#i am one pretty snek.
jennyfair7 · 1 year
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Thanks so much for the tag, @forestscribe4! 💖🥰 I was just thinking it's been ages since I've done a picrew, so this was perfect timing! 😄
Here is the link
Tagging (no pressure): @ofbeautsandbeasts @obesessedwbeautiesandbeasts @timebird84 @coatntails @laqueus @tearosesarts @heather-destler @from-aldebaran @carpeossa @pastel-cryptids @rienerose @jamiepage19 @paperandsong @deeznutsthethrid @spaceoperetta @kwat01 @pureanonofficial @moonshinecanvasproductions and anyone else who wants to do a picrew! 😘
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cxpperhead · 2 months
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Sorry for the lack of activity lately! Between being unwell lately and now experiencing a mini-heatwave, focusing on writing hasn't been easy. Got my stuff done for now though and I've got holiday upcoming so hopefully should be able to manage better soon! Also snek updates, Ror is doing so very well. He just had his first hopper mouse and is GLOWING with health, especially with some of that gorgeous sun. At least one of us is enjoying the heat!
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He just finished drinking before I took this snap, you might see a teeny water droplet on the end of his chin <3
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thesmollestsnek · 1 year
Huh. I just realized that my hair is even longer than I think it is. Which is fuckin impressive, coming from me, considering. I normally think of my hair as waist length. But uhh, I showered just now and apparently it’s actually down to my hips? Which is fuckin wild, like damn. I know I literally never get haircuts but I somehow wasn’t expecting this, normally it’s in a braid and even when it’s down it’s wavy enough that I didn’t realize. There’s not like, an actual point to this ramble, just. I happened to look in a mirror right after showering and was surprised at how long it actually is, I didn’t think my hair could actually get this long, it’s never gotten more than like an inch below my waist before. I guess the most recent addition to my hair care routine’s been having even bigger effect than j thought.
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snakepeeker · 2 years
You commented in the tags on my snake post and I just wanted to answer that he's a Banana morph! I was going to try and get an Albino, my local pet store had one as a store pet that I loved growing up, but a local breeder I found had a lot of Banana morphs for a good price since they have male maker genetics. I don't intend to breed him, so that was fine with me!
Ahh, I was way off... Glad that you was able to get one from a breeder and not a pet store (I have heard it is generally better for reptiles, but my sources might be biased).
For me Albino ball pythons do look good, but it also seemed at least some time ago that anyone who isn't a breeder would have an albino or pastel or pied one, so I am glad to see someone who found simple morph which also makes a snake recognisable from others )
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eybefioro · 2 months
The hellish godparents!!
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(Timelapse and ramblings under the cut)
First of all, HAPPY ONE YEAR FOR THOSE WHO CELEBRATE THE BRAINROT!!!! Seriously, I didn't imagine I'd still be here a >>year<< later. I thought it would be just a month at best... ha, how naive of me.
God, I was obsessed with the fairly odd parents. I was (am) crazy over cartoons. I love cartoons. So. Much. Anyways.
This should be vertical but I ran out of space✨️ so I just flipped the drawings bc I still didn't learn how to properly use ibispaint to flip the entire canvas lol but it worked! SO YEAH.
I didn't notice before how much color and little details there is on fairly odd parents WHILE everything is hyper simplified - like the background on the posters! Also I noticed that the character more or less share the same bodies, only changing the details which was fun.
I got this idea when I drew The Wacky races one (side note: GO READ DRIVE ME TO THE MOON! it's great!) and someone said that it looked like the FOP art style (was it you @captainblou or am i misremembering?) and I just HAD to make it come true. It just falls into place so easily...
I had lots of fun with this one. I guess I'll keep putting good omens in every cartoon I love lol make this a series or something 💛
(Last side note. I'm pretty proud at the typography I did for the logo LMAO the s in hellish is a lil snek! The letters there are all pointy like stakes! The o in god parents has a halo like in gomens! I was able to get it all pretty close to the font they used in oddparents and I think that's nice 😌)
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How about Medusa and Gorgon with love prompt 36? Medusa and Gorgon deserve more love.
I agree upon that, Medusa and Gorgon best snek's!
Fair warning, things got a tad steamier that my usual style for Gorgon, nothing too NSFW but there are... implications.
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You hated it when Medusa talked bad about herself.
Especially when she was having a good day.
Very few things made you more angry than seeing such a wonderful, beautiful, and brilliant woman talk down to herself.
And for some reason, today was when you finally had enough of it.
And so, without thinking about how she could easily splat you against the wall with a flick of her wrist, you grabbed her by the chin.
And then you kissed her.
Full on the lips, no holds barred.
You wanted her to know just how she made you feel, and just what you thought about her always talking bad about herself.
And Medusa loved it, she was enraptured as you kissed her, it was something she had wondered if you would do, and she could confidently say that the real thing was far better than her dreams.
Though she was still surprised, after all, who would want someone as big as-
“That’s enough of that, I already know what you're thinking right now, and if you really want an answer, I do, I’m someone who wants you just as you, no one else. Medusa, I am so in love with you, and I can’t stand when you talk down to yourself.”
It took a moment for Medusa to register those words and their meanings.
You… loved her? Why?
“It’s because you are perfect, you’re smart, cool, sassy, and funny you’re also hopeless and a giant nerd and really, really, not used to talking to regular people, and I love you, I love all of you.”
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The monster of the shapeless isles had no idea what mania over took you to make you worship her like a Goddess.
You offered her the first pick of every meal, the first warm bath with water you drew for the express purpose of bathing her, The finest clothing you could give her, the most wonderful and strange devices from this modern world.
And books, as many books as she could read and more.
Did you not know the value these things had?
And why did you waste them on her?
She would demand an explanation from you, and she expected only the truth, lest Gorgon decided to unleash the burning pain of the emotions throbbing in her chest upon you.
And so, that night, she “Asked” you what all of these gifts and tributes were for.
Also, by asked I mean she forced you up against the wall and looked you in the eyes as she demanded.
“Human! Why do you worship a monster like me as a Goddess? Answer me now before I rend you limb from limb!”
During the time it took you to formulate an answer Gorgon reveled in the emotions that shot across your face, emotions that she decided were hers the moment she saw them.
