#i cannot live in these conditions
alluralater · 1 month
not to be a dyke about this but… yeah
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piratekane · 1 year
crawling to your blog on bloody hands and knees: please. use the read more. please
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grandmagbignaturals · 7 months
dating apps in a run down tourist town in Aotearoa:
option 1 - world traveller, business analyst, looking for fun, interests include wine, gin and tonic, and horses! [photos of 5 countries, artfully showing off how rich and skinny they are]
option 2 - world traveller, business analyst, "g**sy", looking for a tour guide, interests include weed, wine, and festivals! [photos of 5 countries artfully showing off how athletic and skinny they are]
option 3 - guy you went to high school with. no bio or info [bad selfie]
option 4 - girl you went to high school with, "no drama please", looking for long term, full time mum! [3 selfies so filtered you can't see her nose at all]
option 5 - local rich person who went to boarding school in the city, business analyst. Interests are hiking, hunting, harry potter. [photos of horses, cows, and dead game, alongside pics of people in expensive clothes at weddings or maybe the races it's hard to tell]
option 6 [rare] - just a drug dealer who somehow does business via tinder, or bumble, or whatever the fuck app
50/50 split on which ones of the above have "prefer not to say" under their vaccination status.
50% say "apolitical" for their politics, the other 50% say "liberal" whatever that means to them.
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smoozie · 8 months
I'm in baby fever for gay people (I need more pets)
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miserye · 8 months
also my extroverted coworker is back and she's draining the life out of me
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womanguy · 1 year
they gotta figure out how to have the sun without the temperatures
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summer is over! let's give it up for cooler weather and manageable emotions! for those of you that experience seasonal affective during summer like me, that is
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
I think it would really benefit people to internalize that mental illnesses are often chronic and not acute. Some of us will never be able to jump the hurdle of managing illness, much less sustaining a sense of normalcy. Many of us will never "recover," will never manage symptoms, will never even come close to appearing normal - and this is for any condition, even the ones labeled as "simple" disorders or "easy-to-manage" disorders.
It isn't a failure if you cannot manage your symptoms. It isn't a moral failure, and you aren't an awful person. You are human. There's only so much you can do before recognizing that you cannot lift the world. Give yourself the space to be ill because, functionally, you are.
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I want A Little Treat and my main issue is I cannot decide what I want, only that I want it NOW
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skoulsons · 2 years
I’ve ranted on the sniper part like three times and yet I want to continue to do so and repeat everything this whole fandom has already discussed. To sit on a cloud in the sky and take a fucking megaphone and just shout about it. How wordless it is. How their communication has already hit that point. HOW HE WAS SO. FUCKING. ZONED IN ON HER. ONLY ON HER. NOTHING ELSE WAS AROUND. IT WAS COMPLETE TUNNEL VISION ON HER AND HER ALONE. How he knows where she’s going and knows every infected to hit to keep her safe and clear her path. How he sits and waits and watches the van for any infected that would dare get close to her. How he started shaking when that clicker got in the van. How he was so full of debilitating fear over her life. His hands sweating, tense shoulders, the hitched and short breaths, and obviously a sky-rocketed heartbeat (and probably blood pressure). How he relaxes when he sees she got out of the van. How he never missed a single shot, despite what he tells her in episode 3- “happens more often than you think.” How he knows she’s going after Henry and Sam and he slightly nods and that’s her sign to move and how Joel takes out every infected in her path on her way there. How his breathing has steadied because he can see her now. He can protect her now. How it’s all just complete dad behavior and he’s still going to try and pull his stunt next episode 🤡 baby you’re in love already, please just accept it
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
brown eyes are SO cute. literally can't make eye contact with a brown-eyed person because the sheer beauty of their eyes makes me get all nervous and red i'm so jealous of you guys
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ame-to-ame · 2 months
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still working on tweening and etc but small self-indulgent sneak peek hehe
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kindahoping4forever · 14 days
Ash via IG
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poppy-metal · 3 months
tour!era patrick w the white shirt blue jeans combo who's so very boyfriend with his big dick and stupid pretty face I think of you often
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angelmush · 1 month
one thing that has helped me w/r/t recovery and fatphobia is that even if i dont feel ready to address myself with compassion and kindness reminding myself that the way i treat myself because of my physical appearance will always inevitably carry over to how i treat and view others has honestly been so helpful realizing that getting over myself and my own fatphobia is a loving act and important socially not just internally. sometimes its easier to feel compassion towards others and then go, oh! i deserve the same thing. and by depriving myself of that i might make the mistake of judging and hurting others. anyways your recovery posts and food pictures are so wonderful and inspiring <3
1. thank u for taking the time to send such a vulnerable and honest message and 2. YES YES YES a billion times YES !!!
it’s a deeply loving and revolutionary act to address the beliefs that you consciously and unconsciously hold about fatness. as much as you might try, those conditioned feelings bleed into everything. they seep into our behaviors and in turn, wound us and the people around us.
you worded it beautifully. recovering and working hard on unlearning the ugly stuff undoubtedly makes us into kinder, gentler people. :-)
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obsob · 1 year
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with th edition of my new man im happy to report my frog family is thriving
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