#i am once again staring respectfully
Day in the Life with Yandere Student Council | Part 2
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Last Part
“Ah, just the three I wanted to see.”
“G-g-g-g-good a-a-afternoon (Y/n).”
You give him a small wave
The malicious intent is teeming off the couple as they glare at Lucoa
Who continues to smile entirely unbothered
“What do you need all three of us for? Mister. President.” 
“You both have a lot of work to catch up on.”
“We have already completed all of our schoolwork and the student council work we have yet to complete is not urgent.”
Lucoa’s piercing glints in the sunlight
“Not anymore. Respectfully this is the new work assigned to you both. Min Su.”
Struggling with one pile after another the treasurer pulls them out
until there are four fairly tall piles on the table
As if the sheer size wasn’t enough Min drops a nameplate on all the piles, politely smiling from behind them when he finishes
“I trust this will at least be finished before morning tomorrow.”
June’s face blanks  before a smile once again spreads on his face
“Gill, we’ll take two trips. Sorry (Y/n), we'll have to rain-check on our date.”
June waits for Gill grab two of the piles one with each of their names before walking out
“Bye, (Y/n).”
When the door closes your attention is turned to Min and Lucoa who are each sporting smiles
“(Y/n) d-d-do you want to help me recount our savings for this month? O-o-or would you like to help me alphabetize our receipts?”
Before you can say anything Lucoa intercedes wrapping arm around your back
“Sorry Min I have a very important task for our honorary member.”
“But I think it’ll be a good idea for (Y/n) to leave their bags with you.”
“Yes, really.”
Min gives you a hug slipping off your pack to cradle it into his chest
“I’ll protect your things with my life!”
Redder than a tomato he runs off with your backpack
And you can only hope he doesn’t trip knowing him
“Well (Y/n) will you join me?”
You don’t have much of a choice as Lucoa already confirms you’re attendance and assignments for class are waived
Following him to his private office you admire the expensive decor and the pristine waterfall against the wall
Its a sight to behold
“So uh Lucoa what’s this super important task?”
“Just a survey. I think it’s important to know the preferences of all my members.”
“...’If you were relocated to a higher living space would you or would you not be satisfied with your life?’...”
“Uhm not that this has anything to do with the survey but I like where I am now. I prefer a cozy and convenient place where I can keep learning at school.”
Lucoa smile never fades as he tilts his head at you
“You’re right it doesn’t have anything to do with the survey.”
“I’m not refusing to finish it. It’s just something I wanted to say.”
You wait for some kind of reaction but he leans in his chair and twirls away
“Well I’m glad you told me, (Y/n)."
He stops spinning to stare you down again
“I need that survey tomorrow.”
You gather the papers prepared to leave
“You don’t have your back pack or any of your belongings.”
“I-i know but it’s getting late I have to get back before curfew.”
“Don’t worry I’ll have my driver drop you off. Besides I was wondering if you wanted to try a strawberry? I just had them imported after a business proposition.”
“Uh sure I guess.”
Everyday’s a new adventure with these guys
But it’s a school day after all 
a specialized college such as this is sure to have it’s eccentrics
To be bad your trapped with them
Not even the weekends will keep you out of their grasp
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That one flight home
part 6 to That one Christmas flight
summary: Kiss me hard before you go.
warning: oral sex, cheesy af, swear words I guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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It's inevitably a strange experience to wake up next to someone you'd never slept next to before. Y/N kept waking up as her heart was testing the limits of the amount of heartbeats a human body can entail before it becomes a condition. She watched Lando, as he snored ever so quietly, saving every moment in her memory. Unlike her, Lando was used to sleepless nights. And unlike her, the strangest part of their first night together for him was the fact he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence. So simple, so easy. His mind and soul safe and sound. Perhaps he made the leap of the first night slumber on the first flight, when she rested her head on his shoulder for almost six hours.
When he woke up, she was standing by the window, watching whatever seemed to be happening on the street. He stayed silent, admiring the figure and the way light higlighted her curves. Only once she turned around, he spoke to her.
"Hey you...early morning person, I see," he grunted, wanting nothing more that to return to any of their previous activities, starting with cuddling.
"Yeah, sadly so. Would love to sleep til 12 sometimes," she said and glanced over to him morning boner. Lando noticed her look and shook his head.
"What can I say, impossible to control that."
"I like it, it's cute!"
"Did you just call my boner cute? Ouch," he pretended to get hurt.
She returned back to the bed. "It's cute that you have one."
"Hard to imagine not having one." They locked their lips having absolutely no care in the world for morning breath.
"Breakfast?" she asked, hungry as ever. It was a hard decision as she absolutely loved being locked in his embrace.
Lando had something different in mind, but god he was starving.
They got dressed and lazily strolled downstairs to a lovely breakfast patio. Y/N was over the moon internally about how touchy Lando became with her. His and on her lower back was something she could get used to very quickly. Y/N noticed few looks coming their way as they sat down and could not quite pin down why. First thing on her mind was that they looked a cute couple. She disregarded that as she remembered that she was sitting here with Lando Norris.
"Did you notice that people were looking at us?" she remarked over her morning coffee.
"Yeah...But like in a different way than they usually stare at me. Fuck it honestly, we have few hours before return to the madness so let's just chill," he smiled without a care in the world. Y/N relaxed again. They chatted away for few minutes before an older Italian lady, one of the fellow guests, approached them. Lando was almost ready for a photograph and a plea for confidentiality - that was until she opened her mouth and started screaming at them in Italian. He had no idea what any of those words meant, so he searched for a clue on Y/N's face. The poor girl sat there with a red face, making it really hard for Lando not to laugh at this situation, so he sipped his tea to hide his mouth. Once this lady left, silence fell over. Quite few people were giving them looks.
"Was she commenting on my hair?" asked Lando to ease the tension. "I am having an exceptionally good hair day."
Y/N took a deep breath. "From what I've gathered, we are both absolute filthy pigs, who have no manners and use this nice hotel as a brothel."
"Ah, nice. Cool!" Lando respectfully waved at the angry lady.
"Do you think we were like loud yesterday?" It was wrong how proud it had been making him.
"We're in Italy for god sake, isn't it all suppose to be little louder here?"
Y/N shot him a look. He sent her a wink.
Time was a cruel lady. The pair was starting to reach the final minutes of their encounter. The quickly wrapped up their breakfast, sharing amused looks in silence. Lando felt a strange discomfort when he saw her checking out the time.
They were back kissing in their hotel room in minutes. It was impossible to do anything else. They were making out on the bed when the housekeeper came in. Lando stopped them in the door: "Late check out, please! Late check out. Yeah, thanks." He then turned back to Y/N. "I'm not done with you, honey." With a cheeky look on his eyes, he began to remove Y/N's shorts and underwear.
"Pretty," he commented once she was naked. She rolled her eyes and bit her tongue. Lando went onto putting slow kisses from her feet all the way to her thighs, testing which spots worked the best. Once he was almost the top of her thighs, he looked up to her and gently bit. When he saw that she was ok with it, he used more force. Y/N let out a shy scream of pain, the kind of pain that is dancing on the edge of pleasure and aching.
She moaned his name softly, as his tongue continued where it had started and abruptly ended the night before. She touched his hair and held his head in the place. Lando enjoyed her being demanding. He varied his moves and meticulously burned her reactions into his memory as if he was suppose to be completing his exams on this. Once he fund the specific moves she responded to the most, he repeated those until she could not continue no more. He watched as she reached the high for two times. There were few things making him feel genuinely proud of himself like this has. This what people meant when they described mindblowing, Y/N realized. "Come here to me," she demanded once she was done. Lando went to cuddle with her, face to face, watching her breath slowing down again. The laid like this for few minutes, neither of them wanting to break the silence. Until one of them had to.
"We'll need to get going so you don't miss your flight," Lando whispered. Y/N wanted nothing else then to miss her flight and stay stuck in this room with him.
"Yeah, I know. Just one more minute."
The drive to the airport was unusually quiet. Lando had his flight later than Y/N did, but insisted on going with her earlier to accompany her. Airports were becoming her least favorite thing, as another goodbye was knocking on the door. They held hands casually all the way to the check in. Another last kiss. The kind to leave sting.
"Give me something of yours. So that I have something to remind me of you," he asked softly. Taken back a bit, Y/N took her necklace off and handed it to him and exchanged it for Lando's hoodie.
Y/N was the last passenger to board the plane taking her back home. Lando had the same coffee at the same place as he did yesteday, only this time it had a weirdly bitter aftertaste. He played with her necklace, she wore his hoodie trying to soak his perfume in while it was still fresh.
First hangover is always the worst. Pains in weird places one did not know existed, blood flowing in a strange pace. Everything slightly out of place and sun just a little too bright on the tired eyes. Y/N got drunk a little too quickly on her racer crush and the come down was more like a vertical crash down.
The evening she arrived back home was a joyous one. She got out the plane and almost danced all the way to the train heading to the centre. Met up with her friends and would just not shut up about her time with Lando. Unstoppable force that would talk the most skilled politician into listening her talk about the way his hair curled and his touch burned. Like every other drug addict, once the reality hit and the high lost its intense hue, she crashed.
What was supposed to happen now? Monday morning rolled in and new chapter began. The darkest thoughts she kept at bay for long enough got landed the main role. It was just a hook up to him. Nothing more. He was way beyond her league. She gave him what he wanted and he will not be able to give her what she wants. He is already is somebody else's arms by now. All the other guys will be just a different shade of gray compared to the bright orange that followed his charming aura.
"Y/N? Yes, she is a hard to get bitch, she will not fall easily for just about anyone. Not the relationship kind, that's for sure", is how she'd probably get described as by her friends. Her best kept secret was that she was an absolute hopeless romantic. Fell a little too hard for every crush she had and never found a way how to attract those she wished to spend her days and nights with. Her evening with Lando was the closest she got to her deepest dreams coming true. Every other situationship she has had in the past was so dull compared the how loudly this one screamed. So of course, when no messages came in from him, her natural instinct to draw herself back kicked in. A lovely coping mechanism that has destroyed lots of chances in the past. Even though she was well aware of that, it was the road she knew how to walk and somehow could not help herself to avoid it.
A lifeless copy of the bubbly girl from this weekend roamed the halls of Bologna university, digging her self into a deeper hole than needed. All those sad songs suddenly made sense.
Life came back screaming loudly at Lando. As soon as he landed back it was one thing after another to make up for the time. Races comes first, always. Even if it does not on that day naturally, there will always be several people to force it upon him. In those randomly scattered moment where his mind could run freely, he immediately went back to the salt cured late night air in Italy and the kisses with the one who'd been occupying his mind for longer than he'd be willing to admit. Life demanded a lot from him, so daydreaming had to be put on hold.
One thought haunted Lando no matter how much he tried to ignore it. Y/N was just so pure in his eyes. Unaffected by clouds of fame, free in whatever she wanted to do whenever she desired to. Not having to face constant criticism and prying looks. He still hadn't processed fully the effect this has had on his relationships in the past. How it gradually changed the tone of the romance, until it destroyed it completely. He fell for her hard. Fascinated by the lightness that surrounded her. She radiated, lifting him up to her heights when he was with her and that was something you just could not buy.
She was grounded. Belonged somewhere, was a local and a regular. Had a life centred in one place (mostly, excluded family), group of university friends and was figuring this life out on her own, without anyone inserting their own ambitions into her. There were no people relying on how she did and he almost envied the freedom this provided her. A feeling he was sure she could not properly understand, as he did not as well before responsibility had been thrusted on him.
He loved his formula 1 life. But a part of him felt strangely inadequate around those who have had these student life experiences. She could do anything.
He needed time to think about his next move, if there was any to ever happen. Gut feeling was to fly her out here to spend time with him, introduce her to everyone that walked by and make sure she falls for him at least half as strongly as he fell for her. On the other hand, he also felt like clumsy giant trying to pick up an origami dove - once he would, he would inevitably crush her and damage the wings, the kind of she did not know she had. The kind of wings one starts to see only once they are impaired. Maybe keeping their affair as it was now was the only way how to keep the light in this memory.
But at night, when the noises of his busy life went quiet and the the intrusive thought we like "yeah baby, let's go", he buried himself deep in his favorite sad songs and dreamed of touching her again, of seeing her smile and of her proudly introducing him to her friends. Sleep was something Lando struggled with even on a normal day, but on days like these it was like as if it was a secret language he was never taught to speak.
Jealous. That’s what Y/N was. In the ugliest sense of the sinful word. Gone was any internal morale compass guiding her to not go against other girls. Feminism said goodbye when she scrolled down endless adoring comments on his fan page.
She did not give two shits about his fame or god forbid money. When she met him, she had no idea what he meant to so many people. A cheeky well dressed funny boy with a dream, that’s what she saw. Seeing the pure adoration thousands of people had for him was overwhealming. So in the random moments between other people talking, she imagined meeting him in another life, one where he was just one of the other students and she finally got to relive the uni romance she had wished for - cute study dates, making out at parties and sitting at local balconies, over looking the historical town. It was becoming a little too consuming. Like a headache that won’t go away.
She wondered why - why was there a huge ever-present hole in her stomach making her nauseous.
part 7
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @classiclitfreak @llando4norris @ophcelia 
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cottonlemonade · 7 months
Stuck At The Airport
word count: 757 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: post-time skip Kuroo x chubby!Reader
genre: very suggestive fluff, a pinch of smut, established relationship
warnings: mdni, nsfw
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The next few minutes you send him various memes and cute animal pictures, making him chuckle and coo, but with every new buzz of his phone his anticipation grows. He knows his girlfriend too well, so with every new innocent puppy picture adrenaline gets pumped through his veins. After another 15 minutes you send a wave of pictures and sure enough in between some snapshots of adorable shiba inus there is one of you in a lacy lavender bra biting you lips, winking into the camera.
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He starts to chew on his lip while staring hungrily at the picture of you laying on the bed, showing off your soft thighs. He wishes he would be home with you already, touching you and kissing every inch of your body.
Not seeing eachother for a whole month had been torture but thanks to modern technology the distance between you had felt small enough. Of course he was grateful for the opportunity the Volleyball Association had opened up to him, however, he is also definitely looking forward to not leaving the bed all weekend. Lost in thought he jumps a little when his phone buzzes once again.
Kuroo swallowed the lump in his throat when a long voice message appears. Doubting that this is a good idea, he presses play regardless, gazing (respectfully) at the previous pictures you sent as he listens to the little scenario you paint for him. When you eventually begin to moan softly into his ears, he coughs and adjusts his seat, using his jacket to hide his - by now - rock hard problem. He tries to look anywhere but his phone to calm down, all the while cursing the heavens for keeping you waiting.
It takes his entire willpower not to head straight to your apartment when he finally lands around 3 in the morning. Since he is planning to spend as little time as possible clothed once he is with you, he takes a quick shower at his place, puts on a fresh shirt and then practically jogged to his car.
Soft music plays when he unlocks your door. Kuroo shrugs off his jacket and shoes and follows the sounds to the living room.
His heart jumps when he sees you snoozing in the pillow fort you had built. The little coffee table is set beautifully for a late dinner and he can smell his favorite food waiting safely under cling film on the plates.
For a couple of moments he just kneels at the entrance of the fort, admiring your sleeping form, trying to calm his heart. He seems to have severely underestimated how much he had missed you until now.
Kuroo settles in behind you, setting soft kisses on your shoulder, his arm around your waist, gently squeezing your soft tummy.
You stir, giving a small groan as you stretch.
"You're back!", you cheer in a tiny sleepy voice.
"I am so sorry that it took this long. God, I forgot just how good you smell…", he sighs, burying his face in your hair.
After a couple deep breaths, Kuroo kisses your neck, running his hands along your body, feathery at first but hungrier with every passing second, pressing his hips against yours.
You turn to him, smiling through tired eyes, entwining your legs with his.
He smirks into the long deep kiss that follows, grabbing at your generous curves with his roaming hand.
"How was your trip? Tell me all about it.", you say, trying to suppress a moan.
"It was good.", he says, dragging his lips along your jaw, caressing your cheek. "I talked and people liked it. Was great."
You make an indefinable sound halfway between another moan and a sigh, owing to the fact that he had pushed his thigh up between your legs.
"I dreamed about you."
"Oh yeah?"
"Hm, and not gonna lie, some of those dreams were a little indecent."
You giggle, grabbing his hair, pulling him away from your neck to look at him. Your handsome boyfriend with his mischievous grin.
"And in some of them", Kuroo continues, pulling down the little tank top you‘re wearing and cupping your breasts, "you were downright naughty."
He leans in to catch your lips with his, running his fingers over your nipples.
You give a weak whine when soon enough he replaces his fingers with his tongue.
Excruciatingly unhurried Kuroo kisses his way down your body.
He smiles to himself when he sees the effect he already had on you and gets comfortable for a proper welcome.
