#i am snatching up that idea /hj
ghostr0tz · 5 months
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aaaa!!! is that her skull earing turned into a hearing aid?? I love it!!!! and very clever :] !!!
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sssm1l3 · 1 year
Why does Rarl exist?
Before I start, I would like to say that I appreciate these two, and am in no way bashing the ship, I just spent 20 minutes talking about it and want to talk about it some more.
Spoilers for the walking dead ahead
As I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that Ron and Carl only have 3 positive interactions.
1: When he introduces Carl to Enid and Mikey. (Where tf did Mikey go?)
2: When Ron and Carl talk at that party, Carl snatches cards from someone's hand.
3: When Rick and Carl are teaching Ron how to shoot.
Everything other than that is just pure chaos.
I do have a few theories.
One is what I like to call The My Hero Academia Paradox: If two characters exist in the same universe, there are people who want them together.
Let's face it, even if you don't ship them, they're aesthetically pleasing on some level.
The second, Carl is queer coded. I couldn't tell you how, but he is. It may have a similar effect to how autistic people (such as I) are more likely to be LGBTQ+ because they lack an understanding of social cues and norms.
Carl was very young when the world shit itself and his social norms completely changed. After Merle kicked the bucket, I don't think anybody ever mentions anything revolving around race or sexuality after that, because they have bigger fish to fry than worrying about those things, and thus, a lot of worries about those things that most young, queer, people have I don't think Carl would go through, at least not at the level that we do.
There are dead people, nobody really cares all that much about who you kiss.
Also, let's look at the social norms difference. At that point (and I'm only mentioning these two because if I didn't this post would be as long as War and Peace), but at that point, Carl had killed his mom and was almost barbecued a few episodes prior to meeting Ron.
And even before that, social norms are out the door, as well, so I don't know if this would be how it worked, but due to the state of the world being so fucked, I think maybe Carl would have a higher percentage chance of being queer. Hence, queercoded. (that and his use of flannels /hj)
My third theory is just projection: When people like characters, they project onto them.
In my fics, I put Carl through the 7 rings of hell, and then as soon as he crawls back up, I kick him in his head and throw him back down. I love him. He's my favorite character. I would drink his tears if I could.
And so, queer people writing or just making fan content about him, finally get another male character his age and like, fall on the ground giggling and kicking their feet, or just looked at the two of them and were like "Eh, if it fits it sits" and thus Rarl was born.
(Also an honorable mention for people just being whores for enemies to lovers)
But I seriously want to talk to the person that first decided this was a good idea. What Myspace or tumblr post started this?
I want to know.
I have no answers for why this ship exists, and I want some.
Thank you for your time
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I'm glad he's so understanding of it all, makes me feel quite better about moving him out of the spotlight for a while
Don't get me wrong, I love Dempsey, he's amazing, handsome, total hunk, love him to death, but god, Richtofen is a whole other ball field
Why I love him so much, I don't know, ever since my friend introduced me to codz, I just kinda preferred him over Primis (I bully Primis too much, I can't help it, it's fun)
I think the hat is what won me over, forget his goofy personality and quotes and design, the hat sold it for me /lhj
I like to play around with the idea of snatching his hat and hiding it, just to be playful or to get back at him for stealing stuff from you lol
- A-S-C (might reveal my identity soon hehehe you never know, unless you already know who I am-)
Dempsey is an American dreamboat and a national treasure. And you don’t have to tell him twice!
With Richtofen, I wonder if he had some kind of charm enhancement acquired when he joined the illuminati. To me, it’s the only explanation to how he garnishes all this attraction. He is proud of his pointed hat though and the shape itself is actually suiting for him. Normally he’s all “DO NOT TOUCH MY HAT” for the sake he highly prioritizes neatness and organization but for you? He’ll let it slide. I almost wonder if he would let you wear it for him as he combs his hair neatly back into place after the hordes roughed it up. I will warn you though, do not get even with this cheeky doctor. He will make sure he is always the victor
Sometimes, I worry if Tank Dempsey channels through me with how badly I poke fun at him sometimes /hj
(I do believe I may know who. But I still won’t say until you come forward👀)
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
TXT AU: 6th member
Sara x TXT
Tori cleverly orchestrates a Hyunjin and Sara date
A/N: Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“This is our stop.” Hyunjin whispered to Sara.
Sara stood from her seat, following him through the doors as the subway stopped. The crowd shoving to get on and off jostled them, so Sara had to hurry to keep up with Hyunjin,
He looked back and realized she was struggling to keep up, and reached back to grab her hand.
Sara was very thankful for her mask, as it hid her flushed cheeks as she walked next to him.
“It’s really busy.” She said.
“I know.” He nodded. “But I guess people are just getting off work. The movie theatre shouldn’t be busy though.”
“That’s good.” Sara said as they started to climb the stairs out of the station. “It sucks that Tori couldn’t come though.”
“Yeah, well....something came up.”
Sara furrowed her brow. “I thought she said she was sick.”
“Right. Like...I meant something came up like she threw up.” He winced. “But yeah, sucks.”
He didn’t seem disappointed.
To be entirely honest, Sara wasn’t too disappointed either. Sure, she’d been excited to see a movie with the two of them, but when Tori had messaged saying she was sick but she insisted that Hyunjin and Sara not miss out, she had been kind of excited. So much so that she’d worn her favourite pair of skinny jeans and a nice shirt, just to look a little bit nicer than normal.
The movie theatre was right across the street from the exit of the subway, so they crossed quickly and made their way in. It didn’t escape Sara’s notice that Hyunjin never let go of her hand.
As he’d suspected, the movie theatre wasn’t busy.
“Should we get food?” Sara asked. “Or do we want to go somewhere after?”
She instantly wanted to hit herself in the face. Dinner and a movie? It sounded like she thought they were on a date.
“Let’s get food now.” Hyunjin suggested.
Sara sighed and nodded. Good, it wasn’t a date and they-
“I know a really good frozen yogurt place we should go to after.” He added. “If you want to.”
“I...yeah.” Sara nodded quickly. “I love frozen yogurt.”
“Good.” She could tell from the way his eyes crinkled that he was smiling. “Do you want to go get us seats? I’m going to run to the bathroom.”
