#i also hate photoshop a lot but since I have it I can't bother to find other stuff
The fandom changed a lot like? I've been in in since 2011 when Tate Langdon was any teen girl dream and Evan was a Tumblr boy, I've never seen such a toxicity that i am seeing now. The thing with photoshopping France's posts about the leaked nudes is the least thing to make it worse. But also everytime Evan is seen with a girl, hating and insulting his ex girlfriends, spreading rumors, childish behavior like the Spotify bothering him..all of it is just bleak. Last thing the Tarot readings blog Admin is deleting her blog because she received bunch of hatred asks yesterday. It's sad because she was such a nice person now she want to delete the blog for her mental health. I'm starting to hate this fandom not even gonna lie I love Evan and I'll always support him but I think I'll take step back from the fandom really it's getting much worse everyday.
i really feel that fandom in general has changed significantly as social media itself has changed, over the years. because i can attest to the fact that this type of unhealthy behavior isn't exclusive to evan's fandom. still, it's very unfortunate because it inevitably alienates some of the normal people who want to engage in a positive way and actually enjoy themselves. i can't blame anyone for feeling like they want to step away from that. i also think that this platform can invite some bad behavior whenever you have the anon feature turned on. it's not like on twitter, where they would need to make burner account after burner account if they want to harass someone.. people can easily just send anon messages endlessly bothering someone. there's anons on here i may as well know, for all the wrong reasons.
with that said, i actually prefer tumblr as a platform for this type of discussion. because of the nature of a gossip blog, there's going to be people who bring negativity or immature opinions like those that spew hatred at any girl evan is seen with... or the emma minions, or the people who just don't like me personally. when they end up in my ask box, i have total control over whether or not their ignorance sees the light of day, and on a personal level, i do not care what an anon feels about me or this blog. my feelings are not hurt by anonymous internet users who don't actually know me from the man on the moon. i feel no obligation to engage with negativity unless there's something i want to say, or a point i need to make. it's been a conscious decision to make this space one for the people who are participating in fandom to enjoy themselves, not cause trouble and bother people. so i hope that it can be a bit of a reprieve for those exhausted by all the messiness.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Since I'm here, could I know what you think about Froslass? Also, just wanted to say that if you have a negative opinion on her, please don't bash on her like you did with poor Gallade, as I'm here just to hear your thoughts, and I don't want to see you shit talk about my favorite Pokémon and detail why you hate them, thanks.
(I didn't bash Gallade, I just pointed out what elements of it I didn't care for. Apologies if it came across as overly negative--it was an earlier review so it might not be up to current standards--but it's pretty self-defeating if I just blindly praise every design instead of offering my honest opinions. And while I happen to like Froslass fine, you probably shouldn't ask for a review if negative opinions bother you so much.)
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Froslass' has always been a really cool Pokemon, in my opinion. I mean, it's a hollow ice-type based off a Yuki-onna that freezes creatures to put them on display because it's possessed by a woman who died on a snowy mountain. How can you not like that?
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Froslass was actually a late edition to the line, but I think it works a lot better than Gallade. First, Gallade felt like it was trying to cis-ify the Ralts line due to how Gardevoir has a dress, while Glalie is, like, an Orb. And secondly, Froslass' backstory justifies the gender ratio (compared to Gallade, which seems to be male-only solely for no reason other than the aforementioned cisness).
With that said, however, I do think that Froslass should've actually been its own Pokemon rather than a Snorunt evolution. Snorunt and Glalie are both shapes (a triangle and a circle respectively), while Froslass is, uh, kimono-shaped? The only things that tie it back to the rest of the line are the ice horns, which match Glalie's, and the dark indented areas on the face. And given that the backstory given doesn't make a whole lot of sense with it evolving from Snorunt (guess it could've just been the first Froslass that was possessed?), I really think it could've just been its own single-stage Pokemon.
Anyway, with all of that said, Froslass looks pretty decent from a visual standpoint. I love how the "arms" connect to the head instead of the shoulders, how they flare out to resemble kimono sleeves, and how the body is simple and tied together with a nice obi. It bears enough resemblance to a kimono that you know what you're looking at, but a much more unique body shape than the humanoid 'mons usually sport.
I only have two complaints with the design. First, those ice horns feel out of place. I get that they're trying to tie back to Glalie (and I've heard some say Yuki-onna have ice horns as well), but they're both three-dimensional and weirdly angular in an otherwise flat and smooth design. You definitely need something on the head or it would look too blank, but I can't help but feel like you could give it a fin to match the "bow" on the back or something.
And secondly, the colors are a bit of a mess. Red, blue and white are good, but then you have a reddish-orange obi out of nowhere when you already had the purple as the accent. Just make the obi purple! Also, it feels like the eye should be all yellow or the cornea should be white with a yellow iris in order to make it pop more. As is, it looks like it has jaundice a bit.
I popped it into Photoshop and took a quick stab at adjust the colors and trying out a different head decoration (original on right). I don't know if the head fin is quite the right solution to the horn issue or not, but this at least feels more unified and coherent to my eyes.
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But as a whole, Froslass is a pretty awesome looking Pokemon with some great lore behind it. It's just a shame that it's forcibly tied into the Snorunt line, both visually and thematically, as it feels like that's the one thing holding it back (aside from the colors).
Also, as a final side note: Froslass really should've gotten a regional in Legends Arceus. It's Japanese-based because of the kimono and it's a yokai! Plus it should get something of its own, seeing as Glalie got a mega and it didn't.