“T-to begin with it was because you needed to pass as a regular person but after that…” you trailed off, a pretty red on your face.
“Well? I haven’t got all night human, and the more you test my patience the more I feel like I will exact the repayment for your tribute upon you by force.” Gorgon threatened you without thought, not entirely sure what she meant by “repayment” though more than a few rather raunchy ideas were floating through her head.
“I-it was because I got a crush on you! T-t-then it became… more than… a… harmless… little… crush… I fell so in love with you it hurt to be away from you, even knowing you would never reciprocate!” you answered to Gorgon honestly in fear for your own life, but quite unsure if this was any better.
Still, at least you would die with a clear conscience.
You dared to look up at Gorgon who looked… confused?
The two of you stood like that for a moment, then it all began to go down hill, or uphill depending upon your perspective.
Gorgon raised her hand to your face, slowly, torturously slow.
“Oh human, you really, really, shouldn’t have said that~!” Gorgon whispered darkly into your ear, her hair serving as a curtain to sever the world around the two of you.
You swallowed deeply, so this was it, dying at the hands of such a beautiful woman, there were worse ways to go.
“Because now… you. Are. allllllllll. Mine~ My wonderful love. First things first though. It’s time for you to receive your repayment for your tribute, I do hope your body can keep up." The beautiful monster continued to whisper as her other hand drug itself up your leg, up your stomach, up your chest and up your throat before resting on the opposite side of where her other hand sat.
You got the feeling you would wake up very, very tired tomorrow.
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vii-is-free · 4 months
Ramona's Revenge
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Summary: The Snek trio overhear Duncan Hobhouse using a terrible word, and decide to appropriately punish him. 
"Aw," Sebastian crossed his arms, "No Levioso wedgie?"
"Not this time," Ominis said, with an mischievous smile. "I have something far more sinister in mind.
A sunny day with a cool breeze gave Professor Ronen the perfect excuse to end Charms class early. Not wanting to waste it, the Slytherin trio took to the viaduct bridge, for at that time in the afternoon the sun cast in a perfect direction across the stained glass windows of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin bridges - shining a brilliant blue and green along the buildings and the mountain.
Leona sat on top of the balustrade, facing the lake, her legs swinging off the edge. The boys stood on either side of her, Sebastian’s arms were crossed and he stared ahead like a member of the king’s guard. Ominis had his typical stance, leaning against the stone bridge and staring off, blue eyes unfocused. Those who didn’t know better would think he was in his own world.
That guilty party was Leona, staring vacantly at the stained glass windows belonging to the Slytherin Corridor. As her eyes grew heavier, she realized the weight of all the extra assignments.
"Careful," Sebastian said as he turned around and placed a hand on her back, "What will you do if some rude 6th year decides to push you off?
Leona glanced at him and scoffed, “Jump on my broom, of course.” 
“Pretty brave thing to say,” Ominis joked, “for someone who just learned to fly. Don’t let Reyes hear that.” 
Leona chuckled, swinging her legs back around as she returned to her feet. “She doesn't scare me” 
Ominis opened his mouth to surely reply with something clever, but his attention was suddenly elsewhere. He leaned slightly to the left, frowning.
“Everything alright?”
“His ears are burning,” said Sebastian, “You know they call him Gossip Gaunt for a reason--“
“Shh!” Ominis hissed.
Leona looked beyond his direction. Whatever he heard, it was coming from Andrew Larson and Duncan Hobhouse, both chatting down the way.
“Hobhouse is currently licking Professor Black’s chops.” Ominis said with a look of disgust. 
“If you don’t have bravery," Sebastian said, shaking his head, "there’s always brown nosing.” 
Leona and Sebastian both leaned towards Ominis, trying to block out the noise around them to focus on the conversation.
“I don’t mind Professor Black at all,” said Duncan, “Perhaps he can do something about all these disgusting mudbloods running the school. Like Professor Garlick” 
Ominis’s eyes widened. “Did you hear that?”
“Certainly did,” Sebastian said, brows furrowed, “He’s got some nerve.”
Leona frowned. “What’s a mud--“
Sebastian turned to Leona and gently placed a hand over her mouth. “Something you don’t want to get caught saying.”
“It’s a perjorative,” Ominis said, “against students with muggle parents. A dreadful name used only by pure blood supremacists.”
Leona pulled Sebastian’s hand away from her, and looked at Ominis. “I’ll be honest...I’m still not really sure what “pure blood” means.”
The boys began to chuckle.
“So innocent!” Sebastian bemoaned. 
Leona looked at him, still holding his forearm. “Am I still innocent if I throw you into the lake?” 
"Behave, you two." Ominis pulled his wand out of his pocket. He gave a flick of the wrist and held it out before him, and a ball of red light emerged. "I’ll give you a history lesson in a moment...I have an idea.” 
“Oh, a lesson!” Sebastian smiled mischievously, "Are we about to teach him one?"
“We shall,” Ominis said, “but not in the way you’re thinking about.”
“Aw,” Sebastian crossed his arms, “No Levioso wedgie?”
“Not this time. I have something far more sinister.” Ominis spun around and walked away.
“To the Beasts shack!”
"I’m sure you figured out by now that quite a few wizards have muggle parents.” Ominis said as they left the west tower, carefully walking down the stone steps. “They’re looked down upon by families such as the Blacks and, of course, my own. Salazar Slytherin actually left Hogwarts, because he wanted only wanted to accept students that were considered “pure blooded.” 
“What I don't understand is,” Leona said, “How do you know if somebody actually has pure blood? Is there a test of some kind?”
“Of course not.” Sebastian said, “It’s all nonsense, really. Historians believe that Merlin himself had a muggle parent. He was one of the most powerful wizards in the world -- and a Slytherin.” 
"To everybody else," Ominis added, “obsessing over one’s bloodline is a sign of weakness. It doesn’t particularly surprise me about Duncan.”
“But still,” Sebastian said, “the nerve to be so loud about it! Surprised Andrew didn’t say anything - I'm pretty sure that 4th year he fancies has a muggle dad.”
Ominis stopped, shaking his head at Sebastian.
Sebastian stared at him. “What?”
Ominis scoffed. “And you call me a gossip?”