“Sure.” Sara opened up her ticket on her phone. “See you in there.”
They split up, and Sara tried not to miss the feeling of his hand in hers as she gave the attendant her phone and walked into the theatre. She picked a seat right in the center of the back row, pulling her mask down under her chin. The previews had just started, and there were a few people in the rows in front of her, but otherwise, the theatre was largely empty.
Her phone buzzed.
Tori: How’s it going?
Sara: Good? Are you feeling better?
Tori: .....
Tori: Nope still super sick. You with HJ?
Sara: I think he’s getting food. Why?
Tori: No reason. Enjoy the movie!
Sara shrugged and put her phone on silent, shoving it into her jacket pocket before she took off the jacket and hung it on the back of the chair. She never really understood what Tori was talking about, but she could always tell when she was hiding something.
And for whatever reason, she’d decided to pretend to be sick today.
She saw Hyunjin enter the theatre, and held up a hand. He nodded and started up the stairs towards her. Only then did she realize he was carrying a tray of food in his hands.
“You should have told me you were getting food.” She whispered as he reached her, taking the tray so he could sit down. “How much do I owe you?”
“You don’t owe me anything.” Hyunjin pulled his mask down, taking the tray back. He set one drink in each of their cup holders, and then passed her a container of nachos.
“I hope you like nachos.” He said. “I got pizza so we can swap if-”
“I love nachos.” Sara promised. “But seriously, I should pay you back.”
“No, don’t worry about it. Since it’s a-” Hyunjin cleared his throat. “I should pay.”
Sara chose not to argue, firstly because she was pretty sure he’d been about to say that they were on a date, and secondly because she really did want to eat the nachos.
“So....” Sara began. “Were you aware that Tori is pretending to be sick?”
“What...I...” He sputtered. “How did you....oh she’s going to kill me.”
“Don’t worry, you didn’t give her away.” Sara laughed. “I just had a feeling. But for the record, both of you are horrible liars.”
“I told her it was a bad idea.” He apologized. “Sorry, she gets kind of....determined when she has an idea in her head.”
“And what exactly was the idea behind making the two of us go to a movie together?”
“I think she wanted it to be a date.” His eyes widened quickly. “Not that it is! Unless you want it to be...I mean I personally wouldn’t mind...but it’s really weird so...Yeah, whatever you want.”
Sara shrugged and popped a nacho chip into her mouth. “I wouldn’t be mad if it was a date.”
“Really?” He smiled slightly. “Even though I never actually asked you out and you were basically tricked into it?”
“I had a feeling this was Tori’s endgame.” She swallowed and turned to look him in the eye. “But I would really like it if this was a date.”
Hyunjin grinned. “Me too.”
“Cool.” Sara smiled at him.
They both sat back in their seats, grinning to themselves and eating their food in silence. The opening shot of the movie started, and the lights dimmed.
It took Sara all of two minutes to be completely lost in the film, to the point where she didn’t realize what was happening until Hyunjin’s arm was resting around her shoulders. 
“Is this okay?” He whispered.
“Yeah, it’s okay.” She blushed, thankful he couldn’t see it with the dark lighting. She relaxed back into his arm.
At the new angle, she realized he was on his phone. The dull light was shining through his hoodie pocket.
She caught a glance of what was on the screen, and quickly reached forward and snatched it.
“Hey!” He said, a little too loudly. He dropped his voice back down. “What are you....you’re supposed to watch the movie.
Sara just held up the screen, displaying his messages.
Tori: Just put your arm around her.
Tori: Be smooth.
Tori: Did you do it????
Tori: Did you put your arm around her? 
Tori: I am trying to get you a girlfriend here, at least answer my messages.
Hyunjin flushed, taking his phone back. “I...uhhh....”
Sara just shook her head with a laugh. “I should’ve known.”
She gently rested her head on his shoulder, and she thought she heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
“If it makes it better,” He whispered. “The frozen yogurt is all my idea.”
“Good. Let’s just leave her out of the loop on that one.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
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peachyunjinnie · 4 years
❝there’s always a first time❞ hjs ― m.
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― summary:
your brother seungmin is very protective over you, but one day your best friend gave you a stick and poke tattoo and you get an infection. fortunately seungmin’s friend jisung as a hobby tattoo fanatic helps you take care of it and when seungmin wasn’t there you two decide to run away.
badboy!jisung/goodgirl!reader | fluff, smut | 5.3k ↬ content warnings: swear words, the mention of alcohol and drugs. drunk/high sex, with a little size and corruption kink.
a/n: i had this idea a couple of days ago and i tried my best to get this idea into a fic, i hope you enjoy it !!
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The relationship between me and my cousin Seungmin is better than with anyone else, you could say that we could consider ourselves as siblings and even best friends. We had the same taste in humor and even better lived in the same house after my mother died right after she gave birth to me. My father ended up bringing me to my aunt and uncle at the age of 2. 
Seungmin is 1 year older and has ‘BBPI’ as he calls it which means Big Brother Protection Instinct. I know, complete nonsense and as a 16-year old I don’t get why I have to be protected. Well, as Seungmin said I am still ‘his small sister’. Pathetic. As said before Seungmin is 1 year older to be exact 11 months and 28 days and has friends, for whatever reason, he has a whole group. Well, he warned me about one of them, the walking trouble: Han Jisung. He basically is the opposite of me, a 180 if you want to say it.
He stole the car of his stepfather numerous of times and I remember seeing him drunk and completely stoned in school, that I will never forget. Last year he was stumbling through the hallways of our school. His hair messy and his smile never leaving his lips. He had the hardest time trying to keep his eyes open, or even just keeping his legs moving. And the best part, he puked on his teacher's chest. It was the highlight of the whole day, no the whole semester. His stepfather thank god is very wealthy and managed to keep him in school, somehow.
I heard a lot of rumors about this Jisung and I really do not want to believe that he was in the Russian mafia boss nor do I want to believe that he killed his father and is living with his mother who helped him. It was really funny though to hear how unique and ridiculous the fantasies and the gossip was at our school, I mean a Russian mafia boss, seriously?
