#i also headcanon him to have rsd. like. its there i can tell
thecatghost111 · 20 days
Crossposted from my ao3!
also kinda long lol-
so everyone in the cg now has an evil counterpart/doppleganger/what you call that
green join the club, you finally have one now :D
i should draw this. If I had any form of art skills XD-
i can remember when the fandom joked about Green being the only one not having an evil side lmaoooo
also, I do believe that green screen (my favorite name for that weird corrupted green thing) didn't really intend on attacking the CG. Rewatching it, it seems even more clear. Though arguably, the CG didn't attack green screen until it punched Green. (These goddamn stickfigures and their bond oisfhdjoihsdiofhsdoh)
also uh if I had a nickel for every time a creation was deleted by its creator and happened to make itself into clones and stuff i'll have
*checks list*
two nickels.
i'd have twenty cents if I had a nickel for everytime a stickfigure cloned themself (In LoL with Purple, and later Second)
also the Green youtube channel comments confirm that the sticks do, in fact, call them Orange
(I'm still holding on the hc with Green calling them Sec, but most often everyone calls them Orange, and the hollowheads + Alan call them Second.)
it's so sweet :3 osdhfoidshfiohdsoifhoiwehiofhwofheeiowhfioewhdlscvnjibejbvdf (i'm jealous man)
also i love how the weapons and fighting styles they have still so consistent and matches personality-wise with their characters! kudos to Alan and his team :D
i have so so so so so many moments in here that I can frame on a wall with their bond. it's so cuteeeeeee 🥺
i know for a fact that green screen is gonna make a comeback. i just know it.
they didn’t empty the recycling bin at the end.
Now, the ending.
this is kind of what interests me the most, to be honest. Because I have a personal hc with Green having RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)
but this isn’t about my headcanon right now, it’s something a little more.
And something. SOMETHING tells me that the next ep of this series might have either:
1) Green receiving a hate comment, and uh you know shit happens.
2) Green loves the positive validation so much that he pushes himself to get more of that, forgetting the 'fun' part of creating stuff in the process and yeah, shit also happens
that might not be true. it's just me going self-projection time and telling myself how is this guy getting more relatable every day.
When I first found out it was going to be about green, and influencers as a result, I went "Are they going to address the fact that being an influencer comes with a lot of shit involved?" now, i'm not one myself, so I wouldn't know lmaooooo
but like Green, I do crave positive attention, and the ominous lighting at the very end just tells me that something
something is gonna happen regarding that. he likes it, and he wants more of it.
I mean, he's portrayed as the talented one, the one who's kind of a show-off and sometimes a bit arrogant
but then again, all of this was made before his channel technically blew up, so although it might not go in the comment direction he still wants validation and stuff, he wants someone other than his friends to tell him that what he makes is good because he craves it. he craves the attention he's getting.
and maybe he doesn’t want to just do it for fun anymore. Maybe he wants it moreso for the attention.
(oh shit I accidentally inserted myself at the end right there, don't mind me being relatable onto this guy. i might write about this scenario happening idk)
it feels like the start of something bigger. and i like it. we've seen from multiple other shorts how his ego affects him, how would this be any different?
edit: during the avg reaction, DJ said that in terms of youtubers, Green seems pretty wholesome. And Alan replied with: “we’ll see”
What are you hiding.
Okay, maybe it might not likely happen and I’ll look super embarrassing and consider deleting this entire post but shhh, we'll save that for future me to deal with
this is just a theory, A GAME THEORY-
shut tf up not everything’s about you
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sinnohanvulpix · 1 year
Goh is neurodivergent and you can’t change my mind
Since today is Autism Acceptance Day, this is the perfect time to look back on Goh’s iconic moments throughout Journeys and how they support my headcanon that he is autistic. This is also @pikatrainer99​‘s headcanon, and we collaborated to make this post. And yes, we are both autistic, and we are allowed to encourage acceptance through this headcanon. If you’re not autistic and you disagree with any of this, then kindly leave.
With that out of the way though, let’s start with episode 1. And, oh boy, is there a lot to unpack! Just in this episode alone, we can see that Goh has a clear special interest in Pokemon, which brings him so much joy to talk about (which I can totally relate to). We also see that he lacked some social skills, didn’t understand social cues, and infodumped about all the different Pokemon they encountered as he didn’t understand that his role was to be the listener, not the teacher. But the biggest thing that stood out to me was when he said that he didn’t need friends, and it’s later revealed that he had been avoiding going to school. This seems to imply that something happened at school that made him stop going, which is unfortunately not uncommon for autistic people to go through (I would’ve gone through that if homeschooling wasn’t an option for me). So instead, he spent all his time on the computer doing Pokemon research.
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Fast forward 4 years later to episode 2, and we see that Goh still finds just as much enjoyment in Pokemon research, with still no interest yet in making new friends. That is until he meets Ash, who was one of the first people he met who loves Pokemon just as much as he does. Because Goh still didn’t understand how friendship worked, he announced to him “I accept you as my friend!” As adorable as this is, it’s not the typical reaction to meeting someone, and I’m glad that it was Ash he said this too and not anyone else.
