#i am very excited about working in the book caves
astriiformes · 2 years
Still not feeling great today after several days without much sleep but I did make it to my training for my new archives & special collections position at school, which meant I got to see the Book Caves (aka the two giant, 600ft caverns dug deep into the sandstone underneath the special collections library where the vast majority of their materials are stored)
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banj0possum · 11 months
I immediately apologize for the bad English!
How does Caspian plan to keep the fem!reader underwater? Or does he have another plan? thank you, your work is very nice🛐
ill be making this gn since its a part 2 but if you want a one-off thing with a fem!reader, just request it! :3
Also sorry for the long hiatus again but here's the long awaited part 2 ! yaay you're not dead !! :D
Yandere!Siren x GN Reader Pt. 2
CW: Kidnapping, Slight Stockholm Syndrome, Non-con licking (reader is asleep), idk Caspian being a delulu icon
🌊 You wake up with a throbbing headache and a vague memory of what transpired before you blacked out.
🌊 The feeling of overwhelming pressure and deepness comes back to you, memories start to come back as you see a red mark on your arm.
🌊 You remember now, the screams and cries of your classmates ring in your ears before the memory of being dragged down to the depths hit you like a wave.
🌊 a splash of water pulled you out of your thoughts, it was then you looked around at the place you were in.
🌊 It looked like you were in a cave illuminated by algae and glowing sea creatures. the cavernous area was sandy and a bit wet with a deep pool which led to an underwater tunnel, it was the only entrance and exit to the cave from what you can see.
🌊 Behind you was a house built out of a shipwreck, the broken boards of the deck repaired with random planks and cloths.
🌊 "Honey~ I know you're a bit out of sorts right now but uhm..could you help me out a bit~?" a familiar voice echoed throughout the cave.
🌊 You gasp and instinctively stand up and back away from where the voice came from. Caspian was lying on the shore, a net full of what seems to be canned food and fish tied around his waist like a satchel.
🌊 "My treasure~! I know you're excited to explore your new home, but can you help me get to shore first~" Caspian coos as he smiles at you awkwardly, his large tail flopping on the sand.
🌊 You grab a piece of driftwood and hold it like a weapon. "D-Don't come any closer!" you yell at him nervously, afraid of what he might do after you saw his capabilities, and his sharp teeth..
🌊 "My sweet, you have nothing to worry about~! Why would I ever hurt you~? Those mean humans tried to hurt us! You'd never do that to me now would you~?" He tries to calm you down.
🌊 It takes a while for you to calm down considering how confused and scared you were, but with no way out and Caspians lack of intention to hurt you, the only thing left to do was to just sit and try to think logically about the situation.
🌊 Caspian tries to help you make sense of your little predicament, it was mostly him making an excuse to hold you close because "Am I not able to help you relax my treasure~?"
🌊 So you're in a cave after getting kidnapped brought to safety by a mermaid, how fun...
🌊 You has no choice but to accept your new lifestyle, after all, the only out was an underwater cavern, and you had no idea how deep or long it was. Caspian might not be the best at moving on land, but without him, you'd drown if you attempt to leave.
🌊 Once you told the siren that you weren't going anywhere soon unfortunately, He lit up and gave you a big, soaking wet hug. "Oh my treasure! You'll be happy here, I promise~!" He peppers your face with kisses, some making you shiver at the thought of his sharp teeth being so close to your flesh.
🌊 He'd go out every day to get food for you and him, sometimes surprising you with gifts!
🌊 He knows you like reading, so any book or parchment that he finds is immediately brought to you so you won't be so bored <3
🌊 More often than not they're too wet to actually read, but you appreciate the effort you suppose.
🌊 You also had to explain what cooking is to Caspian and that humans can't eat fish raw...and alive..
🌊 Get ready to be showered with pearls and pretty shells and treasure! Caspian is a bit picky when it comes to his own horde so anything that he considers nice but not on par with his tastes goes to you~!
🌊 He would always ask to sleep with you in your bed, and he doesn't take no for an answer.
🌊 "It's cold my treasure~! Could you warm me up~?"
🌊 "It gets so lonely in the water~ May I stay in bed with you my love~?"
🌊 "But I got all those nice things for you~!"
🌊 He would keep whining and fussing until you agree. He doesn't care at all that your sheets are all now soaked.
🌊 If you tell him to dry off first, he will! But you'll have to pay him with a kiss~
🌊 He may or may not sniff your hair while you sleep...and maybe lick your neck..
🌊 He can't get himself to sleep sometimes, he'd just watch you sleep the whole time. What can he say? You're too irresistible~!
🌊 Sometimes he'd even whisper sweet things into your ear, promising you the world if you'd let him.
🌊 More often than not, he sings you to sleep. The anxieties of never seeing your family again and living off of just fish and other sea creatures was getting to you, not to mention the many hours of being alone in a cave.
🌊 His siren song lulled you to bed every night. No matter how much you distanced yourself away from him, he was always able to calm you down with his voice.
🌊 "Hush now my dear~...You'll learn to like it here~ And one day, we'll be married and live happily ever after~ Just like in your stories~ Just you wait~..."
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“Name are you wearing our clothes to MK’s sleepover?……” ///Six Eared Macaque x Reader x Sun Wukong
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“No.” The shadow demon said to you, not looking up from the book he was reading and completely ignoring your pleas with your puppy dog eyes. “Come on! I know you don’t think being extremely social but it’s a few hours of talking with MK and the gang and then it’s all sleeping. I promise if it becomes too much then you can leave but please…pretty please!” You’d been trying to convince your lover to go to the slumber party MK planned and were going to use his excitement with his shadow plays to your advantage (which usually worked) but it wasn’t working right now.
“Fine. It’s alright, I guess Sun and I will go then. We’ll miss you!” Faking a sigh and disappointed expression, not missing the face Wukong gave you as he tried to not react to the immediate annoyed glare shot your way. Macaque loudly groaned and dramatically shut his book before sitting up and getting close to you. “You’re very lucky that I love you, lotus….Alright. I’ll go, only because I don’t trust peaches from doing something stupid-“ You pulled him close for a hug and quickly thanked him repeatedly, grabbing a dark violet bag that you had already packed knowing he’d give in to your demands, and kissed his cheek gently. “Thank you, moonlight.”
Without a second thought, you ran out to the edge of the cave, the roar of the waterfall deafening your ears and a few tiny hands clambering up your back and clinging to you. The soft white furred monies chittered in your ears and some pulled bits of your hair; even if you couldn’t understand them you could tell they wanted you to stay here and steal your attention that was usually on their kings along with your affection. “You guys have to stay here.” Speaking over the waterfall and emphasizing your words with your mouth, petting one of their heads, and receiving a churr in response.
“I’m beginning to think they like you more than me and I raised most of these guys!” Some chitters and shouts were directed at their older brother who was now frustrated at their complaints and decided to pull you into his chest. Effectively, humming deeply almost nearing a growl that got some of the monkeys off you (albeit begrudgingly), and squishing his face into your neck in an attempt to show the others you belonged to him. Yeah…..sure maybe Macaque too but he doesn’t care right now. You laughed and waved the other demon over, putting your hand on the rushing stream and stepping on the stones in the pool in front of it as the golden symbol shone brightly on the splitting falls.
“Come on guys we’re gonna be late!” You relaxed when you touched land and looked back to see the two mystic monkeys right behind you, Wukong sitting on his somersault cloud patting the space next to him as an invitation and Macaque leaning under a tree mindlessly playing with shadows the sun left on the dirt. “So how are we gonna get there?” The shadow only opened his mouth before the sage loudly spoke up, pointedly glaring at him and floating away. “No- Nope. Nu-uh! Your shadow portals are too creepy and probably unsafe, especially for our special mortal.-“ You were jerked behind him by his gold tail and pushed against his hoodie-covered chest, a questioning look was sent to him and then Mac before to shrugged off his grip. “Well, I’m certainly not going on your dumb cloud when you can’t even spell much less drive!”
You got in between them and shrugged out of the tail's tight grasp, hoping to stop a tedious already fought argument and get to MK’s place already. “Can you both stop being petty for one evening?! Gods, you’re both centuries older than I am and I still feel like I need to parent both of you.” Both celestials readjusted their bags on their shoulders and looked at you with offended looks, the reactions did nothing to you and you continued on with your plan. “How about a compromise? We take Sun’s cloud the way there and on the way back we take Mac’s portal. Sound good?”
They thought over it for a second before nodding slowly and going on either side of you. A dark-furred tail curls around your waist before pulling you closer to him, mumbling something just under his breath before helping you up on your boyfriend's cloud. “I’m going to hold onto you, lotus. I don’t want you to fall off.” Nuzzling his face into your neck and showing some rare affection, you guessed since he wasn’t as into PDA as his lover was and wouldn’t be able to do anything obvious when you were with the gang.
You wrapped your arms around him backward and fell back into his plush scarf as the cloud zipped off into the distance. Moving fast wasn’t something you were fond of before you met these two and it certainly didn’t get any better now, closing your eyes and turning your head away so you could breathe without the gusts of wind suffocating you. A hand intertwined with yours and wrapped around your waist, silently reminding you that you were safe and in good hands (probably the safest you could ever be and also the most dangerous…so).
The time it took to get to MKs place wasn’t long and you hopped off the cloud, knocking on the door and stepping back when you heard the loud stomping of footsteps. The brunette quickly opens the door and smiles widely as he scans your group before landing on the shadow with an expression of shock. “Hey-How’d you get Macaque to agree?! He never shows up whenever I invite him to stuff unless I promise him food..” Behind him, you could make out someone saying “simp” who you could easily guess was Mei and sent Macaque darting off into the shadow portal further in the house to get her.
You just laughed and playfully nudged your lover, “MK that’s my little secret, and I’m not telling.” He only dramatically groaned and whispered curses under his breath to which the kid got lightly smacked with Wukong’s tail. “Language.” The king walked in and tossed both of your backs, which you let him take when he tugged on them, giving MK an apologetic look and grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. Seeing many things happen, Pigsy and Tang were making the “world's greatest popcorn” according to Pigsy, Sandy and Bai He were petting Mo while discussing what movie to watch, and finally, your lovers were having a playful argument while (who you could barely make out as Mei) a green and white blob fell through two shadow portals.
If someone had to guess it was the comment she made toward him about a minute ago and after Mac caught your disapproving glance he quickly stopped, she landed on the ground and very dizzily got up while not missing a beat. “Ha! I can’t see straight but I’m gonna guess that Name told you off. Oof-” Quickly getting tripped by his tail and falling onto the ground, smirking at her then at you, and walking by you to put his bag down near Wukongs and yours. “Like anyone’s allowed to call me a simp except you two.” You softly laughed and intertwined his hand with yours, going to sit next to Bai He and hugging her back when you sat next to her (Macaque isn’t exempt from the hugs since he’s her favorite out of the group).
You were pulled into the ginger monkey's lap when he sat down next to you and got comfortable as you ignored the “aww” you got from the peanut gallery, squeezing Macaque’s hand in yours and cuddling into both of them. The movie you all ended up putting was about a planet of blue aliens trying to stop being colonized called Avatar, which Sandy had been a fan of the writing and filmmaking. Of course, MK and his mentor immediately suggested a monkey king-themed movie, luckily that suggestion was overruled by the majority and you all changed into pajamas before starting the movie. You had forgotten what you packed when quickly getting ready, going into a bathroom to change, and laughing to yourself at the probable reaction you’d get from your mystic monkeys.
The soft maroon fabric of Macaque’s pants (the ones he wore the most often) felt so comfy against your skin and the pale yellow sleeveless undershirt that Wukong wore during training that you “borrowed” was just the right size (it wouldn’t swallow you whole). You had no doubt that they knew you stole them for yourself but wouldn’t expect you to wear it tonight and they’d definitely notice their scents covering yours. “It should be fine….hopefully.” The shadow demon was more possessive but the great sage got more jealous very easily, so if you stayed with both of them nothing bad would happen, right?
Probably. Maybe….
You came out of the bathroom, tossed your bag of clothes towards your sleeping bags, and sat down in your boyfriend's lap again. Trying your best to not draw too much attention and ignore the arms and tails snaking around your torso. “Lotus…. When we get back you’re not going anywhere for days,” He cheekily laughed and nudged his boyfriend who raised his hand to the back of your neck, grazing the sensitive spot and causing a shiver. “Ha! Not like you’ll be able to when we’re done with you.”
Both celestials held you tightly against them and lowly purred, tails curled with each other and you. MK just rolled his eye at his mentor's behavior while Mei snapped a picture and went on to watch the movie. You didn’t dare leave their clutches the whole night, not like you could anyway.
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ailendolin · 22 days
Live reaction to TRoP 2x04
I am actually so glad Amazon is releasing the episodes weekly now because I love the anticipation beforehand and all the speculation about what happens next. So let's see what episode 4 has in store
Elrond in Mithlond! We're off to a great start here. I've missed my sweet summer child in episode 3
Galadriel, please, you have no right to be even the slightest bit bitchy right now after the Sauron shit you pulled
thank Eru Elrond is having none of it. I love how unapologetically he stands his ground and refuses to engage with her childish passive-aggressiveness
epic camera shots are epic and very LotR-reminiscent
also can I just say that I love how they're including the map to help the viewer get a grasp on where the characters are?
new elves! And they have names! I have a feeling they won't survive this journey but still, hello new elves!
man I just want to give Elrond a hug. He's trying so hard and given everything that's happened it's completely understandable why he won't trust Galadriel and Nenya, and I hate that this sets him up for failure
oooooh is it Tom Bombadil time? I can't believe this show made me feel excited about a character that I couldn't have cared less about when I read the books. I blame Bear McCreary and his beautiful music
lol Tom is like one of those burrowing animals that accidentally throws dirt at someone behind it while digging
Old Man Willow desert equivalent - does Tom Bombadil just naturally attract malevolent trees?
oh I'm so glad Nori and Poppy are okay and landed together wherever they are
those two need to meet Elrond. Given their tendencies to jump off cliffs, I think they'd get along splendidly
omg Nobody! I love you! You are adorable! And your name is Merimac! Gods, I hope they'll keep you around
lol not Nori third-wheeling and being jealous
desert halflings my beloveds! Look at them! They're so different from what we've known and yet them living in holes and the children sitting around listening to stories is so beautifully familiar. I love this so much
oh they're Stoors! And they don't like the Dark Wizard. Got it. I don't like the Dark Wizard either but damn I love watching Ciarán Hinds play him
"You should not be waking." :) I still can't believe how much I love Tom Bombadil already
that flame trick was neat
omg his little hedgehog teapot! I want one!
oh no this is where we say goodbye to my new elf friends, don't we? The Barrow-downs. I always loved this part in FotR
"Fear not. Dead men are no threat." Famous last words
shit those are the horses from the messenger Gil-galad sent, right?
the Barrow-wights are giving me PotC-vibes and I'm here for it
please let Camnir survive this. Please let Camnir survive this
thank you, Elrond. I knew I could count on you
also yay for him being a bookworm and knowing how to fight the Barrow-wights
and we're back in Pelargir. Have I mentioned that I don't really care about Theo (yet)? I love that Arondir and Isildur are teaming up, though
Estrid, I don't like you. Please go away. Or get trampled by an Ent
or found out by Arondir. That works as well
have I mentioned that I miss Bronwyn?