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myriadxofxmuses · 3 years
Thread tracker
Active muses:
OCs: Ethan (*disclaimer: he is NOT nice. Dark and triggering muse), Ofreyja, Sydney, Gage,  Ivy, Silas (bassist in Gage's band. BIO LINK TEMPORARY.) , Emily , Oscar
Canon: Lucy Maclean (there will be references to not only the show, but the games as well), Daryl Dixon, Joker (OCs & Harley Quinns only, no real bio, mix of Suicide Squad, Dark Knight, and Arkham video games. Triggering muse. Selective.), Dean Winchester, Johanna Mason
NPC: Sam Winchester (I will automatically write him alongside Dean), Rick Grimes (Automatic with Daryl as needed.)
Test muses (bios w.i.p.): Eirwen (THG/Fantasy/Period OC), Cooper Howard , Adam and Liam (Gage and Silas' bandmates)
Hey guys! Mo Mo here. I'll be your mun/your guide for this lovely little blog space. It is a side blog, so unfortunately you won't see my name on your followers list. (@mo-mo-and-porkchop is what will show.)
A little about me, I was born in '85 - old as shit for here I know. I'm a gothy, nerdy, socially awkward, busy, hot mess of a human. I have a family and a FT job, so my activity on here can get spotty. I do run on a queue and I do replies mostly from oldest draft to newest unless my muse is high for specific threads/muses.
I hate that I have to add this in, but I feel like it has caused issues in the past - I have OCD, ADHD, and BPD. I try very hard not to bring it up, but I struggle with these on a daily basis. To top it off I had a TBI at the beginning of COVID that has caused short term memory loss. Because of these afflictions, I may forget things and ask about them more than once. I may seem distant, but am just struggling to socialize in any form. I am awkward and weird, but I am a great person to get to know. I apologize in advance as I know it can be annoying to deal with me as I cope with life and my diagnosis. I am bad at social cues in RL and they are fucking impossible for me to comprehend on here. All I ask is that you are patient with me and if there is anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that bothers you please come to me and let me know.
As for writing, I am a slow potato because I am a firm believer in quality over quantity. I will never rush anything. Ever. I go through phases of high muse and low muse. Of busy life and jack shit going on.  I honestly don't care if you reply in a day, week, or a month. I am here for the leisurely hobby of writing and I want it to be fun for both sides. I do have disco by request and can be found in the background of both for OOC stuff. Although I am on tumblr a lot more.
I am semi-selective and I generally write with one muse FC at a time. Meaning, if I am writing/shipping with a muse then I tend to not take on other muses of that same FC. It is more of an organization thing for me since I have memory issues (especially short term) from a head injury that makes it difficult to keeps things in order with more than one. I also tend not to write against FC of my muses, but I don't have a whole lot so that doesn't usually affect anything.
I'm not a super big plotter. I like to get a basic idea and wing it. I will very much go with the flow of things. As long as you don't completely write my character feel free to do whatever you want. I fully understand mun DOES NOT equal muse. But expect appropriate responses and/or consequences in return. Good or bad, my muses will react accordingly to the situation. And if you ever uncertain about something just message me. DM or regularly. Either way is fine.
I don't care about formatting - I am fully mobile (90% on the app), so it is lost to me anyway. I try to match style and length, but I neither have Photoshop, nor know how to use it, so my icons/gifs come from searches. Credit goes to owners. I will also switch between using gifs and not, only using what I feel best fits a thread. If I can't find one, I don't use them. This is a hobby for me to relax. I don't want to put any unnecessary pressure on anyone, including myself, by having a lot of rules over how you have to do you when replying. As long as it's readable and there's something to work with we're good. Have fun with it.
I only tag things for my own organization of my blog and muses. Which means if there is something I actively post about on my blog that is backlisted for you, just shoot me a message and I will start tagging those posts with the tag of choice. This includes NSFW. It's not that I'm being a dick by not automatically doing so, I just don't have the time/energy to try and guess every tag I should be using. This is my safe space, so I am more than willing to help make it part of yours if you want me to.
I do not write smut (depending), incest, or pedophilia. I am also selective of age gaps between muses. Other than that I really don't have any triggers. If something comes up that makes me uncomfortable, I'm a big girl. I will come to you to plot around it and talk it out. I will write things leading up to smut and will politely ask that we fade to black after that. I am open to write quite a bit of lead up and am considering dabbling in some smut, but I have to be comfortable with the mun and our muses to do so. Since dipping my toes into it, I have gotten a little bit more comfortable with it, but the same goes for comfort between muses. There has to be some kind of chemistry and logic behind it being in the thread. I will never smut for smut sake.) All NSFW with be under a read more only.
That being said, I LOVE SHIPPING! Idc if it is platonic, familial, romantic, frenemies, enemies to lovers, unrequited, fwb, enemies with benefits, enemies, etc. I love them all. This blog is very shipcentric.
I LOVE to write dark and toxic things. (Except incest and pedo.) Enough said.
In general don't be a dick. I don't care about your race, gender, sexual preferences, nada. All are welcome here. In that aspect, I don't care what pronouns you want to use for me.  I call everyone dude and bro regardless, so call me whatever you want.
Some last minute things: asks are always open, muses will be random if not specified, I'm only selective against one liners, (Sorry, but I can't not write at least a paragraph or two and one liners can get boring pretty quick for me so I take them on a case by case basis.), and here's some link for you to browse.
Sidenote: my verse page hasn't been updated in a quick minute so if there's any questions feel free to jump in my ask or DMs. Also, some muses are highly problematic and not nice. Please be advised when writing with them that things will not always be sunshine and unicorns.
(All of my muses are verse fluid which means as long as I'm familiar with a fandom or plot line, I will tweak their story to fit anywhere. Because of that bios may not be up to date.)
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blissfulsaturn · 5 years
Story time:
I don't know if anyone cares or wants to read this, but I'm gonna tell y'all when and why did i start believing in Charmie. So buckle up, who ever is reading this.