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But episode 3 is when I really started seeing myself in Goh, as it was the first to show his insecure side, which likely developed from multiple instances of being misunderstood. After having one small argument with Ash, Goh became convinced that their friendship was completely over, that he messed it up. He even starts tearing up while muttering to himself, “so you’re one of those people too...”, which shows just how much having Ash as a friend means to him. Fortunately though, since Ash is so forgiving, he quickly forgot all about the argument and helped reassure Goh that they’re still friends, much to his relief.
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After episode 3, the evidence became a little more spread out, but we can clearly see in multiple future episodes that Goh’s friendship with Ash hasn’t “changed” his autistic-coded traits. We still see many of these traits throughout the series, especially his fear of being rejected (which I headcanon as RSD, aka Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, which is commonly linked with autism and ADHD). This was most prevalently seen throughout episode 22, when Goh became convinced that Raboot didn’t want him as its trainer anymore and would live a happier life without him, which fortunately turned out to be untrue as Raboot came back for him. This was seen again in episode 101, when Goh saw Grookey getting along so well with the wild Grookey and Thwackey they met that he thought Grookey would be happier living with them. But once again, his beloved partner came back, reassuring him that they do belong together.
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Speaking of the Galar starters, we also saw in episode 62 that Goh has trouble identifying his emotions, aka alexithymia (also commonly linked with autism). During a childhood flashback, after he had lost interest in playing with the other kids, his teacher asked him why, but Goh was unable to answer as he didn’t know why himself. Even in the present day when he reassured Drizzile that it’s okay not to know why it’s feeling this way, he began to tear up without knowing why. Something tells me this is something that he’s always needed to hear, whether he realized it or not.
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And of course, we can’t talk about Goh’s insecure side without talking about episode 32. Even though we knew by the end that it was all a misunderstanding, Goh was convinced for three whole years that Tokio had intentionally broken his promise and abandoned him. This experience heavily traumatized him, which we can clearly see as his encounters with Ariados and Pineco bring back the memories of his time with Tokio and the painful emotions he associated them with. Not to mention this took place a year after episode 1, when he was already uninterested in making new friends. Seeing his first close friendship end this way definitely contributed to his distrust in others and unclear grasp of how friendship works, even after the two eventually made up.
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This was even shown as late as episode 135, the penultimate episode of Journeys. He spent the entire episode trying to find the courage to tell Ash that he wanted to go on his own journey... only for Ash to casually tell him the same thing. Goh felt so betrayed by this that it led to an emotional outburst, which I can honestly understand. I wouldn’t want my dear friends to make this kind of casual announcement either. This proves that even after all this time of bonding with Ash and growing as a person and trainer, Goh still has much work to do when it comes to understanding social relations, which is a lifetime commitment for autistic people.
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Fortunately, Goh has still managed to find much fulfillment on his journey. Not only has he finally gotten to embrace his deep passion for Pokemon, but he’s also formed multiple friendships with Pokemon. In fact, Pika and I believe that the reason he wants to catch ‘em all (apart from working his way up to Mew) is because he feels more comfortable befriending Pokemon than people. Pokemon don’t judge him the way people do, so it makes perfect sense why he would want to have friends in his life who won’t betray him.
Overall, we’re both super happy that we got to spend three years following the journey of one of the most relatable characters in Pokemon history. Goh will always be one of our favourite characters, and we’ll always look back fondly on his many iconic and relatable moments ❤️
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mayoiayasep · 3 years
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First of all that panel and that smile that he had when Tamoa complimented him is not a face that someone makes when they are complimented often. That is the face of someone who has heard someone compliment for one if the first times. The look on his face was like after working and working someone finally acknowledges you and your work.
Tsubaki probably worked really really hard to get where he was, and he's used to people leaving him behind, aka abandonment issues. He gives his all when playing, yes thats also why he doesnt have teamwork. He's scared that if he doesnt get every ball, doesnt do his best, doesnt show the team that he is worth it he will be kicked out. But when that becomes the reason? He doesnt understand.
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He seems so afraid. I'm sorry but that is not normal (I think)
That look on his face when someone believes in him.
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LOOK AT IT. He looks so surprised that someone is believing in him. he is so surprised. That someone acknowledges. That flinging when someone finally validates you? Yeah thats that look on his face.
I may add onto this but I gotta go right now so :)
so true aanon so true
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miiilowo · 3 years
this started out as a headcanon because i noticed some similarities between how he and i act. but the more i play the games the more shit crops up. heres my evidence, in no particular order. also spoilers for both games i guess
-he doesnt have object permanence
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.(if you dont know, people w adhd struggle with object permanence. it isnt like 'the door closed! the rest of the house isnt there anymore! i forgot about it!' but more like 'i left this important item in a drawer and it will never cross my mind until im moving house and find it')
- run on sentences
lots of us, myself included, struggle with having run on sentences all the time. apparently it has something to do with impulsivity and making careless mistakes, but those kinda go hand in hand anyway. i talk to this mf in game a LOT and the amount of times he just goes 'and' instead of making a new sentence is uncountable
- infodumping (what im currently subjecting you to)
damien has stuff he likes. stuff he likes a lot, especially compared to other characters. ive had a good handful of interactions with him where he tells me about a topic he likes for. quite a few paragraphs
- hyperfixations
THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS HYPERFIXATED ON DOLPHINS AND NOBODY CAN TELL ME OTHERWISE GODDAMNIT. in monster camp, theres an event where he brings up watching dolphin documentaries, and invites other people to watch them with him. he also says hes gonna make dolphin shaped cookies. and thats the type of stuff i do when im hyperfixated on something-Ill consume content of it, try to get other people to enjoy it with me, and surround myself with that thing in any way possible, even if it means making dolphin shaped cookies.