Arondir, you're a kinder man (elf) than me. I would have let Estrid faceplant right into the dirt
lol Isildur is such an idiot and I love him for it. The way he got sucked into the mud and pulled Arondir along with him was so funny
hello mud worm! I love how many different creatures we're getting in this show
the cave art! Omg it's beautiful and perfect!
"We don't have a home." This is such a sad sentence and reminds me of the dwarves (and especially Bofur) in the Hobbit movies
Galadriel, I'm sorry, but Elrond just told you he is trying his best to save Celebrimbor (and certainly feels overwhelmed by and terrified of such a task) and you're saying all elves carry such burden? Are you serious?
fuck me, not Elrond getting captured in her vision. Is he going to be forced to watch Celebrimbor get tortured / killed?
I will not be okay if / when that happens. Just saying
also I absolutely adore Camnir and you can bet I am already thinking about writing a fic about him and Elrond
not surprised by Estrid's stunt
shoot her, Arondir. Do us all a favour and shoot her
or maybe she actually is stupid enough to get herself trampled by Ents. One can hope
getting smacked is good too
Arondir, please, was it necessary to stop the nice Entwife?
damn those shots of the Ents look pretty
also did anyone ever think we'd get to see an Ent and Entwife together? Because I didn't and my heart is full.
oh that scene between Arondir and Winterbloom was beautiful
the orcs look so good in this series. I'm so glad we went back to prosthetics
I love how calm Elrond is. He is always careful not to rush into anything, always waits and sees and it keeps saving all their asses
NO! Fuck, are you kidding me? Not Camnir. Please, not him
okay, I have forgiven you for everything you've ever done wrong, Galadriel
and I have so many Elrond and Camnir ideas right now, holy shit, that scene was everything
that flaming arrow move was badass
oh this is how she will get captured
yessss hello Adar! I've missed you! Time for Sauron's exes to team up and wreak havoc
his greeting, I can't. Perfect. I love him so much
what a great episode!
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 3 months
Waiting just beyond reality’s gauzy guardians, the other world lies just under the duvet in the throes of school night darkness: a library book stuffed under a pillow, a cave of blankets, thrilling stalactites of story to be illuminated by a covert flashlight.
That’s how Olivia Cooke remembers her induction into the fantastical, anyway.
“Reading all night, and then sobbing into my pillow at 4am—audibly—with my mum shouting at me to go to sleep.”
Cooke isn’t taking any breaks—she’s already working on a new project with Robin Wright, psychological thriller The Girlfriend, set to be released through Amazon Prime Video.
The actor has a propensity for vivifying characters to the fullest extent regardless of medium or genre:
“I am picky,” she tells me about the breadth of her work,
“But I’m just not exclusive.”
Cooke muses, people are fascinated with the idea of escape—an out that the Game of Thrones franchise has certainly provided to an anxious, overworked public.
She ponders further, positing:
“We as humans want to feel like we’re giants and godlike creatures who can tame a beast like a dragon. Maybe it’s this innate feeling in us of the need to conquer."
“God, especially the fucking Brits.” [She laughs]
“What does that say about us?”
“I don’t think that the show has necessarily made me reevaluate friendship.”
“I just think that with the age that I am at now, getting into a new decade, I’ve prioritized my friendships in a different way.”
“I think that, especially in culture, [friendship] sort of takes the backseat.”
“You’re meant to prioritize romantic relationships and familial relationships in your life, but friendships feel deeper and everlasting in a sense.”
“I think it’s always better to relinquish power when you recognize wisdom.”
“Relinquish unhelpful power, whether that be insecurity or ego, when you are confronted with someone who has more lived experience or is just more knowledgeable in said field.” Duly noted.
Cooke feels the most powerful, though, when she’s surrounded by friends, going on walks listening to a well-curated playlist, or when she really finds the music in a particular scene.
Though she doesn’t make music herself, there is a symphonic quality to her acting—it’s the same sort of kinetic energy governed by a discernible rhythm that makes any sort of artistic output worthwhile.
“It’s all sort of coming from the vulnerable prism of you, isn’t it? Any sort of creative endeavor.”
She claims she “doesn’t know why,” but one might suspect tracks for the Alicent playlist wouldn’t be readily accessible on any sort of streaming platform...
Perhaps a Gregorian chant or a live recording of a knife being sharpened on a hot stone would be more appropriate.
Cooke adds that she’s “trying to nurture that spark of vulnerability and not shy away from it is quite important.”
“We’re so mannered now— especially the English—so repressed in that sense. We still have this culture of having a very stiff upper lip in the face of adversity and real emotion and grief.”
“To be able to play those emotions in a really intense way—but in a very safe environment—feels very cathartic, and it’s an opportunity to push yourself to those limits and see, as an experiment, what your body does and how you would react in those moments.”
“You’re always trying to find the truth in it.”
Cooke likes to dive into characters (the tender, damaged Lou, the cystic fibrosis patient Emma Decody, the terror-stricken Laine Morris, the ever-vengeful Alicent)
“Because of this exploration of truth, but also because she’s really nosy and curious.”
“I want to dive deep into who [these characters] are... I think that is the most wonderful part of [the] job, that we get to live all these lives in one life if we’re lucky.”
Olivia Cooke speaks with a diction nearly impossible to not listen to. Her outwardly energetic parlance and melodic speak might be the recipe for a certain viral video involving a beverage choice.
“It’s so awful, isn’t it? Just like...What a cocky little twat! No, I’d love to do theater [again].”
“That girl does not know what she’s talking about. Bless her,” she says, still giggling.
“Sometimes the things I’ve said get repeated back to me and I’m like, ‘God knows...’ because usually I am just making stuff up in the moment.”
She finds herself hoping that, in her golden years (if she’s not senile), she reflects on this present moment aglow with new work and long friendships and internet memeage—with fondness.
“I would like to remember, despite all the constant worrying, that I had a lot of fun.”
“I allowed myself to have a lot of fun. You can indulge, you’re not going to be smited. You can enjoy this time. It’s not going to go away just because you had a nice time.”
Though being smote is perhaps the most terrifying thing any actor or civilian might experience by most standards.
There are other, more tangible things that scare Cooke: Laziness. Inactivity. The vast blankness of dormancy.
“When there’s a bit of a fallow period, that’s when I scare myself with my own thoughts.”
“My mum always says: An idle mind is a devil’s playground. I completely relate to that.”
“When I’m not generating, when I don’t feel like I’m working towards something, that can be quite a scary place for me.”
The horror is not in the hiding, but in the not knowing.
It shows in her work. It shows in her Letterboxd.
“My Letterboxd does veer on the side of the MORE INTENSE.”
“BORDER by Ali Abbasi is one of my favorite films.”
“I love ROSE GLASS.”
“I think SAINT MAUD was incredible.”
“These are really uncomfortable films to watch but incredibly artful ones.”
“The Luca Guadagnino SUSPIRIA as well...”
“[I like] the ones that leave you with such a distinct off kilter feeling after you’ve left the cinema.”
We’re talking, again, about traversing that seam between the worlds of fantasy and reality—that ever-opaque, grotesque sublime that was so easily accessible so many years ago, that ever-thickening border between adulthood and the imagination.
“It’s a bit of a thrill, isn’t it? It’s like being on a roller coaster. That’s the anticipation. That’s the unique selling point. You want that ride.”
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mikeywayarchive · 2 months
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Photo: Jawn Rocha
Mikey Way debuts his Dark Horse Comics series, Christmas 365
Anna Zanes | July 24, 2024
Full article under the cut:
It might still be sunny out, but Mikey Way is stuck on Christmas. Alongside co-writer Jonathan Rivera and illustrator Piotr Kowalski, with Brad Simpson on colors, the My Chem guitarist-cum-graphic novelist (Electric Century, Collapser) has announced Christmas 365, an upcoming series with Dark Horse Comics, also home to Gerard Way’s Paranoid Gardens and The Umbrella Academy. This oddly feel-good story, bizarre and magical as it is loaded with gallows humor, follows the arc of Peter Rockwell and his family as they navigate the treacherous holiday season, aided by some words of wisdom from a strip mall Santa. Way describes the surreal satire astutely: “Like most kids growing up, I would often fantasize, ‘What if [Christmas] never had to end?’ That very thought was what sparked this story.” Though it's got the spirit of The Nightmare Before Christmas and the kooky suburban charm of Better Off Dead — this team has created a series that’s fresh, surprising, a bit spooky, and entirely their own. 
In speaking to their process, AP connected with co-writers Way and Rivera. “Finally being able to tell this story is a real dream come true! The idea came about a decade ago, and there were plenty of starts and stops in the process,” Way shares. “Putting it in comic form felt like the perfect way to tell the story exactly how we envisioned it after so many years of wanting to share it with the world. Let's be honest, I don't think there's a kid alive who hasn't wished Christmas would never end. Haven't we all fantasized about it being something we got to live day after day?” He continues, “I saw this as an opportunity to tell a funny but heartfelt story, in the vein of all of the classic ’80s and ’90s Christmas movies that I loved so much. I remember watching Home Alone and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation back to back one night and wondering, ‘What story is left to tell?’ An hour or two later, the framework for Christmas 365 was born.”
The connection between co-writers has been an ongoing one, though this project sees it come to fruition. “It's been really fulfilling getting to finally write a story with Jonathan Rivera, who is one of my best friends — I think we've known each other over 20 years now,” Way says. As for the rest of the highly experienced team, “Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson brought the story to life exactly as we imagined, giving it the feel and imagery of a ’90s Christmas movie through and through. Daniel Chabon has been a terrific editor to work with and really helped us keep the story focused. I am sure this goes without saying, but it has been a real honor to be able to put out a comic under the Dark Horse banner. The folks over there have always been super kind and supportive to me, and have a rich history with my brother. So to be joining the ‘family’ with my own story to tell is pretty surreal!” 
Rivera, also known for Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye, adds, “Mikey and I had been talking about this story for a while, but it really started to come together as a comic during the pandemic. We’re living in stressful times, so it felt so cathartic to work on such a sweet and strange story about forgiveness and spending time with the people we love. It’s also the type of story we rarely see in comics, and that made me really excited as well.” 
For the writer, a goal has been achieved with this project. Dark Horse has long been a northern star in the industry for Rivera, who caps the chat off with, “I’ve been a fan of Dark Horse comics since I picked up their first Aliens vs. Predator miniseries as a kid. I later worked with them when I ran the official Myspace for The Umbrella Academy back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. So it brings me great joy to come home again with a book that means so much to me!”
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Dark Horse Comics
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Dark Horse Comics
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
even though disney refuses to acknowledge that Mal has a brother in the books, i am curious if they interact at all in Return book. I also just generally wonder what their relationship is in canon. What about Mal's godly siblings (Macaria, Zagreus, Melinoe)? Persephone?
They do very, very slightly interact in Return. Hadie is part of the Anti-Hero Club, he's seen talking to Jay about what Auradon's like and later it's mentioned he's helping try to find an entrance to the caves. I believe he was implied to be one of the younger VKs (which is why he's 12 in my AU.) Mal didn't know about Hades being her father yet so she just saw Hadie as this random kid with electric blue hair who was excited about Auradon and was an ally. I wonder if he knew. It's never hinted at but I wonder if Hades told him.
And then Hadie got retconned out of the books, he's technically no longer a canon character, he no longer exists in canon, just like Diego and Jade. They wrote the three of them out of the books because they would complicate things, I guess, even though it literally would have been so easy to work with.
Apparently, in Disney canon, Hades is not with Persephone and has never been with Persephone. Which means that most of Mal's godly siblings do not exist. This also calls into question who Hadie's mother is if not Persephone, but clearly in Disney you only need one parent to exist so I guess... I don't know, Hades did that thing gods can do where they turn a handkerchief into a child and raise said child like nothing weird just happened. But yeah, Mal doesn't have any godly siblings because Hades didn't really have any notable kids that weren't with his wife- there might be some because, you know, the Greek Gods, but if there are I can't remember them. Maybe she has Nico- no, wait, Riordanverse has Hades with Persephone, so it's not continuitous with the Disneyverse, so they're entirely different canons.
So I guess Mal is an only child? I don't know man, they fucked up.
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I wrote a giant description of all the characters based on what my friend and I were talking about can I have your opinion:
I am going to be starting with the first post where I mention the balectors of Stardew valley. This means the characters that you are able to date and eventually marry if you want to do that. In order to reach perfection, which is the end of the game, you need to have someone live in your house with 12 hearts in order to give you a stardrop. Hearts are friendship points you can get by giving points. That is one of the two ways to gain friendship. The other is through cut scenes you get by progressing in your relationship and by saying things that make them either like or hate you more.
Anyways, onto the characters, starting with Haley who is the first person you mention. I am married to her which is because I like how her character progresses. As you gain friendship with her, she gets more nice and is open to different things then she was before. For example, she used to throw away her clothes each year but says she donates it now. She is super cute and sweet when she is married to her and it seems as though she is in love. She is kind of like a disney princess as you mention because she likes makeup and is girly. The next you mentioned is Leah who actually lives in a cottage and lives to forage and build for you. Penny is actually the opposite of what you said as she is horrible at baking and teaches the two children in town (and eventually Leo) Jas and Vincent and she also likes to read. Her mother, Pam, is abusive. But I can talk about her in a little bit. Abigail is the most popular person to marry as people like her because she is adventurous and wants to fight in the caves and is in a band with Sam and Sebstain. There is a theory that she is actually the wizard’s daughter because her mom admits to going to his tower and her dad says they do not look similar and the wizard says he thinks he might have a daughter. Abigail is also kind of a meme because if you give her gems she will say, “How did you know that I was hungry?” Basically everyone considers her cool and a meme and she is probably the wizard’s daughter. Emily likes crystals and parrots and dances and all of her cut scenes are basically fever dreams. So she is kind of a psychopath and super excited all of the time. Her and Haley are sisters and do not get along. In earlier versions of Maru, she had really curly hair and a lot of the community, including me, thinks she looks better like that. I also consider her hair to be kind of cool. She likes robotics.
Anyways, the next up is the marriage candidates for the guys. You are totally right that it is so random. Elliot is a writer and he is very attention starved as he writes you poems and is obsessed with you when you date him and writes you a book based on what genre you say you like. Harvey IS a simple man. His favorite gift is coffee so you definitely got that done. He has anxiety and never talks to anyone and tries to be better about that if you date him. So he is chill and kind of a meme because your stuff gets taken if you get knocked out in battle and he charges a thousand gold for repairing you. You were exactly right with Sebastian as he is moody and does not like people and plays video games from 10am to 10pm. Alex is sexist to you if you are a girl and is kind of arrogant about wanting to be a professional football player. So you are completely right. You are wrong about Shane, though, he is actually really mean to you and wants you to not talk to him. Most of his events are about him being suicidal and depressed and an acholicoal. One is where he wants to roll off a cliff and is drunk. Not mafia material. I do agree about his jacket, though, it is kind of cool. Even though it has a J on it which stands for Joja which is a company he works for. Joja is basically the definition of capitalism in this game. Sam is actually friends with Sebastian and Abigail and he wants to be in a band which he is in. They like to play DND and it is a thing in the community that Sam and Sebastain should be dating.