I've been a part of a lot of fandoms and they were usually about movies/TV shows/actors/actresses. I've always been a shipper of characters and not actors, I'd search their pictures by their character's names, read and write fanfics about the characters, i did everything that involved just their characters. Example : i used to ship Stiles and Derek from Teen Wolf, just them, not Dylan O'Brien or Tyler Hoechlin, same thing with the Maze runner, i shipped Newt and Thomas, and now Thomas Brodie Sanger and Dylan O' Brien (oh Dylan...lol) etc.
And then i saw Call me by your name, and i was shipping (still do) Elio and Oliver, but there was something more to it, i couldn't wrap my finger around it, something was missing, like it wasn't enough that it was just them. So i went online and watched all the interviews with Timothée and Armie.
Honestly, something you need to know about me, i was never involved in a private life of a celebrity or knew all this PR, Hollywood, fake relationships shit until i came here on Tumblr. So when i watched the interviews i was like "Aww they're such good friends, they're really close if they talk like that and touch each other like that, if they compliment each other like that etc", because i was like "You can't ship two actors, are you insane?? Armie's happily married with two kids, his wife looks good (on photoshopped pics, i never zoomed in her eyes and jaw), and Timmy's definitely straight and all that bs."
So time goes by, and I'm still shipping just Elio and Oliver, and Armie and Timothée like bros and good friends (that rolled around naked on bed, and made out for 10+ minutes).
And then TIFF happened and that was a breaking point for me. Even before TIFF when Timmy showed up after being a ghost for 6 months, and he showed up for Armie Hammer. That kind of spiked in my book, that was the first time i gave myself a permission to believe there's more to it than just friends. And then the TIFF hug and everything that happened at TIFF.
So i joined Tumblr and realized i wasn't the only one with that opinion, it was good but still wasn't enough for me. Now, I've seen Charmie being spread around and never really took it seriously, like i saw them as nothing but friends. But that hug, that hug was...everything to me. I'd think of Armie being married and then the hug, I'd think Timmy's probably straight, and then the hug. The TIFF hug undid all the doubts i had of them being just friends.
Then SSIFF happened and the rumor about Tim going to dinner with LRD and then his eyes, those sad eyes, he wasn't sick, we've seen him being sick, it wasn't the same. No, those eyes were pure sadness and anxiety, and i remember seeing him like that and all I wanted to do is fly over to Spain to hug him for whatever reason.
Fast forward to the first Central Park picture of Tim and Lily.
That's when i got very suspicious. Okay, they were at TIFF and SSIFF, there was no interaction, that rumor of them going to the same dinner was just a rumor until the black and white picture came out months later (where Timmy looked like he was holding some sort of guard), how come this relationship just sparked out of nowhere? (Lily was on the set for 2 weeks, no time to fall in love) Then Mud happened, then those pictures from the rain, then those from Central Park, and all the gossips and rumors and made up stories...everything was so suspicious to me. So i log onto Tumblr again and saw all the theories and i tried to develop my very own.
If Charmie was just a fantasy, and it was made up by couple of people on the internet, then it shouldn't bother anybody, because it was just a fantasy, and this relationship began so close to the TIFF hug that got me thinking "What if it's not just a fantasy but something real, and they're covering something up?". Because, let's face it, not in a millions of years would I ever put Timmy and Lily together in a relationship. He was Tim, and she was very problematic (from family to drugs, lbr). It got me to question either Timmy and his choice of women, or his PR team (I learned that here). But Timmy went on being his perky self and this relationship just stunk to the core.
And from that point on, everything was smooth sailing.
Maybe I've gotten far into something I shouldn't have, but the point is, the reason why i started to believe in Charmie is because of the fake relationship. It was too close to them being publicly affectionate and too far from thinking Tim would really fall for a woman like that. I'm sure Lily's okay in a closed room alone, but in public, i don't like her very much and it has nothing to do with Tim, or me being a jealous person that wants Tim all for myself (he's not my type), i wouldn't follow someone like her and her insights in the world. Simple as that.
After that, i turned the film around and realized that they've probably been "together" since CMBYN promo or so. The fact that "friendship" like Tim's and Armie's had to be covered by a fake girlfriend and a wife that was rather a control freak, then i got my thoughts straight.
Now i know what we say about Tim and Lily, and Armie and Liz, they could all be legit and really in love and happy, but...i just don't see it. And i know what we say about Tim and Armie could be false, or it could be true, we're just speculating, but my God, when all the pieces are put together, when all the videos of them gawking at each other, their body language, their eyes and compliments, just them being them...it's hard to see them as just friends and co-stars. They went through something when they were filming CMBYN, and I seriously doubt they stopped at that. I think this movie awoke something in both of them and they deepened the bond and it got them where they are now.
So, thank you PR teams for making me believe in Charmie, you did a shitty job and each time you screw up a bit, I believe in them even more, because the more you try to cover something up, the more real it gets for me. And it's not just them, it's the entire picture, this is very simple and people with logical thinking can see it also.
Conclusion : I am a Charmie, i love and support both Armie and Timmy separately and together, i don't like Lily and i think Liz is very...something. No hate, this is just my opinion on all this.
