#i am. uneasy
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Cruel and Unusual Punishments (the PSA episode).
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randompolykin · 3 months
you know what? I'm gonna ignore my anxiety and post this
been procrastinating making this but "here goes nothing" as they say for some reason
worried this is obvious, or everyone has been subconsciously meaning what I fear they mean
But, it's true so...
Here's to the otherlinkers
Not just the copinglinkers
But the funlinkers
The aeslinkers
The supportlinkers
The otherlinkers who are in-between those labels
The otherlinkers who feel none of those labels can describe why they link/they link for another reason
To ALL the otherlinkers
It seems like (this could just be me, idk) in a lot positivity posts saying that otherlinkers are valid and no lesser then therians, otherkins and fictionkins, there is a switch between using the term copinglink and otherlink, as if they are synonyms. But they aren't. One is a subset of the other, which includes alot more in it's definition. If you only mean copinglink, and are excluding the rest of us linkers, then say so. And if you aren't, then be a bit more careful on your wording, please. I am losing it slightly with this, my anxious brain can't handle the fact I have no idea over where everyone stands on this, yet I want to know
Otherlinkers are extremely valid and awesome, and are no less then voluntary identities. No matter why they link, only the linker gets to decide if they are any less then, with there link types, just how polykins can have kintypes that are more important to them than others, etc.
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nerves-nebula · 11 months
im so funny, i was like
"yeah i enjoy romance but not that basic 'omg i just wanna hug you and kiss you and love you and snuggle you' shit that makes me sooo uneasy. i just want a comfortable silence and someone i know i can trust and watch stuff with and feel comfortable around no matter what. someone i can really fully trust that I don't have to put on a whole weird lovey dovey show around. that other stuff feels so fake and forced and weird, even if it's true it's like, oh my god shut up what are you talking about." <- IDIOT!!!! YOU'RE AROMANTIC. GOD.
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liesmyth · 11 months
would you be able to give examples/explain more about how race only impacts gideon in the tlt-universe? not being facetious or condescending, genuinely asking. thank you!
Hi anon! If you mean my tags to this post, I wrote
#earth conception of race doesn't impact any character in the series except the canonically brown main antagonist
By which I mean my Worstie and main antagonist of the series, John Gaius (PhD).
I don’t think TLT as a series engages with race in any especially meaningful ways. It’s set in a post-Earth society with entirely different social norms, and there’s no concept of race and ethnicity within the population of the Nine Houses. Physical descriptions of the characters are scarce to say the least, and they rarely spell out the kind of features that suggest specific racial connotations, because the POV characters don’t seem to think it’s something worth remarking upon. iirc, it takes until halfway through HtN for the narrative to confirm that Harrow has brown skin.
[See also Tamsyn’s GtN characters description post. It quotes passages from the book, and you can see how minimal the descriptions are, and she repeats several times that her characters’ appearances are up to the readers’ interpretations. It just doesn’t seem to be a big concern of hers]
Then there’s John, who grew up in twenty-first-century New Zealand and IS explicitly Māori in a way that absolutely impacted his character arc. It's not A major theme of his Nona chapters, but it’s there if you read between the lines. The boarding school he went to, which IRL had a high percentage of low-income Māori students on scholarship. The depth of his climate anxiety, his uncompromising “Nobody left behind” stance before the cryo project was halted, and his fervent hatred of ‘the trillionaires’ afterwards... these are all informed to some extent by his background as an indigenous man imo, and so was the global reaction to his developing powers. The “We were going to put you fellas in jail, weren’t we?” the way his initial attempts at publications are all flat-out ignored by the scientific community and dismissed as culty gimmicky faith healing until he leans into it.
John being Māori is just one of the many pieces of his backstory, and far from the most impactful to what eventually went down, but my point remains that he is the ONLY character in TLT whose racial background 1) affects his story arc and 2) is relatable to the audience. Everyone else is ten thousand years removed from Earth, and I’m just not very interested in using racial identifiers when exploring these characters and their dynamics, because the characters themselves don’t care and neither does the narrative.
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suguwu · 3 months
when aventurine masturbates—which he doesn't do often—he doesn't really think of anything. he just gets himself off with quick, almost perfunctory strokes. a means to an end.
then he meets you.
he still doesn't get himself off often, but there's a difference the next time he does. suddenly, you drift through his mind, and his strokes slow to something a little sweeter, a little more luxurious. he leans into the pleasure; lets it spark beneath his skin, kindling to flames. it's only for a moment, just a breath of indulgence, before he banishes the thought.
the time after that, though, he thinks of your tongue, wet and pink as it peeks out between your lips. he pushes into his own touch, his back arcing like a cathedral nave of muscle and bone. imagines that the pad of his thumb, wet with pre-cum, is the tip of your tongue lapping at his slit.
he cums hard.
after, he leans back into the opulence of his bed and stares at the ceiling. there's still pleasure dancing along his nerves, the quiet reverberation of a plucked string. he thinks of you curled up next to him, sweat glimmering on your skin like ocean spray, and rolls over with a groan.
you're going to ruin him.
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sneeb-canons · 3 months
mind can rarely crack his joints bc his bones are metal and whatever and usually run pretty smoothly. but on the rare occasion that he can crack them. it sounds like the entire house is being torn apart by fireworks and violent explosions. his back snaps like a godsamn whip and his neck cracks so hard it's a surprise he didn't break his own spine. every single joint in his body will pop louder than anyone in the house has ever yelled, without fail.
he'll always make sure to do this in direct vicinity of both heart and soul because as he rearranges his internal structures they will stare on in sheer, absolute horror, especially considering that once he's done, he just continues on with his task as if it never happened and as if every atom in his body hasn't been split in two
Headcanon #632
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cthoniccompanion · 5 months
I'm so deadly serious when I say I want it to be revealed that eris and melinoë are exes
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olive-riggzey · 1 year
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Look, I’m just saying that I think Crick Wellsley and Rondo Ravus would get along really well.
