#i am maybe influenced by how many songs I'd otherwise like that i had to switch away from on the radio last night
stardustsea · 1 year
For song recs: Four Simple Words by Frank Turner
Sorry, big no | Not my vibe | Wouldn't skip it | Enjoyed | That song slaps | Playing on repeat
(Please note for context that I'm extremely sleepy today)
It's good but I also find it hilarious that it's loud and fast paced but in a way that doesn't seem to be making me feel any more awake
Like the vibes aren't chill but they're not not chill if that makes sense
Send me song recs and I'll rate them
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crazyexdirkfriend · 1 year
for the ask meme, R and/or Z
ty ty!
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Hm difficult to say! With me, it's often more like I'll read a passage of something or a deconstruction of something and be super influenced or inspired by it. And I'd have to credit everything I've read, good bad and indifferent, for a *very* long time to really say what's influenced me. I suppose maybe it would be easier for me to look at specific fics I've written and ascertain what influenced my writing of those specifically. shag, emotionally devastate etc., and two short hours etc. were largely influenced by mixed media fics like Don Juan Manlet King, House of Dirk, Detective Pony etc. that kind of showed how to work outside the bounds of ao3 HTML, and some of the old MSPFA works I would have read as a teenager. Also Henry Jenkins I guess then lmao. Also influenced by social media aus but funnily like, the only one I had read at the time was the doofenperry kpop stan au...so that's lore there.
we were something is influenced by A Christmas Carol and Taylor Swift's folklore, and all of the above. It's also influenced by journey to the centre of the mind fics like Way Stations of the Heart, A Litany etc., and A Thousand Years
eschewal was inspired by the script for the season 1 finale of Steven Universe, Sylvia Plath, and psychology texts I was reading at the time.
lunar calendar was inspired by Moon Song (and I Know The End) by Phoebe Bridgers and a number of stylistically similar fics I read in quick succession with a nonlinear narrative
perpetuity was inspired by Endlessly by The Cab, Emily Dickinson, my nervous breakdown, and many stylistically similar fics I'd read until that point
With regards to like, writers specifically who have written or said stuff that I've found inspiring though, I guess all of the above. Then reading Save the Cat helped a BUNCH with my script-writing, as did reading the scripts for Gone Girl, Fraiser (selected episodes), and Death in Paradise. Stephen King's On Writing was very useful too I found. And recently I've been into this essay by Chuck Palahniuk that's helped me re-look at writing crutches I have. I'm not actually using this when I'm writing fic (because sometimes the reader *does* know because they've read the source text and it can get very clunky to come up with reasons, y'know the drill etc.) but it's changed the way I approach personal work a bit.
I've written too much for this question apologies.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I'm going to be honest I am consistently overwhelmed by the amount of people who read my stuff. I put things out into the ether and then am like WUH when someone acknowledges me. It's a great feeling though.
I supposeeeeeee we were something perhaps, but it's a short WIP that people probably don't want to start until it's done. But I sort of lost steam on it and forget to work on it because I'm not sure many people read it. I will finish it! But it's probably my least popular of the dj fics (aside from my ancient ones from when I was a teenager)
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