“I’m just saying!” Sebastian threw his hands in the air. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“Professor Howin’s shack,” Ominis said, “for a Puffskein.”
Sebastian asked “Why?”
Leona frowned. “A what?” 
Ominis crossed his arms, “She doesn’t even know what a Puffskein is? Just what kind of guide are you?”
“I--uh,” Sebastian scratched his head. “The opportunity never presented itself! You know, with the troll and all!"
"Enough about the troll --"
"Besides, I was going to leave Poppy to it when the time was right.”
“And you didn’t tell Leona about that term?”
Sebastian was irritated. “Why would she need to know that?”
“So she knew to stay away from people like Puffskein Dunkien!" Ominis snapped. "Moonmind!"
A moment of silence fell between them. 
“Wait," said Sebastian, giving a half hearted chuckle, "What did you call him?”
Ominis gave a half cocked grin. “A secret I was keeping in my back pocket for times like these.” He walked ahead, leading the way to Professor Howin's classroom. “I overheard Everett call Hobhouse that. Apparently he is terrified of them.”
Sebastian came to a sudden stop. "He's afraid of...Puffskeins?” 
Leona looked at him. “Are they...dangerous?”
"They're..." Sebastian tried to finish his sentence, but leaned over, hands on his knees, and erupted into a fit of laughter. Both Ominis and he crashed onto the grass, laughing until they couldn't breathe
Leona’s hands went to her cheeks, eyes glowing at the sight before her. In the small corral were tiny bundles of fur, all different colors, rolling about and making small, squeaking noises.
“That is a puffskein,” said Sebastian as he opened the gate. He flinched a bit, as his stomach was still sore from laughing. “Man’s best friend.”
“I thought dogs were man’s best friend.” Leona said. She dropped to her knees, reaching a hand out to one. To her delight, three of them rolled towards her.
“Not in the Wizarding World!”
A soft voice called from behind them. Leona looked towards the source of the soft voice, and saw a young girl approaching them. She was a fifth year, a Hufflepuff with short, brown hair and large eyes.
“Hello, Poppy!” Sebastian waved, smiling.
Poppy smiled back. “Hello, Sebastian. Ominis. And you’re...oh! The new fifth year!”
Leona stood up, still holding one of the puffskeins. “Leona Hart.”
“Poppy Sweeting!” Poppy held out her hand, which Leona accepted. “I can’t imagine starting Hogwarts in your fifth year. Natty had a difficult enough time in fourth year, and she didn’t even have O.W.L.s to worry about.”
“Thank you,” Leona said, parroting the script she used for moments like these, “It’s a lot to take in, but I think I’m getting the hang of things.”
“Now,” Poppy looked at Sebastian, arms crossed. “Now, what kind of trouble are you brewing?”
Sebastian raised his hands. “None at all! Just wanted to show our new classmate the puffskeins. She’s never seen one before!”
“What!?” Poppy exclaimed. Her eyes light up when she saw Leona’s matching enthusiasm, and she hurried into the corral. “Gosh, I wish I could remember seeing puffskeins for the first time. Come, come I'll introduce you to them all!"
Ominis leaned against the inside gate as the three dropped to the floor to play with the puffskeins. He smiled as he felt the slight tap of one against his boot. "Ah, why not." Ominis said aloud as he bent over and picked up the little creature. He kept his grasp gentle, as this one was much tinier than the rest.
“Over there is Beatrice and Benedict," Poppy said as she pointed each one out, "Over here is Nibbler, and Niblette. The one in Ominis's hand is their baby, Nibbles,”
Ominis raised a brow. "Creative names."
Poppy sighed, “The first years named this lot. They were too excited, and, I couldn't refuse." Poppy then turned to Leona, petting the puffskein's soft, red fur. "This one is my own. Ramona."
Leona jumped as Ramona's tongue suddenly went up a nostril.
“Careful!" Poppy chuckled. "They love bogeys.”
“That’s....so cute!" Leona said, rubbing her nose. "And painful."
“Now you see how ridiculous it is,” Sebastian said, petting Nibbler, “that Duncan is afraid of these?”
Poppy smirked. “You’re talking about Puffskein Dunkien?”
“You knew about that?”
“Heh," Poppy stood up and took a spot next to Ominis. "People think because I put more care into the beasts, that I don’t actually listen to what’s going on.”
“So,” Ominis said, Nibbles snoozing in his hands. He leaned towards Poppy,  “I have a proposition, if you’ll allow it?”
Poppy raised a brow. “I’m listening.”
Nibbles cooed as Ominis gently stroked its back. “Did you know Hobhouse is a pure blood supremacist?”
Poppy’s eyes widened. “What?”
“We overheard him talking about Professor Garlick...said she should be fired because she’s a you-know-what.”
Poppy gasped. “He said that about Professor Garlick?”
“A travesty,” Sebastian shook his head. He was sitting crossed legged and had a total of three puffskeins on his lap. “Professor Garlick is what makes Herbology worthwhile.”
“So,” Ominis said, “I was hoping you would let us use one of these little darlings to teach him a lesson.”
“Hm,” Poppy, “Why not just a Levioso wedgie?”
“I’m sure Sebastian will try to fit one in," Ominis chuckled, "but the idea of him wetting his pants in front of the school over a Puffskein is much better. Don’t you agree?”
Poppy's eyes shot towards Sebastian. “You know how I feel about things like this.”
“Please?” Sebastian gave the most innocent look he could. He picked up Nibblette, holding her against his cheek. “I promise they won’t get hurt.”
Poppy thought for a minute. As Leona's arms became full with Beatrice and Benedict, Ramona rolled towards her owner. Poppy smiled, knelt down and scopped her up.  
“Take Ramona." Poppy finally said. "She’s the fastest and likes to headbutt those who try to kick her.”
“I owe you one,” said Sebastian, as he stood up and straightened his robe. He walked towards Poppy, flashing a grin as he stroked Ramona's head. “Perhaps something under the moonlight soon?”
Ominis groans, “Honestly?”
“Sebastian," Poppy said calmly as she placed Ramona in his arms. "If Ramona comes back with even one tuft of hair missing...”
Her eyes narrowed. “I will end you.”
Sebastian smiled, completely nonplussed. "Understood. I'll care for her like my own child."