Have a great day, sorry for the long post, here's some Charmie love.❤️
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twst-rose-prisms · 4 years
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Alisa Whiterose
~Technical Information~
Japanese: アリサ • ホワイトローズ
Romanji: Arisa Howaitorozu
Nicknames: Angelfish-chan ( Floyd ), Lisa-chan ( Cater ), Reine des Mensonges ( Rook ), Lady Alisa ( by some of her fan ), Mrs.Famous ( Ace )
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa ( voice sample )
~Biographical Information~
Species: (Merfolk) Angelfish ( can stay in the human form like Azul, Jade and Floyd )
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: July 10th
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 1m63
Eye color: Ruby pink
Hair color: Silver-ish gray that slowly faded to pink
Body type: Semi-tall, slim, flexible
3 sizes (bc why not?): B77 - W56 - H78
Blood type: AB
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Family: Alice Whiterose (non-blood related sister)
~Professional Status~
Dorm: Octavinelle
School year: First
Class: 1-B, student no.5
Occupation: Student, Mostro Lounge's Employee
Club: Boarding club
Best subject: Alchemy
~Fun Facts~
Dominant hand: Right
Favorite food: Strawberry flavoured sweets, Milk tea
Dislikes food: Alcohol, Green smoothie, Bitter chocolate
Dislikes: Her sister, Guessing people's age, Saving money
Hobby: Card games, Taking pictures, Yoga, Shopping
Bad with: Being honest (no she's not a tsundere), Wearing dark colored clothes
Talents: Photographic memory, Fashion coordinating
“Hey now, there's no need to rush on the payment! But~ Don't even try and think about running away~”
Alisa Whiterose is a first-year student at Night Raven College and a member of Octavinelle Dorm. One of Azul's assistant ( alongside Jade and Floyd ), she doesn't hestitate to put on an act just to saw people suffered.
APPEARANCE: Alisa is a young girl with mid-back length silver-ish gray hair that slowly faded to pink and round ruby pink eyes. She usually put her hair into side ponytail with a white ribbon and only tied up her hair when in sport uniform or put into waterfall braid in Dorm uniform. Very flexible and fast, she often appeared and disappeared quickly and rarely ever stand still for a long time in one place. Her body can be described as an "ideal one" for many girls, hence why lots of people got jealous of her.
In her mermaid form, like Jade and Floyd, her entire body is a slightly deep pink color but it slowly faded into white around her chest area. She have sharper nails, her ears got replaced with gills and have appendages on her arms (like Jade and Floyd). Unlike the twins, she have shorter and smaller tail, fluorescent and shorter gills & appendages (don't worry, I'll draw her mermaid form... soon... maybe...)
In her Dorm uniform, she wears a black fedora with a grey bow around it and a purple sea shell on the bow. Her outfit consists of a purple dress shirt with a white necktie, a black double-breasted suit, a cool toned grey scarf with the Octavinelle logo on it and white gloves. She also wears black-and-white boots with heels and is seen wearing black tube skirts accompanied by a pair of purple thigh highs.
PERSONALITY: A girl with good communication skills, a fashionista and a gourmet, she got admired and jealous by many people due to her appearance and cheerful attitude. She can talk with almost anyone easily and won't afraid to raise her opinion at others. Although she's bad at guessing people's ages, she can still call them with respect (if they're older than her). Alisa also have a very good fashion senses and eyes when taking pictures, some of her styles even become the latest trends on MagiCam for more than a month. She also love her followers and often replied back to their comments when she have spare time, which of course, gained their affection even more.
“Huh? My fault? Fu...! Hahaha! How funny! The one decided to sign that contract is you, not me right? So, it's your fault for listening to my words in the first place!” - Alisa's initial SSR personal story ( part 1 )
However, her cheerful personality is just a facade to hide her true nature. Alisa is actually a sadistic, cruel and calculating girl who doesn't afraid to bend the truth just to get what she wants. She knows where and when to pull the right strings while acting innocently. Can manipulate anyone easily with her unique magic, though she mostly relied on her charms and only use her magic when necessary. Often have dark thoughts about others but never said it outside, to her, anyone that interested in the contract is a new "toy". Alisa also loves to lure students into signing a contract with Azul and "accidentally" mess them up so they can't do(?) the payment. While she's his assistant (along with Jade and Floyd), her ways of "working" is distinctly different from the twins. No one can really tell what her next move is, even Azul himself sometimes got surprised too.
“I wonder... why does Mom love her so much that she forgot my existence...? Huh...? O-Oh, it's nothing!” - Alisa's classroom chat no.3
Alisa also shown to despite her sister - Alice but of course, she never show it outside and always act cheerfully around her, even call her with nickname "Ari-chan" and act friendly with her. The reason why she hates her is because she think it's her fault that her mother doesn't love her anymore. Because she has stayed with her mother ever since she's still a little human child, her mother is the person who she cherished the most (until now) for taking care of her and show her the human world. That's also the reason why she strike to be the best in beauty in order to let her mother notice her again. Because of this, she decided to learn and did research on how to dress up and do make-up all by herself without anyone's guide. Alisa did mentioned once that it took her 10 years to have a very good taste in fashion like now, but she said “My mother did notice how much I changed, but, I don't understand why she still give that girl more attention!?”
This is the reason why she got sorted into Pomefiore at first and not Octavinelle. Alisa did felt very glad that she got into the most beautiful and elegant Dorm in Night Raven College, which encourage her to become even better at "being beautiful". Vil did comment that she was one of the first years that reach his standard in beauty, though of course, she still have to improve more. Although Alisa did enjoyed her time at Pomefiore, she said that she wanted to "make another step" and decided to sign a contract with Azul. That's the reason why she is now in Octavinelle. Although she can still talk with Vil normally without any problems afterwards, deep inside, she did felt guilty for leaving like that, but there's no point in crying over split milk, so she have no other choice but to keep stepping forward from now on.