I hung out with my own friends, but sometimes I would get to talk and just meet my brother’s friends. In conclusion, we even had the same taste in friends. They were really nice. I really have the best friendship with Felix and Changbin. Felix firstly has an excellent taste in music and humor, secondly, he is by far one of the most concentrated gamer I’ve ever met. Changbin is just Changbin. He is kind of annoying and clingy with his friends. Which you would’ve never expected from this buff hulk. And to be completely honest with you, Changbin and Lix...are kind of cute together.
Well, with Seungmin being as protective as he is, he has told me clearly that dating is already a picky topic but dating one of his group members. I think he would be as angry as he was when I asked him what a ‘Day6′ was. He really ignored me for 3 weeks straight, with a text message saying ‘if you know who wonpil is then you are allowed to talk to me’. (stan day6, cowards.)
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“Stop moving so much, I’ve done it before and you’re overreacting.” She whisper-screamed. She was nearly done with her K on my thigh, It was way bigger than I thought it would be, but it looked good.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m just getting poked by a hot needle on my thigh over and over again.” My sarcasm was louder than the thoughts in my head that were shouting lines of ‘you’re so in trouble’ or ‘you will never be able to get this off your skin’. 
“So.. Here we go. Done.” She said as she was looking at her masterpiece of a K on my thigh of the size of a thumb. But it looked even and nice. She has done a (The first letter of y/n) on her thigh. I cannot believe how red it was though, and swollen. Extremely swollen
“Kim, when will it be ‘okay’?” I asked her with a slight nervous undertone. I really am the biggest chicken on earth. She opened her bag and got saran wrap. She took some out and wrapped it over her creation with such a soft touch. I still cringed and squinched.
“Maybe a week or two. It doesn’t take too long.” She smiled at our bond. I smiled with her. We ended up in a big hug and stayed like this for some time before she packed her stuff and headed out.
I admired her work on my thigh and stood up, with an overwhelming pain spreading across my thigh. I couldn’t stand up on my own feet, my thigh stung extremely and harshly. 
Panic rising through me, what the heck should I do now? Should I call my mom and tell her about it? Should I tell Seungmin and ask him for help? Should I just emigrate to Brazil and start my new life as a Silvia Theresa Rodriguez? 
I crawled to my bed and tried my best to let the 2 years drama club pay off. I called my mom and asked for a painkiller. She came up to my room and sat on the edge of my bed.
“Honey, is everything okay?” Her concerned eyes scanned my body and noticed my messy hair and my pale face. I coughed.
“Mom, I-I’m sick.” She sat there and looked at me and gave me the painkiller with a glass of water. 
I snatched it out of her hand and gulped the pill down as if it were the only banana in the jungle. Her concern grew faster and she shook her head.
“I’m going to call your teacher. You’re not going to school.” She said as she got off my bed and walked off with her phone in her hand, dialing the number.
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After the longest 8 hours, Seungmin came home, and thank god came into my room. With a bag of McDonald's and a big smile, he went to my bed and sat down. 
“Why didn’t you come to school?” He gave me the bag and with a breathtaking smell of fat and fast food filling my nose and getting the best of me. 
“Oh, I am sick my head hurt a little, and mom overreacted.” I said with a huge load of fries in my mouth.
With a small pat on my thigh, he hit the right spot of the K and a shriek came out, my whole body tensing up and Seungmin looking at my covered thigh. He took the blanket off. My shorts relieving the now swollen and slightly scabbing spot. 
A moment of silence filled the room and Seungmins face has gotten from a healthy color to a concerning red and then to a frightening purple.
“Surprise...” I smiled awkwardly.
“Y/N, you got a fucking tattoo...” His voice was a low growl, but still, you could clearly hear the pure panic in his voice.
“Uhm, haha yea. So I made it myself, you like it?” My shaking voice showing the state of mine. My thigh looked pretty bad and as painful as it would’ve been, without the painkillers.
“Did you disinfect it?” My whole head went blank. Of course, it was so swollen and scabbing, Kim didn’t disinfect it. My face went paler than pale and I rethought the consequences of an infection.
“Okay, I’ll take that as a no. Get your shoes and we will get to my friend he will help you.” He really was very serious about the infection so I stood up with a numb pain, but not as overwhelming as it was yesterday. I searched for my shoes and directly followed him.
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A quick bus ride and a small foot-march later there was a big but still small and cozy house. Red and white, reminding me of a red velvet cupcake. Looks fancy but is cute at the same time. The grass and the dwarfs decorating the beautiful view. A middle-aged lady working in the garden, planting in seeds and watering the red tulips. 
“Hello, Mrs. Han is Jisung home?” He grinned at her.
“Oh hello, Seungmin. Nice to see you again!” She smiled at him with a motherly aura surrounding her. She hugged him and I could see that she liked Seungmin a lot. He didn’t really know what to do awkwardly stood there and let her do. She noticed me standing there and hiding behind Seungmin's tall figure and met with her warm brown eyes.
“Hello, and who are you?” she asked with a bigger smile.
“Uh, I am Seungmins sister.” I immediately trusted her and her warm embrace.
“Ah yes, I can see the model genes going in the family. You seem like you’re in a big rush to see Jisung, he’s in his room.” She told us and saw my embarrassed blush across my face as Seungmin took my hand and yanked me downstairs to where Jisung was.
The basement as a room, interesting. It was colored black and had a lot of posters of some bands that I have never heard of. There he was on his bed smoking a cigarette and admiring his newest addition to his arm, a slightly red and in saran wrapped tattoo. A small skull drinking from a glass bottle, very precise and well made. He sat there and continued to smoke.
“Seungmin, what’s up.” he took a puff. Not giving anyone a single look. His hand tapping over his forearm and keep admiring his skull. 
“I need your help. My sister made a tattoo and now it’s infected. Do you know what to do?” Seungmin seemed very concerned and worried. Jisung stood up and chuckled a little.
“The little Y/N, has a tattoo?” He asked me and looked down at me. 
His eyes have the same warm brown as his mothers and I weirdly trusted him regardless of his reputation. His hair was dyed a very light blonde and his face was very chubby, unlike his body which was athletic: muscular but slim. He had two tears on his face and my thoughts went crazy. Who in the actual hell did he kill and the rumors of Jisung being a Russian mafia boss came into my mind and I reconsidered if I should be worried to be in a room with him?