Ominis instinctively held on to Nibbles a little tighter. Nibbles took the opportunity to dig for gold under his nose. 
“Agh!” Ominis turned away from Nibbles, trying to stifle a laugh. 
The three walked across the lawn where flying class was held, past the summoners court deck, near the enterence to where Ominis's next point of contact sat against the wall, watching the Quiddich players pass the quaffle back and forth.
"Is he there?" Ominis asked Sebastian.
"Yep, right where you said."
"Good," Ominis said, "Let me do the talking, I think he's still cross with you."
"Seriously?" Sebastian was shocked, "I swear nobody holds a grudge better than a Ravenclaw."
"Hello, Everett!" Ominis said with a wave. "How goes it?"
Everett sighed. "I can't believe that blighter cancelled Quidditch for the whole year. Not everyone wants to waste their lives working for the Ministry."
"I know," Ominis shook his head, "I feel awful for the seventh years."
"Thankfully, Madame Kogawa is taking them out for unsanctioned practice, so they can at least be ready for tryouts" Everett rose to a stand, shaking the dirt off his robes. "Sebastian finally ready to apologize?"
Ominis scoffed. "Moonmind doesn't even remember what he did."
"Let's keep it that way," Everett said with a chuckle. "I'm having fun watching him sweat. What can I do for you?"
"I'll let you guess," Ominis said, waving his wand towards the duo behind him, "Take a look at what our new classmate is holding."
Everett glanced at Leona, then at the red ball of fur nestled in her arms. He frowned, quiet for a moment as the wheels in his mind turned furiously. Then it hit him, and he began to cackle.
"Ominis!" Everett exclaimed after he caught his breath. "How did you manage to get past Poppy? She won't even let me look at the Puffskeins!"
"Lucky for us," Ominis said with a sly grin, "She hates pureblood supremacists more than you."
"Agh, that little troll," Everett frowned, "What did he say this time?"
Meanwhile, the two Slytherins watched Ominis and Everett laugh like they were good friends.
"He could run the whole Ministry if he wanted," Sebastian said with a bit of awe, "It's a shame people think so ill of him."
Leona frowned. "Who thinks ill of him?"
"That prat, for one." Sebastian gestured his hand towards Everett. "He's not alone, though. Everyone's afraid of Ominis...simply because of his last name."
"Ominis," Leona glanced at Sebastian, holding Ramona in her arms as she thought about him. "He is...truly a nice person."
Sebastian flashed a grin. "I knew you would see that. That's why I'm glad to include you with us. He needs genuine friends. Not suckups like Everett Clopton."
"Speaking of Everett," Leona said, "What did you do that made him so angry?"
"Heh, good question."
"You don't remember."
Sebastian gave a sheepish grin, and Leona shook her head as Ominis returned. "Alright, we have a plan. Don't want to incur Poppy's wrath by letting Ramona free in the Great Hall...but I say humiliating him in the Ravenclaw Common Room is sufficient revenge."
"Blast," Sebastian said, "I wanted to watch."
"Well, unless you're willing to wait for Professor Ronen to teach us the Confundus Charm, secondhand stories will have to suffice." Ominis turned towards Leona. "Meet Everett with Ramona tonight, after curfew."
"Will do," Leona said, "Is Everett still mad at Sebastian?"
"He is," Ominis said with a frown, "but I havent the slightest clue why."
"Seriously!?" Sebastian exclaimed.
Later that night, when the clock struck eleven, Leona met Everett outside the door to the Ravenclaw common room, a snoozing Ramona in her arms.
"Please don't let her get hurt," Leona said as she handed the puffskein off.
Everett scooped Ramona up with one arm, his other hand busy pinching his nose. "No worries," Everett replied, his voice slightly more nasally than usual, "Samantha and Amit are in on it as well. They'll be on Ramona-protection duty."
"Good. And...by the way," Leona tilted her head slightly, "What did Sebastian do that made you so angry?"
Everett paused, deciding whether or not to answer. He bit his lip and cackled. "He didn't do a thing! I was just so tired of his ego, I made something up. Sebastian cannot stand unfinished business for the life of him."
He walked up to the Ravenclaw door, the door opened for him. "Good night!"
Leona shook her head. She waited a few minutes for the footsteaps to fade, then leaned over the railing. "Did you hear that?"
"We did." Ominis walked up the stairs, an irritated Sebastian trailing behind.
"That prat!" Sebastian swore, "I can't wait to learn what his boggart is during O.W.L.s"
Ominis scoffed, "Like you were even losing sleep over it."
"A little bit!"
"Enough," Leona moaned, "Now what do we do?"
Ominis sat on the floor, ear pressed against the stone wall. "Now, we wait."
Stay tuned for part 2...
A/N: The title of Gossip Gaunt came from the amazing Heizerux on YouTube. Go check her out and follow her hilarious videos!!
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souldoes-things · 8 months
Ok I got yes as an answer so LORE DUMPING IT IS!
SO, first thing on the agenda, what is the Abyss? For better understanding we should discuss the fabric of reality in my understanding. So first, there are worlds. Universes hold those worlds. Multiverses hold those universes. And most important, TIMELINES hold multiverses. Reality is a really big large giant basically infinite platform made of timelines where one timeline is to the scale of one atom. ABOVE the platform is the Afterlife, basically an infinite place made of partly solid partly goo light, and BELOW is the Abyss, basically an infinite place made of partly solid partly goo dark!
Next point on the agenda! The Abyss fauna! We have the Carfos, fluffy little fellas that grow into lion-like creatures that can be and are kept as pets! Second we have Mimics, goopy little fellas that can change their form to basically… everything, morphing themselves into fun colorful creatures to attract friends! Oh by the way nobody in the abyss actually has reproductive systems, they’re just spewed out from the goop dark. We have Catflies… bats, but cats… that’s all you need to know about catflies, also they’re a knock-off of the rain world batfly because I love them. Anyways, the Pofcan is a fluffy snake-like creature that can GLOW!!!!!!! In any color. Colorful glowy fluffy snek. Then we have the caroboas, funky zippy little eye dudes that are basically rain world overseer/iggy knockoffs for the same reason as catflies, but they have tiny little grabby arms that they use to make little piles of pretty stuff with the same vibes! Scooting over to Holaras, very big feathery birds! They're very gentle with things and are substitute mothers for anything in the abyss! Big mama birds! Then! Garaquas, an armadillo-like creature, but kinda aquatic? It swims in the dark goo thing and bring funky gems to the open areas! Oh btw yes the abyss is built like a cave system! And it has gems and ores In the walls! Yuhahas, I can't really explain what they are so I'll just draw em, drawing below! Also how the abyss is built :)
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They are feathery and fluffy, but the darker part/limbs are metal!