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art: (the little profile picture used in the texts) @/se_5eeeee on Twitter
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Hello, I don't know if you're taking requests but I loved your bunny and werewolf price fic. Could you maybe do werewolf könig and bunny reader? 👉🏾👈🏾 I'd love you forever. Thank you!
A/N: I'm just... Going to... Scouch over here.. shh...We've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty... JK, loved writing this. As always this was supposed to be a simple one shot but my mind keeps trying to write full fucking series so this is long... My bad. Did not proof read, too excited to share it with you
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Kinda Sub!Konig, cuz the thought of a whiny whimpering mess of this man is just... Damn...
Sleep token - Alkaline
I know I am what I am, the mouth of the wolf the eyes of the lamb.
Konig integration to squad 141 had been quite stressful. As a lone wolf, entering a team, entirely constituted by a pack of wolves, he had been anxious. Fortunately, Price and the others had been kind, and after the first few days of weariness, especially from Ghost who clawed to his mate Soap like a demon hungry for a soul, he had settled in. When he realized Konig had no interest in him, he had calmed down, though Konig tried to remain a good few steps away from Soap through discussions. 
So after six months, Konig could say he was part of the team. He felt quite at home. Price as the leader of the group seemed to put him at ease, his usual lone wolf demeanor kept in check. He had been thrilled to see that Price had found a mate, after coming back from a long solo mission. Konig had remained respectfully away as well, making sure that the remaining mating frenzy of Price wouldn't overspill. 
No, what he hadn't expected, was that with her being part of the pack, she'd introduce you. A dear friend who just transferred from another base. They sat in the common room, everyone laughing and eating snacks. 
Konig sat beside you, the big man towering you. You threw a few glances at him once in a while, glances that he could feel on him. He tried to glance at you once in a while too. He was having a hard time focusing on the current conversation. You… smelt so sweet. He wondered how you'd taste- Konig's eyes widened. No! What was that? 
"Konig?" Price called. 
Konig snapped his head towards the captain, blinking. 
"Are you alright?" He asked, a glint of something in his eyes. 
"Ah, ja! I'm alright" he quickly answered, German accent tainting his voice. He rubbed the back of his neck, an awkward laugh past his lips. 
That had been the first distraction. After a good week of settling in, where he had watched from far away, sniffing a few times your scent that made him want to pop out his tail and frantically wag it. So he had tried to simply step back. He was acting like a pup in rut, and it simply wouldn't do. 
He walked into the empty common area as he closed his eyes and sighed. It took a fraction of a second to have your delicious scent ensnare him. He immediately looked at you as you sat on one of the couches, book in hand. You had glanced up and he nodded curtly at you before going to grab a cold drink from the fridge. 
He froze, eyes staring inside of the open fridge. You had called him. By his name. His ears almost popped out at the sound of you standing from the couch and stepping closer to him. He immediately straightened himself once he could feel you close enough. You looked up at him, arms crossed. 
"Konig…" you repeated. 
"Yes liebling?" He blushed under his hood at the pet name that had rushed through his mouth quicker than through his brain. 
"I.. why…" you tried to find your words. He closed the fridge, fully turning to you. "Did I do something wrong?" 
He blinked. 
"Bitte?" You frowned, confused at the foreign language. 
He noticed. Chuckling a bit. 
"I.. you didn't do anything…" he answered finally. 
"But. You've been avoiding me… is it… that you don't like me?" You tried again. 
His beautiful blue eyes widened. How could he possibly tell you that he was avoiding you because your scent made him want to cuddle with you as you pet him. 
"N..no… I'm sorry. I've been… distracted. You're okay.." he reassured. 
You seemed to relax, throwing a soft smile at him before turning back towards the couch. He watched closely how you rolled into yourself, your legs underneath you and you picked up your book. He had a hard time thinking. The lingering scent of you, the sight of you adorably sitting on the couch. He had to shake his head to bring himself back to reality. He picked up a cold drink before taking a long sip. 
So, after that. He went back to talking to you. He'd love to walk beside you, watching your small frame by his side as your voice blessed his ears. Oh god he loved it. It quickly became obvious that you two were close. Sometimes you'd even slip into his dorm to watch a movie with him or simply read on his bed as he worked on a report. It felt odd to watch him, sweatpants and t-shirt. Your eyes wandered to the bulge in his pants before quickly looking away, embarrassed. 
After a good two months you were almost inseparable. If someone needed one of you they knew they'd simply had to find the other. Konig had grown fond of you. You had both gotten more touchy. You'd hug him often and cuddle while watching movies. You had fallen asleep in his arms a few times in his bed, Price scolding the both of you, calling you both an HR nightmare. It didn't stop you from sneaking into his room. Konig had first been hesitant, refusing to put you in trouble but nothing a little nuzzling couldn't convince. 
The first time you had popped out your black dotted ears and fluffy white tail Konig had almost looked at you through a trance. 
"K-konig?" You worried. His pupils had dilated as he watched closely your ears twitch. His eyes quickly wrinkled, a huge smile forming underneath the hood as he begged to touch them and pet them. You had complied and he had absolutely been addicted to the softness and smallness. It made you giggle. You often found yourself letting them show as much as you could in the privacy of his dorm. 
Him, however, it had been a slip of control. You were both on the bed, a movie on the background as you wrestled for the last chocolate bar. He could easily take it, but he found the way your small hands touched him and his large ones roamed your body was too tempting. He has ended in between your legs, hovering you as he tickled you, your laughter filling his ears. You had started kicking away, trying to turn and roll away, but in a synchronized movement your hips and his met, his obvious large member grinding against your clit perfecty. 
A startled moan had escaped your lips. Your hands rushed to cover your mouth as you looked up at the mountain of a man with wide eyes. You were both frozen, eyes staring into each other's, just your quickened breaths. You had blinked before realizing two things poking at his hood. You had relaxed, curiosity taking control as one of your hands rested flat on your chest and the other reached up. 
It had the effect of a cold shower for Konig as he instinctively grabbed your wrist before your fingers could think of the touch. You had yelped from the strength of his grip. His eyes flashed dangerously, red shine in them, something rare even for a werewolf. He eyed you like a prey before rolling his hips against you again, making you whine before biting your lip. 
"Konig…" you called. 
It seemed to make things worse as he rolled his hips again, grinding slightly now, is cock only hardening. Your legs tightened around his waist as you tried not to moan. No.. he had to snap out of it. You felt the fur of his tail at your feet. 
"K..Konig, snap out of it!" You called, louder. 
His tail wagged at the sound of your voice. You weren't exactly scared. God you even felt the way your body warmed under his touch, your cunt growing wetter under his grip and the grinding. 
"Konig!" Your voice rang louder. 
This time, a growl that resembled a roar echoed in the hallway, making Konig blink. His eyes had immediately fallen back into their beautiful blue as he looked shocked by his own actions. He let go of you as if your skin was burning magma. Abruptly stood to take various steps back. 
"es tut mir wirklich leid…" he quickly spoke before exiting his room in a hurry. The smell of Price in the hallway was strong as you closed your eyes. 
Konig was furious at himself for letting himself lose control so much. He had scared you, he was sure. Price scolded him, growling in his voice that showed dominance, trying to reason with Konig. He had decided to avoid you for a while until a mission fell on the table. Fortunately you both knew that you could remain professional. Talking to each other for nothing more than missions briefings and gear Control. 
It was hell for him. And unbestowed to him, it was also hell for you. You wanted to reassure him that it was ok. He hadn't hurt you or scared you. That deep down you kinda wanted it too. It was simply… too soon. Perhaps the fact that you both avoided gazes and voices was what created the upcoming chaos. 
The battlefield was a dangerous place, but you were both used to it. No. What was not usual was how much Konig had his mind set on you. He kept gazing at you, making sure you were ok. It wasn't exactly compromising the mission. It was simply making his beast claw at the iron bars of its cage. 
"Konig, focus!" Ghost hissed at him. 
Konig frowned before turning his head forwards. Yes. He had to focus. Until you found yourselves in an empty building, just him and you. Until that enemy jumped on you, combat knife in hand, so close to your throat. It was pure instinct, sheer force that rushed through him. He had turned in a flash, throwing the man across the room. When the man's team arrived he lunged at them, claws and teeth ripping through skin and flesh. When every single one of them laid as corpses on the floor you gently spoke. 
"Konig… it's over." You called out. 
He had turned to you, remaining far away. He looked terrifying. Blood coating his maw and claws. Splatter tainting his fur. Your strong, frightening beast. You had raised your hands towards him to invite him closer to you as you still sat on the ground. He had closed the space to you, wrapping you in his arms as he lifted you into his lap. His deep low growl was constant, fear and rage making his heart pound in his ears. His beautiful blue eyes were gone, red irises fixated on you. 
His head had lowered to your neck where little droplets of blood lingered from the enemy's blade. Long licks against the wound made you shiver. 
"Konig.. I'm ok.. it's nothing, I promi- ah~" the end of your sentence was lost in a moan as he nibbled softly. A shock of electricity ran through your nervous system. He was so close. So close to marking you. 
He was lost again. But this was the fear of losing you. His mind wasn't set on marking you, you knew it. But that's all you had in mind. And you needed to hide it from him.
Thankfully the team arrived quickly after, founding the big beast holding you close in the middle of a massacre. Price had to coax him out into letting you go as you promised him you'd stay by his side for the rest of the time. You had the Intel in any way, all you needed was to evac. He had turned back but his eyes were still red, fangs still poking out. You had never left his side as Price and the team constantly kept an eye on him. 
Returning from the mission, Konig had been presented in front of Price and Laswell. He had been suspended for a few weeks, which he completely understood. He had remained with price after Laswell left. 
"I know you're close to her. But is there something more?" Price asked. 
Konig didn't answer, simply staring at the pen on Price's desk. 
"Konig." He called firmly. "Are you imprinting on her?" . 
Konig swallowed. Was he? No… he couldn't. You deserved better. So much better than just a monstrous beast like him. 
"It doesn't matter… I'm going to step back." Konig mumbled. 
Price sighed loudly. 
"If you imprinted on her, walking away isn't going to help at all." Price reminded. 
"I know. But as long as she's not imprinted on me, I'll be fine staying away." 
Price shook his head but the conversation ended. Konig had gotten up and left the base an hour later. 
You were furious when you saw him from across the bar. It had been two weeks. No text, no calls, no nothing. You finally fell eye to eye in the middle of a team's night out. You had watched him stand from the booth when the boys walked towards it. You had stopped in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do. You headed for the bar instead, sitting on a stool. 
Price had noticed the hurt in Konig's eyes immediately. He wanted to smack the large man for being so stubborn. He was scared to hurt you, yes. Price had been scared to hurt his mate too. But sometimes it is so much worse to stay away. 
The night went on as smoothly as it could. Konig kept throwing glances at you at the bar where you sat with Price's mate, your friend. 
"Konig, just go see her mate," Gaz said. 
Konig looked at the men sitting before shaking his head. 
"You're so stubborn." Ghost added. 
"You should listen to them…" Price's mate said as she approached the booth, closer to her man. "Before another tries to mark her…" she finished. 
Konig's head snapped towards where you sat. A boy was talking to you, smaller than him. He was about to stand when Ghost and Price pushed him back down. 
"Calm yourself down." Price's eyes flashed yellow. 
Konig realized his eyes were back to their hunting shade, fangs grazing at his lip. He was losing control again. 
"She's not yours." Ghost added. 
Price glared at Ghost as Konig instantly pushed past the both of them to walk towards you. 
You noticed the chaos arriving from the corner of your eyes. Konig striding towards you as Price and Ghost tried to catch up with him. You could see the red shiny eyes under the hood. Shit…
You took a step back from the man who was trying to find his friend in the same bar. Konig stood next to you in a flash, his hand, a hint of claws, gripping at the back of your shirt. 
"Konig." You warned. 
His bright eyes fell on you. You felt yourself crumble under the predatory gaze. God did you feel warmer all of a second. 
"Sorry.. I… was just looking for…" the boy stuttered. You put your hands on Konig's chest. 
"It's fine. Your friend is in the bathroom, went there a few minutes ago." You told him, the man nodding before walking away. 
You turned to Konig, crossing your arms. 
"What are you doing?" You asked with a frown. 
"Why were you talking with him?" He asked, soft growls behind his words. 
Price and Ghost remained far enough to not listen to you two but close enough to intervene. 
"He asked me a question." You glared. "What's it with you who I talk to anyway?" You snapped. 
"Y/N.." he started. 
"You left. Why do you care?" You snapped again. 
Price shook his head, knowing exactly where this was going. 
Underneath his hood, Konig clenched his jaw. God he wanted to show you. Make you understand how much he cared, how much you meant to him. How unbearable it had been to be away from you, how he only came tonight because he knew you'd be here too. 
"You know what. Whatever. I'm going home captain." You said, grabbing your coat before walking away. 
When you walked through the door, Gaz stood behind Konig. 
"Konig, I swear to God if you don't ask her out I fucking will." 
Konig glares at him before something in his mind clicks. Images of you in someone else's arms, kissing another's lips. Letting another's cock- 
He rushed past the boys, hoping to catch up to you. As soon as the air of the night hit him he looked around, seeing you on your phone, probably calling for a cab. He walked to his car, jumping inside, speeding to stop in front of you with a screech. 
"Get in the car." He ordered through the open passenger window. 
You frowned, crossing your arms again. You were going to say something, brat at him, but he purposely growled softly. 
"Don't make me step out of the car to bring you in." He warned, German dripping in his voice. 
You swallowed, something about that growl making you shiver delightfully. Konig was a sweetheart. He'd cuddle and pamper you with anything you need, anytime. But this part of him. The one he let out on the battlefield, it made something kneel deep in you. 
You rolled your eyes, pushing the car door open before sitting in. Konig lunged forward grabbing your seat belt and putting it on, tightly pulling on it to make sure it was secure. It made your heart skip a beat. That, and the way he raced away towards your place. 
"Konig. What are you doing?" You scolded again. 
"I'm taking you back to your house." He stated. 
"Why? What if I wanted to go somewhere else?" You crossed your arms. 
He took a deep breath, hand slightly shaking on the steering wheel. 
"We need to talk." He said, keeping his voice steady. You remained silent, waiting for him to continue. 
"I.. Scheiße…" he cursed. 
"Konig. Pull over…" you asked softly. He obeyed, the car coming to a stop, as he killed the engine. 
"I… care. For you." He tried. You felt your heart swell at his words.
"Why did you leave…" you asked in a low voice, hurt lacing the sound. 
"I… was out of control. I got, suspended. I thought that, maybe, walking away would be better. You. Deserve better…" the last words lost in whispers. 
"I wasn't scared." You stated, Konig's head turning to you in shock. "I know you'd never hurt me. Ever." You turned to him with a smile. 
"Never." He growled. 
You smiled. 
"Do you… will you let me… court you… liebling?" He asked, looking away. 
"That's all I want Konig…" you answered, relief washing over you. 
A second later, two things poked under his hood, making you crack a chuckle. 
"Gottverdammt…" he mumbled. 
You chuckled again, leaning towards him. He kept his eyes on you as your hand rose to his head. Your fingertips touched his ears underneath the fabric as they twitched, Konig whining a bit. You smiled, not pushing further. 
"Let's go…" you said softly. 
The thrilling sensation of finally being able to take you out on dates and cuddle with you non stop made Konig giddy. After that night, he went to Price, asking him for advice on how to keep control with you next to him. Price had been a mix of happiness that you two were finally letting yourself go for it, and worried because he knew trouble would be brewing. Something along the lines of a Soap-Ghost, was about to start again. 
You were on cloud nine, it was amazing to be able to have Konig back next to you, finally letting himself show you how much he cared. At first he had refused too much physical contact. After a little while, he started with the small touches, hugs and cuddles. Something Price told him must have made something click in his brain, he was now much more controlled when you spoke. A simple 'stop', even lighthearted, made him freeze and step back. It almost made you miss the beast. 
You'd also spend a lot more time with the group, now taking your rightful place on Konig's lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Price and Ghost still eyeing Konig once in a while. If there's one thing that they noticed, it was the dark looks sent to Gaz when he sat slightly too close to you, or joked around too much. Something about the comment he made in the bar must have stuck to Konig. 
And it was true. Konig felt a ping of jealousy and possessiveness every single time Gaz looked at you or smiled… 
You were oblivious. You hadn't heard the comment. It was probably not true either. Gaz probably said that to make Konig realize how much he needed you, but the words kept circling in mind every time he was in the same room as you. 
And it had poisoned his mind. He'd cling more to you as time passed. He'd find himself nibbling at your neck without even realizing before you called out to him. He noticed the way your cheeks flushed a delightful pink. He tried to stop his painful erection every time. Too soon. He didn't have enough control on his wolf. Not with you. 
In the middle of that mess, you felt safer letting your tail and ears out. Only accentuating his fixation on you. He had also let his ears and tail out a lot more. You were so happy every time and he'd let you pet his ears, making his tail wag. He wasn't ashamed anymore. He'd be your perfect little puppy if that's what you wanted. 