Onto the villagers. Willy is a fisherman and kind of chill so you were sort of wrong but I would definitely want to go on an adventure with him as well so actually I agree, you win. Everyone loves Robin and a lot of people are sad you cannot date her because of Demetris. You were so wrong about Demetris but the way. Robin is actually Sebstain’s mom’s but he is it related to Demetrius. Demetris hates Sebastian but loves Maru and this makes Sebastian really angry. Demeteruis also does not care about Robin who we love. Sandy is my favorite as she is lonely in the desert and really wants to spend time with you and is super confident and sweet. You are right about Pam, also, by the way. She is super abusive and drinks too much beer every night and treats her daughter, Penny, unfairly. She also speaks like she is living in texas. The wizard is kind of weird but he is also cool because of his magic. Krobus is amazing and he is the opinion for the aromantics as you can have him move into your house and he gives you hugs instead of kisses and is amazing. The dwarf hates Krobus because of a war between the dwarfs and the shadow people so he kind of sucks. Krobus is adorable. Jas and Vincent are both kind of weird like no one cares about them. I mean Jas is more interesting because she is related to Shane and Marine and Vincent is interesting because his dad, Kent, has ptsd from fighting in the war. Kent is kind of weird and has a freakout because of popcorn because of his ptsd. Pierre is not like Harvey at all, he steals credit for your crops and only cares about money and nothing else. No one really likes him. Evelyn is the nicest person ever as she makes cookies for you and says you can call her Granny. Everyone likes her so much. Jodi is kind of boring and depressed because she has no freedom and spends her entire life taking care of her kids, Sam and Vincent. Demetris is awful. Linus and Leo go together because they both like nature and are kind of connected to it. Lewis is not. He steals money from the town and uses it to make gold statues of himself. He is dating Marine and refuses to make their relationship public even though no one would care and is toxic. Also, the others you did not mention are Caronline and Clint and George and Gus so I am just going to explain them. Caroline is Pierre’s husband and might be cheating on him so you know… kind of bad… whatever. She is fine I guess, it is weird, no one really cares about her. Clint has a crush on Emily and is super creepy about it and is kind of disgusting and tries to be like a sob story so not thank you. George is super grumpy and rude and is in a wheelchair because of a mining accident. Gus is amazing and kind of knows everything about everyone.
Onto the next section, okay? Grandpa looks blue because he is a ghost who visits you in your third year. I do not like him. It is weird. The governor is actually like you think he is, he has no clue about anything and just wants to visit once a year to literally just eat soup. (I am not kidding, look it up, promise you.) Marlon is actually like you say and he has a crush on Marnie and is a perfect opinion for her. Birdie is part of ginger island and is super sweet and gives you fairy dust and you find something for her to remind her of her husband who died in a tragic accident. It is amazing to do because you get an award and it is just wholesome and kind of sad. Gil does supply items and he is like a moment away from death basically so you are right. Gunther is awesome and yeah, kind of suspicious but great. Okay. That is all of the villagers summarized for you.
Woo boy, you gave me a whole novel!
well, here are some of my thoughts:
Penny isn't necessarily bad at cooking,(from what I know) she just shouldn't experiment. She's also shy and emotionally sensitive
Emily is what I believe people call a "Cristal girl" not necessarily a psychopath, she also seems to have her "head in the clouds" and yeah, positive most of the time.
Ermm... actually☝️🤓 Harvey takes 10% of however much gold you have.
Dang, you kept Alex one short! But yeah, same thing as Hayley but with the ego and the sexism if you're a girl. He also lives with Grany Eveiln and Granpa Jorge because his mother died and the father was presumably abusive
To be fair to ghost grandpa, he's stuck haunting the farm until you can get the perfection statue so he kinda can't move on lmao!
Marlon is also a cool adventurer who will go down in the dangerous mines to get your stuff if you pay him
I wouldn't say Demetrius hates Sebastian, he just has a huge favoritism problem. He's also a very logical thinker from what I can interpret in his dialog
And to be fair to Clint... the Farmer's also kinda a stalker...in more ways than one...
But I'm not here to argue anything, I'm just sharing some thoughts. You have a right to think whatever you want about whatever character
Overall pretty good! 👍
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roboticchibitan · 12 days
Update on the temple library project because I am excited about it. I wrote a rough draft of an email calling for donations of books, bookshelves, and, if you have neither, money. Geshela will look at it and make any changes he wants to make and then at some point it will be sent out to the Sangha. Might take a bit cuz Geshela does not understand technology very well (He's 65 and also at one point he lived in a cave for five years so like, his experience is lacking) and the guy who handles the email list is very busy cuz he's going to school right now.
But I got it started! Now I just have to wait to see what kind of response I get! I'm hoping some of the senior Sangha members have a bunch of books to donate but we'll see. I have maybe a shelf's worth of books to donate right now. I have not read all of them but I've been impulse purchasing $5 copies of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's books off thriftbooks and I have a bit of a collection at this point...
I am very excited about this because I'm disabled, I don't work. I'm often in too much pain to function. But this is something I can do for a community I'm part of that matters. And that's really exciting to me because the other volunteer opportunities require regular attendance and I just can't promise that. But this is something I can do! And like, it's good for one's brain to have projects/responsibilities where you are not divorced from the fruits of your labor.
I'm considering seeing if my closer friends and family would want to donate to this project For My Sake because it's important to me but I don't know if that's weird or not. My best friend did offer to do a little graphic design work for it for free, though! So that's exciting!
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sumire-no-nikki · 8 months
Hardy Days
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January is a month that takes some time to break into like brand new shoes. It always feels longer than it is. It has been a while since I’ve been online properly though for the best reasons. My days have been full. My desk succumbs to entropy just as soon as I’ve tidied it up, my planner is abundant with marks, overflowing with tasks in constant flux. But that just means my hours are well consumed. My days feel very lived in and I’m endlessly thankful for that.
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It hasn’t been all work though! I managed to read 4 books so far this month, two of which I would like to mention here. The first book I read is Before We Say Goodbye, which is the fourth book in the Before the Coffee Gets Cold Series by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. I think the fourth one is my favorite so far, if not a close second to the first book. This one made me cry so hard it felt like a cardio exercise haha. The fifth book hasn’t been translated yet and I’m too impatient so I went ahead and started it in Japanese. I was just telling a pal how much comfier it is in the original language. I think I will reread the previous books in Japanese as well once I can get ahold of it from Kinokuniya. I’m so excited!
Another book I finished recently is Voices of the Dead by Ambrose Parry. It’s a historical fiction medical/crime novel set in Victorian Edinburgh. It also has hints of angsty romance between the two main characters, and if you know me at all, you know angst is my fuel, my reason for being lmao. But on top of the already very attractive premise, I must say the pervasive question of “am I what I come from or am I what I can become” throughout all the books is such a robust subject that I can never get enough of. I really enjoyed it! Ah, but now I’ve got to wait for the next book (if there is one). I’m pretty hopeful because the ending was set up for a continuation for sure, but you never know. Also, can I just complain about something extremely petty? Why is the fourth book’s spine different from the rest of the series? It’s from the same publisher, the same font is used. But why is the symbol not the same size as the other volumes’ symbols? WHY. Why would they make it not line up properly like that? I’m losing my mind!!
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Now, I’m not one for redecorating just because it’s a new year, but I did change up my vinyl corner by switching out the old art with two posters in matching red—one from a Mitski concert way back in 2017, and one poster of Billie Marten’s 2023 album. Two very different eras of my life coming together. Quite poetic now that I think about it.
While on the subject of music, I’ve had Marika Hackman’s new album “Big Sigh” on repeat since it came out. Oh my god it’s so so good. I remember thinking when I first heard it, god, this is like having my guts pulled out of me. The lyrics are so raw I felt like my chest was going to cave in. Even the music conveys such angst and self-sabotage. The one song that struck me the most is the penultimate song called “Please Don’t Be So Kind.” That one really spoke to me. I love it so much I figured out the guitar chords by ear because I badly wanted to play it. (It’s just three chords in slightly different arrangements throughout the song: C/G-D/A-Em7/B. Half-step up tuning or more conveniently with capo on the 1st fret). I haven’t stopped thinking about the album and I don’t think I will ever stop doing so. I feel that my life is made richer by having listened to this body of work. Even though it’s rather depressing, I actually relish that about it. I think I’m at an age now where I can clearly see my emotion outside my body. It’s a place I can visit as I please. I can work through my feelings and then when I’ve done my best with it, I can leave it be. I can experience things as deeply as I want to while having the confidence that I won’t lose myself in it. It’s a very freeing sense of clarity.
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Also, this is from a while back now but I got the newest volume of the coffee magazine I’m subscribed to and the coffee sampler they sent for the quarter is stellar. It tasted of peach and orange, it was insane. The sampler had enough for only two espresso double shots but it made such an impact I just have to note it down here. The roaster, A Matter of Concrete, is based in Rotterdam. I might have to pop in there to try more of their coffee one of these days. Oh, but this reminds me that my grinders are due for a cleaning. Right, I’ll have to do that sometime tomorrow. And I’m not looking forward to it because I’m always anxious I’ll fuck up the burrs or put the grinders back all wrong. Also, looking at this photo, I have to polish my espresso machine, don’t I? Oops.
What else have I been up to? I’ve recently reconnected with my best friend from my undergraduate days and it has been such a blessing. We didn’t have a fight or anything. We just drifted apart because I moved away for my MA and they went back home for a job offer. But they reached out to let me know they’ll be moving to Europe to start a second degree and a career change!! Which means we will be able to see each other again!! Oh, I’m looking forward to that so much I’m counting the days. I have such fond memories of them I can’t wait to bear hug the hell out of them haha.
I also finally decided to finish a writing project I have left alone to stew in its own unfinished mess for far too long lol. I forced myself to churn as much words as I could, and then the arduous task of negotiating what to keep, what to expand and what to cut came soon after. I’ve since finished it and I’m relieved to have concluded that story. I’m quite satisfied with the arc. It felt like a good study of how I write, what I want from a story and how I can achieve it. Writing is a process of self discovery and I’m always overwhelmed by that feeling when it’s happening in real time. Like you feel minute parts of yourself shifting into new positions, light shed in previously dark corners. It’s overwhelming and terrifying, yet tranquil and natural at the same time. I look forward to whatever I’ll find in the next writing project.
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Anyway, I’m off to do a bit of translation work. It has been quite an eventful Friday for me over here, and my weekend is looking like it will be just as busy. How has your January been? I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourself. I leave you with a song by This Is The Kit called “Inside Outside.” It has a groovy bass line that I enjoy playing and straight up just vibing to. I recommend the album it's from if you’re in the market for something new to listen to.
That’s all for now. Until next time!
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if-seal · 1 year
o wise seal! i feel like i am not very good at worldbuilding. do you have any techniques you like to practice or any advice on it pls and thank you <3
Dear Worldbuilding Friend,
I will begin with a couple of links that I have enjoyed over the years: Patricia C Wrede's Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions and NK Jemisin's Brainstorming Immersive Inclusive Worlds and Growing Your Iceberg: Crafting a Secondary World That Feels Ancient In 60 Minutes (Or Less). These may be helpful for putting the building blocks and rules of a setting together.
I am a seal of action. When I read books I don't have an awful lot of patience when it feels like the author is a bit too enamored of their setting without context, and in a game that's even more of an issue. Because players often adore lots of setting details (more so than I personally do!) but it is very important to make sure that the player, and the PC can interact with that setting and to know how they are going to do so, and what will be the most important to the PC in that setting.
A beautifully rendered photograph of a garden that cannot be walked through, or weeded, or whose flowers cannot be picked, does not a game make.
The way I worldbuild is usually in service to the plot and characters first. When I started writing my gay selkie IF, I needed to know my world's rules about how selkies work (does it hurt when their skin comes off? is it like a coat? what does it look like?), and whether seals and humans know about them (is it common knowledge? folklore? urban myths that people laugh about?), and how common they are. But I did not necessarily need to know how selkie governments work and how they interact with merfolk governance because it's very insular, and my selkie PC never encounters a merfolk.
It might be interesting to know, but if it doesn't inform something the PC's or NPC's feelings or something that happens in the game, it's OK to figure that out later. I do not think you need to know everything about your game before you start.
Part of why I say that is that worldbuilding can help enrich the game but it can also be a major distraction. I used to pore over the above links to write my novels and neglected to learn how to plot a novel as a result, and ended up with lots of nicely-written but unfinished novels. Eek!
Another part of why I say it is that figuring worldbuilding elements out through a story or game can be a delightfully fun process of discovery. Of course, how much we prefer to outline and and pin things down varies vastly from person to person. But I find, Worldbuilding Friend, that part of the joy of writing is figuring something out that surprises you along the way. A character might adore a particular food from far away, and it becomes a richer scene; a moment in which the PC explores a cave might make you realise something exciting about the fishing boats nearby. You could figure out these sorts of worldbuilding building-blocks through writing your project, or by writing little scenes about your NPCs or PC, or by writing a scene from your project from another character's perspective.
Something that surprises you may become one of the most beloved elements of your game.
Best of luck with your world, dear friend!
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jasntodds · 2 years
Caving In [9]
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Pairing: Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader, Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader
Words: 12,892
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, fluff, canon typical things, canon violence, it’s not explicitly said how jason knows about deathstroke so in my fic it’s public knowledge that aqualad was killed by deathstroke, mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, a little bit of angst
Summary: ❝Tell me Atlas: What is heavier, The world or its people’s hearts?❞ You never expected your life to end up this way, turned upside down by an infamous Gotham villain. It’s been a living hell, every single day, until Dick Grayson brings you to Titans tower where you meet Gar Logan and Jason Todd.
A/N: So, I did some math and figured out I’m almost done writing this?????? I have a backlog of chapters written, just not edited so that’s kind of insane lol I’m very excited about it because I have so many more plans!! This chapter picks up with season 2 episode 2!! I am easily motivated to post more often when I get feedback 😂 You can add yourself the tag list below, ask me to be tagged, or you can follow my library blog @jasntoddslibrary​​ and turn on notifications if you prefer that!!
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Over the next month, a routine develops for Gar and you. A few days of the week, Gar finds himself hiding out in your room. You were right, Dick, Jason, and Rachel don’t tend to bother him when he’s in your room. And you actually did make a sign that reads ‘keep out, ☠️’ and hung it on your door. It’s double-sided so the other side just says your name. You flip it around when Gar comes to escape and he finds it equally fun and sweet.
