teamskulladventures · 5 months
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Current Pokemon team:
Sylveon, Gothitelle, Ribombee.
Female pronouns.
•Okay listen. . . When he first met you he really didn't know what to think, let alone say anything about you.
•That is not to say he wasn't curious about you.
•He's never met someone like you before, that's for sure, but for some reason he couldn't help but convince himself that you and him were complete opposites.
•He was also more concerned with beating you down then about what clothes you wore but thats besides the point.
•You and your poofy dress, with enough ribbons on it that you could probably tie a bow around the world and still have enough to complete your outfit. You didn't exactly look like a local.
•He had to laugh at the idea of you doing all these trials in this atire and here he thought he was bad for wearing a jacket in the Alolan heat.
•Well he shut up pretty fast when you almost destroyed his team with only three Pokemon to your belt.
•Emphasis on the almost.
•Yeah not the most well rounded team you still put up a decent fight with just your Sylveon, Gothitelle, and Ribombee.
•And here the "big bad boss of destruction" thought he was going to sweep the floor with you, but your ability to take him on and stand your ground brought something out in him.
•Guzma: *Tsk* I'll admit it you had me worried there for a bit. Your teams strong for being a bunch of "princess types", but not strong enough. If I see you around I might humor you for another battle kid.
•(Y/N): and what makes you so sure that I'm just a kid?
•Guzma: *Turning back around to face you*: Is that a serious question?! Have looked in the mirror today? Your doll costume isn't helping your case here dollface.
•As the grunts around him start snickering you couldn't help but bite back. You might dress in lolita fashion but mark your words you were not a doormat.
•(Y/N): . . . Oh . .oh I'm sorry. *you playful pull your hair back to hold your hand against your ear* Do I hear circus music?! Whats with the clown trying to lecture me on fashion or do I need to remind you that if it weren't for your MASSIVE ARMORED THING my beautiful Pokemon would have kicked your ass into next week!
•Guzma: Oh Ho HO! So the gal has some spunk in her? Listen princess your Pokemon would have never stood a chance no matter how much glitter you would have thrown at us. . *He leans in almost inches fron your face* so unless you're capable of showing what you bark out I suggest you's keep that pretty mouth shut. . . Although *he begins to walk past you* I will admit that it was an interesting fight for someone who dresses like a doll.
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•Over the following weeks you had gone back to Ula' Ula' Meadows to try and fight Guzma.
•Some days you were able to run into him but most of the time you resorted to fighting the grunts.
•They were no trouble considering a decent amount used dark types and sometimes their defeats would cause them to run back to their boss. If you waited and hour or two the boss man himself would appear to challenge you once again.
•Though the outcome was always the same given that a three on five Pokemon battle was hardly a fair fight.
•Guzma: Whats the deal huh? *Teasing* You got a crush on me or something?
•(Y/N): *Stern* Can it! You know why I'm here.
•Guzma: *Flustered* Well. . Shit Ha! I didn't except you to be the sensitive type.
•(Y/N): *Gritting teeth* I'm not sensitive. *sigh* I'm just trying to show you I'm not a doormat.
•Guzma: Never said you were.
•(Y/N): Well. .uh . hmmm. Do you want to keep fighting me or not? I mean if this is such a chore for you why do you bother humoring me? Don't you have a gang to run?
•Guzma: Woah woah woah! Easy this ain't an interview! Yeah I got my gang to run but getting the chance to beat you down does wonders on my image. Besides don't you have a trial to finish? Not that I'm encouraging that bullshit or anything.
•(Y/N): Whats it to you?
•Guzma: Tck. Fine don't answer.
•(Y/N): *dusting off some particles on your dress you tell him in a whisper* I quit alright.
•Guzma: *Whipping his head back to face you: Wait seriously?
•(Y/N): Whats the big deal? Isn't your crew of misfits made of nothing but quitters?
•Guzma: *playfully he holds a hand to his heart* Ouch! Thats low! And No! We ain't just quitters. . well. Ehh. Just whateve! We're quitters with a goal! A goal to take down that stupid Alola League and show everyone that these pansy traditions are nothing compared to pure strength. Whats your excuse?
•That wasn't easy to talk about. You barley knew the guy beyond battling and taunting. You weren't about to spill the beans on exactly why you quit.
•Guzma: Well?
•(Y/N): I . uh. Well. . shit. Um.  Look just not enough hard trainers is all.
•Not a complete lie. Most of the trainers were a cake walk especially that Kahunas kid and any of his friends he brought along the way.
•Guzma could tell you were holding something back but decided not to push his luck.
•Guzma: Mkay well *He nods his head as he walks closer to you*. I'm flattered that you felt the need to quit for me seeing as you must think I'm pretty tough to keep running back to.
•(Y/N): Ack!? *blushing as you punch his arm* don't phrase it like that!
•Guzma: Hahaha . . sure doll. Still Don't you have any friends? Like a group or a gal or someone to chat with besides whatever we have going on.
•The area got quiet as you took longer than usual to respond. Guzma sensed he struck an insecurity of yours.
•Guzma: . . Shit really. . . Shit REALLY?!?!
•You look up to glare at him while Guzma fumbles on his words.
•Guzma: No kidding? I mean why? It's not like your ugly or anything?
•(Y/N): *shocked you glare at him one last time as you try to walk away* Wow! WOW! Unreal. . *you shake your head*
•Guzma: Ahgh! Fuck wait shit. No I. . I didn't mean it like that!!
•(Y/N): Listen sorry for wasting your time. I won't be bothering you anymore.
•Guzma: No waitwaitwait! You listen. . you uh. Look! I didn't mean to hurt you like that let me make it up to you! Uh. Tapu Cocoa! Can't say no to that!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?
•Guzma: Yeah!
•(Y/N): Tapu Cocoa?!
•Guzma: ye yeah got a problem with it? Look you can get something else, but I ain't paying for it! I only offered the Tapu Cocoa!
•(Y/N): *whisper* Arceus. . . ughh you either have the worst pickup game or I am easy to please.
Guzma: Hmm, soooo is that a yes?
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•What are you doing here? I mean it's not like people staring at you was a new phenomenon but this. . yeah this was a new level of peeping.
•Guzma: Whats the matter sweetcheecks? Afraid to be seen with me?
•Oh great! Sweetcheecks! Add that to the list of colorful nicknames.
•(Y/N): I have a name! It doesn't hurt to ask for it.
•You sink in your booth trying to avoid the onlookers as you silently sip on your Tapu Cocoa.
•Guzma: Alright! Alright! Whats your name princess.
•(Y/N): (Y/N). It's (Y/N).
•Guzma: Cool cool cool. (Y/N). . Yeah. I like it!
•(Y/N): Hm yeah cool. Anyways you mind telling me why I'm here?
•Guzma: *exacerbated gasp* Oh well excuse me princess!
•(Y/N): *you glare at him*
•Guzma: Right! My bad! Anyways. Yeah! Weren't you the one in desperate need for some friends?
•(Y/N): Oh I see what this is. *sarcastically* Thank you my savior! I'm so glad you came down to offer support. Look I appreciate the gesture but I'm better off alone.
•Guzma: You sure? You seem to come to me too often for that to be true.
•Well there was no denying that. Even if you wanted to battle him for the challenge you did grow fond of his eccentric personality. Still though, you wouldn't put it past him to forget you in due time if you had stopped showing up. Though what were you supposed to do then? Go home? No. Not again. That's the last thing you felt like doing, unless you wanted to prove the family right. You just couldn't. It's already bad enough you bailed on this whole trial thing. Oh Arceus word probably got back to thrm right? Right?!! You weren't sure but the thought was making your stomach turn and their stupid smirks were forming in your mind. It was making you sick! Food. You needed food. The lone drink wasn't filling you up so you decide to get up and order something.
•Standing up you weren't expecting a tug on your arm as a worried look formed on Guzmas face.
•You didn't think he was expecting it either as he quickly let go while he tried to covering the blush forming on his face.
•(Y/N): . . . damn . and here I thought I was insecure.
•Your comment was enough to shake of his embarrassment as he started yelling from the booth.
•Guzma: Shut. sSHUT UP! . . I . ack. . man. .
•(Y/N): *you giggled lightly* Calm down. I ain't leaving you. If that was what you were thinking.
•Guzma turned away to face the wall as he messed with his hair.
•(Y/N): *You playfully pat his side* I'm just getting something to eat. . figured you want something too.
•Guzma started tapping on the table as he stared off into the distance, grumbling under his breath about how the food here was never good.
•(Y/N): Alright! Don't eat then. Just wanted to treat you since you treated me.
•Before you walked off you heard him ask you to get him a sandwich. . . with no mayo though, and that you better make sure there was no mayo because they always "fuck it up" when he asks.
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•Cashier: Alright! Your total today is ₽780.
•(Y/N): Uh yeah sure. Thanks! Oh! And you're sure there's no mayo on this sandwich right?
•Cashier: *she looked a bit flustered* There shouldn't be?
•You take the time to double check just in case. The lady looking a bit confused. You had to wonder if any of the other "normal" customers had any trouble with their food or if it only applied to gang leaders and their members.
•Feeling as if you checked every nook and cranny of this sandwich, even between the pickles you closed the bag and headed back to your seat, that was until you ran into a past problem and his annoying girlfriend.
•A males voice rang throughout the cafe: Well well well. If it isn't the princess of the Alola trials! We haven't seen your mug around in a while. *He steps closer to you as he starts to mockingly wave his hands at you with his girlfriend following suit* Oh I'm sorrrryy did I forget! We weren't supposed to stare! Gives you issues or whatever!
•You grip onto the bag of food like your life depended on it as your words come out harsh through gritted teeth.
•(Y/N): Its NOT the staring thats the issue. It's when I find out photos have been posted online without my permission is when I have ISSUES.
•The male trainer and his girlfriend were just one of many trainers that would stare, gossip, or overall judge while on your trial and was one of the many reasons why you felt the need to quit. This mans issue was when his girlfriend clearly took a photo of you and decided to post it to her socials that you felt the need to confront them and politely ask to delete which they gave you shit for.
•Male trainer: Holy ARCEUS! You're still bothered by that crap? Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't want attention then don't dress to attract it? My baby girl didn't do anything wrong so stop acting like a bitch already!
•Oh you really wanted to kick his ass again. You don't even know why he bothered picking a fight considering he lost horribly last time! Though the tense air and stares from onlookers were enough to keep your cool. The last thing you wanted was to start a fight within the cafe.
•(Y/N): Look I really have no interest fighting you at the moment. I'm just trying to enjoy my meal so leave me alone.
•Trying to walk past him he blocked your way.
•Male trainer: Yeah right, not until you apologize for making my girl feel bad for doing nothing.
•The nerve of this guy! Feeling backed into a corner your pokeball started shaking.
•No! No. No. No.
��You try settling down sylveon. She was always the feistiest of the bunch, but your efforts were in vain when she popped out ready to claw at this guy.
•Male trainer: Oh ho ho! Is soneone trying to pick a fight in public like this? Really? Where did your manners go?
•His smug mug started to crack when your sylveon started to lunge at him. Guess he was still frightened from the last beat down you gave him. All talk and no game! Of course this asshole would try to rial you up in public. The lady at the counter started to freak out as she threatened to kick you out had you not settled your sylveon.
•Trying, and failing, the guy and his girlfriend only watched with amusement as your embarrassing display was worrying the other patrons.
•Male trainer: Hahah oh man! What a performance! Arceus I wish I had a camera. Oh wait I do!
•Just as he began recording, the rest of the patrons around him go dead silent as his phone is promptly snatched from his hands. His girl lets out a yelp as she latches onto him causing the trainer to stumble.
•Male trainer: Aye yo what the fuck!? *turns to his girlfriend* get the hell off me! *he looks back as his face goes pale*
•Guzma: Sup? I think. . *he snaps the phone in half* someone's askin for a beat down wouldn't you agree (Y/N)?
•Guzma shoves the guy aside as he makes his way to help you back off the floor.
•Before he could say anything else the cashier yells at you both to get out. Apparently Guzmas presence was enough of a sign for this women to get the impression that a fight was going to break out.
•(Y/N): But we haven't done anything? He's just trying to help me!
•Cashier: I . I don't want to hear anymore! Leave!
•(Y/N): But.
•Chasier: GO!
•Guzma: Tsk. . always the same with you people. *He grabs your shoulders and guides you out the door, half yelling out to the staff* Your lucky the place serves the least shitiest tapu Cocoa! I'll be back next week. He said that last part a bit quieter not really giving a shit anymore about making a statement. He was more concerned about you, who seemed to be a mix of rage and sadness at the moment.
•Guzma: *sighing* alright. Walk with me.
•(Y/N): To where?
•Guzma: . . the beach.
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•Stumbling onto the beach you had ditched your frilly heels as your pink sparkly tights became dirtied by sand. You were unsure how to approach your feelings at the moment. Normally you'd huff off and scream out to the world but being accompanied by Guzma you didn't want him to be subjected to that. Instead you found some comfort in kicking up the sand while crumpling up different parts of your skirt and blouse. Occasionally fidgeting with your hair the more you thought about what happened at the cafe the harder you began to grip onto various parts of your outfit.
•Guzma had been observing you the whole time and having one too many outbursts himself he could tell you were on the verge of exploding. Walking towards you he tried to think back to what Plumeria would do for him when he got upset.
•Guzma: He.. Hey don't be doing none of that now. . Uh your gonna mess yyour dress If.f.f you keep that up.
•Fuck he was so shit at comforting others. How Plumeria was able to talk sense into him and calm him down was beyond him. Still, he did actually care about your feelings. He was probably the only person who was able to understand exactly what you were going through.
•Looking up at him, although terrible Guzma may be at encouraging people, you found it sweet that he was willing to try for you.
•Feeling a bit more relaxed you started to think about the right words to say to him. Luckily you didn't have to think long as you began to absentmindedly speak about your experiences with dressing alternatively.
•(Y/N): *sigh* shit. . it's like. . i don't know. . look. .uh okay so . uh. mmm this is gonna sound whiny . or okay so maybe not whiny but more just dumb if you don't get into this whole fashion thing. . like so. *sigh*
•Guzma: . its cool . . take your time
•(Y/N): *you smile lightly* thanks. . anyways back to what I was trying to say. . When I was younger, and I had discovered the Internet for the first time, I managed to stumble upon a world full of pastel pinks and blues. Frilly skirts and bloomers. Goth styled dolls. Dresses and cute school girl type outfits. Not only that, I had found a community of beautiful people wearing beautiful clothes that I so desperately wanted to be a part of. For hours on end I would spend my free time just scrolling through forums and posts all about this style of fashion. All without my parents really knowing... not that I was trying to hide it or anything! I just wasn't sure if they would even like that sort of stuff.