“Sometimes, I like to take pictures of simple things, to me, they somewhat calmed my heart down... Haha! Weird, right?” - Alisa's school uniform R card's personal story
Aside from her cruel side, Alisa have a soft spot for taking pictures and doing yoga. Her heart is always at ease whenever she look at all the pictures she took. While she often post selfies and fashion pictures on MagiCam, her gallery actually have lots of pictures related to scenery, food or even people. (She have at least 10 pics of Azul in her phone) She also never use photoshop or editing app, because she said that “it'll ruin the beauty of the pic!”. If you want to improve your skills at taking pictures, you could always ask the gray haired girl for advice, she'll wholeheartedly guide you. Alisa is also a morning person because she often woke up early to do yoga (and dressing up too of course), hence why her body is very flexible. You could see this clearly at PE classes, even other students are also impressed with how fast she run. While she loves playing all sorts of card games, she will only accept other's challenge when they have something to bet for, to her, betting will make the game become way more interesting and thrilling, especially if anyone dared to bet their life or things that precious to them.
UNIQUE MAGIC: "Sugar-coated Words" ( 嘘の行進 "Parade of Lies" ) Can bend the truth permanently with any lies she wants ( even joke or nonsensical words, if she want to ). However, she can't lie to the same people with the same lie twice, and if they remembered the truth then the lie that she told them will become useless.
BACKSTORY ( just a part of it ):
She couldn't remember much what happened before she got "adopted" by Mrs.Whiterose.
The only thing she remembered was the warm, peaceful blue sea. She felt so free at that time, as if she could go anywhere she wants. She also remembered how beautiful the coral reefs look, how the dim sunlight shone gently through the water surface and how warm it was on her skin. It was a very blissful scenery, too blissful that she couldn't forget it no matter what. But, it also made her remembered the painful times too.
It's strange. Whenever she remembered that scenery, her chest unconsciously got tighten. Maybe it's because of how painful it was. But, other than that, she felt like she forgot something, no, more like someone important to her. Someone that become her friend when she was still a little fish. Someone that stand up and protect her from other mermaid's bully because she can't grow into a mermaid herself (which is a very rare case in the Sea of Coral). Someone that stand out from the other, just like her.
At first, she thought that it was a curse. A curse that can never be get rid of. She cried and cried, but because she's under the sea, no one will notice how much tear she shed because she's just a mere fish. No one will bother watching a normal fish "crying" or even "talking". In the sea, the merman have the most authority to literally do anything after all. As long as she's still a fish, no one will stand up to her when she got bullied. Because fishes are very pathetic and weak, a single slap could make them died so easily. That's why she always hate the merman, because of them she have to suffer for oh so many times. She couldn't do nothing about it except swimming away in fear, with bruised fin and scales on her small, fragile body.
Until that person appeared.
That person, unlike other merfolks, doesn't laugh at or bully her. She still remember their first encounter. It was quite interesting, to say at least. When she was hiding away in fear because of those merman again, she encountered a small cave so she quickly hide there in convenience. What she didn't expected is that another person also there. Even though she doesn't remember their appearance anymore, she still remembered clearly of how kind their words were when they saw her bruised fin. They were the first person to care for her and talk to her with such a soft, worrying and somewhat curious voice. Although they can't see it, but at that moment, she cried, her tiny droplet of tears immediately became one with the deep blue sea.
Who it is? Who is that person that always made her chest tighten whenever she remember it? Why can't she remember them now? Why? She don't want to forgot them. Especially when they're the reason why she can turn into a mermaid like now. She curse herself for not remembering one of the most important person that changed her life, but there's nothing she can do but keep rewinding the same scenery on her mind like a broken tape and hope that by any chance, she can remember their face and, if her own mind let her, then maybe their name too.
RELATIONSHIP ( in Alisa's opinion )
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts: "At first, I thought he was a first year because of how small he look! Aside from that, I think he should learn how to control that temper of him, it's really annoying sometimes~ Also, his face when he's angry is just... *laugh*"
❤️ Ace Trapola: "An annoying, stupid, hot-headed and dumb guy. Opps, did I just say "stupid" twice? Well, because he IS stupid. I felt bad that Ma-chan have to deal with the dumb one in the school~ *giggles*"
♠️ Deuce Spade: "At least Deuce-kun is less stupid than Ace-kun~ Also, he have to learn how to chill out because sometimes, his serious attitude annoyed me. Aside from that, he's quite reliable if you asked him to help you, though with that personality of him then he might get tricked someday~"
♦ Cater Diamond: "Cay-senpai is really stylish and cool~! Not to mention, he's popular on MagiCam as well so I admire him quite a lot! Whenever I took a picture together, my fan would spam the comment section with compliments which really warm my heart! *giggles* And oh! He also know lots of nice cafe to take a picture, so I often thanked him for that~!"
♣ Trey Clover: "Unlike other upperclassmen, he's a super nice and kind guy! His sweets is top notch so I often buy some from his family's bakery, and let me tell you, you have to eat it at least once in your life or else you're missing one of the most delicious thing in the world! Ari-chan sure are lucky to be sorted in Heartslabyul~"
❄️ Alice Whiterose: "...Do I really have to talk about her? I do? Ugh, fine... Well, Ari-chan is my sister and I guess my mother love her a lot? Well, as long as she doesn't brag about it then It won't bother me... Huh? I look very angry right now? Oh, no, I'm not that angry! Well, maybe just a little~ *giggles*"
🦁 Leona Kingscholar: "I'm kind of wondering why he can still be a Dorm leader when all I see is him sleeping and being lazy? Even Floyd-senpai's laziness couldn't match him! I guess I could somewhat understand Ruggie-senpai's feeling now... *chuckles*"
🐆 Ruggie Bucchi: "His ears look really cute~! Opps, did I just squeal a little there? Hehe, sorry, but it's the truth so I couldn't help it~ Aside from that, I'm impressed by how sneaky he is! Maybe we can be partners in crime someday...~ *giggles*"
🐺 Jack Howl: "For a guy that have the same age as me, he doesn't look like one at all! I actually thought he was an upperclassman at first! *giggles* His tail is like a pillow, it's super fluffy that I want to hug it all the time~ But of course, he always tried to shoo me away if I tried to touch his tail... *sigh*"
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto: "Azul-senpai is soooo cool! I really like the way he make those guys suffer while still keeping a smile on his face! *giggles* He's also very smart and gentlemanly too, though his merman form as a child is a little... *laugh* S-Sorry, keep this away from him, okay~? I don't want him to get mad at me~"
🦈 Floyd Leech: "He almost scares me to dead when I first met him! Aside from that, his threats is quite effective against those guys~ His merman form also look quite nice too, I love the skin color, it kinda reminds me of the earrings that I bought! But... If only he stop being so annoyingly lazy when it comes to working...