Until it happened. After a very long and annoying two day field training with new recruits, Konig had walked into the common rooms, grumbling. The sweet scent of you immediately relaxing his tense shoulders. When he looked up he froze. The instincts and reaction was on the spot. His eyes flashing red at the scene before him. The way Gaz hovered over your shoulder, looking at the file on your lap. His mouth was so close to your neck. You could probably feel his breath on your skin. 
The growl erupting from his chest wasn't controlled. And it immediately caught your attention and Gaz's one. The boy took a step back immediately, hand raising in the air as surrender. You stood, skipping to Konig. 
"Konig…" you called softly. 
His gloved hand tangled in your hair, pulling softly as he nuzzled your neck, eyes glaring at Gaz. Gaz simply looked away. You decided to avoid the storm brewing by pulling Konig with you into the hallway straight towards his room. Cuddles would help calm him down. The door almost slammed shut behind the two of you. It made you shiver and bite your lip as you turned towards Konig. His hands met your waist, pulling you up before slowly bringing you down on the bed. 
You giggled, watching him pull off his hood. His beautiful face made you warm up. It had been a couple of weeks now that he felt comfortable enough to take off the mask and reveal himself to you. 
"Why was he so close to you… did he touch you?" He growled against the skin of your collarbone. You stifled a moan. 
"Of course not… Konig… he wouldn't dare… he knows I'm yours.." you reassured. 
"Not… fully…" he mumbled. 
You blinked, heat rushing through your body. 
"K-konig…" you stuttered. 
He rose from the bed, pulling you up to sit as he brought you to the edge. You watched in awe as he kneeled in front of you. 
"Bitte liebling…" he whined, hands on your ankle as his teeth grazed the skin of your thighs. Your stomach twisted at the sight, feverish shiver and wetness pooling in between your legs. The bunny in you wanted nothing more than to offer itself to his beast. 
"Let me.. mark you. Bitte…" he looked up, blue begging eyes. "Ich bitte…" 
You inhaled a sharp breath, hand meeting both sides of his face as your thumbs caressed the skin, soft stumble underneath your fingertips.
"Yes…" you whispered in a breath. 
His eyes lit up, red flashing at you as he rose to his feet to pull you back up on the bed again, taking his place in between your legs. 
"Are you sure schatz? I… I'm not… I…" he looked anxious for a second, the fear of losing control and hurting still lingered underneath the scorching need to have you. 
"Yes Konig… you're all I want… I need you to mark me…" you whined. 
His hand hid your eyes, making you gasp. You felt the way he transitioned, claws and fur now tickling your soft skin. It made the bunny react, tail and ears popping out. He removed his hand, letting you see his enormous frame. God he was large in human form, but the sheer size of him as a wolf was terrifying. 
You dropped a soft kiss on his maw, your ears plastering back. He whined, licking at your cheek, jaw, avoiding your neck to go for your collarbone. 
"Can… I..?" He asked, how voice graveled and claws pulling at your clothes. 
"Of course…" you giggled. 
The fabric tore to shreds, as he whined and his tail wagged frantically. You felt yourself burn. The mating frenzy overrides anything else in your mind. He lapped at your skin, traveling to your legs, thighs. He softly bit the plush flesh, not drawing blood but earning a gasp from you. He used his large maw and head to spread your legs, giving him access to your aching core. 
"K..Konig…" you begged. 
He licked softly at your cunt, not applying enough pressure to dip in your folds. 
"Konig!" You scolded, impatient. 
He obeyed, tongue pushing past your lips to lick at your wetness and lapping at your clit. 
The moan of relief and pleasure that escaped your lips made Konig's erection react, cock twitching.
His tongue didn't hesitate pushing at your entrance, making sure to stretch you slightly as you squirm underneath his large hands. He could break you. And the thought made you open your legs wider for him. You were already so close to your orgasm. He could smell it in your scent, feel it in the tremble of your body. His tail wagged happily, the thought of you cumming from his tongue making him feel proud and thrilled. Your hand dived down to his head, grabbing at the fur in between his ears as his ears fell back. He whined, tail now slamming on the bed as he wagged. 
Your breath quickened as you felt yourself so close to the edge. One last long lick made you throw your head back, a loud moan erupting from your throat. 
Konig let out something in between a growl and a whine against your squeezing count that made you jolt through your pleasure. He didn't stop, lapping greedily. You giggled in between moans and gasps. 
He finally stopped, straightening himself to hover over you. He still happily wagged his tail, his ears back as he licked his maw. You blushed and smiled as your hands met the sides of his neck. 
"Good boy…" you let out. 
He whined again, this time grinding his hips forwards as his hardened cock rubbed against your clit. You moaned. He was big. God… so large. He looked down at you, awaiting your orders, trying to hold himself from ravishing you. You rolled your hips against him, the friction making him pant. 
"Bitte schatz… bitte bitte bitte…" he whined. 
You bit your lip, nodding. 
"How… Do you want me?" You asked, unsure of which position would be best. 
"On your tummy…" he growled against your cheek, nuzzling you. 
You giggled again, rolling over. He licked at your back, small bites at your tail and ears before his hand snaked underneath your hips to pull you up to your knees. 
He looked down, his tip at your entrance, making sure to coat himself. He pulled away, opening his maw to let his drool fall on top of his member and your ass, watching it drip down to your entrance as your skin filled with goosebumps. When he finally put himself at your entrance, tip just slowly probing at the entrance he froze, waiting for you. 
"You choose… take your time…" he said, one hand bracing himself, the other on your hip. 
You wiggled your hips, his member in between your folds. When you felt yourself unable to resist any longer, you pushed back slightly, hit tip dipping into you as you gasped closing your eyes. You took your time, small movements forwards and backwards to ease himself into you, each inch only stretching you further. Konig whimpered above you, his hips trying their best to remain still and to not buck into you, his claws ripping at the bedsheets next to your head. You lowered your front, hips up and back arching to take him better. 
He finally bottomed out, you closed eyes, your lungs trying to keep up with your blood flow. When you finally felt yourself adjusted enough, you bucked back into Konig, a whine escaping him. 
"Please… Konig…" you whined as well. 
He struggled to fight himself, hips pulling back slowly before pushing forwards to dive into your drenched pussy again. You could feel how hard he was holding back. 
"Konig… please…" you urged. 
He allowed himself to slam himself slightly harder into you, making you moan loudly. He increased his pace, hips slamming into yours, the bed shaking. His hand underneath your front, right in between your breast, his hand clenching at the sheets right underneath your face. 
"Bite… if .. you need to…" Konig tried through moans and whimpers. His other arms were firmly wrapped underneath your hips so he had better access to you. You could feel yourself clench around him, count filling so full, Tip hitting your cervix in a mix of pain and pleasure. You felt the familiar coil in the pit of your stomach ready to burst. You glanced to the side, eyes catching a divine view. There in the mirror, you could see you, sprawled forwards on the bed in Konig's strong grip as his hips slammed into yours, his ears back and tail curled against his legs as drool fell from his maw, eyes flashing in between red and blue as he looked drunk from the mating fuck. 
It made you burst, eyes closing shut as you crumbled in his arms, orgasm washing over you again. 
"Oh… good… so verdammt gut…"  he moaned in your ear. 
You felt the tears burn your eyes, overstimulation ensnaring your senses. Your ears barely picked up the sound of a worried Price calling for Konig at the door. Barely picked up on the ear piercing growl Konig produced as an answer. A deadly warning that if one of them dare to enter to interrupt his marking and nearly fucking breeding he'd tear them apart. He was too lost to care. Fuck the rest, it was you. Your scent, your pretty moans of his name, the smell of your salty tears and the way your perfect pussy squeezed him. 
You didn't hear Price ask the rest of the team to evacuate the rest of the building. Cursing that this was the second time this year and Laswell was going to yell. No. The feeling of Konig pounding you mercilessly was making you lose all sense of reality. The next orgasm creeped up on you, almost painful blurring your vision and making your ears ring. Everytime you could feel him wag his tail, almost beeping with joy that you were cumming around his cock, just for him. 
You were drooling yourself, the sound of him whimpering and moaning your name telling you he was close. He was going to mark you, the thought made your pussy clench tightly around him. His hips faltered, pounding your mercilessly. 
"Please… bitte bitte… ich bitte… can I cum… pleasepleaseplease…" he whimpered against your neck. 
You cried out a yes in between hiccups as he slammed roughly into you now. If he wasn't holding you firmly by the waist you wouldn't have kept in place. Your orgasm was nearing, creeping again around the corner as Konig panted loudly, cock burying itself so deep in you, you almost felt him in your belly. You chanted his name, both of you ready to release as he lunged forwards, teeth sinking into your neck painfully as you both came. You felt yourself lose focus, the world spinning around you at the force of your pleasure, only doubled by the marking. 
His hips bucked into you a few more times as he licked at the blood on your neck. You didn't register him pulling you with him to lay on your side. On the way he wrapped a blanket around you, more than him. He cuddled you tightly to him, cock still buried deep inside you. He whispered and mumbled nonsense German in your neck that only made you smile. You felt yourself drift off to sleep as the last thing you heard from Konig roared through your whole body. 
In the morning you didn't get up. You had tried but your aching muscles and the soreness made you unable to stand. Konig apologized profusely. He had gone back for a few rounds again during the night, having you mewling for him. You were so full of his cum your thighs could feel the stickiness and wetness in between them. You felt like he had gone through the mating and the feeling of breeding you all together. 
He had been absolutely adorable for the entire day, bringing you snacks and drinks, cuddling with you. Price had made sure that everyone avoided the common rooms and dorms, letting the freezing come to a stop while he dealt with angry HR's breathing down his neck. 
But you couldn't care less. As you laid down in konig's arms, his piercing blue eyes looking down at you full of love you couldn't care less about the rest of the world. 
"Konig…" you whispered. 
He hummed happily, eyes squinting. 
"I love you…" you let out in a breath. His eyes widened in shock before he hugged you tighter. 
"Oh liebling… I love you…" 
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teejaystumbles · 24 days
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@tj-dragonblade @acedragontype, both of you asked about the same thing so I'm making this one post! ❤️
As you might already know, Rekindle my Heart is of course my fire elemental Hob AU. I have not gotten around to writing much more in the last few months, but I sat down and wrote up the bits between this already exisiting dialogue between Lucienne and Dream. I hope you like it. :)
“A fire elemental? Really, Lucienne? You thought giving an elemental refuge in the Dreaming was a good idea?” Dream makes an aimless sweeping gesture with his right arm, a motion betraying his anger at the situation. He is annoyed at himself for it but is utterly unable to suppress it. Were he less in control of himself his movements would look a lot different. He wants to loosen his shape and scream with mouths manifold. Lucienne, always sensitive to his moods, bows her head respectfully and says calmly: “My lord, he is very polite and utterly-” “Do not say harmless,” Dream interrupts her and strides over to the kaleidoscopic windows of raw dream stuff. They currently depict a blue bird fluttering through a cloudy sky, an overgrown thorny rose garden - and a house on fire. “He is anything but. Do you have any idea what damage he can cause to my realm? He is a true elemental, not merely a dream or nightmare of one. His powers are not easily controlled and even if the rules here are mine, he could become a threat to all of us, intentional or not.” “If unsupervised by you, my lord.” “What?” Dream turns to Lucienne, staring at her in disbelief. She only tilts her head and gives him a small smile. “As you said, you make the rules in the Dreaming, nothing here can harm you, no citizen, no dreamer, no guest. If you keep an eye on Hob, there should be nothing you cannot handle, my lord.” Irritated, Dream looks back at the window depicting the burning house and watches the flames shift and change with the motion of the glass pieces. “I do not have the time to keep an eye on him constantly,” he answers and shakes his head. The soft tread of shoes on the floor behind him lets him know that his librarian has approached. Her voice now closer, she asks softly: “How long will he be staying with us?” Dream sighs and turns back to her once more. Her brown eyes look at him without reproach or accusation, her smile encouraging and calming. Dream is thankful for her unshakable countenance. He feels a bit lost, if he is entirely honest with himself. “... I do not know. If he returns to the elemental realms now he could be summoned again by the humans he fled. I would not subject him to that risk.” Lucienne’s smile quirks up and her eyes glitter mischievously. “Very noble of you, my lord.” Dream scoffs quietly and lets her insolence slide. They have known each other for so long. Perhaps it is not bad to have a confidant in his most loyal servant. Staring back at the windows, he sees that the blue bird has found its way into the rose garden and the flames around the house seem to not consume it but only embrace it. Dream frowns at this change but does not comment on it. Instead he says: “He requested asylum. I granted it. I am honour-bound to assure his safety.” Lucienne nods and then pulls up her notebook. “Of course, my lord. If I may make a suggestion - “
And that's a scene cut. :) I hope I'll get to writing this soon aaaah how do you all deal with multipe wips haha 😅
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
cw: swearing, mentions of eating
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"i can't believe you're sneaking me out of my window like a fucking damsel."
"with all due respect, i can't exactly just knock on your front door," he chuckles quietly under his breath. his hand hovers respectfully beside your waist as you hop down from your window, the other hand unwaveringly steady in yours. you both wince at the crunch of your shoes on the crisp autumn leaves, as if the foliage wanted to rat you out and reveal you were sneaking around with the sorority's worst enemy. "very elegant landing," he teases and you stick your tongue out in response.
"next time, let's just use the main entrance," you mutter, keeping your fingers laced in his and dragging him to the side gate. "you don't even have to step on the porch; i'll just say i'm getting picked up by someone."
"your sisters would tear me like a banana peel as soon as they saw my car," he reminds you, pulling his hand away to open the passenger's side door. "and i won't say i don't like the thrill of this whole debacle." he carefully closes the door as quietly as humanly possible and creeps around the front like a cartoon burglar. you shake your head in light-hearted exasperation and his mouth becomes a smirk as he slides into the driver's seat. you suddenly curse under your breath, moving to reopen the car door. "what're you doing?"
"i forgot a jacket and we're gonna be outside, so-" you're barely finished with your thought before he's tugging off his crewneck and tossing it in your lap, just as he did during the halloween party. when you pull it over your head, it's warm like a space heater and rich with his cologne. he's left in an equally enticing black tee and you stare out the window to fight the fire on your face. "thank you."
"mhmm," he hums absentmindedly, as if giving you his clothes was as natural as blinking. he starts the car with a jerk of the key and pulls out into the neighborhood, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other floating just above your thigh. you gently push it onto your leg and his thumb rubs circles against your skin. "any thoughts on where to go tonight?"
"i'm a little hungry; i've been working on a midterm for hours," you suggest and he nods in agreement. as if on cue, a soft but persistent rumbling sounds through the car and you can't help smiling. "seems like you need some food, too."
"my beautiful date was taking a little long to get ready, unfortunately," he remarks with a sly sparkle in his eye and you roll your eyes.
"you're the one who showed up twenty minutes early," you argue, giggling at the panic that coursed through your body when you saw his car pull into the driveway. his eyes met yours through your bedroom window (you were grateful for having a room facing the street, for once) and you played a minute-long game of charades to tell him to leave. in the end, your hand practically slapped the call button, urgently whispering to park around the corner until your sisters left for a party. "i was so scared they were going to come out with sledgehammers and wreck your car."
"suddenly, it's a crime to be punctual," he laments melodramatically. "you gonna put on music or are we gonna sit here in silence? i don't mind either." the sarcasm in his tone doesn't escape you and you wonder again why, exactly, you kept letting him sneak you around like a secret royal lover.
"you are so indirect, geto suguru." he snorts out a laugh while you plug your phone into the aux cable of his car.
"last time i was direct, a guy ended up on the floor."
"true. any requests?"
"you know i like anything you play," he replies so tenderly that your brain short-circuits momentarily. "except for that musical shit. i'll only do that when we're at karaoke."
"speaking of, am i still invited to that karaoke thing tomorrow night?"
"of course, you are." the car pulls into a fast-food drive-thru and he rolls down the window. you're grateful that he gave you his sweater when the chilly air blows through the car. "and, before you ask, no. they're none the wiser."
"alright, that's good. is your roommate gonna be there, too?"
"satoru'll be there, yeah, along with a few guys a year younger than us. they're cool so you don't need to worry about them," he reassures you before leaning out the window and ordering all of your favorite items off of the menu. after dragging you out of the sorority house so many times, he'd memorized your favorite things and could read you instantly to know what you were in the mood for. he was nothing like your sisters insinuated his frat to be. "i'm excited that you wanna go," he says while you're eating in the parking lot. you have french fries scattered across your lap, but he thinks you'd never looked more beautiful.
"i'm just nervous that someone's gonna recognize me," you admit and he shakes his head.
"they won't give you shit if i'm there," he states with absolute certainty. "i'm the strongest, remember?"
"why is it that, whenever we're together publicly, you're somehow fighting for my honor?"
"you act as if i don't enjoy it," he replies with an arrogant smile. "i'll be your hero anytime, sweetheart."