•Guzma was listening to every word you were saying as if it was the most important conversation in his life.
•(Y/N): Well when I had gotten older, and could make my own money, I began buying and creating outfits of my own and man I had never been happier! Even still it wasn't enough, especially when my parents got involved. Well, I was right about them not being happy about the fashion. My mom kept calling me childish for wearing "girl doll clothes". She began freaking out about me "finding a real job and partner" some day. As if me wearing fashion in my free time effects my work performance or ability to find love! My dad took it the worst. . Arceus, it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about his opinion. . . for some fucked up reason, and I don't know how he got it in his head, but for some reason he was adamant on believing that this was all . .some sort of . . kink thing.
•Guzmas eyes grew a wide at the thought of your father speaking to you like that. Damn, guess this worlds full of shitty dads after all.
•(Y/N): *Looking at Guzma you took his expression as a response* I know right! It's fucking gross that he'd assume that frilly girly clothes on a woman means fetish! I tried explaining over and over again that this is nothing more than Kantonian street fashion but he kept brushing it off. At that point there was no convincing them . . or so I had thought. *sighing* I don't know what compelled me to do this but I had convinced myself in my own right too, thinking that if I joined the trials while wearing this stuff and I became someone special. . someone important, than I could prove my parents wrong.
•Standing in silence for what felt like forever you began to speak again. Only this time you couldn't stop the tears from forming.
•Guzma was now completely by your side, hushed and focused on your every expression and word, not wanting to butt in and fuck up the moment. Though, he couldn't help but silently hold your hand and stroke your fingers hoping it would stop you from crying.
•(Y/N): *sniffing* welp as you can fucking see it didn't turn out so well. . *hick* fucking stupid. . so fucking stupid. *sniff* it's like .. why the fuck did I even bother. .. heh guess they were right. . yeah?. *hick* guess they were right. . because here I am crying on the beach currently not participating in the stupid challenges because I couldn't actually handle people looking at me weird. . so yeah. . how stupid of me to believe I could change their opinion . . they probably already know. .wouldn't put it past them to find out. . fuckers always find out. . I can see their dumb smug faces laughing already. . should have never been so invested in this stupid style. .
•Guzma: Its not STUPID!
•Looking up at him you weren't expecting him to shout.
•Guzma: It's not stupid okay!? And you shouldn't have to change for no one.
•Feeling his hand on yours he pulled you into a gentle embrace. Your face smushed up against his chest as he began softly and slowly petting your back.
•Guzma: Look or . .okay listen.. Yeah listen. . I don't exactly get this whole "style thing" either. Trust me you wouldn't even begin to understand how long it took for me to process what I was starting at when I first saw you . . but it for sure wasn't me thinking about it as some . . fucking kink thing?
•He said that last part with such disgust you could almost taste the bitterness of his words.
•Guzma: Alright . . I admit. . this thing may not be my thing but I for sure ain't gonna make you change for me okay! And no one should make you feel as if you should. . fuck your parents, and fuck that asshole and his side chick for making you feel like shit for the some clothes. . because your right 'bout that (Y/N). . dollface. . *he lifts your face up so that your gazing into his eyes* . . all it is is clothes.. and they don't look bad on you at all.
•You could tell he wasn't expecting to say that last part as he quickly tried to push your face back into his chest, trying to stop you from seeing his beat red face.
•Pulling yourself off of him, Guzma was still trying to look into the opposite direction, but he still hadn't let go of you entirely. His arm was still wrapped around your side as his hand snaked its way to the top of your head to ruffle with your hair for a bit.
•Guzma: *fake coughing* So . . tsk. Uh. I'm still hungry . . and uh if you want .
•He got cut off by the sound of you rummaging through the crumbled bag of cafe food. The sandwich you had ordered for him was beyond smushed and your mini sliders had fallen apart.
•Guzma huffed as he snatched the bag out from your grasp and threw the damn thing into the ocean.
•(Y/N): AUcK! GUZMA! *hmph*
•Guzma: What? Told you that cafe only serves shit food.
•(Y/N): Well it WAS better looking when it was fresh and that's besides the point! You . . you . ugghhh!!
•Guzma began to laugh at your little outburst.
•*You playfully punch his side* He could have at least taken the contents out of the bag before littering all over the beach! Now you had to get the paper bag back to make sure those poor slowpokes don't mistake it for food.
•Stomping off to get the bag, mad at the idea that your socks were going to get soaked too, Guzma was watching you the whole time.
•Guzma: Hehe . . cute. . . wait.
•Shaking any thoughts from his head the sound of his stomach growling grew louder as called you over.
•Guzma: Look I know your hungry too and if you want. . uh.. you can come over to my place. . I'm not gonna lie I make a mean grilled cheese!
•(Y/N): You mean the old dilapidated mansion?
•Guzma: *monotone* yes that one. . and man screw you *he said so playfully* that "old mansion* keeps us dry and has a lot of charm to it.
•Walking up to him, Guzma was the one to playfully punch your arm this time.
•(Y/N): *Blushing* Hahaha alright. . alright! You care about the shack. I get it. . and about that grilled cheese.
•Guzma: tsk . you gonna make fun of that too girly?
•(Y/N): No no. It actually sounds nice. . I'd love it actually.
•And so the two of you walk in tandem back to Po Town talking about new things and interests, knowing that you had found the one individual that made you feel like a person for once made your heart beat ever so harder. Little did you know that the bug boss himself had been feeling the same way. Eating that grilled cheese with him on his worn bed in that old spray painted house was one of the best moments in your life. A moment you'd remember forever.
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The two of you laying on his bed
•(Y/N): Wow. This is actually really good grilled cheese.
•Guzma: Oh! Uh thanks? . yeah I think if I had to choose one food to eat it would be grilled cheese. I could eat it for every meal. Or just constantly without stopping.
•(Y/N): *giggling* but then you'd get fat.
•Guzma: No, why would I get fat?
•(Y/N): because bread makes you fat.
•Guzma: Bread makes you fat!?
sorry i had too. :3
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characters from earlier games whom i want the scarvi cast to meet
nemona: LEON. high-energy champs who love to win??? nemona would so be a leon fangirl.
arven: i want to see him cooking with beni. mochi vs sandwiches.
penny: i want penny to meet guzma, solely so that guzma can slowly realise that this nerdy eevee-obsessed kid is a much more serious criminal than he is.
katy: viola! omg they would chat about their darling bugs while katy bakes, and then viola would take some insta-worthy photos of the resulting cake that go viral. the cake is vivillon themed.
brassius: he and burgh would be friends i think.
kofu: he and crasher wake have the combined energy of a tsunami and that sounds hilarious.
tulip: i HAVE to see tulip doing diantha's makeup and sweating the entire time. she's too gay for this shit.
iono: RAIHAN.
larry: i'm going to say red, because while red is an unspeakably strong trainer and certified oddball, he's also got strong Normal Dude vibes and that fits well with larry. i think red would listen sympathetically to larry's complaints about work while the two of them eat ramen.
ryme: hear me out, i think there's room for a collab between her and piers. he jams out on a guitar, she freestyles to whatever beat he creates.
grusha: melony. this boy needs a hug and i think melony could give him a good one. also ice type friends.
clavell: he and looker attempt to understand slang together. clavell is struggling because he's clavell, looker is struggling because paldean is not one of his best languages. they are Trying.
rika: cynthia. see, every lesbian pokemon fan swoons for cynthia. i don't think rika would be any different. i think rika would lose her shit upon meeting cynthia. then the two of them bond over garchomp.
poppy: byron. he would instantly go Dad Mode on this tiny girl. then he finds out that she has steel types and he's on the verge of trying to get custody. how does he tell roark about his new baby sister.
hassel: burgh again, but for different reasons. i think hassel is a burgh fanboy.
real sada/turo: norman sits them down and has a Friendly Chat with them about their parenting skills. the slakings are blocking the doors. there is no escape.
ai sada/turo: i want them to meet laventon solely because laventon trying to work out what the fuck the ais are would be hilarious.
mela: flannery. awkward torkoal buddies!
ortega: listen he and bede would either be besties or hate each other on sight and i cannot work out which would be funnier.
giacomo: piers again, he's totally a piers fan, he's done fan remixes of piers's songs.
atticus: i want him to meet and get proper ninja training from koga and janine because he deserves it.
eri: zisu. the arm-wrestling contest would be LEGENDARY.
jacq: he and sycamore probably found each other on grindr during a conference and. y'know.
salvatore: he would like to meet fantina! the two could practise their kantonese together.
raifort: she and volo would get along for the worst reasons.
miriam: i want her to meet peselle. they have common ground and honestly i think it'd be cute.
dendra: i can picture her training with maylene and having a good time.
saguaro: i think gaeric would immediately fall in love if he met saguaro. and tbh i can't blame him.
tyme: i'm gonna say clemont. she would be really impressed by his inventions and would be a good tutor to him.
koraidon/miraidon: listen n would take one look at these big idiot lizard dogs and IMMEDIATELY fall in love. they are his new friends, he will give them all of the sandwiches.
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🃏 Guzma?
There are 4 of these in the inbox from different people, y'all really like your Guzma
Guzma invented malicious compliance to this guy. Giovanni had never even heard of the idea until someone explained that was what he was doing. Other than the fact that Guzma doesn't enjoy being bossed around, Guzma doesn't really mind Giovanni. He doesn't spend enough time around him to form an opinion.
They're pretty good friends. They both have this problem where they need to ask questions until they fully understand something which tends to go with the thing they also have where they will just continue talking until they've said all they can say about something. This is the only "intellectual conversation" he gets, because Cyrus doesn't want to bore him with astrophysics, and he lives for it.
Guzma thinks Archie is intense, and that's coming from him. When these two get together, it's too chaotic, so everyone works against it. Usually they get into trouble and end up having to call Maxie to bail them out. He also admires Archie's dedication and love for Pokémon.
As I said on Cyrus's they're close friends. Cyrus is Guzma's impulse control and Guzma is Cyrus's introvert control. He thinks Cyrus needs therapy and has tried several ways to get him to go, but it never sticks, so he just does the therapist stuff himself. (He's not good at it.)
Guzma's reaction every time he hears anything about Ghetsis is instantly "Oh what the fuck is the old man doing now". He's gotta hand it to him, that level of batshit insane has to be hard to achieve. He sees him as the weird rich uncle that shows up to all of the family events fashionably late with the most insane story of what happened to make him late.
Like Ghetsis, Guzma sees Colress as a weird uncle. He trusts him about as far as he can throw him (Which, admittedly, is fairly far, because Guzma's pretty strong, and Colress is pretty light, but still.) But, Colress is the master enabler, and pretty much lets Guzma do whatever he wants (within fucked up reason) so he can't complain about that.
He finds Lysandre kind of rude. He doesn't really go out of his way to talk to or hang out with him, but will make the effort to include him if he's nearby. He thinks Lysandre is full of himself, but definitely thinks he's brave for speaking his terrible opinions aloud in a group full of people who aren't afraid to kill you if you annoy them.
He doesn't like her very much, obviously. Ideally, he'd kidnap her kids and move across the globe so that they had a better life. Realistically, he shows up at random times to give Gladion and Lillie decent life lessons and morally questionable skills. He sees her more as like a roadblock, like your ex wife who took the kids and then moved to Montana on a no contact order she had filed by the lawyer she's having an affair with.
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pumpkinspicelyn · 11 months
Skull’s Gem ch 2: Love Is Hard
After her visit to Po Town, Sapphire returned home and flopped down on Kalani’s couch, screaming into one of the throw pillows.
Kalani: That doesn’t sound like a happy business woman. What’s wrong?
Sapphire started explaining but her words were muffled by the pillow. Kalani chuckled as he sat next to her.
Kalani: Can’t hear you, sis.
Sapphire sighs as she turns her head.
Sapphire: The man I’ve been in love with for over a decade is now the leader of the team that’s been bothering trial goers.
Kalani: Guzma’s Team Skull’s boss?
Sapphire: Yep. *sigh* I always wondered what happened to him when I left Alola.
Kalani sighed and patted her leg.
Kalani: Well, sis, I’m afraid I can’t offer much in the way of advice, other than to be patient and follow your heart.
Sapphire: Easy for you to say. Your crush wasn’t a “crime” boss.
Kalani: No, just a hot-headed, head-strong researcher. Love is never easy, Sapph. Don’t give up on Guzma because of Team Skull. Everything will work out in the end.
Kalani stood up and kissed her head then went to his room. Sapphire sighed again as she got up and went to her room. She sat at her desk and started sketching until she heard a small ping on her window. Sapphire stared at the window in confusion for a few seconds, then turned back to her desk…until another ping sounded on the glass. Then another and another and another. Sapphire sighed as she got up and walked to her window, ready to scold the local kids for playing pranks, but froze when she saw the white of Guzma’s hair reflecting the moonlight as he stood on the beach. A light blush dusted her cheeks as she left the house and approached him and his Golisopod.
Sapphire: How’d you know where I was?
Guzma: A) Yer family has lived in this house for years, and b) Goli’s a master tracker. He remembers yer scent.
Sapphire giggled as Golisopod nuzzled her, tickling her with his antennae.
Sapphire: Hi, Goli. I missed you too.
Sapphire started petting Golisopod and Guzma just watched her with a small smile on his face. Sapphire noticed and blushed.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Guzma quickly turns away from her, clears his throat and scratches the back of his head.
Guzma: So, uh…w-wanna take a walk and catch up? We didn’t really have a chance earlier.
Sapphire: Yeah, I’d love to.
The two began walking along the beach as Golisopod swam in the ocean next to them. Sapphire smiled as she let her Primarina and Vaporeon out to play with him.
Sapphire: You did a wonderful job training him.
Guzma: Yeah, the two of us are thick as thieves. Goli’s my best friend.
Sapphire: *smirk* Oh, is he now?
Guzma: My best Pokemon friend, sassy pants.
Sapphire: *giggle* I know. I’m just teasing you.
Sapphire smiled as she began collecting seashells while they walked.
Guzma: So, ya managed to achieve yer dream. Big time fashion designer, huh?
Sapphire: Yeah. I still can’t believe it’s real sometimes. It’s amazing. I love seeing the joy on my clients’ faces when they wear my clothes. It makes me so happy.
Guzma: Ya’ve certainly come a long way. Remember when ya blew up Ma’s sewin’ machine?
Sapphire: Arceus, yes. I felt so bad. We spent weeks doing odd jobs to pay her back.
Guzma: And then we ended up givin’ her more than she needed…
Sapphire: …And she used the extra to buy me my first sewing machine.
Guzma: I remember the day she gave it to ya. Yer eyes sparkled like the prettiest sapphires I’d ever seen.