🐬 Jade Leech: "Unlike Floyd-senpai, Jade-senpai is such a gentleman! He's also a hard-working person too, as expected of our Vice-leader! Of course, I know his true nature and it makes him become even more interesting~ *giggles*"
🕌 Kalim Al-asim: "Kalim-senpai sure are very energetic huh? *giggles* He might look naive and easily get tricked, but I'm actually impressed that he can quickly detected poison from food! One time, one of my haters, who disguise as my fan, tried to poisoning me with their gift but luckily, Kalim-senpai save me from it! Hehe! I felt really grateful about that!"
🐍 Jamil Viper: "Is he a babysitter or something? Because I often saw him go with Kalim-senpai for like 24/7 or something... I did tried his cooking once and let me tell you, it was so good that I can't forget its taste until now! I clearly understand why Kalim-senpai keep bragging about his cooking skills~!"
👑 Vil Schoenheit: "Vil-senpai is soooo pretty! No, more like stunningly beautiful! He's also have amazing make-up tips too so I really admire him! Although... I did felt kinda bad for leaving Pomefiore like that... I hope that he doesn't hold a grudge against me or something... W-Well, since it's a bad thing you know? Haha! Sorry if I sounds a little negative there!"
🏹 Rook Hunt: "A weird and somewhat creepy guy, to be honest... I mean, it's normal to like beautiful things, but do he have to call me with some weird nickname for like, every single times!?"
🍎Epel Felmier: "He look quite cute for someone who doesn't know how to do make-up! Epel-kun sure are lucky to have such a natural beauty huh~? If only I could be pretty like him too... Aside from that! His apple cutting skills is really amazing, my fan also comment that the person who carve those apple must be an amazing artist, and I agree with them!"
💀 Idia Shroud: "For a upperclassman, he's way too gloomy! I haven't talk to him much but I felt like he dislikes people like me because of how popular I am... His little brother is also the complete opposite with him, which is a little weird I guess...?"
🤖 Ortho Shroud: "He's really cheerful and friendly! Unlike Idia-senpai, he doesn't afraid to talk to everyone like me, which is actually a good thing if you think about it! Also, he looks super cool! I've never saw an cyborg before so I actually got stunned st first when I saw him!"
🐉 Malleus Draconia: "He's definitely not human for sure... Well, I haven't talk to him yet so I don't know much about him, but he look like he got misunderstood for something... And never got invited to the school's Ceremony sounds really sad, to be honest~"
🦇 Lilia Vanrouge: "I actually thought he was a first year when I first saw him! Also, I have to say, Diasomnia sure are an... interesting Dorm~ *giggles* Lili-senpai are really knowledgeable, and talking to him is surprisingly pleasant~ He kinda reminds me of an old man... Haha! Sorry, keep this away from him, okay? I don't want him to scold me or something~!"
⚔️ Silver: "A very mysterious and interesting guy~ I heard some rumors that he got adopted by Lili-senpai and Mal-senpai so it makes him even more interesting~ He definitely have some rich information for Azul-senpai though... *giggles*"
⚡Sebek Zigvolt: "God, do he have to like, shout everytime in literally everywhere!? At least he doesn't shout at me yet or else I'll kick him on the face or something... And he also seems to respect Mal-senpai a lot I guess, but he don't have to brag about "how great he is" for like, every single time you know?"
🌻Mary Merveilles: "Ma-chan sure are quite positive, even in troubling situation! She also look quite naive and easily get tricked, I just hope that no one tried to take advantage of her~ Also, I must say, she's quite lucky to have those guys as her friends, at least she's not alone in the school... Unlike me... Huh? O-Oh, it's nothing!"
🐱 Grim: "This cat is like Ace-kun but in animal form or something! I don't understand why Ma-chan can deal with this annoying cat for like, 24/7 or something... If I were her I would literally go crazy because he keep causing unnecessary troubles around the school!"
🌙 Luana Crowley: "What a mature and beautiful woman! I really admire the adult like aura that she gives off and I want to give off the same vibe too~ Although I'm kinda surprised that she's Headmaster's wife... I didn't think that he actually can get a wife... Haha! It's harsh but it's the truth! Though, don't tell him about this, okay~? *giggles*"
Dire Crowley: "Aside from his fancy clothes, his personality is the complete opposite of my imagination! Maybe it'll be better if Mrs.Vice-headmaster should be the Headmaster instead~ Haha! I'm kidding~! But I'm really curious about his masks, I wonder how does he look like without it...?"
Mozus Trein: "Lucius is annoying sometimes, to be honest. Because of his constant meowing, I can't focus on History, which is one of my worst subject! ...Aside from that, at least Trein-sensei's words is not too complicate to understand, or else I'll choke– I-I mean, scares that cat off!"
Divus Crewel: "Crewel-sensei looks like a Dalmatian, not gonna lie *giggles* The stick that he keep carrying around is kinda weird, to be honest... If my fish form got poke by that I'd definitely died huh? Haha, sorry for sounding a little negative there, I'm just kidding~!"