At first, you’d watch a movie or two and talk about whatever was bothering Gar. He’s gotten better at talking about it and it’s been a lot of him talking about Caulder House and his own nightmares of the day with Trigon’s bullshit. You didn’t know he had nightmares, too and you wonder how he hides it so fucking well. You’re not nearly as good at it as he is and you worry about him. You never want Gar to turn as bitter and calloused as you are about the world. He’s too good.
But, after the month, the talking and movies turned into something more comfortable. Gar will bring in one of his video game consoles. You will play with him sometimes but other times, you just like to watch. Gar likes Resident Evil and that’s a game you definitely prefer to watch. And Gar has his own collection of comics. You turned them down at first with not being a huge fan of reading, but after reading over Gar’s shoulder a few times, you got into The Walking Dead comics. Apparently, reading comics is a lot easier than reading a book. So, now it’s turned into Gar playing video games and you sitting with your legs on his lap, reading one of his comics in a comfortable silence, a joke here and there thrown around.
Training has also been going well for you. Your hands have healed and so have the rest of your injuries. You keep up well with Gar and Rachel now, the extra training sessions with Jason and Gar have helped significantly. And you’ve picked up knife throwing again, something you learned back in Gotham from one of the street kids you used to run with. You’re rusty and not a sharpshooter by any means, but it’s something. It eases some of the tension you feel in your shoulders.
When you can feel yourself wanting to lose it again because something brings back too many memories, you take Jason up on his offer to let you take it out on him. You’ll go for an extra sparring session sometimes, just the two of you and Jason helps you work through it without talking about it. It always makes you feel better and if you’re being honest, you really like the support system you have with the two boys. It’s something you never thought you’d have after your mom died but every day you’re so grateful for the two of them and even for Dick because he brought you here. That’s something you have no idea how you’ll ever be able to thank him for.
It’s a morning session now though and you’re in the training room with Gar and Jason while Rachel and Dick are out getting coffee. Dick has this bright idea to start blindfolding all of you to train because you can lose any of your senses at any time and you need to be prepared. Jason, of course, is really taking that to the next level by making Gar not have a blindfold while he does and making you sit out.
“Why do I have to sit out for this?” You fake-whine from one of the benches while Jason ties his blindfold behind his head and Gar stands in front of him looking bored.
“Because you have that combat shit. It defeats the purpose.” Jason snips back.
“Well, I don’t have to be blindfolded.” You mock him.
“Just shut up and watch us. Take some notes, you fucking need it.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up, Jay.” You groan, leaning back.
“When I give the word, come at me.” Jason says to Gar, holding his wooden sword out, ready to fight. “And don’t hold back.” He says, you rolling your eyes into the back of your head. Gar nods, looking bored and displeased with doing this. “Did you just nod?”
“Yeah, got it. Just, uh, don’t hold back.” Gar makes a jittered movement as if to be mocking Jason, you almost snicker from behind.
“Don’t kill each other please.”  You mock.
“Shut up, Y/n!” Jason groans, tilting his head back. He takes a second to breathe as he gets into position. “Go!” Jason yells.
Jason swings the sword at Gar, but Gar just hits it out of the way while Jason’s sword is an inch from his face. Gar’s eyes widen a bit in shock and amazed, looking back at you. You make the same expression, humming in response. Gar pushes the sword from his face taking a step forward with a swing at Jason, only for Jason to move out of the way in time and jabs his sword across the front of Gar’s chest. Gar waves a hand in front of Jason’s face, making sure he can’t see anything. Gar gives you a questionable look and all you can do is shrug your shoulder just as confused as he is. Surely, Jason has to be able to see him because this is just weird. Jason talks about your combat clairvoyance, maybe he needs to look in the mirror. Jason pulls his sword back, Gar takes a step back and then the real sparring begins.
Jason and Gar move around the mat, blocking each other quickly. It’s definitely a sight to see because Jason might as well not be wearing a blindfold. Gar can’t get a single hit in and barely dodges Jason’s jabs. It’s as if they’re doing this perfectly choreographed dance. It’s equally entertaining, impressive, and attractive. The two boys sparing is always a big heart-eye moment for you. But, somewhere along the way, Jason seems to have lost track of his rhythm, completely flipping away from Gar, giving Gar the perfect opportunity to bonk Jason on the head with his sword. You start laughing while Jason rips his blindfold off, spinning around to face Gar.
“Hey, fuck man.” Jason gasps at Gar, clearly annoyed.
“You said don’t hold back.” Gar defends, you getting up from your bench to join the boys.
“What were you doing? I was fucking blindfolded!” Jason yells.
“You told him to do it!” You defend Gar. “He just tapped you on the head, chill the fuck out.” You can’t believe he’s actually mad about this. It was his idea to not have Gar wear a blindfold.
“Stay out of it!” Jason snaps, turning his attention back to Gar.
“You said:” Gar starts before he, poorly, mimics Jason’s voice with the same jittered motion as before. “Don’t hold back.”
“Should I get the hose?” Rachel comes strolling in.
“What’s going on?” Dick asks, following right behind.
“Jason’s being a baby.” You quip, crossing your arms as you stand on the other side of Gar.
“Hey, fuck you!” Jason’s eyes nearly bug out of his head as he snaps at you, Gar moving to block Jason’s view of you. Jason leans further forward to see you. “You could have warned me! Or fucking helped instead of doing nothing!”
“You told me not to!” You scream at him. “You said no because I have the combat thing.” You mock his voice, with a grimace before Gar stands further in the way to block you from Jason. He’s not sure who he’s trying to block from the other really, Jason is beet red and you look like you might strangle him.
“Um, hello?” Dick states, waiting for one of you to answer his previous question.
“We did what you said,” Jason turns his attention Dick. “The blindfold thing then he went nuts on me.”
You groan loudly, putting your hands on your face in frustration.
“He said don’t hold back.” Gar repeats, this time his voice louder and higher pitched, the annoyance growing.
“Then why do we even learn to fight like this, man?” Jason argues, throwing his arms to the sides. “Hey, it’s idiotic.” He takes a step forward, pointing at his head with wide eyes, almost a crazed look in his eye. “We have eyes.”
“In battle, anything can be taken from you.” Dick’s voice is calm as he walks further onto the mat. “Your hands.” Dick says before quickly twisting Jason’s arm and grabbing the wooden sword from him, making it look effortless. He moves to Gar, quickly using the sword to strike at Gar, Gar blocking a few times before Dick gets the sword right between Gar’s feet, just missing him. “Your feet.” Dick swings the sword at you, the sword aimed just a few centimeters from hitting you right between the eyes. You take a step back, eyes widening and crossed as you look at the sword. He swings the sword at Rachel, doing the same gesture. “And your eyes.” He pauses before stepping back, and putting the sword down. “No matter what is taken, you must be able to keep fighting and win.” Dick faces the boys and you again. “Alright, get changed. Attack scenarios in the tech room in five minutes. Then breakfast.”
You, Gar, and Rachel don’t argue and instead, leave the training room without another word, leaving Jason behind with Dick. This is a pretty normal thing. When training doesn’t go exactly how Jason wants it to, which is normally that he doesn’t win all the time, he gets mad and blames everyone else for it. This time, it’s just that it was Gar who wasn’t blindfolded. It’s gotten a little worse over the last month, Gar and you are pretty sure he’s just stir-crazy from being at the tower and not having any real crime to fight. He’s probably bored of sparring with you and not being in Gotham so the two of you let it go easily.
“Why does Dick sound like Daniel Larusso?” You ask as the three of you head down the hallway.
Rachel lets out a chuckle. “He literally sounds like Mr. Miogi.”
“He says we watch too much TV, maybe he needs to stop watching the Karate Kid and Cobra Kai.” Gar laughs.
“Maybe he doesn’t know what to do so he’s looking to them for inspiration.” You jokes.
“Someone should tell him it doesn’t work like that.” Rachel adds in.
“Awww, but it’ll just break little Dicky’s heart.” You mock, placing your hands over your heart with a fake pout.
“Yeah, I’m looking to be on his shitlist.” Gar chortles as the three of you reach your rooms.
“He would never put you on his shitlist.” Rachel scoffs, Gar raising a brow at her.
“He’s taken you right on under his little batwing.” You add in.
You joke about Dick but over the last month he’s grown on you quite a bit. He’s really not so bad when you’re not making him mad. He’s kind of making it obvious that he really wants to make sure you’re all ready before he sends you out on some type of mission. He can also even be funny sometimes and partake in jokes. He’s even joined all of you for a movie night so he’s grown on you but you have to poke fun.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Gar questions, looking between you and Rachel.
Rachel and you look to each other from across the hall. You shrug. “Well, I think we mean he’s really nice to you and sees you as responsible.”
“Yeah,” Rachel nods in agreement. “You always do what he says, besides that one time.” Rachel looks to you.
“Which was my fault so Dick didn’t fault you and probably admires your ability to risk getting into trouble with him to protect me and Jason.” You explain. “And it was just sparring.”
“That’s not true.” Gar defends. “I don’t always listen to him.”
You and Rachel exchange another look. “When was the last time you didn’t do what he said?” Rachel asks.
Gar stands for a second, trying to remember the last time he didn’t listen to Dick and as he thinks about it, you both have a point. He does do what Dick says all the time, without even questioning him. It’s who he is though. He exactly like to disobey authority. Sneaking out behind the Chief's back was different, this is Dick. And, every time someone has went against what Dick has said, shit hits the fan so maybe Gar is onto something.
“Okay, that’s fair.” Gar chuckles, looking to the floor and back to the two of you.
“It’s not a bad thing.” Rachel reassures him. “We’ll never be in trouble.”
“It’s not that bad being on his shitlist.” You state. “But, yeah, it’s not a bad thing. It’s probably better to not have him mad, though it is very fucking funny sometimes.” You gain a sinister grin. 
“Okay, don’t listen to y/n.” Rachel rolls her eyes with a sigh. “It’s not funny and it’s best for everyone to not piss him off.”
“I haven’t pissed him off in like a whole week, that’s a record.” You hold your head up high, Gar chuckling under his breath.
“You are proud of that, aren’t you?” Gar asks.
“Kind of.” You giggle. “No, but really, Rachel is right. It is better not pissing him off, he’s kind of cool when he’s not mad.”
“Yeah, I’m not looking to make him mad anyway.” Gar shakes his head. “You and Jason have that handled.”
“They are very good at it.” Rachel mutters.
“Teamwork.” You grin.
“Okay, get changed.” Rachel cuts the conversation. “Otherwise he will be mad because we’ll be late.”
“Yes, ma’am.” You joke, walking into your room, Gar following your lead and heads into his room.
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Later that night, the four of you found yourselves doing your own things. Gar and Jason made up while you found yourself in Rachel’s room. Rachel is sitting at her desk while you’re laying on Rachel’s bed, upside down with your head off the end of the bed, looking at Rachel. Usually, when the boys hang out, the two of you spend time together. You like to give Rachel shit for being Dick’s lap dog but you do like her and enjoy spending time with her. Rachel really likes having another girl around, the month she spent with boys was not the best. She loves them, besides Jason, but they’re a little much sometimes. Too much testosterone in one place for her liking.
“So, when do you think Dick will let us do something?” You ask, scrolling through your phone, keeping your head hanging off the end of the bed.
“Not you, too.” Rachel groans.
“What?” You question, moving your phone to get a better look at Rachel. Rachel just widens her eyes and raises her brows. “No, I mean, I’m just wondering. I’m not gonna go rogue again, I promise.” You roll your eyes, a smile coming to your lips.
“Mhm.” Rachel hums. “I don’t know. Do you really think we’re ready?”
“Oh, I mean I think I am.” You quip. “Ya know, given the track record.” You scoff. “Jason’s probably been ready in his entire life. You and Gar seem to be fine.”
“Yeah, but we don’t stand a chance against Dick even if it’s us four against him.”
“We could if he’d let us use our powers.” You wave your left hand at Rachel, your palm glowing green.
Rachel rolls her eyes. “I don’t have that kind of control, Y/n.”
“True,” You start, pulling yourself up and flipping around to lie on your stomach and face Rachel. “But, if he would let you use your powers maybe you’d gain some control.”
“That’s not how you did it, right?”
“No,” You scoff. “But, it’s probably different for you. You were born with them and your powers are clearly stronger than mine. Maybe not using them makes it worse.” You offer. “Your side.” Your words go hesitant.
Rachel’s eyes widen, surprise and a hint of panic consuming her face. “How did you--” 
“Don’t freak out, but I saw them when we were sparring. I didn’t tell anyone or anything.” Your voice is nonchalant but understanding.
“Thank you.” Rachel’s voice is soft. “Can we not talk about it?”
“Sure.” You shrug. “What’d you wanna talk about?”
Rachel gains a cheeky smirk and you can already tell where this is going. “So…about the boys.” Rachel’s smile splits her face.
You let out a dramatic sigh. “Yes, Rachel?”
“What’s going on?” Rachel laughs.
“Whatever do you mean?” You play dumb, an innocent smile playing on your lips.
You know Rachel isn’t oblivious. You tend to flirt with both of them and you are almost always with at least one of them. Over the last month, it’s just become a little more obvious.
“Come on.” Rachel laughs. “Do you like either of them?”
Rachel is curious, sure but she sees how you flirt with Jason. It’s different with him than it is with Gar, anyone could see that. Gar is Rachel’s friend and while she likes you, she is kind of worried that you’re playing a game with the two of them. If you hurt Jason, fine, he’ll probably deserve it but not Gar.
“Hmmm.” You hum. “Oh, yeah.” You nod quickly.
“Which one?!”
“Both.” You state as if it were obvious.
“Right, okay.” Rachel nods, trying to wrap her head around someone actually liking Jason. Gar she completely understands but Jason? “Both of them?”
“I know, you’re really trying to not gag at Jason.” You laugh. “He’s, ya know, a smartass and hot and shockingly funny.” You neglect to include every nice thing Jason has said to you and done for you, something you like to keep like a secret. “And Gar, well, I don’t think I need to explain Gar.”
“Okay, so what are you gonna do about it?” Rachel asks. “A love triangle.” Rachel has a teasing grin with her words.
You grimace. “Ewww, I hate love triangles.” You groan. “I know what you’re gonna say, but humor me and tell me what you think.”
“Well,” Rachel leans forward, resting her elbows on her thighs, hands holding her head. “Fuck Jason,” Rachel starts, getting an eyebrow raise and a devious grin from you. “Not literally, oh my gosh.” Rachel rolls her eyes as you chortle. “He’s an asshole to everyone, including you.” Rachel argues against Jason.
“Right, yeah, but he is also nice to me and I’m also kind of an asshole to him.” You defend with the scrunch of your nose.
“Yeah, but today, you didn’t even do anything and he was throwing a fit because you did what he asked.”
“Okay,” You nod tilting your head to the right. “That’s a fair point, actually. Continue.” You put your elbow to the bed, using one hand to hold your head up.
“He calls us freaks.”
“I think Jason thinks everyone is a freak though.” You state.
“Maybe, but it’s still hurtful.” Rachel argues.
“Doesn't really bother me." You shrug casually. "Also, fair though.” You nod in agreement.