That's about every creature I've come up with so far, but there will definitely be a lot more! I have some ideas for flora too but I will tell you about it if this ramble gets good feedback ;>
Btw, when I flesh out the entirety of the abyss, I am planning to turn it into an ask blog! Please tell me if youre interested in that!
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aliceisathome · 7 months
So ep 7 reveals the second Big Bad of The Sign - in addition to the Doc/Naga we've got the crooked politician to take down. Interesting. One supernatural villain, one human.
The artist story was tragically beautiful and Phaya is basically an attack dog seme at this point. He can hardly restrain himself from growling whenever he sees the doc (he bares his teeth though and I think he's a biter).
And a nice family dinner enhanced by 'lovely sound' before our first real NC scene. The chemistry is chemistrying and I need to fan myself before thinking about that bed scene and Phaya's hand on Tharn's hip (damn you conveniently placed lamp). And snuggles! Sweet.
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Ep 8 starts with Tharn being the heaviest sleeper since Sleeping Beauty but hey - he's very pretty and needs his 8 hours. MVP in this first 5 minutes: the Abbot. Although why the man doesn't just tell Tharn that the Doc's a bad 'un I don't know. Isn't he allowed to do more than give cryptic hints?
Ooh, hang on. We have an exposition fairy, er, nagini. THANK YOU FAIR MAIDEN. Now we know wtf is going on with all the supernatural shenanigans and, most importantly, why. I like Phaya's collar wotsit - I am counting this as a crop top thanks.
If I haven't said it before, Henk makes an excellent baddie, especially as a big ol' snek. Onwards!
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mangodestroyer · 6 months
Something just occurred to me.
Crowley is often seen as the attractive one. And yeah, okay. I don't think many people would argue that he isn't attractive. He is played by David Tennant, after all. And he's SUPPOSED to be seen that way according to the book.
But... he's a snake. I know, so what? If you know me, that is no complaint. I think snakes are cute and I've always liked them. I love them even more now.
But, you know, most people I meet aren't just afraid of snakes. They're genuinely grossed out by them. The idea of a demon that turns into a giant ass snake is... well... they'd think I was a freak for finding that cute and attractive.
Nope! Crowley would just straight up not be attractive to some people. Moment they find out he's a demon and a snake, they're out!
To these people, Azicrow must look like "Beauty and the Beast." Aziraphale is in love with a "monster." Who actually has a heart of gold. Like, he must be some open-minded saint for loving him, huh?
Sometimes, I forget how out of touch I am with everyday people. I've gotten so used to us GO fans just thinking Crowley is a pretty demon and a cute snek. Idk, maybe it's cause Neil Gaiman fans and people on Tumblr tend to be a lot more unconventional.
Or maybe I'm wrong about all of this. Maybe the power of David Tennant conquers all and some of you guys learned to conquer your dislike for snakes.
But all things considered, ofc Aziraphale adores a snake demon! He's exactly the kind of person who would do so. Man eating snake you say? Evil, cunning demon who tempted humans to commit sin? Maybe that's what he seems like to you. To Aziraphale, that's just a cute, fiercely loyal noodle. In need of a good boop, ofc.
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chelledoggo · 7 months
my Hazbin Hotel first watchthrough
(DISCLAIMER: this post is being typed as i'm watching. there may be inconsistencies in my attitude as i go on.)
Ep 1: blehhhh...
Ep 2: overall: "eh." villain song was pretty good.
Ep 3: something something something plot plot plot- LOOK IT'S THE SILLY SNEK AND EGG BOYS. 💖 "I'll Be Your Armor/Keeper" was a damn good song, even if at this point in the series i couldn't fucking stand Charlie.
Ep 4: ...okay i'll admit. this one for all its heavy subject matter was... handled alright. was nice to see Charlie finally grow some goddamn balls and show some righteous anger. kinda wanted to strangle Husk here until he actually showed some empathy. "Poison" was a good song, even if Angel's VA was pretty weird and pitchy at points. "Loser Baby" was a good one though.
Ep 5: i feel conflicted as a Christian finding Lucifer so charming. /j /lh also i think Charlie's starting to grow on me. and it only took over half the series. also fuck you Mimzy. the Alastor vs. Lucifer song was a goddamn bop. and "Hell's Best Dad" was beautiful.
Ep 6: WHOA. WHOAAAAAAAAA. WHOA. I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT FOR NOT SEEING THAT COMING. this episode is hitting all the Christian Universalist and deconstructionist sweet spots for me. and God i love Emily, poor bab. ;~; ALSO YASS ANGEL STICK IT TO THE MOTH MAN.
Ep 7: all my hate for Charlie is gone. i just want her and Vaggie to be happy. i feel so bad for both of them. also "Out For Love" beats the entirety of Steven Universe's soundtrack in every category lol
Ep 8: oh gosh this... ohhh... this was phenomenal... like i started out hating this show and now i'm just itching to see what goes down next season!! i'm glad i stuck through!
misc. notes:
i hate that this series basically requires you to watch the pilot to understand the first episode. luckily i've seen it but...
i like some of the background character designs.
i like the little one-eyed gremlin girl thing.
i know we're supposed to like Charlie but GOD she's annoying. I RECANT THIS STATEMENT
Alastor best character.
i kinda like Sir Pentious. he's silly. and i love his egg boys.
Vaggie's just as done with this shit as i am but the difference is she loves Charlie where as i just want to strangle her lmao.
Velvette's kinda hot ngl.