Sam: "His shop sure are amazing! He's pretty cool if you talk to him, he might teach you some tricks when go shopping~ I also often come there to buy some interesting stuff~!"
+ She's based of a pink florescent Pterophyllum scalare ( commonly known as a Angelfish ). Hence why she have florescent tail and gills in her mermaid form.
+ While her profile stated that her homeland is Rose Kingdom, her backstory actually revealed that it's not her true origin. ( The same case as Alice )
+ While she dislikes saving money, she's actually very good at it.
+ She always tied her hair with a white ribbon, some of her fan also noticed that she decorate her hair with that ribbon in every single outfit in her selfies.
+ In Alisa's initial SSR's personal story (part 3), she did said that the ribbon was "something she hates but can't let go of it from her side"
+ She hates it if someone photobombed her pictures. And guess why she hates it? Poor Alice got tons of attention on MagiCam because she accidentally photobombed one of Alisa's selfies (Luckily she didn't lash out at her sister)
+ She love strawberry flavoured sweets to the point of eating them at least one time per day (of course, she eat various type of sweets)
+ She have lots of pastel color or girly color clothes in her room
+ Speaking of pastel color, her room also have a lot of cute and pastel colored decorations
Will add more in the future~
Anddd that's it for Alisa's grand debut! If you wondered why my artstyle looks a little different with the fem!Riddle one is because fem!Riddle was finished after I finished Alisa's design :> Again, for anyone who read until the very end, thank you very, very much 💞💞💞
Mary will be the next one to make her debut so stay tuned! 😊 Anyway, peace~~
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fandomele · 5 years
I don't wanna start anything but I've seen the lack of love for POC ships happen in dozens of fandoms now and I just gotta say you can't fault people for not liking what you like bro. You could make a show full of diverse representation but no one's truly gonna care unless the characters are actually interesting. I'm black but I'm not gonna enjoy a show JUST b/c there's a black person in it. If I don't like them I don't like them and them or me being black has nothing to do with it
okay so racism tw , supergirl, anti supercorp fandom, anti supergirl fandom. long post for ts
no, it’s okay, you are free to express your opinion, just like I’m free to get annoyed at the tag being filled with Lena and Lena and Lena I haven’t watched a show that has an ace character in it, Sex Education, because it’s not my kind of show and it bores me (though I do reblog gifsets of the Ace Scene and I am so happy about it. Because I do care about ace representation, I try to promote these things and also to share so that it might reach people who are interested in shows like that and will get a kick out of it. But I’m not saying everyone has to), and I’m not saying you must like everything, but at the same time a fandom like ours simply ignoring the plot of entire episodes because… what, they only find one character interesting and they couldn’t find ANY other worth mentioning, is something I personally found ridiculous. 
And that’s kind of the thing, isn’t it? You raised a great point. If this was a part of the fandom that from the beginning had simply said ‘I like this because of my tastes, and everyone has different ones’ I wouldn’t be exasperated, but given how it actually went, nope, THEY said it wasn’t just about people’s tastes, it’s about having representation and supporting fellow lgbtqia+ fans. So good part of my frustration depends on this specific fandom and how it behaved in the past. 
For more context, it bothers me that the loudest (even if small) group of fans left watching supergirl on tumblr are the ones yelling about how Kara and Lena not being together is homophobia, and how they are being queerbaited and how the show (and non supercorp fans) is against gay people, while the tag itself is full of posts either complaining about the lack of Lena, and writing posts about Lena, and completely ignoring the amazing wlw couple there and the trans character there, and in fact those episodes with little Lena but focused on those characters get downvoted/boycotted/ignored by the fandom, and while they hate on all actors and writers if they so much as point out it’s not canon or that they are being bullies, and attack minorities, people of colors, transgender people, people with mental illnesses all day long to defend their ‘rights’. Not to mention that it’s the same group that back in the day accused people of shipping Kara and Mon El, also canon, together because they were against James, who is black, and so it was because ‘racism,’ and then turned around and hated James as soon as he was canonly together with Lena. And there is proof of them being racist as well like when they photoshopped James’s actor as an ape* next to Lena’s actress, and how Raul who played Lena’s ex also commented on that behavior. They use social issues to attack everyone and then show they don’t really care about supporting a show that actually has the representation THEY say they are not getting. 
I was bored by James and Kara. Nothing to do with him being black. I found him cute with Lena at first but then it became a bad relationship for him to keep. But if you (always a general you, not YOU-YOU anon) accuse me of shipping Kara with someone else (Mon El) only because I’m racist and don’t want her with James, that’s the only reason, and then you start insulting James like hell for being with Lena, you basically said it yourself that it’s racism, and on top of it you used his being black and the ‘you are racist’ card as props to attack people, and then disregarded him and the actor as soon as you didn’t need it anymore, and that sounds also racist to me. As well as how pretending to care about trans issues only to ignore the trans character after you stop needing it is using that character/actress and it’s transphobic, if you ask me. 
I’m not saying it’s everyone, I’m not saying it’s all those shippers, I’m not saying personal taste doesn’t count, but come on. Just admit you only care about your ship and it’s not about ‘moral’ reasons, that’s fine, but make it a social issue, and then turn around and ignore episodes about canon representation and downvote them and ask people to boycott episodes. How can you also not find ANYTHING but Lena interesting in a show that isn’t about Lena? So many choices, and yet.