also, while other characters have things they like, nobody so far (that ive noticed) likes something as much as he likes knives and fire. and ON that dolphin thing, in the first game, his death is predicted as including an 'unusual amount of bottlenose dolphins'. so. idk he probably wanted to see them and did something stupid to get to them
id also like to note his obsession with how much he hates the sun and wants to eradicate it. not sure what youd call that but it sure is something
- RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria)
damiens whole thing is that hes this toxic masculinity riddled asshole, but that personality is kinda put up as a facade. while that definitely is part of how he is genuinely, he DOES intensify it to please other people-And when thats challenged, or he shows his soft side in any way (that he tries very violently to hide) he gets super defensive. it basically plagues him and he thinks about it way more than he should, so much so that itll trigger a route where hes trying to prove how cool he is-after the other characters call him soft for liking dolphins and wanting a non-violent comic for once.
he cant even enjoy his interest in drag and makeup without feeling like he has to defend himself or be intense about it sometimes. (moss mann also says he makes flower crowns when nobodys looking, but its moss mann, so take that with a grain of salt, i guess)
hes also pretty intensely focused on trying to prove himself as a master survivalist, which is based off of the fact hes sheltered. he does not want people to perceive him that way, evidently
i dont have to explain this one. its damien
-his hatred for math
this experience might not be universal, but for me personally, adhd makes it SUPER fucking hard to do math. im bad at keeping track of things and remembering them, and paying attention without getting distracted, and he seems to have that same issue
- he interrupts people. thats it thats the whole bulletpoint
unfortunately the whole fidgeting/moving around thing is hard to prove because of the games style. he does enjoy sports and is pretty competitive, though, and i know my adhd fucks with how competitive i am (again, might not be universal, but i have that issue)
A lot of stuff im looking at also says that easy anger and irritability are things people with adhd can struggle with (i can back that up w personal experience) and damien DEFINITELY HAS ANGER AND IRRITABILITY ISSUES
anyway. thats just about everything i can remember right now. this is mostly based off of the second game because ive been playing that one more and its fresher in my mind. if u have any other evidence, give it to me, i will HAPPILY take it. anyways this image is relevant again
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EDIT: adding this persons tags because . yeah
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thefandomboysblog · 2 years
the autistic and adhd traits i've noticed in tibby devin as an autistic person with adhd, aka proof that tibby devin is unintentionally autistic with adhd, or at least heavily coded as such -aka proof for my headcanon-:
tldr, aka conclusion; tibby devin is heavily coded as neurdivergent, especifically as someone autistic and with adhd, or is straight up autistic with adhd, and therefore i claim him (/hj /lh) as an autistic and adhd headcanon of mine. (and yes i copied and pasted this from the billy post, it still works so idgaf)
autistic traits;
1. black and white mentality, as showed with his belief that he has to use his powers in a certain way, but also telling his friends how they should do so with theirs, specially to billy. he’s the moral compass of the radar throughout the first two seasons and has a clear anxiety aspect to it, becuase he also shows extreme worry and doubt of his own identity if he isn’t being morally good as shown in the second season after he accidentally killed mike and how he tried to “make up for it” going to heal random people at the hospital.
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2. stimming, its the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations, which serves a variety of functions, such as calming and expression of feelings. tibby is seen in at least two instances, one involving stress and the other to express joy. i have an example of both but the happy one is literally my favorite ever, because it's the best stim; the flappy hands.
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3. has no filter, shows excessive sincerity, and often can't lie well, just like billy he often says “inappropiate” things and things he’s too blunt or sincere about through the seasons, and he also explicitly says can't lie well and or can only lie to his friends, and that didn't work out well, either, in season 2 ep 4.
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4. special interests, seen in multiple instances, and explicitly said. the way he talks about dnd, and the way he talks about especially comics books and how he uses them to relate to the world.
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5. difficulty socializing, as seen with the fact that before everything started in season one his only friend was billy, and how at first he had issues interacting with the other members of the radar.
adhd traits;
1. impulsivity, as in seen in several instances in which he does something without thinking, specially during most of the second season and also while he's losing his mind due to sleep deprivation when he's trying not to be caught inside the black rock again.
2. talks excessively, again for this i don't really need any proof. he talks non stop during most of the second season and often rambles in times of stress and or when he feels he needs to provide context to others of the situation (and i think this is a sign of the fact that he is clearly a bit of a people pleaser, which is very common all around the neurodivergent community because of the stigma and the internalized ableism imo)
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3. rejection sensitive dysphoria, he shows this very little, maybe a sign of the fact that he seems more in the inatentive type (while imo billy would be the combined type and skye the hyperactive type), but this doesn’t mean he doesn’t has it. i think a good example of it is when he thinks mickey is cheating on him in the second season and how irational and impulsive he becomes; rambling, shaving and going completely bald, etc.