“He didn’t stop you from going to Jerry’s which was a bad thing, Y/n.” Rachel points a finger at you, disapproval on her face.
“But he didn’t let me go alone, Rachel.” You mimic her actions.
“But, but,” Rachel starts. “Gar would have tried to stop you and went with you if you were still insistent on it.”
“Wait, how did you know Jason didn’t try to stop me?" You furrow your brows, putting your hand back down.
“No one believes he tried to stop you.” Rachel laughs.
“Alright, you’ve got me there.” You state. “But, you have to give me one pro to Jason otherwise it sounds too biased.”
Rachel pauses trying to think of something good to say about Jason. She actually didn’t hate him originally. She kind of liked him actually but after the whole Trigon situation, he’s been pretty nasty to her. They can get along and be civil of course, but when Jason’s mad, Rachel tends to be the person he’s the most mean to and Rachel has grown to think he’s too entitled and too arrogant. Neither of them have actually bothered to have a conversation about any of it or figure out how they can get along better.
“I am biased.” Rachel laughs, not able to come up with anything. “He’s just so,” Rachel grimaces. “He hates me for no reason.”
“I meeeaaannnn….” You wince.
“What? Did he say something?” Rachel leans forward and if you know something, she is all ears.
“No, but it’s not that hard to figure out from where I’m sitting.” Your eyes go a little wide and you’re surprised Rachel hasn't figured it out.
“Well, tell me! I don’t like that he hates me.”
You pause and for a second you debate saying anything. It's not really your place. But, Jason also hasn't told you why he hates Rachel. This is just you putting all of the pieces together. Rachel is your friend anyway and it would be a lot easier if the two of them got along so, you decide to tell Rachel what you think.
“Okay, from where I’m sitting, it seems like he hates you and thinks you’re a freak because he was possessed, right? Seems like the issues that surround you guys is because of that night, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Gar is a bit…wishy-washy about Dick. He listens to him maybe a little too much sometimes. He’s protective of you, sure, but he’s a different kind of protective when it comes to you. Jason….hates you. I’m just saying, all of you have that night in common, right?” You ask and Rachel nod. “And how was Jason when you first met him?”
“Fine, he was…Jason.” Rachel laughs softly. “Cocky, charming in his weird way, a bit braggy about Robin but kind of funny.”
“Okay and he was chill with you, right?”
“So, what happened between Chicago and Trigon?”
“He helped Dick with something and Dick sent him back to Gotham. He showed up at my mom’s with Dawn and Hank, Trigon was there already.” Rachel explains plainly.
“Mhm, and you and Gar were?” You gesture a palm out, moving it in front of you.
“Trying to escape.” Rachel furrows her brows, still completely following.
“Okay, so follow me: Jason gets sent to help Dick by Bruce because Jason is following in Dick’s footsteps as the new Robin. He’s a shiny new Gotham toy. He helps Dick just long enough for Dick to not be interested in getting to know the kid who’s taking over for him because Dick quit and sends him back to Gotham but Dick keeps you and Gar around, right? Two kids he, otherwise, has no relation to. At least Dick and Jason were taken in by Bruce and have Robin in common so they are, actually, like brothers. But, you’re just some kid who found Dick and Dick decided that was good enough for him to bring you under his wing and then Gar got to tag along and neither of you were sent back to where you came from, just Jason despite Jason offering his help.” You explain, speaking with your hands.
“Right, okay.” Rachel nods along.
“So, fast forward, and Jason shows up to help again. Only this time, instead of helping he gets possessed and starts trying to kill his best friend. He nearly beats his best friend to death because this random ass girl Dick plucked off the streets has a demon dad. THEN, because none of that was enough, none of that was good enough for Bruce and Bruce sent him here to be with, the older brother who didn’t want him in the first place and he gets to be with the person who his brother chose over him and got him possessed.” You finish your explanation.
“Uh…” Rachel pauses, blinking slowly trying to process everything. “I…I didn’t think about any of that. How did you even figure that out?” Rachel knows you and Jason are close but she didn't expect you to have this long explanation that seems to make sense.
“Yeah, I mean I get it. It happened to you, too. You were front and center. It’s not always easy seeing that kind of stuff when you’re in it. But, that’s just what I can gather from it. Jason seems to be someone who needs attention and just wants to know he’s doing a good job.” You sway your head back and forth slightly. "Gar's talked about it and Jason mentioned it which, when Jason mentions something like that, I think it bothers him at least a little bit."
“Okay, so what should I do? I really don’t want to hate him and fight with him all the time.”
“You could talk to him.” You state as if it's the most obvious answer in the world.
“Because that’ll go over so well.” Rachel mutters.
“No, you let him just talk his shit. Go on his little rant and swear fest that he does. He’ll call you a freak. He’ll just rant for like five minutes or whatever and then you apologize. Even if you don’t want to, you apologize to him and then he’ll feel obligated to apologize to you and then you can have a conversation about it. You just have to let him blow his steam.”
“You really get him, don’t you?”
“Trauma bonding will do that.” You chuckle. “As I said, sometimes being an outsider is easier. I didn’t know all that bullshit or what happened before. Plus, we do have Gotham in common.”
“So, I should just talk to him.”
“Yep. It really is that simple with him.” You let out a sigh as you nod. "He is not that complicated."
“Okay, I’ll give it a shot.” Rachel leans back in her chair. “Okay, I have something good to say.” Rachel states and you gesture a hand out, encouraging her to proceed. “He talks to you and he’s honest with you. And if he talks to you, I think that means he understands you like you do him. So, that's three for Jason.” Rachel gives you a proud smile.
You laugh “Yeah, he is and he does understand, actually.” You nod softly. “You may pitch your case for Gar now if you want.”
“For starters, he is cute!” Rachel squeals without missing a beat. “His green hair,”
“Looks so good on him!” You mimic the squeal.
“Yeah! And he is so protective and kind, to everyone even people who aren’t so great. He’s open and brave.” Rachel’s face softens. “He seems to make you feel comfortable.”
The corner of your mouth twitches into a soft smile. “Yeah, he smells like strawberries.” You laugh softly. “He does make me feel really comfortable, and safe. I feel like I don’t have to worry about anything. Um…one of my first nights, I had a nightmare and I thought Jerry was in the tower. He held my hand and searched the tower with me, knowing Jerry wasn’t around but he never made it weird or made me feel bad about it. He just…did it.”
There’s a warm smile that comes to Rachel’s face. “Hey, Y/n.”
“I think you have an answer.” Rachel laughs softly. “If you really wanna go for Jason, that’s fine. I will never get it but if it makes you happy, I get it. But, you didn’t have that kind of thing to say about Jason and you got all soft about Gar.”
You pause because you do have similar stories to say about Jason. Jason still reads to you and he still lets you take out your aggression and feelings on him without ever questioning it. He was there through you beating up Jerry in the best way he could have been but you can’t tell Rachel that. You know Jason doesn’t want to be seen as soft for anyone, not with his friends anyway, and those things feel like little secrets between you. They’re like little passwords into your friendship that only you two have. It’s your things. Just yours and you’d really like to keep it that way. So, you have to shrug and nod along. You do really like Gar, you aren’t arguing that anyway. But, you do wish Rachel could see the Jason Todd you are so fond of. It’s not fair that Jason doesn’t even have a fair shot in a conversation like this. He deserves some type of fairness.
“I don’t know if I should do anything about it anyway.” You let out a sigh of defeat.
“What? Why though? You like them and it’s pretty obvious they like you, too.”
You shake your head. “I like how it is. If I decide to tell either of them I like them and something comes of that, it might ruin stuff with the other one and I don’t wanna ruin anything. I think the both of them have had too much ruined in their lives.”
Rachel shakes her head. “If you want to go for Gar, you should talk to Jason first. All jokes aside, I see how he looks at you and I see how he treats you when you guys think no one is looking. I don’t actually think you liking Gar will ruin it.”
Your brows furrow with Rachel's comment. The way Jason looks at you? You didn't think Jason really looked at you any kind of way. But, it's interesting because Jason is still relatively guarded. Easy to figure out when it comes to the trauma and figuring out why he is the way he is but everything else, he has this ten-story wall up. He'd probably combust if he knew Rachel saw him looking at you in any kind of way. But, it's something that warms your heart and makes you smile.
“You think so?” You ask, your face soft.
“Completely unbiased and actually thinking decently of Jason, yes.” Rachel gives you a reassuring nod. “Do you like Gar more though?”
Your cheeks start to burn. “I don’t know. I think so because it’s just…different with him. It doesn’t feel like a game with him.” You scoff. “I am endlessly afraid I’ll ruin him though.”
“What do you mean?” Rachel’s voice goes sad.
“He’s been through so much and so have I but he finds it in himself to be there for everyone, all the time. He seems to be accepting of everything that’s happened to him and I’m so afraid that I’ll never be that and I’ll just….ruin him with my pessimism and bitterness.” Your eyes go sad with the last statement.
Rachel wheels her chair over to you. “You can’t ruin him. He’s Gar.” Rachel gives you a soft smile. “He’s a lot stronger than you think. I think he’d do anything for you.” Rachel puts her hand over yours. “I saw the way he stepped between you and Jason today. He knows you can handle yourself but he did it anyway, I don’t even think he noticed that he did. You won’t ruin him.”
“Thanks, Rachel.”
“You guys would also just be super cute.” Rachel gosh.
“Oh my gosh.” You hang your head with a laugh.
You feel a little better getting to talk about it with Rachel. You would never bring it up on your own. Talking about your romantic feelings is not something you like to drown people with. And you feel bad for liking both boys. It’s not your fault, but there’s a guilt that echoes in your stomach when you think too long about it. Talking to Rachel though, helped.
You adore Jason. You adore who he is when no one else is around. But, maybe that’s the thing. Jason is different people around different people. You don’t know if he’d ever be able to be the person who he is in private with you publicly. You don’t want to play a guessing game with him. It’s too much for you, right now. But, with Gar, Gar is just who he is. Sure, he censors himself sometimes but everyone knows exactly how Gar feels about everything and knows what he likes and what he doesn’t. He’s transparent. He is comfortable in the best sense of the word. He makes you so happy and he never makes you mad. He makes your stomach twist with knots and bubbles. You swear you could never stay sad as long as you’re around Gar.
But, despite what Rachel said, it scares you that maybe your trauma could be the straw that breaks him. People can only take so much and he’s been through it all. What happens if dealing with all your shit, in a romantic way, breaks him? You would never forgive yourself for it.
A knock sounds on Rachel’s door, Rachel telling them to come in. And speaking of Gar, he walks in with two plates containing a slice of pizza on each plate. He’s all smiles as he walks in.
“I thought you guys might be hungry.” Gar offers the plates out to the two of you.
“Thanks, Gar.” You take one of the plates from him and this is a perfect example of why you like him. Always so caring and attentive to other people.
Rachel takes the other plate. “Thanks.” Rachel offers him a smile.
You take a bite and wince, Rachel eyeing you and then her own slice of pizza. You chew slowly, giving Rachel a thumbs up while Gar holds back a laugh. Rachel’s eyes narrow slightly as she takes a bite. Immediately, Rachel winces, pausing her chewing and you let out a laugh as you choke down your bite.
“It’s so bad.” You laugh.
“Who made this?” Rachel asks before spitting out the piece into the trash.
“Dick did.” Gar explains, laughing with you both. “The crust is made out of cauliflower.”
“Gross.” You grimace.
“Why would somebody do that?” Gar asks, the laughing subsiding as if he’s grieving for the pizza that could have been.
“If we hate eating, then we have more time to train.” Rachel says.
“Because he’s losing his mind.” You’re still grimacing about the pizza. The pizza never did anything to Dick and yet, he did this.
“Okay, so it’s not just me. He’s totally obsessed, right?”
“Like I said, Daniel Larusso.” You state.
"He just wants to make sure we're ready." Rachel sighs.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Gar chuckles softly. “What’re you guys doing anyway?”
“Talking shit.” You wink at him, Gar’s posture stiffening and you do love making him squirm.
“Just talking.” Rachel laughs softly.
Gar nods slowly. “Right, okay.” He clears his throat. “Movie night?” Gar asks.
You look to Rachel, a cheeky smile on display. “I’m always down for a movie night. Rachel?”
“Of course, we can make some popcorn since the pizza is a bust.” She laughs softly.
The three of you head to the living room, you and Rachel tossing your pizza slices into the trash in the kitchen before joining Gar in the living room. When you get to the couch, Jason and Dick are watching the TV, eyes glued to the screen. You sit next to Gar, following his stare on the screen while Rachel sits on the ottoman.
A police chase ensues on screen, Dick almost blocking the entire TV as he stands watching with his arms crossed like a dad in his fifties.
"We're live at a downtown car chase featuring a stolen vehicle. Police now seem to have the suspect cornered." One of the news reporters says as footage from the top of a parking garage shows a black car surrounded by cop cars.
As all of you watch from the tower, a girl with grey hair gets out of the car and without hesitation, starts beating up the cops. You watch in a state of awe and shock. Whoever that person is, they are very ballsy. Jason leans his elbows on his knees, getting this cheeky half-cocked smirk as he watches.
"Who the hell is that?" Rachel asks.
"Someone who has no self-preservation." You mutter.
"A total badass." Jason gawks at the screen.
Your heart sinks a bit with the comment. Other people can be a badass, that's not it. It's the way he's looking at the screen. His eyes are wide and he's in such a state of awe, it reminds you of the look he gave you after you beat up Jerry, after the initial shock of it. He's got a thing for violence, clearly and maybe it hurts a little but you will never admit that. Instead, you keep watching as the girl continues to beat up the cops, taking down every one of them who comes at her.
"The suspect does appear to be female. She's got silver hair. She does seem to be injured. We're not sure how badly." The news reporter says as the girl looks directly at the camera from the helicopter, her eye left covered with bloody gauze.
She is very pretty.
"Wait for it. We're not sure where she thinks she's going." The news reporter says as the girl runs to the car she 'stole' and leaps off the building.
Your jaw nearly drops as you watch. On second thought, Jason might have a point. That's pretty badass. Who just jumps off a parking garage? She's either crazy or knows something no one else does. It's impressive. Gar looks worried about the girl though and Rachel just looks shocked. Jason, on the other hand, is almost matching the expression on your face but with a bit more awe and infatuation.
"I'll be back." Dick says without looking back and just walks right to the elevator.
"Okay, what the fuck did we just witness?" You ask, looking around the room.
"Someone scared for their life, probably." Rachel says softly.
"A badass kicking cops' asses! It was awesome." Jason cheers.
"I'm with Rachel." Gar adds. "She didn't look badass, she looks scared." Gar glares at Jason.
"It was still awesome." Jason defends.
"Think Dick is going to find her?" You question, ignoring the back and forth between the other three.
Without a second thought, Gar closes his eyes and nods while Rachel and Jason say yes in unison.
"He has a thing for strays." Gar says quietly.
"Noticed." You laugh softly as you look down to your lap, a somber expression coming to your face.