“Seungmin, I have some lemonade for you.” Mrs. Han's voice echoed through the basement and he looked at Jisung.
“Go for it, I will take care of her.” He gave him green light and Seungmin looked at him with a look in his eyes. Which could be translated into ‘If you hit on my sister, I will drag your corpse to the nearest forest and let you get eaten by the birds’. Jisung nodded and Seungmin went upstairs.
“So tell me, how did you do that?” He said with a smile as he pointed to my infected K. His hair falling on his face, a little messy but still perfectly proportional.
“Uhm, a long story...” He went to his desk and took out a liquid and a cotton pad. He pushed the chair next to the bed and patted the bed. I quickly sat down. Him in front of me.
“I have time, come on.” He looked up and gave me a simper. I felt a small tickle again and wanted to trust him with it.
“Well uh, my friend Kim wanted to get us bonded. She took a needle and poked my skin for some time until it was done.” He laughed a little, letting me see his whites. 
“You stick and poked and didn’t disinfect it?” His eyes still on mine and not leaving the look they had, of the warm and soft chocolate brown.
“No, we didn’t and stop making fun of me- Ah-” His cold hand touching my thigh. My body stiffened and it was hard to relax.
“Calm down, relax. You wanna listen to music? disinfecting this will be a little uncomfortable.” He stood up and walked to his stereo. He took out a cassette and stuck one in. A prehistoric cassette, I haven’t seen this since I listened to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban one years ago. After some seconds of silence, ‘All The Small Things’ by blink-182 boosted through the speakers.
He turned around and sat down again and wet the pad with this liquid. He took off the wrap and the air hit the wound. It was a stinging soreness, that leads me to look away and bite my lower lip, hard.
He took the wet pad and started to clean up the wound as careful and gentle as possible, the stinging and burning pain was a very harsh rush of pain. I whined and groaned loudly.
“Does it hurt?” He asked as he was still cleaning up.
“Well, yes,” I said with a small whine.
“Good. If I see you with a new tattoo I will get you punished.” his voice getting raspier and raspier. But he still cleaned the wound up and was done with the disinfecting. He stood up again and got some of the saran wraps and pointed his finger, signaling me to stand up.
I stood up from his bed and he kneeled down to wrap it up. His hands still very cold and tickling my thigh. 
“So Kim, is your friend?” His voice a little absent.
“Yes, my best.” I had to automatically smile.
“Tell me about her, how is she like?” I was surprised at his interest in my personal life but answered him.
“Oh, um she is reckless and she never thinks about her actions. She makes out stupid things that I have to box her out of. But she also has a nice and gentle side that not many know. I love her a lot.” I smiled at our memories and how easy it was to be myself around her.
As I was in my thoughts, Jisung took out a bottle of Jack Daniels and takes a glass. He gets him a good amount and gets another glass after seeing my big eyes. After a long friendship with Kim who was known for drinking, I have never drunk any alcohol, well until today. He gave me a glass full of brown fluid.
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“I- I can’t believe we did that.” I laughed as Jisung was holding my hand walking on an abandoned street in the middle of nowhere. He had given me a big sip of the whiskey, it was a burning sensation of my taste buds being confused and curious for more. 
“It’s better, not being sober right?” He asked stumbling into the sunset.The bitter taste of the alcohol and the adrenaline of me running away with a friend of my brother without his permission. I felt every single touch of his hand tightening and holding my hand in his clutches not letting go.
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“Come on drink it, Y/N. The painkillers are not going to help you any better than Jackie will.” He smiled and waved the glass in front of my nose. I mean I never was drunk and I want to know what it’s like. My curiosity and stupidity have gotten control of me and I accepted with a shaky hand. 
I took a small sip of the whiskey and the bitter and stinging sensation was so disgusting. I couldn’t swallow it and started to look around for somewhere to spit it at. But with Jisung forcing me to look up at him with his fingers, pushing my head upwards. 
“Swallow it, now.” his eyes burning holes into mine and letting me breathless with no other choice other than swallow. I gulped the fluid down and the burn in my throat was unbelievably harsh. 
“Good girl, now. If Seungmin sees your ass drunk this will be very dangerous for both us. Do you have any other clothes or is this everything you’ve got?” He already searched in his closet and gave me a black hoodie with some jeans. 
“Here you go. Hurry up, my mom is not going to keep him for any longer.” He went upstairs and left me with there a little tipsy and with some clothes from this boy that I barely knew. 
After getting them on I noticed the size difference, Jisung has it in L. On me it was XXL. The size was really funny and the jeans that should hug his waist like they are on the ones he is wearing, are now hanging from my pelvic bone. I saw my reflection of the mirror and busted out in laughter. 
Jisung came down and looked at my new outfit, and laughed as well. He came in front of me and squished my cheeks. He played with them and ruffled my hair into a mess, I officially am looking like I just woke up with my PJ’s. 
“You look so cute, this stuff is the tightest clothing that I have and your body is just sliding through.” He smiled and looked into my eyes, his hands still cupping my cheeks. A strong smell of alcohol and cigarettes leaving him, mixing with his cologne.
He stepped back and admired this baggy look. He had a hand on his chin, thinking about what can make it look even better than it already does. With an idea in his mind he sought for.... a belt. 
He took the of course black belt and put it over my waist. I almost wanted to remind him that I am not a toddler and can put on a belt myself, but the sudden closeness of him and his firm grip on his jeans on me. My heart did a small tap dance, but he continued to put it on with no sign of hesitation.
“This looks better. Take your shoes and let’s get out of here.” Trouble, that was what I am going to get after this. Am I out of my mind going with Jisung with no other thought? Am I dumb for trusting this dude that threw up on his teacher's chest in the hallway last year?
He packed his bag with a shit ton of bottles and some other stuff that I don’t even want to know what it is, the curiosity of what is in this bag now really bugged me. What did he have in this bag? He started to notice my glare on his black backpack.
“You ever had drugs, little one?” He asked as if it was the most normal thing to ask a 16-year-old. If I ever had drugs, the small sips of this weird and burning stuff and the coffee I had in the morning.
“N-No.” My stutter surprised me and the sudden tension started to get harder and intense. My subconscious shouted in my head to get out and go home with Seungmin, but this Jisung really had something and I wanted to explore that.