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4. easily frustrated, this is a big part of his personality too, like the impulsivity and the rsd, but it seems to shine especially like rsd from the second season and forward, he gets heated easily and sometimes explodes in conversations with agressivity.
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sepublic · 3 years
Through the Looking Glass Ruins!!!!!
         SO! Onto other things first…
         WRATH IS BRAXAS’ FATHER!??!!? HOLY SHIT, Wrath is a canonical dad, I’d always expressed my… OH MY GOD WRATH IS DAD! And of BRAXAS, that sweetie… How is Braxas such a sweetie with a father like HIM, also-
         Wrath was in casual wear? Either he has a day off, or he got fired by Belos/Kikimora after drawing Luz a map to Eda in Young Blood, Old Souls! Either way this guy has a sudden new level of NUANCE that I am reeling from, and yes I checked, that really is Wrath according to the credits! Dang this puts everything in a WHOLE new light…!
         She looks so BEAUTIFUL and I love the kind of foreshadowing with the bookends of our first shot of Amity having her hair down, and now it’s changed! And she looks adorable and EMIRA AND EDRIC BEING GREAT SIBLINGS I LOVE IT SO MUCH! This… THIS is everything I wanted! I was resigned to not much of them but HELL YEAH they’re being good siblings and we get a look at their rooms, we see them doing MAKEOVERS together this is everything from my favorite fanon content and MORE,
         Also Edric has a date?! Emira says ‘their’ mom… Unless the Golden Guard has a mom, DARN! Not gonna lie, I half-expected a big twist at the end that Edric was dating the Golden Guard, who was doing some sort of reconnaissance as his unrecognized normal self and/or screwing around with the Blights even further, but in a GENUINE sense… But then who knows Kikimora could be posing as GG’s ‘mom’, this is a stretch anyhow-
         JUST HELL YEAH Blight Twins! Blight Twins being sweet and mischievous and supportive of each other, Blight SIBLINGS being siblings, Emira being an older sister and giving advice! And AMITY, Amity mentioning how much Luz has changed stuff, I love that they acknowledge it openly how her life has completely shifted, and now… NOW…!
         No necklace! Red leggings! PINK HAIR?! Is this why Amity in the intro hasn’t been updated yet… She was getting TWO updates, so the animators decided to only animate a change after this final update?!
         King and Gus are also friends it seems, and they even recorded some fun together! I’m surprised at how much Bria and the others mock Gus’ illusion skills… Obviously Belos is kinda terrible but like; I don’t think he’d set aside an entire subset of magic into Illusions without reason! Also that nightmare trip… I LOVE IT, I love Gus applying the creativity of illusions in their ability to completely warp and distort someone’s sense of reality! And I called that dragon-thing being an illusion!
         A graveyard… I wonder if the Gallderstones (is that how it’s spelled) have any relevance or if they’re just neat? I hope Mattholomule and Gus help hide the Looking Glass Graveyard… Damn, that’s another Death reference with Gus, huh! Is it culminating in his respect for the dead, or will it continue further with Gus being a necromancer, or an Oracle who can commune with the deceased, and he has their respect as someone who treats them properly?!
         Also not to get dark but… What if all those Illusionists are dead because of Belos? I’m JUST SAYING…! And not gonna lie, every time someone insulted Illusions, I kept imagining the Illusion Head just suddenly waking up and feeling like there’s a disturbance in the force, as well as a weird compulsion to beat up some Glandus kids. It’d be even funnier if he had beef with the Construction, Plant, and Abomination Heads as well!
         Speaking of which, more confirmation on Construction Magic being related to earth! Glad to see Bria give us a look into that, which furthers my idea of Belos using construction magic… Also dang, Bria and the Glandus Kids really are the parallels/foils to the Detention kids! You’ve got the short ‘nice’ girl, the tall lanky kid, the furry… But the Glandus Kids start off looking nice and cool, but turn out to be rather nasty!
         Meanwhile the Detention Kids seem like bad news and delinquents, but no! They’re just demonized and actually very kind and chill! The Detention Kids are looked down upon, the Glandus Kids are appraised… The Detention Kids are dual-track, the Glandus Kids are singular; Glandus Kids from, well, GLANDUS, Detention Kids from Hexside… One’s ‘mischief’ is actually very neat and cool, the other’s is literal grave robbing.
         I guess that’s how the bleeding statues got past the censors- It’s technically just an illusion! Also more insight into how Glandus works with its Survival of the Fittest mentality, I wonder if we’ll get confirmation on which coven heads came from there, how that might influence them as adults…
         What is Glandus like, is it more whole-heartedly accepting of Belos’ rule, hence its harsh ideals? Was it made after Hexside? Does Bump hate it for being so cruel like that, or is it just school bias? And dang poor Mattholomule, I always had a feeling he sort of felt and knew that he wasn’t much, so he accepted and compensated by deliberately doing whatever he can for power…
         They confirmed he’s from Glandus, and I appreciate this new look at him! This new leaf turned… Hot take but he’s honestly not as bad as Boscha, his stint with Gus was a one-time thing that Gus was able to live with! And that seems pretty good to set them up as friends! Speaking of Boscha, Willow was injured by pixies? And the last time we heard of pixies, they belonged to Boscha and caused the school to get shut down… Did BOSCHA DO THIS I SWEAR SHE IS DEAD TO ME-
         (Also she’s mentioned in the credits for this episode but I don’t remember hearing her? I might’ve gotten distracted with so much other things.)