"You guys still down for the movie?" Jason changes subject, sitting back in his seat. Rachel is the only one who catches the look Jason gives you. It's subtle, but his eyes linger on you just a second too long and his jaw clenches just slightly while his eyes soften just a little.
You shrug. "Might as well."
Gar and Rachel agree, Rachel moving to sit on the other side of you. It's Gar's turn to pick a movie. He chooses Back To The Future, a true classic. The three of you sit back and start to enjoy the movie together. You think about if Dick finds this girl. Will it change the dynamic? You’re actually really comfortable here and you enjoy where your friends are with everyone. If Dick brings someone else in, will that change? Of course, you knew you wouldn't be the last stray Dick brought home but it's weird with the potential to not be the new person.
Just as the movie ends, the elevator brings Dick up. The four of you all rush over to see if he found the girl who leaped from a parking garage. All four of you stand and watch the doors open, Dick carrying the girl who's unconscious. Gar, Jason, and Rachel jump into action to help but you step aside. It's not that he found her and you’re worried about the situation. It's that you wonder if this is what it was like when Dick brought you back. Everyone comes to see the new person, wonders if she's okay, who she is, and where she came from. What she is. It feels too real and it brings back every bad thought you had prior to being in the tower.
It feels too exposed and you remember how terrifying it was that first day. Surrounded by new people you didn't know if you could trust but having nowhere else to go. That, in and of itself, was also traumatizing even though it worked out for the best and you love it here. It was just scary so you stand back as Dick asks to Gar to come with him since Gar has some experience with injuries from staying at Caulder House.
"Hey, you okay?" Rachel asks seeing your distant expression.
"Huh?" You shake your head, almost not catching Rachel talking. "Sorry, yeah." You nod quickly.
"What? Scared you're gonna be replaced or something?" Jason jokes. His tone is his usual sarcastic, airy tone he uses when he's just trying to mess around. Not even a flirt, just joking but it strikes a nerve a little.
"Fuck you, Jason." You bark at him.
Rachel's even taken aback by the remark. This is what the two of you do and you’re the only one that fires back. Rachel expected you to say something about Jason being replaced but that's not it. And Jason is completely shocked, almost frozen in place. He was just joking and he knows you know that.
"Okay, fuck you." Jason snips. "It was a fucking joke."
"Well, maybe I'm not in a fucking joking mood, dude." You roll your eyes before storming off towards your room.
Jason stands for a second, looking at Rachel for help. "Did you guys have a fight or something?" Rachel asks, thinking you didn't because surely you would have mentioned that when you were weighing the pros and cons of the boys.
"Not that I know off." Jason scoffs. "Did you?" Jason's voice turns accusatory.
"What? No!" Rachel defends. "She was fine when we were hanging out."
Jason sucks in a breath. "Alright then." He shrugs, trying to play it off as if it's not bothering him but Rachel can see through it. Gar is helping Dick anyway.
"Just go talk to her." Rachel rolls her eyes, her words reluctant.
She's rooting for you and Gar. You're softer and cuter. Rachel, as your friend, is worried that if you decide you like Jason more and want to see where that goes, it won't end anywhere but in shambles. It's more than just Rachel and Jason not getting along. It's that Jason is a walking fuckboy. He's the dangerous rebel parents warn their teenagers not to date because they'll get in trouble and get their hearts broken. Maybe Rachel thinks too little of Jason but with Gar, she's sure Gar wouldn't hurt you, ever. But, you’re her friend and Jason at least understands you better than anyone. She isn't going to get in the way of that.
"You're her friend." Jason holds his head up, as if trying not to let on how he's definitely going to your room when Rachel leaves.
"So are you?" Rachel narrows her eyes at him. "I'm gonna go to my room and wait for Gar to be done, you talk to Y/n." Rachel nods once at him before turning and heading towards her own room.
Jason waits until Rachel's door closes and then he goes straight to your room. He thinks he's coy but he's almost as transparent as Gar is. Jason isn't subtle even when he's trying to be. Rachel isn't blind. She sees the way he watches you. Both of the boys do. Rachel has caught Dick nearly choking and grimacing at the three of you with your flirty jokes. But, to Jason, it's like he exists in a tinted bubble where no one can see any of it.
"Come in." You call out as you’re laid on your back on your bed, staring at the ceiling.
Jason opens the door, walking in and shutting the door behind him slowly. "How did you--"
"I heard Rachel shut her door, figured you were behind her." You don't look at him, just keep your stare on the ceiling.
"Alright, well what the fuck was that out there? I was just fucking with you like always." Jason huffs, sticking his hands in his pockets.
"It was just weird." You mutter.
Jason walks to the foot of your bed before plopping beside you, laying in the same position. His arm brushes yours as he turns his head to look at you and then back at the ceiling. The ceiling is white and boring, a stark contrast to the decorating you’ve done to your room. There are sketches across the walls you did with Dick's permission. Movie posts for some of your favorite movies are hanging sporadically on the walls. Your shelves have Funko Pops from some of your favorite shows. A few snacks sit on your nightstand. The room is yours, it's a home within a home but the ceiling is a sterile white, cold compared to the rest of your room.
"Like..." You pause. "Is that what it was like when he brought me back?" You ask, looking at Jason.
Jason looks back at you, your eyes about as welcoming as a hurricane. "Yeah." He answers honestly. "It was weird. You looked dead, though." Jason looks away from you, not able to hold eye contact.
It was weird when Dick brought you back, worse than weird. Dick went out to run an errand and then when he came back, he had a burn and you who literally looked dead. You were covered in bruises and cuts. You were limp and lifeless, without even knowing you, Jason is positive it broke everyone's hearts to see you. It didn't matter if you had powers or if you could fight, you needed help. It was one of the moments since Bruce sent him to train with Dick that he really viewed Dick in a different light, kind of like a hero without the mask (not that he will ever admit that). He just helped this random girl off the streets despite the fact you burned him. It was different. It was sad and scary.
"Gee, thanks, Jay." You roll your eyes, looking back to the ceiling.
Jason sighs, sitting up and turning to lean on his elbow, looking at you. "Look, I'm saying it was fucking freaky when he brought you here because you were really hurt." Jason explains and you catch a hint of sadness in his eyes. "And fucked up." Jason adds in. "He asked for Gar's help then, too. You know the rest, I guess. Gar wouldn't tell us what was going on with you."
"Why?" You ask.
Jason wrinkles his face. "Because you were fucked up."
"Fair." You nod before you let out a sigh. "I just hope she's okay, ya know?" You say. "It's like...seeing it just felt so fucking weird but I hope whatever happened wasn't too traumatizing. It made me....mad again. I haven't been mad like that since Jerry."
Jason nods with understanding. Seeing you like that, it was worrisome. You’ve got a fire and that’s why Jason finds you fun but, it’s how it went. It doesn’t matter that Jerry deserved it and you deserved to get revenge. You didn’t feel better afterwards because it didn’t erase what happened. And Jason doesn’t want you to ever feel that way again. He was the only one that was there for it.
"Wanna work it out?" He gains a smirk.
You decide to challenge him now. He came to check on you and just that bit of talking did make you feel a little better. It's not about being replaced. You know Dick won't replace any of you. It's just a bit triggering being on the other side of it this time. But talking with Jason helps.
"Work it out how?" You match his position, making your faces closer.
Jason's voice hitches in his throat. "However you want, babe."
The term babe is something he's grown accustomed to using when he's messing with you. To you, that's all it is. He's using it to get under your skin because it works. He gains this cheeky, taunting grin of accomplishment every single time he says it because you squirm in your seat. Your heart always skips a beat with the pet name. It's always this mix of wanting him to shut the fuck up and wanting to hear it in a way that's not him just messing with you, but like he means it. And you never know what to do about it.
"Shut up." You roll your eyes, pulling away. "You know what I mean, shithead."
"I call you babe, you call me shithead, huh?" Jason chortles, tilting his head to the right.
"If the shoe fits, BaBe." You mock, leaning in again, eyes wide and you see it for the first time.
Jason squirms and suddenly, you completely understands why he calls you it. It's the way his face brightened but his eyes shot open like a deer in headlights. It's the way he jerked his head back and you could visibly see him hold his breath for a second. It's a little funny and it's really cute.
"No, you can't use my thing against me!" Jason yells, a smile tugging at his lips with burning cheeks.
"Hmm, too late." You give him a confident smile before sitting all the way up.
He's fun. He's fun to mess with but you’re not sure if there's anything more than there. You aren't sure if you like him because he's hot and because he's fun or if there's something below the surface. He is this unknown iceberg that you’re trying to navigate around in the dark. There is always more than what's on the surface but you can't see how much. You can't tell if what you do goes more than a foot under the water or if it's nearly touching the ocean floor. The only way to know is to dive in, following the rugged surface as far as you can, risk drowning. Maybe some risks aren't worth taking.
"Get changed, meet you in the training room in twenty minutes." Jason sits up and gets up off the bed, a sadness filling his heart but in a way, accepting that it'll never be him.
He sees the way you look at Gar. He sees the way you and Gar are and how it's always more than a joke and maybe if Jason cooled it down and was just real with you in a normal situation, you could have that, too. If he could just, throw the sarcasm overboard in a normal situation, he could dive in with you. But, he's never been a very good diver.
"Yes, sir." You give him a fake pout and Jason narrows his eyes, the pounding in his chest, echoing through his ears. All he can do is roll his eyes at you before heading out to his own room to change.
You and Jason get changed and you head out of your room first. When you reach the kitchen, Rachel is grabbing a snack. You ask if Jason has been by yet but apparently he hasn't so you sit down to talk with Rachel while you wait. While you wait, Gar comes walking in from the other hallway, clearly done with whatever he was doing with Dick and then Jason walks in as if everyone were on cue. The four of you decide you'll all train together since you're actually due for a training session again anyway. But, before you can get going, you hear the sound of shoes. The four of you peek around the corner of the kitchen to see the new girl trying to sneak out of the tower. All four of you follow her to the elevator, staying back while Dick comes in from the other hallway.
"Going somewhere?" Rachel asks as the elevator denies the girl access to leave.
The girl turns around as Dick steps forward. "We need to talk." Dick says, the girl glaring at him with the one eye that’s not covered.
Dick sends the four of you off to the training room while Dick talks with the new girl. The four of you spar for a little while, making little to no conversation between you. The four of you are mostly just wasting time until you can find out what Dick and the new girl talked about and what's going on. You all have mixed emotions about it but all four of you are curious and intrigued. So, you train for an hour until you and Rachel ask Gar to grab a snack and a drink from the snack counter around the corner.
You sit on the floor, your hands resting behind you while your legs are stretched out and Rachel sits on a bench. Jason continues to practice with a wooden stick, more or less haphazardly while you wait for Gar to come back. Gar is only gone a few minutes before he strolls in with a box of Cheez-Its and three Gatorades.
"So, what do you think is going on out there?" Gar asks, handing Rachel the box of Cheez-Its and you a Gatorade.
"If it's anything like when I got her, bombarding her with too many questions." You say, opening the Gatorade.
"He's probably just trying to find out who she is." Rachel states.
"So, bombarding her with too many questions." You repeat as Gar sits on a bench.
"It wasn't that bad, was it?" He asks.
"He sent you to talk to me because I refused to talk to him so kind of." You chuckle.
"He's giving her a cell job. That's what he does cause he can't resist a stray." Jason says sounding annoyed.
"As if it's a bad thing." You quip, gesturing your left hand around the room. "We were literally all strays."
"Don't take his side." Jason mutters, a whine in his voice.
"I mean I knew he'd be bringing in new people. I just didn't...I guess I just didn't think it'd be so soon." Gar explains with the shrug of his shoulders, leaning his elbows on his knees.
You tilt your head slightly to the right trying to figure out if this is what happened when Dick brought you back. They had only been together a month before you showed up so the fact Gar thinks it's still soon, hurts a little. It all worked out okay with you being here, so what's the difference between you and this new girl?
"We didn't even know if we can trust her. Hell, we don't even know what the fuck she is." Jason raises his voice, growing more dramatic.
"What she is, is a person who needs help." Rachel's voice is stern as she looks at Jason.
"Or," Gar starts, holding up his fingers, Gatorade in hand. "Is she a person?" Rachel tilts her head, giving Gar a displeased look.
"You guys sure do know how to make people feel welcomed." You roll your eyes. "Is this how you guys acted when Dick brought me here?"
Gar gives a yikes expression. "Well....yeah." He nods sheepishly. "We didn't know you."
"You burned Dick." Rachel adds.
"You also looked like shit." Jason points out, a grin on his lips.
"So? It all worked out with me. She's just a person." You defend the new girl.
"How did she survive the jump?" Gar leans in, voice raising slightly.
"So, you think she's a metahuman?" Rachel asks.
"Yeah, or, or an alien." Gar throws his arms to the side, defending his point. "Like Kory."
"I need to meet Kory, she sounds fun." You state, Gar gives you a questioning look, shaking his head before his eyes widen, as if asking you to agree with him. You let out a sigh. "That's kind of fair though."
"Really?" Rachel snaps her head in your direction.
"You said it yourself, I did burn Dick. If she's also a metahuman or....an alien..?" You give Gar a questionable look before looking back at Rachel. "We don't know."
"Well, if she was like Kory, those cops wouldn't be alive right now." Rachel argues, looking back to Gar before grabbing a few Cheez-Its and offering the box to you.
"She can fight." Jason chimes in, taking a short break from fighting the air. "Alright, I'll give her that. Whoever she is, she's had training."
"Did you guys see her eye? When Dick was changing the bandages?" Gar asks, clearly going somewhere with this.
"What about it?" Rachel asks.
"It was gone." Gar scoffs, almost amazement in his voice. "But the wound had already healed." He leans forward as if not completely believing what he'd seen.
"Well, that's pretty sick." You give an approving smile.
"You serious?" Jason asks.
"She's been here one hour and the three of you are already obsessed with her."
"You don't think it's sick as fuck that she jumped from a roof, into a building and her eye is already healed? That's awesome." You defend your stance.
"She's a freak." Jason huffs, his voice a higher pitch this time. "Look my vote is we kick her ass out." You scrunch your face at Jason just as Gar starts.
"Okay, wait, who says we even get a vote?" Gar asks.
"Who says she even wants to stay?" Rachel argues. "Look, it's hard to believe but maybe her idea of paradise isn't sharing a bathroom with you, Jason."
"Well, I think she should stay, just for the record." You state. "Assuming, she isn't going to kill us all."
"You do?" Jason scoffs.
"Uh, yeah, as the newest person Dick found on the streets, my vote is yes." You hold your head up high.
"It'd be easier if we knew who she was." Gar states.
"I know how we can find out exactly who she is." Jason gets that knowing smile on his face, the one that always says he's up to no good.
"Do I get to participate this time?" You quip knowing exactly what Jason is up to.
"I thought you said it was wrong." Gar points out.
"Well, yeah," You scoff. "But, I wanna know if she's gonna kill us, especially if Dick gives us a vote. We should know who's sleeping under the same roof as us, right?"
"See, she gets it." Jason says with pride.
