop that looks vaguely like the twinkly guy from ‘Twilight’ has arrived on the scene.
Who even called the cops?
Of course Mona did.
A literal fizzle. That’s what this finale was.
On to Ezria’s wedding.
Boring wedding ceremony. No1curr.
I. Marlene King makes a cameo as a photographer.
Let’s hope the girls’ final scene is worth a shit.
Hanna’s pregnant.
Ezria is going to adopt.
Obligatory hugs.
Mona opened a doll shop in France.
And is still being shady.
Flashback of Mary and Twincer drinking tea.
Nope. Some how Mona has them.
Unless it’s her ‘hyper-reality state’ (remember that?)
Please don’t tell me it’s ending with Addison and her loser friends.
It did.
With a reshoot of the barn scene where Spencer tells the PLLs Ali’s gone missing.
But with Addison’s clique instead.
Goodbye seven years of my life I will never get back.
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