"i can't believe you have such a large ego for such an unassuming demeanor." he scoffs and shoots you a mischievous look.
"you know what else is large-"
"alright," you stammer, shoving a chicken strip into his mouth to shut him up. "that's enough from you."
"hey, you're happy to be out with me, right?" your eyebrows draw together at the seriousness of his voice. it makes your heart race and your palms become clammier.
"of course, i am. i've never been happier."
"good, because i wanna keep doing this."
"doing what?"
"being with you."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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monikashinswife · 11 months
Btw I have like a request, the female reader is part of aiki's crew and no one know her relationship with monika, since no one knew their rs aiki and other crew like noze, leejung were flirting with her and monika as a scary person (if looks could kill) she got jealous with them 🫣 thank you <//3
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Her Paramour
(Prowdmon Monika Shin x HOOK F! Reader)
・❥・Hullo there anon, thank you saur much for requesting! I apologize in advance for the ending. This is written as an escape because I am reviewing for my midterm but I can't stop thinking about this req and of course our Mon-mon. So anygays, enjoy darling!<3
From the moment HOOK stepped on the battleground, the atmosphere was very intense. The crews were all very determined and there was no denying that it was very tight. You noticed how each crew seems to be very alert and on the ground every time another crew steps in to enter the battleground.
The atmosphere changed when PROWDMON entered the ground. They greeted everyone, almost sarcastically. Their presence was felt, and they were very intimidating. Everyone knows how prominent and how big Lip J and Monika Shin are. You almost laugh at how everyone seems to avoid making eye contact with them.
But once they are settled in, you couldn't help but glance towards their direction. As if it was timed, you and Monika met each other's eyes. You almost melted when you saw her intimidating facade break for a moment to admire you. You catch yourself before you can even smile lovingly at her. But you gave her a polite nod to acknowledge her.
Your interaction was cut when the evaluation video played. And as if in an instant, the tension was back when you all watched it. The anticipation was high, they were all waiting for what the other teams were about to say. You quickly look at Lee Jung and notice how she tense up nervously. And as if she could feel someone staring at her. She looked at you. And smiled at you, in which you return respectfully.
Unbeknownst to you, Monika was watching the whole interaction through her peripheral vision. She chose to ignore it and watched the video again. The video continued playing, with prowdmon laughing and joking. But then the clip showed Aiki's comment about how they lack young energy.
You were shocked when you heard a loud "hey" from your secret lover. And you laughed at how quickly Aiki stood up to apologize to her. Monika approached her, still very much offended by your leader's comment. But you laughed, louder than everyone. Knowing that she was joking.
Monika heard your laugh when she was close to Aiki. So she acknowledged Aiki for a second and went back to her crew with a smile that everyone might think is because of how ridiculous the situation is, but it is because she made you laugh.
Monika's presence was always there. And it exploded into a beautiful beat when she battled. And you being her biggest fan couldn't help but fangirl over your lover.
Throughout the rest of the shoot, you made several contacts with Lee Jung and surprisingly, with Noze. Once the rest of the episode was done. It was time for the class mission. And the interaction between you and Noze started to become more often despite not being in the same class.
You and Noze became closer as you talked and talked to each other. Even help each other with anything such as with advice or which moves look cleaner. And Monika started to take notice of the way you two are becoming closer to each other.
"Hey babe" You greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. And instantly, she melted and wrapped her arms around your waist to keep you close. You nuzzle your face on her neck.
Missing times like this when you're just with each other and resting. You carefully put your bag on her counter. Before you went back to her embrace and talk about what you wanted to do for today.
You were lounging on the couch while watching TV when you suddenly talked about the competition and how it's been crazy. You talked about kinds of stuff and friendships. And when it came about Noze, Monika did a great job at hiding her dislike towards the younger dancer.
But she did not want to ruin the mood, so she chose to stay quiet and she just listened to you with a tight chest because of how fondly you spoke about her. She knew your intentions were pure friendship. But Monika couldn't help but feel jealous.
But knowing better, she chose to keep to herself. But that doesn't mean that the dislike she felt did not grow. But her keeping silent did not completely go as planned.
As Monika is a very honest person but playful. She tried to voice out her concerns in a joking manner.
"If you were so fond of her, go to her then." She said jokingly while stroking your hair. And you immediately stopped talking and sat down to look at her. And Monika just stroked your arms while looking at her.
"Well... I might as well." You said seriously, and Monika was stunned. Her face showed it all. She tenses up but immediately relaxes when you laugh at her reaction.
"I would never!" You exclaimed before kissing her, you assured her without knowing it. But Monika still felt jealous. But she knew that you're hers as well as she's yours.
When the Class mission started, both you and Monika were on edge. Luckily you have each other throughout the mission, even though you are in a competition. You have each other's back.
For some reason though, you and Noze seem to bond. You bonded like you were friends and everyone noticed that. Some teasing you both. But you would dismiss it, respecting your girlfriend.
Monika can't do anything but glare at Noze. Her irritation only growing when Noze was picked as the main dancer and her being unprepared. But Monika, like always chose to be quiet.
But then the evaluation is now and the tension was at its peak. You gulp as you watch the intensity of the situation. You assured Aiki that it's not gonna be her. Being the second oldest meant that you were also the team's strength.
And Aiki relies on you, not only because you're her crew member but because you are her friend. After you console your friend and leader. You carefully look at Noze discussing who is she gonna pick as the "worst dancer" with her members.
She caught your eye and you gave her a small smile and she returned it. Your interaction is noticed by your now furious girlfriend. After that interaction with Noze, you quickly search for her eyes.
You squint when you notice that she is avoiding your eyes. But you didn't budge, you kept staring at her with a small pout as Noze announced who she picked.
And like cold water has been poured at you, you froze. You couldn't take your eyes off Monika. I watch her face for every bit of reaction as her name is called the worst dancer.
All you wanna do is run to her and hug her. But instead, you shiver as her intimidating voice rang all over the room.
"Look at me in the eyes." She addressed Noze. And you almost quiver in fear. And just like that. WayB declared war with Prowdmon. After the scary interaction, you pat Aiki. Knowing that she did well and congratulate her.
You then continued looking for Monika's eyes. Your breath hitched when she looked at you. You communicate with your eyes. Knowing each other so well that you don't need to ask what's wrong.
You knew that you were gonna talk to her about this once you got home. But for now, a war is about to happen between your lover's crew and your newfound friend's crew.
・❥・not proofread
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shiftylinguini · 1 year
Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack:
@phoebe-delia asked in response to this fun lil ask game:
Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back? . (for the ask anything) Do you have any advice for getting out of a slump/getting writing confidence back?
Now THIS. This is a good question, and something that is very much on my mind and has been for a while, as I am currently absolutely in the midst of this and trying to army crawl my way out. I don't have any magic bullets (is that the saying? idk) but I have been here before and i do have a small arsenal of tips or methods that I find can help me. 
Here is my Fuck I Can't Write Crisis Pack (In no particular order):
Write anything 
This is hardly groundbreaking advice, and it's also the hardest thing to actually do (imo) so do not beat yourself up if it takes a while to get to this. Basically, write ANYTHING―it can be aimless, it can be pointless, it can be crap (crap is subjective!! don't let the brain gremlins win!!). 
Don't think about posting it, don't worry about anyone else ever reading it, just fling a few words onto a page and feel the rusty faucet turn on, proving to yourself that it still works. 
Try and sus out what it is that's blocking you 
Again this one is hard and annoying but functional. Once you can put your finger on the particular reason you're staring at a flashing black line on a blank page it can help you kick that reason off your lawn and into the bin. 
And then, take it out of the bin and be kind to yourself about whatever that reason is. Maybe you feel shit because you're comparing yourself to others, your last fic felt like a lead balloon, you can't muster enthusiasm for what you once loved doing and fear that it's gone forever, you're projecting in a Tumblr post―whatever it is, it's something all the writers you admire and aspire to be like have felt, and been annoyed with themselves for, and so you can wrap it up in a blanket and put it on a shelf and be kind to it so it, (respectfully) shuts the fuck up. 
(and remember, everyone feels insecure about their stuff. Like literally everyone, at some stage, feels like their stuff is rubbish)
Cheat on your OTP 
Okay this one might not work for everyone, but it really does for me lol. Ruts (not the sexy kind) can often come with not wanting to engage in my usual ships, being annoyed by my lack of ability to fucking write them/anything/all my ideas taste like cardboard/bleh, and stepping out on them and reading something new can snap me out of it. Just, an injection of new ideas or scenarios or words or even just a little reprieve from being fed up with myself, which ideally, is why we're all here anyway. 
(And then I come crawling back, and am welcomed with open arms haha)
In a similar vein:
Engage in media 
This subtitle is genuinely terrible, i am sorry, LMAO, but essentially: find a piece of media that makes you go "oh, helLO sailor", unhinge your jaw like a snake, and consume it whole. 
Let it nourish you, inspire you, excite you, making you feel SOMETHING, and then take that and think "fuck, what if i wrote bleepbloopblarp" and even if you write nary a single word, you've thought about it and that fucking counts. 
It might be an album, a book, a song, a show, gifs of a hot person, the wikipedia summary of a movie, literally anything counts here if it makes you feel a twinge of creativity. 
Ask yourself, what would Astolat do? 
No for real. @candybarrnerd and I genuinely use this haha.  
Worried your idea is stupid? Astolat would say write it. 
Worried it's too weird? Nah, just write it. 
It's dumb and no one will read it? Just write it for you *waggles eyebrows* (and then find out that yeah, nah, someone else will absolutely read this and be real fucking happy about it haha.)
Worried you're a one trick pony and have already written this fic before, like, and not even once before, and also you're projecting again in Tumblr post? WRITE IT AGAIN! As Astolat once said, "it's a fic so nice, I wrote it thrice". 
It's good advice. 
Make a friend or lean hard on the ones you have here
Misery loves company because it knows they'll come out of this together :). I know, I know, that's fucking NAFF, but fandom is all about finding like-minded freaks and blowing up their DMs because you saw a gif and now feel a kind of ways about it. 
And lastly: 
I mean I love stats (yay validation!), but god can they make you feel like a worthless shit (hey where did my validation go :((( ). It can be really insidious, so piss that right off when it starts to fuck with your confidence or outlook on your own writing.
Hopefully there is something useful here, even if it's just looking at this advice and thinking "no that's shit, it's writing POISON" cos then you can maybe do the version you think is NOT shit, and that might work. 
Good luck, fellow travelers!!
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dmwrites · 2 months
The royal archer brought his king the head Impulsesv, blood still dripping from where the neck had been severed from its body.
“Thank you, Sir HotGuy,” Rentheking said, voice strong and demanding obedience. He took the head, grasping the hairs of its Mohawk and holding it up for all of the royal court to see. “This, my subjects, is what happens to those who dareth oppose me!”
In the eyes of his subordinates, he saw fear and disgust. Lady Cleo rolled her eyes, but that was to be expected of her. What mattered is that they saw, that this head served as a reminder of consequence, of victory.
After the general assembly finished, and Scar was given a hefty tip for the murder, the hermits left, aside from the king’s right hand man, Bdubs. He bustled around, cleaning up water bottles and crumbs left behind. Ren watched him work, lounging on his throne, one hand idly playing with Impulse’s hair.
“Bdubs. Approach thine king,” King Ren said suddenly.
“Of course,” Bdubs replied warmly, and bowed in front of Ren. “What do you need, my king?”
“You know, as my right hand to the throne, much consideration must be done on the employment of the wenches that serve me.”
“The wenches,” Bdubs echoed. “Of course.”
“How do I know those in the court do not secretly want me gone and dead? How do I know those closest to me do not plan my demise while I sleep?”
“Loyalty tests! Those knaves must prove their loyalty! I could rig up some kind of test, parkour and puzzles and-”
“I like the idea of a loyalty test,” Ren mused, stroking the hair on the decapitated head. “But skill can be faked. True loyalty is proving that you give yourself to me. You are loyal to me, right, Sir Bdubs?”
“Of course I am,” Bdubs replied, bowing again.
“But how do I know that? After all, the wounds are still fresh from our last bout in the death games. And you were on the side of the enemy.”
“You mean Double Life?” Bdubs looked at Ren, confused. “That’s a whole different world, baby. I don’t feel Impulse’s pain here, and BigB isn’t even here. What are you talking about? Respectfully, of course.”
“Are you willing to prove your loyalty, sir Bdubs?” Ren asked.
“Yes. Of course I am,” Bdubs said with a sigh. “Whatever puts these fears to bed, my king.”
“Kiss the head of thine enemy.”
“What?” Bdubs asked, clearly taken aback.
“You would kiss my shoes, no? What difference is this?”
“Your soul was bound to this man once, lest ye forget. What difference is a kiss alive or dead?” Ren held out the decapitate head of Impulse, his hand deep in his hair.
Bdubs stared at the head, the open mouth and the blood that dripped from the end of it. It was Impulse, yes, but a gorey, horrible version of him, death leaking from every pore of what remained of him. His scalp stretched horribly from where Ren was holding him by the hair. Bdubs gulped, glancing at his king.
“You know, i was the one who came up with this whole kind idea in the first place, Ren,” Bdubs said nervously. “I don’t think I, of all people, need to prove my loyalty…”
“Kiss the head, Sir Bdubs. Prove you care not for the enemy any longer,” Ren growled, thrusting the head towards Bdubs. More blood sprinkled onto the floor with heavy splats.
Bdubs approached the throne, every fiber of his body telling him to run from this horrid scene. He held Impulse’s dead, rotting head by the sides of his face, and pressed his lips to Impulse’s cold, rubbery ones. Impulse tasted like blood. Bdubs opened his eyes and stared into blank, soulless ones.
RentheKing put a hand to the back of Bdubs’ head, scratching and petting his hair like he was a well behaved dog. “A final kiss to a love no more- you have proved your loyalty well today, Sir Bdubs,” he was holding Bdubs head in such a way that he was forced to stay nose-to-nose with the corpse.
Bdubs swallowed down a shuddering sob. “Of course, your majesty. I am loyal.”
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ghostboneswrites2 · 6 months
Habibi, ya nour el-ain
Please read the request here! It will explain a lot :) ((Almost everything in this one shot was specified by the requester))
Summary: Daryl defends arab!reader from the discrimination of an old smelly asshole.
18+ MDNI || Warnings: profanity, TWD typical violence, prejudice and islamophobia
Note: I hope I did this justice and represented Morocco & arab culture respectfully and accurately! I feel so honored you trusted me with this anon, and I hope you'll correct any inaccuracies or mistakes. I did a lot of reading on Morocco and different aspects of arabic cultures while writing this. As for translations, please feel free to correct those if need be, a lot of them were from google!
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        You hadn't been able to indulge in your own culture in so long. You were starting to fear you'd slowly lose touch with all these things that moulded you into the person you had become. You'd often speak to yourself quietly in arabic just to maintain that connection.
        As you were walking through the house, cleaning up random messes left from daily activities, you mumbled, "Yajib ealaa alnaas hqan 'an yunazifuu 'anfusahum.." ((People really should clean up after themselves..)) 
        "Yal tatakalam alearabiatu?" (You speak arabic?)) A voice startled you from behind.
        "Oh, Siddiq, yes I do." You smiled bashfully. He was there to find Daryl.
        "I didn't know you were arab." He admitted.
        "I am." You nodded. 
        "Hal ant musliman?"  ((Are you muslim?)) He asked.
        "'Ana kadhalika, 'iidha kan hadha mhman baed alan." ((Yes I am, if that matters anymore.)) You lamented. You were admittedly feeling very sad and homesick lately. At home, in Morocco, you missed the vibrant culture and traditional cuisines. You'd often think about the bright and colorful architecture back home when you stared at the dull copy and paste buildings you had seen all over the states. Most of all, you missed the music. Music in general, yes, but your music was what you longed for the most. 
        "Bialtabe yahmi. Anah maant ealayhi." ((Of course it matters. It is who you are.)) Siddiq comforted, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Qul lay, min 'ayn 'anti?" ((Tell me, where are you from?))
        "Ana min almaghrib." ((I'm from Morocco.))
        That was about the time you noticed Daryl standing by the front door, blinking blankly at the scene before him. Of course he knew you were arab. He loved listening to you talk about your family when it wasn't too painful to bring up. You always looked so happy to think about it. But, somehow, he had no idea you spoke arabic. After all, he never heard you.
        "Oh, Daryl! Hey!" You chuckled nervously.
        "Hey." He gruffed. "Watcha doin'?" He gestured to you and Siddiq.
        "We were just excited to speak our mother tongue to someone else." Siddiq explained. "I haven't spoken arabic to anyone since the last time I saw my mother."
        "I didn't know." Daryl said. "That you could.." He tried to clarify.
        "I know." You smiled softly. "I would have told you but I guess it just never came up."