         Gus! I like the insight into his relationship with Illusions, and I appreciate how he’s considering other forms of magic… But this hesitation might just serve to reaffirm his believe in Illusions, which is okay! It’s all about choice… And yeah, it seems Gus also has a case of impostor syndrome like King, no wonder they get along so well! I love the glimpses into Gus’ house and the confirmation that he has a library card, no Perry though alas…!
         I appreciate how Gus feels overlooked, like he has no real substance, which is how his Illusions reflect a desire to draw attention, but also the idea that there’s nothing real beneath them… Again, very much like King! And Gus, he’s not a powerhouse like the rest, he’s SKILLED and smart, but strength isn’t his forte, it’s not brute force he operates on, but cleverness! Trickery, I like it…! It’s a nice callback to his last A-plot episode, SVSF, where instead of fighting Mattholomule physically, Gus’ solution is to think outside the box and pull the alarm!
         You go kid, not relying on brute strength but showing that some clever tricks and thinking are just as valid! Kinda wonder if this episode is lowkey a discussion on masculinity for young boys, especially with Gus growing older with puberty, though the latter is mostly because his actual VA grew… But maybe the writers rolled with that and incorporated it, or it’s just a very neat coincidence! Also, it is me or did Mattholomule’s voice change? And the gag that Gavin’s dad looks identical to him, even moreso because he’s NOT supposed to have a moustache… That’s great!
         Malphas! Love this reference to a classic demon, I wasn’t sure if Malphas was the librarian with glasses whom I’ve always headcanoned as a father figure to Amity… But maybe it’s actually this bird dude! He seems adept in Bard magic, and I love the reveal of his true crow appearance… Guess those theorists were right that the one-eyed figure is from the Forbidden Stacks! Also Malphas NOT COOL with Amity, but I’m glad Luz changed his mind, and I wonder how that adventure looked…
         Which- DAMN, the RSD with Luz! She looks so UTTERLY BROKEN when Amity mentions doing stupid things, and she didn’t mean it like that, but Luz just looks so completely shattered and you can tell she wants to cry but instead she bottles it up and tries to take it in stride, and that plays into her trying to overcompensate for her mistakes AGAIN… SOMEONE GET IT TO HER HEAD that she doesn’t need to! I’m scared for Luz, and I was SO scared this episode would end on a bad note…
         This is EVERYTHING I ever wanted!
         What an AMAZING episode with wonderful characer beats and reveals! Again, Amity’s growth as a character, that brief insight into how Luz as a person is very chaotic and sometimes frustrating for Amity and forces her to reevaluate, but ultimately it’s good and Luz DOES try her best, and Amity clearly wanted to make things up for Luz and apologize, they’re BOTH doing things, just the little moments!
         Also, Alex Lawther voices Philip Wittebane! He has long hair and a vaguely british accent, he’s… He’s Belos isn’t he? And they got a new VA because having him voiced by Matthew Rhys would be really spoiler-y right? He’s got the long hair and he’s a nerd… And with how he talks of finding a way back home, maybe Belos really DOES just want to return home, after all? He talks of making a way back home…
         And we see a glimpse of the Portal, so it might’ve brought him there? Or did Philip succeed in making it, and that was his blueprint designs? Did he arrive by Titan’s Blood? What happened to the portal if it brought him there, or if he made it? Why the scar, why near Eda’s house, partially buried?
         Was it lost before he could finish his work, and Philip got side-tracked into something else… Perhaps going on a crusade, on behalf of a curse/demon that possessed him? A demon that killed King’s father…? Was the portal broken and he had to discard it, but then it naturally healed- Or did it just need to recharge, maybe Philip DID make it back home, WHAT IS THE ANSWER?! Is there some sort of doppelganger for Philip, is BELOS his doppelganger?! What is THIS WHAT-
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Asking for special fingers to write me down some headcannons for asd!puffy, adhd!niki and adhd!techno
I am begging ur magic fingers sir please
you've come to the right place (ma'am? sir? ma'am i think correct me if i'm wrong)
plus cc!techno has adhd so this should be fun
okay so
techno always knew he was more different, the way he seemed to be more fixated on fighting then gold
he would glare at someone if they offered him gold then slashed with his sword
most the people he killed were idiots, but he respected good fights
then he saw philza, attacking wither skeletons. his fighting style was so good and he was clearly experienced and techno watched him in awe
but when phil started to lose the fight, techno stepped in to kill the remaining wither skeletons
they became good friends (as you well know) and since phil has lived for an indefinite amount of time and piglins grow up slower physically, which made a lot of people underestimate him
sorry this is just becoming techno meeting phil headcanons
techno never knew what the term for being different was
and once again, was in awe when phil sat him down and explained what ADHD was
after that, they started developing their own stim toys, and discovered that techno mainly likes chewlery
he has a few vocal stims: "hallooo" "weeeeeee" among others
he doesnt have many physical ones but he does this weird thing where he spins his arms around to feel the wind on them. weird but pog!