Both of them blushed dark red and Guzma cleared his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Guzma: U-Uh…that is…ya were just real excited to get the sewin’ machine.
Sapphire smiled as they reached their favorite spot on the beach and started skipping rocks.
Guzma: Bet ya got a pretty boy boyfriend waitin’ for ya somewhere.
Sapphire: Ha, no, not anymore. I dated a guy in the Hoenn region for a bit but my heart wasn’t in it. I knew I wouldn’t live anywhere other than the Alola region. I may travel all over the world, but Alola will always be home.
Guzma watched as her midnight black hair blew softly in the wind.
Damn. How could she have gotten even more beautiful since I last saw her? Duh, Guzma, she grew up. She’s not the same little girl ya knew. Now she’s…
Sapphire: Hey, Goli! You hungry!? Got your favorite berries!
…She’s perfect. No! Stop that, Guzma! Ya can’t give yerself false hope like that. Ya ain’t good enough for her. Yer a no good degenerate failure and she’s a successful business woman. Ya can’t get in the way of that.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Sapphire snapped her fingers in front of Guzma’s face and he snapped out of his daze.
Guzma: Huh? Sorry, did ya say somethin’?
Sapphire: Are you okay? You were spacier than a Psyduck.
Guzma: Yeah. Totally fine. Nothin’ to worry about.
Sapphire sighed as she stared at the moon. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him but she didn’t dare. Not now, anyway.
Sapphire: So, Team Skull, huh?
Guzma: Yep. A bunch of kids who got told they’d have no future by shitty grown ups.
Sapphire: That’s horrible!
Guzma: That’s why we chose Po Town. Keep those people out and hang out with our Pokemon and each other. We take care of ourselves, our Pokemon and each other.
Sapphire: I just don’t understand how people could be so cruel, especially to kids.
Guzma: Some people, especially grownups, will surprise ya, Sapph.
Guzma spaces out again and Sapphire looks up at his face, studying his features and attempting to get a read on his emotions, but he was too guarded. She sighed and put on his cheek, snapping him back to reality. Guzma blushed as he looked down into her eyes.
Guzma: S-Sapph?
Sapphire: I know there’s a lot you aren’t telling me, and I won’t force you to, but I want you to know that I’ll always be here if you need to talk.
Guzma: Sapphire.
Guzma moved a strand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, making her blush.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Without answering her or breaking eye contact, Guzma put his hands on her waist and lifted her off her feet. Sapphire’s face turned bright red as she put her hands on his shoulders.
Sapphire: G-Guzma!? Wh-What!? What are you-!?
He stops her by bringing her face down to his and kissing her lips with a force that could rival that of the waves crashing behind them. Sapphire’s eyes widened in shock before softening and closing as she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Guzma snapped back to reality, broke the kiss and set Sapphire on her feet.
Sapphire: Guzma?
Guzma: Sorry. I…I gotta go. Goli, come on!
Guzma ran off, Golisopod running after him.
Sapphire: Guzma, wait!
Sapphire watched as he ran away, confused about what just happened. She sighed, recalled Primarina and Vaporeon, and went home. Kalani was pacing outside of the house and waiting for her when she got back.
Kalani: There you are. A note would have been nice. Are you okay?
Sapphire: Y-Yeah. F-Fine.
Kalani: You sure?
Sapphire: Yeah, just…confused. Guzma came by and we went for a walk. We talked while our Pokemon played and then…he kissed me.
Kalani: He kissed you!?
Sapphire: Yeah and then he ran off. He’s guarded, too guarded, so it’ll be hard to get close to him again.
Kalani: But if there’s anyone who can break through his walls, it’s you, baby sis.
Sapphire: It’s not going to be easy, is it?
Kalani: Like I said, love never is. Come on. I’ll make us some Tapu Cocoa before bed.
The Kukui siblings went inside and shared a cup of Tapu Cocoa before going to bed. Several weeks passed and Sapphire hadn’t heard from Guzma since that night on the beach. She hadn’t had time to dwell on it though because she had received a large commission from a woman named Wicke who worked at the Aether Foundation, a Pokemon research facility and safe haven floating on a lone island in the middle of the Alola region. Sapphire packed up the last of the order and loaded it onto a pallet.
Kalani: Are your Pokemon going to be able to carry that?
Sapphire: I have Salamence, Charizard, Pidgeot, and Aerodactyl. They’ll be fine.
Sapphire let out her Pokemon and tied ropes to them and the pallet.
Kalani: Hey, don’t forget about the lantern festival on Ula’Ula Island tomorrow. I heard there’s going to be a Mantine Surfing competition before the main festivities.
Sapphire: I know. I’ll be ready. My kimono is just about done.
Kalani: And?
Sapphire: And yours and Talia’s are already done and hanging in your closet.
Kalani: And?
Sapphire: And I promise to stay close to you two so that creeps don’t hit on me.
Kalani: That’s my girl. Go be a business woman.
Sapphire hugged Kalani then climbed onto Salamence’s back and the four Pokemon flew off. Sapphire smiled as she enjoyed the breeze while they flew. The Pokemon soon arrived at Aether Paradise, landing safely and safely dropping the shipment. Sapphire gave each of the Pokemon a berry and recalled them.
???: Sapph?
Sapphire turned around and saw Guzma, Plumeria and a few of the Team Skull grunts leaving the Aether building.
Sapphire: Guzma.
Guzma: What are you doing here?
Sapphire: Dropping off an order for a Miss Wicke. You?
Guzma: Job opportunity.
???: Oh, goodness! Is that Wicke’s order!?
Sapphire and Guzma turned to see a beautiful woman dressed in all white with long blonde hair approaching them.
Sapphire: Yes, it is. And you are?
Woman: Oh, how rude of me. My name is Lusamine. I’m the president of Aether Paradise.
Sapphire: It’s nice to meet you, ma’am. I’m-
Lusamine: Sapphire Kukui, owner of Gemstone Designs. Wicke’s assistant couldn’t stop raving about you. Guzma, I hope you haven’t been bothering our guest. That would be quite rude.
Guzma blushed and stammered as Sapphire giggled.
Sapphire: No, ma’am. Guzma and I are childhood friends. He was just saying hello.
Lusamine: Oh. I see. Well then, Guzma, why don’t you and your team start helping the others carry these boxes in and I will give Sapphire a tour?
Sapphire: Oh, I wouldn’t want to be in the way.
Lusamine: Nonsense. Come along now.
Lusamine walked back inside and Sapphire smiled.
Sapphire: She seems nice.
Guzma: Yeah, but she can be impatient. You better go. We’ll catch up later.
Sapphire nodded and followed Lusamine. She looked around in awe as they walked through the facility.
Sapphire: This place is amazing.
Lusamine: Isn’t it? We research and cure hurt Pokemon so we decided to build areas for different environments.
Sapphire: From a business standpoint, I’m glad to see so many Pokemon here, but on a personal standpoint, it’s sad.
Lusamine: Yes. It’s hard to tell if the Pokemon we come across were hurt by other Pokemon or by humans, but we shelter and treat them all the same.
We finished bringin’ in the boxes that Sapphire brought so I went lookin’ for her. I was a real jerk, kissin’ her then runnin’ away and ghostin’ her like I did. I found her on the second floor at the conservation area, playin’ with the Pokemon. Her smile could be seen from space, judgin’ how bright it is.
Lusamine: It’s rude to stare, Guzma.
I stood up straight when Lusamine walked up next to me.
Guzma: S-Sorry, boss lady.
Lusamine: So, when did you realize you were in love with her?
My face heats up as it turns red.
Guzma: Why do people keep sayin’ that!? First Plumes and now you!
Plumeria: When they were teenagers.
I turned to Plumes and glared at her.
Lusamine: Young love is precious, but I do have to ask, Guzma. Why haven’t you confessed yet?
Guzma: *sigh* She’s too good for me. Ya know my story, boss, my darkness. She doesn’t and she’d leave the second she found out. Besides, look at me. I don’t fit into her world.
Lusamine: So, you’re giving up without even attempting to fight? I’m surprised with you, Guzma. You wouldn’t be where you are now if you hadn’t fought to get here, so why stop now?
Guzma: I-
Lusamine: You’re stubborn and gruff, yes, but you deserve love too. Instead of running away, you should fight to show that.
Lusamine walked away as I rubbed the back of my neck while returnin’ my gaze to Sapphire. Should I really give it a shot?
Sapphire was escorted outside to the landing pad by Lusamine, followed by Guzma and Team Skull.
Sapphire: Thank you for the tour, Miss Lusamine, and for letting me play with the Pokemon.
Lusamine: Anytime, Sapphire. Don’t wait until our next order to visit, either. Our doors are always open for you.
Sapphire: That’s very kind of you, thank you. Oh, and don’t worry about placing anymore orders. I’m going to start making a personal donation to Aether Paradise like I do for the Paniola Ranch nursery.
Lusamine: Oh, how sweet of you! I need to borrow a moment of your time before you head off, dear. Step over here with me.
Lusamine and Sapphire walked away from Team Skull a bit until they were out of earshot.
Lusamine: Sapphire, you truly are a gem, and I’m not the only one who sees it, don’t you?
Sapphire blushed as they both looked at Guzma.
Lusamine: He’s afraid of dimming your shine. He won’t allow himself to approach the relationship more than he already has. If you’re willing to fight for the relationship, it’ll be up to you to make the next move.
Sapphire: Will it be worth fighting for?
Lusamine: If it’s true love, then it always will be. Especially when you have to fight to break through his walls.
Lusamine smiled at her as she walked away while Guzma walked over to her.
Guzma: So, um…hi.
Sapphire smiled up at him.
Sapphire: Hi.
Guzma: Look, I’m…sorry for leavin’ ya the way I did that night on the beach. I was…
Sapphire: Scared?
Guzma: *blush* N-No! Ya boi ain’t scared of nothin’!
Sapphire giggled and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. Even slouched, he was too tall for her. She smirked as she looked up at him again.
Sapphire: Alright, big bad boss, if you’re really not scared, prove it. I’ll be on Ula’Ula Island tomorrow night for the lantern festival. If you really aren’t scared, find me.
Sapphire called Salamence and got on his back.
Sapphire: Oh, and stop by Nanu’s before you head home. He has a package for you.
Salamence took off, leaving Guzma to stare at them as they flew away.
Guzma: Alright, Sapph. We’ll see what happens tomorrow night.
0 notes
maxskulline · 5 years
"Can I get one fuckin' conversation at least?!"
When she runs into Guzma again, granted, it’s not anywhere close to her apartment - thank fuck for that, because some very vengeful Pokémon and her best friend are gagging to finally get their paws on him. For this, she ought to give Guzma some kinda kudos because he’s not stalking her right up to her doorstep, but he’s definitely stalking her alright. This is the fifth time in a single week she’s “accidentally” running into him, and she stopped calling it a coincidence after the second time. Every time he sees her, he tries to talk to her. Every time Guzma tries to talk to her, Max comes up with another way to dodge the inevitable. Tells herself that she ain’t ready, and she really isn’t, and perhaps Guzma remembers that Max needs a push or two when she starts avoidin’ because he’s really fucking pushing it now.
This time around, he’s waiting for Max to leave the bar after her gig. She doesn’t find him inside like she had on their second chance encounter but he’s definitely been drinkin’, the gloss in his eyes gives him away. Artificial light tints his pale strands in warm orange, reflects on the leather of his jacket, the tips of his shoes. Guzma tries his damned hardest to look casual, but he can’t fool the woman who’s learned to study him like a goddamned masters course. Soon as she’s embracing the fresh summer air after being stuck for hours with a drinking crowd, his entire posture goes rigid. Seeing him doesn’t surprise her by all means, but Max hesitates to even gaze his way a second time. Hates how his very presence manages to eclipse the rest of this world. Be it the breeze, the distant sound of the sea, the melodic chirping of crickets, it all fades out under the rapid pulse rushing through her ears. She’s afraid, Max notices, to look at him and see the very same crazy in his eyes she’s once turned her back to. 
So she doesn’t. Instead, she breaks from her stupor, shoulders the guitar and heads the other way. Home, where Rosie and the kid and her Pokémon are waiting. Home, where she’ll bury her speech in a drink and a smoke until she’s ready to tell him everything she’s already told him through her music. 
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This is when he really starts pushing. Max can see his shadow catching up, hears him use her name for the first time in years and his footsteps enclosing. Some fucked up part of herself’s glad he doesn’t take her silence anymore, the other wants him to fuck off and leave her alone. “Wait!”, he calls out when Max doesn’t stop walking. She won’t stop until he takes the last steps in a stride and practically blocks her path, forcing himself into her sight, make her finally fucking look at him. He’ll hear an annoyed scoff before Max pulls out a pack of cigarettes, a habit she’s never quite shaken off. 
“What the fuck do you want from me!?” Seems like a fitting choice of first words for the guy who took her heart and threw it under the train. Blue smoke coils from her nostrils because she’s too pissed off to breathe properly, the cig burning down rapidly. 
“I wanna go h-” 
                                       “Can I get one fuckin’ conversation at least?!”
There it is. Guzma’s resort to volume when his fuse snaps, when he’s treading the tightrope of his own limits, raises a very odd sense of familiarity within her. This ain’t the crazy she’s seen of him last at all, this is the pure plague of a man who so desperately wants to say his sorrys. His demand for a conversation’s the very last thing Max expected to happen tonight, but it snaps the last mast she’s clinging to and now she’s drowning deep in all the things she feels equally desperate to tell him. 
The cig meets its demise on the floor, squashed beneath the heel of her blood red boots. “And then what, Guzma?” Saying his name feels strange. Like using the name of a dead someone you didn’t speak about for years because the memories hurt too much. To Max, Guzma died on the day he had left for Aether Paradise - the last time she saw or touched the real him, the only Guzma whose memories deserved holding onto. The Guzma she’s taking in now looks like a Deja Vue. Is she dissociating again? No, she isn’t…… her mind simply hasn’t caught up with his changes just yet. 
Max wipes her eyes with the back of her hand, blames the sting on nothing but raw pissed off-ness. 
“Then you gonna tell me how sorry you are? How much you regret what you did? Like that’s gonna change the last few years for me? All it’ll do is clear your own fucking conscience, so YOU can sleep better at night. It ain’t gonna do shit for me, because I’ll STILL see everything you did to me and my Pokémon that night. I can’t forget this shit, Guzma, I can’t….. you nearly took away everything from me. I had to build myself up from scratch.” 
