#i also am kaito theming it like my current one but i wanna make it wxs/tsukasa themed grrrr
c0rpseattack · 1 year
how do u guys make ur carrds look good on mobile
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takaraphoenix · 11 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers
Tagged by @blairwaldcrf ! Thank you, dear! <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
As of right now, 1214 works! Damn, I've been busy :D"
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
Currently at 9,167,371 words, slowly inching toward the 10 million mark!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh gosh, the total list is so long at this point, with various one-off kind of deals, or fandoms I've moved on from.
I am currently considering myself an active writer in these fandoms though: Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, DC Comics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sorted by kudos, my top 5 fics are:
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Marvel, Loki/Tony), with 7,945
My College Boyfriend (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 6,353
The Lion's Pride (Voltron, Shiro/Keith/Lance), with 6,163
The Ghost King of Summers High (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 5,600
Percy Jackson, Ambassador of Hades (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 4,985
Which actually looked really fucked up because yeah sure there's four super popular multi-chapter fics of mine. And then there is My College Boyfriend, which isn't just a oneshot, it is a oneshot with under 3k words. What. What.
And the, quite frankly frustrating, part here is that this oneshot only has 24 comments. Not even every 100th reader felt the need to leave a comment. That's just... so sad. Like. Genuinely, I think the kudos system broke commenting because the convenience of pressing a button beat actually expressing yourself genuinely through words and from the bottom of my heart, I find that depressing as fuck.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Every single one of them. Because comments mean something. Someone took the time to tell you, with words, that they liked your work and maybe even what they liked about it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooof, multiple contestants from back in my day when I wrote German fics for the Beyblade fandom and wrote about... darker themes. Not all fics used to have happy endings. I wrote some fics that ended in a suicide, so I guess those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Impossible to answer, because for as long as I've been active in English writing, all my fics have had happy endings. The guy gets the guy, the girl gets the girl, and they live happily ever after. The world is saved or the evil defeated, maybe there's even an epilogue of a next gen in there. That's my standard, it ends happily. So that makes it impossible to pick one that somehow ends happier than the rest. xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Right. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Funnily enough, never on the things you would assume attract hatred - the incest, the explicitly non-con stuff.
Nah, I got death threats and words that were somehow worse than death threats on my Oliver/Felicity fics in the DC fandom... a... straight canon ship... but not the canon ship from the multiverse that these vile assholes liked, so, ya know. Threaten the fans who love a ship you hate.
Also over the years, lotta nasty general homophobia for Nico/Percy in the PJO fandom - I have been writing in this fandom since 2010, and yes, there were really a lot of people especially in the earlier years who just hated the idea of making either Percy or Nico gay.
And the dumbasses who declare Jace/Alec incest and thus hate and threaten this ships fans in the Shadowhunters fandom. But still, inexplicably, like Alec. Even though, in canon, he's the one who was in love with Jace. I don't know, but if you claim the nasty, nasty incest is The Bad Thing, I think you should hate the character with the nasty, nasty incestuous feelings, instead of the fans who write perfectly tagged and filterable fics. But that's just me, I guess.
So yeah, top three of hatred I got over the years - but if you wanna read a highlight reel of bullshit hate mail I got, feel free to go and check out my Dear Anonymous Shitheads tag!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds of smut? I don't know how to answer this question, to be honest. xD
I've written oral, anal, vaginal, mlm, wlw, m/m/f, rare m/f ships but usually either she pegs or it's ABOverse and she's an alpha, I generally pepper in some flavors of BDSM into it, I've written dub-con and non-con before, bestiality, double penetrations. I have written a lot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Oh, that is absolutely going to my first ever crossover. Because my usual crossovers are, ya know, that Big Four animated movie crossover verse (Tangled/Brave/HTTYD/RotG), or "I like these two fandoms, how would A's characters fit into B's world/how would B's characters fit into A's world?" for... essentially all my fandoms, and I wouldn't call any of these crazy - because the Big Four crossover is a beast of an own fandom so it's not really "original" or far out there to write for it, and in all my other crossovers, I do pride myself on making it work, like, not just throwing characters together but fitting their backstories and special powers into how the other world works.