when he moves into Antarctic Empire, he really likes the feeling of snow, so he always keeps a little
anyways onto puffy
i'm going to be a little rusty on ASD since... i dont have ASD (i'm pretty sure anyways) so please tell me if i get anything wrong
puffy knew she was different when she realized she loved the sea more than the land
when she was little, she would make little boats out of branches and see how far it went
when she got old enough, she eventually got enough money to get her own big proper boat
texture go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (she loves the texture of wood)
there was only one food she didn't allow on the ship and that's paella (look it up if you dont know what it means). she just hates it and has no idea why. it just does not feel good the way grass does
speaking of grass she definitely chews absently that amongst other things in her spare time, sometimes even furniture
she hates the sound of chewing. like she always eats alone cause someone chewing just makes her upset for no reason
she has met Several People who seemed nice at first but then were ableist so their kneecaps said bye-bye
most of her stims i already explained in Another Post (just keep scrolling in my blog 'Puffy' and you should see it)
anyways onto niki
she was always on the more inattentive side, so people (including herself) never realized she was ADHD
in fact she didnt know until she joined the Syndicate
but it was one of the reasons she and puffy got along so well
she definitely jumps up and down
zones out more than anyone on the server
definitely hyperfixated on L'Manberg (which is why it was so painful to see it explode the first time)
explosions overstimulate her (obviously) which is one of the reasons she goes into her little hidey hole
she hyperfixates on her secret city which makes the time staying there easier but she's still painfully understimulated
once she joins the syndicate after five minutes techno immediately figures out she's ADHD and quietly mentions it to her
and now things made so much more sense
she wasn't just lazy or over-emotional...
techno gave her some chewlery, but they found out she preffered the smaller ones so she most of the time she fiddles with the chewlery necklace instead
niki visits even when they dont have a syndicate meeting because she and techno message each other whenever eachother is understimulated or just not hyperfixating
they definitely both hyperfixated on the syndicate meetings
puffy got a huge backlash from RSD thanks to the Red Banquet
y'know with the whole
"It was all your fault Puffy"
and of course couple RSD with a hero complex and youve got yourself a mental breakdown
techno and niki like saying "weeeeeeee" together
it just makes the brain go BRRRRRRr
they also say "brrrrrrrr" when they can
i'm not sure if youve seen but remember that one MCC where HBomb dressed up as an "catboy" maid and got his team to dress up as "catboy" maids?
yeah well niki (i say mcc is canon because its funny. they all just stop whatever war they're doing to play sports) adopted the "BROTHERRRRRRRRR!!" stim from that
i dont have any other hcs
OH yeah in physical stims niki doesn't have many but she still
does a lil' dance when she's happy
same with puffy actually!!
well i hope you enjoyed it bc its all i got
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bnha-butterfly · 4 years
Hi! Aaaaa it says reqs are open so? Dbdbbff could i pls request the twins suna and kita with a trans male autistic s/o? Like headcanons on how they interact with him or whatever u want really tbh jdndfnn just ignore this if i did it wrong and sorry if i was specific enough. Ty in advance!
 Kita, Suna, Atsamu, Osamu with an autistic trans male s/o
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Hi hi random ask again fnfnf so u said u prob might take a while to get around to my request so i figured if i sent this ask in to give further detail it wouldnt like really screw with anything bc u havent started working on it yet? Presumably? Hdhdhf when i sent my req in i didnt really have anything specific in mind outside of general autism but! I did think of more details that i havent seen really talked about in general (in all kinda autism content and discussions ngl) so uh what do u think about adding to my request "low functioning" s/o like cant go to school or get a job bc its just so stressful and s/o cant cope type stuff (bc whenever theres autism representation its always the more "higher functioning" end of things which is like not everyones autism? Like its like that very one dimensional type of autism rep when theres so many different ways it affects ppl and - i am not going to go on a rant in an ask jesus christ im so sorry djdhfh) and dealing with some rejection sensitivity dysphroia/rsd?? Bc these are topics that dont really get covered and all fnfnfn its ok if u dont want/cant add this to my req tho im sorry for just randomly springing more details on you dhdhfb also sorry this is really long and wordy and if its hard to understand i tried to write it in a way thatd make sense dnfjf i just wanted to send this for your consideration ok ty! Sjdjfh 💚💚 💚
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A/n - Just as a heads up I try to keep my blog as functioning label free as possible cus they lowkey make me uncomfy (don’t worry I didn’t have it in my rules so it's okay!) I’ll explain why they make me uncomfy/ why I hate them in a different post if anyone wants to know why. 
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Kita Shinsuke
  This man always has a stim toy. Realistically he probably has a little pouch in his book bag that he carries with him everywhere that is just full of stim items. There’s a stress ball , a fidget cube and a few other things
Whenever you feel dysphoric he will literally remind you about how handsome you are. I mean like stand you in front of the mirror and point out all of his favorite parts of you
Definitely reminds you to be kind to your body and your brain cus they’re doing the best they can
If he has to cancel plans with you he always makes it up to you and tells you that he’d rather spend time with you.
Kita is so understanding and caring. He understands that school and work aren’t really an option for everyone for different reasons and he definitely understands that both are designed for neurotypical people.