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She fumbles for another cigarette, clicks the lighter, takes a deep, deep pull and closes her eyes when the nicotine rush hits. She could walk away now, leave him standing with a nice heap of guilt loaded to his shoulders. Or she could hear him out, just to quench this emptiness within her, just to hear if she was right all along. Max decides that she needs to know or she won’t catch a single minute of sleep tonight, and opts for a proposal. 
“You can have a conversation under one condition. I don’t want your sorry. Whatever you have to say to me now, if you’ll make this about your own redemption you can go fuck yourself. I will walk away and never speak to you again.” 
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bellafragolina · 2 years
I love headcanons for sharing characters clothes , but I always see it with the reader stealing shirts and goodies and such. Not that I don't love it but A: not all of us are tiny and would fit into our favorites stuff, B: some of us, like yours truly, love to war excessively baggy clothes already, so what I would like to see are headcanons for Guzma, Piers, and Elesa constantly "borrowing" their SOs clothes? I just need to see some grown ass men and one woman absolutely SWIMMING in something that is too big for them because they are SAPS.
Ooh, baggy clothes are the best!! And so I hear, they’re even nicer when they smell like the one you love
You wear baggier clothes than he does, which is a surprise. But he’s not complaining, your shit is comfy! He wears your hoodies and shirts around the Shady House without a care. The grunts marvel his comfort, and beg you to lend them some of your clothes too. Guzma shouts at them; that’s a boyfriend privilege, and he’s the boyfriend
“Please??” The grunts tug on your sleeve, giving you their best Babydoll Eyes. You wince. It’s super effective. “Please, big sib? Can we borrow your hoodies??”
“Uh,” you drawl, doing a mental count, “I don’t think I have that many hoodies, guys.”
“What about shirts??” Another grunt wraps her arms around your waist, batting her lashes. “You have a lot of those, right?”
“Oi!!” The grunts scatter at the shout. Guzma stalks up in their place, pouring as he embraces you from behind and places his chin on your shoulder. “Damn kids.”
“Guz, are those my sweats?”
“Heh! Love ya?”
He is unashamed. His aesthetic, while killer, can get uncomfortable. Your clothes are comfortable, and he gets to drown in your scent and the fabric whenever he wears them. So whenever he has down time, he’s wearing your stuff. It’d be annoying if he didn’t look so cute
“Babe,” you call, wandering towards him, “it’s like three am.” You flop against him, plucking at the loose threads of your “Hey, Cutiefly!” hoodie. Piers looks cute swamped in the pastel fabric, but you’re exhausted. “Come to bed.”
“Writing a song.” Piers responds, scribbling at a page of bars and notes you don’t bother trying to understand.
“Good for you.” You grumble. “Come to bed.” You tug the hoodie up, and touch his warm waist with your frigid hands. He jumps and curses at you. “There’s more where that came from, Nickit.”
“Fine, fine.” Piers drops his pen, shuffling after you. “Abomasnow.”
He snorts.
She is a menace to you. She seems to have a sense for which pieces are your favorites, for she always has them on her, her grin wide and teasing. She teases you whenever she steals your clothes, does little fashion shows for you, despite your unamused smile
“You’re a menace.” You tell her, but she just grins and twirls for you.
“I think I’m stellar.” She says, nose in the air. “Maybe even Star-ly.” You sigh heavily. “Aw, babe, you’re just mad I look better in your stuff than you.”
“You only look better because I’m attracted to you.”
“Aw, thanks-! Wait! Hey!!”
You snort. “C’mere and cuddle me, Starly.”
I like the cute little domestic moments that couples have. Writing about them and reading them make them feel more real to me.
Hope you like it, hon! Have a great day!
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Suppose their (soon to be) s/o's a grunt in their organization, how would each of the pokevillains go about with seducing them into staying by their side and (more importantly) joining them in the bedroom? 👀💦
*cracks knuckles* I'll try my best 👀💦
He wouldnt do much of anything at first, just watching them from a distance. He will start calling them more and more to his office to do random tasks. One day when they're cleaning his desk off while he watches from behind in his desk chair, he slowly wraps his hands around their waist and pull them into his lap. He tells them that they caught his eye and wants them by his side, more than just a grunt and he will pay anything for it. While his hands are on their thighs.
ORAS archie
He invited them over to go surfing after work. After they tell him taht they dont know how to surf, he takes this opportunity to teach them. He tries to hide his blush when seeing them in their swimsuit. He gets a surfboard that's for beginners and goes on to teach them. When in the water, the grunt is having difficulty and is stiff, while on their knees trying to stand on the surfboard. After a few hours of this, they get back to the base and are going to change into dry clothes. Archie says he has a new uniform in his room. After they follow him there, he pins them to the wall, moves his head closer and kiss their cheek, saying how good they are doing today, but itll be better if they were by his side instead.
ORAS Maxie
Once they catch his eye, he doesnt know what to do. As is been a long while since he had a crush or anything, it hit him like a truck. After a while of thinking it through, he finds an idea to slowly get closer. He would ask them to do coffee runs for him everyday, and he would compliment something about them. Compliments like "I love how your hair looks today" and he would feel amazing seeing their face light up and them smiling at that. One day he pretends to "accidentally" spill coffee on their shirt, and apologize. Then he says it's okay if they took their shirt off there, he wouldnt mind. They blush and giggle a little, and Maxie blushes realizing what he said. "Or I can take it off for you" he says in a purr as he gets closer, holding the bottom of their shirt.
RSE Archie
He would probably be flirtatious, always wanting this grunt to feel his muscles or something. Even asks if he can massage them after hard days. One day after a very difficult mission, he calls them to his room. Once they get there, he asks if they need another massage. After the nod shyly, he asks if they can lay down on his bed as it's easier. Once they lay on their belly and get gets ontop of them to message their shoulders and back, he tries to hold himself back from just ravaging them. As he slowly and deeply message them, they make low moans and stick their butt up against his crotch. He instantly because hard and just starts grinding into them
RSE Maxie
He would make missions where it's only the two of them. He will get closer by each one they do, but he will act distant just to make the grunt confused. Sometimes he will "accidentally" brush up against them and pretend he didnt mean it at all. One time they make a mistake during a mission and after they get back to the base, he calls them to his quarters. They sit on the couch across from his desk nervously, an he glares holes into them, but smirks. He stands up, slowly walking over to them, and tells them to look at him. He grabs their wraith to stand up and holds them in his grasp tightly. He starts saying what hes been planning for this long, but the grunt doesnt focus in his words, they just stand there blushing as he grinds into them while he speaks. He grabs the back of their hair and kisses them, it escalates
He doesn't know he likes the grunt at first. He starts giving the grunt more attention and special tasks without realizing, as well as giving them extra speeches during a coffee break or something. The admins found out and would tease him, then they would get pinched for doing it. Once he realizes he has...feelings for someone, he locks himself in his room. During this time is when this grunt and him share time by having coffee together. When they get there and see its locked, they get worried. They knock, and here sniffling. After some persuading, he unlocks the door slowly. They step in and see him. He takes a depe breath and explains everything. Then he gets over confident, and grabs them in for a deep kiss. Its sloppy but they dont care. The grunt kicks the door closed and deepens the kiss
He would treat them like a queen/king/anything in between. He would give compliments but it would sound kinda condescending but its better than what he says about everyone else. Hed invite them to his place in the base to hear an important speech that you have to tell the people of Unova, while they write down what he wants, he plays with their hair which is kinda distracting. After hes done with what they wrote down for it. He will take their hand and lead them to his bedroom. Saying he has another thing in mind.
Once he starts getting feelings for this grunt, he would start to invite them to his cafe, give them free lunches and coffee whenever they please. He would compliment them everyday and get them to help him more with Team Flares plans. Hed also give them a rare Holo Caster, with his number on it. One day he asks them out to a fancy restaurant and they can order anything off of the menu, he wouldnt mind. After an evening of that, he will hold their hands and ask them if they wanna join him in his room, after they say yes, he will gently carry them to his room and his room already looks set up with candles and everything, showing that he was planning on something
He would walk with them to and from the old mansion to missions and would worry about them. He would check in on them alot because he knows people are assholes. One time he saw another grunt slap their ass and that grunt wasnt seen again. He called them to his room after that to talk. Once the grunt got there, he apologized for what that other grunt did even though it wasnt his fault. He Pat's his lap and asks with a smirk if sitting in his lap will make them feel better. He then started kissing anywhere he can and holding them tightly with his strong arms, calling them so many nice things. He picked them up and flopped them in the bed 💦
She would notice how good they are at the aether foundation and treat them for a day with her to online shop. She buys them anything they like. She looks at them, "you know I can be your sugar mommy right?" she giggles. " But that means pulled have to pay me back in physical attention~" she strokes their face with her slender fingers. "What do you say?" She says how cute of a sugar baby they would be. After they agree, she makes them straddle her on the desk and pulls them in for a deep kiss
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liighty · 4 years
Guzma babysitting Reader’s Niece
In all honesty i’ve thought about making another largeass super self-indulgent Guzma x Reader mega fic, but I’m not sure if I want to? I don’t know if anybody would read it, so that’s what this post is for!!! If you like this and want to see actual Guzma x Reader with plot and not just fluff drabbles lmk!! I have a bunch of asks to address so maybe i’ll get to that too soon
Anyways, back to the fic.
Mini Summary: (Y/N)’s niece needs to be babysat while (Y/N) is interviewed, so they turn to Guzma and crew to help out for a bit. Chaos ensues.
Rating/Triggers: UH drugs are mentioned but not really? THE KID DOES NOT DO DRUGS!!!! but yeah if that makes you uncomfy i’d be careful with it??\
Pairing: Guzma/Gender Neutral!Reader (I used the honorific ‘Titi’ which is gender neutral for ‘Tia’ or ‘Tio’ [extra thanks to Ocha_Bocha for helping me with that one <3] and tried to make it as gender neutral as possible. Originally this was written with a male reader, and then I went female, and ultimately attempted to eliminate gender completely. [Following the footsteps of Splatoon teehee])
Fic under cut!!!!!
"Are you sure this is a good idea, honey?" You clutch your niece's hand as you approach the large walls that separate Po Town from the rest of Ula'Ula Island. It's not that you don't trust the man who you're leaving her with- in fact, those two have been acquainted previously and seem to get along fairly well- It's his friends who you're concerned about.
"..." Her silence is expected, as the kid isn't all that talkative. Recognizing the young girl's silence, you frown. 
"You can stay in the office lounge if you really want to. I know you aren't the biggest fan of crowds, and um- Guz has some pretty loud friends-" Your explanation of what to be expected is quickly interrupted by a blue haired young man decked in black and white clothing. "Yo yo, what's with the kid?!" 
You arch a brow. You knew that Guzma worked with kids, but this guy couldn't be any older than 15! "I could say the same for you. I'm here to talk to Guzma-"
"Ya mean the boss? Why would some random chick want anything ta do with the leader of the Team Skull, huh?!"
A pink haired girl dressed in the same outfit walks up to the boy, crossing her arms. "Shut it, ya clod. Don't you remember the conversation we had with Boss yesterday?"
Hearing this, the blue haired boy's eyes light up in an epiphany. "Ohhhhh shit- Right-"
"Watch yer fuckin' language around the kiddo." She lightly smacks the back of Dansei's head. "She's in good hands, ma'am."
Another pink haired woman, this one being someone you finally recognize, walks in and smacks both of the delinquents in the head once more. "You say that after cussing, Reese?" 
Thank God. Plumeria. "Hey Plumes-" You smile weakly, waving politely with your free hand. Your niece does the same. Another young man, this one much shorter than the first and with green curly hair scrambles after Plumeria, jumping up and down to be seen. "Sorry about these numskulls. I'll lead y'all to the big boss man, yo. No worries at all, so you can chillax!"
I'm regretting this more and more by the second.
The crew starts whistling some hip hop tune as they make their way to the Shady House, the smaller boy beatboxing. You've taken this time to offer a piggyback ride to your niece, who's politely declined. Are all kids like this? Or is it just her?
Once they approach the boss, Guzma immediately jumps out of his chair, his signature shit-eating grin plastered on his face. "Eyyyyyy! (Y/N)!!! Kiddo!! What's up, homeslice?!" He hops down the stairs and crouches so he can get at eye-level with the young girl, offering his fist for a pound-it.
She bumps her fist against his, smiling just a bit. It's more of a reaction than you expected, at least. "S-sup, Uncle Guzma-" 
Looks like his slang is rubbing off on her. That's cute.
"Thanks for droppin' by, Doll. No need to worry about Little Miss Troublemaker over here, I got it all under control." He picks up your niece and walks over to you, pressing a looooooooongass smooch on your cheek. The other Team Skull members all make mini comments, like "Ewwww-", "Grosss-", and "Cooties-", causing Plumeria to once again smack their heads together. 
You roll your eyes, unable to stop the smirk on your face from growing any further. "Not in front of the kids, Guz." "Ah, right, right- My bad." His shades slide onto his face, hiding the bright red blush that had crept onto his cheeks. "Well, you should probably get goin', ey? The Aether Foundation's one lucky company to have you interviewin' for a position."
"Dork." You boop his nose, then your niece's. "Call me if you need me, okay honey? I'll be back as soon as I can."
"Okay, Titi (Y/N)-" You smile at the nickname while the others snicker. 'Titi' sounds an awful lot like 'Tittie', and considering three of the 7 people in the room are immature teenagers, there's definitely some laughing going on in the background. Plumeria looks very tired. How does she deal with these kids all the time?
"Alright, I'll be back. Don't light anything on fire, okay?" You yell as you walk off, feeling a slight hint of unease at the idea of leaving your young niece with so many delinquents, even if it's just for a few hours. It'll be fine, though. Guzma's there to keep them from doing anything stupid.
You laugh at the thought. Who am I kidding? He's probably gonna be the one who explodes something first.
The interview itself wasn't all that bad. You're fairly certain that you either aced it or put yourself up for consideration, which in itself helped your confidence just a bit. With the absence of Lusamine and the arrest of several of her chairmen, the foundation was very antsy and in need of someone who could handle the Pokemon Observation department. With your background in medicine and PR, you were rationally on the list of potential replacements, and despite your initial resistance, learning that the company would be run by somebody that WASN'T the manipulative little bitch Lusamine gave you enough comfort to accept the offer for the interview. Was it just an offer or an invitation? You weren't quite sure, but Wick was very insistent on you showing up.
Either way, you're pretty certain you got the job. Good on you. 
You can't help but wonder how your niece is doing, surrounded by so many troublemakers. As you make your way to the entrance of the Shady House, you can hear loud music, causing you to feel a small tint of anxiety. She'll be fine.
You walk up to the door and creak it open, the smell of burnt… whatever the fuck that is flooding your nostrils. Of course. They lit something on fire.