        Daryl and Siddiq had both left later that morning to go on a run. A younger couple was set to get married that day. You spent most of your time trying to set up decorations while the other women worked to bake goods and set out trays of food. You chuckled softly as Eugene mumbled with aggravation over in the corner, trying to fix up an old radio so the wedding could have music.
        Those who went on the run were supposed to bring back some CDs and anything else to make the wedding feel like a celebration. You couldn't wait to hear some music again, aside from the weird CDs that were in the vehicles.
        Once you were satisfied with what little you had to decorate, you stepped back to admire your work. You arranged flowers on tables and wove them through the arch that you and Michonne built together. You even made a flower crown for the bride.
        You hoped the guys could bring back some streamers or table cloths or anything that would tie it all together. You recalled your sister's wedding back home. The dancing, the decor, the music and laughter, the food and family. You wished you could go back there, if only for one night.
        "They're back!" Someone called as they pulled the gate open. The car rolled in and you rushed over to see what kind of loot they found. To your liking, there were white streamers and table clothes, just as you hoped. There were also some vases for more flower arrangements, party hats, and fake flower petals to scatter for the bride. You bounced with joy. 
        "These are perfect!" You doted, crowding everything into your arms and hurrying over to where you'd all be holding the ceremony. Daryl chuckled and shook his head.
        "Weddings really are for the girls." He commented. Siddiq smiled.
        "Yeah, well, weddings were truly an experience where she's from. Arab weddings in general are very sacred and extravagant." 
        "Mm." Daryl hummed thoughtfully. He was starting to realize how little he had known about your culture. He reasoned he'd have to ask more questions.
        The ceremony had been a success. The bride and groom were enamoured with each other, the bride specifically couldn't stop thanking you for all your hard work with the floral arrangements and decorations. You didn't mind at all. You were happy to be apart of something so beautiful.
        After the ceremony was when the real party started. Aged wines, homemade meads, and baked treats made their rounds to everyone. Eugene got the radio fixed and music filled the air, only muffled by laughter and chatter as you all danced.
        You paused when a familiar tune hit your ears. Daryl, who was watching from his seat with a drink in hand, noticed your change in demeanor immediately. You were so full of joy all night, but this was something different. Something inside you had awoken, like your soul had been rejuvenated. 
        Your eyes scanned the crowd, wondering how this song made it into the mix. When your eyes landed on Siddiq, he flashed a knowing grin and winked. Your lips spread into a cheeky smile,  elated as you began to dance and sing. You lit up the crowd in that moment. Many eyes fell upon you, enamoured by your effortless movements. Your hips moved fluidly, your feet found an easy rhythm, and your body followed suit. The few other arabs in the community joined you shortly after. 
        Daryl couldn't take his eyes off of you. He briefly thought back on his past, and how ignorant he was raised to be. He wondered how anyone could think that way now, when the people around the world were so diverse and beautiful. Not you, though. Beautiful was an understatement. He had never seen anyone so radiant and lovely.
        Your gaze met his as you danced. He involuntarily smiled, eyes glistening with admiration. You sang the lyrics out loud as your vision was glued to the blue orbs behind his strings of hair.
        “Agmal a’ouyoun filkone ana shouftaha..."
        He had no idea what it meant but you did, and it fit him perfectly.
        "Allah a’alake allah a’la sihraha."
        You ripped your eyes away and spun around, noticing Michonne and Rosita having drinks and joining the dance. You rushed over to them and tied scarves around their hips.
        "It's only right if you're going to dance!" You giggled as you danced with them. The three of you laughed as you taught them how to belly dance.
        Daryl's attention was ripped away as another man sat by him. He was fairly new to the community. Daryl never liked him but given the event of the night, he mistakenly decided to be cordial. He was always greasy and had a permanent scowl on his face. He hadn't even cleaned up for the wedding.
        "Now, tell me boy.. The hell's a man like you doin' with a girl like that?" The man spoke. Daryl could smell the alcohol on his breath. He shifted uncomfortably, reminding himself that he didn't want to ruin the night.
        "Dunno." He shrugged. "Got lucky, I guess."
        "Pfft." The man scoffed. "I'm sayin' ya should find yourself a nice girl. A god fearing, American, christian woman. One with morals."
        Daryl raised an eyebrow. He could feel a heat in his chest. Rather than lunge at the man, he decided to defend you calmly.
        "Girl's got more morals than half these people combined." He said as he sipped his drink.
        "That girl ain't got nothin' if she ain't got Jesus. She's from the dessert. She probably came over here with bombs! She's a terrorist--"
        The man didn't get to finish his sentence before Daryl's fist flew, knocking the man out of his seat. Daryl stood up over him, ready to land a few kicks when everyone gasped. The music stopped as you rushed over to hold your love back.
        "Daryl.." You said softly. You heard the man, as most people nearby did, but you tried to ignore it. You were an arab in a post-9/11 America. You were fairly used to the propaganda and islamophobia, but it still hurt. 
        Daryl's chest heaved with rage. His fists clenched. 
        "Daryl, let's just go." You pleaded softly, noticing all the eyes on the three of you.
        After some time to calm his rage, he took a breath. He spit on the man below him, who cowered from Daryl's wrath.
        "My girl's a better person than you could ever dream of bein', you ignorant old fuck." He growled. He crouched down and grabbed the man's collar, bringing him close to ensure he understood his next words very clearly. "If you ever disrespect her again.. You so much as breathe too hard in her direction.. I'll kill you, and it'll be slow. I'll cut off your hands and feet and throw ya to the walkers." He growled.
        With that, he dropped the man on his back, stood up, and took your hand, leading you back to the house.
        "Daryl, you didn't have to--"
        "Nah. That shit ain't gon' fly. He had to learn." Daryl cut you short, still seething.
        You sniffled. Not only were you embarrassed and guilty for causing a scene at someone's wedding, but for someone to be so cruel and ruin such a happy moment for you was discouraging. You only wanted to share your culture with your friends and family and enjoy the night.
        Back home, after you had showered and climbed in bed, Daryl asked; "What was that song about? The one you were singin' to me."
        "Oh.." You smiled sadly. "It's called Nour el Ein. In english it's Glow in My Eyes."
        "What about that part you were singin'?"
        “Agmal a’ouyoun filkone ana shouftaha... The most beautiful eyes I ever saw in this universe." You recalled. "Allah a’alake allah a’la sihraha.. God be with you, what magic eyes."
        "Oh." Was all he could say. He thought back to all those times you told him he had beautiful eyes.
        He blinked back the wateriness in his eyes. He didn't feel like he was going to cry, but finding out what you were really saying to him was a surge of emotion he couldn't quite discern. He brushed his hand through your hair, feeling angry still that some old man ruined such a sweet moment.
        "Don't pay no mind to that asshole." He said softly. "I can still kill him, if ya want."
        You huffed a sad laugh.        
        "It's just... Morocco is so beautiful. My people, they're the most kind, friendly, hospitable people in the world. Back home, we loved to show off our culture. We're proud of who we are. But it hurts when people think of us as monsters and dehumanize us just because they don't understand us or because of the actions of people who don't represent all of us." You explained, sniffling back tears.
        "I get it." He listened. "He don't represent everyone, either. He's just one asshole in a whole community full o' people who love and adore ya."
        He leaned over and planted a kiss on your nose, eliciting a giggle.
        "Get some sleep, habibi." He whispered. You blinked.
        "How did you--"
        "Shh. I love you. G'night." He smirked, still brushing fingers through your hair. He silently thanked Siddiq for the mini arabic lesson on their run earlier that day.
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**habibi = my darling
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow
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helluvabossrewrite45 · 9 months
Hazbin Hotel Rewrite; Opening up at the Bar
From what I seen from hh with how it handles sa topics, it's very...questionable. Now the show hasn't still come out yet so I won't go into detail about it, but with how they use the song 'poison' and behind the scenes of it (viv making a sex joke as marketing the song and the lead storyboard shipping val x angel despite what it's meant to portray in canon) makes it understandable for people to critque the show's portrayal of it. So for here, I want to approach Angel's truama as respectfully as I can with Angel opening up to Husk as it seems to be the same episode where both of them improve their relationship. I hope I'm able to address sa well because I know it's a very delicate topic that shouldn't be written lightly (especially for truama responses like hypersexuality) so if you have any problems with how I written it and how I should change it, please let me know. I will rewrite it until I portray this topic properly and credit you for your critque/help (unless you don't want to)
Content Warning; SA and mention of drug/alcohol addiction
A bar full of bottles and boozes sitting there in windless silence, aching for their next customer. Its emptiness is numbing, the stranded desert of this hotel. Husk, tapping his fingers in rhythm, halts it as though the ticking of a clock stops and sighs in relief, grateful that his work is now done. He takes a bottle of booze, fulfilling its fate as he opens the lid to drain it all down, until he hears the door creaking. 
He groans “Oh it’s you,” as Angel Dust drags himself towards the bar, collapsing his face to the poseur table. “What do you want now? Bar’s gonna close soon. So hurry up.” 
Angel’s face tilts up. “A drink, please.” His voice is soft yet hoarse.
Husk rolls his eyes, wishing for that sweet graveness to enter this bar once again. He goes through his bottles. “Which one?” He asks with a hostile glare.
Angel Dust slowly lifts himself up from the table, staring in discomfort at Husk grabbing a random bottle from his shelf, a sense of dread lingers onto him. 
“Husk…” His voice grows quiet.
“I’m…sorry.” His eyes not meeting Husk’s gaze. 
“For what?” He responds snappily, placing one hand to his hip.
“For earlier…” Angel answers, his eyes still refusing to see Husks. “For saying and doing all those weird things to you, I'm sorry.”
His grouchy face still remains. “Whatever,” firmly placing the bottle to the table and swishing it towards Angel. “Don’t do that again.”
“Yeah,” his body tenses, “I hope so…”
Husk brows raised. “Hope so? What do you mean?”
The question hangs on as Angel Dust fiddles their hands, looking down at the wooden dry floor. The room has been fogged in silence as Husk finds himself repeatedly tapping his fingers, wondering when the clock will finally end its grating tick. 
“Well…” His voice quivers, tracing his eyes back to Husks. “I don’t know…”
Husk’s face turned puzzled. “The hell you mean you don't know?!” 
“I-” Angel pauses himself for a moment, “I don't know. I just don’t know.” His face bangs on the table as his arms come to cover.
“Ah well, might just be a you problem then.” He cackles at his own joke, with hollow applause. 
Angel huffs, “That’s what you all think.” His voice became more irritated. 
Husk’s laughter abrupt into cold stillness, his voice freezes with the rest of his body. 
Angel continues, “All of you think i’m just some dirty sex pest, huh? A running sex joke?” Anger starts to rise through his voice, “Even Charlie thinks what I do is just who I am- like I chose this!” He cuts himself off, facing down to the lifeless floor again. “Like I chose this…”
Husk words vanished, his voice having trouble coming out of his mouth. All he could do is stand there, watching Angel Dust ponder through his thoughts. 
“You know I don’t actually like being sexual twenty-four seven? Crazy right?” He formed a smile, though not by sweetness, but by bitterness. “I don’t actually like making endless sex jokes or dirty talk, I don’t actually like to constantly fantasise or masturbate or sleep around with a bunch of nobodies,” bitterness starts to spread through his voice, “and I especially don’t like working in that place!” He holds his breath, exhaling to serene air. “But I do it anyway, no matter how hard I try.” His finger scratched the table harshly with a melancholic frown. “I don’t know what is wrong with me, I didn’t used to be like this, it was only after-” Angel cuts himself off as his body starts trembling. He places a heart on his hand, feeling the rapid sounds of his heartbeat. “After…” He slows himself, unable to muster anything else to speak of. 
His eyes lift to Husk, seeing the statue that he became, his widened pupils not even taking one blink. Angel’s face rose with worry, “Oh uh…sorry.” He murmurs. “Sorry, I’ll just take the booze or-”
“Go on.” Husk's voice comes back again.
“W-what?” He quivers, taken aback by what he heard.
“Go on…” Husk's voice trails off, still a statue of himself.
Angel Dust pursed his lips, facing down once more. “There was a time back then, when I sneaked into a bar for some alcohol, the thing that helped me most when I was alive. There was a really fancy bottle, porcelain white shimmering with bubbles, I couldn’t help myself. I had to have it. Then he caught me, I thought he would kill me. Instead, he made a deal; that if I work in his business, I won’t need to steal anything or even need a place to stay…” He breaks off, his fingers scraping themselves to a shell. “So I worked as one of his sex workers; a stripper for his bars, an actor for his films, anything to do with sex, really. It wasn’t what I was always interested in, but it felt…better? Being more open and honest about myself that I never got to do on earth. That is, until I came back to his home…He told me he wanted to show me something, my ‘reward’...” He holds back on his words, wrapping his arms around in a warm embrace. “After that, I…I don't know, I guess that’s where I started becoming more sexual. It’s like a switch where my mind now constantly thinks about sex, even if it’s not what I want. It’s my poison.” He holds onto his words again, reflecting his thoughts. “Maybe it’s a way of control, to take back what he did to me, not letting him hurt me…but is it any good if you can’t control it yourself?” He finds himself eyeing at the bottle of toxicated liquid. “That’s why I came here, I couldn’t find any drugs. So alcohol will just have to do.”
Husk exhales a quiet breath, with Angel’s words stalling through his mind. He saw Angel reaching for the bottle. “Wait!” He alerts, taking the bottle before Angel could have the chance. Angel looks at him, confound. “Why?” Husk fell silent, wavering on his memory like a lightning struck in a bottle. He places the bottle back to its fateless place and starts rummaging through the tea bags until one reads ‘Black Caravan Tea’. He places the tea bag in a muggy cup and clicks the kettle to brew. Minutes go by as the kettle finally makes its thump, breaking Husks trance as he pours the steamy water onto the cup and gently pushes it over to Angel. “Here” He says softly. “Careful, it’s hot.” Angel slowly directs his eyes to the hot tea, then back to Husk, his mouth making a quiet gasp. “I know it’s not much,” He adds. “But for you, I hope it can be enough.”
Angel dust calmly blows the steam off his tea and takes a sip, warm smoky sweetness filling his mouth in peaceful bliss. He continues sipping it at a slow pace, enjoying each moment with him and his magical tea, transforming his mind to ocean waves, hearing its soothing whooshes and the pleasant echoes of bird’s chirping. After taking one last sip, he notices Husk with his own muggy cup, cooling off the steam before slurping down the whole tea to an empty cup. His grouchy face disappeared, replacing it with a genial smile; friendly and relaxed. Like warming his face with radiant golden sunlight. 
“What’s this?” Angel asks as soon as Husk tastes his last drop.
“Black Caravan.” Husk replies, licking his lips. “My Babushka always makes this tea, saying ‘If you get upset, don’t waste your mouth with vodka, relish it with Caravan.’” He glimpses away from Angel dust, shining a little star in his eyes before glaring at the shelves of bottles and boozes. “Heh, no wonder I hadn’t remembered…” 
Angel snickers. “My Nonno says something similar. He said; ‘You don’t stuff your mouth with alcohol, you stuff it with Frittelie!’” They both chuckle with each other, reminiscing of their old lives before the room went to silence. Both eyes looking away from each other as Angel proceeds to fiddle with his hands and Husk tapping his table, now only slow and with no rhythm. A clock’s final strikes till midnight. “You know,” He spoke solemnly. “After you're done with work and all, instead of finding drugs, you can come straight here to talk or have some tea. Either one or both to get off some steam.” 
Angel glances back to Husk’s sentimental gaze, his eyes lit up. “You’ll…You’ll do that?”
“Yeah.” He responds, keeping his gaze to Angel Dusts. “I’d do. For you…”
Their eyes locked in their gazes, their beating hearts twined to one another. Angel’s eyes turn away from the burning faint shades of pink of his face, looking steadily at the cup. “Yeah,” a small line shaped to a tender smile, “I’d like that.”
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jojomiwbvb6 · 11 months
Hedonist - Part 2
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Author Note: Okay. More than 3 parts, probably.
Part 1
Warnings: marijuana usage, mentions of smut
The only thought ringing through your mind the past two days was Noah. Each brain cell looped his image into your mind over and over. His voice, his hair, his eyes, his tattoos. His smirk, his muscles, his scent… Nonstop, ever since class a few days ago. 
Your 8 AM alarm blared from your phone on your nightstand beside your bed. Light was shining through the curtains in the dark room of your small apartment that you were lucky enough to snatch in the city. You grabbed your phone with dim eyes, blinking while looking at the bright light of your screen. You dismissed the annoying alarm, yawning as you sat up.
Floods of thoughts about Noah come rushing back, and you smile to yourself anxiously and bite your lip.
Today I will get to see Noah in class, you thought to yourself.
You got up from your bed’s comforting embrace, slipping on your slides and walking to the bathroom for your morning routine.
Once you step from the bathroom, you eye your phone again. Noah hadn’t texted you at all, and you never texted him. You were nervous. What would you even say? 