You roll your eyes at Jason before looking back to Gar. "You didn't get caught the first time."
"Alright, fine." Gar agrees, still not liking the idea of going behind Dick's back again to look into someone but he's not gonna say to Jason and you.
"You knew and you're okay with it?" Rachel questions. Rachel knows she would at least be pretty mad if the boys went and looked into her instead of just talking to her. She's surprised you aren't mad.
You shrug. "I mean, it would have been nice had they just asked but let's be honest, I wasn't gonna tell them shit anyway. So, I get it. They had to make sure I wasn't a serial killer or some psycho."
"We could talk to her. Maybe she's more open than you." Rachel suggests as you hand the box of Cheez-Its back to her.
"I don't know, Rach." Gar sucks in a breath. "She didn't seem too willing to talk since she was...trying to leave."
"I'm not helping," Rachel shakes her head with disapproval.
"No asked you to." Jason chortles.
"Shut up, Jason." Rachel groans.
"Can we just get back to training?" Gar groans, growing tired of the conversation.
You get up with the suggestion. "Please."
The four of you start your training again until Dick walks in to tell you you call it a night. The four of you go your separate ways to your rooms and the bathroom for your nightly showers. All of you choose to leave the girl alone in her room. Dick said she isn't up for much talking but he's got it all handled, whatever that's supposed to mean. So, the four of you wrap up your night and head to bed.
It takes you a little while to fall asleep. Ever since beating up Jerry, you’ve slept a little better. Nightmares still rear their ugly head about once a week but it's better. It went from every night to once a week, which is an improvement. Beating up Jerry didn't help you feel better about what you went through but knowing that he got to suffer, knowing that Dick turned him in and you saved a little boy from the same treatment, it did ease some of the weight from your bones. It's just a matter of dealing with and working through the trauma he left you with and actually being at the tower surrounded by these four strangers, which helps because to some extent, they all get it.
No one wakes up one day and decides to be a hero. There's something deeper about it and for the five of you, it's trauma. The want and need to not let another innocent person live with what you went through and there's something remarkable in that. But, that doesn't erase any of the trauma you've all gone through. And for you, seeing the new girl brought in in the same way you were, it brings everything you tied down back up to the surface. Another nightmare scares you awake.
You sit up straight in bed, eyes wide but weighed down with sleep. Your heart is thundering in your chest, the room dark beside the city light illuminating your room through the window. Your hands are shaking in your lap, glowing green, something you’ve never even told Gar about.
When the nightmares are really bad, it's as if it triggers the acid and your hands start glowing. Luckily, it's never been bad enough that you actually produce the acid and burn through the bed. But, it is something that scares you even more. If nightmares can trigger the glow, what else can? And does that mean you’re losing control of it? If you don't have control, then what? You don't actually want to hurt someone, especially by accident. But, you choose not to wallow in it because it's not going to do you any good and it's only going to make you feel worse. So, you snatch your phone from the charger and head to your door.
You tip-toe through your door, closing it behind you and make the short walk to Gar's room. The door is unlocked just like it always is and the pinball machines give a blue glow to his room with the city lights shining through his windows. A comforting smile tugs at your lips as you shut the door. The green-haired boy is curled up on the left side of his bed, facing the door and Gar always look so comfortable sleeping, lips parted lightly. He's a lazy sleeper and you think it's the cutest thing you’ve ever seen.
"Gar?" You whisper softly, sitting on the edge of his bed. Gar doesn't even budge. "Gar?" You call, shaking him slightly, stirring him awake.
He peeks an eye at you, his hair a complete mess. He gets this lazy-tired smile on his face as he sees you. "Nightmare?" His voice is rough and drenched in sleep, something you swear you could play on repeat for hours on end and never get bored. You nod softly, the smile falling slightly. Gar lifts the blanket for you. "C'mon." He mumbles, inviting you in.
"Thank you." You whisper to him, getting up and sliding under the blankets with him.
Gar turns over on his back, stretching his arm behind your head so you can lay on his chest. "Anytime." Gar looks down at you, this cute smile on his face that has the power just to make the world seem like a better place. Gar smiles at you and everything seems like it's gonna be okay, like nothing in the entire world will ever be scary again. There's a kind of magic about him and you adore every aspect of the boy with soft eyes and green hair.
You cuddle up against his chest, resting your arm over his torso and lightly gripping his t-shirt. You can hear Gar's heart and it's the most comforting sound you’ve ever heard. It's slow and steady. You remember the first night you went to him after a nightmare and it was awkward.
You didn't know what to do or say. All you knew was that he'd make you feel better and you didn't want to be alone. He did make you feel better but you were both...tripping over your own feet trying to figure out how to sleep or how not to. Gar didn't want to make it weird or be too in your face about it and you weren’t sure if you wanted to be too close him. It was a mess, actually but you settled on his chest anyway because that's what felt comfortable. That poor boy's heart nearly beat out of his chest for almost half an hour. He was so nervous.
He'd never slept with anyone like that before and he just adores you with everything in him. He never wants to mess anything up and he didn't know what to do. Gar followed your lead and it made him more nervous than he's ever been. But, there was a sense of comfort in it because you chose him to be with when you’re scared. Something about him, made you comfortable enough to fall asleep and sleep soundly. Something about him, felt right to you. And that makes Gar's chest swell every time you come to him for this. He wishes you'd do it more than just when you have nightmares but he never has the guts to ask. So, he wraps his arm around you while the steady pace of his heart lulls you to sleep.
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You wake up first, before either of your alarms. You've moved throughout the night, you’ve rolled over, facing the door while Gar's arm is lazily draped over your waist. You can hear him softly snoring behind you and you carefully roll over as to not disturb him. The peacefulness of his face makes you smile as you watch him. And for a second, you almost forget there are other people in the tower. You forget about your nightmare just a few hours before and everything, right now, feels so right.
You feel safe and happy and comfortable. And calm. Your brain is quiet with him. It's not bitter or cold or full of range. It is at peace with every horrible thing you’ve seen and been through. Just...peace. And maybe that's what it's all about.
Maybe, it's not about flirting all the time or who makes you question the intentions of everything for fun. Maybe it's not about shared trauma or experiences. Maybe, it's just about who's there for you when everything feels like it's caving in. Maybe it's about who sticks around when the darkness closes the blinds. Maybe it's just about the person who lifts some of the weight from your shoulders when everything gets a little too heavy and maybe it's about the person that makes you comfortable and finally lets you feel peace. Maybe that's what it's all about.
But, that’s all just maybes.
"Do you always stare at me when I sleep?" Gar mumbles, voice drenched in sleep as he opens his eyes, blinking slowly at you.
"No." You scoff, feeling your cheeks start to burn. "You were snoring." You brush it off.
"Sorry." Gar chuckles softly.
"It's okay, I don't mind." You give him a smile. "You're cute when you're sleeping through, you look peaceful."
Gar's eyes widen and you called him cute. What does he do? "Oh...yeah?" Gar asks, feeling his breath hitch in his throat. "Thank you. Uh, so do you." Gar offers, as if waiting for you to laugh or make a sarcastic comment but you don't. Your smile is sweet like honey.
"Thanks." You look away just as yours and Gar's alarms start blaring at full volume. "Ew." You grimace, rolling over and grabbing your phone from his nightstand, Gar doing the same. "Want pancakes?" You ask, looking back at him.
Gar raises a brow, you’ve never offered him food that wasn't a snack before. "Sure? You can make them?"
"Wow, rude." You let out a laugh, your voice still filled of sleep. "Yes, the fuck I can, Garfield."
Gar laughs, the use of his full name makes flowers bloom his chest. He doesn't normally like when people call him it but you? You call can him Garfield when it’s like that. "I was just checking! Vegan pancakes?" Gar raises a brow.
"Hey, there, what kind of monster do you take me for to offer you pancakes and not offer a vegan option?" You quip. "Of course."
"Sweet." Gar beams at you and you offering to make him pancakes makes him feel really important. "Do you need help?"
You shake your head. "Nah, consider it a long overdue thank you for letting me sleep in here and for dealing with my bullshit."
"I don't mind." Gar says with ease as a gentle laugh leaves his lips. He never minds being there for anyone, but especially you.
"I know but I'm gonna thank you anyway and make you pancakes because you deserve it." You give him a cheeky smile before tossing the blanket off of you and getting up from the bed. "You can watch though." You give him a wink, the heat rushing to Gar's cheeks and you watch his eyes go wide, mouth moving not knowing to say. You scrunch your nose as you laugh. "You're also cute when you get flustered."
Gar lets out a sigh and he thinks you might be the death of him one day. "I'm not flustered." Gar defends, sitting up before rubbing his hands over his face.
"Mhm, sure, you're not." You nod, words leaking of sarcasm.
"I'm not!" Gar defends further with a tired laugh.
"Okay." You shrug, turning on your heels. "Sure." You snicker. "I'll meet you out there."
"Yeah, okay." Gar nods, falling back onto his pillows as you leave, leaving his door slightly ajar.
You make your way to the kitchen, Dick is, of course, already in there with his coffee. It's been a month and somehow you still almost always catches him while he's in here. Surely, this man has other things to do in the morning but no, he is always here. But, you just 'morning' him and walk over to the drawer with the pans, pulling out a griddle. Dick watches you with a raised brow, casually sipping his coffee. You grab the ingredients including regular milk and soy milk for Gar, one of the non-dairy options Dick keeps stocked for him. You continue to rummage through the kitchen, casually glancing at your phone for all of the ingredients.
"What are you doing?" Dick finally asks.
"Making pancakes." You say with confidence, measuring the flour into a large mixing bowl.
"Right." Dick clicks his tongue. "Since when do you cook?"
"Why is everyone so shocked?" You scoff, measuring the milk for Gar's before grabbing a sticky note and a pen from the counter, marking the batter with ‘Gar’.
"You haven't cooked anything that doesn't go in the microwave or isn't frozen since you've been here."
"Well, that's because it's convenient." You quip as Rachel strolls in, sleep still in her eyes. "I like convenience."
"Is she cooking?" Rachel asks through a yawn.
You look at her with wide eyes, pausing what you’re doing. "Okay, seriously?"
"What the fuck is going on?" Jason chortles as he walks in. "Since when do you know how to cook?"
"That's what I said." Dick raises his mug at Jason.
"You know what, none for any of you!" You glare at them, pointing at them with a whisk, some bits of batter dripping off the end. "I'll clean that."
Rachel gains this knowing smile as she sits next to Dick. "Wait, are you making Gar breakfast?" She asks and your cheeks burn. Jason's heart plummets into his stomach. He always knew but it stings.
"What makes you say that?" You ask, trying your best to not be obvious.
"You have the soy and dairy milk out?" Rachel points at the different kinds of milk. "I also heard you leave his room."
"Okay." Dick says loudly, getting up from his seat. "I don't need to hear more of that. Good luck making breakfast. It's very nice of you, Y/n."
"Thank you, Dickolas." You give him a thankful nod.
"Left Gar's room, huh?" Jason asks and Rachel regrets saying anything.
"Yeah...." You say quietly, going back to your batter.
Jason knew, of course he did. You mentioned it to him in passing. You sleep in there when you have a nightmare. And neither of you hides it. It's not some big secret or anything but with Rachel actually mentioning it, someone else mentioning it, it's like Jason is suddenly much more aware of it and it hurts a little. But, he reminds himself that he never had a shot anyway.
He plays this fuckboy thing up so much but he's never been much good to anyone anyway. And he knew it wasn't him because of the movies and the way you talk to him. Jason hoped it'd be him, but the pit in his stomach told him it wasn't so the only thing he can do is brush it off because that's what he does. And you see it across his face, guilt flooding your stomach, almost making you nauseous but you ignore it and continue making breakfast because you like Jason and you like Gar. But dealing with that early in the morning doesn’t sound pleasant, so dodges your sinking heart.
"Want any?" You ask the two of them.
"Please." Rachel gives you a soft smile.
"Yeah." Jason nods, pulling out his phone and scrolling away.
You continue making breakfast as Gar strolls in, a bit surprised to actually see you at the stove. You really don't cook and it makes Gar chuckle to himself. Dick actually does a lot of the cooking but it really is rarely ever good so you normally end up with a frozen pizza or takeout. So, this is nice and something that Gar never really expected from you. You’re so snippy and sarcastic that whenever you decide to be soft, it throws him a bit but in the best way. You’re full of surprises and Gar wants to know all of them.
As the four of you sit down with your breakfast, Dick walks out with the new girl, explaining they were leaving for a bit. The girl made a comment about not wanting to stay which prompted Rachel to ask why. The girl didn't have much of an explanation, looking more like she just wanted to leave and not turn back. Dick didn't really say much else though and just like that, they were gone.
"You still wanna know who she is?" Jason asks, stuffing pancakes into his mouth.
"Obviously." You nod.
"Yeah." Gar sighs, eating his own pancakes. "Hey, these are really good." Gar compliments you.
"Everyone is so shocked." You laugh.
"How'd you learn to make them?" He asks.
"Oh, I can follow a recipe." You chortle. "I can make a sandwich from scratch, everything else I just Google."
"That makes sense." Rachel nods.
"Nothing?" You look to Jason, waiting for a quip. You fully expect him to boast about how he could do this in his sleep if he tried. Or how he’s had better pancakes from Denny’s or IHOP, something sarcastic at least.
"Eh," Jason shrugs. "I can do better." Jason gives you a smirk, choosing to shrug it off. 
"Mhm. Sure ya can." You nod.
The four of you finish up your breakfast and make your way to the new girl's room where Dick changed her bandage. Gar saw Dick toss her bandage in the trash and just like they did with you, Gar snatched it and brought it to the comms lab. Jason takes it from Gar and uses some of the technology to grab a blood sample to run through the computer. Gar takes a seat in the chair, you standing behind him and resting your arms on the back of the chair. Jason stands off to the side, eyes glued to the screen as Gar types away. Jason starts pacing a bit behind you as the screen starts loading, trying to find information on the girl.
"You're gonna burn a hole into the floor, Jay." You state, glancing back at him.
"Yeah? What if this is her plan, get Dick alone and attack him or some shit."
Gar and you both look over your shoulders at him. "I don't think she's gonna attack him, man." Gar lets out a sigh.
"Yeah, I think we're safe there." You nods your head while the two of you look back at the screen, the computer making a noise as it loads.
"Come on." Jason paces twice more before standing next to Gar. "Come on."
"Match identified." The computer says once everything has loaded.
"Rose Wilson." Gar says, leaning forward and clicking a button. "And that's her dad, Slade Wilson."
"Well, fuck." You let out a scoff.
"No...fucking...way." Jason says, eyes wide as he puts his hands on the computer panel, leaning forward as if not believing what he's seeing.
Gar looks between the two of you, confused. "What?"
"Deathstroke." Jason says, something cross between amazement and shock coming over his voice.
"Bad dude from, what? Five years ago?" You look to Jason.
"Think so, yeah. He killed one of the Titans." Jason explains, keeping his eyes on the screen.
"Wait, how do you know that?" Gar looks behind him at you.