So the craziest one is absolutely A Hundred Times Over, which is a oneshot sequel to my first-ever English-written fic and was written as a celebration because it was my 100th fic back then.
The original fic was already a crossover between Detective Conan and PJO, so for the celebration I thought "okay so what if I throw in my current obsession - Doctor Who - and my first ever ship - Shere Khan/Bagheera?". So, yeah, this crossover between Detective Conan, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and Jungle Book has to be my craziest so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
So often. So, so, so, so often.
If you see my fics on watpad or any other platform that isn't AO3 or Fanfiction.net - and if you see them on those two but posted by an author that ISN'T Takara Phoenix - then please, let me know. Drop me a link wherever you can, I always greatly appreciate being told that my fics have been stolen so I can report that person and have it taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. All of the stealing of my fics has made me incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of my fics flowing around on other people's accounts or other websites, especially since the first like four or so stolen fics I had were translated.
Someone took my fics, translated them into Spanish and Russian, and posted them on other platforms, without ever asking my permission.
I don't want thieves to more easily slip through the cracks in between authorized repostings of my stories, so I have the blanket policy to not allow translations.
If you see my fics in other languages, tell me.
(There is one story that has been translated, but I'm not sure how far it counts, because I did the translating myself, and that's Lass Uns Etwas Dummes Tun/Looking For Something Dumb to Do. It is a PJO fic about Nico/Percy that I wrote in celebration for Germany legalizing gay marriage in 2017; I wrote it in German first, due to that, and then decided to translate it into English since I know my core-audience are English-speakers and not German-speakers.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeees!!! With my wonderful, amazing, lovely @kimmycup!!! ^-^
We've written a total of five fics together so far.
Three Shadowhunters fics: Hurting and Healing, a Magnus/Jace oneshot, Three Times the Boys Felt Left Out, a Jordan/Simon/Jace oneshot, A King By Any Other Name, a Alec/Jace oneshot.
A Vampire Academy oneshot about Mason/Christian: The Chance at a Happily Ever After.
And, our pride and joy, our 51k multichapter Shadowhunters/Vampire Academy crossover fic about Mason/Christian and Simon/Jace: Double Puppy Dare.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's such a hard question to answer for me as a multishipper.
But to be quite honest, I think I would have to go with Kaito/Shinichi from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito?
It's the ship I've been the most consistently been faithful to and that, whenever I see it, sparks joy. That has proven that even when the fandom's gone dormant for me for months or years, it can reignite into a wildfire, where other fandoms just fizzle out and disappear from my interests then.
These two get me, they've been getting me for one and a half decades now and I doubt they'll stop any time soon.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of my unfinished German fics over on Animexx. When the German Beyblade fandom started to die, I tried to cling on, but at one point... when all your favorite writers, all your friends, have moved on? And then I started reading fics in English and soon after, also writing them in English. I feel bad about it, but it's just been far too long now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Personally, I'd say world building. That's also my passion. I love creating elaborate worlds for my stories to take place in - I mean, damn, for the book series I'm writing, I developed my own language, religion and drew a map of the city it takes place in, among other things. A well-developed world is so important.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, fight scenes and action and other things that...
When a character is good at a thing that I am not good in or know a lot about?
Like, when a character is super quippy and funny, but I am not really a one-liners-person so now I have to come up with quippy one-liners to capture his personality?
Or fighting or science, when a character is an expert in a field that I know nothing about and would not understand jackshit about even if I tried because it's not my wheelhouse? Those things, I really struggle with.