Responses to this question immediately swarmed your mind, most of them with a similar tone. Hey, you’re super fine and we should fuck. Respectfully.
You smacked yourself lightly on the head, shaking the fantasy away from you. Of course, you’d never actually send that. No need to be even more frustrated than you needed to be when you would see him, and you’d just die of embarrassment. 
You pulled on your clothes, comfy and warm for this time of year, and laced up your Docs. You pulled up your hair and added light makeup and a bit of your favorite perfume. You hoped Noah would like the way you looked today.
Before you left the house, you took a hit off of your dab pen and began to pack up your school equipment. You slipped your laptop into your bag, and wrapped up all of your wires, tucking them into a slotted area. You thought you had everything. 
Just to be sure, you took a double-take. Looking in the wires, you noticed you had one missing. Your MIDI cable.
“What the hell?” You said, questioning yourself. You looked in the bag, in all areas. You looked on the ground. You mumbled angrily to yourself, wondering where the hell it went. You tore apart your work station. You crawled on the ground on your hands and knees, searching the floor and bumping your head on the underside of the desk when you tried to stand back up.
You cursed, rubbing your head where you’d hit it. “What the actual fuck? Where the fuck did it go?” You stared blankly at the wall, hitting the pen again. As you exhaled, you remembered.
Noah had it. He hadn’t given it back to you after class. 
Your stomach flipped at the idea that you would have to interact with him again. Looking down at your phone, you opened up Noah’s contact information, pressing the ‘new message’ button. You stared at your phone nervously, butterflies making you feel nearly sick.
You sat down on your bed. You exhaled nervously, typing slowly. 
Hey Noah, it’s Y/N. I forgot that you have my MIDI Cable. Is it okay that I get that back from you in class today?
You exhaled roughly, sighing as your finger hovered over send. The text really wasn’t that big of a deal and you should have sent it. But instead, your stomach flip flopped and you over-thought it. Why text him when it could be something you said in person? Would that be too nerve-wracking as well? After debating it for far too long and hesitating, you pressed backspace until all of the message was erased and you locked your phone. 
Sighing again, you stood up and zipped up your bag. You grabbed your keys, jacket, and bag, locking the door and leaving the house to head to class.
Thankfully, you reached your classroom early, saving you from your professor’s reprimands of the last class. You avoided looking to where Noah would be the entire morning, hoping you didn’t look as interested as you were. 
The professor drawled on about his usual morning announcements, but you barely listened as you got your station ready. 
“Now that we know what everyone needs to know, it is time to take attendance.” The professor walked behind his desk, reaching for his planner and attendance sheet. He called out several names, while you eyeballed the hot coffee you purchased on the drive here. 
“Y/N,” the professor called out. 
“Here,” you said drowsily, sipping your coffee and looking back down at your computer. 
“Noah,” he continued, but this time there was a pause. You looked up from your screen to see your professor screw his face into a frown and mark Noah off the page. “Tardy.” 
Sure enough, you looked up finally towards his desk and he wasn’t there. Your heart dropped at the thought of not seeing him. I mean, you only saw him once so far, was he going to come back? He said he was in a band, what if he went on tour? After only seeing him one day? You felt like you could pass out. 
Girl, chill. You’re over-reacting. You thought to yourself. 
Your professor set down his sheet and began his lecture. He cleared his throat. “Okay, people. Today we will be linking MIDI with Pro Tools.” 
As if this day couldn’t get any worse. If we were starting MIDI today, that meant you needed your cable. And Noah… he wasn’t here. You had to text him now. 
You began to disassociate while you silently panicked. You thought about it and thought about it until it didn’t feel like a thought anymore. The professor just continued on with his lecture.
Suddenly, the loud door latch squeaked as it was opened quickly. The professor halted speaking immediately as everyone in the room stared at the door to see who the interruptor was. 
Standing tall in the dimmed light and hair cascading loosely around his hoodie, Noah walked in and shut the door. He handed a note to the professor, speaking to him. “I’m sorry, something came up with band business and the label, I was called away.” 
The professor frowned, but nodded, understanding. He gestured to his seat, beckoning Noah to sit, instructing him of what we were learning today and what he required.
Your eyes sparkled as you saw him turn to go back up to his seat. He looked up at you for the first time this morning, and smiled. Noah gave you a quick acknowledging nod and sat down, getting his notes ready. 
Your stomach did a backflip. You sipped your coffee and tried to pay attention in class. You took your notes and so did Noah. 
“Alright, guys. You know what to do. Get ready to set up and ask for help if you need it.” After this statement, your professor sat back down with a sigh. 
With your MIDI keyboard and extensions and your laptop surrounding you, all you needed now was your MIDI cable to make all of that come to life. It was a simple question really, but you were terrified. You looked up at Noah through your eyelashes, biting your lip. He was setting up his equipment. 
Deciding that you had to use your cable whether you liked it or not, you worked yourself up to go over to him. Slowly, you stood and moved around your chair, walking with zero confidence over to Noah. 
You breathed heavily through your nose out of nervousness, and cleared your throat. Noah noticed your presence almost immediately, like he had some sort of Y/N radar. He turned to you so smoothly, fresh cologne consuming the air, daring to take you out right then and there. Noah shot you another shy smile. “Hello, Y/N. What’s up, angel?” he spoke, his voice like liquid gold. 
“H-hi,” You stuttered out. You mentally cursed yourself. Come on, Y/N. You can’t even speak?
“I was wondering if maybe you had my MIDI cable?” You managed.
He looked at you for a moment, but then realized. “Oh, my god, I’m sorry, angel. I completely forgot I had it.” You melted at his pet name.
“That’s okay,” you said. 
He rummaged in his bag. Pulling out your cable, he handed it to you. Your hands brushed together, and you caught your breath as you took it. “Thank you, Noah,” you say. 
“Thank you for letting me use it, angel.” He gives you a pert smile. As you turn back to your desk, you roll your eyes in the back of your head and bite your lip before you get back to your seat. 
“Angel,” his pet name echoed in your head. Christ. 
You begin your work, focusing. You try not to look at Noah nearly as much as your previous class. 
You’re messing with your keyboard when you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. You quickly pull it out, expecting it to simply be some stupid spam notification. As your screen lights up and you drag down the notification bar, you squeal when you see the name on your screen. Text Message from: Noah Sebastian.
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dilxcc · 9 months
chapter four
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summary. in which two friends who desperately clings to each other until the other slips away . . .
contains. fem!reader, friends to lovers, angst, fluff, slowburn, cussing, grammatical errors . . .
note. i didn't proofread this so there might be some error + misspelled. (not like i ever proofread) i cant write fighting scenes but still, i hope you guys enjoy it anyway <3
previous chapter
"hey, don't you think that gojo-sensei and miss y/n are getting... closer?" itadori tilted his head slightly. fushiguro only kept quiet and continued eating his ice cream. "now that you mention it, i can see it too," kugisaki agreed, getting closer to itadori as they whispered their theories. "they made up," fushiguro suddenly interrupted their theories of the two teachers might be dating.
their facial expression turned into a shock one.
"satoru, you need to stop following me whenever i have classes with the kids," you sighed, rubbing your temple in frustration. "why would i do that? it's not like i'm bothering you or anything," he said with a mischievous smile. "you may not be bothering me but the kids always looks distracted when you're around," you grunted. "look at them!" you raised your voice slightly. gojo did as you said and look at the students that were staring at the two of them with wide curious eyes.
gojo smiled and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "they're probably curious about us," he snickered. "well, there's nothing going on with us. so would you leave me to my class respectfully?" this made the white-haired male to pout slightly but still obligate to your request. you let out yet another sigh before turning your attentions to the students once again. "let's keep going,"
fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
"why the hell is there a flipping special grade here?" you muttered under your breath. "i should run... but the students-" your hands buried in your hair, feeling frustrated at the limited thing you can do right now. "right. i should find them and bring them out. that should do it,"
braving yourself, you immediately get out of your hiding spot and ran down the hallway. in an instant, you find itadori and kugisaki. your arms open wide and you grabbed them, not stopping your running legs. "wha- miss y/n?! you're okay!" the boy beamed. "of course, i am," you smiled reassuring at him. "where's fushiguro? we should get out of here and call for backup,"
"we were separated at the first floor," kugisaki spoke up. you nodded in acknowledgement. once your were outside the building, you put the teenagers down. "i want you two to wait outside. call for gojo-sensei. or ijichi. tell him we need backup. i'll be back after i retrieve fushiguro," you said before running back into the building, not turning once to glance at them or stop when you heard them calling for you desperately.
you had to save fushiguro. no matter what. you were supposed to be a responsible adult. they are just... kids. the troubled look on your face only grow as you remember what you had to go through. they don't deserve that...
"suguru!" you let out a scream, watching the curse slamming his body to the wall with ease. as if he was only a bug. "y/n... run... run!" he yelled at you. run? how can you possibly do that? your best friend might get killed if you run. yes, you might not be strong as suguru and satoru. but you weren't about to be a coward and run with your tails between your leg. even as tears blurred your vision, you stood your ground. you looked around to find something ― anything to use to distract the curse.
your eyes stopped at the rock. you quickly pick it up and throw it at the curse, ripping it's attention from suguru. "no!" suguru grunt in pain, his eyes desperately begging for you to run. "over here, asshole!" you waved both of your arms above your head before turning away to run. even without turning around, you already knew that the curse were hot on tails. it was toying with you. you were sure of it. you know that these types of curse tend to move faster. but it was toying with you; playing a slow torture game until you were finally on your wit ends.
you could tell that the curse were getting impatient. with how it growled and grunt, making the walls around your crumble in hopes of crumbling your bravery too. your legs were burning, your head is pounding and your are blurry from the tears that kept on shedding. the curse appeared in front of you and slammed you hard onto the wall. the last thing you remembered before passing out was a comforting arm wrapped around your shoulder and a whisper of comforting words. "you did great,"
you immediately spotted fushiguro. he was barely standing, bleeding from head to toe. it made you wonder how he was still conscious. your flitted from him to the curse. it was smiling widely, clearly enjoying watching the boy struggle to keep his eyes open. your legs started moving faster, ignoring the burning sensation that were slowly getting worse.
"miss l/n!" he looked at you with wide eyes as you put yourself between him and the curse. "i need you to leave. do not come back inside. that's an order!" you said sternly, not sparing a glance at the boy. you knew that the teenagers you were teaching are stronger than you. hell, probably as strong as satoru. but they didn't need to shoulder these burden at such a young age. you wish to protect them as best as you could. when he finally left, you let out a sigh of relief and smirked at the curse. "you're probably disappointed that you got a weaker opponent,"
the curse screech at you and use it's cursed technique.
you were actually surprised with yourself. perhaps you weren't as weak as you thought. you watched as the curse slowly fall to it's demise. though you had defeated the curse, it doesn't mean that you weren't injured one bit. hell, everything hurts. every part of your body felt like it would come apart if you move even an inch. but you had to get out of here.
you pulled out a cigarette from your pocket and light it up. "the backups are always late..." you muttered to yourself as you limp out of the building. blood were covering your body. if others were to see this, they probably would have thought that someone had caused a massacre or something.
as if on que, you finished your cigarette the moment you stepped outside. there was a proud smile on satoru's face. wait ― satoru?
the world around you spin and your legs finally gave out under you. before you could hit the ground, the white haired male caught you in his arms. the students' cries and words of gratefulness of your survival were blocked out. your eyes were focused on satoru. all your attention and senses were focused to him. "you did great,"
taglist: @instantmusico @wooasecret @charisthemaniac @tw0fvced @1lellykins
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babyblue711 · 1 year
Osferth (The Last Kingdom) x Reader - Part 2 Read Part 1 Here Chapter Summary: War arrives to Rumcofa and you face a decision - flee to protect your family or fight to protect the man you love. Words: 6.1K
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Chapter Warnings: NSFW, Some kissing, Violence, Death, War, Mentions of Battle, Blood, and Gore
A/N: Again, we follow along a bit with Season 5 but not all details of the show are mentioned here. The main battle of this story is the one we all know and dread in Episode 5.
@arcielee I will never be able to thank you for being the most amazing beta reader of all time. Seriously, you are incredible. 😘
And thank you @myfandomprompts for the gif 😘😘
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You wake abruptly, unsure of what has disturbed your peaceful slumber. Curled under the blankets and snuggled close by is Aethelstan, still fast asleep. Sunlight streams through the small window, casting a gentle glow about the room and you realize you have slept in; ordinarily your day starts before dawn for the both of you.
The tranquility is shattered by an abrupt and insistent pounding on your door, resonating through the room like thunder, causing you both to startle awake. Your heart races in your chest as your eyes snap to Aethelstan, who's already on high alert. In one fluid motion, he reaches for his sword, ready for action. 
“It’s just me… I’m looking for Aethelstan,” Osferth’s soft voice calls from the other side of the door, breaking the tense silence that followed his abrupt knock.
You and Aethelstan exchange a look of surprise as you both rise from the bed. You grab a long, woolen robe to throw over your simple chemise. Your brother and sister both somehow have remained asleep; the festivities from the night before having exhausted them considerably.
Aethelstan swiftly moves to answer the door, his sleep-addled mind momentarily forgetting his lack of attire, clad in nothing but his long shirt and undergarments. You can see Osferth give Aethelstan a quick glance, raising an eyebrow in a questioning look which he ignores.
“There you are,” he says satisfactorily. “We have been looking for you everywhere. Come along, Lord Uhtred needs to see you.” 
Aethelstan groans but nods and you swear you catch him saying what now? under his breath. He steps aside to allow Osferth to enter the warmth of your home. 
“My lady,” Osferth nods at you, his demeanor proper and polite as he casts his eyes respectfully downward once he notices your state of undress. Self conscious, you wrap your robe tighter around you, quickly turning your attention to restarting the fire, using the task as a way to avoid any further awkwardness in Osferth's presence as Aethelstan gets dressed.
“Go on then,” Osferth says to Aethelstan once he’s ready to go, clapping him on the shoulder, “I will be along in a minute.”
Aethelstan turns to give you a small smile before heading out the door. You straighten, fire now crackling merrily in the hearth and look apprehensively at Osferth who is looking uncomfortable. He glances towards your sleeping brother and sister before stepping closer until he’s right in front of you. 
“Did anything happen last night?” Osferth whispers reluctantly, as if wishing he didn’t have to, but his big blue eyes snap to yours as you suck in a breath. 
“No, Osferth. He just came to stay with us,” you purposefully include the children as an indication of how unseemly it would be to do what he’s insinuating while they are in earshot.
His eyes search yours briefly and he nods once he sees the truth staring back at him.
“I am sorry to have asked, my lady,” he says quietly, embarrassed now. “It is truly not my place.”
Then why did you ask? you think to yourself as Osferth, a pink flush to his cheeks, bids you a good day and shows himself out. You let out the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding as your siblings finally start to stir and you busy yourself making breakfast for them.
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News spreads around the town like wildfire and you realize Uhtred is assembling his men to save his daughter, Stiorra, from impending doom. Your gut wrenches as you realize the men are off to battle once more. You ask Erik to watch over Liv as you race to Osferth’s cabin, terror gripping your heart. You aren’t ready to be left behind to defend your family just yet.
Osferth is busy assembling his belongings when you burst through his door without knocking, looking small, scared, and windswept. He startles at your intrusion but takes one look at your face and knows immediately why you have come.
“I am sorry, my lady, but Stiorra needs us, we have no time to waste,” Osferth says, grasping your hands within his own. “I know you feel as though you are not ready. I, too, wish we had more time. But I have something for you,” he moves to a corner and takes out a long wrapped package. 
He sets it down in front of you and you unwrap it with trembling hands. A beautiful sword sits in your lap, a single ruby in the hilt. Even in the low light, the steel seems to gleam and the edge is razor sharp, a true deadly weapon, far beyond the sword you have been practicing with in the training yard. You can’t imagine the cost of such a weapon as you look up at him, speechless.
“It was going to be your gift when we finished training, but I do not see the point in waiting any longer,” he says. “Pick it up, see how it feels. I gave your measurements to the smith as best I could.”
You do as he bids, marveling at how supple and balanced it is in your hand, simply feeling like an extension of your arm.
“It is incredible,” you say softly, barely above a whisper. “Osferth, I will never be able to thank you for this priceless gift,” you turn to him, eyes glistening with tears of gratitude.
Bashful as always, Osferth gives you a shy smile, unable to meet your gaze but you can tell how pleased he is to have given you this gift. You watch him for a moment, realizing just how much you do not want him to go; you don’t want to see any of your men leave for conflict again. This is to be Aethelstan’s first battle…you can’t bring yourself to think what you would do if anything happened to them.
Suddenly, Osferth steps closer to you and gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “A good sword always needs a name,” he says gently.
“What is this one called?” you misunderstand, thinking he has already given it a name.
“That is for you to decide,” he says. Inches apart now, your heartbeat picks up at his proximity. 