“There’s always a first time and I needed to go out anyway. You wanna meet my friends?” His smirk was absolutely precious and there was no way in hell that I could say no to this face. After my agreement, he smiled even brighter than before. He took some of his rings and gave those to me and some chains. I looked so different from what I daily wear and with a hat my appearance was complete.
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“I-It’s so much better. Not having this pressure.” After another big gulp of the whiskey, he threw the bottle to the road and opened his bag. A see-through water like a bottle. He gave it to me and I opened it after some seconds of struggle. We stumbled through the sunset of the lonely and empty roads of a beautiful panorama.
“Le-Let’s sit down for a while. I am so ti-tired.” I laughed and sat down on the empty road. He joined me and took the opened vodka bottle from me and took a small sip after gasping dramatically and getting a green bag out of his pocket. It looked like leaves and after a long time of finding out what it was, I knew it when he started to build a joint.
I took the bottle and drank the alcohol. I couldn’t believe this scenario, I am drunk and I am about to get high. I will get so much damage for this one night, but it still felt like it was a Bonnie and Clyde after play. Such a euphoric moment, and a moment I would’ve never have dreamed of.
So deep in my own thoughts and my own actions and with this alcohol in my hands, I didn’t see that Jisung was already done with his work. He saw my lazy eyes and pointed out to his bag.
“Hey, listen to music on my phone the code is 0325.” I crawled over to his bag and searched for the perfect song and here it was. New Flesh by the Current Joys, a carefree and a lighthearted song. The song started playing and Jisung snickered.
“I start to really learn a new si-side of you. Little miss Y/N.” He finished his joint and licked it clean. He grabbed in his bag and pulled out speakers. This bag really is a survival kit. He connected them to his phone and the music blasted out with such an enormous volume.
He took out his lighter and the fire sneaked it’s way through the marijuana and gives out a really unique smell. He seemed relaxed and fell on his back. He now was lying on the hard and cold cement road, his little relaxing tool between his fingers.
“So you never smoked before, like ever?”He has gotten up again and let his arm over my shoulder, giving me a really focused look.
“N-Nah.” I giggled for no reason. My head felt dizzy and my vision getting blurry after breathing in second-hand smoke.
“So I’m gonna show you, ho-how to do it the right way.” He smiled and almost closing his eyes completely.
He took my face into his hand and held the joint on the other hand. He gave it to me and I held it the best way I could, trying to let it fall down. I took a big hit and coughed all of the smoke out in a matter of 3 seconds.
He laughed uncontrollably and as he was laughing my head started to turn, my stomach started to growl and my mouth was getting dry. I honestly did not expect it to work that easily but I felt the difference in my body. I took another puff of it and another.
With a little time it has gotten easier and better to not cough. Jisung after not talking for what seemed like a whole eternity, started to notice that the sky is getting darker. He saw a whole field next to the road and threw his stuff in there and threw himself as well.
“Come here! The field is soft.” He shouted from his new spot and I giggled and jumped on top of him. His laugh resounded through the emptiness surrounding us and my giggle became a little quieter when I felt his hand on my hip. As before, when he put on the belt for me, my face grew hot and my eyes stayed on him and I played with his hair. He stroked my body with his fingertips, it feeling like electric wires rushing through my hot body. 
I leaned down and then kissed his soft lips. Right at this moment I didn’t care about anyone. My brother, my parents, my friends not even my own thoughts that screamed in my head to cut it off and go home. I wanted to live and wanted to enjoy, feel this moment. Exactly live in this moment right here and there. In a field in the middle of nowhere with the music still blasting somewhere near us and the taste of alcohol still running through my mouth and most importantly, Jisung being right here and there. 
“I d-don’t want to pressure you to anything, Y/N.-” I shushed him up with another kiss and his smile making the butterflies in my tummy explode into a mess. He tucked on his hoodie and leaned into my ear.
“I am sure you look even better without my hoodie on.”
I giggled loudly, his hand getting lost on the inside of my hoodie. Grasping on my bra and massaging it softly. My world turning in circles and the music still playing on the highest volume from the speakers, somewhere in the grass.
“I want you, now.” I said, looking down to him. I took off my hoodie and threw it next to Jisung beneath me. His hands still on me, my hair falling down to the side of his face. I was needy and what could feed this hunger was him.
“If your brother could see his little girl���” he smiled at my face being some small inches in front of his. the taste of the marijuana in my mouth mixed with the strong vodka and whiskey was driving me into the dumbest things.
I kissed his soft lips, touching them a little and his tongue rolling with mine. He tasted like danger and everything forbidden for me, giving me a thrill of my life. I continued to go down his neck, sucking the best I could making it hard due to the lack of energy.
“You’re doing great, little one.” He moaned when I once reached his hard and perky abs, leaving a trail of bruises and hickeys all the way down here. He groaned once I unlocked his belt and pushed his jeans down to his boxers. The outline of his dick was hardly poking out, getting me to an idea of my first blowjob ever.
I pulled the off and there he was, poking at me. The hard and red tip, cum dripping on them slightly. I took him in my hands, carefully pumping him. His eyes following my actions his whines and stares telling me to put him in my mouth, I couldn’t get him all in, him laughing at me trying my hardest to deepthroat.
“Your little mouth is amazing.” He mumbled with his eyes closed tightly, his hands getting lost in my hair. Moans and grunts getting me wetter and wetter. I couldn’t breathe and with my mouth being filled up completely, my eyes turning to the back of my head.
I backed up and took some time to breathe, a string of saliva connecting my lips with his wet and throbbing dick. He pushed his hair back, his hand still on my head, grabbing and pulling at it hardly. I choked lightly on his pressure on my head, pushing me down and forcefully getting me down. After some seconds of complete silence he let go and a broken groan echoed through my dizzy head.
“Uh fuck, how can this small mouth get all that in?” He smiled looking down at me with his lazy eyes on the string of saliva connecting his tip to my lips. I started to laugh out, the feeling of a dick in my mouth reminding me of a Popsicle. He laughed as well, this whole scenario being unbelievable. It was deep dark outside, the only light being the lanterns of the side street and the moon, shining out heavily. The wheat among us, the music that still played beside us.