"Guz??" You call out to the empty room. "Plumes? Anybody home?" As expected, there's no response. You start to feel more and more anxious the more ground you start to cover. Where are they? Peeking your head around the corridor, your anxiety comes to its peak when-
"And that's why you should never do drugs, aight?"
Your niece sits on Guzma's knee as he bounces it up and down, his signature shit-eating grin plastered on his face like usual. Awfully burnt cookies sit on the table, explaining the smell from earlier, and Plumeria seems to be asleep with the other team skull grunts. Are they… napping? Seems like it. 
She nods enthusiastically, taking a bite of a charred cookie and grimacing shortly after, causing the two to both laugh in unison.
"Doesn't matter if it's just for recreational purposes, you could still get hooked, and that's the last thing we want!" Grinning once again, Guzma pokes her forehead.
Hypocrite. You're reminded of the first time you two had kissed, which happened to be shortly after you both had blazed a couple of joints. It's enough to get you laughing, though.
"Huh?! What're you doing here so early? Don't tell me ya flunked THAT bad!" Guzma's eyes widen, a genuine look of bewilderment painted on his face.
"I did not flunk! I think I did great!" You huff, crossing your arms defiantly. "It's suuuuuuuper comforting that you thought I failed, Guz."
"Nononono I was joking!! Right, kiddo??" Your niece quickly nods. "See???? No harm, no foul!"
Arching a brow, you walk up to the two and pick up the young girl. "Mhmmm. Did you have fun, honey?"
She nods again, unable to contain the grin on her face. "Uncle Guzma told me about his Pokemon training! And I got to ride on Golisopod's back!" 
The large bug type pokemon bops up and down upon hearing its name, prompting a smirk from Guzma. "Yeah, I told ya I'd take care of her. She's welcome back anytime, okay?"
"Thanks, Guz." You peck his cheek, and your niece sticks her tongue out, closing her eyes. 
"Icky cooties!!" Where the hell did she hear that? The only people you can think of who'd say such a thing are in the other room snoozing, so- Yeah, actually, you know exactly who taught her that word.
"Well, I'm gonna getchu with my cooties! And my tickles!" You raise a hand menacingly, wiggling your fingers with one eye closed. She immediately curls up, not out of fear, but out of excitement. It's nice to see her so happy again.
After a very long tickle session, you quickly glance at the large grandfather clock, noting the short hand of the clock slowly approaching the number 8. Shit. "We gotta go, kiddo. Your dad isn't gonna be all that happy if we get home any later than 8:30. Besides, it's past your bedtime."
"I bet Uncle Guzma stays up past his bedtime-" She yawns. "Can we stay for a little longer?"
How can I say no to that face? You find yourself incredibly conflicted. Do you tell her you have to leave anyways? Or do you stay and risk getting in trouble by your brother-in-law?
"Eh, as much as I'd love to have you over for longer, kiddo- Look at your Titi (Y/N). They look exhausted."
You smile gratefully at the comment, glad that it doesn't have to be you to tell your niece to go home. "Yeah, I'm beat. We can hang out some other time, okay? I promise." You pat her head and get ready to leave.
"Aww… okay. Bye, Uncle Guzma!! Bye Golisopod!" She holds your hand, and the two of you eventually walk your way back to the car. As you drive away, one thing lingers in your head. You can't think of anything else, in all honesty.
Guzma's great with kids. I should've expected as much, but… I'm glad he gets along with my family.
Your stomach rumbles at the intersection. I'd kill for some malasadas right about now- 
Okay, maybe you CAN think of something else.
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moonbeam-writing · 4 years
Bad Day
๑ Requested by
๑ Quick Note: Hi, as you can tell this is super self indulgent and I'm not even sorry. I got to write a little drabble for Gaara, and now Guzma. They both live in my head rent free at all times, so I had to include him, ha ha.
๑ Characters: Guzma (Pokémon)
๑ Warnings: None, but maybe slight angst if you squint.
Today wasn't her day. Nothing bad had even happened, it was just one of those days where all anyone would want to do is go home and curl up in bed. Saying that she wanted nothing more than that would be one of the biggest understatements ever.
Granted, where she stayed was almost always noisy and full of chaos, but it was always warm and inviting, despite its looks and the people who lived there. She always knew that even before she moved in, there was nowhere she would rather be than in that old, worn down manor with all of kids who used to be Team Skull's grunts, Plumeria, and most importantly, Guzma; Team Skull's big, bad leader, self proclaimed "destruction in human form." Or rather, he used to be before they disbanded.
For someone who used to hold such a menacing title, he was actually quite soft. His biggest concern 99% of the time was everyone who lived there and you, though he'd never let the public know. Even though he's reformed, he still had some sort of reputation to uphold, or so he said. You knew it was just because the general public was still wary and judgemental. That and he's just never been the best with emotions, though he always makes sure that all of the ex grunts know that they're loved, welcome, and that he's proud of them.
Walking through the doors, she's nearly swarmed by all of the kids that she's more or less taken as her children, however, they noticed her gloomy mood and gave her space. Over time, they had learned more of her mannerisms and such and knew that in a few hours she'd be doing better.
As she quietly pushed her way into Guzma's room, he sat up seeing the girl that was normally his little ray of sunshine being the exact opposite. He immediately got worried. Her shoulders were hunched and her body seemed to close in on itself and she looked to be close to being on the verge of tears.
"Yo, babe!" Guzma quickly stood from his throne, only for her to rush to hug him, effectively knocking him back down onto his throne. Guzma tried again, his voice softening this time. "Hey, doll, you okay?"
Guzma carefully tilts her head up looking into her eyes, only to see them full of tears that were getting closer and closer to spilling.
She could barely meet his eyes for more than a second before burying her head into his shoulder. "I don't know." Her voice was muffled and it was obvious the the floodgates were slowly breaking. The little tremors in her words were too noticable to be held back.
Guzma shifts a little, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. "That's okay, babydoll. Nothing has to be wrong. Jus' wanted to make sure if I needed ta kick someone's ass or not." Hearing a small, choked chuckle, Guzma felt a bit of relief in him. He was getting close to being able to calm her down.
After a few minutes of just holding each other, Guzma tilted her head and wiped her tears away with his thumbs. "What's goin' on in that head of yours, pretty girl?"
Though she was still upset, something in her couldn't help but continue to melt at all of the terms of endearment. Those had always been a surefire way to make her smile, no matter who she heard it from. Well, for the most part.
"I don't know," she sighed sadly, a pout on her lips. "Just kinda one of those days, you know? Literally all day, I've wanted absolutely nothing more than to come home and cuddle you, maybe take a nap with you, and as soon as I get to you, I start crying." Her pout deepened as she moved a hand to play with his fluffy locks, running her fingers through it in an attempt to distract her.
"I get that. I've been waitin' for you to come home all day. How 'bout this, babydoll; you and I take a nap, get you all recharged, and then we can head downstairs and get some food, yeah?" While he was talking, Guzma had somehow taken both of her hands in hers before she knew what hit her and the tears were threatening to come back. The dull sting behind her eyes told her that much.
Sniffling slightly, she nods, looking back at him. "That sounds good."
With a sweet smile down at his baby, he carefully picked her up bridal style and brought her to their bed. The two cuddled up to each other under the covers, their legs tangled and holding hands.
"Love you, Guzma. Thank you for this."
"Love you too, (Y/N). I'd do anything for you."
Guzma meant every word and as he looked down at her with her sweet, tired, little smile, that feeling just cemented itself even more.
(Y/N) pressed her lips to his, the usual happenings before they drifted off, and cuddled into him even deeper, which Guzma wasn't sure was possible.
Looking down at her, Guzma knew that there with her was exactly where he needed to be.
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specialmoogakii · 4 years
Funky desire // Guzma x reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
------------------------------------------ Artist: 木田/のぼの Platform:Pixiv Link creator:https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/16581301 -----------------------------------------
Warning:Nsfw,sexual content
The writer corner: Ohoh, this gonna be wild for my own mind. Yes, I added NSFW too but I never actually did a thing like this. I'm not innocent, I read a lot of smut/NSFW before but I never wrote one. Don't worry though, I will try my best ...
General NSFW:
Guzma is.. a wild man but definitely not a monster that want to do it with you all days. He still has his moment especially when you're busy with the new concert in Ula Ula, the island where it's mostly raining. You didn't mind that much (neither the fans) and Guzma definitely love it, not only because he can visit his team skull and control them before they go on fire because they were trying to cook some eggs also because the raining makes your shirt visible.
Guzma have a wild imagination and it's mostly uncontrollable, he just wants to fuck you roughly after the concert behind the cotton curtains that do not allow you to see behind the scenes in the concert, make you moans loudly so that your fans can hear Guzma's name coming from your mouth, putting all the weights on Guzma's hip (he is fucking you on the wall) and just scream for more before the concert start.
Guzma wants to make this imagination come true, but he is trying really to not do that because he doesn't want to ruin the whole plan you had for the concert. But that doesn't mean he won't touch you when you return home,  in his imagination is wild but in reality, he is actually soft. (unless you ask him to go rough)
The boss doesn't want to hurt you, don't ask him to spank you because... come on. Why would you ask him, a poor man that was abused, to spank you? He would let you call him daddy if you want, Guzma will accept anything that doesn't include pain or any kind of violence in sex. He will accept toys too and Guzma loves it, asking him for more while you impatiently move your hips and pussy on the vibrator gonna turn Guzma on really hard.
You and Guzma had some experience before, so no virgin Guzma and USUALLY Guzma is the top unless there is a Female Top Y/n out there. The boss is so embarrassed to be the bottom but after you start, his mind stops working and the only thing he had in mind is you.
After a lot of concerts, he starts to get impatient on waiting for you at the end of the whole tour concert. Guzma went to found you around the empty concert that was very close to start, he found you all nude and try the new clothes you bought for the fans in the personal room, now you're making out with Guzma while he touches you everywhere. He continues to make out with you and start fingering your pussy a little slow for teasing you.
You moan a little and look at him starting to undressing himself but never leave his hand from fingering you, he doesn't have that much muscle but that doesn't mean he doesn't have them, after he fully undresses himself he starts to kiss and bite your neck roughly... with desire. You start moving your hip on his fingers for more and moan to catch his attention, Guzma smirk and start to lick his lips...
Unless say the concert started a little late and with some problems on walking around.
Continue of Funky love;
After Guzma's confession, nothing actually changed other than your relationship with him. Guzma becomes more clingy and always want your affection when he has nothing to do, he follows you like a lost puppy and helps you with your music inspiration even though Guzma is not the best in the creativity area. The whole team skull is confused about why he is always so clingy with you but they don't dare ask or they may make the boss mad for not minding their business. You didn't mind that much, you honestly love it but the problem is when he starts to touch you when you said you're stressed out by the creativity's block...
"Guzma, what are you doing?" you said with a confused tone while Guzma's hand caress you around your body, he just smirks and continues to caress you innocently, then randomly he just stops and when away, you were honestly confused. Guzma is generally a weird boy but certainly not a horny boy, it happens rarely that he is horny out of nowhere but he is always busy taking care of the team skull so Guzma has no time to think about naughty thing. The big bad boy boss is an energetic boy at the night, he goes around in the night without fear of any pokemon attacking him, Guzma goes to visit gladion and his sister sometimes, he still has sympathy for some peoples.
it's time to home now, Guzma return at his home and trying to found you and he looks at you rolling in our beds because you were bored as hell. Guzma smile at jump on you for surprising you, Y/n looked at Guzma shocked and literally saw her whole life for a 1 second before dying in Guzma's weight. You were able to hug you and Guzma laugh at your shocked reaction, y/n gently punch his back as a little revenge and Guzma giggles and kisses your lips for calming your angry cute face. She (Y/N) calmed down and kisses back, cuddling him hoping nobody interrupted this sweet moment. Guzma continues to kiss you and caress your cheek, he stopped kissing you and look at you without saying anything, but you can tell that he wants more. his hands start travelling on your back making you laughing because it tickles, he decided to do the french kiss with you and going a little further than this. Guzma's hand slowly caress your stomach and went inside your pants, slowly teasing you with his fingers and start kissing your neck gently, his fingers move inside and start fingering you slowly without stopping. You moan and caress his arm, just enjoying the moment and Guzma was starting to lose his patience. Guzma stopped kissing your neck and undress you gently, no needed to be fast, then he went to kiss your whole body, he wants you to enjoy this with a slow pace and doesn't want to rush it. The boss stopped fingering you, look at you and ask a bounce of questions...
mostly about you enjoying this, if you want him to continue and ask permission to go further. After getting permission, he starts to undress and take the condom in his drawer, he put it on and enter hoping to not hurt you too much. It's not the first time, of course, but you still need to get used to it. You gasp and start whispering, Guzma gets close to your neck for kissing it trying to keep your mind away from the pain, he massages your boobs without leaving your neck. Guzma looks at you and moves slowly all the way inside, you started getting use it and moan a little of pleasure, your arms caress his back asking him to start moving faster. Guzma gets the message but before that, he moves your legs on his hips and found a better pose for hitting your weak spot. He starts moving inside you faster and after a while, he finally found the weak spot. You moan so loud that may the whole team skull hear it but you didn't care, neither Guzma actually, you two were enjoying this and nobody can disturb you two. Guzma start to lose self-control with you and went fast like a wild animal, you don't have control on breathing properly anymore, the bed is slowly starting to break and make some noises that is about to fall on the floor but your and Guzma's moan and groans replace the noise and you two didn't stop. Guzma is about to cum inside the condom but he waited for you to cum, after two minutes, you finally cum and so Guzma. You finally were able to breathe, Guzma throws the condom away and open the bathroom's door for cleaning before going to bed..
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Hello! If your requests are still open I would like to ask for guzma! He has a huge crush on reader and she get him to watch her favorite movie (like beauty and the beast) and when she starts singing the songs he just like falls more in love with her? Idk I just really want fluff and I can see him just like going the extra step for the person he likes ya know? Thank you so much for your time!
A/N: I love our big tough bug boy being soft for his S/O! I also love the idea that his S/O is HYPER compared to him so I sprinkled that in! 
God did he feel like a major dork. He was currently standing outside (Y/n)’s house. She had invited him over to watch movies and at first he thought she was joking. Why would she want destruction in human form in her home? But when he laughed at her request she had frowned. Quickly realizing she wasn’t joking, he accepted her offer and told her to pick the movie. 
Taking a deep breath he quickly knocked and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets. He rocked back and forth on his heels, looking around. 
“Guzma!” She shouted as she flung open the door, quickly grabbing his arm and pulling him into her house. She giggled as he nearly tripped over his own feet. 
“Watch it girlie!” He shouted as he was pulled deeper into her house. She finally let go when they were in her living room. Guzma noted that there was already popcorn sitting on the table, fuzzy blankets on her couch, and some drinks set out. She walked over to the couch and lifted up the blankets with a frown. 