"I had a lot of free time, Titans, Justice League, Robin, ya know? Found it all interesting. Deathstroke killing one of the Titans was pretty public. Aqualad, right?" You glance at Jason again for confirmation.
"Yeah." Jason nods.
"So, this girl, Rose is Deathstroke's daughter?" Gar asks, turning back to the screen.
"Seems that way." You let out a sigh.
"Think he did that to her?" Gar's voice is pained with the question.
"Wouldn't put it past him." Jason adds. "Dude is fucked up."
"We have to tell Dick, then. He has to know." Gar urges. "Maybe we could look further into him.
"Yeah, do that." You agree with him and the three of you watch, reading what shows up on the screen while you wait to inform Dick.
If Deathstroke is involved, surely that's something Dick would have clued you all in on if he knew. So, now it's up to the three of you to bring it to Dick's attention before Rose gets too close, just in case.
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sinn0hh · 8 months
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I haven't posted in a while, but here's my Pokemon OC Horatia. She had an old design, but after replaying Violet, I decided to redesign her
But here's a little bit more about her now and in the future:
"Horatia is a mischievous and spirited Pokémon with a fiery personality. She possesses a playful and adventurous nature, always seeking new opportunities for excitement and fun. Horatia has a quick wit and a mischievous streak, making her a natural prankster among her peers. She enjoys pulling harmless pranks on her friends and classmates, bringing laughter and lightheartedness to the academy.
Despite her mischievous tendencies, Horatia has a kind heart and cares deeply for her friends. She is known for her loyalty and willingness to lend a helping hand when needed. Horatia's playful nature also translates into her battling style, where she incorporates unexpected tactics and clever strategies to outwit her opponents.
Horatia's crush on Arven, another student at Uva Academy, adds an extra layer to her personality. When around Arven, she becomes a bit more reserved, trying to impress him with her pranks or witty comebacks. Horatia may feel a bit nervous and giddy in his presence, but she never lets her crush get in the way of her friendships or her mischievous nature.
Horatia has a huge crush on Arven, another student at Uva Academy, adds an extra layer to her personality. When around Arven, she may become a bit more reserved, trying to impress him with her pranks or witty comebacks (and probably failing). Horatia may feel nervous and giddy in his presence, but she never lets her crush get in the way of her friendships or her mischievous nature. But sometimes, she cares a lot about him, and she is there if he needs someone.
Years into the future, a part of Horatia wants her to study on the mysterious Pokemon Terapagos, which was found in the depths of Area Zero (beyond the Zero Lab) and whom she caught when she travelled down there with Carmine, Kieran and Briar. She wants to study how it brought a living Turo from the past and into the future.
She very much admires Briar, Heath, and Turo (before his demise). But she vows to mostly carry on with his work (minus the time machine) and spending time with her friends/family (and not living in Area Zero for a very long time).
She often reads Heath's Violet Book (sometimes the original manuscript from Briar), her cousin's (Sonia) "Galar: A History", and Briar's "The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero" most of the time. But she has many questions about the Violet Book, like:
• Who was the person Heath talked to in an unfamiliar place before writing something down that he doesn't recognise? Was it Turo nearby Terapagos? Or was it me with Terapagos? I am unsure, for certain
• Like with what Arven said, how did Heath meet the Paradox Pokemon before the invention of the Time Machine? Did Terapagos bring them to Heath's time, or did Terapagos send Heath into the future?
• What is the odd stone plate meant to be? And what does it mean?
• What are those four circles in a cave on the ground? Does it symbolize something?
• The Herba Mystica has very interesting and amazing healing properties. But what cause the Pokemon to eat them when they were planted? Were they on the brink of death or ill, like Arven's Mabosstiff? Or did they look too indulging that they turned large and strong?
• Since I got Turo's book from meeting him, did the events of the Time Machine change? Or did Turo have two copies of the same book with the same name clumsily written inside it?
• What does the future look like? And is the AI professor alright? (I'm not going to jump into the Time Machine and find out, thank you)
• Now there's a question I need answered. After finishing the Time Machine with the AI version of himself and successfully getting the Miraidon I currently have, why did Turo take it to the lab? And why couldn't he leave the AI Turo to sort things back in Area Zero? This actually confuses me
She's not going to go the same way as Turo. She just feels that there's so many questions that are left unanswered in Area Zero
Apart from all the questions, she marries Arven and has a daughter who goes by the name Melissa
She is related to Galar's Professor Sonia and Magnolia
Pokemon Team: Skeledirge, Mabosstiff☆, Ogerpon (Cornerstone), Corviknight (Fighting Tera), Terapagos, Primarina, Miraidon"
And here's her Toyhou.se if you want to look at it:
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soullessjack · 1 year
How'd it go!!!!
It was amazing!!!!!!!! Alex was so lovely and funny to meet and such a sweetheart. I was also at Mark Sheppard’s panel and he is fucking hilarious, I almost got a headache from laughing so hard. He should seriously consider standup.
I sat through Rob and DJ’s panels as well before my meet and greet with Alex, they are both just so absolutely amazing and wonderful. And the meet & greet!!!! So much fun!!!! We were all really nervous, even Alex, so the conversations kept bouncing around but it was very much enjoyable! He started it with a whole bit about being a corporate bringing us in to fire us and give us a compensatory pizza party (also a funny bonus, we got on the topic of worst jobs and one of the people seated said “corporate hell,” and Alex said “but isn’t that all corporate?” love it so much).
I ended up missing the photo ops for lunch of all things lmfaooo, but we did a group photo with the meet and greet and airdropped the photos from other phones. If I ever get the chance to meet him again at another con I’m completely committed to getting a selfie with the stupidest angle possible tho.
I wish I could relay what he thought of the gifts and the written messages note but I could only be there for the day, so it’s possible we’ll never know unless he brings it up today or at another con. But I think he seemed to like it! He seemed most interested in the books I gave him, The Westing Game and an essay collection about identity psychology called Who Am I.
I also gave him ice wine teabags because that’s one of my most favorite teas ever and it’s actually ironically a Canadian brand! And he told me that ice wine is like a Canadian dessert drink but he didn’t know about the tea. And at his panel I grew enough balls to take the mic and actually ask him something! I can’t remember the full wording just from sheer excitement and exhaustion but it was something to the effect of, “Firstly I wanna say I really appreciate how much passion you have about what you do, and it really means a lot to me as an artist that you still care, so from one artist to another thank you for caring about your work, and what are some other things that inspire you to keep caring.” Sadly I don’t remember what he’d answered, but I’m sure once the panel goes up on YT I’ll find it again and be able to absorb it in the quiet peace of my cave
(It’s honestly a little embarrassing how much of this I actually don’t fully remember, but supposedly that’s a natural experience for people going to such exciting events like concerts or cons. Too much excitement and joy it all just blots out in your brain or something).
I truly enjoyed every bit of it, but for me the absolute highlight of the day was just being given his bracelet in exchange for what I’d given him. Not even kidding, I sobbed over it in my brother’s car almost six hours later after we’d left. And towards the end of the M&G (which was sort of rushed to make time for Osric’s panel but that’s ok) I asked if I could hug him and let me tell you. Hugging is one of my favorite forms of love language ever, and I’ve been told that I give very good ones, and I’ve wanted to give him a hug (I’ve wanted everything in this day practically) for nearly six years, so it was just amazing.
I never once doubted anyone who’s said he’s a sweetheart, but really being there and seeing him and talking to him and seeing that in the flesh. . It’s something else. I also had some very lovely and interesting conversations with some stand runners, like this one guy who has a comic series about the first werewolf and we got into a convo about Superman and BTAS vs STAS and actually met the first black writer/editor/artist/everything for Superman in DC, Christopher Priest, and a wonderful old lady and her (presumably) daughter who sold exclusive-yet-expensive figurines and made their own sterling silver SPN jewelry for JIBCONs. Artists meeting artists. Loved every minute of it!!!
I also talked to this sweet attendee lady who’s been to eight conventions beforehand and got some wonderful con advice from her. And one woman in the meet and greet circle who makes kandi bracelets and gifted me one of the many SPN themed ones she’d made! Right after the M&G finished I met my brother on the balcony and he’d been talking to another attendee from Canada who told me about her meeting alex yesterday and how sweet he was with her! She hugged us both and wished us a safe travel and yeah.
Overall it was such a wonderful experience and I can really see why it’s considered its own family and such a staple of the fandom. If I could ever go to any more in my life or even have my own stand set up someday I would honestly be set for life!! I hope you and anyone else who’s never gotten to go to one before has the same chance, because it really is so life changing and amazing. I talked to maybe like, 12—20 people of the entire attending population but I still felt so…connected with everybody there.
♾️/ 10 would absolutely no hesitation impulsive decision reckless spending do it again, especially to meet Alex again!!!!!!!
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redd956 · 2 years
3 Dark Works of Worldbuilding You Should Check Out
Growing up fascinated by worldbuilding I consumed it frequently as a child. Even to this I love indulging in the hard works of others, getting lost in their creations. Here is three works of worldbuilding that did so for me.
Mystery Flesh Pit National Park
This glorious, beautiful, well thought out, and bone-chilling creation is thanks to Trevor Roberts. Warning! His works are not always for the faint of heart. Mystery Flesh Pit National Park is a horror worldbuilding project, kickstarted by Trevor from reddit and tumblr. He has made quite the rabbit hole to deep dive into, providing all sorts of intricate worldbuilding.
His collections of art, found footage, merch, faux advertisements, and more provides the dark and horrific story of Mystery Flesh Pit National Park. His creation utilizes body horror, cosmic horror, gore, and more. When you delve into his stuff you begin rapidly digging for more.
I cannot fathom how intricate, detailed, and well thought out his worldbuilding to this horror story is. You seriously have to see it for yourself, and I cannot wait for what he does next!
Watership Down
Watership Down is a novel about rabbits written in 1972 by Richard Adams. It also grew in popular from its surprisingly U-rated “children’s” movie, known for its dark themes and extreme violence. I knew instantly after seeing the original movie that I needed to find and read the book, so I did. 
Adams did a spectacular job in worldbuilding. Even though the characters the book follows is a group of rabbits they feel as human and two-dimensional as possible. Adams holds nothing back in worldbuilding what a rabbit’s culture would be like, and how that effects their journey. There is even a consistent pantheon patterned throughout the book, constantly references and used as motivation to these rabbits.
Adams makes up his own words and rules, and when the characters say them it is as if you’ve heard them millions of times before. He is a great writer at allowing the worldbuilding feel incredibly natural to the story. Also a great writer at making you root and fear for these rabbits lives. Watership Down isn’t even Adams’ only book of very dark nature, with great writing skill, I encourage you to check his works out.
Cult of the Lamb
I followed the production of Cult of the Lamb when I saw its Kickstarter trailer a few years ago. I became incredibly excited due to its dark concept, and bubbly adorable art style. So when the video game released I bought it quickly as to avoid spoilers. I was not disappointed.
As an Indie game developed by Massive Monster, it is an occult themed dark game consisting of cutesy anthropomorphic creatures and exquisitely well designed dark worldbuilt settings. I myself am a sucker for strong gameplay, but what I really found myself absorbed in was the art and worldbuilding around me. Each boss’s area is alive with dark fauna, intriguing enemies, and epic OST.
The spider inspired area and the Cave of Midas both gave me chills upon first entering. The bosses themselves are based off of plentiful of dark references, and I cannot help but appreciate the research that must’ve gone into designing them. I also enjoy seeing that the lamb’s cult isn’t the only one around, and you interact with many other darkly religious designed societies running with their own deeply upsetting problems.
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kookaburra1701 · 1 year
Summer WIP tag game!
I was tagged by @thana-topsy, I am so excited about what might happen with Halfway to the Sky, I am 💓vibrating💓 and also 👀 at a potential Dark Brotherhood story
I tag @ms-katonic-of-tamriel @mswhich @canonicallymoriche
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I am working on a trilogy of novel-length fics called Wives of Shor (WIP snippet here: Moth to Flame.) It's a fic that started out as a pastiche of bodice-ripper romances starring Kaidan and Lucien Flavius getting sex-pollened by Sanguine, but it has become a tale about loving someone from an entirely different background than you, having a crisis of faith, and learning how to move on and live a good life when you've done unspeakably terrible things in the past.
I'm planning on having the entire first novel written out + at least most of first drafts of the second and third before beginning to post, so it will be awhile.
OK the game says one but screw that here's some other WIPs I'd like to chip away at, even if they aren't my highest priority:
A Wives of Shor prequel that explains why Lucien only made it to Falkreath before deciding that he REALLY needed some protection on the road.
A fic that explains why there's a bandit trapped in a hay bale in Swindler's Den when a) hay bales require industrial machinery to produce and b) who the hell was baling hay inside a cave. It will also explore the character of Ennis, the goat farmer in Rorikstead, and his relationships with other characters from Rorikstead.
Because I Could Not Stop for Death a short-ish novella that explores how Thane Bryling navigates the transition of being ruled by High King Torygg to his young bride, Elisif the Fair. It was inspired after I noticed that the Holy 80s High School Movie Girl Trinity of Jock-Prep-Goth was present in Bryling, Elisif, and Sybille Stentor. (Yes, all the chapter titles are Emily Dickinson poems ha ha)
I'd really like to get the full summary/outline of a fic my friend TheInducer and I yes-anded into existence. It involves a retelling of the Odyssey by way of Mor Khazgur needing to find a new Chief after theirs went missing. TheInducer did a great write-up on the theory we came up with on r/teslore: Durak is (probably) from Mor Khazgur.
And of course, I continue to hope I will be seized once again by the fit of utter depravity that caused me to write 2K words of Sanguine/Hermaeus Mora tentacle porn a few months ago called La☆Blue Daedra so I can actually finish it and inflict it on the rest of fandom.
2) Rec a book:
The Search for Delicious by Natalie Babbitt. Her first novel is often overlooked by more celebrated/literary ones like Tuck Everlasting but to me this book is the quintessential fantasy story, and it's a very fast read without sacrificing vivid world building and descriptions. Here's my favorite, I think about it whenever I'm struggling with trying to describe something:
There was a lovely greenish glow in the forest, a glow pierced everywhere by tree trunks like fingers thrust into an aquarium full of tinted water; and Gaylen slipped between them like a small fish. With the trees all around him and the rain dancing on the leaves high over his head, he felt as if he were going deeper and deeper into a world that existed tranquil and quite separate from the one he had left behind.
3) Rec a fic:
I have an entire bookmark collection of The Elder Scrolls fic recs!
If I must pick one for this tag game, it would be Like Lightning by Jotting Prosaist. This fic single-handedly changed my opinion on 2nd person POV. It's absolutely masterful and I couldn't imagine experiencing the story it tells any other way. Mind the warnings, it goes to some very raw places.
4) Rec music:
Uh, my musical taste is...eclectic. I guess right now I've been on an early European music and metal kick, so I guess Corvus Corax fits the bill.
5) Share one piece of advice.
Floss daily, check your fire extinguishers and smoke alarms twice a year.
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