He suddenly stopped giggling immediately and closed his eyes. His head was thrown to the ground and he held my head in his hands, still thrusting into my mouth hardly.
“Wh-Where can I c-cum?” He stuttered and I just continued to bop my head down his length, feeling every inch in my mouth, I choked a little on the twitch of his cock. “Fuuuck.” He groaned loud through the hard beats of the music. I felt his dick twitch again in my throat and as I moaned the vibrations got him to spill his load into my mouth. The warm liquid running through my throat, I choked once again and the shivers went down my spine mercilessly.
“Ah fuck.” He tried to collect his breath, moaning more curse words. I still sucked at the tip and popped him out of my mouth, his seeds running down my lips. I looked up at his brown eyes, stars above us reflecting in them. He had the warmest and softest expression on his face, starring down at my cum filled mouth, trying my hardest to swallow everything.
“Now it’s your turn, princess.”
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227 notes · View notes
omegawolverine · 3 years
7 n 8! If u haven’t done them already, then also 37 why not - moo
i just did 8 but here's the other 2!!
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
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i love torturing characters <3
uhm but actually, the end is kinda iffy but overall i think the emotion is good in this and it helped sorta turn the fic from a Why Am I Writing moment to an Okay I Could Publish This
37. Talk about your current wips.
god this is gonna say something about me...
Désolé - the snippet above is from this work!! i started writing it literally like 7 or 8 months ago but i just started working on it again like last month!! is c!karlnapity hurt/comfort but im really struggling to write the comfort part bc i have very little experience in that department :] fun fact abt this tho: the title is snatched from the gorillaz song désolé (but the fic has nothing to do with it, i just think the vibe fits)
chat fics: i have 2 of em, one's IT, the other is bnha, the bnha one i have 2 chapters half drafted for update, the other i have not updated since may 2020 bc ive been too busy and it's an old hyperfixation so coming up with ideas is a bit of a Pain. im not planning on dropping either, it's just taking me forever to update em lmaooo
sweater stealer, sweater stealer: cute idea for a kiribaku fic but i didnt think far enough ahead for what i wanted to do with it so now it's just been sitting incomplete since sometime in early 2020,,, oops. again, i plan to finish it, i just have too many other things im writing to get back to this one rn ajsksjk
best friend: fruitily projecting onto matt from death note /hj but actually its a fic about matt/mello growing up together, begins before the events in death note, will probably end a little bit after they die bc i wanna write a chapter about near reminiscing. mostly planned out but i havent updated it in awhile despite the next chapter also being drafted bc i am literally The Worst and have too many wips for someone with very little motivation and not a whole lot of free time
south park series: i have 3 south park series technically, one's a bunch of soulmate oneshots, ones just an excuse for me to write about crenny being gay and also friends with the goths, the third i refuse to talk about bc i will be Shamed (its nothing nsfw or anything bad, it's just one of those aus that people usually give a side eye but im too deep into writing it now to drop the au)
cherry flavoured: a kirishinbaku series that's mostly shinsou centric (atm at least), the title is ripped from cherry flavoured by the neighbourhood, is mostly just short one shots about them becoming friends and then, eventually, dating
team 10 series: will this ever be updated again? probably not! its a naruto series about shikamaru/choji/ino and i started it in 2018 but i havent updated it once despite knowing what i wanna do bc im, once again, the literal fucking worst. im also just not super into naruto so idk why or how i even wrote this lmao
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fanficimagery · 6 years
Imagine heading to breakfast one morning and finding notes scattered all over your breakfast area. You think nothing of them until you spot the box where more notes reside- the box being addressed to you. The mystery snowballs and all your friends take great pleasure in reading the "love notes" and figuring out who your secret admirer is.
Requested by WriterGirlme. It's not exactly what you wanted, but I did what I could.
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Harry X Reader
Arm in arm with Luna, the two of you practically skip down the halls towards breakfast. Trusting the eccentric blonde, you keep your eyes closed while yawning as you follow her lead. You had never been a morning person before finding out you were a witch, and to this day in your Sixth Year you still have trouble waking up.
"Ravenclaw plays Gryffindor today," Luna suddenly muses. "Will you wear a lion hat with me?"
Your lips twitch. "Does it roar?"
"Do you really have to ask?"
"Merlin I love your creations. Of course I'll wear one."
"Thank you." A few moments pass and then, "Eyes open or the nargles will happily trip you down the stairs."
As you open your eyes, you find Ginny and Neville rounding the corner from the opposite way, talking and laughing. "Hey, little red. Nev." You greet. "How are you two always so chipper this early in the morning?"
"Food," they say in unison.
Your nose scrunches up. "I love food as much as the next person, but I rather wake up to eat it at lunch time. Or have a party and eat snacks all through the night, not wake up at the arse crack of dawn."
Neville splutters. "Arse- what?"
Ginny laughs. "Muggle saying. Come on, Longbottom, keep up. We've known Y/N for how long now? You should be used to her muggleborn slang."
"Urgh. I hate mornings. Why are there so many stairs?" You complain as you take it one step at a time. Your friends all laugh at your misfortune and the moment you're off the stairs Neville is quick to catch you by the arm to keep you from dramatically collapsing. You sigh. "You just couldn't let me injure myself, could you? I could've napped in the infirmary."
When the four of you get to the Great Hall, Neville and Ginny drag you and Luna towards Gryffindor's table. Everyone usually sticks to their own House table, but you and Luna were the exceptions who enjoyed eating your meals with the lions.
Neville and Luna split off from you and Ginny, they sitting across the table from you. As Ginny pushes you down onto the bench, you grumble at her before staring forward. "Not only am I awake earlier than I wish to be, but now I gotta clean up my area too? You Gryffindors are a messy bunch."
There's a shoe box turned on it's side, spilling it's contents right in front of you. The crumpled pieces of parchment have been smoothed out and then folded, and you don't give it a second thought before you attempt to sweep it all aside.
"Wait!" Neville stalls you. "The box is addressed to you."
Luna smiles, she righting the box and turning it so you can read the lid that has your name written across it. "Y/N," she reads off. "And there are even more notes inside."
"Notes?" You glance at the pieces of parchment, watching as Ginny plucks one up off the table and unfolds it. "They're notes?"