“Boo!” He watched as her Pumpkaboo popped up from where the blankets were. 
“Pumpkin! I told you not to hide on the couch! What are you going to do when someone sits on you?” She scolded as the pokemon floated up and bumped her in the head, causing her to laugh. She wrapped her arms around the pokemon. “Sorry, Pumpkin can be kind of crazy sometimes.” She laughed and held the small pokemon out towards him. He chuckled and patted the pokemon on the head, causing it to trill.
“I remember Pumpkin, took him down a couple times with Golisopod if I remember correctly.” He teased and the pokemon growled at his accusation. 
“Yeah, but in the end who won all those fights?” She popped her hip out and smirked, causing Guzma to roll his eyes. 
“Cocky as usual Miss. Champion.” She let out a loud laugh that made even Guzma smile. Her laugh wasn’t the prettiest, but it was so genuine that it surprised him, especially since she was laughing with him. 
“Okay, so you said you hadn’t seen any Disney movies?” She asked, plopping down on the couch and patting the seat next to her. Guzma shuffled over and sat next to her, the couch dipped at his weight, causing their arms to be pressing against each other. Guzma tense for a moment and waited for her to move, but she didn’t. She continued flipping through a list of movies on the television. He cleared his throat.
“Yeah no, I haven’t seen any. Not a lot of chances to watch movies in Po Town.” She hummed in acknowledgment as she continued to scroll. After a few clicks, he heard her gasp loudly. “What?”
“Beauty and the Beast!” She screeched as she jumped up and did a little dance. “We have to watch it! We have to! I know all the songs by heart!” She turned towards him with a huge smile as she continued to dance around. 
“Okay! Okay! Jesus Christ stop acting like a crazy person will ya?” He chuckled, she let out another squeal and threw herself back onto the couch. Guzma was aware that she was still leaning against him as she turned the movie on. 
Guzma really tried to focus on the movie. The animation was pretty cool and the songs were catchy, but how on earth was he expected to focus when she was leaning against him and was quietly singing along to the movie. Her singing voice was far from perfect, but he couldn’t believe that he was here, sitting next to her and getting to hear her soft voice. 
He had been denying his crush on her for some time now. He fully recognized how dumb she would have to be to want to date an ex-gang leader, a dead beat, a good for-
“Are you watching?” Guzma was pulled out of his thoughts and looked down at her. Her head was resting in the crook of his arm and he realized his arm was around her shoulders, he must have done that without thinking. She was looking up at him with her eyes full of worry, Guzma swallowed. 
“Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in my thoughts.” Guzma fake coughed and removed his arm from around her. He tried to play it cool, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw her frown. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” She asked, she kept her eyes on the tv and pulled her knees up to her chest. Guzma nervously scratched the back of his head, noting that his undercut was going to need a cut soon. 
“Just nothing and everything. I don’t know.” He shrugged and leaned back, he looked at the ceiling. He heard her pause the movie and lean back with him. 
“We’re almost to the last song.” She whispered, still not looking at him. Guzma watched her sigh and look away. “I’m sorry for making you come over and watching this. I just thought it would be fun and I’ve been wanting to get to know you more and I’m sorry.” She sighed again and Guzma watched her draw small circles on her couch. He blinked. 
She wanted to get to know him more?
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” She whispered Guzma laughed causing her to jump and look at him with big round eyes. “What?” 
“I just..” He gasped between laughs, “You think that I don’t want to be here with you? Are you kidding? I’m still trying to figure out why you’d want me, of all people, to come over and watch movies!” He looked over at her to see her frown, she quickly moved so she was cross-legged and facing him. She cupped his face with an angry look on her face. 
“I invited you because...well I like you, Guzma.” He froze and kept his eyes on her. “I mean, sometimes you can be an asshole, but overall I think you’re a really good person and funny. I mean look at all those kids you gave a home to. I know you probably see me as a kid, but I’m pretty sure we’re the same age and-” 
Guzma wasted no time, putting his hands on her waist and pulled her closer. Their lips crashing together roughly. Guzma took advantage of the fact he took her by surprise and deepened the kiss. She responded instantly, moving one of her hands to the back of his neck and the other tangling itself in his hair. He could feel her smiling against his mouth as she let out a laugh, he pulled back and smiled at her. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that, Guzma.” She let out a laugh and laid her head on his shoulder, he glanced at the tv, which was still paused. 
“You said there’s one more song left?” He felt her nod against him. “What do you say we finish this one and watch another Disney movie?” She quickly pulled back with the biggest smile on her face. 
“That sounds perfect.” She grabbed one of her blankets and wrapped the two of them up in it, he heard her let out a sigh as she snuggled closer to him. He put his arm back around her and pulled her closer. Pressing a quick kiss to her temple as she started the movie back up again. 
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icestrawberryfreeze · 4 years
You laid your pokemon to sleep in the bedroom, slightly closing the door so only a sliver of light peeks through.
With one last glance at them snuggled up under the blanket -and with a horde of meowths surrounding them- you tiptoed back to the living room where Nanu laid stretched out on his couch, TV remote in hand. He had one leg hanging over the edge of the couch, the rest of his body covered in a grey, lamb faux fur throw.
You brought it for him on the way to his home after he called for you. You bought yourself a blue one of the same fabric as the air was getting chilly and you would need that extra warmth. Cause why would he share his?
And to run your hand through the fur.
It surprised you that he would use it so quickly - his old throw on a chair in the kitchen area- but it made you happy to know it wasn't going to waste.
You grabbed your own throw that you placed on the coat rack and placed yourself on the ground in front of the TV, your back resting on the couch and Nanu's remote holding arm just to your right.
He grunted at your arrival, his arm moving up slowly to change the channel. He flipped through a few before leaving it on a Sinnoh channel, a Pokemon contest you found yourself watching here and there. How he knew you watched this, you would never know.
Ha. Let's be real. Him and the professor talk all the time about you.
His arm fell back to the ground as you turned towards him.
"So, grandpa." His eyes snapped to your face. "What did you call me here for?"
After a slow blink, his eyes traveled back to the screen. "Can I not just want your presence beside me?"
You shuffled around until you were on your knees, facing him. Cherry colored orbs looked through you, sending a shiver through your body.
Ignoring the obvious tension, you batted your eyelashes.
"Oh ho! So you missed me?"
Cue the world's slowest blink from the cat master. "Now, I never said that. We actually have some things to discuss. "
You fell back onto your butt, wrapping the throw around your tighter. "Like?" You drew out.
"Well, for starters... " He scratched his chin with his free hand. "You punching a civilian-"
"He had it coming!" You jumped up, yelling, while pointing his finger at Nanu. "He only had himself to blame. "
How many times will this man sigh in a span of a few minutes? With a grunt, he managed to get himself into a lounge position.
"And why did he?"
You opened your mouth, ready to go off, when you remembered that you actually couldn't. Yes, Guzma shows signs of abuse and all the theories about him connect perfectly.
But you -a stranger to everyone on the island- shouldn't even know this. Can't say that within the hour that you were with Guzma, he bared open his soul to you. Nanu would just go and try to confirm it.
Slumping back to the ground, with no clear alibi and an assault charge hanging over you, you threw the plush throw over your head.
"Nothing, huh?" Nanu asked, voice muffled because of your current position.
You pouted, creating a small hole to peek out. "Can I at least have a gold and purple jumpsuit? To still look fabulous?"
He blinked, slowly leaning his body forward -a hand outstreched- until it rested on top of the blanket where your head protruded. "Putting you in jail will more than likely make things worse. "
You mumbled under your breath. He rubbed his hand on top of your head before you felt it travel down to where your shoulder was. Nanu gripped your shoulder, whatever he said next completely muffled. Peeking again, you asked what he said.
He only shook his head, leaning back while letting his throw fall off his shoulder some. His legs were already spread apart but, with a pat right in between, Nanu let them open just a bit more.
"Come 'ere."
You shook your head, covering your face once more and falling over to the side. You rolled over onto your stomach and caterpillared your way across the floor.
Your face was beginning to burn. You knew he didn't mean any thing...sexual. At least.
You thought he didn't.
A yelp escaped from you when the feeling of a foot pressed on the middle of your back. Another yelp escaped when you felt yourself be lifted off the ground.
Well, ain't this some deja vu.
It was only a few seconds - and a few rearrangements of your body- before you were in an upright sitting position. In between Nanu's legs.
Swiftly, your uncovered your head, glaring at the older male over your shoulder. He didn't even have the nerve to look at you. Instead, he used his hand to turn your head back foreward. His arms wrapped around you - his blanket in tow- and you found yourself in an even warmer position.
You hummed, leaning back into the officer. "Alright. I can live with this."
Nanu laughed.
Which is just pushing air out of his nostrils and let his chin rest on her shoulder. "I figured as much," he mumbled. "It's freezing in here."
"You should get you an electric heater," you proclaimed, letting your hand up to point a finger in the air.
He raised a brow. "With all these crazy kittens? I don't think so kid."
You groaned, throwing your head back as best as you could. "Are you saying that they're that stupid to stick a paw in the thing?"
His immediate 'yes' made you giggle.
"Then maybe a fireplace!" You began to wriggle at the thought. "Sitting down in front of a warm fire, the glow of it giving the room a cozy feel. And a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate shavings." Your hands cupped your cheeks, the thought of hot cocoa making you drool.
You continued to ramble on about him having a fireplace, pointing out places he could house it if he just moved a few things around.
And not once did you hear Nanu object.
But it was because he fell asleep a few moments before and, something he won't admit, your voice soothes the whispers that constantly run through his head.
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lostonehero · 3 years
Under the full moon
Tw mentions of sexual assault and abuse, hospitals, animal attack
Nanu was a life saver, he managed to pull some strings and get Cyrus to Alohla without any suspicion or even his sisters finding out. Guzma was practically walking on air when he arrived back in Alohla, Cyrus in tow looking uncomfortable in the heat even though it was cooler as the night sky lit up the sky as the full moon hung up above.
Guzma watched Cyrus stare up at the starry sky, he could see the smaller trying to suppress a smile of wonder as he looked.
Cyrus was still distracted as a growl was heard from the bush and a large lyconrock jumped the two biting Cyrus's arm with a loud sickening crunch.
The next few hours were a blur to both Cyrus and Guzma, but what was clear was the end where Guzma's large frame was contorted awkwardly in a small hospital chair as he fell into an uneasy sleep watching over Cyrus. Cyrus woke up to the sounds of hospital equipment he knew all too well from being a sickly child growing up. He wanted to bolt out of bed, but he looked over and saw Guzma and he couldn't bare to abandon him.
He groans covering his face with his one good hand the other was bandaged to hell and back to the point where he couldn't move it. Feelings were not something he was equipped to deal with and Guzma brought up so many, and he wanted to spill his guts be open with him, but he wasn't as strong as he was. He could never be as great as Guzma needed him to be. He swallowed the growing lump in his throat and wiped his eyes. He just wanted Guzma close thats it.
Plumeria was one of the three now that knew of Guzma's secret, the man was half siren. She didn't know the specifics but she did know that his mother that raised him wasn't the one who had him. That wasn't important what was important was how frustrated she was getting with Guzma what she could only call nesting, his new sinnoh friend was coming back from the hospital. Guzma insisted that they were just friends but she wasn't an idiot and could feel the tension between the two hell she could probably cut it with a knife, even there pokemon notice it.
She sighed watching Guzma again rearrange his bed again, and yet he refuses to admit that they would even share a room. "GUZMA." She shouts annoyed as all hell.
Guzma stiffens and shoots up. "Plumes you know better then to sneak up on me sides I haven't done anything wrong."
"That's not the point everyone in this house can hear you moving your furniture for the nth time today Guzma."
"So nobody but you has complained."
Plumeria gave an auditable sigh. "Guzma you know none of the grunts would ever bother you when you're in one of your moods."
"I'm not upset Plumes "
"They don't know that."
Guzma looks away somewhat embarrassed. "Shit yo didn't mean to "
~~~later that day at the hospital~~
Cyrus moves his now freed arm from the cast, he had never healed this fast before. His arm didn't hurt he just had a pink mark left on his arm from the bite. It was kind of odd, maybe it was a side effect from the distortion world, but in reality he didn't know. He cuts off his own thoughts spotting Guzma and he swore his heart skipped a beat when there eyes locked, he decided to push thoes feelings down. He would deal with that later even if his heart was still beating out of his chest when Guzma approached close enough he could smell the scent of moss, honey, and even the sea off of him.
Cyrus didn't have a good sense of smell to beginning with, he used his sense of time to cook to perfection. As a child due to his sicknesses his sense of smell was partially damaged. Alarm bells rung loud in his head but were went silent when Guzma pulled him into a hug and all the panic dissipated from his head like the clouds after a storm.
"Cy look at you all patched up you had me all worried." Guzma was loud as always but it was comforting.
"You seem perfectly content without me." Cyrus bristles at the praise as his entire being screams at him to lean into it. He was scared of seeming soft.
"Ah I'm glad a hospital visit hasn't changed you I set up my room nice for you till you can find a place in po town, I mean if you want to stay there you don't have to if you don't wanna."
That was the last thing Cyrus could ever want to be away from Guzma. "Your room will suffice for now." He answers a bit too quickly for his own liking. He probably sounded needed but that thought had no room to grow when he heard Guzma chirp and grin.
"Your boy made it so comfy for you spaceman you're going to love it."
Cyrus covers his face quickly he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his lips. Something was different and he couldn't understand why his emotions were so easy to keep under wraps maybe the pokemon bite had side effects.
Guzma loves the fact Cyrus decided to stay in his room, and he loved the nest he made too, fuck he never knew embracing the siren half of himself would actually feel good. Maybe it was because he had the right partner. He quickly shook his head Cyrus wasn't into him like that, and he knew not to force anything onto the smaller man. Cyrus's half sister had done that, well more so used him as some sort of plaything and he let her.
He couldn't let anyone use him like that again, he couldn't let anyone have control over him again like his siren half begged. He wanted Cyrus to control the bedroom he wanted Cyrus to make the decisions when it came to his body like she forced herself into that role. Guzma groans turning over to look at Cyrus sleeping. He wasn't weezing so the wet air was helping his lungs hopefully.
Guzma stared at his sleeping form his heart twisted and raw wanting to love again, but his mind was already hurt too many times, but what screamed louded then both was his siren instincts that refused to be silenced anymore and insisted that he let Cyrus claim him. He was getting a headache, and angry at his conflicted feelings, and he knew when he got upset he broke things and he really didn't want to wake up Cyrus.
