#i almost wrote ladder. youtube grammar
mildmayfoxe · 7 months
sometimes i have a beautiful day printing where all the flowers are in bloom and the birds are singing and every song on the radio is the one i want to hear next and every single print (save maybe a couple, i am not a god) comes out beautiful and perfect and the run is huge and sumptuous and printing is my favorite thing in the world and sometimes i have a day printing where the clouds are forming overhead and the birds have all died and every single song is my least favorite in the world and every single print is smudged or over inked or under inked or off center or my ink has turned to a gummy tacky mess and i want to throw all my materials off a cliff and i hate printing with all my heart. unfortunately i regret to say that today is veering quite close to the latter. but we stay silly
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teamspidey4 · 4 years
Wonderwall (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader) Chapter 1
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Warnings: Cuss words?
Word count: 1107
I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes since English isn’t my first language. 
*Peters pov*
I'm putting my books in my locker and I hear Ned behind me. "Join me, and together... we'll build my new Lego Death Star." He says while he's imitating Emperor Palpatine. "What?" I ask him, confused. I glance around and hear a cheerleader say: "So lame." "No way! That's awesome. How many pieces?" I ask him. "Three thousand eight hundred and three," Ned answers proudly. "That's insane." "I know. You want to build it tonight?" He asks happily. "No, I can't tonight. I've got the Stark-" I tell him. "Mm-hmm. Stark internship." He interrupts me. "Yeah, exactly," I say while picking up my textbooks. I close my locker and start walking down the hallway with Ned. "Always got that internship." "Yeah, well, hopefully, soon it'll lead to a real job with them." "That would be so sweet." "Right?" "He'd be all, "Good job on those spreadsheets, Peter. Here's a gold coin." Ned says while he's trying to imitate Mr Stark. I give him a confused look. "I don't know how jobs work," Ned says. "That's exactly how they work." "Oh." he chuckles. "I'll knock out the basic bones of the Death Star at my place. And, and then I'll come by afterwards..." He told me but I couldn't focus anymore. y/n was walking by with her friends, smiling and laughing. She brushes her hair back. I couldn't stop staring. My eyes meet hers, she smiles at me. "...because for the most part, the difficult thing is the base of it. The top half we can knock out in two hours, tops." Ned says. I wasn't even listening anymore. "That'd be great," I say, still mesmerised by y/n.
*physics class.*
"Okay, so how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?" Ms Warren asks the class. She points at Flash, who is confidently holding up his hand. "Flash." "It's the product of the sine of the angle and gravity divided by the mass." He answers proudly. "Nope." Another hand goes up, but Ms Warren calls out a student who is having difficulty focusing on the class. "Peter. Are you still with us?" The teacher asks me. I was watching a video of Spider-Man on YouTube.  "Uh... Uh... Yeah, yeah." I say even though I have no idea what she's asking. I close the laptop, revealing a diagram of a simple gravity pendulum. Now I know it. "Uh... Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sine." I say, she nods. "Right. See, Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong." Ms Warren says. The class bursts out in laughter. Flash has turned in his seat and is glaring at me. Flash whispers to me: "You're dead." I turn to glance at a clock. 11:38 a.m. When I turn back to focus on the lesson, my eyes land on y/n. She looks at me and mouths "Nice save, Parker" then winks and focuses back on the class. God, she's just perfect. Well, my concentration flew right out the window.
Ned and I are sitting next to each other. y/n is standing on a ladder and she's trying to hang up a banner for homecoming. Because she's short, she struggles to hang the banner up the wall without falling. Oh my god she’s so adorable. "Did y/n get a new top? I ask Ned. "No. We've seen that before, but never with that skirt." He answers. "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy, though," I tell him. "Too late." Michelle suddenly says. Ned and I turn our heads to see her sitting at the end of our table. "You guys are losers." She says. "But then why do you sit with us?" Ned asks her. "Because I don't have any friends." She answers him. I look back at y/n. She's laughing. I wish I'm the one to make her laugh and smile. "You should tell her," Ned says suddenly. "What? Why?" I ask him. "You love her man, she probably likes you too" "I'm not gonna do that. She would never love me. She's y/n Stark. I'm just Peter Parker. She's fucking perfect. Also Mr Stark would kill me if he found out, I mean remember what happened when he found out about Mason and her. He was her first boyfriend and he forced them to break up" I tell him. “Mason was a jerk, you knew what he did… So he was right for ending it.”
*y/ns pov*
I'm talking and laughing with my friends. I see Peter looking at me a few tables away. I smile at him and give him a small wave, his face turns red. He looks away. Flash comes and sits next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder. "What are you doing," I ask him. "Nothing," He says back, he glares at Peter and lets me go.
*decathlon team*
"Let's move to the next question. What is the heaviest naturally-occurring element?" Liz asks our team. "Hydrogen is the lightest. That's not the question. Okay. Yeah." Charles says embarrassed. "Uranium." Abe answers. Cindy Moon, who was frantically searching the books, glares at Abe. "That is correct. Thank you, Abraham." Liz says. "Yes," Abe says while pumping his fist in the air, I chuckled. "Please open your books to page ten." She says. I hear Peter talking to Mr Harrington. "Peter, it's nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?" He asks Peter. "I can't go to Washington because if Mr Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I'm here." He says. "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." Flash interrupts the conversation. "He actually has," I say. "Wait, what's happening?" Cindy asks. "Peter's not going to Washington," Sally answers Cindy's question. "No. No, no, no, no, no. No. No." "Why not?" Abe asks him. "Really? Right before nationals?" Liz asks."He already quit marching band and robotics lab." Michelle tells the whole group. Her comment made all of us turn our heads with a suspicious look on our faces. "I'm not obsessed with him. Just very observant." She quickly adds. "Come on Peter, we need you. There’s no way we can do it without you," I say to him. “I'm sorry, I can't" "Flash, you're in for Peter," Liz says. "Ooh, I don't know. I gotta check my calendar first. I got a hot date with Black Widow coming up." Flash says, clearly trying to annoy Peter. Abe rings the bell. "That is false." He says. "What did I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?" Mr Harrington tells him.
I wrote this chapter over a year ago (almost 2 years) so I’m sorry if it’s bad. I still hope you enjoyed it.
The first chapter wasn’t that interesting but I promise it will get better, I just want it to follow the mcu storyline.
Let me know what you think of it!
Stay safe everyone <33
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