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Suna Rintaro
Rin keeps an extra pair of headphones on him at all times for if you get overwhelmed 
If you ever mention to him that you’re going to sleep or if he sending you a good night text he always reminds you to take off your binder
Sometimes he wants to hangout with the team and has to turn you down. He knows RSD can make turning down spending time together feel like a kick in the face so he always promises to spend time with you later and tell you he loves you
If you ever have a low spoons + dysphoria type of day he’s coming over and spending time with you in bed. He’s bringing some of your favorite snacks/drinks/food and one of his hoodies that still smell like him. 
His love language is quality time so he probably takes you on a lot of dates. Especially if they have something to do with your special interest or hyper fixation
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Miya Osamu
He learns how to cook all of your safe foods just the way you like it.
Every morning you are greeted with a kiss to your temple and a sleepy Osamu grumbling a soft “good morning handsome” to you.
He understands that work isn’t really for you. But, sometimes he’ll take you with him to the onigiri shop with him to keep him company. 
This man would move heaven and earth to see you happy everyday without hesitation. 
He’s super responsive to all boundaries you have. Don’t want to be touched or cuddled a certain way? Okay. Need him to give you space after a meltdown/shutdown or on extremely dysphoria days? No problem.
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Miya Atsumu
If you are nonverbal/semi verbal he definitely made you communication cards. He gave them to you for either an anniversary or your birthday and they are super well done. They’re laminated their color coated and they’re just lovely
He’s such a good listener. He could listen to you talk all day and never get tired. Whether it’s you just talking about insecurities while in bed together or him listening to you talk about a hyperfixation/ special interest you know he’s always willing to listen. 
Insecurities who??? Not with Atsumu around. If he is not kissing away your insecurities he’s making you “laugh away the bad vibes”. 
He always reminds you how much he loves you. He literally will not leave for practice until he gets a kiss and tells you he loves you, it’s gotten him in trouble for being late a few times but he always says he’d do it again. (and he always ends up doing it again)
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omegawolverine · 3 years
hi hello i dont think we have talked b4 but i would love 2 hear ur craig ND headcanonz :))
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hehe hello!! thank you for the asks!! here's my ND craig headcanons aka me projecting onto one of my kins :>
note? ig: im diagnosed with adhd buuuut i probably also have undiagnosed autism and idk how to separate those symptoms tbh so im not gonna be too specific about what's what ig. this truly will just be Pure Projection soooo
let's go!
-was absolutely that one kid growing up that got either "never applies himself" or "has good grades, but issues with socialization" on report cards
-bad at making and maintaining friendships :/
-school probably tested him and was like "yeah there is something here but we arent gonna diagnose bc that means we have to give him Actual Accommodations" and then stuck him in SPED classes which just got him bullied ajsksk
-has bad sensory issues with like. the feeling of skin and the sound of like silverware on plates, it literally makes him wanna peel his skin off. there's other ones obvs but those ones are the worst
-sensory overload makes him incredibly agitated or just downright pissed. gets very snippy but doesn't yell bc yelling feels Weird and he doesn't like it
-cant wear more than 2 layers, cant sleep with more than one thin blanket, it makes him feel like he's being suffocated and having his movement restricted
-always stimming but pretty good at making it unnoticeable, has a lot of normalized stims like playing with rubber bands, leg bouncing nail tapping, cracking knuckles, etc.
-but when he isnt trying to hide it? ohhh boy is he a loud motherfucker, very into stims that involve noise like rolling his r's, doin lil brr sounds, clickn buttons on like remotes and stuff, etc.
-not very good at masking tbh
-mmm echolalia galore
-flappy hands!! lots of flappy hands :]
-stims by hitting the balls of his hands/wrists together repeatedly, is probably one of his most used stims
-has like. harmful stims when he's upset or in pain? like hitting himself, scratching himself, etc.
-has lil dancey stims but only really does them in private or around close friends
-so flipping people off is already basically a stim in canon lbr but imagine he starts doing 👉👈 as a joke and then it just becomes a Default Stim. he jus be standing there and outta nowhere he's goin 👉👈 while having a completely normal conversation
-very bad at reading tone and social cues but he just wont admit it. refuses to ask questions either. leads to a lot of bad situations but he'd rather die than ask for clarification
-if you don't tell him exactly what to do he will just kinda. be confused. like you need to give him a step by step tutorial otherwise he will not do something very obvious on his own just incase he's wrong
-low empathy my beloathed /hj
-uhhh pls dont put him in a situation to comfort someone he will say and do all the wrong things even if he's trying his best
-red racer hyperfixation <3 guinea pig hyperfixation <3
-the most dry texter known to man bc he refuses to have important conversations over text due to Lack Of Tone Indication (his friends would be an exception bc tone indicators pog but still greatly prefers irl)
-its the having multiple swears as stimmy words for me /hj
-walks while leaning on the outside of his feet more than having them like. level? if that makes sense. similar to toe walking but like on the sides of the feet
-dont ask him to read a book he'll either hyperfixate or end up rereading the same page over and over again bc he retained nothing
-very blunt but he's not trying to be mean he just has literally no idea how to Not talk like that
-does a lil high picthed mm sound when happy flapping and usually rocks back and forth with it :]
-will be in the middle of the test and you'll just hear him softly muttering "bonk. bonk. bonk. bonk. bon-"
-that ^ or bababooey
-basically any tiktok sound he hates turns into a stim at some point
-has a playlist just titled "neurodivergent moment" bc he's that kind of person. the first song on it is the home of 47, followed by stupid mf (idk if the person who made the home of 47 ((trolleycat)) can reclaim the r slur but it's used a good amount in the song, stupid mf is just blatantly ableist tho lol)
-*info dumps by tearing apart his favorite media and then gets offended when a NT does the exact same thing*
-calls things ableist when they dont go his way
-has a lot of oral stims like give him anything he can chew on and he will fucking destroy it unless it's made to be chewed
-*sees strings on hat* *sticks end in mouf* *complains when its soaking wet 2 minutes later*
-hyperfixates on a lot of problematic media so he has become the most critical ass mfer when it comes to the shit he consumes
-sometimes he just. screams. bc he can. and he feels the need to.