He sat up pulling at his hair his feelings only growing more complicated as he let them fester. He wanted to punch something but he heard a soft whimper come from his sleeping companion and all his thoughts seem to bend into one cohesive thought. He needed to comfort Cyrus.
He wrapped himself around the smaller man who seems to melt in his touch and all the worry and pain drains into bliss as he falls back into a deep sleep.
A small sense of pride seems to grow in Guzma chest as he drifted off listening to Cyrus sleep softly next to him.
Cyrus's temper was like a fire cracker even his pokemon noticed and ran to Guzma when he showed slight frustration. His houndoom however kept his attention for some reason Cyrus was now content chasing after his dog pokemon and she was happy to comply. She obviously knew something changed within him, but atlas he could not understand her.
"The humid air seems to really help you Cyrus." Guzma hums in the small pond behind Po town his gosilepod was splashing around with him. Cyrus wouldn't call it a pond it was more of a micro lake it was deep enough that Guzma could dive down to explore the many caves it hid below.
Cyrus pauses letting that comment sink in. Guzma was right he hasn't had any lung issues since arriving to Alohla. He was even running around like he had the energy of a child. "I concede that I have been feeling much better here then I have sinnoh, but it is much too hot here."
Guzma rolls his eyes and splashes Cyrus with his tail. "Cooled off enough?"
Cyrus against his normal facade and how he liked to act he scoffs and croches near the water and splashes Guzma back and even laughs.
His own pokemon froze hearing that noise and seeing Cyrus smile was an enigma in itself.
Guzma challenged this and splashed again causing an all out water fight, and Cyrus couldn't remeber any other time where he felt this happy. He felt safe as Guzma carried him back into the Shady House. He knew this wasn't normal behavior for him but Guzma was carrying him and his smile was so nice. He clung to Guzma like he was the best treasure he had ever found.
Cyrus could not get comfortable for the life of him, his own skin felt too tight, and wrong. He felt miserable and just needed something. He flips over again in the mock nest Guzma made he had pushed the larger man out an hour ago.
Cyrus groans and glares at Guzma from the position he was in on the bed.
"Good your awake I need to talk to you."
Cyrus stretches and sits up. "Its not as my body will let me get comfortable go ahead." He says with more bite then he wanted to.
Guzma seems to hesitate and Cyrus doesn't want to be alone right now, why did he sound annoyed, but Guzma didn't leave he took a breath and sat in his throne. "Do you mind if I get personal Cyrus? I'm loosing my courage here, stupid Guzma."
"You're ok, please speak your mind." For some reason Guzma being there made him feel better and all he wanted was for him to be comfortable to, only to return the favor. That thought was tact on but he wouldn't acknowledge that fact.
Guzma's face turns red as he stumbles over his words forgetting English for a second. "Cyrus I want you to take control, I mean I just my siren half has been screaming at me for you and I fuck I fucking like you a lot and I want to be vulnerable around you. Not like how your sister forced that out of my with you I feel safe enough to let you see the real stuff." Guzma sighs putting his face in his hands. "I like you spaceman and I want you to yaknow do the nasty with me I want you to control the scene, I want you to take care of me."
Cyrus could feel his own face heat up his mind wasn't entirely there anymore but he somehow knew exactly what Guzma was asking and he wanted the same thing. His voice didn't sound like his own. "I love you too- I -gah" his own words cut off as a scream escapes from his lips as burning hot pain fills his his veins. His whole body felt as it was on fire and that was the last thing Cyrus can remember before it went black.
Plumeria lead the charge hearing the scream come from Guzma's room a few brave grunts followed behind her as they opened the door they expected the worse, but that isnt what they got.
Guzma was laughing trying to pull a lyconrock that was five times bigger then normal off of him it was also completely blue like Cyrus's hair. The closest thing to an attack the dog was doing was locking Guzma senseless as there tail wagged hard and fast.
The grunts seem to braven up even more as one shouted puppy then the rest piled into the room petting the dog who seems to melt at the attetion and Guzma could finally get up but he didn't stop smiling.
"Cyrus is the puppy Grunts." Guzma got through his laughter as the dog Cyrus began another lick attack.
The grunts gasps as cheers of werewolf ran through along with spaceman is puppy space man, along with team skull mascot.
Guzma was having too much fun to notice or listen to what his grunts were saying.
Cyrus woke up startled he was just in the worst pain in his life where was he now. His panic ebbed away into comfort as he realized he was curled around Guzma his scent was everywhere, and that purple tattoo was a dead giveaway. He absolutely no memory of what occurred last night nor did he know where his clothes went. Wait why was he wearing a collar did they have sex? Was he drugged? Guzma confessed his feelings did he use him?
Cyrus's own stomach growling made him stop his downward spiral of thoughts. He was starving, was that normal after sex? He needed to research. Guzma shift making Cyrus give a startled oof noise in response.
"Oh you're back to normal, the grunts were right." Guzma yawns and stretches. "Man you kept us up till like 4 in the morning."
This brought up more questions, so he didn't have sex, the grunts were involved, and he wasn't normal. His face must of betrayed him because Guzma was looking at him with concern.
"You don't remember last night."
"I remember saying I love you." He says embarrassed and his voice a bit horsed.
This seems to ease some worry from Guzma's face but not all of it. "Well apparently Z one of the grunts likes looking into myths and he can say for certain werewolf, and now the grunts know about me because you kind of dragged me into the pool to go swimming."
"It was actually kind of cute, I got upset and you did the whole ears and tail down and puppy dog eyes and actually you were fuckkng adorable and I couldn't stay mad at you but now the grunts are clamoring to make a full moon schedule that needs your approval of course." Guzma laughs. "For the first hour you wouldn't stop licking me you also kept trying to steal my socks."
Cyrus's face was red as he put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry "
"Why it was a blast, and you make a great puppy Cy even if I'm a bug guy." Guzma chuckles. "Now we know it wasn't a normal pokemon bite."
Cyrus looks away. "You aren't mad? I outed you and I didn't even know until you told me."
"I mean no Cy you were being cute and now I have blackmail we took so many pictures. Want to see "
"Abostutley not." He gets up. "I'm going to get dressed then eat you can talk when you want to be civil "
Guzma laughs and gets up hugging Cyrus from behind. "I love you too Cyrus even if you can't express it well. I'll be emotional for the both of us."
This dried up every ounce of shame and anger Cyrus had at the new he could feel wet streaks down his cheeks before he realized he was crying. He immeditaly turned and buried his face into Guzma's chest. He refused to let go.
Guzma didn't realize what he said meant so much, but he didn't want to upset Cyrus anymore so he let the smaller man cry until he was done.
They got dressed in silence but left the room holding hands with a unspoken love between them only growing.
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misskikuwrites · 4 years
The Colour of Love
lonashipping week 2020
Day 1: Alizarin Crimson
Love takes many different forms. Many different shapes and feelings and colours. The love Moon had for her mother was secure and strong. Familiar and warm, a love that she could return to at any time and feel safe. A love that was soft and cozy like a thick blanket, a love of tight hugs and early mornings spent lazying around in the kitchen.
Moon's love for Hau was bright like the sun. Bright and dazzling, filled with laughter and smiles and hugs. A love that she could go to whenever she felt down and blue, whenever she needed the comfort of his smile. His love was the bright yellow of sunflowers, kind and gentle and soft like his Raichu. It was always there, always knew how to pick her back up with jokes and cheery laughter. It was the deep love of her best friend and rival. A love that pierced through her darkness, her fear, and gave her strength. A love that she could rely on.
When it came to Lillie, Moon's love for her quiet and soft, white and pure like a blanket of fresh snow. It was blinding yet gentle. Unmissable and striking, a guiding light in the night like the soft glow of the moon. It was always there, no matter the distance between them. It was a love that never changed, never faded, consistent and strong through the late night calls filled with laughter and tears. It was felt through the quiet goodbyes, the whispers of "I miss you" that they shared. It was a love that Moon felt long after they hung up, smiling with the knowledge that nothing had changed.
There was another type of love that Moon had struggled to place. A colour that kept changing, a feeling that kept swimming and swirling and blending into a mess she couldn't define. A first, it was black like the night. Hidden behind walls of distrust and fear, behind biting words and flippant comments. And then it had softened. Cracks had formed, and the dark veil had lifted as Moon realised there was more to him than just another Team Skull member. There was more to Gladion than his sharp glares and prickly demeanor.
Black faded into grey as little moments fell into place. It was murky and clouded, but there was more to him, a depth she couldn't yet reach. She realised that with a start the first time he trusted her. His apology for dragging her into a meaningless battle cleared the water between them. And when he'd smiled, the very first time Moon had seen him smile, that night on the docks as they waited for Hau, the dark fog around his heart had lifted. Moon felt warm. There was a trickle of colour, of light, and the world had changed. Everything was brighter. Her heart pounded harder.
She trusted him. She followed his lead without question into the Aether Paradise. His stubborn determination, the drive burning behind his eyes, gave her the confidence she needed to stand by his side and fight. He blazed like a wildfire and she felt safe. She stood tall when he faltered, when he lost to Guzma and began to sink into his fear and doubt and darkness again. She stood tall. The fire she'd felt burning in him ignited in her chest and she fought. She fought for Gladion, for herself, for Hau and for Lillie.
His words resonated with her, deep in her heart.
"You know… I know we aren't friends, but I'm glad you two are here…"
That was enough for her.
She couldn't deny it any longer when they met at the base of Mount Lanakila. The thrum of her heart was too warm, too loud, and she knew immediately the colour her love towards him had taken as they fought. It was no longer that empty void of black, dark like his familiar hoodie. It burnt bright and warm, a searing colour that washed over her cheeks like the slash of crimson on the front of Gladion's hoodie.
The faint smile he gave her tugged on her heart, but the words he spoke cut deep like an icy blade through her chest.
"I know we aren't friends… but we aren't enemies anymore either."
They weren't friends.
The pieces of her shattered heart filled her chest with broken glass. Bleeding with every breath, her love ran red and pooled in her lungs until she couldn't breathe.
It hurt.
Her love was the colour of blood.
She hadn't wanted to see him again. Not really. Something had tugged on her heart and she'd made her way to Aether Paradise once again without thinking. Her wounded heart hadn't yet healed, and it thumped with a stab of pain and warmth when she saw him, and her love, that dark crimson, washed over everything and she smiled. Her heart fluttered as though it had grown wings and she couldn't care about the pain. Her love for him was brighter and stronger, vibrant and vivid and burning. It was a blaze in her lungs. The flush on her cheeks that softened her smile.
It was a love that soothed everything else away.
And the words he said, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, made her wonder if there was something else, something more, to the way he looked at her.
"Maybe it's time I see a bit more of the world myself… starting with that Pokemon League, I think. I hear that Alola's got a real strong Champion."
She wondered if he knew.
He came.
Moon's heart leapt in her chest when Gladion ascended the stairs before her, the pinnacle of the Pokemon League. She rose to her feet to meet him, unable to hold back her smile.
"You made it," she said, surprised at how breathless and giddy she sounded.
The determination in his eyes solidified her suspicion that he'd known all along that she was Alola's Champion.
"Hmph, of course I did. I came here for one reason and one reason only." Gladion lifted his hand and pointed right at her, the gesture making her pulse skip as though he'd tugged on the tight strings of her heart. "To defeat you. Everyone has their own reasons for coming here… but for me, I want the strongest rival for myself."
Moon's heart thumped harder and louder in her chest. She smiled at him, her blood blazing from his words, and for a moment she found it difficult to breathe.
"Good luck with that," she taunted, grinning. "I'm not so easy to pin down, and I won't go down without a fight!"
A smile spread over his face as though he'd expected that response.
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
The battle was tough but, as always, Moon was triumphant in the end. She grinned at him as they recalled their Pokemon, and walked over to him. He was muttering something to himself, frustrated lines furrowing his brow.
"That wasn't how this was supposed to go…" Gladion clicked his tongue, before wiping the scowl off his face and meeting her gaze.
"Like I said, I'm not easy to pin down! You've got a lot of rivals to complete with if you want to defeat me," she teased.
His eyes lingered on hers. "It was close, but not close enough. Not if I want to defeat you and keep you all to myself…"
She blinked at him, unsure if she'd heard that right. She laughed, trying to hide the nervous crack in her voice. "Keep me all to yourself? Not sure if all my other rivals would put up with that."
He folded his arms. "They'll have to deal with it, one way or another."
The silence between them, the determination in Gladion's eyes, became too much for Moon. She pursed her lips and swallowed the anxious buzzing in her lungs.
"You know, you really shouldn't be saying things like that," she said quietly.
His eyes widened slightly. "Saying things like what?"
"About keeping me all to yourself." She smiled faintly. She knew what was coming and braced herself for it. "You might give me the wrong idea if you say things like that so easily. Since… I know you don't feel the same way about me."
Gladion stared. His mouth dropped open in shock and Moon didn't want to give him a chance to speak. Not now.
"It's okay, you don't have to say anything." She breathed a dejected laugh. "I know, I know we're not friends, that you see me as a rival, but I… had to say something. I had to tell you." She managed a smile. A soft, gentle smile forced through the pain, the anticipation of what was to come. The wound on her heart threatened to reopen.
"I like you, Gladion. A lot. And I mean that in a romantic way. I have for a while."
Her smile was no longer forced. It was gentle and free, a smile of relief and honesty.
"I hope this doesn't change anything; my feelings towards you, I mean," she said sheepishly. "I still want to be your rival."
He was still staring, those gorgeous emerald eyes of his wide in shock. He blinked a few times before his shoulders sagged, and he dropped his head into his hand with a heavy sigh.
"Why are you… always one step ahead of me?" he muttered, his voice strained.
Heat simmered behind the usually placid emerald of his eyes, burning into Moon as he raised his head and met her gaze.
"You say that you know I don't feel the same… and here I was, going to confess to you if I'd won."
It was her turn to stare. "You what?!"
He took a step closer as the heat in his eyes began to pool on his cheeks. Crimson.
"I feel the same," Gladion said, stopping just a step away from her. His words were gentle and quiet, yet so loud in the silence between them.
Moon's heart skipped. "You… do?"
His lips twitched in the beginning of a scowl. "Yes. That's what I said. Why else would I want to keep you to myself?"
His eyes slid away from hers for a moment before returning like a snap of elastic. Drawn back to hers.
She drew closer to him. "Then say it."
The air crackled between them. They stood a few inches apart, breaths mingling, their eyes fixed on one another.
"I already did."
"Say it properly," she urged. "So I know what you mean. So I won't take it the wrong way, so it's not ambiguous, so I know- Please. I want to hear you say it."
His mouth drew into a stubborn line. The crimson on his cheeks darkened and he leant closer. His lips brushed her ear.