“I do not want you to go,” you blurt out. Not only because you need more training but because you do not want him to leave you. You have a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach and you don’t understand why as this isn’t the first time you have seen them off to battle.
“I know, my lady, but you are prepared to handle what may come,” Osferth gently lifts your chin with his forefinger, staring into your eyes that are now brimming with tears of sadness as he tries to reassure you.
“Please do not cry,” he whispers with the utmost gentle softness, sounding as though it is his heart that is breaking by witnessing your tears.
“Please return to me, Osferth,” you beg, unable to keep the desperation out of your voice. The words tumble from your mouth as you express all that you have been wanting to say for a while now.
“I need you,” you whisper and with sudden boldness, you lean up on tiptoe and place a gentle kiss on his soft lips. 
His breathing stops as he freezes in place, momentarily stunned by your kiss. You fall back onto the heels of your feet and gaze up at him, longing for him to know your heart’s true intentions. In the space of a heartbeat, you fear his rejection as he does not react for a moment.
Suddenly, he surges forward, grabbing your waist to pull you closer, a hand comes up to cup the side of your face as he lowers his lips back on to yours.  
Your heart soars as he returns your kiss with fervor. Your eyelids flutter closed as you concentrate on his lips on yours, reveling at his closeness, at the way his mouth moves against yours. You feel his tongue pressing against your lips, softly but firmly requesting entry; you open your mouth in response, having never kissed a man so passionately before with your tongue.
As his tongue slides into your mouth, you cannot help the unbecoming moan that escapes your lips which causes Osferth to grip your waist even tighter. The next few moments are spent in bliss as you explore each other’s mouth, tasting each other’s breath, not wanting it to end; you feel like you could kiss him for eternity and never tire of it.
But it all comes to a sudden halt when you hear running footsteps outside the door and Osferth springs apart from you with quick, warrior-like reflexes. You almost fall over from his unexpected departure as you didn’t realize he was quite literally holding you up during your kiss. Your knees buckle and your head is spinning as you stumble, catching yourself on the table as Finan stomps through the door. 
“What’s bloody takin’ ya so long, Baby Monk?” he initially admonishes until he spots you, comprehension dawning on his face as he lets out an, “Oh,” under his breath. But he quickly recovers, giving you a sly smile as he spots the sword that has been left forgotten on the bed; his eyes lighting up even further under his dark brow.
He walks over to you as Osferth resumes assembling his pack and you desperately try not to look guilty at what he almost caught you doing. Finan, either oblivious or just totally unphased, grips both of your hands within his own. 
“You are gonna be just fine by yourself, you know. You have had an excellent teacher and now, you have an excellent sword too,” he says proudly of Osferth, a rare compliment from the Irishman as he normally loves to tease. He squeezes your hands. “We will be back as soon as we can. I promise to return them all safe.” He speaks like he knows exactly what has been weighing heavily on your mind recently.
You nod, not trusting yourself to speak as he gives you a long look. Finan wisely doesn’t linger, leaving you to say your goodbyes with Osferth. 
“You will need this too,” Osferth holds up a scabbard for your sword; the leather is new and stiff.
He approaches with large, gentle eyes, “May I?” 
You nod and hold still, breath catching in your chest. The act of him putting the belt on you, something as mundane as adjusting a sword scabbard, becomes unexpectedly sensual as his eyes never leave yours, his fingers gliding with purpose, ensuring the belt fits snugly. Your heartbeat starts to hammer again as his touch lingers on your waist and hips; your brain goes into overdrive, suddenly wishing for him to touch you more.
But he is not to be distracted, turning and picking up your sword from the bed and handing it to you. You admire its power and beauty one last time before sheathing it in a flourish. Never before had you worn a sword on your hip like this before.
Osferth steps back to admire your appearance, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips and your cheeks flush under his admiration as he looks you up and down. 
“You are ready now, my lady,” he says with satisfaction. 
You return home to fetch your siblings and head back to the square, just as the men are processing through on their horses. Many of the women and children gather to watch the parade of warriors leave for battle. Osferth locks eyes with you as he passes on his white horse, giving you a small, reassuring nod. Aethelstan, on the other hand, is so excited for this moment that he doesn’t even look at you, eyes fixed firmly ahead. Your heart hurts a little; he is too eager for war and bloodshed, you think to yourself.
You grip your little sister’s hand as she wipes her tears on your dress, sad to see the men leave yet again. Dread fills your heart, knowing the dangers that await for them on the battlefield. But surprisingly, your eyes are dry. You must be strong for her, for your family…for Osferth. 
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It is as if the lifeblood of the town has been drained away from Rumcofa with the departure of the men. You attempt to go about your business as usual, desperately trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy until rumors start to trickle into your small town. Rumors of the terror Brida has inflicted upon Eoferwic, of the battle that took place once Uhtred arrived with his men. Rumors of an incurable illness that plagues the beloved Lady of Mercia and, most sinisterly, rumors of a snake lurking in Wintanceaster, biding its time, waiting to strike. All this uncertainty does is serve to chill you to the bone; it is colder than the icy breeze that now constantly blows, heralding the arrival of winter. A sense of foreboding hangs over Rumcofa like an ominous cloud.
After weeks apart, the thunder of hooves announces the arrival of the men back from the battle at Eoferwic. Without a second thought, you rush to greet them, your heart pounding with a mix of hope and anxiety. As they ride into the square, you can't help but notice the weariness etched into their faces, the dust and grime of battle clinging to their clothes and skin. Yet, despite the fatigue and the toll of war, their grins remain intact as the townsfolk cheer and give them a warm welcome home.
Relief washes over you as you pick your most beloved men from the crowd, all looking whole and well. As they dismount and lead their horses to the stables, you see Finan and Sihtric’s wives throw themselves into their arms with cries of delight and even from a distance you can hear Finan’s hearty chuckle. You beeline straight towards Osferth, his eyes lighting up as he sees you quickly closing the distance. 
Forgetting about any sense of propriety, you throw yourself into his arms, seeking comfort and reassurance in his embrace, burying your face in his neck, breathing his scent of sweat and horses and dust from the road as he buries his own face in your hair. Uhtred watches you without any surprise; a gentle smile plays on his lips at your open display of affection, as if he was somehow already aware of the tender feeling you harbor for Osferth.
After tending to the horses, the couples all convene at Finan’s house for a hearty meal, with the exception of Uhtred and Aethelstan. Your younger siblings join Sihtric’s children in laughter and play, a delightful sound after so much time spent plagued with worry. As the adults catch up on the latest news and events, they tell you of Lady Æthelflæd’s death and King Edward’s sudden seizure of her throne by murdering the Ealdormen. The women sit in shock at this alarming news of the brutality of the King, not to mention the horrors Brida inflicted in Eoferwic. As the men continue their tales, it becomes increasingly clear that Uhtred's role is tied up as a piece in a much larger game.
Despite the shocking tidings they bring, you feel safe and happy as you sip ale next to Osferth. The heat of his body seems to warm you as he tucks into his stew. Throughout the meal, you both have maintained a comfortable silence, content to listen to the lively chatter of the others and the joyous sounds of children playing in the background. Your mind can’t stop drifting to the last time you were together and you can almost feel his lips against yours again. You wonder if it is the same for him.
Taking another mouthful of stew, Osferth’s gaze drifts over to the sword at your hip. 
“I am glad to see you wearing it,” he says softly. “Have you given it a name yet?”
You nod, suddenly feeling shy. The name you have chosen for your sword is deeply personal. 
“Her name is Freyja,” you say softly with a note of reverence, “Goddess of Love, Battle and Death.” 
You have spent countless hours trying to think of the appropriate name for your sword, until one night you dreamed of war. The terror in your dream was unlike anything you had felt before; it seemed so real. You felt sluggish and slow in your dream, hearing the anguished cries of all of your beloved men and the clash of steel on steel. Osferth screamed your name over and over again. Frustrated that you could not get to them quick enough, you looked down and remembered the sword on your hip and that is when you stopped feeling afraid.
In your dream, you grasped the hilt of your sword and it was as if the power of the divine goddess ran through your weapon into you, giving you strength when you did not feel strong, giving you hope when you felt hopeless, giving you courage when you felt afraid. None could withstand you with Freyja as your weapon. You woke up shortly after, heart racing, sure that it had been real. But all was peaceful, quiet, and calm, still the middle of the night, but you settled on the name right then and there.  
The words seem to tumble out of your mouth as you explain your reasoning to Osferth; you hoped he would understand why you had given your sword this particular name.
The corners of his mouth lift in the first true smile you have seen in a while and he nods. 
“It sounds as if you have chosen most wisely then,” he says, a note of satisfaction and pride in his voice.
As darkness falls, you announce your intent to return home and Osferth immediately volunteers to accompany you and your siblings. They frolic around you with boundless, youthful energy as you walk the moonlit path home, asking Osferth endless questions about his recent travels. He humors them good naturedly, walking leisurely with his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Would you all care for a bedtime story? I can read to you from The Holy Book,” he offers as you arrive back home. You start to decline, not wanting to impose on his kindness any further, aware that he likely longs for the alehouse with Finan and Sihtric, a true way to unwind after a bloody battle and long journey.
But before you can properly respond, Liv seizes the sleeve of his alb excitedly, evidently desperate to have a bedtime story read to her. Despite the fact that you and your siblings had been raised as Danes, you often tolerated Christian ideals and traditions, as the two often mixed within this small town. You kept an open mind, believing in letting them choose their own religious path once they grew older. 
Osferth gives you a shy smile, as if to say you’ve been overruled and you can’t help but smile back. Your heart swells with gratitude, appreciating how effortlessly he connects with your siblings. With a sigh and a nod, you all head into your home and Osferth settles comfortably into the chair by the fire and takes out his book. 
Rarely have you ever seen your siblings so well behaved as they sit at Osferth's feet while he reads to them, easily commanding their attention with his calm authority. You listen as well, more intrigued by his soft and methodical tone than the meaning of the words. His calm voice starts to lull you to sleep, your eyes closing involuntarily - Liv is already fast asleep - but you force yourself to remain awake, enjoying the sense of peace and comfort that you hadn’t felt since the men had left.
That peace doesn’t last long.
The men are home a matter of days when the Dane, Haesten, makes a surprise appearance, bearing grim tidings of the Queen’s death, laying the blame for her demise on Sigtryggr. As Uhtred works to unravel the mystery behind her sudden death, it becomes increasingly apparent that a sinister plot is afoot, one that seeks to pit Dane against Saxon, although no one is certain as to who sows the discord. 
Uhtred soon mobilizes the men, entrusting Finan and Osferth with the solemn duty of guarding the Queen’s deceased body. Sihtric and Aethelstan are dispatched to Aegelesburg to keep an eye on the King, who now sits on the Mercian throne.
Uhtred and Haesten immediately leave for Eoferwic to warn Sigtryggr of the Queen’s death and the evil machinations at play to blame him for her passing.
The tension in the wintry air is palpable as at any moment you expect war to break out. Secretly, you are glad Uhtred commanded Osferth to remain in town with you. The two of you have rarely been apart since his arrival, and with uncertainty clouding the future, you both seem less inclined to conceal your affections for each other, having dinner together almost every evening and a goodnight kiss each night (respectfully away from your sibling’s prying eyes).
Osferth makes it a priority to continue your swordsmanship training in the square, where you test out your new blade. It is the first time he doesn’t go easy on you, pushing you to face challenges that closely mimic the intensity of a real battle. But your new sword is light and sharp; as long as you keep your feet moving, you feel like you actually have a good chance at defending yourself well. At the conclusion of each rigorous training session, you can easily discern the glow of pride in Osferth's eyes at your accomplishment.
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The day begins peacefully like any other and you find yourself sitting in front of the fire, letting your sister diligently practice braiding your hair when a soft knock comes to the door. You open it to an unexpected sight.
In the doorway stands Osferth and, next to him, his white horse that he always takes to battle with Uhtred. Your eyes widen at the sight and fear immediately invades your heart….is he leaving?
“My lady, are Liv and Erik home?” Osferth asks with his usual soft voice, although you can see the stress and tension behind his eyes.  
You nod, confused. At the mention of their names, your siblings materialize at your side, eyes wide as they take in Osferth and his big white horse. 
“Would you two like to take my horse to the stables and give him a good brush for me?” Osferth asks them kindly.
Their eyes immediately light up, especially Liv’s since horses are her favorite animal. They nod enthusiastically as Osferth hands the reins to Erik.
“And give him some water too, please,” Osferth asks.
You watch them walk in the direction of the stables, both with a bounce in the step, delighted to be asked to care for a warrior’s horse. 
As Osferth turns back to you, you realize it was just a ploy to speak to you privately as his next words are rushed.
“Let me explain quickly as there is not much time,” Osferth says in a hushed voice. “Finan and I have been on high alert ever since daybreak. There is tension in the air and more strange men about than ever, claiming they are the King’s men. Something is not right. If a fight should break out, I want you to take my horse and run away from here with Liv and Erik. Do you understand?” his big blue eyes seem to burn into yours.
You are taken aback, fearing that war has finally come to Rumcofa, someone just has to cast the first stone.
But a twinge of discontent swirls within you as his words sink in. This is what you had been tirelessly training for, though, the very reason behind Osferth's thoughtful gift of the sword. You can't help but feel a sense of duty and responsibility, a desire to stand and fight alongside him and the others. You open your mouth to voice your dissent but Osferth intervenes, cutting off any protest.
“We are desperately outnumbered, lady. Your siblings are still so young and they need you. I know you trained hard for this moment, but your life is more important to them alive,” his look is intense as he stares into your eyes, grasping your upper arm and shaking you a little, willing you to see reason. 
His abrupt actions cause you even more alarm; he has never manhandled you like this but you realize he is just desperate to protect you. You close your mouth as your eyes search his own and then finally nod, realizing he is right. He lets go of your arm, regret in his eyes as he realizes that he may have been a little too forceful with you before leaning in and giving you the softest kiss on the lips.
“I must go now, Finan needs me on patrol, but promise me you will keep an eye out for danger and flee should anything happen,” he holds your chin in between his thumb and forefinger, tilting your head up to look into his eyes.
“I promise,” you whisper and he finally seems satisfied. He gives you one last long look before hurrying back down the lane into the heart of town. You stare after him, dread filling your heart as you watch him go.
Osferth can’t have been gone but half an hour when you hear a commotion coming from the main square. Fear spikes in your chest, blinding you with panic. He was right; trouble has arrived in Rumcofa but you hadn’t expected so soon. With trembling hands, you rush around your small home, your mind a whirlwind of frantic preparations. You hide away anything of value, securing your meager possessions. Your heart pounds as you assemble a small pack of essential items.
You wrench open the door and the sound of clanging swords is unmistakable. With frantic haste, you grab the leather cuirass that Ingrith had made for you, similar to the one Osferth typically wears. Your fingers work rapidly, securing the protective leather over your chest. It wasn’t as protective as real steel armor or chainmail but it was light enough that it wouldn’t slow you down. Next, your trembling hands fumble slightly as you strap on your sword. Each buckle and strap feels like an eternity, but you can't afford to waste a single moment. Your dagger is next, hastily shoved into your boot as a last line of defense.
You dash out the door with the small pack of supplies, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you sprint to the barn where Osferth has sent your siblings. 
Screams pierce the air, mingling with the clash of steel on steel, and your heart races with a mix of dread and determination. You thank the gods that the barn is nearby. As you run, you see Osferth and Finan in the distance, yelling for order as the King’s men start to divide the townsfolk between Saxon and Dane. They are greatly outnumbered by the soldiers, as Osferth had said. 
Your mind races, torn between the promise you made to Osferth to protect your siblings and the agony of leaving him to face this peril alone. 
You burst into the barn, frightening Liv and Erik, their innocent faces turn to sheer alarm upon seeing your terrified expression and the sword strapped to your side. The chaotic sounds of battle have not reached the peaceful interior of the barn. Comprehension dawns first on your brother’s face as you give him the dagger you grabbed from home, while also flinging the pack at him, which he immediately wraps around his shoulders. Relief washes over you as Osferth’s horse is still fully tacked up and you solidify your plan at that moment. You know they can make a quick escape then. 
“Quickly now!” you exclaim, hoisting your little sister up behind Erik in the saddle. Her face is stricken but everything is happening too fast for there to be tears. You look up at them, “Erik, I want you to take this horse flee deep into the woods. Do not stop until you are well out of harm’s way. I will come find you when the battle is over.”
He nods with terror in his eyes but sets his jaw in determination as he looks down at you. For the first time, you see the shadow of the man he will grow to become reflected in his young face. 
“Now go!” you fling your hands up, spooking the horse away from you as Erik rides out into the muddy lane, urging Osferth’s horse into a run and leaving war behind. Liv’s blonde hair flies in the wind behind them as she holds on for dear life as he gallops away. 
Breathing heavily, your heart aching, hoping they can make it to safety, you run through the mud towards the docks, the last spot you had glimpsed Osferth and Finan.