Camilla too.
seriously though am i supposed to like Charlie? when do i start to like her? I ALSO RECANT THIS STATEMENT.
i feel like i would like Charlie more if she wasn't essentially a ripoff of every "quirky" Disney princess from Rapunzel onwards. AND I RECANT THIS ONE TOO
okay, as of ep 5... i'm starting to not hate Charlie so much.
why do some of the denizens of heaven look like demons?
ep 6 is where this series finally really grabs me ngl. glad i stuck around. i'm on the beginning of the finale as i'm typing this point and i'm excited to see how it concludes.
the angels of heaven really do seem to be the "american evangelist/dispensationalist" archetype. they don't know why a soul can't be redeemed after death. they don't question it. they're not allowed to because... it's "breaking the rules" or whatever. as someone who grew up in that kind of environment, that really resonated with me.
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nkn0va · 7 months
could i request some izanami relationship hcs? i feel like she's an underapreciated character.
Two Blazblue asks in one day, I am truly blessed.
Izanami is indeed underappreciated, she's just kinda not there for a big majority of the story. Poor girl got hit with the Relius treatment to get the game out in time for Evo. That said, this is a real oddball to think about in a romantic context lmao. I'll give it a whirl.
Hades Izanami
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-The Goddess of Death (more specifically the physical manifestation of death) is...quite the interesting romantic partner to say the least.
-She pretty much never makes public appearances. The only way she'll know you exist is if you're working in or for the main circle of villains, consisting of herself, the snek man, big titty witch, and "best" dad. You either end up in this circle yourself or she catches wind of you as an at least decently high ranking officer of the NOL working directly under Hazama or Relius.
-She felt her vessel start forming some attachment to you upon first meeting. This strange, foreign feeling filled her body every time she found her thoughts drifting to you. She had no idea what in The Origin's name this feeling was, but it felt...strangely nice. Attributing this feeling to you, she decided to take you for herself. Not like anyone could stop her, she is the Imperator Librarius.
-Despite what genuine affection she does have for you, she will stop at nothing when it comes to manipulating you into loving her. She will do whatever it takes to have you all to herself, though she'd never let you know. Around you, she's actually surprisingly sweet to you.
-Izanami is eerily intelligent. She keeps whatever semblance she has of a personal life completely separate from her work in destroying the Master Unit and bringing death to all. At least, if you weren't helping her with that already, which only increases her infatuation even more. If not though, you will not be finding out about all that business as long as she has anything to say about it.
-That said despite the manipulation and trickery behind your back, being the S/O of the Imperator does have it's perks. You shoot up instantly through the ranks of the NOL and eventually rumors about it start to circulate. If anyone even dares lay a finger on you, they're immediately deemed a traitor to the Imperator herself, and we all know what the NOL does to traitors...
-You're often called up to the Imperator's quarters. Nobody really questions it, not that they're in any position to, but you well know by now it's not for a mission or secret direct order. It means that Izanami is feeling needy and requests you to be in her arms.
-Your alone time with her is actually surprisingly pleasant. Despite her cold touch, it's surprisingly soothing, as she showers you with praise in a soft, sweet voice and makes you feel like the most important person in the world. Being the partner of the Imperator, that's not too far off, even if the public never actually knows about it.
-You soon end up becoming her personal agent acting on behalf of her when it comes to all the public appearances she won't make, which is quite a bit, delivering her personal messages and orders wherever needed, in or outside of the NOL.
-Of course, it's not meant to last for long. This is the physical manifestation of death we're talking about. You will soon eventually die by Izanami's hands like everyone else according to plan. But in the meantime, she intends to cherish you and keep you all to herself for however long she can. Worry not, for your inevitable death will be made sure to be a most glorious one indeed, worthy of the object of her affections...
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childotkw · 1 year
Guuuuurl, not Nagini!!!! :(( the way you're making my heart cry, that was my (and tom's) emotional support animal right there. I sure hope her death was worth it, I want so much regret to be dripping out of Hadrian that his doppleganger is a sad kitten in the rain. I want Tom's heart to be breaking into pieces. They better be wounded, you hear me, wounded. My poor snek.
Also, omg Raina what a badaaaass. Tom and Raina are the pissed off wives giving the finger to each other behind Hadrian's back. Loved that, loved Tom being a powerful bastard, loved Hadrian being an unhinged powerhouse. I miss Hadrian's friends, can't lie. I am living for everyone's reactions to what is happening and them finding out stuff. Albert is over there being "so...that secret you were hiding, pretty big one ngl buddy".
Thank you for the surprise chapter Jordan, you're the best. Have fun torturing us more with the next ones!
Look, I’m sorry. I needed the snake to go 😂she’s the only one Riddle legit cares for other than Hadrian and I couldn’t resist!
And don’t you worry - Hadrian is going cry when he gets his mind back. He’s going to be so ashamed and broken, I assure you.
For Riddle - well. He’s going to get a crash course on grief real fucking quickly 😂
The Raina v Riddle dynamic was a delight to finally see in action. They’ve never really interacted before, and they already hate each other lmao. That never changes.
And Albert going to be like “jfc my dude - I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t this” which is fair!
And thank you for reading! 💕💕
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calethelettuce · 11 months
SaSi Intruality Week 2/7: Stop and Smell the Roses
Prompt: Flowers (Switched out with OG prompt, Fusion; doing that one at a later day-)
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Thanks to Remus and Roman, the Mind Palace has a lovely forest full of wonderful (and scary-) things! Patton is very excited about it. Patton learns that certain flowers are edible... and they find a snake friend! Also the title is a lie, there are no roses in the story. Get fooled :)
Characters: Patton, Remus, Roman
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Brotherly Creativity Twins (No RemRom. Get out.)
TW: Remus being Remus, swearing, body horror/Remus snaps his neck but he fixes it, oh also he found a snek
The day is warm. The sun is shining high in the sky, its rays hitting the dewy leaves and patches of grass in an array of pretty colors. Patton and Roman made their way down the winding forest paths. Patton held a small, empty wicker basket with a red-plaid cloth lining the bottom.
"Padre, I have to wonder; What do you see in my brother?" Roman shielded his eyes from the sun, looking up at the high treetops beginning to turn red and yellow. "No offense intended, of course, but I am awfully curious to know."
"Well," said Patton, "I believe that there's good in everyone! That includes Remus!"
"Hm." Roman nodded in agreement as he spoke. "I personally dislike him, but you do you I guess."
Patton shifted the wicker basket tucked under his arm a little. "Everyone is different in their own ways."
"But you're suddenly okay with the dirty jokes and all of that?"
