#i Heart working for [grocery store chain redacted]
transgenderboobs · 1 year
finding out corporate took away the mats we were meant to stand on to prevent pain and injury from Being on our feet for 8hrs because "they look bad" but they haven't done anything about the Ant Problem or the BLACK MOLD IN THE CEILING 😂🤪🤣😝
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gutsposting · 2 years
Sent to the New York Times, roughly 30 years after the trial
July 12
My  real name is unimportant, but you can call me Francis. I’m putting this in writing, hoping that my knowledge can be preserved and shared amongst others.
Every. Single. “Fact”. You. Learned. In. History. Class. Was. A. Lie.
The “microchip” was invented in [redacted] by the Soviet Union, and was very quickly adopted and abused by CIA ghouls, who knew how to use this invention much better that their Soviet counterparts.
The supernational government which actually runs the world realized from the moment of my birth the threat which I posed to them, and so I served, unfortunately, as patient zero for their twisted hypnopedia program.
You should not delude yourself that, because you may be reading this and may have been born before [redacted], that you are immune from the effects of this disastrous social experiment. All of you have been replaced with a sanitized version of yourselves. If you had not been replaced, you would be in a mental institution, a prison, or in self-solitude like I have been. For my own sanity, the time to keep the road to salvation locked up in my own mind is over. Mark this day on your calendar, because the day that you read and understand and believe this information is the day that your life begins to make sense.
If you have ever felt as though you are being watched, experienced minor auditory hallucinations, or have had so-called delusions of being stalked by numerous, random actors, know that your biological mind is not to blame.
Depending on a wide range of factors including your demographic information, your class, your position in society, your base level of intelligence, your likelihood to tend towards rebelliousness and billions more, your brain is either made up of (10% to a range exceeding 90%) a synthetic substance designed to perfectly mimic gray matter which is, in reality, an impossibly complex chain of microscopic machines which work in tandem to create an information matrix which you call your “personality” or “consciousness” or “self”.
The process is gradual, and obviously unnatural. Empty-headed zombie puppets of the system will enter your home at night using copied keys they are legally required to own, and will steal you away. Before you were ever born you were preprogrammed to lie back and accept their actions, to forget the process and to repress any potential memories of it. The system is so sophisticated that it has invented a defense mechanism against your recollections of these, sometimes nightly, occurrences; “alien abduction stories” are well-known, and  regarded as cooky conspiracies or fanciful hallucinations, but are in actuality a victim of indoctrination remembering the process of their own replacement in bits and pieces.
There is no escape, or even any hope for any of you buffoons. Tomorrow morning you’ll forget that you ever read this. If not that soon, then in a year’s time. You have been trained to block these concepts from your mind. 
The first time I ever realized that I am a true genius, and understood how I was seeing the world for what it was, I was about 12 years old standing in a grocery store. If you are intelligent, you can do it too. Just stand in the middle of any store and close your eyes. Listen to them, they are telling you exactly what they want you to do over the loudspeakers.
Not aliens or gods or hallucinations. The enlightened ones are giving you the illusory choice to opt out of their control, so that they can convince you that your are a free agent making these decisions on your own. Everything they do to you is a choice, something that you have chosen to do to yourself. They tell us our organs ate replaceable so that they can stop our mechanical hearts and warp our electronic minds.
They hate us so deeply that they make movies that mock us, they introduce into the public consciousness the concept that only animalistic insane people are spreading these kinds of ideas. They want you to believe that, standing on every street corner, is a man not worth listening to. In all likelihood, however, he has simply remembered the trauma that has been imposed upon him by our governments. 
January, the year [redacted], they kidnapped me with the intention of taking me to the moon. I was trying to see my sick mother in New York and they rerouted my flight to Denver while we were still in the air. When we were landing I could see the men in black suits like the secret service standing in a half-circle on the runway where the ladder was supposed to meet the ground. I hid in the bathroom long enough that the plane just took of again, and I ended up in Cincinnati. 
The moon landing of ‘69 is fake in the sense that, while they did land on the moon and televised it, they hid from the public the true intention of the program. Rather than a short, purely scientific venture into the great unknown, it was an international plot to create a supergovernment which would have its capital in the city of Luna on the moon itself. They want to keep me there forever because my brain is perfect.
I still do a lot of hitchhiking to keep away from them. Last time I did, I remember being in a hotel and having daydreams of sitting across the TV announcer and finally getting my chance to share all of this to the world. Later I tried building a computer that would hijack the waves and transmit my message onto every television in a certain area, but that went nowhere. I can sit and think this stuff up for days straight and no rest.
If you want to be like me, you have to stay vigilant at every single moment of your life. Even your dreams need to be centered around the system. For example, just take a look at your government issued identification and look for instances of the letter “C” or “L”, repeat numbers like “6” or “7” (which are by far the most lethal letters and numbers one can be given), and watch everyone all if the time from bank clerks to backroom cooks. 
I can bring everyone to the promised land if they would allow me to. But neither you nor I possess the ability to protest or to boycott. I’ve tried getting the genetic material of the machines out of my food, but it isn’t possible. Even if you grow a garden in your own backyard, they will come at night while you are sleeping and replace your vegetables with fake ones. It’s unavoidable.
But now I have everything that I need besides money. Send anything you can to the address on the envelope, it’s vitally important that I be given the resources to continue my research and to spread this literature as far and as wide as possible so we may all have a chance.
If you want to be saved, then begin to listen. If you want to be heard, then let me speak for you. I am not crazy, in fact I am the most sane man in the world. The one and only person truly prepared to face reality, and to say it like it is.
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