This one’s been sitting in my drafts for a while oops but I finally drew those first two “panels”
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 3 months
the rabid “x relationship is problematic” faction on here ought to get a load of the Soviet level red flag parade Taliesin and Matt are setting up whenever Ashton talks about or to their employer
because oh no. oh no. no thank you.
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bulundu · 4 months
Things could potentially change for me at work. Nervous. Throwing up and shitting myself. We shall see.
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glitchyko · 8 months
God waiting for LMK season 5 episodes to appear feels like this
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I’m so nervous as time just passes by
I went ahead and filtered any tags that could possibly lead to anything leak related being shown (pls remember to tag your spoilers) so
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cookinguptales · 4 months
I will say that for google, just adding "-ai" to the end of your search works surprisingly well.
it's how I've been getting better image results for months, and it's removed the bs ai summaries for me, too.
I suspect a few things still get through, but it makes the site MUCH more usable ime.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 11 months
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randomidiocyncrazies · 5 months
Another thing about Milgram project: we're asked to judge the guilt (not forgive) / innocence (forgive) of the individual inmate, but a lot of them committed their "crime" because society had failed them in some way, and we don't have the ability to judge the institution/society for failing them the same way as we are asked to judge the individual characters for their actions. In other words, all this time we've been judging the individual when we should've been judging the institution.
Like. The Milgram system does fit Kotoko's line about "sympathy is useless, hate evil for the evil that it is" in that we are asked to judge/punish the character (individual) without a chance to change or judge the institutions that led to the various "murders" (the system), and yet she's voted guilty with the highest guilt percentage ever for basically advocating what Milgram asks us to do anyway.
I highkey hope we are put on trial by the end of the 3rd Trial lol—not Es but *us*, the audience
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yarpharp · 3 months
Okay so I was beginning to tell myself that DA4 is not gonna be as bad of a trainwreck as the reveal trailer was. I really was. But then I finally just watched the DA4 gameplay trailer and like....
Alright Varric I respect your desperate need to convince Solas not to be a dumbass. I really do. I would do the same with more cussing. But also DO YOU WANT TO DIE IN THE INTRO SEQUENCE? And why is your hair black but grey???? Dude you are strawberry blonde what is this shite. Gimme going-grey-with-a-hint-of-red. And where is your chest hair, old man???
The character models are so... Valorant blender smooth. I keep seeing Battle Royale designer vibes and it's very strange. I know that is industry standard by this point but still... where's that Bioware stylization?? Secondly: the iconic DA design style is SOOOO muted in this. Where are my angular and pointy Tevinters? I got some of it, but like viciously sideways. Why are the demons so fuckin weird? They don't even look like the demons from the LAST THREE GAMES. They look like Bioware was running on a tight schedule given to them by EA at gunpoint and decided to cut the models down to save on time. Which... Yikes. Yikes my guy.
The dialogue wheel is janky. I know this is still supposedly pre-launch but... Did they really just slap the old UI with a different visual style? Bro you had TEN YEARS. And also, who the hell wrote your dialogue? And when was Varric ever that close to Solas? They respected each other, sure. But best bros? Solas is notoriously introverted. People made jokes about it. This is some fake news.
Thirdly, I'm a little puzzled by the hyper drama of the Arlathan forest ritual shite. I am aware the stuff behind the scenes in the comics have been talking about shit happening in the forest, but... Okay, correct me if I'm wrong: Solas raised the Veil at Skyhold. His theoretical resources to raise said Veil were his orb and the central locality of said castle. Cool shit. What the fuck are these statues? Are they supposed to represent the gods? If so, what the fuck are you doing USING THOSE, SOLAS? AND ARE THOSE FIGURES EMERGING FROM THE HOLE IN THE VEIL SUPPOSED TO BE THE CORRUPTED EVANURI?? WHY ARE THEY DESIGNED LIKE A FUCKIN HYLICS 2 CHARACTER? (no disrespect, I love Hylics 2) I just... I recognize that Solas is desperate to fix his wrongs and theoretically save everyone from the Evanuri (because if the theory the elven gods are inflicted with the blight is still true, then yeah ya gotta kill the source of the blight) so he's seeking out dangerous shortcuts, but... Idk man. Idk. I am just sooooo skeptical of this. This has so much more obvious "EA has its paws on a franchise and proceeds to ruin it" energy. I am sooooo skeptical.
My positive opinion? Solas looks great. Did he fuckin growl like a wolf when he smashed Bianca with his glowy eyes? Yes, yes he did. Are the landscapes awesome? Yes. Is the companion programming still janky even in the new game? Yes. Is that floating building a magical panopticon?! Possibly, and that's fascinating. Are the voice actors the same? Can't quite tell, because I can hear voice mixing happening to their voices so either they aren't the same VAs but they're tuning them to sound close or they are not putting full effort into the VA shit until release. Am I an EA hater?
Yeah, but that's because I have been burned too many times to believe EA won't ruin a glorious RPG franchise. I'll try to stay optimistic, but I am struggling.
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selineram3421 · 7 months
*stares at screen cunfuzzled* Um?
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Hello. I'm confused here. What does this mean?
I'm checking up on my stuff on Quotev and someone is posting their story in my comments? I'm just confused.
I'm not sure how I feel about them using my comment section like their own. Idk if I'm being weird but it's just a thought/feeling. To me it's weird because they can do that on their page. It feels like they are just using mine to get recognition.
Am I being weird or is it weird?
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