Also, I hate action and fight scenes. Like. That's the parts when I check my phone usually to avoid that my eyes glaze over from boredom. So, naturally, writing these things? Not fun. Not good at it either, imo. But certain fics - or rather, certain characters too - require action and fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful if you have to use Google Translate. If you know the language? Yeah, go for it! If you have to resort to Google Translate? Maybe just write it in italics and note that it's in x language. It spares both, the native speakers who will die from second hand embarrassment, and the non-speakers who... won't understand it anyway.
But in the cases that I use foreign languages (and usually when I do, it's just... pet-names. Things you can't really fuck up that much and things that people would say in another language even in English-main-dialogues), I always put the translation right behind the sentence, because it's a special brand of obnoxious when you have to scroll ALL the way to the end of a chapter or fic to see what tf you just read, and then scroll back up again.
Hate doing that, so I won't do that to my readers.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Oh, that's Yu-Gi-Oh!, with a hurt/comfort Kaiba/Joey fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Can't answer that, it always depends on my current mood which of my babies I love the most ;P
Tagging @kimmycup and @justonemorechapternicercy and @fallenqueen2 for this fun! And anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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kaishinbigbang · 2 years
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KSBB22 Interest Check Results!
Hello everyone!
Before we get into it, I just wanna say a quick thank you to everyone who took the KSBB22 interest check! We had 60 responses!
With 95% of responders saying their interest level was 3, 4, or 5 out of 5, this event has been greenlit to run for its 4th iteration!
Among responders, 55% said they wanted to write, 51% said they wanted to create art of some kind, and 23% said they wanted to be pinch-hitters. 
As for the word count for this event, 3k and 5k were very close but 3k edges out with 48% of responders preferring the lowest word count.
And finally, only 1% of responders said no to a theme, so there will be an optional theme this year! Thank you to those who submitted theme ideas in the interest check. Theme voting will occur between APRIL 3 and APRIL 9, with the announcement coming on APRIL 10. Please keep an eye out for the vote link, coming out in the next hour or so!
Questions from the survey are below the cut:
Q1. if there are more of writers or artists will those people be paired with a pinch hitter? A1. Yep, that’s exactly it. There will be a few options to choose from for writers are unable to claim an artist for whatever reason: dropping out entirely, becoming a priority pinch-hitter, or continuing as a solo writer until paired with a pinch-hit artist.
Q2. Where can I find the link to the Discord? A2. The server is only open to those who are actively participating in an event or have previously participated in an event. During the bang period, the invite link is either sent out by email or appears at the end of the completed sign-up form.
Q3. On average; how many pieces are created by a single individual? A3. It really depends on what you mean by pieces. Minimum requirements can be found in the faq. Going beyond the minimum is not something everyone chooses to do, but some people do. It comes down to each person and what they have time for.
Q4. Hi! I would like to know how the bang works. Is it like a relay race where an artist makes a sketch that might catch a writers intrest and that the artist then finishes and hands over to the writer to write from? Or is it more like a team exercise where you build something up together with the concept the artist had in mind. That they then constantly shuffle ideas together until they finnish? Or a combination of both more or less? Thanks♡ A4. Please check the faq page. You can find an explanation there. In short it is not a relay or a race but a collaboration between an artist and a writer on a single project.
Q5. Can you join the bigbang, even if you personally don't ship Kaishin? A5. This event (and the server as a whole) is focused on the relationship between Shinichi and Kaito, so it may not be your cup of tea if you don’t ship them. Whether you join is for you to decide!
Q6. Mostly how to join the discord server and how to pair with an artist, this is my first year looking into joining the Kaishin Big Bang, and I loved a lot of fics and art from the previous one. Knowing where to start would help solidify if I want to join or not, thanks. A6. The discord bit has already been answered above (and is also in the faq). As far as how to pair with an artist, writers will be able to view artist sketches and summaries for a period of time before sign-up. The claiming process is currently being decided, so I am unable to fully answer the rest of your question yet. 
Q7. how far into detective conan should we be at to be able to participate? A7. There are no such requirements to join any dcmkkaishinevent event!
Finally, thank you for all the kind words you left me in the questions section! I really appreciate it!
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