As you rush into the square, the chaos of battle consumes your senses. Townsfolk and soldiers alike are yelling wildly, innocent people lay injured or dead in the mud. The sight is so gruesome, your brain hardly has time to keep up with the horrors that are transpiring right before your vision. In the distance, you see Finan and Osferth fighting multiple men at once. 
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You unsheath your sword in a flourish, an electric energy radiating from the hilt, up your arm and straight into your heart with the weight of the deadly weapon in your hands. The initial terror that had gripped you is replaced by an overwhelming sense of white-hot rage. How dare these so-called “godly” people bring murder and death to your tiny, peaceful town? How dare they attack the ones you love? How dare they single out Dane from Saxon, as if these peaceful people had anything personally to do with the murder of the Queen?
Perhaps it’s your small stature or the fact that you are a woman that makes most fighters overlook you, much to their mistake. Your blade slices through bodies effortlessly as you start to kill with deadly precision. Blood sprays your face, your once gleaming sword is now covered in gore as your mind stops all rational thought while you hack your way towards Osferth, who is struggling to fight so many at once.
As you get nearer to where he and Finan have taken their stand, you recognize one of the men he is fighting; a man you had seen lurking around town before; a man you knew belonged to Lord Athelhelm. Bresal, you think his name is. He unfortunately had requested your services once as the town healer, a poultice for a deep wound. You remember your skin prickling as you patched him up, the hair on the back of your neck standing up. He radiated ill intent and foul play, even then.
Time seems to slow to a crawl as several things seem to happen at once. You see Osferth locked in battle, fighting two men simultaneously, hear Finan’s cry as Ingrith is thrown from her horse, startled by a vicious pack of dogs, and the evil men seem to converge on them as Finan turns to help her, leaving Osferth exposed.
You see it coming before it happens; the wicked smile on Bresal’s dark, twisted face as he thinks he has Osferth cornered. You watch as his arm pulls back to shove his dagger up into Osferth’s side.
Except you get there first.
With a screech unlike anything that’s ever come out of your mouth, you intercept Bresal’s attack.  Your blade flashes through the air, meeting his dagger mid-strike. The clash of steel against steel rings out, and for a brief, intense moment, your eyes lock with Bresal's. His eyes flit over you and an evil grin lights up his face, thinking you are easy prey. 
With a powerful shove, you force Bresal away from Osferth, who is still occupied with his other opponent. Bresal begins to hammer you with powerful blows from his sword, easily the hardest hits you have ever taken and your arms tremble with effort of defending his attack. Again and again your swords clash together and you know you must finish him quickly, you can’t withstand the strength of his blows for long, so you do something both incredibly brave and incredibly stupid.
You charge at Bresal, right into his arms’ reach and see his eyes widen at your sudden proximity; he cannot swing his sword properly since you are so close to him but you realize you have strayed right into the path of his dagger as it slashes upwards towards your face, grazing your cheekbone. Your sword blocks the worst of his attack, catching him off guard with your speed and the dagger slips from his grip into the mud. He backpedals from you now, attempting to put distance between you two so he can properly swing with his sword and you capitalize on his momentum, aiming a hard kick at his left knee, while bringing your sword down on his right arm, slicing it to the bone. 
With his knee kicked out from under him, he falls into a kneeling position and lets out a cry of pain as his arm is almost cut in two. You swivel around him, nails scraping against his scalp as you grasp him by the hair, jerking his neck back so he looks up at you. His eyes meet only black fury and hatred as your eyes promise him death. 
With an animalistic growl, you grit your teeth and shriek in rage as your sword opens his throat as effortlessly as if slicing through butter. Sneering in disgust, you release your hold, allowing his lifeless body to fall to the ground, and you look up, panting heavily from exertion.
Osferth has dispatched his other adversary and is looking at you with wide, staring eyes, as if seeing you clearly for the first time. You both breathe heavily, the aftermath of the intense combat still coursing through your veins. The gravity of the situation becomes palpable as you replay Bresal's attack in your mind. You can sense that Osferth is experiencing the same realization, that survival often hangs on split second decisions.
An icy wind blows your braids away from your sweaty face as he recovers first, blinking rapidly before swiftly moving forward and grabbing your arm. 
“I told you to run,” he huffs, looking down at you. It was the most annoyed voice you had ever heard him use with you. 
“And if I had, you would be dead,” you say through gritted teeth. You hate having to feel like you need to defend your actions, especially since you just saved his life. 
He stares at you for a moment but the battle does not give you time for a longer explanation as the fighting continues all around you. Together, you continue your assault on Lord Athelhelm’s men. You fight in unison with Osferth as a seamless pair, as if you had been doing it for years. 
Upon getting Ingrith to safety, Finan now joins you, giving you a prideful smile at the brutal way you hack through men without mercy. Since their leader has fallen, the soldiers seem less inclined to fight and soon they are fleeing in droves. When the skirmish is won, Finan gives you an appraising look.
“You’ve been holding back on us, I see,” he pants, giving you a nod of approval. “Perhaps we should tell Uhtred we have a new recruit.”  
You manage a very small smile, appreciative of his ability to joke in a time like this. Now that the battle is over and the adrenaline is slowly ebbing away, a wave of sickness washes over you. Sick at what you’ve just witnessed. Sick at the person you became in the heat of the moment, with bloodlust singing in your veins. Sick at remembering the feeling of your sword slicing through bodies. Sick at the number of people who fell to your wrath. The grim reality of battle settles over you; even though they were your enemies, those people would never return home to see their families. You or Osferth or Finan could have just as easily been one of them as you reflect upon the number of times you had missed death by inches. 
Flooded with these thoughts, it all becomes too much to bear and you double over, vomiting spectacularly. Osferth pats you gently on the back as Finan chuckles.
“Such a reaction is common after your first battle, my lady,” he says, voice calm and soft. “Do not worry, it is quite natural.”  
>>>>Part 3
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Tags: @peonamay @quinnquinn317 @multyfangirl @cyeco13 @aemondsscar @sylas-the-grim @chainsawsangel @boundlessfantasy @bellaisasleep @fan-goddess @pandemonium105 @megatardisbaby @gemini-mama @bcon24 @lexwolfhale @lauzy87
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itamis-multi-muses · 6 months
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💚 The Fierce Love of Rock Lee💚
Rock Lee x Fem! Reader
“We did it! Neji, Y/N, we’ve passed the first test to become Chunin!”
An excited Rock Lee cheered with passionate fire in his eyes as the three of you exited the written exam hall. Neji had his usual smirk plastered on his face, whereas you were just happy to finally be away from that weird red-headed guy who kept staring at you like you were a piece of meat.
An involuntary sigh escaped your lips at the thought of the Sand Ninja and the way his piercing green eyes sent a chill down your spine.
“You again.”
Your E/C eyes widened at the familiar voice. No, it couldn’t possibly be him. Oh, but it was.
The three Genin from Sunagakure appeared in your field of vision, causing your heart rate and your anxiety to spike. The shorter, red-headed one named Gaara continued to scan you up and down in what seemed like disgust.
“You are Y/N, correct?”
Both Neji and Lee could sense that you were uncomfortable, but you stood your ground and nodded.
“Yes, I am. How do you know my-“
Before you could ask your question, Gaara scoffed and locked eyes with you.
“You’re really a Ninja? I find that hard to believe. You look so pathetic and weak… I should just kill you right now. I’ve been itching for some bloodshed and I think you could be the perfect victim!”
During the confrontation, Lee had been on edge. Not knowing anything about this guy and seeing how he glared at you just irritated him. But now he was degrading you and threatening you right in front of him? There was no way that Lee would tolerate that kind of behaviour, especially regarding his crush, you.
“Don’t you dare speak to her that way!”
Lee stepped in front of you and narrowed his round black orbs, ready for a fight. He knew that you could handle yourself if necessary, but that didn’t mean that he would let you take on this douche alone.
Gaara began to chuckle manically at Lee’s words, pissing the Leaf Ninja off even more.
“Why do you think this is funny? Y/N is an incredible Ninja and I am very grateful to be a part of her team. You do not know her like I do, so I respectfully ask you to shut your mouth before I do it for you!”
Your eyes widened at his words. No one had ever stood up for you like that before.
Lee turned his head to look at you from over his shoulder and grinned at you.
“Do not fear, Y/N. I will not allow anyone to speak badly about you. No matter what. It is an honour to be able to defend you.”
Temari and Kankuro, the older Sand siblings, glanced at each other with worry, knowing that they would have to intervene before the situation escalated any further.
“Hey, Gaara… Why don’t you, me and Temari go for a walk and prepare ourselves for the next round?”
Kankuro laughed nervously and pointed towards a small sweets shop that he had spotted earlier that day.
Gaara, without moving his devilish gaze away from you, merely nodded and sighed.
“Maybe there is a brain in that small head of yours, Kankuro. Let’s go…”
With that said, Gaara turned his back to the three of you and exited the building, his siblings trailing behind with relief.
“Well, that was certainly… Interesting.”
Neji piped up once the three had left.
You exhaled sharply and turned your attention to Lee, who was also now only focused on you.
“Are you alright, Y/N? I have no idea why that Sand Ninja was so rude to you, but don’t you worry… I’ll be here to protect you until the day I die!”
You blushed and looked down at your feet shyly. Lee has always been this way about everything important to him, but for him to be feeling and acting so strongly towards you just… Made your heart melt.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Thanks, Lee.”
Neji cleared his throat, reminding the two of them that he was still, in fact, very much there with them.
“I believe I left some of my ninja tools back at the training grounds, so… I’ll find you two before the second part of the exams.”
You and Lee nodded, waved Neji off and bid your farewells. You both were a little embarrassed about what had just occurred between the two of you with your teammate awkwardly standing there, unsure of what to do or say. Fortunately, you were now alone.
Lee grinned at you with a cheeky twinkle in his midnight coloured eyes and tilted your chin to make you look up at him.
“If it is alright with you, I would love to take you out on a date sometime. Is that… Something that you would want, Y/N?”
You swallowed the nervous lump in your throat and smiled back at him with a nod.
“I would like that very much, Lee.”
(Hello! Surprise, surprise! It’s not an Uchiha boy this time! Should I make a Part 2? Maybe with Lee and Y/N a bit older? Anyway- Thanks for reading my Bushy Brow fan-fiction! Love ya!)
- Itami 🌸
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thatfreshi · 1 year
"When I Feel Used" (Uni AU P. 3)
I am sorry for the angst in advance, my finger slipped
tw - references to alcohol and sex, lots of yelling, hints at abuse
The two of you are silent, and you can sense some kind of negative energy on him. You're not sure if it's anger or shame, or maybe both. All you know is he had sex with you, but didn't really want to. It makes you feel a little gross, trying to figure out what even happened. Astarion hides it well though, shifting through many different personas constantly.
"All that and you didn't even get any champagne."
He makes the joke, hoping it will evoke some kind of laugh from you. You say nothing. Instead, you get out at the next stoplight. He doesn't stop you. It doesn't take too long to get back to campus. Once outside your dorm, you are met yet again with intense arguing.
"Damnit Karlach, you can't skate out here! How many times do I have to tell you?!"
A man with short braids is shouting at a muscle-heavy woman, who is currently shredding on the stair railing.
"Why? Because your silly admin mom told you I can't? Just relax already, learn to have some fun."
The woman then sticks her tongue out at him.
"Why, I should tell Coach!"
"You wouldn't. You're too busy being the uptight SGA president to visit the gym."
"Karlach, please just go skate somewhere else."
"Wyll it's almost 11 pm. Where else would you like me to go?"
"Anywhere! Quite literally anywhere else!"
The woman, who you notice has shaved sides in her hair, finally sees you.
"Hey! You wanna come skate?"
She shouts across the little clearing in front of the dorm.
"Okay, no, do not encourage her please."
At this point, you try desperately to ignore them. It's been such a strange night already, and you just want to sleep. As long as Lae'zel and Shadowheart haven't burnt down the room yet. You pass by the man, who places a kind hand on your shoulder.
"It's Wyll by the way, your SGA president. Let me know if you need anything."
He gives a soft smile, and then turns to yell at Karlach again, but she's already gone.
"Ugh, damn you Karlach!"
When you finally get back to the room, it's oddly silent. Instead of trying to decide whether they're asleep or murdered each other, you simply go to your room, and head to bed almost immediately. You sit there for a while though, thoughts about the night buzzing in your head. Perhaps you'd tell Shadowheart about it tomorrow, see what she makes of the whole thing.
While you would've loved to wake up to the peaceful sun through your window, or perhaps maybe even your alarm clock, you're awoken to Lae'zel and Shadowheart screaming at 5 am.
"You know my leg is fucked, you can't just trip me like that!"
"Oh, seems I didn't notice. Whoopsies."
You can practically hear the smile on Shadowheart's face, until you instead hear the two start to get physical. Dreadfully picking up your legs and getting out of bed, you open the door and stomp down the hall.
"God damn it, can we not right now!"
They pause and stare at you. Lae'zel has Shadowheart in a chokehold with her elbow, and Shadowheart had just kicked her in the leg.
"I already had basically the worst night ever, and I would've liked to sleep in and not think about it, but no! Here you two are, screaming at each other! Does no one in this school know how to act?!"
With that, you head towards the front door, about to leave in your pajamas to simply get out of the dorm. When you slam the door open, it makes a loud thunk against someone who apparently just tried to knock on the door.
"Ugh, and why are you here!"
The pale 'red-eyed' man from last night was at your door for some reason.
"Because I'm trying to sleep, and these bitches are being too loud!"
Astarion yells over your shoulder at them.
"I forgot you were in this room. Sorry you have to deal with them."
You try to keep yourself from exploding from all the overwhelming stress.
"Respectfully, you cannot invite me out, introduce me to some fucking freak, admit you were trying to get me to work for said freak, and then fuck me, and then be a fucking weirdo about it!"
So much for not exploding.
"Wait, you two fucked?"
"Shadowheart, read the room!"
Lae'zel hisses.
"Yeah Shadowheart."
Astarion swipes a hand through his hair, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.
"You were the one that started dragging us outside..."
He nonchalantly looks at his acrylics.
"Yes! Because yeah you're hot, and it was a weird stressful situation, and I haven't gotten any in a while, okay!"
He sort of just, stares at you wide-eyed.
"And then you thought 'oh, I'll just act like I'm completely uninterested afterwards, because that's normal people behavior,' like what's up with that? Didn't even want to at least say 'you know Tav, that was pretty good sex.' I mean I'm sure you've had better, I'm a little rusty, but damn! So yeah, maybe it was hot, but it kind of pisses me off when I feel used."
Astarion is entirely silent. The two women behind you are now no longer fighting, but instead staring at you while you rant at him.
"Oh, and another thing! I know you think you have all this pretty boy privilege, but you think you can just bribe a cop with sexual favors? Because what the fuck was that? But nooooo, you'll never get in trouble for anything because you're the city's favorite femboy. I can't even go an entire hour without having some article come across my feed with you and your six 'brothers and sisters,' which is also fucking weird by the way. So yeah, forgive me if I'm mad at you and all your arrogance."
You weren't looking at anything in particular while you were yelling these things, not really thinking about how you were airing his business out in front of your roommates. When you look at his face again he's... tearing up?
"I... I have to go."
And he's down the hall before you can say anything, wiping at his tears with the sleeves of his sweater.
"Holy shit."
Shadowheart laughs. You're in shock, unsure of why you just said all that. You were kind of mad at him, but you didn't think you'd make him cry or anything.
"Looks like someone finally told him like it is."
You turn around to two girls smiling, finally agreeing on something for once.
"I- is he gonna be okay?"
"Oh, he'll be fine. Probably just a bruised ego. He'll pay to have it fixed like everything else."
Lae'zel laughs at Shadowheart's comment.
"I'm happy we agree on one thing. That man, is a bitch."
You feel... guilty. Something still isn't right. Memories of the night before come into frame, Szarr's hand on his shoulder, Aurelia's comment about 'private business.' No, something is entirely wrong here. But then again, you know these types of things can be far too complex for someone of your level of fame, which is none. So, you simply listen to Shadow and Lae's quips, and the three of you bond in the common room for the morning.
His phone rings in his pocket when he gets back to his room, out of breath from the sudden emotion he wasn't expecting to feel. How had you seen through him so easily? How had he been so sloppy? Astarion takes the phone out of his pocket.
The contact calling him made his skin crawl. He sniffled, trying to clear his nose, and picked up the phone.
Yes, of course.
Yes, I'll be there.
Why would I lie- yes. No. Yes, I already did.
His hands tremble as Cazador hangs up. His memories float to the scathing read you just gave him, and then back to the night before. Without much thought, he tosses his phone, and it lands in the sink of his kitchenette, hitting each side of the aluminum from the strength of his throw. The need to scream, the need to get out, the need to run. And yet he's silent, still, and stagnant. Instead, he lies against an empty wall, making his way to the floor, crumbling into the pain. The never-ending pain.
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