"I didn't get to speak with Y/N today, but we all watched as she pushed Neville into the Lake," Ginny reads. "She has a really great laugh. Merlin this is adorable.”
Neville grins. "Are these- are these love notes?"
"They're.. something," Ginny says as she picks up another one to unfold.
"Can you guys not," you groan, a blush staining your cheeks as you scoop up as many notes as you can to shove back into the box. "If these are all about me, they're private."
"Careful, Y/N," Luna says. "The wrackspurts are starting to multiply around you in your flustered state."
"Y/N blushed over something that git Malfoy said. I hate him, but Y/N blushes really pretty."
"Aw, Neville. Not you too."
"What's going on?"
You whirl around and sigh at the sight of Hermione, and then grin at the sight of the still sleepy Harry and Ron just at her back. "Hey, guys. Can you please tell these morons, not Luna, that invading my privacy is not cool."
"Invading Y/N's privacy is not cool," Harry says without batting an eye and dropping into the seat next to you. "What's this then?"
"Love notes," Neville muses. "Care to read one.. or three?" You sigh again and snatch a note from Ginny to drop into the box.
"How sweet," Hermione gushes at your back. Harry tenses at your side and Ron starts grabbing for food to load his plate with.
"Er, love notes? Aren't those supposed to be private?" Harry wonders as he slowly loads his own plate with food.
"Well I'd have liked them to be," you mumble. "But someone left them scattered on the table for me to find. Neville and Ginny are just being prats."
"Oh listen to this," Hermione suddenly says. "Either Y/N was gravely ill today or she faked an illness to nap in the infirmary again. She's so smart." The whole table chuckles and you groan. "Well whoever this is, they know you well enough. Actually," Hermione trails off, her brow furrowing as she studies the piece of parchment in hand, "this handwriting looks really familiar."
Snatching the note from Hermione, you drop it in the box and secure the lid on it. Then pulling it down under the table on your lap, you say, "Well if you remember who it is, tell me. Until then, the notes are off limits." Harry then seems to sag at your side and you glance at him, grinning. "Don't worry, HJ. There will be no girly feelings oozing all over your breakfast. Now pass the marmalade, will 'ya?"
"That was never a concern, Y/N. And here." You accept the marmalade from Harry, bumping him with your arm in thanks.
The rest of the day and then the rest of the week is spent dodging all conversation about the mysterious love notes, you trying to mostly put them in the back of your mind. Word spreads about the mystery and you have to threaten the 6th year girls in Ravenclaw tower to leave the box alone or suffer an embarrassing hex. But on the days you find yourself having a hard day and not even Luna's antics can cheer you up, you open the box and read a note to lift your spirits.
So far, the best note read, "Y/N gives great cuddles." That note alone led you to believe you knew who the mysterious note writer was seeing as you only fell asleep on a few trusted individuals and woke up cuddled to even less, but that- it was impossible. There was no way that he, of all people, had a crush on you and wrote you cutesy little notes. No freakin' way.
And not only that, but he was constantly busy with Quidditch and trying to stay alive.
As you got older, holidays in your household became less and less exciting. Even more so when your parents found out your were a witch because to them having magic was the absolute best gift, and no amount of other material gifts could hold a candle to that. And seeing as you were an only child, your parents had no excuse to go all out for a holiday which they hardly saw fit to participate in. So while your parents booked a two week cruise, you wrote to your friends to see if you could spend the holidays with them.
Ginny wrote you back immediately, offering you a place with her family. So after explaining to your parents you'd be spending the holidays with friends, they gave you a bit of spending money before sending you on your way.
"I can't believe you're here." Ginny drags you into a hug the moment you step out the floo. "Fred and George have the best fireworks planned for New Years. Neville and Luna will be joining us then."
"Oh good. I almost felt bad when Neville wrote back I could spend time with him and his Gran too, and then had to decline. I had gotten your letter first."
"Lucky us."
Being dragged into the kitchen, you're wrapped up in another hug by Mrs. Weasley and ordered to sit while she dishes up some lunch. And it's as you're eating that Ginny slyly brings up your love notes, and has her mum hanging off her every word.
"Do you know who he is, dear?" Mrs. Weasley wonders, eyes bright with excitement.
"I.. might have an idea." You shrug. "But he's so out of my league, Mrs. Weasley, and I don't think-"
"What? Who?!" Ginny demands. "You didn't tell me you knew."
"I'm not positive, Gin, but-"
"What's this we hear, Gred? Y/N has a secret admirer?"
"Pretty sure that's what these notes mean, Forge." The twins walk into the kitchen, one holding a very familiar box in hand and a note sitting open atop said box.
"Oi! Where'd you get those?" You ask, heart hammering. "They were in my bag."
"A bag which you left very vulnerable in the other room," George muses.
"Urgh." Stomping over towards the twins, you snatch the box back. "You two are the reason why I'm glad I'm an only child."
"Stop pouting, love," Fred grins. "Georgie and I are here to help because after reading the disgustingly, yet very sweet notes, we've come to the realization that we know exactly who wrote them."
"Mhm. The atrocious handwriting was a dead giveaway."
"Please don't. I really rather have him come to me and confess. If I'm right, then he didn't mean for these notes to come into my possession which means someone did it against his wishes."
Both Fred and George hold their hands up in mock surrender when they see just how serious you are.
"Have it your way, short stuff. But if you need-"
"Nope." You cut off Fred. "I'm good."
"Okay then." George and Fred turn to leave, but before they let the door shut George turns back around. "Just so you know, Harry's gonna be spending the holidays with us too." He winks, Fred laughs, and you groan.
"He's the least subtle of you Weasley's, I swear."
A moment passes, then two, and Mrs. Weasley gasps. "Does this mean that Ha-"
"Yes, Mum. It does." When you glance at Ginny, you can't help but roll your eyes at the too smug witch.
Holidays with the Weasley's and Harry was both fun and agonizing. Fun because you actually spent the time with people who were as excited as you were for Christmas, and agonizing because the twins set out their enchanted mistletoe in almost every doorway.
Then the night of Christmas, after many laughs and gift exchanges, the younger crowd hang around while the adults go to bed or back to their own homes. The moment Mr. and Mrs. Weasley disappear into their room, Fred and George whip out the drinks.