 At least this is my opinion, and seems to be the opinion of all the people who liked posts and reblogged. Again, there is a lot of stuff to talk about so  the answer is chaotic, but to sum it up:
1) if you build a whole case around the fact that your fanon ship (Kara and Lena) is about representation too, about gay rights, and how much you care about it, and have spent years telling everyone else that they are racist and homophobic because they ship other things, and then you don’t even make a peep about the representation you are getting and just complain about your fanon ship, which by the way up until now involves a white, straight, woman, you are using social issues to prop a ship you like and you don’t really care that much about them outside of it. Admit from the beginning it’s about your tastes and that you just like those two women together, it’s not about a show giving you representation, and it’s fine, but you can’t have both. You can’t tell people that your fanon ship is all about representation AND if they don’t like it it’s because of homophobia, and if they like another it’s because of racism, AND simultaneously ignore everything you get that isn’t about said fanon ship.
2) the cast was attacked in the past with racist and transphobic tweets so some people, not everyone, are also motivated by them. Also really, you are telling me that all these people who like Lena but do care about social issues just happen not to like Nia, a trans woman, and not like her ship with Brainy, a man of color, and not like Alex and Kelly, and not like about the whole plot about the guy going after Nia because transphobic, there is just NOTHING interesting to talk about? Either they are using social issues to their advantage which is kinda homophobic and racist and transphobic in itself, or this is a giant coincidence, because there isn’t one of these plots that is worth a post or that won’t make them not complain about the lack of Lena in a show that has all these characters together.
3) for me it’s frustrating to get all this good stuff and then find nothing but comments about Lena in the MAIN tag, where one usually goes after an episode to talk about the episode itself. That’s how tags work in all fandoms except this one. 
4) I’m white, that means that I can’t declare that tumblr deciding not to ship biracial couples in nearly every show where there is one is a matter of tastes or is a matter of racism, it’s not for me to decide, and my personal opinion is that it depends on the person but there is such a racist culture in some places that it can’t not have a role in it. And I’ve seen people of color bring up that yes, it’s about tastes too, but since I’ve also seen many others instead bring up the issue that it’s just happening too much to be a coincidence, that every single time people say a ship is platonic if one of them isn’t white, I feel like it would be racist of me to dismiss those concerns. Because it is a trend and because the racist insults thrown at actors more than once do say that while for some people it is a matter of tastes, for others it’s definitely not just that. Just going to leave this as a little example that represents that hundreds we saw in years:
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edit: and
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same-side · 6 years
Are there any specific resources you used while you were learning how to draw? I see your art and I get super inspired, but then I remember how far behind I am when it comes to progress, and I get discouraged. I've been drawing for a year and I still can't do proper anatomy and lineart, yet you've been drawing since August and you're wonderful at it. I really want to improve. Help a fellow artist out?
Hey there!!I’m really glad I can inspire you!! Please don’t give up!! If it’s any consolation, I get discouraged, too. I see the incredible art of this fandom (or just in general!) and it makes me feel like why even bother. It happens to everyone, and not just with drawing, but with everything in life! But I work through those feelings! I have faith in you and I believe in you!
I’m sorry, I don’t really have any resources I can point you towards! I never really watch tutorials or things like that, I don’t have one of those pose-able models or anything. I don’t know of any like. reference databases or anything. I also dont use any external brush packs and I’ve got a baseline non-display tablet. I think the biggest advice I can give is to use references and to do studies! Studies can teach you so, so much. When I first started I absolutely hated doing fabric. I felt like I wasn’t good at it. So instead of just giving up or avoiding it I sat down and did fabric studies until I felt comfortable with it. Most of my paintings are honestly just me practicing on something I feel like I’m not good enough at yet, whether its dual lighting sources, anatomy, fabric folds, hair... Don’t avoid the things that make you afraid, practice them until you’re comfortable with it!
In regards to lineart, some things I’ve learned- foremost, canvas size is really important. find which one works for you. Most artists I know work on somewhere around 3500 x 3500px . personally, my canvasses for portraits are usually in the 500 x 500px range, and sketch dumps are 1650 x 1650 px. Too small of a canvas, and you won’t be able to fit the detail you want - sometimes I post something with a wonky face and its because the canvas was really small so i couldnt properly draw! If the canvas is too big, it may be difficult to fill the space. Another thing - some programmes (I think SAI for sure) have a line stabilizer and a curve editor. my photoshop doesnt have this, so i cant really say much aside from that, but it can really help you get smooth lines without the wonky bumps. One last thing I learned recently - vary your line sizes. I usually work between 3px and 8px, with 4px as my standard. It provides contrast and makes the focus points more clear.For anatomy - reference reference reference!! Do studies!! And remember that your own body is your best reference!! I have a folder that’s just got different pictures of my own hand under different lighting sources that I’ve used in paintings. Don’t try to do something from memory if you don’t actually know what it looks like! I know a lot of artists use that “block” method. There’s real logic behind it; i think a common mistake is thinking “oh i just draw circles or blocks as a placeholder for body parts!” But the blocks actually mimic muscles and joints. Look at an anatomical model, break it into pieces. Then use those pieces to compose a body. not just random circles at random distances!A final note - I’m not sure how old you are, anon, but for the teens out there. please don’t compare yourself to adults as the end-all-be-all. Its fine to compare to others to see what things you could improve on or how to draw something differently, but don’t let it consume you. you still have so much time to learn and to grow. Even if there isn’t practical experience, someone older will have more life experience and a different perception, and it really does make a difference. Someone older has seen and experienced more, unconsciously learned more about the way bodies move and lights play out on things, what colours they like and dont like paired. And they may even have other life experiences that affect things. For example, I’m an engineer. I literally have a degree that trained me to be detail oriented and be able to understand proportions, perspectives, and breaking things down into basic shapes. it definitely helps with drawing, to have that sense. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help, but I hope at least something in here is valuable to you! I believe in you, anon!!
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