The blue-clad side kicked a pebble as he walked by it. "I learned a lot about myself, kiddo. Sometimes people do things that aren't necessarily their fault. Like how Remus doesn't have a filter. That's just what came with his role for Thomas."
"I never thought about it that way.." Roman parted a bush and held it back as Patton walked through. "After you!" he proclaimed smoothly, bowing just a little.
Roman smiled at him. "Of course! I believe we're almost to our destination!"
Patton added an extra pep to his step, the anticipation nearly making him squeal out of pure excitement. It seemed like Roman could tell just by looking at his face.
"Calm down, Popstar!" he teased, "Careful you don't explode!"
"But wouldn't that be fun?" Another voice chimed in. "Especially if it's extra bloody!"
Roman shrieked, instinctively pulling out his sword. "Stop popping up out of nowhere, you fiend!" he shouted to the top of one particular tree, "You're going to kill me one day!"
Remus cackled. He sat- no, dangled by his legs from a tree branch, his morningstar in one hand and some kind of bottle in the other. He waved at Patton, who waved back. "It would be funny to see you die!" he screamed back, hopping down from his perch. He landed straight on his neck with a thud and a snap. The bottle hit the floor, the shattered glass scattering around as the liquid inside spilled out.
Remus didn't react much. He continued laughing as he realigned his spine and neck with a pop.
Roman nearly gagged. "Ew. Can you do that somewhere else, please?" With a wave of his hand, he magicked away the broken bottle and glass.
“Awh, is Princey afraid of a little body horror~?” Remus mocked, cracking his knuckles and hopping to his feet, “That’s cute!”
Roman scoffed, sheathing his katana. “Just go do your weird stuff. If you need me, don’t.” He pulled out his magic mirror, tapping a button as he disappeared. “Have fun, Padre!” He called.
Patton stared blankly at the spot Roman once stood. “He has a magic mirror?” He questioned.
Remus nodded curtly. “Yeah, he’s got some weirdly fancy shit.” He paused. “Hey, wanna find out what flowers are edible?”
Patton turned to face him, an interested look in his eyes. “Boy, do I!?” He took the sashed side’s hand in his own, pulling him forward. “Roman said to go this way!” He explained quickly, leading Remus farther down the path.
Remus grinned. “Okay, Daddy!”
They continue down the dirt path. Patton was moving along fairly quick, tugging Remus along with him. Remus couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the physical contact.. And so, he nearly cried when Patton let go of his hand to move a branch out of the way (Why Patton needed both hands was beyond him, but it didn't really matter that much.).
"So, Pattycake, what's our plan for the day?" Remus asked, "Are we gonna set something on fire? Maybe play with a bomb?"
Patton laughed. "No, silly! We're picking flowers!" he winked. "And eating them too.. but only the edible ones!"
Remus had completely forgotten he had mentioned that earlier. He gave Patton a goofy smile as they kept walking. "Sounds great! The eating the flowers part, I mean. Duh!"
"Well, we can't do that if we aren't there yet! Come on, slowpoke!"
Patton wound the stems of the flowers together. A bouquet of carnations, marigolds and sunflowers sat in his basket. He made sure to pick one of every color there was. He hummed a tune as he watched Remus roll down a hill, the side laughing maniacally.
Patton smiled to himself, adjusting his position on the grassy surface. He picked a perfect spot, right under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. He couldn't help but wonder how exactly the flowers and buds of the tree were still that rosey pink despite it being fall. The two sides were in The Imagination, after all, so he didn't think much more about it.
He continued threading the stems together, slowly making a messy yet colorful flower crown. He was proud of himself either way, and he admired it while Remus came running over.
"Patton! Patton!" He yelled, "I found a snake!!"
Patton blinked owlishly at him. "Did you now?" he said fondly, "I sure hope you didn't disturb it too much."
"Nah, this is one of Roman's creatures! The bites don't hurt at all!" Remus looked a bit disappointed at that, but held out his small, slithery friend for Patton to see. "I named it Dee! She's just a baby, I think!"
Their new friend was barely small enough to fit entirely in Remus' palm. The end of its tail was curled around his wrist, the orange and black striped pattern catching Patton's eye.
"Oh! Is our friend a milk snake?"
Remus looked at him with a look of surprise. "You know your snake breeds, dontcha Patty?"
"Mhm! Logan and Janus taught me some things a while ago, I was interested in snake anatomy." Patton shrugged. "Nature is cool!"
"Did you know that snakes eat frogs?!" Remus gave Dee a gentle stroke of her scales, grinning at Patton, "Careful, she might eat you!"
"That would be awful! I'd let the cutie, to be honest." Patton stood up, coming over to look at the small snake.
Dee didn't react much at all, but instead continued to explore Remus' arm.
"I think she likes me!!" Remus whispered, holding out his other hand to let her slither over, "This is fucking awesome!"
Patton laughed, going back over to his shady spot and picking up the flower crown he had made. He placed it on Remus' head with a smile.
"OOH! Are these the edible ones?!"
"They sure are! I found them just for you!"
Remus looked at him fondly- well, as fondly as the side could look at someone. "Are you okay with me destroying your masterpiece?"
Patton hadn't really thought that far. "Oh! Uh..." he let his eyes wander to his basket with extra flowers in it. "Here, eat these ones!" The cardigan wearing side handed Remus a bouquet of smaller flowers. "They're carnations!"
Remus' grin grew wider. "My favorite!" he went to take the bouquet, but remembered Dee slithering around along his arms. He paused for a moment, surveying the situation. "Do you want to hold Dee-Dee for a bit?" he asked, carefully and gently offering his snake friend to Patton. "She doesn't bite!"
Patton thought for a moment, before extending his arm out as he let Remus place the calm serpent into his palm, while Patton handed Remus the bouquet.
"Good trade!" Remus bit the entire top of a flower off, chewing it up and swallowing. "Mmm, the allergies are about to hit so well!"
Patton laughed at him, handling Dee with both arms now. The curious snake slithered farther up his arms. It sent shivers down his spine. His friend was cold! "Is this how Janus feels?" he questioned, gently stroking Dee's scales. "The poor little gal is freezing!"
Remus bit off more petals as he nodded. "Yep! Jan-Jan is always cold, that's why is house is always so warm! Not that he ever lets anyone in, anyway."