-has rsd but shhh he'll never discuss it
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fourthwingingit · 5 years
So i just reblogged something about flashfam having adhd and not just as a "haha funny joke they fast lololol" thing and now i have headcanons (only with a few because im new to flashes sorry)
1) BART (the one im most familiar with)
Bart thrives in cleanliness. Bart also cannot clean to save his LIFE
Like he looks at a dirty shelf and his brain just
"Nope too much time to leave"
He tries to clean his room weekly.
And weekly he gets derailed about 10 minutes in because "OH MAN I HAVENT SEEN THIS IN SO LONG!!!" *starts reading old writing project*
He is a hyperactivity king
He cant sit still to save his life
Hes just constantly moving something
He bounces his leg so fast it blurs
Probably self medicates with caffeine because it gives his brain enough stimulation to Chill The H*ck Out
He interrupts people because he gets excited
2) WALLY (i know the least about him sorry)
Have you heard about our lord and saviour rsd?
Literally this boy has such bad rsd (rejection sensitive dysphoria) that like his best frieds could make a joke and hed be like "Oh :)...... okay,,, ill just,,,,,,,,, leave forever now."
From what i know about him his inattention is his worst trait
Like he would be in the middle of saying something Really Important and he jusr zones out and somehow when he comes back hes talking about dogs and has no memory of what he was saying previously
Also when someone is Telling him something Important (tm) he john mulaney's and just zones out against his will! Oh the doctor is giving me vital results? Well i guess id better wonder about the lifecycle of a snail.
3) Barry (my og boy)
He is "high functioning"
Which is fancy talk for "calm on the outside and screaming on the inside whenever he does anything"
Can he do paperwork? Allegedly.
Has anyone seen him do it? Of course not.
Does the Captain somehow get fully completed documents moments before the Absolute Deadline when he knows mere minutes before they werent even started? Absolutely.
FAMILY ACTIVITIES (aka family wide symptoms and coping activities)
This is a caffeine dependent household
It messes with barrys powers but the others use it So Much (i know thats not how it works but my city now)
Every morning they ask someone to help them do one (1) basic chore
Wally: "iris can you watch me do the dishes so i cant leave before its done? I promise ill pay you back."
Barry: "hey jay i need to mow the lawn come talk to me while i do it or ill end up running over to different stores to compare fertilizers or something equally barely related."
Bart: "tim please. I NEED to go grocery shopping but i Will buy so many things that we dont need if you dont come with me. And that is a threat."
Since they need to eat a lot and they need to have stimulation they constantly have cliff bars and stuff on them. All different flavors too! Cant get boring or it wont help with anything.
Robin: i need a snack, i havent eaten in like, a whole day
Kid flash: what flavor cliff bar do you like? Or do you prefer nature valley? What about [weight gain bar]? Oh! You dont eat bars do you? Stupid kid! No worries man, ive got just the thing! Trail mix!!
Robin: you.... dont have pockets??.?.?????? HOW???????
They all have special interests and love infodumping to their friends, but the way they do it is different
Barry: Flash Fact(tm)!
Wally: hey, did you know?
Bart: hey! Guess what i just found out!!!!
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alberteatsglass · 5 years
*slides you $20* got any hcs of race with some *finger guns* adhd maybe a fic, if you will, do what you want
hAh oh boy do i-
these are going to be headcanons if you have like, , ,a better request of a fic maybe like a scenario or something i could get working on it im like really *jazz hands* not creative atm with fics
race likes those squishy that go back up really slowly
those are Stim Heaven for him
also like tapping is always nice for him
race just likes being in movement
foot tap? constantly
chewing on tongue? constantly
hotel? trivago
he always seems to thrive in chaotic environments
just like the loud is nice and he can kinda get absorbed in it
its like he doesn't have to worry about every little movement because no one can see your fidgets when its really loud and crazy
when race is in conversations he always ends up taking over talking, but he is trying to get better about it
its like one massive ‘adhd info dumping vs rsd telling them to shut up’ fight
even though race likes it loud, when he is over stimmed he loses his filter and can tend to lash out at people trying to talk to him
he does this a lot to albert, even when albert is just trying to help him
though they have been friends for a while and albert understands race still apologizes over and over again because he feels bad about it
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