"I love you."
Her gasp split the silence. Dizzying heat flooded her body and Moon clung to the front of Gladion's hoodie when his arms wrapped around her. His hands settled high on her back, pulling her into him. Against him. She burned inside and out, and knew her face was as flushed as his.
"G-Gladion," Moon squeaked. She squeezed her eyes shut, unable to think or breathe or move. She couldn't believe this was happening.
His shaky sigh tickled her ear and she shivered. "You really thought I didn't feel the same…?"
"You… you said we weren't friends so I… I didn't think you liked me very much." She buried her face in his chest at her admission. His cheek nuzzled into her temple, she swore she felt his lips ghost over the crest of her ear.
"I did, didn't I?"
She could hear the sheepish smile in his voice.
"Even then… I knew what I felt towards you wasn't friendship. It was… so much more."
"You mean…? That's why you said that?"
Her heart thrummed. The pain was gone. She slid her arms around him as she melted into his embrace.
"You know, you really need to be more direct," she chuckled. "You're always giving me the wrong idea."
"I said I wanted the strongest rival to myself. I thought that was clear enough."
Moon snorted. "It's not! And what were you going to do if you had won? You can't be the Champion and the president of the Aether Foundation."
"I don't see why not."
She shook her head with a laugh. "You don't need to defeat me to have me to yourself. My heart belongs to you, Gladion. It has for a while."
Her words made Gladion pull her tighter against him, his arms squeezing her firmly as he sighed. His warmth bled into her, comforting and gentle, like a crackling fire on a cold winter's night. A steady flame in the darkness. Crimson like the blush on his cheeks, softening his gaze when he pulled away enough to meet her eyes.
And it made her smile.
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sneakymalou · 5 years
Okay sO- since there is not enough love for Guzma, may I ask a fic were guzma's s/o doesn't know about all his "not really legal things" (idk how let's just say he doesn't want them to be involved and he doesn't want them to have a bad opinion on him ) and his s/o finds out and they fight becuz his s/o is shocked but then he tries to change for the better because he love his s/o vvvvv much?😢🥰 hope it's fine! Keep up with the amazing work!!♡♡
Sorry for the delay sweetie, hope you’ll like this super fluff idea of yours !! 🥰🥰
Guzma x reader
Three in the morning. Once again, Guzma came home late, a tired look on his face. Like every time, you were already asleep, not knowing what he could do that late, and with whom. Well, at least you were asleep until now. Something bothered you a few weeks ago : late calls, odd behavior from your man... something was clearly off. Until just now, you tried to avoid the subject, enjoying this sweet relationship you had with him... but concern could not be silenced that easily. That’s probably why you awake that night, and reached him only dressed with one of his shirts. “What the hell ?!” Guzma jumped at your very presence. He wasn’t expecting you to see him like this, durt and blood all over his clothes. You reached him in a matter of seconds, eyes wide open in fear. “Is that blood ?!” Your heart burst out of your chest. Imagining your man hurt was unbearable to you. “That’s nothing sweetheart, go back to bed. Please.” There was no way he could force you. Fear and panic ran through your veins as you inspected him, trying to find any injury he may have... until he rejected you with a violent gesture.
For a few seconds, you stood right on your feet, silent. It was the first time Guzma ever acted like this in front of you. A reaction he barely explained, moreover.  You gazed sharply at your man, ready to hear whatever he hid you for months now. He was hiding something, no need to lie... you understood it the moment he came home tonight. “Go back to bed. Now.” His voice turned as cold as winter, but you didn’t move. You couldn’t run from the truth, not now. If you both didn’t have this conversation now, your relationship wouldn’t survive it... you knew it to be true. “You give me orders now ? Maybe you’re custom to give some but I’m not someone you could just head ! I’m your girlfriend, remember ?” You swallowed while your whole body started shivering. For the very first time in your life, the eye of a man frightened you. It was even worse to know this frightening eye was your man’s... “You won’t be my girl for long if you continue playing with my nerves ! My patience has its limits, GIRL.” He came closer, giving strength to his words the coldest way possible. You were like a prey, surrounded by danger with no place to hide. You never felt so fragile and yet... courage – or foolishness – made you react once more. You raised your hand and slapped Guzma’s cheek with no warning. Tears brimmed in your eyes as your relationship fell to pieces in front of you, but you stood strong. “You’re probably right. I don’t belong here anymore.”
With nothing but regret in your mind, you ran in your chambers to pack your stuff. Wrath made your heart beating faster and faster as you put every clothes you had in this very room in one suitcase. Hands shivering, tears running all over your cold and pale cheeks, you tried to be as quick as you could before two strong hands grabbed you, knocked you over on the bed. It was Guzma. All of his being was trembling as he held your wrists tightly. In truth, he never had been so scared of losing someone before... “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...” he kept saying over and over, holding back his own tears. He never cried before and yet... you almost made him cry. You, of all people. For a moment that sounds like eternity, you remained in this position, both incapable of gazing each other. Maybe words were not enough to describe or explain this situation of yours... but Guzma tried anyway. He had to. “You’re the most beautiful thing that happened to me. I never said a damn thing about my true activities because I didn’t want you to be involved or hurt... I just couldn’t bare this possibility. So, I lied. I lied to my better half, risking to lost everything we’ve built. I can’t explain everything to you, nor promise you there’ll be no issues in the future... but please, give me a chance. Stay by my side, show me the light. Show me the right way...” You didn’t respond at first, but feeling one tear coming on your cheek burst every wall you put between the two of you to ashes. There was no protection for you anymore... nothing but love. “You honestly believed I would have ran if I had known ? Guzma you silly man...”
Slowly, carefully, you wrapped both of your arms around his neck, encouraging him to came even closer. As he silently cried against your soft skin, you kissed his forehead multiple times. You couldn’t get enough of him. Never. “I’d rather die than live a life without you. No matter the risks. I don’t care, as long as I’m with you. I don’t care if you’re not an honorable man for others... you’re honorable to me. That’s all that matters... is it not ? And if you ever lie to me again, Guzma... I’ll blackmail you with all things you’re crazy about !” You burst out of laughter, releasing all kind of pressure. “Jeez, where is my girl, what did you do to her ?” Until the end of the night, you remained linked, incapable of moving. This was the best notion of Heaven...
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queenraikichi94 · 4 years
Alola, Alola P3! (SM/USUM Drabble)
Since @piershoesz​ did the two frist parts, I decided to do the third part! Hope you like it :3
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“C’mon, Guzma! Show me how stronger you got!!”
“I’ll do it, and ya’ll see it!”
Raikichi smirked feeling the soft Alolan breeze playing with her hair. She was in front of Guzma, facing him. They’ve spoken with Hala to get his permission to have a Pokemon battle in Iki Town, and after getting Hala’s permission, both Raikichi and Guzma were now ready to battle. Runa and Alphy were cheering their respective parents, and Alex and Piers couldn’t help but laugh, seeing how excited both kids were. 
This battle wasn’t the first one between the World Champion and the former Team Skull leader, but it would be the first one they would have in a friendly way since their last battle was when Guzma decided to go to Galar and he ended messing things and getting defeated by Raikichi’s powerful Corviknight.
“Let’s do this, Golisopod!” Guzma said choosing Golisopod
“Golisopod...You are very predictible” Raikichi replied “Glaceon, let’s show them that we are going serious”
Glaceon jumped to the battlefield and hissed, her fur bristly as she glared at Golisopod. Professor Kukui would be the referee in the battle, and when he told them that the battle had started, Guzma made the first move. “Golisopod, First Impression!”
“Glaceon, Iron Tail!”
Both moves colished and both Pokemon weren’t going to take a step back, but after both Pokemon didn’t get the other move, they returned with their trainers. “Golisopod has turned stronger. It seems that you work and training with Hala has been good for you and your Pokemon” Raikichi said smirking “But let’s get this to the next level! Glaceon, use Hail!!”
The clouds covered the sky and a strong hail started to fall. Runa chirped happily cause she knew that when her mother used that move, things would turn exciting. Piers laughed and ruffled his daughter’s hair as Alphy looked at his mother, confused. “Don’t be afraid, dear” Alex said “This hail will dissapear once the battle is over”
Alex nodded and then, they focused on the battle. Golisopod started to have problems due the hail that hitted him, and Glaceon was taking advantage of it since her specially ability, Snow Coat, activated. “Glaceon, Quick Attack!” Raikichi ordered “Keep it and now, Iron Tail!”
Glaceon hitted Golisopod on one of his legs, making him kneel down. “C’mon, Golisopod, use Liquidation!”
“Stop it with Ice Beam!”
Both moves colished in the air. Golisopod got onto his feet as Glaceon hissed and smirked. “Now, girl, use Ice Shard!”
“Use your arms to block them!”
Golisopod obeyed, but despite that, he took some damage of that Ice Shard, and Raikichi knew that it was the time to show her secret weapon. “Let’s do this, Glaceon!” she said activation her Icinium Z that was shining on her Z Power Ring “ From the coldest and hardest blizzards, from the most beautiful winters you rise up and shows your eternal beauty, shining with the first rays of the winter sun” Raikichi said “Glaceon, use Subzero Slammer!!!”
The Z move hitted Golisopod, and after the dust dissapeared, Kukui claimed Raikichi as the winner since Golisopod fainted. The hail dissappeared with the clouds, and the sun started to shine again. With a sigh, Guzma took Golisopod back to his Pokeball as Raikichi gave Glaceon a Citrus Berry. “You did great, girl” she said stroking her fur before looking at Guzma “You have really improved a lot, Guzma.”
“But I can’t defeat you” he said with a sigh
“Nobody can’t defeat my wife” Piers said kissing her cheek as Runa asked her mother to pick her up. Raikichi chuckled as she picked her daughter up “But Raikichi is right; it was a very good battle”
“Daddy, daddy!” Alphy said as his father picked him up “You are very strong!”
“You aren’t dissapointed with me loosing the battle, kiddo?”
“Of course he isn’t, dear” Alex said with a soft smile “He really enjoyed seeing you enjoying battling againts Raikichi”
“As the Kahuna I am, I have to say that this time was one of the first times I could see you really enjoying in a battle” Hala said laughing
“Like the old times” Raikichi said “When we used to battle before...Well...Let’s change the topic, ‘kay?” she added before seeing her Rotom Phone showing her a missing call from her uncle Nanu “Oh, I think we should go back to Ula Ula. We agreed to meet my uncle in Malie City”
After picking up their things, they said goodbye to Hala and Kukui and went back to Ula Ula using a ship to go to the island. Runa and Alphy were amazed, seeing the different Pokemon that were living in the sea. “Momma, momma. We’ve seen a pretty Pokemon in the water!” Runa said
“And how it was it?” Raikichi said
Both Runa and Alphy described it as they could and then, Raikichi chuckled and told her Rotom Phone to search the Pokemon. “I think you’ve seen Finneon and its evolution, Lumineon” she said
“It’s very pretty!!” both kids said
“And I saw a weird Corsola” Runa added “It was pink...”
“That’s because that Corsola is the original one. In Galar we have the regional variant” her mother said
Both kids made an ‘o’ with their mouths before returning to see more Pokemon, followed by Runa’s Alolan Meowth. “Both are full energyzed, aren’t they?” Piers asked smiling softly 
“Yes, they are” Raikichi said smiling as well “Oh, look, we’re going to arrive to Ula Ula”
The ship arrived to the docks and both families went to meet Nanu, who was waiting for them there. “Where did you have your phone, kiddo?” he asked Raikichi
“Sorry, I was battling and I didn’t hear the phone” she said and Nanu laughed 
“Momma, I’m hungry” Runa said pouting a bit, and then, Meowth meowed, asking for food.
“Alright, alright” Raikichi said smiling “Let’s go to have lunch.”
“I booked a table at the most famous sushi restaurant in all Alola” Nanu said and the groupd followed him.
“Are you talking seriously?” Alex asked surprised 
“Of course I am” Raikichi said “That battle I had with Guzma was the trial he had to pass. Hala asked me to do that cause he wanted to make sure that Guzma was ready to recieve a Z Ring”
“But Guzma doesn’t like Z moves...”
“Because he felt that he didn’t deserve them”
Both young women remaint in silence as they prepared the things they would use to prepare some pizzas. It was near night and both Runa and Alphy were still sleeping on the couch at Nanu’s place. They’ve fallen asleep after having lunch, the little girl hugging her Meowth, and they were still sleeping so peacefully that Guzma said that they looked like little sleeping Furrets. Nanu was watching the battle training between Piers and Guzma as Glaceon, Persian and Mimikyu watched over the kids. 
“So...When he will recieve the Z Ring?” Alex asked helping Raikichi with the food
“Not very soon, but not very late” she said “Hala has to do a bit more trials for Guzma, but trust me when I say that he’s showing that he deserves to have one. But of course, it isn’t enough with Hala and mine’s recognition; Guzma also needs Tapu Koko’s recognition since he’s training with Hala, who is the Kahuna of Melemele. But I hope you keep this in secret since Guzma can’t know about this. Hala wants to keep this as a surprise until the proper moment”
“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed”
“Whoa! Those pizzas look really delicious!” Piers said with his eyes shining
“You’ve made a lot of them” Guzma said 
“Well, I think it’s time for Runa and Alphy to try new food, and since these pizzas are home made...” Raikichi said “We’ve made them only with fresh ingredients!”
“Pizza, pizza!” both kids chirped happily and their parent’s couldn’t help but laugh
“Easy there, kids” Nanu said cutting the pizzas in portions “Let me cut the pizzas firsts”
The kids tried a little bite of the pizzas and when they said they wanted to eat all the portion they were given, the adults chuckled. They enjoyed the dinner sharing stories and anecdotes that made them laugh some times. 
Three hours later, Piers was sleeping, with Runa on his arms, and her Meowth curled next to her. Guzma and Alex were sleeping as well, with Alphy sleeping between them. Raikichi was helping her uncle to wash the dishes. “I really enjoy having you here around, kiddo” Nanu said drying his hands when they finished washing the dishes “Things turned different when you left Alola and went to Galar the first time”
“But you have Acerola visiting you, uncle”
“Yeah, but it isn’t the same” he said with a sigh “I’m still acommodating to have Guzma around, specially after what he has done to you”
“Uncle, listen to me” Raikichi said “Guzma has really changed. I wasn’t sure of seeing him changing, but he has showed me that he had really changed. He has a wife and a son, and he and Piers turned to be friends. So don’t worry, ‘kay? Now, let’s go to sleep.”
Nanu nodded and after seeing his niece removing her glassed and laying down next to her daughter, getting the kid between her and Piers, he went to his room, followed by his loyal Persian.
@piershoesz​ I hope you like this!! OwO
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