At this point, Dee was almost on Patton's shoulder as she investigated the hood of his cardigan- well, is it really a cardigan if it has a hood?
"They're also attracted to warm spaces!" Remus supplied, motioning to the snake, "So don't be surprised if she ends up in your hood!"
Patton let out a little gasp. "That's so cute!" he looked over at Remus with a pleading look. "Can we keep her?! Pleeease?"
Remus shrugged. "Why the hell not?"
"Don't make Janny jealous, though. The Bananaconda might feel threatened." Remus snickered at that notion.
"Janus doesn't have to worry! Dee is a small snake, Jan is still the original snake boi!" Patton sat down next to the cherry blossom tree again, petting Dee with his free hand. Remus sat down next to him, pressing into his side.
"Whatever you say, Pat." he said, "But first, why don't we give Roman a heart attack before we show Janny our new friend?"
"What? No!!"
This took me ages what the heck
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deepestbluesky · 1 year
hello it is time for a VERY niche post. join me for... SHL characters as SNAKES!!!!! i tried to find snakes that naturally occur in china or near china, as a terrible added parameter—there's a TON of snakes in china, but i just don't know many so it's terrible bc it added a lot of work for me lol. but i've learned things! and found some cool snakes! so! let's go. pictures of snakes ahead, if that's not your thing, feel free to peace out.
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Wen Kexing - Sinomicrurus macclellandi a coral snake! just a nice boy you know? just a nice, extremely venemous boy with dramatic red coloration. shamless plug for my fic where wkx turns into This Snake.
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Zhou Zishu - Bungarus multicinctus look at this lovely unassuming snake. got some goth-y drama but overall not too bad, right? one of the most venomous land snakes in the world 😌 (also. he and wkx match but like in a complimentary way.)
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Zhang Chengling - Pareas margaritophorus the first thing wikipedia says about this snake is that it is small and harmless. for the first time so far, i am not trying to mislead you. just a little snek boi!!!!!! cute!!!!!! I Want To Hold And Protect Him
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Gu Xiang - Fowlea piscator look i'm gonna be honest. there are not a lot of snakes that are even REMOTELY purple but this one has a little purple whip tongue! also, not venemous but (if it's anything like water snakes in the US) kind of an asshole. apparently pretends to be a cobra. look at her go.
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Cao Weining - Coelognathus radiatus this snake has no thoughts in its head. look at it. i don't mean as a species i mean This One. That's cwn. just sitting there doing a blep. no venom, apparently a defensive sort of dude. cool colors tho!
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Luo Fumeng - Calliophis bivirgatus a different kind of coral snake! i've gone a bit further outside of china for this one but LOOK at how gorgeous it is. how could i not let lfm be this glamorous. also i like the idea that she's a different genus of snake than wkx but still a (venemous) coral snake.
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Liu Qianqiao - Elaphe taeniura gonna be honest here, the common name of this snake in english is the beauty snake (or ratsnake), so i didn't think too much farther. there's a ton of different color morphs of it. look at it, the elegance! she's beauty she's grace she'll constrict you (if you are a small mammal)!
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Xie Wang - Bungarus fasciatus this is a different krait! zzs has MANY bands, xw just has bands. a little brighter colored and more extra than zzs, sliiiightly less deadly, still can very definitely kill you. LOOK at that warning coloration. if i was to pick two characters to DEFINITELY have warning coloration, it WOULD be wkx and xw.
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Du Pusa - Euprepiophis mandarinus this is NOT my best work, but i just thought this snake was really pretty and so i was determined to include it somehow. hence: dps. they are ~secretive~ apparently. also. again. Look At It
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Ye Baiyi - Python bivittatus BIG BOY!!!! ALMOST THE BIGGEST BOY!!!!! does occur in white color morphs in captivity (and like, i guess presumably in the wild? at one point? but i have to imagine that's like. not so much a thing anymore.) also, did i pick the picture that looks the most like a cryptid? of course i did, it's yby. he doesn't want his picture taken. he doesn't want you to know he exists even. leave him alone. where he belongs in his natural habitat.
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Han Ying - Lycodon septentrionalis a shiny pretty boy. a shiny pretty boy who looks very much like a many-banded krait, in fact. however, they're not venemous. hy just looks like zzs. again: LOOK AT THIS GOOD SNEK.
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Jing Beiyuan - Ahaetulla prasina several things here. one, this is an elegant but strange boy (i don't think this shows just how weird this guy's nose looks. it's like someone took a snake's nose and used pliers to stretch it out all pointy). two, FASHION!!! look at those pattens!!!!! a striking example. and three, it looks kind of like wu xi's snakeclet
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Wu Xi - Naja atra he's a cobra. i think this speaks for itself.
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perelka-l · 7 months
Do you have any fun or interesting hc for Kieran and Carmine? My personal hc is that Carmine wears hearing aids and a lot of the communicational issues between her and Kieran are a byproduct of her hearing loss making her sometimes seem oblivious to his feelings when shes actually just missing part of the conversation.
Hello Anon!!!
I'll be honest, I didn't think much about Carmine in terms of hc, but I wanna try to formulate something during my playthrough ;w;)b
In terms of Kieran... I have a few, though most are fuelled by my fujo shipper brain dsjafhsdjf
cw: self-harm
So yeah, I bet entirety of my ass he does sh. But then, one of first fanart I saw of him was precisely that and it kinda sunk deep. I do agree that he does have issues with Carmine but I do think it stems from her being a dominating force in their relationship and he can't quite handle that and so he kind of, uh, tries to deal with frustrations some other way, though I assume it escalated pretty badly after Teal.
Also yeah I am close to solidifying hc about Kieran being trans so I guess there is that. Also is his autism even a hc at this point?? I think some of misunderstandings between those two can also stem from that.
Additionally all the gorgeous emo/goth Kieran art solidified for me his vision with piercings and earrings and I can't resist that imagery... It just fits him so well. I really like the thought of him having a forked tongue but I am unsure if that would be even body mod he chose to have or is this just a casual thing with humans in Pokemon world being a little off at times (I think if yes, it does extend to Carmine as well with them being snek siblings and all).
That's all that comes to my mind atm ;w;)a
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