"Now that mum and dad are locked in tight for the night, it's time we bring the real drinks out." George passes out glass tumblers while Fred fills them halfway with Firewhiskey.
You groan when you see it. "I knew I should've stayed with Nev."
"Buck up, Y/N. We're playing Never Have I Ever." Ginny smirks and you glower at her.
"I hate you. I didn't tell you about that game so you could con me into playing with the evil gits you call your brothers."
"Not you, Ron. I was talking about Fred and George."
Harry snickers at the twins' expressions of mock outrage and you sink into the lumpy cushions of the couch while leaning into Harry's side.
"Am I the only one who hasn't heard of this game?" Ron meekly asks.
"It's a muggle game," Hermione explains, grinning. "Everyone has a drink in hand and one by one someone says never have I ever and continues on to say something they've never done. If you've done it, then you take a drink."
"Okay, but what's the purpose of this game?"
"To get sloshed, little brother. Keep up." George muses.
"Oh. I'm first!" Ginny practically dances in her seat and you roll your eyes. Anything coming out of Ginny's mouth is bound to have everyone or at least a majority of the group taking a drink. "Never have I ever had an erection."
You and Hermione snort so hard, the both of you then erupting into raucous laughter that Harry and Ron immediately try to stifle as to not wake up the parents.
"Low blow, Gin." Fred says while he and George happily take a drink. Ron and Harry, however, awkwardly sip their own drinks amidst the laughter. "My turn. Never have I ever had a menstrual cycle."
The boys all chuckle as it's your, Hermione, and Ginny's turn to drink.
"Never have I ever kissed a girl," you grin. All the boys sigh and drink.
"Never have I ever kissed a boy."
You gasp and turn to your left. "Et tu, HJ?" You take a drink along with Ginny and Hermione.
Harry chuckles. "Ginny started it."
"Never have I ever had a crush on a Professor," Ron then says. Again you, Hermione, and Ginny take a drink. Fred too. Ron's eyes narrow. "Who?"
"Lupin," all three of you girls say before giggling into your glasses.
Fred smirks. "Minnie." George rolls his eyes as if it were no big news.
"Never have I ever failed a test." Everyone turns towards Hermione and glares as everyone but Hermione takes a drink.
George cracks his knuckles. "Alright. My turn." He pauses and everyone seems to hold their breath. "Never have I ever.. had a crush on anyone in this game."
Ginny groans and your gaze darts to George, glaring. He seems all too happy with himself, as does Fred. And then one by one, the participants start taking their drinks. Ginny first, who shrugs when everyone glances at her. "What? It was First and Second Year. I'm totally over it."
Ron and Hermione glance at each other before quickly looking away, they too taking their drinks. You and Harry drink together, your gazes finding one another as you chuckle nervously.
Everyone takes turn after turn, secrets coming out that has the group giggling and swearing each other to secrecy. You don't know how long it's been, but you then startle awake when the twins start finding places to hide the Firewhiskey bottles. Stretching, you realize you had fallen asleep on Harry's shoulder.
"Hey, sleepyhead."
"Harry." You sleepily smile as you snuggle underneath his arm that had somehow found it's way around your shoulders. "What'd I miss?"
"Nothing much. Just that Hermione's had a sex dream about Snape."
"Ron too."
You shake with suppressed laughter, grinning madly. "That's too much info. And info I'm never going to let him live down."
"The twins won't either. They had to cast a stronger silencing charm with how much we laughed. I'm surprised you didn't wake up."
"What can I say; you make a very comfortable pillow."
"Alright, love birds. Time for bed. Don't want mum to catch you cuddling downstairs." George is far too smug about something and Fred is grinning down at his twin's side.
You and Harry slowly move apart, and as you turn to stand you find that you're stuck. Harry too from his surprised grunt. "What did you do?" You immediately blame the twins, glaring up at them, but all they do is glance up, pointing. "Fuckin' mistletoe," you grumble.
"Have fun, kiddies." Fred waggles his fingers in a wave. "We'll just head on upstairs and give you two some privacy. Ginny went through a lot of work stealing those notes from the trash, so don't let her hard work go to waste."
"I knew it!" You shout, suddenly wide awake. The twins flee upstairs and you sigh when you realize you can't go anywhere. Then looking to Harry, you find him avoiding your gaze and the tips of his ears burning red. "Don't look so bummed, Potter. I've kind of known for a while now and haven't made a big deal about it. Have I?"
That catches his attention. "How'd you know?"
"There was one note that said I gave great cuddles, which thanks for that by the way." You chuckle and Harry seems to lose some of his tension. "At school there's only a handful of boys I feel comfortable enough sleeping around, and even fewer that I'll fall asleep on. Neville has high hopes for Luna, Ron only has eyes for Hermione when Lavender doesn't have her tongue down his throat, and you.. well I was kind of hoping it was you."
Harry's eyes widen behind his glasses. "You were?"
"HJ," you laugh fondly. "You seriously didn't know I had a crush on you? I've fancied you since Third Year!"
"You never said anything!"
You shrug. "You were always busy dodging Voldemort's poor plans to assassinate you. And when you weren't, you were trying to figure out things with Sirius or making heart eyes at Cho and-"
"I do not make heart eyes."
"You totally did," you muse. "But yeah, you get my drift. Hopefully."
Harry gapes before shaking his thoughts clear. "So why didn't you confront me sooner?"
"As I said, I had hoped it was you. I wasn't positive and I wasn't about to make a fool of myself if I’d been wrong. You could have written those notes and then got over the crush. I don't know."
"I didn't. Get over the crush, I mean." Smiling at him, Harry nervously clears his throat.
"Just kiss her, you tosser!"
"Yeah. Free yourselves for more mobility."
"Just so you know, after you snog me senseless I'm going to murder those two."
Harry grins as he leans closer, his eyes darting to and from your eyes and mouth. "I'll help."
When your lips finally meet, it's like a weight has been lifted off your chest. Then when his hand cups the side of your face and your heads tilt to accommodate one another in the new angle, Harry surprisingly takes the initiative to deepen the kiss.. and it's pure bliss. 
Oh yes, Ginny and the twins were going to pay. But maybe later. Much, much later.
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