#i cant let you see me being emo on the tl
tsireyqs · 2 years
Hi Ari ❤️ I miss seeing u on my dash today and just wanted to stop by and see how u are 😊❤️
hi nonnie!!! <3
i’m doing okay! my anxiety has really been anxietying the past few days >:( my chest has been hurting rly bad, i’m having heart palpitations, and i cannot stop shaking so i've just been trying relax a bit! i’ve been playing animal crossing all day while rewatching a lot of the marvel movies AND i’m trying to tackle a few of my wips/reqs! hoping to have something out tomorrow or monday <3 i think i might have just a little baby bit of writer’s block
hope you’re doing well, sweetheart 💓 love you lots mwah mwah
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we-love-that-for-me · 5 years
Hot take:
People dont really seem to understand the meaning behind teens going through emo phases.
Emo phases are easily one of the most common phases to go through, and the fact that it almost always happens starting in early teen years through freshman year of high school is no coincidence. When you reach the age of 11 to 13, you start going through puberty, and with that, you gain new feelings and emotions that are more amplified than they were, say, two years ago. This especially includes negative emotions and feelings of being unheard or overlooked.
If you have a pretty much "normal" childhood, you didnt feel much unexplained negativity. Sure, when someone upset you, you cried, but there was a reason behind those bad emotions. You could explain why you were sad. When you begin puberty, you lose some of those explanations.
I remember when I was about 12 there were times I just generally felt sad and down. I had no reason to feel that way, so I was confused, and it didnt sit right with me. This happens to nearly all young teens, it's part of growing up and maturing. Because you feel down and sad for seemingly no valid reason, you feel something might be wrong with you and you just got unlucky and your life sucks.
Young teens resort to dark clothing and "deep" or "emotional" music they feel they can relate to because it makes them FEEL better about these negative emotions that came out of seemingly nowhere. It makes them feel listened to and less alone in these thoughts and emotions. This is perhaps the MOST NATURAL WAY of coping and maturing when you feel these emotions you arent used to. That's why so many go through this type of phase.
I got out of my emo phase years ago, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I went through one because I know it was a natural coping mechanism that helped me deal with these negative thoughts and feelings for the first time.
I hate when people insist on making fun of kids/teens who are "emo". Yes, they can be cringy, yes, you may feel they are embarrassing themselves, but that doesnt give anyone a right to bully them or make fun of them. All you're doing when you do that is making them feel like they are not allowed to cope with negative emotions in a way they feel comfortable with because some people think its "cringy".
We SHOULD be encouraging young teens and kids to express their emotions like this because in comparison, it's a very natural and healthy way to cope. It's better than them resorting to s*lf h*rm or other destructive behaviors. Bullying people for this only sends them deeper into their hole of negative feelings and they are more likely to develop things like depression or anxiety, or never come out of this phase and learn that not all emotions have a reason behind them.
Not only that, but making fun of it will make others who already went through such a phase feel ashamed of their past and the way that they dealt with those newfound feelings when they were younger, when all they were doing was coping. This restricts people when they are trying to find ways to healthily cope with feelings that they just cant explain. The stereotype is so damaging to young minds who probably just started getting online too. And with that, to see all these people making fun of their choices and the way they are choosing to live their life, it makes them feel like shit.
TL;DR: let kids and teens express themselves in the way they want to cause self expression is a healthy coping mechanism.
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crowsent · 6 years
Tokoyami Fumikage is  underrated
I love that my boi Sero is getting his appreciation. Sure, fandom is still sleepin on him like we all collectively drank a whole bottle of ambien, but he’s getting a bit more love from both fanart and fanfiction.
BUT BOY why y’all gotta sleep on Tokoyami too????
For someone not in the main cast (and not even with the bakusquad), he has a fucking FANTASTIC design if you ignore the fact that he looks like he’s permanently stuck in his Evanescence phase or maybe that’s why he looks so damn cool? and a potentially op quirk. Dark Shadow, with training and some attention, can be pretty fucking terrifying.
I mean, it already is, since we saw Dark Shadow utterly beat Moonfish within an inch of his life in S3 and chapter (psych i aint gon dig through squat to find the exact chapter) of the manga.
Dark Shadow is the Hulk of BNHA. Bring him to a fight and what do you get? A screeching bird demon conjured from the shadowy pits of Tokoyami’s infinity cloak ready to eviscerate a motherfuck.
Aside from, perhaps Class 1-A’s Shoto “living thermostat” Todoroki, DS is quite possivbly the most versatile quirk in the entire fucking class.
As we have all seen in the sports festival, DS can be used short-range, mid-range, and long-range. Reaction time is astounding, since Bakugou came pretty damn close to them when Deku launched him and crew up in the air with Mei’s boots and Dark Shadow. fucking. DELIVERED. He swung at sweat-hands mcgee like it was nothing and drove Bakugou back. (This was before Bakubitch realized that DS was weak to light, but more on that later) He displayed plenty of mid-range capabilities during the rest of the cavalry battle and showed us his long-range when he shoved Momo out of the ring WITHOUT HURTING HER. Tokoyami and DS aimed for the shield which maximized pressure on Momo but didn’t claw her arms off.
And of course, Dark Shadow, in terms of raw power, utterly decimated a villain that Bakugou and Todoroki struggled with. They weren’t in the best position, of course, but hey, they can’t really control the fact that Bakugou’s quirk and the other half of Todoroki’s will send the forest straight to hell if they used it. (more on this later). Dark Shadow fucking decimated Moonfish. Get that man to Recovery Girl bc I’m pretty sure he won’t survive getting crushed, swung around like a chewtoy, and slammed into a tree. Fuck canon, no man who doesn’t have an augmentation quirk can survive that.
With all this fuckery, DS is pretty damn op already. But consider this.
What if, after all that, Tokoyami is suppressing Dark Shadow? Even when he lost control in the training camp, some part of Tokoyami is still actively resisting Dark Shadow? It’s the equivalent of a skinny beanpole of a man with sticks for arms trying to pull the leash back on their 220lbs russian bear dog from running, but the resistance is there.
Now, imagine if Tokoyami DIDN’T suppress Dark Shadow.
Imagine, that instead of shoving DS into the folds of his emo poncho, Tokoyami accepts and works WITH DS instead of against?
I think that there’s a few reasons why Tokoyami admantly refuses to let Dark Shadow ride in the passenger’s side of the car and instead shoves DS in the trunk.
It’s already been established that DS grabbed Moonfish by the hand and dragged him to the gates of death. With a power like that, anyone who wants to be a hero like Tokoyami, would be hella fucking afraid to use it at full power due to the destructive capabilities of DS. With that fear, I think Tokoyami would see DS as less of a boon and more of “holy shit i have a literal demon bird inside me” and be hesitant to use it.
Of course, he uses DS but notice how in the sports festival, DS is always measured, controlled, and never allowed to do more than what Tokoyami deems necessary. DS is always on defensive in the cavalry battle, DS aims for Momo’s shield, and even in the fight with Bakugou, Tokoyami keeps DS in line before Bakugou knocks him to the floor.
And if Tokoyami actually accepts DS, imagine how well he’s gon improve if he doesn’t have to constantly rein in DS.
Quirks are like a muscle and if you work them regularly, they can be strengthened. If DS is trained to work in bright light, it could mitigate the near instant decrease of his power. Not completely, of course, but in the training camp, Bakugou and Todoroki lighting their hands up was enough for DS to go from fucking massive to the size of my hopes and dreams within seconds.
Training DS to be more resistant to light adds to Tokoyami’s versatility, and removes the crippling disadvantage he has against light-based quirks. Todo and Baku cant use explosions and fire respectively in an area around a forest and they can’t exactly change that, but DS has a little bit more leeway with that if he can be trained to withstand light a little better and that can only be done if Tokoyami stops repressing him.
It’s understandable tho. Tokoyami’s not a fucking moron. He knows DS is dangerous in the same way that Shoto knows his fire is dangerous. That 13 knows their black hole can easily rip someone apart. That Izuku constantly has to hold himself back to avoid murdering people with OFA.
The difference between Izu and Tokoyami tho, is that Izu doesn’t have a quirk that has its own personality.
Bc DS can talk, think, and behave differently than Toko does. DS is noticeably spilling sass from his mouth (beak?) like an undammed river and is much more enthusiastic and upbeat. During the flipshit episode in the training arc, DS rampaging around, he seems to be having fun and, when Moonfish tried to stab him, is displayed to be arrogant as well. Characteristics that Toko don’t have.
Aside from the threat of a giant hulk bird flipping all the tables and flinging people into walls, DS is essentially a living creature constantly with Toko, a creature that has enough power to overtake him if he isnt careful and Toko holds himself back severely by fighting against the tide here.
There’s a physical strain in keeping part of him repressed, like Shoto with how his ice frosts his own body without fire, since Toko is essentially fighting against a living creature inside of him. I don’t have my own shadow ninja but I imagine that doing that day in day out is exhausting.
Not to mention the mental strain.
Having something inside you that you can never get rid of with such power is mentally fucking exhausting. Not to mention terrifying. One wrong move, one slip-up, and people you love could die. DS could, potentially, turn you into a villain and you might not even have the power to stop it. There’s going to be doubts if you are the one in control, or if DS is just using you as a puppet meatsuit to move around. You want to be a hero, but your quirk is skirting the lines of villainous. You can’t even use it in full power because you’re so fucking scared of losing control, of having other people see you as a villain, of hurting the people you care about, that you sacrifice power for being cautious and safe. But I’d imagine that DS doesn’t like that. DS, a being with thoughts and feelings of its own, would not appreciate being cooped up inside you for so long and you have to LISTEN to him all the damn time because you simply won’t allow him to work with you because you’re AFRAID.
I think about Tokoyami a lot. There is so much fucking potential in this boy.
Horikoshi please.
Give him more love. Give him all the love.
TL;DR: Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are fucking underrated and we as a fandom need to stop sleeping on him thanks for coming to my TEDtalk
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